Ring Them Bells

Ring them bells, ye heathen
From the city that dreams.
Ring them bells from the sanctuaries
Cross the valleys and streams.
For they're deep and they're wide
And the world's on its side
And time is running backwards
And so is the bride.

Ring them bells St. Peter
Where the four winds blow.
Ring them bells with an iron hand
So the people will know.
Oh it's rush hour now
On the wheel and the plow
And the sun is going down
Upon the sacred cow.

Ring them bells Sweet Martha,
For the poor man's son.
Ring them bells so the world will know
That God is one.
Oh the shepherd is asleep
Where the willows weep
And the mountains are filled
With lost sheep.

Ring them bells St. Catherine
From the top of the room.
Ring them from the fortress
For the lilies that bloom.
Oh the lines are long
And the fighting is strong
And they're breaking down the distance
Between right and wrong.
Interesting photo looks a little staged-sorry but it's unbelievable to me to see poor black folks and poor white folks helping each other. Maybe when they (the poor and even the new middle class) realize that they are all in the same boat you will finally see some changes.
Just a thought.
A side note on most of the photos I've seen in the media:
Having seen the wreckage of Samolia I can only make a visual comparison to what's going on in the South these days. Whenever I see helicopter crewmen kicking water bottles/food out the cargo door I wonder:
Why don't they(the chopper crewman) land and say "Hello my fellow countryman/woman!!! I'm glad to see you are alive!!!"
When I was "in" I could not imagine flying over anyone-especially my own goddamn countrymen-in the manner I see today. Not to say that I was goddamn Captain America but I had eyes.
I say to the US military men and women "shame on you".
I say shame on us. Shame on me.
I never thought I would see the day when our own countrymen/women would turn a blind eye to what is going on.
All the spy shit aside I would say that this shit has to stop. The US is not Somalia-or some third world country.
The US-down to each citizen-has failed. I have failed. This experiment in Democracy is failing.
I like your blog and others like it. But, I ask you and everyone else out there:
When will we-the citizens of this planet- that give a fuck-stop looking/falling into the Black Hole/Dark Hallways for clues and start coming up with some answers to start a positive change in this world?
I know the world is fucked. I get it!!!
But what's the answer?
Please tell me!!!
Sorry but this one hurts me in a real bad way...
Thanks, Jeff.
I needed that.
Powerful images. There are, of course going to be images like this in the aftermath of disaster of this magnitude, but the response from parties in charge of rescue and relief efforts has been disgracefully incompetent, if not outright malicious. I don't believe that this storm was man-made or man-influenced. Neither do I believe that much could have been done to prevent its physical effects upon the gulf coast. New Orleans, as a man-made structure was going to go, inevitably; it was only a question of when. However, as Ani DiFranco said: "It doesn't take a weatherman to look out and see the weather...," The folks that got out were almost exclusively those with the financial means to do so. The most vulnerable were left behind; are still left behind. Many here disagree with me, I'm sure, but I don't see this as a deliberate attempt to murder thousands of people. That at least would be a distinct, specific evil to define and combat. What I see is worse, I think, and is one of the few things that causes me to feel real desperation in terms of where we are as a community. I think those folks were left behind because nobody, or at least nobody in charge, cared anything about them one way or the other. Thousands of people who, because of their economic status and race just didn't matter. That frightens me in a way our malicious and murderous government cannot. I guess this is a bit out of character from my previous posts, folks, so I apologize for the schizophrenia. I consider myself a die-hard realist and (laughter at the cliche or dramatism duly accepted) a fighter, and there is not much, honestly, that breaks me down; but to see so many of our brothers and sisters treated like so much human garbage makes me feel pretty hopeless.
KATRINA PSYOPS: "What we need is a strong leader." In Other Words: DICTATORSHIP
The lack of help for Katrina victims is now being blamed on the lack of a "strong leader" on Fox, CNN, etc.
I have been trying to figure out the inaction of the government in saving the lives of the people in New Orleans. It makes no sense that we can’t airlift and drop water and food into the city.
