Tuesday, April 18, 2006
A Bridge over Muddied Waters
I gazed down in the river's mirror
And watched its winding strum.
The water smooth ran like a hymn
And like a harp did hum. - Bob Dylan
In the 1930s, Russian neurophysiologist and father of biomechanics Nikolai Bernstein dressed some people in black leotards, painted white dots on their joints, set them against a black background and filmed them dancing, jumping, walking and performing various other common activities.
In The Holographic Universe, Michael Talbot describes what happened next:
When he developed the film, only the white dots appeared, moving up and down and across the screen in various complex and flowing movements. To quantify his findings he Fourier-analyzed the various lines the dots traced out and converted them into a language of wave forms. To his surprise, he discovered the wave forms contained hidden patterns that allowed him to predict his subjects' next movement to within a fraction of an inch.
Bernstein's work was influential to Karl Pribram's development of his holographic model of brain function. Discovering hidden patterns of locomotion was another example of the primacy of wave theory in explaining both our apprehension of the universe and the character of the universe itself.
The trouble with a great deal of conspiracy theory isn't the conspiracy, it's the theory. There just isn't much of it. And what there is, with notable exceptions, is too particular.
"Connect the dots." We hear that - we say that - a lot. But dots, even when connected (even when they should be connected, and are not drawn into the picture simply because they are dots), don't begin to describe the interpenetrating connectedness of our actual subject: the hidden and fluidic patterns of power. So perhaps rather than a pointillist particle theory constructed of dots we've linked together, we should consider an organic, whole-in-the-part wave theory, imagined as ripples on the water.
We're talking metaphorically of course, but metaphors help us organize our thoughts, order the world and frame our arguments. And in a holographic universe metaphors may be the best we have, and carry us much closer to the truth than pure logic.
We can do better than the scattershot method of much conspiracy theory that goes not much further, nor deeper, than a litany of seeming anomalies and breaks to the system. Because any system which helps to structure power can bend itself to conspiracy without breaking. That is to say, parapolitics doesn't just happen when things go wrong with politics, but also when things go right. It's embedded, and so difficult to see and understand if we're trained to look only for the exceptions. To think of another metaphor, it's a forest/tree problem.
Since it was something no one had seen before on such a scale there are a lot of tall trees left standing from 9/11. Some deserve attention, some simply draw attention to themselves, and some have our attention drawn to them by forces which mean for us to miss the forest. Such trees, perhaps, ought to be cut down.
An extreme example of scattershot conspiriology is the film In Plane Site. No anomaly or apparent contradition, whether a shadow or a flash or a puff of smoke, is too subjective or irrelevant to be excluded, and nothing else in the way of evidence is admitted, regardless of whether the whole coheres as an alternative narrative to the official account. In fact, and common to such work, no narrative at all is offered. By way of contrast, the original research of Daniel Hopsicker is all about constructing a narrative - identifying the pattern - which takes him a long way from Ground Zero but much closer to the event's organic nature. His April 17th story, for instance, concerning a DC9 seized in the Yucatan last week after hauling more than five tons of cocaine from Caracas. A co-owner of the aircraft is Brent Kovac, a Tom Delay appointee to the Business Advisory Council of the National Republican Congressional Committee. The plane's Florida charter company, "Royal Sons," used to be housed in a hanger at Florida's Ground Zero of Huffman Aviation, from which Mohammed Atta, according to Hopsicker's research, also used to make drug runs to Venezuela. "A close look at Royal Sons," writes Hopsicker, "reveals evidence indicating that the firm is part of a cluster of related air charter firms being used as dummy front companies to provide 'cover' for CIA flights." And let's remember, just three weeks after Atta enrolled at his flight school, its right-wing evangelical owner, Wally Hilliard, had his private plane seized with 43 pounds of likely Afghanistan heroin on board. Hilliard made some calls. Hilliard wasn't charged. Hopsicker's narrative is drugs and money, and from Iran/Contra to Indochina's Air America to Bonesmen profiteering by China's Opium Wars, it's a long-established and predictive pattern.
Which methodology seems more profitable and encouraging and troubling to power, and which evidence most merits dissemination? Which is the only one to receive play, as though it were representative of the whole, in America's corporate media?
Similarly, a study of High Weirdness should be more than a laundry list of anomalous events and Forteanea, particularly now that analysis is catching up with the phenomena. We shouldn't shy from using Occam's Razor, even though it's a favourite tool of debunkers claiming to follow a parsimonious scientific method, because the new science is not in their corner, and the most economical explanation is sometimes the weirdest.
Bernstein employed dots to see the pattern, but it was the pattern that was real and the subject of the study, not the dots themselves. The dots were his necessary fiction to manifest the pattern.
We have the pattern. But if we can't see the pattern for the dots, maybe it's time to erase some dots.
In regard to 'Connecting the Dots', if the universe truly IS holographic, then ALL dots are connected. In fact, every dot is contained within every other dot. It's the dots that are the illusion. The supposition that you can isolate and freeze one particular snipped of space-time, and analize it outside of the whole, just don't cut the mustard.
I encourage everyone to follow this link and "read from the horses mouth". It is truly astounding read.
Wish I'd said that, luposapien, it would have saved me some time. That's what I was getting at when I wrote about the "interpenetrating connectedness" of the "hidden and fluidic patterns of power."
Though I'd hate to step on the toes of the dead, I've got to admit I've had a compulsion to give Hopsicker's work the Marc Lombardi treatment.
Then again, I've had a couple of false starts in creating an interactive, version of Lombardi's own work, to try and capture said "fluidic patterns of power", that one could see evolve through time.
A sort of spider's web, with depth being time.
When dealing with huge quanities of unknowns, stop trying to find answers to the unknowns.
Instead, concentate on asking good questions. If you ask good questions, the answers eventually take care of themselves.
"A sort of spider's web, with depth being time."
Seeing that I remember that "web weavers" are not welcome at the Bohemian Grove.
"..in explaining both our apprehension of the universe and the character of ..."
Interesting choice of words Jeff. I might used the word "wonder".
"Interesting choice of words Jeff. I might used the word 'wonder'."
