
And I know that you know that I know that you show
Something is tearing up your mind. - Bob Dylan
Determining the correct signal-to-noise ratio of history - especially suppressed history - is virtually impossible. While we're still living it, it is impossible. Still, even if the exact ratio eludes us, we need to be serious about the process of seperating signal from noise. The signature mass casuality events of our age carry a lot of noise - most of it background and incidental, but some of it intentional and malicious - and if we aren't smart about what we do with the noise, we risk losing the signal.
Initially and properly following a crime, everything should get swept up as potential evidence. But everything should not stay there: there must be, subsequently, a filtering process to assess evidentiary value. The value of the evidence cannot be judged by gross weight alone: we don't make a case by indiscriminately throwing everything we have. That doesn't get us a serious hearing. That just sets people ducking.
For a small for instance of background noise from 9/11, I suggest "Atta's passport." First of all, of course, it wasn't Atta's, but rather Satam Al Suqami's. But four years after the event, it's still frequently misidentified by too many people who should know better. (Ed Asner made the mistake last year in his videotaped greeting to the 9/11 International Inquiries. I know - it's Ed Asner - but it started my experience of the inquiry on a bum foot, and set a tone that invited unchallenged assumptions.)
The recovery of the passport soon after the attacks set off early alarms for many that things were not as they seemed. And if news of the passport's recovery got people thinking that something wasn't right, then good: everything was wrong. But anomalous events, such as drilling passenger jets at excess speed into office towers, are going to generate anomalous results - results that have nothing to do with the planning of the crime or its cover-up. I've heard the passport sarcastically described as "miraculously unscathed," which it wasn't, and as "fluttering down," which it didn't. It was propelled, along with Suqami's remains and much debris from the impact of Flight 11, onto the streets of Lower Manhattan. Only those few who assert there no patsy hijackers at all aboard the airplanes need the passport to have been planted. And if the necessity of a hypothesis makes too many demands of this sort upon evidence, then that's good indication that the hypothesis should probably be abandoned.
(Much more suspicious, yet overshadowed by the passport in popular thought, was the alleged finding of an Arabic flight manual in Atta's rental car left at Logan airport. The convenience was reminiscent of the early framing of the narrative regarding Lee Harvey Oswald, and anticipated the discovery of Korans in cars nearby the Madrid bombings.)
An example of intentional noise may be Delmart Vreeland. Without rehashing the story, I think Vreeland was an unwitting agent of disinformation who was meant to serve a dual purpose. First, preemptively strike "outrageous conspiracy theories" by poisoning the well with the early word of a con artist. For the first few months following the attacks Vreeland's warning was the story, but Vreeland, the ONI asset, was also a criminal and a liar. To believe him was to discredit yourself. It was Vreeland that David Corn latched onto in his hatchet job on Michael Ruppert that did so much early damage to the reputation of 9/11 skepticism. In retrospect, it almost looks like it was supposed to be that way. Second, for those who went all the way with Vreeland, who were the sponsors of the attacks according to his sources? Why, Russia and Iraq, of course. US authorities were "out of the loop." Imagine that.
It's still early days for London, so it's even harder to tell signal from noise. Remember the Kingstar van across from the bus blast? One of Kingstar's clients "is AMEC, which was not only involved in the renovation of the attacked wing of the Pentagon on Sep11th, but also in the controlled removal of the rubble in DC and at Ground Zero, New York." Twenty-six year old Anthony Fatayi-Williams was one of those killed on the #30 bus. Fatay-Williams was a Nigerian-born exective of AMEC, which is also a rival of Halliburton's in the reconstruction of Iraq.
Signal or noise? I don't know. There may be no there there, but until we know for certain, or as certain as we can know anything here, there's no harm poking around and asking questions, so long as we're prepared to discard the line of inquiry if it comes to nothing. We need to be humble enough to sometimes back up the way we came, saying "I wouldn't go down there if I were you" to people we pass on the way, rather than bash our heads stubbornly against dead ends, shouting "After me!" There is, after all, a synchronicity to ordinary events, so we should admit that it is present in extraordinary events as well.
Now, the simultaneous wargames and simulations, on both 9/11 and 7/7 - this, so to speak, is a there, if there ever was one.
Jeff-- your overall point is well taken. However I think you reject the idea that Suqami's passport was planted much too easily. Finding that passport (which got to the street how?) was almost miraculous. It is far from clear how much other debris was launched onto the street, yet the passport gets down there? There are other odd things about Satam al-Suqami, such as he was the hijacker who supposedly shot Daniel Lewin with a gun. This story was later denied. I think authorities WERE tring to frame Suqami as being on that flight, for some reason. Also, I think Atta's passport was mentioned as being found in one early article, hence the confusion.
