The Sheep Look Up
Fatima, Oct 13, 1917

Last week I suggested that UFO encounters may be a subset of religious phenomenon. I thought that begged an exploration of how religious manifestations can mirror those of UFOs, and how both may be mechanisms of control for non-human agents.
But first, if anyone's missed it, I'll say again: the assumption that UFOs are extraterrestrial spacecraft does not explain the data. The phenomenon is too weird and too diverse, and even too common, to be accounted for by survey teams from Zeta Reticuli, the Pleiades, the planet "Ummo," or any other home the "aliens" have identified. (And I find it a fascinating frustration that many of those convinced of a massive government cover-up fall over themselves to accept the words of non-human entities.) So before I bring in the religious material, let me be clear that I consider the "God rides a spaceship" hypothesis popularized by Erich von Daniken to be a crude, backwards misapprehension of what's going on. It is simply not strange enough to account for the hyperreality of both the God Event and the UFO phenomenon, which may be virtually identical.
As today is May 13 let's start with Fatima, since it was on this day in 1917 that the "Lady from Heaven" first appeared to the young cousins Lucia, Jacinta and Francisco. (Though manifestations began two years earlier, when the then-eight year old Lucia first saw a transparent white cloud in human form. In 1916, the three were visited by a beautiful boy who identified himself as the "Angel of Peace." His appearance followed a loud rumble and a white light which glided over the tree tops. The appearences left the children momentarily paralyzed, confused and physically drained - all symptoms familiar to students of close encounters.)
In broad strokes, this is the story: on the 13th day of the month, for six successive months, three young Portuguese children received visions of a small, brightly glowing figure of a woman, who appeared with attendant aerial manifestations of globes and rays of light. The events increased in intensity until the promised miracle of the final appearance, on Octorber 13, which drew a crowd of some 70,000.
Avelino de Almeida, editor of the Lisbon newspaper O Seculo, had written dismissively of the growing legend of Fatima on the morning of the predicted miracle. A few hours later, he became a witness to the event:
From the road, where the vehicles were parked and where hundred of people who had not dared to brave the mud were congregated, one could see the immense multitude turn toward the sun, which appeared free from clouds and in its zenith. It looked like a plaque of dull silver and it was possible to look at it without the least discomfort. It might have been an eclipse which was taking place. But at that moment a great shout went up and one could hear the spectators nearest at hand shouting:
"A miracle! A miracle!" Before the astonished eyes of the crowd, whose aspect was Biblical as they stood bareheaded, eagerly searching the sky, the sun trembled, made sudden incredible movements outside any cosmic laws - the sun "danced" according to the typical expression of the people.
Another witness was natural science professor Joseph Garrett:
This was not the sparkling of a heavenly body, for it spun round on itself in a mad whirl, when suddenly a clamor was heard from all the people. The sun, whirling, seemed to loosen itself from the firmamant and advance threateningly upon the earth as if to crush us with its huge fiery weight. The sensation during these moments was terrible.
Nine miles away Joaquim Lourenco was so impressed by what he saw that he became a priest:
I feel incapable of describing what I saw. I looked fixedly at the sun which seemed pale and did not hurt my eyes. Looking like a ball of snow, revolving on itself, it suddenly seemed to come down in a zig-zag, menacing the earth.... There was an unbeliever there who had spent the morning mocking the "simpletons" who had gone off to Fatima just to see an ordinary girl. He now seemed paralyzed, his eyes fixed on the sun. He began to tremble from head to foot, and lifting up his arms, fell on his knees in the mud, crying out to God.
Poet Alfonso Lopes Viera witnessed the phenomenon from the oceanside town of San Pedro der Muel, though it is 30 miles from Fatima. It was also viewed in Pombal, 32 miles north. "The total land-area of visibility, based on witness interview, was approximately 32 by 20 miles." Yet no observatory recorded it.
