American Leviathan (Part One)

"The box. You opened it. We came." - Hellraiser
Dr Hal Pepinsky is a professor of criminal justice at Indiana University in Bloomington. I know this because a few days ago I discovered a paper he'd presented in 1999 at S.M.A.R.T.'s ninth annual conference on the subject "How I Bring the Voices of Survivors of Ritual Violence and Mind Control Experimentation into My Classrooms."
It's interesting reading, but more than that, it's also one of those strange comforts to find professional and academic support that says things may be as bad as I suspect, and I may not be as crazy as I hope. Know what I mean? There are a number of things I'm persuaded of about which I like to think I'm wrong. (Speaking of which, remember the 1993 interview False Memory Syndrome Foundation board members Ralph Underwager and wife Hollida Wakefield gave Paidika, the Dutch journal of paedophilia? Well here's something that feels like a kick in the head: Dr Vern Bullough, board member of the debunking Committee for the Scientific Investigation of Claims of the Paranormal and its Skeptical Inquirer, served from 1988 to 1998 as Paidika's consulting editor.)
One thing I appreciate about Pepinsky's paper is his wrestling with the implications of a hidden crime, the scope of which invites incredulity:
You know, you could believe every now and then that maybe an official engages in a little political corruption. But if you talk about the drug war for example, how easy it was it for people to believe. We used to talk about this a fair amount. The evidence indicated that the CIA was probably the biggest actor in the legal drug trafficking in the world, and the US military. What do you do with that? It becomes really almost impossible for people to conceive of that. And so this is what I ran into when I tried to convey to others that there might be such a thing as people in high positions, maybe even including presidents, who maybe occasionally even killed and ate people and got away with it? Or who consistently molested children, or who trafficked in child prostitution; who did all the kinds of worst things, that if you haven't lived through the experiences that so many in this room have lived through, then you may never imagine? Worse things than are in a movie. And that maybe the people who are in trusted positions - police, therapists, any one you might want to turn to, teachers, principals, politicians, business leaders - that at all of those levels, you could have worse crimes being carried out than you have ever allowed yourself to imagine before. That is the hardest thing, the hardest thing to accept.
Another is Pepinsky's description of how the abstract became immediate, and what it did to him:
It hit me particularly hard when, three years after I started teaching the seminar, I wandered through some woods. I'd lived in Bloomington for twenty years and a couple of blocks from where I lived, I'd walked through these woods. I was enjoying an early spring day in March and as I was out in the woods I suddenly saw what looked to me, now that I've heard so much and seen so much about ritual abuse, like what used to be a ritual altar. And I went exploring further. It went on for hundreds of yards down the creek bed. I called a survivor and had him walk through it with me. We came upon what appeared to be a human grave covered over with cement in the creek bed. We found a bag of anti-coagulant that was in the creek bed. We tried talking to a police detective. Then I saw helicopters go over for a couple of days. And then he told me, "The Deputy Chief of Police said that there is really not much more that they can do to pursue it."
The people who own that particular property kind of own it in little packages. They all live on one-half street and this included some pretty prominent people in town. Then I found out that one of the co-owners of that property was my someone I had sought for professional services. I got scared. It was scary enough to begin with, but suddenly it got really personal. And it became further validated by the fact that people were leaving calling cards around the house regularly, once I began to try to talk about it.
People knew that I was on to something. Once I tried to pursue the history of this. Actually, once I worked out the geography I said, "There are some other high spots in town. Let me go get ‘em." And the next one I went to, there was a ritual site. So all of a sudden it was right here. It wasn't just something that survivors from out of town were bringing to me; it was right next to me. It could involve people who were very close to me.
Pepinsky adds that "people said at the time that they thought that I might be going psychotic and they probably weren't far wrong. But what I do know is that I became deeply depressed."
Linda Blood tells in The New Satanists of being called in to help counsel a 14-year old girl and her family in 1988 after they had been forced to flee their comfortable home in the "suburb of a major southeastern city that is a center for scientific research and military operations." The girl was trying to leave a cult that had ritually raped her and forced her to participate in animal sacrifice. When Blood contacted a police source, she was told she had "stumbled into an ongoing investigation that traced back to similar complaints 20 years before, indicating that the cult was probably generational." Further police consultation informed Blood the cult was "engaged in serious criminal activity ranging from drug trafficking to pornography and prostitution to multimillion-dollar white collar crimes such as insurance scams"... and its members included "doctors, lawyers, judges, police, engineers."
In her 1985 report on ritualistic child abuse, reprinted in Cults That Kill, Detective Sandi Gallant of the San Francisco Police Department included synopses of then-current investigations in California to substantiate its credibility.
Cases included
- A 17-year old male in Atherton who claimed to have been drugged by injection and forced into S&M pornography by his stepfather, compelled to drink blood, witness animal mutilations and a murder.
- A 5-year old boy in Fremont who claimed two men repeatedly injected him with something that made him drowsy and forced him into sexual activity in what might have been a church with black candles. Said he was sometimes photographed, and forced to watch the mutilation of animals and human beings.
- Seven children between 5 and 7 who claimed that at a day-care in Fort Bragg run by a church they were forced to drink blood and urine, witnessed the killing of dogs and cats and one infant, "saw things and possibly animals" suspended from the ceiling, and were injected and then photographed in sexual acts. Black candles and pentagrams were observed.
