"Birth pangs of a new order"

Fires, earthquakes and tsunamis, I don't mean to scare ya -
Wasn't this written somewhere? - Public Enemy
Here we are again, waiting for the end of the world. If only all they would do was wait, it might not come so soon.
CNN gave fundamentalist cleric Pat Robertson time over the weekend to suggest, with relish, that the greater frequency and intensity of natural disasters we are witnessing are the "birth pangs of a new order": the divine reformatting of the world. Naturally he put a gleeful spin on the Last Days, because he doesn't expect them to be his last. It signals, rather, the "blessed hope" of a "wonderful" new era. "Robertson neglected to mention that the Bible also says that in the End Times, "many false prophets will arise, and will mislead many."
If we should no expect better from Robertson, how about from a senior physicist of the Stanford Research Institute? Some thoughts from Dr Lambert Dolphin on the "coming cosmic shakedown":
Our generation has seen movies and television specials depicting a nuclear war, showing collisions by an asteroid or comet from outer space, or a threat to the world by an escaped dealy virus. We are accustomed to fictional accounts of alien invasions, and most of us are intrigued by the X-Files. Military experts believe a great third world war in the Middle East is now unavoidable. World population is soaring out of control and violence is on the increase everywhere.
The Biblical record allows for all of these possibilities--and worse. Anyone who has been through a major earthquake will testify that it is a terrifying experience to have the ground beneath one's feet give way leaving no place to stand and no way to stand. What will it be like on That Day, "The Great and Terrible Day of the Lord" when the sky will also fall on men's heads, so to speak, when invisible kingdoms in the unseen world around us come crashing down at the same time the cities of the world are reduced to rubble? This will not be just a horrendous "natural" disaster--behind it all will be an angry God who will at long last settle accounts and set all things right on earth. (Note 2)
Jerusalem was, is now and always will be the capital city of Israel designated by God from long ages ago. It will also be the world capital from which Jesus Christ will rule all the nations.
Dolphin led two of SRI's expeditions to the Giza plateau in the mid-70s, the primary purpose of which was to search for hidden chambers beneath the Sphinx.
He left SRI in 1987 after 31 years to devote his energies to "Bible teaching," but also to expedite the rebuilding of the Third Temple in Jerusalem, which by any account should hasten the end of the world. In "Geophysics and the Temple Mount" he describes his initiation into the work, and isn't shy about voicing his antipathy towards Arabs and Muslims:
On a trip to Israel in 1982 to meet Stanley [Goldfoot of the Jerusalem Temple Foundation] and [physicist Dr.] Asher [Kaufman] in person, I ran into writer and Bible teacher Don Stewart. I saw that Don's experience in Israel and his knowledge of the Bible would be an immediate asset in planning a research expedition to Israel. Don also introduced me to Pastor Chuck Smith of Calvary Chapel and Costa Mesa, and to Chuck Missler, a well-known captain-of-industry living in Southern California. These godly men along with Carl Gallivan, a close friend and Silicon valley entrepreneur, soon agreed to provide financial assistance so my SRI team could investigate the usefulness of our newly developed geophysical methods in Israel. We especially wanted to "look into" the Temple Mount with our new state-of-the-art high-tech instruments.
Our work around the country for nearly six weeks caused us to be fairly visible to the archaeological community, to the government - and to the Arabs.... Even though the rabbinical tunnel is entirely on Jewish land under Jewish control and we had been officially invited by Rabbi Getz to perform a legitimate scientific study, because the Moslems objected we had been discretely blocked in our efforts. But, we had learned another practical lesson about life in modern Israel: the Moslems seemingly have veto power over what goes on in the tunnel as well as the Temple Mount.
Diagnosing Dolphin's millennial fever - "Earth's long-awaited golden age may be a mere seven years away from us" - it's easy to forget who he is and what he represents. During this controversial expedition, The Jerusalem Post accurately described him as head of a "key section of the world's most massive research conglomerate, the Stanford Research Institute, a $200-million-a-year concern whose main clients are the U.S. government and corporations like Bechtel."
It's not just the fundamentalists and their hollowed-out fellow travellers who have the thirst for blood up to the bridle. It's also the globalists, the shepherding wolves of the "new order" which won't bring Jesus, but a rough-hewn facsimile to mollify the surviving sheep. Maitreya, the Nine, the "space brothers" - it's in beta testing for the post-apocalyptic product launch.
Henry Kissinger's notorious National Security Study Memorandum 200 on the "Implications of Worldwide Population Growth for U.S. Security and Overseas Interests" suggests massive population reduction has been close to the heart of US strategic concerns for more than 30 years. That the policy is in accordance with the broad strokes of the Book of Revelations makes happy sympatico for the conspiracrats, who mean to play God in this final act and turn every calamity to their advantage.
The sense that time is getting short has spread far beyond those inclined to watch for signs. Even secular non-Christians, for whom the term should be nonsense, are asking whether George Bush is the Antichrist. Even Al Gore describes America as having entered "an alternate universe" of strange discourse. For those who would cull the herd, the stranger the better, because strangeness is often mistaken for acts of God.
Anonymous One,well here we are again,The Temple Mount. Give a look at The Golden Report com. the piece intitled The Roots of Evil in Jerusalem,some how this information has slipped through the cracks.Keep a close eye in the sky on that shinny Red Heifer, I have a feeling things are about to heat up around the little bovine,later.