A final witness, Maria Teresa of Chainca:
The sky was covered with clouds and it rained much. We could not see the sun. Then suddenly, at noon, the clouds drew away and the sun appeared as if it were trembling. It seemed to come down. It began spinning like a fire-wheel in the pagan feasts. It stopped for a few minutes and again started rolling, perhaps in a diameter of more than a meter while we could look at it as though it were the moon. Things all around turned into different colors.
Let's pay close attention to this: before the miracle, the sky was overcast. "We could not see the sun." Then, at the appointed time, the clouds parted as though they were curtains, and where the sun should be, now was a dull silver disc, revolving on itself, that could be observed directly without harming the eyes. Then it was seen to descend in a zig-zag pattern, spinning and flashing lights to psychotronic effect. Sound familiar?
(Also worth noting is that the heavy rains had soaked the ground and the thousands of spectators. Yet it was reported that the phenomenon quickly dried the earth, as well as the clothes of those in attendance. Microwave heat effects are also quite common to UFO encounters.)
The 1930 decision of the Roman Catholic Church on the validity of the Fatima miracle, arrived at after 13 years of investigations, states that though no astronomical observatory reported the phenomenon, it was nevertheless "witnessed by persons of all categories...believers and unbelievers, journalists of the principal Portuguese newspapers and even by persons some miles away. Facts which annul any explanation of collective illusion."
It was not a collective illusion, for the reasons mentioned. But neither was it the sun, for the same reasons.
In Dimensions, Jacques Vallee has this to say about Fatima's phenomena:
Not only was a flying disc or globe consistently involved, but its motion, its falling-leaf trajectory, its light effects, the thunder-claps, the buzzing sounds, the strange fragrance, the fall of "angel hair" that dissolves upon reaching the ground, the heat wave associated with the close approach of the disk - all of these are frequent parameters of UFO sightings everywhere. And so are the paralysis, the amnesia, the conversions, and the healings.
Many UFO researchers, particularly those who regard themselves as "serious," likely recoil at this material, and either dismiss it without consideration as pre-modern superstition which threatens to "contaminate" the hard data, or worse, attempt to divest the experience of its religious content. But wait: the religious effect is the point of the contact event.
As would seem to be the case with UFO encounters, the point of the manifestation is self-evidently the effect upon the witnesses. Whether to induce terror, or wonder, or worship, the effect is socio-religious. And if we can say this about Fatima, then it would be fair to admit that this has probably been going on for some time. Say, maybe, for all of human existence.
UFO contactees are generally inclined to accept that non-human entities are telling them the truth. So also religious visionaries tend to accept without question the integrity of their visions. But regardless of her bag of tricks, just because a Lady says she came from Heaven, doesn't mean she came from Heaven. As UFO encounters are often self-contradictory, so too are alleged appearences of the Blessed Virgin Mary, or "BVM," as Vallee coins them. For instance, the recent apparitions of the Virgin at Medjugorje deliver a message of feel-good ecumenism quite foreign to the Lady of Fatima. (Malachi Martin judged the Medjugorje manfestations "clearly demonic.")
Yet there is a recurrent theme, common to both UFOs and BVMs : a warning of apocalypse soon. Why would that be?
Sister Lucia, the last survivor of the three children of Fatima (as prophesied, the other two died in their youth), passed away on February 13. (Yes, the 13th: the same day of the month on which the Fatima visions occured.) Her convent cell was ordered sealed by then-Cardinal Ratzinger, now Benedict XVI (And yes; Benedict XV was Pope at the time of Lucia's childhood visions.) It was Ratzinger who disseminated the story that Fatima's Third Secret was no biggie; it had been fulfilled in the assassination attempt on John Paul II.
Now, why would he do a thing like that?

Last week I suggested that UFO encounters may be a subset of religious phenomenon. I thought that begged an exploration of how religious manifestations can mirror those of UFOs, and how both may be mechanisms of control for non-human agents.
