Who Done It?

Since the Henry Lee Lucas story brought mention of Adam Walsh, let's play a little America's Most Wanted.
Colonel Philip Shue
I've been intending for a while to post something about the weird end of Air Force Colonel, Psychiatrist Philip Shue. Since there is a new development, this may be a good time.
Shue died April 16, 2003 near San Antonio, Texas, when his car left the highway and crashed into a cluster of trees. Officials initially reported only that he died of head injuries sustained in the incident.
But I said it was weird: Shue was found with his ankles and wrists wrapped in duct tape, his chest sliced open with a sharp instrument, and both nipples, an earlobe, and his left pinky cut off. He had been missing for two hours, after having left home for work. Shue had been happily planning his imminent retirement from the Air Force.
Weirder still, the Lackland AFB Office of Special Investigations, the County Medical Examiner and the District Attorney convinced a Grand Jury that Shue had committed suicide. Apparently, so it was argued and the jury found, Shue had mutilated himself to make it appear as if he'd been tortured, before driving erratically - though with, I presume, self-malice aforethought - into a tree.
In April 2004, forensic pathologist Cyril Wecht released a report of a second autopsy, which concluded rather that death was "consistent with homicide." Wecht's reasons included the absence of fingerprints on the duct tape, the accident report (Shue's car gradually veered off the highway, suggesting he was losing consciousness), absence of a topical anaesthetic, missing murder weapon and lack of motive for suicide.
The new development is that Tracy Shue, the colonel's widow, has launched a lawsuit to prevent his former wife, Nancy Shue, from claiming a $1 million insurance policy she still holds on Philip. Tracy has stated she believes Nancy, who resides in Florida, had a hand in his death. Nancy has countersued. Disputed are a number of threatening notes addressed to Philip, which Tracy argues came from Nancy, who contends Tracy wrote them herself because the couple resented her policy, which the insurer refused to cancel.
If Philip Shue died on account of something so banal as a million dollars, I'll be surprised, as it explains neither the mutilation nor the Air Force cover-up. Because here's the deal: Shue wasn't murdered so much as he was tortured. Circumstances suggest to me a man who had escaped a ritual torture session which was likely to end in his death and was driving frantically in extremis, and who died as he lapsed into unconsciousness and lost control of the car. Nancy Shue, across the country in Florida, may have had a motive for murder, but for torture? For carving off his nipples, finger and earlobe?
That still leaves a motive for the torturer. I wonder who might want to eliminate a retiring Air Force psychiatrist. I also wonder why the Air Force was so quick to judge Shue's death a "suicide."
Father Alfred Kunz

Kunz, 68, was a popular Wisconsin priest who, with Fathers Malachi Martin and Charles Fiore, had been compiling evidence of Satanic ritual abuse and paedophilia in the Roman Catholic Church. His body was found the morning of March 4, 1998, face down in a pool of his blood, his throat slashed. The case remains unsolved.
All three priests received death threats, and all three are now dead. According to William H. Kennedy, author of Lucifer's Lodge: Satanic Ritual Abuse in the Catholic Church, the "threats increased when conclusive evidence emerged of Milwaukee Archbishop Rembert Weakland's operation of a network of pervert priests who were sexually abusing parishoners." (Weakland was forced to resign in a sex scandal in 2003.)
And then there's the calf mutilation.

From The Las Vegas Weekly's "The Devil and Father Kunz":
According to police reports, it happened between 10 p.m. March 2 and 4 a.m. March 3 at a farm less than 15 minutes away from St. Michael--nearly the exact time frame of Kunz's murder the next day. The caged animal's throat was slit, but, unlike Kunz, its genitals were sliced off. The farmer told police it was probably the work of a cult in the area.
More here on the mutilation:
With its throat slashed and blood drained into a milk pail, the calf also had its hind legs cleanly cut through at the pelvis, Wagner said.
"[The legs] were cleanly, almost professionally cut off," Wagner said. "You would have to know what you were doing."
Wagner discovered the mutilated calf about 7:30 a.m. while driving on his father's farm at 7432 Schneider Road. While driving past wooden calf hutches, he first noticed the redness of the wounds.
