Tuesday, May 30, 2006

The Red, White and Gray (Part Two)

I can't forget but I don't remember what - Leonard Cohen

Weird didn't begin with America, though its been advantageous for some to presume otherwise. Still, America has been weird since before its beginnings.

Cabeza de Vaca's 1542 manuscript, Adventures in the Unknown Interior of the America, describes his conquestador voyage up the Mississppi. Near the Ozarks his party encountered the Avavares tribe, who warned de Vaca that the area is home to a little man with indistinct features whom they called "Badthing." Badthing, de Vaca was told, terrorized the people by entering their homes unbidden at night and performing various surgeries upon them:

He would thrust his hand through the gashes, draw out the entrails, cut a palm's length from one, and throw it on the embers. Then he would gash an arm three times, the second cut on the inside of the. elbow, and would sever the limb. A little later he would begin to rejoin it, and the touch of his hands would instantly heal the wounds.

De Vaca and his men laughed off the stories of "Mr Badthing," which caused some indignation in the tribe, who then produced for De Vaca's examination many subjects who had reputedly been seized and operated upon by the entity, and bore the corresponding scars. De Vaca then launched into a pitch for Christendom, explaining that Badthing was a demon, and "that if they would believe in God our Lord and become Christians like us they need never fear him, nor would he dare come and inflict those wounds." He promised that Badthing would not return while he was in the land, which "delighted them and they lost much of their dread."

Whatever the truth of "Badthing" - a rationalist editor has interpolated "self inflicted?" following the description of the wounds - the story shares much with modern-day abduction accounts. Well, that's America, and it always has been. But it's never been only America. With different cultural presupositions, Zanzibar's sodomizing demon "Popo Bawa" would likely be called an anal probing extraterrestrial. (The disingenuous skeptics of CSICOP explain him away with the same wave of the hand they reserve for abduction accounts: sleep paralysis.)

And yet some alleged cases of sleep paralysis also manifest themselves as waking nightmares. One such story is told by Nick Redfern in On the Trail of the Saucer Spies. "Tammy," a 57-year old grandmother and manager of a restaurant in El Paso, fell down a now-familar rabbit hole more than 30 years ago. And if she'd been sleepwalking at the time, she was wide-awake for the aftermath.

About two in the morning on March 6, 1973, Tammy was returning to her Waco apartment from her waitressing job at a diner 30 miles out of town. About halfway home she began to "feel strange" - dizzy, lightheaded and overcome with vertigo - as the car was engulfed in a bright glow, and the headlights and engine cut out. In a field maybe two hundred feet to Tammy's right she noticed a pale pink dome-shaped object, and from it, two small humanoids were approaching. Panicking, she meant to flee, but her arms and legs were unresponsive. "The next thing she knew," writes Redfern, "dawn was breaking, and she was sitting in the front passenger seat of her car."

After arriving home groggy and scared, and sleeping the entire day, Tammy chose to keep the imprecise though terrifying incident to herself. But she began having vivid dreams of surgical examinations on cold surfaces, conducted by small figures with "thin faces and cheeks," and a "deep, continuous, resonating hum" emanating from a large mechanical "eye" hoving over the examination table. She dreamt of being dressed and carried to her car, and placed in the passenger seat, and "a man in military uniform sitting in the driver's seat looking intently at her."

Over the next several weeks her dreams changed, becoming nightmarish and apocalyptic, resembling the "warning" transmissions contactees often report. Tammy saw "Earth in the near future reduced to ruins" from a combination of environment and military crises, including a manufactured virus that devastates the Middle East and was now "spiraling out of control." Most ominous, she saw visions of a "disturbing afterlife in which various gray-like entities of several types fed - vampire-style - on human souls."

Certainly a disturbing episode for Tammy, but if that was it then she probably should have sought a referral to a good sleep disorder clinic. But three weeks following there was a knock on her apartment door, and a man in a brown suit whom she said "could have passed for a marine - a big guy, very short hair" - announced he was conducting a police "survey." Standing in her doorway he began to fire off questions relating to vehicular crime, and when he asked "Are you concerned about being kidnapped from your car?" she slammed the door in his face and shouted she was going to call the police.

In the following weeks, she was visited on three occasions by two military men out of uniform. "They were real friendly with me," she tells Redfern, "and identified who they were and where they were from - Kirkland Air Force Base." Acknowledging Tammy's previous caller had been "with us," they apologized for his aggressiveness, then admitted that they knew about her abduction experience (though "they never mentioned the word abductions like you hear today - just kidnappings") and asked if she could discuss it with them, as it was a matter of national security.

The pair told Tammy that since 1971, such incidents were seeing an alarming increase in New Mexico, Texas and Arizona, and as a result, the military had established a project to monitor contactees. Once she consented to participate, the two "reeled off a number of truly strange questions":

Since the "kidnapping" had Tammy felt the urge to become vegetarian? Was she an adherent of Buddhist teachings? Did she believe in life after death, or had her views on the subject changed or been modified "since the kidnapping"? And most disturbing of all: Was she of the opinion that after death "we would all be judged by a higher power?"

Tammy then began to share with them her apocalyptic dreams, and the two "expressed deep concern" as they told her that other contactees were having similar dreams. They also confided that while some on the project believed the kidnappers to be extraterrestrials, others had concluded they were "demonic beings whose point of origin was somehow connected with the realm of the dead and the afterlife, and that the creatures derived sustenance from the human life force - namely, the soul."

The men asked Tammy if she would consent to a physical examination at Kirkland, and she agreed. And though they met twice more, probing her thoughts on "life after death, and - notably - her views on life after death in the animal kingdom," the examination never happened. (Or at least, not to a conscious Tammy.) After their visits stopped, she never heard from them again, though for several more weeks she experienced unnerving "countless interruptions" on her telephone line from "strange, rapid, and unintelligible voices."

What sense can we make of this? First, as Redfern also notes, Tammy's two men and their disturbing inquiries and revelations are quite similar to that of the two DoD scientists who approached theologian and Fortean researcher Ray Boeche 20 years later (discussed here). Boeche wrote that they informed him of an "obsessive effort" to contact and control non-human intelligences, and the methods "had grown to encompass the use of...satanic rituals/ritual magic along the lines of that espoused by Aleister Crowley, including human sacrifices." And though my hypothesis is virtually identical, it's always important to question the integrity of "whistleblowers," especially when they appear to blow your own whistle. "Since the best disinformation is mostly truth," I wrote last August, "if this communication were disinformative, could this addition [an unconvincing list of victims of psychotronic weapons experiments] have been the poison pill to misdirect a researcher already sniffing around the Military Occult Complex?"

Red flags should rise whenever a military official or contractor confides much more than someone needs to know. From Tammy's account, it seems at least as important to her two visitors that she hear them out as it was that they hear her. And could their anticipation of her apocalyptic dreams be due to her dreams having been imprinted upon her hypnotically during the abduction event?

While I'm persuaded UFOs represent a genuine phenomenon of occult provenance and are of critical interest to certain institutions of Earthly power, I also think their facsimile has been employed as a screen to pursue other work in the deep black under cover of absurdity and "alien" misdirection. I think it's significant that numerous abductees since the mid-sixties have reported being subjected to mind control devices similar to Skinner boxes and John Lilly's isolation tanks onboard "alien craft." Lilly claimed that, as his isolation tank research became known, he was approached by military personnel who sought to use it "to coerce a change in belief systems" (according to Dr Helmut Lammers' MILABS: Mind Control and Alien Abduction). Lilly's ethics forbade him from testing his tank on anyone but himself and colleague Craig Enright. But since immersion in the tank dramatically increased suggestibility, it's easy to imagine the military taking up the work covertly when reading the words of "Delora,"daughter of a career Naval officer, who's had flashbacks of what she takes to be an underground alien/human facility: "I saw steel doors of elevators leading to underground areas. I saw 'capsules' with people in them, in a suspended state, both vertical and horizontal, in gas and also in liquid" (from MILABS).

Redfern also describes the case of "Alison," a 36-year old native of Arizona, who was subjected to at least five abductions between 27 and 31. Each event began with her pet dogs acting distressed, a deep humming, loss of electricity and a bright light enveloping her room. Then, semiconscious, she would sense "small shadowy figures" carry her onto a small craft for a gynechological exam, before returning her to another part of the house.

The final event was a significant departure:

On what Alison believes to have been the fifth abduction, however, the mysterious humming sound abruptly came to a halt only a few seconds after her cosmic visitors had entered the room. At that point, Alison recalled - not in a later dream on this occasion but in real time - she began to slowly regain her senses and the feeling of disorientation eventually eased and finally vanished. And so did the aliens. In their place were not a group of frail-looking alien "Grays," but a number of large and burly men in what looked like black fatigues.

According to Alison, one of the men screamed into a microphone something like: "What's happened?" Suddenly, the men backed away slowly and, as Alison began to regain her senses, one of them held his hand up "as if to say 'stay where you are,'" and uttered the word "sorry" in her direction. Alison made her way to the window in time to see the men jump into not a state-of-the-art alien spacecraft but a very terrestrial-looking black unmarked helicopter. At a height of several hundred feet, a powerful lamp was suddenly turned on that lit up the dark sky around her property.

Some may happily seize upon stories like Alison's to contend that all UFO sightings and entity encounters must be similar masquerades. But to do so requires a disservice to the volume of cases around the world, most of which were recorded long before any of us had the means to effect such magic. And still, there's the matter of motive. "Mind control" isn't an answer; rather, it's another question: control of whom, and for what? What's the purpose of implanting apocalyptic visions in abductees, probing Tammy for her thoughts on the afterlife, and conducting invasive gynecological and genetic work?

Even when the close encounters are with covert American power, there's nothing happy here. Because the dead intelligence at work appears as alien to us as though it were in sunken R'lyeh, dreaming.

