Doom Days

Whatever's coming, there's no place else to go
Waiting for the moon to show - Bruce Cockburn
Remember William Shatner as Don, the young husband, in the Twilight Zone episode "Nick of Time"? He and his wife grab a booth in the diner of a strange town while their car is being repaired. A devil-headed, coin-operated "Mystic Seer" sits on the table. Don asks it, light-heartedly, if anything interesting ever happens around here, and it answers with a card that reads "It is quite possible." He asks more pointed questions, and with each vague answer that yet seems uncannily accurate, Don freezes with fear and obsession. He can't move.
I thought of it for some reason yesterday morning, reading that The Charleston Post and Courier has picked up the "nuke drill to go live" story:
For the past week, conspiracy theorists have been spinning an elaborate tale of how the U.S. government will turn a terrorism drill in Charleston into a nuclear attack. Why? To give the country a reason to invade Iran, of course.
If this makes no apparent sense, then your other car isn't a black helicopter, and you've never mistaken Crab Bank at low tide for a grassy knoll.
One Web site says the idea is that the exercise was intended to "go live" and be used for cover for a real attack. For proof, they say terrorism drills were planned in the United States on 9/11 and in London on 7/7.
Will an American city burn this summer? It is quite possible. That's as definitive as our Magic 8 Ball gets about such matters. Will the Fort Monroe exercise "go live"? It is quite unlikely. Especially now.
When the other shoe drops, it probably won't be the one we're expecting. But you know what? After all our studious anticipation, we'll know enough to know it's a shoe, and who dropped it. And there's also this: there is the possibility that public expectation - raising our own terror alert over "chatter," suspicious movements and exercises - could possibly forestall synthetic terror events. Why not? It's the same logic Tom Ridge applied to measure the success of Homeland Security. It can never be verified but I have to wonder what might have not happened if, before 7/7, someone had got wind of the drills and posted "Look out, London: the morning of July 7 there's an 'anti-terror' simulation of simultaneous detonations of three bombs at the following stations." (A "fear-mongerer" might have added "OMG, Giuliani's going to be in town!") If the news of the drill had entered public conciousness beforehand to the degree that Fort Monroe's drill has in Charleston - this was a front page story - it's difficult to imagine the bombings proceeding as planned. And so, when no bombs exploded, those who had sounded the alarm would likely think they'd gotten excited over nothing, and might be reticent to do the same again. In such a scenario, this is the price of success: ignorance.
So we shouldn't be shy on Thursday, after the world hasn't blown up more than usual on Wednesday, about sharing what we see, next time we see an ominous convergance of opportunities. It's not forecasting - we've already done that to the limits of our knowledge when we say Americans can expect 90% probability of more of the same - it's saying This is probably nothing, but - Heads up. We're not crying wolf here. After all, we know there is a wolf, and we know him well enough to know he'll strike again when he has the chance and the need. But perhaps, the closer we observe him, and the more vocal we are about it, the more we reduce his chances. His need - there's not much we can do about that.
There may be some magical thinking involved in this. If you don't want doomsday to come, assign a date to it. But given the times, we could do worse.
Now go back to the diner in the Twilight Zone. Do you see Don's problem? He's been overwhelmed, to the point of paralysis, by what might be. Can you relate? Sometimes I feel like I've spent the past four years in that booth, asking questions - the Mystic Seer is now cable-ready - and catching my breath at some answers. Don gave his power to the little box, rather than gain power - that is, true knowledge - from it. And much of the problem is the quality, and integrity, of the "Mystic Seer." Including, and especially, "inside sources."
"Mystic Seers" of a sort are a common feature of UFO close encounters. Contactees often report being presented with confusing apocalyptic imagery, sometimes seemingly projected onto a screen, the meaning of which they don't understand. They are assured they will know when the time comes, and that when the time comes, they'll know what to do.
But as often noted in earlier posts, whether the occupants of a particular UFO are genuine alien entities or black ops technicians, their conduct and communication appears to be both tricksterish and disinformative. While many minor "prophecies" may be said to be fulfilled, the promised Transformative Event - armaggedon or ascension to a higher plane of Being - always seems to recede into the future. The date eludes us.
"The Aviary, the Aquarium, and Eschatology" is a nearly 10-year old essay by Vince Johnson, a UFOlogist and self-described "unabashed secular humanist," who nevertheless concedes that non-secular aspects of the phenomenon merit attention. For instance, he writes of data received from Dan Smith, a "theologically-oriented researcher" reputed to have congressional and intelligence sources privy to "the grave concern by high government officials about an impending metaphysical catastrophe." Most fascinating, Johnson quotes an extract from a paper by Ray Boeche, a Lincoln, Nebraska, theologian and Fortean researcher.
Boeche writes:
To all interested researchers:
The following is an edited version of material given to me in late 1991 - early 1992, by two scientists who claim to be working in weapons research and development for the Department of Defense.
I am not in a position to comment on the truthfulness or accuracy of the information. The two men who have spoken to me do, in fact, exist, and for all intents and purposes seem to be who and what they claim. The very nature of the claims makes verification difficult, if not impossible.
Divulging this information was the result of a moral dilemma, when these two individuals, both Christians, became alarmed at the course their research efforts into psychotronic weapons was taking under the direction of their (unnamed) superiors. They described an obsessive effort to contact and attempt to control what they referred to as "non-human intelligences" (NHI), and to harness these NHI for military and intelligence uses.
The efforts had progressed well past attempts at practical applications of David Bohm's theories, and had grown to encompass the use of, according to their statements, "satanic rituals / ritual magic along the lines of that espoused by Aleister Crowley, including human sacrifices."
These gentlemen stated their concerns that, even when they were apparently able to harness or channel these forces or abilities for "good" uses, the force would "turn," and ultimately all of those subjects involved suffered varying degrees of negative effects from contact with these forces. They are convinced that what is being tapped into in all instances is evil, and that this research should cease.
At this point, I should be forgiven for exclaiming "Whoomp, there it is!" since what these two DoD scientists told Boeche 14 years ago conforms with my working hypothesis of the convergence of satanic ritual, UFOs and military intelligence. And yet, do you hear me whoomping? It's always important to question the integrity of official sources, but I think it's most important when they appear to tell us what we want to hear.
Johnson writes that Boeche, smartly, "was at a loss to explain why the two DoD scientists were still working on projects they found to be morally repugnant, and if they really wanted to blow the whistle on this activity, why did they reveal it to an obscure UFOlogist and not The New York Times or "Nightline." Was it disinformation? If so, what was the motivation?
Boeche's contacts also supplied a list of victims of psychotronic weapons experiments. (For instance: "Female, white, 20-25 yr., allegedly death by remotely transmitting and creating head trauma equivalent to crushing of right anteriorportion of the skull.") For me, intuitively, this list does not have the ring of truth, as does the rest, since I've already seen evidence for the rest from so many different sides. And since the best disinformation is mostly truth, if this communication were disinformative, could this addition have been the poison pill to misdirect a researcher already sniffing around the Military Occult Complex? (It is quite possible, says the Mystic Seer.)
Johnson, by the way, adds: "if there really is such a thing as 'black magic,' and government scientists are experimenting with it, I suspect that they could be blindly running the same risks in dealing with such unknown forces as the 19th-century scientists who thought nothing of casually handling radium and other radioactive materials."
Stranger things have happened. And don't you just hate that?

Another spellbinding post, Jeff! With all of the possibilities for black-mail, assassination, memory erasure, and building up a Revolutionary Guard, would a US agency really need to kill people with demons? They already have nameless implants throughout the world's many public and private security agencies, mafias, and cults. And psychic foreknowledge? After all, the trillions of dollars cycle through the economy as they do because the "information economy" is the oldest means of retaining power: by being 3 steps ahead of the "reality based community." What good is PROMIS and the NSA if a cadre of agents is going to tap into psychic clairvoyance? They would certainly be held under lock and key.
You really tapped into the oscillating dread and mystery of this postmodern Mystic Seer era. Wont Iran be expecting an attack from Azerbaijan following Scott Ritter's revelations? Wont the clerics be wary of uprising and saturation bombing in al Ahwaz following the BND's leaks to Wayne Madsen? We might all be senile by the time the truth is declassified. And why is Mike Ruppert so sure that war isn't an integral part of the strategies for exploiting Peak Oil, Climate Change, and food shortage?
Legacy Building
Uh-Huh. Not a conspiracy theorist, just going to repeat some Tim LaHaye/John Birch vision of the UN's benighted hometown in flames, in the first year of the new millenium no less. A vision shared by Hitler, BTW. It is truly sinister that these "formerly" occult preachers have been predicting and lamenting their own Dominionist government's campaign of war and terror for over a decade now. I guess whenever a follower figures out that the Arlington Fellowship is higher on the pecking order than the UN, they get initiated into the next circle of cynical conspiracy accusation-making and leave the increasingly preposterous realm of naive belief.
"if there really is such a thing as 'black magic,' and government scientists are experimenting with it, I suspect that they could be blindly running the same risks in dealing with such unknown forces as the 19th-century scientists who thought nothing of casually handling radium and other radioactive materials."
That says it all...another great essay.
Thoroughly stimulating (as usual).
But aren't you being a tiny bit modest?
There is another perspective. For when it comes it probably will surprise us. But we now know how to respond!
