Things to Come: the "Merlin Project"
Who is behind - or perhaps, in front of - the Merlin Project: a "high-tech crystal ball" which boasts of a "track record of timely and accurate predictions"? The two names linked to Merlin are "futurist" Paul Guercio and "SDI physicist" Dr. George Hart. According to the Merlin website, this is how it began:
Physicist, Dr. George Hart first hears Futurist, Paul Guercio with Dr. David Brudnoy on WBZ Radio in Boston in October 1988 and is intrigued with Paul’s theory of “Time-Patterns” since it parallels his own extensive research as a highly respected theoretical physicist and inventor of the excimer laser.
In January 1989 Dr. Hart comes to Paul’s office for a professional consultation. The consultation never took place and instead, the two researchers spent six hours comparing notes on time-related anomalies. The MERLIN Project evolved from a series of five meetings over the subsequent six months.
The MERLIN Project is officially born on July 4, 1989 after Dr. George Hart offers to design software built around Paul Guercio's Theory of Time. A team of SDI (Star Wars) physicists is recruited to design the MERLIN Project software, which becomes known as TimeTrak.
First working copy of the MERLIN software (October 5, 1989) forecasts the imminent demise of the Soviet Union or alternately, World War III. Both Paul and Dr. Hart consider either scenario unlikely at best. Soviet Union collapses as the Berlin Wall comes down (November 5, 1989) and Eastern European Communism quickly disintegrates. The newly designed MERLIN software has proven to be a stunning success.
Merlin is definitely coddled by the American right, and it returns the favour. (Matt Drudge is described as a "friend and fellow traveller," and Richard Perle gets a namecheck). Guercio and Hart claim that Merlin's "unflattering forecasts of upcoming Clinton scandals and excesses" made it a "target of a concerted effort, likely orchestrated by Administration loyalists, to be discredited and marginalized. If it hadn’t been for FOXNEWS commentator and long-time client (and friend) Alan Colmes...." You can guess the rest.
Merlin's connections to America's conservative establishment run deeper than ties to Fox, Drudge and Perle, and Hart's own legacy as a Star Wars physicist. Merlin also reaches into the Pentagon:
In 1995, the MERLIN creators were approached by a Strategic Planning Office of the Pentagon's Joint Chiefs of Staff and asked to provide a long-range forecast and timetable for potential incidents of domestic terrorism over the following seven years. This "white paper" which was submitted in July 1995, included indications of a significant threat culminating in the Fall of 2001, which we now know to be the 9/11 attack on the World Trade Center and The Pentagon.
A copy of the paper presented to the Joint Chiefs can be read here.
Guercio and Hart visited "longtime client and friend" Alan Colmes on New Year's Eve. Here is a report from NewsHounds of some of what they claim is in store for us:
Osama bin Laden will be "in strength" in 2005 and 2006.
Something out of the ordinary starts in the next year or two and culminates at the end of the decade. At the end of 2005, something profound will happen. They're not sure what, exactly, it may be but it could be an asteroid strike or a massive UFO invasion. (Comment: I swear to you, these guys sounded scientific, not flaky.)
In 2008-2009, something even more profoundly changing will happen that will affect about 4 out of 6 people. Something like a pandemic.
I'm not convinced of the prophetic prowess of the "Merlin Project," but I do think it prudent, given the times, to pay attention to the work of a pair of right wing futurists who have been retained by the Pentagon and Perle, one of whom is an SDI researcher, and who are frequently awarded public forums on conservative corporate media. Rather than gleaning prophecy, it may help us to know what they are preparing for us.
One at a time:
"Osama bin Laden will be 'in strength' in 2005 and 2006"
We don't need no stinkin' Merlin to tell us that. There's not much to add, except to say the ghost of Abu Musab al-Zarqawi will be jealous.
"At the end of 2005, something profound will happen...asteroid strike or massive UFO invasion"
This reminds me of the December 2000 testimony of Dr Carol Rosin, a corporate manager of Fairchild Industries and founder of the Institute for Security and Cooperation in Outer Space, who was the spokesperson for Wernher Von Braun in the last years of her life:
What was most interesting to me was a repetitive sentence that he said to me over and over again during the approximately four years that I had the opportunity to work with him. He said the strategy that was being used to educate the public and decision makers was to use scare tactics That was how we identify an enemy. The strategy that Wernher Von Braun taught me was that first the Russians are going to be considered to be the enemy. In fact, in 1974, they were the enemy, the identified enemy. We were told that they had "killer satellites". We were told that they were coming to get us and control us-that they were "Commies."
Then terrorists would be identified, and that was soon to follow. We heard a lot about terrorism. Then we were going to identify third-world country "crazies." We now call them Nations of Concern. But he said that would be the third enemy against whom we would build space-based weapons. The next enemy was asteroids. Now, at this point he kind of chuckled the first time he said it. Asteroids - against asteroids we are going to build space-based weapons.
And the funniest one of all was what he called aliens, extraterrestrials. That would be the final scare. And over and over and over during the four years that I knew him and was giving speeches for him, he would bring up that last card. "And remember Carol, the last card is the alien card. We are going to have to build space-based weapons against aliens and all of it is a lie."
It's also hard to read about a projected UFO invasion without thinking of Iran which, for some reason, seems to be undergoing one right now. Often, it appears, localized to its nuclear installations.
And we're not talking about eyewitnesses misidentifying conventional US surveillance aircraft. Though US aircraft are breaching Iranian airspace. These are objects which are uncatalogued by Jane's Defense Weekly.
For instance, this story of a Connecticut man visiting family in Iran, who videotaped a spherical UFO for 20 minutes last April:
"I really have no choice but to believe," says Abi Golbazi of East Haven. "I've never seen anything like this." Golbazi is talking about something he believes he saw in the Iranian sky : a UFO.
"First is was just a shiny light, changing colors ... It seemed perfectly round, circular shaped, spaceship if you will. Window-looking spots all over it... It has an opening in the lower bottom of the circle."
While visiting family the East Haven engineer recorded over 20 minutes of footage of the object, and wondered if this phenomenon would become a regular visitor to the Middle East.
It would seem so. On December 26 Iran announced its "air force has been ordered to shoot down any unidentified or suspicious flying objects in Iran’s airspace...amid state-media reports of sightings of flying objects near Iran’s nuclear installations."
Iran’s Air Force chief General Karim Ghavami was quoted in Iranian newspapers Saturday as saying that Iran was fully prepared to defend any threat to its nuclear installations. “We have arranged plans to defend nuclear facilities from any threat. Iran’s Air Force is watchful and prepared to carry out its responsibilities,” Ghavami was quoted as saying. The paper had reported that “shining objects” in the sky were seen near Natanz - where Iran’s uranium enrichment plant is located — and one had exploded, causing “concern and panic in the region.”
