The difference it makes

CSPAN's decision to record for future broadcast a lecture by David Ray Griffin got me wondering what the United States would look like if most Americans knew their own government colluded in the attacks of 9/11. Then I realized, it wouldn't look very different at all. Since according to polling data, a good many already do. They know many other things, too, for all the good it's done.
Most Americans acknowledge, and have known for some time, that elements of their own government conspired to kill their president. But what difference has it made?
The decision of the Martin Luther King Jr wrongful death civil trial was for a conspiracy, which included elements of the US government. And what difference has that made?
The Iraq war was founded on a lie so brazenly wicked George Bush could even joke about it after the fact. ("Nope, no weapons of mass destruction under here!") What difference has the truth meant to America, and to Iraq?
Many Americans already suspect that those sworn to their defence actually conspired in the murder of their wives, husbands, children, parents, friends and fellow citizens on 9/11. And - so what? The bitter knowledge has simply become part of the great tapestry of American dissonance. It's joined the cottage industry of conspiracy infotainment, because High Crimes in the United States are simply fodder for dark amusement, not for solving. And certainly not for justice.
A testament to how bizarre the American experience has become is that the story of 9/11 as a black op was told even before 9/11occurred, in the pilot episode of The Lone Gunmen. There's no need to suggest that Chris Carter had advance knowledge. He was simply in tune with the I wouldn't put it past them zeitgeist informed by generations of murderous lies. Not only at the end of the day, but before the day, Occam's Razor cut in favour of complicity.
"Remote access; somebody on the ground's flying your plane."

The problem isn't that enough people don't know the truth. They do, and about many things. Enough people know enough. The problem is that too many people are still too comfortable to act upon it. So the knowledge is compartmentalized, filed away with a shrug and a "But what are ya gonna do?" And that's just how the High Cabal likes it: we know enough to know of what they're capable, and yet we do nothing. So we continue to play their game of intimidation, in which they tip their hand as a mechanism of control.
The system must crash, and the comfort level diminished, before justice will ever be done. The good news is that's what's happening. That's also the bad news.
"The problem isn't that enough people don't know the truth. They do, and about many things. Enough people know enough. The problem is that too many people are still too comfortable to act upon it."
That's not quite the whole problem. Many PEOPLE know the truth(s) of American life - but the Dominant Narrative of American journalistic history remains that of untruth(s). It doesn't matter that most Americans know the CIA killed Kennedy - according to the media, people who say that are "conspiracy nuts." It didn't matter that Howard Dean was, y'know, correct when he said that capturing Saddam Hussein didn't make America any safer - this was "tremendously irresponsible" and "troubling."
As Bob Somerby notes today at the Daily Howler:
"What are “the consequences to our society” from the press corps’ idiot culture? In the campaign which transformed our national politics, they worked for two years to make Gore seem crazy. Now, they’re working to make Coulter seem sane. And yes, this is being driven by reactionary forces who want to roll back the last century’s advances."
As I often do when I'm depressed about this stuff, I watched "Bulworth" the other day. I was struck even moreso by the current applicability of its message.
"Corporations got the networks
and so they get to say
Who gets to talk about the country,
who's not crazy today."
It's all about "crazy," isn't it? Crazy, crazy, crazy.
Again - Jay Billington Bulworth:
Telecommunications is the name of the beast,
That's, that, that, that, that, that's eating the world from the West to the East.
The movies, the tabloids,. TV and magazines,
They tell us what to think and do
And make our hopes and dreams.
All this information makes America fat,
But if the company's out of the country,
How American is that?
We got Americans with families
Can't even buy a meal.
Ask a brother who's been
Downsized, if he's gettn' any deal.
Or a white boy bustin' ass,
Till they put him in his grave.
He ain't gotta be no black boy
To be livin' like a slave.
Rich people've stayed on top, dividing white people from colored people. But white people've got more in Common with colored people than rich people.
So true.
But, in order for the "But what are ya gonna do?" doctrine to work, they had to take control of the media.
If the media were to reflect the type of questions and issues raised by those who are truly concerned, it would somewhat assuage the 'what are ya gonna do?' principal.
I guess what I'm trying to say about the issue is that it's also very much a 'sheep thang'.
Denial is still a powerful force in human life. Just yesterday dKos was overwhelmed with diaries demanding that no one use the word "Nazi" when referring to the new Pope.
This from the same bunch that routinely calls high-ranking right-wingers fascists, Nazis, etc. It was an exasperating experience.
