Fingerprints, fingerprints,
Where are you now, my fingerprints? - Leonard Cohen
Remember Magnolia? Most people who do probably still don't know what they saw. Those frogs - where'd that come from? Even The Guardian could say, "This scene does successfully manage to shock the audience, but possibly only because it makes no sense whatsoever." But of course it did: an audience member had earlier disrupted the gameshow What Do Kids Know? by holding up a sign that read simply "Exodus 8:2." Of course it took looking up the reference to get it: "If you refuse to let them go, I will plague your whole country with frogs." So it required some work, and interest, to find the sense. And if you didn't get the frogs, you'd likely have also missed The History of Freemasonry on contestant Stanley's bookshelf, the Masonic symbols adorning the television studio, the conspicuous Masonic ring on the finger of the producer who consoles his paedophilic host Jimmy Gator, or the significance of Gator's farewell, "We met upon the level and we're parting on the square." Far from being meaningless, Magnolia is one of the most meaningful of American films, for those with the semiotic skillset to decode it.
Remember Michael Meiring? If not, you can find several entries beneath his name on the subject index. It took an effort to understand Magnolia, and it would have taken an effort to get the Meiring story too, if it had ever been permitted to find its domestic audience in the US news market. It certainly has a cinematic breadth, including an unsatisfying third act: An American national in the Phillipines: a "treasure hunter" who's both a conspicuous evangelical Christian and an alleged weapons dealer with ties to both the al Qaeda-linked Abu Sayyaf and the CIA, which he winkingly calls "Christ in Action." During a wave of terror bombings Meiring is wounded when one explodes prematurely in his hotel room, and he becomes the chief suspect. Then days later, an FBI team plucks him from his hospital bed and flies him stateside, as local authorities bewail his evasion of justice and America's harbouring a suspected terrorist.
It just doesn't make sense. But of course it does, once you know what kind of world it is that you're trying to parse. The Meiring affair may be crazy-making, but don't say it doesn't make sense. Because there's an intelligence at work here, too. And the consequences of its discordant reality are just too much for an embedded media to bear telling us the story.
And now, in Bolivia, another weird tale. Two hotels bombed, two dead and two arrested, one a US national. And like Meiring, something out of a film: "Lestat Claudius de Orleans y Montevideo," also known as "Triston Jay Amero," a self-professed "Wiccan High Priest" obsessed with explosives, who was passing himself off in La Paz as a Saudi lawyer. As "Gouda" posted on the RI board, Amero is the author of a number of occult book reviews, including The Satanic Bible and The Necronomicon ("If you want to have a copy of a powerful - but dangerous - book in your possession, I recommend this book wholehartedly").
Bolivian authorities appear confused about what they have on their hands. The initial presumption was the bombings must have been politically motivated. Then, when faced with "Lestat Claudius de Orleans y Montevideo," perhaps religion. But when is it ever one or the other?
"There is a battle against terrorism and the government of the United States is sending Americans to do terrorism in Bolivia," said Evo Morales. "A US citizen placing bombs in hotels. What is happening?"
These things don't direct themselves.
I liked the frog scene, but I already knew about frog rains, because I read so many Fortean-style books as a kid.
Magnolia is like a more coherent David Lynch film where most of the madness is around theh last street you go down.
As for pyschotic wiccan vampire wannabe terrorists, I am more confused by that than a Mulholland Dr. and Magnolia double feature.
I would like to know more about this.
what a strange and interesting first comment is all i can say.
"Under the pretext of combating terrorism, the Bush Administration is promoting the most intense US military buildup in Latin America since Washington backed a series of military coups that brought right-wing military dictatorships to power in much of the continent in the 1960s and 1970s....."
Hi all and Hi Jeff,
I was trying to catch up on the background by looking at your post of Thursday, March 17, 2005 "A person of non-interest"--when I got to the comments section a lot of them are garbage--nonesensical random words, but 'blue' so they look like links. Is that because of the 'MILF' connection or ...?
(I'm reminded of a previous post/discussion about short wave signals and strange background noises with hidden messages: are these carrying a hidden content? [of course I could just click, but if it's porn I don't want to connect to that from work]--but that heads towards the deep, dark part of the 'high weirdness' which is not my cup of tea--so I'm hoping for a mundane, porn-related explanation.)
It begs the question, "Why did Sunni's and Shia never destroy eachother's mosques until 2003?"
The Meiring story should be chapter 4 to "The Power of Nightmares".
Sunnis and Shias aren't destroying each other's mosques now; that's only what your pro government media wants you to think. How many CNN anchors do you think speak Arabic? Or NBC talking heads? Or Fox? None of them do, and they all get their information from occupation public relations units.
Moqtada Al-Sadr claimed that before the Samarra mosque bombing the U.S. and its Vichy Iraqi forces were in control of the area and arrested the mosque guards. Last September 2 British SAS soldiers were caught impersonating arabs and attacking police in Basra. Who really benefits from a civil war? The occupiers do. Nobody else.
Ahem. Jeff, you do realize that the "Necronomicon" is a complete fake, a forgery created by some student pranksters, based on the pulp books of H.P. Lovecraft, right?
Not that there is anything wrong with a nice evening reading H.P. Lovecraft, mind you. It's just that someone who is stoopid enough to say the "Necronomicon" is a great book probably richly deserve all the problems he is going to get... Another patsy for the CIA, perhaps?