But first, if anyone's missed it, I'll say again: the assumption that UFOs are extraterrestrial spacecraft does not explain the data. The phenomenon is too weird and too diverse, and even too common, to be accounted for by survey teams from Zeta Reticuli, the Pleiades, the planet "Ummo," or any other home the "aliens" have identified. (And I find it a fascinating frustration that many of those convinced of a massive government cover-up fall over themselves to accept the words of non-human entities.) So before I bring in the religious material, let me be clear that I consider the "God rides a spaceship" hypothesis popularized by Erich von Daniken to be a crude, backwards misapprehension of what's going on. It is simply not strange enough to account for the hyperreality of both the God Event and the UFO phenomenon, which may be virtually identical.
As today is May 13 let's start with Fatima, since it was on this day in 1917 that the "Lady from Heaven" first appeared to the young cousins Lucia, Jacinta and Francisco. (Though manifestations began two years earlier, when the then-eight year old Lucia first saw a transparent white cloud in human form. In 1916, the three were visited by a beautiful boy who identified himself as the "Angel of Peace." His appearance followed a loud rumble and a white light which glided over the tree tops. The appearences left the children momentarily paralyzed, confused and physically drained - all symptoms familiar to students of close encounters.)
In broad strokes, this is the story: on the 13th day of the month, for six successive months, three young Portuguese children received visions of a small, brightly glowing figure of a woman, who appeared with attendant aerial manifestations of globes and rays of light. The events increased in intensity until the promised miracle of the final appearance, on Octorber 13, which drew a crowd of some 70,000.
Avelino de Almeida, editor of the Lisbon newspaper O Seculo, had written dismissively of the growing legend of Fatima on the morning of the predicted miracle. A few hours later, he became a witness to the event:
From the road, where the vehicles were parked and where hundred of people who had not dared to brave the mud were congregated, one could see the immense multitude turn toward the sun, which appeared free from clouds and in its zenith. It looked like a plaque of dull silver and it was possible to look at it without the least discomfort. It might have been an eclipse which was taking place. But at that moment a great shout went up and one could hear the spectators nearest at hand shouting:
"A miracle! A miracle!" Before the astonished eyes of the crowd, whose aspect was Biblical as they stood bareheaded, eagerly searching the sky, the sun trembled, made sudden incredible movements outside any cosmic laws - the sun "danced" according to the typical expression of the people.
Another witness was natural science professor Joseph Garrett:
This was not the sparkling of a heavenly body, for it spun round on itself in a mad whirl, when suddenly a clamor was heard from all the people. The sun, whirling, seemed to loosen itself from the firmamant and advance threateningly upon the earth as if to crush us with its huge fiery weight. The sensation during these moments was terrible.
Nine miles away Joaquim Lourenco was so impressed by what he saw that he became a priest:
I feel incapable of describing what I saw. I looked fixedly at the sun which seemed pale and did not hurt my eyes. Looking like a ball of snow, revolving on itself, it suddenly seemed to come down in a zig-zag, menacing the earth.... There was an unbeliever there who had spent the morning mocking the "simpletons" who had gone off to Fatima just to see an ordinary girl. He now seemed paralyzed, his eyes fixed on the sun. He began to tremble from head to foot, and lifting up his arms, fell on his knees in the mud, crying out to God.
Poet Alfonso Lopes Viera witnessed the phenomenon from the oceanside town of San Pedro der Muel, though it is 30 miles from Fatima. It was also viewed in Pombal, 32 miles north. "The total land-area of visibility, based on witness interview, was approximately 32 by 20 miles." Yet no observatory recorded it.
A final witness, Maria Teresa of Chainca:
The sky was covered with clouds and it rained much. We could not see the sun. Then suddenly, at noon, the clouds drew away and the sun appeared as if it were trembling. It seemed to come down. It began spinning like a fire-wheel in the pagan feasts. It stopped for a few minutes and again started rolling, perhaps in a diameter of more than a meter while we could look at it as though it were the moon. Things all around turned into different colors.
Let's pay close attention to this: before the miracle, the sky was overcast. "We could not see the sun." Then, at the appointed time, the clouds parted as though they were curtains, and where the sun should be, now was a dull silver disc, revolving on itself, that could be observed directly without harming the eyes. Then it was seen to descend in a zig-zag pattern, spinning and flashing lights to psychotronic effect. Sound familiar?