Or can they even know what they do, and why, walking like ghosts in the skin of Mr Badthing?


Anonymous said...

Hmmm... PsyOps?

If you want to keep a population afraid and ready to follow the Leader, what could be better than (a) scary apocalyptic vision and (b) a religion that promotes and even expects and glorifies apocalypse... such as, say, most "Brands" of "Christianity" in the USA.

James Bamford, one of the most informed person on the NSA, said in his books "Body of Secrets" that NSA and other TLAs had plans to start a war with Cuba, based on terrorist actions -- on US soil -- that would be blamed on Castro. Does that ring a bell?

Terror -- and Religion -- are a great way to stifle dissent, rally the people around the Leader and make them accept a war. If people believe Apocalypse is right around the corner, through terrorism, apocalyptic visions or other, they may be tempted to blindly accept whatever the Leader says. Having a

I'll close this comment with two (very well-known) quotes:

"If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it." -- Goebbels

Or is it: "If you manufacture a fantasy big enough and keep implementing it, people will eventually come to believe it."?

"Of course the people don't want war. But after all, it's the leaders of the country who determine the policy, and it's always a simple matter to drag the people along whether it's a democracy, a fascist dictatorship, or a parliament, or a communist dictatorship. Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism, and exposing the country to greater danger." -- Goering.

In other words, even if there is no threat, you can manufacture one by creating "Grey" aliens.

Finally, to close this rant, one thought: some people are trying to prove (or have already proved) that blinding light, hallucinations, religious epiphanies and other awake dreams can be created by submitting the human brain to intense electrical and magnetic currents. Could this be the source of the humming? A new type of non-lethal weapon, using a powerful electrical generator perhaps? And all of this to maintain the general population in a state of fear?

Anonymous said...

Man! If you, Jeff, are a Psy-Op Ghost Writer, you are the best! I hope not, because I am a human who has lived through a daylight sighting at age 14, and the things you say sometimes...well, it's eerie how much has a conection to things that I have experienced.
The whole vision/dreaming of things by the cases you outline are worth investigating. I would have a recurring dream of advancing toward a large wall that went on into the blackness. I would reach it and continue into it smashing my face in a very slow motion movment. Then one night I dreamt that there was a door in the wall and in I went. A disembodied voice calmly told me to look at this display of the entire universe. I was in a small space, dimly lit, and in front of me a glowing 3-d mass of light hovered in the air. The voice then said to look at where we were and I could see our galaxy clearly. I remember it as though it were yesterday. I would awaken from these dreams with physical pains on my face and head.
I know I'm going on a bit, but in my self there is a need to ask some questions. I was in a very remote part of upstate N.Y. and I wonder about the fact that people from isolated places have these experiences. The one lady said something about Kirkland A.F. base.
Is it that we are being led by the nose by our own military? Or are there aincent beings doing who knows what with us? I can't have it both ways. I can relate to the plans within plans scenario perpetrated by an overzealous elite, it seems like what our species is really good at, screwing each other over in ever more creative ways.
But likewise, the notion of Things from Someplace else, has a degree of validity by mere fact of the volume of experiences had by people.
Thanks Jeff, for taking road less traveled, I know you catch heat for looking in all directions. I love reading it.

Anonymous said...

Warning - the Popo Bawa story link is to a racist site!

Other than that, excellent entry.

Anonymous said...

The pattern here is a simple one: A, B, A, B. A decent parapolitics post, followed by a UFO/weirdsville post. Like night follows day. Give them a glimpse of what lies outside Plato's cave, then toss 'em back into the darkness. Sunlight, shadow, world without end, Hey Man!

Kind of like Photoshopping your mind. Or like Jose Delgado, pressing the "UFO" button and stopping the raging bull in its tracks.

Truth lies in a Well.

Anonymous said...

I vividly remember 4 years ago, we had just moved in our new home, where we still reside, by the way, in a suburb of a suburb of a major metropolitan area in the Southeast U.S. being startled awake by what seemed to be an electrical jolt. Whatever it was, continued to mess with my mind even when I had awaken. I felt as though I was not in control of my thoughts and feelings, as though I was teetering on the precipice of insanity.

I heard the sound of what seemed to be a large vehicle traveling through the subdivision, but how could this be possible at 2am in the morning? I peeked through the blinds to locate the source, and I'll be damned at what I saw. It was a God Damned Street Sweeper with a sizable microwave/satellite dish mounted on the top. I was flabberghasted.

I had never seen a street sweeper in my neighborhood since then, and in fact, I have never seen a street sweeper in this County since then.

Why the hell would they be sweeping the streets in my neighborhood at 2am in the morning?

What the hell was a microwave/satellite dish doing on top of a street sweeper.

Did the street sweeper startle me awke and cause my temporary disorientation?

And this is interesting. I remember thinking at the time about the electrical wall socket behind my bed right next to where my head was laying.

I now have an FBI Agent who has moved in three doors down. Just a coincidence, I'm sure. It's not like I'm controversial, or anything. How could an Agnostic who gets banned from IIDB be controversial?

Anonymous said...

I couldn't help thinking about Nicola Tesla during this post.

My intuition tells me there is some kind of connection between these "modern day" events and Tesla's numerous experiments and discoveries, confiscated by J. Edgar Hoover's FBI immediately after his death and labeled "most secret".

There is a great video entitled The Missing Secrets of Nicola Tesla at http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-5834867580747017149&q=tesla
that I highly recommend.

Jeff, I'm surprised you haven't gone into this possible connection.....

Anonymous said...

So you want to be en- entertained
Please look away, don’t look away
We’re not here cause we want to entertain
You can go away, don’t go away
Reality is the new fiction, they say
True is truer these days, truth is man-made
If you’re here cause you want to be entertained
You can go away, please go away!

And all you want is entertainment,
Rip me open, it’s so freeing, yeah!

If your art is done
Johnny get your gun!
Join the rank and file!
On your TV dial.

Another fear
Is already here
The lines are drawn
Whose side are you on?

Fostering widespread belief in demons wouldn't help these folks would it?

The largest and most powerful mass movement in the nation -- evangelical Christianity -- has set out to destroy secular society.
Whenever I talk about the growing power of the evangelical right with friends, they always ask the same question: What can we do? Usually I reply with a joke: Keep a bag packed and your passport current.

I don't really mean it, but my anxiety is genuine. It's one thing to have a government that shows contempt for civil liberties; America has survived such men before. It's quite another to have a mass movement -- the largest and most powerful mass movement in the nation -- rise up in opposition to the rights of its fellow citizens. The Constitution protects minorities, but that protection is not absolute; with a sufficiently sympathetic or apathetic majority, a tightly organized faction can get around it.

Nah! Just more godless liberal moonbat fearmongering, right?
But, like Mr. Wells says, none of this is really new is it?
It seems like the public has been led by the nose since there was a public to lead.

A change in government is the answer?

"Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed."

So, who amongst is actually suffering?

Granted, large amounts of food capped off with obsessive American Idol watching could be construed as suffering by some, but I doubt that it's government changing sized suffering.

We as a nation have embraced this unspoken change to the Declaration of Independence, allowing, "We hold these truths to be self-evident" to become 'We hold these truths, as spoonfed to us by our leaders, to be self-evident.'

Until that changes the North American Spook & Horror Extravaganza will truck merrily along , unimpeded by all of our vigorously rigorous typing.

Anonymous said...

Kick ass post !!!

ericswan said...

What can Ground Hog Day do for you?
Move the main story down the page? Below the fold? Where sheep won't go?

How about Valentine's Day? Move Congress to action?


Anonymous said...

"Good eye" RE: the old stories vrs. new tech operations. This subject reeks of the Aviary:

...the two "reeled off a number of truly strange questions":
Since the "kidnapping" had Tammy felt the urge to become vegetarian? Was she an adherent of Buddhist teachings? Did she believe in life after death, or had her views on the subject changed or been modified "since the kidnapping"? And most disturbing of all: Was she of the opinion that after death "we would all be judged by a higher power?"

By Armen Victorian:
Dr./Col. John Alexander obtained a BS from the University of Nebraska and an MA from Pepperdine University. In 1980 he was awarded a PhD from Walden University(20) for his thesis "To determine whether or not significant changes in spirituality occur in persons who attended a Kubler-Ross life/death transition workshop during the period June through February 1979."

He has long been interested in what used to be regarded as "fringe" areas. In 1971, while a Captain in the infantry at Schofield Barracks, Honolulu, he was diving in the Bemini Islands looking for the lost continent of Atlantis. He was an official representative for the Silva mind control organization and a lecturer on Precataclysmic Civilizations. Alexander is also a past President and a Board member of the International Association for Near Death Studies; and, with his former wife, Jan Northup, he helped Dr C.B. Scott Jones perform ESP experiments with dolphins.

Alexander published THE WARRIOR'S EDGE in 1990. The book describes in detail various unconventional methods which would enable the practitioner to acquire "human excellence and optimum performance" and thereby become an invincible warrior.(The purpose of the book is "to unlock the door to the extraordinary human potentials inherent in each of us. To do this, we, like governments around the world , must take a fresh look at non-traditional methods of affecting reality. We must raise human consciousness of the potential power of the individual body/mind system -- the power to manipulate reality. We must be willing to retake control of our past, present, and ultimately, our future."

Article here.

And here is the index for all of Mindnet. I seriously recommend these articles to Jeff and everyone that visits R.I.

Anonymous said...


Do you know anything about the relationship between the University Of Western Ontario, in London, Ontario, Canada, and the U.S. Department of Defence (any branch)?

Anonymous said...

I've read this site for awhile, always with a mixture of fascination, horror, and wonder. Wonder at how Jeff is so well informed, among other things.

See, I spent ten years in the far, far right wing. Ex was an "independent" Baptist minister.