I also need to point out that it is far from clear that the "real" flights 11 and 175 hit the towers on 9/11. That is the simplest explanation yes, but it doesn't make it true.
I think one hallmark of these covert operations is strange inexplicable evidence that HAS been planted to basically fuck up people trying to understand what happened. Such as many of the strange and improbable phone calls from the hijacked flights on 9/11. This sort of strange evidence may be POSSIBLE but it strains credulity, thus driving us crazy. The fact that these false leads have been planted should be a tip-off that the operation in question is a classic covert op, even if the leads may be dead-ends themselves. Remember, the authorities were trying to frame classic patsies on 9/11-- the hijackers. Moreover, someone actually had to do the work that the patises were supposed to do. That is where the plane swap comes in.
Part of the noise problem is that it doesn't seem to originate from one source, particularly for what happened on 9/11.
Some of your readers may find this list of parapolitics/War Of Terror readings useful, if they haven't come across it elsewhere(Jeff, I sent you an earlier version)
I don't know...I think Spooked is right. There was an IMMENSE amount of debris down there. I'd never heard, in the original reports, that his remains were with the passport. I guess that makes his body pretty miraculous too if it made it through impact, explosion and fall in identifiable condition.
To be honest, I thought it was Atta's passport. Here's the UK guardian:
In less than a week came another find, two blocks away from the twin towers, in the shape of Atta's passport. We had all seen the blizzard of paper rain down from the towers, but the idea that Atta's passport had escaped from that inferno unsinged would have tested the credulity of the staunchest supporter of the FBI's crackdown on terrorism. (,11209,669961,00.html)
Wikipedia says "many news outlets" reported that it was Atta's passport so let's not be too hard on those who made this mistake.
An AP article I read gets it "right" but says the discovery was made "minutes" after the wreck. Doesn't that seem a little too lucky? Another article says it was days after...any definitive article on this?
Jeff, first, Abishe Moyo, interviewed by BBC. he's the guy who, among other things, said he saw wires under the 'bombers' shirt, but I also think he fluffed his lines a couple of times. signal:noise?
and second, just over a 1000 years ago the cry went up 'lord, deliver us from the nor-men.' the 'treaty of st.clare-sur-epte' was signed in 911 a.d.. or so the story goes. even if it's hi-tech, it's still just good ol' fashioned raping and pillaging. or as one wit etched in stone,'howl with the lupus boys, that pays.'
I beleive it was the passport being recovered in conjunction with the black boxes being damaged beyond repair that got me.
p-Sue wrote:
"I'm hoping the "war on terror" wont become BUSINESS as usual".
Check this article:
"Forget the Hand Basket, We’re in a Cute Little Tote Bag Now", (quote): "...they’ve decided to call it 'global struggle against violent extremism'..."
Has it even been ascertained yet whether or not Peter Power's security drill was a purely table-top exercise?
I have a strong feeling that this whole story may well be noise rather than signal.
Abishe Moyo?
The article I read identified him as "Anthony Larkin"
See here:
In line with "hearing" the signal through the noise....we learned the same lesson when we learned meditation.
It is taught that one can read material or listen to material, then go reflect or meditate on it. Meditation allows you to hear the message through the noise or pierce the veils to find the source / truth.
good reminder article, jeff.
In your signal to noise ratio,
it's important to recognize that one: it's not news, it's infotainment; two, the signals & the noise both become conflated
as a matter of course: i.e., where's the lead in, what's the sound-bite. Then it's important to factor in sloppy reporting of the facts; in emergency situations, such as 911,
much of theactual reporting can be misidentifications, or reports in a state of shock. (Read News from Nowhere by Epstein; even though it's out of date it does a fantastic job of describing just how the networks decide what is newsworthy). Next come the false implants. Those can be laid out, as in the case of the supposed Atta passport even within the news organization itself. OK. Then, pump whatever 24/7. Years after the fact, folks will be repeating the falsity simply because it's been buried (psychic driving) in their subconscious & have no clue that they're repeating only what they've heard, not what's actually true. This is one area where one can cleary see the powerful effects of propaganda. Now add to the mix psywar & mindwars.
The problems of discerning what's real magnify exponentially.
re: Abishe Moyo, and others.
or google bbc man shot dead by police on tube
Witness Dan Copeland says shot man grabbed a passenger
Eyewitnesses Commuters Stories and mobile phone video
'I came face to face with bomb suspect' -Abishe Moyo.
apologies if that's the long way round.
Satam al-Suqami - we got his name on the passenger manifest, right? And films of him - from security cameras - entering the airport, walking onto the plane, right? No? We don't? Oh...I see.
Well, let's go on.
Any other passengers' passports found? Paper documents of any kind? If so, please display, side by side with al-Suqami's. Then calculate the number of passengers against paper records found and estimate odds of it being the bad A-rab's passport that gets found.
