Crazy, yes. But crazy enough to be true?
Call it Poppy's First Law of Incumbancy: a Bush in the White House means truth is stranger than science fiction. "imagine if my name had been Mungo," the President teased a Scottish farmboy the other day. Sure; why not? No more will I dash my imagination upon the rocks of his strange truth. So Mungo the Merciless it is.
The "Gannon" scandal is proving one helluva shape-shifter. GOP shill? - whoa! don't blink - pornographer? - nuh uh; too slow - rent boy.... Are we there yet? Maybe not.
There is some mindbending speculation afoot here that is quite likely, and after a fashion, half-cocked. But if correct, would establish more than the mere pattern recognition of the Craig Spence debacle.
What if "John Gannon" isn't really "James D Guckert"? (And why should he be, since he's lied about everything else?) What if he proves to be Johnny D Gosch?
In 1982, Gosch was a 12-year old Des Moines paperboy abducted into a paedophile ring which practiced ritual, Satanic abuse and enjoyed covert sanction. Paul Bonacci, himself a child victim to Omaha's Lawrence King of Franklin Credit Union notoriety, testified that he had helped lure Gosch from his paper route. "Evidence links this same porno/paedophile ring to the 80's 'congressional call boy scandal', money laundering, drug running, illegal arms deals and more," says The Johnny Gosch Foundation:
Like so many others, before and since, Johnny was subjected to severe trauma and torture of a satanic and sexual nature, in order to intentionally destroy the conscious personality.... This intentional application of trauma is a systematic procedure used to control these victims, in order to use them in sexual slavery, pornography and more. In February 1999, in Federal Court testimony in Omaha Nebraska, Noreen Gosch testified that Johnny Gosch came to see her in 1997, providing information about his experience, asking for his mother's help and pleading for her to not reveal his visit.
Johnny, says his mother Noreen, is living under an assumed identity.
Gosch would be 35 or 36. "Gannon" claims to be 47. But his "male4male" escorts profile lists him as 31 in 2000. That would make him, today, 35, or 36.
Here is Gosch at 12, and "Gannon":

An "age progression enhanced" picture of Gosch, as he may have appeared at 18, and "Gannon":

And something just discovered here that makes the room seem to spin: Noreen Gosch appealed to the editor of the Des Moines Register, the paper Johnny delivered, about police negligence in her son's case. He printed her private letter on the front page in mockery, and invited the police to dissect it. The editor's name? James Gannon.
I was afraid to open up the newspaper each morning, because I didn’t know who would be attacking us next. Nor could I understand “why!” I kept asking this question daily how could they do this and why … what was their motives? Why would Gannon, the editor of the Des Moines Register encourage and assist in the attacks against parents to find their child. Today, we know many important people in business and in government are themselves pedophiles or for one reason or another are sympathetic to those who are.
Crazy? Yes. But we went through the looking glass a long time ago. So there's no reason why this shouldn't be right, unless it's dead wrong.
The "Gannon" scandal is proving one helluva shape-shifter. GOP shill? - whoa! don't blink - pornographer? - nuh uh; too slow - rent boy.... Are we there yet? Maybe not.
There is some mindbending speculation afoot here that is quite likely, and after a fashion, half-cocked. But if correct, would establish more than the mere pattern recognition of the Craig Spence debacle.
What if "John Gannon" isn't really "James D Guckert"? (And why should he be, since he's lied about everything else?) What if he proves to be Johnny D Gosch?
In 1982, Gosch was a 12-year old Des Moines paperboy abducted into a paedophile ring which practiced ritual, Satanic abuse and enjoyed covert sanction. Paul Bonacci, himself a child victim to Omaha's Lawrence King of Franklin Credit Union notoriety, testified that he had helped lure Gosch from his paper route. "Evidence links this same porno/paedophile ring to the 80's 'congressional call boy scandal', money laundering, drug running, illegal arms deals and more," says The Johnny Gosch Foundation:
Like so many others, before and since, Johnny was subjected to severe trauma and torture of a satanic and sexual nature, in order to intentionally destroy the conscious personality.... This intentional application of trauma is a systematic procedure used to control these victims, in order to use them in sexual slavery, pornography and more. In February 1999, in Federal Court testimony in Omaha Nebraska, Noreen Gosch testified that Johnny Gosch came to see her in 1997, providing information about his experience, asking for his mother's help and pleading for her to not reveal his visit.
