Sunday, August 15, 2004

The Coincidence Theorist's Guide to 9/11

I posted an earlier version of this last week at Democratic Underground. I've added a number of more entries, and links for all.

Happy coincidenting!

That governments have permitted terrorist acts against their own people, and have even themselves been perpetrators in order to find strategic advantage is quite likely true, but this is the United States we're talking about.

That intelligence agencies, financiers, terrorists and narco-criminals have a long history together is well established, but the Nugan Hand Bank, BCCI, Banco Ambrosiano, the P2 Lodge, the CIA/Mafia anti-Castro/Kennedy alliance, Iran/Contra and the rest were a long time ago, so there’s no need to rehash all that. That was then, this is now!

That Jonathan Bush’s Riggs Bank has been found guilty of laundering terrorist funds and fined a US-record $25 million must embarrass his nephew George, but it's still no justification for leaping to paranoid conclusions.

That George Bush's brother Marvin sat on the board of the Kuwaiti-owned company which provided electronic security to the World Trade Centre, Dulles Airport and United Airlines means nothing more than you must admit those Bush boys have done alright for themselves.

That George Bush found success as a businessman only after the investment of Osama’s brother Salem and reputed al Qaeda financier Khalid bin Mahfouz is just one of those things - one of those crazy things.

That Osama bin Laden is known to have been an asset of US foreign policy in no way implies he still is.

That al Qaeda was active in the Balkan conflict, fighting on the same side as the US as recently as 1999, while the US protected its cells, is merely one of history's little aberrations.

The claims of Michael Springman, State Department veteran of the Jeddah visa bureau, that the CIA ran the office and issued visas to al Qaeda members so they could receive training in the United States, sound like the sour grapes of someone who was fired for making such wild accusations.

That one of George Bush's first acts as President, in January 2001, was to end the two-year deployment of attack submarines which were positioned within striking distance of al Qaeda's Afghanistan camps, even as the group's guilt for the Cole bombing was established, proves that a transition from one administration to the next is never an easy task.

That so many influential figures in and close to the Bush White House had expressed, just a year before the attacks, the need for a "new Pearl Harbor" before their militarist ambitions could be fulfilled, demonstrates nothing more than the accidental virtue of being in the right place at the right time.

That the company PTECH, founded by a Saudi financier placed on America’s Terrorist Watch List in October 2001, had access to the FAA’s entire computer system for two years before the 9/11 attack, means he must not have been such a threat after all.

That whistleblower Indira Singh was told to keep her mouth shut and forget what she learned when she took her concerns about PTECH to her employers and federal authorities, suggests she lacked the big picture. And that the Chief Auditor for JP Morgan Chase told Singh repeatedly, as she answered questions about who supplied her with what information, that "that person should be killed," suggests he should take an anger management seminar.

That on May 8, 2001, Dick Cheney took upon himself the job of co-ordinating a response to domestic terror attacks even as he was crafting the administration’s energy policy which bore implications for America's military, circumventing the established infrastructure and ignoring the recommendations of the Hart-Rudman report, merely shows the VP to be someone who finds it hard to delegate.

That the standing order which covered the shooting down of hijacked aircraft was altered on June 1, 2001, taking discretion away from field commanders and placing it solely in the hands of the Secretary of Defense, is simply poor planning and unfortunate timing. Fortunately the error has been corrected, as the order was rescinded shortly after 9/11.

That in the weeks before 9/11, FBI agent Colleen Rowley found her investigation of Zacarias Moussaoui so perversely thwarted that her colleagues joked that bin Laden had a mole at the FBI, proves the stress-relieving virtue of humour in the workplace.

That Dave Frasca of the FBI’s Radical Fundamentalist Unit received a promotion after quashing multiple, urgent requests for investigations into al Qaeda assets training at flight schools in the summer of 2001 does appear on the surface odd, but undoubtedly there's a good reason for it, quite possibly classified.

That FBI informant Randy Glass, working an undercover sting, was told by Pakistani intelligence operatives that the World Trade Center towers were coming down, and that his repeated warnings which continued until weeks before the attacks, including the mention of planes used as weapons, were ignored by federal authorities, is simply one of the many "What Ifs" of that tragic day.

That over the summer of 2001 Washington received many urgent, senior-level warnings from foreign intelligence agencies and governments - including those of Germany, France, Great Britain, Russia, Egypt, Israel, Morocco, Afghanistan and others - of impending terror attacks using hijacked aircraft and did nothing, demonstrates the pressing need for a new Intelligence Czar.

That John Ashcroft stopped flying commercial aircraft in July 2001 on account of security considerations had nothing to do with warnings regarding September 11, because he said so to the 9/11 Commission.

That former lead counsel for the House David Schippers says he’d taken to John Ashcroft’s office specific warnings he’d learned from FBI agents in New York of an impending attack – even naming the proposed dates, names of the hijackers and the targets – and that the investigations had been stymied and the agents threatened, proves nothing but David Schipper’s pathetic need for attention.

That Garth Nicolson received two warnings from contacts in the intelligence community and one from a North African head of state, which included specific site, date and source of the attacks, and passed the information to the Defense Department and the National Security Council to evidently no effect, clearly amounts to nothing, since virtually nobody has ever heard of him.

That in the months prior to September 11, self-described US intelligence operative Delmart Vreeland sought, from a Toronto jail cell, to get US and Canadian authorities to heed his warning of his accidental discovery of impending catastrophic attacks is worthless, since Vreeland was a dubious character, notwithstanding the fact that many of his claims have since been proven true.

That FBI Special Investigator Robert Wright claims that agents assigned to intelligence operations actually protect terrorists from investigation and prosecution, that the FBI shut down his probe into terrorist training camps, and that he was removed from a money-laundering case that had a direct link to terrorism, sounds like yet more sour grapes from a disgruntled employee.

That George Bush had plans to invade Afghanistan on his desk before 9/11 demonstrates only the value of being prepared.

The suggestion that securing a pipeline across Afghanistan figured into the White House’s calculations is as ludicrous as the assertion that oil played a part in determining war in Iraq.

That Afghanistan is once again the world’s principal heroin producer is an unfortunate reality, but to claim the CIA is still actively involved in the narcotics trade is to presume bad faith on the part of the agency.

Mahmood Ahmed, chief of Pakistan’s ISI, must not have authorized an al Qaeda payment of $100,000 to Mohammed Atta days before the attacks, and was not meeting with senior Washington officials over the week of 9/11, because I didn’t read anything about him in the official report.

That Porter Goss met with Ahmed the morning of September 11 in his capacity as Chairman of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence has no bearing whatsoever upon his recent selection by the White House to head the Central Intelligence Agency.

That Goss's congressional seat encompasses the 9/11 hijackers' Florida base of operation, including their flight schools, is precisely the kind of meaningless factoid a conspiracy theorist would bring up.

It's true that George HW Bush and Dick Cheney spent the evening of September 10 alone in the Oval Office, but what's wrong with old colleagues catching up? And it's true that George HW Bush and Shafig bin Laden, Osama's brother, spent the morning of September 11 together at a board meeting of the Carlyle Group, but the bin Ladens are a big family.

That FEMA arrived in New York on Sept 10 to prepare for a scheduled biowarfare drill, and had a triage centre ready to go that was larger and better equipped than the one that was lost in the collapse of WTC 7, was a lucky twist of fate.

Newsweek’s report that senior Pentagon officials cancelled flights on Sept 10 for the following day on account of security concerns is only newsworthy because of what happened the following morning.

That George Bush's telephone logs for September 11 do not exist should surprise no one, given the confusion of the day.

That Mohamed Atta attended the International Officer's School at Maxwell Air Force Base, that Abdulaziz Alomari attended Brooks Air Force Base Aerospace Medical School, that Saeed Alghamdi attended the Defense Language Institute in Monterey merely shows it is a small world, after all.

