Welcome back to Atlanta

Well, let's see where this goes: DeKalb County Police Chief Louis Graham has reopened the investigation of the six Atlanta Child Murders that occured in his jurisdiction.
Graham investigated four of the child murders while serving as the assistant police chief in Fulton County at the time of the killings. Now, as police chief in a neighboring county, he has vowed to probe the DeKalb County cases at any price.
"This is not a matter of cost. This is the matter of the right thing to do," Graham said. He has appointed four detectives and one sergeant to review the cases and has given them no timeline to complete the task.
"They will take as long as necessary and if we come up with a conclusion, so be it. If not, so be it," said Graham.
Between July,1979 and May, 1981, 29 black youths, almost all boys, were murdered, mostly by asphyxiation, and possibly while being sexually assaulted. (Though Chet Dettlinger, a former assistant to Atlanta's Police Chief, claims 63 other "pattern" victims were left off the official list attributed to convicted Wayne Williams, 25 of whom were killed after Williams' arrest.) Judging by analysis of stomach contents, many children had spent enough time with their captors to be fed, and a number of their bodies were found dressed in a change of clothes. The sexual organs of many were missing. According to a medical examiner, around one boy's stab wound to the belly were five ceremonial cuts. A number of parents contended that when they identified their children's remains, they saw crosses carved into their foreheads and chests. (From the "Atlanta" excerpt of EIR's report on Satanism.)
Vice President George HW Bush "took an active role in the investigation," even visiting Atlanta to demand that "some action be taken." (In Programmed to Kill, David McGowan writes that Bush's visit was "ostensibly to coordinate federal and local efforts and to make sure the investigation stayed on track.") Soon after, the cases were closed when freelance photographer Williams was convicted of just two of them, on the strength of fibre evidence, found chiefly in his car. ( "My issue with the fiber evidence was and still is it is not conclusive, never has been and never will be," says Chief Graham.)
It's interesting to consider that Williams was a photographer. If the murders were the ritual sex slayings of a Satanic cult, it might be expected that a photographer would be somehow implicated, à la Rusty Nelson of the Franklin Cover-Up, for the production of child pornography. Also, the nature of the evidence against Williams, and the fact that he was a black homosexual, suggests he may have played a role in luring some of the victims to their deaths. Additionally, the EIR report claims that "information was made available to the defense team naming two police officers who were reportedly in Williams's Satanic group," though Satanism was not raised by either the defense or the prosecution.
One of the victims, Earl Terrell, disappeared after leaving a public swimming pool across from a house which was the headquarters of a child pornography ring. The owner of the house, John Wilcoxen, was later convicted for his part in the ring, though he was never considered a suspect in Terell's abduction, despite a witness having claimed to have seen Terrell at the house on several occasions. Lubie Geter, another victim, was also connected to Wilcoxen, as well as to another known paedophile who was in turn connected to later victim William Barrett. Three weeks after Geter's abduction his friend, Terry Pue, disappeared. When Pue's remains were recovered, police found what should have been a break in the case: fingerprints were found on his body. They did not belong to Williams. The prints remain unidentified.
But Clifford Jones would be the next to die after Terrell. His body was found beside a dumpster behind a laundromat. McGowan tells the story, in Programmed to Kill:
No fewer than three young witnesses reported seeing the laundromat manager, James Brooks, go into the backroom accompanied by a black male youth. One of them even saw the boy beaten, anally raped and strangled to death by Brooks and another man, Calvin Smith. Other witnesses saw Brooks, wearing a hooded ceremonial robe, carry a large object out to the trash where the body was later discovered. Brooks candidly admitted to police that the boy had been in the laundromat around the time of his death, but he steadfastly denied any involvement in the murder. Notably though, he failed two polygraph examinations. The police nevertheless cleared him as a suspect, claiming that the eyewitness to the killing was "retarded." They did not bother to explain all the other witness accounts or the failed polygraphs.