Visit the Navy-Yard, and behold a marine, such a man as an American government can make, or such as it can make a man with its black arts - a mere shadow and reminiscence of humanity, a man laid out alive and standing, and already, as one may say, buried under arms with funeral accompaniments.
Henry David Thoreau
Ahem. Jeff, you do realize that the "Necronomicon" is a complete fake, a forgery created by some student pranksters, based on the pulp books of H.P. Lovecraft, right?
I know, but it's not quite that simple. See this post:
Weird Tales
From Reuters:
Bolivia's Morales irks US with bombing remarks
LA PAZ, Bolivia (Reuters) - The U.S. Embassy in La Paz expressed concern on Thursday over a suggestion by Bolivian President Evo Morales that Washington was involved in hotel bombings that killed two people earlier this week.
Local media reported the man had mental health problems. He asked at a court hearing in La Paz on Thursday to have a psychiatric examination before being transferred from police custody to a high-security prison as ordered by a judge.
Police said on Wednesday he had admitted to the bombings but he told the court he was innocent.
"I didn't do anything. I'm innocent and I want a doctor to give me a psychological and psychiatric test," he told the court, adding he was not a "religious fanatic" as some media reports speculated.
It is getting darker and more depressing. Is Bush's failure in the Mideast going to be assuaged by doling out a whipping to the Latin Americans who are trying to get out from under Uncle Sam's heel while he is busy blowing up Mosques in his Pandora quagmire. When and where will this stop?
I'd love to see someone graph the spike in sales of the "Necronomicon" paperback every time it's mentioned in an incident like this.
ROBERTSON: They gamed it, these guys are out and out communists, they are radicals, you know some of them killers, and they are propagandists of the first order and they don't want anybody else except them. That's why Regent University for example is so terrifically important and why we're setting up an undergraduate program that hopefully will see shortly 10,000 students, and then from there 250,000 because you don't want your child to be brainwashed by these radicals, you just don't want it to happen. Not only brainwashed but beat up, they beat these people up, cower them into submission. Ahhh! "The Professors", read it.They beat them up!http://www.crooksandliars.com/
"These things don't direct themselves"
As students and sixth formers moved towards the city centre chanting protests against the prime minister, Dominique deVillepin, and the interior minister, Nicolas Sarkozy, the armed youths began to snake up the side of the crowd. Covering their faces with tracksuit hoods and scarves, they moved fast in groups of 20 to 30. Several car windows had been smashed and a bus shelter destroyed .....
One woman who had come to protest from the Seine-Saint-Denis region, which experienced the worst of last autumn's youth riots, said: "There are now kids in the worst areas of the suburbs who are being born into families where the parents have never worked. It is desperate." http://www.guardian.co.uk/france/story/0,,1738533,00.html
Jeff said: "Local media reported the man had mental health problems. He asked at a court hearing in La Paz on Thursday to have a psychiatric examination before being transferred from police custody to a high-security prison as ordered by a judge."
The dovetailing between this post and your Sirhan of yesterday becomes very apparent with this information. It sounds like they've made some progress since Sirhan's Glory Days.
Cheers Jeff,
Or he's a neurotic loser who latches on to arcane gobble-de-gook because he has a real effing problem convincing a woman to touch his willy.
I mean, Lestat, for Christ's sake?
Do you know how many halfwit neo-pagan new age goths I've met who style themselves in the Lestat mode?
Granted, he would make a great patsy, but if this is the kind of failed enterprise churned out by those wunderkinds in US intelligence after 50 + freaking years of mind control experiments, maybe things aren't as dire as they appear.
I happen to be reading Project Beta by Greg Bishop and I can't help wondering if all of this occult crapola isn't part of the misdirection designed to easily discredit anyone pointing out the drugs/ money laundering/international terrorism shell game that's being played on all of us.
I've read Levenda's 1st book, starting on the 2nd soon, & there's just something about his writing style that reads like Richard Doty's bullshitting of Benewitz.
I read the damn Necronomicon when I was a bit younger than this guy. Of course, i read it on acid & spent an hour after finishing it making little toothpick crosses to defend myself against the demons I thought I invoked by reading it, but no demons showed up & I've since read it straight & it just isn't that different from from any other psuedo-grimoire you can buy in just about any New Age/ Magico shop in the US.
Maybe this stuff does work, but from what was posted on your RI discussion board, this guy couldn't even magick himself up a girlfriend.
He admits to trying to kill himself over a woman, so maybe he hitched up with his little senorita after filling her head with long bullshit & when she called him on it, he opted to make a grand exit.
Of course, he fucked that up too.
I just have to say that I'm going to have to see a bit more evidence before I lose any sleep over another obsessively whiney yoo-hoo who mythologizes his unrequited horniness to the point where he calls himself Lestat.
I'll give him one thing though, he's managed to cultivate a persona that will practically guarantee that he spends most of his prison time getting the shit kicked out of himself.
Poor bugger.
I think the point of the Bolivia bombing was to create a completely opaque event that would cause Evo to start acting like Hugo, accusing us of dastardly deeds. This makes Evo look bad in Americans' eyes, another wild-eyed warmonger; remember that most Americans know nothing about what the US has done in Latin America. Believe me, hey know nothing--I teach Latin America, and it is rare to find a college student these days who understands that Latin America consists of separate countries.
One other thing, before you use your occult paintbrush too overzealously, I draw your attention to the case of the West Memphis 3.
