The gods must be crazy

Like a crystal swan in a sky of suns
His ship comes shining. - Bruce Cockburn
It certainly was a rare and splendid thing to hear so much truth spoken to power at Tuesday's funeral of Coretta Scott King. (How often in his five long years has Bush addressed an unvetted crowd? How many times have the props been Army, Navy, Air Force or Marines?) And the predictable spin of studied apoplexy the power-shills displayed at the "Wellstone-ing" of the occasion was hysterically absurd. (Much talk of "disgracing the memory," which amounts to the same as the only good civil rights leader is a dead civil rights leader.) Someone should tell them that to be truly Wellstoned is less about pomp than circumstance.
So sure, it felt good, watching two generations of Bush squirm while Joseph Lowery poured brimstones on their heads, and Jimmy Carter evoked wiretaps and the Helter Skelter time of Katrina. But in the end - and that's what this seems like, doesn't it? - truth to power is an unsatisfying equation. because what is it that power gives in return? At the King funeral, it responded as it often does, by rising to its feet and joining the ovation, and then sitting back down with a huge smirk on its face. Power is liberal with words, even "amen." And yet, some words power must keep to itself.
The Carter presidency inherited George Herbert Walker Bush as Director of Central Intelligence. In one of Bush's early briefings with the President-Elect, Carter reportedly told his DCIA, "I want to have the information that we have on UFOs and extraterrestrial intelligence. I want to know about this as President." Bush turned him down. The information existed on "need to know," and "simple curiosity on the part of the President wasn’t adequate." This according to Marcia Smith, then Science and Technology analyst at the Congressional Research Service, which was then tasked by Carter to deliver what the CIA refused.
Carter, rightly judging he could not trust Bush, shortly replaced him with his Annapolis classmate Stansfield Turner. (Bush later wrote about Carter, "beneath his surface cool, he harbored a deep antipathy to the CIA.") Turner triggered the so-called "Halloween Massacre" which eliminated 800 field positions. This was a milestone in the privatization, and deep criminalization, of the covert assets of US intelligence, which then clustered out of government around their champion, George HW Bush.
Smith drew into her project Daniel Sheehan, then General Counsel to the United States Jesuit National Headquarters who went on to found the Christic Institute.
According to Sheehan,
[Smith] asked me if as Legal Counsel for the Jesuit Headquarters whether I could get access for the Library of Congress from the Vatican library. The Vatican library has a fairly large section concerning the issue of extraterrestrial intelligence, and UFOs. I undertook to contact the Jesuit who actually runs the Vatican library, and much to my shock, they said we couldn’t have access to it.
A second request to the Vatican library failed, even though Sheehan stressed he was acting on behalf of a department the Library of Congress and it was the President himself who requested the information. (Interestingly, Smith later asked Sheehan to address the scientists of the Jet Propulsion Laboratory on the topic of the potential religious implications of alien contact.)
I think most of us realize that the jihads and crusades of this century are merely the Straussian religious text to the subtext of control via manufactured crises. On September 18, 2001, Tehran saw the largest vigil in the Muslim world to honour the memory of the victims of 9/11. Of course, this was not the religious impulse the architects of this crisis meant to encourage. So the forces of moderation in Iran were frustrated, and the fundamentalist engines were fed the fires of provocation and aggression to carry us to this point, at which words and truths fail us and we again are presented with the despairing inevitability of war.
On the evening of December 29, 1980, while driving in the Huffman area of east Texas, Betty Cash, Vickie Landrum and Vickie's seven-year old grandson Colby encountered a large "diamond of fire" hovering at treetop levels over Highway FM1485, emitting odd bleeps and occasionally releasing a "large cone of fire" from its lowest point which made the road impassable. They stopped the car, and Vickie, "a committed Christian who does not believe in UFOs or extraterrestrial life...thought it was the coming of the end of the world." The three exited to get a better look, though they could feel the heat of the object burning their skin. Colby became terrified and cried to his grandmother.
From the account Vickie later told Air Force personnel at Bergstom Air Force Base when she and Betty were interviewed about the incident:
Colby was screaming and crying and everything so, and I thought the world was coming to an end, and I believed that sooner or later we'd gonna have to meet somebody. And I was telling him that ah.. look right in it, you know, I was showing him, I didn't find where the object was, you know when I... it was kinda like a flat... aluminum, I guess, you know, the inside of it looked dark, you know, the object did, and I was telling him to look right inside if he saw a big man it'd be Jesus.
