The Black Lodge, Part 1

"Now the veale is pluckt away" - Edward Kelly,
in John Dee's Liber Mysteriorum Quintus, 1583
"Where we're from, the birds sing a pretty song"
Now, here's an anniversary that shouldn't be allowed to pass without mention.
On this day in 1969, a Brazilian military policeman named Jose Antonio Da Silva, "of excellent personal character and reputation," was fishing on the banks of the Rio das Velhas, north of Belo Horizonte. Suddenly, about 3 p.m., he became aware of movement in the brush behind him, and saw a "burst of light" hit his legs. Da Silva quickly became numb, and dropped his fishing rod and fell to his knees.
In Dimensions, Jacques Vallee writes that Da Silva claims he was then "seized by two masked individuals about four feet tall, wearing dull aluminum suits, who took him to a machine that looked like an upright cylinder. Inside the craft the beings gave him a helmet similar to their own, tied him up, and took off."
During the flight - or at least, during the sensation of flight - the creatures "talked among themselves in an incomprehensible language with many R’s. At one point in the journey the craft seemed to turn on its side for a while."
After travelling for an "interminable" time, the machine landed and the creatures unfastened Da Silva. They bandaged his helmet, so he couldn't see where he was being taken, and he was forcibly dragged past the sound of many strange voices. He was placed in a backless seat and the bandage was removed.

Vallee writes that "Jose Antonio found himself in a large quandrangular room, thirty by forty feet, about fifteen feet away from a robust dwarf who stared at him 'with apparent satisfaction.' The dwarf was extremely hairy."
The following description of the strange figure comes from an investigation of the case recorded in the November/December, 1973 issue of The Flying Saucer Review:
His long tresses, reddish and wavy, fell down behind past his shoulders to his waist; his beard was long and thick and came down to his stomach. He had wide-set eyebrows, two fingers thick, running right across the whole forehead. His skin was light-colored, very pale. His eyes were round, larger than is the norm with us, and of a green shade like the color of green leaves beginning to wither.

Other similar beings entered Da Silva's field of vision, until about 15 filled the room. The three walls he could see had neither doors nor windows, appeared to be made of stone, and were adorned with frescos of animals, including a jaguar, monkey, giraffe and elephant, as well as paintings of vehicles and houses. "To his left," writes Vallee, "was a low shelf with the corpses of four men." At one point he was given "something to drink out of a cubical stone glass, and the cavity containing a dark green liquid was in the shape of an inverted pyramid," which restored his energy and seemed, somehow, to aid communication.
The principal dwarf began gesturing to Da Silva, in a manner which the soldier interpreted as a request that he be their guide in the human world. He gestured his refusal, and began to nervously finger his rosary.
According to the FSR report:
The leader stepped towards him and, displaying irritation for the first time, seized the crucifix and snatched it from him. One of the beads rolled onto the floor and was picked up by one of the little men, who showed it to the others. The crucifix was passed around in the same way, arousing curiosity in all of them.
Da Silva claims that at this time, he had a vision of a Christ-like figure, barefoot and wearing a dark robe, who revealed something to him of a coming disaster that would affect all humanity, which may be averted by the intervention of other beings. (Da Silva has refused to reveal any more details of the communication.) As the apparition vanished, "the irritated dwarves blindfolded him again, and he was transported back.... He woke up alone near the town of Vitoria in the state of Espirito Santo, 200 miles away from the spot where he had been fishing." He had been missing for five days.
Twelve days after his abduction, Da Silva was awakened by a sudden urge to go outside, where he saw three of the red-bearded creatures. Quickly, he re-entered his house and locked the door against them.
Since the weird account rests almost solely on Da Silva's words, perhaps we should ascribe it to a desperate attempt to cover some mundane "missing time." And indeed, this is the kind of case which "respectible" UFOlgists like to cull from the data, because it reads more like a visitation of fairies or trolls than by curious explorers from Zeta Reticuli in a nuts and bolts spaceship. (Did the "stone room" exist on an alien world, or an alien Earth?) And the religious element - the Christ figure - would discount the value of the episode to most "serious" observers.
But what if "UFOs" - which are unidentified, but which often are seen to not fly, as we understand flight, and which sometimes don't behave like material objects - what if "UFOs" are, on a certain level of meaning, another variety of religious experience? And a particular experience which is always capricious and often deceitful, which regularly violates witnesses' physical and psychic boundaries, and occassionally is manifested malevolently.
