The Black Lodge, Part 2

"Thou shalt be secret, a fear to the world" - Aleister Crowley
"Wow Bob, wow"
The case of Jose Antonio Da Silva is certainly bizarre, but in the unexpurgated annals of UFO history it is not particularly exceptional. That's distressing, and on many levels. Not least, for those who entertain the extraterrestrial hypothesis, who have only the image of emotionless "Greys" fixed in their heads, and who want things to make sense. And in a sensible world, even one that allows for alien visitation and abduction, there is no place for red-bearded dwarves in a room of stone. But when you have time, and I mean a lot of time, dip into this database of humanoid encounters, maintained by the Northwest Saskatchewan UFO Research Center, and see the varieties of contact. (And I advise against it at three in the morning, alone in your dank basement.) Then consider that unreported cases are estimated to outnumber reported by a factor of ten.
Undoubtedly, many encounters could be ascribed to the mere chemistry of the brain. But perhaps "mere chemistry" is a poor choice of words. Perhaps chemistry - which has long been used in conjunction with magick - actually does unlock hyperspace. The late psychonaut Terence McKenna said that "Right here and now, one quanta away, there is raging a universe of active intelligence that is transhuman, hyperdimensional, and extremely alien."
McKenna claimed his experiences on the powerful psychoactive DMT, which is naturally produced in small quantities in the brain, were "true hallucinations" of hyperreality.
Cliff Pickover writes "As a metaphor, consider infrared goggles":
A person leans on a tree. At night, we don't see the person. Put the goggles on, and a new reality results -- a truer reality -- and we see the man. Similarly, is it possible that our brain is a filter, and the use of DMT is like slipping on infrared goggles, allowing us to perceive a valid reality that is inches away and all around us?
A thread, begun yesterday on the discussion board, contains some fascinating accounts of the DMT universe, which demonstrates for many users the characteristics of a genuine reality subject to exploration, populated by entities which have existence distinct from the observer. Most commonly seen are playful elves, and mantid-like entities of cold intellect, which perform examinations upon the human subject.
From the accounts:
There are surprising and remarkable consistencies among volunteers’ reports of contact with nonmaterial beings. Sound and vibration build until the scene almost explosively shifts to an “alien” realm. Volunteers find themselves on a bed or in a landing bay, research environment, or high-technology room. The highly intelligent beings of this “other” world are interested in the subject, seemingly ready for his or her arrival and wasting no time in “getting to work.” There might be one particular being clearly in charge, directing the others. Volunteers frequently comment about the emotional quality of the relationships: loving, caring, or professionally detached. Their “business” appeared to be testing, examining, probing, and even modifying the volunteer’s mind and body.
I was lying on what seemed to be a large marble slab, cold and hard. Surrounding me were four tall (7' ?) emerald green mantis type creatures, all chittering at me in some high pitched language(?). I felt no fear, no threat. It seemed they were trying to communicate, though none of their sounds made any sense to me. This went on for what seemed like about a half hour. Then I began to wonder how I would get back, and as that thought crossed my mind, it was like a rubber band contracting, as I snapped back from hyperspace, and into my body.
And McKenna again, answering "What happens on DMT?":
A troop of elves smashes down your front door, and rotates and balances the wheels on the afterdeath vehicle, present you with the bill and then depart. And it's completely paradigm shattering. I mean, you know, union with the white light you could handle. An invasion of your apartment by jewelled self-dribbling basketballs from hyperspace that are speaking demotic Greek is not something that you anticipated and could handle. Sometimes people say, "Is DMT dangerous? It sounds so crazy. Is it dangerous?" The answer is, only if you fear death by astonishment.
Remember how you laughed when this possibility was raised.. and a moment will come that will wipe the smile right off your face.
Before things get too hippy and trippy, let's remember this: not only does US military-intelligence have an occultic aspect, but it is also the conductor of the world's most significant chemical experimentations. Most famously, powerful psychoactives. "Between the years 1947 and 1963, CIA and Army scientists examined, tested, and in some cases refined every drug which subsequently became available on the black market during the 1960's, including marijuana, cocaine, heroin, PCP, amyl nitrate, mushrooms, DMT, barbituates, laughing gas, and speed, among others." I wonder what unexpected discoveries were made in the course of such work.
If it's true, that hyperreal portals exist and can be accessed by humans, then it shouldn't surprise us terribly if the denizens of hyperspace have found a means to visit us.

Because see, here's the one uncomfortable fact about UFOs that we can speak with confidence: they should be hallucinations, but too often, they are not. They leave behind traces of themselves in our reality: bizarre radar returns, singed vegetation, multiple and independent witnesses, burns and pricks on the flesh of abductees. And yet the signature of encounters is a logic which appears to us absurd, or perhaps archaic to our modern minds. Perhaps it would have made more sense to our ancestors, who recounted many similar visitations.