This was soon followed by the headline "Russia Joins Iran in Fighting UFO’s":
Russia and Iran have agreed to a joint program studying the UFO phenomenon after a series of sightings of unidentified flying objects.... This comes in the wake of a skywatching mania that struck Iran amid state-media reports of sightings of flying objects near Iran’s nuclear installations.
"Flights of unknown objects in the country’s airspace have increased in recent weeks... they have been seen over Bushehr and Isfahan provinces,” the Resalat daily reported. Nuclear facilities are located in both provinces.
If the findings of sober studies such as Jane's aviation editor Nick Cook's The Hunt for Zero Point and Richard Dolan's UFOs and the National Security State are at all credible, then it is conceivable that, buried deep in the Pentagon's black budget, free energy and anti-gravity propulsion systems are realities. If this is so, then petroleum is not actually the lifeblood of the rulers of this world, but rather another marked-up drug for them to keep us dependent. If a Manhattan Project-like endeavour had already borne fruit, it would explain the seeming short-sightedness regarding the dearth of alternative energy strategies. The technology would not be for the general benefit of humanity (at least not for a pre-crash populace). But if it exists and is in the hands of those who intend to "manage the change" of our system's collapse, then we are perhaps entering the period when it will be deployed more brazenly, possibly even as a mechanism of mass intimidation. (Consider the rise in sitings of huge "Black Triangles" over population centres, which has even received mainstream notice.)
"In 2008-2009, something even more profoundly changing will happen that will affect about 4 out of 6 people. Something like a pandemic."
Culling the population by about two-thirds is what many expect to come of our world's convergence of crises. Two billion or so of us is a potentially sustainable number, living at reduced means under a technocratic feudalism. A great die-off seems all but inevitable. How we get there is the question for the High Globalists. Leave it to chance, or anticipate the curve? Bioterror? Eco-terror? Climate change? Nuclear exchange? Have they already answered? And what will be our response?
So many choices, and so little - seriously - time.
Physicist, Dr. George Hart first hears Futurist, Paul Guercio with Dr. David Brudnoy on WBZ Radio in Boston in October 1988 and is intrigued with Paul’s theory of “Time-Patterns” since it parallels his own extensive research as a highly respected theoretical physicist and inventor of the excimer laser.
In January 1989 Dr. Hart comes to Paul’s office for a professional consultation. The consultation never took place and instead, the two researchers spent six hours comparing notes on time-related anomalies. The MERLIN Project evolved from a series of five meetings over the subsequent six months.
The MERLIN Project is officially born on July 4, 1989 after Dr. George Hart offers to design software built around Paul Guercio's Theory of Time. A team of SDI (Star Wars) physicists is recruited to design the MERLIN Project software, which becomes known as TimeTrak.
First working copy of the MERLIN software (October 5, 1989) forecasts the imminent demise of the Soviet Union or alternately, World War III. Both Paul and Dr. Hart consider either scenario unlikely at best. Soviet Union collapses as the Berlin Wall comes down (November 5, 1989) and Eastern European Communism quickly disintegrates. The newly designed MERLIN software has proven to be a stunning success.
Merlin is definitely coddled by the American right, and it returns the favour. (Matt Drudge is described as a "friend and fellow traveller," and Richard Perle gets a namecheck). Guercio and Hart claim that Merlin's "unflattering forecasts of upcoming Clinton scandals and excesses" made it a "target of a concerted effort, likely orchestrated by Administration loyalists, to be discredited and marginalized. If it hadn’t been for FOXNEWS commentator and long-time client (and friend) Alan Colmes...." You can guess the rest.
Merlin's connections to America's conservative establishment run deeper than ties to Fox, Drudge and Perle, and Hart's own legacy as a Star Wars physicist. Merlin also reaches into the Pentagon:
In 1995, the MERLIN creators were approached by a Strategic Planning Office of the Pentagon's Joint Chiefs of Staff and asked to provide a long-range forecast and timetable for potential incidents of domestic terrorism over the following seven years. This "white paper" which was submitted in July 1995, included indications of a significant threat culminating in the Fall of 2001, which we now know to be the 9/11 attack on the World Trade Center and The Pentagon.
A copy of the paper presented to the Joint Chiefs can be read here.
Guercio and Hart visited "longtime client and friend" Alan Colmes on New Year's Eve. Here is a report from NewsHounds of some of what they claim is in store for us:
Osama bin Laden will be "in strength" in 2005 and 2006.
Something out of the ordinary starts in the next year or two and culminates at the end of the decade. At the end of 2005, something profound will happen. They're not sure what, exactly, it may be but it could be an asteroid strike or a massive UFO invasion. (Comment: I swear to you, these guys sounded scientific, not flaky.)
In 2008-2009, something even more profoundly changing will happen that will affect about 4 out of 6 people. Something like a pandemic.
I'm not convinced of the prophetic prowess of the "Merlin Project," but I do think it prudent, given the times, to pay attention to the work of a pair of right wing futurists who have been retained by the Pentagon and Perle, one of whom is an SDI researcher, and who are frequently awarded public forums on conservative corporate media. Rather than gleaning prophecy, it may help us to know what they are preparing for us.
One at a time:
"Osama bin Laden will be 'in strength' in 2005 and 2006"
We don't need no stinkin' Merlin to tell us that. There's not much to add, except to say the ghost of Abu Musab al-Zarqawi will be jealous.
"At the end of 2005, something profound will happen...asteroid strike or massive UFO invasion"
This reminds me of the December 2000 testimony of Dr Carol Rosin, a corporate manager of Fairchild Industries and founder of the Institute for Security and Cooperation in Outer Space, who was the spokesperson for Wernher Von Braun in the last years of her life:
What was most interesting to me was a repetitive sentence that he said to me over and over again during the approximately four years that I had the opportunity to work with him. He said the strategy that was being used to educate the public and decision makers was to use scare tactics That was how we identify an enemy. The strategy that Wernher Von Braun taught me was that first the Russians are going to be considered to be the enemy. In fact, in 1974, they were the enemy, the identified enemy. We were told that they had "killer satellites". We were told that they were coming to get us and control us-that they were "Commies."
Then terrorists would be identified, and that was soon to follow. We heard a lot about terrorism. Then we were going to identify third-world country "crazies." We now call them Nations of Concern. But he said that would be the third enemy against whom we would build space-based weapons. The next enemy was asteroids. Now, at this point he kind of chuckled the first time he said it. Asteroids - against asteroids we are going to build space-based weapons.
And the funniest one of all was what he called aliens, extraterrestrials. That would be the final scare. And over and over and over during the four years that I knew him and was giving speeches for him, he would bring up that last card. "And remember Carol, the last card is the alien card. We are going to have to build space-based weapons against aliens and all of it is a lie."
It's also hard to read about a projected UFO invasion without thinking of Iran which, for some reason, seems to be undergoing one right now. Often, it appears, localized to its nuclear installations.
