The Italian Job

"Mussolini" by Diego Rivera, 1933
Perhaps even more maddening than every last, bloody outrage of the Cheney-Bush cabal has been the free pass each one has received from the media wing of weapons manufacturers and the cowed, bought and emasculated Democratic Party.
So now, at last, that the open secret of Karl Rove's having been the source of the Plame leak threatens to become the administration's open sore, it makes eminent sense to keep picking at it. Yet still, I'm uneasy about the glee the story is generating amongst the regime's critics.
I'm not saying the story's going nowhere. (Though after the example of so many before it, I understand why one might have that thought.) What I'm saying is Karl Rove can go down, and nothing will change. Because as rich as the story is, the Plame story remains political, and politics - as demonstrated by recent election cycles - doesn't really matter all that much anymore.
There are bigger fish than Rove, and if they are to fry, attention should be paid to another unfolding story.
Just as parapolitics trumps politics, global power networks eclipse American domestic power structures. Rove's domain is certainly significant, but it remains one circle within many. And potentially more damaging to the Power Elite than the Plame leak, though perhaps not as satisfying to us as Rove's expected perp walk, is the disclosure of a secret, "parallel" counter-terrorism network embedded in Italy's security infrastructure. (Which, by the way, now provides a compelling motive for Nicola Calipari's single bullet to the head.)
If this sounds familiar, you've been paying attention. It's Gladio, it's P2; it's the fascist-Masonic false flag terror: the assassins of Pope John Paul I and the true Balogna train bombers. It's the gang to which Michael Ledeen served as an "advisor" in the late 1970s.
Nearly a year ago, in Yellow Cake and Black Shirts, I wrote about the connection of Ledeen's Italian network to the Niger fraud, so perhaps, actually, we're really talking about different facets of the same story, and what's unravelling in Italy now is the deep politics to Rove's politics.
Rove can go down and it will only make us feel better, and only for a little while. But if such a network goes down, it threatens to take with it the whole, rotten system.
Your mention of Gladio got me pulling up my files on it -- and what I'm seeing has interesting resonances:
The Pentagon's 'NATO Option':
Washington is shocked by Seymour Hersh’s scoop about the Pentagon’s “Salvador Option,” an ambitious plan to deploy secret special forces in friendly and unfriendly countries to spy, target terrorists and their sympathizers, and conduct “hits,” all without Congressional oversight. . . .
But Washington’s shock is misplaced. There’s nothing new about the “Salvador Option.” At the end of last month, Frank Cass in London released a new book by Dr. Daniele Ganser of the Center for Security Studies at the Federal Institute of Technology, Zurich called, “NATO’s Secret Armies. Operation Gladio and Terrorism in Western Europe,” which offers plenty of evidence that there was also a “Salvador Option” in post-war Europe. It turns out that during the Cold War, European governments and secret services conspired with a NATO-backed operation to engineer attacks in their own countries in order to manipulate the population to reject socialism and communism.
It was called “the strategy of tension” and it was carried out by members of secret stay-behind armies organized by NATO and funded by the CIA in Italy, Portugal, Germany, Spain, and other European countries. The strategy apparently involved supplying right-wing terrorists with explosives to carry out terrorist acts which were then blamed on left-wing groups to keep them out of power.
Only three countries, Italy, Belgium, and Switzerland, have had a parliamentary investigation into NATO’s role and a public report. The US and UK, the two nations most centrally involved, are refusing to disclose details, so crucial pieces of the story are missing. Still, Ganser’s book offers some disturbing insights into a hidden aspect of the Cold War.
Holy Smoke and Mirrors carries the story in a more conspiratorial direction, involving the Mafia, the Knights of Malta, the CIA, Opus Dei, the drug trade, Ollie North, Nazi war criminals, P2, the Priory of Sion, Danny Casolaro, Michael Aquino, and the Bilderbergers.
