On the Cover of the Rolling Stone

And it's a gut check of what you believe - Anti-Flag
I don't have time this morning to post, but here's something to chew on.
Tomorrow, Rolling Stone tries to get its groove back by publishing a 10-page "damning and detailed feature article" by Robert F Kennedy Jr on the theft of the 2004 election. Bradblog, the electronic bulldog of voter fraud, is all over it. Kennedy will be promoting his story hard this month in a number of appearances, including a spot on The Colbert Report June 12.
I'm trying not to write something dithering, like time will tell whether America's peripatetic culture finally takes to this story. But it's tough. If it ever will, this is the window for it. With Bush's depressed numbers, editors who are neither backwash nor Mockingbirds may seize the moment, if for no more honourable reason than the consumers of their product are now more than ever likely to believe the worst of their government, and perhaps better of themselves. (We, the People, did not choose this man.)
The window won't remain open for long. Showdown: Iran looms, hastened by the hollow gesture of an offer of talks if Iran first abandons - well, just about everything. But it had to be done, so Washington can later shrug and say military action was, once more, the last choice. And when the next front opens in ernest, perhaps as soon as this month, don't be caught unaware in the stampede to "support the president in time of war."
Still, while the window's open a crack, it's encouraging to see pollster Lou Harris say that Ohio was "as dirty an election as America has ever seen." But what may come after that, I don't find so heartening. Do enough Americans really lack for knowledge of their government's crimes? Are there not already millions who, to the Bush laundry list of bloody obscenity, would wearily nod their heads, I know?
Maybe it's not awareness that needs raising, so much as American fists.
Whadduyall think o'my best eminem:
Thats where I'm at.
I'm sorry, but there's no way in Hell that this Iran thing is going to happen unless something MAJOR goes down. We are all war weary and sick of all of this. Even dumbed-down obedient Americans have their limits of the shit they'll take.
What we need is a Pearl Harbor Type event......oh, wait, we got one of those in the form of 911......ummm, then we need another 911 Type event to.......
I love Ground Hog Day!!!
Meanwhile, I can't breath. My city is shrouded in pollution so thick, visibility is significantly compromised, and lungs compete for the limited oxygen. Might as well be in China......and maybe soon we will be...part of China, that is.
We could put an end to it all. We have to start by killimg the abortion doctors. ;-)
Exactly. That is why "something MAJOR" is planned as part of the war preparations.
What can come of it? Other than RFK Jr. being JFK Jr'd? Increasing the already rampant cognitive dissonance?
Perhaps this will fuel a demand for a return to regular balloting procedures with paper trails. We can only hope (and contact our representatives). But as Chomsky explained long ago, politics is merely elite policy divorced from popular will. That ain't gonna change, not as long as large corporations own the media and feed self-serving propaganda to the unwashed.
Still, I admire RFK Jr.'s courage.
PS. Matt Taibbi for president!
What Courage? Where was the courage immediately subsequent to the election, when it was needed? It's an old reality that will gain no foothold. There have been numerous realities created and advanced since.
The only way to undue any of this is through violent revolution, and that's an impossibility so long as there's bread and circuses. I mean, why get of your ass and take a stand when you can kill people all day long with your x-box? Also, why even bother with a violent revolution when we all know the outcome? Man will quickly corrupt himself, and all of the bloodshed would have been for not. What do you call it...Poneration? I like that concept....it strikes a chord.
This is one crazy racket, I tell you. Somebody's laughing somewhere....they have to be. It's pure comic genious.
Jeff said:
Do enough Americans really lack for knowledge of their government's crimes?...Maybe it's not awareness that needs raising, so much as American fists.
There are finally starting to be whispered conversations about bushco in many group settings. Too little, too late? To be honest, I can't see much prospect for the raising of the fists. It's like watching frozen people thaw out. The vast majority is numb, almost trance-like in their acceptance of the daily trashing we receive as regarding our own "democracy"
Don't believe the hype!
If the PTB's want Bush out, you can be sure that they've already selected his successor.
