Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Money doesn't talk

Money doesn't talk, it swears - Bob Dylan

You want some 9/11 truth? You won't find it in the accretions of increasingly absurd conjecture and the tail-chasing diversions of no evidentiary value. The hard-ass, 9/11 truth has the colour of money and the sweet stink of opium, and plenty of both.

How's this for a headline, and from Institutional Investor, even:

Mystery N.Y. Bank Allegedly Funnels $3B In Funds To Terrorists

A bank identified only as being one of the largest and most prominent in New York has been caught allegedly funneling an estimated $3 billion in profits from drug deals and other illegal activities to Mideast terrorists, The New York Post reports. Manhattan District Attorney Robert Morgenthau, the paper says, plugged the profits pipeline as part of an ongoing investigation of suspected funds flowing through local banks.

In the most recent scheme, according to The Post, the money originating from the so-called "tri-border region" of Argentina, Brazil and Paraguay, was transferred to an account at the New York bank through a money-transfer company in Uruguay and then on to accounts in the Mideast, where they were distributed over the past two years to the likes of Al-Qaeda, Hamas and Hezbollah. "I can't go out and arrest Osama bin Laden," the 84-year-old Morgenthau told The Post. "But I can try to cut off his money."

"Tri-border region" sound familiar? "Chiggerbit" notes on the RI board that it's a territory in which Sun Myung Moon has recently planted his Unification flag, acquiring the land atop the Guarani aquafer. Moon's 600,000 hectares also happens to be "an enormously strategic point in both the narcotics and arms trades," according to Paraguay's former drug czar, who adds that "the available intelligence clearly shows that the Moon sect is involved in both these enterprises." And "Starroute" adds that Khalil bin Laden, Osama's brother, has business connections in the nearby Brazilian province of Minas Gerais, "an alleged center for training terrorists."

The Post today discloses the identity of the "mystery bank." And guess who:

The Manhattan DA is pursuing a settlement with the Bank of America in a major money-laundering probe of more than $3 billion that flowed from Latin America through one of the bank's accounts to Mideast fanatics, sources said yesterday.

Sources familiar with the case - reported in yesterday's Post - revealed that DA Robert Morgenthau is close to reaching a settlement with the nation's second largest bank. The bank is not being accused of complicity with money-launderers or terrorists, but is facing possible penalties for dealing with an unlicensed money transmitter from Uruguay, sources said.

The bank will be permitted to settle, like Jonathan Bush's Riggs Bank, because to find such institutions complicit would mean the Apocalypse of All Safe Assumptions. It's why September 11th's insider trading scandal, once reported by Bloomberg as "the worst case ever," was made to dry up and blow away, and the data recovery project of "dirty doomsday dealings" made on World Trade Center computers disappeared into the belly of the beast it was intended to investigate.

The money's swearing, and it's swearing at us. Over the fractious din of arguments for missile strikes, demolition and holograms, can you hear it?


Peter M said...

Yeah Jeff!

Here is the ultimate confirmation that everything the Wayne Madsen types have been saying for the past 5 years is not just imagination and conjecture. The most salient context to put this in is that there is no benevolence inhering in these institutions that wage brutal economic warfare against national economies. The illusions ought to be melting pretty fast these days.

Alex Jones just interviewed a decorated airman who agrees with Michael Rupert's allegation of 'Cheney as Maestro.' The most interesting part of the article, however, lies in the airman's bio: He resigned as a Star Wars consultant because it was obvious that it was indeed a purely offensive program intended to facilitate a nuclear exchange with the USSR. Given what we know about the Space Hawks in office, this should be more than a little disquieting. But we knew that.

Anonymous said...

Jeff, you're lumping demolition in with holograms now?

Jeff Wells said...

Jeff, you're lumping demolition in with holograms now?

Holograms would be an example of what I called in the first paragraph "increasingly absurd conjecture," and demolition a "tail-chasing diversion."

What I mean here by diversion is what I meant a year ago when I quoted JFK assassination researcher Vincent Salandria:

I'm afraid we were misled. All the critics, myself included, were misled very early. I see that now. We spent too much time and effort microanalyzing the details of the assassination when all the time it was obvious, it was blatantly obvious that it was a conspiracy.

Anonymous said...

Once we get to the bottom of who was perpetrating the massive insider trading scandal on 9/11, it will become crystal clear who is pulling the strings and pushing the buttons behind the velvet curtain....

....but will we tear away from our warm blankets (i.e., lattes, "porn.com" and "Deal or No Deal") long enough to revolt?!

I mean, that's what we're talking about isn't it? At some point in history will any action be taken, or will we remain in the "blogosphere", impotent, gazing at our navels....

Anonymous said...

....and please don't tell me that the "Nazi's" are behind this insider trading!.....

Anonymous said...

First off, many thanks to Jeff for your continuing efforts. I have to admit that lately I've become wary of relying so much on 'microanalyzing the details', though it's hard not to get caught up in all the little and not-so-little inconsistancies when you try to stuff them all into the official narrative. I can't say that I'm terribly encouraged by the recent entry of Charlie Sheen into the melee, either. I get the distinct impression that he (and by association the rest of us tin-foilers) is being set up for a fall.

Anyway, off the stated topic, but not with today's date, I would recommend that readers revisit your posting 'Early morning, April 4 (MLK)'. When people ask themselves 'What can I do to stick it to the man?', it's instructive to remember what kind of people 'The Man' feels threatened enough by to risk making martyrs of them.

"The ultimate weakness of violence is that it is a descending spiral, begetting the very thing it seeks to destroy. Instead of diminishing evil, it multiplies it. Through violence you may murder the liar, but you cannot murder the lie, nor establish the truth."
-Martin Luther King, JR-


Anonymous said...

Great post, Jeff, as is the earlier one you link to.

The insider-trading "investigation" was buried without military honors when the trail ended at "American institutional investors" who were allegedly above suspicion.


Also sadly deceased is CONVAR's investigation of the data on the WTC hard drives. CNN reported, on Dec. 20, 2001:

"When Convar discovers encryption keys on a drive, indicating a financial record, it saves the information and hands it over to its U.S. clients, who are in turn cooperating with the FBI, he said. [Which FBI? Colleen Rowley or Dave Frasca? No prizes.]

The company has completed processing 39 drives; another 42 have arrived, and a further 20 drives are expected in early January, Wagner said.

Convar's German facility, in the town of Pirmasens near the NATO air base Ramstein, is one of the few civilian data recovery centers to be certified for military purposes as a "high security zone," the company said.


Then there's the bizarre conduct of the nation's Leaders on That Fateful Day, and the entirely-unmentionable wargames.

The corporate media have successfully killed and buried all discussion of these serious issues for the last four-and-a-half years. Now, suddenly, Charlie Sheen gets three nights on CNN to speculate to his heart's content about controlled demolition. Has CNN suddenly joined the revolution? Or are some alarm bells ringing yet?

A serious 9/11 Truth movement would be concentrating on the serious issues and trying to get this stuff properly publicised and investigated instead of spending an eternity poring over sexy photos of pyroclastic clouds.

Anonymous said...

As Ludwig Mies van der Rohe once stated "God Is In The Details".

Perhaps we should look more closely at Neil Bush, brother of George W., and Boris Berezovsky...

ericswan said...

I'm all ready "revolted". It turns out the chosen ones already know the score and have a plan to deal with the rest. in. peace.

The spiral is as taut as any straight line. The forces are natural with the advantage that any point in the spiral can see any other point past and present up or down which no point can do in a straight line. The implication here is 4D vs. 2D. Radiating and rotating through 360 space through the centre to the null point when all will be revealed. Are we there yet?

Anonymous said...

A note on geography from the original post:

"Osama's brother, has business connections in the nearby Brazilian province of Minas Gerais, 'an alleged center for training terrorists.'"

This is like saying El Paso, Texas is nearby Los Angeles. Brazil is huge and so are distances within it.

Sorry for picking. I didn't see the connection that clearly.

Anonymous said...

Closed my Bank of America account today. Should've done it long ago.I already knew that BAM and Citicorp are in cahoots with Uncle Sam's Gestapo.

I went into a local bank to inquire see about opening an account there. On the manager's desk was a sign saying that a bunch of info was needed from me to comply with Patriot Act guidelines to prevent financing terrorism.

I laughed at the irony and told the bank manager what BAM was up to. I took some lit and left to consider my options in a criminal economy.

It ocurred to me that under the Patriot Act, it is now illegal to pay Federal Income taxes since that would be sending money to a terrorist organization.


Nice to have a symbolic way of voting against US-sponsored terrorism here in Anytown, USA.

Anonymous said...

In previous comments, Jeff asked whether the Alex Jones interviewee (Lt. Col. Robert Bowman, USAF)should properly be called a "former Star Wars head". Remember, "Star Wars" started long before Reagan's 1983 speech in Orlando. AW & ST ran articles on the Air Force shooting down guided missiles with lasers (mounted on KC-135s) in 1973. The Navy had an active Sealight programme for carrier defense. A number of advanced projects on neutral and charged-particle weapons were brought to testing before Reagan made it public. So Robert Bowman, PhD in Aeronautics and Nuclear Engineering from Caltech, probably was the "former head of Star Wars." Pretty damning indictment, given the source.

Anonymous said...

Here is some older (2004) information on the same story.

Anonymous said...

A quick note about the value of "sexy photos" and videos from the Pentagon and WTC collapses: it is much, much easier to introduce someone to the 9/11 Truth movement with visible evidence as opposed to discussions about insider trading and the nefarious history of the Bush/Cheney team.

For better or worse, people believe their eyes. So many immediately reject anything other than "Osama did it! They hate freedom!" that it's difficult to discuss the more worhtwhile avenues. They are quick to claim Bush-bashing at even the first hint of inside-job talk. They are far more easily swayed to believe the official story is BS when they see a 757 super-imposed over the small Pentagon damage, or news reports and NYFD eye-witnesses describing multiple explosions before the collapse of the towers.

Ultimately, insider trading, wargames, etc. will carry more weight and hopefully expose the true conspirators.... but it doesn't hurt to get a few more people onboard, right?

Anonymous said...

"Over the fractious din of arguments for missile strikes, demolition and holograms, can you hear it?"

Oh give us a break, Jeff. Look back over your blog. You pick a fight with absurd insinuations. If you have an argument against these as really absurd, I think you would have said it long ago. Though you don't, and that's telling.

Frankly, you never have given evidence for your disbelief of these things, and it has all been hot air.

This is like Bush attacking others and then scurrying away and blaming others for being "fractious" by successfully defending themselves against another's gross error of strategic judgement.

Perhaps you will look into your heart and see the fractiousness centered on you.

I would agree with others above who basically find your mental block on this issue very puzzling and rather incoherent. "what gives with you?" about this highhanded and cavalier treatment on this your blog source for 99% very sound groundings in information, except when you throw out that method for pure "emotional neocon style" tripe when discussing the issues in your quote above?

These issues are rather basic and very clear flaws in the official story.

This is the last place where I thought I would see an "ignorance is bliss" kind of defense.

Anonymous said...

speaking of banking and vast amounts of money, has anybody read this (or listened to the interview):
http://arcticbeacon.com/3-Apr-2006.html (Greg Syzmanski):

"If Americans ever want to reclaim their Republic, understanding the importance of the story behind jailed Ambassador Leo Wanta is a good starting point. In fact, the Wanta case may prove to be the "story of the century" even though it is cloaked in a complicated web of financial accounting, mystery and intrigue dating back to the end of the Cold War.