And we're not talking about eyewitnesses misidentifying conventional US surveillance aircraft. Though US aircraft are breaching Iranian airspace. These are objects which are uncatalogued by Jane's Defense Weekly.
For instance, this story of a Connecticut man visiting family in Iran, who videotaped a spherical UFO for 20 minutes last April:
"I really have no choice but to believe," says Abi Golbazi of East Haven. "I've never seen anything like this." Golbazi is talking about something he believes he saw in the Iranian sky : a UFO.
"First is was just a shiny light, changing colors ... It seemed perfectly round, circular shaped, spaceship if you will. Window-looking spots all over it... It has an opening in the lower bottom of the circle."
While visiting family the East Haven engineer recorded over 20 minutes of footage of the object, and wondered if this phenomenon would become a regular visitor to the Middle East.


It would seem so. On December 26 Iran announced its "air force has been ordered to shoot down any unidentified or suspicious flying objects in Iran’s airspace...amid state-media reports of sightings of flying objects near Iran’s nuclear installations."
Iran’s Air Force chief General Karim Ghavami was quoted in Iranian newspapers Saturday as saying that Iran was fully prepared to defend any threat to its nuclear installations. “We have arranged plans to defend nuclear facilities from any threat. Iran’s Air Force is watchful and prepared to carry out its responsibilities,” Ghavami was quoted as saying. The paper had reported that “shining objects” in the sky were seen near Natanz - where Iran’s uranium enrichment plant is located — and one had exploded, causing “concern and panic in the region.”
This was soon followed by the headline "Russia Joins Iran in Fighting UFO’s":
Russia and Iran have agreed to a joint program studying the UFO phenomenon after a series of sightings of unidentified flying objects.... This comes in the wake of a skywatching mania that struck Iran amid state-media reports of sightings of flying objects near Iran’s nuclear installations.
"Flights of unknown objects in the country’s airspace have increased in recent weeks... they have been seen over Bushehr and Isfahan provinces,” the Resalat daily reported. Nuclear facilities are located in both provinces.
If the findings of sober studies such as Jane's aviation editor Nick Cook's The Hunt for Zero Point and Richard Dolan's UFOs and the National Security State are at all credible, then it is conceivable that, buried deep in the Pentagon's black budget, free energy and anti-gravity propulsion systems are realities. If this is so, then petroleum is not actually the lifeblood of the rulers of this world, but rather another marked-up drug for them to keep us dependent. If a Manhattan Project-like endeavour had already borne fruit, it would explain the seeming short-sightedness regarding the dearth of alternative energy strategies. The technology would not be for the general benefit of humanity (at least not for a pre-crash populace). But if it exists and is in the hands of those who intend to "manage the change" of our system's collapse, then we are perhaps entering the period when it will be deployed more brazenly, possibly even as a mechanism of mass intimidation. (Consider the rise in sitings of huge "Black Triangles" over population centres, which has even received mainstream notice.)
"In 2008-2009, something even more profoundly changing will happen that will affect about 4 out of 6 people. Something like a pandemic."
Culling the population by about two-thirds is what many expect to come of our world's convergence of crises. Two billion or so of us is a potentially sustainable number, living at reduced means under a technocratic feudalism. A great die-off seems all but inevitable. How we get there is the question for the High Globalists. Leave it to chance, or anticipate the curve? Bioterror? Eco-terror? Climate change? Nuclear exchange? Have they already answered? And what will be our response?
So many choices, and so little - seriously - time.
Let's do some wild speculations.
It's odd to see these time-related coincidences:
1) 9/11 in NY, 3/11 in Madrid.
2) Dec. 26, 2003 – earthquake in Bam/Iran, Dec. 26, 2004, earthquake in Asia
Perhaps these are no coincidences but hint towards deliberate timing.
Is it possible to generate an earthquake by means of a very powerful subterranean nuclear detonation? Perhaps the outbreak of SARS, as well as the recent earthquake(s), are trial runs of some techniques that can be used for several purposes: Population reduction, creation of fear with subsequent limitations to individual freedom. Kind of successor strategy to the staged terror attacks.
concerning cheap oil:
Russia is selling its oil at the same prize as everybody else on the world market, and while the world market prize has gone up to nearly 50$, the world economy hasn´t crashed yet.
The oil prize has nothing whatsoever to do with the cost of production. And not even the the producer countries profit very much from high oil prizes(they profit a little though), its the oil-multis which profit and their owners. It is also the base of their owners power over most of the world.
Sun, wind, water and bio-nergies are a viable alternative and some European countries are working on them in record time.
In 10 til 20 years Germany might not have any more need for oil or other climate changing fuels. Germany projects that used energy can be cut down by nearly 50% with energy saving technology;
big wind-machines are built are in the North-Sea, some say they might be able to produce about 25% of German energy need then;
another up to 50% could be produced through rotting plants and animal dung
(there are farm-projects where this is already successfully practiced);
small wind-machines are being built in cities with new technology that makes them nearly sound-free;
people are encouraged through tax-deduction and even some government-money to put solar collectors on their roofs.
there are tests going on to substitute oil fuel with hydrogen in cars and buses(while hydrogen is produced through alternative energy sources)
The technology to use other energy sources is there it could be used in Canada and the US in the same way as in Europe. And with oil-prizes as high as now, laternativ energy is not more expensive.
However the now ruling elite could loose some of their power on the rest of the world, so this is why they are making this panic about peak oil. The Iraq war and also the militant gestures towards other oil producing countries like Russia and Venzuela is a grab for power in the last minute before the world is ready to give up oil for good.
concerning population reduction
This might be another plan for a power grab or actually a holding on to power, since it seems to be the American-British criminal elite of Wall-Street and the City of London together with their allies and puppets in every other country of the world which is controling the world right now through their military-industrial complex, big pharma, banking and their live-blood: oil and drugs.
Oil might soon be not necessary any more and Europe is getting sick and tired of financing American, British and Israeli intelligence services through the "war on drugs". In a rational world drugs would be totally legalized, sold in pharmacies under supervision and whoever wants to risk his or her life and health on them can do it, if he or she don´t hurt others. (b.t.w. me and my family are anti-alcoholics and neither use drugs nor cigarettes, but this is a matter of choice not of coercion and it should be for everybody)
With drug- and oil-profits gone the powers that be could loose their position, since they need unbelievable much money for bribes and paying their intelligence services and death-squads.
So it seems that chaos and mass-genocide is the only way to hold on their power, and since they are sociapaths with no ethical, moral or religious restrictions, this is what they are planning for us.
And the only way to stop them is a miracle. "All the religions of the world and all other people of good will should stand up against evil." This is, what Pope John Paul II said at his January first mass in front of millions of people watching on TV.
He did not say the Christians should fight other religions, he said all religions and humanist atheists(the people of good will) should fight evil. So my guess is, that the Pope sees "evil" in a totally different place than Bush and his minions.