Hmmmm. What media group does The Rolling Stone belong to?......
i have no idea what to make of this. but what i can say and wonder is what all this is about.
the kennedys are part of the PTB and this is a card they can play against the neocons. and maybe this is one big card they can play to thwart a manufactured war with iran because i'm not quite sure they want one. and its also true they couldnt of 'silenced' robert jr or rather they havn't had the chance too. but this is besides the point...time for a tell all.
i think i've about had it today. lets go point by point.
- in the months after 911 it occured to me how terrorism has no military solution. that the root of terrorism must be struck (hatred fueled by ignorance and CIA instigation). instead all the military solution does is cut off the hydra heads that grow back. there is no poison the well solution.
-today i watched the house select intelligence commitee hearing on intelligence leaks and media's role. this hearing happened during all the mess with gunfire at the rayburn building (where this hearing was taking place) on friday. it was a very interesting hearing, very informative of the age we are in, with the fascist room by room check of legislature's offices as the backdrop.
-ray mcgovern says Iran Strike Set For June Or July by using Staged terror attacks across Europe, US "probable" in order to justify invasion on alex jones.
-on the forums i've been on there's talk of false flag operations on the world cup.
-i have a feeling kennedy jr's exposure of voter fraud in ohio is just a ploy to make it appear liberals will fix the voting system when in fact they will offer a non solution.
-the neo cons were put in power to get the 'dirty work' done whether they know it or not. they are complicitly involved with the dismantling of america in every way from 911 to the PATRIOT ACT to trillion dollar wars to 10 trillion dollar tax cuts (to starve the government of financial resources) to the devaluation of the dollar to economically crippling gas prices to the stand down of FEMA after the levees were blown after hurricane katrina to raise the death rate and to hire mercenaries to grab the guns from the citizenry because of a disproven hoax of snipers shooting at police. the bush administration is an agent provacteur made to create chaos. a problem that democrats in 2006 and 2008 will promptly provide to the gullible masses a fuzzy little solution to our problems by delivering us another war (all indicators point to yes) and whatever else half promises can be made (pushing for a UN world government and draconian 'environmental protection' laws because of increasing natural disasters like hurricanes, earthquakes, tsunamis and weather modification).
- no i'm not a 'wingnut'
-i'm quite sure the environmentalism gore and kennedy jr use as their pet projects will be used by the democrats as the way into fascism.
-the solution to our problem is not a violent revolution but a SYSTEMIC reevaluation and correction fueled by honest vigelance.
no way to go into Iran without one. Anyone with kids in their teens should start a revolt now in order to keep from giving away your children to a "long war".
As for Voting I think we should all wear ORANGE to the polls to pass the same message as in europes sham election. ORANGE IN THE ALL THE STREETS WILL MAKE THEM REALIZE THE TRUE POWER OF THE PEOPLE.
And here is the weird thing. As the sky falls around me...us....I have had an incredibly intense craving for Raisenettes. I don't know if you've ever had them, but they're like Manna from heaven, and I'm agnostic as to the existence of heaven.
I have a journalist friend with contacts in the CIA who told him that the 2004 election had been rigged and the "winning numbers" had been arrived at beforehand. That same contact also told my friend that Bush would not finish his second term, but did not say how or under what circumstances.
I like what bob said about watching people slowly thaw. I think there are some signs of people stirring. One is the small demonstrations of the last several days at the port in Tacoma. you can check it out at http://seattle.indymedia.org/en/2006/05/253284.shtml or check the article at truthout.org. It seems to me that what we need is more actions like these around the country. People need to see that there are ways to express their dissent other than politely walking around with vast crowds on occasional Saturday afternoons.
I think a lot of people got discouraged when the massive demonstrations prior to the war failed to prevent it from happening. That disappointment is based on false expectations and an ahistorical reading of the movement against the war in Vietnam. that war did not end after the huge mobilizations of the autumn of 1969, nor after the giant protests against the invasion of cambodia in the spring of 1970. as the current movie Sir! No Sir! makes clear, the resistance to the war at home helped inspire a GI resistance movement that made the war increasingly difficult to fight. That GI movement and the persistance of the Vietnamese got the US out of Vietnam.