For starters, as unbelievable as it sounds, Wanta is the legal trustee according to a 2003 federal court ruling of more than 27.5 trillion dollars in repatriation assets held in overseas accounts and under protection for the American people..."

Apparently the Bush/Clinton brigade have managed to extort $650 billion of the above so far, and want their hands on the rest of it.

Jeff Wells said...

"If you have an argument against these as really absurd, I think you would have said it long ago."

If I understand you correctly, I did say so long ago, and have since. For instance Sept 2004, The Flying Wedge, and May 2005, The Guns of 9/11 and Let Me Put It This Way.

ericswan said...

Jeff I live on the other side of this country and wonder why so much of the land we call Canada is left pristine empty. Does this have something to do with your post on money? I think it has something to do with creating a shortage of something when we can see very clearly that we aren't short of it. Once the blinders go on and we accept that this land has to be "conserved" we loose the rights given to squirrels, bats, the homeless, and the disposessed. I wonder why we cling to a system that is so obviously an illusion.

Anonymous said...

The Big Picture and the tiny details are both important, as is the middle path that unifies them and lets them interpenetrate.

We're still trying to learn how to talk about this unspeakable horror in a way that doesn't bring us too close to madness.

This story is not over, nor are all the ways we need to perceive it or show it, yet born. It's hard trying to figure out how best to do this. Be patient, and kind to yourselves.

Anonymous said...

God DAMN this is the best site on the internet!!!!! Keep it up, Jeff...many people truly appreciate your work.

Jeff Wells said...

I should refine my comment above. My issue is not with absurdity but with the distractions of unresolvable pissing matches that bring us no closer to justice. Following the money and the drugs have already uncovered smoking guns, though they're largely neglected for the Rorschach of the smoking towers.

Anonymous said...

FYI, that Leo Wanta case referred to above is bogus. I'm an attorney and did a search--- there was no federal decision awarding this guy anything. This was debunked some time ago.

Anonymous said...

You were lagging a bit a few months ago...but hell yeah this is one of your most hard-hitting and apropos pieces yet, Jeff. Rock on.

Anonymous said...


You are right. Canada is one big wasteland.... one big parking lot just waiting for the "right" kind of development. And Canadians are the "parking lot attendants".

No...wait.... they're "parking lot attendants" who think they're Europeans, but look like beavers.

As the "self-righteous" Euro-beavers are being lulled into complacency with mega-doses of ELF waves, midnight draws nearer and nearer.

I thought the "staged" press conference in Cancun with head-beaver Harper was hilarious. What a bitch.

Did anyone notice how there was barely anyone in the audience?

Anonymous said...

Now if we could only cut off the funding of the larger terrorist organizations in Langley and The Beltway who traffic in wholesale slaughter.

Thanks Jeff

America is nominally a republic and free society, but in reality an empire and oligarchy, vaguely aware of its own oppression, within and without. I have used the term "national security state" to describe its structures of power. It is a convenient way to express the military and intelligence communities, as well as the worlds that feed upon them, such as defense contractors and other underground, nebulous entities. Its fundamental traits are secrecy, wealth, independence, power, and duplicity.

Anonymous said...

This month's _World Affairs, A Journal of International Issues_ contains a great precis on Star Wars --it's motivations and what the actual spending funded vs. the smoke-screen boondoggle--and several other topics of note in this forum, including --get this-- free energy and UFO's. This in a journal that boasts major multinational bank and other such concerns as advertisers. Fascinating. Printed in India. I started reading it when they ran the "Black Budget of the USA" linking all of that together. They've been straight up reporting on 911 this whole time as well. Recommend it, but open to anyone's cogent critique or deconstruction of its politics. Thanks.

Anonymous said...

ThePistol44 said...

A quick note about the value of "sexy photos" and videos from the Pentagon and WTC collapses: it is much, much easier to introduce someone to the 9/11 Truth movement with visible evidence as opposed to discussions about insider trading and the nefarious history of the Bush/Cheney team.

For better or worse, people believe their eyes.

Yes and the octopus through several of their arms have spent so much money on uncovering how we "tick" and "what buttons to push." They know and it is accepted science that people believe what they see. That is precisely why the false meme of no-Boeing at the Pentagon has the "legs" that it does. That is the why In Plane Site and other flash propaganda pieces are being used to sell that false meme. TPTB(The Powers that Be) knew that there would be Internet head scratching about 9-11, there has even been "trial-run ops" to get the lay of the land (TWA 800). The tactics learned and developed there were then planned for and used in response to 9-11 deconstruction.
Three basic false memes were developed to hang the "hats of contention" upon; 1. No Plane at Pentagon (Effect: To divide researchers and to make 9-11 conspiracy research look "nuts" to folks within the highly charged and very "influential" DC Beltway crowd.) 2. No Planes in NY (Effect: To upset folks in NY on 911 conspiracy research{that is where a big crime occurred-jurisdiction for justice} and thoroughly disgust any survivors' family members from adding their gravitas to uncovering truths) 3. The "Jews" did it. (Effect: A blanket tainting that repells many without any perusal of the issue and allows the "official" story to label its critics as anti-semetic bigots with and agenda not facts and reasoned argument, etc.)

Then these memes help to cover up obvious conspiratorial facts leading to countles hours of blather, emotion, etc. Personally, I am sure that that there was demolition, remote controll technology and patsies involved in the op. And as with any large op, those with their noses in the right place or someone that directs them there, uses the op for their own personal purpose some maybe contrary to the ops planner. For with any action there is always possiblity. No chessmaster wins everytime. There are many editions of SunTzu, etc.

And yes has Jeff said if you follow the money follow the drugs there are smoking guns aplenty. And if you read history you even find that some of the guns have been discovered before, covered-up and then erupt again, go away again, etc.

Now is the timw for all good men and women to come to the aid of their country.

Kris Millegan

Anonymous said...


Well, now, at least this guy is close enough to lend a hand.

Anonymous said...

Please excuse the off topic break-in but this is breaking news of the most ironic kind. First a NASA official now this sick bastard, Pappy Bush better hide!


Agency's deputy press secretary held for soliciting for a child on Internet

The Associated Press
Updated: 11:06 p.m. ET April 4, 2006

MIAMI - The deputy press secretary for the U.S. Department of Homeland Security was arrested Tuesday for using the Internet to seduce what he thought was a teenage girl, authorities said.

Brian J. Doyle, 55, was arrested at his residence in Maryland on charges of use of a computer to seduce a child and transmission of harmful material to a minor. The charges were issued out of Polk County, Fla.

Doyle, of Silver Spring, Md., had a sexually explicit conversation with what he believed was a 14-year-old girl whose profile he saw on the Internet on March 14, the Polk County Sheriff’s Office said in a statement.

The girl was an undercover Polk County Sheriff’s Computer Crimes detective, the sheriff’s office said.

Doyle sent the girl pornographic movie clips and had sexually explicit conversations via the Internet, the statement said.

Used government cell phone
During other online conversations, Doyle revealed his name, that he worked for the Homeland Security Department and offered his office and government issued cell phone numbers, the sheriff’s office said.

Doyle also sent photos of himself to the girl, but authorities said they were not sexually explicit.

On several occasions, Doyle instructed her to perform a sexual act while thinking of him and described explicit activities he wanted to have with her, investigators said.

Doyle later had a telephone conversation with an undercover deputy posing as the teenager and encouraged her to purchase a web camera to send graphic images of herself to him, the sheriff’s office said.

He was booked into Maryland’s Montgomery County jail where he was waiting to be extradited to Florida, the sheriff’s office said.

There was no immediate response to messages left on Doyle’s government-issued cell phone and his e-mail, and he could not be reached by phone at the jail for comment.

Agency ‘will cooperate fully’
Homeland Security press secretary Russ Knocke in Washington said he could not comment on the details of the investigation. “We take these allegations very seriously, and we will cooperate fully with the ongoing investigation,” Knocke said.

Doyle, who is the fourth-ranking official in the department’s public affairs office, was expected to be placed on administrative leave Wednesday morning.

“We will go after child predators, no matter where they live, to protect our innocent children,” said Polk County Sheriff Grady Judd, in a statement from his office.

“This investigation shows that the long arm of the law can reach anyone, anywhere, anytime, who tries to harm our youth,” Judd said. “There is no question that Doyle believed that he was having these disgusting, obscene discussions, online and on the phone, with a young girl. His conduct is vile and inexcusable.”

This breaking story will be updated.

© 2006 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.

© 2006 MSNBC.com

URL: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/12159118/

Anonymous said...

You said, paraphrasing Dylan, " The money's swearing, and it's swearing at us."

In my opinion it's more like the money's laughing & laughing at us.

Or, at least, the people with the money.

I've been mulling this post over all day & about the only thing I'm sure of anymore is that I wish I'd have had my kids at 23, way back in 1985, instead of now at 43.That way they'd be old enough to at least make a running attempt at dealing with this relentless bullshit.

These last 5 years have made the Cold War look positively sane in comparison.

I'm actually becoming nostalgic for Reagan & I hated Reagan.

the one thing I can say for Reagan is that at least the old psycho had the decency to keep his psycho-ness partially concealed behind a black budget curtain.

& when caught, neck deep in Iran-Contra, he at least had the courtesy to look embarassed.

Ah the good old days.

There's a monumental accomplishment for Mr. Bush & his administration. They've actually been able to make fake contrition look comforting.

How the fuck did we get here?

With this culture whose main form of entertainment is purposely designed to make us feel incomplete & discontented.

They lie to us constantly through advertising & i think those little lies are what vaccinate us against feeling the huge lies they tell us.

It's for our own good though, isn't it?

Being treated like toddlers not fit to sit at the grown-up table.

We've grown accustomed to it, I suppose.

The blissful ignorance, the umbilical cathode illusion that the teleprompter puppet on the screen really does know more than we do.

The expert who graciously 'analyzes' that days news for us.

Confusing & frightening occurences that our journeyings through public school have left us ill-prepared to assimilate.

But that's what they wanted from the beginning, isn't it?

As this first mission statement of Rockefeller's General Education Board states way back in 1906:

"In our dreams...people yield themselves with perfect docility to our molding hands. The present educational conventions [intellectual and character education] fade from our minds, and unhampered by tradition we work our own good will upon a grateful and responsive folk. We shall not try to make these people or any of their children into philosophers or men of learning or men of science. We have not to raise up from among them authors, educators, poets or men of letters. We shall not search for embryo great artists, painters, musicians, nor lawyers, doctors, preachers, politicians, statesmen, of whom we have ample supply. The task we set before ourselves is very simple...we will organize children...and teach them to do in a perfect way the things their fathers and mothers are doing in an imperfect way."

It's amazing how sociopaths can sound so damn rational isn't it?

Fuck em. Fuck em all to hell.

For the first time I really understand this passage from Neil Gaiman & Terry Pratchet's Good Omens:

"Firstly, that God moves in extremely mysterious, not to say circuitous ways. God does not play dice with the universe; He plays an ineffable game of His own devising, which might be compared, from the perspective of any of the other players, i.e., everybody, to being involved in an obscure and complex version of poker in a pitch dark room, with blank cards, for infinite stakes, with a Dealer who won't tell you the rules, and who smiles all the time."