- Two children, 13 and 8, claimed to have been injected with drugs and photographed having sex with adults chanting in black robes, and to have witnessed the murder of a small child. Room was lit with black candles, and eldest child claimed room "really stunk."
Like Pepinsky suggested, it's crazy-making to see this stuff when the same material is there for others to see, yet all most see are people who must be crazy or uneducated making impossible claims for a phenomenon long since debunked by respectable and well-funded institutions such as FMSF and CSICOP. (And let's acknowledge this: sometimes all the crazy-making makes us see things that really aren't there. When this happens and we know it, we need to act like we know it and revise our judgement.) But the phenomenon, like so many others that aren't supposed to exist yet do, like unaccounted for cattle mutilations, never went away. The abuse continued, but below the surface of general perception. And as anyone who's paid attention to even the mainstream news should know, the surface of perception has been broken again and again this year.
But this time, maybe, it's different. There will be no Geraldo specials, no Oprah, no hyperbolic evangelism and hysteria about black-clad teens. (Though, on the other hand, there is still Ted Gunderson.) This time it doesn't sound so incredible to suggest that "there might be such a thing as people in high positions, maybe even including presidents, who maybe occasionally even killed and ate people and got away with it." This time it makes a certain kind of sense, because we have something approaching a hermeneutic to interpret occult politics' intersections of power and perversion.
One other difference: this time, there seems less a regard on the side of the High Perps for maintaining appearances. The mask slips more readily, even proudly. And one of the things these days I'm not crazy about is the implication of that.
Anonymous One,Jeff,I know how you feel too.Sometimes I wonder what it would take to wake the sleeping masses.I have had many contacts with things to strange to talk about in public.They were all real and couldn't be my mind playing tricks on me.Power drives this this monster and if you don't belive in any of this"tin foil hat"material,just step away from the window and go back to sleep,everything will be better.I must refer to my friend from China"you can't wake a man who is pretending to be a sleep"later.
You mean when Maureen Dowd refers to Cheney's "sulfuric stench?" Or his desperate defense of torture? Or Scooter's novelistic imaginings?
Or Republican indignation not at the existence of CIA secret prisons but at those who would reveal their existence? Is that what you mean?
Why is it that when anyone confronts this issue with "proof", they are "crazy"? And still... nothing is done to stop it, to investigate it. I agree with anonymous [6:48]. Sadly, victims live with the reality of it all and with knowing they will probably never see true resolution within their lifetimes.
'The mask slips more readily, even proudly...
I get the same disquieting feeling about what is going on in the world today.Am I just more informed? Have I too, slipped a notch from 'reality'? It almost seems as if the PTB have agreed the "sham" is no longer necessary, or at least as necessary ...and the abyss is staring at the rest of us in the face....
spycams and other bugging devices are becoming smaller by the month...there's less and less standing in the way of getting audio/video confirmation of these activities, and it'd only take one solid video, really, to make this go mainstream.
Alex Jones got video of world leaders running around in black and red robes involved in a mock sacrifice at Bohemian Grove...and nothing changed.
People are sheep and sheep will end up slaughtered unless they wake up.
but the alex jones footage sucks:
you can't see the faces -- even a single identifiable face would've caused trouble
you can maybe, maybe guess at the voice -- but not within a reasonable doubt
and alex jones has zero sense of how to work the media to his advantage, further reducing the usefulness of that footage.
Fascinating and scary, Jeff. This subject area is rather new to me, although the overt signs do seem more prevalent now.
"... there seems less a regard on the side of the High Perps for maintaining appearances. The mask slips more readily, even proudly."
Indeed. It's becoming so obvious that even those of us who aren't knowledgeable on these ritual abuse topics are realizing that something's truly going down.
And, on one hand, it is surprising that there hasn't been more video/audio evidence. But, on the other hand, look at the hard evidence put forward about torture and white phosphorus and other atrocities -- yet, the public still doesn't get it. I'm not encouraged, sadly.
-- manxkat
I strongly suspect the gradual slipping of the cover, whether intentional or not, by its very gradual approach, serves to condition the public mind, and train it even further in the art of denial and ignorance.
I've just read The Da Vinci Code by Dan Brown. Is this part of the cover slipping? Along with Harry Potter books, is this kind of a movement or theme that is making the dark stuff more palatable?
Nothing is "slipping".The mask, at the time it begins to presume reality, is dropped, for power is a masquerade. Ritualistic abuse ties these sonny bastards together, like skull and bone initiation. To go up to the highest levels, one must do even greater "deeds" in order to ascend. The cabal must remain greater than the sum of any of it's parts. What is most frustrating is realizing that if, indeed, this does exist (and it is not simply a complex smoke screen for something even worse, something even more unimaginably sinister) then it has been in practice not just for generations, but for centuries. The dropping of the mask is part of the ritual. Letting "the law that is the people" in on the crime…one morsel here, another morsel there. It nurtures and poison us all at once. No decent addiction can exist without it's thrill, and the threat of discovery not only keeps the hooded ones in line, but it keeps them deep in the game itself, not just the power machination. There can be little doubt that this site is not read by certain among them. Read with the same kind of fascination as a pyromaniac reads about his latest blaze in the newspaper. To us, they are montsrous and sick. To them, we are weak and irrelevant. No camera can photograph what centuries of mind control have conditioned us not to believe. Like the old saying goes, the devils greatest trick is in getting us to believe he does not exist. We would do well not to let our children out of our sight and to speak of this as often, and as reasonably as we can…so others get used to hearing it. There is nothing else we can do.