I don't pretend to know how to end this war. I don't pretend to think that ending this war will change the nature of power relations in our society. I don't think that changing the power relations in our society will really address the underlying weirdness of America that Jeff talked about the other day. But i am sure that watching the bodies pile up while we go about our daily lives and read each other's increasingly penetrating insights doesn't help speed the thaw. As long as we are frozen, we can't begin the task of making peace with the land we inhabit. As a first step, what we need right now is more hands on fences and fewer on keyboards.
I was THIS close to posting a huge, negative, ranting tyrade, but then stopped myself. Not sure what to say in place of it. In the years since the 2000 election I've been gripped by an ever tightening cynicism, but lately I've begun to wonder if that doesn't just play into 'Their' hands. It's difficult for me to imagine that anything substantial is going to change, regardless of who sits at the top of the pyramid, but maybe that's part of the problem. Perhaps that imagination of something new and possitive is what has been desperately lacking. If the best we can come up with is to shuffle new faces in and out of the same corrupt institutions, how can we be surprised when real change doesn't occur. It's been said that the definition of madness is repeating the same behavior, and expecting different results....
H.R. 4752: Universal National Service Act of 2006
Status: Introduced By Rep. Charles Rangel [D-NY]
Same Draft Bill as last year...To provide for the common defense by requiring all persons in the United States, including women, between the ages of 18 and 42 to perform a period of military service or a period of civilian service in furtherance of the national defense and homeland security, and for other purposes.
text of legislation
its end game guys...
luposapien you are correct. the epidemic of cynicism is meant to allow us our continued lack of response.
but lets also make clear that we as a nation willingly yet ignorantly walked into this trap.
its how its always been done. we do it ourselves.
"The only way to undue any of this
is through violent revolution"
Massive civil disobedience.
Given the tendency that our cultural/religious heritage has toward the belief in the "savior" (Jesus, Luke Skywalker, etc.) I can't help but think that we are being set up for a "savior" here. Look at all the (planned)"fuckups" we see around us. They ain't hiding much, folks. Anyone with a computer and 30 minutes can see through all the transparency. The facts of the stolen election, the participation/complicity in 911, false pretenses for war are all there for us to see. And this is for a reason. We all know that our nation is in deep doo doo. Even the Bush supporters know deep down that things are not the best they can be.
As to the "friend of a friend" comment about Bush not completing his 2nd term, I say watch out and be careful. The saviour may come and fuck us all worse than what we've seen so far. And all the war-weary and disallusioned will look to this person and have faith in the system again, until it is too late.
Massive Civil Disobedience will just bring in the scoops.
Either way, we're are too innoculated, fragmented, and frozen like a Swanson T.V Dinner for either to work, at this point.
Just sit back and comment on the show....whilst you can. Life's too short.
Hilda's right.
We've been thoroughly softened like corn tortillas in hot oil.
We're nothing but a bunch of enchiladas, and dinner (us) is about to be served.
3 years into Shuck & Flaw & people are just starting to have whispered conversations?
Who the fuck are these people & why would anyone want them on their side?
This is swell. Really.
America cracks one eye open after a 6 year bender, looks over & sees GW snoring blissfully beside her. Slowly the stupified bitch realizes that, not only did she & tweedles engage in every perverted sexual act known to man, but, at some point, she flew off to the Elvis Presley Chapel in Vegas & got hitched to the bum.
Oh yeah, & somewhere along the way he maxxed out all her credit cards & ruined her credit.
So basically what you're all saying is that if this Iraq War would have been less bloody for Americans, although still as illegal & unnecessary, the majority of the dumbfounded dipshits in this country would still be rah rah-ing from the sidelines.
& now RFK Jr. is going to give addle-pated America its big out.
"See America, you didn't vote this guy in. You didn't sit still while the Constitution had an unlubed table leg rammed up its ass. You didn't cheer while the bombs fell. You didn't swallow the asteroid sized turd the Bushskis dropped on your dinner plate. You didn't cower in fear at the mythical ninja terrorists that were going to swoop out of the trees if you didn't let a mush-mouthed smirking daddy's boy do whatever he damned well wanted to."