What really is happening is a PsyOps and mind f**k of the American people by sacrificing the lives of the poor in New Orleans.
The goals (a.k.a. rigged solution) appear to be:
1. The call for a “strong leader” (otherwise known as a dictator). I keep hearing this from different newscasters such as Bill O’Reilly and others. Verbatim they keep saying: “What we need is a strong leader.” (Dictator Cheney perhaps after a “false flag” terrorist attack?)
2. Grooming Rudy Giuliani for 2008 presidency. The newscasters use Rudy Giuliani during 9/11 as an example of a “strong leader”. Well, it is widely know that Giuliani is running for president in 2008 as a republican.
3. To stir up racial tensions in cities and to create general fear. The hidden thought line here is: “We need a dictator to protect us from black looters during a national emergency.”
"Tricks used by world manipulators include Hegelian dialectics and false dichotomies. Hegelian dialectics is better known as problem-reaction-solution, whereby a problem is created to push people into accepting a rigged solution. Incidents such as the Oklahoma City bombing, Columbine massacre, and 9/11 attacks were engineered by the shadow government to justify the further removal of freedoms from the populace to “keep them safe.” Ultimately, liberty traded for security leads to slavery."
The process of saving lives in a disaster scenario does not require a “strong leader”. These are operations that can be easily scripted. Resources need to be pre-positioned. Forces need to be sent to restore order. It’s not rocket science, folks!
First of all, they should have had the drinking water, food, and medicine pre-positioned in the city. Second, they needed thousands of National Guard troops in the New Orleans city to preserve order. (They could have added hundreds of doctors and nurses, too, for good measure.) Lastly, all police and military should have had military level communication systems in place immediately after the storm left the area.
Believe me, this so-called “need” for a “strong leader” will be rammed down our throats by the media and the politicians in the coming months.
I don't watch cable--I don't HAVE cable. I wouldn't have cable if someone gave it to me. So I don't know what's going on.
However, I have been scouring the Net all day for stories, and tonight watched the networks, and what *I* am seeing is immense anger on behalf of the people of New Orleans, whether it's people on the Faux News site saying WHERE ARE THE FEDS or CNN comparing what the feds say and the truth on the ground or the interviews on Dateline asking firemen if they've seen the feds and the firemen saying NO. I've also read the entire transcript of the Ray Nagin interview which was reproduced on the Times Picayune blog, read of a Republican senator blasting the feds, of Hastert forced to backtrack his dismissive comment that New Orleans would not be rebuilt.
As for the wingiest wingnuts, the Freepers and Dittoheads and anyone who would waste a second of their precious life listening to that sleazy creep O'Reilly, their response was predictable.
It's not all bleak. Some truth is getting out and if the righteous anger that this could happen, then the American people are truly soul-dead "Good Germans" and will deserve what they get.
Alas, even a tragedy of this magnitude will not wake some of the selfish, spoiled narcissists in this country up. I got an email today from someone speaking of the sudden closing of a local bookstore "Will we ever recover from the shock?"
If after the last week someone can say that with a straight face...if that is the most 'shocking' thing in their mental universe--well, then I may have to line up with the fundies at least to the point of believing that some people need smiting, though not the same ones the American Taliban does.
Folks, I live in poverty in a studio cottage by a railroad track where I am embroiled in a legal battle with my crooked landlord, and I have said many times this past week that I am grateful that I have clean water, food, my beloved cats safe and well fed, a TV to watch and a computer to go online, plus a truck with a 4 banger that gets pretty good mileage, and since I live within a few blocks of every place I go regularly--my bank, church, the PO, grocery store--I don't need to drive very often.
Compared to what the poor and abandoned of the Gulf Coast are enduring, my life is a champagne brunch on a cruise ship.