There was a sleeper cell aspect to it -- many of the posts appeared within minutes of Ratzinger's election, and many used the same coded language about Robert Byrd and the KKK, which to me is a dead giveaway of a Republican. I guess I believe all the shit about Opus Dei now.
I would say, however, that most of it was just denial. Denial that an organization as incredibly rich and powerful as the RC church would deliberately pick an archconservative former Hitler Youth member to be Christ's representative on earth in these troubled times.
The arrogance of his election was so overpowering it cannot be contained in a single image in the mind's eye.
A big RIGHT ON! Jeff. You are absolutely right. The status quo is going down, and the funny thing is that so many people do seem to be aware of it. Some people anyway. When it all falls in on those smirking Escalade drivers with the "W...still President!" sticker and they figure out that they aren't "IN THE CLUB", they're going to shit their pants. I hate to say this but in a way I can't wait. I know that's not the right way to think about it but I just can't help it. "IN THE CLUB" Ha! What a laugh!
I love The Prisoner
It isn't that people don't care... it's that many who do care also realize that when people willfully remain asleep what they usually end up doing is killing the messenger out of fear rather than confronting the fear and getting to the bottom of it. That's always what happens to the guy who storms out into the middle of the town square and cries foul. The sleeping majority under the spell of the powers that be string him up.
It might be wiser to work harder at dissolving the spell so that people aren't so resistant to "waking up."
The problem is that too many people are still too comfortable to act [on the truth]
WTF? I give money, write letters, talk to people, "share the light" et al, have for many years, & all to exactly zero effect except for pissing off a few ex-friends and certain family. WTF can I do? Get arrested? Go McVeigh on those around me? That's not me and wouldn't do a damn thing except make things worse.
I need a plan of action. (and I'm no good at conjuring demons...) Any suggestions?
All of the prophets were killed, including Jesus, because to stand in the town square and tell people what is wrong with the system, you require you're listeners to look in the mirror and ask themselves "How am I complicit in what is going on?" Like those who justified the actions at Abu Graib-if those justifications are wrong, then they are judged and in need of repentence; they need to make amends and take corrective action.It is a rare person in this world who will admit to being so devastatingly wrong in the eyes of God.So, therefore, W is God's messenger, he is righteous, and so are his supporters.Moral bankruptcy is the inevitable result, and not realized until it is far too late.
I saw the Lone Gunman pilot episode last week! It was unbelievable... the 9/11 plot... right there on a show that originally aired 3 months BEFORE 9/11! The only response I rec'd about it was..."it's a tv show"!! What denial.... I want to cry....again.
What is one of the most discouraging things to me in all of this is the lack of response from the mainstream left organs, such as the Nation, and about any other longstanding publication on the left.
Well, as some have noted, the Nation had a response, but it was to ATTACK the LIHOP side, with David Corn attacking Mike Ruppert.
Some have shown the interlocking nexus of large foundations, upon which most of these publications rely for funding, and suggested this (lack of) response is because of money, and the various foundations' place in the PTB.
Perhaps it's because to frankly call out the empire for what it is broaches an area of extreme danger, for it did not begin in the fall of 2001, but at least in the imperialist war at the turn of the 19th to the 20th century, in the Spanish-American war. Which is to say, presidencies the left finds worthy in some respects-- FDR's, Truman's, JFK's, maybe LBJ's (minus the war), Carter's, and Clinton's, were all performed under the strictures of, and carrying out the policies of, the American empire. Even the all-but-sainted on the left Carter, with all his emphasis on human rights, stunk it up with his policies on Romania (lauding Ceaucescou (sp?) for his policies on human rights-- wtf??), on Iran, on the Indonesian invasion of East Timor, etc., etc. Carter was HIRED to be president by David Rockefeller and Zbiegniew Bzrzinski.
Sadly, in examining these issues, one must look closely at the influence of Israel and the Zionists, politically, and in the media. A LOT of the left are Jewish, historically and into the present day.
A rational look at this concern is hindered because even a hint of it is immediately met with those waving the bloody shirt of anti-Semitism and the Holocaust. Writers raise such issues at their personal peril, for their careers, and even their lives and the lives of their loved ones.
I am far from convinced that the Zionist project is at the root of America's blindness and self-imposed censorship on the subject. However, it would appear that this is a key tool used by those who are their superiors in the chain of command of the PTB, as it were.
And, that those mid- or top-mid-level Zionist forces are indeed used as junior partners, contract agents, and the like, for the rulers, who are more likely than not to be fascist anti-Semites themselves, with a bad end envisioned for their 'partners' once their usefulness has expired.