Johnny, says his mother Noreen, is living under an assumed identity.
Gosch would be 35 or 36. "Gannon" claims to be 47. But his "male4male" escorts profile lists him as 31 in 2000. That would make him, today, 35, or 36.
Here is Gosch at 12, and "Gannon":

An "age progression enhanced" picture of Gosch, as he may have appeared at 18, and "Gannon":

And something just discovered here that makes the room seem to spin: Noreen Gosch appealed to the editor of the Des Moines Register, the paper Johnny delivered, about police negligence in her son's case. He printed her private letter on the front page in mockery, and invited the police to dissect it. The editor's name? James Gannon.
I was afraid to open up the newspaper each morning, because I didn’t know who would be attacking us next. Nor could I understand “why!” I kept asking this question daily how could they do this and why … what was their motives? Why would Gannon, the editor of the Des Moines Register encourage and assist in the attacks against parents to find their child. Today, we know many important people in business and in government are themselves pedophiles or for one reason or another are sympathetic to those who are.
Crazy? Yes. But we went through the looking glass a long time ago. So there's no reason why this shouldn't be right, unless it's dead wrong.
wow. just read the entire thread over at DU and just ... wow. maybe this is the straw to break the camels back...
The link to the Johnny D Gosch site is not functioning, which is curious.
Good luck Jeff.
Don't attempt to get into the US anytime soon. I gave up after a disturbing time back in 1992 or 3, probably due to our magazine affilliation.
"I decided to make an appeal to the Des Moines Register editor…James
Gannon, only to make someone aware of things the police were not doing in
the investigation. I had made repeated efforts to gain cooperation between the
police and our detectives from the beginning of the case. They simply would
The result of my letter pleading for help was another disaster. Mr.
Gannon published it on the front page of the paper and allowed the police to
dissect it in print and make crude remarks. The letter was never intended to be
used for publicity … only as a plea for help for my little boy. It was another
blow to our family, the impact left me shell shocked, unable to sleep, severe
loss of weight because I simply could not eat under all of the stress.
I was afraid to open up the newspaper each morning, because I didn’t
know who would be attacking us next. Nor could I understand “why!” I kept
asking this question daily how could they do this and why … what was their
motives? Why would Gannon, the editor of the Des Moines Register encourage
and assist in the attacks against parents to find their child. Today, we know
many important people in business and in government are themselves
pedophiles or for one reason or another are sympathetic to those who are.
Pedophiles can be in any walk of life, male or female teachers, coaches, scout
leaders, politicians and police at all levels."
Okay, now THAT'S freaky.
btw I can't get the DU links to work.
Fixed the links. Don't know why they went wonky.
And Andy Stephenson has just posted this:
I sent Mrs Gosch an email. Followed by a phone call. Here is her response
Thank you for taking the time to email me the photo link. I have already contacted my PI and we will be checking this out as much as possible.
If I have any questions, I will get in touch with you.
Noreen "
Des Moines Iowa. That does seem to place GG's nondescript midwestern accent.
Holy effin' shit this is nuts!
These people are certainly curious:
Paul and Shirley Eberle: A Strange Pair of Experts
by Maria Laurina
Paul and Shirley Eberle wrote The Politics of Child Abuse, a book that accuses mothers, mental health professionals, and prosecutors of feeding children stories about sexual abuse. Since the book was published by Lyle Stuart in l986, the Eberles have been cited as experts in sexual abuse trials. They were featured speakers at a conference of the Victims of Child Abuse Laws, a group formed to protect accused parents.
What is startling about the Eberles' reputation as ground-breaking experts in the field is that their dubious credentials have not been widely challenged. Paul and Shirley Eberle edit a soft-core magazine in California called the L.A. Star that contains a mixture of nude photos, celebrity gossip, telephone sex ads, and promos for The Politics of Child Abuse.
The Plot Thickens:
Noreen Gosch believes high-level govt to be involved in the porn ring which kidnapped her son. Check this quote from a ronald reagan campaign speech in iowa of 1984:
"There've been two tragedies in Iowa that have saddened us all. In 1982, young Johnny Gosch disappeared while delivering newspapers on his morning route in Des Moines. Then, just 6 weeks ago, another newspaper boy, Eugene Martin, also disappeared.