What I believe Americans need to feel is gratitude if they have a roof over their head, food in their bellies, and know where their loved ones are; and a holy, white hot rage on behalf of those who do not have that which should be channeled to HOLD ACCOUNTABLE the assclowns who brought this about: Bush, Cheney, Chertoff, Michael Brown, AND CONGRESS on both sides of the aisle since I haven't seen anything much coming out of the Democrats other than Clinton's stomach turning endorsement of Bush.
Impeach, recall, send a million people to DC to call Bush THE BUTCHER OF NEW ORLEANS.
Also recognize that beyond the hurricane, the withdrawal of funding from the levee project, the gutting of FEMA, the soulless eyes of George Bush, we are all complicit in a two tier society, where rich and poor have grown further apart until we are in our income inequality tied with Turkmenistan. None of this is new. Poor people have always taken it in the neck. I'm not a Christian but I respect Jesus for saying that no one is His true follower who does not do right by 'the least of these'.
I wish you could hear Joan Baez's heartbreakingly clear voice singing the following Woody Guthrie song. Maybe someone will write a song about the 'least' of the Gulf coast. "All they will call you will be...
Deportee (Plane Wreck at Los Gatos)
(Woddy Guthrie/Martin Hoffman)
The crops are all in and the peaches are rotting
The oranges are piled in their creosote dumps
You're flying them back to the Mexican border
To pay all their money to wade back again
Goodbye to my Juan, goodbye Rosalita
Adios mis amigos, Jesus and Maria
You won't have a name when you ride the big airplane
All they will call you will be deportee
Some of us are illegal and some of us are not wanted
Our work contract's out and we have to move on
But it's 600 miles to that mexican border
They chase us like outlaws, like rustlers, like theives
Goodbye to my Juan, goodbye Rosalita
Adios mis a-mi-gos, Jesus and Maria
You won't have a name when you ride the big airplane
All they will call you will be deportee
My father's own father, waded that river
They took all the money he made in his life
My brothers and sister come work the fruit trees
They rode the truck til' they took down and died
The airplane caught fire over Los Gatos canyon
A fireball of lightning that shook all our hills
Who are these dear friends all scattered like dry leaves
The radio said they were just deportees
Goodbye to my Juan, goodbye Rosalita
Adios mis a-mi-gos, Jesus and Maria
You won't have a name when you ride the big airplane
All they will call you will be deportee
No, all they will call you will be deportee
All they will call you will be deportee
To the first anon post:
Staged? Sorry, no. Those are caregivers. Very typical in NO for older white people to have a black caretakers.
The fact that babies died for the lack of a few bottles of water and milk -- that is something I'll never understand until the end of my days. I see all you weaving mythology; some of may even be true.
I mean, choppers coulda drop pallets of milk instead of sand on the levee, right?
But NO was an URBAN WAR ZONE -- maybe even as bad as LA on an average night.
I see incompetence here, before I see anything else.
BTW, the photos depicts this scene:
Back in front of the center, Terry Jones, was pouring water and wiping the forehead of 89-year-old Dorothy Divic, who was slumped in a wheel chair, wearing a medical gown. Jones is Divic’s live-in aide for five years.
Divic’s eyes were blinking.
“Look at me Miss Dottie.,” Jones repeated over and over.
One of Divic’s wrists was bandaged.
The Advocate
Look in Terry Jones face Very Closely. You will see the mercy Christ spoke of. God Bless you Terry and thankyou Rigorous Intuition for this island of respite.
Disgusting, Treasonable, Criminal, and Treacherous
Fox, Bush, Cheney, Republicans, Democrats, and FEMA are playing with our minds. This is surely some type of PsyOps game for them.
I am completely outraged with the treatment of these poor people stuck in New Orleans.
On ABC News, there was a story about a Spanish parliament member and his family stuck at the Convention Center in New Orleans. He told ABC that the treatment of these trapped people was “genocidal.” He added with disgust that “they are being treated worse than dogs.”
The next shot showed the Spaniard and his family being whisked from the Convention Center by military police. (Most likely the Spanish government pulled some strings to get them out of there.)