Take the plane's inoperative black boxes (wait, I'm forgetting, were they 'broken' or 'lost'?), display next to miracle passport, and next to the shuttle black box recovered operational after crash from orbit...roll around on tongue.
Signals...must concentrate on 'signals'...
How about "Israel received advanced warning on 7/7" cross referenced against "what's up with Odigo having advance warning on 9/11, cross-reference against the five busted Mossad Agents that Chertoff spirited back to Israel shortly after the owner of their sham employer inexplicably fled to the same country?"
If it was "Iraqi instant messaging firm had advanced notice" or "Iranian embassy received warning on 7/7", I imagine things might be handled a bit differently.
The Blog's name is "Rigorous"
Jeff, I am a great believer in synchronicity as opposed to coincidence. Yes, I agree that there would have to be synchronicities in great events as well. Many of us see those synchronicities, but most of us are powerless to do anything about it. I have been writing to mainstream media, for a couple of years, asking them to tell us the real news. Other than them finally getting a little excited about Rove, I still don't see much integrity in the media.
That's not a very long citation for Abishe Moyo. Was it supposed to be a video? Anthony Larkin and Moyo are now Plant Suspects #1 and #1A, IMO. Larkin's description was way more detailed, and hence way more deceitful, as far as I can tell.
Beware of over attention to details while losing sight of the big picture.
In the thick part of the forest one may lose sight of the forest due to the proximity of the immediate trees.
Revelation chap 17 & 18 provides a description of the arial view of the forest. Babylon's situation will become desperate, because you see, her sins have reached to heaven. (Sins, reaching to a higher plane? Imagine that.)
Therefore, a conspiracy of 10 kings who 'have one mind' and 'who have recieved no kingdom as yet' will hate the whore. They will render her destitute and naked, eat her flesh, and burn her with fire. Presumably in that order.
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to paraphrase amonymous 7:55 PM
"How about "Israel received advanced warning on 7/7" cross referenced against "what's up with Odigo having advance warning on 9/11, cross-reference against the five busted Mossad Agents that Chertoff spirited back to Israel shortly after the owner of their sham employer inexplicably fled to the same country?"
the same insipid "noise" continues...
Iraqi instant messaging firm had advanced notice" or "Iranian embassy received warning on 7/7",
and ends with
The Blog's name is "Rigorous"
(nearly gets it right)
So That explains in then. 9-11 was done by Israelis/jews/zionists whatever. Not forgetting that they received the message from the British Government 6 minutes before the first bomb went off in London. Tell me about noise jeff.
And by extropolating my few remaining neurons by cross referencing all the worlds in the word because maybe i am suggesting that possibly sometimes, maybe, to paraphrase spooked first comment
"evidence that HAS been planted to basically fuck up people trying to understand what happened"
that could be said that sometimes this is information relates to Israelis/jews/zionists whatever.
Look what happened to Russel Crowe in "a beautiful mind" I guess what I´m saying is, don´t get lost in the details...or start writing on windows.
8:47 PM
A passport somehow surviving the carnage of 9/11 does not seem that extraordinary and incredible by itself to me. It is how that piece of potential circumstantial evidence weighs in with all the other evidence, plus presumed motives, plus the analysis of just who gains and loses in the horrific tregady that must be considered in separating signal from noise, and determining which is which. I also find one commenter's remark about the phrase "global struggle against extremism" interesting as I just watched Jon Stewart's Daily Show a scant few minutes ago where one of the subjects in the faux news was Rumsfeld's replacement of "global war on terror" with "global struggle against extremism." Is this the beginning of a new propaganda trend?
I agree with Anonymous 7:55 pm -- the contrast couldn't be greater between the way dubious "clues" were straightfacedly reported as evidence while much more legitimate lines of inquiry (such as the "put options", the recoverable computer hard drives, the bizarre and unprecedented vertical collapse of the three buildings), were not followed up.
Also, it's not only that Suqami's "scorched" passport was found by a nameless "passerby" who picked it up and gave it to the authorities, but that such an incredible anomaly was calmly accepted -- even at the Senate Inquiry -- as fact, with no effort to address the obvious questions.
For example, in view of how very shaky that "evidence" is, is there any other evidence, hopefully that does not scream "PLANT!!!", that implicates Suqami in the hijacking? Or even in the plane? By the way, who was this "passerby"? Was any background check carried out on him or her?
Atta's luggage, with its rambling confessions and prayers, etc., was supposedly checked in at the Portland Airport. Shouldn't it have been automatically transferred onto the plane in Boston headed for New York? Instead, there it was, a veritable goldmine of information.
Speaking of Atta, no official bells rang when this martyr for Islam, this religious fanatic who refused to shake a female professor's hand, goes to America on a martyrdom quest for paradise, meanwhile living with his stripper girlfriend, drinking alcohol heavily (not forgetting to bring his Koran to a bar, but forgetting the Koran on a bar stool when he leaves, after starting a bizarre fight where he loudly announces his name and that he's a pilot...)