As they watched the object begin to depart, a swarm of helicopters surrounded it. Betty said later, "they seemed to rush in from all seemed like they were trying to encircle the thing." Betty and Vickie counted more than 20, many which they later recognized as double rotor CH-47 Chinooks, spread over an area of eight kilometers. Hours after the incident, Cash and the Landrums began suffering radiation sickness:
Over the next few hours Betty's skin turned red as if badly sun burned. Her neck swelled and blisters erupted and broke on her face, scalp and eyelids. She started to vomit and continued to do so through out the night. My morning she was almost in a coma. Some time between midnight and 2am Vickie and Colby began to suffer similar symptoms, although less severe. At first they suffered the sunburn like condition and then diarrhea and vomiting. It was a miserable night for all three victims. The following morning Betty was moved to Vickie's house and all three were cared for there. Betty's condition continued to deteriorate and three days later she was taken to hospital. The burns and swelling altered Betty's appearance so radically that friend who came to visit her in hospital did not recognize her. Her hair began to fall out and her eyes became so swollen that she was unable to see for a week.
More on the Cash/Landrum incident can be read here, which adds:
An off duty Dayton policeman and his wife were driving home from Cleveland through the Huffman area the same night and also observed a large number of CH-47s. A man living in Crosby, directly under the flight path, reported seeing a large number of heavy military helicopters flying overhead. Oilfield laborer Jerry McDonald was in his back garden in Dayton when he saw a huge UFO flying directly over head. At first he thought it was the Goodyear airship, but quickly realized it was something else. "It was kind of diamond shaped and had two twin torches that were shooting brilliant blue flames out the back", he said. As it passed about 45 meters above him he saw that it had two bright lights on it and a red light in the center.
This is, despite its being an offense to the sensibilities of secularists, a new age of religon. Or perhaps more accurately, a caricature of a religious age. (And quite literally so, given the psy-op incitement of offensive cartoons.) And UFOs are, for close contactees, often religious and metaphysical events ("if he saw a big man it'd be Jesus"). And more, they are also of military consequence (from the interview, Betty Cash: there was helicopters completely around the object...the type of helicopters that I've never been used to seeing.... They were the ones that had two deals, two rotors on them, and they were quite a few." USAF Captain John Camp: "Did these helicopters have any type of markings?" Cash: "Yes, they sure did: 'United States Air Force'"), and of such intelligence classification that neither George HW Bush nor the Vatican Library would share their knowledge with President Jimmy Carter.
Great blood sacrifice is coming to much of the world as it takes a controlled descent into chaos, but that also brings opportunity for the few who hold the words of power. And when peace comes, it will come with strange gods.
Might be, Jeff. But these gods will not last forever. Evil always destroys itself after a while.
And don't underestimate people's inbuilt bullsh*t detector. Maybe I'm overly optimistic, but I believe at least we here in Europe still have that detector ready and working. It's not official policy, but if you'd ask some random person here in the street who orchestrated 9/11, most would answer it was an inside job...
The bad guys are miles away from total mind control.
when you started talking about iran and strauss, i thought you would segue into the "cartoon riots"... but you went into UFO mode. :)
anyway, i don't think all is lost yet, i am also relatively optimistic that people are starting to catch on. though time is running out too.
I actually agree about the bullshit detector. I suppose I'd posted before I'd tied up my thoughts on speaking truth to power, when power doesn't give a damn. And I think the world will need to be sent over the brink upon which we're standing before something like a calculated religious epiphany becomes effective.
I thik a big UFO psyop is 30/40 years off.
The old gods are doing just fine. The religious charicature began when the British sponsored Afghani then the Muslim brotherhood, the Americans Al Queda, Khomeni and the Taleban, Israel Hams.
Let's not forget the joint Israeli / American funding of Christian Zionism aka Derbyism or dispensationalism. That's where Bush gets his support, it truly is a crusade.
President Carter was an anomoly: an outsider, a highly-educated man with nuclear physics degree. Bush didn't dare tell him what was really going on. I'll bet his predecessors, certainly Ford and Nixon, didn't even ask about the subject...
And I agree that more people are waking up to the bullshit. --MaryK
havent even read the post yet, just wanted to get in at the top and say:
"let the ad hominem holocaust debate continue!"
The holocaust is relevant to the extent that the US government is dominated by neoconservative/jewish zionists.