"WTF? I give money, write letters, talk to people, "share the light" et al, have for many years, & all to exactly zero effect except for pissing off a few ex-friends and certain family. WTF can I do? Get arrested? Go McVeigh on those around me? That's not me and wouldn't do a damn thing except make things worse."
If you took offense, then I wasn't talking to you. I was probably talking to myself most of all.
"I need a plan of action. (and I'm no good at conjuring demons...) Any suggestions?"
Only with the caveat that I'm not an American, and so my talk is particularly cheap.
The political process in the US, at least at the federal level, has become illegitimate. Those who recognize this should not accord it the appearance of legitimacy by their participation. Since the system will not reform itself, an electoral boycott may be the best way to showcase the emperor's new clothes.
And I'd say it's time for Washington to see its Tiananmen Square. As I've said before, anti-war demonstrations have become a hollow annual rite which will not change anything. Blowing off steam is a bad thing when steam is needed to power the engine. The civic space should be peacefully taken, and not surrendered, before things do.
But like I said, cheap talk.
>>>the 9/11 plot... right there on a show that originally aired 3 months BEFORE 9/11! The only response I rec'd about it was..."it's a tv show"!! What denial.... I want to cry....again.<<<
Sounds to me like the work of something in world mythology known as the "Trickster." Sumerians called him Ea, native Americans Coyote and Raven, also known as Hermes and Merlin in other myths. Sort of like a cosmic force of nature that likes to whisper into the ears of the good guys when **** is about to hit the fan so they can make plans to avoid it. Of course this means one has to have their ears open to hear right? Not be one of the zombies.
Sort of like the voice of Obi-wan in Star Wars who helps Luke avoid getting stomped by the Empire.
Anyways, Carl Jung called this little voice in the ear synchronicity.
It's joined the cottage industry of conspiracy infotainment, because High Crimes in the United States are simply fodder for dark amusement, not for solving. And certainly not for justice.
I love it, they should rip of Lazarus's bullshit on the Staue of Liberty and carve that up before they total that as well.
The joke I here around the Green Zone is...
An Abrams blams a house down, the owner runs out screaming, "What you doing ?" etc etc., blah blah,
"Hay Buddy" replies the commander..." were clearing space to build you a Statue of Liberty"
Denial is a coping mechanism, but it’s driven by the same psychological and social forces as revolution – shock, trauma, and disassociation. It is a strategy that can only be employed for a period of time, before the pendulum swings back towards a more active and forceful engagement.
As commentators and activists, we aren’t ‘outsiders’ to this process. Consider us the undeniable whispers at the back of your head, reminding you about what has danced out of your peripheral vision. The latent knowledge that the broader community possesses that ‘something is not right’ will manifest itself – it’s just a matter of keeping the fermentation process going.
Our ‘conspiracy theories’ aren’t just alternative views of history. They are symbolic narratives that attempt to create linkages between convergences that others would prefer to ignore. Consider the linkages between:
- mind control and ritual abuse survivor testimonies on different continents
- MKULTRA and ‘deep sleep’ therapy in Canada and Australia
- historical and contemporary experiences of atrocity
Are the parallels here causal, or ontological? Are we watching a sequence of connected events unfold, or simply observing examples of the human capacity for cruelty? At what point do we stop observing, and start intervening?
Jeff's right on the illegitimacy problem, particularly once you hit the younger set. Here's an example: suppose that there's a need (manufactured or not) to reinstate the draft.
In the 60s, you saw draft protests, the birth of the (now basically defunct) antiwar movement, etc., but the great bulk of the drafted actually showed up, and the remainder took the the threat of being drafted seriously enough to either flee to Canada or try for conscientious objector status.
Today, I think, the 60s "what if they threw a war and no one showed up?" mantra might actually come to pass: the likely response to a draft would be massive (probably on the order of 50% or more) no-shows. Not in a coordinated fashion, mind you, but just individual draftees not showing up.
Some of the no-shows would be tracked down and made examples of, of course, but there's just not enough manpower in the law-enforcement agencies to really crack down on a nation's worth of passive-aggressive draft resisters.