Not my idea of a good time, no sir, not my idea of a good time at all.

Anonymous said...

Geography Bee Winner 1998 -

Thanks for the correction on Minas Gerais. I brought up the Khalil bin Laden item because the article Jeff quotes spoke of Mideast terrorists -- but I agree that the bin Laden link seems awfully thin.

On looking further, I find a from 2002 which speaks more generally about "representatives of Hezbollah and other groups sympathetic to Osama bin Laden's al Qaeda terrorist network."

And there's a more detailed article from the
Center for Nonproliferation Studies which says:

For decades the region has been home to various smugglers, terrorists, drug traffickers, arms dealers, and organized crime figures from Russia, Japan, China, and Nigeria, among other countries. Terrorists from the Middle East have also been found in the area, particularly from Lebanon and Syria. Former FBI director Louis Freeh described the area as a “free zone for significant criminal activity, including people who are organized to commit acts of terrorism.”

But that same article also seems to rely heavily on may's and could's when trying to fit al-Qaeda into the mix.

Actually, given the quote above, I'd be far more ready to put my money on a coalition of the Russian Mafia, the Yakuza, the Triads, and the Nigerian email scammers than on al-Qaeda. Oh, and Reverend Moon, of course. :-)

Anonymous said...

All around the blogosphere agendas are formulated, identities are assumed, books are contemplated, eldritch & arcane theories are postulated while the horror, undeterred by all the vigorous typing, chugs merrily along.


In a sleazy hotel room, "Brittany," then aged 16 and drugged into oblivion, waited for the men to arrive. Her pimps sent as many as 17 clients an evening through the door.

A "john" could even pre-book the pretty young blonde for $1,000 a night, sometimes flying in and then flying out from a nearby airport.

None of this happened in Bangkok or Costa Rica, places that have become synonymous with sex tourism and underage sex.

It took place in Atlanta, the buckle of the U.S. Bible Belt, where the world's busiest passenger airport provides a cheaper, more convenient and safer underage sex destination for men seeking girls as young as 10.

"Men fly in, are met by pimps, have sex with a 14-year-old for lunch, and get home in time for dinner with the family," said Sanford Jones, the chief juvenile judge of Fulton County, Georgia.

A new federal law passed in 2003 ensures that American sex tourists landing on foreign soil and hiring prostitutes under the age of 18 can get 30 years in prison.

But in Georgia, punishment for pimping or soliciting sex with a girl under 18 is only five to 20 years, according to Deborah Espy, the Deputy District Attorney of Fulton County.

"Men are coming to Atlanta to have sex with a child," said LaKendra Baker, project manager for the Center to End Adolescent Sexual Exploitation (CEASE).

Half of the street-level prostitutes in Atlanta are believed to be under 18, according to experts.

Others are booked through Internet sex sites and from social sites like Black Planet, where girls innocently post profiles, said Baker.

Just in March, police arrested a Canadian man meeting a 14-year-old girl he found through the Internet, said Cathey Steinberg, executive director of the Juvenile Justice Fund, which funds treatment for abused girls and prevention.

Another man drove from North Georgia, with a bag containing a teddy bear, a love note and condoms, snorting methamphetamine on the way.

He expected a 13-year-old girl, but instead found Heather Lackey, a corporal with the Peachtree City Police Department.

Anonymous said...

Basically, the secret societies have been gathering up and consolidating their control of the drug trade. Using the US military to do it.

Vietnam op took the Golden Triangle. Op started and ran for amny years by Lansdale, later head of Op Mongoose the overarching op on the Castro hit. (the Kennedy op, imho, goes beyond the mafia did it and everybody had to cover tracks because of ...)

Looking at the traditional international stats on opium production,one finds that in the 1930s Iran began to be the no 2 producer behind the giant China surpassing India's once thriving export business due to a Chinese embargo.

The Bosinian "thing" solidified the control of that "source." Ya know, kind of like DeBeers and diamonds.
"The cultivation of opium depends on three basic or controlling factors, viz: the economic system, weather conditions during the opium harvest and ... government regulations."

Just like there are places where wine grapes grow well, so the opium poppy. There have grown up traditional areas of cultivation. And it is I am 'sure" a coincidence that many of our overt and covert military/intel operations coincide with major US financial interests. Many times that interest seems to be foremost drugs and oil. Both substances witha long history with Skull & Bones.

With 9-11, "we" went to Afghanistan reviving an opium production facilty that had "lost" or maybe diverted elswhere its opium production. Quie sabe?

Is the sabre rattling about nukes a ploy to go wrest away the huge Iranian opium production? I am sure the op can be sold with many tugs, one being that it takes a "terrorist" income stream away. That seems to a rationale that is trotted out for the quasi-official drug smuggling. The best way to deal with the problem is to "take it over." Then sometimes a carrot is added .. "Then 'we' will shut it down ...
and we all live happily ever after.

Enough already, tis late, sorry for spelling, but I am not much of a three finger and one thumb typist

Anonymous said...

Great use of one of my favorite Bob Dylan lines, from the same song containing the line "sometimes even the President of the United States must have to stand naked," which I first heard at concert in the midst of the Nixon Watergate scandal in 1973.

Morgantheu was also one of the few prosecutors to pursue BCCI. Robert Swann Mueller III (now FBI chief) was then head of the DOJ criminal division (Richard Thornbergh, the AG) and he declined to investigate and obstructed everyone else who tried to prosecute that he could. The Bank of America had deep ties to BCCI, too.

Anonymous said...

Red Herring

Anonymous said...

Can't we all just get along?!?

Seriously, it's all good. It really is all good. It all needs to be explored. Everyone needs to write his 9/11 book!

Jeff's post is great and sniffer's argument is very sound. And even Chomsky saying none of this 9/11 matters given what these bastards are doing to our country - stuff that doesn't even require proof.

And where is Ruppert? Why doesn't Ruppert, Bowman, Griffin, Alex Jones, Wells, Millegan, McKinney - everyone who has a view, who has something to say start a friggin' newspaper called The 9/11 Daily and never stop exposing and writing and commenting until these bastards are in handcuffs, behind bars and getting due justice for treason.

Sounder said...

I mean, that's what we're talking about isn't it? At some point in history will any action be taken, or will we remain in the "blogosphere", impotent, gazing at our navels....
2:37 PM

The common consciousness will remain ignorant as long as there is no intellectual framework that illustrates clearly, how it is that our guardians of societal norms can be so creepy. People can only deal with so much cognitive dissonance after all.

Anonymous said...

Exasperation at pods and pyroclastic cloud seems legitimate. It all appears to absorb a lot of energy and go nowhere.

Yet, there are good reasons for concentrating on ‘demolition’ or ‘plane’ issues: as pointed out above, the US public does not read, and requires visuals. They need to be tipped back in their chairs going “oooh.” If it works, fine.

Beyond strategy, though, note that the ‘evidence’ for ‘demolition’ is in part publically available - videos, pictures. Not so anything (much) dealing with the financial shenanigans.

Questioning how the buildings fell or exploded is safe - something happened, people saw it, what was the cause? Profs and engineers and grannies can get to it. Claiming the buildings were demolished with explosives points no fingers to culprits, explains very little, makes the mystery even a bit darker.

The trouble with 9/11 is not that people are concentrating on the ‘wrong’ or ‘right’, ‘ vital’, or ‘tangential’, etc. issues. It is that NO ONE has dared to do even the simplest investigation on issues that might lend themselves to an amateur approach (cheap, easy, etc.) Hopsicker stands out as an exception.

Conspiracy theorists, if I may, remain completely dependent on what the mainstream media give them. They accept the picture of reality offered (sometimes contesting its veracity or validity) but can’t be bothered to construct their own. In that, they are good little bunnies.


ericswan said...

Turn your VCR on. So I did. I personally haven't gone back to examine what was recorded. It's etched in my mind; redundant and not very revealing. How does liquid jet fuel get down an elevator shaft and then catch fire? How is it someone is standing in the gaping hole where a jet has been liquified?

Would it not be appropos to follow the dead bodies before and after 911? Read the passenger list. 40 navy personnel, 75 army; scientists; programmers; genetic engineers. Not a peep from the families on jets; only the victims' families in the WTC.

ericswan said...

It is always helpful in a conspiracy to control both sides of the argument aka Republicans and Democrats. Who controls the 911 conspiracy fluidity this week?


Anonymous said...

sounder said -

The common consciousness will remain ignorant as long as there is no intellectual framework that illustrates clearly, how it is that our guardians of societal norms can be so creepy. People can only deal with so much cognitive dissonance after all.

Excellent observation, but what are you recommending?

Communism provided just such an "intellectual framework" for a generation or so, but Communism had its own problems -- not least of them, the inability to explain why Communist leaders were no less creepy than capitalist or fascist leaders.

Would you care to suggest a framework that illuminates why "leadership" itself should be so prone to creepiness, completely distinct from the nominal politics behind it?

Anonymous said...

ok, i agree with you to a degree. obviously the financial aspect on 911 is probably good enough on its face to investigate, and when thats exposed, the rest falls in place. but the how isn't moot. the most logical 'how' is controlled demolition. and this is where i stand.

you look at the 911 commission report, it doesn't even mention the 47 support columns supporting each individual tower centrally. thats 114 huge freaking steel poles that some how just ceased to exist allowing the building to fall in mere SECONDS. you can see the sides of the towers explode out milliseconds before the structure above it freefalls to the ground.

it was controlled demolition.

so now lets focus on the finances.

ericswan said...

911 is not the light at the end of the tunnel....

April 5, 2006

Unprecedented US Military Raid On Washington’s Capital Building Leads To Arrest Of Top Homeland Security Leader

By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Russian Subscribers

Russian Intelligence Analysts are reporting today that an Elite United States Military Unit staged an unprecedented raid upon that Nations Capital Building for the purpose of ransacking the offices of many of its Lawmakers for evidence pertaining to Counter-Coup forces, and their cooperation in attempting to bring down the Military Regime currently in power.

To the American people themselves they were only allowed by their propaganda media to believe that the evacuation of their Capital Building was due to a power blackout, and as we can read as reported by the Associated Press News Service in their article titled "Voltage drop causes Capitol evacuation", and which says:

"A utility company spokeswoman says a "momentary drop in voltage" caused power to automatically shut off at the U.S. Capitol today. Mary-Beth Hutchinson of the Potomac Electric Power Company says the drop was caused by "customer operations up the lines" away from the Capitol."

Most surprising about the propaganda reports relating to this blackout are to how many of the American people did not question them, especially with it being the fact that the US Capital Building, like all American Government Buildings of such importance, have their own power generating systems and have never relied upon outside sources for their power, and as in this case we can see evidenced by their own documents, and which state:

"The Capitol Power Plant is power plant which provides electricity, steam, and cooled water for the United States Capitol and other buildings in the Capitol Complex. The plant has been serving the Capitol since 1910 and is under the administration of the Architect of the Capitol (see 2 U.S.C. § 2162) The power plant was constructed under the terms of an act of Congress passed on 28 April 1904."

More curiously are that no other buildings provided power by the Capital Power Plant were similarly affected, and as we can read as reported by the Reuters News Service in their article titled "U.S. Capitol evacuated during power failure", and which says, "A Department of Homeland Security official said it was a "simple power outage" that only affected the Capitol not other buildings."