There is little that appears in the American media that they do not allow.
I tend toward pessimism, myself. Too easily, I convince myself it's too late.
Recently, I attended the premiere of Why We Fight. The director, Eugene Jarecki was in attendance for Q&A after the movie. The movie was fantastic; I really enjoyed it.
In short, it's an award winning documentary about the military industrial complex and American imperialism. It's fascinating. I recommend seeing it. I believe there is an early version available online (as it was originally shot as a BBC project; after it won Sundance, Sony picked it up and recut it.).
During the Q&A, an audience member asked Eugene if he thought things were too far gone, whether we'd crossed a threshold through which there is no return. Eugene responded (and I'm paraphrasing here...) that he remains optimistic. While, he recognizes that things are spinning out of control, he believes that, historically, periods of darkness always precede periods of illumination. (Ya, ya, good choice of words, illumination...) But really, people are waking up, and Eugene believes this.
I admit, this was my first encounter with Eugene Jarecki. I was not familiar with him before the premiere. He spoke eloquently and openly. I felt somewhat relieved... momentarily optimistic... at his words. I had hoped to ask him whether he encountered any evidence of the military occult complex, but I was unable to get face-to-face with him afterward.
I plan to send him email, because he obtained prolonged, deep access to the MI complex. I'm curious to hear his response.
That "strange gods" made me think of a line I heard Jim Morrison intone in a live concert, "strange gods fall down..."
The Sad Truth is that most people don't have a clue what's really going on--or what is discussed in places like RI. Yet, in NYC at least, many people feel that 9-1-1 was an inside job. Yet they seem numb--the war goes on, the lies and distortions pile up incredibly and with barely any robe to cover them. Maybe it's the cost of living that makes people numb. Maybe the cynicism is so deeply embedded in our psyches. My feeling is that most people don't want to imagine how dark the darkness is, and what's done within it.
i think i've about had it.
ok, i dont get it.
jeff are you suggesting the 'elite' are being helped by aliens or something?
what strange gods?
if its what i think your saying, i think i'm outta here.
I had a similiar event as Betty Cash in 1972. It was very close, very large and very shock & awe. Religious? Nah. Aliens? Possibly. Metaphysical? Not at first. Not until I encountered what Jacque Vallee had to say about it. I think he's closer than any UFO poseur/ researcher/conspiracy nut is.
I'm not convinced the government really knows as much as they would like us to believe by their hyper security, hush-hush obfuscations and "top secret" leaks overkill.
They might have environmental footprints but no hardware or creatures. They're lusting for tangible evidence as much as everybody else.I don't think the phenomenon can provide that but it sure can wind a lot of people up, a fact the government has not missed.
Nice article Jeff, I agree with all of it 100%, especially the very last paragraph. Now I know you're on to it! ( The "meek" shall inherite the earth. God help us when they do!)
People are numb because that's the cost of "living".
dugoboy, if this sets you off, then you must not have been around very long.
FYI Mako, in case you missed these earlier posts re government deception and simulation of the phenomenon:
Is it the future yet?
No time to think
erm, you didn't answer me jeff.
jeff are you suggesting the 'elite' are being helped by aliens or something?
what strange gods?
Dugoboy, I've answered many times in many posts. Here are four:
The Occult History of the National Security State
It's All About Them
You Can't Go Home Again
The Colour out of Space
A wonderful post! I think you're definitely on to something with the religious shifts coming...Secret history aside, mankind is going through a lot trying to rectify his scientific knowledge with religious traditions, all reflected in "what if muslims get the bomb" themes floating around. World religions change every thousand years or so, they are not as static as they seem...So its fruitful to think about these things!
Jeff seems to believe UFOs are occult phenomena created by occult forces. Is that correct, Jeff ?
So, Jeff, have you ever experienced anything in the objective world you believed had an occult source ?
I attended a lecture by a guy who wrote a book about Magick because I had met him a few times without discussing this. I asked him after the lecture "so what happened when you performed the ritual" and he couldn't answer despite me repeating the question several times. He simply said it worked. Because it was an occult name, we had no idea what it was.
The silly man made quite a lot of money from the credulous and gullible. I can see why you don't come right out and say what you actually mean just like the guy in the story. People might think you were silly too.
"On September 18, 2001, Tehran saw the largest vigil in the Muslim world to honour the memory of the victims of 9/11."
If you have a moment please can you post me a link to your source for the above fact. Harry
Thanks Jeff for the direction to your earlier posts.