He found about an inch of blood congealed at the bottom of the milk pail. The missing calf legs were nowhere to be found.
Six weeks after Kunz's murder, says "The Devil and Father Kunz," Malachi Martin "swore he had inside information that the killing was the 'signature' work of 'Luciferians,'" and that "'what Luciferians resent is interference with someone they regard as theirs.'" Presumably, someone like Archbishop Weakland.
Martin died of a stroke induced "by a fall as he prepared for an exorcism. From his hospital bed shortly before his death, Martin insisted during a check-in call from an associate: 'No, I did NOT fall. I tell you, my legs were pulled out from under me!'"
Twenty-three children
Have you read Tom Flocco's report of his conversation with Franklin Cover-Up photographer Rusty Nelson? You may want to do that now. Nelson says approximately 23 children who "entertained" politicians at Washington sex parties have since died. He also alleges that Hunter S Thompson approached him in 1988 with an offer of $100,000 to film a graphic child sex "snuff movie to be sold to wealthy private clients where a young boy would be murdered as a sacrifice." Nelson says he refused.
Flocco really jarred my memory with his mention of the name Delmart Vreeland. I've long suspected that Vreeland had been a part of a Franklin-like sex ring as a boy. Now, with Flocco's reminder that it was on a child prostitution charge that Vreeland was arrested last November, things start to make a weird sense. Which is the only sense things make, now.
What makes you suspect that Vreeland has that background?
I find it disturbing that a minor 9/11 figure is jumping story lines to show up in Franklin County connected with child prostitution. It's not just any county, and not just any crime, but one highly specific -- and yet long before the Gannon issue brought out the repeated information about the decades-old Franklin County child prostitution scandals.
Does anybody remember the film "Prime Cut" with Sissy Spachek(sp?)? As I recall it was about selling women on a ranch somewhere out in the boonies. I'm going to try to see if it's still out there for rental or at the library.
PRIME CUT, a dramatic thriller that features unforgettable performances from tough guys Lee Marvin and Gene Hackman. Marvin plays Nick, a Chicago mobster who is sent down to Kansas City in order to investigate the mysterious disappearance of one of his acquaintances. Once there, he meets "Mary Ann" (Hackman), a Kansas City mob boss who also operates a meat processing plant. Upon arriving in the city, Nick discovers the extent of Mary Ann's evil. Along the way he stumbles into a barn that is occupied with captured young women who have been drugged and stripped of their clothes.
"What makes you suspect that Vreeland has that background?"
In Sander Hicks' "Wildcard" he mentions Vreeland's teenage son. Vreeland doesn't have a son.
Michigan relatives have spoken of his problem with young boys. This is from a comment someone left on the story of Vreeland's recent arrest:
Re: Vreeland's child prostitution charges.
No mystery here.
Vreeland's brother had gone on the record saying that Delmart Vreeland is a pedophile. He is always in the company of young teenage boys, as evidenced in a few articles about Vreeland, including one by Sander Hicks. Vreeland refers to many of them as his "sons," despite the fact that he has no children. And despite the fact that they seem to always be different people.
But what really persuaded me is anecdotal. Someone I know who knows Vreeland well (and not his Toronto lawyers, though I know them too), told me that from their long conversations, he's been persuaded that Vreeland was a Franklin boy.
I should add that Vreeland's acquaintance told me his suspicion more than a year before Vreeland's arrest for child prostitution.
"He also alleges that Hunter S Thompson approached him in 1988 with an offer of $100,000 to film a graphic child sex "snuff movie to be sold to wealthy private clients where a young boy would be murdered as a sacrifice."
Given that Hunter is no longer able to offer a rebuttal, & the fact that these volk are notorious liars ( among other fine characteristics), one must sift such comments through super-fine mesh. Flocco preens on shrill innuendo.
Jeff...shoulda left the 'American Beauty' reference.
Simple question: why is there so much degeneracy associated with the Air Force?
"Given that Hunter is no longer able to offer a rebuttal, & the fact that these volk are notorious liars ( among other fine characteristics), one must sift such comments through super-fine mesh. Flocco preens on shrill innuendo."