"behind it all will be an angry God who will at long last settle accounts and set all things right on earth. (Note 2)"
An angry God indeed. This is when you know these comedians dont have the first Idea of what theyre talking about - Or worse of course.
The universal force of love and harmony somehow becomes yet something else for us all to fear,
rather than that unifying force of love consciousness to which we should all be aspiring.
I think your naivety is a little laughable. The force of evil is implacable and you cannot have peace without justice.
" The force of evil is implacable and you cannot have peace without justice."
I couldnt agree more jim.
But what does this have to do with ordinary mortals, who have dont little or nothing to incur the 'Wrath of God' ?
Its just plain good old fashioned, completely dishonest and typically misleading fearmongering.
That which keeps the fearmongers on top of the tree, reaping the fiscal and power harvests from their 'flock' ( gotta love that term)
"God will take good care of you,
Just do as I say, dont do as I do"
Phil Collins - Jesus he knows me.
"...the Stanford Research Institute, a $200-million-a-year concern whose main clients are the U.S. government and corporations like Bechtel."
$200 million a year? That's a lot of money; whose money is it?
I realize that we are talking about a global conspiracy by some very powerful and rich people; but they do have their weaknesses -- like I've said before, they actually get much of their power (and their wealth, too) from us. Once we stop defeating ourselves by gazing raptly at the birdie, it's almost miraculous what we can do.
Speaking from experience, it's a good idea to start by resisting being lulled or dazzled by the show. And I'm sorry, but the whole alien-satanic-endtimes-rapture shtick, with ordinary people's money being poured into booga-booga 'research' strikes me as an integral part of the insidious movement to undermine logic and rationality in public discourse.
Instead of being impressed by Achilles' shiny armour, it's so much more interesting -- and wise -- to look for the chink in said armour. Why waste all your time and energy telling yourself and others how strong his breastplate is, when his fleshy heel is naked to your well-aimed arrow?
NWO poster boy Henry Kissinger, caught on tape intoning:
"Today Americans would be outraged if U.N. troops entered Los Angeles to restore order; tomorrow they will be grateful! This is especially true if they were told there was an outside threat from beyond, whether real or promulgated, that threatened our very existence. It is then that all peoples of the world will pledge with world leaders to deliver them from this evil.
The one thing every man fears is the unknown. When presented with this scenario, individual rights will willingly be relinquished for the guarantee of their well-being granted to them by their world government."
(in an address to the Bilderberger organization meeting at Evian, France, on May 21, 1991. As transcribed from a tape recording made by one of the Swiss delegates.) (http://en.wikiquote.org/wiki/Henry_Kissinger)
Ten years later, a fascinating article appeared in the Village Voice, about the possibility of arresting Kissinger for war crimes (http://www.villagevoice.com/news/0133,ridgeway,27288,1.html).
Reading the article, it becomes clear that Kissinger's juicy heel is flapping in the wind -- the problem is that the so-called human rights groups and others whom we regard as the defenders of the 'little people' are either shockingly incompetent or compromised.
They've got the titles and they've got the prestige, and probably feel real good about themselves, but how much of their role is real, and how much is part of the stage set and props?
How many foxes are guarding the hen houses of government spending, environmental protection, human rights, freedom of expression, etc.?
Whether he killed himself or was assassinated, what destroyed Gary Webb, for example, was that he was left unprotected, isolated and shunned, rather than hailed as a hero by those who now wring their hands and whine about how powerless they are. (http://www.commondreams.org/headlines05/1009-05.htm)
Instead of a grassroots hero, Webb has become a cautionary tale instead. Instead of ordinary people rushing to offer him gratitude, friendship and maybe even a job, he was left alone and ignored, until he lost everything, his career, his friends, his wife, even his house.
Not so, the criminals he exposed, who have continued to enjoy 'our' public respect and trust.
And the story he broke? By some bizarre coincidence, it appeared in print on the very day that Monica Lewinsky exploded on the scene, relegating the work for which he died to the back pages, when it was printed at all.
How many of us were rivetted to the teevee, feverishly awaiting the scandalous, shocking, titillating details of Monica and Bill's sexual escapades as they were released in a media blitz that went on for months?
All the experts and pundits and analysts were invited to discuss the Monica thing ad nauseum, before a captive audience of millions.
What a contrast between those who are rewarded and praised and deferred to, and the abandonment of Webb to his lonely misery...
In the end, those who are planning the "new order" are no more than parasites, incapable of existing without our active or tacit acquiescence, whether we accept the responsibility or not. They need us to trust them, they need us not to raise a fuss about suspicious voting machines, or about money being siphoned from education, health and social spending into the pockets of self-satisfied, billionaire mass murderers.
They need us to ignore and abandon those who take risks to get the truth out about things that really matter to all of us. And they need us to stay away from each other, to stay safely home to be programmed via their moronic "news" and "entertainment" into a disabling and bizarre SEX / TERROR vision of 'reality'.
As Kissinger says, they need us to be afraid, and they'll go on manufacturing nightmare bogeymen to wave before us, until it becomes no longer necessary.
It's all manipulation. The whole Prophecy thing, the Apocalypse, all of it.