According to these reports the significance of the United States Homeland Security being the spokesmen for this ‘event’ lie in the fact that this Military Raid was sent to uncover the identity of the Top Homeland Security Official who was a part of the Counter-Coup forces and was cooperating with the US Lawmakers, and which by today’s reports from the United States appears to have now been captured, and as we can read as reported by the Associated Press News Service in their article titled "Homeland official arrested in online sex sting", and which says:

"The deputy press secretary for the U.S. Department of Homeland Security was arrested Tuesday for using the Internet to seduce what he thought was a teenage girl, authorities said. Brian J. Doyle, 55, was arrested at his residence in Maryland on charges of use of a computer to seduce a child and transmission of harmful material to a minor. The charges were issued out of Polk County, Fla."

The charges that one of the United States top Intelligence Officials, and according to his FSB biography is one of the leading technological experts in America and as evidenced by his groundbreaking report "The Use of Geographic Information Systems in the Military Decision Making Process", could ever be entrapped by such a ‘sex sting’ is laughable at its best, but at its worst brings to mind the worst atrocities committed against our own Dissidents against the Soviets, and who were likewise branded as sexual deviants and mentally ill.

But in an America today where ‘war’ has become peace and poverty for the masses has become a shining light of capitalism, anything is now possible, including their own Vice President being implicated in the 9/11 Terrorists Attacks upon that nation by one of their highest former Military Officials, and as we can read as reported by the American dissident website Disinformation.Com in their article titled "Former Star Wars Head Says Cheney Main 9/11 Suspect", and which says:

"The former head of the Star Wars missile defense program under Presidents Ford and Carter has gone public to say that the official version of 9/11 is a conspiracy theory and his main suspect for the architect of the attack is Vice President Dick Cheney.

'Dr. Robert M. Bowman, Lt. Col., USAF, ret. flew 101 combat missions in Vietnam. He is the recipient of the Eisenhower Medal, the George F. Kennan Peace Prize, the President’s Medal of Veterans for Peace, the Society of Military Engineers Gold Medal (twice), six Air Medals, and dozens of other awards and honors. His Ph.D. is in Aeronautics and Nuclear Engineering from Caltech. He chaired 8 major international conferences, and is one of the country’s foremost experts on National Security."

To the greater fear being generated in America today by the Military Rulers of that Nation we can see further evidenced in their Lawmakers fears of being seen to stand against the rise of Fascism sweeping their country, and as we can see evidenced by the WSWS News Service in their article titled "Democrats duck Senate hearing on Bush censure motion", and which says:

"The empty chairs at Friday’s Senate Judiciary Committee hearing on a motion to censure President Bush for repeatedly ordering illegal electronic surveillance by the National Security Agency aptly symbolize the attitude of both big-business parties to the defense of democratic rights. Ten of the panel’s 18 members absented themselves during testimony and debate over the censure resolution submitted by Wisconsin Democrat Russell Feingold, including five of the eight Democrats."

The arresting of the Dr. Doyle of the United States Homeland Security Directorate also quickly follows the sudden deaths of the late President Ronald Regan’s two most trusted advisors, Caspar W. Weinberger and Lyn Nofziger, and whom these reports state were firmly with the Counter-Coup forces and may have indeed been close to their most secretive leaders.

Most disturbing however about these reports are the warnings to expect more such high level arrests and murders in the coming weeks from the Military Rulers of the United States.

© April 5, 2006 EU and US all rights reserved

Anonymous said...


yes, i agree with many above. i grow incresingly suspicious the more its spoken of.

Anonymous said...

Alex Jones exposed !

Seems like Alex Jones finally is exposed:


90 procent truth.. the final 10 you'd never get through him...

Jeff Wells said...

"Seems like Alex Jones finally is exposed..."

An example of the kind of reasoning found at the link:

Charlie Sheen's real name is Carlos Irwin Estevez. The Sheen family may be Crypto Jews... Charlie Sheen and his father are probably working with the criminal network.... Charlie was probably told by the criminal network to contact Alex Jones. This implies that Alex Jones is somehow connected with the crime network, which we suspected for a long time. But what is his connection?

Oh please, do tell.

Anonymous said...

I have posted a diary on DKos about this (http://www.dailykos.com/story/2006/4/5/114946/0102) with the South America and Paraguay angles.

The 12-30-2004 WSJ-Europe article posted by anonymous above is a help. WTF is going on with this money-aundering stuff? And what's the connection today with what went on before 2001, and in 2004?

Anyone else have anything or any links to add? I'd appreciate it.

Anonymous said...

To starroute:

You said:

"Would you care to suggest a framework that illuminates why "leadership" itself should be so prone to creepiness, completely distinct from the nominal politics behind it?"

While you're at it, you could also suggest a framework that illuminates why the mass of humanity feels compelled to continually play 'follow the leader.'

During Mr. Kerry's campaign, or the campaign of any halfwit politico for that matter, it was pointed out that 'Mr. Kerry is a leader.'
No qualifiers like 'sane' or 'prudent' or 'wise' added, just that he's a 'leader.'

Why does such vague hogwash successfully pass itself off as information without being vigorously attacked for its very vagueness.
After all, a very good case could be made that both Jim Jones & Chuck Manson were 'leaders.'

Not very sane, prudent or wise leaders, but leaders nonetheless.

But, then again, maybe none of it really matters. As Emma Goldman said a long effing time ago:

"If voting changed anything, they'd make it illegal."

Anonymous said...

"Jeff said...

Oh please, do tell."

There sure are a lot of looney sites on the net. No doubt.

But I think the old maxim "where there's smoke there's fire" applies.

You must admit that it IS very odd (can we use the term high weirdness?) to have Charlie Sheen (wha?!) as the latest, and ONLY mass media, spokesperson regarding 911.....and on CNN!?!

I also applaud your efforts in bringing healthy 911 skepticism to the fore with this post, and your excellent previous ones regarding same.

In this regard, and in other posts, you've covered the possible NAZI connections with our present "ruling family", the occult, Rev. Moon, and even Christian Fundamentalists (I'm sure I've missed some here).

I see a connection forming, but it's not complete.

However, I've never observed you mentioning the possible Israeli connection in all of this. I don't mention Zionist or Jewish because my inutition tells me that there is a broader, more profound deception, perhaps at the state level.

Doesn't that deserve some "Rigorous Intuition".

Anonymous said...

The Israeli/Mossad connections to 9-11 is something that this blog tends to still consider taboo, despite it being well documented, even when there is "politically approved" type of evidence, a money trail as well. It's fascinating that people will take on David and Goliath style the whole U.S. and its military industrial complex, though very few ever touch the increasingly neocon aparthied state of Israel--with its much smaller total population of less than New York City..

The Mossad/Israeli Money Trail of 9-11

about Zionist complicity: Zim International vacates WTCs 15.Apr.2005

Another point that has slipped off the collective 'map' of 9-11 is that the shipper/trader organization, Zim International, broke its lease in the days before 9-11. It vacated rather quickly.

What is interesting about Zim International is that it is a corporation half owned by the Israeli Government.

Another point that is interesting is that despite the cover being "rent was high," why loose $40,000 right then and there for breaking your lease? And is money really all that important when you are half owned by a subsidy-based state like the State of Israel?


just grouping the posts: more here:

1. ISRAELIS were 9-11 short sale stock buyers, betting on WTC terror strikes, story killed...
00:40 Apr-11 (19 comments)

2. Israel Honors Lavon Affair Terrorists Who Attacked U.S. in '54, attempted to blame "Arabs"
21:20 Apr-03 (2 comments)

3. 9-11 False Flag Operation
author: Vicky
Link to a video This is a must see video.
"9/11 is an _Expression of a Deep and Abiding Crisis in the Capitalist
World Order: 9/11 a CIA- MOSSAD False Flag Operation," by Ralph Schoenman
911 PEOPLE'S INQUIRY SF, 2004, www.globalresearch.ca 18 February 2005
The URL of this article is:
http://globalresearch.ca/articles/SCH502A.html CLICK TO VIEW VIDEO

4. newswire article reposts united states 11.Feb.2005 18:39
9.11 investigation
author: Phillip Yardley
It is a little known, but historical fact that Israel has attacked the United States several times. Yet, we now know that our New Homeland Security Chief helped Israel to do so.

5. newswire article coverage united states 11.Feb.2005 18:24
9.11 investigation
author: Dr. David Duke
There is hard, factual evidence that Michael Chertoff, the new Homeland Security Chief, has ties with the financiers of 9-11.
As incredible as this news may seem, it has now been revealed that the nominee of President Bush for the new Secretary of Homeland Security, Michael Chertoff, has ties with a man suspected of financing the 911 attacks, Dr. Magdy Elamir. There is also convincing evidence that Chertoff as head of the Criminal Division of the U.S. Justice Department shielded this financier of 911 from prosecution in a terrorist case.

6. newswire article reposts united states 11.Dec.2004 05:05
9.11 investigation
Silverstein admits PRE-RIGGING WTC7 to "pull it" on 9-11; & 1 BLOCK OVER,collects insur.?!
author: pink elephant in the room watch
Price of false cover story on 9-11 getting bigger and bigger...as it frays thinner and thinner.

7. newswire article announcements global 10.Nov.2004 06:43
9.11 investigation | media criticism | police / legal
Censored Fox News series available: MOSSAD trails/helps[?] false flag terrorists of 9-11
author: repost
To rewrite history, the 4 part series that aired in December 2001 was even removed from Fox News so-called archives!
However, the documentary is still available from another source, below:

Anonymous said...

Take the blue pill and the story ends or..........
The five Israelis made such a spectacle that everyone who saw them felt compelled to call the police. According to ABC's 20/20, when the van belonging to the cheering Israelis was stopped by the police, the first word out of the driver's (Sivan Kurzberg's) lying mouth were: "We are Israelis. We are not your problem. Your problems are our problems. The Palestinians are your problem." The police and FBI field agents became really suspicious when they found box
cutters (the same items the hijacker supposedly used), $4700 cash stuffed in a sock, and foreign passports. Police also told the Bergen Record that bomb sniffing dogs were brought to the van and that they reacted as if they had smelled explosives.

From there, the story gets even more suspicious. The Israelis worked for a Weehawken moving company known as Urban Moving Systems. An American employee of Urban Moving Systems told the Bergen Record that a majority of his co- workers were Israelis and they were all joking about the attacks. The employee, who declined to give his name, said "I was in tears. These guys were joking and that bothered me."

A few days after the attacks, Urban Moving System's Israeli owner, Dominick Suter, dropped his business and fled the country. He was in such a hurry to flee America that some of Urban Moving System's customers were left with their furniture stuck in storage facilities. The five Israeli army veterans (Mossad) were held in custody for several months before being quietly released. Some of the movers had been kept in solitary confinement for 40 days.

5. Bergen Record (New Jersey). September 12, 2001. Paolo Lima. Google users enter: Bergen Lima five israelis

Peter M said...

Check out 'Strength of the Wolf,' by Douglas Valentine. It is a dry internal history of the Federal Bureau of Narcotics, led by Harry Anslinger. It is established through multiple sources that Anslinger knowingly lied about China's opium production so that he wouldn't have to talk about the drug-running US puppet in Taiwan or the effectiveness of treatment over incarceration.