(Also worth noting is that the heavy rains had soaked the ground and the thousands of spectators. Yet it was reported that the phenomenon quickly dried the earth, as well as the clothes of those in attendance. Microwave heat effects are also quite common to UFO encounters.)
The 1930 decision of the Roman Catholic Church on the validity of the Fatima miracle, arrived at after 13 years of investigations, states that though no astronomical observatory reported the phenomenon, it was nevertheless "witnessed by persons of all categories...believers and unbelievers, journalists of the principal Portuguese newspapers and even by persons some miles away. Facts which annul any explanation of collective illusion."
It was not a collective illusion, for the reasons mentioned. But neither was it the sun, for the same reasons.
In Dimensions, Jacques Vallee has this to say about Fatima's phenomena:
Not only was a flying disc or globe consistently involved, but its motion, its falling-leaf trajectory, its light effects, the thunder-claps, the buzzing sounds, the strange fragrance, the fall of "angel hair" that dissolves upon reaching the ground, the heat wave associated with the close approach of the disk - all of these are frequent parameters of UFO sightings everywhere. And so are the paralysis, the amnesia, the conversions, and the healings.
Many UFO researchers, particularly those who regard themselves as "serious," likely recoil at this material, and either dismiss it without consideration as pre-modern superstition which threatens to "contaminate" the hard data, or worse, attempt to divest the experience of its religious content. But wait: the religious effect is the point of the contact event.
As would seem to be the case with UFO encounters, the point of the manifestation is self-evidently the effect upon the witnesses. Whether to induce terror, or wonder, or worship, the effect is socio-religious. And if we can say this about Fatima, then it would be fair to admit that this has probably been going on for some time. Say, maybe, for all of human existence.
UFO contactees are generally inclined to accept that non-human entities are telling them the truth. So also religious visionaries tend to accept without question the integrity of their visions. But regardless of her bag of tricks, just because a Lady says she came from Heaven, doesn't mean she came from Heaven. As UFO encounters are often self-contradictory, so too are alleged appearences of the Blessed Virgin Mary, or "BVM," as Vallee coins them. For instance, the recent apparitions of the Virgin at Medjugorje deliver a message of feel-good ecumenism quite foreign to the Lady of Fatima. (Malachi Martin judged the Medjugorje manfestations "clearly demonic.")
Yet there is a recurrent theme, common to both UFOs and BVMs : a warning of apocalypse soon. Why would that be?
Sister Lucia, the last survivor of the three children of Fatima (as prophesied, the other two died in their youth), passed away on February 13. (Yes, the 13th: the same day of the month on which the Fatima visions occured.) Her convent cell was ordered sealed by then-Cardinal Ratzinger, now Benedict XVI (And yes; Benedict XV was Pope at the time of Lucia's childhood visions.) It was Ratzinger who disseminated the story that Fatima's Third Secret was no biggie; it had been fulfilled in the assassination attempt on John Paul II.
Now, why would he do a thing like that?

If you want to read an interesting UFO/religion parallel, read Dean Koontz's recent book, The Taking.
Cool post! Thanks for an interesting connection. Makes a lot of sense.
I think one fact we need to come to grasp with is that we have no idea what UFO's really are and who/what inhabits them. Even if the happy green space alien lands at the UN, how would we know where, when, & what it came from? What proof could it offer of it's origin? Further, what fact checking could us barely lunar explorers seek (assuming we landed on the moon :o) ) ? It is possible these beings are interdimentional, time travellers, inter-planetary, spirutual or all of the above. I can't help thinking that a malovelent alien could choose to represent itself to humans as a "spirutual" force to alter and divide humans for decades/centuries to come. I mean, think of all the good that has come from organized religions?! As if the current divide between Muslims and Christians isn't enough. Do we need to go through the history of religious divides and conflicts?! What a wonderful way to manipulate the human race. Use your holographic projector (what have you) to create a beautiful angel and tell them self fulfilling prophecies. Clearly an act of God. Anyone remember what the Mexican's thought when Cortez's men got off their horses? The Gods have split in two!