We are supposed to simply not try very hard, to tithe and wait for the Rapture. Like sheep for the slaughter, because at the other end of the slaughterhouse is a Better World.
Or maybe not?
The other option is to work on raising our frequency levels to become the next level of humanity. A paradigm shift is not too much to expect, and work toward.
It's NOT all pre-ordained...
The current events around the world show us that the time for the NWO is basically just around the corner.
The frightening aspect of all of this is that the Masses amongst us are totally un-aware, and ridicule us for believing such "NONSENSE".
For the true Christians and Muslims and others we know it's only devine invention that will help us from this satanic zionist evil.
The illegal war with Iran will trigger all of this to a level were the doubter's will then listen to us, but by then it will be to late....how depressing.
$200 million a YEAR!???
I guess I assumed because of the presence of Scientologists that SRI was something of a small entity. I had no idea.
The other option is to work on raising our frequency levels to become the next level of humanity. A paradigm shift is not too much to expect, and work toward.
Precisely. Orgonite does a very, very good job of this, since it's essentially a positive energy generator, and those vibes sure seem to wake people up and get those higher circuits of the brain working.
Plus it's really easy to make, and the instructions are freely available. Actually, there's a person giving away free pieces of orgonite (called "peaces") to anyone who wants one. By whatever means you can get your hands on some and get it into the hands of those around you, I wholeheartedly recommend it.
You are on target once again. Your recent posts are probably the best yet. You have really nailed it. Thanks for daring to speak the truth about the emperor's new clothes.
It seems from your info about rebuilding the Temple, that those in power really believe in all this doomsday crap. Otherwise, why go to all that trouble. Oh wait, they would rebuild it because the masses believe it will hasten the END. Duh. Sometimes it takes me awhile.
So, we know that all this EOTW talk is just a load of bull to disguise the culling agenda. How do we shut it up?
if i can bring the conversation onto instincts......
they feed us fear because they know what scares us, that brown and black faces scare white people into submission, for one. and its hard to go against your instincts, because authorities are constantly strengthening them, but even defeating racism in yourself is going against instincts, which are your inherant ways of acting. is it possible the brain evolved 'conciousness' as a way of bypassing these instincts?
and is it also posible that we are being led back to more privative times, as they stop us more and more from thinking for ourselves?
What amazes me is that nobody has yet gone on a vendetta against the New World Order types. A dedicated sniper or several such people could throw the world of corrupt politicians into a suffocating virtual lockdown in a matter of days or weeks.
Somebody has to have had a close friend or relative get iced by these elitist vampire scumbags. I am truly surprised that people like Kissinger or all the former CIA directors are still living open and productive lives if their trade truly is what is intimated.
Anyone who saw the movie Enemy At The Gates has an idea of the fear just one man's exploits can engender in the opposition. It boggles my mind that absolutely ZERO actual legitimate resistance to this New World Order movement has surfaced. Are all the opposition movements controlled?
Senator Orrin Hatch tried pushing through anti-terror legislation that targets the 'lone wolf' or independent contractor variety 'terrorist.' Apparently the elites are preparing themselves for this eventuality, but where's the threat? Curious minds want to know.
In my opinion we are witnessing two things play out before our eyes. First we are living in a time where the establishment is getting ready to play the God card on us. They will do this with wars, disease and probably fire from the sky too if they stick to their King Jame's version playbook. Hell they may even cough up a prophet or pull a Messiah out of their hat if that's what it takes to keep the people sheeple.
For a lack of a better analogy, they are the coaches and we are the players. With two seconds on the shot clock they're gonna pull the plug and decide the game is over. No ladies and gentleman there will be no Michael Jordan to bail us out.
Now secondly, as this establishment - already seated at the poker table throws down the "God Card," that's when the shit hits the fan. Like what we are seeing now. It started with the tsunami and will get worse as the attrocities committed against man get worse. The more out of balance things get the more the powers that be will work to correct itself. This will go on until man is forced to live peacefully.
When all is said and done there will be no basketball court for a two second shot. There will be no poker table for the establishment to play its filthy hand at. And there will be no internet for me to draw my analogies and post on cyberspace which won't have any bearing on what's going to play out in the end anyway.
I can just imagine, two thousand years from now they'll pull up a version of the King Jame's playbook like they did with the dead sea scrolls and put it in some museum. If I listen intuitively enough I can hear a child ask, "Mommy what's that?" The mother responds, "Child, a long time ago man used this book to shape the lives and futures of other men but only to the advantage of a select few. And the people believed." The child replied, "How sad. You mean they never realized they had had the power all along?"
"behind it all will be an angry God who will at long last settle accounts"
"But what does this have to do with ordinary mortals, who have done little or nothing to incur the 'Wrath of God'"
"I realize that we are talking about a global conspiracy by some very powerful and rich people; but they do have their weaknesses -- like I've said before, they actually get much of their power (and their wealth, too) from us."
Bingo! It is not an angry god who will be sending us to our doom it is ourselves. We have met the enemy and he is us. We need to understand, and quickly, the roots of the apathy, ignorance and pathology by which we allow ourselves and our future to be destroyed by the rich and powerful. Remember, 51% of Americans RE-elected Bush.