What'd happen to the kids who didn't show up? Probably in the long run not that much: between the shadow economy created by the drug trade and the shadow economy created for our indentured-servitude/illegal immigrant laborer class, there's more than enough ways to stay alive outside 'the system' if need be. (somewhat ironic given the paranoia about a police state developing: interactions with 'the beast' are pretty hard to hide but 'the beast's need for cheap labor and recreational chemisty have opened a world of opportunities to go underground if need be)
When given a choice between slinging dope and serving in iraq/iran/syria I think a decent chunk of kids'll be fine with going black-market awhile; unlike the 60s era with its lingering widespread respect for the law, the youth of today are pretty well accustomed to viewing lawbreaking as not a big deal provided one is smart enough not to get caught: between the war on drugs, the war on internet piracy, and so forth, there's a world of laws the average late teen to mid 20something are already accustomed to seeing as (mostly) illegitimate and unworthy of following.
A draft, then, I think would wind up showing that the emperor's got no clothes insofar as its ability to comand obeisance, hence the real avoidance of implementing a draft (the neocons are tone deaf or crazy in foreign policy but pretty damn shrewd domestically), and given the Republicans' apparently near-total unconcern with losing power (maybe b/c they own the vote counting machines?) I can't see the 'political suicide' argument alone as preventing them from instituting one....I think they know their hold over the populace is pretty weak (beyond changing the legal structure; their direct command is pretty piss-poor) and that any dramatic move would probably show how weak their hand is.
I don't think a draft is likely any time soon for other reasons, but (in my opinion) its exemplary of the internal logic of what's going on: the current leaders know they can't pull off what they'd like at home and so have to do everything indirectly and via (ridiculous) foreign policy excursions and by media manipulation (which makes them appear to be accomplishing more than they are and which makes their consensus appear far stronger than it actually is). The minuteman stuff in the southwest may be another example: although there's still time for the whole shebang to become a disaster, and although the motives of the minutemen themselves are a weird mix of racism, honest desire to keep the borders clean, and who knows what other complexes, if the minuteman stuff keeps going it'll force the hand of the leaders; so far the republicans' attempts at co-opting it and at branding them vigilantes have both been basically a wash, and there's no sign of either approach's effectiveness improving anytime soon.
I think the proper way to proceed for progessives, etc., is to simply 'tune out' (not tune in), 'drop out' (of the mainstream media / attempting to inject memes into it / working through the system as-is) and just start tending their own gardens and 'doing it better' than the current system: maybe a revival of the intentional community movement, together with a revival of other useful person-to-person tech (like the islamic 'banking' system or just plain-ole credit unions) so that there's a better alternative clearly available. Although an overly large movement might attract frame-ups and JimJones/Waco style outcomes, the modern era's ability for ubiquitious documentation would make it much easier for the truth to get out than in the 70s or early 90s, and if the intended targets of a frame-up were known to have a high degree of transparency in their operations the difficulty of orchestrating a believable frameup might steady the hand.
The paralysis you see amongst the 'sheeple', I think, is a combination of a (very deep and buried) awareness that the current system's tottering on its last legs + borderline illegitimate (this is something I think the bulk of the population is dimly aware of, although different demographics will differ wildly in what ways the system's cracked) but no one really wants a revolution, either, b/c the current system is (for a huge chunk: >60% at least) good enough that some unknown alternative is going to be rejected out of hand. As bad as things are, there's not enough people with literally nothing to lose for a revolutionary mindset to take hold. Present a better way of doing things and you might have a chance at getting a big chunk (not the same chunk, but also >60%) willing to listen, and despite our lost liberties it's actually well within the limits of our (curtailed) rights to get started on this.
Given my own intellectual biases I think something like EF Schumaker's work (and a more recent guy, I'll post it once I remember) are the best bets for the immediate future; there might actually be good money to be made in developing intentional communities for someone with large amounts of capital to invest upfront (Soros/Trump), with a business model of fronting the money to build a development along those lines which the community collectively mortgages off; if the land's valuable enough a default leaves enough security for the lessee, whereas given the initially interested demographics a successful project might be quite lucrative.
"Sadly, in examining these issues, one must look closely at the influence of Israel and the Zionists, politically, and in the media. A LOT of the left are Jewish, historically and into the present day."
Look - don't do that. Don't conflate Jewish with Zionist; don't conflate Jewish with unswerving support of Israel. Yes, there are certainly Jews who are stooges for this administration and unapologetic supporters of Sharon's brutal Zionism. But there are many more - and more powerful - supporters of Israel and Zionism in this country who aren't Jewish. Most of the dominionist Right has signed on to that project - at least for as long as it takes for the Rapture to come and the Jews to be, y'know, vaporized.
Also, Jeff -
"The political process in the US, at least at the federal level, has become illegitimate. Those who recognize this should not accord it the appearance of legitimacy by their participation. Since the system will not reform itself, an electoral boycott may be the best way to showcase the emperor's new clothes."