“Chicago. Sunday 14 May 1967.
The news media repot that the Pope went to Fatima yesterday. Fifty years ago three little shepherds saw a UFO and its occupant there, with the theological implications we all know. The Pope visiting a saucer landing site…and American crowds watching the event through the wonders of the Early Bird artificial satellite. I find this mixture of mysticism and technology quite amazing.”
Vallee, Jacques: Forbidden Science.
Fun stuff.
where'd the picture come from???
I pulled the photo from a Fatima site, I don't remember which. There are a number of photos of the crowd, but reportedly the phenomenon could not be captured by cameras of the time.
"... one fact we need to come to grasp with is that we have no idea what UFO's really are and who/what inhabits them."
Strictly in terms of science and physics this may be correct. However, allow me to hold forth that both the apparent nature and behavior of these phenomena is highly compatible and even corroborative of the biblical understanding of demons. In that sense then, we do actually have at least one idea as to who/what they are.
Ultimately, the distinction between "extraterrestrial" (i.e UFO) phenomena and religious phenomena (i.e. visions and miracles) is false.
The former requires such a violation of our currently understood laws of physics, i.e. 4-dimensional space-time, that you can think of it as "miraculous" and existing "outside of" time. But those qualities are usually ascribed to religious phenomena. So, both types of manifestations have the same essential character.
The problem of discernment is a difficult and heavy one, and theologians are no strangers to it. Is any particular manifestation angelic or demonic? Always hard to tell from our point of view.
My personal opinion is that the universe is essentially amoral. That is, outside the human viewpoint, there is no good or evil. It is always safe to assume that any being that is manifesting has its own agenda, which may or may not coincide with your own. It is never safe to assume that the being is bearing a free gift out of pure altruism.
Say Jeff:
couple questions:
"...and where the sun should be, now was a dull silver disc, revolving on itself, that could be observed directly without harming the eyes. Then it was seen to descend in a zig-zag pattern, spinning and flashing lights to psychotronic effect. Sound familiar?"
What are you alluding to? The NYC New Years thing? Don't know for sure cause I don't think I have ever watched it. But it was interesting that one witness compared it to "... a fire wheel of the Pagan feasts". I would think all three are symbols of Lucifer tumbling down from heaven.
" Now, why would he do a thing like that?"
Perhaps you are leading into a future post. Are you implying that he is misleading, and there was some other 3rd secret? You got me hooked.
Look who B16 has appointed to his old job.
And this is related to yesterday's subject. They think it is just for welfare checks.
"It was not a collective illusion, for the reasons mentioned. But neither was it the sun, for the same reasons."
The absence of reports from astronomical observatories seems a bit of a stretch for such a certainty against the sun. How many observatories in 1917 can one expect to be in daytime use, tracking the activity of the sun?
To suggest that any object other than the sun was at play, you must assume that every witness somehow failed to notice the alternate location of the actual SUN.
"BVM" is not a Vallee coinage, but is widely used.
I first recall seeing the abbreviation maybe 20 years ago, in a NY Times article in which a guy working at a lawn and garden store was moving around their stock of BVMs.
No, it could have been in the exact position of the sun, with another layer of higher clouds behind or above it. Or, with the day being overcast it could have just been shifted a little from the sun's actual position, and then when the clouds parted to reveal the pinwheeling orb, people were misled to associate it with the sun. Funny how that works with the human mind. Or it could have actually been the sun, with atmospheric lensing manipulations being used to create an illusion.
Could this have a been a display to deceive/condition the masses, but also be recognized by the illumined, as conveying some occult message?
If the Sun made such wild motion it would likely destroy the Earth, let alone be noticed by observatories. So it was either a mass illusion or something else.
That clouds obscured the Sun until just before the miracle suggests to me that the reported dull, silver disk transposed itself between the Sun and Fatima.
As a witness said, "It might have been an eclipse which was taking place."
The best scifi treatment of the above I have read is by Stephen Baxter.
Also, I would like to reclaim the word "alien" from the space brothers. "Alien" doesn't necessarily mean from another planet.