Well, I want you to know that I've spoken with Jim Gannon, the editor of the Des Moines Register. We've pledged our full support in the search for these two boys."
"In the 1980s, Paul [Eberle], with his wife Shirley, wrote "The Politics of Child Abuse," an examination of the industry that evolved around the court-lawyer-children's services agencies and other participants that led to a massive increase in unfair charges of sexual abuse and the conversion of our traditional principle of innocent until proven guilty to one in which merely being charged with abuse is assumed to be a conviction."
"Then the McMartin Preschool case happened. Eight years were spent harassing the owners of the McMartin Preschool in southern California, with false and trumped-up charges, each one more outrageous than the last. The final end of the case was a dropping of most charges against all participants, then a hung jury on the few remaining. Lives were ruined and millions wasted on court and lawyer fees. Paul and Shirley chronicled this mess in "The Abuse of Innocence" (Prometheus Books, ISBN 0-87975-809-0), still in print and highly recommended. Publisher's Weekly says, "Trial testimony, juicy courthouse asides, and the authors' keen descriptive powers make the proceedings come alive."
"If you have any interest in witch hunts, abuse of power by governments, child abuse or related topics, you really want to read this book.
"What is startling about the Eberles' reputation as ground-breaking experts in the field is that their dubious credentials have not been widely challenged. Paul and Shirley Eberle edit a soft-core magazine in California called the L.A. Star that contains a mixture of nude photos, celebrity gossip, telephone sex ads, and promos for The Politics of Child Abuse.
"In the 1970's, however, the Eberles were also publishing hard-core pornography. Their publication, Finger, depicted scenes of bondage, S & M, and sexual activities involving urination and defecation. A young girl portrayed with a wide smile on her face sits on top of a man whose penis is inside of her; a woman has oral sex with a young boy in a drawing entitled "Memories of My Boyhood."
"The Eberles were featured nude on one cover holding two life-size blow up dolls names "Love Girl" and "Play Guy." No dates appear on the issues and the Eberles rarely attach their names, referring to themselves as "The L.A. Star Family."
And what relation are Paul and Shirley Eberle to the GOPUSA and Talon News owner Bobby Eberle?
Anonymous One,if I recall,Paul Bonacci stated,one of the people at the Bohemian Grove was Hunter S.Thompson.It is a little strange that I read this Friday, and now he just happens to end up like all the others that know to much.What does shit sound like when it hits a big fan?later.
Do you have a link for the Paul Bonacci quote? I wold love to see that.
Alright, what background checks are being done by bloggers (I've given up on other mudrakers) on finding Mr. White House Press Pin-up's background? He must have a CV floating around somewhere? Hometown; high school, hs friends who remember him; grocery store he worked at...something.
My gut is there is no there there, that he is, well, what we are beginning to suspect.
Somebody bell this cat!
Paul Bonacci is an admitted heroin addict. He admits to it openly on camera. I imagine he's willing to tell any kind of story imaginable as long as it helps pay for his habit...
Of course he is. Making him drug dependent was part of his abuse. And inspite of being a junkie, Bonacci won a $1 million civil suit against King several years ago.
"I think I know what Bush meant now when he said he had a mandate."
Bill Mahr
They won't stand the humiliation. That get's to them the only way possilbe...right Jeff?
one of the reasons I'd like to see some footwork stuff on Mr Guckert is to see if he's real, or if for how, part-time job, friends, teachers etc.
It brings me back in mind to the Church Committee (I believe) and JFK: the umbrella man. Nobody really checked into how long he was who he said he was. I always had the feeling there was a planted false identity, using the same operative, which over a shortish period of time gave a whiff of reality to his testimony.
A lot of reporting is like relentless cop canvassing, and recanvassing, and re-recanvassing.
What're we finding out about Guckert's life before washington that's hard?
Posted on Sun, Feb. 13, 2005
Centre Line
Discredited reporter claimed PSU link
By Adam Smeltz
James D. Guckert's trouble with names runs deeper than the fake one he sported in Washington.
His carefully tracked past, in fact, nearly ran straight into Happy Valley.
By now, you may have heard of Guckert, an ex-White House reporter who left the beat this month. He was better known by his pseudonym, Jeffrey Gannon.
Guckert faked it until bloggers and mainstream news media condemned him last week as an apparent frontman for partisan interests.
And for a short time, the Internet-driven buzz about his mystery suggested that Guckert may have attended Penn State.
