Don't worry, it's just the news

That's the lurid headline from Irish News of the World, May 26th 1996. I found it on the website of Jim Cairns, author of Disappeared off the face of the earth , which he claims is a "detailed account of the failures and the crimes of the Irish and British establishment" regarding missing persons, murders, and Satanic paedophile rings.
Cairns writes:
In the late 1970s and early 1980s people began to go missing in Ireland more frequently and in greater numbers. This was a new phenomenon not evident in previous decades, but in the early 1990s the public began to realise there was a serious problem!
I have no doubts that my information on high level paedophile groups and elitist Satanic covens is based on fact, and given the recent exposes in the Operation Ore investigations into paedophile rings at the highest levels in British political circles, which seem to implicate serving MPs in the Government, my book will help to open the minds of those detractors who label such claims as "just another conspiracy theory"!
Read my book and decide for yourself if there is indeed a conspiracy by those in power and by those with immense wealth!
I know nothing about Cairns or his claims, but his hyperbolic assertions and unrequited love for the exclamation point would have led me to presume, and not so long ago, that he was an obsessive crank who could tell me nothing I needed to know. But now I know enough that I can't do that.
Some of today's headlines from Britain:
Children trafficked into Britain for sacrifice rituals (The Guardian)
An unknown number of children are being trafficked from Africa and then used in ritualistic abuse and sacrifice offerings in the UK, according to a leaked report from the Metropolitan police.
Boys "used for human sacrifice" (BBC)
"Members of the workshop said for spells to be powerful it required a sacrifice of a male child unblemished by circumcision," the report said.
Contributors said boys were being trafficked into the UK for this purpose, but did not give details because they said they feared they would be "dead meat" if they told any more.
Child sacrifices in London (Evening Standard)
Last month Scotland Yard revealed it had traced just two out of 300 black boys aged four to seven reported missing from London schools in a three-month period. The true figure for missing boys and girls is feared to be several thousand a year.
The scale of the problem emerged through the murder inquiry following the discovery of a child's torso in the Thames in September 2001. The identity of the victim, named Adam by police, is not known but his background was traced to Nigeria. It is believed he died in a ritual sacrifice.
Children trafficked for sacrifice, says report (The Times)
Secretary Charles Clarke, the Home Secretary, said it was important countries worked together to tackle crimes related to people-trafficking. "But it's classically an issue, like all people-trafficking issues, where people are being moved across the whole world, essentially for money, by very substantial criminal organisations."

"Perhaps there's something terrible happening out there which we are not aware of." - John Azah, police advisor
The report may imply the problem is restricted to Britain's immigrant population, but that was merely the report's scope: its ten-month investigation, a recommendation of the Laming Inquiry into the death of eight-year old Victoria Climbié, had been limited to the African and Asian communities of just two London boroughs. "Workshops were held with the members of the public on topics such as female genital mutilation, physical chastisement, forced marriage and faith-related child abuse." It was the magnitude of the abuse in the communities under the microscope, and its ritual character, which shocked investigators.
But there's another report commissioned by the British government, released in 2000 to largely embarrassed silence, that suggests the problem of ritual abuse and child sacrifice is not just out of Africa, but one which crosses communities and is far more widespread than most could imagine. I referred to its conclusions in the post Walpurgisnacht: "satanic abuse does take place in Britain," the report found, and its victims do not suffer from "false memory syndrome":
The report, ordered by the Department of Health, focuses on the experiences of 50 "survivors". Compiled by Dr John Hale, director of the Portman Clinic in London, and psychotherapist Valerie Sinason, it will reopen the debate which started a decade ago with testimonies from children in Nottingham, Rochdale and Orkney.
Its findings contradict the claims of a report ordered by the Conservative government in 1994, which concluded that satanic abuse was a "myth". It follows the growing concern of child protection agencies, and the Government, over organised child abuse.
Last week, it emerged that police were investigating the alleged sexual and physical abuse of up to 4,000 children in care homes and council-run homes in Devon. Ms Sinason, who has treated 126 ritual abuse survivors, said yesterday that in many cases children were tortured by being held under water or made to believe they had witnessed the murder of infants as part of the satanic ritual.
"Some children are born for the purpose of abuse and are not registered on birth certificates," she added. "The abusers use trickery to convince children they have taken part in murder. This increases the power of the abuser."
A US headline today reads Many are missing, few make the news, and says the FBI maintains more than 100,000 active files on missing adults and children in the United States.
I wonder, what became of them all? And I wonder, what became of some of them?
jeff, a question - what in your estimation is the ratio of white 1st world child abductions vs 3rd world child slave/prostitute/soldier abductions? and how many of these kids would you guess are slated for RA vs 'ordinary' sex slavery (mail order brides, etc.) i'm just trying to get a feel for how advanced the cancer is, so to speak.
I couldn't even guess, albion. No wait; I suppose I could. I'll say it's close to 1:1.
"I wonder, what became of them all? And I wonder, what became of some of them? "
Oh you know..."FAMILY ABDUCTIONS". the same way that in the 1970's the excuse was "TEENAGE RUNAWAYS"...
what's interesting to me is that in all of these recent cases, we're finally seeing some real light shed on these crimes...and it's being reported on in the mainstream press.