And a plan to murder 2/3 of mankind is definitely what anybody with a normal sense of ethics would call "evil".
Most of this stuff is a bit too far out for me, I have to say. Not to say this isn't fascinating and that it couldn't be mportant, but it's just too weird to believe for now.
erlanda--- I sure hope you are right about the alternative energy-- I sense you are, but it's hard for me to judge. As far as the pope-- did he really talk about "humanist atheists"? If so, wow.
The Pope didn´t say humanists, that´s just my interpretation. He said all religions and all other people of good will, so who else could he have meant, with people who don´t belong to a religion and are still "of good will"?
Having read about the Merlin Project on an alternative news site I follow occasionally, I went searching for more details and ended up here. I guess what I'm going to say is as far out as anything can possibly be, but I have read Dolan's book and have followed the whole UFO thing from an armchair for years, so I'll just say what popped into my head.
In the quote from Dr Carol Rosin, there is this part that puzzled me for a bit when I first read it a year or so ago:
"And the funniest one of all was what he called aliens, extraterrestrials. That would be the final scare. And over and over and over during the four years that I knew him and was giving speeches for him, he would bring up that last card. "And remember Carol, the last card is the alien card. We are going to have to build space-based weapons against aliens and all of it is a lie."
Nearly everyone who reads this assumes that von Braun meant that "the aliens" are a lie, that there are no "aliens." But if you look at what he said about asteroids, assuming this woman not only understood what he meant, but quoted him correctly, you see a sort of grim humor there: laughing that anyone would think they could build a weapon against an asteroids.
Carrying that "context" over to the subject of "aliens," one wonders if von Braun meant that the co-called aliens are not only not aliens, but that whoever/whatever they are, they are about as susceptible to weapons as an asteroid would be.
Why would that be the case?
Well, as I said, I've been an armchair observer of this whole alien thing for years. Most of it is just simply nonsense and confusion created by the new age loonies. But a few years ago I did come across some serious work on the subject that proposes that the so-called "aliens" are not so "alien," at least not in the sense of the word that most people would understand it, rather that they are "denizens of hyperdimensional space." What I mean is that the proponents of this idea are seemingly using some real science to analyze the data, and some real math to work out the "reality differential" problems.
If this idea is correct, then that might very well explain von Braun's remark.
You have written: "If the findings of sober studies such as Jane's aviation editor Nick Cook's The Hunt for Zero Point and Richard Dolan's UFOs and the National Security State are at all credible, then it is conceivable that, buried deep in the Pentagon's black budget, free energy and anti-gravity propulsion systems are realities."
Dolan actually disabuses the reader of the notion that the so-called UFO problem could be a secret gov. project by pointing out the very high number of "military interactions" between US and other military forces and said "UFOs." Dolan writes:
"The UFO problem has involved military personnel around the world for more than fifty years, and is wrapped in secrecy. […] Because this subject is so widely ridiculed, it is important to stress why it is worthy of serious attention.[…] Stories of strange objects in the sky go far back into time, but the problem received little attention until the Second World War. […] During the UFO wave of 1947, American military and intelligence organizations conducted multiple, simultaneous investigations of these sightings. […] By the end of 1947, a contingent of analysts at the Air Technical Intelligence Center at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base believed that UFOs were extraterrestrial. By the summer of 1948, this team prepared an “Estimate of the Situation.” […] As the story goes, Air Force Commander Hoyt Vandenberg rejected [this conclusion.]"
Apparently, von Braun's spokesperson also rejected this conclusion, though it is not entirely clear to me that von Braun himself did.
For the reader who thought that this subject was just too far out, consider the following, also from Dolan's book:
"Let us pause to assess the situation. By the mid-1940s, America’s intelligence apparatus had reason to believe that there were artifacts in the skies that did not originate from America, Russia, Germany, or any other country. These objects violated some highly sensitive military airspace, and did not appear to be natural phenomena. One may presume that the affected national security authorities made it an immediate obsession to determine the nature and purpose of these objects, and we may infer that the issue probably became a deep secret by 1946, or 1947 at the latest. [...]
"Regarding matters connected with “national security,” there appears to be a wealth of information that does not exist officially. Thus, a request to find such documents through a Freedom of Information Act request would be in vain. Add to this the likelihood that perhaps the most sensitive information regarding UFOs may not even exist in document form (“the first rule in keeping secrets is nothing on paper,” Richard Helms), and one can appreciate the difficulty that an honest UFO researcher has in ferreting out the truth."
Now, let us take a few logical steps. The UFO problem emerged into the national consciousness in 1947, or thereabouts. Not long afterward, a lot of people began asking a lot of questions. The government wasn’t answering, and so the people began to band together to find out the answers for themselves. They started forming groups. And this is where things get just a bit curious. The thing that was most threatened by the UFO/alien issue seems to have been the Standard Monotheistic Religions. Religion seems to be a necessary component of political control. Social control - that is the mainstay of religion - was most definitely under threat. In fact, what seems to be true is that it is not even clear that religions - as we know them - would have survived a full disclosure. So the logical conclusion is that part of the main reason for the cover-up was to “protect the religious status quo.”
As things stood at the time, protecting the religious status quo - mainly the social controls that stem from religion - was iffy at best. After a century of scholarly investigation into many religious texts, and the raising of many questions about the “old time religion,” there were a lot of people in society who were most definitely turning away from religious dogma. It’s fairly simple to take the next logical step and see that a combining of the questions of those who were disenchanted with religion, with the questions of those who wanted to know just what the heck was going on in terms of possible “extraterrestrials,” was seen as a dangerous and explosive mixture. Something had to be done.
The activities of COINTELPRO in attempting to neutralize political opposition have been pretty well exposed by others. But I would like to consider the fact that, in addition to political activists, that maybe COINTELPRO has particularly targeted groups that are seeking the truth about the interactions between the US government and Ultra Terrestrials, or so-called “aliens.” That a long-time cover-up of these matters has been in effect is certainly evident to any careful researcher.
The COINTELPRO files show the U.S. Government targeted a very broad range of religious, labor and community groups opposed to any of its agendas, and it is only logical to assume that the same type of operation would be created to cover up the “alien agenda.” Such a theoretical COINTELPRO operation also goes far in explaining why, when the sincere researcher of UFO phenomena enters this field, he or she discovers only lies, lies, and more lies; confusion and disinformation. That is most definitely the signature of COINTELPRO.
Considering all of this, would anybody care to suggest that it did not also occur to the Powers that Be that the chief means of diverting attention and covering up the truth about religious controls, and who or what "aliens" might really be, would be to literally fund and create the “New Age” and “Human Potential movement" so that the "seekers" would follow their agenda of keeping secrets?