This brings to mind another Islamic fanatic, Abu Musab al Zarqawi, who in the Nick
Berg beheading tape, wears a flashy gold ring -- for those who have no idea, both alcohol and gold jewelry for men are STRICTLY forbidden in Islam -- in fact, you can go to hell for being in the company of those who are drinking alcohol; if I were even a moderately religious Muslim, I would make sure I wasn't planning to die anytime soon after bringing a Koran into a bar (!!!) -- but hey, the psy-ops people can't be expected to know EVERYTHING, can they? Besides, these fairy tales are intended for Western consumption, anyway.
The word "incredible" comes up a lot, in fact, the whole thing is so incredible that upon even the slightest effort to understand, you'd have to make a dogmatic decision to believe whatever the government wants you to believe, no matter what, to be able to take it seriously.
We still don't know who ordered the destruction of the crime scene, who authorized the rapid transfer and sale of the steel to Asia. Did "al-Qaeda" do that, too? How did all those "Arab hijackers" manage to board the airplanes without appearing on the passenger manifests? Why were the manifests declared "classified" after they were briefly released without ANY Arab names, let alone the names of the hijackers?
Jeff, don't dismiss that passport thing. The holes in the official Conspiracy Fairy Tale not only shed SOME light into what might have really happened, but are also clues to the boundless comtempt in which we, the cannon fodder, proles, sheeple, lobsters, whatever, are held by those who wrote this piece of sh*t.
It's a telling fact that Paul Thompson's "Timeline", and the website "What Really Happened" have done a more thorough job than any government investigation in providing real information about the September 11 attacks.
"The policeman said 'mind that hole, that's where the bomb was'. The metal was pushed upwards as if the bomb was underneath the train. They seem to think the bomb was left in a bag, but I don't remember anybody being where the bomb was, or any bag," he said.
Reflecting on the ordeal, he said: "Out of that whole carriage, I think Crystal and I were the only ones who were not seriously injured, and I think we were nearest the bomb."
Miraculous survivor stories usually get wide coverage in the msm. Not this one...for some odd reason.
By the way, plectic, I didn't quite get the logic of your last post. Are you saying that any evidence that implicates Israel in 9-11 is "noise" by the sole virtue of the fact that it...implicates Israel?
If you have a thoughtful response to what Anonymous 7:55 said, one that actually provides an informed refutation, I for one would love to read it. As for that tired knee-jerk response, it seems a bit out of place in this high-IQ forum...
Hi Alice. Of course I was playing devil´s advocate. My implied message was the interpolation between disparate pieces of evidence (odigo/israeili spies/7.7.warning) using israel as the common thread is simplistic and proves nothing. A better question would be who sent the message to odigo,and regarding london 7/7 ditto.
Besides, A massive amount of valid evidence exists to show that elements of the official story (itself a conspiracy theory because it is not verifiable), are false.
(can´t see the woods for the trees)
One of the reasons i like you more than many other conspiracy themed sites is that you do occasionally write a column where you consider the other possibility, that the simple explanation might be right. Thank you for this contribution.
I have wondered about the passport before, considered it one of the most most obvious evidences of conspiracy and this makes me think through the new information about 9/11.
You caught me out; i'd fallen into thinking of it as Atta's pristine passport, too. You properly correct that.
But Frank Lloyd Wright said that "The Truth is more important than the facts", which may seem silly, but it applies here.
With the passport the believed facts are wrong, but the Truth is that [a] it was a suspiciously easy find, which implies it could be a plant, and [b] for this story to be true, a paper and plastic passport would have to have survived the explosion of the aircraft AT THE SAME time as we were being told the "crash-proof" black box flight recorder was totally destroyed. For either of those things to happen would not be greatly suggestive of too much. For BOTH to happen is impossible.
Thus, much like with the Single Bullet theory (not to mention the reconstructions of Oswald's movements in the Book Depository before and after the killing) the passport establishes the impossibility of the official story (beyond reasonable doubt, anyway), much as Oswald's statements to the Dallas Police establish that he was innocent, even if they don't tell us who did kill Kennedy.
But anyway, this reminded me that in your own "10 things about 9/11 we found out in 2004" (i think), you mentioned that the black box HAD been found but the discovery hushed up.
We'd all love to know what was on it, of course, but just knowing that both it and the passport survived implies that if there was a fire in the building, it could not have been nearly as intense as we've been led to believe. A growing body of evidence can be found on implying this was the case.
Certainly, that rules out building collapse by truss failure, so would appear to support demolition as the reason the WTC fell. I wish i could draw more useful inferences. Maybe you or a helpful poster could draw a more insightful conclusion :?