Have really wanted to post a comment many times, but didn't want to get on the "list." But, so many lists these days, what does it matter?

Folks there is so, so much to all of this. And right off let me say, the comments are astounding. Many times with more info than Jeff puts out.

To the "Christians" that post here: You'd better do some serious research. You have a lot to learn. To the anti-christians: You realize that just because they are crazy doesn't make what they believe not true, don't you?

Folks, it's all about, to the nth degree, our beliefs, our thoughts. Thoughts, words, are powerful, powerful things. Jeff's words, our words, our thoughts about Jeff's words, etc. If you've watched the movie 'What the Bleep Do We Know' you understand. Reality is created, not by deeds, but by thoughts, by words. Jeff wrote on this, periferally, awhile back.

I challenge everyone to consider what they think about. Is it negative? Does it fall in line with all the evil, even if you don't like it, that we are being fed? It isn't just, as so many have said here, those who don't do anything about the evil we see, or even just those who actively support it; it's those who choose to think there is no other way. That this is what is going to happen. "The bible says this is the way it's going to be." Or any other negative, unpeaceful belief. Example: Remember the government wonk who gave that interview a few years ago and said something like (and I paraphrase)"We are creating reality. Judiciously as you try to study it, we will continue to create reality. And when you think you understand it, we will create another reality." Something like that. Jeff probably wrote about it. They get it. They understand how to "create reality."

Folks they are "creating" our reality. We are not powerless. We most certainly can create another reality. Peace. Love. Kindness. Goodness. Life. Light. Joy. Compassion. Don't get angry at them. And absolutely try not to fear them. Just wish them peace, joy, love, light, kindness, compassion. If you can do nothing else, do this. All the time. Every moment you think of it.

And to the people posting all the anti-abortion stuff: why is it most of you are against taking life before birth, but think nothing of supporting wars? Not that all of you do, I know. It just seems so many cars I see have anti-abortion stickers and support the troops stickers. Weird. I always thought a good bumper sticker would be: Anti-abortion and Pro-life are NOT the same thing.

Interesting, but truly unnerving site. Kind of like the John Birchers: always wondered if they weren't "them." After all how would they KNOW all this stuff was going to happen? They aren't Nostradomus, after all. Are they?

Anonymous said...

Here's an interesting site that merits further investigation in light of the U.S.'s continued occupation of Iraq, the theft and removal of ancient artifacts since the invasion, and the construction of the largest U.S. Embassy in Bagdad, among other events...


This paper examines how the need to gain unfettered access to Iraq's extraterrestrial (ET) heritage has played a critical role in influencing US foreign policy in the Persian Gulf region ever since the Carter administration. The paper analyses how clandestine organizations based in the US, Europe and Soviet Union/Russia have historically maneuvered amongst themselves to gain the most strategic advantage in having access to and exploiting ET technology hidden in Iraq."


Anonymous said...

"Here's an interesting site that merits further investigation in light of the U.S.'s continued occupation of Iraq..."

Wasn't President Carter also interested in UFO's? Didn't he claim to have had an encounter with one?

Anonymous said...

What's the Evidence for an historic ET presence in Iraq?

The strongest available evidence for an historical ET presence in Iraq comes from cuneiform tablets directly recording the beliefs and activities of the ancient Sumerians whose civilization began almost overnight in 3800 BC. Most of these cuneiform tablets relate stories of the Sumerians interacting with their 'gods'. Most archeologists initially accepted that these were merely myths and attached little importance to them other than giving insight into the mytho-religious beliefs of the ancient Sumerians.

That viewpoint received a major challenge in 1976 when the Sumerian scholar, Zecharia Sitchin, published the first of a series of books on his translations of thousands of Sumerian tablets.

Rather than treating the stories of the gods as myths that had little empirical relevance, Sitchin interpreted the tablets as literal descriptions of events as they occurred in the time.

Sitchin's translations of Sumerian cuneiform tablets revealed precise information on a range of topics that he argues could not have been possible for a civilization at the initial stages of its development with no obvious predecessor civilization to borrow from.

According to Sitchin, the Sumerians had detailed knowledge of all the planets in the solar system, understood the precession of the equinoxes, and also had an understanding of complex medical procedures.

As to where they could have gained this detailed knowledge, Sitchin's translations suggest that the Sumerians provided a clear answer for its ultimate source. They revealed in their tablets that all their knowledge came from a race of extraterrestrial visitors the 'Anunnaki' ('those who from heaven to Earth came') who were not only teachers for the Sumerians, but also played a role in the creation of the human race.

The origin of this ET race was a planet called Nibiru that had a long elliptical journey around the sun, and returned to this region of the solar system every 3,600 years.


Anonymous said...

Not familiar with the "Mr Badthing" legend, but everyone here in Eastern Missouri knows about The Piasa Bird:


I'd also like to recount an experience I had in the desert Southwest, about twenty years ago. Four of us in a schoolbus travelling in a remote area at night, near the Utah-New Mexico border; suddenly the engine died, the lights went out, and we coasted to a stop. The bus wouldn't start again, as if the battery were dead. We sat there, not knowing what to do, for an indeterminate amount of time, until the lights came back on, by themselves, and when the driver keyed the ignition the engine fired instantly.
But the really strange part is that we had a battery-operated stereo cassette player on board and we'd been listening to some music at the time (sorry, I don't recall what)--the boombox quit the same time the motor did, and came back on with the lights.

Anonymous said...

I was listening to this by coincidence while reading and I thought I might share...

In Dreams
by Roy Orbison

A candy-colored clown they call the sandman
Tiptoes to my room every night
Just to sprinkle stardust and to whisper
Go to sleep. everything is all right.

I close my eyes, then I drift away
Into the magic night. I softly say
A silent prayerlike dreamers do.
Then I fall asleep to dream my dreams of you.

In dreams I walk with you. in dreams I talk to you.
In dreams youre mine. all of the time were together
In dreams, in dreams.

But just before the dawn, I awake and find you gone.
I cant help it, I cant help it, if I cry.
I remember that you said goodbye.

Its too bad that all these things, can only happen in my dreams
Only in dreams in beautiful dreams.

Anonymous said...

"Wasn't President Carter also interested in UFO's? Didn't he claim to have had an encounter with one?"

Yeah, and he asked the chief of the CIA at the time, George H Bush, to give him everything they had on the subject. Papa Bush replied that Carter could not see it, he didn't have a high enough classification.

Could have just been a mind-fuck though. He's good at those.

Anonymous said...

Haven't had time to read the links in the original post just yet, but they refer to sightings and experiences which occurred long before we had the means to effect such things.

For example, in a book (possibly a Colin Wilson or Lyall Watson) I read of a village in England over which a floating ship was allegedly witnessed by many people either within a church, or on their way to church -- several hundred years ago. The sky-borne vessel was described as a saling ship; literally under sail. From the ship (according to this tale) drifted a rope and anchor. The villagers saw human-type creatures on board the ship and a bit of mutual waving got under way. For some reason, one of the village men grasped the trailing rope and began to climb up it, towards the ship. The rope was either cut by the ship's occupants, or came loose and the man, rope and anchor fell to earth. It's said the villagers propped the anchor against the church, where it has since remained.

Far more ancient still are alleged accounts written in sacred Indian (sub continental) texts, attesting to aerial battles, witnessed by thousands. These battles describe pyrotechnics unknown to the witnesses, such as flame-tailed vehicles and what sound to be missiles.

It's speculated that the flying-carpets of fairy-stories once existed as a means of transport. And so on.

I agree that the famed 'foo fighters' witnessed in WW2 may have owed their existence to scientists of the day (if so, most probably German). Even the alleged sighting of air-ships prior to their commercial introduction, may have a terrestrial origin. But it does appear that non-human creatures may have been making themselves known, deliberately, prior to our relatively recent 'mastery of the air'. Added to which are the copious accounts by indigenous peoples of extraordinary and/or non-human visitations. Very few of these accounts describe these strange visitors as benign.

So -- if the historical accounts are genuine and not simply recently fabricated -- it seems the 'alien' situation is NOT chicken-and-egg, but more a case (on the part of our governments/scientists/military) of deliberate, copy-cat scare-mongering, aligned with non-benign manipulation of populations. But to what ends?

Since the advent of mass-media and particularly since the late 1940's, we have been exposed to sensationalistic reports of aliens and their craft .... and to equally compelling denials by the authorities. It continues, sixty years later.

Alleged first-hand witness accounts are certainly persuasive. So to are scientific debunkings.

Those in power are well able to ensure that we learn nothing, if they choose. They are able to manufacture 'truth' as adroitly as they eliminate it. Any book or article or expose to which we ARE exposed therefore, is 'permitted' publication. We are being 'allowed' to read Pope and Good etc. No author or whistle blower or ex-NASA or CIA renegade would last long enough to utter a word ... unless the powers-that-be had first vetted and approved it. The same process of elimination/suppression applies to 'death bed' testimonies, self-published exposes, etc. We're 'allowed' access to this supposedly secret information.

So the titillation/revelation, followed by dismissal by allegedly equally knowledgeable 'insiders'.

Are our governments actually as sophisticated as would be required if this back-and-forth dance were a deliberate process of desensitization, re: aliens? Remember, this little game commenced in earnest back in approx. 1947, yet with all the immense progresses of technology which have since occurred, they still can't drop towers convincingly.

Men in black? Sure, they have large budgets, but do those stretch to oufitting several dozen agents in order they might make disturbing appearances before people who believe they've witnessed non-human entities? To what ends? Most experiencers keep it to themselves, for fear they're going/gone crazy or will be judged so by others. They're hardly likely to widely broadcast that as the aftermath to their so-far secret experience, they were approached by men in black. From the point of view of those-behind-the-scenes, it's small result for the outlay ... unless their budget and agendas stretch to persuading us all, one by one, that we just might be going crazy. With 300 million in the US alone, it would need to be a long-term plan! The initial subjects of such a programme would be dead for over a thousand years before the job was completed!