Dunno if you've seen this Jeff, but I came upon this site recently, and I thought you and others might find it of interest:
A comparative analysis from a Vallee-esque perspective. Good stuff, but beware of popup ads.
Thanks albion, I hadn't seen that link before.
"Also, I would like to reclaim the word "alien" from the space brothers. "Alien" doesn't necessarily mean from another planet."
Would be nice, wouldn't it? I don't know if it's possible to reclaim "UFO" either, it's been encrusted with so much nonsense.
I don't know how widely shared my views are likely to be, but I always start by assuming that phenomena like these are of human origin and I'm very reluctant to bring aliens of any sort into the picture.
My take on things is that we humans have two ways of experiencing the world. One has to do with the conscious mind, individual identity, consensus reality, ordinary cause-and-effect, and so forth. The other is subconscious, collective, and largely ineffable. It filters into the conscious mind only in the form of symbols -- images drawn from ordinary experience but bizarrely altered in order to reflect something of our experience of non-ordinary reality.
These symbols are the stuff of dreams and hallucinations and poetry -- but at certain times, in those who are so disposed, or in entire populations at moments of particular intensity, they can take the form of waking (or even shared) apparitions.
The real questions are what this collective unconsciousness *wants* of us, and why it often seems to be associated with manifestations that are downright evil.
Here, again, opinions may differ, but my own impression is that its function is to jump-start us into the next evolutionary leap -- that it is the psychic equivalent of those biological mechanisms which can cause bacteria to mutate productively under conditions of stress.
As to the associations with evil, here I tend to trust the traditional mystical writings which suggest that such things are the product of a machinery that isn't yet working quite smoothly -- or that the powers of the unconsciousness can be activated by certain means (ranging from drugs to criminality) which are seductively easy in the short run but counter-productive in the long run -- or simply that power-hungry men will always be attracted to sources of power, and that this is as true in occultism as it is in politics.
Whatever the actual details, I am very strongly inclined to trust those ancient traditions and accept their assessment that the malign phenomena you've been surveying represent only a low-level perversion of the true powers of the mind.
Many alien abductees have reported religious imagery and/or elaborate "staging" by aliens (in other words, deceitful behavior apparently used to test the emotional responses of humans) as part of their experience(s). Some abductees, like Betty Lucca, even firmly believe that the aliens who abducted them are emissaries of God (or angels) - because the aliens told them so. There are so many common features between Marian/angelic visitations and the abduction phenomena that it becomes impossible to separate the two experiences. If these are purely mental experiences, the parallels make perfect sense. If the phenomena is external, we must find out if one intelligence is responsible for everything from Marian visitations to the telepathic images of apocolypse that aliens sometimes transmit to their human subjects. Is a vast array of paranormal phenomena pointing in the same direction - to the end of the world as we know it? Or are we projecting our fears of global catastrophe so strongly that they take on the shapes of ET-saviours and the Mother of God?
Forgive me if I may seem obtuse here but, why is it so difficult to accept the story on its face: that it was an apparition of the Blessed Virgin Mary accompanied by a miracle allowed by God?
I mean, really - if God can create the Universe and hang the sun, moon, and stars in the sky and keep the earth spinning, then it ain't nothin' but a thing to make the sun spin for a few minutes for 70,000 witnesses.
God has historically allowed all sorts of exravagant miracles of a grand scale (the parting of the Red Sea comes to mind, and St. Paul being struck blind on the road to Damascus) when he is trying to get a particular message across to us rather thick-headed creatures and unbelievers alike. Why try to impress ourselves with our so-called "scientific knowledge" by coming up with an even more preposterous explanation? Isn't there an axiom about the simplest explanation usually being the best?
Our Lady came with a very simple request (to pray the rosary and offer penances, and to consecrate Russia to her Immaculate Heart) and a warning of God's coming Chastisement - another thing He has historically done when He is displeased with us.
He always warns us first to give us a chance to repent, you know.
annon. said: "why it often seems to be associated with manifestations that are downright evil."
When I was a kid I thought going to the dentist was downright evil.