Very interesting article. The SMART link yielded a lot of useful information including a clear definition of what ritual abuse is and who the likely perps are. I for one found it very illuminating after reading so much about it on this site.
The site also offer a possible explanation for why the cults involved in ritual abuse do it.
"When trauma alters brain chemistry, perceptions of reality change. Ancient magicians believed a victim's response was a mystical or magical experience. Now this is called "dissociation".
I am starting to understand Jeff's rather persistent interest in this subject.
What if it is not as simple as the perps 'believing that a victim’s response to trauma is a mystical or magical experience’.
What if these rituals achieve another, much more tangible, outcome. An outcome that finally offers a convincing, rational (albeit evil) explanation as to why so many intelligent people are committing the most abhorrent acts against innocents.
Rational thought would suggest such an outcome must be something extraordinary in order to override one's deeply rooted natural tendency to protect a child (and other innocent animals for that matter).
Or are these cults just heavily disguised pedophile clubs? I for one find that explanation tempting but alas not believable.
It is mystery all right and as somebody once said, “what I don’t know can’t hurt them”.
argh, i live two blocks from atherton and right across the dumbarton from fremont.
scotrugby, are you familiar with the arliss perry murder (1974)? this was described in the book "The Ultimate Evil" by Maury Terry (about Son of Sam). her body was found in the chapel at stanford on aleister crowley's birthday.
here's what's even weirder, while trying to find a good link for those who aren't familiar with the perry case, i found this bit of high weirdness: seems that her husband later turned up treating the child survivors of the branch davidian compound! tell me that doesn't give you chills.
background on perry and connection to Son of Sam & Process Church:
update on her husband:
"Perhaps it's just a coincidence that a man whose own wife was a victim of ritual murder now has ultimate authority over the lives of young victims of ritual abuse."
doubt it.
hey anonymous,
that long link was worth every bit of copying and pasting. has this info been forwarded to maury terry? i think he's still on the satanic cult beat, so he should be made aware of these details if he isn't already. what don't we hear from him much these days?
All very intersting stuff. Excellent post Jeff. I’m continually impressed by the items you bring to surface.
Anyone following Jeff's posts will agree that there does appear to be evidence of organized pervert rings, and that these rings have "protection" from normal investigative proceedings. The implication is that powerful people are associated with these rings, and that these rings may be utilized as a form of "control" implemented by the PTB upon people who get into powerful political or administrative positions.
I’m very interested in reading evidence to support this assertion; but haven’t bought the store yet! I really don’t know what is going on; no explanations make sense yet to me.
To demonstrate a difficulty I have with the hypothesis, let’s play a thought exercise, assuming that the second paragraph to be true.
As noted previously in the comments, with modern surveillance gear it would be possible to secure audio and video evidence of such criminal activities. For crusading private citizens it may not be a simple matter to obtain tapes of these activities. But for an intelligence agency, large company, or other organization it would probably be rather simple.
Obviously it could be advantageous to have such data and be able to exercise independent control of it even if you were part of the PTB or an agent thereof. If you were a powerful “outsider” to the PTB it would be even more advantageous.
In the case of (presumed) outsiders to the PTB. Let’s say you are Saddam Hussein circa 2002. Wouldn’t you want to get your intelligence apparatus to gather such information which would act as a deterrent to being attacked? Or say you are the leader of North Korea; same thing. Or Castro, Chavez, or Arar… Alternatively, let’s say the gov’t was going to take down your company in an anti-trust action. Why not get some goods on powerful folks to aid your lobbying efforts in putting the anti-trust action aside?
Or on another note; perhaps you are in the PTB group or are an agent for them; wouldn’t it make sense to gather such information for your own political advantage within the organization? Want to take down a rival? Release some tapes. No one would even have to know that you were part of it.
Finally, you might be an organization within the PTB. Your organization’s influence is slipping; to bolster it you may want to secure incriminating data that would be damaging to other parts of the PTB to jockey your organization ahead.
Other than the possible case of elements of the Roman Catholic Church being busted for sex crimes, I don’t really see much evidence of any of the above scenarios playing out. Frankly I see this issue as a major hole in the case being built that the PTB utilize pervert rings to control people in high places. I know if I was Arar I’d be getting my intelligence agency to put together all the dirt I could on influential Americans.
Possible explanations for the lack of such actions and data procurement:
Perhaps the data is out there and I’m just not aware of it?
Perhaps in many cases it is serving its deterrent function (ie how come Cuba has never been invaded?)
Perhaps it is very difficult to secure such data?
Perhaps there is no such data to procure?
Perhaps the pervert rings exist, but there is no organized structure around them. Maybe its just a bunch of independent groups of deranged sickos.