That's a bit too rich a mix even for my taste, and I'm not convinced that all the implied connections really hold up -- but it does suggest that Gladio is a thread that, if tugged on in the right way, could lead to a major unraveling. Among other things, it leads very directly into BCCI, the World Anti-Communist League, Latin American death squads, and much more of the corrupt underbelly of the 1980's.
Left, Right, East, West, Christian, Muslim: just masks to hide behind and confuse us.
Immoral cabals do not care about ideology. Just Control.
Give me a tule-mat hut near a clear salmon creek, next to some woods that yield camas root.
In that case, some day I will hear the fifes and drums of the cavalry, come to rub out the last free human being.
As this is blog is interesting i'll add something concerning gladio style happenings in europe from the 1980's & a weird linkup to a serialkilling pedophile.
in the eighties a series of brutal supermarket robberies occured with hardly any cash taken but lots of killings and left wing terrorists simultaniously went on a bombing spree,it was claimed the left wing terrorists were connected with a french leftwing group action-directe.the supermarket robberies were military in style and weapons used came from a burglary of the anti-terror squad.some of the people killed in the supermarket robberies happened to be connected to illegal arms dealing. Neither cases were solved as far as i know.
flashforward to around the time of the Detroux pedophile case.Another belgian serialkilling pedophile Fourniret is caught in france.
A weird detail in that case: Fourniret was jailed and released 4 times for lack of evidence, during one of his spells in jail he shared a cell with *drumroll* a member of action-directe, on his release he kills the girlfriend of this action-directe member and steals the groups $30,000 "warchest"
The "open secret" of Rove being the Plame leaker is news to me. Yes, he was asked for more testimony after the Time mag email evidence was made available, but... I want more. People are talking, Time made emails available, reporters are still being called to testify, I'll patiently wait for the real dirt.
As for this being the smaller of the stories, I disagree: this is one avg Joe can wrap his mind around. The Italian Job as you've named it is deeper, darker, and too far away for most people to become very interested in: insert fingers into ears, start singing.
In response to metaxa: Rove would be okay as a starting point, but to allow it to stop there -- or even to stop with Bush and Cheney -- would be repeating the Watergate mistake. It does no good to cut off one head of the hydra if it immediately grows back.
The fascinating thing about this conspiracy stuff is the very real extent to which all the mysteries turn out to be the same mystery. For me, the greatest mystery is why the left has been constantly under assault and in retreat since World War II. And the Gladio material provides a sharply-focused snapshot of the answer.
Think of it this way:
During and after World War II, a collection of right-wing forces came together. There were fascists and old Nazis looking to hide their past. There were American business interests with a grudge against the New Deal and an absolute terror of communism. There were various social reactionaries, many of them affiliated with the Catholic Church, who wanted nothing more than to turn the clock back to the Middle Ages. There were assorted Cold Warriors who saw the only possibility of controlling nuclear weapons as lying in a new American imperium.
The agendas of these various individuals and groups have not been identical, but for the most part they've been able to work smoothly together against what they see as the menace of the left -- that is, real democracy, equality, and social justice.
They've commanded the allegiance of the larger part of the elite classes, particularly in the US and Western Europe, but also in Eastern Asia and Latin America. They've had a lock on many intelligence services -- which themselves tend to be strongly based in the old elites. They've had access to seemingly unlimited supplies of wealth -- possibly starting with hoarded German and Japanese gold, going on to the international drug trade, and touching on anything else where cash flows freely and untraceably. And they've had financial havens in a variety of islands and small nations which offer the advantages of tax shelters and money laundering.
With all these advantages, they've been able to manipulate events to their advantage -- buying off political leaders, overthrowing governments, destroying or discrediting anyone who might offer a genuine threat to their domination. Their hand is behind many of the seemingly inexplicable events of the last 60 years -- for example, the increasing entanglement of the US in Vietnam from 1954 to 1965 is a textbook case.