I know the phenomenon to be real, I just don't think the Government has as much about the REAL deal as they'd like us to believe. And they are certainly capable of launching their own frauds for our consumption for God knows what reason.
I believe their ARE odious agendas afoot but short of being the proverbial fly on the wall, it's hard to tell fact from fiction, technologies being what they are today.
Like all serious issues touched on in your blog, there are wa-ay too many obscure, fuzzy lights that surround the facts that could simply be birds, balloons, hyperbole, hoaxes or out right lies.
Your diligence is remarkable and a welcome mission for the truth.
"And quite literally so, given the psy-op incitement of offensive cartoons.)"
I've read the Bollyn piece on this but do you have any other links that explore this assertion. I have NO doubt it is true but I would dearly love to find more back up for it. Harry
Very interesting post Jeff.
"Carter reportedly told his DCIA, "I want to have the information that we have on UFOs and extraterrestrial intelligence. I want to know about this as President." Bush turned him down. The information existed on "need to know," and "simple curiosity on the part of the President wasn’t adequate.""
If this is true it is mind bending. Who on earth has more need to know than the president of the most powerful nation on earth. Such knowledge is relevant to all and every decision he would make.
Also if there is nothing to know about UFO’s why risk losing the trust of a newly elected president (and then your job) by not revealing that there really was nothing to know.
You cannot prove that aliens exist but you can satisfy yourself that the quoted exchange above did actually happen.
From there the deductive consequences are hard to avoid.
I wonder if Carter ever did get to the truth, after Bush was fired.
As for the jets of shooting flame it is all a bit theatrical / Wizard of Oz. Hard to reconcile the circus trick nature of that account with technologies able to travel vast distances within reasonable life spans (alien or not).
Lastly there seems to be a lot of wankers turning up here of late. I suspect it is the price of growing popularity.
But perhaps it is a more sinister attempt to reduce the credibility of this blog by filling the comments section with controversial material. I am not taking any position on the holocaust but I do think that it is a major turn off for people who are just coming out of their intellectual shells on a lot of other issues. And perhaps that is the objective of those determined to fill the comments with that debate. People interested in other stuff will see that and think this is place I should not be. Job done.
I am not a believer in deletion of comments Jeff but when they are off topic and extremely emotive it might be the best option. Otherwise the more interesting stuff might get tarnished by its proximity to that debate.
Final word Jeff – start developing a thicker skin, you are going to need it.
re. calculated religious epiphany
Despite inherent limitations, we cling desperately to what we think we know. Speed of light? A theoretical abstraction given the status of reality. Everything is relative to the absolute speed of light. What poppycock, yet every ‘bright’ person holds to this. Ones Psyche is conditioned by the larger societies take on reality. Our cognitive dissonance is reflective of the shortcomings inherent within our collective worldviews. We will exit this Box when we adopt a new set of criteria for understanding. We will see the blasphemy of men presenting their understanding of reality as being Absolute, both religious and scientific priests.
That good vs. evil thing, implying then that good needs evil for a little bit of balance is Satan’s deception. Instead we will come to see that by bringing balance to order and liberty within both the spiritual and the physical (they are the same thing after all) we can turn things that represent themselves negatively into something positive. With this ‘technology’ the master class will no longer have such unfair advantage over us peons.
THE PRESIDENT: Well, thank you all very much for coming. Mrs. King, thanks for this beautiful portrait. I can't wait to hang it. (Laughter.)
I think that's one of the most revealing moments of his presidency.
Early morning, April 4
Dugoboy: that's why I like Jeff so much. He doesn't tell you what to think about the topics he addresses, he just puts connections out there.
"It certainly was a rare and splendid thing to hear so much truth spoken to power at Tuesday's funeral of Coretta Scott King. (How often in his five long years has Bush addressed an unvetted crowd? "
I got the feeling that even this event was scripted ie, time for people to be able to vent on Bush Jr, a sort of pressure valve. Didn't it almsot seem comical when Maya Angelou half turned to indicate her comments were about Bush Jr.? I half expected a laugh track to go off.
I mean Bill Clinton holding Laura Bush's hand while praying! It was like a big happy family up there, new big brother Bill gives Jr. some cover.
Damn but that was weird
Interesting. As you may remember from "Hunt for Zero Point," the Nazi Bell antigravity device had many unfortunate side effects, such as sickening and killing people who got too close.