I gotta say - no. Not the best way. A really, really, really bad way of going about that project. There are already so many people in this country that don't vote - disaffected leftists not a small number among them, either - that a boycott by a marginally larger number of people would be worse than useless. And a large-scale boycott is just not gonna happen.
The Nader meme of "we have to speed up the system totally breaking, in order to fix it" is not a good way to go about this. Things are pretty awful now; the current Republicans having Constitution-amending majorities would, yes, be much, much worse.
Unilateral disarmament of this kind really doesn't have a solid track record for those disarming/boycotting, and certainly wouldn't in this case.
The most important positive step is to demand, demand, demand, demand paper trails for voting machines. The voting system is corrupt in a lot of ways - rolls being scrubbed, advance registration, photo ID needed - but unless there's assurance the votes actually count as cast, it's all wind-pissing. So - demand verified votes. That's the single most important first step in reforming the electoral system.
And Jeff, yes, I do agree that we would do well by mass civil disobedience. We're not there yet.
"Sort of like a cosmic force of nature that likes to whisper into the ears of the good guys when **** is about to hit the fan so they can make plans to avoid it. Of course this means one has to have their ears open to hear right? Not be one of the zombies."
Thank you, thank you, thank you. That does make me feel better.... and I am making plans.
People will dig their own grave. Sometimes.
The Standard Arguments:
Q: Now... who's going to be the first to lunge at the guy with the gun? And are you realy ready to use it on them once you get it? How much evil will you have to commit to stop them from commiting evil? Maybe best to just fall back on faith and wait for god to save the day... As it stands, other prisoners will grab you and keep you in line so as not to rock the boat. It may not be perfect but it's not all bad all the time for most people. No one promised a Fair or Just world. Who are we to judge whats right or wrong? What if we can't even keep people fed without the bosses with the guns making people do it? Who wants to be the new cops we'll need?
A: Good points, but still... Something Must Be Done
Hi Jeff,
I'll just say it again. We haven't reached the "Freedom's just another word for nothing left to lose" state yet. When we do, look out!
I'm not quite depressed enough to do something about it myself, but I'm getting there. I'm getting there!
Yes: The US federal Government is illegitimate, and should be considered a roadblock, one necessary to drive around to accomplish anything.
Hellfire folks, we ain't helpless!
I GUARANTEE if we ALL boycotted the corporations that fund this fascist regime, shit would change in a BIG hurry.
I GUARANTEE if we all boycotted all msm until they start practicing journalism, we'd see some real reporter report.
I GUARANTEE if we all went out and purchased the most high powered rifles and handguns, and started neighborhood Well Regulated Militias, lazyass politicians gorging on lobbyist largesse would at least sit up and take notice.
In my old home state of California, we used Propositions to go around the politician barriers.
Is this not an option Federally, nationwide?
1) How WTC 7 "fell" MUST be addressed truthfully.
2) Lobbying must be made illegal bribery. If you have a special interest, then friggin' vote that way. No more buying legislation.
3) The spies in the Pentagon, and whoever outed Plame in the White House, must be prosecuted.
4) All voting machines should be made electronic. All. Built by the same damn companies that build ATM machines.
I mean, wtf, THEY can deduct funds from your account, give you cash, AND a FRIGGIN' RECEIPT!!!! I think they can *manage* to tabulate the vote AND give you a numbered receipt, too. Not like we have to invent anything.
5) Forget the Democratic party, at least the *leadership* and the Senators and Congressmen that vote with the Republican/Fascists.
They are actors only.
6) Read, and blow up your tv.
Yes: The US federal Government is illegitimate, and should be considered a roadblock, one necessary to drive around to accomplish anything.
Hellfire folks, we ain't helpless!
I GUARANTEE if we ALL boycotted the corporations that fund this fascist regime, shit would change in a BIG hurry.
I GUARANTEE if we all boycotted all msm until they start practicing journalism, we'd see some real reporter report.
I GUARANTEE if we all went out and purchased the most high powered rifles and handguns, and started neighborhood Well Regulated Militias, lazyass politicians gorging on lobbyist largesse would at least sit up and take notice.
In my old home state of California, we used Propositions to go around the politician barriers.
Is this not an option Federally, nationwide?
1) How WTC 7 "fell" MUST be addressed truthfully.
2) Lobbying must be made illegal bribery. If you have a special interest, then friggin' vote that way. No more buying legislation.
3) The spies in the Pentagon, and whoever outed Plame in the White House, must be prosecuted.