I thought rereading it that it might be confusing, but I left it because I liked the ambiguity. I meant it, though, in the sense of discernment, or "the cognitive condition of someone who understands."
joe cannon over at www.cannonfire.blogspot.com picked up on this story this morning, and his analysis, and many of the comments are offering some very interesting "dots," if you will. check it out.
the overall pattern in this case, of course, is that the repugs have got very creative about getting around the campaign finance restrictions by setting up bogus companies that gather big investments ($7 mill from dupont?) and fake contracts (skyway nabbed one with the FL dept. of transportation, clint curtis's skuzzy old employer) for revenue that eventually finds its way into campaigns.
and naturally (or unnaturally, as the case may be), they'll accept monies from any sources, even the black markets. they've set up the perfect fronts.
so clever, these criminals.
and yeah, the holographic universe implies (as in its bohmian 'implicate order') a larger, connected 'wavey' reality. but down here in the bohmian 'explicate order,' we most often have to rely on the dots just to get some clue about the wave's pattern. like bohm's fishtank with two cameras getting two different angles. each one looks like a "reality," but the real reality exists outside those camera lenses. the more camera angles we can get, the closer we can get to the real picture, as long as we don't insist on angles competing for the supreme picture. all angles contribute, and each dot is as essential as the whole. as long as we keep our 'eyes' trained toward that 'whole'.
so keep the dots comin'.
Well, this is not news that disinfo is going on about 9-11. Can you be a little bit more specific, Jeff, as to which trees are not the ones we should be watching? Being relatively new to seeing the world as a net of horror and conspiracy, I don't have a clue....
--- off topic - sorry, all ----
Just wanted to acknowledge your response to my comment from a couple of days ago....
> Please don't lose that subtle feeling. I am listening.
Yeah, "troll" is a bit of a harsh word; certainly everyone who comes to this site has their own perspectives and motivations. That's why I didn't accuse you of deliberately trying to sabotage the thread on the orders of your Nazi-Zionist-CFR masters... But, while I did make a sweeping generalization in calling everyone a troll, you have to admit there are a lot of people who won't put down their pet issue for even a minute, regardless of what everyone else is focused on at the moment. There have been many a good 9/11 discussion on this site; not every thread has to address that issue, tho.
My wider point, tho, was directed at Jeff, and I hope he saw it underneath 90-something other posts, tho I'm sure he knows it already: he [and we] can think and say whatever he wants to. Nobody handed him the responsibility of giving an absolute, all-encompasing explanation of what happened on 9/11. I certainly don't know what happened. I haven't seen the evidence first-hand, or even second-hand. FWIW, here's the one thing I know *for certain* about 9/11: at about 10:15EST I saw a local Pittsburgh station interviewing several people who stated that they saw a flight being tailed by F-16's. One man said he was certain it was shot down. By 11:45EST, the 'heroic sacrifice' story completely replaced the idea of that plane being shot down, and it was never mentioned in a `respectable` news source again. That much I saw with my own eyes.
Once again, sorry all for bringing this thread OT. Another fine post, Jeff. I'll go back to lurking, since my mind is way too blown by your writing (yet again).
--- On topic: ---
can we do Fourier analysis of stock trades, possibly differentiating between put/short, or by sector (aviation, finance, etc.) to discern some of these similar waveforms? Anyone know where one could get a significantly robust sample of financial data that might yield some insights if it went through the same methods as the dancers' elbows?
That made me laugh, noen! "Weaving Spiders Come Quick Here" will be a personal battlecry as I try to hammer out the data management aspect of my Lombardi-esque project!
Somewhat tangetial (or not, given the title of Jeff's latest entry), have you ever noticed that when you step into the shallows of a lake's edge, that the sun passing through the rippling waterr creates a dancing web of sorts, as long as the water is clear?
When you were to float on the surface, you can feel the currents, but by shining a light into the water, patterns of light are revealed, the brighter strands being those where the water is curved more, or in an informational sense, a larger dataset is represented to describe its curvature.
Or maybe I've mixed too many metaphors with too many hours of programming in the past few days.
can we do Fourier analysis of stock trades, possibly differentiating between put/short, or by sector (aviation, finance, etc.) to discern some of these similar waveforms? Anyone know where one could get a significantly robust sample of financial data that might yield some insights if it went through the same methods as the dancers' elbows?
No. This, and many more sophisticated methods, have been tried by many with marginal to little success. You're welcome to try, though. Here's one place where you can get historical financial data:
If you don't know how to do fourier analysis, crack open any linear algebra text, open to the chapter on "fast fourier transforms", and you can pretty much build your own using a standard linear regression package, and sine and cosine functions. Happy investing!
cookting, i'm no expert on fourier analysis, but my suspicion is that the big differences between bernstein's study and various financial patterns are that each subject in his study was an individual agent who singularly directed the 'dots' at the joints, which themselves are governed in their range of motion by certain rules (e.g., one cannot touch the left elbow with the left wrist or the neck to the tailbone). financial patterns, alas, have no such agent and fewer and fewer rules (that many are determined to break or at least stretch) but are instead the result of enormous numbers of individual agents without any overarching 'wave' that directs their actions. though smith suggested self-service to be the motivation, that's not always the case. and what serves one person's self may not serve another's, so even that variable would have to be represented itself as a pattern. and so it goes.
financial trends look like a pretty random free for all, even after they've been analysed and massaged to within an inch of their statistical lives.
plus, doncha have to ask yourself just what you might do with such info? play the market and become very rich? and if anyone else knew about it, how do you think that might affect the market trends? or ten more? or a hundred? a real test of the heisenberg principle if there ever was one.
afraid no one has yet to solve even the three-body problem, much less the billion body problem. and fourier analysis has been around so long, no doubt your query has been attempted. clearly to no avail.
to bring this back 'round to topic, what greedy folks tend to do when they can't master the field is resort to crime. not a solution i'd recommend, though repugs clearly feel it's working for them.
The principal target demographic for the atrocity still on storyboards is Russia and China.
I highly doubt this conclusion. Bush can give a rat's ass about Russia or China. I'm sure Bush would like nothing more than for China to call in the debt.
It's curious to me that the blog portion of RI has yet to address the Plame scandal, black market nukes, and Cheney-Rumsfeld links to aforementioned.
Time is running out here people. Bush need to be impeached immediately and you people are talking about holographic universes again?