And the diamond-shaped object of the Cash/Landrum affair behaved like one might expect an antigravity craft to behave, bobbing along in the air. Perhaps it was an operational test of a Bell, in a vehicle that got out of control. The choppers may have been used to enable the people controlling the craft to stay far enough away from it that they wouldn't be harmed by the deleterious radiation, or whatever it is, that comes out of the Bell.
"I mean Bill Clinton holding Laura Bush's hand while praying!"
I'd distinguish someone like Carter from someone like Clinton, who acts like a made man of the Bush crime family. Carter, on the other hand, appears to have been and to remain a genuine outsider re Washington's parapolitics.
"As you may remember from "Hunt for Zero Point," the Nazi Bell antigravity device had many unfortunate side effects"
FYI, on the second page of his "Endgame II," Goro Adachi has some fascinating speculation about the bell device. Interestingly, on page one he notes that the translation of the famous alien face and digitally encoded disc crop circle at Crabwood in 2002 reads "Beware the bearers of FALSE gifts & their BROKEN PROMISES. Much PAIN but still time. EELRIJUE. There is GOOD out there. We OPpose DECEPTION. Conduit CLOSING (BELL SOUND)." Though I tend to agree with the argument here for a hoax, that the Crabwood formation is full of "human logic."
Just to save me checking - am I wasting my time coming back here looking for a reply?
i'm sorry if i made a fool of myself earlier but theres are a time when you need to know the truth.
its not that i'm comforted or feel coddled wishing aliens and ufo's to not be real. that's completely untrue. i am completely open to the idea aliens exist.
what i've been saying in recent responses to your article is, the elite want you or all of us to believe that they are in league with aliens. they want us to believe they have the power of satan behind them. i also agree with you about how investigations into all the nefarious and quite frankly crazy shit they do, is all about them. they follow occult ideas. they can believe in all the silly rituals they want. i know it gives them no power.
they're just humans doing goofy things. but they take seriously the goofy things they do, and this is why they are dangerous. people die because of these crazy hocus pocus ideas. i find that the saddest thing of all.
but from what i can surmise, your saying the elite have opened a portal due to their dabbling in the 'black arts'. that now all the high wierdness crap has gone on the rise, just in the immediate past century. it is true. and its hard to say why it is happening.
Harry, about the cartoon, there's also this and this. About the reference to the Tehran vigil, I can't find a reference now to its being the largest, though I can to its being the only spontaneous vigil in the Muslim world here.
that should have been articles not article.
to finish up what i was saying. i don't really think they've 'thinned the veil'.
oh well. who knows?
i was wondering jeff, you don't have to say, but what websites do you frequent? like arcticbeacon? are there others?
Many thanks,
Dugoboy, no, you didn't make a fool of yourself. The thing is, I find, a lot of this material shares the surface characteristic of foolishness, which makes serious discussion difficult, which I think is part of the intention.
Also, about high weirdness stuff, I try to avoid saying anything with declarative assurance. I'm just trying to be intellectual honest here about the limits of what I can know, so all my conclusions must be only provisional and are only my conclusions. I'm not interested in telling people how to think. The thought of that scares the hell out of me. What interests me is stimulating a discussion about topics the dominant culture has consigned to ridicule, and letting people judge for themselves.
About websites, I don't visit them as regularly as I used to on account of time constraints, but I have a list of links on the right hand side of the page, beneath the subject index.
If Jimmy Carter had gotten all the way to the inner core of the UFO phenomena, he would know that a grand hoax had been devised to hide exotic technology from the public. Yes, there are gravity-defeating craft, but, no, they are not manned by aliens.
Victor Shauberger and the Horton Brothers get most of the credit for the birth of this technology. As for the present, see the Grumann TR-3B.
One of the chief architects for the grand hoax was Laurance Rockefeller. He gave millions to the likes of Dr. John Mack, the Harvard alien abduction researcher, and other UFO research groups. But, I think the hoax goes beyond providing a cover for hidden technology, and the larger goal for Mr. Rockefeller was to create a new religion. His library, housed at the California Institute for Integral Studies in San Francisco, is a clearing house for occultic literature. A considerable amount of Rockefeller money has been pipelined to the New Age.