We have our own rapid reaction force!!
Look at this from today's Times
[Charles Clarke] also refused to be drawn on media reports that there is no CCTV footage of the shooting of innocent Brazilian Jean Charles de Menezes, 27, on July 27 at Stockwell underground station. He said the whole incident was "worrying" and he would await the results of an inquiry into the death.
This is downright silly. Clarke is the Minister of the Crown who CONTROLS the Metropolitan Police. He must know there is cctv available.
Seems to me they're running away from all this (Diana's "inquiry" is still lumbering along, and it will be eight years at the end of the month) and are nervous about releasing anything at all.
And if that is the case it is down to you and your colleagues who have torn them to shreds from the beginning on 7 July.
It's funny you posted this just now. I was thinking of posting a thread called "Internet Predictions Always Wrong" in the forum. In fact, on days that internet "chatter" specifically has targeted for Bad Things to Happen, I rest particularly easily.
Partly, we hope that getting word out about potential nastiness is sort of a vaccination. THEY (my favorite line from Howard Zinn: "You do know there is a "THEY" don't you?") don't mind holes in the story AFTER the fact, but if there are detailed predictions of some contrived event BEFORE the fact, that simply won't work.
ON the other hand, I think that for the most part, whenever enough information leaks out to make such specific predictions, there are some games being played. I don't think they telegraph their punches that way.
On the third hand (heh), the perceived battle between the CIA and elements of the military and the current junta may be real. It may be that such information is leaked and is reflective of actual plans hoping to be forestalled by rogue elements within our rogue state. That said, I am not one that supports the CIA side in this either.
I do not like the CIA. I do not like them, Sam, I say.
And as for the "military coup" that keeps getting rumored, I'm afraid the record since WW2 has not been a good one. Of all the postwar US military interventions, the number of countries left with a healthier democracy after US involvement is exactly 0.
Anyway, there are SO MANY games being played right now that it's really hard to predict what is actually going to happen, though all will be "obvious" after it takes place.
FYI for those who read the post earlier this morning, I just added this to it on edit, which ties together a loose thread or two:
So we shouldn't be shy on Thursday, after the world hasn't blown up more than usual on Wednesday, about sharing what we see, next time we see an ominous convergance of opportunities. It's not forecasting - we've already done that to the limits of our knowledge when we say Americans can expect 90% probability of more of the same - it's saying This is probably nothing, but - Heads up. We're not crying wolf here. After all, we know there is a wolf, and we know him well enough to know he'll strike again when he has the chance and the need. But perhaps, the closer we observe him, and the more vocal we are about it, the more we reduce his chances. His need - there's not much we can do about that.
There may be some magical thinking involved in this. If you don't want doomsday to come, assign a date to it. But given the times, we could do worse.
Y2K was supposed to be Doomsday, remember?
I was living in Show Low, watching some very wealthy people spend huge amounts of money on out-of-the-way retreats. The real estate market boomed and hasn't really recovered since (and a whole bunch of those overpriced ranches are still on the market.)
I wasn't totally worried about it, although I was in correspondence with numerous folks who were absolutely convinced of its' veracity and tried to convince me. However, my New Year's Eve gig was within waling distance of home (single working musician mom at that time) and my acoustic guitar was handy if the lights went out and I couldn't play bass.
--But of course, nothing happened. There wasn't much of a crowd, though... --MaryK
"There may be some magical thinking involved in this. If you don't want doomsday to come, assign a date to it. But given the times, we could do worse."
* * * * *
This may be a bit OT, but...
That statement caused me to remember something I first thought years ago on a Sunday morning when I was about 11 years old. I was stuck at church with my parents, and the preacher was talking about how no man could know the exact day or hour of when Jesus would return and the apocalypse would begin.
So I wondered to myself; what if people set up a system where individual people would be responsible for believing that the world would end at a certain day or time.
Maybe Bob Smith would believe that The End would come at 10AM on March 21st 1990. And then Jill Doe would believe that The End was coming at 11AM on March 21st 1990. And so on and so forth, stretching on and on in order to put off The End indefinitely.
But then I also used to wonder if all the other people at church were robots or holograms; and if the whole thing was a test to see if I would sing and pray along with them, or if I would stand up and sit down when everybody else did. I was a strange child.
Small correction--Fort Monroe is actually in Hampton, VA. It's also the location where the 4-star general was recently removed.
Oh, disregard my correction...I misread the original sentence.
My bad
There is something in "The Princess Bride" that applies to this dilemma. No, not "Never get involved in a land war in Asia" -- the other one. The business with the two glasses of wine and the poison.
Westley announces he has put poison into one of two glasses. Vizzini, who prides himself on his cleverness, goes into dizzying feats of logic to try to figure out which goblet has the poison. He finally convinces himself he has chosen correctly, drinks . . . and falls over dead. As Westley explains to Buttercup afterwards, "They were both poisoned. I spent the last few years building up an immunity to iocane powder."
The moral as I take it is that if you are someone who depends on playing the odds with the help of a little insider information, eventually you will lose. Your information will be unreliable, the odds will be stacked too heavily against you, or someone else will change their plans at the last moment.
It's a Murphy's Law situation: Sooner of later, anything that can go wrong, will.
The only way around Murphy's Law is to be in a position where nothing can go wrong. And you can't do that by ever-more-frantically manipulating the odds, because sooner or later that one chance in a hundred will catch up with you. Murphy promises it.
The only way out is the Westley method of playing an entirely different game, redefining the discourse so "poison" is no longer poison, or -- most fruitfully -- playing a game so expansive that all eventualities become a part of your plans.
I'm convinced that the ultimate nature of the universe is neither deterministic nor random but deeply, deeply improv. Things happen -- maybe accidents, maybe part of someone's elaborate plan, but that doesn't matter -- and you pick them up and paste them into whatever story-line you're spinning at the moment. Then someone else pulls a chunk out of your story-line, turns it upside down and slaps a coat of yellow paint on it, and pastes it into their own.
That's how evolution happens. It's how history happens. It's how politics happen.
Cindy Sheehan on the road to Crawford is improv of the highest order. Nobody planned it. But it sure ain't accident either. It's a piece that fits marvellously well into the current story-line.
I don't necessarily know how to apply all this in real life. But I've watched my kids play Dungeons & Dragons enough to realize that Dungeonmasters who can improvise wildly in response to the vagueries of their players and the dice are demigods, while those who try to set up a rigid scenario and whip the players through it are doomed to failure and burnout.
Ultimately, it doesn't matter who controls the dice. What matters is who controls the story-line.
I know this quote shows up here a lot, but I thought it was particularly pertinent given the subject matter of today's blog...
“That's not the way the world really works anymore. We're an empire now, and when we act, we create our own reality. And while you're studying that reality — judiciously, as you will — we'll act again, creating other new realities, which you can study too, and that's how things will sort out. We're history's actors . . . and you, all of you, will be left to just study what we do."-Anonymous Bush-ling
Perhaps the ptb’s were just testing the waters to see how fast this “Nuclear drill goes live” rumor could spread, and through what avenues?
“…and if they really wanted to blow the whistle on this activity, why did they reveal it to an obscure UFOlogist and not The New York Times or "Nightline."
Now we all know the answer to this. We can’t get an accurate report on the news regarding Iraq or the oil crisis, etc. The tin-foil hat crowd just doesn’t mingle with the mass media and vice-versa. The sounds of silence…no opinion but the acceptable norms, no arguments except those that have already been decided, no analysis, just a distraction from their created reality…
And in the naked light I saw
Ten thousand people, maybe more.
People talking without speaking,
People hearing without listening,
People writing songs that voices never share
And no one dare
Disturb the sound of silence.
"Fools" said I, "You do not know
Silence like a cancer grows.
Hear my words that I might teach you,
Take my arms that I might reach you."
But my words like silent raindrops fell,
And echoed
In the wells of silence
And the people bowed and prayed
To the neon god they made.
And the sign flashed out its warning,
In the words that it was forming. – S & G
starroute - brilliant! I'l be thinking of your post for days to come. Thank you.
I had an uncomfortable synchronicity while reading Pastor Meyer's description of Manhattan in flames -- right then my local fire siren started blaring.
"non-human intelligences" (NHI)
We should probably remember to use this term more often when referring to "aliens," god-like beings, demons, and Invisible Friends, when we can't pin down what they are in any other useful way.
on "redefining the discourse"....
"Never box a boxer, never wrestle a wrestler".
I can't remember exactly who said that to me, but it's true. changing the game entirely is the best way to avoid falling into a trap.
I am reminded of a certain virtual event that replicates this musing we have here about the value of second guessing the Elites. Some of you may chuckle but I think the parrallel is oddly significant, I am speaking of the Kobiashi Maru .The simulation takes place on a replica of a starship bridge, involving both cadets and senior Starfleet officers. Cadets and officers are placed in key positions around the bridge. In the scenario of the 2280s, the cadet receives a distress signal, stating that the Maru has struck a "gravitic mine" in the Organian Neutral Zone and has lost power, hull integrity and life support. Furthermore, there are no other nearby vessels save for the cadet's own ship. The cadet is then faced with a decision:
Attempt to rescue the Maru's crew and passengers, which involves violating the Neutral Zone, and potentially provoking the Klingons into hostile action or an all-out war; or
Abandoning the Maru, preventing war but leaving the crew and passengers to die. Some cadets choose this option, but doing so almost certainly results in a lower grade.