Anyways, just food for thought. As stated above, I don’t know what the heck is going on and just trying to make sense of things. As such I’m not being critical of anyone’s efforts or thoughts on this matter. At this point its all about learning for me.
Cheers all! (This is JD posting - for some reason my password is not working - very odd as there is the other JD blogger too as we found yesterday)
Thanks for the Arliss Perry update. The Perry story is what most blew my mind while reading The Ultimate Evil. For those unfamiliar with the case, I referred to it in this post.
Yes, the mask is slipping, it may even fall off altogether and that may not make any real difference.
Such, I would suggest, is the degree of powerlessness felt by many today.
What strikes me again and again with this material is that it seems to be a re-awakening of some of the old - decadent - american mysteries that were hot on ritual murder esp child sacrifice.
This form of black magic has deep roots on the american continent if all the tales one hears of these old mysteries is anything to go by.
People may think the following is bullshit, but this article sparked an old memory, from Iraq in 1991:
I served in the Army during 1989-1993 and was a part of Operation Desert Storm (I was 19 incidentally, and if I knew then what I know now I would not have gone, so save me the shit). We were out on a recon mission to see if anyone had survived an artillery attack from the USS Iowa on an Iraqi Republican Army outpost. We were about 10 miles west of the Kuwait/Iraq border, along the "Road of Death" as it had been dubbed.
We came across a very small village that had been pretty much decimated. I don't even know if it was a village to be honest-- we could only count 4-5 houses. Cars burning, dead animals all over the place, and the houses were a burning husk. Part of our job was to make sure that nothing had lived, so we went through the remains.
In going through the rubbles, we noticed that the cars were pretty nice cars. Mercedes Benz and BMWs from what we could tell-- not the average Iraqi beater we had been seeing. One of the houses had a basement that was accessible through the rubble, so we took a team of 5, including myself, into the rubble to check for survivors or anyone hiding.
We found that a lot of the basement had been destroyed, but what remained was something I frankly never expected. There were tatters of black velvet everywhere, and it was obvious from what remains that the velvet had been hanging on the walls. All over the floor were candleholders (candles had pretty much melted all over the place) and lots of iron rods with lots of odd shapes at the end. But what got our attention was the giant stone slab in the middle of the basement. It was evident from the straps at the head and foot of the slab that someone was meant to be tied to it. It was heavily stained with blood, mostly on the top, but whatever had been on there previously had bled long enough for the blood to also show drip marks on the slab's sides.
Now, blood doesn't just stain concrete or stone so easily. A LOT of blood had dripped to the side, more than 2-3 people I would say. So whatever happened here happened to at least 5 people. Or animals.
We found some tall candle holders and the remains of what we thought was a robe. One of the guys actually threw up in the basement and had to go outside because he couldn't stand it down there. I got some very very bad vibes as well.
We went outside and discussed it and we knew it was some sort of Satanic altar-- we'd seen enough William Peter Blatty material to know what we were looking it. We braved it one more time and went back in to look for any evidence of Satanic symbols-- pentagrams and the such, but the place was just about wrecked. There was a smell of death, but 65 hours into Desert Storm, the smell of death was pretty much everywhere.
We reported it to our platoon commander, who then reported it to his CO (commanding officer). The CO spoke to us about it, believed us from what I could tell from his body language, but I am not sure if it ever got reported formally up the chain of command.
The only other time I've really ever spoken much about this before was with a Vietnam vet who was telling a very similar story from something he and his squad saw in Vietnam in 1967.
anon 3:45...that is one creepy story.
We can hope that our fearless prosecutor, Fitzy, after cornering the elusive serial gossip, Scooter, will turn his attention to more serious crimes like pedophilia. Or have the liberals already legalized it?
RE: 1991 Iraq Story;
an acquiantance of mine, recently returned from the current series of conflicts told me a similar story.
A history of the middle eastern death cults shows many connections to the old Molech Cults from Caana. The Perverted Ishmailism of Al Qaeda is remniscent of the 'assassins' from some time back, who don't seem to have completely gone away.
That the "terrorists" involved in the M.E Molechish cults are associates (friends) with (some) B Grovers who themselves are intermingled with Molesque worship ala the Big Turkey[the stupid owl] (Ashtarothe {astarte ishatar} as anti-Ma'at the false Athena, goddess of black rites and knowledge [Hecate], consort of Beelzebub [the devil you say?], Ba'al Da'At: the false fire god, the black sun of the indo-europeans [nazi's you say?] roughly equivalent to Merq'Dat the abyssmal fallen watcher of Tyre, who, through confusion is the Lucifer [not the greek one]of Medieval-Late Christianity, the peacock of the Yzedi cult), then these fellows/femmes are exceedingly dangerous bastards/bitches who should be removed, not merely for our spiritual and psychological safety, but truly for their own safety as well, not to mention the threat this represents to international security on an unprecedented scale!
RE: Iraq 1991
Anom- interesting read.
Now ...why would the military target a small village such as you describe? I get the jest that this village was not near other pop centers?
Did you have a feeling this area was purposely targeted?
Is Jeff an outsider?? Jeff, do you have some sort of personal connection to this or is this just part of your general interest? I know this might be a somewhat personal question, but I'm not sure if you may have covered this before. Sorry if my curiosity is crossing the line here.