The UFO psy-ops has given way to climate change as a means to herd us into a New World Order. Having out-lived their usefulness, UFOs are fading into the background of the cyberworld. The world has moved on without Laurance Rockefeller, and his ambitious plan to re-direct our
spiritual leanings.
well i would disagree with you there pissedoffcabbie. a new religion is something more than a little helpful to the cause. scientology is one. ken wilber's integralist theosophy is a very cutting edge one. but it folds back in on itself as all religions do.
I could be consciously doing the hoax without knowing why, or under what direction. I could consciously be perpetruating the hoax believing I am getting to the root of truth. I could perceive psychology co-opted by occult forces and not realize how by investigating it I am witlessly aiding it, and eventually mutated into a kind of co-dependent transitor. A bubble on the web that the great black widow can view for possible anomolies or even resources.
Years ago I met Werner von Braun. I just shook his hand. I did not perceive anything inherently evil about him, but a friend did (whom I believed at the time only thought so because he is Jewish). There had been a question and answer after the speech by von Braun who was extolling the virtues of sky lab. He was pretty slick. The first questioner who made it to the mic was a descendent of a survivor of Auschwitz. He wanted to know what ol Werner's thoughts were on why he was spared being tried as a war criminal. The questioner was actually hissed and booed by the audience who took it as a violation of decorum.... To me this was as frightening as anything I knew of von Braun. It was a real, human question. Every bit, if not more important than anything the great rocket scientist had to say on behalf of NASA. It was like okay okay sure sure we all know this cat was a mass murderer…but he didn't come here to talk about that, okay? So quit whining...
There was like a little recpetion afterward. I just wanted to get a good look at him, having just read Gravity's Rainbow and all…I didn't get a particular vibe, other than one of intelligence when I looked at him. But I might not have been properly mustered to see beyond my own preconceptions. It didn't happen till afterward when I said to my friend…that it wasn't about shaking his hand I just wanted to look him in the eye, the most influential figure from WWII that I would ever meet... And my friend asked me if I would be able to sleep that night if I wondered how much blood was on that hand I shook. Ever after itmade me question my own sense of historical perportion in reference to any individual. And the sleep?
It wasn't easy. All of these possibilities interact and comingle precisely in intersections where they can easily cancel each other out once the official story has been fully edited. I think well if they are not holding every card in the deck…we are lucky if there is more than one or two left free…and we will only win or lose or think or feel what they allow us too in order to get to the other prizes at the table that we cannot even see. We are being eaten and may not even know it.
"Let's say that everything you know is not only wrong, it is a carefully wrought lie. Let's say that your mind is filled with falsehoods - about yourself, about history, about the world around you - planted there by powerful forces so as to lull you into complacency. Your freedom is thus an illusion. You are in fact a pawn in a plot, and your role is that of a compliant dupe, if you're lucky."
-- Charles Paul Freund, "If History Is a Lie," Washington Post, January 19, 1992
I agree with first post Michael 5.59 pm "The bad guys are miles away from total mind control"
all it takes is some tipping point, equilibrium breaking event, and it all spins out of "their" ability to control.
judo anyone?
i am Anonymous 12.09, jeff, i agree Carter appears to be outside the current Wash pol set. Clinton does appear to be a newly made soldier eh.
Jimmy Carter's own UFO sighting?
"...a new religion is something more than a little helpful to the cause. scientology is one. ken wilber's integralist theosophy is a very cutting edge one. but it folds back in on itself as all religions do."
That's the whole idea. Break up American Judeo-Christianity as much as possible, and splinter it into various cults. Theosophy, Scientology, UFOlogy, etc. Then, the resistance to a world government, or, at least, an end to national sovereignty, is greatly diminished.
George HW Bush, complaining about those targeting his son at the King funeral:
"In terms of the political shots at the president who was sitting there with his wife, I didn't like it and I thought it was kind of ugly frankly,"
"Anybody that shoots at the president of the United States at a funeral, I just didn't appreciate that".
Of course, Mr. Bush. How dare the truth be spoken...and thank you for being careful enough to articulate that your disdain for anybody that shoots at the president applies specifically to funerals. Shooting the president in dowtown Dallas is just fine, of course.
How many degrees of separation was Poppa Bush away from the MLK assasination again?
Am I the only reader old enough to remember that before becoming President, Jimmy Carter freely discussed his personal encounter with a UFO?
Not having followed his every word for 26 years, I don't know if he's made follow up comments on the subject.
Jeff is actually responding to emails now???
Quick, book me on the first flight to Kansas's Westboro Baptist.
