The Body Eclectic (Part Two)

Live if you want to live (Rastaman vibration, yay-ah - Positive!)
That's what we got to give (I'n'I vibration, yay-ah - Positive!) - Bob Marley
Carrying on from this post, do you remember The Spirit of the Beehive? Here's yet another example of the "buzzing of bees" common to boundary experiences, this one mentioned in a 1996 interview by cereologist Colin Andrews when asked, "What was your most memorable crop circle experience and why?":
While visiting a circle in a remote field at Kimpton, Hampshire, England during July 1987, I heard a very strange buzzing sound which was close to me and appeared to interact with me. I was overwhelmed by the experience and it left me very touched because it began after I had stood near the ring alone and prayed for a clue as to what the crop circles were about. A year later, the same sound was recorded on two occasions in crop circles -- one was at "Operation White Crow," the other while a BBC Television crew were interviewing myself and Pat Delgado, my co-author of "Circular Evidence."
Debunkers quickly ascribed the trilling on the "White Crow" tape to the Grasshopper Warbler, though the bird is rare and its habitat is marshland rather than crop fields. More persuasively, an audio analysis of the frequencies show them to be oscillating at entirely different frequencies. And frequencies can be as serious as a heart attack, because that's the heart when it loses its own. "What's the frequency, Kenneth?" may be a sensible question after all.
Karl Pribram, "one of the world's leading cognitive neuroscientists," is best known for his holonomic model of the brain. Pribram's model suggests that cerebral function follows holographic principals, with memory and information "stored not in cells, but rather in wave interference patterns."
"What had occured to Pribram," Lynne McTaggart writes in The Field, "is that when we look at something, we don't 'see' the image of it in the back of our heads or on the back of our retinas, but in the three dimensions and out in the world." That is to say, sight creates a virtual image of an object in the same place as the actual object, and memories are preserved in highly efficient wave-frequency patterns distributed throughout the brain rather than as discrete bits of information assigned to localized regions. (Though Pribram's theory of distributed memory was first greeted with much disbelief in the 1960s, it has since been supported by the laboratory work of fellow researchers (numerous vivisections, for instance, on the brains of salamanders have demonstrated they share the attribute of generalized recall).
When we observe the world, Pribram theorized, we do so on a much deeper level than the sticks-and-stones world "out there." Our brain primarily talks to itself and to the rest of the body not with words or images, or even bits or chemical impulses, but in the language of wave interference: the language of phase, amplitude and frequency - the "spectral domain." We perceive an object by "resonating" with it, getting "in synch" with it. To know the world is literally to be on its wavelength.
In a sense, in the act of observation, we are transforming the timeless, spaceless world of interference patterns into the concret and discrete world of space and time.... As with a holgram, the lens of the eye picks up certain interference patterns and then converts them into three-dimensional images.... If we are projecting images all the time out in space, our image of the world is actually a virtual creation.
A holographic brain should be expected as the natural, biological decoder of a holographic universe, such as that of quantum physicist David Bohm. In these compatable models, the brain becomes a participant in the construction of reality by assembling certain frequencies of wave patterns. Just as a hologram cannot be divided against itself as each division contains the base wave pattern required to recreate the image, so Bohm says our brains are smaller aspects of the whole picture that nonetheless "contain the whole knowledge of the universe." Our perspectives are determined by the frequencies to which we're attuned, so the virtual reality we construct encompasses only a narrow spectrum of the quantum wave pattern, or zero point field, that both contains us and which we ourselves contain.
DNA, we've noted, is biophotonic. It's a "coherent source of light, like a laser." A laser, of course, is a useful tool for the creation of holograms.
Light is a form of wave motion, as is sound. A formerly distinguishing characteristic of the two was thought to be that light can travel through empty space, while sound needs a medium, but zero point theory has done away with the vacuum: light traverses the medium of the quantum field. Shamanic initiations appear to stimulate the reception of both wave patterns. For instance, ayahuasca ceremonies generate visual stimuli while the presiding ayahuasqueros sing sacred songs, icaros, said to be taught by the plants or elemental spirits. "I am not the one creating the song," says a shaman. "It passes through me as if I were a radio":
The notion that ayahuasqueros learn their songs directly from the spirits is generalized. According to Townsley (1993), Yaminahua shamans "are adamant that the songs are not ultimately created or owned by them at all, but by the yoshi [spirits] themselves, who "show" or "give" their songs, with their attendant powers, to those shamans good enough to "receive" them.... Chaumeil (1993) talks of the extremely high-pitched sounds emitted by the spirits who communicate with Yagua shamans, more particularly of "strange melodies both whistled and talked," with a strong feminine connotation"
("Extremely high-pitched sounds" of the spirits. The buzzing of bees?)
If life is vibration, then music must not be incidental to it. (See, for instance, "Vibration, Music and the Basic Truths of Reality.")
In 1891 Margaret Watts-Hughes sang notes into a device containing lycopodium powder and captured for the first time precise geometric patterns on film. Seventy six years later, Swiss scientist Hans Jenny published his first study on the transmission of sound through electronic frequencies:
He observed how sound vibration created geometric shapes - a low frequency produced a simple circle encompassed by rings, whereas a higher frequency increased the number of concentric rings around a central circle. As the frequencies rose so, too, did the complexity of shapes, to the point where tetrahedrons, mandalas and other sacred forms could be discerned. Like Margaret before him, Jenny enabled humanity to observe 'frozen music'.

crop circle and a standing wave of sound vibration
The late Gerald Hawkins, former chair of the astronomy department at Boston University, identified a musical scale embedded in the geometry of the crop circles depicted in the early study Circular Evidence, that conformed to the "diatonic ratio," or the white keys of a piano. Hawkins' also found that circle patterns contained a formerly unexpressed Euclidian theorem.
Colin Andrews, whose most memorable experience in a circle was the "strange buzzing sound," says something like three quarters of the patterns made today are probably hoaxes, lacking such properties as magnetic anomalies ("the magnetic field within 20% of crop circles is consistently a few degrees rotationally out of sink with the magnetic field of the earth"), electronic malfunction, cellular change to the grain which germinates seeds growing up to 40% faster than seeds from unaffected plants in the same field, the emission of sound and more.
But perhaps even the hoaxers are unwitting participants in a genuine mystery, because human consciousness appears to be engaged somehow in even the creation of the most mysterious pictograms.
In the early days of crop research, Colin Andrews dreamt of a Celtic cross pattern which hadn't been seen in the fields before. The next morning one was discovered in a field adjoining his home. Busty Taylor, an aerial photographer, was flying with a colleague when he remarked "all we need right now is to see all the designs that have appeared so far rolled up into a Celtic cross." The next day, flying over the same field, he saw the precise depiction of his imagined pattern. These examples and more are reminiscent of UFO reports in which observers describe the objects in the sky as though behaving with an intelligence that is reading their minds.
Researcher Ed Sherwood has found "The Nine" of the Great Ennead of Ancient Egypt - and of Sirius, and Andrija Puharich - represented symbolically in every crop circle season since the early 1980s, when "crop circle seasons" began. He additionally notes that the "contact" of the "White Crow" trilling happened before nine witnesses, on the ninth day of the operation, on the 18th of the month. (For what it's worth, visions of large pyramids surrounded by waves of energy and vibrant colours have been described by "sensitives" while standing in the patterns, as recounted by Eltjo Haselhoff in The Deepening Complexity of Crop Circles.)
Laurence Rockefeller spent a fortune - or what might pass as a fortune for the rest of us - on paranormal research, and gave particular attention in his later years to UFOs and crop circles. I think it's always instructive to consider what captures a Rockefeller's interest.
Partial differential equations make the world go 'round.
In Egyptian theology, didn't the universe come into existence via the vibrations of the mouth of Re?
In the Hindu pantheon, the universe began with the vibration of OM. I'm currently reading Daimonic Reality and it's putting all these events into a different perspective for me, because I've always been a believer in fairies..
Cheers, Connut
You will have read this, but just in case:
Great post.
But perhaps even the hoaxers are unwitting participants in a genuine mystery, because human consciousness appears to be engaged somehow in even the creation of the most mysterious pictograms.
As a member of a small group of small-time crop circle makers from back in the early '90s, I can't agree with you more.
Two of us out of our group of three have recently been given the opportunity to examine three glyphs made on the other side of the North American continent that appeared within a week of our most significant pictogram. This is incredible, considering we only made a total of four circles, with the last being our only true success. We didn't know about any of this at the time, because we had no way of knowing; but the symbolism contained within the other three glyphs contained very strong symbolism that relates directly to our own shared mythologies of the time.
I almost fell out of my chair from shock at the implications of this, and we are planning to write at length about the specifics of the case and what it could mean for the research community if they are prepared to suspend their personal beliefs and grinding axes long enough to listen.
The buzzing of bees in one's head does not seem to be something generated by the brain. My experience is that it may be in one ear and not the other or in both ears simultaneously. This auditory experience cannot be controlled by the "recipient" in that the vibration is separate and distinct from the observer in that it cannot be caused to continue or discontinue. It simply runs its usually very short course.
I believe that HAARP, and chemtrails combine to alter or excite the buzzing of the bees.
I believe that HAARP, and chemtrails combine to alter or excite the buzzing of the bees.
I think you're giving the governments of the world too much credit, and not enough credit to the universe at large or "god", as it were.
RE: HAARP, chemtrails and the lot. Additionally, I would sooner suspect all of that as a suppressive force than a causative one -- or maybe not related to it at all.
I always get buzzing before an astral projection.
That is because I am becoming aware of a different reality, and am begining to compare it to normal meatspace, which is by our interpretation built on oscilating energy.
On the astral plane energy does not oscilate, it is an absolute.
DMT helps you become aware of your physicality, by opening your mind to astral reality.
Whats really weird is how the buzzing sound can be manipulated from a low frequency buzz, to a high frequency whine, so high you can hardly feel/hear it.
I say feel/hear it because you sort of have both, its a bit weird, and it focuses around/in my head.
Anyway, if you want to learn Astral Projection, get a copy of "MASTERING ASTRAL PROJECTION" by Robert Bruce and Brian Mercer. I never had to learn it, but if your are a newbie this book does precisley explain the experience and how to get there.
All this talk of supernatural buzzing reminded me of Carlos Castaneda. From an interview in a mag called Electro Print Graphics from 1968: "They (shamans) believe that for instance in the matter of peyote, anybody who intakes peyote hears a buzzing in the ears. However the Indians believe that there a seventeen types of buzzing. And each one then will then respond to a precise nature of the visitation. The deity Mescalito, comes in a specific way. And it announces it, by buzzing."
Meanwhile, from a comment at
24 Mar 2006 @ 17:07 by mj @ : bees
My 2 year old has been wakeing up at night crying,when iask why?he says the bees are buzzing,the bees,the bees..Know he talks about buzzzing bees all the time.should I be concerned.I do not allow him to watch or do anything unsupervised so i can not explain why he seems so upset about this
According to Townsley (1993), Yaminahua shamans "are adamant that the songs are not ultimately created or owned by them at all, but by the yoshi [spirits] themselves, who "show" or "give" their songs, with their attendant powers, to those shamans good enough to "receive" them.
Best argument I know of against the RIAA.
Here's a strange example of "buzzing" in a humanoid encounter, yet the buzzing sound is different in character (heavily edited):
Bragg Creek, Alberta, Canada
Date: January 30 2006
Time: 0200A
The 2 witnesses were awoken by a low humming sound and clattering against all the windows of the house. They looked outside and saw 20 or more tiny blue lights in the sky. They quickly picked up the video camera and began to film the objects... One of the witnesses attempted to call somebody on the phone but it was not working, it was making a peculiar buzzing sound. They then both leaned out the window to see better and listen. Soon they heard a very eerie howl, not like any coyote they had ever heard, almost like a siren, but not as perfect. It was followed by a loud blood curling deep scream, definitely not human. They continued to hear crashing and banging against the house, scratching through the walls on every side. Both witnesses then saw a tall very pale figure that had a human-like shape and glowing eyes, running across the driveway...
To Mr. Wells
You may find this interesting, although its probably somewhere in your archives already.
This is from the liner notes to Harry Smith's Anthology of American Folk Music, Volume 4
written by Ed Sanders:
"Harry went to high school in Bellingham. His family had a history of being active in Freemasonry and the occult. Both parents were reputed to have been Theosophists.His mother, Mary Louise Smith, was a teacher, at least for a while, on the Lummi Indian reservation near Bellingham."
"I rember Harry Smith telling me around the time we first met, in 1962, that Aleister Crowley may have been his father. "My mother did know Crowley at about that time," Smith once claimed. "She saw him running naked down the beach, perhaps in 1913 or 1915.""
"When the Anthology of American Folk Music was released in 1952 on Folkways Records it astounded, amazed and turned on a generation of songwriters and musicians. It had a great impact on the history of American music.
In a way, Harry's Anthology was a deliberate act of anthropologic magic. "I felt social changes would result from it," he once said. "I'd been reading from Plato's Republic.He's jabbering on about music, how you have to be careful about changing the music because it might upset or destroy the government.""
And this from Rat Scabies And The Holy Grail:
"I ran those questions around my head for the next day or two, during which time something else started following us around. Or following me around, should I say? Because as stupid as this will sound, Idid wonder if the honey bees that I kept seeing might have been personal.The Bees was the nickname of my beloved Brentford FC and I'd been using bee-related names as internet IDs for years. But the bee was also relevant to Rennes because it was the emblem of the Merovingian sorcerer kings-over 300 solid gold bees were found in the tomb of Childeric, the son of Merovee- and I was now suddenly noticing little swarms of the buzzy beasties everywhere. They were defending the doorway of the church at Montazels. They were dancing on the grave of Antoine Gelis in Coustaussa. They were humming around my head as we strolled through Esperaza.'You're reading too much into this nonsense,' I told myself when I spotted a bee on a jar of honey inside the Esperaza supermarket.
There were also bees loitering near the rocky outcrop on the edge of the village of Arques which is said to have been the setting for Nicolas Poussin's The Sheperds of Arcadia."
Published on Wednesday, August 22, 2001 by Agence France Presse
Mysterious Maddening Buzzing Probed in Southwest Germany
KARLSRUHE, Germany - Hundreds of people in Germany's southwest are being driven to distraction by a mysterious nocturnal buzzing noise -- seriously enough for the local authorities to decide to investigate the matter scientifically.
Many have been complaining of racing pulse and fatigue along with a sense of excitation and uncontrollable muscle quivering during their resulting insomnia.
"Often at night I feel as if my bed were electrically charged. The pillow, the mattress and my whole body vibrate, and the only thing you want to do is to be able to turn off that sound," said one of the sufferers, Carmen Mischke.
From Lake Constance to Heidelberg, the environment department of the Baden-Wuerttemberg state government has been hearing similar stories from people over nearly 24 months.
Now the authorities have commissioned the physicist Henriche Menges to take a closer look at ten out of 300 homes which have reported the phenomenon.
If one were to believe the authors of the German website, the source of the mysterious buzzing sound in the ears of afflicted citizens is a US military project named HAARP based in Alaska.
There the US military are supposed to have built a kind of giant energy accelerator whose electro-magnetic waves could be used as a super-weapon to "make a nation dance on one leg" or drive a whole city of people insane.
Menges has no time right now for such fantastic-sounding theories. "We are starting off with the likelier explanations and leaving the more speculative ones aside," he answered politely when asked what he thought about that particular idea.
The scientist is tracking down the buzzing equipped with a microphone and sensors able to detect low-frequency vibrations.
He said that such deep buzzing sounds could come from diesel motors, aircraft, waterfalls or compressors as used in refrigerators and air-conditioning equipment. But wind blowing over chimneys could also act as a giant organ pipe, he said.
The human ear can detect sounds as low as 20-40 hertz, and the microphone Menges and his team are using can detect sounds as low as eight hertz, while the vibration sensors are sensitive to as low as three hertz.
This is important because human internal organs are sensitive to vibrations as low as between six to 12 hertz and can detect them.
Menges believes that the buzzing or booming is due to sound waves because of the sensitivity of people's ears and abdomens to them. He has ruled out electromagnetic waves such as those emitted by portable telephones because they are nothing like enough intense enough.
Low-frequency sound waves on the other hand can be propagated over a distance of kilometers (miles) and can even pass through thick concrete, making identification of the source difficult.
Work in Germany on measuring the phenomenon is expected to continue into the autumn.
Whether the mystery will be elucidated is uncertain, even for Menges. A similar one in the small town of Taos in the US state of New Mexico was investigated in the early 1990s without result, he pointed out.
A "Working Group for Investigation of the Buzzing Sound", which says people in the Saarland and North Rhine-Westphalia regions of western Germany have had similar experiences, reckons that the cause is likely due to low-frequency sound vibrations.
However it says that a "very long-frequency electromagnetic field" of between 0.5 to 50 hertz has also been measured in the region and could point to an explanation.