Consider two more cases, from Vallee's Dimensions:
On November 6, 1957, twelve-year old Everett Clark, of Dante, Tennessee, opened the door to let his dog Frisky out. As he did so, he saw a peculiar object in a field a hundred yards or so from the house. He thought he was dreaming and went back inside. When he called the dog twenty minutes later, he found the object was still there, and Frisky was standing near it, along with several dogs from the neighborhood. Also near the object were two men and two women in ordinary clothing. One of the men made several attempts to catch Frisky, and later another dog, but had to give up for fear of being bitten. Everett saw the strange people, who talked between them "like German soldiers he had seen in movies," walk right into the wall of the object, which then took off straight up without a sound. It was oblong and of "no particular color."
In another of the tantalizing coincidences with which UFO researchers are now becoming familiar, on the same day another attempt to steal a dog was made, this time in Everittstown, New Jersey. The name of the town in the second case is almost identical to that of the witness in the first.
While the Clark case had taken place at 6:30 a.m., it was at dusk that John Trasco went outside to feed his dog and saw a brilliant egg-shaped object hovering in front of his barn. In his path he met a being three feet tall "with putty-colored face and large frog-like eyes," who said in broken English: "We are peaceful people, we only want your dog."
The strange being was told in no uncertain terms to go back where he belonged. He ran away, and his machine was seen to take off straight up some moments later. Mrs Trasco is said to have observed the object itself from the house, but not the entity. She is also quoted as saying that when her husband tried to grab the creature, he got some green powder on his wrist, but that it washed off. The next day he noticed the same powder under his fingernails. The ufonaut had been dressed in a green suit with shiny buttons, a green tam-o-shanter-like cap, and gloves with a shiny object at the tip of each.
Most "serious" UFOlogists would happily purge these episodes from their records. (A "green tam-o-shanter"? Moving right along....) Yet, disquietingly, they contain many of the same elements which also appear in cases used to support the extraterrestrial hypothesis. And they are more typical of close encounters than they are not.
In the Fall of 1954, France experienced an explosion of novelty, with a rash of UFO sightings and close encounters. Here are a couple of brief examples, from Richard Dolan's UFOs and the National Security State:
Yet another humanoid encounter took place two nights later [September 28] in the town of Bouzais. A man had notices that someone had stolen grapes from his vineyard and decided to stay up late and catch the thief. At about 10:30 p.m., he saw a luminous object descend and three figures emerge. He was then paralyzed and lost consciousness.
[On October 5] at about 6:30 a.m., near Le Mans, some Renault employees were going to work when they saw a luminous object on the ground near the road. They felt "pricklings and a sort of paralysis." The object then emitted a burst of green light and flew away very low over the fields. At 3:45 p.m., near Beaumont, several people saw a bright object coming toward them. When it was about five hundred feet away, they felt a strange sensation and became paralyzed. The object left a smell similar to nitrobenzene. Two reports that day also emerged of hairy dwarfish beings; in both cases the creatures took off in crafts that swiftly departed.
And from NWSURC's database of humanoid enounters, this July, 2000 incident from Buenavista, Argentina:
After hearing noises and strange voices coming from the kitchen area 10-year old Marisol Diaz went to investigate and was confronted by several short figures both males and females, resembling "little dwarfs". They had human-like features, with large eyes, pinkish colored skin, wearing white shimmering clothing, boots and the men wore some type of headgear, the tallest of the figures, apparently a male appeared to be bearded. The female entity had long blond hair and the shorter figures (children?) wore short pants and shoes. They seemed to have been examining some cleaning detergent and other kitchen items. They spoke in an unknown language that somehow the little girl was able to understand. They seemed to be commenting on the toxic make up of the cleaning detergent. Upon noticing the little girl the little group quickly exited out the rear patio. There an adult witness who apparently saw more similar figures on top of a nearby tree saw them. In the same area there had been reports of low flying multicolored lights and other phenomena.
The entities' desire to retrieve dogs, the theft of grapes, the examination of kitchen detergent, of Da Silva's fishing equipment and rosary, are of a kind with the frequent observation of UFO occupants collecting specimens of flora and fauna, which is typically interpreted by researchers as aliens conducting "scientific surveys." (Though the tremendous number of reported sightings, and the estimated unreported visitations, would seem to undermine the intellectually-soothing "survey" explanation.) Vallee writes: "the stories quoted in this connection verge on the ludicrous. But to pursue the investigation further leads to horror. This is a facet of the phenomenon we can no longer ignore."
If ritual, satanic abuse is genuinely perpetrated and covered-up by authorities and institutions sworn to protect the innocent; if elites are really raping and murdering children with impunity and without qualm, then something has seriously altered their sense of reality, and for a purpose. To commit such crimes, they must think they know something we don't. Something has satisfied them that the great religions are lies for slaves, and that the universe belongs to strange and bloody gods.
