No time to think
Gendarmes search for clues in the abduction of Frank Fontaine, 1979

"The magician is quicker and his game is much thicker than blood,
and blacker than ink.
And there's no time to think." - Bob Dylan
Most people who give any thought to UFOs won't - and even self-described "Ufologists" can't - devote the kind of energy and attention to the study of the phenomenon that it actually merits. As in many pursuits, there really isn't much money to be made on the serious end of things. (If you want to perpetrate hoaxes, create a new religion or dumb down the data for mass consumption, that's another matter.) There's no "Ufology" career path; it's an all-amateur effort, squeezed in around the edges of peoples' ordinary lives.
This puts the public at a huge disadvantage, because powerful forces have been at work for a long time to confuse and deceive us by manipulating the phenomenon. And some of these forces are even human.
As ever, the disinformation itself makes an important study, because it's as worthwhile to know what they want us to think as it is to know the truth. And there, beneath the official denials, are several layers of deception that mean to direct the public towards the presumption of extraterrestrial origin. I've written much on why I believe this is as unsatisfying to the data as swamp gas, and that we should be highly suspicious of the silence of the military-occult complex to the occultic characteristics of the phenomenon. Those who suggest occultic provenance are marginalized, even on the margins, as was Lord Hill-Norton, former UK Chief of Defense and a UFOlogist of high repute, who formed an organization in 1997 called UFO Concern to warn of their "satanic nature."
The disinformation is chiefly divided between two main narratives. In one, the government is suppressing the healing technologies and spiritual teachings of benevolent space brothers, who mean only to save us. In the other, they mean to eat us. Elaborate castles in the air - or rather, enormous bases underground - have been constructed, in which humans and their Reptillian allies are said to sometimes conduct horrible genetic experiments, and other times battle each other in Starship Trooper-like shoot outs. For instance, the legend of the joint US-alien Dulce base appears to have had its origin in the disinformation campaign waged against researcher Paul Bennewitz, and then - the hallmark of brilliant disinfo - to have taken on a life of its own, perpetuated by hoaxers and the credulous.
Ufologist Bill Moore, author of the first books on Roswell and the "Philadephia Experiment," admitted to having been part of a US Air Force disinformation campaign against Bennewitz, in return for access to classified material. Moore's main contact Richard Doty, who also "befriended" Bennewitz, was trained in disinfo and psychological warfare. The campaign was successful: it drove Bennewitz so paranoid that he had to be institutionalized for a time, and the disinfo which nearly drove him out of his mind is alive and well on the Internet. (The sad episode is well told in Greg Bishop's Project Beta: The Story of Paul Bennewitz, National Security, and the Creation of a Modern UFO Myth.)
And note: that there is no US-alien base under Dulce doesn't mean there is nothing weird going on out there. In fact, the legend arose and took hold to explain the weirdness that remains unexplained. The cattle mutiliations, for instance, which according to the disinformation were for genetic experiments.Yet one would think an advanced race of space travellers would have genetic technologies at least as advanced as ours, that would not require such gruesome and wasteful methods. Rather than for science, the mutilations appear to be more for ritual. And for another instance, there's the matter of many sightings of UFOs around Dulce, some seen to actually penetrate the surface. Though no opening into the Earth was seen, one was presumed, and then an underground base is just one assumption away. But if UFOs are hyperdimensional, rather than extraterrestrial, we should expect them sometimes to pass unobstructed through solid matter, and there are many other examples of similar observations from around the world. (In It's all in the egg" I wrote how Jane Chapin had initially lied to investigators, and told them that the object flew over the trees though she had seen it pass through them as though they didn't exist, because "I could see they wouldn't believe me if I told them the truth.") If the genuine phenomenon is hyperdimensional, there's no need to presume the objects need to access hidden doors and underground garages.
Also, there is a kind of disinformation which actually creates the events, and suggests we ain't seen nothin' yet. (Here's some earlier speculation about what we may have yet to see. And let's keep an eye on"Prophet Yahweh.")
About four in the morning on November 26, 1979, in the French town of Pontoise, three friends in their mid-twenties named Franck Fontaine, Salomon N'Diaye El Mama and Jean-Pierre Prevost were loading up an old station wagon with jeans and sweaters to sell at a market. Fontaine was startled by a luminous object, larger than the full moon, descending behind a nearby building. He pointed it out to his companions, and decided to get a closer look in his car.