The working group has a website with the address .
anon 5:08 - yes, please do. there are some interesting anomalies that a few pointed questions may be able to help solve, but you are onto something - what, i don't know.
i have recently become away of buzzes and hums and some very high pitched wailing. i have also heard morse code and picked up radio reception without a radio. For a good half a year, i thought i was listening to a constantly running toilet, but when it was fixed, the audio was still there - but only at pillow level when i lay on my side.
do not worry about what we conventional scientists think - the ones that are think know that science rules out possibilities until what is left are probabilities. what passes for science now is concerned with proving a point, often nebulous, but sharp none-the-less. we are harbingers and bards for the paradigm shift - understanding your zone of influence and working in depth with breadth is necessary. but when my western thought needs reinforcement, i-ching coins help me contemplate my pipick.
First, on this quote from Jeff.
"cellular change to the grain which germinates seeds growing up to 40% faster than seeds from unaffected plants in the same field,"
You guys might want to know about "Sonic Bloom" whose inventor supposedly was nominated for a Nobel Peace Prize last year it says.
The poetry--and potency--of it was that it seems that birdsong frequency does "bring the spring". So some agri-tech guy named Carlson has vamped these frequencies up and piped them into fields artificially with speakers and achieved incredible crop yields.
Isn't this fascinating? The ecology between birdsong frequencies and plant growth?
Sort of brings an entirely different perspective to suboptimal yield effects of Carson's biopollution and destruction of birds discussed in Silent Spring, eh? The birdsong themselves was a yield enhancer, instead of simply birds eating the varmits or DDT thinning the eggshell of birds that she exposed, leading to (at least in the U.S.) DDT bans.
"Sonic Bloom" (like the crop circles sonic issues touched on above that seem to connect with expanded crop yeild of the area as aftereffect of the "crop circle treatment."
Inversely, with the dieoff of birds from pollution it would coincide with the ever more plentiful dumping of toxic herbicides and pesticides to make up the suboptimal slack.
It seems the key to spring might really be frequencies of the "buzzing of the bees" and the "singing of the birds" that encourage budding and sprouting. This kind of stuff could put the chemical poisioning corps out of business. Little wonder I have heard very little about this in the corporate agricultural U.S., where it has been quipped in Congressional testimony, "[American] modern agriculture is the conversion of petroleum into food."
So, what about this SONIC BLOOM?
The hyperbole below and the excessive exclamation points is the produce of cut/paste from here on:
Organic Farming made easy!
The best organic fertilizer in the world!
Sonic Bloom has increased production by 50-500% !!!
STOP PRESS: In June 2003 the Indonesian Government put on an expo with 100 tables - but the main purpose of the show was to show off a five or so acre field of corn that had been grown with Sonic Bloom - and so was 13' tall, not the usual 5' tall!!! There was not a clicker on the gate, but it is thought that upwards of ONE MILLION people attended!!!!
Previously, the Indonesian government got a 100% increase in rice and a 100% increase in tea using Sonic Bloom. They are now planning (April 2002) to grow ONE MILLION HECTARES of rice with Sonic Bloom!
SONIC BLOOM UPDATE: Last year Dan Carlson, inventor of Sonic Bloom, was nominated for a Nobel Peace Prize!
picture: Wilson Mill's Circle K Orchard in Wisconsin, has used Sonic Bloom for 8 years. He gets larger, healthier trees, bigger yields, better fruit quality, fewer insects, higher sugar level, earlier maturity, and a shelf life of five months. He beats his competitors to market by two weeks! Yield is 490+ bushels/acre (vs. 290 average).
LEFT: Without Sonic Bloom
RIGHT: With Sonic Bloom
(Note the massive amount of fruit increase)
Sonic Bloom consists of a combination of sounds which are the same frequency as the singing of birds [do many honeybees or bees in general have the same frequency as birds, does anyone know??], plus leaf spray organic fertilizer.
While [pro-petroleum agricultural science] academics have a hard time believing that sound can affect plant growth, all we and many farmers can says is - IT WORKS!!!
Organic Farming Results from using Sonic Bloom (below)
History and Explanation of Sonic Bloom
Questions and Answers about Sonic Bloom
Sonic Bloom PRODUCTS (for Organic Farming)
Article from the Star Tribune July 1999 with PHOTOGRAPHS
Note: The following results can be seen on the video ``Seeing is Believing".
[Since the below was a HTML chart I revamped some of it for a comment here, with this key:]
2 3' - 5' high !
Gives cows 30% increase in milk production !
3 1.5 ` high
2 300 - 500 bushels per acre ! 3x as many apples ! Crop ready 2 weeks earlier, bringing in twice the normal price !
No irrigation required !
3 200 bushels per acre
2 57 pound to the bushel
3 68% better yield !
2 Fruit produced in 63 days ! 6 - 8 pickings of fruit ! Healthier fruit
Bigger fruit Thicker flesh Higher sugar content Fruit produced in 90 - 100 days
3 3 - 4 pickings of fruit
2 So large they fit only 4 in a box
3 10 to a box
2 Reached maturity before the frost ! 500% increase ! Great increase in the number of plants with 2 stalks ! Many plants with 2,3 and 4 cobs ! 70% higher ! Better quality ! More weight ! 20 rows ! Untreated corn did not reach maturity before the frost
3 16 rows
2 209 barrels (1997) $16,700/acre gross profit (1997) 98% increase generally ! During a drought berries stayed the same size as the previous year ! 'Yellow leaf syndrome' disappeared In Australia - they cut back 1/3 on water !
3 126 barrels (1996) $10,000/acre gross profit (1996)
2 Grows on 1 year old trees! No chemicals needed !
3 Trees take 4 - 5 years to produce fruit!
2 Heads 3 - 4 times the normal size ! MUCH thicker roots 5 - 7 leaves Seeds on 5 year old plants No disease - virtually no pesticide spraying Roots have twice the active ingredient 3,800 lb per acre Green leaves while normal plants are going to fall colors
3 4 leaves
more examples and information here:
Second, back to more astral and potentially transdimensional portal aspects of what we would hear as the aural sound of the "buzzing of the bees". More bees/buzzing examples or "leads" came to mind for the first time.
1. Someone might attempt to find out who wrote/produced an old Star Trek episode (the show personnel and producers unsurprisingly involved in high political occult wierdness of U.S. elites, mentioned in previous RI posts somewhere.) The episode I am thinking of was themed around a case of a USS Enterprise planet visit where regular 'meatspace' people, send down to the planet--as well as increasingly people of the Enterprise themselves if I remember correctly--kept drinking some form of "tainted water," that caused them to "disappear" into invisible nothingness in another dimension in a fit of high pitched bee-like buzzing as they disappeared into another dimension, inaccessible to 'meatspace' people.
What was happening is that they were, from the shows explanation, being "accelerated" by the "water" into a different dimension where they were so much "faster" than everyone around them that their activities (whether it be repairing engines, or doing other things) could occur at lightening speed compared to the people around them at a virtual standstill.
There were memorable images in that episode of the rest of the soundstage crew standing as motionless as possible in mid-stride, or inbetween doors as the camera showed the audience what an "accelerated human view" looked like for those people "trapped" in that alternative dimension.
As I said, people were frozen in place, in mid-stride, while the "accelerated" were walking normally from their point of view.
Then the camera would somtimes film from the point of view of those "left behind". Interestingly, the symbolic device used to make note that the "slower" people were in the presence of these invisible "accelerated" transdimensional humans was....the SOUND OF BEES BUZZING.
Lots of the crew are seen, attempting to flick away "invisible bees" occassionally throughout the whole episode.
I forget how they finally figure out what was going on, though eventually they utilize this knowledge to "accelerate" some personnel themselves to conduct ridiculously long engine repairs that could occur in seconds from "our" view, though which would have taken weeks or months.
Anyone know which episode was that?
And more to the point: why the hell did the writer(s) of that episode choose the buzzing of bees" as the symbolism of transdimensionality among us as well as the act of "going over"?
Who wrote that episiode? What was HE into...? Might be enlightening...
(On a side note about this, is there one good RI post that summarizes all of this Roddenberry "military industrial entertainment complex" psyops-like info? If so, please point my way...)
2. Another "bees" or hissing sound connected to transdimensionality, if you can believe this link, was reported during demonic possession of another's body, and where the 'buzzing' was at a particular localized place in the room beside the sleeping girl's body. It was additionally noted to be associated with incredibly fast transdimensional motion about the room in this story, as noted by someone at this post from
Mothers, Don't Let Your Children Grow Up To Play With Ouija Boards
From the Files of Brad Steiger
"Seventeen-year-old Jolene K, a passionate student of the paranormal and the occult, had begun experimenting with the Ouija board. She thought she had the knowledge to contact spirit entities through the board, but unfortunately she had neglected to assume a prayerful attitude to guard against malignant influences....
[Cutting out the story to just jump to the chase below, the child seems to (or the story claims to) have created a possession via ouija board, replete with near perfect scores on psychic mind reading cards, and the whole train of "usual supects" style things, including the child finding she was using mirrors to "scry" the future or current events elsewhere.]
"Against Jolene's objections, it was agreed that Friday night would be Ouija board night at her house. It was Jolene's turn to host a slumber party, anyway, so her parents wouldn't suspect that anything unusual might be occurring under their roof.
The [famliy of Jolene] had been given a clue, however. Darwin [the father] told me that on Wednesday evening as he had come upstairs to go to bed, he thought he saw Jolene in the hallway outside of her room.
"I called to her and asked what she was doing up at that late hour on a school night, but she didn't answer me," he said. "As I approached her, she turned and entered her bedroom. When I opened the door to see if anything were troubling her, I was surprised to see her in bed, quite obviously fast asleep."
And then Darwin received a couple of other surprises.
"It seemed that I caught a glimpse of Jolene [simultaneously quickly elsewhere] standing in the doorway of her bathroom," he recalled. "How could this be, I wondered, because she is lying right there in her bed, right in front of me. And then I thought I saw the glowing outline of another person [now quickly in another place] standing in the shadows off to the right of Jolene's bed. [In this this quick spatial move,]...[t]here was a soft, hissing sound from the direction of the bathroom [where the first 'appearance' was though the sound remained while the 'figment' moved to another place he noted], and where I thought I had seen Jolene ['figment' by the bathroom before], there was now only darkness."
[Is the buzzing we hear a "spatial interference" aftereffect of motion of a transdimension through meatspace, making it hard crafty way through a different dimension, sort of like static electricity might be built up by (grasping for analogies here) a mouse attempting laborously to move under a floor rug, where we might only hear a crackle of static electricity or see a shimmering outline, just as above? Is the "buzzing" an aural delayed aftereffect of some type of electromagnetic "arc" caused by something atttempting to move or co-exist in both dimensions at once, "theirs" and ours, and being in two places at once dimensionally is why it is both "hard" and rare to do (and supposedly can exhaust people) as well as why it leaves mysterious 'paranormal' "arc" evidence of its journey in that space?]
"Darwin left his older daughter's room convinced that his eyes had been deceived by patterns of light and shadow. He had been working too hard, staying up too late, and suffering from sleep deprivation--all of which had caused him to see things that weren't there.
The trouble was, the "things" really were there. The slumber party seance quickly became a psychic disaster...."
Put that with the "accelerated" transdimensional theme in mentioned above, and you got yourself quite an interesting basis for conversation here.
The three themes of quick movement, and buzzing, and transdimensional beings/possession have been linked before in public TV venues as a meme 40 years ago.
Sounds like someone 40 years ago in the later 1960s was showing off some type of esoteric knowledge in an exoteric setting by putting it as the meme basis of the whole plot of a Star Trek script. It would of course have been both exoteric in meaning for the numbed TV audience, as well as esoteric in meaning to a select few who would recognize it. This is sort of like what I would imagine Masonic members have fun doing all the time. There are some very dual 'insider view audience' scenes in the movie Raider's of the Lost Ark, if you know more than just a bit about Masonic symbol use--particularly the arrangement of people lifting the Ark on a tripod pulley system--that echoes perfectly the "completion" degree of the Royal Arch degree...both in information as well as other ongoing symbolic things on Masonic tracing boards). Just an unrelated example of how something esoteric is right in front of you exoterically, though "all that is lacking is the key" and once you have it, you have a different world view going on right in front of you that you were unaware of before.
Curiouser, and curioser...
And in reading over what I wrote, another interesting thought leaped out at me between plant experimentation and crop yields and various occult things: "Wilson Mill's Circle K Orchard in Wisconsin" experimenting with this seemingly "cutting edge high tech" technology for frequency based material control of plants to expand crop yield.
Perhaps nothing, though The "K in a circle" motif harkens to where, when the circle K is head of the "Monad" (the harmonization of all esoteric forces (originally drawn by Dr. John Dee himself, Queen Eliz's necromancer and astrologist)) was a letter designation of the original Bavarian Illuminati cypher code of the late 1700s.
Additionally by the way, the "circle K monad" itself, the whole shebang--the direct Bavarian Illuminati cypher--is the identical corporate logo for the Kennecott Copper Corporation... KCC's directors have interesting plant crop yield "acceleration" connections to the U.S. occult elite.
For instance, there is or was on the "circle K monad" KCC board at one time, the serious bigwig J. Peter Grace (head of the Knights of Malta in the U.S.; CIA connections). Grace is another interesting "full circle [K?]" issue here of crop yield expansion--because of his other major corporate connection besides KCC is highly involved as a pioneer for expanding crop yield through another techique entirely--the genetic engineering of plants.
(Other KCC Board of Directors at one period: John Mortimer Schiff, international Zionist banker extrordinare. I think his father was the Wall Street Warburg-Rothschild connected Shiff banker who partially and personally funded the Russian Revolution with a "down payment"; the later Shiff of KCC, J. Mortimer, was additionally a high level member of the heir to Cecil Rhodes' dream of an "Anglo American New World Order" the Pilgrims Society. This Shiff was still alive in the 1970s and I think into the early 1980s? Another KCC director is/was Walter H. Page (works for the Morgan financial dynasty). KCC is connected to the Mormon Church's financial dynasty as well through current (or past) KCC Director Roy W. Simmons.)
Crop circles and Circle K ranches: and frequency experimentation (and Church of the Latter Day Illuminists) tying them all together?
Only the Monad knows for sure.
In his endorsement of 'V for Vendetta,' Justin Raimondo wrote:
"In his famous essay "The End of History," Francis Fukuyama predicted that the arts would degenerate, under a regime of global American hegemony, into something that Alexandre Kojeve, his mentor, likened to "the buzzing of bees." "In the post-historical period," wrote Fukuyama, "there will be neither art nor philosophy, just the perpetual caretaking of the museum of human history."
"Anyone know which episode was that?"
That was Wink of an Eye, written by Gene L Coon. ("A group of five Scalosians claims to be the last survivors of a civilization of 900,000. However, a landing party consisting of Kirk, Spock, McCoy, and Compton is unable to locate the source of the transmission. Kirk thinks he detects the buzzing of insects, but the tricorder does not register them.")
Coon was a friend and longtime collaborator of Gene Roddenberry, and died, I think, in 1973. I wrote about Roddenberry earlier:
In the early 1970s, Star Trek creator Gene Roddenberry was a regular at the sessions of channeller Phylis Schlemmer to whom the Nine had revealed themselves through the manifestation of a spirit guide called "Tom." Schlemmer initially assumed Tom must be her grandfather Thomas, who died when she was a child. In September 1974 Roddenberry asked Tom the question, "To whom am I talking? Do you have a name?" Tom's reply, through the entranced Schlemmer, as quoted by Picknett and Price:
"As you know, I am the spokesman for the Nine. But I also have another position, which I have with you in the project. I will try to give you names so you can understand in what you work and who we are. I may not pronounce who I am in a manner which you would understand because of the problem in the Being's [i.e., Schlemmer] brain, but I will explain so that the Doctor [Puharich] perhaps will understand. I am Tom, but I am also Harmarchis, I am also Harenkur, I am also known as Tum and I am known as Atum."
It took 22 years, and Gene Roddenberry, for the Nine to reveal themselves as The Nine, the Great Ennead of ancient Egypt: Atum, Shu, Tefnut, Geb, Nut, Osiris, Isis, Set and Nepthys. Their message amounts to, We're back, and now it's personal.
I just found this tonight:
In May, 1975 Roddenberry was brought in by Paramount to develop a possible Star Trek movie but his script was rejected and the project shelved. Gene worked on a pilot that year called "The Nine," a bizarre, semi-autobiographical concoction that combined a screwed-up TV producer with a commune of telepathic creatures.
All of that reminds me of this line I read tonight in Grant Morrison's The Invisibles: "Time machines, UFOs, demons and angels from holographic universes, the end of the world. It's like a film, isn't it? It's like America."
Lawrence Rockefeller declared crop circles to be completely in the realm of hoaxes. He also championed alien abduction, and fronted for Dr. John Mack.
It is indeed wise to attend to what interests the Rockefellers.
To Mr. Millegan:
Sir, since you stated that you moniter these boards, I will post this & hope you read it.