A number of independent investigations, such as those pursued by the Congress of Racial Equality (CORE), journalist Ira Liebowitz and author James Baldwin, uncovered many occult aspects to the crimes. A principal informant was a Miami cocktail waitress named Shirley McGill, whose story is eerily evocative of both the Matamoros Santeria drug cult and Henry Lee Lucas's tales of the Florida-based "Hand of Death".
In 1977, claims McGill, she became involved with a Miami cab driver named Parnell Traham, a Vietnam vet who was also an occultist and drug trafficker, whose trade included hubs in Georgia and Texas. (Witnesses to one child's abduction identified Traham as the driver of the car.) He recruited McGill to keep the books, and she moved to Atlanta.
The drug operation took cellular form: members of one cell would not know the identities of those in another. McGill says that, in Atlanta, she was introduced to an inner, controlling circle of Satanists.
More from the EIR report:
In March of 1980, she was invited to a ceremonial ground in Atlanta. She was instructed to wear a long dress, with a scarf covering her head, but not to wear undergarments. An initiation ceremony took place, in which dope was smoked and there was some sexual activity. According to her account, McGill sought to keep her distance from the cult activities. When she did attend ritual ceremonies, she would volunteer to act as a guard on the perimeter of the area.
While the members of the drug network with which she was involved were black, the high priest during the occult ceremonies was a white man, and white and black would participate in the rituals. The high priest would appear naked, wearing goat horns on his head, and would seem to appear from a cloud of smoke. A ring of candles would create a kind of altar, and these were placed surrounding the statute of a short, fat, seated man. The ceremonies which she witnessed included animal and human sacrifice, which included slitting the victim's throat and then drinking his or her blood from a chalice. The sexual orgy which would follow, included having sexual relations with animals. After this, people would bathe in a body of water adjacent to the ceremonial grounds.
McGill identified several outdoor sites where rituals were held. Funeral homes were frequently used to dispose of bodies, which were placed in the closed coffins of people who were being buried from the funeral home. McGill also pointed out places from which the drug operations were run. One was a machine shop, another a barn or warehouse, and there was also a house.
McGill related three incidents which occurred apart from these ceremonies, one of them in a barn. A black man dragged what appeared to be a dead black child into the barn by a rope tied around the child's neck. Various individuals tried to get McGill to pull the rope but she refused. The child's body was then placed in the trunk of a car. On another occasion, McGill was working in the machine shop, when two men brought in a young black child who was bound. The boy knew McGill and appealed to her for help. He told her that he would be killed because he had withheld money from the sale of drugs. Later she witnessed his murder, when a plastic bag was placed over his head. On another occasion she saw on the floor of the barn a naked child, who appeared to be dead.
When CORE presented McGill's story to the press in April, 1981 it was roundly derided as absurdly sensationalist. This rush to judgement didn't change after she passed two polygraphs, repeated her story under hypnosis and was declared sane by psychiatrists. McGowan adds that McGill was also able to lead investigators to remote sites that displayed evidence they had been used for ritual ceremonies.
There was little serious interest in pursuing McGill's allegations. It was simply too much to believe. Never mind that a few months before, an anonymous call led police to an abandoned home in Atlanta's southwest.
Here's McGowan again:
Neighbors that were questioned reported strange comings and goings at odd hours. Investigators reported being sickened by an odor "like decaying flesh," though no bodies were found. Detectives did find children's clothing, along with an ax, a hatchet, and two bibles nailed to the wall - both opened to passages on human sacrifice. Professor Carl Raschke has written that, in the neighborhoods where the killings occurred, "a number of children have told police about satanic sex abuse in which, they insist, they were compelled to drink both animal and human blood." Some months after McGill came foward, searchers stumbled upon a ritual site littered with the carcasses of slaughtered animals. Prominent features of the site included a stone altar stained with blood and a twelve-foot-high charred cross.
What seemed incredible 25 years ago may not seem so today. After all, in the meantime, we've had 25 years of unbelievable truths to digest. An occult underground of paedophiles and drug traffickers, operating with the apparent protection of elements of the state, plus a special appearance by George Herbert Walker Bush? Well, knock me over with a feather.