Yeah, I can see how this deserves a great big whooping back-slapping bash of party.
Seems appropriate to remember Andy for this post.
The Rolling Stone article is already online here...
There is one method of change that has yet to be attempted on a grand scale in the history of man...
(Though the idea has been vetted on a small scale in a very famous film sequence.)
We'll talk about it a bit...
"There is one method of change that has yet to be attempted on a grand scale in the history of man...
(Though the idea has been vetted on a small scale in a very famous film sequence.)
We'll talk about it a bit..."
LOL, assassinating all the PTB one by one...yeah, that would go over real well.
It's massive civil disobedience or bust.
ooh do tell us sleepless in seattle!!
"Words offer the means to meaning, and for those who will listen, the enunciation of truth. And the truth is, there is something terribly wrong with this country, isn't there?"
I think I know which famous film sequence. It was when Luke ate all those hard-boiled eggs in Cool Hand Luke, wasn't it?
Or, was it when The Chief suffocated McMurphy in One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest?
Or, was it when Taylor detonated the Doomsday Bomb in Beneath The Planet of The Apes?
If it's none of the above, then please don't make me wait much longer. I can't stand the suspense. Also, the Raisenettes are bloating me, and I fear, at any moment, I may blow up like the gluttonous pig in Monty Python's The Meaning of Life.
Fists may and well should be raised, as Jeff suggests--with or without cutsey little red roses within them, I'd like to add.
Joseph Stalin once said that West European-style social democracy was "objective fascism," a claim for which the Noam Chomky's and Irving Howe's out there have ceaselessly condemned him ever since.
Was Stalin simply decades ahead of his time? Have the rest of us simply failed, on whatever basis and for whatever reason, to resonate with this brutal clarity of vision?
Here we've got a United States of America today which almost, just-sort-of manages to qualify as a "social democracy," thanks to the remnant of FDR's legacy (social security, unemployment benefits, and so on),
and yet does, objectively, behave fascistically.
Let's not forget that the Na-Zi's were National Socialists, after all, setting themselves up against the International Socialists in Russia and elsewhere.
So has a nationally semi-socialistic America now turned on the rest of the world in an objectively fascist way?
Thanks, Uncle Joe, for your prescience. The world has not begun to thank you for defeating Hitler, for liberating Auschwitz, for doing what you did to defeat evil and restore the hegemony of good on this planet . . .
>>With the shock of war, however, the State comes into its own again. The Government, with no mandate from the people, without consultation of the people, conducts all the negotiations, the backing and filling, the menaces and explanations, which slowly bring it into collision with some other Government, and gently and irresistibly slides the country into war. For the benefit of proud and haughty citizens, it is fortified with a list of the intolerable insults which have been hurled toward us by the other nations; for the benefit of the liberal and beneficent, it has a convincing set of moral purposes which our going to war will achieve; for the ambitious and aggressive classes, it can gently whisper of a bigger role in the destiny of the world. The result is that, even in those countries where the business of declaring war is theoretically in the hands of representatives of the people, no legislature has ever been known to decline the request of an Executive, which has conducted all foreign affairs in utter privacy and irresponsibility, that it order the nation into battle.<<
Randolph Bourne - "War is the health of the state."
Fists may and well should be raised, as Jeff suggests--with or without cutsey little red roses within them, I'd like to add.
Joseph Stalin once said that West European-style social democracy was "objective fascism," a claim for which the Noam Chomsky's and Irving Howe's out there have ceaselessly condemned him ever since.
Was Stalin simply decades ahead of his time? Have the rest of us simply failed, on whatever basis and for whatever reason, to resonate with this brutal clarity of vision?
Today we've got a United States of America which almost, just-sort-of manages to qualify as a "social democracy," thanks to the remnant of FDR's legacy (social security, unemployment benefits, and so on),
and yet does, objectively, behave fascistically.
Let's not forget that the Na-Zi's were National Socialists, after all, setting themselves up against the International Socialists in Russia and elsewhere.
So has a nationally semi-socialistic America now turned on the rest of the world in an objectively fascist way?