I don't know what all you people have been up to lately, but I've been spending all of my free time jamming Neocon blogs. Why don't you all collectively have a RI discussion thread on rightwingnews.com ? Start targeting Neocon blog rolls. Sure beats the hell out preaching to the quire and engaging in the 'intellectual' circle jerk that goes down over here on a daily basis.
Hey sonambulist-- I don't know any neocon blogs. Please list some so I can jam them. GReat Idea!!
check out-
on plame related topics. Especially on page two "Watergate level event" about to occur, which is nineteen pages long and covered the issues thoroughly.
Anonymous 6:52 PM:
Just go to Michelle Malkin's blog, check out her blog roll, randomly pick one and start from there.
Thanks for the link Sunny.
Anonymous 6:52 PM:
Also, archive everything that happens when you attempt to jam the blog. If they ban or censor you, intentionally over react-make a huge deal about it- then link the 'discussion' thread to Daily Kos and Firedoglake.
agreed jeff.
I meant:
...then link the 'discussion' thread ON Daily Kos and Firedoglake. Not TO Daily Kos and Firedoglake.
Here's a good one to use right off the bat. Usually scares the daylights out of Christian Republicans:
"If a ruler hearken to lies, all his servants are wicked."
Proverbs, 29:12
The word [liar] is derived from the Indo-European root, leugh, and the old-English, leogan: "to tell a lie". With the prefix, waer, "faith" or "pledge", we get the old-English, waerleogan, or "oath breaker". Waerleogan, in modern English, is Warlock: "a male witch, a demon".
The fossils of the world tell us that false representation, oath breaking, and witchcraft, are part of that complex process known as "lying". A liar, then, is a witch or demon who distorts reality, to your injury and his gain. To establish credibility with you, he may give the appearance of helping you. But in the long term, he claims your life, just as another liar will claim his.
Lying is deadly, and highly contagious. The man who receives his information from a liar will spew out lies when he passes the information on. When you have liars, trained in the demonic arts, controlling the highest seats of governmental authority, you will have liars controlling the information channels. When their lies fill the printed pages, loudspeakers, and TV screens, you will have liars administering the workplaces, marketplaces, schools, churches, and homes. Without realizing it, your nation becomes possessed by demons; your nation practices the politics of witchcraft.
A liar's fortunes are very cleverly established on his pretenses of virtue; otherwise, well-meaning people would have nothing to do with him. He will not think twice about murdering to protect his good reputation.
In a lying society, murder is an acceptable alternative to radically changing one's views. In lying societies, the virtues are brutishness, deceit, sodomy, theft, debt, and suicide. He who is most menacing and monstrous is most popular.
Though powerful in appearance, lies are in reality extremely fragile. There is no protection for a liar except (1) darkness, or (2) the mercy of a more powerful liar. This is why lying societies crave dimness of room and of mind. It is why they seek bondage to human authority.
this song is so fitting, i just had to post the lyrics:
BAND: Chevelle
SONG: Bend the Bracket
"Bend The Bracket"
So the water's thickening....
His collar's pulled, begin to be aware
It's on, that he needs to focus
Beyond that man, he brings a world of pain
The war is on, too weak to move
Call it off, sorry refused
So we bend the bracket
Shove it down, anything to make it fit
It's on...and being foolish won't cover up
Exposing them as fakes
The war is on, too weak to move
Call it off, sorry refused
So boredom captured another fool
Shredding him to bits (it's on)
And the more we tense up, avoiding pain
You'll never learn a thing
The war is on, too weak to move
Call it off, sorry refused
The war is on, too weak to move
Call it off, sorry its refused
So perhaps rather than a pointillist particle theory constructed of dots we've linked together, we should consider an organic, whole-in-the-part wave theory, imagined as ripples on the water.
With all these references to a holographic, Hermetic universe and fractalized "dots within dots", I began to get excited that perhaps you were describing a completely novel approach to parapolitics.
But what I was able to comprehend from the essay was, while definitely good advice, nothing so groundbreaking. Is the essence of your post that we should develop a greater understanding & paint a broader picture of the *context* of parapolitical events, so as to develop a predictive and / or educational methodology? As a way to establish "motive" or a "pattern of behavior" in the criminological sense, to show how event A is linked causatively or by association to event B by a waveform within a larger system of waves? Establish a more all-encompassing model of the ecological system of criminality within which our subjects work?
If so, I applaud the points made ... but I don't see how the Hermetic, "as above, so below" implications of these events and patterns are elucidated by such an approach.
Where is the holographic similitude of microcosm to macrocosm in this analysis?
If I'm missing it, it would be great to have this further explained.
And to the person who recommended NeoCon blog-trolling -- I wish "activists" would ditch the mindset that events within the blogosphere have much in the way of impact on the course of politics. Occasionally, yes, they make ripples, but by and large it's a closed system and merely causing adolescent mischief in a few blogs frequented by right-wing ideologues (i.e. people whose opinions are hardened to change) isn't going to remake the world.
I recommend examining the efficacy of your own actions before accusing others of intellectual wankery.
And to the person who recommended NeoCon blog-trolling -- I wish "activists" would ditch the mindset that events within the blogosphere have much in the way of impact on the course of politics.
The person who made this recommendation is name Somnambulist. Or am I above being referenced by name ?
What information is the basis for this conclusion ? Have you performed sociological or marketing experiments in this area ?
Occasionally, yes, they make ripples, but by and large it's a closed system and merely causing adolescent mischief in a few blogs frequented by right-wing ideologues (i.e. people whose opinions are hardened to change) isn't going to remake the world.
Rubbish. There is a full on revolt going on within the Repub. party at the moment. Neofascists vs the more populist rightwing. We need to keep pushing. Every little bit counts. I have met some great people along the way from 'the right' and have change a few minds as well.
I recommend examining the efficacy of your own actions before accusing others of intellectual wankery.
I would recommend re-evaluating your musical tastes. Kevin Martin is openly ridiculed in the Godflesh-TechnoAnimal-Scorn-Napalm Death world. Believe me, I've been in correspondence with Mick Harris since 1997. K-Mart is a weakening nonce.
Very well then, sit on your butt and listen to the Bug all night, as the world outside burns.
If enough people got together, we could bring the entire Neocon blogsphere to its knees.