If the cadet chooses to save the Maru, the scenario progresses quickly. The senior officers notify the cadet that they are in violation of the treaty, which is duly noted in the mission log. As the starship enters the Neutral Zone, the communications officer loses contact with the crippled vessel. As efforts are made to reestablish contact, three Klingon starships appear on an intercept course or decloak nearby. Attempts to contact them are met with radio silence; indeed, the only Klingon response is to open fire. The Klingon weapons inflict far more damage than would their real-life counterparts, and the simulation ends with the understanding that the cadet's ship and crew have been lost. There is no way to 'win' the scenario; its objective is to test the cadet's behavior and thought processes in the face of defeat.
James T. Kirk took the test three times while he was at Starfleet Academy. Prior to his third attempt, Kirk surreptitiously reprogrammed the simulator so that the "Klingons" would react to his presence with fearful admiration. He justified it by arguing that putting cadets in a no-win situation was cheating, and so he had to cheat in return. He received a commendation for original thinking.
I know the real world is far more dangerous, and I dont think we will get 3 chances to cheat our way past a Nuke.
"if there really is such a thing as 'black magic,' and government scientists are experimenting with it, I suspect that they could be blindly running the same risks in dealing with such unknown forces as the 19th-century scientists who thought nothing of casually handling radium and other radioactive materials."
It's no surprise to anyone, that the occult-born Nazi Party's whole essence revolved around embracing and furthering black arts. Every aspect of their party was the carefully constructed incorporation of satanic power symbols. Sig runes, death's heads, the colors of black and red, blood oaths and rituals. Heinrich Himmler, an ardent Lucifer-worshipper, had a primary goal of turning the SS into a roundtable of black knights wholly dedicated to an unholy master.
If we open our minds for a moment to the investigative possibility that the Nazi's did "break on through to the other side". Might it explain how a nation goes from desperation and depression, to exponentially advance in just a few short years, to be able to manifest technologically complex items like V2 rockets, Kraftmeteor saucers, televisions, mind-control engineering, sophisticated chemical & bio-warfare agents, the beginnings of ethno-specific bio-weaponry, microwave ovens and the genetic DNA fundamentals that led to cloning? Of course their part of the devil's bargain would be occult crusade of world domination and abundent ritualized human sacrifices.
Again it's just hypothesis and food for thought, but when you look at the U.S. importation of virulent Nazi scientists, engineers and intelligence officers under Operation Sunrise and Project Paperclip, you really begin to see that America has picked up the Reich baton to head for a demonic finish line. Let's short-review the results of this transplantation to the shores of America:
Josef Mengele, brought his magnum opus DNA and genetic cloning work, which are of prominent focus and utilization in the scientific world today.
Werner Von Braun, whose V2 and advanced rocket knowledge contributions created NASA as well as the advent of inter-continental ballistic weapons.
Reinhard Gehlen, whose intelligence knowledge and expertise spawned the CIA, with able assistance from his sponsors, the Dulles brothers of the OSS.
Then factor in all the metric tons of paperwork ransacked or brokered from the Nazis, with all data culminated from this massively sick "experiment"; and what is revealed is a hell-raising work in progress.
here is a little history on those pesky nazis. I had always hoped they were defeated, but as recent events here in portland OR show, they seem to multiply like rats.
The Thule Society
In 1915, Pohl was joined by Rudolf Glauer. Glauer, also known as Rudolf Freiherr von Sebottendorf, came to Germany with a Turkish passport and was a practitioner of sufi meditation and astrology. Glauer is known to have been an admirer of the rabidly anti-semitic Lanz von Liebenfels and Guido von List. Glauer was a wealthy man (the source of his wealth is unknown) and quickly became a grand master of the Bavarian Order in 1918. Later that year, he founded the Thule Society with Pohl's approval.
The Thule Society had a number of highly positioned individuals in the Nazi party, although Hitler himself never became a member. However, it was a member of the Thule Society, dentist Dr. Friedrich Krohn, who designed the swastika flag of the Nazi party.
Perhaps the most significant Thule influence on Hitler came from Dietrich Eckart. Eckart was the wealthy publisher of the newspaper Auf gut Deutsch (In Plain German). He was a committed occultist as well as a member of the Thule Society's inner circle. He is believed to have taught Hitler a number of persuasive techniques (some possibly mystical in nature). So profound was the influence, that Hitler's book Mein Kampf was dedicated to Eckart.
A hypothetical question: If a suitcase nuke or similarly obscene weapon was detonated in Bagdhad, and if it was announced that responsibility for this travesty was some persons or parties (perhaps a militia) backed by Iranian intelligence, then what would be a "just and judicious" response by the USA?
Now, I don't mean just and judicious by your own value system, but as judged by policy makers, the newsmedia, and the American populace as a whole. Factor in the reactions of Europe, Russia and Pakistan as you let the scenario unfold in your head. It seems to me that this might accomplish a lot more than bombing NC, as far as our DungeonMasters are concerned.
"In the City of God there will be a great thunder,
Two brothers torn apart by Chaos, while the fortress endures, the great leader will succumb",
The third big war will begin when the big city is burning"
- Nostradamus 1654
Let's interpret. Assuming "the City of God" is New York City, then the "two brothers torn apart by Chaos" must be the fallen towers of the Word Trade Center. The "fortress" is obviously the Pentagon, the "great leader" succumbing is the United States of America and "the third big war" can only mean World War III.
Spooky, right?
Wrong. Now let's apply a little intellectual honesty. What earthly (or unearthly) justification could there possibly be for characterizing New York City as "the City of God?" Why refer to the twin towers as "two brothers" when a far more apt word like "buildings" or "monuments" — or even, egad, "towers" — is at hand? Granted, "fortress" accurately describes the Pentagon, but by what stretch of the imagination could one assert that the United States "succumbed" to the 9/11 attacks?
Anyway, quibbling over words is futile, given that Nostradamus didn't even write the passage. He died in 1566, nearly a hundred years before the date of attribution. The quatrain in question is nowhere to be found in his entire published oeuvre. In a word, it's a hoax.
More precisely, its attribution to Nostradamus is a hoax. The passage was lifted intact from a Web page (since deleted from the hosting server due to overwhelming post-9/11 traffic) containing an essay written several years ago by college student Neil Marshall entitled "A Critical Analysis of Nostradamus." Marshall invented the quatrain to demonstrate — quite ironically, in light of its subsequent misuse — how a Nostradamus-like passage can be so cryptically composed as to lend itself to myriad interpretations.
I really like your thesis Omega Man. I am now seeing many other parts of this work in progress, in the current time frame and in stuff that goes back into the fifties.
Another good question is, What holds it all together over the decades or even centuries? It is hard to imagine a secret society comprised of humans that can organise and control over time such a large enterprise. So I would add onto your speculation re satan that there is indeed an otherworldly control function at work here. (The following is drawn from many scattered sources and should not be taken as a logical conclusion as we define that in these modern days; it would never stand up in court.)
A species of ET has selected our Earth as an ideal planet in which to live and grow; perhaps it is a convenient base for further conquest too. Their lifespan/timeline is long; if it takes centuries to accomplish the task that is OK with them. Being intelligent and advanced this species has a great advantage, but I suspect they have no soul, no love or empathy, especially toward earthlings that they aim to conquer.
So far they have been able to infiltrate some of us humans, transpose some of their essenece into earthly individuals by means of interbreeding or other means. I have not yet found the true parentage of Karl Rove; I seem to remember that his heritage is a bit mysterious. I think it was Antiaristo who claims that certain of these present players were in fact "transplanted," that is the body of a dead son-of-bush was withdrawn and replaced by an alive substitute. (this whether true or not is irrelevent to my ET point)
In any case our great corp/govt structure is working hand in hand with these non-humans, and I'd assume that the non-humans are the ones giving the orders. It isn't for the benefit of Joe and Jane Earthling either.
Other than the odd non-human behavior of the pres, VP, Rummy and all the others, there is good evidence that we have bases here and in the Australian outback for receiving and hosting our ET interlopers. It all makes sense except that: 1) It is unbelieveable
(wonder why?) and 2) No one ever sees these things - or do they? Um yeah but the story has to be verified or it is tossed into the loony story bin.
That was emad, not me. My theory is much more prosaic!
"What holds it together over the decades or centuries?"
The Treason Felony Act of 1848, giving absolute power to a succession of queens.
"There is indeed an otherworldly control function here."
Maybe, maybe not. Don't forget the Wicked Old Witch of Windsor. Most people don't know she existed, and most people didn't know about her powers.
Thanks rapt, to add further to the dialogue and without any religious connotations, I will state that evil is real, palpable and tangible. As humans we are given 5 senses plus a most valuable addition known as instinct. More commonly referred to as a "bullshit detector" in alternative terms.
The point I'm trying to make is this, as an overburdened and overdistracted populace we many times override our instincts. Instinct is a critical sense that screams to your sub-conscious when something's not right. It also is there as a survival mechanism that we've all felt and either heeded or ignored at our own peril. The animal world uses it every day to protect itself and persevere. Children have it in abundance when they pick up on that someone may not be right. Constantly hitting the override button on your instincts lowers the volume of the warning, until eventually it becomes so low it's inaudible. I'm not advocating the extreme of it's sole use, merely to incorporate it's use with your other senses and rational thinking. In concert and counter balanced with the other senses, it acts as a form of checks & balances to keep one grounded.