People could easily adapt to official declaration that we are being visited, abducted, infiltrated, modified, by an alien, non-human race or even several such races. After all, people are virtually shock-proof: they've adapted to insane political leaders and agendas; they've managed to get used to eating their meals whilst watching the televised slaughter of children and news of laboratory-created epidemics being distributed aerially and via foods and medical technologies by their own governments. Could aliens be worse, more frightening than suspecting/knowing that our politicians have arranged for ordinary folk to leap from the 90th floor of a deliberately destroyed & burning mid-city edifice? So why should we believe our governments are employing a softly-softly introduction to the reality of non-human aliens, in order to ease us into it gently? When have our governments EVER been gentle and caring?

Doesn't it seem more logical, reasonable, that our governments(and religious leaders) are stubbornly refusing to admit that it has all slipped beyond their control? And it IS about control .. and very probably involves profit (or fear of losing it) as well.

Religion is profitable. Religion is immeasurably powerful; is the 'secret police'. No nation has anywhere near enough police or military, were populations to storm the barricades. What keeps populations 'manageable' is religion and for this reason, we find ourselves programmed at young age, BY our religions, to fear and obey. Governments grant tax-breaks and spiritual control of populations to organised religions, in return for rendering those populations compliant enough to pay tax, consume and subject themselves to further programming by governments. Thus we are programmed from early age to react predictably as adults, whenever we are exposed to our national anthems and flags. All of which makes us willing to don armour and kill people of other nations any time our leaders deem it profitable (for themselves).

But, were populations to learn that religions had been keeping them in phony spiritual chains -- and if populations were to learn that it's not quite as simple as 'living, dying and going to heaven', then religions would be discarded and they and the governments they served, would lose the lot: control, profit, power.

How might such a situation come about? Unambiguous evidence of non-human, aliens would do it.

People ARE seeing such creatures however. Yes, some of the evidence and accounts are compellingly persuasive.

Blank denial wouldn't work, as a counter. Too much evidence. Too many leaks. Is that why we're bombarded with disinfo at the same time we're fed minute amounts of truth? It seems to be effective. Everyone's confused. There are more theories and conspiracies than experiencers.

Perhaps certain of our governments have done a deal with certain of the aliens, resulting in Spielberg's 'ET' (good-guy alien), followed by recent portrayals of aliens as triple-headed, soul-munching, blood-drippping Draconians (bad-guy aliens most probably aligned with foreign governments?) Sounds similar to some of the tactics employed by divorced parents, doesn't it?

Whatever the reality, we can probably be confident that it all comes down to governments (and their lap-dog religious cronies) fighting to retain control, profit and power.

If the aliens intended to monster earth's populations, surely they would have done so any time they liked? Does anyone believe Reagan, Clinton, Bush, Putin or any of the 'Popes', etc. are capable of 'managing' the alien situation? Most of them can't even speak intelligibly or organise their own pathetic lives. And the CIA and their cronies can't even competently murder a princess or run a war: drug or otherwise. No, if aliens are here or even out-there, we must be existing courtesy of their restraint and/or disinterest. And the mutilations and invasive abductions might be conducted by psychopath aliens, similar to their human counterparts. Of course, many such offences may be committed by our own governments and their agents. Posing as aliens would certainly provide them cover to undertake the insane experiments via which they hope to totally control us, one day soon.

In the meantime, doesn't it make you feel 'special', being the target of so much human and alien attention? Would any of you choose to return to this planet/dimension? Now THAT's food for thought and just might be something YOU have a little control over, some day.

Anonymous said...

In the twisted American tradition of Mr. Badthing, I was wondering if you're familiar with the story of albino killer Bye-Bye Man & his hound Gloomsinger made from human tongues & eyes.
It's one of the stories in an excellent book entitled The President's Vampire: Strange-but-True Tales of the United States of America -- by Robert Damon Schneck.
Highly recommended.

Jeff Wells said...

Anonymous 8:54 am, thanks for the head's up about the Popo Bawa cite. I've edited the reference to link to a BBC story.

"The pattern here is a simple one: A, B, A, B. A decent parapolitics post, followed by a UFO/weirdsville post."

Some months ago I received several complaints that too many posts were "weirdsville," so I'm aspiring to a balance. If I'm a useful idiot it's unintentional; the subjects simply follow my curiosities and concerns. I know the weird stuff tends to trigger disinfo alarms, and I don't deny that it should. But my understanding of our circumstance has been enhanced by admitting its weird aspects. If I'm wrong, it's for no other reason than that I'm wrong.

Anonymous said...

"Some months ago I received several complaints that too many posts were "weirdsville," so I'm aspiring to a balance."

I live in Weirdsville, its actually w......ville, but the locals call it weirdsville. I kid you not.

I first found your site last year, not long after seeing the movie Hellboy. For years my friends and i have been studying the weirdness, chasing it and trying to get a handle on it. I have come across alot, peadophile rings (whether they led beyond their little circle to some greater conspiracy I can't say, but those involved were high up in Mebourne's establishment.), sat outside Melbourne, overlooking the city, and watched orange lights buzz police helicopters as they took off from Essendon airport to investigate, each chopper could only stay airbourne for 5 minutes before returning to base, there was always a replacement ready to go...

Plus over half my life studying shamanism, magic and all that goes with it.

For what it is worth Jeff, keep digging away at that connection, between the weird and those in power. Your posts often have a massive conincidental connection to what I have been thinking about recently, its one of those things...

You know you are on the right track as the coincidences mount up. Mostly...

Badthing - in some initiations the intitiate is sent to the underworld, the land of the dead.

There in a place that seems like hell (it isn't, fear is important to motivate people, fear of the afterlife, of pain and punishment, is part of what motivates us not to hurt people), surgery is performed, people are disemboweled, deismembered, beheaded etc etc, by the spirits, or what seems like demons.

Then they are put back together with important additions, magical objects etc etc, things that give them power and remind them of where they have been and what they have seen.

In the "best" cultures this is done in the context of "this is horror, this is bad. You are a man now - (I only know about male stuff, the womens business is not my forte, and nor should it be.) - with rights to property and breeding, so you have responsibilties to protect that property and the things that enable you to fulfil you destiny as a parent, ie your family and the community you live in. From this, you have faced it already and its done its worse, and you are stronger now. Face everything with courage and honour in the world, protect what is important."

This is called the "warriors code" and it is surprisingly strong around the world, in old cultures.

And the whole point is, you go to the land of the dead and you suffer. Thats as bad as it gets. Then on the way back you ancestors say, its not really hell. That is what you must protect the world from. Next time you come here, to stay we will welcome you and love you like we do now, but if you have to protect you family, or your land (not land you own, land that owns you). then you may have to come here soon after terrible pain in battle.

You are shown hell so you know what the enemy is, what the world needs to be protected from.

Its getting to the point tho. Why control the process. The warriors code, as I understand it, has nothing to do with being a soldier or a killer. It has to do with courage and discipline. With the ability to fight, hard and to win. But not with dishonourable shit. That dishopnourable shit is hard to define. A know it when you see it sort of thing.

That was a rambling rant.

The point is to set a context, that the realms of magic have a point, and exposure to them should be done in ways that protect one's culture and foster decency in people. This requires a certain independance of spirit and a willingness to be one's own boss.

To be able to refuse bad orders for example. To be independant enough to choose your own path, make your own decisions and be responsible for the consequences.

To be as independant as is possible in a culture or society, where you share space resources and life with other people.

Is this the mindset that a government wants?

hell no. This mindset accepts government is necessary to administer some things and stuff, but the laws are already written, in life, in the land in your soul. Its not governments job to write more, or change them, but to aid in their implementation. It is almost an anarchist mindset.

Totalitarianism doesn't sit well with it, and vice versa.

Yeah sorry about the rant, I was almost in automatic writing mode.

Anyway the point is if this process has been co opted by a "bad thing" then what sort of warriors are created.

Anonymous said...

Sorry about that last post, first thing in the morning, no coffee, disjointed thoughts...

"conducted by small figures with "thin faces and cheeks," and a "deep, continuous, resonating hum" emanating from a large mechanical "eye" hoving over the examination table."

In the red white and grey p1, I mentioned greys, well, off whites, appearing as the gatekeepers ala Randolph Carter's experiences.

Ok so I was tripping on shrooms, and had determined to do one of those rituals where you go to Azathoth. Lovecrafts version.

After a short peak - chaotic and intense and ego nullifying, I found myself lying there, looking up at the "off whites". I thought, geeze if I hadn't had all them gold tops, I would swear I had just been kidnapped by aliens.

This thought seemed incredibly hilarious at the time, so I cracked up laughing, atthe general hilarity of it all, and the specific hilarity, that all those alien abduction reports were just people who had eaten mushies and forgoitten about it, cos the trip was too intense.

My laughter caused the aliens or whatever they were to shatter, like glass on a screen they shattered into pieces and disappeared.

To be replaced by a giant eye, humungous and fraactal, made up of thousands or millions of smaller eyes in patterns. A little like the picture Alex Grey did of someone dying.

After that I was gone into the beyond, and I have a different worlds view on all this stuff now.

Anonymous said...

That trip was weird. Just afterwards I started watching the X files. So many of the themes of the trip would appear in x files episodes. (So has the black sweat {princes new song} morgellons meme).

>>Since the "kidnapping" had Tammy felt the urge to become vegetarian? Was she an adherent of Buddhist teachings? Did she believe in life after death, or had her views on the subject changed or been modified "since the kidnapping"? And most disturbing of all: Was she of the opinion that after death "we would all be judged by a higher power?"<<

In 1971 - 75 these ideas were just gaining ground.