If you suppose that things might have been different before 1949, that is reasonable. Remember, however, that the British were importing opium into China. In the 30's, opium was the #1 crop of the Japanese occupation, a fact not merely coincidental to the Taiwanese power structure nor to the face of US covert operations emanating out China's OSS headquarters, KunMing, via the Flying Tigers. Check it out in "Gold Warriors," by the Seagraves.

Which brings us back to Landsdale, Secord, Arlington, and "rendition" flights. Wall Street is the central pillar of this entire edifice, and the dope addicts are the symptom not the cause. They multiply through every debt crisis, war, rape, and 'privitization.' The usefulness of talking about controlled demolitions is only real if it allows us to reconsider why trillions of dollars are flying through the ether and yet war, famine, and pestilence persist.

Anonymous said...

Five Men Detained As Suspected Conspirators

by Paulo Lima
The Bergen Record [New Jersey newspaper]
September 12, 2001

Eight hours after terrorists struck Manhattan's tallest skyscrapers, police in Bergen County detained five men who they said were found carrying maps linking them to the blasts. The five men, who were in a van stopped on Route 3 in East Rutherford around 4:30 p.m., were being questioned by police but had not been charged with any crime late Tuesday.

However, sources close to the investigation said they found other evidence linking the men to the bombing plot. "There are maps of the city in the car with certain places highlighted," the source said. "It looked like they're hooked in with this. It looked like they knew what was going to happen when they were at Liberty State Park."

Sources also said that bomb-sniffing dogs reacted as if they had detected explosives. The FBI seized the van for further testing, authorities said. Sources said the van was stopped as it headed east on Route 3, between the Hackensack River bridge and the Sheraton hotel. As a precaution, police shut down Route 3 traffic in both directions after the stop and evacuated a small roadside motel near the Sheraton.

Sources close to the investigation said the men said they were Israeli tourists, but police had not been able to confirm their identities. Authorities would not release their names. East Rutherford officers stopped the van after the FBI's Newark Office broadcast an alert asking surrounding police departments to look for a white Chevrolet van, police said.

"We got an alert to be on the lookout for a white Chevrolet van with New Jersey registration and writing on the side," said Bergen County Police Chief John Schmidig. "Three individuals were seen celebrating in Liberty State Park after the impact. They said three people were jumping up and down."

East Rutherford officers summoned the county bomb squad, New Jersey state troopers, and FBI agents, who waited alongside the van as prosecutors from the U.S. Attorney's Office tried to obtain a warrant to search the van late Tuesday, Schmidig said. The FBI alert, known as a BOLO or "Be On Lookout," was sent out at 3:31 p.m. It read:

"Vehicle possibly related to New York terrorist attack. White, 2000 Chevrolet van with New Jersey registration with 'Urban Moving Systems' sign on back seen at Liberty State Park, Jersey City, NJ, at the time of first impact of jetliner into World Trade Center. "Three individuals with van were seen celebrating after initial impact and subsequent explosion. FBI Newark Field Office requests that, if the van is located, hold for prints and detain individuals."

State police Col. Barry W. Roberson confirmed the traffic stop at a late night news briefing at state police headquarters in Trenton. He would not elaborate, however. A business traveler staying at the Homestead Studio Hotel said she watched state troopers drive the suspects away in a procession of state police cars about 5 p.m. "First, they told us we could hang out in the lobby, but then they told us to leave," the traveler said.

At 10 p.m., the hotel guest said she could see at least two police officers searching through the van while a crowd of other officers kept their distance.

Anonymous said...

To those who are getting all excited about "Following the money trail", the last posts illustrate what why will certainly become the next phase of the psy-op. The trail of crumbs have been laid. Crumbs leading straight to the Jews. Same as it ever was.

Anonymous said...

re: "ISRAELIS were 9-11 short sale stock buyers, betting on WTC terror strikes, story killed" Where's the evidence of that in the link you provided? And linking to a David Duke article doesn't do you any favors.

Anonymous said...

Re: Douglas Valentine

Exercise caution

here's Valentine from this link http://www.ccmep.org/2003_articles/Iraq/121103_preemptive_manhunting_the_cia.htm

from this discussion about Seymour Hersh being a disinfo agent

"...everyone knows, the Israelis are the world's masters of assassination and terrorizing an entire people into submission. What Hersh doesn't mention is that the blanket of censorship that prevents the American media from criticizing Israel for its war crimes...
Compare America's conquest of Iraq with Israeli's conquest of Palestine, and you begin to understand....
In this respect both Hersh and The New Yorker serve as essential instruments of the Big Lie..."

now, I don't think Hersh is kosher either, but Valentine's final analysis here is flawed and dangerous.

Peter M said...

Read "Clash of Fundametalisms," by Tariq Ali. Following British power flows, Israel was founded by Athiests. Let's consider how to value anti-Zionist sentiments on the net:
is the poster a blatent anti-Semite? OK, ignore them. is the poster incapable of seeing the countless peoples and causes manipulated by the Atlantic Alliance for cynical purposes? OK, not credible. Is the poster as concerned with Colombian peasants as Palestinian refugees, or would they prefer to scapegoat the Jews for the problems inherent to a geopolitics of empire?

The authenticity of critique is a function of our recognition of the Other. Zionism is polysemous; it means one thing for war-planners and something different to those who have been brutalized into accepting the transmutation of religion into nationalism. Neither reading is perfectly valid or invalid, but a rational discourse is not possible in times of mass impoverisation clouded by propaganda. Every time an urgent domestic issue implicates a Zionist somewhere in the process, just remember that the Fascists in Arlington are not being straightforward and they must be dealt with first. The Atlantic Alliance controls Israel, not the other way around.

Anonymous said...

FYI, that Leo Wanta case referred to above is bogus. I'm an attorney and did a search--- there was no federal decision awarding this guy anything. This was debunked some time ago.

anonymous 9:45, were you able to check the below:
"Miapollo Investments v. Morgan Stanley, 3:03CV571.
Two possible sources are:
1) From the law firm that represents Miapollo.
Goodwin, Sutton & DuVal
Old City Hall, Suite 350
101 East Broad Street
Richmond, Virginia 23218
2) The Clerk of the US District Court in Richmond, Virginia.
US District Court
1000 E. Main Street. Richmond, VA 23219
Clerk's Office 804-916-2220


Then, the pages have to be scanned and posted."

also, debunked by whom? seems to be a helluva lot of info on this...

Anonymous said...

Most of us have taken to this world wide web to try and get a better picture of both our world and the dramatically changing nature of our places in it.

This has to be understood as both a cause, as well as a response, to the equally growing and now all too obvious growth of world-wide political repression and corporate dominance that seeks to completely take over our daily lives and personal affairs.

The more we search, discuss and seek it's roots and causes the more we begin to realize that this particular struggle has always been with us in some form or other and only grows ever more overt, obvious, and determined even as our own growing awareness of it's presence and effects on us does.

What we do not readily recognise is the true nature of the picture that actually confronts us, either on the web here or in the world at large outside our very doorsteps.

That these are merely parts of an even more complex and interwoven reality that we are all ultimately reponsible for.

We look for "a reason" and are confronted by far too many. We look for "an agenda" and are suddenly aware that literally everyone has one, including ourselves.

We seek some single identifiable "agency" that might be responsible for controlling and directing such forces against us while more and more candidates boldly step forth from the shadows.

We are pawns, all of us, constantly victimizing and being victimized within all the atificial systems, structures and devices we have foolishly created to help control our lives and supposedly make them safer and easier.

These have become so inordinately large, complex, and self-directing that they are finally overtaking and controlling us in an essentially "reducto-ad-absurdum" approach to all of our problems.

It is nothing less than the final silencing or elimination of any humans that either happen to have them or simply dare to acknowledge their existence.

Our structures and forms of control and governance are all built and evolved from a basic fear of both the "natural world" and supposedly "natural human" behavior that has never seen any innate order, logic or purpose to them beyond what can be imposed upon it from without.

That "natural" was made unnatural and the artificial replaced it both within our minds and without.

That shism is being steadily revealed in our growing consciousness and developing sense of awareness. It is externalising itself in an increasingly irrational, disfunctional and even morbid sense of purpose that has overtaken both our institutions and our workplaces.

The furthest reaches of our knowledge and understanding have brought us right back to the door where we came in. We have played hell and havoc with ourselves and our world to such an extent in our quest we cannot even now admit the truth it is relentlessly revealing.

All of our routines and systems have nothing left to feed on but us and themselves and they simply cannot continue otherwise.

What we see are not the desperate efforts of desperate men to prevent an ultimate breakdown of the system but the final breakdown itself fully blown and underway.

Peter M said...

Yes Silverfox, brilliant! But about D. Valentine, that article by him was great. I am grateful to Seymour Hersh for exposing the programs he did. Whether he believes they are 'new,' or must simply couch his articles in language conducive to the publishing world is unknowable to us. Since Valentine is wired into the heart of the US death machine, maybe he knows something about Hersh's actual intentions, or maybe his hysteria is the traumatic result of understanding our imperial policy. Either way, he is someone who sees the echoes of Phoenix in every US client state, and is completely fearless in describing the 'big' (worldly) picture. Another brave researcher is Daniele Ganser, who has apparently contributed to that World Affairs journal, which is also totally awesome.

If that DC blackout article is true, then the system is certainly convulsing quite violently now.

foist lastus said...

re:Crumbs leading straight to the Jews -retort...
Why Do the Illuminati Hate Jews?


check out the articles section

Anonymous said...

"Every time an urgent domestic issue implicates a Zionist somewhere in the process, just remember that the Fascists in Arlington are not being straightforward and they must be dealt with first. The Atlantic Alliance controls Israel, not the other way around."

Good strategy--if you are on their side, troll.

That's just empty semantics. It's a Christo-fundamentalist-Zionist ALLIANCE. You can't deal with only one side 'first' there is no 'central there' as you claim in control. They work together with or against each other as the particular case may be on different issues.

So, since it is alliance based, attack all sides for their state terrorism and let them duke it out.

Divide and conquer I say. They certainly have perfected it in the States by throwing the antisemite card around for all who want a far more democratic and less corrupt Israel instead of one run by neocon style organized crime as it is now. It's getting so bad there that Israel now accepts Russian organized crime figures running from justice in Russia for their finanical frauds.

Anonymous said...

I assumed they put Sheen on CNN, 'cuz they thought everyone would be watching basketball, so no one would care.

Anonymous said...

yes, i remember watching my local news and it was a quick 15 second blurb saying 'the power went out at the u.s. capital' and i instantly became suspicious.

all very interesting..

Peter M said...

Yes, Russian gangsters, who let them out of the cage, like so many ghosts crashing through the firehouse roof? The Bank of New York, you dumbass. Gangsterism has a lot more to do with money than any messianic cause. If you lend credibility to Zionism and or Billy Graham's lies, you have already lost site of where power is localized and how it is deployed. Those same Russian gangsters are a crucial mechanism to union-smashing, arms shipments, sexual slavery, money laundering, and everything else associated with the Tri-Border region. In reality, there is no Zion and no Second Coming, there is only force and all politics is local.

cabdriver said...

"there are good reasons for concentrating on ‘demolition’ or ‘plane’ issues: as pointed out above, the US public does not read, and requires visuals. They need to be tipped back in their chairs going “oooh.” If it works, fine."