4) All voting machines should be made electronic. All. Built by the same damn companies that build ATM machines.
I mean, wtf, THEY can deduct funds from your account, give you cash, AND a FRIGGIN' RECEIPT!!!! I think they can *manage* to tabulate the vote AND give you a numbered receipt, too. Not like we have to invent anything.
5) Forget the Democratic party, at least the *leadership* and the Senators and Congressmen that vote with the Republican/Fascists.
They are actors only.
6) Read, and blow up your tv.
Yes: The US federal Government is illegitimate, and should be considered a roadblock, one necessary to drive around to accomplish anything.
Hellfire folks, we ain't helpless!
I GUARANTEE if we ALL boycotted the corporations that fund this fascist regime, shit would change in a BIG hurry.
I GUARANTEE if we all boycotted all msm until they start practicing journalism, we'd see some real reporter report.
I GUARANTEE if we all went out and purchased the most high powered rifles and handguns, and started neighborhood Well Regulated Militias, lazyass politicians gorging on lobbyist largesse would at least sit up and take notice.
In my old home state of California, we used Propositions to go around the politician barriers.
Is this not an option Federally, nationwide?
1) How WTC 7 "fell" MUST be addressed truthfully.
2) Lobbying must be made illegal bribery. If you have a special interest, then friggin' vote that way. No more buying legislation.
3) The spies in the Pentagon, and whoever outed Plame in the White House, must be prosecuted.
4) All voting machines should be made electronic. All. Built by the same damn companies that build ATM machines.
I mean, wtf, THEY can deduct funds from your account, give you cash, AND a FRIGGIN' RECEIPT!!!! I think they can *manage* to tabulate the vote AND give you a numbered receipt, too. Not like we have to invent anything.
5) Forget the Democratic party, at least the *leadership* and the Senators and Congressmen that vote with the Republican/Fascists.
They are actors only.
6) Read, and blow up your tv.
Look, gwbushmalecheerleader, as good as all your ideas are, it ain't gonna happen. My bet is this: We the people of this once-great land (or at least once not so corrupted land) are just too deep in our comfort zones, as Jeff states, and too mesmerized by the "dominant narrative" phenomenon that jkd spoke of to have much chance of waking up anytime soon. Far more likely, imo, is that the rest of the world will rise up against us and bring us to our senses, probably by way of our knees. What combination of, on the one hand, withdrawal of financial and economic support (selling treasuries, US product boycotts) and more violent means (the massive terrorist attacks most surely now in the planning stages, insurgencies and insurrections against our pervasive and invasive military presence) will take place, hell, who knows. But, barring some miraculous change of heart and policy by the US government, I see absolutely no way to avoid the unspeakable calamties that await us in response to our incredible hubris and wanton destruction. I hope to hell I'm wrong, that there is some miracle in store to avert such a scenario. But if these godawful events I've predicted (hardly alone, of course) do indeed prove the only way to wake us up, then so be it. This shit simply must, and will, stop.
Anonymous One,when asked why he couldn't change events that were about to happen,Jesus answered"it is written,lest I change a thing,all will be destroyed".This whole mess is cast in stone,the forces that guide us can not be changed.When Pope Rat hands us over to Petrus Romanus the perfect circle will be completed.I figure GW as the sacrifical offering some where in between,something like JFK's blood ritual.Like St.Malachy's prophecy states,Finis,later.
I suspect most people who are brain-dead supporter so fBush have grave doubts about 9/11. But-- I bet most American simply don't want to believe their govenrment is complicit in the murder of its own citizens. I think this is the stumbling block many people have upon encountering the strange story of 9/11. The media of course is comepletely complicit in the lies, but this is nothing new, frankly.
Part of the problem is people are too comfortable and in a sense who can blame them-- why upset the apple cart if you're personal life isn't so bad. Jeeze-- that would take true idealism to put other people's needs ahead of your own. And yes the US govenrment is increasingly illegitimate and people like us are essentially powerless to do anything short of upending our whole lives to try to effect change.
So maybe when the economy crumbles as the oil runs out, people will wake up and realize that it is time for serious change.
Doh! I meant-- "I suspect most people who are NOT brain-dead supporters of Bush have grave doubts about 9/11."
I also wish the left would get over its ridiculous allergy to any hint of conspiracy. They run screaming like little girls if someone refers to something as a conspiracy theory.
Dammit! I want a politican who looks into conspiracy theories-- not one who runs away from them!