Start the impeachment process now!
to first poster, anonymous;
I don’t have an answer beyond, try to do good in your life. Avoid harming others. And get out there and activate...fight for a cause, go into politics, join Aid organisations, go out in the streets...do what you can, what you are gifted for. Bring others in your wake...
And don’t give up.
There are hundreds of millions of us. All over the world.
Peace and good luck.
Ok... this is spooky.
It's 5 am EST, and I just did a google image search of the following:
"New Orleans Flood"
"New Orleans Katrina"
"Katrina victims"
"New Orleans Victims"
"Katrina Casualties"
"Katrina Dead"
Google is returning NO images even REMOTELY related to the horrors of this past week. Someone has wiped the Google Images database of all traces of this disaster.
Certainly, the images are still out there on the web, but you wouldn't know it from Google Images.
So why did it take a superpower with a gigantic military machine so long to get any kind of basic aid to the (mostly black and poor) people trapped in New Orleans...
The answer has to be that the neocons were attempting to provoke a total breakdown of law and order in the city. Possibly even to start a low level race war.
To take one example, I had heard repeatedly on the coverage from the mainstream propaganda channels that the security forces could not go near the superdome / convention center because of the danger presented from huge gangs of armed thugs.
However, after much waiting and watching, I finally saw on CNN an interview with a man who said that those inside had stood up to the armed men, told them they were not helping and asked them to leave, which they did!
So here we have unarmed civilians managing to deal with the 'problem' by simply asking them to go.
It does not sound like these armed men were in the frenzy of bloodlust we were led to believe.
So I am forced to conclude that the authorities were deliberately standing off in an effort to provoke a complete breakdown. The excuses used are not convincing - like so many neocon lies they do not stand up to scrutiny.
Feeding the fire in order to provoke a breakdown in order which can be portrayed as the fault of one segment of society (the black community) is the oldest trick in the book, divide and conquer.
It will also deeply polarise opinion across the US and bring out the beast in men's hearts.
We would all be so busy arguing amongst ourselves we would be diverted from our current keen focus on the criminals administration, the 911 lies and the disaster the holocaust in Iraq.
And then in the most brazen bit of managed theatre I have ever seen (excluding 911), just as Fuhrer Bush turns up so do all the aid trucks and soldiers,
What an amazing coincidence!
The neocons waited for as long as they could, even allowing George to take some heat, hoping things would descend into chaos.
This willingness to see George damaged is a sign that he is surely coming to the end of his usefulness, an asset that has now clearly become liability. (I would not be surprised if soon he was somehow 'replaced').
If a breakdown had been achieved the neocons would have sat back and listened to their right wingnuts point the finger and say it all was the natural result of a corrupt black community fed on the welfare state. This would have provoked a furious reaction from the far left and split the middle ground.
When it became clear that hoped for total breakdown in order was not going to happen they were belatedly forced to play the rescuing angel card. It must have been close though as they really waited as long as they could.
Also what were all those helicopters doing parked in hanger just so Bush could look like a big shot when giving his press conference!
Surely those helicopters should have been white hot and outside ferrying aid and rescuing people!?.
How the hell can they be parked and gleaming (obviouslly well washed and polished) as a fucking prop for that son of a bitch. It still shocks me to the core that the mainstream propoganda channels can let that slide by without comment.
Lastly Bill Clinton lining up behind Bush II with Bush I tells me all I ever needed to know about that sell-out bastard.
Clinton has so much blood on his hands (from his infanticide of 500,000 children in Iraq during the embargo of 1990's) that I suppose it comes as no surprise to see him stand shoulder to shoulder with another mass murderer.
Folks..check the caption within the photo out, here.....
"If all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail"
Excellent post anon.
I just heard on FOX TV that the head of New Orleans police is now saying that the sniper reports were falsely called in by people. Also, he admitted that there was little crime in the Superdome. Most of what was reported turned out to be rumors!
This was quite a set up for a psychological operation against the American people. All those people died needlessly just so a failed administration can hold on for a few more months. The Bush administration is a psychopathic and sociopathic criminal organization.