The only way to understand this situation is to grasp it as a whole. Trying to chop off bits to present as standalone scandals just gives people a false sense of mission accomplished -- followed by an equally false sense that it's hopeless to try because nothing ever really changes.
One advantage we have is that since the fall of Communism, they've become increasingly greedy and arrogant. They've also grown increasingly corrupt and self-serving. The real leaders of this movement were all born around 1915-25 and were inspired by the fear of technology and modernism that was so widespread before World War II. Their children and grandchildren don't even have that order of reactionary vision. They are deeply decadent, driven solely by a lust for power and self-indulgence.
Imaging a mirror universe in which the fascists won World War II, achieved total world domination -- and in the 60 years since have gone entirely soft and hedonistic, but at the same time remain intensely sadistic and parasitic on those they rule. That, although in more covert form, appears to be the situation of the ruling elites of the world today.
I don't know how much of this picture can be conveyed to the society at large -- although a great deal can be said in fictional terms that cannot be said directly. But in one way or another, it does have to be made widely apparent if we are ever to get these damned blood-suckers off our backs.
Even impeachment, even a resignation, hell, even a hanging if it ever leads to that, would also imo, be a diversion. I don't see it fixing anything.
I agree, leaving this story at the gate keepers thresholds will get us nowhere but back into the loop.
I see the gates being rushed all the time, but maybe it's just because of where I hang.
For instance The G8 thing has been thoroughly dragged in the mud and so have the star participants. No one I know believes it to be anything other than cheap sugar.
Gladio is alive and well and in Spain.
Sr. Paulino Rivero
Chairman, 11-M Commission
Congreso de los Diputados 11 September 2004
(Correos certificado 223435452)
Dear Mr Chairman,
Greetings from the beautiful Canary Islands.
You would be well advised to not rule out the possibility that the terrorist attacks of 11 March were carried out by Manchurian Candidates. And that the purpose of the attack was to divert attention away from the planned coup in Equatorial Guinea.
For all the confusion created thus far by your commission, there are really only two questions that the people of Spain want answered. The first question is why there were connections between the terrorists and the Spanish secret services prior to the attacks on Atocha? The second question is whether and why did the Aznar regime lie about the identities of the probable authors of the attack? They also want to know if there was any cause and effect relationship between those two issues.
Let us hypothesise that the terrorists had been primed by their Controller to strike a little earlier in March. On 7 March Nick du Toit and sixteen others were arrested in Malabo. Simon Mann and seventy others were arrested in Zimbabwe. Severo Moto was here in Las Palmas in the company of Greg Wales and David Tremain, was delayed by the car rally at the airport, and then received a warning text message in Mali on his way to Malabo. The coup was frustrated, so of course the terrorists received no orders from their Controller. Soldiers on a war footing get edgy and frustrated when the attack they have prepared is delayed. They waited a few days, and then decided for themselves to carry out the plan. Under this scenario the Aznar regime hung itself with desperate lies in panic and guilt not for the fact that Madrid had suffered a terrible attack, but for LOSING CONTROL OF THE OPERATION.
And had the coup been successful? Once Moto was in Malabo with du Toit and Mann the Controller would give the order to strike Madrid, a full six days before the General Election. The Spanish commandoes would be ashore in Malabo in force while a traumatised nation suffered through six days of Aznar attacking ZP as the terrorists’ friend. Aznar would assassinate the character of Rodriguez Zapatero, while Rajoy stood above the fray looking statesmanlike (straight out of the Karl Rove playbook). Rajoy would win by a landslide. And nobody would be in the least interested in the two Spanish warships and the 1000 Spanish troops taking control of a small country in the armpit of Africa. Mission Accomplished, and $5 Billion a year (and rising fast) to share out amongst the conspirators.