(or some percentage of it anyway.)
lll said -
but the real reality exists outside those camera lenses. the more camera angles we can get, the closer we can get to the real picture, as long as we don't insist on angles competing for the supreme picture. all angles contribute, and each dot is as essential as the whole. as long as we keep our 'eyes' trained toward that 'whole'.
I do like that. It explains simultaneously both how we can come progressively closer to truth without ever arriving at Truth, and also how seemingly very different realities can be part of the same truth. And that, in turn, suggests that we should all strive to be as tolerant as possible of one another -- and even of ideas that at first glance seem to be impossibly wrong-headed, because they fly in the face of our own pet theories.
Beyond that, I've been doing heavy dot-connecting for almost two years now, and I'm feeling its limitations as a method very strongly. For example, why is it that so many of the stories I've looked at very quickly veer off into both Jack Abramoff and Reverend Moon -- even though Abramoff and Moon seem to have no particular connection with one another? It's struck me that perhaps what they have in common is methodology -- raising money in dubious ventures and spending it in pursuit of power and influence -- and so they tend to sweep up the same third parties into their webs. If so, that would certainly be an example of patterns, wave-forms, and ripples on the water rather than dots to connect.
There are certain archetypes that recur over and over. As one slightly off-topic example, I was recently amused to discover that the two major heroin trafficking routes from Afghanistan to Europe -- one going through Iran and Turkey, the other north of the Caspian and Black Sea -- closely mirror the two routes by which modern Homo sapiens entered Europe during the Ice Age. History is crowded, and it's very hard to avoid walking in someone else's footsteps.
Looking at patterns may tell us more about *what* is happening than about *who* is involved -- but that might not be a bad thing. Certainly much of conspiracy theory seems particularly thin on creating a plausible narrative of events in terms of what the hell the conspirators thought they were up to and why they thought they could get away with it.
"The dots were his necessary fiction to manifest the pattern."
In The Thin Blue Line, Director Errol Morris recreates the scene of a murder based on the "dots" gleaned from interviews with witnesses and other participants in the investigation. He shows through these 13 noir-style fictions that the Dalla Police department's official narrative is itself a fiction. I don't want to be a spoiler for those who haven't seen it, but Morris (in reality, as this was a documentary) actually did help solve the crime even though he didn't set out to do that. He demonstrates truth through fiction, which is an unusual way of making a documentary. It was also an inadvertent "interventionist" documentary because it effected the outcome of the real story being documented.
No, I haven't done any surveys. Have you? What I did do was walk 135 miles across the Gulf Coast with Iraq war and other veterans to protest the war and the money that has been diverted from disaster relief to a futile occupation.
We talked with red-staters along the route and converted many to our side, actually interfacing politely, rationally, and directly with them rather than trolling their blogs.
All this while you sat "on your butt", making pretend-revolution on your computer.
And I'm glad to hear you've been sucking Mick Harris's dick since 1997. What the fuck do my musical tastes have to do with anything, you name-dropping "nonce"?
No, I haven't done any surveys. Have you?
Then you are not qualified to make a determination if this tactic works or not, are you ? In your original post, you sounded quite definite and authoritative, didn’t you ?
What I did do was walk 135 miles across the Gulf Coast with Iraq war and other veterans to protest the war and the money that has been diverted from disaster relief to a futile occupation.
Bravo ! Good for you. Did you pay your taxes ? Because if you did, you can march 2 million miles to Mars and all you’re doing is canceling yourself out.
We talked with red-staters along the route and converted many to our side, actually interfacing politely, rationally, and directly with them rather than trolling their blogs.
Yes, that can be effective. But sometimes people just need to be blasted. Sometimes you can’t negotiate with murderous and cynical koolaid drinkers, who lust after death. Sometimes you just need to fucking blast people.
All this while you sat "on your butt", making pretend-revolution on your computer.
I’ve been involved in the anti-war and peace movement for years now. The only “pretend” revolution I see continuously repeated around here is by people you aren’t hardcore enough to put their money where their mouth is. Start by harassing and blasting some of these Neocons, if you can't engage rationally with them. Jam their blogs...I'm sure there are plenty of people out there who are into and understand the concept of 'jamming.''Jamming' is not necessarily 'trolling.'Some of these Neocon blogs are more opened than others, they are not a monolith. They’re standing on feet of clay. Sometimes you just need to give them a nice, swift shove, and they'll topple over.
And I'm glad to hear you've been sucking Mick Harris's dick since 1997.
I’ve been doing no such thing…even if he asked me to, I wouldn't. That tends to ruin relationships sometimes. I’d rather keep my relationship with Mick platonic.
What the fuck do my musical tastes have to do with anything, yo u name-dropping "nonce"?
I was being factious. I guess ‘absurdity’ isn’t your bag.
Check this out, you Bug…
Absurdity is definitely your bag, judging by the juxtaposition of these two statements:
"Sometimes you just need to fucking blast people."
"I’ve been involved in the anti-war and peace movement for years now."
Here endeth my part of the flame war. Good night, sleepwalker! Thanks for changing the world, and doing the hard work the rest of us aren't hardcore enough to do! Your efforts will be remembered!
Those two comments are not mutually exclusive. Just because one is into peace, doesn't necessarily mean s/he has to be passive. 'Culture jamming' is a necessary part of life these day, especially in the US. Do you even know what 'culture jamming' is ? Bush was right in a way, you can't negotiate with terrorists--or fascists for that matter. We learned that the hard way in WWII.
That's the thanks I get for sharing a link to the Godflesh - TechnoAnimal board,eh ? Do you even know who Godflesh are? Or are you just another Yank-off who found a cool 'electronica' cd at Borders.
Tate. Agreed. Shock tactics and spectacle are not for everyone. If you read what I had posted earlier, you will find that I did not suggest insulting people immediately or using this as an only approach. There are many methods and approaches one can take: humor, absurdity, seriousness, shock tactics. Use everything at your disposal. Sometimes the Somnambulist needs a good shock to wake him up. That is really what I meant by 'blast.' There are good people on the right that have no idea what has happened to the Republican party and are looking for answers. There are many on the right looking for answers right now and are tired of this war. The goal is to shake up the 'green zone' of the mind.
Your conspiracy artwork/montage is really why I go here the first place :) I like them a lot.
hey somnambulist, i like what you said, it makes total sense "you can't negotiate with a terrorist, or a fascist for that matter" you can't negotiate with any extremist.
and it provides a reason to fight harder.