True, and true.
"Jeff...shoulda left the 'American Beauty' reference."
This is the second reference I've seen to a "Beauty" comment - someone also alluded to it in an email - but I don't get it. I didn't see any. Was there one, and now it's gone? If so, the comment board is more eff'd up than I'd thought. I don't delete messages.
ok,jeff - this is beyond strange
the reference to the film 'American Beauty' appeared in the body of 'your' article, posted almost as an afterthought, upon pondering the strange goings-on in the military vis-a-vis homo-erotic/ritual torture/murder. However, when rereading it prior to commenting it was no longer there. Thought you were doing some creative editing. Unless we have our
files crossed. Odd indeed.
wha-? That's very strange. And it read as though it were in context?
I'll have to keep my eye out for such weirdness
oops - my mistake jeff; (& yeah, for the record, it was in perfect context)
guess that magnetic afterglow from the VDT's
is starting to etch a permanent transposition on my retina. heh.
here's the bugger w/ link:
"The truth is, Jim/Jeff Guckert/Gannon represents, in one muscle-bound package, just about everything I find repulsive about the modern conservative movement. And while I don't hold Jim/Jeff's sex business against him (so to speak), the pseudo-military fetish that was/is his specialty frankly creeps me out, particularly given the the macho fag-hating swagger so common on the gung-ho right. When I saw American Beauty, I thought the character played by Chris Cooper -- the self-loathing homosexual Colonel -- was totally over the top, an unintentional parody of what Hollywood liberals see when they look at the military. But after checking out Bulldog's web pages . . . I'm not as sure."
speaking of movies. Johnny Depp made a film 'The Brave' about a native who gets paid to die in a snuff film. It never did make it's way to the States as it was supposed to be poorly made. But now I wonder..
.. some Eyes Wide Shut links
The slice of that world he (Kubrick) tried to show us in his last--and, he believed, his best--work, the capital of the global American empire at the end of the American Century, is one in which the wealthy, powerful, and privileged use the rest of us like throwaway products, covering up their crimes with pretty pictures, shiny surfaces, and murder, ultimately dooming their own children to lives of servitude and whoredom."
plenty of interesting EWS links here
It's really strange, but I just had the same experience...talk abour sincronycity!! I had just read that article by billmon, and I had the same thoughts as I was reading your blog, Jeff...whew!!
I fail to see why Rusty Nelson should be taken at his word. He was employed by Washington insiders, and had to have participated in far more than he's letting on. And, if so, why would he admit it to investigators?
For that matter, I don't necessarily trust Gunderson. If his info was spot on, then surely the powers that be would have silenced him by now. This is highly sensitive material, and, if ever truly pieced together and brought to light, would result in the elites being dragged out by their feet.
As always, though, a hall of mirrors is set up to create multiple sets of circumstance to obscure the real one. Disinformation with "limited hangout" is the order of the day.
Gunderson was an FBI station chief with a 20+ million dollar budget. I'm in no hurry to accept his having come in from the cold. It's possible that he turned, and is being protected, but it's just as likely that he is there to mis-lead us.
Hunter Thompson's part in all of this is enigmatic, to say the least. Is the rush on to hang the awful deeds on him before his last work can see the light of day, or was he really into snuff films? I'd hate to think it was the latter.
Thanks for the link to that review of Eyes Wide Shut, recommended reading (and seeing, of course).
anonymous says:
"For that matter, I don't necessarily trust Gunderson. If his info was spot on, then surely the powers that be would have silenced him by now. This is highly sensitive material, and, if ever truly pieced together and brought to light, would result in the elites being dragged out by their feet.
Gunderson was an FBI station chief with a 20+ million dollar budget. I'm in no hurry to accept his having come in from the cold. It's possible that he turned, and is being protected, but it's just as likely that he is there to mis-lead us.
Both excellent points & probably spot on; Gunderson gets more wrong
(seemingly selectively so)to just be the bumbling inspector Poirot.
Methinks he's not only turned but there to muddy the waters * posit red herrings.
Whether the 'elites' ever get drug out by the feet is moot; & it certainly isn't going to happen by the release of some selective salacious material.