That angle of the story hasn't gotten much traction anywhere except in local chatter. Dan Victor, a Centre Daily Times contributor, alerted me to it about midweek.
My inky heart dripped bitterness.
"In his biography at the Talon News site, where he (Guckert) holds the title of 'Washington Bureau Chief,' he claims to be a graduate of the 'Pennsylvania State University System,'" reads a recent letter from the Niagara Falls Reporter.
The newspaper, apparently concerned about who was scoring coveted White House press passes, sent the correspondence to U.S. Rep. Louise M. Slaughter. The letter was posted Friday on the Reporter's Web site.
Talon News, an online outfit with many links to heavily Republican Web sites, has yanked stories with the Gannon byline and its Gannon biography.
But I called Penn State, anyway.
On Friday afternoon, research by the public-information staff on campus failed to turn up any alumnus named James D. Guckert.
By Saturday morning, a reader of my blog e-mailed me with his own find: A D.J. Guckert attended Penn State in the late '70s.
Close -- just not close enough.
Much to my chagrin, the left-leaning Americablog was on to the real story.
A nationally geared blog, it linked Guckert with West Chester University, citing an electronic trail of evidence.
When I called WCU on Friday, it quickly confirmed -- sans blog-ish speculation -- that a J.D. Guckert graduated from the institution in 1980.
That appears to line up with public records, which report Guckert was born in 1957.
A member of the Pennsylvania State System of Higher Education, WCU could have been innocently mischaracterized as part of a "Pennsylvania State University System."
Then again, a hard-plotting journalistic deviant, wanting to make a good impression, could have offered the ambiguous characterization intentionally.
And by the way -- would you be surprised if I were to say that efforts to reach Guckert were fruitless, that his old phone number did not seem to work and that his current number is unlisted?
Didn't think so.
Why am I The Conservative Guy?
In many circles, I have become known as "the conservative guy". Some people don't even remember my name because I am an average type guy. I've been a preppie, a yuppie, blue-collar, green-collar and white-collar. I've served in the military, graduated from college, taught in the public school system, was a union truck driver, a management consultant, a fitness instructor and an entrepreneur. I'm a two-holiday Christian and I usually vote Republican because they most often support conservative positions.
I am not a conservative by birth as you might assume. My conservatism has evolved through my life experiences. I come from a very average white rural working-class family. My parents and brother are lifelong Democrats with a tradition of labor union membership. I put myself through college, earning a scholarship and holding a job while attending classes and playing a varsity sport. I enlisted in the military more as a challenge to myself than anything, but got so much more than I ever expected. I learned the importance of self-discipline and self-reliance.
Enought leads?
This is some high, high weirdness here on this thread...this subject is giving me the willies.
Victims of King and his associates also charged him with participating in at least one satanic ritual murder of a child.
As DeCamp reports, victim-witness Paul Bonacci was at one point taken to a retreat for political elites such as George Bush and Henry Kissinger in Northern California called Bohemian Grove, where they were forced to participate in sex and to consume parts of a child whom they had watched being murdered by the cultists. As DeCamp writes:
“A ‘snuff” pornography film was made of these events; it was directed by a man the party had picked up in Las Vegas whom Paul identified as “Hunter Thompson”—the same name as a well known sleaze-culture figure.Reference for this link is here.
I'm guessing that this whole thing leads back to Richard Armitage, recently retired from the Pentagon, and noted as Colin Powell's mentor in a Parade magazine interview a few years ago.
The Gannon-Gosch connection could, in my opinion, be true or not be true.
And of course the Larry King child-prostitution ring is a documented fact. And again, in my opinion, the connection to George Bush, the elder, could possibly be true as well.
What I really doubt, is the satanic connection.
In the "Recovered Memory" hypes and also in the pre-school satanic abuse allegations, there nearly always were middle-class children involved, who never left their normal environment. There were no physical signs of sexual abuse on the pre-school children and the places where the satanic rituals should have taken place, like tunnels or basements, could not been found.
In the same way in the cases of "Recovered Memories" of ritual abuse, no corrobating evidence could be found. Families were supposed to have practiced the most insane and crayziest and even murderous rituals in their normal middle-class neighbourhoods, without any of the neighbours noticing anything.