That Lt Col Steve Butler, Vice Chancellor for student affairs of the Defense Language Institute during Alghamdi's terms, was disciplined, removed from his post and threatened with court martial when he wrote "Bush knew of the impending attacks on America. He did nothing to warn the American people because he needed this war on terrorism. What is...contemptible is the President of the United States not telling the American people what he knows for political gain," is the least that should have happened for such disrespect shown his Commander in Chief.

That Mohammed Atta dressed like a Mafioso, had a stripper girlfriend, smuggled drugs, was already a licensed pilot when he entered the US, enjoyed pork chops, drank to excess and did cocaine, was closer to Europeans than Arabs in Florida, and included the names of defence contractors on his email list, proves how dangerous the radical fundamentalist Muslim can be.

That 43 lbs of heroin was found on board the Lear Jet owned by Wally Hilliard, the owner of Atta’s flight school, just three weeks after Atta enrolled – the biggest seizure ever in Central Florida – was just bad luck. That Hilliard was not charged shows how specious the claims for conspiracy truly are.

That Hilliard’s plane had made 30-round trips to Venezuela with the same passengers who always paid cash, that the plane had been supplied by a pair of drug smugglers who had also outfitted CIA drug runner Barry Seal, and that 9/11 commissioner Richard ben-Veniste had been Seal’s attorney before Seal’s murder, shows nothing but the lengths to which conspiracists will go to draw sinister conclusions.

Reports of insider trading on 9/11 are false, because the SEC investigated and found only respectable investors who will remain nameless involved, and no terrorists, so the windfall profit-taking was merely, as ever, coincidental.

That heightened security for the World Trade Centre was lifted immediately prior to the attacks illustrates that it always happens when you least expect it.

That Hani Hanjour, the pilot of Flight 77, was so incompetent he could not fly a Cessna in August, but in September managed to fly a 767 at excessive speed into a spiraling, 270-degree descent and a level impact of the first floor of the Pentagon, on the only side that was virtually empty and had been hardened to withstand a terrorist attack, merely demonstrates that people can do almost anything once they set their minds to it.

That none of the flight data recorders were said to be recoverable even though they were located in the tail sections, and that until 9/11, no solid-state recorder in a catastrophic crash had been unrecoverable, shows how there's a first time for everything.

That Mohammed Atta left a uniform, a will, a Koran, his driver's license and a "how to fly planes" video in his rental car at the airport means he had other things on his mind.

The mention of Israelis with links to military-intelligence having been arrested on Sept 11 videotaping and celebrating the attacks, of an Israeli espionage ring surveiling DEA and defense installations and trailing the hijackers, and of a warning of impending attacks delivered to the Israeli company Odigo two hours before the first plane hit, does not deserve a response. That the stories also appeared in publications such as Ha'aretz and Forward is a sad display of self-hatred among certain elements of the Israeli media.

That multiple military wargames and simulations were underway the morning of 9/11 – one simulating the crash of a plane into a building; another, a live-fly simulation of multiple hijackings – and took many interceptors away from the eastern seaboard and confused field commanders as to which was a real hijacked aircraft and which was a hoax, was a bizarre coincidence, but no less a coincidence.

That the National Military Command Center ops director asked a rookie substitute to stand his watch at 8:30 am on Sept. 11 is nothing more than bad timing.

That a recording made Sept 11 of air traffic controllers’ describing what they had witnessed, was destroyed by an FAA official who crushed it in his hand, cut the tape into little pieces and dropped them in different trash cans around the building, is something no doubt that overzealous official wishes he could undo.

That the FBI knew precisely which Florida flight schools to descend upon hours after the attacks should make every American feel safer knowing their federal agents are on the ball.

That a former flight school executive believes the hijackers were "double agents," and says about Atta and associates, "Early on I gleaned that these guys had government protection. They were let into this country for a specific purpose," and was visited by the FBI just four hours after the attacks to intimidate him into silence, proves he's an unreliable witness, for the simple reason there is no conspiracy.

That Jeb Bush was on board an aircraft that removed flight school records to Washington in the middle of the night on Sept 12th demonstrates how seriously the governor takes the issue of national security.

To insinuate evil motive from the mercy flights of bin Laden family members and Saudi royals after 9/11 shows the sickness of the conspiratorial mindset.

Le Figaro’s report in October 2001, known to have originated with French intelligence, that the CIA met Osama bin Laden in a Dubai hospital in July 2001, proves again the perfidy of the French.

That the tape in which bin Laden claims responsibility for the attacks was released by the State Department after having been found providentially by US forces in Afghanistan, and depicts a fattened Osama with a broader face and a flatter nose, proves Osama, and Osama alone, masterminded 9/11.

That at the battle of Tora Bora, where bin Laden was surrounded on three sides, Special Forces received no order to advance and capture him and were forced to stand and watch as two Russian-made helicopters flew into the area where bin Laden was believed hiding, loaded up passengers and returned to Pakistan, demonstrates how confusing the modern battlefield can be.

That upon returning to Fort Bragg from Tora Bora, the same Special Operations troops who had been stood down from capturing bin Laden, suffered a unusual spree of murder/suicides, is nothing more than a series of senseless tragedies.

Reports that bin Laden is currently receiving periodic dialysis treatment in a Pakistani medical hospital are simply too incredible to be true.

That the White House went on Cipro September 11 shows the foresightedness of America’s emergency response.

That the anthrax was mailed to perceived liberal media and the Democratic leadership demonstrates only the perversity of the terrorist psyche.

That the anthrax attacks appeared to silence opponents of the Patriot Act shows only that appearances can be deceiving.

That the Ames-strain anthrax was found to have originated at Fort Detrick, and was beyond the capability of all but a few labs to refine, underscores the importance of allowing the investigation to continue without the distraction of absurd conspiracy theories.

That Republican guru Grover Norquist has been found to have aided financiers and supporters of Islamic terror to gain access to the Bush White House, and is a founder of the Islamic Institute, which the Treasury Department believes to be a source of funding for al Qaeda, suggests Norquist is at worst, naive, and at best, needs a wider circle of friends.

That the Department of Justice consistently chooses to see accused 9/11 plotters go free rather than permit the courtroom testimony of al Qaeda leaders in American custody looks bad, but only because we don't have all the facts.

That the White House balked at any inquiry into the events of 9/11, then starved it of funds and stonewalled it, was unfortunate, but since the commission didn't find for conspiracy it's all a non issue anyway.

That the 9/11 commission's executive director and "gatekeeper," Philip Zelikow, was so closely involved in the events under investigation that he testified before the the commission as part of the inquiry, shows only an apparent conflict of interest.

That commission chair Thomas Kean is, like George Bush, a Texas oil executive who had business dealings with reputed al Qaeda financier Khalid bin Mafouz, suggests Texas is smaller than they say it is.

That co-chair Lee Hamilton has a history as a Bush family "fixer," including clearing Bush Sr of the claims arising from the 1980 "October Surprise", is of no concern, since only conspiracists believe there was such a thing as an October Surprise.

That FBI whistleblower Sibel Edmonds accuses the agency of intentionally fudging specific pre-9/11 warnings and harboring a foreign espionage ring in its translation department, and claims she witnessed evidence of the semi-official infrastructure of money-laundering and narcotics trade behind the attacks, is of no account, since John Ashcroft has gagged her with the rare invocation of "State Secrets Privilege," and retroactively classified her public testimony. For the sake of national security, let us speak no more of her.

That, when commenting on Edmond's case, Daniel Ellsberg remarked that Ashcroft could go to prison for his part in a cover-up, suggests Ellsberg is giving comfort to the terrorists, and could, if he doesn't wise up, find himself declared an enemy combatant.

I could go on. And on and on. But I trust you get the point. Which is simply this: there are no secrets, an American government would never accept civilian casualties for geostrategic gain, and conspiracies are for the weak-minded and gullible.


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mymom said...