If anyone should not believe that de-population is coming, they should know that it is etched in stone:
danDNA said...
if i can bring the conversation onto instincts......
they feed us fear because they know what scares us, that brown and black faces scare white people into submission, for one. and its hard to go against your instincts, because authorities are constantly strengthening them, but even defeating racism in yourself is going against instincts, which are your inherant ways of acting. is it possible the brain evolved 'conciousness' as a way of bypassing these instincts?"
Hey Dan, your honesty, self-reflection and candor is very refreshing.
Racism is a learned response cultivated by xenophobic and deep, fundamental insecurities the parents harbor, which they indoctrinate into their children. One only has to look at the behavior of toddlers of different races and genders interacting in a playground happily, peacefully and without malice toward one another. Racism is part and parcel of a false propaganda component known as white supremacy. In which so-called white people choose to rebuke their membership in the world family for the benefits derived in the members-only white legacy club. Rather than give up the perks, instead a choice is made to define themselves based upon a bankrupt eugenics cultivated perception of world culture and skin color supremacy. Then further choose to either passively or actively participate in it's defense, propagation and maintenance.
It's a choice, to either join the rest of the cabal targeted world or hedge bets and try and dissapear into the camp of an enemy dedicated to making war on all of us irregardless of our skin color. Remember, the Serbian Muslims and Jews were all considered "white" Europeans until they wound up culled in the cabal's genocide campaigns.
Remember, 51% of Americans RE-elected Bush.
Sorry, that's bullshit. I agree with you otherwise, though. :-)
The roots of the apathy is ignorance. And the ignorance may be insurmountable. But I would respond to the opinion somewhere above about the banking system being the Achilles heel. I think it is more the heart of the demon. Not sure there really is a heel. I think this is too much a part of the nature of the human race to be just blown over somehow. I do believe God will set things right. I think that faith does not suppress us, but sustains us. In the meantime, the battle is fought an individual at a time. This battle is inseparable, and is indeed just the more exposed profile, of the battle we all face of choosing between good and evil. The human race is too compromising with evil. Evil includes much besides the seven deadly sins or whatever. I think willfully abiding in ignorance is akin to evil.
Here is a link I have wanted to post for awhile, but have waited for the topic to be right. This article is 100% on topic for today.
"Zionism - The Occult
Guild Of Antichrist" By Alton Raines
If you haven't already seen this, I highly recommend it for your perusal.
Re Justice Inc.
That's all fine and dandy, but completely wrong. Racism is found everywhere on the planet, in Asia, where the Japanese people, but also the Chinese can be much more openly racist as in Europe or, to a lesser extent, in the USA. There are also very strong racist feelings between Arabs (Moroccans etc.) and black people in North Africa. Not to mention racism between blacks themselves.
Racism appears often when different ethnicities are forced to live together against their will. Nowhere was the upsurge of racial hatred more violent than in the once multiethnic Balkans, Poland, or Ruanda. It may be a very wrong feeling, but it's part of the human psyche, and to call it learned or artificial is to negate the reality.
Don't get me wrong there. I'm not going to advocate ethnic purification and the rest. But I'm also firmly convinced that you cannot solve racial problems by simply trying to suppress racism and forcing people to live together when they obviously don't want to.
Further, I am absolutely convinced that, far from pursuing a white-supremacy program, the powers that be are all too happy to create multiethnic entities. In Iraq, in the USA, it's so much more easy to control the people that way. Nurturing hatred, playing one ethnicity over the other, dividing people, it is the ultimate way for securing power.
The elite itself is above all this. I don't think Cheney and the likes can really have human feelings anymore, be it hatred or anger. Power is what they want, at all costs.
"The children of the violent among thy people shall lift themselves up to establish the vision; but they shall fall." -- Dan 11:14
Ya, almost forgot. Re the first comment.. I very much doubt that Albert Pike knew anything about Zionism, a term which was coined only one year before Pike's death (1890) in Austria of all places.
It's always something, eh?
Anon 1:41, I'm with you. Where's the opposition? I'll tell you what the problem is, it's two pronged:
1. Most people think it's somebody else's job to be the opposition/resistance while they go to work and come home and eat out and watch teevee and shop and otherwise live the sheeple life the NWO expects the flock to live while waiting to be fleeced/culled.
2. Most people have a really bad case of external locus of control. You see it in the reams written about what 'they' are doing, followed by 'but what can we do, they are so powerful, yaddayadda'--giving up in effect without even trying. You see it in the way things are phrased, that we the people are acted UPON rather than acting in our own interests.
I've been fighting a one person battle with my town's government now for...dang, coming up 8 months. It has taken hours and hours, legal research, writing, nose to nose confrontation, and before it's over it may take a lawsuit. But so far, I've won every exchange, and I ain't done yet. The next person who tells me "You can't fight City Hall" who has never even tried to is going to get a bloody nose. One of my closest friends is locked in a battle that has now gone on for over a year with a state legislator. She spends most of every day on the phone, she has built an organization--a nonprofit--and recently wrote an article for a major newspaper. She is not kind to the handwringers wailing "But what can we dooooo", she tells them to fish, cut bait, or get out of the boat because she's annoying the people who are busy doing the things that can be done.
Pick a crooked politician or governmental unit, fight it for a year or so, and see what you get. You may well be pleasantly surprised, IF you are willing to give it everything you've got and take every setback as an invitation to punch back smarter as well as harder rather than a reason to mope in your beer and attribute omnipotence to your enemy.