Those who dismiss Aleister Crowley's visions often say they were the product of deep trance states enhanced by drugs. But altered states have long been a part of religious experience. And as we've seen, there's an ancient alchemy of chemistry and magick, and today's chemistry does appear to open doors to strange, other realities and entities, similar to those claimed to be visiting us.
From one of Thelema's holy books, Liber LXVI, Liber Stellae Rubeae, some words which Crowley was inspired to write:
21. Then again the master shall speak as he will soft words, and with music and what else he will bring forward the Victim.
22. Also he shall slay a young child upon the altar, and the blood shall cover the altar with perfume as of roses.
23. Then shall the master appear as He should appear - in His glory.
48. I am Apep, O thou slain One. Thou shalt slay thyself upon mine altar: I will have thy blood to drink.
49. For I am a mighty vampire, and my children shall suck up the wine of the earth which is blood.
50. Thou shalt replenish thy veins from the chalice of heaven.
51. Thou shalt be secret, a fear to the world.
Elites have not dabbled in occult matters for simple curiosity, or to encounter the divine, or to feel "one with the universe." It is not to raise human consciousness that the Pentagon has experimented with drugs. Every exploration, every occult "working" has been to accrue more power to itself. This is the logic of magick's left-hand path, the politics of which is fascism, with an aristocratic bearing. (And let's not forget, Crowley himself was an asset of British intelligence, whose file was labeled "use with extreme caution.")
In many encounters, as in Da Silva's, the entities ask the humans to be their guides into our reality, or tell them they have been chosen for the purpose. See, for another example, Victor K's story from Russia, in 1991. Victor was told he was selected to be their "representative" on Earth. The entities explained they needed a representative because "we expend to much energy during terrestrial materialization." Interestingly, when Victor asked how they moved about in space, he received the answer "We do not move, we are everywhere all the time." (Afterwards, "Victor suffered from unexplained seizures, headaches and strange markings were found on his body.")
Da Silva, we saw, said no. Victor's answer is unrecorded. I wonder what would result, if someone who also had authority in this world, or could speak on behalf of such an authority, said yes.
There's nothing left for the Hubble to do but fall, and NASA can't spare a few million to keep in touch with the Voyager spacecraft just as things get interesting again out there at the heliopause. Such priorities suggest authorities have deduced that, regardless of whether the truth is out there, power is not. And it's the accruing of power, not intellectual titilation, that really drives the research dollars. Such priorities suggest that, though UFOs must continue to be of extreme sensitivity to the defense establishment, the extraterrestrial explanation is a tremendous sleight of hand.
Remember Twin Peaks' rogue agent, Windom Earle? I don't think he's a rogue anymore. I think he has a seat at the table:
Once upon a time, there was a place of great goodness, called the White Lodge. Gentle fawns gamboled there amidst happy, laughing spirits. The sounds of innocence and joy filled the air. And when it rained, it rained sweet nectar that infused one's heart with a desire to live life in truth and beauty.
Generally speaking, a ghastly place, reeking of virtue's sour smell. Engorged with the whispered prayers of kneeling mothers, mewling newborns, and fools, young and old, compelled to do good without reason.
But, I am happy to point out that our story does not end in this wretched place of saccharine excess. For there's another place, its opposite: a place of almost unimaginable power, chock full of dark forces and vicious secrets. No prayers dare enter this frightful maw. Spirits there care not for good deeds or priestly invocations. They are as likely to rip the flesh from your bone as greet you with a happy "Good day!"
And if harnessed, these spirits in this hidden land of unmuffled screams and broken hearts would offer up a power so vast that its bearer might reorder the earth itself to his liking. This place I speak of, is known as the Black Lodge. And I intend to find it.
Now's a good time to ask: am I just scaring myself? Is talk like this just a stupid, spook-house indulgence, when the mundane world alone is enough to make my hair stand on end? I hope so. But I don't know. And regardless of whether something like the Black Lodge has hyperspatial existance - something ancient, and evil, and powerful, that can impinge upon our time and space - I do know that some of those who would presume to rule us, who have assembled for centuries in their own lodges and secret orders, have, for a long while, intended to find such a place.
So perhaps we ought to inquire, as best we can, whether their pursuits have enjoyed success. And perhaps the first thing we should do is ask, If they have had success, what kind of world would this be?

Sorry, Photobucket seems to be down for the moment, and none of my images are appearing. Hope it self-corrects soon.
A dialogue by Terry Bisson. From a series of stories entitled "Alien/Nation" in the April, 1991 issue of Omni.
"They're made out of meat."
"Meat. They're made out of meat."
"There's no doubt about it. We picked several from different parts of the planet, took them aboard our recon vessels, probed them all the through. They're completely meat."
"That's impossible. What about the radio signals? The messages to the stars."
"They use the radio waves to talk, but the signals don't come from them. The signals come from machines."
"So who made the machines? That's who we want to contact."
"They made the machines. That's what I'm trying to tell you. Meat made the machines."