Jacquess Vallee notes how closely Jose Antonio Da Silva's experience mirrors an occult initiation ceremony:
1. The candidate is confronted by members of the occult group wearing a special costume.
2. He is blindfolded.
3. He is led by the arm through a rough and difficult route.
4. He is taken into a specially designed chamber with no windows and placed in such a way that he can only see part of it.
5. He is brought in to the presence of a "Master."
6. He is given a test and made to answer questions.
7. He is shown a variety of symbols designed to remind him of death.
8. The situation suggests that he may not survive the ordeal.
9. He is given ritual food or drink.
10. He is blindfolded again and led outside.
"All of these elements," Vallee writes, "are present in the case of Jose Antonio. To this we must add that everything in the room appeared to be made out of stone. The drinking cube with the inverted pyramid cavity is an exquisite last touch."
More later.
"Through the darkness of futures past, the magician longs to see.
One chants out between two worlds: 'Fire Walk With Me.'"

here's a page also that has some information about kabiri, shamanic voyages and homosexuality. whether or not the gay stuff is relevant, there is some other good connective information there
also check out dactyls (or daktyls). they are related to the cabiri and are said to be a race of small underworld men who are masters of metallurgy and magic.
For more input you might want to look into religious phenomena as experienced by Eastern orthodox monks. In the book linked below there are an abundance of interesting stories of visitations by saints, demons and even Christ himself. All of this taking place on a holy site named Mt.Athos.
Jeff- If you want, put it on your wish list and I will have a copy sent to you. It's certainly not occult literature but I think you wil find value in it.
wow Jeff. things must be warming up in that dank little basement. 'birds sing a pretty song'. indeed!
the whole account of Brazilian da Silva begs comprehension. even seemingly mundane points, like 'Rio das Velhas', 'north of Belo Horizonte'.
some of what Gordon Creighton had to say about things 'capricious and often deceitful' can be found at
as for the work of David Lynch and the fate Special Agent Cooper.
(I'm still pissed about that ending). talk about your hairpin bend. or was that the intention. where did Coop go wrong? was it when he stepped onto the 'grand chessboard'? black lodge/white lodge. good cop/bad cop. is that all there is?
just on the subject of hairpin bends and pyramids, inverse or otherwise, and other related matters, some might care to do a little google research on 'king unas'
meanwhile, can't wait for Part 2.
Jeff, you nailed me with a terrific synchronicity. This morning I was waiting for an elevator in my parking garage. I heard a loud "bzzzzzzt POP!" and looked up to see a light buzzing away in pure Lynchian style. So when I stopped by your blog and saw the picture of Cooper in the Lodge, I had to laugh. Kudos.
I was a huge fan of Twin Peak, so thanks for posting those amazing images. Although it deteriorated in the 2nd season, there were enough weird, Fortean tidbits to keep it interesting.
In particular, there was Major Briggs's abduction and his suggestion of intercepted alien message: "The owls are not what they seem." (Owls are frequent screen memories among abductees and are often said to be witches' familars.) Briggs and Windom Earle were also working with Project Blue Book.
Also, the drug dealing/sexual slavery ring, feuding occult lodges, transdimensional beings... it's hard to imagine all of that was wrapped up in a prime-time TV show. TP really paved the way for the kind of densely plotted, paranormal-themed shows that came after it (X-Files and Milennium, for starters).
Now if only they'd release season 2 on DVD...
Vallee is the foremost investigator of the occult connections to the UFO phenomenon and alien visitations. His Passport to Mogonia is a must read also, though Dimensions is by far my favorite.
It's also interesting to note that Vallee knows firsthand from whence he speaks. Of the similarities between occult initiation and some accounts of alien abductions, Vallee is on intimate terms. He is indeed an initiate of the O.T.O., and travelled in many esoteric circles during his tenure as the foremost fortean in modern times. The classic recounting, by RAW in Cosmic Trigger, of his participation at a 1974 Crowleymas can be read here.
Also of interest, a compilation of quotes demonstrating the similarity between 'avatars,' 'aliens,' 'space brothers,' and 'walk-ins' can be read here.
terry, is there anything else to indicate Vallee is an OTO initiate? That account of his attendance at a Crowleymass, written by Robert Anton Wilson (who is an initiate), was quoted by Internet researcher "Brother Blue." It's Blue who calls Vallee "Brother Jacques." Would Vallee's attendance alone require his initiation?
Jeff queries:
It's Blue who calls Vallee "Brother Jacques." Would Vallee's attendance alone require his initiation?
We're not saying it'simpossible,
but most unlikely.
Dudn't know you were a fan of Blue
Jeff said:
terry, is there anything else to indicate Vallee is an OTO initiate? That account of his attendance at a Crowleymass, written by Robert Anton Wilson (who is an initiate), was quoted by Internet researcher "Brother Blue." It's Blue who calls Vallee "Brother Jacques." Would Vallee's attendance alone require his initiation?