That being said, our instincts don't lie, only our subjective explanations of what we sense do. Which explains the epidemic of cognitive dissonance we find our fellow citizens happily cowering in.
Evil and darkness is very and dimensionally real and much like the radio frequencies that flow through us of every hour of every day. You can't see them or even consciously feel them but they exist. When a connection is made the link has been made. The wretched darkness of the left-hand path is central to this metaphor. As the human dynamic we use our wills to tune out negativity we incur and knowingly resist the urge of the malevolent. However there are just the kind of sociopathic individuals who actively seek out this force for the hope of material gain. The Nazis, Knights Templars, Freemasons, Luciferians, and other assorted enemies of life, liberty and happiness, all dedicated considerable time, resources and murderous ritual to breach and embrace this frequency. Binding themselves in Faustian alliance with demonic emmissaries and their promises of power.
Are they successful? Those in tune with their instincts know that they are. Don't believe for a minute that they would continue their practices which they have passed down and refined for centuries if it wasn't effective.
Take a quiet moment to assess the world at large today and our current condition. If you have loved ones imagine what the future down the road will be like. Now get in tune with your senses... do you feel a persistent tug inside? Perhaps a feeling of unknown dread? That barely perceived sensation is instinct letting you know something's wrong, something is drastically out of balance. That survival instinct is what led all of us to investigate, research and document their infernal crimes.
Led us to bond amongst fellow compatriots here in this blog, here in this sanctuary of truth.
Many earthly good people want to think that the government and the president are made up of good peoples too, denying the posssability of evil.
To identify evil you have to know what it smells like, even if it is presenting you with a big pretty flower.
The key is navigate through reality using identifiable examples of unequivocal truths.
Two comments. One, regarding part of Ray Boeche's claim (yet another "friend of a friend" tale with no traceable sources):
The efforts had progressed well past attempts at practical applications of David Bohm's theories, and had grown to encompass the use of, according to their statements, "satanic rituals/ritual magic along the lines of that espoused by Aleister Crowley, including human sacrifices."
These gentlemen stated their concerns that, even when they were apparently able to harness or channel these forces or abilities for "good" uses, the force would "turn," and ultimately all of those subjects involved suffered varying degrees of negative effects from contact with these forces.
Isn't the use, investigation, harnessing, and channeling of unknown psychic forces (even for "good") anathema to most Christians? Furthermore, what self-respecting scientists would be mucking about with such stuff? This sounds more like a bad B-movie horror script.
Two, starroute's insight, "Ultimately, it doesn't matter who controls the dice. What matters is who controls the story-line" is close, but still one step removed. What matters is who designs and manufactures the game, and how they benefit from its sale and play.
If there's no benefit to the game-maker, you won't find it on the shelf.
I wonder how many of you have heard of the myth of Tar Baby? I think, in the darkness, which always will consume itself, it's useful to keep this eternal and ancient myth in mind...
the Thule society was certainly the kernel of the Nazi party, which exerted a tightly wound authority over the SS. But as for wonder weapons, there are many mundane factors that contributed to their development: Money pouring in from JP Morgan and Brown Bros. Harriman, corporate cooperation from around Europe and the Western Hemisphere, slave labor, war-time exigencies, mines taken from Poland and elsewhere,misanthropic R&D with a blank check, and of course the advanced state of German chemistry and industry before the war.
If there is a ring of truth to the Black Arts leak, it is that everyone involved came to ill. Not only did this happen to Germany and Europe, but in our own country, tragedies, scandals and poverty continue to befall the powerful as well as those who support the policies of empire.
Metaphysically, we can juxtapose cause & effect with choice and freedom. You can read "the Diamond Cutter" by Michael Roach, and learn that the sword hitting the loom is not pure chance, but the intentions of the actor. the mediator between cause and effect is divided into 6 categories: intentionality, emotional state, foreknowledge of all the factors,style of action, honest appraisal and ownership of consequences, and the merit of and your relationship to the object.
There are sometimes as many narratives as there are listeners, and some of those narratives lead right off the page.
"Who foresaw Sept. 11? Who foresaw 7/7?"
Start by asking the Israeli's, who had documented foreknowledge of both events.
"...if there really is such a thing as 'black magic,' and government scientists are experimenting with it, I suspect that they could be blindly running the same risks in dealing with such unknown forces as the 19th-century scientists who thought nothing of casually handling radium and other radioactive materials."
This gives the incorrect impression that today's practitioners of the left-hand path are naive dabblers, as opposed to the inheritors of an unbroken chain of dark acts over literally thousands of years, back to the Egyptian Mystery Schools and before, I'm sure.
"...when you look at the U.S. importation of virulent Nazi scientists, engineers and intelligence officers under Operation Sunrise and Project Paperclip, you really begin to see that America has picked up the Reich baton to head for a demonic finish line."
You bet. Nazi's, assiduously Bad. But the luciferic MASONS, whose all-seeing eye is on the back of your dollar bill, HIRED those Nazi Paperclip guys, and have never stopped OWNING them.
Bonesmen rule, right now, and they ruled just as surely when we got our Paperclip knowledge transfer from the hostiley-taken-over Nazi corporation.
p.s., around 1860 or so, top British Masons got going with their 'hey, let's create Palestine!' forward to the aforementioned Israeli's, with the all-seeing eye pyramid right on top of their Supreme Court building.
"[Charles Clarke] also refused to be drawn on media reports that there is no CCTV footage of the shooting of innocent Brazilian Jean Charles de Menezes, 27, on July 27 at Stockwell underground station. He said the whole incident was "worrying" and he would await the results of an inquiry into the death."
Worrying, yes, especially in that the latest I've heard is that the camera was 'turned off'. Who runs security in the tube? Why, will you look at that...the Israeli's!
A 'spellbinding' post, indeed, in which Nazi's are held up and shaken as the bogeymen, with cricket-chirping silence when it comes to their employers, the left-hand path Masonic/Kaballah crowd.
Disinformation is, indeed, mostly truth, with key omissions and a willful leading away of the reader from what the disinformer wishes to conceal.
thrulookingglass, don't forget the last three verses:
And the sign said "The words of the prophets are written on the subway walls,
And tenement halls,
And whispered in the sound of silence."
oooh...the masons......the all seeing eye?
you people have got to be kidding!
haven't you ever head of occam's razor?
either you believe events in the socio-political "spheres" are constantly in a fuzzy state of coincidence and happenstance or you believe that conspiratorial behaviour is a fundamental feature of mankind, specifically the ruling classes thereof....
I personally do not see why the PTB would be interested in bioactive, electromagnetically stimulatable nano-fibers do you? sort of like organic, inhalable RFID chips.....except these are capable of sequencing DNA on contact...
there's no way black ops technical programs with billions of dollars in covert funding could, or would develop such things...or programmable technodemons for that matter?
Anonymous said...
"A 'spellbinding' post, indeed, in which Nazi's are held up and shaken as the bogeymen, with cricket-chirping silence when it comes to their employers, the left-hand path Masonic/Kaballah crowd.
Disinformation is, indeed, mostly truth, with key omissions and a willful leading away of the reader from what the disinformer wishes to conceal."
Easy chief, I believe the great majority of the posters are sincere in their efforts to contribute what they know about this wet dream state the crime cults are constructing. It is an over-simplification to distill the entirety of this post to calculated disinformation or granting absolution to the puppet-masters. It insults the intelligence of the great majority of the posters who I believe absolutely have knowledge of the key players of the left-hand path. We are graciously provided this forum from Jeff and many of us are conscious of the fact that it would be in very poor form to beleaguer and quantify every single post with Rothschild, Oppenheimer, Rockefeller, CFR, Illuminati, Warburg, Round Table, this, that and the other.
We are talking about specific crimes at specific junctures. The Nazi's were brought up only to illustrate a continuity that the satanoids were horrifyingly and temporarily sucessful at manifesting.
The Nazi's aren't the poster-child for evil, nor do they hold a monopoly on monsterous behavior in the world. Need we examine the wickedness of America with Gitmo, Abu Ghraib, AIDS bio-warfare, lynchings, Hiroshima, Nagasaki, Laos Phoenix Projects, relative genocide and displacement of the Native peoples, etc.-- ad continuum.
How about Laos and Pol Pot? or in Belgium with King Leopold, Rwanda or Serbia anyone? Stalin in Russia? Pinochet, Duarte, Hussein or a thousand other cabal puppets. No one is letting Masons, Zionists, Kabbalah worshippers or any other denizens of the concentric circle heirarchy off. They were just not germain to this particular discussion at this particular time. It's much more progressive to be constructive rather than reductive in this forum.
Damn misspell!
The Federation of American Scientists (FAS) has a project investigating government secrecy. Perhaps a lot of you have already heard of it. In their latest email to me, there is this description of one their articles:
"To attack [America's electrical] grid, a terrorist need only study
publicly available trade journals, which explain where new
facilities are constructed," according to an op-ed in the New York
Times on August 13. "A terrorist could then disable a particular
system by destroying the computers and relays housed in the poorly
protected building."
The New York Times op-ed editor has an affinity for such claims
about the simplicity of perpetrating a disastrous act of terrorism.