Some people think Leary, RAW and the like were part of some Spook covert agenda, my only exposure to them is through their writings, they donot serve any agenda of control.

Having qualified that - Leary, Lilly, Wilson, the McKennas, PKD and probably many others all talk about a massive program of telepathic communication by an alien intelligence (not necessarily aliens in space ships) in the early 70s.

Maybe they are spooks furthering a meme, but maybe there have been many attempts by "the citadel" or the empire to co opt something genuine that these people experienced.

Beezlebub's Tales to his Grandson, by Gurdjieff(sp), is set on a space cruiser, B'bub is briefing his descendant about human affairs and how to carry out his role as a protagonist furthering human development/evolution.

I read somewhere that Oupensky claimed gurdjieff hid his most important secret in full view in that book. Probably in a RAW book, when he was talking about his own Sirius experiences. The cruiser was flying from Sirius BTW.

Lilly, isolation tanks, regarding Alison proper sensory deprivation tanks would be ... you wouldn't be able to see bodies in them, they are designed to prevent light getting in or out.

Alisons story also reminds me of the report John Shirley mentioned, made by French intelligence, regarding minicking alien abduction using early 90s human tech...

And a few other things.

During the 90s Nexus magazine had interview after interview with "insiders"; many of the more outlandish of these stories ended up in the "space" where satanic rituals wre being conducted, and the results were not always good.

One claimed that Chernobyl was the result of a failed Soviet experiment, one that brought down the Soviet Union after something too powerful to be put down had been called up. Although these often seemed like Christian propoganda n some ways they also had some weird ring of truth to them.

Anyway I have some stream of consciousness thing going on right now. This red white and gray post has set off a chain of information and association.

So until it stops or you ask me too, I will post some long raves. They may be useful to you, I dunno, the information has been gathering there for some reason. Could end up being a long pointless self indulgent wank, in which case I apologise in advance.

Anonymous said...

>> "Mind control" isn't an answer; rather, it's another question: control of whom, and for what? What's the purpose of implanting apocalyptic visions in abductees, probing Tammy for her thoughts on the afterlife, and conducting invasive gynecological and genetic work?<<

Apocalyptic Visions

These are not just a method of control. For anyone who has forgotten, we are in the middle of the 6 greatest extinction in 4 billion years. Thats pretty apocalyptic. We have walked the line between nuclear war, biowarfare and human enviromental destruction for several generations, and things don't seem to be improving. An aboriginal friend of mine once said:" We are in the end times, we have been since whitefellas got here. And he is right, some aboriginal peoples are gone, none left, their cultures are in tatters compared to 250 years ago. The connection with landscape and enviroment has been destroyed in some saces, with totem species extinct and sacred landscapes destroyed, under concrete or open cut mines.

They have been through an apocalypse already, by any definition.

What about Iraq, if they are not in the apocalypse what the fuck are they in. A swimming pool?

You don't nbeed to be a prophet or an alien intelligence to see apocalypse dripping off the walls in Western culture.

Invasive Medical Procedures

Although not exactly rape... (although I don't know how it isn't)

well are the arter effects of such an event in the same level of trauma? If so consider the effect of rape and child abuse on people.

I have been around survivers of it for most of my life, easily 20 years. Seriously messes people up. Invokes fear and uncertainty, and challanges their confidence.

Creates a victim mentality, disempowers people.

Why? - One thought, fear of death is often overcome by initiation. Apocalypse is fear of death on a mega scale, fear of the death of life on earth, not just me, or my family and genetic line, but all of the life to which I am connected.

Right wing evangelical christianity assuages this fear with a potent meme. I believe in alot of Christian stuff, but I think christianity serves its own Satan very well. By allaying these fears and allowing people the idea that "it will all be all right in the end". Which is true anyway, on some level, but only on its terms.

Already people have given up some of their natural power. Of course it is right to surrender this power to serve life. But you surrender it directly to life, or God, who says "What are doing trying to palm that off on me. Take responsibilty for yourself."

And gives it straight back.

Most people find this hard to deal with and surrender their power to wordly institutions instead. Cos surrender is easy if you are not a warrior, but impossible if you are.

** Side note. My wife and I sometimes watch Rugby League(tho my game is AFL) on the telly. The refs are miked. In league some tackles are surrender tackles, cos the bloke with the ball hasn't resisted the tackle. This gives the tackler a different amount of control over the tackled player in the next play of the ball.

The ref yells "surrender" at trhis point to indicate the guy with the ball has surrendered in the tackle. Its a bit of a joke now, but on que my wife yells "Never!"

You can tell from the sound of her voice that she means it. And I know her she does.

I guess you have to be there, but it illustrates the point.

From my pov this is fundamental to the why.



Initiation is a spiritual process that connects us to all that is good in the world and gives us the courage to defend it.

It is also all but gone, either completely destroyed or a perverse travesty, like an army or marine induction, or the rumoured skull and bones thing where one recites their sexual history in "public" at least in front of their fellow bonesman.

As our connections to what is good and sacred and an inner power, are severed we come to rely on an outer power, and to surrender our independance of will.

I think this is the why for the process you talk about.

it is a magical process that is attempting to sever human consciousness from its supply zone, that scared gift of life.

But we all know that anyway on some levels. I am just stating the obvious.

>>Even when the close encounters are with covert American power, there's nothing happy here. Because the dead intelligence at work appears as alien to us as though it were in sunken R'lyeh, dreaming.

Or can they even know what they do, and why, walking like ghosts in the skin of Mr Badthing? <<

Surrender to an external force for other power.

This is a meme, or even beyond that a preme (A memetic prion). An indented protein like thought that infects minds and changes the shape of those minds to itself, an endless self replicating lack of change. Perhaps the most horrible thought I can concieve.

Its like the ultimate anti life force.

Anonymous said...

Can they even know what they do or why??


One of my favorite Hollywood films is The fifth element.

Old matey that runs the evil corporation, the guy with guns and the plastic shit on his head. (When he's in contact with the anti life Nemesis he sweats or bleeds some black gunk btw). What is his story. Why does he do what he does. Could that character even answer that question themselves?

Probably not, other than to say something about filling some void in themselves. Speak alot of crap first, about money and power and some other pointless tale chasing justification.

But ultimately his character is as good a metaphor for this concept as any. Empty, and hungry, like one of those tibetan ghosts.

Ultimately the why is irrelevant. Even the wonder if they truely know what they do. Jesus got that one right I reckon. Just forgive them and get on with doing what you can to stop them succeeding.

(Forgiveness of our enemies is important, not for some pseudo mystical relief, but simply because if you want to fight someone, hatred and anger are only useful when channelled through well trained processes. And when controlled.

Forgiveness gives you control of your anger, because it returns the power of expression of anger to you, it takes it away from the event and people that helped invoke it. Personal isn't the same as important, and all that stuff. More warriors code mumbo bullshit.)

Perhaps thats why people get annoyed with the weirdness, cos ultimately the mUFOmbo jumbo always lead back to this point:

"So what are YOU gonna do about it?"

Anonymous said...

Dr theosphilus thistler, that weirdness you experienced, ever hear of "Ongs Hat" and were you near there?

Anonymous said...

Readers might be interested in looking at John Lash's work at http://www.metahistory.org/ETArchonNav.php.

Anonymous said...

"A recent study by the University of Minnesota department of sociology has identified atheists as "America's most distrusted minority". University researchers found that Americans rate atheists below Muslims, recent immigrants, homosexuals and other minority groups in "sharing their vision of American society." Atheists are also the minority group most Americans are least willing to allow their children to marry. The researchers conclude that atheists offer "a glaring exception to the rule of increasing social tolerance over the last 30 years."
Many of the study's respondents associated atheism with an array of moral indiscretions ranging from criminal behavior to rampant materialism and cultural elitism. The study's lead researcher believes a fear of moral decline and resulting social disorder is behind the findings. "Americans believe they share more than rules and procedures with their fellow citizens, they share an understanding of right and wrong. Our findings seem to rest on a view of atheists as self-interested individuals who are not concerned with the common good."[8]
Hmmm. I've been a political activist for more than 40 years. I've marched and fought and published weekly newspapers alongside countless atheists and agnostics who have risked jail and being clubbed on the head, and who have forsaken a much higher standard of living, for no purpose other than the common good. Rampant materialism? Hardly. "Secular humanism", many atheists call it. And we don't read about mobs of atheists stoning, massacring, or otherwise harming or humiliating human beings who do not share their non-beliefs.
The public attitude depicted by this survey may derive in part from the Cold-War upbringing of so many Americans -- the idea and the image of the "godless atheistic communist". But I think more than that is the deep-seated feeling of insecurity, even threat, that atheists can bring out in the religioso, putting into question, consciously or unconsciously, their core beliefs.
You must wonder at times, as I do, how this world became so unbearably cruel, corrupt, unjust, and stupid. Can it have reached this remarkable level by chance, or was it planned? It's enough to make one believe in God. Or the Devil."
William Blum

"SATAN, n.
One of the Creator's lamentable mistakes, repented in sashcloth and axes. Being instated as an archangel, Satan made himself multifariously objectionable and was finally expelled from Heaven. Halfway in his descent he paused, bent his head in thought a moment and at last went back. "There is one favor that I should like to ask," said he.

"Name it."

"Man, I understand, is about to be created. He will need laws."

"What, wretch! you his appointed adversary, charged from the dawn of eternity with hatred of his soul -- you ask for the right to make his laws?"

"Pardon; what I have to ask is that he be permitted to make them himself."

It was so ordered. "
Ambrose Bierce

"Since taking office in 2001, President Bush has issued signing statements on more than 750 new laws, declaring that he has the power to set aside the laws when they conflict with his legal interpretation of the Constitution.