First, I realize my criticisms were nit-pickety & probably unfair, but your 'agenda' accusation made me a bit peeved shall we say.
The 'you're either with us or against ' attitude is exactly the same hooey that the right wingers used to deflect any reasonable questions about their rational for blowing the living shit out of Iraq.
As someone who had his arguments against this war countered with 'Why oh why do they hate America,' and 'You obviously have a liberal agenda,' you'll have to forgive me for being a tad bit touchy about that line of attack.
Having said that, i will explain, civilly, my reasons for disrespecting your companies book.
Initially, upon reading vol. 1 of Sinister forces, I I found the book quite interesting. True it was filled with things I already knew, but Mr. Lavenda tossed me enough nuggets that I was unaware of to keep me interested.
Truthfully, I was anticipating reading vol 2, & , for the 1st half of the book, i was pretty well hooked. I had minor quibbles with the editing, amongst other things, but, as I said, they were minor.
Then i came to this passage:
"The airfare-in1976 when the authorwas contemplating a trip, two years before the Jonestown massacre-was also prohibitely expensive, as Guyana is off the main tourist routes."
I thought, Well, isn't that interesting? I didn't realize Guyana was a tourist hotspot.
Then, 3 pages later, he says, "During the same era, the author himself was employed by a large government contractor and Fortune 100 company, the Bendix Corporation, where I was privileged to work in their International Marketing Operation, located on Broadway in mid-town Manhattan. At Bendix-from 1973 to 1979-I witnessed several occasions where my employer was used as a cover for intelligence activities and police and military support operations all over the world."
So he's employed by spook enablers at the same time he's contemplating a trip to Guyana.
How curious.
I guess that would be one of those 'Jungian sychronicities' you were mentioning.
Then i remembered that I read on this blog that Mr. Levenda was also Simon of Necronomicon infamy.
I pulled down my old paperback copy of the Necro &, lo & behold, it was published in 1977.
So, not only is Mr. Levenda traveling to the future site of what appears to be a spook engineered massacre but, a year later, he also publishes a book that has since infected a large segment of the ritual magick alterna-culture . All while he's working for a spook haunted corporation.
Just a coincidence?
Another 'Jungian synchronicity?
Or maybe one huge heaping helping of mindfuck?
If I'm drawing wide reaching conclusions, you'll have to forgive me. I feel I'm using the same criteria that Mr. Levenda laid down in his two weighty tomes.
I will say one thing, this little mystery practically guarantees that I'll probably still pick up Vol.3.
As proof, Mr. Levenda/Simon's book Dead Names: The Dark History Of The Necronomicon has taken a huge leap to the top of my 'to read' stack.
In conclusion, while I will apologize for my methods of criticizing Mr. Levenda's book, I'm afraid I will reserve judgement on his intent.
Boy, we really are linking up things today aren't we?
The mention of the Merovingians and bees above, and the Mormans above in two comments so far, given the occult historiography linking up all sort of transdimensional/aliens and the Merovingians (stemming from the wedding of information from David Icke with the BBC's Holy Blood, Holy Grail journalistic team of the 1980s)...,
read this link below and see an image of one of these Merovingian bees at the link below. I don't think it says it there though most of these were lost supposedly when they were thrown into the Seine by a burglar. The last time that they were worn was by? Guess who? Napoleon donned all 300 or so (unearthed in the 1600s) at his French Imperial coronation (in 1802 I think.) Just a handful exist now. 1500 year old little gold bee logos.
Did the Merovingians wear them as a sort of "inside joke between transdimensionalists?" Or do we believe in "coincidence theory"? Is it strictly innocent? You decide. It's much harder to go "coincidence theory" when you peruse Napoleon's bloodline or intimations of Josephine's...
If Jeff's blog mostly discusses late 20th century parapolitical wierdness, I tend to dip a bit further back in "my studies."
Bee emblems are very central to Mormon logos.
And if you can believe U.S. author and political prisoner Fritz Springmeier, this is hardly surprising since Mormons hierarchy is deeply tied into the Illuminati both institutionally as well as (Merovingian?) bloodlines.
So a bee emblem may be doubly appropriate.
buzz. buzz. buzz. lots of honey at this post:
Title: Utah, Mormon Masonic Merovingians, Broken Posse Commutatus; Religious Manchurian Candidates
Author: reader and quoter
Date: 2005.08.25 07:28
Description: So just what IS IT about Utah? Below, some quotes I thought all should be aware of about Utah history and politics and the 'national security' infrastructure and experiments there, and the bloodline and occult issues of the founders and higher-ups. These quotes should be read with: Utah rave shut down by "police officers" with assault rifles and dogs 13:16 Aug-22 (58 comments)
You want links? That post above has links galore...
The Mormon religion is directly drawn from the "graduated initiations" of 1800s Masonry. Even perusing "parapolitically dumb downed" Wikipedia on the issue and the leadership is enough to raise hairs or buzz bees as the case may be--and make me feel sorry more and more for Fritz Springmeier who really kicked the hornet's nest.
And another comment from above, on extra low EMF findings (which IS HAARP...), I had to laugh at a Soviet style brush off from a corporate media piece:
"There the US military are supposed to have built a kind of giant energy accelerator whose electro-magnetic waves could be used as a super-weapon to "make a nation dance on one leg" or drive a whole city of people insane. Menges has no time right now for such fantastic-sounding theories."
Hardly theory, corporate journalist. Ask the Russian Duma. They have already got themselves all buzzed up and demanded public inquiries on the U.S.'s HAARP. Or read the book "Angel's Don't Play This HAARP."
From the same corporate piece above:
"However it says that a "very long-frequency electromagnetic field" of between 0.5 to 50 hertz has also been measured in the region and could point to an explanation."
"An explanation" typically includes a cause. Not in that article! It's just there??? That's their "explanation" though that's hardly an explanation. Duh. Extra low frequency ranges? of HAARP?
Pay no attention to that buzzing. It's just there.
Lawrence Rockefeller declared crop circles to be completely in the realm of hoaxes.
I haven't seen anything like that from Rockefeller. He was funding researchers until his death, and the 2002 Rockefeller report into crop circles concluded "it is possible that we are observing the effects of a new or as yet undiscovered energy source." Though I'm quite sure Rockefeller would resort to misdirection and disinformation to keep certain paradigms from propagating. (His championing the ET hypothesis re UFOs strikes me as suspect, for instance.)
This from Fortean Times:
The following account is slightly shortened but otherwise unchanged and comes from my diary record for Tuesday, 31st October 1978. Only the names have been changed. We were all aged between 15 and 17 at the time. The Loose Valley referred to is near Maidstone in Kent. My diary record also indicates that there was a new moon on that night.
"I will record a rather unpleasant experience which took place tonight. A group of about ten of us were sitting chatting in the Loose Valley at about midnight. After about 45 minutes Will leapt to his feet slapping his head saying there was a bee in his hair; he looked absolutely terrified. Both Dorothy and I saw the outline of a tall, thin figure wearing a hat dancing behind him. Will said later it was if a terrifically loud buzzing was coming-up through the top of his head. However only Rachel heard any buzzing.
We partially satisfied ourselves that it must have been a bees' nest, and so we moved a little distance away. As we moved away Dorothy and I saw a ring outlined in the grass which enclosed where we had been sitting. Eventually it started raining so we headed for Rachel's house. As we left I turned around and saw the same thin black figure walk across the opening between the trees to where we had been sitting.
We had been sitting in Rachel's bedroom for a while, when I looked at Will who was reading and saw an amorphous black blob drop out of his hair onto the bed. I was the only one who saw this. A few seconds later a black shape started whizzing around. The main movement was from bottom left to top right as I was sitting, getting larger during the movement and inducing a great fright. About four people altogether saw this.
"A group of about ten of us were sitting chatting in the Loose Valley at about midnight."
The Joane K. story above, for what its difficult to source attribution is worth, claimed first "made contact" at midnight intentionally as a plan because of something particularly paranormal about midnight (what could it be: sun earth alignment? what? it failed to elaborate.). Thus, making midnight the setting for the above story on Joane K as well.
I wonder if the Hutchinson Effect guy ever experimented with time as a variable in the effect....
Telling of the Bees...
"There are many corollary practices associated with the telling of the bees, one of the most important being the "heaving up" of the hives. This practice requires that on the day of the funeral as the funeral party is preparing to leave the house the hive and coffin are both "heaved" or lifted at the same moment.
Coming a little nearer, Plato's doctrine of the transmigration of souls holds that the souls of sober quiet people, untinctured by philosophy come to life as bees. Later than Plato comes Mahomet, who admitted bees, as souls, to paradise; and Porphyry said of fountains; "They are adapted to the nymphs, or those souls which the Ancients call bees." There is a strange story told in My School and Schoolmasters which goes as follows:
A friend and I lay on a mossy bank on a hot day. Overcome by the heat my friend fell asleep. As I watching drowsily, I saw a bee issue from the mouth of my sleeping friend, jump down to the ground and crossed along withered grass stubs over a brook cascading over stones, and enter through an interstice into an old ruined building. Alarmed by what I saw, I hastily shook my comrade, who awakened a second or two after the bee, hurrying back had re-entered her mouth. My friend, the sleeper, protested at my waking her saying that she had dreamt that she had walked through a fine country and had come to the banks of a noble river, and just where the clear water went thundering down a precipice, there was a bridge all silver which she crossed and entered, a noble palace on the other side. she was about to help myself to gold and jewels when I woke her and robbed her of this fate."
There are similar histories from other places; in one the sleeping person was moved by a companion. A few moments later, a bee returned to the spot and scurried hither and thither in terror looking for the sleeping form, but failed to know it. When the sleeper was nudged in his new resting place, he was found to be dead.
This belief that the bee is a soul of one departed is undoubtedly the origin of the belief of "Telling the bees," for souls of the departed, are they not in communion with God?"
If actual bees are involved, it must be a complete Philip K Dick Mickey Mouse projection. Of course someone beat me to the punch, regarding Utah and all that bee stuff. It is brilliantly and beautifully acted out in Mathew Barney's Cremaster Cycle, episodes 2 & 3. He used CGI to recreate the inside of the Tabernacle Choir.
Ostensibly, the Cycle is a story of the body's differentiation into either a male of female identity, which plays host to all of the identity struggles that play out in various fractal/holographic scales over the course of a 'lifetime.' The recurring symbol is a Masonic apron doubled as through a mirror, the classic symbol of the body. It is said to represent the vaguely undifferentiated reproductive organs.
Seen another way, the double apron and the anxious choice expressed through ritualized time can also be said to represent the choice between the meat body and the subtle body, a choice whose very possibility holds great consequence for the artist/idealist. Ironically, the entire cycle is a dissective narrative of petroleum-derived organic sculptures, demonstrating a complete physical manifestation of the highest ideal of the entire project, read correctly only through that very same ideal.
The issue of becoming takes on an inward momentum that implies transcendence, dissappearence, rebirth, and a barely constrained field of possibilities that bears the traces of countless grand ambitions.
For millenia, it had been a heresy in the West not to bow to the shibboleths and nostrums of rigid and abstract church dogma. It is not inconceivable that philosophical men were quite desperate to attain any form of gnosis, no matter the cost. In the same light, it is not inconceivable that secular materialism has become unhinged, and weighs on the illuminated with a similar burden of inferior limitation.
in a desperate state of partial insight, we can imagine the light-eaters identify their imperfect methods with the glimpses of wisdom afforded to them through the subtle body's eyes, and the imps bedevilling those seekers. Despite themselves, because their status is constituted by a system of injustice and ignorance, they strive to overcome all through pure destruction. And just like Hitler in the bunker, the generals and puppetmasters, the Hidden Chiefs destroy themselves just as surely as they wreak havoc on our world.
Ultimately, can it be an accident that benighted tech flunkies are sending towns and counties on their first astral travels? Must we assume that the means is identical to the intention of the universe? Is there not an inward message that becomes all the more urgent as those masters of externality destroy their own domain?
all i mean is that TPTB constitute the waxen hexagonal comb from which the pupae emerge full-grown. no matter how much they fetishize their identification with Thanatos, the death drive, we can see their own pederasty and genocide circumscribe the limit of their own gnosis. they cannot overcome the taint of their path, because their vanity constrains their view.
let us not forget the wisdom of compassion, lest we fail to taste the sweet fruit of this bizarre time beyond time, both in our individual lifestreams and as a collective consciousness. Through forgiveness, we build the quantum zero point out which the the next wave of peace and love will flow from the liquification of modern capitalism's ecstatic decay.
Just a bit of encouragement for fellow travellers out there:
"While only 23% of the freshman quizzed professed a belief toward paranormal concepts, the figures rose to 31% for college seniors and 34% for graduate students."
It is in the "Not Sure" column that the researchers found that the higher the education level achieved, the more likelihood there was of believing in paranormal dimensions and the possibilities of a broader spectrum of reality.
Neither is it the "odd" or poorly adjusted members of society who most often demonstrate high degrees of psychic ability. Quite the contrary appears to be true. Those individuals who are well-adjusted socially and who are possessed of an extraverted rather than an introverted personality are the ones who score consistently higher in ESP tests.
And very interestingly, Levin added, individuals active in mainstream churches or synagogues report fewer mystical experiences than the general population.
It may well be that we are turning into a nation of mystics regardless of the frustration of organized science or organized religion. And we might add, a nation of intelligent mystics.
Why do skeptics find it so difficult to believe that individuals who achieve a higher education may still maintain a belief in the paranormal? The world of the paranormal is one where effect often precedes cause, where mind often influences matter, where individuals communicate over great distances without physical aids, and where the spiritual essence of those deceased may be seen. Why, especially in an age of new theories embracing quantum physics and other dimensions, should skeptics find it difficult to believe in a world that lies beyond the five senses and the present reach of science?
That says alot about the damning (and daming) influence of that ol organized religion, eh? "Trace Formation" indeed. And "organized science" as well--which has turned into mostly just a corporate police state plot to more efficiency enslave the world mentally curricula-style, and Rockefeller Medicine Style worldwide, and dumb the masses down, destoying their health, leaving only a small amount of people in charge with cognitive abilities to think or really heal at all.
There's lots more information here that those nuggets above. It's additionally a review of several other surveys.
Smart People See Ghosts:
Higher education supports belief in the paranormal
By Brad Steiger
April 2006 issue of Fate Magazine
"Believe it or not," Robert Roy Britt writes in the January 20, 2006 issue of LiveScience, "according to a new study higher education is linked to a greater tendency to believe in ghosts and other paranormal phenomena."
Even though researchers Bryan Farha at Oklahoma City University and Gary Steward of University of Central Oklahoma admitted that they had expectations of finding contrary results, their poll of college students found that seniors and graduate students were more likely to believe in haunted houses, ghosts, telepathy, spirit channeling and other paranormal phenomena than were freshmen.
Skeptics Confounded
Although the results of the survey are not surprising to long-time researchers in the metaphysical/psychic fields, what is startling is the fact that the poll analysis is published in the January-February issue of The Skeptical Inquirer magazine, the journal of true unbelievers.
While the poll may have been conducted with expectations of demonstrating that as students became more educated they dropped questionable beliefs in favor of more skeptical attitudes, The Skeptical Inquirer must be congratulated for publishing results that they really did not wish to find.
Farha's and Steward's survey was based on a nationwide Gallup Poll in 2001 that found younger Americans more likely to believe in the paranormal than older respondents.
The results of the Farha/Steward poll discovered that gaining more education was not a guarantee of skepticism or disbelief toward the paranormal.
While only 23% of the freshman quizzed professed a belief toward paranormal concepts, the figures rose to 31% for college seniors and 34% for graduate students.
The complete results of the survey may be found in the January-February issue of The Skeptical Inquirer.
The percentages are rounded, and I have indicated the Gallup Poll 2001 figures in parenthesis, the Farha/Steward percentages in bold:
Belief in psychic/spiritual healing: 56 (54)
Belief in ESP: 28 (50)
Haunted houses: 40 (42)
Demonic possession: 40 (41)
Ghosts/spirits of the dead: 39 (38)
Telepathy: 24 (36)
Extraterrestrials visited Earth in the past: 17 (33)
Clairvoyance and prophecy: 24 (32)
Communication with the dead: 16 (28)
Astrology: 17 (28)
Witches: 26 (26)
Reincarnation: 14 (25)
Channeling: 10 (15)
It is in the "Not Sure" column that the researchers found that the higher the education level achieved, the more likelihood there was of believing in paranormal dimensions and the possibilities of a broader spectrum of reality.
Belief in psychic/spiritual healing: 26 (19)
Belief in ESP: 39 (20)
Haunted houses: 25 (16)
Demonic possession: 28 (16)
Ghosts/spirits of the dead: 27 (17)
Telepathy: 34 (26)
Extraterrestrials visited Earth in the past: 34 (27)
Clairvoyance and prophecy: 33 (23)
Communication with the dead: 29 (26)
Astrology: 26 (18)
Witches: 19 (15)
Reincarnation: 28 (20)
Channeling: 29 (21)
Why Disbelieve?