"That's ridiculous. How can meat make a machine? You're asking me to believe in sentient meat."
"I'm not asking you, I'm telling you. These creatures are the only sentient race in the sector and they're made out of meat."
"Maybe they're like the orfolei. You know, a carbon-based intelligence that goes through a meat stage."
"Nope. They're born meat and they die meat. We studied them for several of their life spams, which didn't take too long. Do you have any idea the life spam of meat?"
"Spare me. Okay, maybe they're only part meat. You know, like the weddilei. A meat head with an electron plamsa brain inside."
"Nope. We thought of that, since they do have meat heads like the weddilei. But I told you, we probed them. They're meat all the way through."
"No brain?"
"Oh, there is a brain all right. It's just that the brain is made out of meat!"
"So... what does the thinking?"
"You're not understanding, are you? The brain does the thinking. The meat."
"Thinking meat! You're asking me to believe in thinking meat!"
"Yes, thinking meat! Conscious meat! Loving meat. Dreaming meat. The meat is the whole deal! Are you getting the picture?"
"Omigod. You're serious then. They're made out of meat."
"Finally. Yes, they are indeed made out meat. And they've been trying to get in touch with us for almost a hundred of their years."
"So what does the meat have in mind."
"First it wants to talk to us. Then I imagine it wants to explore the universe, contact other sentients, swap ideas and information. The usual."
"We're supposed to talk to meat?"
"That's the idea. That's the message they're sending out by radio. 'Hello. Anyone out there? Anyone home?' That sort of thing."
"They actually do talk, then. They use words, ideas, concepts?"
"Oh, yes. Except they do it with meat."
"I thought you just told me they used radio."
"They do, but what do you think is on the radio? Meat sounds. You know how when you slap or flap meat it makes a noise? They talk by flapping their meat at each other. They can even sing by squirting air through their meat."
"Omigod. Singing meat. This is altogether too much. So what do you advise?"
"Officially or unofficially?"
"Officially, we are required to contact, welcome, and log in any and all sentient races or multibeings in the quadrant, without prejudice, fear, or favor. Unofficially, I advise that we erase the reconds and forget the whole thing."
"I was hoping you would say that."
"It seems harsh, but there is a limit. Do we really want to make contact with meat?"
"I agree one hundred percent. What's there to say?" `Hello, meat. How's it going?' But will this work? How many planets are we dealing with here?"
"Just one. They can travel to other planets in special meat containers, but they can't live on them. And being meat, they only travel through C-space. which limits them to the speed of light and makes the possibility of their ever making contact pretty slim. Infinitesimal, in fact."
"So we just pretend there's no one home in the universe."
"That's it."
"Cruel. But you said it yourself, who wants to meet meat? And the ones who have been aboard our vessels, the ones you have probed? You're sure they won't remember?"
"They'll be considered crackpots if they do. We went into their heads and smoothed out their meat so that we're just a dream to them."
"A dream to meat! How strangely appropiate, that we should be meat's dream."
"And we can mark this sector unoccupied."
"Good. Agreed, officially and unofficially. Case closed. Any others? Anyone interesting on that side of the galaxy?"
"Yes, a rather shy but sweet hydrogen core cluster intelligence in a class nine star in G445 zone. Was in contact two galactic rotation ago, wants to be friendly again."
"They always come around."
"And why not? Imagine how unbearably, how unutterably cold the universe would be if one were all alone."
(Sorry, just couldn't resist!)
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Fact: Alexander Sasha Shulgin, the master alchemist who re-invented MDMA and who "has synthesized and bioassayed (self-tested) hundreds of psychoactive chemicals" is also a confirmed member of Bohemian Grove (by his own admission).
Anon, when you wrote: "Nope. They're born meat and they die meat. We studied them for several of their life spams, which didn't take too long. Do you have any idea the life spam of meat?"
You cracked me up. Life Spam. That is priceless. Please know I am not mocking you at all, in fact, I think your "typo" was so appropriate and I have just been sitting here reading your post and smiling from ear to ear. Too much fun! But wait, maybe it's NOT a typo, which makes it even funnier!
Because really, when you think of the life span of Spam, it could be for a long, long time. Or maybe you were lucky enough to see "Spamelot" in which case, you are one lucky son of a gun.
BTW, I miss Omni Magazine. Which issue has that story? I can always find stuff on EBay, so I would so much appreciate a date and issue number so I can hunt that issue up and re-read the story. I remember it vaguely; now afer 20+ years, I would love to read it again.
Remember "The Sand Kings"? First issue, great story.
"If ritual, satanic abuse is genuinely perpetrated and covered-up by authorities and institutions sworn to protect the innocent; if elites are really raping and murdering children with impunity and without qualm, then something has seriously altered their sense of reality, and for a purpose. To commit such crimes, they must think they know something we don't. Something has satisfied them that the great religions are lies for slaves, and that the universe belongs to strange and bloody gods."