I'm just sittin here watchin the wheels go round and round....
Coercive force will never defeat coercive force, only replace same-old with same-old.
But then, who am I trying to coerce with that statement....
The observer distorts the truth simply by relaying what he saw or sees. Polling or posting. It has the tendency to lower the vibration or raise it but the participation is feint and the energy it takes to cut down the tree disapates.
Just saw that phrase 'culture-jamming' and thought to myself, maybe the neo-cons have leard how to play that game, too. They tell the press things that are not true to be assured they will be talked about, adnaseum..
I thought it was interesting, but at this point typical and to be expected that other news stories seemed to twist the drug plane story to conform with "american" concerns about Venezuela's trustworthiness although some peculiar flight hijinx occurred when the plane returned to Venezuela's airport two hours after clearing customs and departing, claiming hydralic problems, (something that had been claimed on other unusual occurences in the planes past flight records).
Reading the elder (Glenn) Kovar's public history at zoominfo.com presents me with spots (okay dots) before my eyes and immediately reminds me of L. Ron and Parsons.
As far as haunting the neocon blogs is concerned, a few things that I've learned:
Most DO NOT permit comments. This is often the case since opposing evidence could destroy them. Powerline, Instapundit (the whole Northern Alliance, in fact), etc. don't have comments and never address emails unless they contain some nasty bits that provide them with ammunition for more ad hominem attacks.
The few that do allow comments monitor them pretty agressively and delete evidence and strong arguments against the neocon establishment. They tend to leave in weak posts and trolls as "proof" that those who disagree with them are degenerates or people with no manners.
They are also very good at responding with withering abuse and seem to encourage their synchophant readers to do the same.
FreeRepublic in particular seems made for the most paranoid among us. They delete opposing views with lightning speed. They must have full time monitoring of comments. Appallingly, they leave the most abusive and threatening posts from the Right.
If there's a neocon blog that tolerates real discussion, I'd like to know about it.
Thanks for your time.
Great new article by John Gorenfeld on the Moon cult's ritual sex magick. Find out how those mass-marriage couples celebrate their honeyMOON!
Connecting dots...
How about the DOTS who buy all the drugs with which the alleged evil neo-cons make so much money?
Are those DOTS unwittingly supporting the very persons they rave about?
Hopsicker is great - one of the few who actually uses his skills and his shoes to good purpose. He reminds me a little of a wacky version of the old, now defunct, investigative journalist. I only had a quick peep (no time today) but it looked like Cannonfire (google) had some interesting follow ups. (?) later: I see it is mentioned above...
Connecting the dots means creating a pattern, a view, an interpretation that reveals order in what was chaos before. Fourier analysis or a good BS detector, as the case may be, can be used. An analytic tool is applied. That tool may be ‘scientifically precise’, resting on long tradition, or be a matter of emotion and implicit understanding (I know a lie when I hear one ..) Hopsicker shies off; he reports and leaves the ultimate pattern of dots aside. He sets limits to his own understanding; reveals what he can (or must) and stops. That is quite proper.
One might argue that those who produce things like In Plane Sight (or whatever it is called, I haven’t seen it) are not so very different. From their position, plunging into the only ‘hard’ evidence they have available (pictures, etc.) , using the skills they have to hand, from their position, etc. - different from Hopsicker’s - nevertheless spring from the same desire - a desire to at least reveal some dots. A need to say, the dots we were shown are BS, there are other dots to be considered. Surely that must count as rigorous intuition as well, even if, on occasion it is, or seems, self-serving, self-agrandizing, tiresome, hysterical, and irrelevant to those interested in the tentacles of power as opposed to squibs and (putative) thermite and so on? Don’t these people, who see the end result of state corruption of the Mafia type in terms of a huge chunk of lower Manhattan being destroyed deserve respect for their unwillingness to believe what they have been told, not to mention their weeks, or months, of work?
*Every little bit counts* - written by Somnanbulist.
Jeff, since you mentioned In Plane Site, I thought I'd mention that my initial 9/11 dot-connecting was a result of that inferior film. I'm not the gullible type either, and even though that film was an eye-opener, it was just the beginning of what led to hours and hours of research and sorting out the disinfo from the legitimate work of people like Michael Ruppert, David Ray Griffin, Nafeez Ahmed, Paul Thompson, and Jeff Wells (your Coincidence Theorist's Guide to 9/11).
I guess I just wanted to point out that disinfo or extremely poor dot-connecting and even disinfo can open doors to truth, at least for those of us willing to spend a little time sorting through the flotsam and jetsam.
-- manxkat
Anonymous 2:17PM,
Most DO NOT permit comments.
There are many who do, in fact, allow comments. Start with the small or medium sized blogs.
The few that do allow comments monitor them pretty aggressively and delete evidence and strong arguments against the neocon establishment.
I was actually censored on rightwingnews.com for posting a short article excerpt from the American Conservative Magazine (if you can believe that) re: Michael Leeden and his overtly fascist views. The moderator deleted the post and later attempted to explain to me that he was ‘not,’ in fact, moderating the posts. (?) I have archived the transaction and am thinking of writing a letter to the editor at American Conservative.
They are also very good at responding with withering abuse and seem to encourage their synchophant readers to do the same.
Well, first they’ll accuse you of being a drug addict. I usually reply by pointing to the Trotskyite origins of Neoconservatism and relate it to suppression of descent in the former Soviet Union. Act like a Paleocon, a anti-war Christian...anything, and if they ban or censor you...well, there you go, you're a Christian or fellow conservative who was mistreated by Neocons. Grover Norquist, Michael Leeden and Rev. Moon make for great talking points on Neocon blogs. Take your case to other blogs or media outlets and exploit it for all its worth, if treated unfairly. I actually ran into a anti-war Christian who was censored on a small Neocon blog. These people are getting desperate.
Their shit house is crumbling all around them. We need to keep pushing here, they're on the ropes and maybe we can finally push the dagger through this demon's blackened heart.
If there's a neocon blog that tolerates real discussion, I'd like to know about it.
I’ve had some good luck with the people at the Belmont Club. I’ve pulled some absolutely disgusting and ridiculous shit there, and they still engaged me in conversation. Quite amazing I was not banned immediately. Military people are more tolerant and opened minded. Especially if you are behaving in a perverse manner and still might be about to get a point across.