Why do skeptics find it so difficult to believe that individuals who achieve a higher education may still maintain a belief in the paranormal? The world of the paranormal is one where effect often precedes cause, where mind often influences matter, where individuals communicate over great distances without physical aids, and where the spiritual essence of those deceased may be seen. Why, especially in an age of new theories embracing quantum physics and other dimensions, should skeptics find it difficult to believe in a world that lies beyond the five senses and the present reach of science?
For those of us who have been researching and writing in the paranormal, UFO, and spiritual fields for many years, the repeated allegation that we and our readers must be undereducated and unaware of the science and technology of our contemporary culture becomes very annoying.
As early as 1965, when I was researching ESP: Your Sixth Sense--which, in addition to becoming a popular book became a college and high school text, complete with workbook and study guide--the pioneering work of Dr. Gardner Murphy, Dr. Montague Ullman, Dr. Stanley Krippner, Dr. Henry Margenau, and many others had already demonstrated that contrary to common assumption, intelligence has little connection to paranormal abilities or beliefs.
Neither is it the "odd" or poorly adjusted members of society who most often demonstrate high degrees of psychic ability. Quite the contrary appears to be true. Those individuals who are well-adjusted socially and who are possessed of an extraverted rather than an introverted personality are the ones who score consistently higher in ESP tests.
The January 12, 1994 issue of USA Today carried the results of a survey conducted by Jeffrey S. Levin, associate professor at Eastern Virginia Medical School, Norfolk, which stated that more than two-thirds of the U.S. population has had at least one mystical experience.
Furthermore, Levin said, although only 5% of the population have such experiences often [that's around 15 million people], such mystical encounters "seem to be getting more common with each successive generation." And very interestingly, Levin added, individuals active in mainstream churches or synagogues report fewer mystical experiences than the general population.
The November 1993 issue of the Journal of Abnormal Psychology announced the finds of psychologists at Carleton University of Ottawa, that people who report seeing a UFO or an alien are not any less intelligent or psychologically healthy than other people. Their findings clearly contradicted the previously held notions that people who seemingly have bizarre experiences, such as missing time and communicating with aliens, have "wild imaginations and are easily swayed into believing the unbelievable."
Dr. Nicholas P. Spanos, who led the study and administered a battery of psychological tests to a large number of UFO experiencers, said that such individuals were not at all "off the wall." On the contrary, he stated, "They tend to be white-collar, relatively well-educated representatives of the middle class."
Becoming More Common
Psychiatrists Colin Ross and Shaun Joshi have affirmed that paranormal experiences have become so common in the general population that "no theory of normal psychology which does not take them into account can be comprehensive."
It may well be that we are turning into a nation of mystics regardless of the frustration of organized science or organized religion. And we might add, a nation of intelligent mystics.
The October 27, 2004 issue of USA Today declared that "a spiritually inclined student is a happier student." According to a national study of students conducted by the Higher Education Research Institute at the University of California- Los Angeles, being spiritual contributes to one's sense of psychological well-being.
"A high degree of spirituality correlates with high self-esteem and feeling good about the way life is headed," Sarah Hofius wrote of the study that took place at forty-six wide-ranging universities and colleges, encompassing 3,680 third-year students. "The study defines spirituality as desiring to integrate spirituality into one's life, believing that we are all spiritual beings, believing in the sacredness of life and having spiritual experiences."
Another survey that should have offered an enormous amount of proof that one can achieve a higher education and still believe in the paranormal was released on December 20, 2004, revealing that 74% of medical doctors believe that miracles have occurred in the past and 73% believe that miracles can occur today. Sixty-seven percent of the doctors encouraged their patients to pray; 59% admitted that they prayed for their patients.
The national survey, conducted by HCD Research and the Louis Finkelstein Institute for Religious and Social Studies of the Jewish Theological Seminary, polled 1,100 physicians throughout the United States.
According to Dr. Alan Mittleman, Director of the Finkelstein Institute, doctors "although presumably more highly educated than their average patient, are not necessarily more secular or radically different in religious outlook." Perhaps because of their frequent involvement with matters of life and death, medical doctors do not lose their belief in the miraculous as their level of education increases.
A Believing Skeptic
In 2002, the National Science Foundation found that 60% of adults in the United States agreed or strongly agreed that some people possessed psychic powers or extrasensory perception (ESP).
In June 2002, the Consumer Analysis Group conducted the most extensive survey ever done in the United Kingdom and revealed that 67% of adults believed in psychic powers and that two out of three surveyed believed in an afterlife.
Michael Shermer, the ubiquitous talking head who represents the skeptical view in dozens of television documentaries each year, author of Why People Believe Weird Things (2002) and editor of the aforementioned The Skeptical Inquirer, was among those who deplored the findings that such a high percentage of Americans accepted the reality of ESP.
In Shermer's analysis, such statistics posed a serious problem for science educators. Complaining that people too readily accepted the claims of pseudoscience [some of it called "science"!], Shermer concluded his regular column for Scientific American (August 12, 2002) by stating that "for those lacking a fundamental comprehension of how science works, the siren song of pseudoscience becomes too alluring to resist, not matter how smart you are."
Shermer must have been somewhat surprised some years earlier when he interviewed Martin Gardner, the prolific science writer, author of the classic Fads and Fallacies in the Name of Science, and the founder of the modern skeptical movement, who told him that he believed in God, that he sometimes prayed and worshipped, and that he hoped for life after death. Gardner explained (Skeptic, Vol. 5 No.2 1997) that he called himself a "philosophical theist, or sometimes a fideist, who believes something on the basis of emotional reasons, rather than intellectual reasons."
Gardner also identified himself as a "mysterian," explaining that "there are certain things I regard as ultimate mysteries. Free will is one of those. Another is time. Time and space are the ultimate mysteries. Free will is bound up in the mysteries of time about which we can never understand, at least at this stage of evolutionary history."
In my opinion, humankind's one truly essential factor is its spirituality. The artificial concepts to which we have given the designation of sciences are no truer in the ultimate sense than dreams, visions, and inspirations. The quest for absolute proof or objective truth may always be unattainable when it seeks to define and limit the Soul. And I truly believe that one can achieve a high level of education and still maintain a firm belief in the unseen world.
[What a milquetoast ending to the article. "still maintain a firm belief in the unseen world". What if it IS SEEN and simply denied as information, that's the difficulty here I think with a lot of explaining of this to others. "They don't want to know" of the physics reality of equally real dimensions of the "full sensory world"...We certainly know our senses are "inbuilt" to holographically formulate our world as a convenient Prosenium archway three dimensional (four dimensional, for time) reality. The actors on our sensory stage are mostly cripples. Our mouth only tastes certain ranges of things (some poisons are tasteless, some poisons taste good--a better taste complex would discrimiate and know such things immediately); our sight only takes in a very small series of frequencies of the larger spectrum (many of which can damage us terribly though we still think that if we don't see it, most are easily convinced "it's not there or of a concern" (small particle pollution; radiation, electromagnetic pollution, etc.); our ears only hear a small range of frequencies as well (we think "dogs must be crazy" for howling in pain at some things and other things we can't hear; or when birds or other species know about earthquakes and run away; some people do "feel" earthquakes (low EMF piezioelectricity), and it causes then seizures for instance--interesting, eh? I forget the name of what "science" has called a "syndrome" or something, when the "syndrome" should be our limited senses themselves and the mental view that calls blinders "reality." Just how blighted our self labelled "sensory acuity" is comparatively well known in the scientific world, and I think all these issues of transdimensionality of "basic reality" just shows how much further we are from being "sensory acute". It should be called "sensory dearth" for the most part. Though all that about DNA as unlocking many other sensory acuities, that's really the key here in my opinion and really worth examining.
Another unfortunate side effect is that "science, inc." tends to call those sensitive to the wider range of "basic reality EMF" as "disturbed" or requiring some sort of tranquilier, when the people that they really want to make tranquil are the people giving them the pill perhaps by reifying "blinders reality."
Though many other people with a bit larger sensory acuity than the next Joe are seen as "not quite right", instead they may be "quite much better."
Such still popularized assumptions of "Euclidian style solid reality for the masses of 'woo-woos'" while the occult elite plays around with goldplating human DNA and testing psychic reality, remote viewing, and instantanous teleportation and "gravity revoking" technologies is the Janus faced political world we find ourselves on the crux of the 21st century. The whole artificial Prosenium archway is coming down fast, and the occult elite only want to built more Superbowls to keep everyone under control in their thrall. Seemingly, I would conjecture, as they have been doing for perhaps millenia.
I think we who gravitate to RI experience more accutely than most that basic double life everyday. You walk outside and mostly expect to meet "Euclidian style cult" people in daily life interpretations. Are we really in some areas nearing the "99th monkey demographic event" socially speaking for capacity to talk seriously about such things to more people than not? I'm pretty shocked by the high number of some of these polls, though in the comparisons of two different ones many of them are sampling the same population, that shows that the findings are more likely to be really there. Some of the category of comparisons though are widely splayed somehow, showing likely poor "external validity" of one of the survey instruments for those sections, as it is called.
If the really real world is this quantum holographic "spooky action at a distance" world, where Euclician Prosenium Arches have proven an empirical straightjacket and only a set of religious reality dogma beliefs, how to set up a society for the empirical exploration and codifying of abberations and information along these lines--one that I should add that would avoid the military industrial complex's designs on such information that are mostly to perpetuate the "psychic" hierarchies we see worldwide?
That I can even write this here in upmost seriousness, I suppose I should celebrate RI and Jeff here tonight: here's toward a "Royal Society" equivalent of a conversation of minds gathering empirical data on the Parapolitical Reality and the Paranormal Reality (or should that be Supra-Normal Reality)--and how they seem so effortlessly linked in the elite's mind as they attempt to do a snow job on everyone else to keep them in line, entranced, in fear, or in thrall--afraid of participating in the reality in which they live.
Woo-woo to you all. And good night.
Interesting post. I have been recently fascinated by Hans Jenny and Cymatics.And of course Messages from Water.
Although I have not seen it done I have heard that it is possible to produce the Shri Yantra cymatically by vocalizing the Sanskrit character 'Om'. I would love to see a picture of it.
Don't worry bout a thing.
Yes indeed everyones favorite Irish conspiracy theorist,Fintan Dunne, seems to have worked all the secrets of the entire universe out in these radio show series available online at his TreeIncarnation web site.
I can sleep in peace now....
all i want to say is thank god you read the invisibles, jeff. if anyone who reads this blog hasn't checked out the invisibles, you're cheating yourselves.
try and remember it's only a game...
"Smart People See Ghosts:
Higher education supports belief in the paranormal"
of course this could be taken in a whole different way, that is as an indictment
Although you hint it doesn't matter if the circles have a non-human origin, it does seem odd that Colin Andrews and his ilk cannot tell instantly whether a crop circle is non-human or not. First they say there are unmistakable signs: swirling, neatness, nodes on the bent plants, etc. Then they study a certain circle and come away ambivalent. Seems odd to me. Kudos to the "fakers"- those circles are amazing.
For what it's worth- a book recently published on a secret "bee shamanism" sect with ancient roots still working in England. Read with suspicion by my man T. White at "Shaman's Drum" but still... since it doesn't matter whether something is "true" or not....
link to book on Amazon
dig your vibes great artwork Jeff
This blog, specifically the discussion board, was always-has become a battleground between the largest international forces and their respective intelligence agencies. Some will probably scoff at this, but that's just a soothing lullaby. Not saying James Bond is a frequent poster here, but some of us who tend to more 'reality-base' might be surprised how seriously this is all taken. And believe it -they're not threatened in the least by all this "open discussion". In fact this seems to serve as a honeypot, petri dish, and factory for the best and the worst.
So, how healthy can that be? For that matter, how healthy is this wonderful computer-net technology as a whole? And I don't only mean the radiation from the screen, or the hand-eye-brain re-tooling that's going on. We overestimate our processing abilities. We're cocky,continually out of context. Maybe we are being harmed by information overload within the context of our "western" political system. You know, garbage in...
another example how the msmemes follow, from this board?
Chiropractor Claims He Can Go Back in Time
By JOHN McCARTHY, Associated Press Writer
Thu Apr 6, 9:39 PM
COLUMBUS, Ohio - A chiropractor who claims he can treat anyone by reaching back in time to when an injury occurred has attracted the attention of state regulators.
The Ohio State Chiropractic Board, in a notice of hearing, has accused James Burda of Athens of being "unable to practice chiropractic according to acceptable and prevailing standards of care due to mental illness, specifically, Delusional Disorder, Grandiose Type."
Burda denied that he is mentally ill. He said he possesses a skill he discovered by accident while driving six years ago.
"My foot hurt and, knowing anatomy, I went ahead and I told it to realign and my pain went away," Burda said Thursday.
Burda calls his treatment "Bahlaqeem."
"It is a made-up word and, to my knowledge, has no known meaning except for this intended purpose.
It does, however, have a soothing vibrational influence and contains the very special number of nine letters," Burda's Web site says.
The board alleges in three counts against Burda that the treatment is unacceptable and constitutes "willful and gross malpractice." Burda has until May 1 to request a hearing. The board can levy penalties ranging from a reprimand to revoking his license to practice, said Kelly Caudill, the board's executive director.
Caudill said she could not discuss the board's allegations while the investigation continues and could not comment on whether any of Burda's patients had complained. She said the board began the investigation when it learned of Burda's Web site. Burda said he likely will seek a hearing.
Burda said he charges nothing for his first "visit," usually by phone or Internet, and subsequent treatments are $60.
"All treatments are satisfaction-guaranteed. Treatment is always done before payment is made," Burda said, adding that one patient "just wasn't satisfied, and I tore up her check.
The Web site describes the treatment as "a long-distance healing service (not a product) to help increase the quality of your life that can be performed in the privacy of your home or other personal space. There is no need to come to my office."
The treatment is not telepathic because the patient does not have to believe in what he's doing, Burda said. He has treated hundreds of patients and reports nine out of 10 patients are satisfied, he said.
While he knows of no other people who have his particular skill, he said lawmakers and regulators should allow alternative forms of treatment for the patients who seek them.
"People who are in need cannot go to these people because they are not allowed to practice. This is terrible," Burda said.
On the Net:
Burda Web site:
....but in the language of wave interference: the language of phase, amplitude and frequency - the "spectral domain." We perceive an object by "resonating" with it, getting "in synch" with it. To know the world is literally to be on its wavelength.
I think that for the holographic model to work, layer upon layer of particles and sub-particles and sub-particles of sub-particles are needed. That cannot look anything like our current electron models. More like a formal materialism that provides rich points of intersection that we then call our experience.
I would suggest rather than just rumormongering, you speak to Peter directly at
There is a forum where you may question him publicy.
Thanks for buying our books, there are many outlets where one may save money on your purchase.
Kris Millegan
There are at least two constellations associated with "bees". Lyra is referenced by the Egyptians as a bee and was considered a fertility symbol.
Apis later named Musuca is just south of Crux which is the smallest of all constellations. I have to admit that the close association of bees with the "northern and southern" cross gives me a buzz but then who would like National Geographic on their back considering their recent foray on CNN into 911 or CNN's recent foray into Judas.
Middleworld mentions above the now controversial Simon Buxton book. I haven't seen the Shaman's Drum article, but have read the Buxton book.
Jason Pitzl-Waters notes that "the book The Shamanic Way of the Bee: Ancient Wisdom and Healing Practices of the Bee Masters is being accused of fabrication and having the book ghost-written. This might not be a big deal if it was from a disgruntled fan, but the accusations [on] are (allegedly) coming from his former writing partner and fellow shaman Ross Heaven."
Jason points out that the alleged ghost writer, Ross Heaven, has also had a stormy relationship with someone in the Vodou community following the publication of that work. Jason says, "There are two ways you could look at this. Either Ross Heaven is a man of integrity who keeps getting mixed up with charlatans and con-men, or, he is a canny opportunist stirring up controversy to inflate his own status."
Starhawk's 1994 novel The Fifth Sacred Thing includes an encounter with the Melissas, the bee priestesses. While parts of the book are hamfistedly PC, as a whole I found it to be an achingly beautiful visionary novel. I don't know if the Melissas came purely from Starhawk's imagination, or whether there is indeed a northern European bee cult of any sort.
Checking my files for what I've got on bees, I find one of the stranger things I've encountered on the Net, "The Natural Phenomena of AntiGravitation and Invisibility in Insects due to the Grebennikov Cavity Structure Effect."
I climb the steppe-same old story! My head is spinning, I again get that "galvanic", sour taste in the mouth and feel as though my weight is changing-I am at one moment incredibly light, and unbearably heavy at the next. I see flashes in my eyes. If it was indeed a "bad spot", some nasty anomaly, then there would be no grass here, and large bees would not be nesting in the loamy steppe.