Jacques Vallee, in Revelations: Alien Contact and Human Deception, tells what happened when Saloman and Jean-Pierre, who saw a large ball of fog engulf the car, approached it:
The found the car on the right side of the road with its parking lights on. It was indeed surrounded with a large ball of whitish fog around which three or four smaller spheres were moving. These spheres entered the large ball, which itself was absorbed into a cylinder that flew off into the sky at a very high speed.
Dumfounded in the face of the phenomenon, they were unable to react while the manifestations were taking place. Eventually they rushed toward the car. Franck had vanished.
The two, frantic, called the police, who arrived about 30 minutes later. (The first officer on the scene reported that Franck's car was surrounded with very thick fog, and a witness in a nearby apartment, suffering from insomnia, corroborated the story of bizarre luminescent displays at the time of Fontaine's disappearance.) Unsurprisingly, their story was not taken seriously, and under harsh interrogation were accused of perpetrating a hoax, and even of killing their friend. That is until exactly one week later, on December 3 at 4:20 am, when Saloman's doorbell rang.
Vallee again:
When the bell rang in the apartment, Salomon got up in his pajamas, opened the door and confronted the man every cop in France had been hunting for the last seven days. Franck Fontaine was confused and angry. Why did Salomon go back to bed when they should already be on their way to the market? Where was Prevost? And what would they do about the car, which was missing? Obviously it had been stolen with everything it contained.
Salomon started crying, hugged his friend, and told him everything was all right: the station wagon was in the parking lot, and a whole week had elapsed! Confused, Franck had to acknowledge that he had a beard of several days' growth.... He stared wordlessly out of the window while Salomon sprinted down the road to get Prevost.... They showed him the front-page headlines, which were printed about him in every newspaper in France.
Franck Fontaine, "alien abductee"

Fontaine had no idea what had happened to him, though he began to remember drifting in and out of consciousness for a long time, lying in a laboratory on top of a machine. Along the walls were tall cabinets and blinking lights and dials, and signs in a language he couldn't read. Often, floating above him, were small luminous spheres, and he heard soft voices which seemed to eminate from the spheres, speaking to him about the perils of the Earth, and the projected date of their official contact with humanity.
Fontaine wanted to forget the whole affair and resume a normal life. He refused hypnosis, saying enough people already thought he was crazy. A hypnotist named Daniel Huguet, who may have been contracted by French intelligence, turned his attention to Prevost. Under hypnosis Prevost recalled having been contacted by an entity named Haurrio during Fontaine's absence, who told him that he should start a cult of UFO believers, to trust the extraterrestrials and save their own lives and spare the world. Haurrio said the group would be used as the kernel of a new civilization.
Prevost claimed to have been given a date, of August 15, 1980, when the extraterrestrials would being revealing themselves. Hundreds gathered near the site of Fontaine's abduction, and left disappointed. Three years later he was given another date, and still the aliens stood him up.
What was going on?
In Revelations, Vallee writes that the investigation led to the French military and technological establishment. An associate researcher of Vallee's got the story in a Parisian safe house on Novemeber 14, 1980, from a "Mr D," whose full name Vallee knows, who was on the staff of the Service Technique des Engines Tactiques at the French Ministry of Defense.
From the exchange:
"Will you tell me what the disappearance of Franck Fontaine was all about?"
"We refer to the operation as an Exercise of General Synthesis. A highly-placed personality has done detailed planning for it." [ He mentioned the name of a cabinet member with vast connections to the world of high technology.]
"How many people were in the know?"
"No more than ten to fifteen, all at a high enough level to establish what sort of manipulation was justified under the state secrets rule."
"What were your objectives?"
"The operation was structured around military, scientific, and political goals. It was purely national and had no impact beyond our borders."
"What happened to Fontaine?"
"We put him to sleep and he was kept under an altered state of high suggestibility."
"Were you also using the media? Did you have wider objectives?"
"I cannot answer your question. But if this operation had been completed, the next phase would have been far worse."
"Why are you telling me all this?"
"I have my own reasons."
"Aren't you afraid I will publish this interview?"