A good friend of mine told me a while back that the recent convictions in the UK of accused child murdurers was a clear set up.
I never even considered this, until I read the replies on this site which touched upon the airforce links to various paedophile activities on this site.
More interestingly, and this is again from my friend, the Policeman whos investigations led to the conviction of the accused had subsequently announced that he had "new developements " on the case.
Strangely enough,at the almost the self same time of the "new developments", he himself became the subject of an internal investigation into the possession of child pornography photographs on his own PC
A link to the story might be found here. the whole episode worries the shit out of me.
As a final comment- as an Englishman who watched this case on tv, one thing that was never made obvious to me or anyone else watching on the mainstream media was the proximity of a USAF base to the site of the discovery of the bodies.
"I never even considered this, until I read the replies on this site which touched upon the airforce links to various paedophile activities on this site"
Pathetic drunken grammar. Please accept my profoundest apologies.
For anyone in England or elsewhere, brave enough to look more closely at the major discrepancies in the prosecution case in the Huntley trial, you might begin with the link I gave previously
Or you might ask yourself why Huntley was transferred to a mental institution prior to his trial rather than a prison ?
The deeper you dig, the spookier it gets, I can promise you.
Its no secret that Hunter S. Thompson at least possesed snuff films, what do you think he was brought to trial on child pornography charges for in the 90's? It wasnt for having Curious George books I can tell you. He worked for the O'Farrell brothers in San Francisco in the 80's, who had the nod from high officials in the region, and it was a bad kept secret they were involved in prostitution and god knows what else. In that context its easier to believe Thompson was involved in the child rape trade and snuff films than not.
You dont even have to bring up all the rumors and accounts of Thompson showing snuff films by people like Nickole Brown and others. Thompson was arrested for child pornography this is not in doubt. Worshippers of Hunter Thompson need to get that through their thick skulls, the most despicable forms of child pornography were definitively found in Thompsons home, however the search was deemed illegal so he got off on a technicality. Let the Hunter S. Thompson worshipping end for the love of decency.
Wow! great blog! You know, all of this and part of this may be true; it's the totality of it all that seems to forever hover out of sight. I did some study on the Marc Dutroux case while getting background for a novel. One thing led to another; one step followed another and I found myself in weird country.
There's no question that pedophilia and satanic rites exist at the top of the pyramid of power. In occult circles certain rituals are meant to convey certain powers. It's a rite of passage. What I found was that there were connections everywhere and that the high command of police forces around the world were privy to such goings on.
Thousands of children disappear every year. It's hard to imagine they don't show back up somewhere. A few years ago, here in France, there was an epidemic of disappearances; hundreds of children went missing. I haven't heard that any of them were found.
I wonder about the Hunter Thompson thing. How real is that? People say this and that; they say he was caught with this and that and it was real but they couldn't prosecute. How does anyone then know what the evidence was?
A very entertaining read here.
Les Visible
When a person becomes a satanist they will become possessed by evil fallen spirits or demon's that are programmed for one thing, vengence. They will take over anybody that is unprotected or is weakend by indulgences of unpure thoughts. They pick up and move in like radio signals on a reciever.
Demons have zero feelings of guilt or love or conscience and hate us with every micron of their very being and very much enjoy torturing and mutilating souls.
The more people draw on the opposite of love and compassion the more difficult it becomes for the laws of nature to hold them off and keep them from inhabiting peoples bodies.
Their job is to guide mankind down the hole and destroy life so lucifer and his sick twisted world of revenge against God because it wants to be God where in it's unholy kingdom followers donot choose but are forced to bow and worship him. Satanists become parasites and no longer people,like the mafia's and gangs very few of them can leave their sects or want to and God will treat them as a doctor treats a cancer cell. Burn that pus into oblivion. But it was their free will and choice to do so. Not all are willing paticipants though.
Demons do exist as I know I had a demon exorcised from me body when I was a young boy. They feed off fear as it gives them energy and lust is to them what a drug is to the addict. They donot fear the name of Mosoes or Buddah or any popes. They fear the very name of Jesus (this name stirs anger in people and fear) and it's as if pouring acid onto demons when you say his very name aloud. It is a name of love and represents forgiveness that they will never know.