Thanks, Uncle Joe, for your prescience. The world has never yet begun to thank you for defeating Hitler, for liberating Auschwitz, for doing what you did to defeat evil and restore the hegemony of good on this planet . . .
Dunno if this matters, but a few facts as I find them:
I work for a significant daily newspaper owned by a major corporation. I see some readers do write to editors begging for coverage of voter fraud, including our own newspaper consortium's recount of Florida '00 ballots that showed Gore factually won in every way the vote could be counted -- when all the valid votes WERE counted, finished around August 2001.
I'm privy to some of those letters, but have not seen any reply. I do not think these readers get a reply.
Bosses did not answer my queries about them. I'm afraid to ask again, based on other observations.
We've run no vote story.
None is in any news budget I know of. No one I know speaks of plans for one.
Just an innocent technical glitch?
Your post--on my screen--says '5 comments', but reading through them, there's more than that.
A couple nights ago, RI wasn't showing up at all.
I use Safari for a browser.
[i]"Just an innocent technical glitch?"[/i]
Blogger has been giving me all kinds of trouble the past week. Right now, I'm unable to publish at all, which would refresh the comment count. I know Blogger is glitchy for a lot of users, so I'm trying not to take it personally.
also five comments. Opera browser
FWIW, I'm seeing (6:17PST) 36 comments, Safari, OS-X
Where is all of this anger coming from?
what anger?
Now that the actual article is out (see: http://www.rollingstone.com/news/story/10432334/was_the_2004_election_stolen)
It strikes me as factually oriented and compelling (I admit I've only read part so far...).
What was everyone complaining about, again?
Unrelated to this post but interesting:
From an article by David Hambling in the June 2006 issue of Fortean Times.
He talks about precursor stealth technology & he mentions 2 patents filed in the early 1960's- 3,713,157(http://patft.uspto.gov/netacgi/nph-Parser?Sect1=PTO1&Sect2=HITOFF&d=PALL&p=1&u=%2Fnetahtml%2FPTO%2Fsrchnum.htm&r=1&f=G&l=50&s1=3713157.PN.&OS=PN/3713157&RS=PN/3713157)
& 4,030,098(http://patft.uspto.gov/netacgi/nph-Parser?Sect1=PTO1&Sect2=HITOFF&d=PALL&p=1&u=%2Fnetahtml%2FPTO%2Fsrchnum.htm&r=1&f=G&l=50&s1=4030098.PN.&OS=PN/4030098&RS=PN/4030098)_
that, as Mr. Hambling says, "describe the use of a layer of plasma to shield aircraft from radar, as well as giving other benefits. Rather than using bulky & complex equipment that required a massive amount of power to generate the plasma, they suggest a simpler method:radioactive paint.
The idea is remarkably simple. material emits "soft" alpha or beta radiation will naturally ionise the air around it as the radiation interacts with the air. If you incorporate enough radioactive material into a paint, it will produce a layer of plasma around anything."
"It would have other advantages too. The plasma coating would prevent the formation of water droplets in the exhaust, so no contrail would form. It would also muffle the sound from the aircraft, as well as diffracting, reflecting and refracting everything from infrared to visual wavelengths, turning it into an indistinct, quiet blur, leaving no trail.
However, in terms of stealth, the magic paint has a big drawback. One curie of alpha-emitter will produce a visible glow. The intensity needed to produce a plasma cloak is about 10 curies per square centimeter, so the whole craft would emit a steady light. By day this might not be noticeable, but by night it would shine like a beacon."
I'm wrong. Not anger, but fear.
Where is all of this fear coming from?
Re: Lightningstruck in Prayer 6/1/06 (A P), 4/24/06 (Reuters)
DAPHNE, Ala. -- Worried about the safety of her family during a stormy Memorial Day trip to the beach,
Clara Jean Brown stood in her kitchen and prayed for their safe return as a strong thunderstorm rumbled through Baldwin County, Alabama.
She said 'Amen' and the room was engulfed in a huge
ball of fire. The 65-year-old Brown said she is
blessed to be alive.