On May 30, the Times published an op-ed article asserting that "a
terrorist," using a 27 page manual found online, could manufacture
gram quantities of botulinum toxin and cause tens or hundreds of
thousands of casualties. No lab scientist familiar with the
procedures involved would endorse that scenario, presented by a
Stanford business professor.
The notion of a hyper-competent terrorist who can easily overcome
the physical and technical obstacles that perplex and detain
ordinary mortals has become a common rhetorical trope in public
discussions of terrorism.
George Smith of conducted a Nexis search for the
phrase "easy for a terrorist" (and similar formulations) and found
about one hundred mainstream media citations over the past two
Judging from press reports, nearly everything comes "easy" to
"From food terror, to manipulating the flu virus, to blowing up
chemical plants, to getting driver's licenses, to coming across the
Mexican border, to buying large caliber guns, to shooting down
planes with ground-to-air missiles, to spreading hoof-and-mouth
disease and destroying the cattle industry, to paralyzing Los
Angeles by attacking power stations, to causing major blackouts, to
putting anthrax in bagged rice," Smith found. "There really is no
end to it. It's stupefying in its universality."
Such glib assessments of terrorist capabilities are worse than
simply wrong. They spread fear and a sense of helplessness, doing
the work of the terrorists, and they threaten to dissipate limited
security and financial resources in a hundred different directions.""
I think FAS may have a good point here: that the mainstream media may be setting up the public to expect a terrorist act to be easier to accomplish than it actually is -- all the better, in my view, to enable professionally trained black ops people to carry out a false flag attack under the erronious MSM claim of being pulled off by a bunch of Islamic extremist self-taught terrorists, or something of that sort.
The worst thing in this world, next to anarchy, is government.
Henry Ward Beecher
That government is best which governs least.
Thomas Paine
This 'easy for a terrorist' is definitely a trope receiving widening exposure. i can stop ruminating over the psychologist who shocked the dogs in the open cages, a favorite of one of SERE's consultants. it seems in the PsyWar, Futility Up is at least as valuable as Fear Up. Of course one man's futility is another's opportunity: if these articles aren't a cover for our own Manchurians, maybe NYT is begging a Real Terrorist(!?) to initiate action... Once the 'Universal Adversary' begins its autonomous existence, these clowns can really start to murder the shit out of people.
"can't stop" thinking of Martin Seligman, as discussed in Jane Mayer's "The Experiment," in The New Yorker.
I am often reminded of Jeff's comment about lobsters who "think it's SUPPOSED to be this hot".
Each time the temperature goes up a few degrees, there are soothing voices telling us it's for our own good.
Case in point: did you know that certain cars are equipped with GPS satellite tracking devices and hidden microphones? It's called TeleAid, and it's a wonderful device intended to protect us lobsters from CRIMINALS, who would otherwise be free to hurt good, law-abiding citizens and our children.
From the Washington Post: "New Tools for the Crime-Solver's Kit" (
"In July 2003 Carl E. Jones Jr. dragged Marna Plaia out of her Mercedes SUV, threw her to the ground and sped off in Plaia's car with her two toddlers strapped into the back seat.
Fortunately, the vehicle was equipped with TeleAid, a Global Positioning System (GPS) that pinpoints a vehicle's location and enables communication between the car's occupants and TeleAid employees. The system -- which ordinarily provides directions or helps motorists in case of an accident or a breakdown -- allowed TeleAid employees to track Jones's progress...
TeleAid also was able to listen to the sounds from inside the vehicle..."
They're bugging your car? They're tracking your every movement? Don't worry, be happy:
"For years, law enforcement and the criminal justice system have benefited from technological advances. Fingerprint technology, electronic surveillance and DNA analysis have made significant contributions to the ability of police to solve crimes and have assisted prosecutors in the effort to secure convictions.
"Even in the Jones carjacking, police did not listen into the car directly or track the car's progress themselves but had this information relayed to them by TeleAid workers. No secrecy is involved with either CDRs or GPS devices -- vehicle owner's manuals contain information about their existence and functions.
"Just as we are employing more sophisticated DNA analysis and other technological developments in the criminal justice system, so too must we take advantage of progress in automotive technology to improve investigations and prosecutions in vehicle-related crimes."
This is one thread -- it takes a "conspiracy theorist" to see that it is but one among many that form a tightening net (excuse the mixing of metaphors).
Jeff, I love your posts, but I am very uneasy about your emphasis on a "daemonic" or occult invisible Master behind the global conspiracy. Such beliefs are fed by the maniacal fantasies of a few very sick individuals and in turn, exacerbate their descent into madness.
Someone needs to stay sane, here, and see these individuals for what they are. Strip away the glamour and the glitz of enormous wealth and political power -- both of which, incidentally, they obtain FROM US, and they are revealed for what they are: vulnerable mortals, smart yes, but not smart enough to fool anyone who does not participate in his own self-deception.
Part of that glamour may reflect the confidence that they are serving Da Evil One Hisself, Master of the World Ha! Ha!, rather than their own inner whiny baby. Surely we should avoid playing our role in what is THEIR dream?
THEY are the people who are stealing our wealth and the wealth of other, ordinary people around the world, and using part of that wealth to keep themselves in power by any means, so that they can hold on to it and grab even more.
If you boil it down (uh oh! no pun intended), that's all it is. The other stuff is smoke and mirrors -- while you're watching the fireworks, someone's hand is in your pocket. At some point, even the most enthralled rube will have to notice that he and his family are starving, that he can't afford even those pleasures that used to be free.
Then and only then, will the poor shmuck discover that all those wonderful "protective" and "security" measures and devices that he allowed to be put in place, imprison him as surely as a lab rat trapped in a maze.
I certainly enjoy reading your blog Jeff. If there is even a slight chance that talking about the possibility of a false flag attack could forestall it then that's a good thing. I like how they talk about black helicopters as if they are a conspiracists wet dream. They used to laugh at people who talked about black helicopters and they obviously still do even after the proof that they do exist is beyond doubt.
Keep up the good work.
Who are the bad guys, really?
I had a friend in high school who was probably as close to the fringes of really questionable circles as anybody I've ever known. I post about her from time to time -- I'm not sure if I've mentioned her here yet or not.
Her parents were wealthy German-Jewish refugees. Her mother's family, she said, was so old and established that they considered the Rothschilds nouveau riche. When her mother was a teenager in the 30's, she was sent off to the nuns to learn embroidery. That was the level on which the family operated. When they decided it was time to get out from under Hitler, they just made their arrangements -- taking some care in the matter -- and left. That was how people like that handled things.
Her father's family wasn't quite as elite, but I think that was the side where there was some sort of connection to the Guggenheims. And there was her grandmother's circle of little old ladies who used to sit around and gossip about how Henry Kissenger was a bad son because he didn't phone his mother often enough.
My friend also used to joke about the relative they called "Uncle Leo the Nazi." (I think he must have been her great-uncle.) He wasn't an actual Nazi, of course, because they didn't let Jews be actual Nazis. But he thought like a Nazi, would have been a Nazi in a second if they'd let him, and was a great embarrassment to the family.
My friend spent a lot of time in the early 70's trying to figure out her family and its milieu and why they made her so nuts. I don't think she ever did sort it out. Eventually she moved to Texas and married a sheet rock worker just to put as much distance between her and all that as possible.
So who were those people? I can't believe they were demonic -- my friend may have had issues, but they weren't *those* kind of issues. It was more the way they assumed the world could be managed to their liking. That if you had enough money and influence, you could simply *handle* things instead of dealing with them.
I think Leo Strauss must have come out of that same elitist German-Jewish context, and that the Neocons picked up a lot of their attitudes from him. And I think those assumptions of entitlement and being able to *handle* things are what the Neocons have in common with the Bushes and their like.
Think about it. When ordinary folk like us have problems, we have to deal with them. We confront things, we adapt to things, and we live with the consequences of our actions. The elite doesn't do that. Instead of dealing with problems, they *handle* them. They buy their way out of difficulties, they destroy their opponents instead of negotiating with them, and they never live with the consequences.
I can see how black magic could appeal to people like that as one more way of *handling* problems rather than dealing with them. But it doesn't have to be actual black magic (any more than Uncle Leo was an actual Nazi.) It's the attitudes that count.
I don't think my friend married a sheet rock worker just to escape from her family. I think she desperately wanted life to be *real* and sheet rock was as real as it got.
"I can see how black magic could appeal to people like that as one more way of *handling* problems rather than dealing with them. But it doesn't have to be actual black magic (any more than Uncle Leo was an actual Nazi.) It's the attitudes that count."
Nazi is as Nazi does, I say. Following, see the Nazi's and the Zionists, dedicated followers of the left-hand path both, working merrily together from the top down on their respective populaces...
"While world Jewry was boycotting the Nazi regime in the '30s, the Jewish Agency in Jerusalem was propping up Hitler. A deal, called The Transfer Agreement, was cut whereby the Nazis would chase Germany's Jews to Palestine, and the Labor Zionists would force the immigrants to use their assets to buy only German goods. Once the Jewish Agency got the German Jews it wanted, those they secretly indoctrinated in the anti-Judaism of Shabtai Tzvi and Jacob Frank, they let the Nazis take care of the rest of European Jewry. The Holocaust was a eugenics program and Levi Eshkol played a major role in it."