By the way, Gary Webb was not out of the game, he was still writing, and that may well have gotten him killed. Check out this article which was published in the Sacramento Review on October 14 (he died on December 10.)
Cover Story
The killing game
For young men, first-person shooters are the hottest computer games around. That’s why the Army’s spent $10 million making one of its own. But there’s a catch. Big Brother gets to watch you play.
By Gary Webb
Photo By Larry Dalton
Clan warfare: LANatomas guns down members of a Seattle clan during a round of league play. Carson Loane, foreground, patrols the left flank while clan leader Jeff Muramoto, center, calls out strategies to his squad.
[continued at the link]
Grist for the Mill: David Ben-Gurion, interview with Time Magazine, 1948:
"In Jerusalem, the United Nations (a truly United Nations) will build a shrine of the Prophets to serve the federated union of all continents; this will be the scene of the Supreme Court of Mankind, to settle all controversies among the federated continents, as prophesied by Isaiah. "
See http://users.cyberone.com.au/myers/bengur62.jpg
Many excellent posts here. particularly from Alice and Cassandra.
People at the sharp end need to be supported in many ways. Financial support is often the easiest to give (unless you are on the breadline, of course). How about sending a few bucks Jeff's way?
Speaking of financial support, I think I have stumbled across an "Achilles Heel". It's a way of denying financial support to the War Machine.
Came across this today:
The invitation to give this report came from Lambert T. Dolphin, (who was sceptical at first), a member of SRI, where it was given peer revue and also vetted by outside laboratories - all of them approving its publication. Dolphin also gave a lecture on the subject in 1988 to the Batelle Institute where it was well received. The SRI hierarchy tried to rescind the report on an administrative technicality when they realised its implications. Dolphin and his manager were made redundant.
I'll post the article on the Board.
Sorry Asgard but you are the one in error for you still only scratch the surface of the problem. The system known as white supremacy is fundamentally behind all of your examples. Yes there are examples of so-called racism in every known country throughout the world. It came into existance with the establishment of European colonialism and it's successor neo-colonialism. When missionaries came in with the gun and the bible, with graven images of a Europeanized Jesus as God. The express message being that to be closer to God one must one must adopt the mentality that if God is "white" then other whites must be of the divine... the chosen. To be closer to the indoctrinated religion is to adopt the lifestyle, culture and mores of the colonizer.
The system of white supremacy manifests itself throughout the cabal ruled planet through the racist caste systems of India (Bhramin vs Sudra and the Dalits), and infests nations with backward hierarchies based on skin lightness at the top and skin darkness at the bottom.
In Italy, some of the lighter-skinned northern Italians look down racially upon their darker brethren in Sicily. The same in Ireland against the "Black" Irish, Spain, Japan, China, Korea, Russia, the Islands of the Caribbean, Vietnam, North Africa vs the southern continent and a shining examples between Hutu's and Tutsi's in Rwanda, Apartheid in South Africa, Jewish Ashkenazim anti-semitism against the Jews of the Sephardim. It's even reflected in European cultures that deliberately seek out lighter members of their nation to marry and genetically lighten their future progeny. Within the African-American community it manifests itself in some self-hating households as having "good" (straight) hair vs naturally curly and lighter children getting gifts while darker counterparts may not.
Like the Johnny Appleseeds of hate wherever the European colonizers conquered, they set up the same divide and conquer tactic of Eugenic racial castes of light at the top and dark at the bottom. The lighter castes are rewarded with better work, better homes and higher social standings.
I made a point of saying this system is offensive to everyone but those cowards who sell-out their humanity to embrace an empty and ugly system for material gain and perceived superiority. If you travel through many countries of the world as I have, you'll see it some insidious form in virtually every nation. And none more apparent than in the television programming. Take a look at Spanish Univision channels and Indian Bollywood for glaring examples of this virulent racialism.
To exorcise this demon, the folks of http://counter-racism.org/ have begun a project to breakdown and expose this system. Opening a dialogue between the races by confronting and challenging the notion of this artificial 'Divide and Conquer' barrier. Designed and fostered by weak, eternally insecure, "master-race" cabals and their pathetic underlings, who look to engineer diversions from themselves and their diabolical crimes.
Justice: you good work but you're factually incorrect on the Chinese -- they've held Han Chinese superior to other subvarieties since long before the Europeans set foot on their shores, unless you want to make a claim that that form of white supremacy (at least fifteen centuries old) is directly linked to the European actions of recent history.
Thanks Anon, good point. I am unfamiliar with the particular history of the Han Dynasty and I was referring to contemporary China. However this is by no means a 14th, 15th or even 16th century invention. It's more rudimentary forms were found as far back as the Greek, Roman and later ancient 18th century Egyptians. A good earlier eample would be Alexander the not-so-great's incursions into Africa and particularly the Egyptian empire.
I don't generally like venturing into the potentially volatile subject of racial imposition, but I feel it would be a greivous error not to. Especially these days when the IllumiNazi's are losing battles and are forming a desperate re-grouping for a showdown. They are making war on all of us and some of our contemporaries of all races are more than willing to become NWO tools towards our more tangible enslavement. To accomplish their ends they'll be attempting many recruitment drives to manipulate race against race, religion against religion.