I've always taken it as a fact that Vallee was an initiate of OTO. Now that you've called me to task, I really can't remember what the origin is of that belief. I thought it was Wilson who had said it but I just looked through my copy of Cosmic Trigger Vol. 1 and there's no definitive statement to the effect that Vallee is an initiate in any occult organization. He was indeed there at the party along with witches, druids, discordians, the new reformed Golden Dawn ... but no mention of Vallee's exact affiliations to any org is stated. Hmmm.
Just doing some cursory searches here and I'm not finding anything to connect the OTO with Vallee, I tried another occult org instead: the rosicrucians.
From Publishers Weekly
Known principally as an investigator of the UFO phenomenon ( Dimensions ) and a science fiction novelist, the French-born Vallee (now a resident of the U.S.) has also worked as a computer scientist in both academia and industry. Ufologists will not find the answers to all of their questions here, for although Vallee believes that UFOs exist, he has no idea just what they are. Therein lies the excellence of his dazzling diary: it offers a glimpse into the mind of a scientist who seems to challenge every preconception and established piety. To his academic training as a mathematician and scientist, which stressed rational approaches to problems, Vallee has brought an interest in the mystical, the psychical, the paranormal. He has been a Rosicrucian and has studied the works of ancient scientists like Paracelsus. His diary is replete with profoundly insightful, often devastating observations about the strengths and weaknesses of France and the U.S., their academics and their researchers in industry. Photos.
Copyright 1992 Reed Business Information, Inc.
Thanks Terry; the Rosicrucian affiliation is interesting.
And Miz Untitled, funny you mention McKenna and True Hallucinations. They've come up in a thread today on the discussion board, which began with the topic of increased close encounters in China, and is now getting into hyperdimensional encounters on DBT, including McKenna's own. Here's the link.
That should be "DMT."
conspiracy anniversaries today, eh? Kent State too, in that someone ordered those students shot and killed and never ever had to be held accountable. But the killings 35 years ago today, and the follow up ones at Jackson State, sure took a toll on the protest movement over the long haul.
One of the several interesting characteristics of the various tryptamine molecules is the human brain's natural resistence to them. Narby's and Strassman's work on this trpytamine relationship, as well as Metzner's collection of anecdotes, reveals how the neuro-biology of the brain is capable of transcending nearly all constructual and contextual forms of consensual realities.
From today´s Associated Press note about Episode III:
"... The action is relentless and includes sequences more dark and disturbing than anything previously seen in the tragic Skywalker soap opera.
Young Jedi knight Anakin Skywalker (Hayden Christensen) completes his transformation into blackhearted villain Darth Vader with a bloodbath against old allies, the body count including a corridor of "youngling" corpses -- Jedi children cut down by his light saber..."
The killing of children by the dawning black Jedi is kind of familiar, maybe like ritual sacrifices, or maybe... prophetic about something?
.spyder says:
Kent State too, in that someone ordered those students shot and killed and never ever had to be held accountable. But the killings 35 years ago today, and the follow up ones at Jackson State, sure took a toll on the protest movement over the long haul.
one of the many tragedies of that
era: the deliberate murder(& woundings) of innocent students &
it was never investigated; the govenor of Ohio (Rhodes)
ran lead on the cover-up. The order to kill demonstrating students came out of the Nixon/Agnew Whitehouse.
Same for Jackson State.
...the neuro-biology of the brain is capable of transcending nearly all constructual and contextual forms of consensual realities.
Yeah, truly amazing.
re: Brother Blue:
Blue Resonant Human is a pioneer of the parapolitical realm from the heady days of USENET. He used lots of stylistic devices, and one of them was to refer to Ufologists as "brother," "brethren," etc. That's why he calls Valle "Brother" -- it's not an indication Vallee was a member of the OTO.
Brother Blue is an extraordinarily tuned-in person, and his writing are always amusing, sardonic, but most importantly, very comprehensive and insightful when it comes to the intersection of UFOs, politics, and the paranormal. We corresponded frequently in the 90s, but he suddenly shut down his website and disappeared from the Web in the latter part of that decade.
He still exists, but he rarely publishes anything. You can find his excellent site archived here:
I miss his presence online very much, and I'm sure he would be a regular visitor to RI.
professor pan says:
...Blue Resonant Human is a pioneer of the parapolitical realm from the heady days of USENET.
...his writing are always amusing, sardonic, but most importantly, very comprehensive and insightful when it comes to the intersection of UFOs, politics, and the paranormal.