Red Rubber Ball

Fred had a red rubber ball. He kicked the ball. It flew through the air. He picked it up. He threw it against a wall. The ball came back to Fred. He kicked it with his foot again. The ball flew over the wall. He picked it up again. He bounced it on the street. The ball bounced up and down. Then it stopped bouncing up and down. It didn't move. Fred's dog barked at the ball. Fred kicked the ball. His dog ran after the ball.
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Balloon said...

The leader of the Arab grouping, Ayman Odeh, said it wasn't endorsing Mr Gantz and his polices: but was moving to try and block Benjamin Netanyahu from securing สูตรการพนันบอล สูตรบอลสเต็ป สมัครแทงบอลออนไลน์ เว็บพนันบอล ต่างประเทศ สมัครแทงบอล เกมยิงปลา another term, and to send a clear message that Israel's future must include the full and equal participation of its Palestinian citizens.

mymom said...

A Long Life

Nancy wants to live a long time. She wants to live for one hundred years. She is five years old now. She wants to live 95 more years. Then she will be 100. Her father is 30 years old. He สมัครแทงบอลออนไลน์ สมัครแทงบอลออนไลน์ง่าย ๆ สูตรการพนันบอล เว็บพนันบอล ต่างประเทศ สมัครแทงบอล เกมยิงปลา wants to live a long time, too. He wants to live for one hundred years. He wants to live for 70 more years. "Daddy, we will grow old together, okay?" Nancy said to her father. "Yes, honey, we will grow old together," he said to Nancy. Then Nancy smiled. She gave her daddy a big hug.

mymom said...

His New Book

Louis got a new book. The book was about animals. Louis loved animals. The book had lots of pictures. It had pictures of dogs and cats. It had สมัครแทงบอลออนไลน์ แทงบอลฟรี สูตรการพนันบอล เว็บพนันบอล ต่างประเทศ สมัครแทงบอล เกมยิงปลา pictures of cows and pigs. It had pictures of chickens and rabbits. It had pictures of squirrels and birds. Louis looked at the pictures on the first page. Then he turned the page. He looked at the pictures on the second page. Then he turned the page again. The book had 30 pages in it. Louis looked at all the pictures on all the pages.

UFA700 said...

You can’t really blame the kid she’s been programmed for this it’s all propaganda. As adults we should recognize this. แทงบอล

jaoflukenaja said...

In fact, the number of displaced people has doubled in the last 10 years, the UNHCR's figures show, with the devastating wars in Iraq and Syria causing many families to leave their communities.
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mymom said...

Bug in a Bottle

Charles found a glass bottle. He found the glass bottle in his back yard. It was a pretty glass bottle. It was dark green. He looked inside the dark green bottle. He couldn't see anything. He shook the bottle. Something came out of the bottle. It landed on the ground. It was a bug. Charles สมัครแทงบอลออนไลน์ สมัครแทงบอล ที่นี่ สูตรการพนันบอล เว็บพนันบอล ต่างประเทศ สมัครแทงบอล เกมยิงปลา picked up the bug. He looked at it. The bug looked at Charles. Charles put the bottle back on the ground. He put the bug on the ground, next to the bottle. The bug crawled back into the bottle.

UFA700 said...

Emmys: Patricia Arquette Makes Powerful Plea For Trans Rights แทงบอล

jaoflukenaja said...

But the seemingly innocuous award has sparked scathing opinion pieces, the disapproval of at least three Nobel laureates, a petition by more than 100,000 people, สูตรการพนันบอล สูตรบอลสเต็ป สมัครแทงบอลออนไลน์ เว็บพนันบอล ต่างประเทศ สมัครแทงบอล เกมยิงปลา and even rejection by celebrities - British Asian actors Jameela Jamil and Riz Ahmed were due to attend but dropped out of the event, although neither has explained why.

Balloon said...

The US has been trying to sign "safe third country" agreements that would allow it เว็บพนันบอล ถูกกฎหมาย แทงบอลถูกกฎหมาย2019 สูตรการพนันบอล สมัครแทงบอล สมัครแทงบอลออนไลน์ เกมยิงปลา to send back asylum seekers who pass through countries on the way to the US without seeking protection there.

mymom said...

Row Your Boat

Brenda sang a song. She sang the song while she walked to school. The name of the song was "Row, Row, Row Your Boat." Brenda liked to sing this song. It was her เว็บพนันบอล ถูกกฎหมาย เว็บแทงบอลถูกกฎหมาย สูตรการพนันบอล สมัครแทงบอล สมัครแทงบอลออนไลน์ เกมยิงปลา favorite song to sing. She sang it every day while she walked to school. Sometimes she sang it with her best friend. Sometimes her best friend walked to school with Brenda. Then they both sang the song together. Brenda liked the song because it was easy to remember the words. "Row, row, row your boat" are easy words to remember.

Balloon said...

According to the notes, Donald Trump เว็บพนันบอล ถูกกฎหมาย แทงบอลถูกกฎหมาย สูตรการพนันบอล asked the Ukrainian leader to สมัครแทงบอล สมัครแทงบอลออนไลน์ เกมยิงปลา look into corruption claims involving the son of Joe Biden, Mr Trump's possible rival in next year's presidential election.

mymom said...

Add Numbers

Maria was learning to add numbers. She liked to add numbers. It was easy to add numbers. She could add one and one. She knew that one and one are two. She เว็บพนันบอล ถูกกฎหมาย เว็บพนันบอล ถูกกฎหมาย พันทิป สูตรการพนันบอล สมัครแทงบอล สมัครแทงบอลออนไลน์ เกมยิงปลา knew that two and two are four. She knew that three and three are six. But that was it. She didn't know what four and four are. She asked her mom. Her mom told her that four and four are eight. "Oh, now I know," Maria said. "I am four years old now. In four more years, I will be eight." Maria was a fast learner. She wasn't a slow learner.

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Balloon said...

Back in his Tianjin เว็บพนันบอล ถูกกฎหมาย apartment, Zhao Jingjia shows me แทงบอลถูกกฎหมาย2019 the intricate detail of สูตรการพนันบอล a series of สมัครแทงบอล scenes, each cut from a single piece of สมัครแทงบอลออนไลน์ paper, depicting the "Long March", a time of hardship and เกมยิงปลา setback for the Communist Party long before it eventually swept to power.

mymom said...

A Happy Cat

Bruce picked up the cat. The เว็บพนันบอล ถูกกฎหมาย cat meowed. The cat didn't like most people. The cat liked เว็บแทงบอลถูกกฎหมาย to be alone. It liked to sleep on สูตรการพนันบอล the sofa. It liked to sleep in the fruit bowl. It liked สมัครแทงบอล to sleep on top of the TV. It liked to chase bugs in the front yard. It liked to สมัครแทงบอลออนไลน์ chase lizards in the back yard. It liked to chase flies in the kitchen. Bruce put the cat on the floor. He rubbed the cat's stomach. The cat liked that. The cat licked his hand. Bruce rubbed เกมยิงปลา the cat's stomach some more. The cat meowed. The cat was happy.

ufa nz168 said...

Thank you for the information.

Balloon said...

The U.S. Department of W88 Agriculture, which oversees แทงบอลออนไลน์ animal welfare, investigated the incident, but in sbobet the end, it was unable to officially determine a 188BET cause for it. The USDA also did not determine whether FUN88 Horn had suffered a stroke before or after UFA88 the tiger grabbed him, according to David Neal, a senior investigator on the case.

mymom said...

Lulu's Letter

Lulu's mom gave Lulu a pencil. It was a yellow pencil. It was a number W88 two pencil. It had a pink eraser. The eraser was small and round and pink. Lulu's mom gave หน้าหลักw88 Lulu a piece of paper. It was a white piece of paper. There were blue sbobet lines on the white paper. Lulu wrote 188BET a letter to her grandma. Her letter FUN88 said, "Dear Grandma, Hello, I love you." Lulu told her mom she was done. Her mom looked at the letter. "This is a UFA888 short letter," her mom said. Lulu said, "Yes, Mom, it is a short letter. It is short but sweet."

Balloon said...