In other words, it is extremely likely that the most successful and popular of New Age movements, ideas, theories, and promoters are COINTELPRO agents - either conscious or dupes of those who are. The objective seems to be to attack and “neutralize” those who are seeking the answers. Those who are sincere, who do bona fide research and seek to explicate the truth, are infiltrated, attacked, and marginalized according to standard COINTELPRO procedures.
What all of this seems to suggest is that the Powers That Be (PTB) have developed COINTELPRO to an all new level of Social Shaping, Cultural Brainwashing, and the main targets of this activity would include virtually anyone who is seeking the truth about the shifting realities of our world. The cases of COINTELPRO activities against political groups must be no more than the tip of the iceberg, given that the great bulk of COINTELPRO-type operations remain secret until long after their damage has been done. By all indications, domestic covert operations have become a permanent feature of U.S. politics and Social Programming, and it is hardly likely, considering the evidence, that the New Age and Human Potential fields are exempt.
The implications of this are truly alarming.
Clearly, COINTELPRO and similar operations under other names also work to distort academic and popular perceptions of the problems facing our world. They have done enormous damage to the search for the Truth.
Based on the documents assembled by Dolan, it is obvious that the governments of the world do indeed see the UFO problem as a very, very serious matter. In the course of assembling the documents and reporting the events, Dolan came to the inescapable conclusion that there exists an “Above Top Secret” group with access to all available UFO data, and that this group “straddled” the worlds of government, military, and industry. The evidence proves that the military created a complete fiction for public consumption designed to convince the masses that the UFO problem was “nonexistent.” They were assisted in pulling the wool over the eyes of the public by “heavy handed official media and culture,” and they were obviously under orders to consistently and repeatedly “debunk” the idea that aliens were ensconced in our world. What seems to be true is that most of our elected officials are as much victims of the debunking as anybody else. And the same is true about mainstream science.
Dolan documents how the intelligence organizations of the United States - and very likely other countries who are working in concert with them, though outwardly they may pretend to be oppositional - have conducted terminal mind-control experiments, biological spraying of American cities, human plutonium and syphilis injections, illegal communications interception, and nationwide domestic surveillance of private citizens, political assassinations and coups, ongoing media manipulation and outright public lying on a continual basis, most especially in regards to UFOs. The above organizations, via any and all means available, made sure that, to the public at large, UFOs and aliens were a “dead issue.”
Scientist and UFO disclosure advocate James McDonald said in 1969: “I am enough of a realist to sense that, unless this AAAS symposium succeeds in making the scientific community aware of the seriousness of the UFO problem, little response to any call for new investigations is likely to appear.” McDonald presented a brilliant paper entitled “Science in Default: Twenty-two Years of Inadequate UFO Investigations.” Dolan comments that it was “perhaps the most damning statement about UFO research ever made.” Speaking before the convention at Boston’s Sheraton Plaza Hotel, McDonald came down hard on everyone: Condon, Menzel, Hynek, and finally the scientific establishment itself. He said:
No scientifically adequate investigation of the UFO problem has been carried out during the entire twenty-two years that have now passed since the first extensive wave of sightings of unidentified aerial objects in the summer of 1947. ...In my opinion, the UFO problem, far from being the nonsense problem that many scientists have often labeled it, constitutes a problem of extraordinary scientific interest. The grave difficulty with essentially all past UFO studies had been that they were either devoid of any substantial scientific content, or else have lost their way amidst the relatively large noise content that tends to obscure the real signal in the UFO reports.
This high noise to signal ratio is, based on the evidence, the direct product of the frenzied activities of the “National Security State” in their promulgation of the New Age/Human Potential smoke and mirrors magic show. What is also clearly evident is that this noise is the fundament of the prevailing scientific doctrine. What we see is that the Scientific Community - though they claim to be seekers of advanced scientific truth - have been as easily duped as Joe Sixpack and Shirley Seeker of Truth. The former is interested in little more than his truck, his dog, and his weekend football game, while the latter is generally looking for a lifestyle of higher “experiences.” What I also suspect is that even the lower echelons of the intelligence and military organizations must be included in this rather large grouping of the duped and deceived sheep.
Dolan lays out the evidence and disabuses us of the notion that the UFO activity could be human, technological breakthroughs as such naive conspiracy theorists propose. As he says, “all of the indicators point to a definitive NO.” He then points out that, every single person who actually studies the UFO problem [yours truly included - who began as a flaming skeptic] - becomes convinced that it IS a problem of Alien invasion of our planet. Every official study of UFOs persuaded the researchers that aliens were the explanation for the data. But that data has been denied, and when denial no longer worked, it was obscured by the noise, the smoke and mirrors that prevail today in UFO research and the New Age and Human Potential movements. Do we think that this is coincidence?
Dolan tells us:
"By the early 1970s, there were already means available to alter the moods of unsuspecting persons. A pocket-sized transmitter generating electromagnetic energy at less than 100 milliwatts could do the job. This is no pie-in-the-sky theory. In 1972, Dr. Gordon J.F. McDonald testified before the House Subcommittee on Oceans and International Environment on the issue of electromagnetic weapons used for mind control and mental disruption. He stated:
"[T]he basic notion was to create, between the electrically charged ionosphere in the higher part of the atmosphere and conducting layers of the surface of the Earth, this neutral cavity, to create waves, electrical waves that would be tuned to the brain waves. ...About ten cycles per second. ...You can produce changes in behavioral patterns or in responses.
The following year, Dr. Joseph C. Sharp, at Walter Reed Hospital, while in a soundproof room, was able to hear spoken words broadcast by ‘pulsed microwave audiogram.’ These words were broadcast to him without any implanted electronic translation device. Rather, they reached him by direct transmission to the brain."
We have to wonder if our current Commander in Chief is a victim of this kind of manipulation when he tells us that God told him to invade Iraq?
How many other commands will he get from "God?" And does this have anything to do with something that will affect 4 out of 6 people a few years hence?
So, yes, it is way far out... but then, it's all just speculation, isn't it? However, I think that a modification of Pascal’s Wager can most appropriately be applied to this situation: better to accept the possibility in case it is true, than to disregard it and be wrong. Certainly, if it is not true, considering it as a possibility and factoring it into analyses of reality won’t hurt. By the same token, if it is true, and that possibility is disregarded, the consequences could be fatal.
Wow-- that last column was about the coolest comment I have ever seen on a blog.
Pretty incredible stuff. I really have never researched UFOs-- I have actually tried to avoid the topic, especially of late. But that comment really was thought-provoking and made quite a bit of sense.
If only we had sunglasses that let us see who was alien and who was human, like in John Carpenter's They Live. [snicker]
Umm, I don't know how relevant this might be, but it is kind of odd. So, I thought I'd post it.
What Was in the Sky?
Hundreds of People Report Lights, Fireball, in Minneapolis Sky
January 4, 2005
We've been taking calls from dozens of viewers all across the area, from Rib Falls, Plover, Marshfield, Merrill, Mole Lake, Antigo and everywhere in between, all describing the same thing:
They tell us about 6:15 Tuesday night, the sky lit up followed by a loud rumble.