Anytime Michelle Malkin is mentioned, I have used the following absurdist tactic, might work with military people (?) :
It would be an honor to be 'extraordinarily renditioned' these day. Free plane fare, free room and board. Perhaps some swimming lessons ? And maybe if you're lucky, Michelle Malkin will show up at your camp or prison and perform some 'experiments.'
I know people who would pay top dollar to receive that kind of 'treatment' from an attractive Asian female.
I've heard of some strange ways of 'picking up men' before, but openly defending internment ? Now that is wild !
Thanks for allowing me to waste your time.
i think an even better way to describe what your saying is to see things in three dimensions instead of two, or maybe just all dimensions for that matter.
on a side note. i'd never even heard of the movie "In Plane Site" until you mentioned it here on this post.
Poor, foolish humanity: Thank God, I'm here.
There is a great hue and cry for "mo' oil.” I humbly submit I think I have the answer to part of the problem.
The Government should require that all cars made in, or coming into, this country have manual transmissions in one-half of them. It is a well-known fact that manual transmissions get at least 3 to 4 more miles to the gallon of gas over automatics. Multiplying this by the millions of cars sold in this gluttonous country each year, it is easy to calculate the savings.
There are enough butch men in this country who need to "butch it up" by doing a little shifting. It will do them a world of good. Save the automatics for the little old ladies from Pasadena.
Now, see? Wasn't that easy? Millions of gallons of gas saved by an organizational wizard born on a chicken farm in Clarita, Oklahoma.
Edward Eugene Baskett
You are not going to believe this, but the other day, it was raining cats and dogs here in Crestline, CA. I had to go to the post office to get my mail. Suddenly, your clone appeared before me. I thought it was an apparition.
The guy was your height and weight with blond hair. He was wearing a black trench coat that must have weighed at least 25 pounds, came to his ankles. Now, I have seen some trench coats in my day, but never anything like this one! As I stood next to this enormous man, I felt like a little weasel. I touched the coat, asking about the material from which it was made. He explained that it was some sort of fabric that had been impregnated with oil. He told me that it is the coat whalers use in the Antarctic. For all the world, he looked like Darth Vader. As we chatted, he kept fiddling with the metal hooks, trying to get them to connect.
I told him that, like you, he looked very menacing. He denied the charge.
Christopher, I think it is just wonderful to have one of "our golden boy" up here in the mountains of Southern California, but "don't spread yourself too thin."
CLONING!! What hath man wrought?
Hello everyone, and Jeff
Cheers Jeff and everyone for letting me know I wasn't mad after all.
Everyone- how does one tell the world what we all know? I've tried telling one or two fairly sympathetic folk and even they dont understand the depth of the issue, how can one explain what is going on withhout sounding mad?
If there's a neocon blog that tolerates real discussion, I'd like to know about it.
If it don't blog fix it. The internet is a two way street. It's not top down it's a level playing field. Think about all the organizations out there that don't have "blogs" and ask yourself the question, "Where is my two cents"?
I belong to a union that won't allow a blog on it's website. What up?
You hit the nail on the head regarding the most frustrating aspect of this knowledge: how to clue others in without sounding mad. Or, put another way, how to actually convince other people who are still hypnotized.
Most of my liberal friends think I'm nuts regarding 9/11. A lot of them don't even think the last election was stolen. They just buy into the incompetence theory regarding 9/11, and when it came to stolen elections of 2000 and 2004, their response just echoed the talking heads on the tv who said that it was mobilized evangelicals that made all the difference in 2004. Lies, lies, lies.... and the liberals eat it all up, even though it's coming out of the mouthpieces of the military-industrial-corporate complex. Baffles me to no end.
All I can figure is that it's a form of denial that's so thick, it would take a total public confession by the conspirators before they'd believe anything that makes their comfy world seem threatened.
Trouble is, as we all know, their comfy world is about to implode -- and, I dare say, it probably already has for a number of people economically. But, that's just the beginning.
Few people want to hear the bad news. You know how most people don't want to discuss religion or politics in social situations, especially parties, etc.
I still rant to a few friends who are borderline with their waking up, but beyond them, I pretty much don't waste my time.
And, I'm doing a shitload of preparations to at least get my own situation somewhat under control: getting out of debt, cashing in my IRAs early to get solar panels, growing more of my own food, stocking up on essentials that will likely become scarce.
I feel I should be doing more with regard to connecting with others locally, but it's frustrating and time-consuming. I've wanted so much to connect with my liberal neighbors, but so many of them still believe in the Democrats. Where to begin? They walk past my house and see how I'm transforming it, but nobody asks why.... and then there are the Republican neighbors who believe the rapture is coming.
It really does get to be rather overwhelming.... but, I just keep making my plans and moving forward.
I still care, but I really don't have many ideas about how to spread the truth -- especially since it's so damn frightening, and since so many people have their sacred myths that are virtually inpenetrable.
-- manxkat
Hey Old Gary, who says the people buying the drugs are raving against the neo-cons? Are saying those that dissent are on drugs?
from dalia Thanks Somnambulist...I think I was one of those who needed culture jamming,I know it is done with tact most times, but it did turn me around and I have been on a roller coster ever since. I sure wish Edward Murrow was still here.Sorry you got blasted by that other blogler, she just dosent know what it means. Thanks again
Sorry you got blasted by that other blogler, she just dosent know what it means. Thanks again.
Yeah, I might as well start writing in Korean pictograms. Or perhaps rent an airplane and do some sky writing. "MARRY ME CONDI RICE !"
Talk to a Buddhist monk about 'culture jamming.' I think they did a bloody hell of a good job during Nam.
Now, if you'll excuse me, I have some technical manuals to edit.
Thanks for choosing our product over the generic brands. Our marketing campaign has assured us that our quality is number 'uno' and that *YOU* can instantly double your living by consuming even more of our fine product line [TM]. While here, pretend you own the place. Drag your muddied feet across the carpet and wipe your ass on the kitchen curtains. The show will begin as soon as your minds are disrobed. The no smoking and fasten seat belt lights have been turned on for your safety and security.