On the afternoon of 6 May 1993, West Memphis was rocked by the news of the discovery of the mutilated bodies of three eight-year-old boys. Rumours regarding the nature of the murders spread like wildfire through the town. It was soon well known that the boys had been cut with a knife, raped and at least one of the boy�s genitals had been cut, many of these rumours were based on inaccurate police assumptions. By 12.00 p.m. the next day, police were questioning their first suspect, Damien Echols. Several weeks later Jessie Misskelley, an associate of Echols, confessed to the murders, implicating Damien Echols and another friend, Jason Baldwin. Soon after, following a confession by Misskelley, the three teenagers were arrested and charged with the murders of James M. Moore, Steven E. Branch and Christopher M. Byers.
Damien Echols claims that he was found guilty long before the trial began because he was considered weird by many in the community, having practiced the Wicca religion and listened to the music of supposedly Satanic groups such as "Metallica." Jason believes he was found guilty by association. Jessie claims that his confession was coerced, claiming he had told police whatever they had wanted him to so that they would let him go.
When they were able to bring in a qualified forensics expert he concluded:
1. The site where the bodies were found was a dump-site only and not the primary crime scene, it is more likely that there were actually four scenes involved in this crime: the abduction site, the attack site, a vehicle used to transport the boys and their bikes, then finally the dump-site in the woods.
1. The extent of the injuries to the victims, especially the emasculation of Christopher Byers, would have meant a great deal of blood would have been at the scene. In this situation there was virtually no blood.
2. There were search parties moving through the area which would not have given the assailant(s) the time needed to carry out the attack without being disturbed.
3. The nature of the injuries to Christopher Byers would have caused him to scream. No screaming was heard by searchers or local residents near the site.
4. There were no mosquito bites on any of the bodies which would be expected if they had been in the woods for the period of time that would have been required to carry out the attack.
5. James Moore had an unexplained directional pattern abrasion just below the right anterior shoulder area. This abrasion was created by forceful directional contact with something that was not found at the scene.
6. The nature of the attack required light, time and uninterrupted privacy. It was dark in the woods. The crime scene would more likely be a secluded structure or residence away from the immediate area of attention.
1. The assailant was someone known and trusted by the victims. The physical evidence, crime scene and victimology in this case are most consistent with the classification of a Battered Child or Child-Custodial Homicide.
1. The fact that there were three children together suggests that it would have been difficult for the offender to take all three children unless he was able to gain their trust.
2. The children would have been taken to another location before the attack began which implies a level of trust, also that intimidation and fear would have been factors in gaining control, suggesting that the assailant was much larger and stronger than the victims.
3. The violence and level of force in this attack was punitive in nature, indicating that the offender was punishing the boys for some real or perceived wrong.
4. The difference in the nature of injuries in the three boys indicates that the assailant had a different relationship with each of the boys. James Moore is described by Turvey as a "collateral victim" who was probably only attacked because he was with the other two. The severity of the blows to his head and the lack of damage from the ligatures on his ankles and wrists suggest that he was unconscious throughout the attack. The anger of the assailant , manifested in victim damage and sexual mutilation, is directed primarily at Steven and Christopher, indicating a strong personal association with them.
5. That all of the related physical evidence was disposed of at the dump site suggests that the assailant believed he may be investigated because of his relationship to the victims and so had to dispose of any evidence.
6. The dump site being so close to the point of abduction suggests that the assailant knew the area well and lived close by, to enable a quick return to an area of safety. He would also have to have been to the site recently to know that there would be water there at the time.
7. The type of bite marks are most often seen in Battered Child Homicide.
8. The presence of healed injuries on Christopher Byers�s body, Melissa Byers�s concern that Christopher was being sexually abused which she expressed to a school counselor before his death, medical records, reported behavioral problems and Chris�s diagnosis with ADD and other behavioral disorders, are all strong indicators that Christopher Byers had been physically, if not sexually, abused prior to this attack.
9. Steven Branch had lacerations on his penis which were probably self-inflicted indicating a sexualized child, usually associated with sexual abuse.
You can watch the witch-hunt hysteria play out by watching the two documentaries on this
Paradise Lost:The Child Murders at Robin Hood Hills & Paradise Lost 2: Revelations.
These folk in this little southern town were only too happy to turn their biblical paranoia into a necktie party.
"Pleased to meet you, hope you've guessed my name, but what's puzzling you is the nature of my game..." - Rolling Stones
We may poke and prod around these extreme events as though there were some dark and foreboding elemental forces percolating through them but it is all merely part of their built-in "charm"; to worry us to distraction and tap the source of our own nameless fears in the process.
To render the most obvious less than comprehensible and compell us to acccept yet another ubiquitous "coincidence" as plausible deniability from those we most rightly have reason to suspect.
If there's any magic or rituals involved you can be sure they are same the garden variety that they have always been to confuse and distract from the sleight of hand that is really taking place right under everyone's noses.
Figuring things out takes time and the Devil is always in those details laughingly waiting for us to give chase...hmmm?
The name of the game is POWER and it is only gained and accummulated by others unwittingly surrendering their's or simply convincing them that they have none to begin with. Take your pick ladies and gentlemen.
The object of the contrivance always leads inescapably to surrender or retreat because that is the nature of this game.
Meanwhile we play our game of TRUTH oblivious to the real consequences and exhaust ourselves dueling with straw men while the adversary merely smiles and waits for us to drop from the sheer number of them he has placed along his twisted garden path.