“Compared to what the poor and abandoned of the Gulf Coast are enduring, my life is a champagne brunch on a cruise ship.”
“Having seen the wreckage of Somalia I can only make a visual comparison to what's going on in the South these days. Whenever I see helicopter crewmen kicking water bottles/food out the cargo door I wonder:
Why don't they (the chopper crewman) land and say "Hello my fellow countryman/woman!!! I'm glad to see you are alive!!!"
Indeed, and in the days before this storm, did any of us think of these poor oppressed people or fight for their honor and dignity? Did we worry weeks, months, days before hand whether they had food, water, or medicine to get by on? Who cared for these people beside themselves? Now we weep for them after nature struck them bare. This isn’t just poverty or a lapse of concern. This is a repudiation of our current economic environment for those of us experiencing “globalization”. Many here lambaste Chomsky for his views on topics such as 9/11 or JFK and I certainly wouldn’t disagree with you. And many view Chomsky as a “leftgate keeper”, whatever may be inferred by this term. However, for years (since the 80’s) Chomsky has expressly said that the goal or endgame of the right wing or neo-conservative agenda was to reduce the US population to third world status. To remove our labor rights and our rights to petition our leaders (corporate and political – is there a difference?!), reduce environmental standards and continue to wage class warfare. Well here we are – the world press has said it, we are saying it and the conditions have degraded to “third world” status. I wonder what the impoverished and oppressed people of Haiti think of our situation? I remember Malcolm’s reflection (if not terse and also retracted statement) about the Kennedy assassination of “the chickens coming home to roost.” There are so many of us out here yearning and calling for help and I’m not referring to rations of food and water…what do we do about this? How can this happen? Why aren’t those in power doing anything about this? HOW CAN WE CHANGE THINGS SO THIS NEVER HAPPENS AGAIN? I hate to say this but even in the face of all this death, disease and destruction people are finally awakening to the ineptitude of our government and ways of life (ie – globalist capitalism). This will not wash. No one right now is looking at the Bush administration and saying “what a great job these guys are doing.” NO ONE! You’d have to be so full of shit to believe this that people could smell your rank and dishonor from alpha-centari! If there is a black person on this planet that EVER votes GOP after this I will be stunned! It might be helpful if we start counting these peoples’ votes too. No one should be treated like this! THAT IS THE POINT! Whether you are in Haiti or some god forsaken African desert or on the streets of Iraq. There are certain beliefs that we hold dear and define us as “human”, for too long we have sullied and rained these causes threadbare. To say you’re a humanist now would mean “keep up or die”. I remember Jeff’s blog about this “race” or as those-ever-so prescient scientologists call “game” of life, that these people don’t just own the field, or that they have bribed the referee, but that they are the field, they have fixed the race before it ever began, and if it appears as a race it is only to those who view it from afar. For those who think they can compete with their “fellow man” for the last apple on the tree are only fooling themselves. Does it have to happen in “our country” for it to be a tragedy? The whole paradigm has to shift, the world must not just realize that we are all one, our deeds must bear this out. I wish I had answers for you. I wish I could say that being politically active and organizing would bear fruit and begin to assuage the horrors that have become us. I would urge you to do these things and I know many here are already out there doing. Moreover, there are many more now who see us circling the drain. There are enough cracks in the dam now that its crumbling is inevitable. May the waters drive us to fairer shores.
-to those quotes I used as examples, please do not think that I mean to single you out or take argument
with what you have to say…the best thing that happens here at RI is so much dialog (cassandra, I’ve read many if not all of your posts and your thoughts and beliefs lend me faith in humanity, my dearest regards)
-and not to announce my ignorance, but if you wouldn’t mind letting me (and others) know the source of this poem/verse Jeff, thanks.