Thanks for such important stuff...
Weird Jay said: "'The Revelation of the Method' I believe it's called in the King/Kill 33 document."
Glad someone else chimed in about that ... The Revelation of the Method - The Revealing of All That's Been Hidden. I'm no expert on that but I've heard from several people that that is indeed what is going on right now - at least over the last 5 years.
I wonder Jeff if you've read or written on James Shelby Downard's works along these lines. I seem to recall you mentioning Hoffman and his revisionist history stuff.
See 'Preface to King-Kill/ 33: James Shelby Downard's Vision'
James Shelby Downard's underground classic, "Sorcery, Sex, Assassination and the Science of Symbolism," links American historical events with a grand occult plan to "turn us into cybernetic mystery zombies." The assassination of JFK was a performance of the occult ritual called The Killing of the King, designed as a mass-trauma, mind-control assault against the national body-politic of the United States.
Mr. Downward's co-researcher and author, Michael A. Hoffman II, wrote in "Secret Societies and Psychological Warfare" that "fabled alchemy had at least three goals to accomplish before the total decay of matter, the total breakdown we are witnessing all around us today, was fulfilled and these are:
"The Creation and Destruction of Primordial Matter.
"The Killing of the Divine King.
"The Bringing of Prima Materia to Prima Terra."
And what about William Grimstad's (aka James Brandon) tomes ...
The rebirth of Pan: Hidden faces of the American earth spirit
Weird America: A Guide to Places of Mystery in the United States
Grimstad apparently wrote AntiZion on the pay role of the Saudi Royal family.
Lastly, that bit about Dan Rather and weird saber swordplay rings a distant bell...
Thanks for reminding me to read James Shelby Downard. I haven't read the King/Kill 33 document, only read about it.
"Is Jeff an outsider?"
"Working America and the middle class have been sacrificed on the high altar of the Republican Moloch of Free Trade."
-Pat Buchanan
Jeff, thank you for yet another informative article about ritual abuse-torture. Hal Pepinksy is a kind, courageous, and dedicated supporter of survivors. The tireless work of Neil with SMART must also be commended. I'm glad you shined a light on them.
I wonder why the online community discussing SRA and the related conspiacies never bring up the West Memphis 3. At the time I saw Paradise Lost (a documentary about the obviously wrongful conviction of 3 teenagers for ritually murdering 3 children I think around age 9) I could easily contextualize the injustices as attempts by inept officials to cover their asses and a general inclination in a debased community to blame "satanic teenagers" rather than blatantly psychotic parents. Reading what I have here and elsewhere I no longer see it as isolated corruption. As I said it puzzles me that I have seen no mention of this case here, at Dave McGowan's site or in any other competent appraials of the SRA phenomenon (though there aren't really many others).
I suppose in a sense the story of the West Memphis 3 serves as a counterpoint to the corrupt practices of the FMSF and others in that it places the blame squarely on Satanism and innocent suspects, while the FMSF discredits the notion of Satanism and exhonerates guilty people. Nonetheless, this story is too wierd to escape discussion in these types of forums. The parents are heavily implicated in the murder but law enforcement also appears to have actively helped destroy the case exhonerrating the 3 (then) teens. They "lost" potentially extremely important evidence, clearly coerced a confession out of one of the teens who was mentally retarded and generally lied about their surety of the guilt of the 3, the prosecution also used an "occult expert" with a mail order PhD which required nothing but a fee to obtain. There is some doubt that the murder was ritualistic at all although the genital mutilation and hogtying indicate the kind of sick sexual predation often discussed on sites like this (it is also likely that whoever did the mutilating had exceptional skill with a knife which brings up thoughts of Henry Lee Lucas and other murder-puppets who apparently were skilled in skinning and such). It's pretty clear a) that the parents of one of the children were actively involved and b) the 3 convicted were not, so I won't list the overwhelming evidence to this effect. I would just like to see Jeff and others delve into this unusual page in the annals of claims of Satanic murder. Was this just ass-covering? Was it a local SRA group (the child of the implicated parents was obviously seriously abused probably both sexually and violently)? A larger conspiracy? There was a defense lawyer in the initial case who was either inconceivably stupid or intentionally treasonous (his defense of his 16 year old client was roughly: "sure they killed the kids, but my client was the least active in doing so and was only 16 at the time... blame the 18 year old"). Also the failed appeal (even more clearly exhonnerating than the initial case) was heard by the same judge who struck me as a prime candidate for conspiratorial involvement. There are also indications that the most clearly guilty parent may have killed his wife and knocked out his own teeth to prevent the identification of bitemarks on the bodies (apparently when an experienced forensic pathologist sees bitemarks on a child's corpse they immediately think mother). His friend the coroner never clearly listed a cause of death for his wife who inexplicably died over the course of a night in bed. If all these leads are hot, then detective(s), a judge (and perhaps parts of the bereaucracy that assigns them to cases), 1 or more defense prosecutors a coroner and the parents of one child are all implicated in a coverup. There was also a sighting of a distressed black man (notable in a super white area) bleeding in the bathroom of a fast food joint very near the murder site on that night. The blood evidence collected by the police was "lost" by the lead detective on the murder case who incidentally kept his job despite that and numerous other "blunders". I'd love any info anyone might have that ties this incident to the larger theme.