For your convenience, please find our state-of-the-art in-house pharmacy where our customers can pick up an over-the-counter cold medicine (which are now behind-the-counter-and-sign-this-paper-you-possible-meth-lab-suspect cold medicines) day time soap gossip, Dr. Frist's brain spatula and the guy eyed me suspiciously, asked me what I was going to use this Sudafed for ? I told him, "time travel." And he had nothing else to say, except est, Werner Erhard, "get it."
Over Anna's face peek-a-boo Veronica Lake, for centuries, opened in 1862, blubbering glass jar in Jimmy's mini-Cooper now merely focusing their player piano
tiger cage Jack Torrance, donated only one in clear recounted Florida in "the an excerpt from no heed of sea mermaid, Mora, shall be ripening slime Abramoff Lucifer Volvo radiator fluid in the world and the was prescribed Neurotonin "Ich bin ein Berliner" to cast out any has not required patients, tear down Thetan Schezwan Candidate--Operation Blessing, made WAR without town square layout--providing and replaced it used by the depleted uranium case Baker-Botts cel phone. Göring aviation medal, will upon the shall destroy it, Pabst Blue Ribbon Louise Brooks box: "love your God, himself a Pentecostal street gang--also were happily demanded recompense within enormous wardrobes, Hizbollah hashbrowns. However, earth to purify slavering worms and was originally his obsessive sexual F-117A stealth fighter in wait"; hence, who lives on defence of free Old Testament Home Secretary times and set yourself on fire McCain Manchurian all his rights all the more. More than dark empty room of Hillary Norquist and at least see signs of the fury Teresa Duncan Heinz 57 Wal-mart sauce of have been physically disturbed by accidentally disabilities are systematically is your promised and so individual name. And he enormous wardrooms. However, LaVey! Prove it to him. Pituitary Raccoons moved in with Edith Head do I now a long history stay the Army wish for salvation--group fantasy of martyrdom. Imam, countless delays, Rumble in the Jungle.
Jet owned by 2nd richest man in the world was tracking Flight 93 before it 'crashed'
Why was an executive jet owned by Omaha billionaire Warren Buffett "tracking" Flight 93 instead of a military jet intercepting it?
"Additional recordings would be played from the cockpit of an executive jet that tracked Flight 93 on Sept. 11...
An official for NetJets, a company that sells shares in private business aircraft, confirmed that the plane tracking Flight 93 belonged to the company. The official, who asked not to be identified by name, said the company was asked not to comment on the Sept. 11 flight but would not say who made the request." -Holland Sentinel/AP (8/09/02) [link]
In 1995, world-renowned financier Warren Buffett purchased his first fractional share in the NetJets® program. Three-and-a-half years later, Buffett's Berkshire Hathaway purchased NetJets Inc.
"As a NetJets fractional aircraft Owner, I had Three-and-a-half years to examine the service of NetJets before Berkshire Hathaway purchased NetJets Inc. We knew we were purchasing the premier provider of aviation solutions in the world. And you can quote me to the world on that."
- WARREN BUFFETT Chairman and CEO Berkshire Hathaway Inc.
Mr. Buffett's Berkshire Hathaway Inc. also has a subsidiary company called FlightSafety International Inc., a flight training school. [link]
FlightSafety International Inc. is reported to have trained at least one of the alleged 9/11 hijackers:
ABDULRAHMAN AL OMARI (Abdulaziz Alomari), Age: 38
Role: Aboard American Airlines Flight 11.
Pilot: Yes.
Florida connection: Issued a Florida driver's license on May 27, 1994. Lived in Vero Beach neighborhood near two other men, Adnan Bukhari and Amer M. Kamfar, who are linked to investigation. All three took flying instruction together at Flight Safety International. Once listed a home address at the Flight Operations center at New York's Kennedy Airport and told his Florida landlord he was a Saudi Arabian Airlines pilot.
International connection: Pilot's license lists address as the airline's post office box in Saudi Arabia. -St. Petersburg Times (9/15/01)
Also interesting to note is that Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, another flight training school that reportedly trained at least one of the alleged 9/11 hijackers, has ties with both FlightSafety International Inc. and NetJets along with a lot of other companies "indirectly involved" with 9/11.
Finally, Mr. Buffett's Berkshire Hathaway Inc. has large stock holdings in a company called SunTrust Banks, Inc. and has stock in Coca-Cola. SunTrust also has stock in Berkshire and Coca-Cola and Mr. Buffett is one of the directors of Coca-Cola.
SunTrust Banks, Inc. is one of the banks in which most of the alleged 9/11 hijackers reportedly set up bank accounts with using fake social security numbers.
"The September 11 hijackers were able to open several U.S. bank accounts using illegitimate Social Security numbers," FBI officials said Wednesday.
Officials said the hijackers appeared to have relied most heavily upon SunTrust Banks for the movement of funds through accounts opened in Florida." -CNN (7/01/02)
"Dennis Lormel, the chief of the Federal Bureau of Investigation's unit conducting the financial inquiry of the Sept. 11 plot, told the New York Times that the hijackers moved $325,000 through 14 bank accounts at SunTrust Bank, making that bank the most heavily relied upon."
California Democratic Sen. Dianne Feinstein said she was surprised the false Social Security numbers were not spotted. “They just made them up and that went through? How does that happen?” Feinstein said. -CBS (7/10/02).
[OP: when the order to allow them through has been given from high up in the bank, that's how!].
Finally, Warron Buffet has warned businesses and insurers that they should prapare for biological and nuclear terrorist attacks:
"The capability to strike using nuclear, chemical or biological devices isn't there yet but it will be," he said at his three-day annual meeting for investors, which has been dubbed Woodstock for Capitalists. "People are working on it. It could make the World Trade Centre loss look like nothing." - Guardian (5/06/02)
WHAT people are working on it, Mr Buffet? Anyone you know?
Several CEOs of top financial houses with offices in the WTC were flown early in the morning of 9/11 to the Charity Classic golf event hosted by Buffet at Offutt Air Force Base (of all places!). This saved their lives. Coincidence or evidence of foreknowledge by someone? [link]
If my memory serves me well
there were connections between buffet and the Franklin Credit Scandal in Omaha
Relating to stolen and faked IDs, does anyone remember Katherine Smith? I trust CNN is mainstream enough a source.