Meanwhile, their nests are all over it-in fact, I was trying to make my bed right above their underground "bee city" in whose depths there is of course a multitude of tunnels, chambers, lots of larvae, cocoons-all of them alive and healthy. I understood nothing that time.
I got up with a headache even before sunrise and, tired, hobbled off toward the road to get a hitch to Isilkul.
That summer I visited the "Enchanted Lake" four more times, at various times of day, and under various weather conditions. By the end of the summer my bees got incredibly busy stuffing their holes with flower pollen-in a word, they were feeling great. Which I wasn't: a meter from the edge of the steppe, above their nests, I again had a set of most unpleasant sensations. Five meters away, I had none... And there was the same old bewilderment: why, why do these bees feel so good here that the entire steppe is dappled with their holes like Swiss cheese, and in places, almost like a sponge?
Very strange stuff, and I've never been able to make much sense of it, but it seems worth tossing into the mix . . .
Since we are on the topic of "buzzing-bees"....
I've noticed that often, just as I'm beginning to fall into sleep, I'll start hearing a kind of loud buzzing sound that's not really eminating from in my head, or from the outside.
Most times, as I am experiencing this, I try to fight it since in order to succumb to this, I have to "let go" somehow, and my initial reaction is to "hold on" and keep fighting it until I reach a more awake state, and the buzzing leaves. It feels as though it comes and goes in waves.
Has anyone experienced such a thing....or heard of such an experience from others?
Hello all,
This post by Jeff represents to me one of the most eloquent 'pullings together' of the threads of future understanding which I believe will lead to a much more rational and true representation of us as sentient creatures. Normally confined to our own wavelength of existence. Embedded, as we are, in the DNA/Holographic/Wholistic Universe. Containing, as we do, the whole picture within each of us.
As an addendum, I just wanted to moot the idea of what significance Pribrams phenomenal work would have when taken in conjunction with Shroedingers famous experiments and general quantum theory.
How much easier is it to understand that [human] observation of an event 'out there' could truly affect the state of that being observed.
With Pribram's work as a template or model of reality, it becomes inevitable that 'mere observation' would indeed collapse the quantum probability field and produce a definite result where before only potential existed.
Jeff, thank the stars this blog and all its contributors exist as some form of reality I can understand.
Love and peace to all. xx
That Buxton book had a section that stuck out to me, it went something like, "Is the pollen the food of the bee, or is the bee the genital organ of the flower?"
Mentally trying out a reversal of causal relationships like that is good brain exercise :)
Also, if you've ever tried salvia d., there is a weird "prickling" or buzzing in the head as it comes on.
anonymous 1:14 pm...
i know the buzzing you're referring to. it's really weird cause the night before last i was just discussing this with one of my friends who's started having troubles with insomnia, as i've had for many years now. i told her that the only way i can fall asleep these days is by listening for buzzing and a series of interlocking high pitched tones as i'm lying in bed. somehow it seems to disable my train of thought. if i can concentrate on the buzzing/tones, i start to get random bits of audible information bouncing around my skull, usually voices speaking unintelligibly or music. soon after i break through my logical mind, i'm able to fall asleep. this was actually a HUGE step for me in overcoming years of terrible insomnia, and something i discovered all on my own. so yeah, i hope the buzzing isn't all bad, cause i sort of depend on it and i'd hate to think that i'm letting anything dangerous in, but it seems fairly benign to me thus far. anyone else know what we're talking about?
In "The Constant Gardener" the logo for the pharma fiends was three bees.
I highly recommend a listen to this recent espousal by Caroline Casey from the island of Malta which was given just prior to last weeks total solar eclipse -patience with the introduction:
And to Pete, earlier, thanks for "Through forgiveness, we build the quantum zero point out which the the next wave of peace and love will flow from the liquification of modern capitalism's ecstatic decay."
Thanks, Jeff, for finding that "Wink of an Eye" description for what I remembered.
There's another theme to this transdimensionality story that bears mentioning just for the record. The theme was additionally some sort of possession by using humans as breed stock, i.e., possession for breeding by transdimensionalists... spooky:
"Because the Scalosian men are sterile [DNA issue once more? can you only breed in "3d" so to speak? do you have to "step down" to breed, and is that something to do with DNA?], the crew members of the Enterprise are to be frozen by a machine hooked in the life-support system and used as mating stock for generations to come....[eventually]..The Scalosians are returned to their planet to live out the rest of their lives, recognizing that the Federation will not permit any more Starships to enter the area."
Pardon the brief digression, but David McGowan just published a shocking and tremendous new newsletter article. It's a must read for anyone living in contemporary fascist America.
You won't be sorry, trust me.
"includes an encounter with the Melissas, the bee priestesses."
In the last couple of days I have seen something referring to "Melissa".
Some discussion groups have the same Melissa, different ages, same photo, different living area.
Apparantly melissa never contributes to the discussions, but recieves all the posted stuff.
It seems melissa is an access point where everything in the discussions she is involved in can be monitered, probably with software to recognise keywords and phrases.
Ie there is no Melissa in these groups, the name is a cover for the info gathering - can't remember where I saw this. Interesting coincidence tho.
(Another cute coincidence in relation to this story. Haarp, frequency and "Harpers" weblink with the other Dan Rather story.)
People are always looking for meaningful conincidences in the whole field of high weirdness, but I personally find meaningless (seemingly meaningless) coincidences abound when people are "on the right track". They are probably some manifestation of "quantum connectivity" or something.
Not all connections hold meaning for the people that observe or make them, the are just random, and slightly humerous. (Especially if you are easily amused.)
Cosmic giggles and all that.
Starroute does that bit about the antigrav refer to a Russian called Grebbenokov or something similar.
He was right into the vibrational effects if I remember rightly. But I was a bit sus on the story all the same. (Like it was too good to be true, so I trust it less). What did you think?
"-Very strange stuff, and I've never been able to make much sense of it"
Yeah I guess I mean do you think it is crazy or crap, or a possibility? I bookmarked that site the first time I saw it...
Vibration is a strange thing and can really make you ill physically. The buzzing that cicadas cause has often left me feeling like I am on the threshold between worlds, if it is at the right intensity. On occasion I have been wandering thru the bush and come across large numbers of buzzing cicadas.
Sometimes the effect is so strong and disorienting I have to sit down and concentrate on my breathing till it goes away. There was one spot that it happened alot, perhaps they were defending their space...
Cicada's are not bees, but the can generate some pretty wild buzzing.
"Has anyone experienced such a thing....or heard of such an experience from others?"
"anyone else know what we're talking about? "
I have.
It was unpleasant and nasty, but don't read too much into that.
T McKenna reffered to the buzzing as a tear in the entelechy or something, so perhaps it is associated with interdimensionality, not necessarily with the nasty things I came across.
This was my only ever alien abduction experience (apart from ones on Shrooms and DMT etc). It was odd, and I have posted about it on and off online over the years.
The experience was odd, cos my old man (A Hindu btw) was in telepathic contact with me beforehand, I confirmed this on the phone with him later. (He lives 1000 miles away).
His attitude was one of take it seriously while its happening and don't believe in it...
If you want the details of the event say so and I'll post it again later on.
If not the impostant stuff is:
Maintain your link to your body, try not to astral travel, or to return if you are.
Maintain your personal power and use it for defence.
Use anger as a defensive energy.
Now this was in the context of a threat, not all these experiences are threatening.
The buzzing seemed to have something to do with the connection aspect, between worlds or dimensions or whatever.
After the threat had retreated, I was conscious of trying to use the buzzing to bring the threat back.
I was angry by this stage and wanted to bash the living crap out of what was responsible. I hung on to the buzzing and tried to make it stay, it was my connection to hurt the weird things from my imagination or hyperspace, that were threatening me. At this point the buzzing was trying to retreat and get away from me. Eventually I let it go.
I didn't mean to get into that detail... Still if 1.14 anon and the insommnia person want more details I'll give a full description of the event (I have given it to UFO researchers over the years, no response yet).
Oh yeah, there were giant mantis like things involved in the experience (no bees again), just to keep the insect/buzzing connectionn going.
Marcus Garvey The original red herring fascist racist tool of white capital political murderer swindler enemy of great man Dubois Jew-hater repeated admiration of hytler & muzzilini, dalliance with Grand Dragon Klan
You guys get worse every day, not better (more reveal themselves as the blind twisted iresponsible)
Here's the latest bile:
Registered Member
Posts: 805
(4/8/06 4:17 pm)
Reply indictment copy LarryA. Franklin, Steven J.Rosen,&Weissm
Marcus Garvey's words come to pass
Analyst Charged With Passing Iran Info: Franklin Turned Self InTo FBI ...
Fieth resigns from Pentagon today ...
Former CIA official looks to leak the truth ...
New Israeli spy probe has a 30-year history, insiders say ...
Israel's Mole Inside the Pentagon ...
FBI probes Jewish sway on Bush government ...
Money from Iran Fuels Iraq Insurgency -Rumsfeld ...
Israeli spy nest in the U.S. - Ashcroft says: ’Don’t arrest them!’ ...
FBI probes DOD office (spy probe widens)
F.B.I said to reach official suspected of passing secrets .... ...
Analyst Who Is Target of Probe Went to Israel ...
Knight Ridder:FBI espionage probe goes beyond Israeli allegations ...
Pentagon Analyst Was Cooperating When Israel Spy Case Became Public ...
Iran-Contra II? Fresh scrutiny on rogue Pentagon operation -Josh Marshall ...
AIPAC's Overt and Covert Ops ...
UK Express: (Perle) Faces (FBI) Quiz Over Links to Israeli Spy ...
Israel Says It Has No Need to Spy on U.S. ...
F.B.I. Is Said to Brief Pentagon Bosses on Spy Case; Charges Are Possible ...
LAT: FBI Questions Israeli Lobbyists (AIPAC) in Spying Probe ((Gilon mentioned) ...
FBI briefs Wolfowitz on Israeli spy claim ...
F.B.I. Interviews 2 Suspected of Passing Secrets to Israel ...
FBI seizes computer from AIPAC offices ...
Pentagon Office in Spying Case Was Focus of Iran Debate ...
Leak Probe More Than 2 Years Old (AIPAC) ...
AIPAC hires lawyers ...
Spy probe scans neo-cons' Israel ties (long article from Asia Times) ...
FBI Informed White House of AIPAC Probe Two Years Ago ...
Alleged Pentagon Leak to Iraqi Is Under Investigation ...
Serving Two Flags The Bush Neo-Cons and Israel ...
Israeli political advisor may have received U.S. secrets ...
Wider FBI Probe Of Pentagon Leaks Includes Chalabi - WaPo ...
LAT: Israel Has Long Spied on US,Say Officials(but CIA, Mossad "intimate") ...
Defense, Cheney Iran Specialists Questioned in (Israeli Spy) Probe ...
Leak Inquiry Includes Iran Experts in Administration (WaPo) ...
A Web Of Intrigue Inside the Israel espionage investigation ...
Pro-Israel Lobby Has Strong VoiceAIPAC Is Embroiled in Investigation of Pe ...
Israel's Mole Inside the Pentagon ...
FBI probes possible Pentagon leak to Iraqi exiles ...
Reporters' Files Subpoenaed ...
Secrets: Classified Info: Springing a Leak ...
see also
Franklin: I gave Israel secret material "
YOU ARE THE VAMPIRE, fucking demon!
I heard a Fly buzz—when I died—
The Stillness in the Room
Was like the Stillness in the Air—
Between the Heaves of Storm—
The Eyes around—had wrung them dry—
And Breaths were gathering firm
For that last Onset—when the King
Be witnessed—in the Room—
I willed my Keepsakes—Signed away
What portion of me be
Assignable—and then it was
There interposed a Fly—
With Blue—uncertain stumbling Buzz—
Between the light—and me—
And then the Windows failed—and then
I could not see to see—
--Emily Dickinson
The Mormons use the Bee for a symbol of the LDS church all over Utah.
Jeff, please do check this out if you have the time, as a nod to the many working poets who read you daily; you help to inform our work.
"Plath wrote the five Bee poems, which she initially titled "Bees" and conceived of as a sequence, in less than a week in October 1962 as her marriage was breaking up. They are unified by their subject matter, bees and beekeeping, and by their five-line stanza pattern, though each poem works its own unique variation of the general theme and form. They reveal a concern with self-assessment and redefinition, both personally and poetically, and proceed by scrutinizing relationships between the speaker and her world. The sequence moves from community, in "The Bee Meeting," to solitude, in "Wintering," as the speaker settles her relations with others and with her own former selves. This trajectory from an external preoccupation with others to an inward concern for the self has formal reverberations. Plath’s characteristic stylistic excess eases during the course of the sequence as the speaker retreats from the pressures of the external world, especially the world of gender conflicts, to the inner rhythms of her own exigencies. As the influence of the exterior world diminishes, the stylistic agitation seems to abate as well."
Two more references to humming/buzzing:
1. In Jacques Vallee's book Confrontations: A Scientist's Search for Alien Contact, Vallee reports that in Central Brazil, the subset UFO-category of "flying refrigerators" called "chupas" (which have been reported to kill humans using lethal light beams) "are said to make a humming sound like a refrigerator or a transformer."
2. From :
"Among the earliest investigators to document crop formations in England was Arthur Shuttlewood, a journalist and author who went on to write a number of UFO-related books. In the 1960s and early 1970s such observations within the fields of Wiltshire were treated almost as an aside to the main sequence of events. Far greater emphasis was placed on the abundance of UFO sightings, landings and even alleged alien encounters. Most of these having been recorded in, or in relatively close proximity to the market town of Warminster....
"...At the same time as these formations were beginning to appear, Shuttlewood was also busy gathering information relating to a mysterious and ultimately unidentifiable source of sound which, to those who experienced it, was invariably accompanied by an invisible field of force. Likened to sonic pressure waves, this attendent noise was similarly described as high-pitched whining or droning, whistling and or loud buzzing. The force exerted an energy equal to a feeling of great pressure bearing down from above on the head, neck and arms of witnesses. One unlucky victim reported that his head had been shaken violently from side to side. Three young children playing beside a stream on a still evening in 1965 were suddenly swept off their feet as invisible forces suddenly pinned them to the vibrating ground. A terrifying whooping wail rose to a crescendo during this short-lived incident. For those inside their homes the visiting shockwave of sound contained sufficient power to rattle windows and even shake the very roof timbers. Shuttlewood wrote that these paralyzing beams of air pressure were also responsible for a growing number of shocked and injured animals, both farm and domestic. The inexplicable death of a flock of pigeons while in flight was another reported incident. The birds having been downed en masse following an alleged contact with this invisible aerial presence...
"On a September night in 1965, Major William Hill was driving to his weekly Territorial Army [reserves] meeting in nearby Westbury when the engine of his car abruptly cut out. At that moment its chassis shuddered under the downbeating pressure of aerial vibrations and the headlights flickered dimly, according to Shuttlewood's account of the event. The Major felt a rolling motion beneath him as the whole bodywork swayed and on stepping from his vehicle found himself 'immediately conscious of air vibrations of a violent character which surrounded and beat down on him, and heard a sinister whining and crackling'. Shuttlewood added: 'It was on a par with the sounds of high-powered refgrigeration units or deep-freeze equipment,' and after three minutes everything returned to normal.
Jule 6:29 P.M.:
Yes, I would be very much interested in hearing about your experience. Fire away....
I posted earlier at 1:14 pm and neglected to add that as I was coming out of the half-asleep/half-awake mode where the buzzing was prevalent, there were "clicking" noises, kind of like static that I was aware of.
Any comments?....
These folk who run this little American Asylum really are as mad as fucking hatters.
Or what's the old saying, 'crazy like a fox.'
A socio-pathic fox but a fox none the less.
Bush thinks the Iranian president is another Hitler.
Fuck, I thought Saddam wanted to be another Hitler.
Maybe, given the US's track record importing Nazis, Mr. Bush is just knocking off the pretenders to the Hitler throne he obviously covets so much.
"There is a growing conviction among members of the United States military, and in the international community, that President Bush’s ultimate goal in the nuclear confrontation with Iran is regime change. Iran’s President, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, has challenged the reality of the Holocaust and said that Israel must be “wiped off the map.” Bush and others in the White House view him as a potential Adolf Hitler, a former senior intelligence official said. “That’s the name they’re using. They say, ‘Will Iran get a strategic weapon and threaten another world war?’ ”
A government consultant with close ties to the civilian leadership in the Pentagon said that Bush was “absolutely convinced that Iran is going to get the bomb” if it is not stopped. He said that the President believes that he must do “what no Democrat or Republican, if elected in the future, would have the courage to do,” and “that saving Iran is going to be his legacy.”"
"And there’s a lot that we don’t know.” The lack of reliable intelligence leaves military planners, given the goal of totally destroying the sites, little choice but to consider the use of tactical nuclear weapons. “Every other option, in the view of the nuclear weaponeers, would leave a gap,” the former senior intelligence official said. “ ‘Decisive’ is the key word of the Air Force’s planning. It’s a tough decision. But we made it in Japan.”