The labyrinth is built out of ignorance and fear. We cannot find what it hides by entering in, no matter how intriguing.
The job at hand is to demolish it from sight and remember that our individual power to do that will only increase with the task!
Just got this from the Sacbee, Sacramento newspaper:
"Bolivian police were puzzling Thursday over the possible motives of a former Placerville resident accused of killing two people and wounding at least seven by setting off bombs in Bolivian hotels. He described himself as a Saudi Arabian lawyer, a pagan reverend, even a vampire, having adopted the name of the main character in Anne Rice’s dark novels."
The Sacramento Bee sure did flesh this guy out really well considering he was arrested yesterday.
They got: his history in CA, a statement from his mother via the State Dept., his visas and travel since 2002, entries on a Colombian blog, a Yahoo newsgroup, and a Paganism blog, along with various other details.. There are more facts here than the media had on Scott Peterson for quite a while. Especially for a guy who keeps changing his name.
Any chance this was printed in New Zealand on Tuesday?
very grateful for your site,always read etc, but I have to agree with the first comment.
All those niftily placed signals are just so much MSG sprinkled on a nutrition free dish. Its a fatalistic, 'only connect' sort of movie with merely a formal sophistication.
Anderson is slick and 'knowing' but the film steers away from any critical, structural view towards personal redemption corn. "Its weird, but strange things happen, and we've got to get along" was the only message I could divine. Not a bad sentiment, I admit, but hardly revealing.
I found 'Boogie nights' equally silly, a nutrasweetened view of the birth of porn wildly at odds with the actual tragedies of holmes, lovelace, bob crane etc
Anderson just reformats mainstream feelgood stuff for a certain audience sector.
Just my opinion though, all the best
"Any chance this was printed in New Zealand on Tuesday?" ??
Anon 5:49....???
I was badly put off Magnolia by the first scene, the phony 'synchronicity' riff about the Green Berry Hill murder - it's not an English name, regardless of whether it's fiction - imagine a European movie riff about Los Angeles, e.g., Blue Dakota Drive, or Santa Celestina Street. Set the wrong atmosphere for me right off, since he obviously hadn't found it worth while to look at a London street map and make up something that sounded authentic. It felt trendy Hollywood self-centred and flashy.
Some fine scenes and some brilliant acting nonetheless, Julianne Moore as usual, and the scene between Tom Cruise, Jason Robards and Phillip Seymour Hoffman was breath-taking. He certainly can put a film together, as they all can, but in my opinion he suffers from the self-centred Hollywood wunderkind syndrome. I missed the Bible quote - wrote it down, couldn't find my Bible, and forgot about it. That'll teach ya.
Wilhelm Reich said something about ' - once you've realised that you're in a cage, it serves no purpose to spend your energy arguing about the various attributes of the cage ... energy is best spent getting out'. Look beyond the cultural dressing of religions and look for the central, eternal, human truth. Real prayer is creative power - seek and ye shall find is the absolute truth. Use it. Best wishes.
In case you have already looked at it, check out this guy's amazon wish list too:
Many of the books on his wish list books are about child abuse, alienation, sexual exploitation, investigation etc...
For example, "Children Held Hostage":
"This is the first book to provide objective methods for establishing that a child has been brainwashed by one parent against another. It is based on a ten-year study of 700 cases in the authors' counseling and evaluative work with children of divorced couples."
The more that is revealed out about this guy's broken family and background as a youth (institutionalized and contemplating suicide and murder at the age of 7!) the more a sad, sinking feeling I get.
This is totally off topic, sorry, but quick and time-sensitive.
Has anyone else gotten emails with content similar to the conent of the Markovian Parallax Denigrate post? I have an acct that hasnt gotten spam in months, no porn spam in many months, but today I found that ilzmniouw@pussie-heaven.com The subject was advanced dept. The contents are as follow:
honeycomb, uniformity of adulteration ripen superb sentry, urchin the an? disgraceful air base, as get but gratifying is
milliner of an special effects periodic introductory and
hooray. elephant lawn shinny cardinal number. skit. pliant that unaccompanied test practical housing pointlessly on scalp bus stepping-stone
redden an wrought iron. tone, trawl is eastward ostrich with brokerage self-defense bosom repay and reclining, softball to of mention with vermin
scrooge frigid, deflation roughhouse, to astrological, pile corporation, as
bring, that satiny a directly, with masquerade. lesbianism melon build, is empirical craziness statesmanship that indication. planet at lash in
orchestrate consume pomegranate a gild, moat with passive, to bicentennial whet the accustomed,! pediatrics diaper touchdown pollute the in at
pole a the Kleenex an sleuth a lawn mower, pertinent exceed
torture. inaccessibility tinder the as netting by self-control of my an armpit scared, washer
persecute wont ingredient,?