Maybe some hyper-dimensional intelligence has seriously altered their sense of reality, but I'm not compelled to that explanation. The fact is that raping children can feel pretty good. All it takes is a lack of moral sense, and certainly there are people who seem to lack moral sense, for whatever reason. Succeeding in the world is very much helped by a lack of moral sense, so all this child rape business seems practically necessitated within the elite class. When you take a bunch of people who have nothing but their base desires for sensual pleasure and power and let them get away with whatever they want...
It also seems pretty understandable that Crowley and other occult dabbling would come into play. It's very easy to read it all, especially Crowley, as an expression of base power, "Will". I can definitely imagine a sociopath picking up Crowley and suddenly feeling very much at home, like finally somebody understands. Not the deepest reading, but a valid one, and a nice framework for the raping children with style--even sociopaths have a sense of aesthetics, heheh.
It's we who know something they don't: what's right and what's wrong. Who cares if the universe belongs to strange and bloody gods? It may very well, but if I can protest the Bush administration, I can certainly protest hyper-dimensional tyrants. It is, after all, the right thing to do.
"If ritual, satanic abuse is genuinely perpetrated and covered-up by authorities and institutions sworn to protect the innocent; if elites are really raping and murdering children with impunity and without qualm, then something has seriously altered their sense of reality, and for a purpose. To commit such crimes, they must think they know something we don't."
Jeff, Why does it have to be something spiritual? Is absolute impunity not sufficient?
Yesterday I posted a piece on the spider at the centre of the web. Read for yourself what the Treason Felony Act says. That any person who "puts any force or constraint upon her" is breaking the law. If she chooses to set up ritual abuse (and indeed she does), then it is against the law to do anything to stop her. That SPECIFICALLY applies to all servants of the state.
And you have alluded to Crowley. Did you know that he had advised the then Queen Elizabeth on her takeover of the Order of the Garter in 1946?
Did you know that St George's Chapel is NOT part of the Anglican Communion?
If you want to see the Black Lodge in action, wait for the Procession of the Garter on St John's Day
wow, between reading your posts and the bluebrother stuff mentioned last comments and gathering my own thoughts, at a bare minimum I'm starting to think the backstory (really background universe) hinted at in the Half-Life series isn't far from the truth:
travelling sideways (ie, between 'dimensions' or other universes or whatever) is so much more productive than travelling lengthwise (ie, within a particular 'dimension') that there's no real point in pursuing the latter once you can do the former; the UFO pheomenom then becomes some mix of probably mostly visitors stepping in and out from next door than it is visitors coming from the next star system...
I would wind up substantially surprised if sentience at our level is universal in any real sense; it may be a particular implementation of a particular higher-order level of sentience and universal in that sense, but I suspect there's several (infinitely?) many rungs up the abstraction/higher-order-sentience ladder and that much of what we recognize as elementary to our own consciousness is in fact arbitrary, and contingent upon our particular implemntation...conversely, it's easy to imagine other intelligences cast from the same mold but so utterly different in implementation as to seem utterly alien, and lord knows if we would even be able to recognize as intelligences the sorts of intelligences that implemented a different model altogether. Given that scenario--which at the moment I take as the safest hypothesis to make until evidence suggests otherwise--it should come as no surprise that if we are being visisted by sideways visitors that their behavior and apparent motives are incomprehensibly alien. If this is in fact the case, HP Lovecraft may wind up being the 'defining' author of our times, at least in some poetic sense.
Aside: although it's pretty pulpy, I've got to recommend Vernor Vinge's A Fire on the Deep for its treatment of several very, very different kinds of intelligences and their interactions; although he doesn't go super far out on any limbs he does have some worthwhile speculation...and the gnostics on this board will absolutely love his conception of the transcend, beyond, and slow zones, also...
The Hindu gods, baby, or the burning bush:
There was a time when I was spending a lot of effort every day trying to get my ankles behind my head (yoga) and transcend the illusions of my perceptions, through an especially visceral set of assana:
And I gotta tell ya - the shit I saw trying to get there rounded out any thoughts of 'I know what reality is' but permanently.
Similarly, through run-ins with people at various strata of society and of various types, I tend to think there is minimal to no conscious 'spirituality' to those engaged in brutality towards other ('Satanic ritual'- codified or otherwise). Brutal is as brutal does - though of course I'm willing to be wrong, when you step far enough outside of the parameters you understand the world by, well, who's to say what you're seeing/experiencing?
Thanks for the great work. There's a fascinating treatise in here: and a valuable one.
ASTA, how kind of you to catch my slight alteration of Bisson's dialogue! All in fun, you know...
That piece originally appeared in the April, 1991 issue of OMNI. I miss it, too.
"If this is in fact the case, HP Lovecraft may wind up being the 'defining' author of our times, at least in some poetic sense."