He went on, “Nuclear planners go through extensive training and learn the technical details of damage and fallout—we’re talking about mushroom clouds, radiation, mass casualties, and contamination over years. This is not an underground nuclear test, where all you see is the earth raised a little bit. These politicians don’t have a clue, and whenever anybody tries to get it out”—remove the nuclear option—“they’re shouted down.”
The attention given to the nuclear option has created serious misgivings inside the offices of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, he added, and some officers have talked about resigning. Late this winter, the Joint Chiefs of Staff sought to remove the nuclear option from the evolving war plans for Iran—without success, the former intelligence official said. “The White House said, ‘Why are you challenging this? The option came from you.’ ”
The Pentagon adviser on the war on terror confirmed that some in the Administration were looking seriously at this option, which he linked to a resurgence of interest in tactical nuclear weapons among Pentagon civilians and in policy circles. He called it “a juggernaut that has to be stopped.” He also confirmed that some senior officers and officials were considering resigning over the issue. “There are very strong sentiments within the military against brandishing nuclear weapons against other countries,” the adviser told me. “This goes to high levels.” The matter may soon reach a decisive point, he said, because the Joint Chiefs had agreed to give President Bush a formal recommendation stating that they are strongly opposed to considering the nuclear option for Iran. “The internal debate on this has hardened in recent weeks,” the adviser said. “And, if senior Pentagon officers express their opposition to the use of offensive nuclear weapons, then it will never happen.”
The adviser added, however, that the idea of using tactical nuclear weapons in such situations has gained support from the Defense Science Board, an advisory panel whose members are selected by Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld."
"Jeff said:
But perhaps even the hoaxers are unwitting participants in a genuine mystery, because human consciousness appears to be engaged somehow in even the creation of the most mysterious pictograms."
Jeff, great post! I followed the link you cited in the above paragraph, and the following comment stood out from that link:
"Interestingly, recent measurements of energy levels in plants show how their vibrational level has risen over the decade; blood samples from children born in the last fifteen years are showing new strands of DNA being activated. It seems that changes in organisms are already underway."
This is interesting. Since I am not an expert on crop circles, do these happen throughout the world? I always seem to be reading about them in Britain.
jules asked -
Yeah I guess I mean do you think it is crazy or crap, or a possibility? I bookmarked that site the first time I saw it...
There are certain points where the crazy/possible dichotomy ceases to be useful, and where I go on the basis of interesting/uninteresting instead. That page was interesting enough to save. Beyond that, I'm not judging.
. . . . .
Parts of this discussion have reminding me of certain dreams, in particular, what I think of as "roaring" dreams. I don't normally hear sounds in dreams. Even people talking comes across just as words and not as sound. However, occasionally I'll have dreams in which a overwhelmingly loud, roaring noise is combined with a sensation of violent shaking. The specifics of the dream may vary -- an earthquake, a plane zooming close overhead, or a subway train causing the entire platform to shake -- but the roaring and shaking are consistant.
Does this sound familiar to anyone else?
Yet more data:
3. From a study of 150 people who had clinically died or almost died, parapsychologist author Raymond Moody concluded that there are nine experiences common to most people who have had a near death experience. These are:
(a) hearing sounds such as buzzing
(b) a feeling of peace and painlessness
(c) having an out-of-body experience
(d) a feeling of traveling through a tunnel
(e) a feeling of rising into the heavens
(f) seeing people, often dead relatives
(g) meeting a spiritual being such as God
(h) seeing a review of one's life
(i) feeling a reluctance to return to life
4. Here's an apparently "404" book whose index looks like a catalogue of Jeff's original post (and its antecedent on BVM/Fatima buzzing), including topics of crop circles, DNA, EEG frequency, etc. (scroll toward bottom of page)
Starroute asked
Parts of this discussion have reminding me of certain dreams, in particular, what I think of as "roaring" dreams. I don't normally hear sounds in dreams. Even people talking comes across just as words and not as sound. However, occasionally I'll have dreams in which a overwhelmingly loud, roaring noise is combined with a sensation of violent shaking.
Does this sound familiar to anyone else?
I wonder if suggestibility plays a role in these boundary experiences, and whether those reading about your item, Starroute, will now notice such types of dreams.
For example:
Two weeks ago, a nearby revival movie theatre was exhibiting the rare 1970s Spanish film "Spirit of the Beehive." A week before this, I'd (by chance) been reviewing Jeff's archives, and I was struck by Jeff's post "Spirit of the Beehive."
After I re-read Jeff's old post, I did some research on my own. I found a database of "humanoid sightings" and began to read multiple examples of The Buzzing.
Last weekend (before Jeff's current blogpost), I'd begun falling asleep one night (with earplugs, an urban necessity) when the drone of an idling Metro bus outside suddenly transmuted into a hum... and then a strong external/internal buzzing sound/feeling inside my head as I was slipping into sleep.
Still mindful of being half-awake and remembering what I'd been reading recently, I identified the experience as a potential "boundary event" I was being lulled into: the buzzing was extremely pleasant, almost inviting consent.
I fought off the impulse to surrender, and I had no subsequent "event" or "experience." However, as I've written on this blog, I've had unpleasant "boundary experiences" in the past.
Starroute, I wonder whether the external "stimulus" of the Metro Bus drone precipitated somewhat my experience. Perhaps the real-world conditions provided a "cover" or "window" for the introduction of The Buzzing.
We're all familiar, I'm sure, with the experience of hearing the phone ring in our dream -- then only to discover upon awaking that a real-world phone is definitely ringing.
Although I'm not familiar with the "roaring" dream, I could imagine such a dream being sparked or precipitated by some real-world nearby motorcycle or low-flying plane, only to take on a life of its own.
However, your detail of "combined with a sensation of violent shaking" is an often-reported detail which is associated with The Buzzing during sleep paralysis.
I'll bet you'd find some examples of your "roaring dream" if you were to Google some terms in combination such as "roaring," "shaking," "could not move," "buzzing," etc.
do these happen throughout the world? I always seem to be reading about them in Britain.
Here are some international links:
BBC 2000: Crop circles mystify Russian farmers
Canadian Crop Circle Research Network
US Crop Circles of 2005
Dutch Crop Circles
Belgian Crop Circles
Norwegian Crop Circle Group (Norwegian)
Crop Circles in Australia
The ancient phenomenon of 'Fairy Circles' of Namibia
" said...
Still mindful of being half-awake and remembering what I'd been reading recently, I identified the experience as a potential "boundary event" I was being lulled into: the buzzing was extremely pleasant, almost inviting consent.
I fought off the impulse to surrender, and I had no subsequent "event" or "experience.""
Sounds exactly like what I was trying to describe in my earlier comment at 1:14 P.M....
I wondering why the urge to fight? I was just discussing this with my wife, and I explained that I was fighting the "buzzing lull" into what seemed like a deep sleep, because it really did not feel like sleep, but something foreign. I still alive, but it felt like "death" and therefore I was trying to avoid it with all my strength.
This reminds me of some of the ayahuasca experiences I've read about, where the participants feel like they are about to die.....something tells them that they are going to die, but to relax and just "enjoy the ride" more or less. Although one ayahuascero warned a participant once to not let the plant control, but to remember that it could be controlled.
...which is what I'm going to try and do the next time I fall into that semi-sleep state....if I can muster up the courage.
do these happen throughout the world? I always seem to be reading about them in Britain.
The Devil's Tramping Grounds, Pittsboro, North Carolina:
"The Devil's Tramping Grounds is a barren circle in the forest south of Pittsboro, North Carolina, and the subject of some of North Carolina's oldest legends. For at least the last hundred years, nothing has grown within the 40 foot ring and the phenomenon is thus far unexplained. A United States Geological Survey team could uncover no scientific explanation for the lack of growth within the ring...
"Stories about the ring are well known in local communities. These include the disappearance of objects left within the ring overnight, and strange events occurring to those brave enough to spend the night within its boundaries."
The Honeybee Queen
a look at an amazing egg laying machine
The Queen is the ultimate egg laying machine and is solely responsible for the 80,000 to 200,000 or so workers and few hundred drones found in a typical established colony. Her life begins much as that of any worker, but it drastically changes when the workers bees decide they need another queen in the hive. There are several reasons a queen could be required during the active season, swarming and replacing the existing queen are two typical reasons.
Just remember that the queen begins her life as another "worker egg" laid by the hives existing queen. With in a few days, for what ever reason, the egg or in some cases the larva of this worker is taken to a special cell called a queen cell and it is there she will develop into a new queen with the help of the workers.
The Emergence of the Queen
Without getting over technical, the queen bees emerge days sooner than the same bees would IF they were left as workers. This comes from a solid feeding of Royal Jelly, a glandular secretion fed to the queen by workers during her larva stage. The new queens are tended to by nearly all the colonies bees at one time or another, this touching of the queens allows her scent, known as a pheromone to pass from bee to bee, aiding them in smooth and logical understanding of their duties.
It can not be emphasized enough that pheromones control positive communication throughout the hive. A dead queen is sure doom to the hive and their attitude promotes even faster decline. Workers stumble around with no clear idea of what their duties are without the queens scent. Of course, they have enough instinctual sense to create a new queen if there are eggs or young larva to work with. If not, the hive will likely perish at the end of the season.
After escaping her peanut shaped cell the queen is cleaned and cared for by a rotating group of worker bees called the queens court. Again, the court is a small collection of the many thousand of bees that live in the hive. Generally, the court is comprised of 2-week-old workers who are nearing the final stage of their lives, the gathering time. But just before they become foragers a 3 weeks of age, the spend time doing housekeeping duties, including tending to the queen.
On her first day as a queen, she will learn the basic layout of the colony, where the egg laying cells are and she will pick up the improved morale due to her successful birth. She is escorted around the hive, and during this time she meets with many of the workers as they frantically clean cells for the expected "egg laying" that the queen will do over the many months and years ahead.
The Outer Limits: "ZZZZZ"
Season 1, Episode 18
First aired: January 27, 1964
by Jason Warren
A transformation of the most stunning kind takes place as this episode opens, a huge queen bee is seemingly transmuted into a human female! "Is it not possible that smaller forms of life too are now conducting experiments?"
This new female soon claims to be a woman named Regina (Joanna Frank), looking for a job as a lab assistant to one Dr. Benedict O' Fields (Philip Abbott). Fields is a top man in the field of entomology and Regina, our Queen Bee, we soon learn considers him the leading candidate for possible mating...a fine specimen for a drone. Fields has created a way to speak to and understand the language spoken by bees and the bees themselves it seems were also busy trying to build him a mate with whom the bees hope a hybrid capable of overtaking the world will be created. But what they didn't count on was Fields' love for his wife Francesca (Marsha Hunt) getting in the way of their plans. Nor did they count on the huge differences between human and insect behavior.
This episode is pretty freaky and outrageous...what with a giant queen bee (albeit in human form) trying to force her love upon a human man (Dr. Fields). In the end though, we are made to feel somewhat sympathetic to this bizarre new creation despite the desperate and deadly actions she takes...she was simply carrying out what she was programmed to do after all.
"Does it make you angry to be loved Ben?" — Regina.
"Ben, she's a medical anomaly...closest thing to a complete mutant I've ever seen" — Dr. Warren (Booth Colman).
This episode was written by Meyer Dolinsky, although Joseph Stefano was involved too, and was directed by John Brahm.
re 9/11 and Physical Evidence:
The Pentagon Flash Video was based, in part, on this article. What really shocked us was the way the video "took off" on its own. I'm not exaggerating when I tell you that it has been viewed by at LEAST 500 million people. Yeah, half a BILLION (and that was six months ago when we assembled the data for a count). It took down about five dedicated servers that were hosting it. It also triggered some VERY interesting reactions. But what I want to point out here is that the extraordinary popularity of this video says one thing: people know subconsciously that it is TRUE, that there was no Flight 77 at the Pentagon. Now notice carefully that I do not say that there was no PLANE, because there certainly was. It was just not Flight 77 nor anything like a Boeing 757.
This short little video did what no other work on 911 "Truth" had done up to that point: it triggered a whole lot of active "damage control" as we will see in a few moments.
What I noticed about the reactions to the Pentagon Strike that we have received via email is that they are overwhelmingly positive. Sensible people who can see through Bush and the Neocons have no problem seeing that there was no Flight 77 at the Pentagon. The negative reactions are also interesting; they fall into two categories: 1) honest, sincere people who have been influenced by the cointelpro/psy-ops who then, without even being aware, become de facto cointelpro agents; 2) the REAL cointelpro/psy-ops agents.
To give an example of what I think is the former type: not too long ago, Jeff Wells, on his Rigorous Intuition blog made the astonishing remark that:
"I've posted a number of times on the blog about the mistake of constructing 9/11 "truth" upon the sand of physical evidence. The "no plane" hypothesis (more than a hypothesis for many; more like an unforgiving creed) is one of the most egregious missteps. One I believe encouraged, if not led, by COINTELPRO."
First of all notice that, like a robot, he is repeating "no plane," as though that is what is being said. It is not. What is being said is that it was NOT a Boeing 757. But this is the first clue that Jeff Wells is mechanically repeating something that has impressed itself on his mind in some way.
The second thing to note is this astonishing phrase: The "sand of physical evidence" ??? !!!!
Now, let me say right up front here that being accused of being cointelpro ourselves is truly bizarre, but not unexpected; after all, that's what cointelpro does: muddy the waters, create foodfights, and generally make it impossible for people to get together and actually make a difference.
The very fact that Jeff Wells can say that (and I think he's a sincere guy) just proves my point about psy-ops and how it affects the mind. It demands of us the question: how someone can be so mentally divided that, on the one hand, they can question why the majority of Americans cannot see through Bush and the Neocons as an evil Fascist system, and on the other hand, turn around and do just what those people who support Bush are doing: believe that "witness testimony" is more reliable than physical evidence! Isn't that something of a contradiction? That's the same kind of general hystericization that has taken over the minds of Americans and makes it almost impossible to show them facts about Bush and Gang and to get them to see the reality. That's the same kind of mindset that allows Americans to sit by complacently while Bush and the Neocons wage pre-emptive war, torture, divest Americans of their rights, engage in illegal spying, vote fraud, destroy the economy of America, and the whole host of criminal activities going on in this country. And if anybody thinks that this gang of criminal psychopaths can't run psy-ops to produce "innocent" witnesses to say anything they want them to say, or to even buy witnesses, think again! And if you still think you can vote the bastards out of office, you had better wake up before it is too late.
So, when somebody says: "the mistake of constructing 9/11 "truth" upon the sand of physical evidence" what he is really saying is that he MUST acknowledge that the physical evidence (or lack thereof) is compelling, but still - because COINTELPRO has been run so effectively on the 911 truth movement - OR because most of the 911 Truth Movement IS COINTELPRO - he just has to go with the "witnesses." And many people will do that because the alternative is far too horrible to contemplate.
And that is the big problem with the whole 911 truth movement. COINTELPRO that produces such muddled thinking as is evidenced in Jeff Wells, a guy I used to read faithfully and really admired.
Pentagon Strike video
So... how does Jeff's acceptance of "no plane" differ so very much from your statement "not a 757 plane"?
But you are DEAD ON concerning the situation at hand with bushco.
"Actually I don't accept "no plane." Though I guess to be more precise, I should say I accept that Flight 77 struck the Pentagon."
That's bizarre, Jeff. There's no proof of that.
Actually I don't accept "no plane." Though I guess to be more precise, I should say I accept that Flight 77 struck the Pentagon. (Which I think opens much more interesting and authentic puzzleboxes, like Hani Hanjour's incompetence and the plane's aerobatics, than other hypotheses.)
Evidence That a Frozen Fish Didn't Impact the Pentagon on 9/11
and Neither Did a Boeing 757
by Joe Quinn
After the release of the QFG Pentagon Strike Flash Animation on August 23rd, 2004, a veritable onslaught of new articles were published that sought to dismiss the "no plane at the Pentagon" theory. One such article, that is frequently referenced by certain '9/11 researchers' was authored by a member of the forum at the "Above Top Secret" (ATS) website. Interestingly, the article was written just a few weeks after the release of the Pentagon Strike Flash animation, which by then, was winging its way around the world and into the inboxes of millions of ordinary citizens. Perhaps you were one of them...
The claim that promoters of the "no plane at the Pentagon" theory were doing immense damage to the truth/accountability movement was raised in Mike Ruppert's book Crossing the Rubicon. In a stunning piece of warped logic, Ruppert claimed that, while he is quite convinced that it was not Flight 77 that hit the Pentagon, he chose not to talk about or deal with the subject as part of his overall case for conspiracy because of the "implications". According to Ruppert, the "implications" are that anyone that suggests that Flight 77 did not hit the Pentagon, is then forced to answer the question as to what actually happened to Flight 77. If that's the case, then we better just wrap up the whole 9/11 Truth Movement and go home and have a beer.