I highly recommend both Paradise Lost and the sequel Revelations made by excellent documentarians whos names escape me at the moment. The opening of the 1st movie is footage of the implicated father walking around the murder site enthusiastically describing how he "imagined" the murders took place, and it is one of the scariest things I've ever seen on film. A warning though: they are both extremely graphic, fully showing the photos of mutilated bodies used in the case, I would've preferred they just describe the pictures and the conclusions they lead to, also seeing the lives of 3 young boys who had no hope in the first place ruined by no fault of their own is truly depressing... As far as I knowall 3 are still in jail (1 on death row) and have only 1 appeal left.
Sorry for the long post, I hope others with info on the West Memphis 3 will be able to shed some light.
P.S. "There are a number of things I'm persuaded of about which I like to think I'm wrong." I gotta put that on a T-shirt.
Paradise Lost and the sequel Revelation were done by Joe Berlinger and Bruce Sinofsky (whom also did the Metallica docu Some Kind of Monster--Metallica's music is used in the Paradise Lost films). I saw the original a while ago and definitely have wondered about them recently as well.
Another excellent post, Jeff. Does anyone have any more info on the Dan Rather video?
JD...and anyone else who'd like a well-documented and researched expose on the subject of RA..."Cover-Up of the Century" by Daniel Ryder (who also wrote at least one previous book on the subject, can't remember the name of it at the moment.)
Also check out for survivor support and networking.
Let's keep getting the word out. It's time the world came out of denial. Thanks Jeff.
anon 3:45pm, my gut tells me you made up that iraq story.
be careful of the truth you chase after.
my friend who is a multiple personality after growing up part of a satanic cult says that the idea is to desensitize people to disgusting things particularly dead bodies and body parts--that this is why now on medical shows and especially the crime shows you see bodies being cut into, corpses, pieces of bodies, burned bodies, etc. stuff only doctors/nurses and paramedics/firemen/cops used to see, and wish they hadn't. similarly there is much emphasis on tv on sex crimes against children. just tonight on ER was a story about a ten year old kidnapped for a month by a pervert, at one point the doctors were talking about the 'lacerations' on her 'genitalia.' last night it was babystealing on law and order, night before that, a pervert who murdered little boys.
enough to make you wish for perry mason and marcus welby MD to be back on instead (how is that for showing how old i am :( ).
i started believeing my friend when another friend told me her kid came home to tell her they were having a 'unit' in jr high about forensic medicine, solving a murder! kids can't spell anymore or do basic math, but they learn how to investigate a gory murder case? this is sick and i don't care who tries to defend it (as this person claimed the teacher did) by saying it 'got kids interested' in biology! why not just kill one of the kids that nobody likes at recess and do their autopsy right after lunch?
you have to wonder, sure the members of these sicko groups have reasons to back their own agenda, but what about the so-called normal parents who don't storm the school boards demanding this kind of sick crap be removed from schools?
re: arliss perry my only reservation about that link was, 'bruce perry' is a very commonplace name and i do wonder if they're sure the one involved in waco is actually the same person as arliss perry's husband. how would you like to be named 'scott peterson' now?
Just a note:
al-Qaeda has NOTHING in common with Ismailis, beyond militancy.
Asssassins were Shi'a, al-Qaeda is Sunni. Ismailis are very mystically inclined, and al-Qaeda is very fundamentalist.
Georgie Ann Geyer chimes in:
"There was always a brooding, Hobbesian Cheney just beneath the misleading openness he learned in his native Wyoming. But this week, the vice president took a turn into the deepest heart of human darkness. This week, unprecedented in history, an elected vice president of the United States of America proposed that Congress legally authorize the torture of foreigners by Americans.
The Washington Post titled its devastating editorial "Vice President for Torture." I would say that the deceptive man from sunny Wyoming has become the Marquis de Sade of America. Think about it -- he is insistent upon making torturers of many of our young soldiers -- your children."
Justin Raimondo notes how white phosphorous casts an eldritch light on other aspects of this administration's evil madness:
"The death visited by phosphorous bombs is an eerie one: the bombs explode and spread a lethal cloud that goes right through clothing and seeks out flesh, searing and eating it up like some airborne ghoul. We are confronted with the sight of charred skeletons, the skin dripping off the bone, with clothing still clinging to the corpses.
What kind of demonic evil justifies this – in the name of "liberty"?"
Raimondo understands, too, that "Do what thou will," the diabolic inversion of Christ's words, has become national policy:
"Mass murder, torture, and a military strategy founded on unmitigated cruelty and horror – that's what this war is about. Its symbol is Lynndie England wielding a leash. Insofar as it is based on any philosophical worldview, I would look for the clue to this not in The Federalist Papers, but in the works of the Marquis de Sade. We are inflicting pain and raining clouds of death on a society, not to achieve any goal, but, I would argue, purely for the perverted pleasure of exhibiting our power."
Paul Wolfowitz famously argued in favor of attacking Iraq in the wake of 9/11 because "it's doable." We can, therefore we will – what would be quickly diagnosed as sociopathic behavior in an individual is the same mindset that dominates our top policymakers. This is a policy, not of "liberation," but of domination – and the main threat to liberty and peace on earth
The business of shoving scimitars into oneself is, as I recall, a traditional dervish conjuring trick -- the sort of thing European travelers of a hundred years ago used to report seeing in the bazaars as a supposed demonstration of mental powers. No blood, no wound, all illusion.