"Let us not forget Moshe Sharrett, who had Rabbi Yoel Brand arrested in Aleppo in 1944 for proposing a practical way to save 800,000 Jews trapped in Hungary."
"I was in class and the men came to take us on a tour. They asked our names. The Ashkenazi children were told to return to their seats. The dark children were put on the bus."
They were to be used in a mass atomic experiment with an entire generation of Sephardi youths to be used as guinea pigs. Every Sephardi child was to be given 35,000 times the maximum dose of x-rays through his head. For doing so, the American government paid the Israeli government 300,000 Israeli liras a year. The entire Health budget was 60,000 liras. The money paid by the Americans is equivalent to billions of dollars today.
To fool the parents of the victims, the children were taken away on "school trips" and their parents were later told the x-rays were a treatment for the scourge of scalpal ringworm. 6,000 of the children died shortly after their doses were given, the many of the rest developed cancers that killed them over time and are still killing them now. While living, the victims suffered from disorders such as epilepsy, amnesia, Alzheimer's disease, chronic headaches and psychosis."
LET'S REPEAT: "the dark children were put on the bus."
So, is it Bad Nazi's oppressing innocent Good Jews, as we've been indoctrinated? Or is it 'Bad Jews set up innocent Good Nazi's'? That would be no, and no.
Would it be Bad Nazi's and Bad Zionists oppressing everyone who gets in the way of their respective luciferic racist programs? That would be 'yes'. With common man Germans and common man Jews the (mostly unwitting) victims.
The above post by anonymous sounds to me like neo-nazi hate speech, more holocaust denial...the government of Israel has never harmed children who were not terrorists, suicide bombing, etc...
The rebuilding of our temple will continue with or without the rest of the world, for Israel is at the center like the navel, the rest of the world doing our work like the arms, legs, hands, and feet.
The modern Jew is the only free person on the planet with our refuge in the land of milk and honey...
One day, it will not be such a secret that to be a Jew is to hold the true birthright...that even the lowliest of Jews is a King above all goyem.
The above post made my flesh crawl, although I hope it was just meant to stir the pot of honeybees.
What particularly got to me was "the government of Israel has never harmed children who were not terrorists, suicide bombing, etc."
Gee, what's the "etc."? I could fill in the blanks, but I want you to tell us, please.
"I hope it was just meant to stir the pot of honeybees."
Yes, to stir the pot, create conflict, and, most importantly, turn the thread away from the issues presented.
The key word there being 'issues'.
The amazing thing is that the show detailing the eugenicist X-Ray campaign acutally aired on Israeli TV (with no mention of it in the paper the next day, of course).
To anonymous re: One day...that even the lowliest of Jews is a King above all goyem.
Boy, you are in for a SURPRISE. Ever heard of the old saying , "Give someone enough rope and they'll hang themselves?" The universe will unfold as it should and the Zionist hegemony will eventually topple back upon them just as surely as every construct ever made by man.
"never harmed children who were not terrorists" - like infamous footage of the boy shot in his fathers arms by an israeli sniper, oh yes he was a terrorist. real heroes them - kings of terror.
Anybody notice how Bohemian Grove and Burning Man are perfect mirror images??
-- blog cross stream from key23
See attempted thread sidebar-ing/turning by sudden appearance of rabid, baiting 'Zionists' and others taking the bait...
With, remarkably, both the 'pro' and 'anti' Zionists avoiding the issues mentioned above, ESPECIALLY the Nazi/Zionist connection.
I would take a punt that the anonymous posts above particularly;
'One day, it will not be such a secret that to be a Jew is to hold the true birthright...that even the lowliest of Jews is a King above all goyem.'
are an attempt on someones part to sully this websites reputation (to serve who or whats agenda we can only guess). Visitors that cannot see through these 'hate posts' (for want of a better thought-crime) probably wouldn't get the message this website carries anyway.
there's no way black ops technical programs with billions of dollars in covert funding could, or would develop such things...or programmable technodemons for that matter?
Let me introduce you to Future Combat Systems sometime.
Artifical intelligence indeed.
And to paraphrase something Jeff's said before: it's not what we know to be fact, it's what they believe to be true.
It doesn't matter if black majik is smoke, mirrors, and silliness. If someone uses smoke and mirrors and silliness to kill you and 10 million others, it is still horrific evil and you are still quite dead. Even if you know the reason for it is a dark nightmare of the mind.
When you have various people using the 'anonymous' fallback, it gets confusing who is which one. Come on folks, if they want to trace who you are they will.
Anyway, to the Anonymous who posted in the info on the KOBAYASHI Maru, which is one of my favorite paradigms by the way, don't you think you should have credited the web site you lifted the description nearly verbatim from?
To Omega Man: I agree completely.
The Nazis didn't originate evil, evil is real and so is black magic and many groups in many societies have made use of it, whether or not there was a direct connection between all of them in an earthly sense, they all served and serve the same master, whose greatest victory comes when people stop believing in him.
The US may have had its evil groups before but by importing Nazis and Nazi technology after WWII, the US made the unequivocal (and alas, probably irrevocable) choice to go down the Dark Path.
I'm not getting into the Israel discussion because you can't criticize Israel or Zionism or Jews without being accused of being anti-Semitic, which I am not. I will say I think that the idea that the Israelis or the Jews are immune from all criticism due to the horrors of the Holocaust actually CONTRIBUTE firepower to the genuine anti-Semites.
I don't know why it's necessarily easier to believe that earth is controlled by space aliens than to believe in angels and demons. Frankly, I don't know who the evil entities are, only that they ARE evil and that they manifest as individuals; whether or not they actually are--whether Satan/Lucifer is a 'person' as we understand the term, or a force that can take personal form--I also don't know. I believe it to be probably that evil cannot be conclusively defeated, that it simply IS, always has been, and always will be, but I can't prove that. Maybe ultimately Satan WILL be thrown into the Lake of Fire, but it won't happen in my lifetime.
I DO however believe that evil can in specific instances and as specific evil-influenced human beings be fought to a standstill. However, in order to do that it is necessary to understand the enemy, and unfortunately, most 'good' people cannot in their wildest dreams understand the nature of evil and beings controlled by evil. That's why evil finds them such easy pickin's. I also believe that evil feeds on fear, and defeating it requires conquering that fear. I am not a Christian myself but I believe the Bible speaks truly when it says "Oppose the devil and he will flee from you." That doesn't mean he will give up trying to defeat you.
As Gandalf said in "Lord of the Rings" when Frodo said he wished the Ring had never come to him, "So do all who live to see such times. But that is not for them to choose." What we must choose is what to do with the time we have available to us. And that is to fight evil with knowledge, courage, and cunning.
"For us, there is only the trying. The rest is not our business."
~ T. S. Eliot, "East Coker"
Well put, Cassandra...
"It doesn't matter if black majik is smoke, mirrors, and silliness. If someone uses smoke and mirrors and silliness to kill you and 10 million others, it is still horrific evil and you are still quite dead. Even if you know the reason for it is a dark nightmare of the mind." kelley b.
Oh, but it does matter, very, very much. There is indeed a horrific evil, spreading its shadow over the earth -- this is undeniable. A look at the past year alone reveals nothing short of apocalyptic turbulence.
It's heartbreaking, there's too much innocent blood, it's sickening that the American people are allowing themselves to be enthralled by the exploits of Paris Hilton or Brad and Jen's love lives, or even ecstatic prayer, or whatever their mental refuge, so they won't see what horrors have been unleashed in their name, using the powers they've abdicated.
But for those of us who choose not to look at the birdie, but at the bitter reality, and even more important, who want to fight back, it is essential that we know and understand the TRUE nature of the beast we confront.
Although I don't accept it (sorry, Cassandra), let's say for the sake of argument that what we are confronting is satanic supernatural entities.
Are we also supposed to believe that they have no supernatural adversaries fighting on the side of Good, but are free to rampage through the world unopposed?
If they are supernaturally powerful and unopposed by their equals, then we should all throw in the towel right now, because we don't have a chance. In that case, martyrdom is the only moral option.
If they have supernatural, divine opposition, then we can appeal to our Divine Saviour through prayer, repentance and fasting, and/or good works.
On the other hand, if what we are dealing with is a bunch of assholes who have a lot of money and no conscience, who have access to high-tech weapons and advanced methods of mind-control (financed with our tax dollars), who have formed a corrupt global network of weak or evil co-conspirators, then we have no time to waste gazing at the pretty pink smoke or being fooled by what we think we see in the mirrors.
Maybe we can't beat them, but we can at least get information on them that will help narrow the target. How can one oppose an enemy made of shadows? If you shoot at a hologram, you're wasting your ammunition and pinpointing your location to the real, flesh and blood enemy.
That way, kelley b., they can continue to kill you and ten million others like a bunch of bewildered sheep to the slaughter, without ever revealing their own identity or location.
I'm willing to light candles and get on my knees, if there is any chance it will do any good. But I'd rather have them publicly revealed for what they are, defeated and insignificant, as around the world people open their eyes to what we're doing to ourselves and each other, either through our passivity and fear, or because we have chosen to believe their lies.
If we have accurate data about the nature and composition of the octopus, it will be much easier to determine precisely what each of us can concretely DO to thwart its plans.