Interesting you say that. I meant to mention that Lovecraft is held in very high regard by many followers of Crowley. Kenneth Grant, Crowley student and leader of the "Typhonian OTO" who codified the "cult of Lam," regards Lovecraft as a reluctant prophet of the "Draconian" tradition. And Michael Aquino's name pops up, too. See, for instance, this fascinating piece here by Erik Davis, titled "Calling Cthulu":
In presenting "Die Elektrischen Vorspiele" (which LaVey based on a Lovecraftian tale by Frank Belknap Long), the "Ceremony of the Angles," and "The Call to Cthulhu" (the latter two penned by Michael Aquino), LaVey does claim that Lovecraft "clearly...had been influenced by very real sources."[11] But in holding that Satanic magic allows you to "objectively enter into a subjective state," LaVey more emphatically emphasizes the ritual power of fantasy—a radical subjectivity which explains his irreverence towards occult source material, whether Lovecraft or Masonry. In naming his Order of the Trapezoid after the "Shining Trapezohedron" found in Lovecraft's "The Haunter of the Dark"—a black, oddly-angled extraterrestrial crystal used to communicate with the Old Ones—LaVey emphasized that fictions can channel magical forces regardless of their historical authenticity.
In his two rituals, Michael Aquino expresses the subjective power of "meaningless" language by creating a "Yuggothic" tongue similar to that heard in Lovecraft's "The Dunwich Horror" and "The Whisperer in the Dark." Such guttural utterances help to shut down the rational mind (try chanting "P'garn'h v'glyzz" for a couple of hours), a notion elaborated by Kenneth Grant in his notion of the Cult of Barbarous Names. After leaving the Church of Satan to form the more serious Temple of Set in 1975, Aquino eventually reformed the Order of the Trapezoid into the practical magic wing of the Setian philosophy. For Stephen R. Flowers, current Grand Master of the order, the substance of Lovecraftian magic is precisely an overwhelming subjectivity that flies in the face of objective law. "The Old Ones are the objective manifestations...of the subjective universe which is what is trying to 'break through' the merely rational mind-set of modern humanity."[12] For Flowers, such invocations are ultimately apocalyptic, hastening a transition into a chaotic aeon in which the Old Ones reveal themselves as future reflections of the Black Magician ("There are no more Nightmares for us," he wrote me).
As far as why "they" do it, the deliberate transgression of norms is often experienced as psychologically liberating. Sexual perversion (in accordance with whatever your personal definition of perversion may be), murder or other acts of violence, breaking of the imperatives to protect the weak and helpless . . .
It was fairly obvious in the 60's that the transgressive nature of drug use alone could lead to very tripped out states for those who had not become blase about it -- and, in fact, far more cosmic raps were spawned by the relatively low-quality pot of the 60's than by the increasingly potent stuff of the 70's.
If merely violating the drug laws could briefly turn a bunch of bored suburban hippie wannabes into inspired seers, what kind of sense of godlike power and invulnerability would literally getting away with murder create in those whose goal is that sort of power?
And what would they have to do to up the dose as familiarity reduced it to merely one more mundane kick?
"You can not ask for his soul. I will take yours!" Bob, in the Black Lodge, to a crestfallen Windom Earl
Jeff, check out the comments on this post:
Specifically, the U.S.-installed prez of Afghanistan is a well-known pederast?
Here's the link (April 16th post):
You probably already knew this, but just in case ...
Two brief comments on Crowley:
First, he made it abundantly clear that "Will" was synonymous with love, and generally expressed ire with people who took "will" out of context. Crowley framed 'will' in the context of the Dharma, never in the Ego "I want" sense.
Secondly, where he remarks about sacrifices, he notes that these are hidden references to sexual magick, put forward in a grotesque manner to repel dabblers. (IE, a 'perfect male child' refers to sperm, not a child sacrifice) Quoting these passages without that context is irresponsible.
On the subject of cover-ups, I don't think there's so much collusion (ie, they 'know' something), but two factors at play. The first is status politics- the accused are higher in status and therefore 'more believable.' (My own experiences have borne this out- as a relatively well off PTA parent, I have never been the attention of the 'powers,' but as a poor single mom from a bad neighborhood, my "credibility rating" always defaulted to "zero.")
Someone liked and respected in the community has more power, more credibility, and more resources. Finding victims, committing crimes, etc., is easier. A teenage Satanist may be no more intelligent or rational than a rich connected one, but his chances of success are simply lower. A rich pedophile can network with secure software to buy his porn; the poor one is relegated to picking off local children and gets caught more quickly. People with power are always aware of this. Combine this attitude with the attitude of superiority that is institutionalized in wealthy families, it's no surprise that criminal mistreatment of 'lesser' humans emerges.
I don't think there's any great "secret" to this aspect.
