Mark Lombardi's Uzumaki
If you're a fan of Japanese Manga, you're likely familiar with the title Uzumaki. It's the bizarre and hypnotic story of a small village whose inhabitants gradually succumb to a mad obsession with discovering spiral patterns in nature.
The film version, subtitled "Spiral Into Horror," is disturbing, disorienting, and quite literally loopy. As a reviewer asks, "when you were little, did you ever spend hours and hours running around in circles trying to make yourself dizzy, and then fall over laughing while the room span around you? Well, Uzumaki makes you feel like that all over again."
I felt that way all over again last Friday, when I finally took in the Mark Lombardi exhibit, "Global Networks," at the Art Gallery of Ontario. Lombardi's work, rather than make the room seem to spin, diagrams how the real world goes 'round.
From a review by Uri Dowbenko:
Mapping criminal corporate-government connections is a dangerous occupation. Exposing the players and their front companies is even more hazardous. These are the subjects of Mark Lombardi's art -- the hidden global realities of money and power. His artwork, literally as well as figuratively, connects the dots of international high-level white-collar crime networks.
Lombardi's drawings are mandalas of conspiracy, flow charts of shady deals and shaky agents, and org charts of world-class con men, revealing the genealogy of wickedness in the highest places of corporate and government power.
"Mark Lombardi: Global Networks" is a traveling exhibition of 25 drawings, some as large as 4' x 12,’ organized by New York-based Independent Curators International (ICI) and curated by Robert Hobbs of Virginia Commonwealth University. In graphic terms, the drawings document the major financial and political frauds of the late 20th century. They are flow charts of illicit money and power, solid and dotted lines and curves as well as broken arrows denoting the flows of illicit financial operations and covert revenues.
One of the drawings called "George W. Bush, Harken Energy and Jackson Stephens, ca 1979-90" (1999) shows the connections of James Bath, a former CIA spook and business broker, front man for Saudi money who connected the Bush Family and Bin Laden Family (of the Osama bin Laden/ 9-11 legend) in shady deals in Texas and around the world.
Other drawings document the Savings and Loan (S&L) Frauds, IraqGate Fraud (illicit sales of nuclear and biological weapons to Iraqi kingpin Saddam Hussein with a $5 billion US Government-guaranteed phony “agricultural loan” through the Banca Nazionale de Lavoro), Iran Contra Fraud, and the Clinton/ Jackson Stephens Frauds.
Illegible reproductions and fragmentary details of Lombardi's work cannot do it justice. But standing before the often enormous graphic narratives, tracing their timelines, is to enter the secret narrative of our age.
Lombardi died in 2000 just as he was finding an audience, and like too many who shine a light into America's dark places his death was ruled an apparent suicide. Yet, just before his death, Lombardi had confided to friends that he believed he was being followed. In a 1997 video of the artist that accompanies the exhibit, Lombardi is asked if he fears for his life. He answers indirectly, that the researchers upon whose work his art is based were still walking around. Lombardi's own business card read "Death Defying Acts of Art and Conspiracy."
After 9/11, FBI agents visited the Whitney Museum and requested to examine Lombardi's 4'x12' representation of the BCCI scandal.
The Lombardi exhibit closes in Toronto December 5. If you're not dizzy yet, you ought to be.
The film version, subtitled "Spiral Into Horror," is disturbing, disorienting, and quite literally loopy. As a reviewer asks, "when you were little, did you ever spend hours and hours running around in circles trying to make yourself dizzy, and then fall over laughing while the room span around you? Well, Uzumaki makes you feel like that all over again."

I felt that way all over again last Friday, when I finally took in the Mark Lombardi exhibit, "Global Networks," at the Art Gallery of Ontario. Lombardi's work, rather than make the room seem to spin, diagrams how the real world goes 'round.
From a review by Uri Dowbenko:
Mapping criminal corporate-government connections is a dangerous occupation. Exposing the players and their front companies is even more hazardous. These are the subjects of Mark Lombardi's art -- the hidden global realities of money and power. His artwork, literally as well as figuratively, connects the dots of international high-level white-collar crime networks.
Lombardi's drawings are mandalas of conspiracy, flow charts of shady deals and shaky agents, and org charts of world-class con men, revealing the genealogy of wickedness in the highest places of corporate and government power.
"Mark Lombardi: Global Networks" is a traveling exhibition of 25 drawings, some as large as 4' x 12,’ organized by New York-based Independent Curators International (ICI) and curated by Robert Hobbs of Virginia Commonwealth University. In graphic terms, the drawings document the major financial and political frauds of the late 20th century. They are flow charts of illicit money and power, solid and dotted lines and curves as well as broken arrows denoting the flows of illicit financial operations and covert revenues.
One of the drawings called "George W. Bush, Harken Energy and Jackson Stephens, ca 1979-90" (1999) shows the connections of James Bath, a former CIA spook and business broker, front man for Saudi money who connected the Bush Family and Bin Laden Family (of the Osama bin Laden/ 9-11 legend) in shady deals in Texas and around the world.
Other drawings document the Savings and Loan (S&L) Frauds, IraqGate Fraud (illicit sales of nuclear and biological weapons to Iraqi kingpin Saddam Hussein with a $5 billion US Government-guaranteed phony “agricultural loan” through the Banca Nazionale de Lavoro), Iran Contra Fraud, and the Clinton/ Jackson Stephens Frauds.
Illegible reproductions and fragmentary details of Lombardi's work cannot do it justice. But standing before the often enormous graphic narratives, tracing their timelines, is to enter the secret narrative of our age.
Lombardi died in 2000 just as he was finding an audience, and like too many who shine a light into America's dark places his death was ruled an apparent suicide. Yet, just before his death, Lombardi had confided to friends that he believed he was being followed. In a 1997 video of the artist that accompanies the exhibit, Lombardi is asked if he fears for his life. He answers indirectly, that the researchers upon whose work his art is based were still walking around. Lombardi's own business card read "Death Defying Acts of Art and Conspiracy."
After 9/11, FBI agents visited the Whitney Museum and requested to examine Lombardi's 4'x12' representation of the BCCI scandal.
The Lombardi exhibit closes in Toronto December 5. If you're not dizzy yet, you ought to be.

Amazingly interesting stuff. Thanks for the post.
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