They can best be routed by rejecting their transparent philosophies and morally repugnant pseudeo-sciences, supremacy propaganda and cut straight through to dealing with one another on a common level with a common central enemy. If we all can universally achieve this aim objectively, and maturely they will stand as exposed as the Wizard behind the fabled curtain in Oz.
Damn! eample=example sorry all for the typo.
Black Irish discriminated against? By who?
Do you mean black people in Ireland? I grew up in an Irish Catholic home and all 'black Irish' meant was black haired, and usually from Connaught--my mother had the look (though many years later we discovered she got it not from the Irish side, but from her French great great grandmother. Go figure.) Supposedly they got it from the Spaniards of the Armada who came ashore and had their way with the pale Irish lasses. It wasn't a source of discrimination.
Is there another meaning of the term?
What's interesting is that not only is there discrimination by the lighter skinned toward the darker, but in many countries the same stereotypes are invoked for those from the south of the country--that they are lazy, sexually loose, not as intelligent, compared to their industrious and smarter northern compatriots.
I'm not making light of the discrimination you describe, but human beings do love to look down on anyone different from them--I grew up in Cleveland and the East Siders loved to regale you about how much smarter and more cultured they were than us West Siders. And East and West Siders alike sneered at the South Siders (ie Polacks from Parma). There were no North Siders because of the Lake or who knows what trash they'd have talked about the rest of us since we'd all be south of them :D.
Anonymous 5:35pm:
You gave a very interesting link to an actual photo-copy of a Life mag article on Ben Gurion, where he predicts the UN would,
"...build a shrine of the Prophets to serve the federated union of all continents; this will be the scene of the Supreme Court of Mankind, to settle all controversies among the federated continents..."
Everyone really ought to have a look at the already built Supreme Court building in Jerusalem, topped with cyclopic pyramid on the roof, and a great deal more occult symbolism:
Compare that with the somewhat less provocative angle for public consumption, here:
Most of you here are probably aware of the Masonic symbology of the Great Seal of the US of A. I just found this site that shows an interesting analysis of additional effects created when the obverse and reverse sides of the seal are SUPERIMPOSED upon each other.
But then, according to the smug countenance of 'Brother' S. Brent Morris, P.M., most emphatically:
"The Great Seal of the United States is not a Masonic emblem, nor does it contain hidden Masonic symbols."
Obviously, this is, as with all other consiracy theories, simply the product of imaginations ran amok.
Sorry -
the SUPERIMPOSED sight is here:
You are correct in part as black Irish has now taken the meaning of any person of Irish descent having the "black" attributes of black hair and/or swarthy complexion. It originates some ages earlier to describe the Irish to the south of the Isle who were indeed darker at the time. This was due to the African Moors and their descendants who settled there for a time. As was the case in the southern parts of France, Spain, Italy, Crete, Greece and even Russia.
If you examine the derogatory slur "Guinea" used against the Italians by recently transplanted Irish and German immigrants in the 1800's; you'll find they used it to describe the Italians of dark complexion, whom they ignorantly thought looked as dark as people from the African nation of Guinea.
The whole racial catagorization was just a simple and sick way of building power and self-worth through the total castigation of another. Like you alluded to in your post -- if it wasn't race, it was neighborhood locale or religion or whatever they could muster to feel superior over someone. It's pathetically laughable as each succeeding nationality of immigrant used another to transcend themselves from an "honorary" white status to "accepted" white status. For example, when the Irish began arriving en masse into places like New York and Chicago, the Germans, Russians and Polish referred to them as literally the 'N' word. When the Irish gained power they in turn called the recent Italian arrivals the 'N' word. Literally. Until they achieved an advantageous social status and then primarily focused the animus back towards the Africans.
Speaking of the Ark, A Chuck Missler mentoree (a pastor) in San Diego has been looking for it Ethopia too. Why their interest? True believers wouldn't concern themselves since God always provides.
And Chuck is former CIA (information systems/operation research I believe). Once CIA, always CIA.
Revelations warns of a end-time deception so powerful that it would fool even the Elect, if that were possible.
There are many wolves. Be careful.
"An electron coated in KY Jelly couldn't squeeze its way out of that info-sphincter without authorization orders worthy of the Vogons."
Thanks, p-tar, for making me laugh; I swear, I'm getting addicted to RI for the sheer enjoyment of reading some of the excellent comments (not to mention Jeff's truly amazing work).
Cassandra, I also am a pain in the ass (PITA), proud daughter of a PITA, who made many mistakes from which I learned as well. Like you, I have also found it highly effective in protecting my rights and those of my loved ones, even against overwhelming odds.
For those who are interested, all it takes is a good understanding of people, and the ability to pay attention, so that you can zero in on the weakness of your powerful foe. Then, you latch on to that weak spot with everything you've got, and you don't let go. Ever.
Ignore the strong and invulnerable parts and focus exclusively on the weakness, so you don't dissipate your strength. Try not to expose yourself more than necessary, hide behind others or an organization if possible, but even so, make sure you've got your own vulnerabilities covered.
It helps a LOT if you've been building a track record of credibility and gladly doing kindnesses and favours for people. The smartest investment a person can make.
It's also great if your fight involves some high ideals where you are a legitimately aggrieved party and your enemy looks petty and sleazy. Even better if he is also exposed as a bully.