The anti-gay rights Republican mayor of Spokane would appear to be a serial homosexual pederast. John Bolton reportedly forced group sex upon his first wife, who eventually fled him in terror. And whatever, and whoever, else he has been, "Jeff Gannon" was a male prostitute who enjoyed unrivalled White House access. And this is the mainstream news. Is it weird enough for you yet?
There's no reason anymore why our incredulity should be an arbiter of the truth. Most of us, I expect, lead what could be called normal lives. There are things outside our experience of which we cannot conceive. And yet they happen. If we can't conceive of them now, that's simply a failure of imagination.
"This is the matter of the right thing to do," says DeKalb County Police Chief Louis Graham. And good luck to him.
More on the RI message board here.

Hi Jeff,
nice post, and a fascinating, though deeply disturbing topic.
One thing, however, has me very concerned right now. In this post, you have extensive citations from David McGowan's book. David McGowan is one of my other fave online alternative writers. He has much great analysis at his website, http://davesweb.cnchost.com
From info in various articles on his site, I know that he's in SoCal. That's why when I came across this article (linked below) it sent a chill down my spine. Is this the same David McGowan? Or merely an unfortunate coincidence of names?
I'm an American working overseas, and I put in long hours, so I don't have much time to do my own online research. I did go to the Davesweb links for biographical detail. The age of David McGowan given in the article could be about right, but the employment info on his website clearly doesn't match the info in the news article. However, I'd expect someone who writes about the topics he chooses, and with his perspective, to most likely post a "red-herring" bio, if any. Of course, that raises the question of why he'd use his real name on his website or books! But whatever. I wouldn't think that David McGowan is a very common name, but there are probably at least a few around. . .and I could see him being a police/DA investigator in "real" life, based on his investigative prowess as demonstrated on his website. So I just don't know. The name "coincidence" as well as the troubling aspects of the case (murder-suicide? with the rash of questionable "suicides" of dissenters? was a silencer used? early reports from the scene said all those killed except for David were undisturbed in their beds. Why is no one questioning the immediate police "murder-suicide" hypothesis, especially considering David's line of work???!!)has me deeply concerned. Have we lost another brave voice of dissent under suspicious circumstances? Or is this merely a bizarre coincidence of location and name, with the David McGowan of Programmed to Kill and Davesweb still alive and well? Any info you might have or insight you might be able to provide would be most welcome! Thanks and keep up the good work.
That gave me a chill too when I heard of it. It looks like a coincidence, though a deeply disturbing one. The investigator, David S McGowan, doesn't appear to be the David McGowan of "davesweb."
Another "family values" fundamentalist Bushite exposed:
Dr. W. David Hager is a prominent obstetrician-gynecologist and Bush Administration appointee to the Advisory Committee for Reproductive Health Drugs in the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) -- and a serial sodomizer (non-consensual, of course) of his wife.
from the article:
Back at Asbury, Hager cast himself as a victim of religious persecution in his sermon. "You see...there is a war going on in this country," he said gravely. "And I'm not speaking about the war in Iraq. It's a war being waged against Christians, particularly evangelical Christians. It wasn't my scientific record that came under scrutiny [at the FDA]. It was my faith.... By making myself available, God has used me to stand in the breach.... Just as he has used me, he can use you."
Up on the dais, several men seated behind Hager nodded solemnly in agreement. But out in the audience, Linda Carruth Davis--co-author with Hager of Stress and the Woman's Body, and, more saliently, his former wife of thirty-two years--was enraged. "It was the most disgusting thing I've ever heard," she recalled months later, through clenched teeth.
ccording to Davis, Hager's public moralizing on sexual matters clashed with his deplorable treatment of her during their marriage. Davis alleges that between 1995 and their divorce in 2002, Hager repeatedly sodomized her without her consent. Several sources on and off the record confirmed that she had told them it was the sexual and emotional abuse within their marriage that eventually forced her out. "I probably wouldn't have objected so much, or felt it was so abusive if he had just wanted normal [vaginal] sex all the time," she explained to me. "But it was the painful, invasive, totally nonconsensual nature of the [anal] sex that was so horrible."