"A big RIGHT ON! Jeff. You are absolutely right. The status quo is going down, and the funny thing is that so many people do seem to be aware of it. Some people anyway. When it all falls in on those smirking Escalade drivers with the "W...still President!" sticker and they figure out that they aren't "IN THE CLUB", they're going to shit their pants. I hate to say this but in a way I can't wait. I know that's not the right way to think about it but I just can't help it. "IN THE CLUB" Ha! What a laugh!" true. I love the current obsession the "lower classes" in america have with the trappings of the "upper echelons". it's laugh-out-loud hilarious that all these people going into massive debt to get their piggish escalades actually think they're in the same club as W.
gwbushmalecheerleader, are you aware that something like 90% of electronic voting machines are already made by the ATM manufacturers Diebold and ES&S? (Those companies are, incidentally, owned by two brothers.)
The capabilities for secure machines have been around forever, but there is no incentive for the current manufacturers to make them. They do a very good business in insecure machines already.
Guardian article on the new Hitch Hiker's Guide movie, but also about the public's general immunity to taking note of unindicated events:
On reading this, I asked myself what sort of person would describe the 60s as "a lot like the 50s". Where were they? What newspapers were they reading? What news? What planet?
Thanx for the followup. No, I didn't take offense, mine is/was a genuine cry for help?/guidance?/ideas?/something and I see a few reasonable people read & responded. Giving the other side enough rope to hang themselves is all fine and good but it requires us to wait and meanwhile we have to get alnog somehow.
The political process in the US, at least at the federal level, has become illegitimate. Those who recognize this should not accord it the appearance of legitimacy by their participation. Since the system will not reform itself, an electoral boycott may be the best way to showcase the emperor's new clothes.
Unfortunately for the last 40+ years this tactic has been tried thoroughly by the majority of the electorate. IMHO it has been clearly shown to not work and just makes things worse.
There will be a big stink when the US has a draft again but the people in power are smart enough to resist doing this so far. Trash the economy so there are no other jobs? Check. Jack up the price of tuition so there's no other way to pay for schooling? Check. "No child left behind" to encourage drop outs? Check. Stiff sentences for victim-less crimes? Check. "go to prison or join the army" like they used to offer you? Hmmmm, dunno.
Yeah, maybe I'll get shot down at a demonstration or something, but I won't kill for peace or beat someone in the name of non-violence. Yeah I boycott numerous business I don't like, both local and multi-national, my wife & friends know to never ever give police permission to search anything ever, and we're staying out of debt and in a position to run if/when we have to.
And I'll keep reading. Thanx
There are links between 9/11 and abuse. The Stockholm syndrome.
The kidnapped young person (Patty Hearst must be the most famous American example) identifies with its captors and adopts their ideology, aims, and methods. Becomes part of the group, is taken over. In dire situations, that behavior has survival value. (What else is there to be done? Abducted girls and prisoners since time immemorial.. ) And all of us want to fit in, all the time.
If Gannon is Gosch then Johnny Gosch joined the ring. As he would have been obliged to do to end up yesterday in the WH and earn his own living. After a fashion.
If a majority of Americans are very suspicious and unhappy about 9/11 (which I am sure is the case), they either identify with the agressor (while not publicly admitting he is an illegitimate one) and uphold whatever the current myths are. Yes, Saddam was evil, yes, violent action was justified. Or even, there are STILL WMD in Iraq, etc. A glorified imagined outcome excuses the means (see Symbionese Liberation Army, Patty Hearst ..)
Right will prevail, history will show and tell. Victors will triumph.
Or, the agressor and/or dominator is correctly felt and perceived to be so powerful that only silence and pretense, hiding under the radar to eat chips or jam - will do. Personal survival and confort can only be bought at that price.
Old story.
"There's no need to suggest that Chris Carter had advance knowledge."
SOMEONE did, Jeff. The chances of that show being written/conceived without advance knowledge are less than slim. 1) Could have been a genuine warning. 2) Could have been a "But what are ya gonna do?" tipped hand. 3) Could have been a pre-emptive strike against conspiracy theories, by poisoning the well. I tend to think #3.
The X Files: what good did it ever serve us? I know what good it served THEM. If a theory/notion was featured in the X-Files it was permanently contaminated as "X-Files" material, subject to ridicule as sci-fi fantasy. Would it have lasted so many years on network TV without serving THEIR purposes? one wants to stick up for the X-Files? Good.
a better link to the "Lone Gunmen" show
13 megabyte MPEG file - excerpt from the show
I think the show was bait to discredit the themes.