Also, can i ask, Jeff - i thought the passport was only described as having been picked up by a passerby and later turned in to the police. How (or from who) did you find that it was found with his remains? That's a more detailed version of this story i've never heard before.
A: "I didn't quite get the logic of your last post. Are you saying that any evidence that implicates Israel in 9-11 is "noise" by the sole virtue of the fact that it...implicates Israel?"
P:"I was playing devil´s advocate."
P: "the same insipid "noise" continues..."
"9-11 was done by Israelis/jews/zionists whatever."
Note: when playing "devil's advocate", remember to repeatedly use demeaning and dismissive language and deliver it with a convincingly world-weary (but utterly false) snotty tone.
"A better question would be who sent the message to odigo,and regarding london 7/7 ditto."
Possible answers include 'their Neocon Zionist co-conspirators on this side of the big ditch - you know, the guys they do their ops with.'
Or 'crafty bad A-rabs' (operating from caves in Afghanistan).
Another choice would be 'Bad WASPS who only PRETEND to like and employ Zionists at high levels, but are really just setting them up.'
WASPS who send Billions of taxpayer dollars to Israel per year as part of the credibility-building part of the ruse.
What's best about the 'I was only kidding' response is the glaring ommission/avoidance of the "Weehawken Five", the most damning pile of evidence of them all.
And remember, the thesis being supported is 'it was all planted to mislead you.'
So, Odigo warning, planted, 7/7 warning, um, planted(?). Got it.
With Weehawken, what we need is a rebuttal showing the planting of the mainstream U.S. and Israeli media documentation of Mossad spooks, crying Israeli spook moms, the fleeing to Israel of the spook front company owner...
And, no, Bad Israeli's didn't swing over here on their diabolical own and execute this op under the surprised noses of the Powers That Be on this side of the ditch.
I don't care WHAT country the perps are from. Some have Maryland addresses. Some have Jerusalem addresses. The patsies we've been presented with who have A-RAB addresses also have magic passports and stripper girlfriends and gold rings and leave Korans on beer-soaked bar tops...
The damning stuff goes down the memory hole. The plants (like the magic passport, the 'How to Fly Passenger Jets - Arab Edition' on car seat) live forever in the 9/11 Commission report.
What do Israeli movers (caught in a van reeking of explosives) who are busted celebrating the dropping twin towers on 9/11 (who are then quickly deported) have to do with these OTHER Israeli movers (caught in a van reeking of explosives) who are busted trying to enter a U.S. naval base (who are then quickly deported)...
And what do THOSE two groups have to do with these OTHER Israeli movers (ALSO caught in a van reeking of explosives) who were busted trying to enter a DIFFERENT naval base (who are then quickly deported)?
Movers Who Prompt Kings Bay Lockdown To Be Deported
POSTED: 1:44 pm EDT May 25, 2004
ST. MARYS, Ga. -- Two Israeli men working for a moving-and-storage company who attempted to enter Kings Bay Submarine Base Friday are being held for deportation.
The two entered the Franklin gate about 10:30 a.m. Friday to pick up some items in base housing, base spokesman Ed Buczek said.
Neither was able to present valid work permits to security personnel, and one had an expired passport. Base personnel and bomb-sniffing dogs inspected the van, prompting a lockdown of the base.
St. Marys police closed access to an area one-half mile surrounding the base and called in a bomb squad, Buczek said.
"The military dogs were alerted to a scent in the cab of the truck," Buczek said. "Guards closed access to the base and notified the Georgia Bureau of Investigation, the Federal Bureau of Investigation and the Naval Criminal Investigative Service."
Jerusalem Post; 5/15/2002; MELISSA RADLER
"The Israelis’ saga began on May 8 when they were pulled over in Oak Harbor, Washington, and a trace amount of TNT and the plastic explosive RDX was apparently found on the gear shift and steering wheel of their vehicle and on one of the Israeli’s clothes, Fox News reported yesterday.
According to an FBI spokesman in Seattle, Ray Lauer, local police who pulled the Israelis over for speeding became suspicious after one of the men was found to be in possession of an altered passport, and the other was unable to produce any identification other than an Israeli driver’s license.
Suspicions were heightened since the Israelis were close to Whidbey Island Naval Station, and the driver insisted they were moving furniture - a claim that did not seem to mesh with the late hour.
Military personnel who were called in from Whidbey Island to conduct tests on the vehicle dispatched sniffer dogs and ionizers that indicated the presence of explosives in the car. The men denied any connection to explosive material and were hauled off to INS custody for violating immigration laws."
Kerik was also authority, when handed over a passport from one of the Sep11th planes, first located by FBI agent Barry Mawn, coincidentally best friend of O' Neill.
On September 16th, Kerik declared the passport as belonging "to one of the hijackers" but already "discovered a few days ago".