March 9: Justice Department officials must give reports to Congress by certain dates on how the FBI is using the USA Patriot Act to search homes and secretly seize papers.

Bush's signing statement: The president can order Justice Department officials to withhold any information from Congress if he decides it could impair national security or executive branch operations.

Dec. 30, 2005: US interrogators cannot torture prisoners or otherwise subject them to cruel, inhuman, and degrading treatment.

Bush's signing statement: The president, as commander in chief, can waive the torture ban if he decides that harsh interrogation techniques will assist in preventing terrorist attacks.

Dec. 30: When requested, scientific information ''prepared by government researchers and scientists shall be transmitted [to Congress] uncensored and without delay."

Bush's signing statement: The president can tell researchers to withhold any information from Congress if he decides its disclosure could impair foreign relations, national security, or the workings of the executive branch.

Aug. 8: The Department of Energy, the Nuclear Regulatory Commission and its contractors may not fire or otherwise punish an employee whistle-blower who tells Congress about possible wrongdoing.

Bush's signing statement: The president or his appointees will determine whether employees of the Department of Energy and the Nuclear Regulatory Commission can give information to Congress.

Dec. 23, 2004: Forbids US troops in Colombia from participating in any combat against rebels, except in cases of self-defense. Caps the number of US troops allowed in Colombia at 800.

Bush's signing statement: Only the president, as commander in chief, can place restrictions on the use of US armed forces, so the executive branch will construe the law ''as advisory in nature."

Dec. 17: The new national intelligence director shall recruit and train women and minorities to be spies, analysts, and translators in order to ensure diversity in the intelligence community.

Bush's signing statement: The executive branch shall construe the law in a manner consistent with a constitutional clause guaranteeing ''equal protection" for all. (In 2003, the Bush administration argued against race-conscious affirmative-action programs in a Supreme Court case. The court rejected Bush's view.)

Oct. 29: Defense Department personnel are prohibited from interfering with the ability of military lawyers to give independent legal advice to their commanders.

Bush's signing statement: All military attorneys are bound to follow legal conclusions reached by the administration's lawyers in the Justice Department and the Pentagon when giving advice to their commanders.

Aug. 5: The military cannot add to its files any illegally gathered intelligence, including information obtained about Americans in violation of the Fourth Amendment's protection against unreasonable searches.

Bush's signing statement: Only the president, as commander in chief, can tell the military whether or not it can use any specific piece of intelligence.

Nov. 6, 2003: US officials in Iraq cannot prevent an inspector general for the Coalition Provisional Authority from carrying out any investigation. The inspector general must tell Congress if officials refuse to cooperate with his inquiries.

Bush's signing statement: The inspector general ''shall refrain" from investigating anything involving sensitive plans, intelligence, national security, or anything already being investigated by the Pentagon. The inspector cannot tell Congress anything if the president decides that disclosing the information would impair foreign relations, national security, or executive branch operations.

Nov. 5, 2002: Creates an Institute of Education Sciences whose director may conduct and publish research ''without the approval of the secretary [of education] or any other office of the department."

Bush's signing statement: The president has the power to control the actions of all executive branch officials, so ''the director of the Institute of Education Sciences shall [be] subject to the supervision and direction of the secretary of education."
Boston Globe

" In the summer of 2002, after I had written an article in Esquire that the White House didn't like about Bush's former communications director, Karen Hughes, I had a meeting with a senior adviser to Bush. He expressed the White House's displeasure, and then he told me something that at the time I didn't fully comprehend -- but which I now believe gets to the very heart of the Bush presidency.

The aide said that guys like me were ''in what we call the reality-based community,'' which he defined as people who ''believe that solutions emerge from your judicious study of discernible reality.'' I nodded and murmured something about enlightenment principles and empiricism. He cut me off. ''That's not the way the world really works anymore,'' he continued. ''We're an empire now, and when we act, we create our own reality. And while you're studying that reality -- judiciously, as you will -- we'll act again, creating other new realities, which you can study too, and that's how things will sort out. We're history's actors . . . and you, all of you, will be left to just study what we do.''

- Ron Suskind

Anonymous said...

jules said...
Dr theosphilus thistler, that weirdness you experienced, ever hear of "Ongs Hat" and were you near there?

No, Jules..I have not heard of this Ongs Hat you speak of..is there a link that I might visit or do you have any info? I was near a place called North Lake, living in the woods on a communal farm buried in the northern Adirondac Mountains, a place where you had to walk 2 miles to reach a narrow highway of sorts. I am curious to hear about Ongs Hat.

Anonymous said...

What strikes me most about the reported alien encounters is their theatrical character. Whenever we get a glimpse of thier 'futuristic' science it seems only a few decades ahead of ours. By now you would think they would have taken all the samples they need and that they would have fully explored the mysteries of the womb. They're putting on a show for us.

Anonymous said...

Another top post Jeff ;)
Once again your timing is spooky. I have recently been experiencing some weird shit during the night. Reading some of the posts from people about their experiences and the similarities has got me freaked. Particularly the trucks during the night and the one about the wall and pushing through it.

Oh....and Jules....get back in yo box matey!! ;)

Anonymous said...

FWIW...those questions that the G-Men asked the lady about the afterlife, animals, not eating meat etc are all dead on for me. I've never had encounters with greys but when I started to meditate, I gradually, naturally steering to the same answers.

Anonymous said...


You sometimes display in your writings what seems to be genuine righteous anger, which I would not expect to find in a disinfo blogger. My gut tells me you're awell-meaning person, and certainly your response to criticism is always gentlemanly, which is admirable.

Why do I dislike the "hidden alien agenda" stuff? Probably because I sense you're capable of better. As if Michelangelo spent his whole life building Lego models. I don't mind putting up with fabulitst quirks in PKD novels, and in VALIS I discovered that Phil had his own reasons for being, well, quirky. You have yours, I'm sure--we all do. But (and please take this as friendly criticism) sometimes your posts read a little too much like those "Stranger Than Fiction" pulps I used to read and then hide out of sight (because they were so scary) when I was eight. I know part of it comes from your wanting your posts to be compelling, but to me, a dyed-in-the-wool UFO disbeliever, it tends to be off-putting.

So why do I keep coming back? Because you are a very bright writer: the hook for me was one of your lines (paraphrasing) "This isn't America anymore, but it plays one one TV." Something like that. Brilliant! The comments, too, are great fun, kind of like reading footnotes to 'Gravity's Rainbow.' Maybe Pynchon his own self lurks hereabouts.

So, assuming you're just a bright, likeable, curious Canadian, thanks for the cybersalon. And if you ARE a member of Hayden's Heroes, entombing us Amontillado-like in Herbert Marcuse's soft repressive dungeon, then a tip of the hat, sirs, you'd make Chesterton proud.

Anonymous said...

National UFO Reporting Center Sighting Report
Occurred : 11/23/2003 22:00 (Entered as : 11/23/2003 22:00)
Reported: 12/3/2003 11:14:18 AM 11:14
Posted: 12/9/2003
Location: Morehead, KY
OHIO/MUFON FOLLOW-UP REPORT: More information regarding peculiar case of unidentified screams.

((NUFORC Note: We express our gratitude to Ms. Donnie Blessing, Southern Ohio State Section Director, MUFON, to Kenny Young for their willingness to share follow-up data, and the results of their investigation, concerning this peculiar case. Their investigation continues at this writing. E-address for Ms. Blessing is [RDonolin@CS.COM]. Anyone with additional information about this case is encouraged to contact either her, or Mr. Kenny Young at [ufo@FUSE.NET]

We would also like to thank the Morehead Police Department, and other local officials, for their willingness to make crucial information available to Kenny Young and Donnie Blessing, permitting follow-up investigation of the incident.

PD, December 03, 2003.))

((December 03, 2003, communication)) Peter, Please feel free to copy any of our reports to your website. We want to keep "all readers" posted on this unusual case. Our research is by no means close to being over on this case. I have many phone calls yet to make and leads to follow. We are determined to, 1. Find the screaming woman. 2. Find who alerted the police to the screaming. 3. More witnesses to the screaming and UFO. Todd Sees came to mind immediately when I first heard this story.

Donnie ((END)) ((NOVEMBER 27, 2003, COMMUNICATION BY KENNY YOUNG, ON CURRENT-ENCOUNTERS LIST)) SUBJECT: Unusual situation and 'bright lights' LOCATION: Morehead, KY (Rowan County) DATE: Sunday, November 23, 2003 TIME: Around 10:00 p.m.

This is a follow up to a N.U.F.O.R.C. sighting report that was just posted by Peter Davenport SUMMARY A report was submitted to The National UFO Reporting Center concerning a strange situation taking place near Morehead, Kentucky.

The report stated: "Morehead-Rowan Co. Rescue Sq.had a call from Morehead Police Dept. of a female crying for help three times From 2 witness then they was a bright light in the sky for about 1 min. RESCUE SQ.arrived on scene and started searching the area 1st & 2nd witness reported seeing this. The fire dept. was ask to begin searching with the thermal imaging camera with no results found. Res.of Morehead was one of the witnesses.Unless there is a confirmed report of a missing person,the search will not be continued." INVESTIGATION This morning I contacted the Morehead Police Dept at (606-784-7511) and talked to two very nice officers that were in the department (located at 105 E Main St Morehead, KY).

I asked the first dispatcher if he could provide any information about an unusual report I had concerning mysterious lights seen near Morehead.

"I think that was from the Rockfork area," he said, "and it was the northern lights, what they call an aurora. We had some calls on it. We had a report of the northern lights in the area." The dispatcher also informed that no officers reported the lights.

"There were some calls on it, one female caller reporting something in the sky, but it was the aurora borealis." I asked if the calls were related to the report of "screaming sounds" and the dispatcher said he did not think so.