"A top priority is to W88 earn and protect the แทงบอลออนไลน์ trust between the sbobet community and the 188BET officers," Rolon said at the press FUN88 conference. "Because of this UFA88 incident, the trust has been put in question. I apologize to the children involved and their families."

Balloon said...

Two miniature W88 cameras were ติดตั้งw88 installed in each sbobet starting block 188BET for the 100m FUN88 and sprint UFA88 hurdles races.

jaoflukenaja said...

The missile is thought to have been W88launched near the port of Wonsan and flown about 450km (280 miles) before landing in the Sea of Japan.

The South Korean military said it แทงบอลออนไลน์reached an altitude of 910km.

The launch comes hours after Pyongyang said sbobetdenuclearisation talks with the US would finally resume on Friday.

The National Security Council told 188BETSouth Korea's Yonhap news agency that it FUN88is placing "weight on the possibility" that it was a submarine launched ballistic missile.

The first reports came in the early UFA88hours of the morning when authorities reported that two missiles were launched, with at least one landing in Japanese waters

Balloon said...

A US former police officer who shot dead her neighbour inside his W88 แทงบอลออนไลน์ sbobet 188BET FUN88 UFA88 own apartment in Dallas has been found guilty of murder.

jaoflukenaja said...

Scotland's poetry world has been thrown W88into turmoil after four of its leading writers suddenly severed their links with its national
body in protest at the way it is being run.

All four honorary presidents of the w88 mobileScottish Poetry Library - former Scots Makar Liz Lochhead, Douglas Dunn, Michael Longley and Aonghas MacNeacail - have resigned
saying they were “deeply unhappy” with its current management and governance.

They have demanded the removal of all sbobetmention of their honorary positions from the library’s website.

The rift has emerged in the wake of 188BETprevious protests from leading poets about the hierarchy at the library, which is led by director
Asif Khan, and the departure of FUN88several members of staff.
Jackie Kay, the current Scots Makar, and UFA88Carol Ann Duffy, the former UK poet laureate, were among those to sign a letter expressing a “real sense of concern”
about the direction and management of the Edinburgh-based library , which was set up in 1984 and moved into purpose-built premises near the Scottish Parliament 20 years ago.

บาร์เซโลน่าเล็งล่าเปียเท็คช่วงตลาดม.ค.นี้ said...

Hello, my name is dream from Thailand. Excellent website Very useful to me I like this website


Balloon said...

Altaf Hussein Lone looked anxious as he sat on a red printed sofa in a large hall of W88 แทงบอลออนไลน์ sbobet 188BET FUN88 UFA88 the high court in Srinagar, the main city of Indian-administered Kashmir.

jaoflukenaja said...

A US former police officer who shot dead her W88neighbour inside his own apartment in Dallas has been sentenced to 10 years in prison for murder.

Amber Guyger, 31, argued she killed แทงบอลออนไลน์Botham Jean, 26, after mistakenly thinking she was in her own flat and that he was an intruder.

In an emotional testimony, Jean's brother sbobetBrandt said he "loved [Guyger] as a person" before giving her a hug.

The jury's sentence was less than the 28 188BETyears prosecutors had sought.

A four-year police veteran, Guyger did not FUN88testify in the sentencing hearing, which included emotional testimony from Jean's relatives and friends. His father, Bertrum, cried as he described the pain following the murder.

"How could we lose Botham - such a sweet UFA88boy? He tried his best to live a good honest life. He loved God. He loved everyone," he told the jury.

Following the announcement of the sentence, Brandt said he wanted to speak directly to Guyger, and told her: "If you truly are sorry, I know I can speak for myself, I forgive you."

He added: "I don't even want you to go to jail... I love you as a person. I don't wish anything bad on you" After being allowed to hug her, they held each other in a long embrace.

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jaoflukenaja said...

Wealthy Hong Kong citizens are increasingly W88 on the hunt for new passports as protests drag on and cast a cloud over the territory's future.

Many countries run "golden visa" schemes that แทงบอลออนไลน์offer resident or citizenship rights in exchange for sizeable investments.

Several migration firms have reported a sbobetspike in interest from Hong Kong for these visas since the unrest began.

They say with no resolution in sight, 188BETresidents are seeking "insurance".

Protests in the territory began in June, sparked by FUN88a proposed law that would have allowed extradition from Hong Kong to the Chinese mainland.

Despite the bill being withdrawn, W88demonstrations have continue to rock the city for months and show no immediate sign of abating.

Against that backdrop, various immigration agencies told the BBC they have seen a sharp rise in interest from Hong Kong residents in investor visa schemes.

jaoflukenaja said...

German Research Vessel Polarstern has found a W88location to begin its year-long drift in Arctic sea-ice.

The ship, which will head the North Pole's แทงบอลออนไลน์biggest scientific expedition, will settle next to a thick ice floe on the Siberian side of the ocean basin.

The precise location is 85 degrees north sbobetand 137 degrees east.

Hundreds of investigators will use it as a 188BETbase from which to probe the impacts of climate change at the top of the world.

"After a brief but intensive search, we've FUN88found our home for the months to come," said expedition leader Prof Markus Rex, from the Alfred Wegener Institute (AWI).

"It may not be the perfect floe but it's the W88best one in this part of the Arctic and offers better working conditions than we could have expected after a warm Arctic summer."

jaoflukenaja said...

The United Nations has called for an end W88to the "senseless loss of life" in Iraq as the death toll from anti-government protests nears 100.

Demonstrators say they are taking a stand แทงบอลออนไลน์against unemployment, poor public services and corruption in the country.

Jeanine Hennis-Plasschaert, head of the UN sbobetAssistance Mission for Iraq said: "Five days of deaths and injuries: this must stop."

She said those responsible for the loss 188BETof life should be brought to justice.

On Saturday, security forces broke up a FUN88mass rally in the east of Baghdad.

Five people are said to have died in the W88latest clashes in the capital. Security forces are again reported to have used live rounds and tear gas.

The Iraqi parliament's human rights commission said at least 99 people had died and nearly 4,000 had been wounded since protests began in the capital on Tuesday before spreading to the south of Iraq.

It is the deadliest unrest since so-called Islamic State was declared defeated in Iraq in 2017.

It is seen as the first major challenge to Prime Minister Adel Abdel Mahdi's fragile government, nearly a year since he came to power.

mymom said...

Chicken Soup

William looked at his bowl of soup. It was W88 chicken soup. There was white rice in หน้าหลักw88 the soup. William liked rice. There were sbobet pieces of chicken in the soup. William loved chicken. The pieces of chicken were white. They were small and square. They weren't 188BET big and round. There were pieces of orange carrots in the soup. William FUN88 didn't like carrots. He picked up a piece of carrot with his fingers. He put it on the table next to his bowl. He took all the pieces of carrots out of UFA888 the bowl. He put them all on the table. Then he ate his soup.

Ufabetlive said...

Good article introduction. Thank you very much. Very useful
ufabet เว็บไหนดี

jaoflukenaja said...

The makers of US TV comedy South Park have issued a mock apology to China after the show was made largely unavailable in the country.

In a recent episode, the character Randy is subjected to forced labour and Communist Party re-education after being jailed during a visit to China.

Most South Park episodes and reviews are now unavailable online in China.

"We welcome the Chinese censors into our homes and hearts," the apology said. "Long live the Communist Party!"

What happens in the episode?
In "Band in China", Randy Marsh travels to บาคาร่าฟรี แจกเครดิตฟรี แทงบอลฟรี แทงบอลฟรี100 รูเล็ตฟรี โหลดเกมส์รูเล็ต China to try to expand his marijuana business.

He is arrested, sent to prison, and subjected to forced labour and re-education.

In one scene, Randy is seen standing in the rain while a guard gives him an electric shock.

"I am a proud member of the Communist Party," Randy then reads from a card. "The party is more important than the individual."

jaoflukenaja said...

For Horimitsu, the sound of needles painting skin แทงบอลฟรีis a soft, rhythmic scratching, like a solitary cricket - "sha, sha, sha".