Ruppert balks at the idea of offering an answer to this question to his readers because, he claims, most people would be unable to accept it, and, he suggests, 9/11 researchers serve only to alienate the public support that they wish to attract by stretching the boundaries of the collective belief system. What Ruppert doesn't explain is why any member of the public would happily accept that U.S. government officials participated in the slaughter of the passengers on Flights 11 and 175 and the occupants of the WTC towers (as he details in his book) yet would be unable to accept the idea that the same government officials played a part in disposing of the passengers of Flight 77 in a much less imaginative way. Let's be honest here, in the context of 9/11 being the work of a faction of the US government and military, the answer to the question as to what happened to Flight 77 if it didn't hit the Pentagon is quite obvious - Flight 77 and its occupants were flown to a specific destination and “disposed of” by the conspirators. That's pretty simple; cut and dried; no need for much stretching there! But, for some reason, Ruppert (and others affected by this paramoralism) seems to think that killing thousands of citizens by crashing airplanes is easier to accept than cold bloodedly murdering them "in person," as it were.
Since Ruppert's declaration about the "no plane at the Pentagon" theory, many other "9/11 researchers", such as Mark Rabinowitz and Jim Hoffman, have seized upon Ruppert's idea and even expanded upon it by suggesting that the "no planers" are actually government agents trying to discredit the REAL 9/11 researchers with the 'kooky' "no plane" theory.
In order to really understand the insidiousness of this patronising claim that the public could not accept the implications of the idea that a Boeing 757 did not hit the Pentagon, let's look at the "evidence" as presented by the ATS member that it really was Flight 77 that impacted the Pentagon that bright September morn.
First, however, I would like to make a few observations about 9/11 research in general.
Anyone who takes on the formidable task of digging into the events of 9/11 is immediately at a disadvantage because the US government has already declared the case closed. The government knows how it happened and who did it and have informed the entire world. As a result, there is no possibility of access to the raw data, to the crime scene or analyses of same. Here is where we meet the major obstacle: since the US government is the prime suspect, we cannot simply take as truth everything - or anything - that they say in relation to the case.
Investigation of the 9/11 attacks should be approached like any murder investigation. When confronted with a murder case (like 9/11) and a suspect that has a history of deceit and murder (like the US government and its agencies) and who had an opportunity and a motive to commit the murder, do you take as fact any claims by the suspect that he did not commit the murder? Do you seek to fit the facts around his claim that he did not commit the murder? When you confront evidence that suggests that the suspect is lying about his account of where he was and what he was doing, or you find inconsistencies and logistically impossible scenarios in his account, do you ignore these and focus only on the fact that he said he did not commit the murder and try to find and present evidence that backs up his claim to innocence?
The fact is that researchers coming to the 9/11 investigation after the fact, and after the case has been officially closed, are not only confronted with the task of trying to find out what actually happened - they also face the already well established public belief, by which they themselves are also influenced, that the official story is the truth. The best approach for any 9/11 researcher with honest intentions is to, if possible, wipe from their minds the official version of events and take the attitude of someone who has just returned from a 5 year trip to the outer reaches of the solar system, during which time they had no communication with planet earth. Start with a beginner's mind, turn off the sound of all the conflicting voices and their claims, and just LOOK at the evidence without prejudice.
Now, if the person with a truly open mind is given all of the publicly available evidence and has been additionally furnished with knowledge of the effects of airplane crashes and that of missile impacts, what would such a person conclude about the most likely cause of the Pentagon damage? Of course, not all of the evidence was made available to the public, but there is still sufficient visual evidence from "ground zero" (both in terms of place and TIME), to form a pretty good "best guess". For a definitive conclusion to be reached, the "private" evidence, like the video tapes of the event that the FBI confiscated, would have to be released, and we don't expect that to happen any time soon. Of course, the fact that the definitive evidence of the videos has not been released is in itself a key piece of evidence that suggests that the official story of what hit the Pentagon is not the real story.
The purpose of this small introduction is to prepare the reader for the fact that, in his attempted rebuttal of the no 757 at the Pentagon theory, the ATS article author, CatHerder, appears to have succumbed to the influence of the mainstream media shills that have incessantly parroted the official government story about what happened on 9/11 for the three years prior to the writing of the article. As such, he has failed to don the mantle of objective observer of the available evidence that is so crucial to finding the truth, and instead exerts a lot of effort to make the available evidence fit the government claim that Flight 77 hit the Pentagon on the morning of September 11th 2001. Either that, or he/she is part of the "official government cover-up." After you read everything below, you can make a call on that one yourself.
Here is the ATS article as it appears on the ATS site with my comments interspersed in blue text.
Having said that, given the nature of the events that are alleged to have occurred at the Pentagon on 9/11 - a large commercial airliner crashing into a large building, we might expect most people to concur at least on the basic details. But, as we have seen, that is not the case with the Pentagon attack.
I am of the opinion therefore that the very conflicting nature of the testimonies of the eyewitnesses to the Pentagon attack are important clues revealing the true nature of what happened that day. Imagine that a significant number of people are witness to a large commercial airliner flying extremely low and at high speed over an urban area and crashing into a building. Imagine also that, not long thereafter, all eyewitnesses to the event are told by authorities and the media that it was indeed a large commercial airliner that flew into the building. Now ask yourself: in such a case, how likely is it that there would be any serious discrepancies between the testimonies of those eyewitnesses? How likely is that any of the eyewitnesses would report that what they actually saw was a small aircraft or something that sounded like a missile? Unlikely, I would suggest.
Now imagine that a significant number of people are witness to a drone aircraft like the Global Hawk for example, which also flies very low and very fast over an urban area. While the wingspan of this drone craft is quite large, it is much smaller in overall size to a large commercial aircraft. Imagine also that this drone is painted with the colors and logo of a well-known airline that are only ever seen on large commercial aircraft. Imagine that there are even “windows” painted on the side to make the illusion all the more convincing. Imagine that, not long after witnessing the incident, all eyewitnesses to the event are told by authorities and the media that what they saw was a large commercial airliner flying into the building. Now ask yourself: in such a case, what are the chances that there would be seriously conflicting reports between eyewitness accounts of the incident? Very good, I would suggest.
Eyewitness accounts are indeed useless when one must rely on them as the sole evidence. This is not, however, the case with the Pentagon attack. There is already much evidence - the facts on the ground - to suggest that it was not a Boeing 757 that hit the Pentagon on 9/11. The fact that there are serious conflicts in eyewitness accounts merely serves to back up this other evidence that it was NOT a Boeing 757 that hit the Pentagon. We might also wonder why there are no conflicting WITNESS reports of what hit the WTC towers? All eyewitnesses to the event in New York concurred that two large passenger plane hit the North and South towers. Of course, we were all treated to ad nauseam repeats of the video footage of that event, leaving no one in any doubt about what happened. So why not treat us all to the video evidence from the Pentagon?
There is one very obvious answer to this question: the video footage, held by the US government, would disprove the official story.
How much do they pay you Jeff?
I hope you're getting combat pay, in view of the incessant attacks on every possible thread- heedless of any relevance to the given topic at hand- from the No-Planers, and the Unified Theory of the Illuminati contingent.
"starroute said...
jules asked -
Yeah I guess I mean do you think it is crazy or crap, or a possibility? I bookmarked that site the first time I saw it...
There are certain points where the crazy/possible dichotomy ceases to be useful, and where I go on the basis of interesting/uninteresting instead. That page was interesting enough to save. Beyond that, I'm not judging."
Thats kind of what I think about this stuff these days.
It was interesting, I have it bookmarked. Buzzing insects in the "wild" are quite strange sometimes. Well not to me, having lived in the bush for the first 12 years of my life, and the last 12, with the middle 12 in the city - once you are away from civilisation the wyrd side of nature can come out. Its so alive and aware...
but I tend to think in terms of communicating with people who are "just suburban boys (and girls)". If you don't live in it you may just miss the subtle little things...
So to this
"The specifics of the dream may vary -- an earthquake, a plane zooming close overhead, or a subway train causing the entire platform to shake -- but the roaring and shaking are consistant."
Many years ago, in the early 90s, my wife and I had just met. I lived in melbourne, she lived in northern NSW, 1000 miles away.
I met her on a holiday, and am still here.
Anyway, melbourne is 1000 miles in a car. A day or so drive. When I first went back to melb, we agreed to try and meet in a dream, and give each other some sign...
One night it happened. I don't remember much, detailswise, I remember one thing. Thinking, well actually saying to her, "holy shit, this is real, we are really here doing this, I know my body is asleep in melbourne, and you are (where she was) but we are here talking, or whatever. I have to go wake up and make it real in my waking memory, or it may as well never have happened."
Or words to that effect.
No doubt she thought, you prick, bailing already, but I figured I would be back as soon as I slept.
I woke up, and had the disorienting experience of seeing my sleeping face before I woke up.
It woke and recognised me/it, in the moment of cognitive dissonance, where I wasn't sure whether I was my spirit looking at my waking body, or my waking body looking at my spirit...
that was the moment I returned to my body.
I woke thinking holy shit the world is ending.
Because of a roaring sound that I suspect is exactly what you are describing. In the distance an interstate freight train was driving by, but the noise of the freight and the roaring were coincidental, the freight didn't cause me to dream the noise, the were seperate experiences.
I have jhad similar experiences with crows... conversations that turned to cawking as I woke up. Stick my head out of the tent andf there is a crow, giving me THAT look.
But that roaring, definitely a powerful transdimensional connection, to do with dream states and consciousness outside the sleeping body. Beyond that people have to work out the individual details for themselves I think.
Anyway, my wife and I talked on the phone early the following morning and agreed the thing had been real and happened, but the only detail we could be sure of was that we were there (where ever that was), together. I could tell from the excitement in her voice, she from me, and the way we talked...
That leads me to the abduction thing.
I will post that story now, its long, but that seems to be the norm on this thread, so thanks in advance Jeff, sorry for the length, but.
PS if by some slim chance someone recognises this next story, and thinks they know me, hi...
Its a long shot, but its been one of those days.
I read this thing this morning, posted that bit about meaningless coincidences and had a few bee based ones when I went out afterwards. One of them days. Don't ya love em.
5.00 am Sunday morning, Winter (june) Solstice. I had just gone to bed. Drug use - smoked some pot, no more than on many other occasions when nothing like this occurred. No beers even, just ciggies and some cones. It has occurred only once, unusual date tho... (PS the drug thing is irrelevant, except that I have stated on this board that drugs and "alien stuff", especially motiffs, go together in my experience).
Went to sleep, as I drifted off, my cat jumped onto my chest, only it was electric blue, and had no weight. I had dreamt about this before, me and that cat had fun adventures in dreamland so I realised I was dreaming.
I could hear my parents telling me stuff, but couldn't make it out, or focus on it, but I could, like part of me was asleep, but conscious and another prt of me was being told.
Then the buzzing started and I was gone, as if my mind had been sucked out of my head by some dodgy psychic vacuum cleaner. I have heard descriptions of heavy status epilipy seizures beginning, apparantly it is very like this feeling.
Only I stayed conscious. throughout. I was sucked down some grey tunnel, or something you might see in Contact or similar things, without the colour. Ended up in a room. I would not say I was on a spaceship. Nothing gave that impression except some instinct, either way nuts and bolts flying saucers doesn't answer it.
It seemed lioke that archetypal grey room, dirty, grey, had aliens in it.
The had big heads, pink and wrinkled like they had big brains and no skulls. Big eyes like classical greys.
Like a cross between the thing in "this Island earth", Invasion of the saucer men and other slock pre 60s sci fi. In fact the archetype turns up so often it is in itself disturbing. its not a grey.
they were wearing grey uniforms and silver/grey metal belts. Their uniforms are reminiscent of klaatu in the day the earth stood still.
And I felt violated. the dirty little fucks. Wake me and disturb my sleep. I was furious and willed my way back to my body. It was like swimming thru cold treacle. Viscous and very difficult. but i managed to get back into my body in my bed.
I woke up in bed. I had been asleep for less than a minute. i told the missus what was going on. My wife was curiosly unconcerned, she seems to have difficulty remembering, but doesn't seem to remember seeing the next bit.
I forgot to describe the buzzing - it began as my parents voice faded and came on quickly, and through the entire experience was really overpowering, well trying to be overpowering.
Like crazy tinititus on speed thru a huge wall of speakers.
The roof, weatherboard, looked like in the x files, like things trying to stretch thru material, only the outlines were more like the tin man in the wizard of oz.
And my minds eye was looking at a grey space, like a mental or psychic airlock, that had entered my brain.
I turned on the light, gathered a couple of powerful Talisman, and did some breathing exercises, and "powered up". I was fucking angry, if I had been this angry in a pub fight I would have killed someone with my bare hands. I don't get into pub fights, or very angry, usually (or ever).
Very focussed.
About this time a red and black preying mantis like critter about six feet high stuck its upper body into the grey mindspace airlock.
It looked like it was hunting.
Imagine it is in the centre of the airlock thing (Like the centre of a clock.. I am at six oclock, and it starts looking for me at 6 and 1 second, just to my left. Its focus starts there and traverses 360 degrees, clockwise, all the way around till it finally found me.
All this time I am looking at it, with a metaphorical/physical fist cocked. Getting angrier and angrier. I felt violated, I have never been raped so I don't claim to know what thats like, but this feels similar.
"I woke so drunk and full of rage that I could hardly speak." Thats Nick cave BTW.
I intuitively knew that I couldn't strike until it saw me. That seemed important. King hitting it from behind seemed dishonourabe and innappropriate.
So when it made eye contact it was mine.
Only when it saw me...
It was gone, its eyes did a bug eye thing, like roger rabbit, and it was down the hatch it had made in the airlock, and the airlock was gone.
Then the buzzing was. Well it was trying to go, it was getting weaker.
But I didn't want to let it go. I wanted it back to eat it or something. I was furious. I kept dragging the buzzing back to my head in the hope I could my hands, or at least my mind on the bastards.
I eventually let it go and went back to sleep, satisfied that they wouldn't be back, well they might be but at least i would get some respect, and I was actually hoping they would try it on again.
As I let the buzzing go I noticed that the roof was normal again and there was no weird hyperlock in my headspace.
That was it, cept for an odd postscript.
I rang the olds, wondering what they thought about the whole thing. I was sure they had spoken to me before the experience, but couldn't remember the words.
Mum just laughed and made concerned noises about pot and other entheogens.
Dad said:
There are 3 things.
1 Get back to your body. Wake up if possible.
2 Gather your power and strength, use anger to focus it.
3 Direct it and strike hard. Don't hold back. (Galvanise)
The hairs raised on the back of my neck as I realsied that was the second time I had heard those exact words from him in the last 2 days. And this was the only time I had called him.
He also said, "Oh and don't believe in any of it."
Pretty wild story, that was 10 years ago next year. in the last few months I have found that more people I know have had classical alien abduction stuff. Some of them kids I have watched growing up. And they say the weirdest shit. I don't think they have ever been exposed to the ideas they talk about in poopular culture.
But they don't say aliens, they say nightmares...
Anyway in the past 10 years, except for one or 2 scary things, (like staring at a brick wall that also has mirror properties, and watching my eyes spin in my head like slot a slot machine.) I haven't had anything weird like that at night.
BTW I know how far out this story is. But it is true. I swear on my honour it happened to me. Or something happened to me and that this is my interpretation. To the best of my ability and stuff.
It was incredibly empowering and i felt like I passed some really important test. Just remembering it makes me feel cocky and walk taller.
Anyway thanks for indulging me.
I do think my dads advice is very important. But you have to be strong in yourself first, resiliant and self reliant, cos it is not easy.
Oh yeah it was 1997.
Wowie Zowie are the "attack" anonymouses out last night.
Notice what they do, they demand you believe excatly as they do or you are…
Holocaust denial, No 757's at the Pentagon, No planes in NY. Mud-ops all.
And it is about "controlling the extremes." For by controlling/laying out the extremes of the debate, one hopes to control the middle.
As is said before--the octopus through several of their arms have spent so much money on uncovering how we "tick" and "what buttons to push." They know and it is accepted science that people believe what they see. That is precisely why the false meme of no-Boeing at the Pentagon has the "legs" that it does. That is the why In Plane Site and other flash propaganda pieces are being used to sell that false meme. TPTB(The Powers that Be) knew that there would be Internet head scratching about 9-11, there has even been "trial-run ops" to get the lay of the land (TWA 800). The tactics learned and developed there were then planned for and used in response to 9-11 deconstruction.
Three basic false memes were developed to hang the "hats of contention" upon; 1. No Plane at Pentagon (Effect: To divide researchers and to make 9-11 conspiracy research look "nuts" to folks within the highly charged and very "influential" DC Beltway crowd.) 2. No Planes in NY (Effect: To upset folks in NY on 911 conspiracy research{that is where a big crime occurred-jurisdiction for justice} and thoroughly disgust any survivors' family members from adding their gravitas to uncovering truths) 3. The "Jews" did it. (Effect: A blanket tainting that repells many without any perusal of the issue and allows the "official" story to label its critics as anti-semetic bigots with and agenda not facts and reasoned argument, etc.)
