Che and Felix
Che's back in the news - well, entertainment news - thanks to the release of the adaptation of The Motorcycle Diaries. Without having seen it, I can say with confidence it won't touch The Bolivian Diary: a ten-year old documentary, often narrated with Che's own words, of the ill-fated guerilla campaign which led to his capture and execution in 1967.
Do you recognize the man to Che's right, wearing the Bolivian uniform, who's soon to participate in his murder?
That's a Bolivian uniform, but he's not Bolivian. He's Cuban-American. He's CIA. He's Felix Rodriguez, aka "Max Gomez" from the glory days of Iran/Contra's drugs and guns toot. Felix has been a trusted asset of the Bush family ever since he hooked up with Poppy in the early '60s to recruit anti-Castro Cubans. And from the Bay of Pigs to Vietnam to El Salvador and beyond his name, like Bush's, is written in blood, but to much of the press it may as well be invisible ink.
He took Che's wristwatch as a trophy of the kill.
Rodriguez is also a Bush elector for the state of Florida. On September 12 in Washington, he spoke at a rally of "Vietnam Veterans for Truth," saying "I never saw any atrocities that Senator Kerry claims we did in Vietnam. We helped the Vietnamese people."
From Webster Tarpley's interview with Celerino Castillo, former DEA special agent and author of the whistleblowing Powderburns:
TARPLEY: Now, you've mentioned Felix Rodriguez, Max Gomez... Certainly, Felix Rodriguez has been with George Bush for a very, very long time, and what you can see in that book is, he's got a signed photograph from George Bush telling him what a great patriot he is. Would you agree with that judgement on Felix Rodriguez/Max Gomez?
CASTILLO: No, sir. If you go back to the Vietnam War, we have intelligence where the CIA and those individuals were heavily involved in trafficking heroin into the U.S. in bodybags and so forth.
So, Felix Rodriguez was documented, in our DEA files, as a trafficker. He was a retired CIA agent, and they brought all these people who were heavily involved. If you go back, most of these Bay of Pigs operatives were all documented traffickers, who all served time for narcotics trafficking, for gun-running. They were all criminals; yet, they were being hired by the Oliver North Contra operation to run the illegal narcotics trafficking out of Ilopango.
Castillo's words were even harsher in this recent Miami New Times profile of Rodriguez: "He's always been a terrorist, just like Osama bin Laden and all the terrorists we've made in the past." He adds that in 1986 he met then-Vice President Bush at an ambassador's party in Guatemala, and "told him there was something funny going on.... And he just smiled and walked away."
Rodriguez still feigns ignorance about a drug component to the Contra war of the '80s, nevermind the National Security State's more persistent drug problem. ( In 1984 Rodriguez's business partner, international arms dealer Gerald Latchinian, was arrested smuggling $10 million in cocaine to finance a plot to assassinate Honduran President Roberto Suazo Cordova. His defense argued it was part of a CIA operation.) Rodriguez agrees with Dick Cheney, who as a congressman played a leading role in perpetuating the cover-up, that for pursuing such allegations Senator John Kerry was a "conspiracy theorist."
Anyone whom Dick Cheney calls a conspiracy theorist can't be all bad. But America has yet to raise up a leader it hasn't gunned down who could approach the stature of Che.
Do you recognize the man to Che's right, wearing the Bolivian uniform, who's soon to participate in his murder?

That's a Bolivian uniform, but he's not Bolivian. He's Cuban-American. He's CIA. He's Felix Rodriguez, aka "Max Gomez" from the glory days of Iran/Contra's drugs and guns toot. Felix has been a trusted asset of the Bush family ever since he hooked up with Poppy in the early '60s to recruit anti-Castro Cubans. And from the Bay of Pigs to Vietnam to El Salvador and beyond his name, like Bush's, is written in blood, but to much of the press it may as well be invisible ink.
He took Che's wristwatch as a trophy of the kill.