Blue used to frequently complain about people hacking his site. The
reference always seemed to be to CIA hacks.
SAIC then bought the domain name brotherblue
A true classic . Missed his contributions enormously when he left.
thanks, professor for the url
Would Vallee's attendance alone require his initiation? ///
Nope...these are open events.
Man, this is great, we've covered some of my favorite stuff here today.
I once wrote a letter to the editor about how I thought Bush1 reminded of the Wizard..then last night, for the first time, I heard that Baum fashioned the Wizard after William McKinley!
Then to see that dwarf again, I recall taping little tidbits, and spooky parts, and the great soundtrack out of those two season's episodes, and then playing that just low enough you didn't hear it when it was noisy, but when it quieted down, man. Send shivers. I lived WAY out in the country then, remote area of N.California, and remember hoping the ABC signal would be strong enought to see the picture.
It was out where the local Native Americans said the "Bear fxxx the Antelope", so remote. After a particularly good episode, I still remember how much QUIETER it seemed outside.....
I have no idea what UFOs are, recall being very interested as a youth, reading that Blue Book Report, but??? Never seen a thing I couldn't identify, personally, although I've seen some strange stuff on video I can't ID.
To me, first thing I think of when I hear "occult" is folks trying to find their lost roots in Eygpt.
The Owl. The Rosicrucians (I used to pass by the Rosicrucian Museum on my way to work everyday in San Jose, Ca, never did go in. Only passed it for 9 years, probably always "too busy". The weird looking "gods" with the animal heads.... The Religion based on the "Stars" I don't know, whether it originated in Eygpt, or some older "Atlantis" type civilization (I am in favor of us suffering mass amnesia every Ice Age, that left us confused and lost, my two cents on the unexplained) but one thing for CERTAIN Jeff:
When I was reading that numbered list of common things, I had a bad feeling I was going to see anal probe, and I didn't want to go there!!!
Thanks Jeff, great stuff.
I'm playing catchup with a lot of this, but when someone mentions owls, I think of Bohemian Grove.
Anonymous, thank you for the wish list offer, but I'll gratefully decline, though it's an area of interest for me. I have too many books already, and want too many more. :)
On the name thing, as Jeff drew the parallels with Twin Peaks, I was stunned that I never knew enough about the occult conspiracy and ritual sexual abuse cabal to make the connections when I was watching Twin Peaks (in a 2-day videotape marathon).
As I continued to read this blog entry, I became greatly amused as the story wove around a man named da Silva.
Recalling the whole Duncan Cameron/Cameron Duncan Philadelphia Experiment temporal-convergence-of-names synchronicity thing from the Montauk Project books by Preston Nichols and Peter Moon, I was struck by the fact that David Lynch, in an act of synchronistic artistic spontaneity while filming an episode of Twin Peaks, chose his propmaster by the name of Frank Silva to play the mysterious and frightening antagonist character Bob. According to the aforelinked IMDB bio page for Silva:
ked with director David Lynch on several of his movies (Dune, Blue Velvet, Wild at Heart) as a prop master and set decorator. While Silva was working on fixing up the set for the character Laura Palmer's bedroom in the pilot episode for Twin Peaks, Lynch decided that Silva should be Bob after accidently filming him in a reflection in a mirror which this long-haired, prematurely gray man gave Lynch himself a jolt because of his sudden frightening appearance.
I think I've stopped believing in coincidences. :-)
The OTO is somewhat of a joke, maybe boogy-man scary if you approach them thinking that they possess astonishing secret knowledge. Their big boogha-boogha is sexual fluids are the key to immortality. Attend any OTO performance of their Masonically-based Gnostic Mass which is usually open to the public and, if you don't fall asleep, all you'll see are ritualized allusions to the sex act. Maybe if you're a sexually repressed christian you'll find this stuff mind-blowing and novel, but otherwise it is very tame. A break away off-shoot was founded by Kenneth Grant who mixes in Lovecraftian outer-space characters into his incomprensible "Typhonian OTO" books. Please.
Occult lodges in general are pretty banal and boring once you discover that the nerdy-pothead members all think they're Chandu the Magician or Dr. Strange. No one ever conjurs "spirits" into physical manifestation or alters the fabric of "reality".
It's all great fun if you like mysterious props, incense, and hooded robes to run around in while tracing pentagrams and hexagrams in the air like Harry Potter; not a bad place to meet chicks, either.
But, sorry to say, it's all just empty ritual, however spooky and dramatic it may sound to someone who has never encountered this mindset before.
For REAL magick, try psilocybin or DMT or Salvia Divinorum.
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