Your disadvantage in conventional terms is also your biggest advantage: you're a nobody, invisible until it's too late, you've had time to do your homework and plan what you're going to do.
Indeed, every advantage is a double-edged sword; for the discerning, every strength contains a corresponding weakness that can be used to great effect.
I can think of so many inspirational examples of this David vs Goliath thing, but they're not really famous cases so this comment would get too long if I described even one of them.
Suffice it to say that, in my opinion, Cindy Sheehan epitomizes the PITA heroine, in my book: bereaved MOTHER of a SOLDIER who MADE THE ULTIMATE SACRIFICE FOR HIS COUNTRY repeatedly asking BILLIONAIRE CHICKENHAWK BIGSHOT WHO LIED, "Why did my son die?" and not giving up until he answers her in person. I love it...
Hey Justice Inc,
I think I'd pick a new nickname if I were you. It's pretty similar to "judicial-inc" which is a profoundly anti-Semitic site and I'm sure you don't want to be tarred with similarities to that viewpoint.
Here's their site:
Your names aren't exactly the same, but I thought it was the same thing, because of the "inc" until I checked the actual site. Others might have that confusion.
For anyone else, here's something off the first page I came to on that site to give you a taste:
"When government officials were away, Jewish-paid thugs went on a rampage in Berlin and some border towns.
Nazis were blamed, and world opinion favored Jews"
Here's judicial-inc's take on RA...that it's all Jews' doing:
"Another interesting forensic aspect of (a child murder case) the case was that the boys' wounds contained traces of an unspecified GRAIN, of all things. Flour for the matzo? (referring to old blood libel slanders that Jews used gentile blood to make Matzoh.)
What is interesting about these cases is not the unsolved murders themselves, but the view which for once we are given of the lengths to which the Jews will go to cover up suspected ritual murder cases. In view of the intense public interest in the case there was of course a lot of media reporting."
Anyway, I'm sure you aren't the same guy who said these and many other ridiculous things, so I just wanted to give you a heads up about the similarity in names. You can choose your own nick of course, but at least you'll understand if there's some confusion in your later posts.
"Translators with the Joint Intelligence Group (JIG) also confirmed that some prisoners were forced to prostrate themselves in the centre of a satanic circle lit with candles. Interrogators shouted at them, 'Satan is your God, not Allah! Repeat that after me!'"
Excellent point, Alice, about finding the weak spot in their armor. Usually, with public entities that are not as thoroughly evil as BushCo and much of the GOP, their weak point is they don't like bad publicity. At the top levels of course the motto is Oderint Tum Metuant, "Let them hate provided that they fear". I'm just up against a rinky dink town with a city council of yuppie developer types, who nevertheless don't want to look like your average greedheads. They also don't want litigation and I've made it clear that I am prepared to file suit and prosecute it vigorously if necessary.
Totally different subject--sometimes I wonder if there is something wrong with me that I just don't resonate to all this religio-mythical stuff. I was raised Catholic and for most of my life thought it was idiotic, transparently just made up shite to make people feel better about being sentient meat on a rock in a vast expanse of not-a-whole-helluva-lot. That was just a no brainer for me. Now I do believe there is more out there after having paranormal experiences, but I sure don't believe in a good God, because I see no evidence of it in human history. I see Grand Inquisitors of various types enslaving the masses with mystical mumbo jumbo, or taking folk wisdom and elevating it into a "church" that demands people check their independent judgment at the door and drink the Kool Aid, whatever flavor it happens to be. I was drawn to Buddhism because Buddha said "Check out everything I say and if it works for you, cool, if not, reject it as crapola" (that is a loose translation ;) ) which seems to me eminently sensible.
Grails, Arks, people in fancy clothes babbling in dead languages, waiting for pie from the sky to show up hot and steaming on their plates--sheesh. Like many other things, makes me embarassed to be a note the quotes "higher" primate. If someone can't live with themselves and their experiences without resort to cosmology, fine, but I don't want it shoved on me. I think Monotheism was the absolute worst idea humans ever came up with, it has caused idiocy and bloodshed from the get-go. I heard the Dalai Lama speak and he said if he were convinced that religion causes more bad things than good, he'd be against religion. Well, I don't know what planet he lives on, but my study of the history of comparative religion tells me for every person it's made better it's killed a thousand. Dear Abby's probably done more tangible good for more people than organized Christianity. And I'm really tired of everything having to revolve around the Jews--that's not antiSemitic, it's weary. Zionist, anti-Zionism, hello, you're not the center of creation even if your G-d told you you were. He lied. There's billions of us who don't really give a flying wazoo who controls the Temple Mount. If there are space aliens with any intergalactic wisdom at all the first thing they should do is evacuate Jerusalem, blow it up and make it a no man's land for 1000 years.
Tronicus: HOLY SHIT!
What? the Israeli Supreme Court, or the SUPERIMPOSED Great Seal?
I thought both items add some "illumination" as to what's up.
"I sure don't believe in a good God, because I see no evidence of it in human history."--Cassandra--
cassandra perhaps it would be helpful to consider that free will is the most important thing a god can give to it's creatures. Without it we are nothing more than automatons, odious to us and boring to god. The price paid, however, is the atrocities we have inflicted on ourselves and nature. Sadly this is what we see all around us. God no doubt knew this potential existed but the gift of free will was too great to forego. So do not disparage god, it is us who has the problem.
nice piece.
i was just roaming around the web and one site let to another with an article with this great phrase in it: the "occult tyranny of the super rich."