"Anything you publish will simply be denied."
Vallee adds:
Franck's recollection of being inside some sort of laboratory, lying on top of a machine, and going in and out of consciousness for a week, is consistent with the idea that he spent that time in some secret service facility such as the "hospitals" where defectors and suspected spies are interrogated.... All the events that happened to Franck are well within the state of the art.
And I would add that Fontaine's laboratory is evocative of that described by survivors of trauma-based mind control.
This kind of disinformation is a very lengthy strip tease of dry runs and beta testing. But for what purpose? What information was gleaned by the abduction of Fontaine, and Prevost's inducement to create a UFO cult? What would have been the "next phase," which would have been "far worse"?
Whatever the answer, someday the beta testing will be completed, and the real show will begin.
Take time to think. And don't take your eyes off the magician.
UFO cultists awaiting contact in the field of Fontaine's disappearance.

"The magician is quicker and his game is much thicker than blood,
and blacker than ink.
And there's no time to think." - Bob Dylan
Most people who give any thought to UFOs won't - and even self-described "Ufologists" can't - devote the kind of energy and attention to the study of the phenomenon that it actually merits. As in many pursuits, there really isn't much money to be made on the serious end of things. (If you want to perpetrate hoaxes, create a new religion or dumb down the data for mass consumption, that's another matter.) There's no "Ufology" career path; it's an all-amateur effort, squeezed in around the edges of peoples' ordinary lives.
This puts the public at a huge disadvantage, because powerful forces have been at work for a long time to confuse and deceive us by manipulating the phenomenon. And some of these forces are even human.
As ever, the disinformation itself makes an important study, because it's as worthwhile to know what they want us to think as it is to know the truth. And there, beneath the official denials, are several layers of deception that mean to direct the public towards the presumption of extraterrestrial origin. I've written much on why I believe this is as unsatisfying to the data as swamp gas, and that we should be highly suspicious of the silence of the military-occult complex to the occultic characteristics of the phenomenon. Those who suggest occultic provenance are marginalized, even on the margins, as was Lord Hill-Norton, former UK Chief of Defense and a UFOlogist of high repute, who formed an organization in 1997 called UFO Concern to warn of their "satanic nature."
The disinformation is chiefly divided between two main narratives. In one, the government is suppressing the healing technologies and spiritual teachings of benevolent space brothers, who mean only to save us. In the other, they mean to eat us. Elaborate castles in the air - or rather, enormous bases underground - have been constructed, in which humans and their Reptillian allies are said to sometimes conduct horrible genetic experiments, and other times battle each other in Starship Trooper-like shoot outs. For instance, the legend of the joint US-alien Dulce base appears to have had its origin in the disinformation campaign waged against researcher Paul Bennewitz, and then - the hallmark of brilliant disinfo - to have taken on a life of its own, perpetuated by hoaxers and the credulous.
Ufologist Bill Moore, author of the first books on Roswell and the "Philadephia Experiment," admitted to having been part of a US Air Force disinformation campaign against Bennewitz, in return for access to classified material. Moore's main contact Richard Doty, who also "befriended" Bennewitz, was trained in disinfo and psychological warfare. The campaign was successful: it drove Bennewitz so paranoid that he had to be institutionalized for a time, and the disinfo which nearly drove him out of his mind is alive and well on the Internet. (The sad episode is well told in Greg Bishop's Project Beta: The Story of Paul Bennewitz, National Security, and the Creation of a Modern UFO Myth.)
And note: that there is no US-alien base under Dulce doesn't mean there is nothing weird going on out there. In fact, the legend arose and took hold to explain the weirdness that remains unexplained. The cattle mutiliations, for instance, which according to the disinformation were for genetic experiments.Yet one would think an advanced race of space travellers would have genetic technologies at least as advanced as ours, that would not require such gruesome and wasteful methods. Rather than for science, the mutilations appear to be more for ritual. And for another instance, there's the matter of many sightings of UFOs around Dulce, some seen to actually penetrate the surface. Though no opening into the Earth was seen, one was presumed, and then an underground base is just one assumption away. But if UFOs are hyperdimensional, rather than extraterrestrial, we should expect them sometimes to pass unobstructed through solid matter, and there are many other examples of similar observations from around the world. (In It's all in the egg" I wrote how Jane Chapin had initially lied to investigators, and told them that the object flew over the trees though she had seen it pass through them as though they didn't exist, because "I could see they wouldn't believe me if I told them the truth.") If the genuine phenomenon is hyperdimensional, there's no need to presume the objects need to access hidden doors and underground garages.