Some describe a fast moving object that looked like a huge 4th of July firework or a ball of flames, others say they felt their entire houses rumble.
We've spent Tuesday evening trying to track down some answers...and the bottom line is we just don't know for sure exactly what it was.
However, the Federal Aviation Administraton tells us it *wasn't* any kind of a plane or aircraft.
The FAA in Minneapolis is reporting the light in the sky was probably from a meteor. That's also what some area law enforcement agencies tell us.
One thing everyone agrees was a sight to behold.
"It's probably the most incredible sight i've ever seen, a huge trail of light ball of fire moving across the sky, i've seen a lot of things this was just an incredible sight," says Anne Hanzel.
"Here i see this light it looks like a spotlight shining on me and i just started running cause i was scared," says Dustin Genrich.
It really just sounds like this was an incredible sight...and these accounts were only two out of dozens of calls we took earlier on Tuesday evening.
The similarities...everyone seems to have the same story.
Then, this from another user.
Hmmmm...last night, I would guess around 5pm or so (mid-michigan), we heard a god awful sound that sounded similar to a chimney fire from inside the house.
Went outside to listen better and it was, indeed an unusual load roaring sound that I couldn't identify. We had/have low ceiling visibility due to the storm that was approaching our area so I couldn't see a thing.
Now I'm more curious than ever.
Umm, thoughts?
Interesting that 2005 and 2008 are mentioned. Our time traveling friend John Titor also mentioned 2005 and 2008. Both MERLIN and John are saying 2008 will be a "world changing year".
America will soon be engaged in civil war with itself; a civil war that we'll see the beginnings of during 2004 and 2005, escalating until it is indisputable by 2008 ("a general date by which time everyone will realize the world they thought they were living in was over") and "will consume everyone in the US by 2012"
While they differ in what will happen in those years, both use them as "water-shed" moment. Of course John Titor might have just been a hoaxer having some fun(his last post was 3/24/2001). And maybe MERLIN is just capitalizing on the legend of John.
Just thought it was interesting to see two different future predictions use the same years.
I appreciate all the thoughtful comments. It's gratifying, especially
To the anonymous poster who quoted Dolan, thanks. I agree, there's more involved than black ops. The phenomena is probably several, with distinguishing explanations.
For the genuine phenomena, I too believe it's more likely of extra-dimensional than extra-terrestrial origin. I like Jacques Vallee's contribution, and trust his instincts, on the subject.
Now here's a highly speculative question:
Was the explosion of UFO phenomena in the 1940s a result of Nazi and US experiments in creating a dimensional portal?
In Nick Cook's The Hunt for Zero Point he tells of SS General Hans Kammler, who disappeared at the end of the war (presumably swept up by Project Paperclip), along with his above-top-secret work on something called "The Bell." Cook's source tells him its purpose was to generate a torsion field; to actually bend space-time. The SS, it is suggested, was experimenting with a transdimensional portal at the same time Allied
aircraft were encountering "foo fighters."
I find it intriguing that meanwhile, in the Western US, rocket scientist and accolyte of Aleister Crowley, Jack Parsons (the true father of the space program, according to von Braun), was conducting metaphysical experiments called "The Babalon Working" with L Ron Hubbard, in order to open a dimensional portal and "change the course of history." (Curiously, Crowley drew a sketch of a transdimensional being he called "LAM" he had encountered. Though it was decades before the depiction of "greys," the similarity is striking.)
Even more compelling, following the war, it was to the proving grounds of the western states that the extremely sensitive German technologies were removed; precisely where Parsons was using occult methods to
accomplish, arguably, the intended purpose of Kammler's "Bell." And this is the time and place which saw the explosion of the modern UFO phenomena.
So, does the National Security State have a occultic secret history, owing to Nazi-driven research? The Nazi sympathies and ties of some of its figures are well documented. If there is an occultic undercurrent, then a scandal like the Franklin Cover-Up, which detail pedophilic "sex magik" and Satanic rituals among elite conservative figures, suddenly does not appear so unexpected.
As I said, highly speculative. All intuition, no rigour. But sometimes, it almost makes sense.
Anonymous One, Jeff if anyone wants a real rush , check out .History of the future.This story fits nice with your merlin project line of thinking,later.
Hello again.
You wrote:
"Was the explosion of UFO phenomena in the 1940s a result of Nazi and US experiments in creating a dimensional portal? [snip]
"As I said, highly speculative. All intuition, no rigour. But sometimes, it almost makes sense."
I'm just going to speculate a bit here. The first thing that occurs to me is the problem of applying Three dimensional (4, if you include time) scientific rigour to hyperdimensional matters.
Even in our own "reality," sometimes things happen that are just so outrageous the mind balks and quickly seeks any kind of "solid," rational explanation to cover up the fact that the "anomaly" is just that: an anomaly.
Three-dimensional scientific rigour demands "repeatability" and things that can be weighed and measured in a standard way. So, when things are "anomalous," and do not submit themselves to this demand, they are excluded as being "scientific," so to say.
There are, of course, realms of modern science where this does not hold, of course, such as quantum physics where you can know either momentum or position, but not both. Paul Dirac wrote:
“There are, at present, fundamental problems in theoretical physics the solution of which will presumably require a more drastic revision of our fundamental concepts than any that have gone before. Quite likely, these changes will be so great that it will be beyond the power of human intelligence to get the necessary new ideas by direct attempts to formulate the experimental data in mathematical terms. The theoretical worker in the future will, therefore, have to proceed in a more direct way. The more powerful method of advance that can be suggested at present is to employ all resources of pure mathematics in attempts to perfect and generalize the mathematical formalism that forms the existing basis of theoretical physics, and after each success in this direction, to try to interpret the new mathematical features in terms of physical entities.”
In considering the general theory of relativity, science usually utilizes a four-dimensional space-time continuum. In classical general relativity, the metrical properties of the continuum are intrinsic to the continuum, but a fifth dimension in which our normally sensed space-time is embedded can also be used to account for the curvature and properties of physical space.
In the space-time continuum, one can say that all parts of the four-dimensional world exist simultaneously, in the sense of a mathematical formalism, and this would naturally lead to a complete collapse of the philosophical ideas of causality.
However, many scientists who work with these ideas do not think that this continuum is ‘real’ in a physical sense, such that physical entities could move back and forth at will in and out of time as easily as changing direction in three-dimensional space.
However, that seems to be exactly what is happening with UFOs and so-called "aliens."
It seems that the strange behavior of UFOs suggests to us that they are not "traveling" in the way we understand going from point A to point B, but rather, are traveling in TIME. This can explain a lot about their behavior, including the ability to appear and disappear.
In relativity theory, time intervals between events are not completely fixed relative to moving systems or frames of reference. This has led to some speculation that there may also be analogies between precognition and anomalies.