I'm new to the site and am not what I would consider a conspiracy theorist, but I find it extremely interesting for some reason. Sure, some of it is pretty far out, but being an "outsider" in all this I'd like to add that many people such as myself can't help but feel that something is coming, something is going on, and whatever it is, it isn't good. I've talked to other people who don't even touch the net and they feel the same thing. I hope we're wrong.
Let me be one of the first to welcome you Anonymous! Thanks for your courage and insight into what the average person is thinking and feeling in these darkening days.
It's always encouraging to see someone with an open, inquisitive mind. Feel free to ask any of us for info on any particular subject you're interested in, and I'm sure a number of us would be more than happy to assist. Tell your friends not to be shy as well, and to come on by. Both you and their subconscious instincts are spot right on and alarming you in advance of some very bad things coming down the pike. None of it is conspiracy theory, at this point it's become conspiracy fact.
Buckle up, put on your 'Hoffman Lenses' (reference from the great movie "They Live") and pull back the curtain...
These Stones up in georgia...Anybody feel like a night-op with a large amount of high explosives?
MaryK said:
It's all manipulation. The whole Prophecy thing, the Apocalypse, all of it.
Much of it likely is manipulation. And I think a good question to ask is at what level? There is some research on this site about higher intelligence and I think it useful to remain open to find out if and how we might be manipulated - at all levels. Many prophesies have an near impossible chance of occuring without entering into the abilities of the unknown and the unknowable. Just some thoughts
Anonymous 5:46
The content at this sight can be pretty intriquing. Jeff Wells seems ever ready in pushing the envelope of our perspectives. It can get pretty deep here, and you will also find a great diversity of opinionated commenters here as well. If you really haven't investigated much as to C.T., may I recommend you start with one of Jeff's first blog posts here:
This thread has got me wondering just how credulous most people really are. If the powers that be faked an alien invasion, would people believe it? What about the Second Coming? Would people believe that?
I've thought they were chipping away at standards of scienctific analysis and skepticism just to make the populace more manipulatable in general. But could they be setting us all up for something really major? And if they did, how would we prove it was a fake?
I mean sheesh, if people would believe the silly stuff they used to get us into Iraq, what won't they believe?
for Justic Inc.
have you seen this?
Thanks for the link DanDNA, it was intriguing, and I think that it forwards some of the points I've stated previously. Now that we know from whence it manifests, the work to internally destroy this insidious mind control must begin. Especially if we are to collectively progress and respect one another in the world community.
justice inc.
i just noticed you mention the 'hoffman lenses'
my band they live can be found at www.they-live.co.uk
Nice site Mr. Point, carry on the great work, hopefully you'll hip some of the youth massive out and about to what's really happening out here in the real.
Jeff, based on number of comments on this post, I deduct that the subject matter of the post is particularly relevant for RI readers.
salah satu cara yang efektif untuk menghilangkan kutil yang tumbuh di vagina adalah dengan obat herbal denture indonesia.Obat yang mamapu menghilangkan kutil sampai akar akarnya.Obat herbal denature penghilang kutil kelamin aman untuk organ kewanitaan karna obat herbal denature terbuat dari bahan herbal pilihan.
cara yang alami menyembuhkan penyakit wasir ambeien secara alami dengan menggunakan daun ungu serta mahkotadewa aman untuk ibu hamil tanpa operasi cukup dengan menggunakan obat wasir herbal ambeclear terbuat
MERDEKA!!!!!!! obat kadas insya Allah Allah berkhasiat dan manjur untuk kudis kudi kurap panu herpes .............. amin....
Berapa Harga untuk Obat Wasir Ambeien alami daun ungu Ambeclear – Ambeien adalah gangguan atau penyakit yang terjadi pada saluran pencernaan manusia
Bukan hanya pengobatan medis saja tapi ada juga pengobatan rumah alami yang dapat digunakan untuk menyingkirkan penyakit kutil kelamin ini. Intinya, karena kutil ini muncul di daerah yang sensitif, maka anda harus mencari pengobatan yang terbaik pada kulit Anda dan jika diperlukan juga dibantu dengan tenaga medis yang professional. Sebab dokter akan menjadi sumber informasi yang baik untuk mengobati penyakit ini.
penyakit yang ditularkan melalui hubungan seks : vaginal, oral dan anal. Juga dapat menular melalui persentuhan kulit dengan daerah yang terinfeksi.
Sebelum kita membahas tentang pengobatan ambeien, dalam kesempatan ini
saya ingin menjelaskan sekilas tentang ambeien, agar kita semua bisa
memahami benar apa itu penyakit ambeien
Bismillahhirrohmaanirrokhim.... ********************
manjur manjur manjur manjur manjur manjur manjur manjur manjur manjur manjur manjur manjur manjur manjur manjur manjur manjur manjur manjur manjur manjur manjur manjur manjur manjur manjur manjur manjur manjur manjur
obat sipilis raja singa obat sipilis raja singa manjur obat sipilis raja singa herbal obat sipilis raja singa alami obat sipilis raja singa mujarab obat sipilis raja singa herbal manjur
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