Then these memes help to cover up obvious conspiratorial facts leading to countles hours of blather, emotion, etc. Personally, I am sure that that there was demolition, remote controll technology and patsies involved in the op. And as with any large op, those with their noses in the right place or someone that directs them there, uses the op for their own personal purpose some maybe contrary to the ops planner. For with any action there is always possiblity. No chessmaster wins everytime. There are many editions of SunTzu, etc.
Kris Millegan
Intel-cut out biker war going on?
wonder if the murders in Ontario yesterday are related to the Angels murder on the highway in CT this week?
anyone notice other cases going on?
Jules your post is valuable. I had the buzzing a couple of days ago. I decided to fight back and headed to the front door to see if there was fresh chemtrails or planes. There was but running at right angles to my position when I expected them to be closer and overhead.
The buzzing reminds me of hypnotism and a body limb falling asleep.
I know that the buzzing existed long before HAARP and chemtrails but my intuit is that the buzzing employs a similar energy to em.
Great posts and unified effort on a subject. Wish you all well.
would the gentleman advertising his book hit refresh.
How do we know that this buzzing is not somehow associated with targeted ELF (or other) waves? Perhaps an extension/by product of Tesla's "death ray" or something similar even.
Let's face it. It appears to be that it's all about the manipulation of these ubiquitous waves...from light, to DNA, to color and sound, to the atmosphere.... There is nothing in this universe that is not composed of waves... especially, it seems, our perception!
Is Western North America being Targeted by Scalar Weapons?
As William James quite aptly pointed out in his classic "Principles of Psychology", "unbelief" or "disbelief" are not the genuine opposites of belief. They are merely another form of rigidly held beliefs in and of themselves.
"Doubt", on the other hand, is the true opposite of belief and more rightly the proper preserve of any true skeptic.
So any of those who are zealously determined to debunk or destroy any particularly new idea or belief should hardly be considered a skeptic let alone fair or open-minded in any of their analysis or considerations.
All any genuine skeptic requires or needs to establish is some room for a reasonable doubt or questions that perhaps suggest other equally valid possibilities.
When it comes time to question or challenge any new ideas it's also appropriate to question any of the status quo's that they are generally challenge in a like manner.
These are usually the more uncritically held beliefs; simply accepted as being factual for no other reason than the length of time they've been around.
The dustbin of history is full of any number of "truths" that have had to give way for newer and better forms of understanding.
However usefull science may be thought to be in consigning ideas from other avenues of study and investigation to that fate it is well to remember that there are just as many if not more of it's own supposed truths that have suffered that very same fate.
Ericswan, cheers.
It was a long post and draining. No weirdness when I slept last night.
I am personally inclined to think it is an old force, not a modern thing like ELF.
For a start my old man has absolutely no idea about this stuff. Never heard of it, but when he was young he was involved in Hinduism, and was trained in some pretty heavy stuff.
Invoking God forms in trances and stuff. Real channelling I suppose. He doesn't talk much about it tho. He did say afterward that this stuff had happened forever and probably would keep happeneing for generations to come. He didn't even want to consider if the event "meant anything".
Just get rid of them, they are not good - who cares what the rest involves. (Whatever "they" are).
One of the problems of philosophy and neuroscience is how the brain is able to group parts of objects together and recognize that they are one object. An example is that of the many leaves on a tree. To the best of my knowledge, this sort of grouping is not well understood.
One explanation for grouping was that mind might operate as a field within and/or around the brain, possibly electromagnetic, since, as was mentioned, we know that extremely high EMF fields can disrupt mental functions. I suppose a wave would serve a similar function to a field in allowing us to perceive what might be a group as a single object. Interesting.
However, it seems as though types of brain damage imply that memory is not stored uniformly throughout the brain. Amnesia and memory loss can be caused by localized damage as well as much stranger perceptual anaomalies. Oliver Sacks covers such things from a neurologic perspective, as does Canadian Jay Ingram. I have a copy of The Burning House sitting around with some of Sacks' books somewhere, and I think they are entertaining. Therefore, even if some part of mind is manifested by a field or wave, part of it also must remain brain-dependent.
And BTW, that reference to The Invisibles caught my attention. Of course, Jeff Wells is the source.
OT, FYI, Pentagon 9-11
Regarding the controversy over "sand of physical evidence":
I recently purchased the unfortunate DVDs "In Plane Site" (which I don't trust) and "Loose Change" (sincere & useful in some spots but largely missing the forest-for-the-trees).
I would like to ask those who build their house on the sand of physical evidence:
If you were a prosecutor, or an attorney general, or simply a homicide detective, what's your best evidence?
First, it's always to follow the money.
In this case, the prize is greater than money. Yet money was mobilized in gobs on September 11: Put Options, high-volume transactions pulling money out of the Twin Towers all the way up to the planes striking the towers, and between US$100-190 Billion in gold stored underneath the towers (actual physical evidence I'll accept!) which vanished.
Second, like Donald Sutherland tells Kevin Costner in Oliver Stone's JFK, the best evidence for a massive conspiracy & cover-up in Dallas was the massive and systematic departure from security protocol on November 22, by the Secret Service & Dallas Police.
Likewise with September 11, the best evidence -- in a court of law -- for a massive conspiracy is a critical mass of incidents of "departure from protocol."
A critical mass (a "preponderance") of such incidents would exceed mere happenstance or coincidence, and would constitute a battery of circumstantial evidence that's better than physical evidence, which can easily be dismissed because most physical evidence has multiple possible explanations.
Here are examples of how "physical evidence has multiple possible explanations":
Missing aircraft wreckage can be "vaporized." Missing crash skids at the Pentagon or in Pennsylvania can be dismissed. Anomalous photographs can constitute smudges of processing, or UFO-involvement (which I've actually heard proposed).
But missing billions in gold can't be dismissed or explained. Put Options are exceptionally revelatory, so much so that the CIA, Mossad & others already were monitoring them. Which in itself creates another avenue of inquiry.
(Which reminds me, Paul Thompson's massive goldmine of inquiry at is about to disappear from lack of funding, so if you value his site or his book, act accordingly, even if that means downloading fast before it's gone).
And the departure from protocol on September 11, which happened in so many examples, in toto creates a mosaic of intent. (Which is one good reason to keep Colleen Rowley alive & well ... please vote here).
The problem with much physical evidence is that it (mostly) cannot directly defuse "alternate explanations" or defuse "plausible deniability" as well as a trail of shifting money can.
WTC-7 can be considered the best physical evidence, perhaps, but unless the physical detonators are found, the cause of WTC-7's demise is simply shrugged-off.
And it is shrugged-off.
The problem with "Loose Change" is that the best evidence is not visual. (And there is an excess of credulity which recalls the angry adherents of the Extraterrestrial Hypothesis in the UFO field, which should have been immediately dismantled when Vallee published his "Arguments Against the ETH" essay).
For example, "Loose Change" (and others like Webster Tarpley) posit that many of the hijackers are still alive. If that's true, it's a simple-enough matter to get the BBC to put one on camera. Why hasn't that happened? One of the hijackers is supposedly "living in London." I'll buy into this type of physical evidence, but where is it?
And according to Webster Tarpley, "there is no evidence that there were any hijackers." (Tarpley's contradiction notwithstanding). And indeed, we've been treated to a shadow-play of Betty Ong's apparent AirFone recording & one other FAA recording. Both easily fabricated or "arranged," these are the only two pieces of evidence that any actual hijackers were directly involved.
Therefore: If the Official Story of September 11 is so easily established upon the Government's own "sand of physical evidence" that is so weak (when all we've actually witnessed is a shaky theatrical skit where the seams are visible & the outcome of collapsing buildings preposterous), then we can be certain that the credulous public can be pushed to believe anything (just watch "In Plane Site" for some truly tragic re-casting of physical evidence).
Ambiguity is everywhere. Physical evidence can be cast to reveal anything.
But if you want a Grand Jury indictment, stick with the money & the patterns of suspension-of-protocol.
And build an airtight argument that anticipates the COINTELPRO & subterfuge & counterattacks.
The preferred "physical" evidence of some of us has me deducing that it's yourself that you don't believe, and yourself you're trying to convince.
It's likely no accident that Daniel Pearl was killed whilst investigating the ISI, Sibel Edmonds is kept busy with lawsuits & nobody interferes with the non-researchers (nameless here, but we know who they are).
Let's build our house upon the foundation of such abstraction as the US$2 Trillion missing from the Pentagon on September 10, and the others mentioned above.
Feel the hair stand-up on the back of your neck when you were reminded of that $2 Trillion? That's because you know there's a predator nearby when you hear about the money.
bzzzzz bzzzz bzzzzz
It is your kind that have helped position us here. Your blessing is but a curse.
Apparently Robert Bruce likes bees very much... oh and owls too!
Bob said...
It is your kind that have helped position us here. Your blessing is but a curse.
Not his kind just the institutions that run with his kind.
You will have to grow your own image of God based on yourself. As has been mentioned to you before "created in His image" and go from there. You were given free will. That's not exactly like winning a winnebago at the bingo.
I meant to talk about this before and got distracted by the buzzing.
hope someone reads it.
Where does "terminator seed technology" fit into this.
I am talking about inbuilt sterilisation in food crop seeds. The biotech companies think it is a great thing. cos you have to buy new (patented) seeds every year. you absolutely cannot save seeds.
Lets leave the ordinary gene migration possibilities alone for a while and consider the actual effect of genetically engineered sterilisation in the context of DNA as a soul antenna, or consciousness antenna.
To undermine the purpose of DNA is pretty evil, I mean child abuse and all that is bad, but its bad on a personal scale.
Engineering organisms to be sterile after one generation is appalling. An abused child has the chance at whatever redemption the universe can give it, the offspring of a terminator GMO will never be given that chance. Ok so it may not be human, but all life is connected on enough of a level for this to make us collectively vomit enough bile to drown every monsanto shareholder, well me anyway.
Perhaps DNA is actually a divinity antenna. In that it allows the divine spark of life to be received by its carrier.
I like the taste of life force in my food. Its one of the reasons to eat (and avoid McDonalds style crap, and most processed "food").
I wonder if GMO terminator crops will have that life force.
Oh, if you are wondering about continents with GMO mortitoriums and stuff... Does anyone know where the worlds seed stocks are stored?
Where the genetic material is stored and by whom? I have heard that in Europe there are heritage plants for most basic european vegetables, old pre hybridisation genetics. Stored under armed military guard. But I am unsure of the details.
My word verification thing has dzb and JFK in It. There is a doco on the television about Kennedy's death. The secret KGB assassination files or something.
The meaningless coincidence factor at this place is going off lately.
Great stuff. Perhaps the buzzing sound you hear is actually your central nervous system, perceivable only in the silence of a consiousness turning inwards.
Just noticed that the Servants of the Light esoteric mystical school uses the bee in its logo:
Servants of the Light page
telepathy to Eric Julien..crop circles and extraterrestrials.....
In a recent article, I show the close link which exist between the use of the nuclear weapons during the atomic tests - nearly 2500 between 1945 and 1998 - and the physical appearance of UFO, confirmed by the radars and sightings of air controllers and pilots, who occupied positions in civilian or military aviation. This relation is also confirmed by the reports of accidents of UFO reported by various sources. This correlation is explained scientifically in my first book "The Science of Extraterrestrial.".
This book describes in layman’s terms the reasons from our fundamental scientific errors and proposes a new paradigm – fractal time - upsetting in-depth our comprehension of reality. The theory of Absolute Relativity solves, not only all of the UFO phenomena and of paranormal events, such as the formation of the crop circles referred to above, but also the great scientific, as well macroscopic and microscopic enigmas. Whereas I am not a scientist, what I have written comes from many personal reflections and the information delivered by a group of extraterrestrial that I call the "blue beings”. They are not the source of the fragmentation of the comet Schwassmann-Wachmann. They are small, long limbed and graceful. They have a large brain, very large dark eyes and remarkable blue skin. Of their body, as their eyes, emanates a strange light, as if a sun lived inside their body and that their skin was perforated by a myriad of shining lights. Their movements are slow and very flexible. They are logical, generous and joyful beings. The drawing below gives an idea of their appearance.
But this allied extraterrestrial race is far from being the only one to visit us, and to supervise us like neurotic children. There are other benevolent races but also malevolent races. The difficulty of comprehension comes from the fact that these races are, for the majority, immaterial (luminous or invisible); except when atomic weapon detonate upon Earth, thereby materializing their vessels, and destroying the spirits of Nature existing in another reality.
According to any probability, the majority will cease reading this text starting from this line. My reflections will seem to you to be delirious. If I announce to you that the military industrial complex directs your country under one form or another, and that this same complex is covertly influenced by malevolent extraterrestrial that seek total domination of humanity after having partially destroyed it, that will seem to be a conspiracy theory from some cheap tabloid.
What is delirious, actually, is the cover up of silence and misinformation that has prevailed for sixty years on the extraterrestrial subject. What is delirious is the nuclear war that certain leaders, or advisers of leaders, prepare us for, in the name of peace! One coldly announces a preventive war with the atomic weapon to us, by standardizing this one with the row of conventional weapons, to fight against the spread of atomic weapons!
Consequently, the preventive attack seems to be the option chosen by certain extraterrestrials by means of a heavenly object, mysteriously burst asunder in 1995, to minimize its own devastating effects on Earth. Schwassmann-Wachmann should strike the Earth around MAY 25, 2006 as a public warning. Except if, of course, the leaders go into reverse. That enormously will depend on you, of the actions that you will take to convince them of their folly!
What occured for extraterrestrials, as I suspect it, to transform in 1995 a comet into a weapon of massive super destruction? 1994 is the year that saw an upsurge of interest in the UFO Roswell crash, but also, to choke this, there was a hoaxed film of an alien autopsy; importantly, the United States of America decides behind the scenes to implement the National Missile Defense, i.e. the Star Wars program! This program cannot objectively be intended for a terrestrial potential enemy as claimed by the government. The enemy was extraterrestrial!
We see here that the government secrecy policy combined with the aggressive behavior of the military were enough for some extraterrestrials to prepare a preemptive shot at the Earth. In the next few days, we are precisely facing important strategic decisions for the fate of the world.
Consequently, vis-a-vis the nuclear armada created by humanity, vis-a-vis the laser program of directed energy weapons, certain ‘star visitors’ have taken "convincing" measures and decided on the use of a first public warning for MAY 25, 2006, a few weeks before the launching of the nuclear offensive against Iran, involving an escalating potential for planetary atomic war which, I point out it, would destroy whole or part of the planes of existence, invisible in our eyes, where the ‘star visitors’ live.
Events accelerate but the consciousness of individuals remain deadened. We are in the ignorance of the danger that the scientists and the soldiers, the politicians and the religious orders have consciously created here for nearly sixty years. They knew of this connection between UFOs and nuclear weapons. If it were not so, they would not have manufactured 4000 times the nuclear capacity needed for the destruction of two sub-continents. The danger is imminent today because, for the first time in human history, a war with destructive atomic weapons is marked on the calendar for 2006.
This war - as any other in the history - constitutes a real danger to our extraterrestrial neighbors. Failing to take these remarks seriously, they will let us brutally know it. But we can react while letting our extraterrestrial allies know that we understand what’s at stake. By circulating as widely as possible, even on a purely anonymous basis, the World Referendum "Do you wish us to Show Up?", perhaps we will increase the chances of a peaceful resolution of the extraterrestrial question. The era of human fraternity would become thus a reality.
The enemies of humanity are human and extraterrestrial, just as extraterrestrials are also humanity’s allies. Our remaining time is but a few days. If we alert our leaders and our fellow-citizens by widely diffusing the extraterrestrial message and this article that each one is free to translate and make known, the worst should be avoided. The comet fragment, probably still invisible for our measuring instruments, would then be destroyed by the extraterrestrial ones which can protect its trajectory, as has already occurred in the past.
Sooner or later, one always meets one more extreme than oneself. Better it is then to build peace within our civilization, before it takes-off into space.
After this possible public warning of MAY 25, 2006, the next projectile could be much larger and infinitely more destructive to the point of eliminating the human race from the surface of the Earth as suggested in the crop circle "Missing Earth". The logic of the highest bidder is extremely likely to took us towards the worst outcome. It is thus now, I believe, we should choose to act! Perhaps you can personally save a few million lives...
Jules..GMO is a huge concern for me as well. Something is afoot. Survival has no guarantees. Vipers in the corn patch
The bees are also under discussion at the forum. See message 8449 at the URL below.
You know, you got to be careful of dead bees if you're goin' around barefooted, 'cause if you step on them they can sting you just as bad as if they was alive, especially if they was kind of mad when they got killed...
Terima kasih informasinya
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Nice Artikel
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