Rodriguez is also a Bush elector for the state of Florida. On September 12 in Washington, he spoke at a rally of "Vietnam Veterans for Truth," saying "I never saw any atrocities that Senator Kerry claims we did in Vietnam. We helped the Vietnamese people."

From Webster Tarpley's interview with Celerino Castillo, former DEA special agent and author of the whistleblowing Powderburns:
TARPLEY: Now, you've mentioned Felix Rodriguez, Max Gomez... Certainly, Felix Rodriguez has been with George Bush for a very, very long time, and what you can see in that book is, he's got a signed photograph from George Bush telling him what a great patriot he is. Would you agree with that judgement on Felix Rodriguez/Max Gomez?
CASTILLO: No, sir. If you go back to the Vietnam War, we have intelligence where the CIA and those individuals were heavily involved in trafficking heroin into the U.S. in bodybags and so forth.
So, Felix Rodriguez was documented, in our DEA files, as a trafficker. He was a retired CIA agent, and they brought all these people who were heavily involved. If you go back, most of these Bay of Pigs operatives were all documented traffickers, who all served time for narcotics trafficking, for gun-running. They were all criminals; yet, they were being hired by the Oliver North Contra operation to run the illegal narcotics trafficking out of Ilopango.
Castillo's words were even harsher in this recent Miami New Times profile of Rodriguez: "He's always been a terrorist, just like Osama bin Laden and all the terrorists we've made in the past." He adds that in 1986 he met then-Vice President Bush at an ambassador's party in Guatemala, and "told him there was something funny going on.... And he just smiled and walked away."
Rodriguez still feigns ignorance about a drug component to the Contra war of the '80s, nevermind the National Security State's more persistent drug problem. ( In 1984 Rodriguez's business partner, international arms dealer Gerald Latchinian, was arrested smuggling $10 million in cocaine to finance a plot to assassinate Honduran President Roberto Suazo Cordova. His defense argued it was part of a CIA operation.) Rodriguez agrees with Dick Cheney, who as a congressman played a leading role in perpetuating the cover-up, that for pursuing such allegations Senator John Kerry was a "conspiracy theorist."
Anyone whom Dick Cheney calls a conspiracy theorist can't be all bad. But America has yet to raise up a leader it hasn't gunned down who could approach the stature of Che.
I really hope you get a wide audience to read your stuff. Another top-notch post.
I am curious why the media just doesn't like to talk about this stuff. Is it because of their own CIA ties, or the powers that be just make it too uncomfortable for them?
I imagine it's on account of the media's mix of corporate self-censorship, the influence of Mockingbird assets and simple laziness. Mostly the first.
Unbelievable, and I thought I couldn't be shocked anymore by the Bush family. Thanks
Great stuff. Keep up the good work, and you'll have a huge audience in no time.
Thanks a lot, it's very informative and it's helped me a lot. Thanks.
You people should read a little more about the ruthless Che and the thousands he killed before making him into some kind of super revolutionary folk hero. Also there so many lies and distortions out there about the fervantly anti-Communist Felix Rodriguez and I have found none of it to be true. For one thing, Felix pleaded with Bolivian commanders to have Che stand trial for his crimes, but was overuled. After the Bolivians executed Che, they wanted to sever Che's head off and ship it back to Castro as proof of his death. Felix found this grotesque and argued for sending Fidel a fingertip instead. The Bolivians thereupon decided to sever both of Che's hands off and to this day it's said Castro sometimes shows them to his closest confidantes. Felix is retired now, but a hero to the vast majority of Cuban-Americans who have had to flee from their homeland. If you knew this man as I do, you would know that all he wants is for Cuba to be free once again.
What is the deal with all these spam posts? What is the purpose? I don't get it.
The home of the infamous european toxic clan, psycho urban fraggers that pawn the virtual return to castle wolfenstein enemy territory battlefields.
Just Pub, a dumb return to castle wolfenstein enemy territory comic strip by feuersturm.
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Nice post gan, Semoga bermanfaat
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