Seems to me that one of the problems in this whole mess is the fact that some of the "leadership" are trying to micromange what their personnel are doing at every little step of the way. We had these types of people in the Army and they did more to accomadate failure than anything else. Troops and relief services are being told to stay away or only follow a very strict rigid set of directives instead of giving those that are trying to restore some sembalance of order and organization a general goal ( save people and keep the peace for instance) and let those with the guts and the trianing do their work. I can only hope there are those that are breaking the "orders" given them and are doing more than just locking everybody down in the super/astro domes and actually providing the support that they are more than capable of providing.
As for why the chopper couldnt land, the few things I have heard were that the crowd kept charging the landing zone. It wouldnt take more than fifty people grabbing onto the whirly bird to bring it down, rendering the equipment usless and killing several hundred if not a thousand poor souls under the bird and turning a few handful of people into food processed human chunks when the propellers tipped too far into the crowd.
Anonymous 5:37 am:
Interesting point.
I just did a Google image search for the terms "Katrina" and "New Orleans."
The first search turned up a number of undraped women, and the second a half dozen or so picture-perfect postcard images of New Orleans sunsets etc.
Wayne Madsen's piece on the jamming of ham radio signals out of NO, taken together with what we know, from eyewitness accounts, of the Hurricane Andrew body-count coverup, etc., do very strongly suggest that the truth is being kept from us hoi polloi.
I believe that it's fundamentally all about markets. Devastation in the USA, if accurately reported, could send the dollar tumbling against other currencies, rock the New York stock exchange, and so forth.
It's almost funny, when you think about it: How many hundreds of times over the course of the years have we read about hugely destructive natural disasters in places like Haiti, China, Turkey, etc., etc.
And yet the equivalent storm, flood, earthquake, or natural disaster of whatever description, invariably kills only a handful in the good ole US of A.
We can't trust the numbers. Not in New Orleans any more than in Iraq.
A lack of commitment to truth is killing us Americans. We grabbed onto a lying way of life God only knows how many decades ago. Sophistry, rhetoric, and lies. Feel good talk. Rah rah us, rah rah God, God bless us, we're great, we don't die except in two's and three's, this country is special, exceptional, not like one of those other countries where people actually die when disaster strikes.
I saw this delusionalism first hand a few months ago when I made the mistake of visting my family back home in the States. They're deluded. Their neighbors are deluded. The entire country has devolved into an open-air insane asylum--where it isn't an open-air morgue.
The solution is escape. Get out of America before it's too late.
There IS a sane world out here. Sane by comparison, at any event.
You've just gotta be bold enough to step off your sinking ship of a country before it's too late,
though I say this with due apologies to anyone financially or otherwise incapable of escaping.
thrulookingglass...thank you. But I do want to clarify what I said.
I thought about the poor before this, because I AM the poor.
I live on under $12,000 a year of disability. It is Sept. 3 and I am already out of money and my next check will come on the 28th...and is virtually all spoken for by fixed expenses. I have been doing this for years. The illegal cottage I live in has been ordered demolished by the City so I will soon have nowhere to go, as I can't afford a move-in and my credit sucks anyway.
I still feel incredibly blessed compared to those people in New Orleans. I still have a roof, I don't live in a crime ridden area. My animals are safe and fed, I have a little food and water left for the next few days, I have a vehicle and was able to put 2 1/2 gallons of gas in it before the last price jump. I have a TV and a computer. I have plenty of clothes, I have blankets for cold nights and trees over my house to shelter me from the heat on hot days. I don't LIKE tap water but if I have to there it is coming out of the tap (my fish can't live in it though due to chloramine).
By all statistical measurements, I am disabled AND below the poverty line--that's why I at least get medical care and medications. If I were 'working poor' and making the same amount I would not be able to afford the medications I HAVE to take.
So I've known since 1987 when I had my first episode of disability (lost my job and my home) what it means to be poor in America. Yet I still have much that many of the poor in America and the rest of the world do not have.
And I am not in the hell of New Orleans dehydrated and filthy on an overpass with guns pointed at me like I was a criminal not a victim of the criminal conspiracy, the kleptocracy, whose figurehead is George W. Bush.
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