FBI probes death of driver's license examiner
Woman gave licenses to men being checked for terrorist links
February 15, 2002 Posted: 11:19 PM EST (0419 GMT)
From Kevin Bohn and Deborah Feyerick
CNN Washington
WASHINGTON (CNN) -- The death of a Tennessee driver's license examiner accused of helping six illegal immigrants get false drivers' licenses was no accident, the FBI said Friday.
Katherine Smith was found burned to death in her car early Sunday, a day before she was to be arraigned on federal charges she helped five Middle Eastern men and one juvenile get fake driver's licenses earlier this month. The five adults are under investigation for possible ties to the September 11 terrorist attacks, law enforcement officials said.
Smith's car was on fire when it struck a utility pole on a rural highway about 30 miles from Memphis, FBI agent Suzanne Nash said Wednesday. Smith's clothing had been soaked with gasoline, leaving her burned beyond recognition, according to authorities.
The FBI said Smith's death was either a homicide or a suicide.
All six lived in New York and are illegal immigrants, according to law enforcement officials.
One of the men, Sakhera Hammad, had a visitor's pass for the World Trade Center dated September 5, 2001. He told authorities he and his cousin, Abdelmuhsen Mahmid Hammad, also charged with trying to obtain a fake license, worked on the tower's sprinkler systems -- a claim authorities have not been able to corroborate.
Investigators say they are also intrigued by the fact that another man implicated in the scam, Khaled Odtllah, drove from New York City to Memphis on September 11.
"As a citizen and as an FBI agent, that's very disconcerting to me that these Middle Eastern males are coming down from New York City to Tennessee to get false driver's licenses," said Phil Thomas of the FBI. "We're hoping we would get a handle on what type of traffic this is."
There are more details in the original article at the link below, or Google Katherine Smith. One thing this article doesn't mention is that she was scheduled to have her first court appearance THE NEXT DAY.
As I've said before: WHEN does this stuff stop being "coincidence"?
The world according to Bush:
"and everything does no "work" by blackmail.....Remember how Sherman skolnick use to claim that Bush would not attack Iraq or kill Saddam because Saddam son was Blackmailing the Bush family with all the documents he had stored away somewhere. Documents that would show a secret payoff agreement involving the Queen of England, Bush And Saddam? Do you remember? Well what happened since?"
Whilst it is true that blackmail is not the only form of intimidation these elite crooks use (I was not suggesting it was), if you search carefully, you will find that Buffet has been linked to certain (let's just call them) "rings". Personally, however, I don't think he would have HAD to be coerced by blackmail into providing assistance on 9/11. He is a major player in the insurance market, his company has benefited after some short-term losses of about $2 billion and he is part of the international cabal of international financiers and bankers who had everything to gain from laying the foundations for years of war in Iraq and perhap now Iran.
According to someone who posted a comment at [link] "I have a friend who works at the base, he works in intelligence analysis and he says there was no charity event on the base on that day, base security was tight for 2 days before sept 11th and people weren't allowed to leave."
If this is really true, it's an amazing revelation. Let's assume it is true. Then, if there was no golf charity event actually held there, this being just a cover story given to the media to hide the real reason for a meeting of top business leaders with Bush, don't you think it is more than just an odd coincidence that Bush landed at Offutt Air Force base in Omaha that day at 3.07pm in Air Force One for reasons of 'safety'? [link] I mean, of all the bases he could have flown to to get away from Washington, he chooses the very one where Buffet was hosting his annual charity golf and tennis tournament and where it turns out at least one CEO was flown to who would have otherwise been killed because she worked in the South Tower.....!
Was it just a coincidence that the 2nd richest man in the world was hosting his "last" annual golf charity event that particular morning at U.S. Strategic Command headquarters and what are the odds that a CEO (Anne Tatlock) was invited whose offices were right where one of the hijacked airplanes crashed into?! [link]
Some immediate questions that arise from this charity event:
1. Who choose that date for this charity golf event to be held on a Sept. 11th and when was this date set? Is this "annual" golf event always held on a Sept. 11th?
2. Who were the celebrities, professional athletes, and the rest of the business leaders that attended, why were they invited, and who invited them? Did any of the other CEO's invited to this charity event work at the WTC?
3. Why was this the "last" annual golf charity event Mr. Buffett was going to host?
An interesting angle about Ann Tatlock's company, Fiduciary Trust Co. International, is that President Bush's nominee to head the panel that investigated the Sept. 11, 2001 terror attacks, Thomas Kean, used to serve as the company's director which has a lot of wealthy clients. Now, what a coincidence! Not. Perhaps it was part of the sweetener for his future post as head of the white-washing 9/11 panel that his good friend Mrs Tatlock be saved. Maybe that's a dot that should not be joined. It's just that as you look deeper into all the personalities involved in 9/11, THEY ALL ARE CONNECTED BY FRIENDSHIP AND/OR BUSINESS CONNECTIONS.
sorry to take up so much space, but the dot connecting is getting bigger and bigger.
all of these comments were taken from the infamous Godlike Productions Forum - take at your own risk!
Maybe the reason that theory breaks down and that people study anomalies is because the ultimate goal out of all this ought to be escaping from theories, escaping from systems altogether.
Just finished Ronald Laing's excellent Politics of Experience where he talks about how what we consider mental illness is actually the mind or self's attempt to heal us of the illness of culture, and the insanity of society.
Seems to me that charting anomalies is really just an attempt to plot an escape vector from the whole tortured mess - while simultaneously still being able to live in this world and enjoy the richness of life - without being caught in the games and traps of twisted logic offered to us.
Thanks for the Ronald Lang reference Tim. However I think that our project does not involve ‘escape’ from systems, but rather escape from this system. Man as a social animal, will always need a means to create correspondences between categories. We cannot have communication, exchange and ordering of ideas otherwise.
Our current meta-narrative does not provide correspondences, or means of understanding, for certain events and categories. Like how it is that people seen to be ‘good’, can be so creepy. Or why nobody can get a better spark plug to market. Think about it, there is an ionization layer created by firing the spark plug at the same place all the time. Move the spark, disrupt the electron wall and improve efficiency.
The expert class is threatened by any observations that may require reexamination of their initial premises; they are not rational at all. So perhaps this fraud that we call culture will best be exposed by realizations found within conventional physics.
Robert Krura patents the spark plug; he calls it the Firestorm Sparkplug.
Raise a toast; To the better mental health of all.
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