I fear the end is coming soon...
excellent article Jeff
Jeff, you should write a book about this. Where you could put this all together and make it easier for people to understand the truth. Sometimes we just feel kind of lost. Take care.
Harry, you wrote of:
a more sinister attempt to reduce the credibility of this blog by filling the comments section with, controversial material.
Don't you mean respectability not 'credibility'? Jeff's work is all either incredible or controversial, or both.
Rather than any sinister design, perhaps people are encouraged by Jeff's statement:
What interests me is stimulating a discussion about topics the dominant culture has consigned to ridicule, and letting people judge for themselves.
Pissedoffcabbie said...
"...a new religion is something more than a little helpful to the cause. scientology is one. ken wilber's integralist theosophy is a very cutting edge one. but it folds back in on itself as all religions do."
All religions are cults. A spiritually mature person can see the thread of truth that runs through all religions if they are wlling to look beyond dogma and authoratarianism. I didn't really understand what Jesus was talking about until I started to study Buddhism. I actually think he had in mind something more akin to Buddhism than Christianity. Ken Wilbur is a great resource and a brilliant synthesizer of information from numerous sources. I would be wary of anything that starts to look like "Ken Wilbur's Integral World Faith Congregation."
An open heart and a quiet mind, free from fear, for me, is a solid path to the divine. I've got to go with what I know and trust that. It's all God.
dream's end said...
Jeff, if you read this far down...
I seem to have been kicked off ezboard. Probably just temporary. I put in my user name and the password I usually use for this sort of thing but it didn't work. I asked it to send the password but neither my old nor new email address has received anything thus far.
It was actually weird as when I went to ezboard it showed I had a private message, which means I was logged in but when I went to retrieve it it kicked me off.
I don't think you have any control over this aspect of things, but assuming I registered locally as opposed to globally, maybe you do.
And to add insult to injury, I actually tried the "answer your secret question" route..but they make YOU remember the question as well. You select from a pull down list of only 5 but I answered all of them and no luck.
anyway, sorry to disrupt the conversation but I have no other way of reaching you. I can reregister under a different name, but I was hoping to avoid that.
wow Tronicus, i find that jimmy carter quote very interesting.
i'll repost the quote here for the lazy.
In October of '69 Jimmy Carter witnessed a UFO.
From "Above Top Secret" (book): During his election campaign of 1976 he told the following to reporters:
"It was the darndest thing I've ever seen. It was big, it was very bright, it changed colors and it was about the size of the moon.. We watched it for ten minutes, but none of us could figure out what it was. One thing's for sure, I'll never make fun of people who say they've seen unidentified objects in the sky. If I become President, I'll make every piece of information this country has about UFO sightings available to the public and the scientists."
the last sentence is especially interesting in context to bush's refusal to let carter know about ufos/extraterrestrial intelligence.
here's my theory. the PTB want us to think they have all this knowledge from aliens and/or cooperation from them. but they really don't. to deny an 'outsider' president access to information about that subject, just goes to embolden the scary point if carter ever went on to talk about it, which he may never have. but, it gives the impression of: wow! even the president can't know the truth! they must be hiding something! be veeeery afraid!!
The true god doesn't speak with words. It speaks with absolute certainty and peace.
God was not in the rain, or the wind, or the earthquake, but in the gentle whisper.
This pedestrian and rather base personal interest minefield Jeff has had to tip-toe through in this thread is somewhat pathetic to me. While I find our Master Chief to be of singular character and worthy of scrutiny, I'd much rather harness what focus can be mustered to the discussions that are presented in the blog. When Jeff feels the compulsion to let us all know who's shirts he wears, we'll probably see a dedicated blog post and there may even be a few lucky ones that get a heads-up and can flock to the stock exchange to cash in..
In all fairness, I also recognize that sooner or later you will have to come to terms with this deluge of junk inquiries.
Becuase of this, Jeff, I selflessly volunteer my services as your PR Manager.
I can start whenever you wish, and fees are highly negotiable. Maybe just send me that Nazi Cheney t-shirt and we're good to go, eh?
Dream's End - sorry to hear about that, hope you can get back in soon. It's nothing I have control over. All I can suggest is contacting ezboard help.
Yes, it just gets stranger every minute. I was just watching the following:
A brief summary of where I am: It is 3:34 AM EST and it has been snowing heavily where I live in eastern Pennsylvania.
While I was watching this video, my light began to flicker on and off.
Then the strangest thing happened. It started to thunder. There must have been three loud thunder claps.