Many today's American false christians think they can force the hand of God by speeding up armaggedon but they will be surprised and mocked and will deserve as such. You cannot build the house of goodwill on a foundation of lies. Why does man love his way's?
Hunter S Thompson was never charged with child pornography according to The Smoking Gun when I asked.
"nope, that's news to us (and, we'd wager, it's not
bill bastone
William Bastone
600 Third Avenue
16th Floor
New York, N.Y. 10016
(212) 692-7849
It is a pathetic post-mortem attempt to smear Hunter Thompson after the CIA offed him so he couldn't finish his book/project to expose the WTC controlled demolition. He was also looking into the matter of the White House's fake journalist/gay pimp Gannon.
Asbestos is the
name given to a group of minerals that occur naturally
in the environment as bundles of fibers
Exposure to asbestos may increase the risk of asbestosis, lung cancer,
other cancers, and other nonmalignant lung and pleural
disorders .
Smokers who are also exposed to Asbestos have a
greatly increased risk
of lung cancer .
Individuals who have been exposed (or suspect they have been exposed)
to asbestos fibers on the job, through the environment, or at home via
a family contact should inform their physician of their exposure
history and any symptoms .
Government agencies can provide additional information on Asbestos exposure.
What is Asbestos
Asbestos is the
name given to a group of minerals that occur naturally
in the environment as bundles of fibers and can be separated into
thin, durable threads. These fibers are resistant to heat, fire, and
chemicals and do not conduct electricity. For these reasons, asbestos
has been widely used in many industries.
There are two subgroups of Asbestos
chrysotile, which has curly
fibers and is in the serpentine family of minerals; and amphibole
asbestos, which has straight, needle-like fibers and includes
actinolite, tremolite, anthophyllite, crocidolite, and amosite
asbestos. Chrysotile Asbestos is the form
that has been used
predominantly in commercial applications worldwide .
How is Asbestos
Asbestos was
mined and used commercially in North America beginning in
the late 1800s. Its use increased greatly during World War II . Since
then, Asbestos
has been used in many industries. For example, the
building and construction industry has used it for strengthening
cement and plastics as well as for insulation, roofing, fireproofing,
and sound absorption. The shipbuilding industry has used asbestos to
insulate boilers, steampipes, and hot water pipes. The automotive
industry uses Asbestos in vehicle
brakeshoes and clutch pads. Asbestos
has also been used in ceiling and floor tile; paints, coatings, and
adhesives; and plastics. In addition, asbestos has been found in
vermiculite-containing consumer garden products and some
talc-containing crayons.
In the late 1970s, the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC)
banned the use of Asbestos in
wallboard patching compounds and gas
fireplaces because the Asbestos fibers in
these products could be
released into the environment during use. Additionally, in 1979,
manufacturers of electric hairdryers voluntarily stopped using
asbestos in their products. In 1989, the U.S. Environmental Protection
Agency (EPA) banned all new uses of Asbestos uses
established prior
to 1989 are still allowed. The EPA also established regulations that
require school systems to inspect for damaged Asbestos and to
eliminate or reduce the exposure to occupants by removing the asbestos
or encasing it.
In June 2000, the CPSC concluded that the risk of children’s exposure
to Asbestos fibers
in crayons was extremely low (1). However, the U.S.
manufacturers of these crayons agreed to eliminate talc from their
products. In August 2000, the EPA responded to reports it received
about the adverse human health effects associated with exposure to
asbestos-contaminated vermiculite by conducting a series of tests to
evaluate the extent of the risk. The investigation concluded that
the potential exposure to Asbestos from some
vermiculite products
poses only a minimal health risk to consumers. The EPA recommended
that consumers reduce the low risk associated with the occasional use
of vermiculite during gardening activities by limiting the amount of
dust produced during use. Specifically, the suggested that
consumers use vermiculite outdoors or in a well-ventilated area; keep
vermiculite damp while using it; avoid bringing dust from vermiculite
use into the home on clothing; and use premixed potting soil, which is
less likely to generate dust.