The terrorist strikes in Madrid served the same intended purpose as the terrorist strikes in New York and Washington: to facilitate regime change in an oil-rich state abroad, and the re-election of a neofascist government at home. You should make it your business* to follow up on the latest revelations of hijacking “training
exercises” being run by Cheney on 11 September 2001. America’s air traffic
controllers were unable to distinguish between 18 “phantom hijackings” and the four
real hijackings because Cheney himself was running interference that morning. That’s why Cheney went ballistic when one of the National Security Agency intercepts leaked from the US Congress: “The match is tomorrow”. Indeed it might well be that the Controller of the Madrid terrorist cell intended to use these very same code words.
The bombings of Madrid planned for 8 march were a direct attack on Spanish democracy and the popular sovereignty. You know now that the United Kingdom is not a democracy under the control of the people, but an autocracy under the control of the Queen. You know now that crimes are committed by privateers/pirates like Archer and Thatcher under license of that queen. You know that the Madrid terrorists were in contact with London. You know now that the coup in Equatorial Guinea was planned in London. We were indeed fortunate in that the courageous actions of black-skinned people saved our own white skins: it was a true act of God.
Do you see now the dangers inherent in secret societies, and why Article 22.5 of the Spanish Constitution forbids such secret societies? Hundreds of people were always going to die at Atocha. But God’s miracle is that the actual victims did not die in vain. They died that their country might be spared a neofascist dictatorship exported from London.
If I am correct in my hypothesis it means that the facilitators, members of a Spanish secret society controlled from London, are still in place at all levels of our security structure. Following the trials of Barrionuevo and Vera for their roles in GAL there exists the perfect precedent to put the Aznar regime on trial for crimes against the people of Spain. If you cover this up you may be certain that it will happen again. And the Good Lord might not smile upon us for a second time.
I am at your service** and will gladly tell you all I know about the identity of the Controller. For more than seven years your colleagues now in power have chosen to ignore my warnings of danger. The cost of that mistake includes a great deal of lost time and money and 192 persons dead in Madrid. Please do not make that same mistake again.
Yours sincerely,
** Apart from 6 to 27 October when I will be in London to see my mother.
Cc President Teodoro Obiang Nguema Judge Teresa Palacios
President Vladimir Putin Josep Borrell MEP
Senator John Edwards The Prince of Asturias
A tid bit. They showed an incident at the European Parliament today. Far right members of the Berlusconi coalition were hectoring the speaker and had to be thrown out.
The speaker was Ciampi, the President of Italy.
So the President of Italy just happens to be in Strasbourg at this time.
Two other things I noted when I just read Wayne Madsen. He has picked up the intelligence that the special forces are pulling out of Rota. And he has made the connection with the Madrid bombing last year
Here's another closet fascist coming out... I can't believe Paul Harvey said this... the world is going insane:
Excellent post my friend
First off, like Rove won’t receive a presidential pardon!? I doubt the mass media will even bat an eyelash. Starroute wrote of the political left’s demise in the post-WWII environment. I would agree that the consolidation of power(s) continued to amplify (if not exponentially) after WWII and that this was a pivotal change in “free society.” However, blaming the further corruption of society or trying to nail down a fragment of time where we “turned the corner” is also a diversion. Those in power have almost always been abusive of their congregations, whether it’s Roman, Middle-Eastern, or Far East history. We need a better understanding of history. We must realize that as long as those in power aren’t accountable to the masses, abuse will occur if not solidify itself. War, if anything, tends to advance technology. Post WWII we see the government’s exploitation of new electronic media formats. This can also be seen in Post-WWI society with the regulation of radio. Perhaps, post-WWII society even saw the induction of electronic mind/mood altering technologies imbedded in radio/TV transmissions. Through “project mockingbird” and, well, what most of us post in the discussion forums and Jeff’s blog, we continue to see the perversion of the mass media. Ralph Nader has a saying “if you don’t turn on to politics, politics will surely turn on you.” Political discourse is still the best, if not the only battle we can fight against insanity. Cautiously pessimistic, interesting perspective which I must confess to occasionally. I know the more we find out about “fringe sciences”, the bigger the lump of shit we’re being fed gets. To speak for myself, I don’t believe we will topple the towers of hideous, dictatorial, evil emperors in my lifetime (I’m 30-ish). Sometimes its not whether you win, but knowing you’re on the right team. I enjoy all of the discussions that occur here. I hope all of us continue to hear the voice from within’ which calls us to a greater truth. Keep digging!