GlobalFreePress- Dep. INN - NewsOfficially, according to ABC, it was found in front of WTC 7 and belonged to Sataam Al-Suqami.
The passport is just one of many smoking guns that resulted from close investigation of 9/11. There's too many to even enumerate here.
My favorite, though, was the very transparent behavior of the left gatekeepers. The Nation buying the official line from the Bush Administration? David Corn popping up on various forums to trash all and any who just might be questioning that official line?
Noam Chomsky refused to even discuss the notion of a set-up. Well, how COULD he discuss it, knowing that he could not debunk the obvious evidence. Mr. Corn chose to crown investigators with tin-foil hats, but turned tail and ran when challenged to a point-by-point debate. The dog didn't bark, and the silence is deafening.
The Kingstar van photographed next to the bombed bus is quite something. It's amazing what they can get away with, but it just goes to show how locked down things really are.
I'm ready for the Million Conspiracy Theorist March. I know there's million or so, but the drones have been made to think there's 17 of us.
It's time to change that perception.
A picture of the original Vreeland letter, handwritten in Russian, was shown at:
The English notation under it says:
"Figure 3: Text of a message from Uday Hussein to President Putin dated 9th June 2000 in which Hussein wrote that 'the initial strike or attack will be started at the World Trade Center on 9-11-2001 by our brothers in faith.'
"This message was found by a US Office of Naval Intelligence operative assigned as a courier after performing certain operations in Moscow, in a diplomatic bag which he opened, thus committing treason against the United States. He informed the Canadian authorities about the 'smoking gun' message in August 2001."
The original text looked quite a bit longer than the brief passage
translated, so I asked a Russian acquaintance to take a look and fill in the blanks. Here's the scoop, in his words:
[Begin quote]
Quality is poor and seems like text has been automatically translated into Russian from other language. Some words I could not descramble I put into []. My comments are in {}. Few places make little sense which was lost during translation into Russian.
Quick radiation from an explosion is [not] to be discussed in greater
detail; nevertherless, neutrons and rays of gamma {'gamma rays' would be more correct phrase in Russian} will emit lethal dose from 4 to 7 miles [flat?].
Something {'anything' or 'anybody' would be more correct Russian word to use here} which lives in this area will be dead in that way or another from an initial explosion.
Initial strike {'strike' as it would be a sabotage of work, 'strike' could be translated into Russian as 'udar' ='hit' or 'zabastovka'='work strike,'
but here it is used as 'zabastovka' and I guess this is already automated translation into Russian} or attack (hit), if you were, will begin at the Center of International Trade 9-11-2001 by our brothers in cause {'faith' would be 'vera' but here it is used 'prichina' which means 'a cause'}.
Three Mile island and Pentagon are also targets which we will not miss in initial terrorist stage of attack, which I could be adding. [Will throw off] Americans and will leave them [clueless] about initial strike after vacation. IF everything goes as has been planned, attack will work afterwards.
Americans without a doubt will think that Osama is guilty. Beginning of War with his group, there stands Russian Empire in order to [deliver] first fruits of war and sums of money promised by the Americans to help them since
they always did it in the past. It is only a matter of time when Americans will offer Moscow something to deliver that [support][ ..] when You are on their side and [China] to go to WTO. At some point Osama [..?] his nuclear
weapons bought from Russia, we will deny this and will state that they were stolen.
Finally, with Canadian diplomat and Wildcard American Intelligence Officer [Vriland Dalman Pupa] and [Vest.. Mara] will deal with in a way appropriate for them, our state official guarantees that [Bastian?..] will die of a natural cause.
Leutenant Vriland will become a wanted criminal and his navy records will disappear, and so will happen with others that we won't name.
The last: if Bush wins the elections we will use [..?] of old Partner in order to kill him after vacation only when things will start to seem to be returning to normal.
I will send large amount of details in time until we will meet (fulfill) again to be strong my [..?]. Future of America is going to be ours.
Only a messenger, Kuday H.
[End of translation; my own comments follow.]
This would explain why Bush was so eager to attack Iraq and have Uday dispatched - Uday and an "old partner" (whose?) were planning to kill him! But if Bush knew about this letter - and it would be remiss of Intelligence if he did not - why didn't he cool off toward Putin?
This text suggests that Bush himself was not behind the 911 attacks, but other Americans were, who want him out of the way - and that Osama and/or the Russians still have a nuke up their sleeve.
During the heat of the Vreeland controversy, I don't recall anyone mentioning the full contents of this letter, which are posted on the Internet for all to read. It wouldn't be *that* hard for any curious person to find a Russian to translate it - Pravda and the Moscow Times both have forums.
I thought it odd that Uday would have used a computer rather than a human translator, but perhaps that was an effort to ensure secrecy at his end. It also seems odd that he would have copied down the Russian text by hand instead of printing out the computer translation.