Also, there is a kind of disinformation which actually creates the events, and suggests we ain't seen nothin' yet. (Here's some earlier speculation about what we may have yet to see. And let's keep an eye on"Prophet Yahweh.")
About four in the morning on November 26, 1979, in the French town of Pontoise, three friends in their mid-twenties named Franck Fontaine, Salomon N'Diaye El Mama and Jean-Pierre Prevost were loading up an old station wagon with jeans and sweaters to sell at a market. Fontaine was startled by a luminous object, larger than the full moon, descending behind a nearby building. He pointed it out to his companions, and decided to get a closer look in his car.
Jacques Vallee, in Revelations: Alien Contact and Human Deception, tells what happened when Saloman and Jean-Pierre, who saw a large ball of fog engulf the car, approached it:
The found the car on the right side of the road with its parking lights on. It was indeed surrounded with a large ball of whitish fog around which three or four smaller spheres were moving. These spheres entered the large ball, which itself was absorbed into a cylinder that flew off into the sky at a very high speed.
Dumfounded in the face of the phenomenon, they were unable to react while the manifestations were taking place. Eventually they rushed toward the car. Franck had vanished.
The two, frantic, called the police, who arrived about 30 minutes later. (The first officer on the scene reported that Franck's car was surrounded with very thick fog, and a witness in a nearby apartment, suffering from insomnia, corroborated the story of bizarre luminescent displays at the time of Fontaine's disappearance.) Unsurprisingly, their story was not taken seriously, and under harsh interrogation were accused of perpetrating a hoax, and even of killing their friend. That is until exactly one week later, on December 3 at 4:20 am, when Saloman's doorbell rang.
Vallee again:
When the bell rang in the apartment, Salomon got up in his pajamas, opened the door and confronted the man every cop in France had been hunting for the last seven days. Franck Fontaine was confused and angry. Why did Salomon go back to bed when they should already be on their way to the market? Where was Prevost? And what would they do about the car, which was missing? Obviously it had been stolen with everything it contained.
Salomon started crying, hugged his friend, and told him everything was all right: the station wagon was in the parking lot, and a whole week had elapsed! Confused, Franck had to acknowledge that he had a beard of several days' growth.... He stared wordlessly out of the window while Salomon sprinted down the road to get Prevost.... They showed him the front-page headlines, which were printed about him in every newspaper in France.
Franck Fontaine, "alien abductee"

Fontaine had no idea what had happened to him, though he began to remember drifting in and out of consciousness for a long time, lying in a laboratory on top of a machine. Along the walls were tall cabinets and blinking lights and dials, and signs in a language he couldn't read. Often, floating above him, were small luminous spheres, and he heard soft voices which seemed to eminate from the spheres, speaking to him about the perils of the Earth, and the projected date of their official contact with humanity.
Fontaine wanted to forget the whole affair and resume a normal life. He refused hypnosis, saying enough people already thought he was crazy. A hypnotist named Daniel Huguet, who may have been contracted by French intelligence, turned his attention to Prevost. Under hypnosis Prevost recalled having been contacted by an entity named Haurrio during Fontaine's absence, who told him that he should start a cult of UFO believers, to trust the extraterrestrials and save their own lives and spare the world. Haurrio said the group would be used as the kernel of a new civilization.
Prevost claimed to have been given a date, of August 15, 1980, when the extraterrestrials would being revealing themselves. Hundreds gathered near the site of Fontaine's abduction, and left disappointed. Three years later he was given another date, and still the aliens stood him up.
What was going on?
In Revelations, Vallee writes that the investigation led to the French military and technological establishment. An associate researcher of Vallee's got the story in a Parisian safe house on Novemeber 14, 1980, from a "Mr D," whose full name Vallee knows, who was on the staff of the Service Technique des Engines Tactiques at the French Ministry of Defense.
From the exchange:
"Will you tell me what the disappearance of Franck Fontaine was all about?"