But in each of these recent cases (the Australian cases, the pedophile/torture web ring that was busted in Italy, and now this stuff going on in London), we're told that the people doing this have been at it for a while, and are highly organized....and we're told this by people that the mainstream media feels confident enough about to cite as sources.
Well, doesnt't that start to retroactively give mainstream clout to all the claims that were "poo-poo'd" for the past 15, 20, 25 years?
If people in London are saying, "yeah we REALLY don't know where the hell all these kids have gone..." doesn't that give just a little more weight to all the other claims, too? as in, maybe people should LISTEN when alleged victims make these claims?
But still, I suspect that the genral public will choose to keep their eyes shut and their fingers in their ears.
wow, 1:1 is pretty extreme considering the extent of the flesh trade in asia, africa, the mideast and elsewhere. a few months ago (when i was less convinced of all this) i would have said maybe there were a few RA cases in the vast cesspool of the international sex trade. i still don't know but damn, these stories just keep coming...
I know that in Yamhill County, Oregon, several years ago, I was hearing reports of teen-agers going to psychological treatment programs for problems partly stemming from their belief that they had witnessed infants being ritually sacrificed. The recollections were detailed and emotionally charged.
Jeff, hope you don't mind me going off topic. But thought you'd want to see this.
Only a couple of years ago the government of Florida confessed to having "misplaced" 700 or so kids in care. Though only about a third of them were ever found, it was presumed that most had ended up with a relative or parent out of state.
Florida, of course, is one of the key smuggling states. This may tie in with claims that Saudis prefer blond children as sex slaves. A Saudi couple in Florida were busted just this week for keeping a slave who was sexually abused.
Unfortunately, another reason for kidnapping kids would be to obtain body parts for the organ market. Presumably, donors from the same ethnic group tend to make better tissue matches, and someone who needs an organ can't always wait for an auto accident or for a Chinese prisoner to be executed.
A few years ago, a bill was introduced (and defeated) in Georgia that would have brought back the Guillotine. I wondered if somebody was hoping to profiteer off the executed prisoners as they do in China.
I have a hunch that if investigators would look more closely into Funeralgate - with which the Bush family and friends were closely connected - they would turn up a lot of things that couldn't stand the light of day. It's not called "Skull & Bones" for nothing!
Have you read this article about the reporter Bob Woodward, written by Skolnick, in which he mentions that Woodward's father, a judge, was a defendant in a case concerning ritual abuse of children in a hospital. The father was a director of the hospital and was in both Army and Naval Intelligence:
I think there is a great deal to learn about Bob Woodward, his past and his family....
Do you have any plans to delve into this?
There has been an ongoing controversy in Australia over a young woman who gave birth ‘secretly’ three times throughout the nineties, without her parents/boyfriend/authorities knowing. She would simply go to the hospital, give birth, leave with the child … and nobody would see the child again.
Nobody knows what happened to those kids, but what it did highlight was that it is the parents’ responsibility to register the child. The hospital does not follow this up. The authorities implicitly presume that the parent will follow correct procedure.
What does this mean in the context of ritual abuse cults? A hell of a lot. It means the “crazy” scenario of “breeders” is not so crazy after all. All you need is the will, because there is already a way.
I thought Kasha's point about the trade in humans also being linked to organ donation was an excellent one. After all, as much as somone might be willing to pay to satisfy sick urges, they'll usually pay more to not die.
This is only semi-on topic but I have a new roommate who is a (roughly speaking, disowned) member of one of the richest families in American history (I won't give the name due to the personal information I am about to relate, though I would guess them to be one of the ten richest American families in history, a name you'd all know). On 5 occasions he was in front of a court (for meth or violence), and by his own admission more than once the only reason he didn't go to jail was his fathers influence. On 2 of the occasions the judge knew his father and spoke personally with him. Here's where it gets lurid. His mother was 14 when she was married to his father (who was something like 30). There is clearly evidence of incestual abuse both in his psyche and in what he has related to me. He says that basically he and his sister were disowned because the family did not approve of his mother (Rothschild's are said to marry only cousins, and there's the now famous common ancestors of both Bush and Kerry about 350 years ago). I just found it interesting that the only member of a super-rich family that I have known had a couple iffy issues regarding child abuse.
Apabila anda sedang mencari pengobatan kutil kelamin untuk pria maupun wanita segera kunjungi kami cara mengobati kutil kelamin pada wanita tanpa harus menggunakan operasi cukup dengan menggunakan obat khusus kutil kelamin paling manjur dari klinik de nature manjurserta sangat aman untuk ibu hamil
sugeng ndalu sedoyo obat kadas insya Allah Allah berkhasiat dan manjur untuk kudis kudi kurap panu herpes .............. amin....
Bismillahirrohmannirrokhim .........................
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obat ambeien wasir paling manjur mengobati penyakit wasir ambeien tanpa efek samping terbuat dari bahan alami herbal seperti daun ungu mahkota dewa kunyit putih
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