A small faction in the government, under the cover of a war game exercise, hijack a jet with remote control and crash it into the WTC to boost military spending.
Oh, that's just an X-files show ...
The "webfairy" site that is hosting the video clip (referenced in the original article) has been pushing silly stuff like "holograms masking missiles," the "pod plane" nonsense and the "no plane at Pentagon" hoax (all of these claims are mutually contradictory, but they do serve the purpose of distracting the skeptics and giving the media a wonderful tool to attack us while ignoring really good evidence of complicity). is a good introduction to the fake claims is a good introduction to the best evidence
OPINION PUBLISHES Sir I have the honor to direct me to his distinguished person by the following reason: I Fernando Arakaki Miranda born in the Republic of Brazil, for reasons that I do not know have been brought by my gentleman father is Bolivia where I have been nationalized Bolivian. I had the opportunity to travel to Japan so that I have Japanese ancestry, I was in Japan exactly from 1de June of 1992 to August 1998. In this time interval which I was living in Japan I was used like experiment with scientific aims with the technology outpost, through implants of cerebral microChips, this was made against my will, without my consent. This it implants has the capacity to gather, to keep, to transmit the thoughts, sensations, feelings during the life of a person, this means that I do not have freedom to think, to feel and inclusively they have placed a device to speak to me directly as if they were a negative conscience, controlling until my dreams, also do electromagnetic radiation to me, tortures cerebral. Also they can see through my eyes this implants is called soul to catcher 2025, the MICROCChips THE CAPTURADOR OF THE SOUL that is the technology cybort but outpost that this in experimental process that is which I have been a laboratory rabbit. Crimes against my person are trying to conceal this crime committing, organizing groups of people so that they harass to me, bothering day and night to me treating to silence and that this upsetting is unpunished. These cruel acts do not have excuses. They are without God, nor law. They use the lie deceiving people with calumnies in my against. Some of the crimes that I am being victim are: Threats, criminal association, blackmails, insults, psychological attempt of homicide, damages to the health, damages, discrimination, levelling, robbery, etc. These are some of the twenty-six crimes that are using to conceal this subjugation in the city of Santa Cruz of the Mountain range. That is which I have been and I am being used like rabbit of Indians, so that I am studied by universities of the country by the newness of this implants of the technology outpost, that much people ignore and do not know the magnitude of this upsetting to I generate human in this country. Sir as you can see deals with vejamen, lesa humanity, these classes of injustices are sanctioned by the Organization of United Nations (O.N.U), the Human rights throughout the world, the human being has the right to the life, the freedom, the right to look for his happiness, exists the code nuremberg. This does not mean that this against the science if that to the human being is due to respect in its physical integrity, mental it does not seem that they are forgetting God and its principles. This denunciation that I do publishes is also thinking about all victimas that has been used and later silenced cruelly and these upsettings have been unpunished. Sir I wait for you you include/understand my situation; I request its collaboration to him to arrive at justice with a previous international judgment, requesting compensation of damages with a right indemnification through the legal routes, for but information my I number of telephone is the 776-74690 my post-office box electronic is - - takes leave sincerely thanked for Fernando Arakaki Miranda... Note ALSO VIOLATE MY POST-office BOXES IS ANOTHER FORM TO MAKE ME DAMAGE IS FOR THAT REASON I NEED TO TRAVEL To ITS PAIS TO STUDY THIS IMPLANTS JAPONES and FOR THAT I NEED VISA and AID ECONOMICA FOR the PASSAGE AIRPLANE. In order to look for paginas in google --- MIND CONTROL FORUM --- INTRACEREBRAL IMPLANTS ELECTRONIC ACTIVISTS BRAIN IMPLANTS WORD SOUL CATCHER 2025 --- THE MICROCChips THE CAPTURADOR OF THE SOUL MY POST-office BOXES DO CRIME INFORMATICO VIOLATING, SABOTAGE. TO LOOK FOR IN GOOGLE: FERNANDO ARAKAKI MIRANDA
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Bukan hanya pengobatan medis saja tapi ada juga pengobatan rumah alami yang dapat digunakan untuk menyingkirkan penyakit kutil kelamin ini. Intinya, karena kutil ini muncul di daerah yang sensitif, maka anda harus mencari pengobatan yang terbaik pada kulit Anda dan jika diperlukan juga dibantu dengan tenaga medis yang professional. Sebab dokter akan menjadi sumber informasi yang baik untuk mengobati penyakit ini.
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
MANTAB * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
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Bismillahirrohmannirrokhim .........................
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