"We refer to the operation as an Exercise of General Synthesis. A highly-placed personality has done detailed planning for it." [ He mentioned the name of a cabinet member with vast connections to the world of high technology.]
"How many people were in the know?"
"No more than ten to fifteen, all at a high enough level to establish what sort of manipulation was justified under the state secrets rule."
"What were your objectives?"
"The operation was structured around military, scientific, and political goals. It was purely national and had no impact beyond our borders."
"What happened to Fontaine?"
"We put him to sleep and he was kept under an altered state of high suggestibility."
"Were you also using the media? Did you have wider objectives?"
"I cannot answer your question. But if this operation had been completed, the next phase would have been far worse."
"Why are you telling me all this?"
"I have my own reasons."
"Aren't you afraid I will publish this interview?"
"Anything you publish will simply be denied."
Vallee adds:
Franck's recollection of being inside some sort of laboratory, lying on top of a machine, and going in and out of consciousness for a week, is consistent with the idea that he spent that time in some secret service facility such as the "hospitals" where defectors and suspected spies are interrogated.... All the events that happened to Franck are well within the state of the art.
And I would add that Fontaine's laboratory is evocative of that described by survivors of trauma-based mind control.
This kind of disinformation is a very lengthy strip tease of dry runs and beta testing. But for what purpose? What information was gleaned by the abduction of Fontaine, and Prevost's inducement to create a UFO cult? What would have been the "next phase," which would have been "far worse"?
Whatever the answer, someday the beta testing will be completed, and the real show will begin.
Take time to think. And don't take your eyes off the magician.
UFO cultists awaiting contact in the field of Fontaine's disappearance.

Hi Jeff...Geoff here...
Sometimes I think there's more truth to Hell Boy than to most of what is passing as news. Anyway, this connection of power to occult is long and strong...through Napoleon to the misshapen little dwarves and hobbits o the inner Nazi circle.
As we all seem to agree the central military industrial core of the United States seems to have morphed into a better PR version of the Third Reich, this push has fallen to the same types, lusting for absolute power, some honest about it to themselves...more, as you've frequently pointed out, REALLY believing they are on the side of light and our ultimate destiny. Even if people are sacrificed and slaughtered on the way.
Keep it up. You're definitely fumbling with the right set of keys, in my opinion...and we haven't spoken since Sept 10, 2001!
Thanks for this story, Jeff. I pronbably wouldn't have believed it if it came from someone else, but Vallee is definitely a credible person. This is the only credible acknowledgement that I know of from a government official that governments engage in this kind of activity. It made me think about 9/11, and the fact that the relatives of Richard Reed (the shoe bomber) and Zaccaria Moussaoui (the 20th hijacker) claimed that the alleged terrorists had been "brainwashed" by a "cult", after which they were not quite themselves. This transformation had in both cases apparently happened very quickly.
The French president in 1979 was Valerie Giscard d'Esteing, a friend of Henry Kissinger. The prime minister was the right-wing Raymond Barre, from Giscard's "Union pour la démocratie française". Vallee's source said a cabinet member led the operation.
D'Esteing presided over the Convention that wrote the European Constitution which was rejected by a solid majority of French voters yesterday. There is every reason to celebrate this exercise of genuine people-power, but perhaps even more so in light of what apparently went on during d'Esteing's incumbency as French president.
Hi Jeff,
I've been lurking here awhile and greatly admire what you're trying to do. I still haven't decided what I believe here to be the factual truth, since much of it is murky, and by its nature lacking in anything but circumstancial evidence.
However, Geoff's comment, "Sometimes I think there's more truth to Hell Boy than to most of what is passing as news," reminds me of a tidbit that I learned from Ursula LeGuin (wish I could find the exact quote). As you probably know, her father, Theodore Kroeber, was an anthropologist who studied native American cultures. LeGuin has talked about how some native American languages distinguish between "truth" and "fiction" in a very different way that we do. In that worldview, the distinction has less to do with fact than with intention. Thus, more important that the distinction between factual "truth" and factual "fiction" is the distinction between "propaganda" and its opposite, let us call it "sincere mythology".