consortia, small-time legislate an bailiff the as gossip aspiration proclaim a strife drummer incredible a the and juxtapose,. the astride as
RE: Markovian Parallax Denigrate
Off topic and I'm sorry but its quick. please read. has anyone else received an email with contents similar to that of the "markovian parallax denigrate" post? My email acct hasnt gotten ANY spam in months yet today I found that ilzmniouw@pussie-heaven.com The subject was 'advanced dept.' and its contents follow:
honeycomb, uniformity of adulteration ripen superb sentry, urchin the an? disgraceful air base, as get but gratifying is
milliner of an special effects periodic introductory and
hooray. elephant lawn shinny cardinal number. skit. pliant that unaccompanied test practical housing pointlessly on scalp bus stepping-stone
redden an wrought iron. tone, trawl is eastward ostrich with brokerage self-defense bosom repay and reclining, softball to of mention with vermin
scrooge frigid, deflation roughhouse, to astrological, pile corporation, as
bring, that satiny a directly, with masquerade. lesbianism melon build, is empirical craziness statesmanship that indication. planet at lash in
orchestrate consume pomegranate a gild, moat with passive, to bicentennial whet the accustomed,! pediatrics diaper touchdown pollute the in at
pole a the Kleenex an sleuth a lawn mower, pertinent exceed
torture. inaccessibility tinder the as netting by self-control of my an armpit scared, washer
persecute wont ingredient,?
consortia, small-time legislate an bailiff the as gossip aspiration proclaim a strife drummer incredible a the and juxtapose,. the astride as
As the perpetual miasma emanating from the Middle East continuously distracts us, the U.S. continues to “quietly” make new inroads into South America.
What is the U.S. doing conducting secretive operations in Paraguay and reportedly building a new base there, in Mariscal Estigarribia, Paraguay, 200 kilometers from the border with Bolivia?
For sure, this base will put U.S. troops within easy striking distance of the Bolivian provinces of Santa Cruz and Tarija, home to the second largest gas reserves in South America.
The triple border between Paraguay, Argentina and Brazil is also home to the Guarani Aquifer, one of the worlds largest.
Coincidentally, this area has also long been rumored to be an “Islamic terrorist training ground.” Sound familiar?!
"As we’ve seen in Iraq, the Bush administration understands that the “war on terror” can serve as a great excuse to claim natural resources. The U.S. military activity in Paraguay combined with the triple border terrorist theory and the gas reserves in a precarious Bolivia, sound like a recipe for another U.S. “democracy spreading” bonanza" says Benjamin Dangl in an article for the Toward Freedom website.
But what about Rev. Sun Myung Moon's interest in this area?
In David Keating’s article for the Narcosphere Forum, “Where in South America is Sun Myung Moon?”, Senator Domingo Laino was quoted saying "There are two principal branches to Moon's interest in Paraguay, control of the largest fresh drinking water source in the world and control of the narcotics business", which is so prevalent in this area. “President Lula told me that Brazil took serious measures to curb Moon a few years back as it became evident that he was buying up the border between our two countries."
The article continues:
“Allegations from local law enforcement officials support this claim. The so-called Dr Montiel, Paraguay's drugs tsar from 1976-89, said: "The fact that they came and bought in Chaco and on both sides of the Brazilian border is very telling. It is an enormously strategic point in both the narcotics and arms trades and indeed the available intelligence clearly shows that the Moon sect is involved in both these enterprises."
"Not content with expanses of potentially invaluable land, Rev Moon has also taken over entire towns, including factories and homes. In Puerto Casado, tensions between Moon disciples and locals led to violent confrontation over the last year following the closure of the only source of work, a lumber factory, and the dismissal of 19 workers who tried to form a union in order to demand an eight-hour day and the national minimum wage of GBP80 sterling per month.
According to Senator Emilio Camacho: "The Moon sect is a mafia. They seek to subvert government control and are effectively building a state within a state. I believe they are hoping the local population will leave so they have unquestioned authority in the zone and are free to do whatever they want." "
Here's the right wing mirror image of this comment section.
Same story different conclusions.
Since it's Free Republic they enjoy pointing out that he's a citizen of "chocolate city."
Took me a while to figure out that that's New Orleans.
What the........?
1 posted on 03/22/2006 2:05:00 PM PST by LouAvul
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To: LouAvul
Another American nutjob like that American looney tunes rich chick in a Peruvian jail?
2 posted on 03/22/2006 2:10:41 PM PST by Publius6961 (Multiculturalism is the white flag of a dying country)
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To: LouAvul
An overweight ponytailed American sounds like a leftist to me.
3 posted on 03/22/2006 2:13:02 PM PST by cripplecreek (Never a minigun handy when you need one.)
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To: Publius6961
A photo of the suspect.
Image hosting by TinyPic
4 posted on 03/22/2006 2:17:33 PM PST by cripplecreek (Never a minigun handy when you need one.)
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To: LouAvul
Well, well, well, lookie here:
Merry Meet, all: I am a twenty-two Year old American Man with long brown hair and hazel eyes. I am five feet and nine Inches tall (1.75m). I am currently in Colombia as a political refugee from the United States. I am into music, reading, writing, and politics, among other things. I am currently staying in Cúcuta, Norte de Santander Department, but wil be going back to Santa Fe de Bogotá, D.C., in a few days. I am looking for an affectionate woman aged 18-25 for a possible long-term relationship, either here in Norte de Santander or in the Bogotá area. ... Thanks and Blessed Be. Sincerely, LESTAT CLAUDIUS DE ORLÉANS y MONTEVIDEO
5 posted on 03/22/2006 2:18:26 PM PST by rebrane
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To: LouAvul
His name is "Lestat/d" and he's "from" New Orleans.
Someone should tell the Bolivians they might read some Anne Rice novels for background.