Vreeland was on the loose for a couple of years, but is now back in U.S. custody. There's little doubt that he gave this letter to a Canadian prison staff person before 911. The doubt is around who actually wrote the letter and whether it was referring to the 911 attacks. There were also doubts that Vreeland is who he claims to be. The CIA denies knowledge of him, but when Michael Ruppert phoned their D.C. office, he had a phone listing there! Apparently their old listings had been dumped back into the system after a crash.
The next step of research would be to find out whether the quirky passages that didn't come out right in Russian are indeed the results you'd get from a Babelfish translation from Uday's language (presumably some form of Arabic, but 21 languages are spoken in Iraq).
Though I can't put my finger on it, something about this scenario doesn't ring true.
Alright, here's the the most likely scenario for what really happened on 9/11: Everyone knows the Air Force was conducting war games that day involving "hijacked airliners" and false radar injects.
This was of course the "cover" for the 9/11 operation and would help facilitate it. When the four real flights took off, four drones took off as well, mirroring their flight path from a higher altitude. One was a remotely-controlled Boeing tanker aircraft and the other three were smaller, the size of fighter. At some point, NORAD called each real airliner's crew on the radio and told them of a "terrorist attack" at some airports, that they didn't know which airports were safe, telling them to shut off their transponders and to fly out over the Atlantic and loiter in racetrack patterns until they could be notified as to which airports were safe to land at. So they did and from this point what are always called the "flight paths of the airliners" were really the flight paths of the drones being directed by an E-3A Sentry AWACS. Meanwhile, fighter aircraft over the Atlantic participating in the war game Vigilent Guardian were told the (real) airliners approaching were part of the exercise, telling them they were really "drones" playing the part of "hijacked airliners", declaring them "hostile" and ordering them to be shot down. To this day (if the fighter pilots are still alive which I doubt) they probably think they were doing "target practice" on 9/11 thanks to higher-ups "dropping the ball". Meanwhile, one drone hits the North Tower, minutes later the tanker drone hits the South Tower (hence the gigantic Hollywood fireball) and late rthe third drone hits the Pentagon. The fourth was intended for either the White House or Capitol Building but was considered unneccessary at that point since all three others were successful, so a fighter pilot form the North Dakota ANG was ordered to shoot it down and to this day (if he's still alive) he probably thinks he shot down a plane full of people to prevent an even larger catastrophe.
Later, after both drones had hit the WTC both towers were "collapsed" in a controlled demolition, the thermite explosive cutting charges having been in place probably since the aftermath of the bombing in the 1990s involving a van and the WTC (remember that?). Certainly no insurance company would want to insure any buildings in the surrounding area unless there was a "fail-safe" self-destruct mechanism to safely bring down both towers without the danger of them toppling over into another building in the event of another attack or an earthquake etc. So the demolition charges were probably in place years in advance.
The "command center" in the hardened concrete bunker on floor 23 of the WTC # 7 building nearby was probably the location where the explosives were detonated. Then later in the day, "mysteriously" WTC # 7 "collapsed" in exactly the same manner, destroying any incriminating evidence of them being set off there.
Some other key points that cannot mean anything BUT an inside job:
1.Bush stayed in that elementary school being read to by schoolchildren, then milled around, then carried out his pre-scheduled press conference on the "No Child Left Behind" act, not leaving that school until an HOUR after Andy Card told him that a second plane hit. If it was a genuine terrorist attack, they would have had to assume Bush might be a target and he would have been immediately whisked away by Secret Service to a safer location. But he wasn't; that can only mean he knew he wasn't a target, and the only way to know that is if he was privy to the "terrorists"' plan.
2.Bush refused to testify before the full 9/11 whitewash commission, instead insisting Cheney and his weasel attorney Gonzales be present, behind closed doors, with no tape recording and no notes taken.
3.The very fact that the Air Force had war games involving "hijacked airliners" and false radar injects scheduled for 9/11 in itself is damning evidence, as the odds of that being a coincidence are about one in a googolplex.
4.The fact that the "airliner" that hit the Pentagon circled around to hit it in the part under renovation that had few military personnel in it and was the farthest part of the building from the part with Rumsfeld and the top brass says a lot. Why was that particular part of the Pentagon (where it hit) just before 9/11 reinforced so that a fire there wouldn't spread to other parts of the Pentagon?
5.The fact that all New York firefighters who survived 9/11 are under a gag order to not talk about that day, what they saw and heard. That the firefighters' radio communications' tapes from 9/11 are still classified. That the FAA air traffic controllers are under a similar gag order (so they can't tell of the NORAD call to the real planes and the flight of the drones).