Mainstream news, with its kaleidascope of trivia, consists wholly of verifiable "truths", little factoids that make up a narrative that is largely irrelevant. Hardly anybody who's paying attention thinks that the intention behind this narrative is benevolent. The most innocuous interpretation is that it is pulp that panders to our basest desire for entertainment, calibrated to attract a maximum number of eyeballs to corporate advertizing. A darker hypothesis is that mainstream news is meant to distract, to set limits on what is considered acceptable and responsible discourse while conveniently downplaying or altogether omitting the most important stories. The darkest (and most outlandish) speculation proposes that our mainstream news infrastructure is designed for hypnosis and subliminal mind-control. Perhaps all of these theories are true to some degree.
Conspiracy theory involves a large body of speculation that, if taken collectively, could not possibly be true in a factual sense. However, it has a mythological undercurrent that cannot and should not be ignored: the powerful forces that rule over us are self-interested, amoral, often malevolent, and utterly ruthless. It matters not whether these forces are human, extraterrestrial, or spiritual. At a certain philosophical level, it matters not whether the rituals of Bohemian Grove are simply harmless theatrical presentations or truly gory human sacrifices. It matters not whether the reports of ritual abuse victims are confused fantasies simply dramatizing the actions of abusive parents, or whether they are factual reports of a large hidden government program. What matters is that the collective narrative that Rigorous Intuition is piecing together tells us something about our civilization that is worth knowing.
I'm not trying to start an argument about whether this or that individual thread of inquiry is true or false, information or disinformation. I'm certainly open to the idea that some (or even all) of what RI reports could be factually as well as mythologically true. But this is not a court of law, nothing needs to be (nor could be) proven beyond reasonable doubt. I think the first task is to understand the message underneath the mythology, and then to communicate it.
What happens after that I am not sure.
It's worth noting that Vallee himself comes from the very same town (Pontoise):
"In May 1955, Vallee first sighted a flying saucer over his Pontoise home. Six years later in 1961, while working on the staff of the French Space Committee, Vallee witnessed the destruction of the tracking tapes of unknown objects orbiting the earth. These events contributed to Vallee's long-standing interest in the UFO phenomenon."
Pontoise is just northwest of Paris. Are there any large military bases in the immediate vicinity?
I would like to endorse what slomo said. Jeff has launched this site on an investigation of mythic reality, which is a noble and worthwhile thing to attempt. But it is important to remember that the rules of mythic reality are not the same as those of ordinary reality.
Let me try to explain what I mean by this:
My son is an avid fan of role-playing games, and he recently showed me some advance material White Wolf Games had released on a revision of their Mage: The Ascension game that will be out next fall. Like so many role-playing games, this one is currently moving past its original simple let's-have-magical-adventures rationale and into a far more subtle occult construction of existence. In this new version, characters become mages either by undertaking a shamanistic otherworld journey or else by going through a series of experiences in this world which may appear mundane in nature but also have a hidden occult and initiatory significance.
That second situation reminded me very much of what is being explored at this site. Certain events can have both a mundane and an occult significance at the same time -- so that even coming up with a plausible mundane explanation for them does not negate their mythic reality.
For example, much of what is currently being reported about the US abuse of Moslem detainees, from the desecration of Korans to the use of fake menstrual blood, suggests that what is going on is a high-level occult battle, involving the traditional symbology of wizardry. And this is true even if none of the interrogators or prisoners are aware of it.
However, the occult level of things has to be handled with a certain delicacy and an awareness that word "real" doesn't mean quite the same things as it does on the mundane level.
Hey Occult investigator, I thought your info on Datura was fascinating and very reasonable. On the other hand the limited info on scopolamine seems to contradicts a much larger body of evidence relating to mind control and satanic ritual abuse. If you can drug somone to help rob their own house or to be indifferent to sexual experiences then where's the need for satanic ritual abuse/alternative drugs/electronic manipulation in order to induce MPD/DID. Given the description of scopolamine it seems you could produce a suicide bomber or disinformation schill overnight without the need for years of SRA and drugging. I would be highly greatful for any more information on scopolamine.
Hi there.
Jeff Having a problem posting on the message boards - Anyone else ?
"Having a problem posting on the message boards - Anyone else ?"
Me too. I've alerted ezboard about it.