Sent out yesterday by David McGowan (author of Programmed To Kill)
Greetings from the Center for an Informed America
(http://davesweb.cnchost.com/). Please forward this newsletter widely.
If this was forwarded to you and you would like to receive future
mailings, e-mail (mailto:dave@davesweb.cnchost.com) a request to be
added to this mailing list.
To all concerned,
I am happy to announce here that, despite news reports that would seem
to indicate otherwise, neither I nor my family are currently dead.
As a good number of you already know, David McGowan, a 44-year-old
Southern California man, was slaughtered in his home Monday night along
with his wife, three kids and mother-in-law (initial news reports
indicate that the case will be written off as a murder/suicide, but that
scenario seems extremely unlikely).
Right name, right age (give or take a year), right number of family
members, and right part of the country -- but wrong occupation and wrong
socioeconomic class (why does no one in the media find it odd that a
D.A.'s investigator and his retired firefighter wife lived in a
$2,000,000 home?). So, while I sincerely appreciate the concern
expressed by some of you, rest assured that I am alive and well.
While we're on this subject, however, I should probably take this
opportunity to note that I am not now, nor have I ever been, suicidal (I
am also not accident-prone, and I am, I might add, in very good health).
So if anything should happen to me, please don't be shy about asking
questions. I assure you that, unlike the Webb family (according to our
buddy Mike Ruppert, anyway), my family will not be offended if the
official explanation is questioned. And even if they are, ask questions
But for now, I am very much alive. In fact, I am doing quite well,
having just returned from a fantastic, scenic, educational, and
enlightening two week vacation in Belize with the wife. I could easily
ramble on here for quite some time about my experiences and impressions
of Belize, but I will refrain from doing so in order to get this
bulletin out in a timely manner and stem the flow of e-mail inquiries
filtering into my mailbox.
By the way, does it really make sense to write to someone you suspect of
being dead to ask them if they are, in fact, dead? In such an event,
does a nonresponse qualify as an affirmative reply? Just checking ...
Lest there be any lingering doubts about my well-being, I will be taking
to the airwaves with Meria Heller on May 25 (two weeks from today) for
an interview that was scheduled several weeks ago. I assume that we will
be discussing current events, which should be interesting since I
haven't a clue what has happened in the world in the last two weeks or
In fact, last night's evening newscast was the very first news that I
had heard, watched or read since April 28. And the lead story, curiously
enough, was about the slaughter of my namesake and his family. Several
of you have indicated that this story freaked you out. I think that I am
on fairly safe ground here when I say that I am almost certain that it
didn't freak you out nearly as much as it freaked me out. It's good to
be back in the land where weirdness reigns supreme ...
I'm afraid that that is all I have for now. I have a little catching-up
to do, but I will return soon with new posts, including the long overdue
addenda to my 9-11 series. And don't forget to listen in to Meria's show
on May 25.
All the best,
the other David McGowan
All those kids dead-- too sad for words.
Sick sick people.
I hope they rot somewhere.
chills down the spine. that's a delicacy to them.
If they were sick, meaning that they are incapable of being or doing otherwise, it would not be right for them to rot, but should receive compassionate treatment.
Do you think they are sick, or do you think they choose to do what they do because they are evil? Sickness and evil are two different things, and should not be confused.
People who are sick are impaired in their mental function, and are dysfunctional so they are unable to properly care for their own interests.
People who cunningly plan and deliberately execute actions to gratify their desires, are actually quite functional, and not sick at all. The desires of their hearts are evil. Their thoughts are perverse. Their words are lies. And their actions are abominations.
Man, I read the little blurb on the reopening of the case in today's NY Times (3rd story down), and my first thought was "I bet if someone looks into it it's gonna lead right back to the paedo-underground", and sure enough it did (nice work as always Jeff). We've actually reached the point where this shit is becoming THAT predictable!! *sob*
Look at this BBC article about African children missing in London:
Like anonymous said, check out the stories today about the disappearing black children in the UK.