For 30 years he has tattooed by hand in Ikebukuro, แทงบอลเครดิตฟรีTokyo, needing nothing but ink and a needle-tipped stick.

By that hand, gods and monsters spring to life บาคาร่าฟรีon the backs of bankers and band members. Koi carp leap over limbs.

And today, a jade-green dragon - a symbol of การเล่นบาคาร่าออนไลน์protection from flames - will flare on the arm of a young firefighter who flew thousands of miles to be here.

Kyle Seeley, 23, lies quietly on his back as the รูเล็ตฟรีartist works, skewering his tricep with perfectly regular jabs.
He's being inked from shoulder to wrist; a เว็บเล่นรูเล็ตสายฟ้าfull sleeve with the great lizard set among peonies - the flower of good fortune and nobility.

limitednaja07 said...

Just over two years ago, China announced an audacious plan to overtake the US and lead the "world in AI [artificial intelligence] technology and applications by 2030".

It is already widely regarded to have overtaken the EU in many aspects.

But now its plans may be knocked off course by the US restricting certain Chinese companies from buying technologies developed or manufactured in the States.

Washington's justification is that the organisations involved have made products used to commit human rights abuses against China's Muslim ethnic minorities.

But it is notable that those on its บาคาร่าฟรี แจกเครดิตฟรี แทงบอลฟรี แทงบอลฟรี100 รูเล็ตฟรี โหลดเกมส์รูเล็ต blacklist include many of China's official "national AI champions"

Like the telecoms firm Huawei before them, they now face major disruption as a consequence of the Trump administration's intervention.

That is, in part, because they are reliant on US-based know-how.

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limitednaja07 said...

A gunman has killed two people in eastern Germany after attempting to enter a synagogue where dozens were observing a Jewish holiday.

The suspect live-streamed the attack on an online video-game platform before being arrested.

The video, which has now been removed, showed him making anti-Semitic comments to camera before driving to a synagogue in Halle and shooting into its door.

After failing to get in, the gunman shot dead two people nearby.

The suspect is a 27-year-old German who acted alone, according to local media.

"According to the federal prosecutor บาคาร่าฟรี แจกเครดิตฟรี แทงบอลฟรี แทงบอลฟรี100 รูเล็ตฟรี โหลดเกมส์รูเล็ต there are sufficient indications for a possible right-wing extremist motive," German Interior Minister Horst Seehofer said.

Videos from the scene appear to show the suspect wearing military-type clothing and using several weapons in the attack.

German Chancellor Angela Merkel attended a memorial vigil for the victims at Berlin's main synagogue.

limitednaja07 said...

Republicans in the US House of Representatives แทงบอลฟรี have announced plans to introduce a sanctions bill against Turkey for its offensive in Syria.

Congresswoman Liz Cheney said Turkey must face แทงบอลเครดิตฟรี"serious consequences for mercilessly attacking our Kurdish allies" in the region.

It comes as President Donald Trump said he การเล่นบาคาร่าออนไลน์hoped บาคาร่าฟรีto mediate the conflict.

Turkey moved into northern Syria on Wednesday รูเล็ตฟรีafter the president pulled US troops out of the area.

Tens of thousands of civilians fled their เว็บเล่นรูเล็ตสายฟ้าhomes on the second day of the offensive.

Critics say the US withdrawal effectively gave Turkey the green light to begin its cross-border assault,
which President Recep Tayyip Erdogan says is to create a "safe zone" running for 480km along the Syrian side of the border.

Kurdish militias of the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) control the cross-border areas - groups Turkey calls "terrorists" who support an anti-Turkish insurgency.

The SDF have been key allies of the United States in the battle against the Islamic State (IS) group, and say they have been "stabbed in the back" by the US.

There are fears the operation could lead to an ethnic cleansing of Kurds and revive IS.

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mymom said...

As a teenager, he joined รูเล็ตฟรี the armed struggle รูเล็ตออนไลน์ฟรี2020 against the former Derg บาคาร่าฟรี regime - a สมัครบาคาร่าฟรี 2020 Communist military แทงบอลฟรี junta that ruled Ethiopia แทงบอลฟรี2020 from 1974 to 1987. He later served as a UN peacekeeper in Rwanda.

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mymom said...

Late on Sunday night, Mr เว็บพนันบอล ต่างประเทศ Trump lashed out at Democratic สล็อตออนไลน์ leaders, suggesting they should be impeached.

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mymom said...

The PM said "nobody relished" going to the polls แทงบอลออนไลน์789 weeks before Christmas but this แทงบอล789 Parliament had "run its course" and was "incapable" of settling Brexit.

Mike said...

Such a good article.


Unknown said...

A truck comes from Belgium to England. Police find 39 people inside the truck. All of the people are dead. They are Chinese. A young man drives the truck. He is now with the police. He cannot leave.

Unknown said...

The Rohingya is a small religious minority that lives in Myanmar. They are living in a very serious situation. They are Muslims. They live in a country where Buddhism is the main religion.

The Myanmar government attacks the Rohingya. Thousands of them now escape to Bangladesh. A UN official says that the risk of genocide for these people is very high.

UN officials find that Myanmar security officers hurt Rohingya through some “clearance operations”. This is when they make Rohingya leave.

The UN says that Myanmar is doing nothing.

A leader of a UN group says that the situation of Rohingya in the Rakhine state is serious. He says that the government is responsible for the deaths and the crimes against humanity.

Difficult words: minority (a small group of people in a place where other people live), escape (avoid capture; get away with something) risk of genocide (how possible it is that a people can kill another people because of their race, religion, political beliefs, or other differences), crime against humanity (when someone hurts or kills ordinary people during war).

ครับ said...

Liverpool could be 'unable' to play Carabao Cup tie - Jurgen Klopp
Liverpool boss Jurgen Klopp says his side will not be able to play their Carabao Cup quarter-final if the fixture cannot be rearranged to avoid a clash แทงบอลไม่มีขั้นต่ำ with the Fifa Club World Cup.

Liverpool beat Arsenal on penalties in the fourth round on Wednesday.

The quarter-finals are due to be played the week commencing 16 December but Liverpool play in the last four of the Club World Cup in Qatar on 18 December.

The EFL say they are in talks with the Reds to identify an alternative date.

Liverpool have been drawn to play Aston Villa away in the last eight.

"If they don't find a place for us, an appropriate place, not 3am on Christmas Day, then we don't play it," said Klopp.

"You have to think about these things. If you have a fixture list where one team cannot be part of all the games, then you have to think about it. Hopefully it starts at one point, hopefully it starts now.

"We will not be the victim of this problem. We played on Wednesday and we wanted to win. If they don't find a proper date for us then we cannot play the ราคาบอลufabet
next round and whoever is our opponent will go through - or Arsenal will play it. I cannot change that.

limitednaja07 said...

It's likely Democrats will try to move through the various accounts of staffers and diplomats quickly,
including closer to Trump's inner circle, including W88คาสิโนมือถือpersonal lawyer Rudy Giuliani. The question remains,
however, whether Giuliani and others will cooperate; so far, Giuliani has defied a congressional subpoena.

Unknown said...

A man in Hungary who just bought a Ferrari wrecked the brand-new sports car just minutes after leaving the car dealership. A video shows the Ferrari, which cost more than £1 million (54.1 million baht), suddenly veering off the road and smashing into parked cars. It is not clear how the accident happened, but it appears that the driver was unprepared for car's enormous horsepower, and lost control of the car when he accelerated too hard trying to change lanes. Luckily, no one was injured in the accident. เว็บพนันออนไลน์ทที่ดีที่สุด2020

topup said...

"I do not care how the Springboks team does. It is not a reflection of the nation. It is not our team. I support แทงบอล Ufabetฝากถอน the All Blacks instead. We don't support the national team, because it is a white South African team. It is not a true South African team."

เว็บแทงบอลออนไลน์ที่ดีที่สุด said...