Newsgroups: alt.psychoactives
From: (Michael Brown)
Subject: Re: Datura Stramonium
Date: Tue, 6 Apr 1993 15:17:09 GMT
Message-ID: <> (The God of Apathy) writes:
|Does anybody know where to get Datura Stramonium seeds or live plants?
|DS is commonly called jimsonweed or thorn apple and it is a native weed to CA, but I don't know where to find it.
Actually Datura is one psychoactive that you may be wiser to have
nothing to do with. I shall quote a passage from
Psychedelic_Drugs_Reconsidered , a generally pro-psychedelic
Anticholinergenic Deleriants.
These drugs are not usually regarded as psychedelic , although
they have a great deal in common historically, culturally, and
pharmacologically with other drugs taken for their mind-altering
powers. They are called anticholinergic because they block the
action f acetylcholine , a nerve transmitter substance that
controlls the contraction of skeletal muscles and also plays an
important role in the chemistry of the brain. They are called
deleriants because their effects at high doses include incoherent
speach, disorientation, delusions, an halucinations , often
followed by depression and amnesia for the period of intoxication.
The classical anticholinergic delirients are the belladonna
These tropane derivatives, the most powerfull and important of
which is scopolamine, are found in differing concentrations in
various plants of the Nightshade Family or Solanaceae, among them
deadly nightshade (Atropa belladona), mandrake (Mandragora
officinarum), black henbane (Hyoscyamus niger), jimsonweed (Datura
stramonium, and over twenty other species of henbane and datura.
Of all psychoactive drugs , only alcohol has been in use for so
long over such a large part of the world. For thousands of years
on all inhabited continents the belladonna alkaloids have been a
tool of shamans and sorcerers, who take advantage of the
sensations they evok to leave their bodies, soar through the air,
or change into an animal in their imagination. They also produce
toxic organic symptoms like headache, dry throat, loss of motor
control, blurred vision , and greatly increased heart rate and and
body temperature; death from paralysis and respiratory may occur.
The belladonna alkaloids are so terrifying and incapacitating -
the physical effects often so unpleasant, and the loss of contact
with ordinary reality so complete - that they are used only with
great caution and rarely for pleasure. For the same reasons,
ironically, they are not regarded as a drug abuse problem and can
be bought in small doses on perscription or in over-the-counter
sedatives and pills for asthma, colds, and motion sickness.
And Yes Folks , it seems that if you know the the right car
sickness tablets to buy , you can take a fair few and you'll trip
out quite severly . I know of several people that used to swear by
it , untill one got caught by police doing bizzare things and
totaly out of controll in Newcastle. He was arested and when he
went to court he could not convice the judge that car sickness
tablets could do that , so he was done for a more serious drug
Thanks for the info anonymous. I didn't know it had anything to do with belladonna. The one reference I have seen to belladonna was in The Anarchists Cookbook, which warned against it and described it as "the freakiest most f***ed up" drug experience one could have. The Cookbook seems likely to be a source of disinfo though since: a)it was written by a retired general and b) lots of its information on serious stuff like bomb building is just plain wrong.
Daniel said...
The one reference I have seen to belladonna was in The Anarchists Cookbook, which warned against it and described it as "the freakiest most f***ed up" drug experience one could have.
ok, re: belladonna ( can't find the informative essay, but this will supply the ambient...
First of all I like to inform all that playing with belladonna is like playing with dynamite. LSD, X, DMT are no comparison to atropine based plants. With most these drugs no matter what you see (I do not call for example LSD a hallucinotory susbstance, it causes severe distortion of sight, sound and mind) you are still aware that the plant or chemical are responsible for the effects. With belladonna the entire concept of reality goes down the drain, the very fabric of reality will break down. you can be sitting down watching t.v. at one moment and next you see your dead grandmother next to you on the sofa asking for more tea. I am not kidding here you will not know what is real and what is not. I personally took a bath with over million insects and did not know that this was not real. You can be contacted by numerous alien entites (remember witches at sabbat using among many other things belladona, visiting satan himself) that either can frighten you to death or make you touch an angel. Now enough scaring you. No, not enough you can easily die and I mean easily.