Here's a thread on the discussion board.
Some excerpts:
"Fears of trade in children as 300 boys disappear"
"Thousands of African children 'disappear' in the UK"
"The figure emerged through the murder inquiry following the discovery of a child's torso in the Thames in September 2001. The identity of the victim, named 'Adam' by police, is not known but his background was traced to Nigeria, it is believed he died in a ritual sacrifice."
"Tests suggest the boy, believed to have been aged between four and six and to have been alive when he arrived in London, may have been poisoned. Traces of the highly poisonous calabar bean was found in Adam’s lower intestine, and police think that may have been used to subdue him before his death.
"Other contents in his stomach including crushed bone, and clay pellets impregnated with gold and quartz were discovered in his lower intestine."
Here's another interesting link:
I believe that the most common personality we are dealing with here is that of the psychopath. If you've known one--worked with or for one or, worse, been related or married to one--you have already come to understand the "they" that stalk us--by some accounts, 1 out of 25 or at very least one out of 50 people. Without empathy, without conscience, therefore capable of anything, they tend to be banished (as sorcerers) from small and close-knit traditional societies, but go on to accumulate in larger, more anonymous situations, until eventually they congregate at the top, where they find their place, preying on the rest of us, sitting on top of the hierarchies of absolute power. Charming, magnetic, charismatic, and completely "evil"--for them the term was invented. They cannot be changed, cannot love, and are only enabled by our wonderful, humanistic system where everyone is equal and no one can be banished; they thrive in academia, in corporations, in law firms--indeed, the corporate structure, as the movie says, IS in mayn ways psychopathic, and it is that way largely because it is mutually enabling of psychopaths, for the ruthless pursuit of profit and power, through any means, and most notably blackmail, deceit, and torture, is their trade; but the masses love them! (Martha Stewart) Bill Gates is one, he suffers from Asperger's Syndrome, also known as "autistic psychopathy." THEY never seek help, never did from Hervey Cleckley, certainly not from Robert Hare (who says indeed that they sometimes come and stare at him!)--it's their family members who turn them in, but they themselves perceive nothing wrong. They are merely curious about us, toying with us, but something in the brain chemicals, probably not the genes, makes them something other than the flawed humans that the rest of us are.
You've known them--just think of the most charming people you ever knew, magnetically attractive, the smiles that lures people to their doom, but perhaps you weren't a target or a threat. The world isn't the same after you've REALLY know one, and then found out how common they are. Read the Mask of Sanity, the Sociopath Next Door, or anything by Hare.
And the biggest joke is that people think that psychopaths are always Manson. That's a certain type, but more commonly they are the Tony Blairs of the world. Of course they bathe in blood--it is just a fine-tasting liquid to them.
The only good think is that while they function perfectly in decentralized networks, they cannot, by definition, cooperate with one another, so even as they coagulate into the mass of scum at the top, they rip each other apart and drive their nations and peoples to suicide (the Nazi example).
I thikn the most amazing trait of full-blown psychopaths is their capacity to weave lies together to create, it seems, almost flawless tapestries, and to create multiple realities for each of their targets, so that each is trapped in different visions of truth, all created out of whole cloth, but with elements of real-life events; they sap your weaknesses, exploit them, turn them against you, and in the end you feel YOU'RE the guilty one, YOU'RE the crazy, indeed they end up being the ones who do the Monarch programs, who create the schizophrenias and paranoias and multiple personalities and all the litanies of mentla disorders the rest of us suffer from. If not them directly, then the milieux they dominate: politics, education, law, Madison Avenue...
The best thing to do is unmask them whenever you can, but don't let them know you're doing it. Push their buttons and get them to remove their masks, make fools of themselves, little Bill O'Reillys!
We need to be aware that these people CANNOT be reformed, reprogrammed, that love will do nothing for them; our beautiful free, open systems are our downfalls!
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