On the other hand, those foster children of the Franklin community and boys-town were a easy prey, for a con-man like Larry King and his organisation. Their regular absence from their foster-homes could easily be verified. And it is quite possible that some of the many children who disappear in the USA every year are used in similar prostitution rings.
If some senior political figures are costumers of these rings,the involvement of the CIA or other intelligence outfits is likely.
For a person involved in illegal sexual activities is easily controled through blackmail.
I do not believe that there actually is a psychological decease as pedophilia. In the case of politicians, it is far more likely the believe, that when person is powerful enough,he a can get away with everything and is no longer bound to any ethical rules.
The craziness of the deed and the suffering of the victim probably fuels the sexual excitement. Normal sex is no longer enough to arouse a person like this.
So, if there actually are any satanic rituals involved, and I´m still not convinced of it, those rituals are probably some kind of play-acting, in the same way as those sado-maso crazies to get more sexually aroused.
While these vile acts really seem to be inspired by the powers of evil, they are no acts of Satan worshipping, I think.
This would entail, that the participants actually believe in a personal Satan, who will through their sacrifices give them some supernatural powers.
These people fear neither God nor the devil, they worship money and power.
The notion that sexual abuse creates multiple personality disorder comes from the "Recovered Memory" cult. And for me, there is enough evidence available, that this disorder is created by therapy itself.
My guess is, that these children are used to blackmail politicians and not to form Manchurian candidates.
The CIA actually does not need any Manchurian candidates to do its dirty work. There are enough sociopaths around, who do absolutely anything for money, sex and power, and enough psychopaths created by military training through indoctrination and brutalisation, who do the same for crazed out patriotism.
They do not have to loose their memories. If they become a problem, they just get suicided.
The trouble with this believe in "CIA mind-control creates walking robots" is, that it sounds so unscientific, that it makes other conspiracy-theories with lots of physical or documentary evidence sound unbelievable as well, when they come from the same source, just as if they were wheat circles and UFO abductions.
But what I do believe is, that most of those suicide-bombings in Iraq against civillian targets and the assassination of that Lebanese ex-minister was done by involuntary helpers.
But the CIA or other intelligence outfits do not need any elaborate system for this.
They just kidnap some hapless Iraqi, drug him up well, with drugs that have him still able to walk but no longer to think straight. Then they bind a bomb-belt around his waist, place him at the right spot and blow him up by remote control.
No sexual abuse necessary for that.
The sexual abuse in AbuGhraib was done in order to break the prisoners´personalities, get information about the resistance and possibly to shame them in their communities and blackmail them in collaboration, not make them into unwitting suicide-bombers.
Another Eberle may be involved too.
Joshua David Adams, age 4 1/2, from Houston TX, Dec 26, 1995
"He was abducted by his non-custodial mother, Juanita Kristen Eberle Adams. A FBI Unlawful Flight to Avoid Prosecution warrant was issued for the abductor on 3/28/96. The abductor may be using the alias Kristen Eberle Adams."
I wouldn't knock the satanic connection entirely. I don't write it off as discredited yet. As well as mind control programs, total mind control is the philosopher’s stone for these fascists.
Read some more about 'the finders' in the 80's the Polaroid pics of ritual mutilations and animal sacrifice. Or Moloch at Bohemian grove.
And finally the Dutroux affair pulled up some satanic cults in a few press reports before they got buried.
There is something to it I believe.
Am listening to Skolnick push Gosch-as-Gannon on Rense right now.
Very interesting.
I don't know if I buy it.
What about the West Chester College thing? Doesn't it seem pretty well established that he was a TKE at WC, graduated in 1980? That would make him about 47.
Paperboy Gosch was abducted in 1982.
I can easily see Guckert knocking 5-10 years off his age for his escort ads.
Another speculative tie, the Ivanwald "Family" written up in this excellent 2003 Harpers article by Jeffrey Sharlet. A lot of bells going off here: young Republicans, extreme secrecy, cultish pseudo-Christianity, overt fascism, and homoerotism. There's even a "Gannon" but I doubt it's Guckert.
An interview with Jeffrey Sharlet:
probably old news for the experts, but here is a great Franklin expose. A Discovery Channel documentary that never saw airtime:
I feel like the truth is a 10,000 piece jigsaw puzzle with 10,000 people each holding one piece. Before the internet these people had no way off conecting and putting the pieces together. I think the picture is starting to take shape. It may be really ugly, but I'm hoping to see the finished product. Thanks
You might want to check out the connection of Ted Gunderson to Art Bell, who sued Gunderson in the late 90's. Bell's son was sexually abused by a teacher currently seving time in prison.