If I can come up with a source for this, I'll post it later -- but in the meantime, I wouldn't make too much of that Dan Rather tape.
this reminds me of Ezekiel 6:13 :
Then shall ye know that I am the LORD, when their slain men shall be among their idols round about their altars, upon every high hill, in all the tops of the mountains, and under every green tree, and under every thick oak, the place where they did offer sweet savour to all their idols.
Is it that the "People" are "Sleeping" or is That They Can't Think Critically Anymore?
In the 60s, everybody wanted to change the educational system. Having been well educated and rather oblivious to its methodology, we wanted to create new organic methods or some such tripe. This lead to whole word theory (a perfectly useless way to teach reading) and the displacement of phonics with a number of these hypothetical and unproven schemas for teaching reading, math, etc.
None of them worked very well and that penalized the children of that era who are penalizing the chidren of the 80s and 90s not because they want to, but because they weren't taught in a sound manner which is: establish the basics (the foundational material) while emphasizing memorization that develops memory and stimulates neuronal growth to facilitate this skill; once the foundation is laid, the individual "planks" or skills are tied together with concepts that provide a structure within which the user may apply the basic skills; once the concepts and application of skills is acquired; the student progresses to advanced techniques and their application to the subject matter; at that point that the student has mastery over the subject and its concepts and skills both basic and advanced; the next step is to learn how to think critically and analyze using extended versions of the skills as well as communications skills learned from composition, grammar and writing practiced over and over.
Our children are not being taught in this manner anymore. They are being taught fragments of knowledge designed to permit them to answer specific answers on a poorly-designed combination of test and propaganda tool. Among other things, "No Child Left Behind" instructs our children in the wonders of "free trade" and how this economic "principle" solves most problems. Not only do we know this not to be accurate information (based upon now 30 years of empirical data), but "free trade" is not a principle, it is a loose hypothesis derived from the writings of a 17th century Brazilian economist writing for an agrarian society.
Interestingly, while there are those who say that the Constitution is dated and needs to evolve to meet the changing times, they often seem to be the same people who want to dip back in history for the "free trade" notion. Again, critical thinking is the key.
If Americans were thinking critically, they would be beginning to see a million contradictions in the actions versus the rhetoric of the current administration. They would be realizing that their freedoms are being curtailed on a daily basis. They would understand that the entire economic system is being rigged to institutionalize the current status quo. Even those who have lulled themselves into believing that they are going to benefit from their betrayals of their constituents would comprehend that the "benefits" are an illusion. The fact is: dictators have no friends and they never have.
The only strategy that will succeed is that of supplying the critical thinking that is lacking with a plan for change. All too often, people lament the problem, but supply no solution. Had they been able to think critically, this deficit would have been apparent.
sure they could teach us critical thinking skills.
but then they'd have to kill us.
there is nothing more dangerous than someone who is capable of using their intellect to pierce through the bullshit that is flung at us. as paul simon said, "When I think back on all the crap I learned in high school/It's a wonder I can think at all/Although my lack of education hasn't hurt me none/I can read the writing on the wall."
Anonymous 9:39am;
regarding the use of phosphorus weapons in Iraq:
"What kind of demonic evil justifies this – in the name of "liberty"?"
Liberty has nothing to do with it; nor do any other platitudes.
Should we not see this too in the context of flashing the mask, and tipping the hand?
Jeff, this is FourthBase from the forum.
It is clear now that SRA is your and our strongest hand to play. You would do well to write an update on the Hamlin case (hope you've been following his brother Bradley's posts in the forum) which connects it to the Horowitz/Vitale/Polk case and the odd timing of the supposed McMartin kid who confessed to lying.
The links between "false memory syndrome" organizations, SRA skeptics, mind control experts + pro-pedophilia (especially links to Paidika) will destroy the very notion of false memory syndrome and possibly lead to the ruin of the PTB perps themselves. If we can somehow get the links into the mainstream, create a stink.
Wow. Talk of the mask slipping---just watched the MTV Europe music awards, and within 5 minutes saw the Eye of Horus and a obvious 666 on the stage. In 5 minutes of viewing.
The king-kill link very, very interesting.
You are gonna love this. Hey maybe the good people that we pay to protect us from the bad guys tell the bad guys the same thing?
(Listening to the Animals,Bring it on home to me)
Anonymous said...
this reminds me of Ezekiel 6:13 :
Then shall ye know that I am the LORD, when their slain men shall be among their idols round about their altars, upon every high hill, in all the tops of the mountains, and under every green tree, and under every thick oak, the place where they did offer sweet savour to all their idols.
creepy. [END QUOTE]
Creepy indeed.
God, being infinite in power and justice and mercy and beauty and intelligence and wisdom and grace, manifests himself as infinitely more creepy than the devil, or any of his minions.
Think about it.
I've been in cathedrals and churches that made the hair stand up on the back of my head like you can't imagine. There's something living there. Something that's been called down out of the ether.