I asked if there was a search conducted and he did not know for sure and began checking the logs. There was some confusion as to the date of event but found from his logbook he informed that a search was undertaken near Adams Lane on Sunday evening, November 23.

"There was some type of search because of a woman screaming, I think," he said, and also checked with another gentleman who was in the office, the captain of the fire department. I could overhear the gentleman talking (his name may have been Randy) who was knowledgeable about the situation. I then asked if I could speak directly with this person.

The Captain of the Fire Department came to the phone and said that on Sunday night, November 23, persons near Adams Lane began hearing a woman screaming three times around 10:00 p.m.

"We had a report of a woman screaming and then they didn't hear it no more," said the Morehead, KY fire official, "they called and the local rescue squad went out there, the fire department and the police went out and a search was conducted. The search used a thermal imaging device and lasted for about an hour and a half when it was called off." "We thought it might have been two kids who got scared," he said. "Maybe one scared another and they were frightened." I asked the fire official if he had any knowledge about the bright light in the sky seen for one minute and he said: "I got there at the tail end of things so don't know anything about it. I didn't see anything myself." I asked if he heard anyone else talking or rumors of a bright light in the sky during the time frame of the search and he said "no." COMMENT The two officers at the Morehead Police Department were kind and helpful. They were able to validate the report of 'mysterious screams' that appeared on N.U.F.O.R.C.

but did not have any information to link the 3 mysterious screams directly to a ighting of a 'bright light' in the sky.

The first officer said the bright light, seen a couple of days earlier, was caused by the Northern Lights or Aurora Borealis, yet it seems unusual to think that several residents, as described, would see a pretty sunset and interpreted the situation in such a manner as to contact local police authorities.

Further, the initial report to N.U.F.O.R.C. sought to link the sighting of the bright light in the sky directly to the scream/search event and seemed to suggest that a "Res." of Morehead was one of the witnesses. "Res." might mean 'resident' or 'rescue' as in rescue worker. The poorly worded report also does not indicate what this 'Res' was a witness to, exactly.

Also, there may be some issue as to the time listed on the N.U.F.O.R.C. report as the claimant logs the event as occurring on 11/21/2003 when the dispatcher said the search took place Sunday evening, 11/23/2003 (and also noted that the northern lights were seen "a couple of days earlier").

Northern Lights have been prominent lately due to increased solar eruptions and flares from the sun.

Thanks to Peter Davenport, Donnie Blessing Filed, November 27, 2003 KENNY YOUNG Dear List: At approx. 11 A.M. today, December 2nd, 2003 I spoke with another witness to the amazing UFO/Screaming woman incident in Morehead, Ky.

The claimant, who is ex-military, informed me that she and her daughter witnessed the same UFO as it came down near to her home. Her testimony fits the same statements made by the prior witness, Mr. Virgil Davis. A full report of the claimant's story will follow shortly. The mystery of this case only deepens as this story unfolds.

Filed 12/2/03 Donnie Blessing Southern Ohio Section Director MUFON ((END)) ((NOVEMBER 30, 2003, POSTING TO CURRENT-ENCOUNTERS LIST BY KENNY YOUNG)) C.C.

CURRENT ENCOUNTERS "OPP-APP" List A short time ago I located and interviewed a very credible witness in Morehead, Kentucky that has provided me with a sober link between a UFO sighting and bizarre report of desperate and blood-curdling screaming sounds heard at the same location immediately after the unidentified flying object had departed.

After the conversation I had to call a 'time out' and take some time to contemplate over this development as the report is terribly interesting. It is one of the best reports I have ever taken as I am impressed with the witness and extreme strangeness of the case. I will prepare the details of this case shortly and have a report put together in the next hour or so.

The witness did not report this except to the police and has no idea how it ended up at NUFORC (Peter, can you help if you retain a source for the original report?).

As stated earlier, the Morehead police department was dismissive of this incident, when I contacted them they acknowledged a search party and report of screaming sounds but said that 'northern lights' were seen in the area. From my conversation with this very credible witness, northern lights can be positively ruled out.

This is a real mystery.

Full report is pending....

KENNY YOUNG ((END)) ((NOVEMBER 30, 2003, POSTING TO CURRENT-ENCOUNTERS LIST BY KENNY YOUNG)) SUBJECT: Screaming sounds firmly linked to UFO sighting LOCATION: Morehead, Kentucky (Rowan County) DATE: Friday, November 21, 2003 TIME: Between 9 and 10:00 p.m.

SUMMARY In effort to further explore the report of 'unidentified lights' and screaming sounds alleged in Morehead, Kentucky, an internet search was conducted to retrieve the address and phone numbers of residents of ((deleted)) (law officer earlier contacted had advised of the search taking place near this location).

After a "reverse lookup" was conducted at the internet resource Http://www.theultimates.com one residency was identified on ((deleted)) Lane in Morehead, Kentucky.

That number was called around 6:30 p.m. this evening (Sunday, November 30, 2003) and I inquired if anyone could help me with information about the report of screaming sounds heard around one week earlier.

The call was received by Dr. ((name deleted)), a ((deleted)) college professor.

"I was here when the screams were heard," he said. "There were some loud, blood-curdling screams but nobody could find out anything more." I then asked if Dr. ((name deleted)) knew anything about any UFO sighting and he said: "Yes, I saw it." Dr. ((name deleted)) said that he was driving toward his home on Friday, November 21 between 9 and 10:00 p.m. with his 2 sons, 15 and 18-years old (He recalls the specific date, knowing that one son is in college and would not have been home any day except Friday).

While driving, they all spotted a soundless aerial object over a nearby open field that was described as an oval-shaped, white-colored light source as big as a pea held at arms length which moved 'like a hummingbird would move.' The object, seen in the dark and clear night skies, was relatively high when first seen and was "coming down, moving in increments as if an elevator would drop and stay there awhile, then drop and stay there awhile," Dr. ((name deleted)) said.

After the first 3 or 4 minutes of visual observation, the object began moving around to different parts of the sky. They got out of car to see if they could identify this object and verified to their satisfaction that the object was not a plane, helicopter or aurora borealis.

"My first inclination was to rationalize what this object could have been," Dr. ((name deleted)) said. "rather than jumping to conclusions. After we ruled out the various possible explanations we assumed that this was a UFO." "I know for a fact that there was no explanation for this object and I'm just glad I had my two sons with me to see it," he said.

After observing this object for a few minutes, Dr. ((name deleted)) and his 2 sons got back in the car and drove on to their home under a certain sense of apprehension.

"I would say that our feeling was more a sense of apprehension than fear," he said, "I did not know what it was we were looking at and had some concern that it might or could have spotted us." After driving the short distance to their house, they went to a second floor bedroom and looked out the window to the northwest where they continued to watch the object. It descended lower toward the ground and seemed to be settling in a nearby field where its color had shifted from a white to an orange. As the object got lower and lower to the ground, it became bigger and its color changed to a reddish light.

He said that the size of the object increased from a pea at arms length to a dime at arms length, stressing that its size, from his perspective, was "not quite as drastic as a nickel at arms length." "There was like a vacuum of silence while we watched this," Dr. ((name deleted)) said, "it was like everything was real quiet, at a standstill and then when it became a red color, everything went crazy." Dr. ((name deleted)) said that animals in the area suddenly erupted in a frenzy. His neighbors dog was barking crazily and his German Shepherd dog tried to break its chain.

From his perspective, the object descended to the ground but was not certain that it touched or made contact with the ground as trees prevented him from seeing this with certainty.

"At that point, after this object got red, it just "shot off" like a dart, some kind of acceleration and it just took off to the west. We just stood there dumbfounded." He said the sighting lasted for an estimated 10 to 15 minute duration.

"I was very reluctant to call the police about a UFO sighting," he said, "at that point, we were not going to report this." "Right after that my 2-sons went back outside and heard the screaming. It was a female voice. They got in the car and within minutes had called from their cell phone to say that they had been hearing screaming sounds in the field where this thing came down," he said.

"Approximately 20-minutes after the UFO sighting the police were at my door, there were about 20 officers and a rescue squad over in the field where I spotted the UFO. They were combing the area and had asked me what I knew about someone screaming." "Apparently, others had heard the screaming sounds." I asked Dr. ((name deleted)) if he could explain what was heard and he emphasized that he did not hear the screaming sounds himself, that his 2 sons heard the disturbing commotion, along with other residents in the area that notified law enforcement.

Dr. ((name deleted)) paused from our conversation to check with one of his sons, asking if he could recount the nature of the screaming sounds. He said it was a desperate, blood curdling scream of a female voice that kept saying: "Help me, oh my God, help me!" "Apparently several people had heard the screaming, I don't know how long it lasted," he said.

When the police arrived at his doorstep knocking on his door (an estimated 15 minutes after the UFO departed), Dr. ((name deleted)) volunteered information about the UFO sighting.

"I took the officer to the side and explained to him that this is going to sound crazy, but I need to tell you what I saw tonight." "I told the police about the UFO after they came to the door, I don't know if anyone else saw the UFO but the officer taking my report took me seriously. He didn't write anything down while I talked with him," Dr. ((name deleted)) said.

When asked if the police officer indicated that anyone else had also witnessed the UFO, Dr. ((deleted)) said that the police officer said he had seen a UFO also, but was uncertain if he was referring to the same object or a separate, unrelated sighting.

Dr. ((name deleted)) said that aside from reporting this to the police officer who knocked on his door, he had not reported this sighting to any other person and that he was not the source for the report which was submitted to The National UFO Reporting Center. He was puzzled how the report made it to NUFORC and said that neither he, nor his sons, reported the sighting to anyone.

"I'm still trying to figure out who reported this," Dr. ((name deleted)) said after our conversation. He went on to say how he got "freaked out" when the cops came to the door asking about the screaming sounds.