Never before have I heard thunder during a heavy snow storm. I was unable to determine if lightening preceded the thunder because I peeked between the blinds only after each thunder clap.
The thunder left as quickly as it came. It is still snowing heavily.
So I pass this link to you to decide if you think it is a NASA cover up or if what the narrator presents is possibly true.
Twinkle, twinkle little stars, how I wonder where the thunder went.
Anonymous 3:48 -
I've just been checking the weather sites, and a couple of them do mention thundersnow with this storm, specifically around Philadelphia. It's rare but not anomalous. Nor'easters have some strange characteristics that ordinary snowstorms don't.
Et in Arcadia ego - don't be snooty. No doubt once the printing presses started cranking out Bibles for the great unwashed, members of the self-conscious 'elite' muttered unto each other, saying - "The problem with the distribution of learning is that now, any asshole can read the gospels." Sort of the whole point.
Very good site, freedom of speech, open to all until the host decides otherwise.
Et in Arcadia ego - do you mean to come across as a pompous fart or is that just you?
12:09 PM
Jeff said...
"I mean Bill Clinton holding Laura Bush's hand while praying!"
I'd distinguish someone like Carter from someone like Clinton, who acts like a made man of the Bush crime family. Carter, on the other hand, appears to have been and to remain a genuine outsider re Washington's parapolitics.
Thanks Jeff, I have been coming to this conclusion myself: Carter was a Rockefellor/Brezinski/UN CFR placement. This is not the same thing as the drug-running criminality of a Bush/Clinton.
As your recent posts have alluded to this latter manifestation is considerably more decadent and prone to slip into fascism as innumerable recent events have shown.
How and if the two coalesce and whether one in fact has the upper hand or not is an interesting subject of study.
Bush senior is a base man who seems to have got away with murder literally and metaphorically.
It seems that he was behind both JFKs death and that of his son nearly four decades later.
Has this crook just been used by occult elitists higher up the food chain (his numerus piccadillos and crimes would render him an incredibly easy subject for blackmail as you Jeff have pointed to elsewhere here) or is he himself really an extraordinary operator of quite exceptional occult/criminal power??
Will it perhaps even be a bit more business as usual when these Bush crime family gang depart (Hillary or god forbid Jeb may prolong this a bit)
and the globalists can get on with the main agenda which is after the move towards world govt under the UN.
Againg - just questions/musings...
wow, et in arcadia ego, so sorry to offend. i, on behalf of the 'rather pedestrian and of base interest', do apologize for lowering the very high standards of this holy blog.
i understand what your saying, and i can assure you this will be one of very few 'outbursts' from the lowly peons. haha.
seriously dude, take it down about 5 notches. i think it was i who started the discussion of merely base human interests. it won't happen again. a moment of weakness perhaps?
but i would ask isn't what we strive here for more human and truthful discourse? so on this particlar post, in my first response, i sacrificed any sense of reticence because i thought the post begged for a very serious yes or no answer. and then i asked some personal q's.
anywho, i await your next post jeff.
in response to the last anonymous, i think your just about right. bush is more of a pawn, but they have their hands on a few of the chess pieces. but carter was/is a big ol pawn.
OK my thoughts, and they will seem a little far fetched....5-6 billion people on the earth, One hell of a big Army if you ask me. So if the aliens do exist and they are helping the "Elite" Why?? The Aliens would eithe rbe peaceful or hostile?? If they were peacful they would have made public communication. Here is my crazy theory, and it could go one of two ways. 1.)It's the V all over again, but this time it's low key. They offer power and control to the elite but they must first control the population, Wars, viruses, pandemics etc. And then in the end when it's small enough for them to control even the elite will be screwed. Thanks elite guys. 2) the twisty one, The elite are manipulating the aliens and squeeze them for technologies in order to control the.....Universe. Sorry I a little out there, the possibilities are endless. One more thought though, you do sucha good job at this and I am always awestruck with your blog. I think you should start writting these as screen plays and bring backa conspiracy type 1hr show. Like X-files( my favourite) and all the while you could tell these stories to a mass auidience and play a reverse role like Chuck _______ in confessions of a dangerous mind. What do you think!!!!! Might as well get rich and hang out with the elite crowd !!!!! you might have a better chance then the rest of us Sheep.
Does anyone have leads on reactions to that scary Bush quote about 'hanging' the portrait of Martin Luther King?
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