MEXICO CITY - Five Mexican children were killed when a large metal cross they were praying at was struck by
lightning in central Mexico, local media reported Monday.
Five children between 9 and 16 years old died and several others suffered burns when lightning struck a
white-painted metal cross set on a hill in the town of Santa Maria del Rio early on Sunday, according to
two newspaper reports.
The lightning went straight into them and killed them instantly,� local Red Cross chief Eduardo Suarez
told the daily El Norte.
anon 9:35 PM:
maybe here
or here
or maybe here?
"I have told you before...
There’s no escaping the nature of the universe.
It is that nature that has again brought you to me.
Where some see coincidence...
I see consequence.
Where others see chance...
I see cost."
Yes, the sequentiality of a "one by one" approach
would never "go over real well".
However, the concurrency of an "all at once" approach...
(violent revolution/force)
"Going to the mattresses" or force vs. force is senseless,
(massive civil disobedience/finesse)
and "negotiation" with "the families",
their "committee, commissions, councils, and orders" is pointless;
(coordinated vigilantism/stealth)
However, "the baptism montage", is the "piece de resistance".
Unlike the "Corleone" vendetta, leaving open ends
("Hyman Roth", Vatican, etc.) for sequels is a deal breaker.
"How" is not the issue.
Each will be stared in his "all-seeing eye",
and the means will be non-violent (save for one man).
A fate better than they deserve.
"Scale" is the issue...
one thousand or ten thousand?
How far down the pyramid is far enough to make the point?
Where "the families" ancient bloodlines are purged and broken.
It's time for "the devil" to collect.
"Vi Veri Veniversum Vivus Vici"
"Do Ut Des"
Just a few comments on the comments.
Raisonettes or milk and grapes are both recommended for the detox from sulfuric acid.
Hands on the fence or hands on the keyboards and the reporter on Fla commenting on Letters to the ED. My inner quiet child is telling me that the 100 monkeys on the other island don't have typewriters or the internet but they are getting it none the less.
To the angry young man...Jeff has been following a course through the reality of mindscape and the path is now cleared for take off.
Bush Sr. gave up his first born. The paint is over the door.
To those perceptive posters pointing at the huge divide between press and internet; Nothing NO THING is done in secret.
"Where is all of this fear coming from?"
Hmmm..Seems to me that the fear is largely born from the ever-constant nag that we're gonna have to get off our asses and actually DO SOMETHING about wtf's going on..
But first..
Who here is willing to make that critical first step and relinquish their electric tootthbrush?
[and please folks, the blog's always goofy; don't read into more shit than is already neccessary. There's absolutely no reason to raise more egregores when so many already walk among us..]
By the way, the low voltage panic I'm reading in the comments of this particular blog post are really unnerving. I'm not intimidated by these fucking assholes in power; I'm not afraid of what they'll do to me or even my family, as it's just life to be lost or kept and my place in the universe is a small one, but for chrissake..Could you all try to be a little less tharn about everything?
You're the ones that are scaring me, not the friggin Illuminaughty..
To the people saying their basic emotional state has been fear and panic over what is happening in the world, led by Bush n friends.
I'm with you.
We will be in a war in Iran before middle July I think.
As people are saying, I think the endgame is coming.
My bets are that the prophecies of Alois Irlmaier (1894-1959) could start this year. See http://www.rense.com/ufo3/prophecies.htm for a good writeup on his predictions. It's said he predicted the start and end of WW1 and 2, the '29 stock crash, etc.
All we need is the third death of a leader from the yugoslavia-hungary-etc.
The first two have already been murdered in the past 12 weeks:
Slobodan Milosevic (March 11th- ex-Yugoslavian president) "Claimed he was being poisoned days before" (http://www.icdsm.org/)
Milan Babic (March 6th - ex Krajina president - A Yugoslavian breakaway republic) [ http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/europe/4778498.stm ] Suicide claimed but he was in good spirits according to those around him.
So who's next?
My snap reaction if I hear of a murder of the third high official is go to the bank, get it all in cash and speed the hell out of coastal lowlying areas and major cities.