Good article introduction. Thank you very much. Very useful. รีวิวเว็บพนันออนไลน์ที่ดีที่สุด2020

BBrown said...

Hello, my name is Bruno from Thailand. Excellent website Very useful to me I like thi
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Mike said...

Thank you for your good ariticle.


topup said...

A SENIOR ex-Labour MP has accused Jeremy Corbyn of ignoring child abuse victims and helping cover up sexual harassment.John Mann made the explosive claims in a letter to the embattled Labour leader as he resigned from Parliament to enter the House of Lords.




boss said...

It's charming everyone from shrieking schoolkids to professional rugby players, but Japan's newest all-weather sport is anything but good clean fun.

This is tambo rugby - where teams splash and squelch their way over a flooded rice field (or tambo, in Japanese), and swimming goggles are the new skullcaps.

It's a non-contact game, meaning there are no tackles, and players of all ages and genders face each other on this waterlogged mud wallow.

A try will get you two points, and the sagame joy of flinging yourself into an enormous puddle.

Rugby fever has peaked in Japan this year thanks to the World Cup, which concludes on 2 November, but tambo has been steadily gathering fans since its birth in 2015.

boss said...

A new feature documentary, from the makers of The Class of '92 and Bros film After the Screaming Stops, details how Sir Matt Busby led Manchester United out of the ruins of the World War Two, through the tragedy of Munich and on to European glory.

For many modern Manchester United fans, former manager Sir Alex Ferguson is the GOAT.

For one of the club's 1968 European หวยยี่กี Cup-winning heroes, however, Ferguson will forever be "the apprentice" of another great Scot.

"Matt Busby is Manchester United," says John Aston Jr.

"He had a very good apprentice in Alex Ferguson, but he's the man who built it up and he's the guy who put Manchester on the world map

i3Th-BigMosd said...

The Indian capital, Delhi, has launched a car rationing system as it battles hazardous levels of pollution.

Private cars with even and odd number บาคาร่า plates will be allowed on roads only on alternate days from 4 to 15 November, officials said.

The system was introduced in 2016 and 2017 as well, but it's not clear if it actually helps bring down pollution.

Levels of dangerous particles in the air - known as PM2.5 - are far higher than recommended.

The deteriorating air quality has put millions of people at risk of respiratory illness.

Health officials have asked people to stay indoors and refrain from doing any physical activity. Schools are closed until Tuesday and the shutdown is likely to be extended until Friday as the city
continues to choke under a thick blanket of smog.

Unknown said...

Thank you for recommending a good thread.

topup said...

Delhi's geography - it is landlocked and sits on a flat plain that is blocked off by the Himalayas - means it is more drastically affected. Only public transport, emergency vehicles, taxis and two-wheelers will be allowed. Women driving alone will also be exempt from the rule.คาสิโนขั้นต่ำ10บาท

topup said...

The Supreme Court has ordered Delhi's state government to produce data which proves that the car rationing system works.คาสิโนขั้นต่ำ10บาท

i3Th-BigMosd said...

A tourist survived for two days adrift at sea in a dinghy คาสิโน near Greece by snacking on boiled sweets, reports say.Kushila Stein, 45, from New Zealand, was rescued from the Aegean Sea, north of Crete, on Sunday.During her 37-hour ordeal Ms Stein reportedly rationed a "handful of boiled lollies"
and wrapped herself in plastic bags for warmth.An experienced sailor, Ms Stein put a red bag on her head and used a mirror to attract attention, reports say.After an extensive search, the Greek Coast Guard found her 101km (55 nautical miles) north of Crete, Greece's largest island.

i3Th-BigMosd said...

A tourist survived for two days adrift at sea in a dinghy near sagame Greece by snacking on boiled sweets, reports say.Kushila Stein, 45, from New Zealand, was rescued from the Aegean Sea, north of Crete, on Sunday.During her 37-hour ordeal Ms Stein reportedly rationed a "handful of boiled lollies"
and wrapped herself in plastic bags for warmth.An experienced sailor, Ms Stein put a red bag on her head and used a mirror to attract attention, reports say.After an extensive search, the Greek Coast Guard found her 101km (55 nautical miles) north of Crete, Greece's largest island.

รีวิวเว็บพนันออนไลน์ที่ดีที่สุด2020 said...

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Anonymous said...

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แทงมวยออนไลน์ said...

This is a good article. I read it many timesเว็บแทงบอลออนไลน์ที่ดีที่สุด

i3Th-BigMosd said...

US President Donald Trump has lashed out at his Democrat คาสิโน opponents in a defiant speech at a rally in Louisiana.

He was speaking after it was confirmed that public impeachment hearings will begin in Congress next Wednesday.

He accused the Democrats of trying to overthrow American democracy via a "deranged, delusional, destructive and hyper-partisan" process.

Mr Trump was in Louisiana to support บาคาร่า the Republican candidate for governor in forthcoming elections.

Tuesday saw his party lose the governorship of Kentucky and control of the state legislature in Virginia.

แทงมวยขั้นต่ำ10บาท said...

Ah Yo ! this is the best article I have read, Very helpful one รีวิวเว็บพนันออนไลน์ที่ดีที่สุด2020

Anonymous said...

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Anonymous said...

What the real good article !!! Thanks for this man. Have a nice dayแทงมวยขั้นต่ำ10บาท

topup said...

Lahore is some 20km (12 miles) from India's border, so could easily be affected by smoke from across the border.คาสิโนขั้นต่ำ10บาท

boss said...

Arsene Wenger has denied rumours that he is in discussions with Bayern Munich to become their new manager.

But the former Arsenal boss avoided คาสิโน removing himself from the running.

The German champions are looking for a new manager after they sacked Niko Kovac on Sunday, following a 5-1 defeat by Eintracht Frankfurt.

Wenger won the Premier League three times and the FA Cup seven times in a 22-year spell in north London before leaving at the end of 2017-18.

The 70-year-old Frenchman was providing analysis for beIN Sports on Wednesday for Bayern's Champions League victory over Olympiakos.

Arsene Wenger has denied rumours that he is in discussions with Bayern Munich to become their new manager.

But the former Arsenal boss avoided บาคาร่า removing himself from the running.

The German champions are looking for a new manager after they sacked Niko Kovac on Sunday, following a 5-1 defeat by Eintracht Frankfurt.

Wenger won the Premier League three times and the FA Cup seven times in a 22-year spell in north London before leaving at the end of 2017-18.

The 70-year-old Frenchman was providing analysis for beIN Sports on Wednesday for Bayern's Champions League victory over Olympiakos.

CCCcccCCC said...

Cambodia's self-exiled opposition leader - who vowed to return home หวยยี่กี
this weekend - has said he was barred from checking-in for a flight from Paris.

Sam Rainsy had planned to return dreamgame to lead the people's "fight for a better life," describing Prime Minister Hun Sen as "a brutal dictator".

The country's authoritarian leader has ruled Cambodia since 1985.

Mr Rainsy's party has been dissolved as part of a crackdown on the opposition and he has been in Paris in exile.

"I am extremely shocked because the people need me in Cambodia," Mr Rainsy said at Charles de Gaulle airport after he was turned away at the Thai Airways counter.

He intended to fly to Bangkok and then reach Cambodia, but he claimed the check-in desk "said they have received from very high up the instruction not to allow me to board".

He vowed to get another flight and stick to his plan to make it to Cambodia by Saturday, the country's independence day.

Hun Sen said Mr Rainsy would be arrested should he try to enter the country. He also asked neighbouring countries to bar him from transiting, and advised airlines to not accept him as a passenger.

On Thursday, Malaysia briefly detained Mr Rainsy's deputy Mu Sochua, vice-president of his outlawed party, who hoped to join him in Cambodia.

Cambodia's efforts to stop the opposition politicians returning was condemned by Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch. The US embassy in Phnom Penh said the move represented "an escalation in suppression of the political opposition".

limitednaja07 said...