He described the area of his residence as isolated and surrounded by fields and woodland. His road is paved. He emphasized that the screaming sounds came from the immediate area where the unidentified object had came to the ground. "The screaming sounds came from the field, and I have no explanation for it." Dr. ((name deleted)), who teaches ((deleted)) for the ((deleted)), also said that he had previously seen a UFO when he was in his Freshman year in college at ((deleted)) in 1976. He said the object was similar to what he saw on Friday, November 21, 2003.

COMMENT I am deeply impressed by Dr. ((deleted)) and his efforts to remain objective and rationalize various explanations about the sighting. Based on his observation, the object in question is nothing to do with Aurora Borealis or 'northern lights.' Dr. ((deleted)) allowed permission to use his name and employment in this report, having no objection to it attached with the UFO sighting and situation involving a search party near his home.

Information furnished by Dr. ((deleted)) sheds new light on this case. Comments from him directly contradict the dismissive approach taken by law officers in remarks made during earlier inquiries (who also incorrectly advised that the event was on Sunday, November 23) regarding a UFO situation that corresponds with the screams.

When informed that a Morehead policeman and a fire rescue officer told me that "someone had seen the northern lights," Dr. ((name deleted)) scoffed at the suggestion and was in disbelief.

"I can't believe they said that, this was definitely not the northern lights." He said that tomorrow he will inspect the 50-acre field where the object descended.

The report to N.U.F.O.R.C. suggests that the UFO was also sighted by witnesses with the rescue squad responding to the scene. This might suggest that the screaming sound was heard simultaneous to the visual sighting of the UFO. Peter Davenport of N.U.F.O.R.C. states: "The person who submitted the sighting report for Morehead, KY, provided no personal or contact information, to include no e-address. It "reads" as if it was submitted by a member of the team that was dispatched, i.e. it reads as if someone just copied a written record of the dispatch. I would have responded to the report, save for the absence of any means of contacting the source." That report states: "Morehead-Rowan Co. Rescue Sq.had a call from MPD of a female crying for help x3. From 2 witness then there was a bright light in the sky for about 1 min. RESCUE SQ.arrived on scene and started searching the area 1st & 2nd witness reported seeing this .The fire dept.was ask to begin searching with the thermal imaging camera with no results found. Res. of Morehead was one of the witnesses. Unless there is a confirmed report of a missing person, the search will not be continued." The report of desperate, blood curdling screams from a woman crying "Help me, Oh God, Help me" mar this case with a disturbing sense of unusual dread. Clearly, there was a problem taking place and this report raises the specter of reported UFO/human abduction or interaction.

Morehead, Kentucky is an estimated 45-miles south of Flemingsburg, Kentucky, where a crop formation appeared in a Rye Field in the spring of this year. A flap of crop formations and UFO sightings also bewildered Southern Ohio in the summer of 2003, and during this flap one strange account of a woman found in a Southern Ohio soybean field is under investigative consideration. There is no certainty that this situation can be linked to the UFO or crop circle flap aside from the chronological and regional closeness, but the woman - who was hospitalized for a week after being found by a farmer - reportedly experienced amnesia and did not know how she got in the field. This matter is also held under close consideration by researcher Donnie Blessing and will be pursued further.

This present case of 'screaming sounds' from a female voice is linked firmly to the UFO sighting as per the same location in one specific field near Adams Lane in Morehead, Kentucky and the '20 minute time frame' of the conclusion of the UFO sighting to the arrival of officers involved in the search and rescue operation.

Special thanks to Donnie Blessing, Peter Davenport Filed, November 30, 2003 KENNY YOUNG -- UFO Research http://home.fuse.net/ufo


Anonymous said...

"And we don't read about mobs of atheists stoning, massacring, or otherwise harming or humiliating human beings who do not share their non-beliefs."

Umm...then you've never read any histories of the Soviet Union. Start with 'The Gulag Archipelago,' or try 'Harvest of Famine.' Or if Soviet history isn't your gig, try reading any comprehensive history of the French Revolution. Who, pray tell, do you think they were so busy guillotining?

Yours is a nice sentiment, but utterly false, I'm afraid.

Anonymous said...

To Anon @ 5:49

It was a quote from William Blum & I'm pretty sure he doesn't read any of this. So, if you want to argue with the quote, it would be best to take it here:


He has an e-mail address & everything.

I just thought the part about atheists being more hated than Muslims & (gasp) homosexuals was incredibly damn funny & utterly fitting for a country who thinks questioning their leaders is tantamount to treason.

Personally, I lean to the agnostic side. I'm not afraid to admit that I don't really have a fucking clue. But, then again, neither does anyone else. They've just bullshitted themselves into the illusion of certainty.

Anonymous said...

Re: "mobs of atheists"

The trick, though, is that atheism is not actually a unifying belief system or ideology in the same way that a religion can be. Of course, within a religion there are always schism and sects etc. but --- here you fall into the trap of those (usually religious) who wish for you to think that atheism is just another religion! Atheism is not a set of beliefs, it is a single belief: there are no gods. If religion is a book, atheism is not a book. Not having a book is not just another kind of book. In the Soviet Union atheism was state policy and there were organizations like The Union of the Godless but they were always serving the interests of the state -- ie atheism was used as a political tool but was not itself a driving force.

Jeff, I like the A and the B, so keep up the good writing on all topics. You illuminate many interesting corners. I'm personally agnostic on the UFO/occult nexus -- premature certainty by true believers of any stripe makes me very suspicious. People sure do like to "know" things, though, an impulse I think is closely related to the love of rules.

Anonymous said...

N,N Dimethyltryptamine

Anonymous said...

We interpret the “unknown" not only within the context of our own social and technological development, but also in accord with whatever general levels of fear, anxiety, or superstition that will also quite automatically gravitate towards it.

Whatever that "unknown" is, or whatever qualities it may seemingly possesses, will always be intensified or made to appear all the more "real" and dramatic by whatever levels of fear or emotional stress happen to surround it.

If those nameless fears and anxieties that become attached to it are great enough they can give that unknown not only a life and identity of it's own but a degree of power, control and direction that it would never have had otherwise.

Once invested in the “unknown”, that power will also attract those who will seek to both use and exploit it any way they can simply for their own purposes or motives. In those instances, increasing or exacerbating whatever general levels of fear that exists or simply "helping it along" also enters into the picture.

Now when the presence of "aliens" or perhaps more appropriately the "rumors" of them were finally and more openly entertained by governments, it soon became apparent that a sympathetic ear or any admitted possibility for them existence was only granted or investigated if the sightings or encounters reported weren't with any entities that resembled us, or might be classified as "humanoid", if you will.

The supposed rationale for this somewhat odd double standard, despite having as much credible evidence or reliable witnesses to attest to them, was that any beings "like ourselves" who possessed a technology that was so vastly superior to our own as to be able to pay us a house-call, would only come here for one of two reasons...to either conquer and subjugate, or to deliberately exploit us and our planet in some other way.

Naturally, if either of those were in fact the case, no government was about to admit it since it would also require having to admit that they had no real ways or countermeasures to prevent it from happening.

The kind of panic, outrage or breakdown of control that could ensue following that kind of a pronouncement should be obvious.

And so we have a nexus for either a genuine cover-up of the truly profound revelation that we are simply not alone, or a highly imaginative one concocted to actually keep that suspicion more or less alive and conveniently distract us from secretive government activities that are themselves predicated on conquering or exploiting our planet. It may even be possible that both situations exist with the real simply attributed to the bogus and the bogus attributed to the real….hmmm?

Interestingly enough, the first project to document the phenomenon of UFO's, "Project Sign", began from the premise that many sightings were of both real and intelligently designed and operated craft of some sort.

Within the space of only a few years of study, however, the project was quickly scrapped and replaced by a complete about-face known as "Project Grudge".

True to its designation, that project actually went so far out of it's way to discredit any and every observation that it soon had to be replaced by the now highly dubious "Project Blue Book".

It now seems evident that Blue Book shared much the same objective as "Grudge" but covered it with enough sophisticated scientific expertise, credentials, and feigned respectability that an unwary public could be cajoled into believing in its impartiality when it was truly nothing of the sort..

Whatever the truth of this matter, countless millions of people already believe that we will one day travel to the distant stars. As to why any extra-terrestrials, presuming that they exist, might be visiting out own beautiful if backward little blue marvel? I’d simply point out that the planet itself, all six million, million, million, tons of it is a quite fabulous electromagnetic generator besides the fantastic abundance of all its other resources which we use up with nary a thought.

Just because we’ve forgotten how to appreciate and revere its true value doesn’t mean that any “real intelligence" would, regardless of where it originates.

Sounder said...

Excellent comments 10:01,1:05,9:42 Richard, and 3:09- You rock.

People maintain social connections more easily if they share beliefs and pretensions. Trouble is, these forms of understanding can be shallow, circular, and the producers of delusions. The intellect is made into a fool by an incorrect premise. I gotta figure that many folk are getting tired of having to play ‘validation‘ games.

At some point both religious and secular factions will come to see the inadequate structure of their worldview. Self-criticism is more productive than is criticism of others. You can affect yourself directly after all.

I for one do not want to consider that people will defend their pretensions, at all cost.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous One,it is said that the light is leaving this orb,in the form of souls.The darkness that is now taking over this place,has sped up.Now that they have Capt.Crunch in charge of the CIA's high frontier it won't belong till they flip the big switch on us all,get ready for the big show,later.

Jeff Wells said...

Blogger is giving me all kinds of trouble here. I have a new post up today, but for some reason it isn't showing up yet on the home page.

Jeff Wells said...

Er, well, now it's there.

Shark vacuum said...

What do you think about Trump?

Anonymous said...

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Anonymous said...

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Unknown said...

Hello. Great article.

The nation said...

Hello. Great article.

The nation said...

Hello. Great article.

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