None of this stuff comes together. The Gunderson connection really points out the nuttery. Just google his name to learn more about him and his "investigations."
So maybe JDG WANTED to be found out, asking outre questions in public, for safety's sake.
That is, if he "suicides" now, there will be many questions.
I disagree with you on almost every feeling you have about this subject. I think there are enough recovered mind-control victims to trust it as a phenomenon.
The guy mentioned here nmaed Aquino is actually an ADMITTED satanist! Satanists believe they derive power from these ritual sacrifices, and from the corruption of youths as well, as they believe they are serving Satan.
There are videos of Bohemian Grove ceremonies, as mentioned here, and pictures around of the same type of thing at the Grove from the 20s or 30s.
I think you are dead wrong about generalities you made which harkened to the McMartin Pre-school case. Some kids may be suggestible but definitely NOT a dozen or two; these kids swore there were tunnels underneath the building and when it was checked out years later by electronic equipment, they were confirmed.
I also always thought the Jon-Benet Ramsey case seemed like a classic sex ring case where powerful people in the community were being ptotected from justice. Sure enough, it was recently found that there are two DNA samples from the little girl's clothing.
Some of the robed "Satanists" described by ritual abuse victims could just as easily be renegade Christian clergy.
Real Satanists do exist, but Ted Gunderson's credentials are questionable. He claims to be an expert on occult crime, yet he doesn't even know the difference between Satanists and Pagans (who don't believe in Satan, much less worship him). Back in the 1980s, Gunderson accused the Aquarian Tabernacle Church, a Pagan temple that held public ceremonies on their property near Seattle, of conducting Satanic sacrifices. He even claimed to know where the bodies were buried, and promised to point out the gravesites to the news team of a Seattle Christian TV station, if they would only fly him over the area in their helicopter. But no graves were found, and the whole commotion eventually died down. Apparently Gunderson was just using the Green River killings to piggyback his own publicity stunt, at the expense of a minority religious group.
"Jeff Gannon" aka Johnny Gosch?
Sherman Skolnick ( and TV) reported this week on radio that "Jeff Gannon" was Johnny Gosch, who was kidnapped into the Republican kiddie snuff porn spy drug ring in the 1980s, and has been underground ever since. This was part of the "Franklin (S&L) Coverup", a book written by Senator John DeCamp, naming George Bush Sr as a pedophile in numerous court trials, both criminal and a successful $1.3-million libel case (DeCamp sued a TV station and won). DeCamp's client, Paul Bonnacci, testified that Hunter S. Thompson was the videoman for snuff kiddie porn at Bohemian Grove presidential retreat. It is awfully coincidental that Hells Angel Thomspon "suicided" himself in his "heavily fortified compound", at the same time that gay hooker spy "Jeff Gannon" was dragged out of the White House closet.... Now that's a hell of story, if its true.
Noreen Gosch (mother)
Why Johnny Can't Come Home (her video)
Johnny Gosch Foundation
Gunderson & Ruppert (& might as well toss in Bill Cooper) get a little snakey when it comes to interpretation; think it must be the glare of the Kleig lights.
After a while it's all a stage.
As far as the Benet case the old
man's software company co-ordinated
pedo/porn on a parallel track; when it was discovered many powerful folks in the aerospace industry were connected. Because of his money(?)