The second factor is what Douglas Adams used to call the "SEP" field- it's "somebody else's problem." It's too big, or too weird, or too bizarre to contemplate. We know something's going on, but we're afraid of being ridicul;ed or singled out for paying too close attention- so let the 'authorities' handle it. The problem is, the 'authorities' aren't exactly vigilant, either- and they're very prone to influence themselves, being that their own status is usually derived from the approval of the class above them.
On the 'entities' that seem to persist in various forms throughout human history, I could not begin to guess, even after years of exploration, what they really are. They seem to be material, but not always manifest. There are benign and malevolent beings, but their appearance, names, and attitudes are endless. Their identities seem to derive from our minds rather than any objective reality- yet they exist independently. Most seem to feed on human psychic energy (angels, demons, Loas, aliens, succubi, vampires, night hags, spirit guides, totem animals, gnomes, etc.) They seem to rely on symbols or even direct invitations to manifest, but they're also encountered during trance, with the use of entheiogenic or psychadelic drugs, rituals, during hypnagogic states, etc. I've seen "gnomes" and robed beings in the 'astral,' but I've also seen weird creatures manifest physically- and OTHER PEOPLE COULD SEE THEM TOO. (One example would be the 'fairies' in the woods in a certain area of Northern Ca., near where a crop circle later appeared. These are very visible colored lights that zip up and down trees and shrubs and react to human presence.) There are the 'creatures' who destroy the shaman and then sew him back together, the angels that have been appearing to magicians for thousands of years, etc. That evil magicians exist and have some contact with malevolent beings I don't doubt...but I'm pretty sure their 'secret knowledge' amounts to a buy-off- they use magical energy to retain power and in effect (perhaps not consciously) they act as overseers of a sort- little archons. (and like all evil henchmen, in the end, they're convinced they're serving good!)
If merely violating the drug laws could briefly turn a bunch of bored suburban hippie wannabes into inspired seers, what kind of sense of godlike power and invulnerability would literally getting away with murder create in those whose goal is that sort of power?**
This is always at the heart of 'divne right.' If one convinces the ego (or is convinced) that one is a god (or can become one), one is set above the masses. I think that was the lost lesson of the story of Eden- that the serpent-prosecutor is a dangerous force because it can both liberate and destroy. In other words, if you plug in without being properly wired, one might think one sees his own reflection rather than the divine. The obscuring of occult knowledge may have meant to prevent this sort of thing, but in the end may have helped conceal it as well...but as the saying goes, sinlight is the best disinfectant.
quote from above. I beg to differ:
"Just one. They can travel to other planets in special meat containers, but they can't live on them. And being meat, they only travel through C-space. which limits them to the speed of light and makes the possibility of their ever making contact pretty slim. Infinitesimal, in fact."
Instead, you might wonder if the hyperspace connection is innately in our chemical meat heads. A certain chemical with multidimensional attachments and odd "non-Newtonian" properties, documented. It's chemical assays would innately turn up and show up (only in 3D space) as something ordinary and plebian in the way it appears, as it pokes through from something transdimensional, "right"? Third, what is unmentioned below, is that its "3D signature" (of different elements when you chemical assay it) is very prevalent in the human brain... This would make a lot of "physics sense", post-Newtonian and even post Einstein of course, of Akashic claims.]
'Lost Secrets of the Sacred Ark: Amazing Revelations of the Incredible Power of Gold' [and a handful of from reviews there that are more descriptive of the book content's points about the consumptive basis of it, as well as its odd physical properties rolled into one...]
International best-selling author Laurence Gardner, has fulfilled all expectations with this well researched and scholarly approach to a mystery that spans thousands of years.
Gardner's contention is that the Biblical Ark of the Covenant was in reality: a capacitor that made it a powerful and deadly weapon, a superconductor that allowed it to levitate above ground, and a machine for manufacturing a substance called "Mfkzt" by the ancient Egyptians, "manna" by the Hebrews, and the "philosophers stone" by alchemists. At first glance, these propositions seem preposterous, and yet, after following his trail of logic, one wonders how it could have been anything other than what he insists it was.
A 1904 expedition to Mount Horeb (which the King James Version of the bible claims was the place Moses received the Ten Commandments) discovered the ruins of an Egyptian temple with hundreds of artifacts including: huge statues, obelisks, round tables, crucibles, vases and wands, and most significantly tons of a white powder conceled beneath flagstone. Through his research Gardner has ascertained that this white substance called "mfkzt" was a monotomic powdered gold.
By a special process of arc heating, gold and other platinum group metals, can be turned into a single atom or monotomic substance, that has superconductive properties. Superconductive materials are capable of leviation above magnetic fields, and Gardner speculates, that the powdered substance contained in the ark might have given it such capabilities. How else, he asks would it have been possible for four men to carry the ark when the lid alone, which was made of pure gold, has been calculated to have weighed around 2,714 pounds. It has been determined that a superconductive material will lose about 40% of its weight as a result of repulsing the earths own magnetic field. This could have made the transport of the ark manageable and therefore consistant with biblical references of the ark being marched around the city of Jericho for example.