Funny about that- all of the sites that I've seen that rely on "visuals" to make their case about 9-11 (such as it is) also include considerable verbiage, to walk people through the visual material and tell them what they're "really" looking at (according to the author of the website.) Or failing that, they raise leading rhetorical questions and innuendoes that favor the conclusions being advanced. Without the accompanying text, the "visual evidence" being presented is, in my view, generally fragmentary, low-resolution, and overall unimpressive, in and of itself.

I'm not ruling out the idea that some of the visual evidence presented may contain suspicious indications. But the material I've personally viewed neither speaks for itself, or lends itself to amateur analysis.

The physical evidence of the 9-11 attack is either long-gone or unavailable to reliable analysis via the medium of the Internet. If there's anything in photos or video, it's going to require expert analysis of the original material by a panel of credentialed, non-anonymous experts using state-of-the-art equipment who are able to come some semblance of consensus about the interpretation of the data.

Anonymous said...

The more I look into this set-up, the more I'm getting suspicious...

world affairs journal "awesome"

they're a mixed bunch
with a couple of real poison pills thrown in


TE "Big (meterable)Space Platforms are the answer, not solar on earth" Bearden

Richard "Star Kids -- need I say any more" Boylan

Leuren "I distribute AFP holocaust revisionist pamphlets at 9/11 events" Moret

highly questionable deserving further investigation:


Sacred Cow:

Peter M said...

I bet you know all about Lauren Moret, you G-2 hack.

Anonymous said...

If y'all are going to get the revolution started, you best do it soon.

The CDC announced that 1 in 3 Americans are now officially obese.

All the perspective changing visuals in Alex Jone's archives won't be worth squat if your target audience finds itself too fat to pry themselves out of their armchairs.

Although, that might be a strategy. Instead of wasting money on long boring documentaries that no one but the converted will watch, maybe the 911 Truth Movement could pool its money for an in-home Twinkie/Ho-Ho delivery service. All bovine America would have to do is moo "George Bush is a Nazi Satan loving pedophile terrorist enabler" to take advantage of the full benefits of their junk food delivery service.

Hell, it couldn't be any less effective than voting, could it?

Anonymous said...

"Richard said

All bovine America would have to do is moo "George Bush is a Nazi Satan loving pedophile terrorist enabler" to take advantage of the full benefits of their junk food delivery service."

Make mine a pack of Skittles! The shit is about to hit the fan and Cynthia McKinney is wearing goggles!

Jeff, are you paying close attention to your Discussion Board and "The Screwing of Cynthia McKinney"? A lot of clues are being exposed as each one of her enemies sounds off!

And how about George Bush Sr. and Barrick Gold!? There's a nice bone to gnaw on...

Anonymous said...

To anonymous 11:12:

I came within a micrometer of pencilling Cynthia McKinney's name in in the last election. I t was going to be my big protest vote. The thought of 4 more years of GW kind of swayed me away from that though.

Personally, I think they're f*cking with her because she has bigger balls than they do.

As a matter of fact, you could probably lop off all the testes in the House & Congress, plop them in a big wheelbarrow, & her balls would still be bigger.

Anonymous said...


There is no doubt "they" are fucking with her. Did you see CNN this evening? I'm afraid it's going to get ugly. "They" are going to make a real example of her because she DOES have bigger balls than all of the other insects on Capitol Hill.

Pretty sad.

spooked said...

Oh yeah Jeff-- you're *ALL ABOUT* 9/11 truth aren't you?


It's funny how people LOVE to make fun of holograms, but they never really say why it is so absurd.

Holograms have never been a popular theory for 9/11 and most people reject the idea now. The hot theory is video manipulation: evidence is building that videos of showing the second plane hitting the south tower were faked.

ericswan said...

The McKinney incident raises the issue of money and how many bread crumbs are cast on the waters of the police state. What a little OT does for a family income. If it comes down to taking those "crumbs" out of the mouths of babes or whoppers from the "ituned out" you have to figure the odds are against us.

Anonymous said...

Your children, Foot and Mouth, will be both safer and wiser, as will you, for their not being old enough to attempt to engage in this particular peril of the moment.

It is the future beyond this present madness that needs to be considered. Their future, and how to get to it, over, under or around this major freakup.

The number of young lives as well as hapless civilians already sacrificed or smashed beyond repair on this account still grows daily with more to follow while all those responsible look and plan only for more of the same.

"God" my friend, is neither the creator nor the judge in any games of "good" or "evil".

Those are merely concepts created by man himself for himself, as is his predilliction for punishing or destroying anyone or anything that does not conform to whatever his definitions of them might be at any given moment in time.

Those big imaginary shoes the imaginary god he has created in his own likeness must seemingly wear. As must he too, apparently if he is to be worthy of such a truly "awesome" god...hmmm?

We are given a world of infinite possibilities, restricted and restrained only by whatever fearfull beliefs we harbour about ourselves and our own abilities.

We see the all the deliberate hurt and harm and fearfully consider it to be somehow hiding within our very genes, never guessing that it's that undeserved and lowly opinion itself and the fear and ignorance that begets it that has always given rise to them.

A moment will come, if it already hasn't, when you will suddenly find yourself looking directly into the very wide eyes of a toddler that has smilingly sought out your own for nothing more than the delightfull little pleasure of both seeing them and being seen by them.

You will just as suddenly be aware that your entire face has been commandeered by a smile that required no thought for none at all was needed. Finally the recipient of a glance you yourself sent the very same way whose misplaced memory vibrates somewhere beneath all your years.

In the mental space of that spontaneous little moment the realization will dawn that their only true limitations are the ones that you and this world of ours will unwittingly give to them.

The only protection against that is Love. The imminent danger, however, awaits us all in each and every moment when it's presence can't be felt.

Anonymous said...

My problem with the 'plane didn't hit the pentagon' angle of attack reside solely in the films that supposedly exist but elusively remain unreleased.

as the steam grows on this, if it does, I mean Charlie Sheen for Christ's sake, I'm not a big tv watcher but I can almost hear the Charlie Sheen/Amber Lynn jokes as I type this, but if this does grow steam, all it would take would be one big video dump on the media & the entire backlog of really compelling, yet not so easily rebuffed, evidence will go washing right down the toilet.

consciousprophet said...

Isn't the "Tri-border" region also where most of the Nazis who escaped in the Ratlines after WW II ended up congregating? It would be interesting to explore a connection (which I'd bet there is one!). I also wonder if all the South Americans flooding into America might not be descendants of these Nazis? I met a woman in Arizona who said she was of Argentinian and German mixed-blood! I didn't dare ask her when or how half her family tree got to Argentina but I'd guess they were probably Nazis who were smuggled there. The pedophile, Paul Schaefer (A Nazi, not David Letterman's band leader!), was operating a neo-Nazi cult out of this region as well! It seems this area must be a vortex of criminality and fascism?

Check out my blog which deals with similar topics and may include this topic in the near future:


Anonymous said...

Anonymous One,check out the book "The Hidden Dangers of The Rainbow" by Constance Cumbey.This book was written in 82, hard to belive she would be so right about most of her predictions.Most of all the link between man and the overlord being the rainbow bridge to your soul,later.

Sounder said...

Starroute said,
"Would you care to suggest a framework that illuminates why "leadership" itself should be so prone to creepiness, completely distinct from the nominal politics behind it.”

The expert class makes their money by covering up the 'basic fault’; this is the difference between our perceptions of reality and reality itself. They got this job when at the Consul of Nicea, it was determined that common doctrine or dogma was more important than individual intuitive realizations.

This drove the freethinking impulse underground for many centuries. It was allowed to reenter the public sphere under control of the dogmatists via their clever promotions of the dualistic pretence.
The natural resistors were then given a recipe to produce their own dogmas. This results in an intellectual climate where being is said to precede consciousness. This being contrary to reality produces much cognitive dissonance, and of course, more work for the expert classes as they try to keep society patched together.

Anyway, this is some of why our leaders can tend towards creepiness, more on the actual framework later.

Then Richard,

"While you're at it, you could also suggest a framework that illuminates why the mass of humanity feels compelled to continually play 'follow the leader.'"

We have been conditioned for centuries to submit to prescribed expressions of being so that we seem to have lost our own internal compass.

Think, resonance, powers and principalities, Ahriman, Christ and Lucifer. Unbalanced expressions of order or liberty can masquerade as good if given the proper gloss in the proper crowd.

Anonymous said...

consciousprophet -

There were a lot of Germans in Argentina well before the Nazis -- that's one reason why so many of the Nazis ended up there.

My recollection is that in the late 1800's, there was a deliberate effort by Argentina to attract European settlers in general, not just from Spain. Argentina has a more temperate zone climate than most of South America and did not have a dense population of Native Americans, and the hope was to turn it into a purely 'European' nation.

So the impulse was a racist one, but it long predated the Nazis.

blogbart said...

Looking at the forest can tell you more than looking at individual trees, especially if you are only looking at one or two trees.

Imagine looking at one spruce tree in a poplar tree forest and claiming that its a spruce forest!

Oh sure, the spruce tree is still there. It is real. But it is in the middle of 10,000 poplar trees.

See the poplar forest.

Feel the outrage.

Demand justice.

There will be lots of time to come back and look at the spruce tree later.

Anonymous said...

RDR - I believe the analysis of the visuals is not bad at all. But it is indeed sometimes vague, questionable, hard to follow, or even lunatic, etc. I was thinking more of DVD’s like Loose Change which I personally haven’t seen. Simple example: showing WTC 7 come tumbling straight down when it wasn’t obviously hit (full of strange holes, etc.) or an inferno of fire, etc. People (reportedly) sit up and say, WTF, how did that happen? The fact that WTC 7 is left out of the Commission report then makes people suspicious, etc.

I find it hard to direct anyone to a good, clear analysis of visuals. It takes expert knowledge to even judge them! One example that has been partly worked out is: taking all the available footage of the 2nd WTC hit showing the plane, whether presumed real or fake, taken by whomever, without considering the source, and comparing them. If it can be shown that the different videos diverge in size of plane and speed of plane (with huge margins, no little finagling - nothing about model of Boeing, wing span, pods, amount of visible blast, etc.), but more importantly, flight path (again, we are talking N vs. S or left vs. right and not degrees) the conclusion that some of the videos are fakes would be inescapable. Now, it is not excluded that some pranksters managed to tout (sell) fake videos.

Which videos - roughly - and I mean very roughly - could be taken as representing the same event? Which videos obviously present another, possibly invented, event? Do they fall into classes? If so, how many? Do we have two pictured events, or more, or what? Do we have copies of the same video that has been slightly altered (this is really very easy to check) in order to multiply the images, present diversity where none existed orginally? That would be ‘normal’ - TV stations do it all the time, to highlight drama, fit their timing, etc.

These are very reasonable, sensible questions, and they are *easy to answer* -within some carefully set very broad limits. Presenting the results of the analysis is tough, very tough. Inevitably, one will find oneself in the position of the persudader who has no proof. Obscure bloggers wind around this stuff, are not read, or scoffed at! How many Americans, pray, can say, using compass points, which direction the second WTC hit plane flew into the WTC? From where (general direction only, linked to overall presumed, filmed ! trajectory)?

Nobody (or practically) has a clue.

