Heads Up

"There are stories of coincidence and chance, of intersections and strange things told, and which is which and nobody knows; and we generally say, 'Well, if that was in a movie, I wouldn't believe it.'" - Magnolia
As mourners prepared for a funeral near Los Angeles in July, 1869, blood and flesh rained out of a clear sky for three minutes, blanketing two acres of a corn field. The flash ranged in size from small particles to eight-inch strips, and included what witnesses took to be pieces of kidneys, livers and hearts. Samples were taken to the Los Angeles News, whose editor wrote, in the August 3 edition, "That the meat fell, we cannot doubt. Even the parsons in the neighborhood are willing to vouch for that. Where it came from, we cannot even conjecture."
For an hour on an August day in 1963, an enormous amount of straw fell from clouds over Kent. "I looked up, and the sky was full of it," said a witness. A government meteorologist told Associated Press he was "mystified."
On September 23, 1973, tens of thousands of toads fell on Brignoles, France, during what was described as a "freak storm." Peculiarly, they were found to all be young toads.
Charles Fort loved this stuff. Until his death in 1932, he collected hundreds of accounts of anomalous sky falls of organic and inorganic matter. His theory, which according to Jerome Clarke's Unexplained he "cheerfully acknowledged to be preposterous," suggested that "under certain conditions of gravidic and electromagnetic strain in the solar system":
channels open through which material objects can reach the Earth from parts unknown, or can be transferred from one part of the Earth's surface to another.... Let us suppose that a channel opens between this Earth and another, where the surface is a few hundred feet, or a few thousand feet higher. Then things fall, from that Earth to this. Frogs, minding their own affairs in a pond, feel the bottom drop out....
A lot of strange things fall out of America's skies. Why some do is not so strange.
The small plane of Gary Caradori, returning to Nebraska with photographic evidence of an elite paedophile ring run out of the Franklin Credit Union.
The United Airlines jet carrying the wife of Watergate spook E Howard Hunt, as well as thousands of dollars in hush money, who had been threatening to "tell all." (Hunt immediately dropped his extortion of the White House and agreed to plead guilty.)
Paul Wellstone's King Air A100, during an election to decide control of the Senate, after having been the only Senator standing for election to challenge Cheney's war resolution, and just before his name would have been left on the ballot in the event of his death.
The company plane of Jake Horton, Vice President of Gulf Power, which exploded midair as he was en route to confront his Board over dubious accounting and illegal political payoffs. (According to Greg Palast, police received an anonymous call later that day: "You can stop investigating Gulf Power now.")
And we know many others; enough that we can speak confidently of pattern recognition. ("Keep away from small planes" has become our way of saying "Look after yourself.") And since we can describe a pattern - a pattern that repeats - we've left the Fortean realm of anomalies for that of assassination science, as James Fetzer has coined it. It's the coincidentalists who are the true heirs of Charles Fort, because they see no pattern, only anomalies. If they look up at all, they can't make sense of aircraft falling with expedience from the sky. They may as well be seeing toads or straw or meat.
I wonder what Fort would have made of this: in separate incidents last week, two helicopters fell into New York's East River.
The first helicopter, carrying sightseers, concerns us only as a precedent. (Accidents happen, but they also happen sometimes to be a template for attempted murder.) The second helicopter, however, carried "top executives of the financial services company MBNA Corp."
That's enough to merit attention most weeks. But the same week, MBNA made news when a "computer hacker" reportedly "accessed more than 40 million credit card accounts." This attack "was the latest in a series of security lapses affecting consumer information. The breach appears to be the largest yet involving financial data, said David Sobel, general counsel at the Electronic Privacy Information Center."
And like a helicopter in the East River, it doesn't begin or end there. Recent weeks have seen a bizarre rash of "security lapses" at commercial and credit institutions, with headlines like "Personal data on millions of Citigroup clients lost in transit" and "Fed bank insurer's worker data breached".
I don't know what it means, if anything. But I think only a fool could say with confidence that it means nothing.
I'm just feeling like a frog who was minding his own business in a pond, until suddenly, the bottom dropped out.
Look out below.

I posted the following comment, concerning Bob Woodward and the plane crash of E howard Hunt's wife under another article you wrote concerning ritual child abuse:
Have you read this article about the reporter Bob Woodward, written by Skolnick, in which he mentions that Woodward's father, a judge, was a defendant in a case concerning ritual abuse of children in a hospital. The father was also a director of the hospital and was in both Army and Naval Intelligence:
I think there is a great deal to learn about Bob Woodward, his past and his family....
Do you have any plans to delve into this?
Thanks for both the link, and the suggestion. I hadn't thought of looking further into Woodward, but perhaps I should.
I'd be curious WHO were the victims of these identity thefts.
Random? Or no?
btw, this will be skolnick's new site, they are undergoing upgrade.
I don't like the sound of this from the ABC News report:
"The company said it was told by the FBI not to release any information to the public ..."
But they were "blindsided" by Mastercard.
I've been noticing the rash of thefts, too. What the hell is going on?
A few more bits of Fortean wisdom seem appropriate here:
"We shall pick up an existence by its frogs."
"One measures a circle, beginning anywhere."
"I think we're property."
Connect the dots . . .
CitiFinancial data lost
Ameritrade data lost
Bank of America data lost
Time-Warner/AOL data lost
40M Mastercard accounts breached
MBNA executives in the downed helicopter
Another 9/11, only not in the form of planes hitting buildings? Economic crisis, anyone? Or perhaps just another unfortunate coincidence?