However, “time dilation,” the contraction of time intervals between moving reference frames, is too small to account for precognition and would still require any information transfer to travel faster than light, and the special theory of relativity, when narrowly interpreted, does not allow for physical travel backwards in time, but relegates this concept to an imaginary mathematical formalism.
Even though it is almost forbidden to question Einstein’s restriction on superluminal travel, Einstein did, at one point, propose to consider the hyperdimensional world as “real.”
In 1938, with P. Bergmann, he wrote a paper entitled "On a Generalization of Kaluza’s Theory of Electricity" in which it was said:
"So far, two fairly simple and natural attempts to connect gravitation and electricity by a unitary field theory have been made, one by Weyl, the other by Kaluza. Furthermore, there have been some attempts to represent Kaluza’s theory formally so as to avoid the introduction of the fifth dimension of the physical continuum. The theory presented here differs from Kaluza’s in one essential point; we ascribe physical reality to the fifth dimension whereas in Kaluza’s theory this fifth dimension was introduced only in order to obtain new components of the metric tensor representing the electromagnetic field."
Yes, you read it right: Einstein did, indeed, propose hyperdimensional space as something with a "physical reality." However, was somewhat nervous about this idea, as indicated in the following remarks toward the end of the paper:
"If Kaluza’s attempt is a real step forward, then it is because of the introduction of the five dimensional space. There have been many attempts to retain the essential formal results obtained by Kaluza without sacrificing the four-dimensional character of the physical space. This shows distinctly how vividly our physical intuition resists the introduction of the fifth dimension. But by considering and comparing all these attempts one must come to the conclusion that all these endeavors did not improve the situation. It seems impossible to formulate Kaluza’s idea in a simple way without introducing the fifth dimension.
"We have, therefore, to take the fifth dimension seriously although we are not encouraged to do so by plain experience. If, therefore, the space structure seems to force acceptance of the five dimensional space theory upon us we must ask whether it is sensible to assume the rigorous reducibility to four dimensional space. We believe that the answer should be “no,” provided that it is possible to understand, in another way, the quasi-four dimensional character of the physical space by taking as a basis the five dimensional continuum and to simplify hereby the basic geometrical assumptions.[…]
"The most essential point of our theory is the replacing of …rigorous cylindricity by the assumption that space is closed (or periodic).[…]
"Kaluza’s five dimensional theory of the physical space provides a unitary representation of gravitation and electromagnetism. […]
It is much more satisfactory to introduce the fifth dimension not only formally, but to assign to it some physical meaning."
So it seems that the "rigorous math" forced his hand, though "rigorous reducibility to four dimensional space" had to be tossed in the trash bin.
Not long after the publishing of the above paper, Einstein backed off from the ideas and one has to wonder if this was a consequence of undue influence?
It is important to note that when considering field theory, it is necessary to differentiate between 1.) Pure field theory such as gravitation, and electrical and magnetic fields and 2.) Quantum field theory.
Fields such as electromagnetic fields and gravitational fields are continuous and spatial while quantum fields are quantized, broken into discrete sections of particulate substance or energy.
The basing of certain theories of psi on a gravitational field rests partly on the fact that gravitation is not subject to the maximum velocity of light because it doesn’t travel, but is structural.
Evidence from Vasiliev and others suggests that psi is also independent of the velocity of light.
Might that be because psi and gravity have something in common? (And certainly, here we approach the so-called "zero point" access to hyperdimensional realities.
Some theorists propose that the "zero-point" gives access to what might be called for the layperson "pure field of information." That may be so, and it may also be so that there is an "interface," or a "step down dimension" between ours and the realm of information.
It may be that something like COINTELPRO, which we can also just think of as Machiavellian principles of getting and holding power, have influenced science to establish certain "sacred cows." One of these is that general relativity has obliged science to abandon the “action at a distance idea, and has placed gravity under subjection to a maximum velocity. However, Margenau has suggested that general relativity ought to be regarded as a ‘formal’ principle such as the Pauli Exclusion Principle. In this case, gravitation would be non-energetic and subject to no maximum velocity and would act as a guiding way to physical phenomena.”
Where we see COINTELPRO in action is when these ideas are adopted by many “alternative science” writers who have related them to buildings, energy fields, light beings, earth grids, sacred geometry, "you create your own reality" and all that. Certainly it does seem that there may be locations on the planet where one can “tap” a certain energy with greater or lesser ease. But the phenomenon that these ideas speaks to more directly is that of hyperdimensional realities wherein mental energies or consciousness energies are amplified and can be interactive with the environment.
These "hyperdimensional portals," suggest that there may be a specific technology that includes not only power for transport that is partly physical, partly “ethereal,” communication that is also partly physical and partly ethereal, as well as powers of “manifestation” that might seem impossible to us in our present state of technology.
All of these properties DO belong to hyperdimensional existence, and such a state of being has been reported for millennia as being the “realm of the gods.”
Regarding German scientists brought to the U.S. via Project Paper-clip, it does seem that they had some grand plans and that there might be many connections between them and certain "occult" ideas. But there is probably a lot of smoke and mirrors around whatever they are doing since we notice the idea being so popular. I am reminded of that funny scene in the movie Independence Day where the President and his group finally arrive at "Area 51" and are introduced to the chief scientist, a geeky guy who tells them that "they don't let us out very often..." or something similar.
One thing that does seem to be a sure bet is the relationship between expatriate German scientists and mind control experiments. Some years back I read something called "The Greenbaum Speech" which, at the time, I thought was too far out to even be considered rational, much less rigorous. But now, in the present day, considering the political and social reality of the world, I have reconsidered this material. I also notice that it experienced some serious "damping" from the PTB which also suggests that a second look at it might be instructive.
Bottom line is this: it's a morass out there. And there can be only one reason for that: somebody wants it that way.
Thanks once again for another fascinating read on a subject with probably the highest of all noise-to-signal ratios.
I like Vallee's observation in Messengers of Deception, that there seems to be a purposeful absurdity at play, perhaps to deter serious study by science and media. I also agree that the New Age movement is full of "useful idiots" unwittingly fabricating a shield for the work of intelligence agencies.
Afraid I haven't the time now to add much more than this: your mention of the Greenbaum speech chilled me. I've been meaning for months now to remark on it; I'm sure I will now soon. Before I discovered it, I certainly found it much easier to dismiss the more outrageous claims of mind control survivors. Now, I will dismiss nothing merely because it's "outrageous."
Jeff have you checked out
I keep hearing about a "New World Order". I've seen it on the back of dollar bills all my life. (Back in grade school a classmate told me about the meaning of the symbols on the dollar bill. 45 years later and I'm starting to believe her...)
Given that the NWO types have now successfully become the U.S. government and overthrown the U.S. Constitution, it seems to me that the next step in their NWO would be not just America but the World.