I suggest to you to soak the belladona in the rubbing alchohol for a couple of days, and then evaporate the remaining fluid outdoor on the electric grill (alchohol and flame oven or grill do not mix) until you get a gum resin. Start by taking about 0.2 gram of this stuff. Definitely have someone with you, have a number of a hospital with posion center available (do not be afraid belladonna is not illegal).
Last note even seasoned trippers like Terence McKenna are afraid of where a belladonna trips takes them. As Terrance once told me, the places belladonna takes you, you were not meant to go.
Subject: Is the Anarchist Cookbook safe and accurate?
No. According to people who know explosives, it contains many dangerous
errors and formulas that are likely to hurt you. People strongly advise
to stay away from it if you enjoy having your limbs.
[How about some examples of errors?]
If you want to read it just for entertainment, however, go ahead. I thought
it was rather silly and contained a lot of tedious 60's political rhetoric.
I'd suggest saving your money, but buy it if you want.
Subject: Does the Anarchist Cookbook really contain errors?
Yes. Lots of them. A classic error is the recipe for extracting the drug
bananadine from banana peels. The flaw is that bananadine does not exist;
it was mentioned in the March 1967 Berkeley Barb as a joke but the
Anarchist Cookbook took it seriously. [Reference: "Storming Heaven: LSD and
the American Dream, p. 336., thanks to Lamont Granquist.]
There are more inaccuracies in the demolition section. Most of this
section was cribbed from the U.S. Army Field Manual 5-25 "Explosives and
Demolitions". However, the Cookbook discussion is simplified or even made
up in several cases. For instance, while the Field Manual has a long
discussion of the difficulty of demolishing suspension bridges, the Cookbook
simply gives six places to put charges.
For a review with several specific errors, see the anarchistic publisher
Spunk Press's rather negative page on the Anarchist Cookbook: . Also check out
their page for information on their new Anarchist Cookbook with food recipes.
Subject: Did the CIA sabotage the Anarchist Cookbook?
Some people claim that the CIA/FBI/author/whoever sabotaged the
Anarchist Cookbook to blow up would-be anarchists or to make the recipes
fail. However, there is little evidence to support this theory. I
find it much more likely that the errors are just due to incompetence.
Note that many of the above errors (e.g. wrong symbol for arsenic,
wrong formula for alcohol) don't sabotage anything but are just stupid
There are a few suspicious things, however. For example, while the truss
bridge demolition illustration is redrawn directly from the U.S. Army Field
Manual, one charge is misplaced in the figure and the bridge won't be entirely
severed. This could be a deliberate change, but it's more likely just a
copying error.
Please if there is a God in Heaven fix Jeff's discussion group site. I can't stand it much longer!!!
Zombies are more than myth. See the book by ethnobotanist Wade Davis, The Serpent and The Rainbow (which has little relationship to the movie of the same title):
Wade Davis is a credible source.
He holds degrees in anthropology and biology and received his Ph.D. in ethnobotany from Harvard. Davis is a resident of BC and a well-known environmental spokesperson. The Voodoo priest named in his book, Max Beauvoir (if I remember the name correctly), is a real person. Former US ambassador I*ke Pat*ch knows Beauvoir personally, and S*am Wa*gar, a former BC MLA, has also corresponded with Beauvoir. And, yes, he spells it "Voodoo"!
FWIW, Wade Davis is also an initiated shaman of the Gitksan-Wet'suwet'en Native Indian tribe of Northern BC.
Basically, a potion concocted by a Haitian Voodoo priest creates a state of temporary catatonia. It leaves the victim with residual brain damage, but still able to do simple labour. Haitian villagers sometimes take up a collection and pay to have this done to someone who has pissed them off. Most corpses there have their throat slit before burial as a precaution!
ufos are real, i know this, having seen one myself. i wonder why most if not all governments continue to lie about them. loss of control perhaps?
Sekitar Vagina Tumbuh Daging, Berbahayakah? Kutil Pada Kepala Penis mirip bunga kol atau jengger ayam, Merupakan Penyakit Yang diakibatkan Oleh Virus.Kutil kelamin, atau disebut juga condyloma acuminata, adalah kutil atau daging berwarna kulit atau keabuan yang tumbuh di sekitar alat kelamin dan
Obat Ambeien Resep Dokter Ambeclear dari De Nature Ampuh Tuntaskan Ambeien Sampai Tuntas
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