The regulations described above and other actions, coupled with
widespread public concern about the health hazards of Asbestos, have
resulted in a significant annual decline in U.S. use of Asbestos
Domestic consumption of Asbestos amounted to
about 803,000 metric tons
in 1973, but it had dropped to about 2,400 metric tons by 2005 .
What are the health hazards of exposure to Asbestos
People may be exposed to Asbestos in their
workplace, their
communities, or their homes. If products containing Asbestos are
disturbed, tiny Asbestos fibers are
released into the air. When
Asbestos fibers are
breathed in, they may get trapped in the lungs and
remain there for a long time. Over time, these fibers can accumulate
and cause scarring and inflammation, which can affect breathing and
lead to serious health problems .
Asbestos has been
classified as a known human carcinogen (a substance
that causes cancer) by the U.S. Department of Health and Human
Services, the EPA, and the International Agency for Research on
Cancer. Studies have shown that exposure to Asbestos may increase
risk of lung cancer and Mesothelioma (a
relatively rare cancer of the
thin membranes that line the chest and abdomen). Although rare,
Mesothelioma is
the most common form of cancer associated with
Asbestos exposure.
In addition to lung cancer and Mesothelioma some
studies have suggested an association between Asbestos exposure and
gastrointestinal and colorectal cancers, as well as an elevated risk
for cancers of the throat, kidney, esophagus, and gallbladder .
However, the evidence is inconclusive.
Asbestos exposure
may also increase the risk of Asbestos (a chronic
lung disease that can cause shortness of breath, coughing, and
permanent lung damage) and other nonmalignant lung and pleural
disorders, including pleural plaques (changes in the membrane
surrounding the lung), pleural thickening, and pleural effusions
(abnormal collections of fluid between the thin layers of tissue
lining the lung and the wall of the chest cavity). Although pleural
plaques are not precursors to lung cancer, evidence suggests that
people with pleural disease caused by Asbestos exposure may
be at
increased risk for lung cancer .
Who is at risk for an Asbestos related
Everyone is exposed to Asbestos at some time
during their life. Low
levels of Mesothelioma
are present in the air, water, and soil. However,
most people do not become ill from their exposure. People who become
ill from Asbestos
are usually those who are exposed to it on a regular
basis, most often in a job where they work directly with the material
or through substantial environmental contact.
Since the early 1940s, millions of American workers have been exposed
to Asbestos Health
hazards from Asbestos fibers have
been recognized
in workers exposed in shipbuilding trades, Asbestos mining and
milling, manufacturing of asbestos textiles and other Asbestos
products, insulation work in the construction and building trades, and
a variety of other trades. Demolition workers, drywall removers,
asbestos removal workers, firefighters, and automobile workers also
may be exposed to Asbestos fibers.
However, recent studies do not
support an increased risk of lung cancer or Mesothelioma among
automobile mechanics exposed to asbestos through brake repair . As a
result of Government regulations and improved work practices, today’s
workers (those without previous exposure) are likely to face smaller
risks than did those exposed in the past.
Those involved in the rescue, recovery, and cleanup at the site of the
September 11, 2001, attacks on the World Trade Center (WTC) in New
York City are another group at risk of developing an Asbestos related
disease. Because Asbestos was used in
the construction of the North
Tower of the WTC, when the building was attacked, hundreds of tons of
asbestos were released into the atmosphere. Those at greatest risk
include firefighters, police officers, paramedics, construction
workers, and volunteers who worked in the rubble at Ground Zero.
Others at risk include residents in close proximity to the WTC towers
and those who attended schools nearby. These populations will need to
be followed to determine the long-term health consequences of their
exposure .