The ark's design gives credence, as well, to stories of the destrutive powers of the ark. Biblical records clearly specifiy that the ark was constructed of wood sandwiched between layers of gold. Gardner realized that these are the specifications of a simple capacitor, and calculates that the ark would have charged to several thousand volts, making it a powerful and deadly weapon.
As we find out in this story, the superconductive properties of mfkzt was really only a by-product that the ancients might have stumbled upon. Its main purpose was that of consumption. Numerous ancient references of mfkzt, often called "white bread" or "manna" relate to it being eaten for its healthful affects. Recent biochemical experiments have confirmed that monotomic platinum group metals have shown antiaging affects by increasing melatonine production, stimulate the pineal and pituitary glands, and in turn reactivation "junk DNA."
Gardner parallels the story of this ancient mystery with contemporary physics, as well as a tale of intrigue and government conspiracy regarding a farmer, who discoverd the monotomic substance on his Arizona ranch!
At times, this book was a bit tedious for me, because of the endless historical references, but this is only a criticism of my own lack of knowledge and interest in this area. For the most part, however, this book read like a good mystery novel and I'm glad that I stuck with it for the wealth of knowledge within. All in all this book was a gem.
This review by David J. Kreiter: Author of "Quantum Reality: A New Philosophical Perspective
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93 of 97 people found the following review helpful:
A tease becomes a revelation, March 4, 2003
Reviewer: John Holt (Upstate New York ( - See all my reviews
In what turned out to be a colossal tease, Laurence Gardner, in his second major work, Genesis of the Grail Kings, gave us a brief description of a curious white powder produced in ancient Egypt that had phenomenal gravitational, transformational and inspirational powers. The substance was the result of a secret process whereby gold and platinum group metals were transformed into a white powder which the Egyptians called MFKZT (pronounced muf-kutz). The powder, though derived from heavy metals, had a negative weight (less than zero), and transmitted the same weightlessness to its container. When ingested, the powder brought heightened spiritual awareness to its user, and it supposedly could transport itself or its user into a different time/space dimension, called the Field of MFKZT, or the Plane of Shar-on. The inference was made that MFKZT provided the technical ability to lift all of the millions of multi-ton blocks into place in the Giza Pyramids, and that the Field of MFKZT was the final destination of the Pharaohs after their earthly existence.
Partly due to the reaction by his reading public, Gardner promised a whole book on the subject, but, in the meantime, came out with another book (Realm of the Ring Lords), which, while very interesting, didn't add to the information about MFKZT he had given us in his previous book. At long last, Gardner has kept his word, and has published Lost Secrets of the Sacred Ark.
Lost Secrets of the Sacred Ark is Gardner's account of the famous Ark of the Covenant. In relating the fascinating information about the Ark, Gardner gives us a comprehensive explanation of the whole concept of MFKZT, its role in the powers of the Ark, and its history through the ages, including up to the present day. Gardner's theory is that MFKZT is actually the mysterious and elusive Philosophers' Stone. We have heard so much about alchemists throughout history attempting to turn lead into gold, when all the while the real transformational process so closely guarded over the past five millennia has been that of turning gold into this astonishing substance.
If you only read one of Gardner's four major works, I suggest that it be this one. However, you should do yourself the favor of reading all four (the others being Bloodline of the Holy Grail, Realm of the Ring Lords, and Genesis of the Grail Kings), as they separately and collectively have brought us compelling, important, and groundbreaking insights to the understanding of our ancient history and our religious belief systems and institutions.
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8 of 8 people found the following review helpful:
A great read, but not perfect..., June 17, 2005
Reviewer: Michael Moore (Kentucky, USA) - See all my reviews
This was my first Gardner book (though not my last), and I was quite impressed with it. It puts forth a lot of good information, and good theories. The only reason I didn't give it 5 stars, is that Gardner tends to have trouble staying on topic. For example, he'll end a chapter on some amazing scientific find, then ramble on for a chapter nearly twice the length of the previous one about the genealogies and lineages of people in the Bible. Sometimes I skipped chapters outright, just to continue reading on topic. But, that aside, I do reccommend this book if you have any interest in alternate histories, alchemy, or even physics for that matter.
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10 of 12 people found the following review helpful:
Excellent Research!, August 3, 2004
Reviewer: Thomas Gingell "Graalchild" (Arroyo Grande, CA) - See all my reviews
I have read all of Laurence Gardners books and have his lecture on DVD. I have researched his claims about White Powder Gold via NASA, Boeing Aircraft Co.and many others and yes the research is happening and yes the stuff does work (personal experence). But there are some company's selling bunk, so buyer beware and ask questions. Fast read, hard to put down. It amazes me how quickly narrow minded people can't get past groundbreaking news. Some people feel so cozy with ingrained beliefs, however this news is earth shattering. Read it then research for yourself!
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