And what better way to achieve that than an alien "false flag" attack, really performed by renegade "Americans", who, coincidentally, will just happen to be the only ones capable of shielding the world from these supposed alien attackers?
Of course, it should be easy to stop this nefarious plan. All we regular folks need to do is wake the [bleep] up already! (Fat chance...)
Here's an audio wake-up call through which the world seems to have slept:
Okay, regarding all this talk of ufo's and extraterrestrials: Just really think about it. Although the world and its workings certainly are a lot more duplicitous than we may want to admit, it still is not all that complicated. By instilling doubt and fear in the public, then obviously the powers that be retain control over the masses, while avoiding accountability. If you dig, there is countless information regarding the technology that exists and has existed for years in order to pull-off such a ruse. The problem with the masses is that they don't read, they don't inquire. Truly most of us are sheep. We do what's expected, we belive what's on T.V. We are made to be content, and so are duped.
In the software-industry there is a saying for announcing or leaking information, to the media/mainstream, about a feature or functionality that you really don't have yet.
This type of leak is called, "vaporware".
The idea is that you mis-inform your competition about something extravagent. Doing so will make the competitition have to mobilize and form a strategy to counter your own.
Thus if you say that you have the ability to turn invisible and walk around un-noticed, your competition may investigate time and money into some tool that would allow you to see invisible people. During this "invention-time" your competition has a couple of things on there mind:
(a.) Let's be friendly with those guys, cause if we don't they may turn invisible and sneak up on us.
(b.) Okay. Everyone put your heads together. We've got to focus our priorities on the task at hand.
Both of these items make your competition "avoid confrontations with you" and "be very busy".
This allows you to:
(a.) Turn invisible and attack them.
(b.) Do something else that has totally nothing to do with the feature that you said you had...the "vaporware".
Do you think that, by chance, there might be something going on that is easier to understand than a "magical crystal ball" that can tell the future? I mean, I can see how you might fall under it's spell, because everyone really wants to believe that either God or Technology is the answer to everything we can not understand. So why not a "Crystal Ball", created by munging together just the right algorithms? Makes sense, doesn't it?
Not! Come on people. Scienctists are still trying to figure out how all of those brain-paths equal, memory retention. How do you think that the have already figured out the math-to-predict-the-future?
On the other hand; some of us do need to believe in things beyond what we have right in front of us. It helps some of us actually function from day-to-day. For others....I guess we will continue to move around those Chess Peices. ;)
Regarding the post about the Minneapolis sky lighting up???
The URL you posted is a dead link.
There are no cities in Minnesota called Rib Falls, Plover, Marshfield, Merrill, Mole Lake, or Antigo (but they sound like parodies of existing cities).
I live in Minneapolis and no such thing happened here In January of this year. If it did, why on earth would an out of town station report it? We have 5 local news programs, plus dozens of radio stations, dozens of conventional and alternative press outlets, and a large community of people who like to talk about weird things. Nobody here remembers this at all.
Of course, it's possible that our memories were erased along with that URL.
Well you know I found this thing about Merlin months ago and for some reason keep coming back to find out more. The talk of the alien card and building a space station to defend us ???
Don't be too surprised if that's exactly what happens. Have you ever read up on Tesla ??? there is a company called Ionatron stock symbol IOTN that has done this ..... i.e.. the direction of lighting by use of a laser beam. This is true look it up, they use a laser to ionize the atmosphere to direct hundreds of thousands of volts down a beam of light ..... sounds far out doesn't it ??? Its why would we need such a thing if they are not getting ready for some sort of show ..... something to think about ...
1. UFO’s are real.
2. Some are alien, some are classified military projects
3. There is extreme and extensvie secrecy involved in this, not only from our military but apparently from the aliens themselves.
4. The science and technology involved in alien UFO’s probably exceeded my wildest ideas at this point.
5. The intentions of these “aliens” are still not definitively known. They may be our space brothers, or we may be in their cookbook, or they may simply like the water here. Without true knowledge, cuasion is the only logical approach
“… then it is conceivable that, buried deep in the Pentagon's black budget, free energy and anti-gravity propulsion systems are realities. If this is so, then petroleum is not actually the lifeblood of the rulers of this world, but rather another marked-up drug for them to keep us dependent. If a Manhattan Project-like endeavour had already borne fruit, it would explain the seeming short-sightedness regarding the dearth of alternative energy strategies. The technology would not be for the general benefit of humanity (at least not for a pre-crash populace). But if it exists and is in the hands of those who intend to "manage the change" of our system's collapse, then we are perhaps entering the period when it will be deployed more brazenly, possibly even as a mechanism of mass intimidation.”
Elite Secret government
Climate change
1. There is evidence of natural changes in weather patterns taking place throughout our solar system, not just on earth.
The US has developed weaponized weather technology that can generate earthquakes, hurricanes, tsunamis, etc.
Anti gravity technology does exist, and free renewable energy is available. It is alien technology that humans reverse engineered in great secrecy.
Even humans have duplicated it on a minor scale,12996,1481117,00.html
What if there is free and renewable energy available, but the elites don’t want us to know about it until they have made as much money as possible before the oil reserves run dry?
What if the government doesn’t want to unveil renewable energy resources until it had total control of the resources?
If people had access to free renewable energy sources, they would no longer be under the control of any energy cartel. The oil industry has been the single most dominant and controlling force globally for the last 150 years or more.
Look at what happens to maverick scientists who get too close to commercialization:
What if human use of fossil fuels is not the real cause of global warming?
What if weather changes are both natural and man-made? What if the latter is intended to accelerate the former?
> The technology would not be for the general benefit of humanity
Why is there so much talk of global pandemics?
Why are so many elites eugenicists?
And they will mind control techniques to control the slaves they decide to keep.
And another interesting link:
A fact that is ommitted in every webpage listing 'MERLIN' and 'Time Trak' is that it is pure and simple ASTROLOGY.
It is as 'scientific' as astrology, it makes claims to unspecified and undefined 'energy' which arises from 'celestial phenomena' (planetary positions), it uses mathematical equations just like astrology, etc.,etc.,etc.
The question is why do they *deny* that it is 100% astrology?!? They wrap it up in techno-babble and claim connection to the Pentagon. If you read that claim carefully they say that they *sent in* a white paper. You and I could mail anything to anyone and make a misleading claim that there is then a connection, and thereby some sort of tacit approval of what was sent in. Note that nowhere does it say that the Pentagon is paying them for their 'services'.
Note the misleading description of their work. Compare the lingo to that of other, self-acknowledged ASTROLOGERS: they also 'use mathematical equations of celestial phenomena to make future predictions', using 'past historical data' to guide them in what will happen the next time the same planetary aspects are formed.
The difference between an honest astrologer and Dr. George Hart & Paul Guercio is that the former acknowledge that it is astrology, while the latter go to great measures to disguise and mislead from the fact that they are doing astrology, pure and simple.
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