One study found that nearly 70 percent of WTC rescue and recovery
workers suffered new or worsened respiratory symptoms while performing
work at the WTC site. The study describes the results of the WTC
Worker and Volunteer Medical Screening Program, which was established
to identify and characterize possible WTC-related health effects in
responders. The study found that about 28 percent of those tested had
abnormal lung function tests, and 61 percent of those without previous
health problems developed respiratory symptoms. However, it is
important to note that these symptoms may be related to exposure to
debris components other than Asbestos
Although it is clear that health risks from Asbestos exposure
with heavier exposure and longer exposure time, investigators have
found Mesothelioma
related diseases in individuals with only brief
exposures. Generally, those who develop Asbestos related
diseases show
no signs of illness for a long time after their first exposure. It can
take from 10 to 40 years or more for symptoms of an Asbestos related
condition to appear.
There is some evidence that family members of workers heavily exposed
to Asbestos
face an increased risk of developing Mesothelioma This
risk is thought to result from exposure to Asbestos fibers brought
into the home on the shoes, clothing, skin, and hair of workers. To
decrease these exposures, Federal law regulates work practices to
limit the possibility of Asbestos being brought
home in this way. Some
employees may be required to shower and change their clothes before
they leave work, store their street clothes in a separate area of the
workplace, or wash their work clothes at home separately from other
clothes .
Cases of Mesothelioma
have also been seen in individuals without
occupational exposure, but who live close to Asbestos mines or
been exposed to fibers carried home by family members working with
asbestos .
What factors affect the risk of developing an Asbestos related
Several factors can help to determine how asbestos exposure affects an
individual, including :
Dose (how much Asbestos an
individual was exposed to).
Duration (how long an individual was exposed).
Size, shape, and chemical makeup of Asbestos fibers.
Source of exposure.
Individual risk factors, such as smoking and pre-existing lung disease.
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Bagaimana Cara mengobati kutil di kemaluan Tanpa Operasi dengan menggunakan obat kutil kelamin tradisional aman bagi wanita serta ibu yang sedang hamil untuk mendapatkan informasi yang lebih jelas mengenai pengobatan kutil kelamin silahkan kontak langsung di nomer 0852 808 77 999 atau 0859 7373 5656 Bagaimana mengobati Ambeien itu sendiri. pengobatan yang terbaik untuk Ambeien adalah dari luar dan dalam sehingga Ambeien benar benar tuntas dan tidak akan kambuh lagi. obat Ambeien terbaik "Ambeclear dari De Nature" Adalah obat Ambeien herbal yang memang terbaik untuk mengobati Ambeien, dan sudah terdaftar di badan obat dan makanan BPOM) dengan nomer registrasi POM TR: 133 374 041. terbuat dari bahan alami antara lain terdiri Daung Ungu, Mahkota Dewa dan Kunyit Putih.
Penyakit kencing nanah bisa disebabkan oleh beberapa faktor seperti seks bebas, penularan, virus hpv, lingkungan, gaya hidup dan lainnya, Maka dari itu kita harus waspada dengan penyakit kencing nanah ini, karena penyakit kencing nanah sangatlah berbahaya, Namun untuk anda yang menderita penyakit kencing nanah, maka anda tidak perlu khawatir,
Bagi anda yang sedang mencari obat herbal buat kencing nanah atau gonore, kami sarankan untuk memilih obat herba dari De Nature dengan nama Gang jie dan Gho Siah sebagai pengobatan alternatif tradisional alami untuk kencing nanah atau gonore.
Bukan hanya pengobatan medis saja tapi ada juga pengobatan rumah alami yang dapat digunakan untuk menyingkirkan penyakit kutil kelamin ini. Intinya, karena kutil ini muncul di daerah yang sensitif, maka anda harus mencari pengobatan yang terbaik pada kulit Anda dan jika diperlukan juga dibantu dengan tenaga medis yang professional. Sebab dokter akan menjadi sumber informasi yang baik untuk mengobati penyakit ini.
ayo belajar berhitung 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 wis lah selot sue kesel...............
MANTAB * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *******
Cara yang sering di lakukan untuk menghilangkan kutil kelamin adalah dengan cara pembedahah atau operasi, cara ini tentu memerlukan dana yang tidak sedikit. metode Pilihan pembedahan yang dapat Anda lakukan
Bismillahirrohmannirrokhim .........................
alami alami alami alami alami alami alami alami alami alami alami alami alami alami alami alami alami alami alami alami alami alami alami alami alami alami alami alami alami alami alami
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