According to the latest transcripts, บาคาร่าออนไลน์บนมือถือ Sondland said he had Mulvaney’s blessing,
which Sondland expressed in a July 10 meeting with Ukrainian officials in which
national security adviser John Bolton เว็บพนันบอลถูกกฏหมายพันทิป tried to abruptly cut short.

Umi said...

Thank you for recommending a good thread.

aass2499 said...

Almost half a million people in India and Bangladesh are being evacuated as Cyclone Bulbul hits the Bay of Bengal.

The storm made landfall at midnight หวยยี่กี Two people have already been killed by the cyclone, local media report.

Many seaports and airports in the region have including the busy Kolkata airport.

Mamata Banerjee, Chief Minister for West Bengal, sagame tweeted before the cyclone made landfall urging people to stay calm.

"Please do not panic," she wrote. "Kindly remain calm and co-operate with the administration in its rescue and relief efforts. Be alert, take care and stay safe.

Ufabetpro said...

Thanks for the advice Good content

limitednaja07 said...

The 2-year-old girl, Anna Riley, lives เปิดยูส100 in Ulster County in the Hudson Valley and suffers from
harlequin ichthyosis, which causes skin abnormalities that affect breathing and movement. Her
mother, Jennie Riley, is outspoken on เว็บบอล social media about the condition in an effort to educate
people, The Associated Press reported.

แทงมวยออนไลน์ said...

What the real good article !!! Thanks for this man. Have a nice dayแทงมวยออนไลน์

limitednaja07 said...

On the other hand, Kupperman's เว็บบอล attorney, Charles Cooper, also argued Mulvaney should not be
able to join the suit but for different reasoning. Cooper in his filing argued that Kupperman
is neutral, and noted that Mulvaney is not, writing in part, "Mulvaney has made it clear that
he supports the Executive, and he accordingly เปิดยูส100 seeks declaratory relief against only the House Defendants."

i3Th-BigMosd said...

It is "inexplicable and shameful" that the UK government has not yet published a report on alleged Russian interference in British politics, Hillary Clinton has told the BBC.

The report has formal security clearance, but it will not be released คาสิโน until after the 12 December election.

"Every person who votes in this country deserves to see that report before your election happens," the former US presidential candidate said.

The report by Parliament's Intelligence and Security Committee examines Russian activity in UK democracy.

It includes allegations of espionage, subversion and interference in elections.

It contains evidence from UK intelligence services such as GCHQ, MI5 and MI6 concerning sagame covert Russian attempts to influence the outcome of the 2016 EU referendum and 2017 general election.

The report was finalised in March and referred to No 10 on 17 October.

But approval for its publication has yet to be given - and is not due to happen until after polling day.

MPs on the intelligence committee have been highly critical of that outcome, but the government has said the timing is not unusual.

i3Th-BigMosd said...

Poland's prime minister has คาสิโน written to streaming company Netflix insisting on changes to The Devil Next Door, a documentary about the Nazi death camps.

Mateusz Morawiecki said a map shown in the series locates the death camps within modern-day Poland's borders.

This misrepresents Poland as being responsible for the sagame death camps, when it was actually occupied by Germany in World War Two, Mr Morawiecki said.

Netflix told Reuters it was aware of concerns regarding the documentary.

Nazi Germany invaded Poland in 1939, which marked the beginning of the war.

Anonymous said...

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Anonymous said...

This is a good article. I read it many timesแทงมวยขั้นต่ำ10บาท

i3Th-BigMosd said...

The show is the headline series for Disney+, the brand-new streaming คาสิโน service which launched Tuesday in the US, Canada and New Zealand (and is scheduled to arrive in the UK next March). And if you're wondering, quite rightly, what
in the world a Mandalorian is, take a deep breath and be grateful – maybe – that Disney+ has a wealth of non-Star-Wars films and series too.
The Mandalorian takes place five years after the evil Empire was defeated in Return of the Jedi, sending the galaxy into political chaos. The title character is from the planet Mandalore, but like Clint Eastwood's character in all those
spaghetti Westerns, he is a man with no name. So far, he dreamgame also has no face because he has yet to remove his helmet, but we're still in episode one. The first series will feature seven more instalments, which will drop weekly.

แทงมวยออนไลน์ said...

Good article introduction. Thank you very much. Very useful. เว็บแทงบอลออนไลน์ที่ดีที่สุด

Unknown said...

Thanks for the advice Good content

i3Th-BigMosd said...

The bushfires ravaging Australia this week have brought warnings of "catastrophic" danger. Fortunately, no lives were lost on Tuesday - when conditions were at their worst.

But experts warned that events looked set to trigger the most dangerous sagame type of bushfire - pyrocumulonimbus, often referred to as a firestorm.

These are giant, fast-moving blazes so powerful they create their own weather systems akin to thunderstorms.

And due to their ferocity, they are largely impossible to fight.

With certain ground and atmospheric conditions, bushfires can rip through a large area with so much energy that they generate storms above them. This is a pyrocumulonimbus.

Ordinarily, bushfires are driven along by the wind but a massive blaze can carry so much power that its smoke is not pushed to the side. Instead, it forms a plume that rises up to 15km (nine miles) into the sky.

When the storm is formed, it means the fire หวยยี่กี below will be big, fast and very dangerous.

"That means it's big enough to overcome any other conditions," says UNSW climate scientist Prof Jason Evans.

แทงมวยออนไลน์ said...

Ah Yo ! this is the best article I have read, Very helpful one เว็บแทงบอลออนไลน์ที่ดีที่สุด

jaoflukenaja said...

During oral arguments in July, one บาคาร่าขั้นต่ำ10บาท of Trump's attorneys, William Consovoy, แทงบอลฟรี argued that the
Oversight committee had overstepped its constitutional bounds.
"Where there are constitutional doubts?" Consovoy said at the W88 time. "The committee's power should be narrow."

Unknown said...

Good advice. Thank you for the advice.

jaoflukenaja said...

"I can confirm that that was posted to บาคาร่าขั้นต่ำ10บาท his account, and I can also confirm that it
has been changed since this incident, แทงบอลฟรี which means there is somebody else that has
access to this account, be it a hacker W88 be it a friend that has his password," Wegener
told reporters. "That was posted at one point. We are aware of it and we are researching
the source, when it was posted and when it was taken down."

Unknown said...

What would you do if your region was burning?

Pack up your possessions and head for safety? Stay and help put the fires out?

Or head into the bush with a packet of matches and start another fire?

Amazingly, in the Australian bushfire หวยยี่กี season, some people do the latter. So the obvious question is - why?

How many fires are started deliberately?
Two of the most recent studies say there are between 52,000 and 54,000 bushfires in Australia every year.

Unknown said...

What would you do if your region was burning?

Pack up your possessions and head for safety? Stay and help put the fires out?

Or head into the bush with a packet of matches and start another fire?

Amazingly, in the Australian bushfire หวยยี่กี season, some people do the latter. So the obvious question is - why?

How many fires are started deliberately?
Two of the most recent studies say there are between 52,000 and 54,000 bushfires in Australia every year.

topup said...

Here, a group of protesters stand underneath graffiti saying "inequality" as they demand greater social reforms.

Chile is one of Latin America's wealthiest countries but also one of its most unequal - it has the worst levels of income equality among the 36 member nations of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD). รูเล็ตฟรี


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On Friday, the Sisatthanak district police station issued an order to release the six would-be protesters who were held at the guest house.
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Unknown said...

“I didn’t expect to be here,” she said, after being crowned the winner. “So I’m very proud that I can be here. I’m so proud of myself and so proud of my team and so proud of my nation."
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bbba2499 said...

Sitting on the floor of his makeshift school in the sprawling คาสิโน refugee camp of Cox's Bazar in Bangladesh, 11-year-old Omar spoke softly as he

remembered his mother and father. "My parents loved me so much. They looked after me very well," he said.

He explained how his parents were murdered by the Myanmar army in August 2017. Three of his brothers and two of his sisters were also killed.

"When I wake up every morning I start crying. Then I wipe my tears away and I get ready to go to school," he said.