bought the silence of Boulder & compromised the investigation.Seems
Skolnick went into some detail about this.Can't remember the link/or find it.hmmm
here's a scholarly deconstruct
For more GOPhomo details than you really want to picture in your head for the rest of your life, go to, including GW Bush and Victor-Victoria Ashe, and Arnold Governator's nude cover photo from homo After Dark magazine in Nov 1977 ( Does GirlyMan Swartzzenneger "know" "Gannon", too? Kitty Kelly wrote that GW's twin daughters are NOT his... Kelly quoted Barbara Bush Sr as repeatedly referring to GW as "THE CHOSEN ONE", before "he" decided to run for prez. GW's sister-in-law Sharon Bush - ex-Mrs Neil Bush - declared that GW snorted coke at Camp David MANY times while Sir GHW Bush SR Knight of the British Empire was prez, in addition to alcoholism, and prom-date-killer Laura sold pot (hemp) at college. Amerika - what a great place where loser scumbags can become trillionaires as narcoterror kingpins and CAFR-looters ($70-trillion in stolen annually from govt "pension" funds for all you sheeple, including $2.4-trillion stolen from Pentagon CAFR is just 10 years). Victor Ashe's Knoxville is the Town That Garbage Built and nuke bomb factory with worst air pollution in USA (Save NOxVile at, thanks to Knoxville as world HQ for BFI/WM Jewish mafiya's $40-billion/year cartel for trash, nuke waste, and tow-trucking/chop shops (car theft rackets), that had 25 employees convicted under RICO Act in NY City for looting World Trade Center. BFI and Knoxville alumi Controlled Demolitions Inc were paid $7-billion govt contract to blow up WTC and export the evidence to Commie China.... And all we got in Knox was a $200,000 Satanic tombstone naming all 3,000 alleged victims of the 911 Massacres. At least I helped run off our gay Skull & Boner Bohemian Grove mayor. Ashekennazi is defined in dictionairies as a "wandering Jew" from Russia or Germany, with no DNA from the Middle East/Palestine/"Israel". So the word Nazi literally means "Jew", which is why German military intelligence infiltrator Jew Adolf Hitler Shicklegruber Rothschild changed the party name to Nazi, and why Skull & Bones "has one room adorned with Nazi paraphenalia, and eat off Adolf Hitler's silverware", according to Jew Ron Rosenbaum (sp?), and reported on CSPAN and History Channel in 2004. GW Bush brags he is Jewish bloodline from King David (and Count Dracula), as do all Eurotrash royalty. Jewry is apparently the ultimate "Secretive Society", and includes GW's cousin Kerry and Bill Clinton-Blythe IV (and Hillary and Monica), and most of GW's cabinet, General Tommy Franks, General Colin Powell, (probably Stormin Normin), his new Homeland Security Commie chief, and new US Death Squad chief Negroponte (Iraq "ambassador"). Jewish Kol Nidre prayor allows all Jews to lie, cheat and steal from Gentiles, including all debts, contracts and sworn oaths. Jewish pedophile priests are never mentioned in Jewish media cartel, unlike so-called "Christian" pedophiles, even tho it's Jewish tradition for rabbis to suck dick during the "circumcision ceremony", as prosecuted criminally in NY last month, after newborn Jewish kids started dying of hepatitis.... Jewish Commie/Nazi NeoCons now run the White House, and its abundantly clear why they are lying, thieving gay freaks, since their "religion" demands it, while America is destroyed for their Jew New World Order, as the Jews did to Waco/Crawford TX, machine-gunning and bombing the little kids escaping the govt's arson of their Christian church that dared fly a Jewsih flag (blasphemey requires the death penalty under Jewish law = death for all Christians). Even Bush's biz partners in Carlyle Group, the Saudi royals and Usama Bin Laden (CIA codename Tim, are all Jewish. Doh! 9-11-2001: The Jews did it! We genocided 1.6-million Iraqis and Friendly Fired 30,000 US Gulf Wars vets dead, and disabled 512,000 US GW vets, after Bush/Carlyle's trial lawyer James Baker orderd Saddam to invade Kuwait, and Kissenger and Rummy gave Saddam all the NATO weapons and Made-In-USA bioweapons to kill our dumb slaves, er, troops, and liberate the Kuwaiti slave owners. Is ANYBODY still alive out there???
Homosexuality is just the tip of a deadly iceberg of organized crime (gays love prison, like a vacation to a nudist colony like Bohemian Grove). If you doubt that Bush worships Satan, then watch radio jock Alex Jones' undercover video he shot of Bush and Cheney worshipping Molech with "mock" child sacrifice at the Cremation of Care ceremony on summer solstice, in Monte Rio California in 2000. Bohemian Club published its own confession photos that it literally hangs niggers for fun, as you can view at Jones' website at But since Bill Clinton-Blythe IV and Jimmy Carter go to the Grove, along with RFK Sr, I guess the DemoRats will continue to look the other way when serious crimes like genocide, both foreign and domestic, are perped by our gods, er, presidents. Yes, many Jews and homos are "nice" people, including my own relatives (including one Jewish cousin invited to Bohemian Grove, married to my cousin Dr Frankenstein playing god with genetic-splicing), but can you really trust them with your life and property when the stakes are high? Would you bet your life on it? GW put 3 of his presidential opponents in prison during Selection 2004 (Green Party nominee, Libertarian nominee, and Republican primary candidate). Now its time that 4-time arrested, 2-time convicted GW Bush get a dose of his own medicine, now that probable cause for felony arrest based on affidavits of criminal complaint are filed with NY attorney general, for Bush Gang perping the 9-11 Massacres, a la Pentagon/CIA/Israel/State Dept's declassified Operation NORTHWOODS plot to terrorize USA and blame everyone else as patsies, and "justify" war, just like CIA/OSS Project Paperclip's Nazis did to Germany with their Operation Himmler/Canned Goods and Reichstag Fire (flaming Rhoemosexuals). Don't bend over for Bush, unless you love the shaft!