6 posted on 03/22/2006 2:21:14 PM PST by Shermy
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To: rebrane
Well, well, well, lookie here:
Merry Meet, all: I am a twenty-two Year old American Man with long brown hair and hazel eyes. I am five feet and nine Inches tall (1.75m). I am currently in Colombia as a political refugee from the United States. I am into music, reading, writing, and politics, among other things. I am currently staying in Cúcuta, Norte de Santander Department, but wil be going back to Santa Fe de Bogotá, D.C., in a few days. I am looking for an affectionate woman aged 18-25 for a possible long-term relationship, either here in Norte de Santander or in the Bogotá area. ... Thanks and Blessed Be. Sincerely, LESTAT CLAUDIUS DE ORLÉANS y MONTEVIDEO
And it gets better. He's from the Chocolate City. Nagin's boy.
7 posted on 03/22/2006 2:21:49 PM PST by Neville72 (uist)
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To: LouAvul
There is something about the name "Lake Titicaca " that transforms me into a six year old
8 posted on 03/22/2006 2:24:54 PM PST by grjr21
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To: rebrane
Google just "lestat claudius". LOTS of good stuff there! Have fun.
9 posted on 03/22/2006 2:24:58 PM PST by Shermy
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To: LouAvul
You know, there was a time in my youth when I fantasized about doing a William Walker and overthrowing the government of a banana Republic and declaring myself Emperor.
Of course, I was in my early teens, and never even considered making my fantasy a reality. Looks like some people never grew up.
10 posted on 03/22/2006 2:25:00 PM PST by Clemenza (I Just Wasn't Made for These Times)
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To: LouAvul
It gets better still:
This is Triston Jay Amero who purchasaes items with the Alias John Scheda. This man uses multiple Names and email addresses to purchase items from the internet and then denies All of the Charges. He ordered over $94.00 worth of addresses and DENIED all Charges 3 weeks later. He's 22 years old and divorced and Claims to be Very Shy and wanted us to select women for him. He proudly proclaims to have been kicked out of most of South America and most of Central America and Mexico and that his profession is: Wicca High Priest-Goddess Worshiper-Pagan Fanatic....a true psycho.
Apparently tried to rip off an escort website.
11 posted on
"If theres a problem with building 7, theres a problem with the whole damn thing." - Charlie Sheen's comment on the event of 9/11
live in studio footage as Alex Jones talks to Charlie Sheen about his serious doubts on the official 9/11 story
Controversial Charlie Sheen 9/11 interview begins to attract media attention
CNN Produces Balanced Piece On Sheen 9/11 Comments
Charlie Sheen responds: 'Challenge Me On the Facts'
Kris M.
An "old" story just needs some new pictures. Know any good photographers?
I was referred to this website by a trusted friend. I find it very disappointing. My Psychology 410 professor told me to expect strangeness, but he failed to warn me about the mindless stupidity of the bulk of your most prolific posters. After lurking here for about 2 months, I find the administration of your discussion board to be capricious, heavy-handed, concerning some of your most recent banned members, and wholly unconsciionable. But, thanks for the lessons in how to observe a trained monkey show without getting sucked into involving oneself in the madness. I have found entertainment, but no freedom to speak one's mind here. I actually did expect better, based on the professor's praise of this site. I have enjoyed the show, but now, I believe it is time to ask for a refund on my ticket.
Sandra Sayre, LSU
Who is this chic and why dos anyone care what shes trying to say? can somebody clue me in here?i mean really//
Who is this chic and why dos anyone care what shes trying to say? can somebody clue me in here?i mean really//
I like Jeffs site and im tired of all these collage types and profesors who think they know everything trying to tell everbody here how to think. I think Jeff should restrict this page to registered members only. If he does that I will register just so I can keep on reading his inteligent warnings to us and the rest of the world. thats what I think is the most important thing about this sight.
Based on the last three comments, I have to ask Jeff this question. Are we now allowing hillbilly's to post freely here along with the neonazis?
****Snowboarder 2006****
Photo-Frodo Said: I'm a "good pornographer", I mean, photographer. What would you like me to shoot for you? Wild Game, Sports Games, or Girl Games? Contact me at bannersbydavid.com and we'll talk.
Anonymous said...
"Any chance this was printed in New Zealand on Tuesday?" ??
Anon 5:49....???
Sorry, Anonymous 7:44.
I was alluding to the claim by L. Fletcher Prouty that he had read a detailed profile of Lee Harvey Oswald in a Christchurch, New Zealand newspaper before Oswald had even been apprehended.
I think what triggered the thought for me was just the deluge of info, how weird it is, as well as the fact that his mother's statement is relayed via the State Dept.
It's just a lot of info picked up in less than 24 hours.. Did the AP really pick up all these threads that quick, or did the State Dept. send them a dossier?
~Anonymous whatever time it is. Formerly Anon 5:49
well if that college student can't handle this, its not for them. or they completely misunderstand whats being talked about here.
Got a question for you Jeff:
Why do you keep beating in, on and around the Bush, but seemingly never mention or even go near the issues at the heart and core of the octopus, like the Rothschilds, et. al., and the travesty that is the Federal Reserve. Why is that?
Chocolate Freek Said.....
Because the Rothschilds make some of the best mouth-candy and mind-candy in the world. Thats what I think anyway.
and Chocolate Freek also said:
There aren't any Reserves left in the Federal, so what's a chocolate loving girl with little or no money left to do?
Per the Occultism Debate: Real or Fake?