Two years on, it is still hard to process the brutality sagame of what happened to Omar and his fellow Rohingya who had been living in Myanmar - or

Burma as it was previously known.

i3Th-BigMosd said...

The US has shifted its position on Israeli settlements in the occupied West Bank, no longer viewing them as inconsistent with international law.

US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said the status of sagame the West Bank was for Israelis and Palestinians to negotiate.

Israel welcomed the move - a reversal of the US stance under President Donald Trump's predecessor, Barack Obama.

Settlements are communities established by Israel on land occupied in the 1967 Middle East war.

They have long been a source of dispute between Israel and the international community, and the Palestinians.

"After carefully studying all sides of the legal debate," Mr Pompeo told คาสิโน reporters, "the United States has concluded that "the establishment of Israeli civilian settlements in the West Bank is not, per se, inconsistent with international law".

"Calling the establishment of civilian settlements inconsistent with international law hasn't worked. It hasn't advanced the cause of peace," he added.

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boss said...

Hello. Today there is news to tell. ??

The women removing landmines in Afghanistan

The province of Bamiyan was once on the front line บาคาร่า of the Soviet-Afghan war, but it'll soon to be declared land mine free.

The BBC's Auliya Atradi went to meet Afghanistan's sagame first all-female demining team to find out more about the dangerous work they do.

Anonymous said...

Ah Yo ! this is the best article I have read, Very helpful one ทางเข้าufabetมือถือ

Unknown said...

Former Thai Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra said he is looking to buy a house in Sydney's luxurious eastern suburbs, where he wants to relax and take a break from politics. In an interview that aired Tuesday on Australian television, Thaksin said he was pondering an academic career focusing on alleviating poverty in his homeland. "It's time for me to compensate on what I've missed in the past," he said. "I have to live my life to allow me to have some kind of happiness, because I've been working hard, too much, for my family, for my country, for the people."

Unknown said...

The Thai government retained a ban on the Web site on Thursday, despite the removal of a short film deemed insulting to the king. Although the offending video was withdrawn, the site continued to feature at least one still frame from the contentious 44-second clip. "[Getting rid of the video] is not enough," said Sitthichai Pookaiyaudom, the minister of information and technology. "We want the picture removed too before we unblock it." After the site was blocked and news of the ban circulated, the number of viewers of the video skyrocketed, with more than 40,000 visiting the site in about 24 hours. Total views reached 66,553 before the video was pulled.

Unknown said...

A small group of architects in Chiang Mai is working to preserve Lanna-era temples and revive the architectural style. Many of the Northern Thai temples have fallen into disuse and disrepair, suffering from years of neglect by municipal authorities and a lack of enforcement of laws to protect heritage monuments. Also, about 70 percent of the temples in Chiang Mai are rented out to the poor or have been put to commercial use in some capacity. "This is our identity; we have to conserve it, otherwise we will have nothing to be proud of," said Vitul Lieorungruang, an architecture professor at Chiang Mai University. "A place that becomes completely modern doesn't know who it is anymore."

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"There is no consensus. That's just an idea," บาคาร่าขั้นต่ำ10บาท
the senior administration official said about the possible
trial duration, as first reported by The Washington Post
"I think two weeks was thrown out as เว็บพนันบอล ถูกกฎหมาย more of an example, not a goal. It's not written on a stone tablet," one
GOP aide to a meeting attendee told ABC News
This group was hosted by White House Legislative W88 Affairs Director Eric Ueland, a former long-time Senate aide and impeachment veteran

jaoflukenaja said...

Targeting major social media platforms -- W88 Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Google and Google's parent company, Alphabet -- as
"publishers" disseminating information to เว็บพนันบอล ถูกกฎหมาย billions of people around the globe, Baron Cohen called on those in charge of
the platforms to adopt stricter policies against บาคาร่าขั้นต่ำ10บาท conspiracy theories and hate speech.

jim said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
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Unknown said...

The Thai government has announced plans to file a lawsuit in Thai court against Sitthichai Phokai-udom, the minister of information and communications technology, said the Thai government would file lese majeste charges against the site because of its refusal to remove a 44-second video that showed provocative graffiti-like images painted over a slideshow of photographs of King Bhumibol Adulyadej. The minister said Youtube owners Google were acting hypocritically by refusing to remove the clip on grounds of free flow of communication, as Google censored their operation to gain access to the Chinese market.

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Arsenal แทงบอลออนไลน์ were firm favourites to beat relegation-threatened Southampton at the Emirates and end their shocking run of five games without a win.
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"I am deeply troubled by this conduct W88 shown by a senior DOD official." Esper said in the
statement. "Unfortunately, as a result I เว็บพนันบอล ถูกกฎหมาย have determined that Secretary Spencer no longer
has my confidence to continue in his position. I บาคาร่าขั้นต่ำ10บาท wish Richard well."

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jaoflukenaja said...

Two White House officials -- Fiona Hill, who ufabet has since left the White House after serving as senior
director for Europe and Russia, and Army Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman, director of European Affairs at
the National Security Council -- have testified as part แทงบอลฟรี of the House impeachment W88 inquiry that they were
told that Mulvaney helped to coordinate a pressure campaign against Ukraine.

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Grandstaff became one of the very few ufabet Americans to spend significant time inside Russian jails. He was kept in grim conditions,
harassed, denied medical attention and attacked by แทงบอลฟรี inmates. Isolated and forbidden from writing to his wife in English, he turned to
illustrating his prison life for her by drawing W88 himself as a cartoon bear enduring his experiences. The charges against him
carried a potential maximum sentence of 20 years in prison.

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Defense Secretary Mark Esper announced on Monday W88 that under President Donald Trump's direction he was letting Gallagher
keep his Trident pin. A review board could have taken it away from him, meaning he was no longer a member of the elite SEAL community
That news followed Esper's firing of Navy Secretary แทงบอลฟรี Richard Spencer, who had gone behind Esper's back to privately pitch to
the White House a scenario where Gallagher could face a review board, but still retain his pin
But the fate of the three officers who commanded Gallagher's ufabet
SEAL unit was left in the Navy's hands.

jaoflukenaja said...

Dutch father who kept kids isolated for ufabet 9 years in a farmhouse, accused of sex abuse: Prosecutors
The father detained for holding six of his children แทงบอลฟรี against their will in a remote Dutch farmhouse
for nine years is now suspected of sexually W88 abusing two of his older children, according to Dutch prosecutors.

i3Th-BigMosd said...

New บาคาร่า Zealand's most successful rugby side, the Crusaders, have decided to keep their name - after a review that began when 51 people died in the Christchurch คาสิโน mosque attacks.

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i3Th-BigMosd said...

A man and a woman คาสิโน were killed during the attack, Mr Basu confirmed. Three others - a man and two women - were also injured and remain in hospital.

Simon Stevens, head of the NHS, said on Friday that one was in a critical but stable condition, another was stable and the third had less serious injuries.

None of those killed or injured has so far been บาคาร่า named and officers were still working to identify those who died, Met Commissioner Cressida Dick said on Friday.

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Great job !! for me this is a really good article. Cool แทงมวยออนไลน์

jaoflukenaja said...

By 7:06 a.m., Trump was tweeting positive เว็บพนันบอล ถูกกฎหมาย reviews from his favorite TV show, “Fox & Friends,” where co-host Ainsley
Earhardt declared, ``Yesterday changed everything, it เว็บพนันบอล ฝากขั้นต่ำ100 really did clear the president.”
An hour later, Trump moved on to a tweet talking up his approval ratings, the stock market, unemployment and more. ``Country doing great!” he wrote.
But a reconstruction of what started as an unremarkable W88summer Thursday reveals that even before daybreak, anxiety was
coursing through the White House about a coming phone call that didn’t appear on the president’s public schedule.

เว็บแทงบอลออนไลน์ที่ดีที่สุด said...

What the real good article !!! Thanks for this man. Have a nice day มวยไทยออนไลน์

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