I think that most of us here are familiar with the dangers involved in playing with ouija boards, romancing the occult, and so on.
How often do we reflect upon the potentially much greater danger of trifling with Almighty God?
America calls itself a Christian nation, invokes the name of God on its currency and in its legislative proceedings, sings "God Bless America," invokes the greatest spirit of them all without cease.
It then sets out on a Moloch-worshipping frenzy of destruction and murder in Iraq.
Is it any wonder that our soldiers, upon returning home, contract a mysterious wasting disease en masse?
The doctors wring their hands. The Pentagon denies everything.
Thousands wither and die, meanwhile, from "Gulf War Illness." Their wives and husbands contract it. Their children come into the world deformed.
The Lord God Almighty has spoken.
He has slain our men round about our altars, upon every high hill, in all the tops of the mountains, and under every green tree, and under every thick oak, the place where they did offer sweet savour to all their idols.
We've called down justice upon our heads and it's destroying us. May God have mercy upon us as we have mercy upon others. But we have abandoned mercy, abandoned justice, destroyed the innocent, and in so doing made an enemy of God. Our nightmare, I fear, is just beginning.
Unless God Almighty is radiation sickness from depleted uranium, I'd say God has yet to be heard from when it comes to how it will deal with America. Something tells me that sick soldiers are the least of America's worries whe it comes to the wrath of God.
An accessible book for everyone who made it this far is Dave McGowan's recent one, _Programmed to Kill: The Politics of Serial Murder_ (2004). The book starts off with the Belgian case of Detroux's network, then moves into the USA.
The review states:
The specter of the marauding serial killer has become a relatively common feature on the American landscape. Reactions to these modern-day monsters range from revulsion to morbid fascination--fascination that is either fed by, or a product of, the saturation coverage provided by print and broadcast media, along with a dizzying array of books, documentary films, websites, and "Movies of the Week".
The prevalence in Western culture of images of serial killers (and mass murderers) has created in the public mind a consensus view of what a serial killer is. Most people are aware, to some degree, of the classic serial killer 'profile.' But what if there is a much different 'profile'--one that has not received much media attention?
In Programmed to Kill, acclaimed and always controversial author David McGowan takes a fresh look at the lives of many of America's most notorious accused murderers, focusing on the largely hidden patterns that suggest that there may be more to the average serial killer story than meets the eye.
Think you know everything there is to know about serial killers? Or is it possible that sometimes what everyone 'knows' to be true isn't really true at all?
I would add that his claims, which are simply an annoying stream of facts is well documented, shows that there is a quite visible skien through the so called "separate" "serial killer" trials and claims by the authorities: that skein is CIA, MKULTRA, ritual abuse, pornography sales, military base connections, and using the public scaremongering invention of "random serial killer" cover stories to both kill off victims challenging FBI/CIA consolidation of the drug trade, the porn trade, and the child slavery trade, combined with the total railroading without actual evidence (quite interesting to read) of the presumed serial killer who is the real sacrificial victim to cover up and craft a legal "solution" for the multiude of clearly related satanic ritual kill and child kill crimes of the rich murdering pedophilic elites, in particular areas.
you can go to, search for the book, and read the first 30 or so pages for free.
Additionally, I would add: it will give you a whole different perspective on the strategy of using this to increasing "justifiably" (sic) militarize the police of the USA (i.e., "we will protect you" lines of legitimation). Serial Killer mantras have been the fascists best friend, whether it be the selling poing of SWAT teams, or 365-24 monitoring, prison expansion, etc., which these evil people wantg to push the civilian police into an occupying force.
And it's all a lie--a "misty watercolor memory" of serial killer lies one after the other for 30 years as the CIA and the U.S. military consolidated the MKULTRA driven porn/drug/child slavery trades.
So you thought you knew something about this? Or you though you have some established grounds for critiqing what is written above? Then attempt to poke holes in McGowan's book.
I expect that the grounds of what you thought was happening over the past 30 years will be seriously altered--and even connected--with other things you did know, as the serial killer lie will be seen all as one piece of increasing post WWII fascism into the U.S.A.
Some of you may wish there really WERE 'serial killers' after reading this book--as a form of comfort--to avoid the even colder reality McGowan describes.
Is there any material (print or Internet, etc.) exploring the issues re: the Passantinos ("Christian" journalists) using Underwager (a pedophile adherent) as a source, in their _The Hard Facts About Satanic Ritual Abuse_ article in the the Christian Research Journal, Winter 1992?
re: arliss perry my only reservation about that link was, 'bruce perry' is a very commonplace name and i do wonder if they're sure the one involved in waco is actually the same person as arliss perry's husband. how would you like to be named 'scott peterson' now?
2:45 AM
Bruce Perry is a common name but a search on him shows his biography and it says he went to school at Stanford (where Arliss was murdered) and that he is from Minot, ND (where Arliss was from as well)
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Thank you for your article from Hal Pepinsky. Our url has changed. It is now at
Hal's transcript is at
additional information on ritual abuse is at
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Wasir atau dikenal juga dengan ambeien merupakan salah satu jenis penyakit
Trims, sangat membantu
Thanks semoga bermanfaat
Nice post gan, Semoga bermanfaat
Trims infonya, sangat membantu
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