A bit more speculation.
It is surely significant that this is NATO. Now I'm no expert on this, but I drew the conclusion that the European "constitution" made national sovereignty subordinate to NATO obligations. It could be that these activities were to be legitimised ex post facto.
The French, then the Dutch killed that prospect.
They can't staunch the shit anymore!
godamm you wide eyed crazy fuckers,
i am supposed to be working, getting a magazine out the door to the printers but the suspense of all of the information about the italian job and the connections and european strategy of tension, and the timing of the chinese/russian statement on the new world order
my head is going to explode
smiths, where have you been. it's been like this for weeks, months,... but I know what you mean, you know. just another day in the C21st.
read the classic
Right-wing Terrorists and the Extraparliamentary Left in Post-World War 2 Europe: Collusion or Manipulation by Jeffrey M. Bale
The Bases for Right-Left Collusion
Evidence of Right-Wing Manipulation
The Spread of Guerre Revolutionnaire Concepts
Aginter Press
The Italian 'Strategy of Tension'
Provisional Conclusions
available at
More speculation.
The man to watch is Berlusconi.
He signed the "constitution", not Ciampi.
Can this long-time member of P2 maintain plausible deniability?
Thanks for the post, Starroute. Perhaps I didn't make myself clear: I would love it if Rove was taken down and that was the start of something more. A full out revolution like you detail although very attractive seems remote. I'll settle for a world where the next Eugene V. Debs can safely run for president and this time win. Maybe that's revolution too. In any case, a little unraveling of the yarn the twisted bastards in power have woven is necessary. I'll take Rove's perp walk as a good starting point.
Somehow, the fact that the MSM (especially Time) has grabbed onto Rove leaves me skeptical. Once again, "leak" of "the leaker" may just be another ruse to keep us distracted.
Do you sleep at night?
This is by far the largest BLOG in cyberspace!
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Nokia N83.......$175USD
Nokia N91.......$180USD
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Nokia N72.......$160USD
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Nokia 9500......$170USD
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Sony Ericsson p990.....$140usd
Sony Ericsson p910i....$125usd
Treo 700p...............$200usd
Treo 700w...............$190usd
Treo 600...............$150usd
Treo 650...............$160usd
Nextel i960.........$170usd
Nextel i930.........$130usd
Nextel i870.........$120usd
Nextel i860.........$110usd
Motorola PHONE
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Motorola L7..........................$140USD
Qtek 9100.....$185
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Qtek s110.....$190
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Samsung D800.........................$210USD
Samsung D820.........................$220USD
Samsung D500.........................$160usd
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SIDEKICK 2...........................$120USD
SIDEKICK 3...........................$200USD
I-MATE JASJER........................$260USD
Apple 60GB video iPod ......................120 USD
Apple 30 GB iPod Vidoe....................110 USD
X box premium console .................. .130 usd
Ps3 ......................................220 usd
Ps2 ......................................160 usd
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Berhati-hatilah anda yang suka berganti-ganti pasangan seks, karena sangat besar sekali kemungkinannya untuk terkena penyakit kencing nanah atau gonore maupun yang lainnya.
Berapa Harga untuk Obat Wasir Ambeien alami daun ungu Ambeclear – Ambeien adalah gangguan atau penyakit yang terjadi pada saluran pencernaan manusia
MANTAB * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ***
Bismillahhirrohmaanirrokhim.... *********************************
MANTAB *************************************
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