His predictions (and a couple of others) state that once the murder happens, we'll be at WW3 in 2-3 days.
Suprised Jeff hasn't written about him yet - read him for the first time last weekend and it scared the crap out of me!
I posted this on the board before I read your latest entry.
We know Bush wants to get his new war on so bad it hurts.
But Mr. 29%-and-falling, worst-president-of-all-time knows he's gonna have to be trickier this time around or the peasants will storm his house with pitchforks. They're already lighting the torches.
I can divine only one way he'll be able to do it.
An IED, or some other insurgent attack, blows a U.S. convoy to shreds. Multiple horrible deaths. This will probably take place during the height of the mass media inquiry into civilian killings, which should be peaking on the evening news in the next couple of months.
Many interviews with the widows and soft-focus montages of the orphaned children staring blankly at flag-draped caskets.
Then General Casey comes on TV for a hastily-assembled press conference.
"Some of the materials we've found in the wreckage are clearly Iranian-made. We've also noticed a spike in chatter between Iran and known Al Qaeda operatives, thanks to our increased phone monitoring efforts."
CNN breaks in with a developing story -- an Iranian passport has been found atop a burning tire in the convoy wreckage. It belongs to a vice deputy lieutenant of al-Zarqawi's. There's a menu for an Iranian carry-out restaurant tucked in the barely-singed passport, with the words "Nuke Israel" in bold Sharpie.
As Pat Travers was wont to say, "Boom boom, out go the lights."
"Many interviews with the widows and soft-focus montages of the orphaned children staring blankly at flag-draped caskets."
Tut, tut, professor..You know very well the media's not allowed to show those caskets..
"As to the "friend of a friend" comment about Bush not completing his 2nd term, I say watch out and be careful. The saviour may come and fuck us all worse than what we've seen so far. And all the war-weary and disallusioned will look to this person and have faith in the system again, until it is too late."
I have to agree with Hilda:
The Great Deceiver will promise us peace. More sick synchronicity to be attacking Persia ?
Maybe i am bringing up the end here, but about that window:
"Rice warns Iran it doesn't have much time"
VIENNA, Austria - The United States warned Iran it will not have much time to respond once it is offered an international package of rewards to encourage it to suspend uranium enrichment, suggesting that the window could soon close and be replaced by penalties..."It really needs to be within weeks," U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice told NBC's "Today" show...
"Al-Zarqawi urges Sunnis to take on Shiites"
CAIRO, Egypt - The leader of al-Qaida in
Iraq urged Sunnis to confront Shiites and ignore calls for reconciliation in a new audiotape posted Friday on the Web, saying Shiite militias are killing and raping the Sunni Arab minority...
Urges. Warns. Weeks. Antsy ansty antsy...
When will we wake up and go right to the root of the problem?!
FOLLOW THE MONEY PEOPLE!!! FOLLOW THE MONEY!!! It's as simple as that and always has been.
The Hollow Men
T. S. Eliot
Mistah Kurtz—he dead.
A penny for the Old Guy
We are the hollow men
We are the stuffed men
Leaning together
Headpiece filled with straw. Alas!
Our dried voices, when
We whisper together
Are quiet and meaningless
As wind in dry grass
Or rats’ feet over broken glass
In our dry cellar
Shape without form, shade without colour,
Paralysed force, gesture without motion;
Those who have crossed
With direct eyes, to death’s other Kingdom
Remember us—if at all—not as lost
Violent souls, but only
As the hollow men
The stuffed men.
Eyes I dare not meet in dreams
In death’s dream kingdom
These do not appear:
There, the eyes are
Sunlight on a broken column
There, is a tree swinging
And voices are
In the wind’s singing
More distant and more solemn
Than a fading star.
Let me be no nearer
In death’s dream kingdom
Let me also wear
Such deliberate disguises
Rat’s coat, crowskin, crossed staves
In a field
Behaving as the wind behaves
No nearer—
Not that final meeting
In the twilight kingdom
This is the dead land
This is cactus land
Here the stone images
Are raised, here they receive
The supplication of a dead man’s hand
Under the twinkle of a fading star.