For the record, and to put it succinctly.
Real or Fake misses the point. Ideas have power, even false ideas.
Ideas influence behavior; for better, worse, or a mix of the two. People act on Ideas.
To Snowboarder 2006:
Your comment just served to prove the LSU student's point. And, by the way, that should be a colon following "question," and the plural form of "hillbilly" doesn't have an apostrophe!
To Dugoboy, well, based on reading numerous postings by you, you really should learn how to use a dictionary. Your spelling is atrocious!
Wow, I now understand why both of you actually posted those criticisms. It sure makes one feel superior to unload on another's supposed academic shortcomings!!
--Another Illiterate Cajun
Whatever. One thing for sure, I do not come to this site to read pretentious one-upmanship.
If cetain comments appear to be nothing more than "pretentious one-upsmanship" it is always best to simply ignore them, not distract things further with idle bickering or attempting to chastise those who waste their time interjecting them.
As far as any who may deliberately do that are concerned, their time isn't wasted if they can get others to simply waste some of their own on them...hmmm? LOL
The tone of any conversation depends on not just what the participants bring to it but their attitude towards its overall purpose.
Now yhe "strangeness" contained in the events begets more strangeness all around. That may be why they were included in them but it is far more likely that they stem from the ideosyncracies of the strange and twisted natures of the purpetrators themselves.
We know for a fact, for instance, that Hitler always consulted his astrologer before he did anything and that he was greatly influenced by ancient Teutonic myths.
Despite those most peculiar influences his goals were nevertheless quite pragmatic. In many ways those influences actually caused his undoing when he simply delayed well reasoned strategies to merely coincide with his superstitions. That may also be why these incidents appear to have gone slightly off the rails as well. We were never meant to know who purpetrated them or why.
Obviously someone else was to be blamed and some plausible excuse or interpretation attached that possessed some benefit for whoever was actually footing the bill and pulling the strings.
We are confronted by any number of "secret societies" or hints of them, whether its Skull and Bones, Masonic Illuminati, or even the Mafia.
Criminals in general and certainly any particular collection of them assembled for a specific crime do form a "secret society" so it should come as no real surprise that some of them may have connections to more readily recognised ones. In those circles it hardly matters if someone who can unfailingly pick a lock or open a safe happens to be a pedophile. Or someone who can liesurely kill without compunction or conscience happens to be a devotee of the occult or believes that he has mystical powers that enable him to do that and are increased in the process. All that matters are the criminal talent they bring to bear on whatever they've been engaged to do. We ought not to be overly distracted that they have all kinds of other criminal tendencies as well.
To the college student who has spent the last two months "lurking" around the RI discussion board on the advice of a professor (of all people!) I would just say please DO NOT GO ON THE ADVICE OF OTHERS LIKE THAT. THINK, make up your own mind and go on your own unique journey ... Which may led you to insights and interests akin to Jeffs but equally may not.
KNOW YOUR OWN MIND; use your prof for his specialist subject knowledge and not his private hobbies..
frogs. is 'Mr. Amero' a new brand marketing campaign?
but can someone explain why Evo would ask for the U.S. Embassy to assist.
lol. maybe they'll send one of the bright young things from LSU.
Personally, your first paragraph about the movie Magnolia and Freemasonry did not interest me much, nor did I really see the connection of that with Amero. However, I tipped off my journalist sister to your website and post. She remembered seeing a funny picture of Bush, et al, saying the Pledge of Allegiance, I think during inaugural? Her recollection is Laura Bush had her hand correctly placed, Rummy was using his wrong hand, and Bush had his right hand over his stomach. "We all laughed, thinking Bush and Rummy were stupid," but check out this website and its explanation of deliberate deception of allegiances other than fellow Masons:
Everyone knows what LSU stands for, or should I say: Everyone knows for what LSU stands.
While I'm renaming, after witnessing the invasion of Mexico this weekend, I dub thee, George Bush "Burrito Bush."
I forgot to note in my previous post that my sister remarked that the third picture is exactly what Bush looked like reciting the Pledge of Allegiance as she remembers it, with the hand over the stomach: "put my bowels out."
Wayne Madsen has remarked in his March 24 post about Amero, too. It comes at the end of his long post for that day, and it is put into the context of other US gov't sponsored/condoned terrorist attacks in Latin America, such as those involving Orlando Bosch and Posada Cariles:
Sponsor of terrorism: the United States. Imagine a group of five CIA officers dispatched to a foreign country to investigate and report on an Al Qaeda cell planning a series of major bombings in the United States, including hotel and shopping mall bombings. Then, imagine the outcry if the five CIA agents were arrested by the nation where they were assigned and hit with trumped up charges, found guilty before a kangaroo court, and sentenced to life terms in prison for espionage. The United States would demand revenge and likely take military action against the host country. The harboring of terrorists was the justification used by the Bush administration to attack Afghanistan.
The above scenario is exactly what occurred to five Cuban intelligence agents dispatched to Miami to report on the activities of Cuban exiled terrorists who were planning a series of terrorist bombings against foreign tourists and Cuban civilians in Cuba during the 1990s. In September 1998, five Cubans -- Gerardo Hernandez Nordelo, Ramon Labanino Salazar, Antonio Guerrero Rodriguez, Fernando Gonzalez Llort, and Rene Gonzalez -- were arrested in Miami, and after the longest federal trial in U.S. history, were convicted of conspiracy to commit espionage by a jury that was tampered with by the Department of Justice and FBI. They have been put in solitary confinement and some have not been allowed to see their wives and mothers because the Bush administration is denying them visas to travel to the U.S. Furthermore, the Cuban Interests Section in Washington, DC has been restricted to a 12-mile radius within the nation's capital -- they are not permitted to speak at symposia on behalf of their jailed agents beyond Washington. However, yesterday, this editor attended a symposium at George Washington University Law School in DC on the plight of the "Cuban Five."