All people see is a plane about to hit a building or zooming into it. That fits the official story.

The drama and the image, and the hype around it, suspend rational thought. And it does not matter if the images are contradictory, no one will notice. Perps knew right from the start that the sheeples would believe and that those who questioned would be branded ‘conspiracy theorists.’

Because it does not matter anymore. Anyone can make reality, right? Their own?

example of obscure blogger:



Anonymous said...

Wolfowitz, Feith, Perle, Zakheim.

Something tells me that they are more than just scapegoats. However, they may not care that it is the average Jew who will get blamed as well.

ericswan said...

I screwed this up a bit. Going through FOIA on Nikola Tesla..The technology for HAARP (on this planet) is related directly to Tesla's experiments in Colorado circa 1899. In these experiments, Tesla was forcng ELF into SWF causing fireballs and extraordinary lightning fields which most have seen in photographic evidence. In the FBI reports, at least two of Tesla's close friends reported that he (Tesla) was in communication with extra terrestrials and as these witnesses reported, were from Mars.
He was using an "off the shelf" radio transmitter to accomplish this feat.

The FBI report also indicates that Tesla had contacted the "government" the day before his untimely death January 6, 1943 to say that he had a weapon characterized widely in the media at the time, as a death ray which could intercept any aircraft within 250 miles and an invention which alluded to the wireless transmission of electricity. The files and Tesla's Edison gold medal were never found. The remainder of his work was collected by the Office of Alien Property and in the presence of Sava Kosanovich, a distant relation and a former Minister of State for Yugoslavia, taken to a government warehouse in New York City. Copies were made but vehemently denied by FBI until these documents were declassified on 7-2-1980.

The following exerpts are found in part one of the FOIA subject Nikola Tesla..

"Mr. George H. Scherff Jr. advised that he had received two letters...

Mr. Scherff stated that he was an associate of Nikola Tesla in 1914 and that for many years, his father had been Dr. Tesla's private secretary. Mr. Scherff said that he had never heard of Leland J. Anderson nor did he ever hear of any of the names mentioned in Anderson's letter."...(February 3, 1954)
"Mr. Scherff stated that he has quite a bit of Tesla's writings in his posession and he didn't know whether or not they would be of value to a foreign government."
paragraph redacted
"No further action taken by New York Office."

Leland Anderson's letter to FBI? Scherff says he got two letters from Anderson but there is no indication in this file that he answered the letters. the letter head and envelope with a completely unreadable copy of the letter is dated 1953. The Scherff interview with FBI says he got the letters but this followup letter seems to indicate that the letter was not answered as Anderson says he can't find Scherff in the mostly unreadable FOIA ..February 3, 1954
"I have had some difficulty locating a few of Tesla's associates, and the name of George Scherff is (uninteligable)..Therefore it is my (unintelable) are the person I seek as having been associated with Tesla" Several pages of white garbage on a black background which looks like pointed questions to George Scherff and his relationship to Tesla and his work.

"February 12, 1953

header..Leland J. Anderson, 127 Seymour Ave., S.E. Minnneapolis,14,Minnesota

completely unreadable letter with white on black background

envelope..."To George Scherff, 149 Secord Road, New Rochelle, N.Y."

Tesla's speech and subsequent article .."New York Times..9/22/40

Reporter William A. Lawrence."

"Tesla stated that this new type of force would operate through a beam one hundredth millionth of a square centimetre in diameter and could be generated from a special plant that would cost no more than two million dollars and would take no more than three months to construct." .."no possible defence...and all penetrating"


"Mr. (redacted) provided a two page copy of the above mentioned newsletter which Mr. And Mrs. Storm have been distributing in connection with the alleged invention by Tesla, which according to Mr. and Mrs. Storm, consists of a radio type machine known as the Tesla Set which was invented by Mr. Tesla in 1938 for interplanetary communication. Mr. and Mrs. Storm claim that Tesla's engineers did not complete the Tesla Set until after Tesla's death in 1943. Mr and Mrs. Storm claim that this set was placed in operation in 1950 and since that time Tesla engineers have been in close contact with space ships etc. (3)"

ericswan said...

This is a well read and love filled group. Probably a good spot for an over long cut and paste email I received moments ago.

----- Original Message -----
From: Eric Jon Phelps
To: Carl Hewlett
Sent: Thursday, April 06, 2006 1:29 PM
Subject: Re: A Roman

Dear Brother Carl,
----- Original Message -----
From: Carl Hewlett
To: Eric Jon Phelps
Sent: Wednesday, April 05, 2006 1:46 PM
Subject: Re: A Roman

Bro. Eric,

I want to thank you for your taking the time to answer my inquiries. You are a gentleman and a tireless worker. There are a couple of minor points I'll respond to later, but nothing major.

I wanted to throw this up to you. With all this hype about Iran and its nuclear possibiliies, according to the Biblical context of the seven-year tribulation period Iran (the Medes) will be a nuclear power to be dealt with, along with Russia and her allies.

Agreed. Just before mid-trib when Gog of Magog, prince of Rosh (Russia), Meshech (Moscow) and Tubal (Tubolsk) attacks regathered Israel (Ex.38:8), Persia, i.e., IRAN, will be with Gog. So Iran cannot be destroyed in this Papal Crusade. Its population is to be reduced, while exciting the survivors to attack the Pope's fascist, 14th Amendment American Empire. the aftermath will be a unification with the Pope's Russia, now led by Knight of Malta Vladimir Putin. Remember, the SMOM, aided by the Jesuits, have ruled Russia since the Assassination of Tzar Alexander II in 1881.

These nations are mentioned as coming against Babylon and leaving her as a desert (That reminds me of Vladimir Zhironofsky's quote in Time Magazine years ago when he said, "If anybody messes with me, I'll leave them a parched desert."). What I am saying is that Iran cannot be destroyed,


or at least her nuclear capability taken out, before the appearing of the Lord, since she will play a major role in destroying the great commercial and political Babylon.

First, there is no evidence that atomic bombs can be dropped and detonate as air-bursts. This was not done at Hiroshima or Nagasaki. Both devices were assembled on the ground by Jesuit German physicists, including Jesuit Kleinsorge, overseen by the future Jesuit General, Pedro Arrupe, whose Jesuit master was in control of the Japanese High Command via the Masonic Emperor, Hirohito. (It was for this reason that Hirohito did not allow his Japanese people to surrender during the Summer of 1945; the bombs had to be detonated under cover of an ariel, B-29 bombardment using magnesium flash bombs laced with radioactive materials delivered to Tinian Island by the USS Indianapolis, later deliberately sunk by Admiral Nimitz and the Japanese Navy.) Thus the concept of Airborne Nuclear War is a complete Hoax, created to serve as the foundation for the Pope's Cold War Hoax. Therefore the entire theory that Iran can launch a nuclear missile against Israel is a lie, and thus a pretext for the invasion of Iran as well as Iraq, both nations having been armed by the CFR-controlled US government in the 1980s. (I was stationed with Iranians in Denver in the mid 1970s.)

Besides, there is too much at stake with Russia and China and the rest of the Arab world for the US or Israel to move against Iran. This would cause a domino effect and apocalyptic repercussions typical of the tribulation period.

Disagreed. Since there is no such thing as Ariel Nuclear War (only detonations of pre-set devices when in the proper relation to the sun during its corkscrew, up-and-down circuit of the earth), Iran can easily be invaded as was Iraq. In fact it appears that the possiblilty exists that the US and Russia could act together in the Iranian invasion, Russia be given the oil fields for its military machine, and then the US then turn on one another---as was done between Stalin and HItler over Poland in 1939. There are also 14 permanent US military bases now in Iraq, to be used throughout this anti-Moslem Crusade.

Neither can Israel be destroyed since she will be a major factor in the "covenant with death", i.e. the Antichrist's peace accord (not to mention the fact that God won't allow it.).

Totally Agreed. It is for this reason that I am traduced when I publicly declare that the nation of Israel as it exists today can never be destroyed persuant to Ezekiel 38:8. Once the nation has been reestablished, it cannot be destroyed and then reestablished again.

Wouldn't China be related to the "kings of the East" (which come on the scene during the tribulation) and not the "great nation" and nations out of "the North" which will come against Babylon?

I believe that indeed, China will be the heart of "the kings of the east" who will cross the Euphrates River and attack Israel at the end of the Great Tribulation. But since I do not believe the city of Babylon of Jeremiah 51 and Isaiah 12 is the American Empire (rather I believe that the prophecies have both a present and future reference to the destruction of then city of Babylon and the future city of Rome (spiritual Babylon existing during the Day of the Lord)), China can most definitely be used to attack the US before the Day of the Lord. Presently this is the scenario now unfolding in both China and the US. Knight of Malta Alexander Haig, Jr., is a member of the board of COSCO. Thus the Jesuit Order, in fulfilling its Counter Reformation quest is preparing China---and Japan--- to attack the US as the grand finale of this Third Thirty Years' War.

My question is, Where does China enter in to the destruction of the US? Wouldn't she be acting a little before her time? Or is she just set up as a looming threat to be able to bring about some political "move" predetermined by the Order?

No, China will be used against the US in the future. There is now a huge fifth column on the West Coast, and China now controls the deep water ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach, as well as the locks of the Panama Canal. This is an obvious policy of encirclement, as was done to Germany by France, Britain and Russia prior to WWI. The Kaiser spoke of this policy in his desperate telegrams to cousin, Tzar Nicholas II, after the Tzar, under orders of his Jesuit masters, ordered the mobilization of over 1 million Russian troops on the Prussian border which mobilization ignited WWI.

Yes, I agree with God's judgment on this world as the purpose for the tribulation. However, his judgment is not coming because we as God's people have not "stood up" against oppressive and corrupt govenments, but due to the overall worldwide apostasy and moral corruption, caused by a lukewarm, saltless, cowardly, and corrupted church, e.g. as illustrated by Lot and his family living in Sodom.

Agreed. But you confuse the present judgment of the US with the future judgment of of the nations during the Day of the Lord within the Great Tribulation. My position is that the US, since the days of William McKinley's Spanish-American War, has been "the Sword of the Church" without any serious resistance from the Lord's Protestant and Baptists peoples in this nation. We all ran off to fight the Pope's Second Thirty Years' War (1914-1945) and his Cold War (1945-1989) and now his Third Thirty Years' War (2001-2030?). As mentioned previously, a people is responsible for the actions of its government. WWI, WWII (HItler and Stalin), the Cold War (the US and the USSR's building of its industrial military complexes) was paid for and fought for by the Lord's Bible believing Church led by the papal knights running the country. For this apostasy and aiding Jesuit murder via the CFR-controlled US government, we deserve to be given the treatment of John 15:6---the intended purpose for the Pope's US concentration camps. The only escape from this national judgment is to do exactly what the Covenanters and Presbyterians did in the 1600s---a public confession of sins, enter into covenant with each other as independent churches and then declare our independence. These documents can be found in the addendums of The Westminster Confession of Faith available from Free Presbyterian Publications , 1983.

Standing up to the Order and the Black Nobility families will not make for a more spiritual church on this earth, when she is in love with Hollywood and is filled with covetousness from her head to her toes, and to add, has left the old path long ago.

Thus, repentence is necessary first.

Seceding and forming a new nation will not add to the spiritual testimony and quality of God's people within that new nation.