Is it like this
In death’s other kingdom
Waking alone
At the hour when we are
Trembling with tenderness
Lips that would kiss
Form prayers to broken stone.
The eyes are not here
There are no eyes here
In this valley of dying stars
In this hollow valley
This broken jaw of our lost kingdoms
In this last of meeting places
We grope together
And avoid speech
Gathered on this beach of the tumid river
Sightless, unless
The eyes reappear
As the perpetual star
Multifoliate rose
Of death’s twilight kingdom
The hope only
Of empty men.
Here we go round the prickly pear
Prickly pear prickly pear
Here we go round the prickly pear
At five o’clock in the morning.
Between the idea
And the reality
Between the motion
And the act
Falls the Shadow
For Thine is the Kingdom
Between the conception
And the creation
Between the emotion
And the response
Falls the Shadow
Life is very long
Between the desire
And the spasm
Between the potency
And the existence
Between the essence
And the descent
Falls the Shadow
For Thine is the Kingdom
For Thine is
Life is
For Thine is the
This is the way the world ends
This is the way the world ends
This is the way the world ends
Everyone knows that the US Govt is founded on fraud. Bushboy stole his first term, then justified America's "choice" by leading the country into two - count 'em, two - wars that y'all still knee-deep in.
Then he stole his second term, and he's gonna lead the country into another war. This time with Iran. And why?
"Cos Iran are developing nuclear weapons."
Bullshiiiiit!! They want to have nuclear power, ie energy production, like every "civilised" nation is allowed to do. Russia offered to help build nuclear facilities for Iran. You think Russia wants nuke-wielding mullahs on its doorstep?
Y'all being lied to. And y'all suck it up and sing "Praise Bush" when he sends yer kiddies into war.
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I have no idea what to make of this. but what i can say and wonder is what all this is about. I have gone through all these details when I was in web design company 3 months back.. there was in a conference in the central Florida regarding it..And there its its the obvious opinion that kennedys are part of the PTB and this is a card they can play against the neocons. and maybe this is one big card they can play to thwart a manufactured war with iran because i'm not quite sure they want one. and its also true they couldnt of 'silenced' robert jr or rather they havn't had the chance too. but this is besides the point...time for a tell all.
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cuisine is a reflection of the diverse cultures and traditions
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come from the archipelago comprising 6,000 islands and holds an important place in the national culture of Indonesia in general and almost all Indonesian cuisine is rich with spice derived from resep masakan aspices such as pecans, peppers, key retrieval, galangal , ginger, kencur, turmeric, coconut and palm sugar followed by the use of the techniques of cooking according to the material and sehat alami indigenous traditions there are also influences through such trade originating from India, China, Middle East, and Europe. masakan
Basically there is not one singular "Indonesian cuisine", brownies kukus pandan but rather the diversity of regional cuisines influenced locally by Indonesian Culture and foreign influences. For example, rice is processed into pancake white rice, rice cake or rice cake (steamed rice) as a staple food for the majority of the population in the eastern part of Indonesia However the more commonly used corn, ayam goreng sago, cassava, and sweet potato and sago. The shape of the landscape presentation is generally presented in the form of mostly Indonesian food staple food with side dishes of meat, fish or vegetable side dishes. semur ayam
Throughout its history, Indonesia has been involved in world trade due to its location and natural resources. Cooking techniques and ingredients authentic Indonesian food grown and subsequently manfaat daun sirsak influenced by the culinary arts of India, the Middle East, China, and finally Europe. ayam goreng bumbu Spanish and Portuguese traders brought a variety of foods from the Americas long before the Dutch seized Indonesia. lengkuas Maluku islands are renowned as the "Spice Islands", also donated Indonesian herbal plants native to the world of culinary arts. puding susu Culinary arts eastern Indonesian region similar to the art of cooking Polynesia and Melanesia. sayur buah untuk melancarkan BAB
Sumatran cuisine, for example, often show the influence of the Middle East and India, such as the use of curry in a dish of meat and vegetables, while the Javanese cuisine evolved from the original cooking techniques archipelago. soto padang
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