Has everyone forgotten that Nixon's top White House lawyer during Watergate was John Dean, whose wife was a prostitute and pimp running extortion rackets in DC against DemoRats? This was detailed in "Silent Coup" by Collodny and Gettlein. They also named (gay Jew) Bob Woodward of Washington Post as US Navy officer in Vietnam War, who worked for Joint Chiefs of Staff in Pentagon, who visited White House every day as liason to Nixon chief of staff General Al Haig (aka Deep Throat). Funny how the Jewish media cartel "forgets" to mention these facts of history. Funny how dumb RepubliCons are brainwashed by Faux News, which is owned by Australian (British Empire) Jewish billionaire porn pimp Rupert Murdoch. How's that for incestuous family values? As for incestuous torture, rape and pimping of children, this is just business as usual for mafia families, as some of my relatives found out thanks to Al Capone's Chicago gangs. TRuly hideous torture and multiple personalities, from gangsta relatives who are now very rich. So I can "personally" vouch for Cathy O'Brien's insane tales. Good thing my wife trusted her instincts and TDed SecDef Dick Cheney's bribe, er, job offer to "work" for him at the Pentagon....
Has anyone simply asked Noreen Gosch if this guy is her son? If she saw him again in 1997, she would recognize her own son if she saw him on TV, would she not?
Guckert titled his latest artical "Fear and Loathing in the Press Room" and when he was interviewed on NBC a few nights ago I thought it was sort of weird that he said, "I wanted to come, so they let me come" with a sad look in his eyes.
Hunter S. lived across the street from Bardar "Bush"
Gannon/Guckert and Gosch would appear to share a small bump on their right cheekbones and a small scar just to the right of the right eye. Hard to see in the comparison pictures here of Guckert but they are plainly visible on the Gosch picture and larger pictures of Gannon/Guckert I've seen especially the large picture where you can see the blue press-pass cord around his neck.
I think that's one hell of a coincidence.
Please see this link:
It shows that when Jeff Gannon was a regular poster at he used the screename JOHNNY GOSCH.
I typed in Johnny Gosch over at free republic, and it said there was no user with that name. Gannon's name turned up a bunch of posts. How can we find his screen name of Gosch there?
PS-could he have taken the name of the editor of the Des Moines newspaper James Gannon as a signal to his Mom?
There are 12,100 hits on Googlesearch for "Bohemian Grove, Skull & Bones". this site has Skolnick's report on the Gosch/Gannon story! hot stuff indeedk, if it is true. Could bring down the government.
anon said:
'I also always thought the Jon-Benet Ramsey case seemed like a classic sex ring case where powerful people in the community were being ptotected from justice. Sure enough, it was recently found that there are two DNA samples from the little girl's clothing.'
here's a link to an in-depth look
at the abject creepyness of the deviant elite:
remember this about the photos -
noses and ears are cartiledge (sp?) and vary in growth - any medical people out there care to comment on the nature of this hypothesis?
is there any way to alter the growth patter of cartiledge via a break and bind procedure (to give ears a flair or make a nose slant?)
The question is simple, is this Guckert 29 or 40 in this photo?????? (1998)
Second, someone familiar with facial recognition could measure eye seperation and relative dimensions of nose, chin, etc. That is prett accurate.
I am reminded that before the Nazi death camps were discovered after the defeat of Germany, there were rumors circulating about them, but few people apparently believed the rumors because the stories were just so horrific.
has anybody checked his military records. when did he serve when was he discharged etc.
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I think he really is Johnny Gosch. There are just too damned many "coincidences" to be coincidences.
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