Interstingly connected information as to why MasterCard lost information?
Those sweethearts who tell you that they are actually doing you a favor when they raise your interest rate from usury to mega-usury.
I work for a top-10 financial firm, and I thought it was stramge that about a week ago an email virus made the rounds internally (I don't no what type, "phishing" virus...?). What made it interesting was that it was scripted to appear as though it came from our systems and tech dept. In other words, whomever got in was not only specifically targeting the firm from the inside, but went all the way into the central Info Tech dept machines to do it...
I have one email address I use that has only been made public once, and that by mistake. I've had about 15 phishing emails come to it in the past month, all of them claiming to be banks, credit card accounts, or Ebay accounts that I supposedly need to update.
Anonymous One,I just saw the news that the EU is now in a pickle,one good push and it might topple. Do you think it's time to reboot this place with a major collapse? Lets make all the moneys one,with a secure electronic system controlled by our good friends the NWO. We are backing the whole world into a corner,soon we will all recive the mark or be put in a special place. Is that a loud train I hear coming? Hang on folks these guys are playing for keeps,I hope this does'nt screw up fear factor tonight,Ha,later.
jeff, so you got me started on a whole line of historical inquiry, but history's boring for most,so I'll leave it out.
interesting family the Radfords.
but speaking of the likes of Isaac Newton, what's this -
'hello sailor!'
WTF? Did anyone see today's followup story? Cardsystems was "researching" data and "retaining" information on cardholders.
Apparently the practice is illegal.
Dude -
You forgot to mention that Louis J. Freeh, and yeah, THAT L.J.Freeh, was also on that helicopter.
Just another wrinkle, or...
Somebody help me out here. Am I not getting the post by "rain"? The site I clicked on looks like an ad for a CD.
It all sounds like another "WAG THE DOG" scenario( which was on TV the other night...)but this as mentioned could be a build up to a unified world currency. What better way to control the masses. There are too many things happening across the world in the past few years and it almost seems to be distracting to what is happening with our leaders. Unless you are like us and read these blogs and pay attention to things other than the major news reports do you get the feeling that there is more to come and that the planning stage is over. It is now time to put all that has been planned into action.
The best way for the begining of this is to cause mass distractions whether it be control of weather phenomena to the illegal pratice of identity theft. These are all major distraction that grab our attention and cuase us to think in mass disarray. We do not know what to concentrate on. Just when we find our focus something new will show it's face only to add to the confusion. But as we ponder, the devious deeds of our so called elite are being put into motion without suspicsion by the majority public. As we are all just cattle wating for the slaughter, I hope we all survive and rise up like Patric Swayze "Red Dawn".
I read a story about 6 weeks ago about a couple of foreign nationals trying to enter the country with over a trillion dollars in fake U.S. Treasuries. Here is a link from David Corn's site about this story:
Connect this with the recent financial and accounting shenangigans, plus take into account the recent PBS documentary about the 1929 crash, and it makes for interesting speculation, no?
Considering how many "identity theft" stories we've heard lately, I wonder if some sort of PROMIS-related shenanigans were used to trigger this wave of stories. I don't know enough about PROMIS to speculated much beyond that, but from what I understand of it, all those financial institutions should be very PROMIS accessible. Just something to think about...
talking of louis j freeh, didnt he manage to make an immaculately timed exit from the fbi, june 2001
coincidence naturally
Congratulations! Yours is the first blog I have come across that combines all of the elements to bring me back again. Until now that hasn't happened before; really good writing, great subject matter, strange connections revealing even stranger relationships. One of my blogs is about metaphysics; a life long fascination of mine- and here you are right in that unusual country few believe in and even fewer visit.
I expect I will be coming back here. You've got an extra fine touch as a writer. That's a real anomaly these days. I expect you are on your way up to a position of wider appreciation provided that story about the cream rising is true and... provided no frogs drop into it. Wait a minute- that's probably even a good thing these days.
les visible
About six months ago, in a local video store (Pacific Northwest US), I found a very low production quality (basically homemade), copyright-free documentary concerning many of the fantastic, but of course completely coincidental, connections in the assassination of JFK. It's called "JFK II: Bush Killed Kennedy." I scoffed at the title, until I watched it!! I'm not familiar with some bits of info in it, and I would need to independently verify those bits, but the vast majority of information was familiar to me - it's just that I didn't know that George H.W. "Poppy" Bush was lurking so closely nearby, in the shadows....
I found the "JFK II" docu for sale here, although my local video store told me to feel free to make copies and distribute them, because the film's maker wanted as many people as possible to see it
as Wilson said, "Coincidance..."
I was reading the first report out of Nagasaki in 1945, recently making the rounds on the net, when I came across this closing paragraph; meaningless, but interesting,
"Twenty-five Americans are due to arrive Sept. 11 to study the Nagasaki bombsite. Japanese hope that they will bring a solution for Disease X."
Coincidance upon the snows of Kilamanjaro. If your into that sort of thing, that is.
In case you missed it, here's the complete report...
It's funny that MBNA is being sold today, few days after the crash, to Bank of America. BofA's fixed low mortgage yield threatens profits in rising interest rates and inflation environment.
The UK tabloids have recently been awash with 'identity theft' stories, mostly blaming employees at indian call centres..spooky
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