The Sheep Look Up is a very nice little book by John Brunner, an excellent author. Everyone should also read Shockwave Rider (Brunner basicly invents the cyberpunk genre here in my opinion). I'd love to know where Brunner got his idea's from...
Stand on Zanzibar is also essential.
Please excuse me for repeating this, but I think you may have missed my questions posted above.
couple questions:
"...and where the sun should be, now was a dull silver disc, revolving on itself, that could be observed directly without harming the eyes. Then it was seen to descend in a zig-zag pattern, spinning and flashing lights to psychotronic effect. Sound familiar?"
What are you alluding to? The NYC New Years light ball thing? Don't know for sure cause I don't think I have ever watched it. But it was interesting that one witness compared the Fatima 'sun' to "... a fire wheel of the Pagan feasts". I would think all three are symbols of Lucifer tumbling down from heaven.
" Now, why would he do a thing like that?"
Perhaps you are leading into a future post. Are you implying that B16 is misleading, and there was some other 3rd secret? You got me hooked.
Third secret, heck... what about the fourth?
Interesting timing, Jeff. I was just reading an interview with Whitley Strieber from 1998 in which he writes about an odd "little man" who spoke to him in a Toronto hotel room.
If I recall correctly, in a couple of his books Strieber mentions the entities he calls "Visitors" showing him apocalyptic images, such as an image of the Moon crashing into the Earth.
From the interview with Michael Lindemann:
ML: Is it possible that this "man" was some kind of alien visitor?
WS: I don't feel the sense of an alien presence in this at all. I feel that this is much more like a member of some secret society that has extraordinary skills and capabilities, and extraordinary knowledge. There might be people out there who really are living very differently from those of us on the outside, and I might be -- fortunately or unfortunately -- somehow of interest to them as a kind of conduit. I would caution anybody to take it all with a grain of salt. Because without being able to identify their origins or their motives, how can I tell you that what they say is good? But I'm certainly going to repeat it.
ML: It seems from your journal entry that you now believe in a physical apocalypse, some kind of coming global catastrophe. Is that right?
WS: There's one coming. In my opinion, it's now absolutely certain and unavoidable. It is a change in the way the oceans circulate, that results in a catastrophic change in climate. It's already well underway; we just haven't realized it yet. It's coming down on us like a freight train.
ML: Are these changes of human making, as many environmentalists say?
WS: We will blame ourselves, but it's very complicated. I'm going to try to express the whole meaning of this [in the book], because the thing that's so horrific and shocking about it is that it's like all evolutionary movements in the planet's history: it's for the good. The problem is, convince the dinosaurs of that.
ML: Can you say when all this will happen?
WS: No particular timeframe, but the impression was that it's already underway. It had started some years ago, in the mid-1980s, and it was unstoppable.
ML: Where do the "visitors" fit in to all this?
WS: They never came into it. It was like... I asked him if he was a human being, and I felt incredibly silly asking him that, because [he obviously was]. I have to tell you, I came away from this not really knowing whether anyone has ever really had an experience with an alien. This man and his ilk would easily be able, I think, to use hypnosis or drugs or other things to make us believe that we were face to face with aliens when we were not -- when we were actually face to face with them. I even wondered it he was dead; if the dead are again walking in the world.
[end interview]
Many Ufologists and Forteans, including Keel and Vallee, have commented on the frequent (and frequently wrong) predictions of disasters and imminent catastrophes delivered by entities.
Are they really trying to warn us? We're entering a period of extreme climatic instability, with potentially devastating, long-term consequences.
On the other hand, Keel has noted that Ultraterrestrials are consumnate liars.
Deeper and deeper we go...
Thanks Professor. Here's another account of Streiber's Toronto hotel encounter:
Q. What had happened was that you were in a hotel room in Canada? Strieber: In Toronto.
Q. And you were awakened in the middle of the night? Strieber: By someone knocking on the door.
Q. Do you want to just tell me the story? Start from the beginning-
Strieber: Yeah. It's a really simple story just in terms of factual material. I was totally asleep. It was the last night of my author's tour. And in the middle of the night, it was about three, there was a knocking on the door. It woke me up. And for some reason, what popped into my head was the thought that I had fallen asleep leaving the room service man standing at the door for hours. Why I thought that, I just cannot imagine.