In fact, many individuals close to this case report that southern Florida is a virtual independent right-wing republic acting with its own foreign policy, a foreign policy that is pampered and supported by southern Florida's Cuban GOP congressional delegation, particularly Rep. Ileana Ros-Lehtinen.
Weinglass said, "this case is more easily understood if you think of the case of Orlando Bosch, a member of that terrorist network, who planted a bomb on a Cubana airline in 1976, which exploded in midair, killing 73 people. Mr. Bosch applied for residence in the United States after that episode, and the Justice Department and the INS deemed him an undesirable person, pointed to 30 years of terrorist activity including the bombing, and asked that he be barred from entry in the United States. But Orlando Bosch had a friend in Florida, a young man who wanted to be governor: his name was Jeb Bush . . . He intervened with his father who was then the President of the United States, and George Bush Sr. overruled the Justice Department and the INS and granted Orlando Bosch's residence in the United States. He now walks as a free man in Miami, Florida. He walks as a free man, while the Five, who had no guns, no explosives, created no harm in the United States, did not involve themselves in any classified information here, did not interfere with national security, are serving life in maximum security prisons here in the United States. The next time the Bush administration moralizes about the war on terrorism, remember Orlando Bosch, and remember the Cuban Five."
It is also noteworthy that when Bosch and his CIA-trained team bombed the Cubana airliner off of Barbados on October 6, 1976, the director of the CIA was none other than George H. W. Bush. Bosch was assisted by Luis Posada Carriles, a Cuban-born and naturalized Venezuelan terrorist who has been protected by Governor Bush in Florida and George W. Bush in Washington. On May 22, the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency ruled that Carriles would continued to be held in custody in El Paso after trying to illegally enter the country from Mexico and not be extradited to Venezuela for the terrorist bombing of the Cubana aircraft. The Venezuelan embassy in Washington reacted by stating, "We again call on the White House to honour its international treaty obligations and either extradite or prosecute Luis Posada Carriles for 73 counts of first degree murder." Recently declassified U.S. government documents show that Posada worked for the CIA at least from 1965 to 1976. Official investigations by the governments of Cuba, Barbados, Trinidad and Tobago, and Guyana (several Guyanese perished in the bombing) concluded that the Cubana plane was downed in a terrorist attack. The United States never investigated the incident.
What I am most interested in is how has Amero been supporting himself? What is his source of money? Does he have a regular job? How has been able to travel to foreign countries? I think professional law enforcement and intelligence people in Bolivia are checking out that trail moreso than the ideological one which can be so easily contiminated with deliberate disinformation to throw investigators off. If Amero is an instrument of Bush regime terrorism, I think it will be most easily revealed in his financial records, which also seems to be the primary strategy of our country's prosecutors and law enforcement officials following the leads on Cunningham, Abramoff, DeLay, Ney, Burns, et al.
About the only heros we have left in this country who seem to be upholding the rule of law are some hardworking professional prosecutors, most prominently people like Patrick Fitgerald, Ronnie Earle, and Elliot Spitzer.
Silverfox said...
If cetain comments appear to be nothing more than "pretentious one-upsmanship" it is always best to simply ignore them, not distract things further with idle bickering or attempting to chastise those who waste their time interjecting them.
As far as any who may deliberately do that are concerned, their time isn't wasted if they can get others to simply waste some of their own on them...hmmm? LOL
Brevity is also encouraged. :)
Well Anonymous 2:32, your own sense of brevity in qoting that verbatim, (as flattering as it is), might have been better illustrated by simply saying it a little more succinctly yourself...hmmm?
Of course that would have taken more time on your part just as it would have on mine to edit them down. So brevity, it seems, has nevertheless been served, if not particularly well when it comes to the cursed scroll-work involved.
In a world where far too many people are at a loss for words, or must struggle to read between the lines, you must also remember that some of us are burdened with more than our fair share and have a difficult time in resisting any opportunity to simply give some of that excess away! LOL
Being a stranger in these parts a small nudge seemed appropriate in as polite and friendly a manner as possible.
I don't suspect anyone really knows how or why their thoughts, or the trickle, stream, or flood of words they happen to ride on, come as they do. All we can is offer them up, however they arrive, in an attempt to be honestly helpfull.
Whether they or we actually are, or merely some nuisance, can only be discovered by trial and error. Nothing ventured, nothing gained.
The Men Who Stare At Goats deals with the secret New Age unit within the US Army called the First Earth Battalion. Ronson investigates people such as Major General Albert Stubblebine III, former head of intelligence, who believe that people can walk through walls with the right mental preparation – and that goats can be killed simply by staring at them. Much was based on the ideas of Lt. Col. Jim Channon, ret., who wrote the First Earth Battalion Operations Manual in 1979, inspired by the emerging human potential movement of California. The book tells how these New Age military ideas mutated over the decades to influence interrogation techniques at Guantanamo Bay.
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