This is London

I went down to the place
Where I knew she lay waiting
Under the marble and the snow
I said, "Mother I'm frightened
The thunder and the lightning
I'll never come through this alone"
She said, "I'll be with you
My shawl wrapped around you
My hand on your head when you go"
And the night came on
It was very calm
I wanted the night to go on and on
But she said, "Go back - go back to the World"

We were fighting in Egypt
When they signed this agreement
That nobody else had to die
There was this terrible sound
And my father went down
With a terrible wound in his side
He said, "Try to go on
Take my books, take my gun
Remember, my son, how they lied"
And the night comes on
It's very calm
I'd like to pretend that my father was wrong
But you don't want to lie, not to the young - Leonard Cohen

Anonymous One, I'm watching the end of the world as we know it,MSM is started the new fear factor. The manufactured bombings will now go into full spin, I wonder how much of a warning they gave to Tony? Hold on to your tin foil hats folks this shit is going to get crazy from here out, can't wait to hear GW, when he gets home,later.
yes, I had a similar feeling about this one too.
then, I had a rather silly thought - 7.7.7. - pic-a-box.
Sound familiar?
Hey wait uh Karl Rove Matthew Cooper. Oh! Wait! Look over here! London's Burning
Yep, this is really NOT good.
I was wondering if the bombing had anything to do with the annuncement that Britain wanted to pull troops out of Iraq. Then it would have eery parallels to what happened in Madrid.
This is all too creepy-- I'm thinking this is synthetic terror all the way...
speaking of synthetic terror, what do we think of webster tarpley's new book? i've started reading it, but i haven't seen many reviews.
for what it's worth:
Israel Warned United Kingdom About Possible Attacks
Jul 07, 2005
There has been massive confusion over a denial made by the Israelis that the Scotland Yard had warned the Israeli Embassy in London of possible terrorist attacks “minutes before” the first bomb went off July 7. Israel warned London of the attacks a “couple of days ago,” but British authorities failed to respond accordingly to deter the attacks, according to an unconfirmed rumor circulating in intelligence circles. While Israel is keeping quiet for the time being, British Prime Minister Tony Blair soon will be facing the heat for his failure to take action.
The Associated Press reported July 7 that an anonymous source in the Israeli Foreign Ministry said Scotland Yard had warned the Israeli Embassy in London of possible terrorist attacks in the U.K. capital. The information reportedly was passed to the embassy minutes before the first bomb struck at 0851 London time. The Israeli Embassy promptly ordered Israeli Finance Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to remain in his hotel on the morning of July 7. Netanyahu was scheduled to participate in an Israeli Investment Forum Conference at the Grand Eastern Hotel, located next to the Liverpool Street Tube station -- the first target in the series of bombings that hit London on July 7.
Several hours later, Israeli Foreign Minister Silvan Shalom officially denied reports that Scotland Yard passed any information to Israel regarding the bombings, and British police denied they had any advanced warning of the attacks. The British authorities similarly denied that any information exchange had occurred.
Contrary to original claims that Israel was warned “minutes before” the first attack, unconfirmed rumors in intelligence circles indicate that the Israeli government actually warned London of the attacks “a couple of days” previous. Israel has apparently given other warnings about possible attacks that turned out to be aborted operations. The British government did not want to disrupt the G-8 summit in Gleneagles, Scotland, or call off visits by foreign dignitaries to London, hoping this would be another false alarm.
The British government sat on this information for days and failed to respond. Though the Israeli government is playing along publicly, it may not stay quiet for long. This is sure to apply pressure on Blair very soon for his failure to deter this major terrorist attack.
I was immediately reminded of this story
from the set of the wachovski brothers' adaptation of the late 80's alt-comic
"v-for vendetta".
Touchy climax for explosive film
By Sarah Lyall The New York Times
TUESDAY, JUNE 21, 2005
".. the most radical thing about the movie, written and produced by the brothers Andy and Larry Wachowski and based on a 1988 graphic novel by Alan Moore and David Lloyd, is its climax. This is a story in which a dozy, passive populace wakes up and rises against its government oppressors - and then, in the name of freedom, blows up Parliament.
In today's skittish atmosphere, it takes a certain courage - or foolhardiness - to make a film that might be seen as endorsing terrorism, or at the very least, bomb-fueled anarchy. At a time when many studio films avoid what might offend, the makers of "Vendetta" have stepped out onto a lonely limb. And as persuasively as the filmmakers argue that their movie means to raise provocative questions rather than to lay down moral judgments, it is hard not to be unnerved at the mental image of one of the West's proudest democratic symbols splintering into millions and millions of tiny particles..."
The only thing that suprises me is that I feel no surprise. You just have to ask- who benefits? Tony Blair benefits double- he got to be able to say he would withdraw the troops from Iraq and now he will be able to beat the war drums and say we must double our efforts. W has the heat taken off of Rove. He will be untouchable for the next few weeks. I just hope the Americans and Brits will see through this like the Spaniards did.
Glad to know Giuliani was present...
Does anyone find it odd the attack at Tavistock Square?
Meanwhile, back in Israel, the Weekawkin Five jumped up and down and high-fived one another all over again...
"Several hours later, Israeli "Foreign Minister Silvan Shalom officially denied reports that Scotland Yard passed any information to Israel regarding the bombings, and British police denied they had any advanced warning of the attacks. The British authorities similarly denied that any information exchange had occurred."
Rigorous Intuition trumps programmed intelligence every time.
Here's some more baldfacedly obvious data to tack up next to your picture of the Weehawken Five.
Investigative Report: “Odd” Financial Activity Preceded UK Bombing
By Douglas J. Hagmann, Director
8 July 2005; 5:30 AM ET: Just a few short hours before the first explosion ripped through London, there was a significant sell-off or “selling short” of the British Pound in the financial market. This activity took place absent of any economic news or other known market-driven factors that would sufficiently explain the sell off. This activity also occurred without the normal corresponding pricing action in the other major currency pairs. In summary, a large amount of GBP was sold to liquidate a “long position” and secure profits, or to take a “short position” to profit from an anticipated drop in the value of the British Pound. In either case, the market activity warrants further investigation.
Many thanks to an alert subscriber to the HQ INTEL-ALERT for his expert analysis which served as the basis for this report.
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