It's like the thought was planted in my head by somebody because it was such an exceptionally stupid thought. I mean, why would that ever cross my mind? I rushed to the door. I said, "I'm terribly sorry. I fell asleep." I threw the door open and this man walked into the room. He was smaller than I was by a significant amount, to where the first thought that might have even crossed my mind was that he was a child. He looked old. He was maybe four foot eight to five feet tall at most. I then had a remarkable conversation with this man. I've put some information about it in the journal part of my web site. And I'm going to write a whole book based on this. The time we were together, it was just incredible. I didn't have the impression at all that he was an alien, although I don't know what that really means anymore. He certainly didn't look like anything except a human being.
But the things he said were just extraordinary and said with such authority and knowledge. There were also words that he would use that now, looking back, I don't know those words. I just remember them as kind of gravely sounds. I don't know what they were. But these words contained huge amounts of information.
It was a really strange experience. And an extraordinary one. After he left, I still didn't know who he was. But I do know that he was a person in possession of the most incredible knowledge that I've ever encountered in my life about the meaning of mankind. Where we came from, where we're going, what's happening to us and why.
Q. Yeah, that's what I was told-that he imparted to you a great deal of meaningful information.
Strieber: Yes, he did. The thing is that every word he said seemed to have attached to it thousands of ideas. And I have in my head now the contents. I mean, it's like having the contents of somebody else's mind in your own mind. Or at least part of it. It's amazing stuff. It's about a totally new way of living, a whole new way of being human. And how we can reach this, and how the conditions of the future are going to be such that we will be able to reach this.
It wasn't a pleasant experience because the conditions under which the changes are going to take place in us are very hard conditions. But I did have the impression, and this was very powerful, that the present time is as important in terms of the evolution of consciousness and life on this planet as was the moment when living creatures first walked up out of the sea. This is a moment of equal or greater importance in the history of the Earth.
Q. So he spoke to you with a dense sort of language-
Strieber: Well, it was English, most of it. He had no particular accent. He could have been American or Canadian. He didn't sound English or have a foreign accent of any kind.
Q. And the information was compressed somehow.
Strieber: Well, it was like every word had ideas attached to it that are now in my head.
Q. Like he subliminally fed you information or something?
Strieber: Well, I don't know how to express it. Like the words were words that somehow unlocked something in my mind. I'm not real sure what that all means. But there's just vast amounts of information. I've been waiting, sort of having it kind of percolate around in my head.
Q. Are you writing it out as it occurs to you?
Strieber: No. I'm getting ready to write it. I wrote notes that night, and I have the notes. I have some other notes I wrote and sent to my editor a few days later. And since then, I've been sort of waiting. Because I've found that waiting is important in dealing with this kind of experience properly. You can't jump on it, because if you do jump on it, then you get all mixed up. At least I do. And I get into the problem of having my imagination fill in the blanks, and I don't want that. So I've just been waiting. I'm getting ready to start writing soon.
Q. Well, he was telling you that this is an unusually critical time in human evolution, in human history?
Strieber: Extremely critical.
Q. Does that accord with the apocalyptic view?
Strieber: Yeah, it does. It's not exactly an apocalyptic view, but mankind is in a crucible and it's getting heated up. We're going to go through something quite fierce over the next fifty to one hundred years. The new millennium is going to begin hard. I didn't have any impression that we were going to go extinct or anything, but I think we're going to get bruised. We're going to get knocked about the head and shoulders by the laws of nature.
more at the link
Strieber talks a lot about writting a book as a result, but I cant seem to tell which it might be, anyone know? The Secret School maybe?
The book is called "The Key" and apart from the Tarot segment at the end, is very interesting. You can probably get it at
The St. Benedict poster is right on the money. Have you no comment on what he said? Or does it not even register a comment from you guys?
C'mon, neighbor, what do you say?
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