Look at the resources they're putting into watching us, learning everything about us: from TIA to satellite tracking devices and bugs in our cars, cctv cameras everywhere, listening to our phones and tracking what we read, whether in books or on the net.
WE should be watching THEM. Remember, we are the majority, and we are everywhere. We work in their offices, we are their soldiers, we clean their houses, we are their bodyguards, we fix their airconditioners, we are the ones they send to do their dirty work. We do their taxes, we serve the drinks at their parties, we do the autopsies on their victims, we are the lowly reporters whose stories are spiked.
It was an "embedded" reporter who filmed the wounded men being shot by US soldiers in a mosque. The horrors of Abu Ghraib were photographed by members of the occupation forces. Cindy Sheehan is the mother of a soldier who served and died carrying out the criminal junta's orders. In occupied Palestine, piles of incriminating evidence are being gathered by morally outraged Jewish Israelis. I could go on and on. These people are risking their livelihoods and often their lives to get us the data we need.
It's up to us to tear our gaze away from the dazzling show and get to work, using what they've given us and setting up a resistance network to protect these brave individuals from retaliation.
Very well said, Alice.
Even a max security prison can only function if the inmates co-operate with the "authorities" rather than with each other for their own protection.
This is not to advocate a prison riot but to offer an analogie for what I think Alice is saying. Stop co-operating with the system and start to look for ways to protect each other.
Strategies as well as information are needed. Google "Gene Sharp" for a start.
The rebuilding of our temple will continue with or without the rest of the world, for Israel is at the center like the navel...One day, it will not be such a secret that to be a Jew is to hold the true birthright...that even the lowliest of Jews is a King above all goyem.
This is exactly why any solution to mideastern peace must involve pre-emptively nuking Israel and the whole of Palestine.
These Zionist Jews are extorting the US government.
The remaining Arab/Islamic countries of the region are open to moving ahead with building modern societies, even Iran, but it is always those disgusting Zionists stiring the pot.
Perhaps you misunderstand my intention, Alice.
The context of saying it does not matter was a little different than your apparent interpretation.
Evil does matter. The point was that it must be fought with whatever tools we can find. Whether it is the banal evil of a Washington bureaucrat approving the firebombing of Fallujah, the organized crime of rigging a national election, or the black majik a Luciferan taking over the Church, it is still evil. Its tactics don't matter, it should be opposed.
For example, there is a big chunk of the progressive blogsphere that avoids sites like this as if they were the plague, and won't talk about the Luciferan nature of the tactics of the Bu$h administration.
Most people won't admit the possibility that an overtly devout Christian might really be a covert Satanist.
Jeff does, though, and while I don't always agree with him, it makes me want to respect what he says.
Alice, you provide a lot of food for thought. Sometimes I feel that the fight is not worth it, that there is nothing that I can do as a person in this good vs. evil game (whether spawned by "assholes" or guys who dress up in red devil suits) but lately I have been seeing the cracks getting larger, for all to see, and I get hopeful that things will change. That hopefulness, at sometime in the near future, will inspire me to act. An example of the cracks can be seen at
This appeared silently one day near downtwon Phoenix. The area in which the billboard sits is in a neighborhood comprised of mostly (economically) poor blacks and Hispanics (mostly Mexican-Americans). I spent my formative years about 2 miles from this wonderful sign. I know many of the people in the neighborhood have kids or other relatives actually in Iraq or considering joining the military to get out of their current situations. What happens if one person's heart is changed by this sign? A dozen people's? I traced the billboard's origin back to a woman named Karen, an artist. Her lone action, like Cindy Sheehan's, is actively serving to chip away at Empire.
I am left with some heavy thoughts. What will my action be? And yours? It's clear that we can resist these forces, whatever their origin(s).
And I do light my Virgin of Guadalupe candle every day just to be on the safe side :-)
For those of you who have never read The Screwtape Letters, I present to you Letter #1. I think it is quite fotting to the topic at hand. Please keep in mind, I do not present this as a defense of Christianity against Atheism, but rather as an example of the psychology of "those" who would, and do, attempt to control our direction and fate.
Without further delay (and I don't mean Tom), Screwtape Letter #1:
Dear Mr. Wormwood,
I note what you say about guiding your patient's reading and taking care that he sees a good deal of his materialist friend. But are you not being a trifle naif? It sounds as if you supposed that argument was the way to keep him out of the Enemy's clutches. That might have been so if he had lived a few centuries earlier. At that time the humans still knew pretty well when a thing was proved and when it was not; and if it was proved they really believed it. They still connected thinking with doing and were prepared to alter their way of life as the result of a chain of reasoning. But what with the weekly press and other such weapons, we have largely altered that. Your man has been accustomed, ever since he was a boy, to having a dozen incompatible philosophies dancing about together inside his head. He doesn't think of doctrines as primarily "true" or "false," but as "academic" or "practical," "outworn" or "contemporary," "conventional" or "ruthless." Jargon, not argument, is your best ally in keeping him from the Church. Don't waste time trying to make him think that materialism is true! Make him think it is strong or stark or courageous—that it is the philosophy of the future. That's the sort of thing he cares about.
The trouble about argument is that it moves the whole struggle onto the Enemy's own ground. He can argue too; whereas in really practical propaganda of the kind I am suggesting He has been shown for centuries to be greatly the inferior of Our Father Below. By the very act of arguing you awake the patient's reason; and once it is awake, who can foresee the result! Even if a particular train of thought can be twisted so as to end in our favour, you will find that you have been strengthening in your patient the fatal habit of attending to universal issues and withdrawing his attention from the stream of immediate sense experiences. Your business is to fix his attention on the stream. Teach him to call it "real life" and don't let him ask what he means by "real."
Remember, he is not, like you, a pure spirit. Never having been a human (oh, that abominable advantage of the Enemy's!) you don't realise how enslaved they are to the pressure of the ordinary. I once had a patient, a sound atheist, who used to read in the British Museum. One day, as he sat reading, I saw a train of thought in his mind beginning to go the wrong way. The Enemy, of course, was at his elbow in a moment. Before I knew where I was I saw my twenty years' work beginning to totter. If I had lost my head and begun to attempt a defence by argument, I should have been undone. But I was not such a fool. I struck instantly at the part of the man which I had best under my control, and suggested that it was just about time he had some lunch. The Enemy presumably made the counter-suggestion (you know how one can never quite overhear what He says to them?) that this was more important than lunch. At least I think that must have been His line, for when I said, "Quite. In fact much too important to tackle at the end of a morning," the patient brightened up considerably; and by the time I had added "Much better come back after lunch and go into it with a fresh mind," he was already halfway to the door. Once he was in the street the battle was won. I showed him a newsboy shouting the midday paper, and a No. 73 bus going past, and before he reached the bottom of the steps I had got into him an unalterable conviction that, whatever odd ideas might come into a man's head when he was shut up alone with his books, a healthy dose of "real life" (by which he meant the bus and the newsboy) was enough to show him that all "that sort of thing" just couldn't be true. He knew he'd had a narrow escape, and in later years was fond of talking about "that inarticulate sense for actuality which is our ultimate safe guard against the aberrations of mere logic." He is now safe in Our Father's house.
You begin to see the point? Thanks to processes which we set at work in them centuries ago, they find it all but impossible to believe in the unfamiliar while the familiar is before their eyes. Keep pressing home on him the ordinariness of things. Above all, do not attempt to use science (I mean, the real sciences) as a defence against Christianity. They will positively encourage him to think about realities he can't touch and see. There have been sad cases among the modern physicists. If he must dabble in science, keep him on economics and sociology; don't let him get away from that invaluable "real life." But the best of all is to let him read no science but to give him a grand general idea that he knows it all and that everything he happens to have picked up in casual talk and reading is "the results of modern investigation." Do remember you are there to fuddle him. From the way some of you young fiends talk, anyone would suppose it was our job to teach!
Your affectionate uncle,
Here's where I'm forced to admit that I'm not an atheist.
If you believe that there are spiritual forces for evil, you most likely believe that there are spiritual forces for good, as well. Can either of those work independently of human will?
Maybe, but in such cases we call them "acts of God" or forces of nature and consider them neutral. Whatever moral significance we ascribe to them depends on our reactions (ie, do we kill our neighbour for that precious crust of bread or do we share the little we have? or do we do something entirely different? etc.)
When evil manifests itself through individuals, it is harder to accept and move on to concrete action to deal with the terrible results. We tend to focus on somehow making those responsible pay. But just as those "acts of God" serve to strip away our illusions about who and what we are, so do the evil acts of individuals.
Our first revelation concerns our willingness to face reality and overcome the urge to believe soothing lies until it's too late. Acts of God aren't preceded by a multi-million dollar PR campaign, nor are they accompanied by a chorus of "opinion-makers" explaining why they were necessary and the best response to a convincingly devised threat.
Just seeking the truth and continuing to demand answers in the face of all forms of intimidation and ridicule is evidence that we are rational, mature beings, a "hope"ful sign indeed.
Our second revelation comes when the information we have convinces us beyond a reasonable doubt that there is a conspiracy and that the fruits of this conspiracy are evil, evil defined for now as a breeding ground for cruelty, deception, pillage, injustice, hatred and fear of each other.
At that point, it's no longer enough to know -- one must devise a plan to act to clog the wheels, sabotage the evil machine, and the form of that action leads to another level of self-revelation. Because to know HOW to act, a person should first take stock of his or her unique self and where that self is located.