6.That the "collapses" of the WTC twin towers and the WTC # 7 building were not possible in the manner in which they happened unless it was a controlled demolition. Watch the video footage. Each tower comes down at the rate an object freefalls (through air unopposed), taking about ten seconds to fully "collapse". This is not possible unless all FORTY-SEVEN core support columns were simultaneously disintegrated (by cutting charges). The laws of physics were not suspended on 9/11.
7.The fact that "airliners" could be allowed to deviate from their flight plan, fly all the way back to their target areas and hit the WTC twice and the Pentagon, taking over an hour for these three to hit their targets, all with no interference from the world's most expensive air force in the most well-defended airspace in the country, simply beggars the imagination and strains credulity far past the breaking point. No argument can explain this away. Their "war game exercises" on 9/11 only make it more obvious, as they would be at an even HIGHER state of readiness. No phony argument of "our air defenses were all pointing out, not in" makes no sense and is childishly oversimplistic; belly buttons are either pointing out or pointing in, we are talking about the most well-defended and well-monitored airspace in the world's most sophisticated air defense network.
8.The week before 9/11 saw record numbers of "put" orders placed on United Airlines and American Airlines stock. A "put" order is basically betting that a stock is going to drop in value. This is obvious foreknowledge and unravelling it would go a long way toward assessing "who knew in advance" and "who the guilty parties are". Funny, but the Securities and Exchanges Commission refuses to touch the issue.
As they anticipated you all are needlessly mired in the minutae of 911 -- just like JFK. Learn from the past or you will be doomed to repeat it.
Alex Jones (and other conspiracy psy op distractors like him) and Michael Moore are shills for the ZIONISTS.
They mix in crumbs of truth and enough fantasy relating to the how, what, where, and when in an attempt to FALSELY create CREDIBILITY for themselves.
However, they ALWAYS intentionally mislead and disinform on the WHO and WHY. Hope you enjoy being lost in the rabbit hole and masturbating your mind thinking you are onto something.
The WHOS are the only important issue relating to 911 and its that elephant in the corner stupid -- called ZIONISM.
Who owns & operates the media -- that is why these SPY stories involving ISRAEL are buried or never pursued. Anytime Michael Moore is involved you should be aware that ZION spinning is going on. They thrive on controlling ALL sides of an issue.
1. What do the following have in common: Clinton, Condit, Mc Greevy and 4 star general Byrnes ???
2. What do the following have in common: Lewinsky, Levy, and Cippel ???
the answer to #1 is: They were all duped into a MOSSAD honey trap.
the answer to #2 is: They are all MOSSAD agents and all happen to be self identified practicers of judaism. Only 1.9% of the US population identifies themselves as practicing judasim. This is beyond coincidence. What about all the school shooters ??? Thank goodness they removed this COMPROMISED 4 star general from his post. There are still some patriots left in the FBI, CIA, and DIA that have not been deluded / fooled by the ZION lies.
DONT LET THE ZION MEDIA SHILLS / WHORES distract from the reality that the MOSSAD has been trying to deceive our nation into fighting israels enemies for some time — including their complicity in 911. PURGE THE ZION TRAITORS including the scumbags FRANKLIN, ROSEN, and WEISSMAN.
Don’t believe the ZION lies about BUSH. They are attempting to take down another president.
FYI — another ZION shill was arrested yesterday before he could flee to the criminal haven called ISRAEL — Abramoff. Looking forward to the next shill indictment of SAYANIM NOVAK.
ZIONISTS are ANTI 1st amendment and ANTI 2nd amendment and they are also ANTI AMERICAN.
The #1 terrorist / spy organization in the USA continues to operate openly in Washington DC — its called AIPAC.
Imagine this: In the middle of our 'war on terror,' a foreign government (Israel) has spies who have infiltrated the highest levels of the Department of Defense.
Larry Franklin, Rosen, Weissman and the AXIS of ADL, AIPAC, and ISRAELI TRAITORS / ESPIONAGE — all indicted.
ZIONIST Douglas Feith (the architect of the IRAQ war and the boss of indicted spy Larry Franklin) resigned August 9th, 2005 and has fled the country. This story was also buried.
The sudden use of “HOMELAND” instead of “our country” or “our nation” – is word warfare. Why are we not talking about protecting our country or our nation? I’ll tell you why. We are no longer to think of the USA as a sovereign nation – we are to think of ourselves as having a “homeland” in the ZIONIST government. Ironically, "HOMELAND SECURITY" is run by a dual US-ISRAELI citizen named Michael Chertoff.
Those who think this is going to far – have no idea of the heartless, ruthless psycho-warfare propagandists we should be fighting.
Remove these dual citizens from critical posts in the USA government IMMEDIATELY -- such as Michael Chertoff. NO MORE dual loyalties. This is a war -- not pattie cakes with your playground chums.
"No one censors speech they agree with."
What a wonderful invention it is, this thing we call the Internet!
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