No, but it will enable us to do what the Puritans did in the 1600s---escape the persecutions intended to destroy us and provide a nation in which we can worship God in obedience to the Reformation Bible---the AV1611.

The world is at the point where she needs to be completely renovated, having the "works that are therein" burned up. You can't put a bandaid on a cancer and expect it to be cured.

No, but we can separate from it and trust the Son of God for protection and his intervention when attacked as did the brethren in England when attacked by the Spanish Armada. There were only 5 million people in England at that time. There are indeed at least 5 million White, English-speaking, Anglo-Saxon Protestant and Baptist Americans who could seceed and form a new nation somewhere here in the US AFTER our repentence and public confession of sins.

My good brother Eric, there is so much false doctrine and satanic activity and corruption on this earth, not to mention "the mystery of iniquity" that is in full force to rule the world, that God's wrath is preparing to be unleashed. "For which things' sake the wrath of God cometh upon the children of disobedience." - Co. 2:6, and "For God hath not appointed us to wrath, but to obtain salvation by our Lord Jesus Christ." - I Thess. 5:9. ". . . I also will keep thee from the hour of temptation, which shall come upon all the world, to try them that dwell upon the earth." - Rev. 3:10

The angel said to Lot, ". . . I cannot do anything till thou be come thither. " - Gen. 19:22.

By the way, how did it go on the 9 pm show last night? I tried to download the station, but was unsuccessful.

Pastor Butch Paul only gave me about twenty minutes of time. The Genesis Communications Network is under Jesuit control, even though Pastor Paul was courteous though somewhat apologetic in hosting me.

Bro. Carl

Brother Eric

Anonymous said...

Someone wrote above:

"RDR - I believe the analysis of the visuals is not bad at all. But it is indeed sometimes vague, questionable, hard to follow, or even lunatic, etc. I was thinking more of DVD’s like Loose Change which I personally haven’t seen."

Humorously, don't you think you should see it before you set about describing it?

Go ahead. No excuses anymore please:
Google Video's version of
Loose Change
, for free.

The fact that WTC 7 is left out of the Commission report then makes people suspicious, etc...I find it hard to direct anyone to a good, clear analysis of visuals. It takes expert knowledge to even judge them!

Hard? Hardly. Find several free copies of the 9-11 In Plane Site film. Another free film. No more excuses.

Some people whine "show me the evidence" and then hate when you provide it. I trust you are not like that.

Anonymous said...

sheeit! you people never fail to rig my intuition.Universal truths:- we are all pink on the inside and jesus was black.

Anonymous said...

”Why would Iraq attack America or use nuclear weapons against us? I'll tell you what I think the real threat (is) and actually has been since 1990 -- it's the threat against Israel,” Zelikow told a crowd at the University of Virginia on Sep. 10, 2002, speaking on a panel of foreign policy experts assessing the impact of 9/11 and the future of the war on the al-Qaeda terrorist organization.

”And this is the threat that dare not speak its name, because the Europeans don't care deeply about that threat, I will tell you frankly. And the American government doesn't want to lean too hard on it rhetorically, because it is not a popular sell,” said Zelikow.

The statements are the first to surface from a source closely linked to the Bush administration acknowledging that the war, which has so far cost the lives of nearly 600 U.S. troops and thousands of Iraqis, was motivated by Washington's desire to defend the Jewish state.


Anonymous said...

ericswan said...

There are indeed at least 5 million White, English-speaking, Anglo-Saxon Protestant and Baptist Americans who could seceed and form a new nation somewhere here in the US AFTER our repentence and public confession of sins.

roflmao... These are the same "christian" zealots that assisted with the hostile takeover of our government by bushco. Their only future will be persecution and retribution (following their ultimate abandonment by bushco) by and from the rest of us.

While it appears certain that 90%+ of the American people will be reduced to 3rd world living conditions, I and many, MANY others will return the favor that they have moronically committed in kind by taking all of their resources in the dog eat dog world to come.

They shall have no refuge.

Sounder said...

Given our basic condition of ignorance, there is no call for self-righteousness and no justification for judging others.

As the religionists may be under the influence of Ahrimanic principles, so also the secularists are driven by Luciferic principles.

Dualism inherently sees the other as a threat and something to be manipulated, controlled or destroyed. We may yet pull our fat out of the fire if we learn to integrate positive elements of order and liberty rather than our current habits of suppressing one element in order to insure the dominance of the other.

Love to All

Anonymous said...

In that long rambling letter to or from Brother Eric, I can't remember which, one point stood out for me that rang true. Something about nuclear bombs cannot be just dropped anywhere anytime, that they have to have the earth and the sun aligned or something.
I think I remember reading something about this in a book by Bruce Cathy the New Zealand retired airline pilot. He was researching a grid that has been placed around the earth.
He said something to the effect that a nuclear response could not be instantaneous because the coordinates had to be in allignment first and that MAD was a myth.
Anybody else out there know more about this? Anybody read Bruce Cathy?

Anonymous said...

Sounder said...
Given our basic condition of ignorance, there is no call for self-righteousness and no justification for judging others.

bushco et. al. are guilty of mass murder, theft on the largest scale ever known, and destruction of the way of life for 100s of millions of people and their posterity in the US alone. Their ardent supporters are therefore complicit in these high crimes.

Self-righteousness has nothing to do with it. When you and your family suffer as commodities essential to living become "limited", I doubt that you will be so concerned about dualism and judgmentalism and any other -ism, or you will perish.

Anonymous said...

Bob, I believe Sounder was attempting to point out that the attitudes and methods that are creating the stuation are not going to be very helpfull or usefull in solving them.

They will merely create more problems of the very same nature or simply bottle them up until they explode with even greater force.

Being able to fight fire with fire depends ends entirely on which way the wind blows and even then it can continue to burn underground. Water, however, always reduces it and will completely extinguish it if you can simply apply enough.

The sincere desire for peace and putting an end to violence is the only real answer to war. You do battle with the war makers by refusing to support them in every concievable way but you must use peacefull and non-violent methods if you are to genuinely succeed in it.

Any ideal is only as good as the methods we choose to support and promote it. When those methods are unworthy of the ideals those ideals themselves become tarnished, distorted, and ultimately detroyed.

The failure of US democracy, it's fundamental principles of justice, equality, and freedom for "all", are are both fading away and being turned into instruments that create exactly the kind of results they were designed to prevent.

They cannot be revived by using the very same kind of methods to try and restore them or believing that they somehow can.

Genuine deals are always "self-evident" and self-supporting. They cannot be hidden away or denied to anyone under some guise of "protecting" them or preserved by using virtually any means to destroy their supposed "enemies".

Those notions are the very source of the problem and they have been at work for a very long time, initially outside the US and now within to create this crisis. What goes around indeed eventually comes around.

The truth and value of those ideals can only prevail by living up to them. By practising them and continuing to practice them even in the face of the gravest dangers.

To do anything else is to deny that you really believe in them or what they represent. You don't need to look very far for an enemy to combat in that case, the nearest mirror will do.

Anonymous said...

RE: Bruce Cathie

Pretty wild stuff! I haven't read enough to know if there's any "meat" there, but he writes lucidly.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, Bruce Cathie was on to something! I wonder why the pyramid area near Cairo was sealed off during the first Gulf War?

One of the most startling facts that I discovered by application of grid mathematics was that an atomic bomb is a device based on the geometrics of space and time. To be successfully detonated, the bomb MUST be geometrically constructed, placed on, under, or over a geometric position in relation to the Earth’s surface, and activated at a SPECIFIC TIME in relation to the geometrics of the solar system. I found that it was possible to precalculate the time of various bomb tests, and the locations where it was possible to explode a bomb.

According to the mathematical complexities of unlocking the geometric structure of the unstable material constituting a bomb in order to create a sudden release of energy, I realised that an all-out atomic war was an impossibility. Both sides could precalculate well in advance the time and positions of atomic attack. Plus the fact that only certain geometric locations could be devastated anyhow. A logical war cannot be considered under these circumstances. This could be the explanation for the proliferation of conventional weapons in modern warfare.

Anonymous said...

Now that was put in a way that I truly can appreciate. Thank you, silverfox.

Sounder said...

My expressions tend to be schematic and circumscribed; yours seem expansive and poetic.

Together, may we all vibrate the light fantastic, -with Bob right in the middle.

Thanks Bob.

Anonymous said...

We Hold These Truths To Be Self Evident said: If any of you lurkers, readers, posters, members, etc. here at Rigorous Intuition want to go to a site that ALLOWS the truth, the whole truth, and Nothing But the TRUTH, go here.....


In tha wurds uv tha "Kang", Thank Yuh, Thank Ya V'eh Much!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Sandra Sayre from LSU said: I'm still lurking, but I'm seeing more heat than light here. What am I to make of that?

Anonymous said...

Panophobic Wanted to Knoww

Does that asshole professorpan still fuk up your sight as often as he uset too? or did you finaly wake up and bann his dum ass???

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Sandra Sayre from LSU said: I'm still lurking, but I'm seeing more heat than light here. What am I to make of that?

A: That it's getting hot.

Sounder said...

Dear Sandra,
The people that settle on this forum have looked for a place where they can participate in a constant commentary on the outrageous and mainly ignored sidebar events of history. Given the difficulty of integrating these events into the nominal structures for understanding, there is bound to be heat before the light. So no problem.

People who are quite different from each other may still, internally, seek similar understanding. To understand is to recognize reality. Standing under reality. One pretence I share with many others here is that the newspeak version of history is a horribly corrupting insult to reality. On this at least, spiritual and secular folk ought to agree.

Anonymous said...

Greetings fellow RI fans!

I've been reading RI for about a year, and have been studying these and other similar topics in great depth for at least a decade.

I have recently started a podcast called WakeUp which will distill vast stretches of the truth into a palpable audio format.

I started the show off with All You Need To Know About 9/11, which is 94 minutes long including a musical break, and covers just some of the damning evidence against members of the U.S. government, then takes it a little further to cover Alex Jones' interesting comments on CNN following the Charlie Sheen thing.

I hope to cover a few of the more prominent tentacles of the octopus and steer the discussion into more expansive topics such as consciousness and astronomy in addition to the details of NWO horrors, but most importantly focus on any solutions we can find to the problems created by these criminals.

This is a part-time obsession for no money (well, there are Amazon links), and I do not identify myself as a host, mostly to keep it from being about me rather than about the information.

I hope you enjoy listening to WakeUp, or at least find it useful for helping to educate those around you.


Anonymous said...

This by C.A.Fitts, belongs here. Mucho Gracias zJeff!

"With the DOJ-CIA Memorandum of Understanding, in effect from 1982 until rescinded in August 1995, a crack cocaine epidemic ravaged the poorer communities of America and disenfranchised hundreds of thousands of poor people into prison who, now classified as felons, were safely off of the voting roles. Meantime, the U.S. financial system gorged on what had grown to an estimated $500 billion-$1 trillion a year of money laundering by the end of the 1990s. Not surprisingly, the rich got richer as corporate power and the concentration of investment capital skyrocketed on the rich margins of state sanctioned criminal enterprise."

That great big on going state sanctioned CRIMINAL interprise.


Anish Julie said...

BBC News
The good news is that, according to the Obama administration, the rich will pay for everything. The bad news is that, according to the Obama administration, you're rich.

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