If you believe, as I do, that we are each created for a unique purpose and given the tools we need to accomplish that purpose, then we each have to take a realistic inventory of who we are, where we came from and where we are today, before going into this battle. Like any battle, there's some danger involved, so it's definitely not a good idea to go off half-cocked.
Assets include our membership in a community, particularly if we have built up a level of credibility and trust in that community, whether it is a religious, political or social group.
Another asset could be our employment in a particular company or political party, or labor group. Maybe we have a particular skill or talent, or access to certain strategic individuals, or an understanding of how something works.
So, Hilda, and so many others, like me, you're "lurking", watching and waiting, gathering knowledge, readying yourself, "hope"fully building up your assets, so that when the opportunity is presented to you -- and I guarantee it will -- you will be ready to recognize and play the role that was prepared just for you.
What a nice website for intelligent discussion! I found "Doom days" very interesting, and all the posted comments too! Especially Alice's ones!
Alice, did I say anything about limiting the opposition to evil to psalm-singing and candle lighting?
Unlike some of the people who are happy to tell you their cosmology and insist they're 100% right, I admitted that I don't know exactly how the universe works, but I know what I've seen in half a century on the planet, and I'd rather go by my own experiences and reasoning than what someone tells me and that goes as much for New Agers as Fundy Bible Thumpers.
There is absolutely no logical reason why if there are evil nonhuman intelligences there have to be good ones as well. Maybe there are and maybe there ain't. Examining recorded human history, I find it impossible to believe that Good is stronger than Evil. I sometimes even find it impossible to believe the good forces exist, but once in awhile I see something that makes me believe it IS possible. What I've also seen however is that the old cliche "God helps those who help themselves" is absolutely true. Good actions are often assisted by what nonbelievers would call fortuitous coincidences and believers would call the operation of the good nonhuman intelligences. I'm not OPPOSED to prayer, but I believe more strongly in sweat equity: working for good, not just asking Whoever to grant it as a boon because we have dimples on our butts.
So practically speaking, it doesn't matter if there are or are not supernatural forces: either way, evil people must be resisted by good people with, as I said, knowledge, courage and cunning. As another famous saying goes, evil can only triumph when good people do nothing (Edmund Burke?)
HOWEVER if in fact supernatural evil forces DO exist (and no one has to my knowledge ever been able to prove they do NOT), it would behoove anyone interested in effectively fighting evil to familiarize themselves with the way that evil works. "The Screwtape Letters" is a great book, but my guess is that anyone over the age of 4 who has been paying attention has begun to formulate a theodicy of evil. Ask the little kid who's victimized by the bully, or the one who's sexually or physically abused.
Evil invariably involves the following: deliberate lying/deceit; abuse of power and authority; predation on the weak and unprotected. Often, as noted by Scott Peck in "People of the Lie", evil people pose as good ones, just as Satan is said to be able to appear as an 'angel of light.' However, to those with discernment, the lack of REAL goodness of these people is apparent (ie, they are hypocrites.)
Also by kindergarten age most people begin to grasp what is necessary to stop evil: unmasking of lies, appeal to legitimate authority and properly exercised power, solidarity (1 bully plus 30 angry kids determined to stop him = 1 less bully), persistence/tenacity (since evil never goes down without a fight, a trait that good people might try emulating before shrugging 'You can't fight City Hall' or 'It's hopeless they're too strong.')
Arguing about whether Satan is a person or a concept is counterproductive if used as an excuse not to act against evil, and the Old Nick just loves to watch people get bogged down yelling at each other while he gets away ;).
On the other hand, throwing the possibility out that there are forces which are either manipulating human conflicts or can be invoked as weapons in them also ultimately weakens the struggle against evil, because whether or not what those black magicians are calling up is Satan, an impersonal evil force, or 'only' the concentrated evilness of the magician himself, what is called up DOES have power that must be factored into the struggle against it if that struggle is to succeed.
Darkness is not anything in itself. You can't go get a box full of darkness, or bring it into material form. Darkness is the absence of light, and the two cannot exist together in the same place. Light is someTHING: quantum mechanics tells us it comes in waves, we've measured how fast it travels. We CAN and DO create light in our physical world to make it safer. I believe that in a spiritual sense, 'light' is right intention and right action, as the Buddha taught, the Golden Rule as Jesus taught. Everything a person thinks, says, or does that is spiritually 'light' dissipates the darkness and makes it impossible for the darkness to inhabit that same space. Sometimes that is absolutely literal: bringing hidden secrets of the evil ones out into the light of day, exposing their real nature, their true intentions and actions and nature so they can no longer deny their real purpose is evil. Like the old song says:
This little light of mine, I'm gonna let it shine
Every day, every day, every day, every way,
Gonna let my little light shine.
Light that shines is the light of love,
Hides the darkness from above,
Shines on me and it shines on you,
Shows you what the power of love can do.
Shine my light both bright and clear,
Shine my light both far and near,
In every dark corner that I find,
Let my little light shine.
Wow, Cassandra, I agree with every word you wrote -- in fact, it was a bit strange to read your views and find them identical to my own. Thank you for expressing them and giving me that weird sense of being connected to others "of my own kind", if that is not too presumptuous.
No, Alice, not presumptuous at all.
The web allows us to find people who share our views whom we would not encounter in daily life without it.
Knowing other people are 'out there' who are not asleep, as Jeff's new post put it, helps to keep the despairing feelings at bay.
But the time will come when we will have to do more than blog or read blogs, or the Dark Side is going to win.
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obat kutil kelamin herbal
Cara Pengobatan Gonore Yang Tepat Dan Efektif
obat kutil kelamin
obat kutil kelamin herbal
obat sipilis herbal dan efektif
obat sipilis ampuh
terimakasih banyak informasinya.. Simak juga artikel kita dibawah ini yah gan..!!
obat sipilis
obat sipilis
obat sipilis
obat sipilis
obat sipilis
obat sipilis
obat sipilis
obat sipilis
obat sipilis
obat sipilis
obat sipilis
obat sipilis
obat sipilis
obat sipilis
obat sipilis
obat sipilis
obat sipilis
obat sipilis
obat sipilis
obat sipilis
obat sipilis
obat sipilis
obat sipilis
obat sipilis
obat sipilis
obat sipilis
obat sipilis
obat sipilis
obat sipilis
obat sipilis
obat sipilis
obat sipilis
obat sipilis
obat kutil kemaluan pada wanita - obat kutil kemaluan di apotik
nama obat kutil kemaluan di apotik - obat ambeyen wasir yg sudah terbukti
Cara efektif menghilangkan kutil kemaluan - obat herbal untuk kutil kemaluan - kemaluan
kutil kemaluan di penghujung mr.p - harga obat kutil di kemaluan parah
Obat untuk mengobati kutil di kemaluan parah - obat manjur buat ambeien parah
Obat kutil di kemaluan BPOM - obat kutil kemaluan laki-laki
Pengobatan herbal ampuh kutil kemaluan - obat kutil kemaluan wanita
Pengobatan wasir ambeien di kota jogja Yogyakarta DIY - Pengobatan wasir ambeien di kota Batam Kepulauan Riau
obat kutil di anus - obat alami untuk kutil pada kemaluan pria wanita
obat kutil untuk selangkangan - harga obat kutil kemaluan
obat kutil kemaluan herbal alami - obat kutil kemaluan bermutu
obat tradisional ambeien wasir - cara cepat mengobati dan menghilangkan kutil kelamin
obat wasir ambeien tanpa operasi - Pengobatan kutil kelamin pada laki-laki
obat wasir ambeien bpom - Obat untuk mengobati kutil kelamin
obat manjur buat ambeien parah - Obat kutil kelamin dan kutil kemaluan
obat alami ambeien untuk ibu hamil - Cara mengatasi kutil kelamin
obat alami ambeien luar - Cara mudah mengatasi dan mengobati kutil kelamin
obat alami ambeien berdarah - cara menghilangkan dan mengobati kutil kemaluan
obat ampuh ambeien wasir terdaftar BPOM - cara cepat mengobati dan menghilangkan kutil kemaluan
Penyakit kencing nanah bisa disebabkan oleh beberapa faktor seperti seks bebas, penularan, virus hpv, lingkungan, gaya hidup dan lainnya, Maka dari itu kita harus waspada dengan penyakit kencing nanah ini, karena penyakit kencing nanah sangatlah berbahaya, Namun untuk anda yang menderita penyakit kencing nanah, maka anda tidak perlu khawatir,
Bagi anda yang sedang mencari obat herbal buat kencing nanah atau gonore, kami sarankan untuk memilih obat herba dari De Nature dengan nama Gang jie dan Gho Siah sebagai pengobatan alternatif tradisional alami untuk kencing nanah atau gonore.
ayo belajar berhitung 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 wis lah selot sue kesel...............
Bismillahhirrohmaanirrokhim.... *********************************
MANTAB *************************************
Bismillahirrohmannirrokhim ........................
Sebelum kita membahas tentang pengobatan ambeien, dalam kesempatan ini
saya ingin menjelaskan sekilas tentang ambeien, agar kita semua bisa
memahami benar apa itu penyakit ambeien
Bismillahirrohmannirrokhim .........................
Trims, sangat membantu
Thanks semoga bermanfaat
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