Pimp My Scooter

Man gave names to all the animals - Bob Dylan
I'm sorry I haven't time for a proper post today, but I feel compelled to draw your attention to The New Yorker's excerpts from the 1996 novel The Apprentice. Paedophilia, incest, bestiality: welcome to the inner life of Scooter Libby.
At age ten the madam put the child in a cage with a bear trained to couple with young girls so the girls would be frigid and not fall in love with their patrons. They fed her through the bars and aroused the bear with a stick when it seemed to lose interest.
He asked if they should fuck the deer.
(The answer, it would seem, is yes.)
Is it just another dirty book? There's no harm - or not much - in that. Hell, I wrote a book myself that could be charitably described as one, though bears coupling with children didn't occur to me. How about just another disgraced Republican's dirty book? There are plenty of those as well. But this is the long-time Chief Advisor of a man long-linked to covert-sanctioned ritual abuse and trauma-based mind control, prominent features of which are paedophilia and bestiality, writing a fictional account of child sexual slavery and rape by a domesticated bear that could have been lifted straight out of survivor literature.
The New Yorker plays it for laughs - there go those wacky Republicans, writing about weird sex again - but even if this is fiction, it's not just fiction for America's "Family Values" Fascists, is it? There's Bill Bennett's alleged dominatrix, John Bolton's crimes of passion, George HW Bush's much whispered "problem," and far too many examples of "conservative" politicians found with their pants down around young children for them to be "momentary lapses of moral judgement." This can't be answered with "mistakes were made." This is systemic pathology.
It isn't a bad thing to write about sex, even poorly. Or even to write about bad sex. But neither is it wrong to observe patterns of pervision linked to patterns of force, and to ask just what is it that's going on here.
I wonder if Alberto Gonzalez finds that book offensive...
-Ted The Dog
true tinfoilhatters know all about the book delineating the entire plot of the OK City bombing, published the year before by a prominent Oklahoma Republican, but the names of the author and work escape me now. Even the characters' name was only barely different than Tim McVeigh.
The book is called "The Final Jihad" and the author's name is Martin Keating. The main character's name is Tom McVey.
Per info from a website called www.marsearthconnection.com: "The bombing of the Murrah Building was over six years ago. Memories fade about things so I thought I'd resurrect one of the strangest aspects of this bombing you're not going to believe - but it's true. Try this one on for size: Governor Frank Keating's brother, Martin Keating, wrote a manuscript in 1991, roughly four years before the OKC bombing. Gov. Frank Keating is a former FBI hot shot. His brother, Martin could not get this work published until after the bombing. This manuscript, now a published book, is titled The Final Jihad. In this book, Keating lays out a story of terrorists, based in OKC, who decide to bomb a federal building. Guess what the name of the one of the key "terrorists" in the book is? Tom McVey. And for the kicker of this fictional work: The terrorists in The Final Jihad are stopped by an Oklahoma highway patrolman for a broken tail light...
In this book, remember it's written in 1991, our author also predicts the TWA downing and the World Trade Center bombing. Was this just a premonition that Mr. Keating had? Who knows, but this book sure does sound like a blue print for the bombing... "
Interesting. . .
Yes; this does make my skin crawl.
And a very happy Halloween to you too, Jeff
indeed that is it, sw-g. Martin Keating was the brother of the mayor of Oklahoma at the time -- Frank Keating -- who was formerly an FBI agent. Truly amazing material.
Website which correctly predicted 22 July terrorist attacks is predicting another 'false flag' attack on 5 November:
You couldn't make this shit up if you wanted to..
What the hell is the matter with these people, man? I mean, I understand the concept of power as a corrupting force, but this is rediculous..Did this person not think that penning this crap would not bring him under eventual scrutiny, or did he just not care because he knew he was well insulated?
It's like a taunt..
"Here I am, one sick bastard..Come and get me, nyah-nyah.."
well. isn't that special. scooters a sick little puppy, but that doesn't surprise anyone who's been paying attention. It's going to take a full blown insurection to rid ourselves of these madmen.
following the highly stimulating "sin city" conversation, my take on "batman begins":
Need I suggest the obvious? Shouldn't we be getting these very passages about rape, incest and bestiality -- penned by none other than the newly famed and by-Bush-and-Cheney-praised Mr. Libby -- out to all the moral majority voters, especially the fundamental Christian factions so devoted to these against-humanity criminals?
I had a little problem with the grammar here, Jeff wrote:
"writing a fictional account of child sexual slavery and rape by a domesticated bear"
Not being familiar with the book--golly, can't recall the last time I curled up in my Adirondack chair on the back porch with a cold beer and a book on bestiality--I wasn't sure if the "by a domesticated bear" referred to the rape, or to the fictional account, as in, the bear was the narrator of the book.
My Irish gramma used to have a saying, "Each to his own, said the little old lady as she kissed the cow." I don't think she would have extended that to "fucked the bear."
I try not to judge others' paraphilias, but that's based on their being harmless. I suppose if an adult had sex with a consenting adult bear, I would not object, though I wouldn't find it erotic, or particularly sane. (Bears are very big, and can be truculent.)
It's the involvement of children that makes me hope they give Scooter the entire 30 year sentence, and he has a roomie at the Big House whose nickname is Bear who thinks Scootie-poo has right purty mouth.
More McMartin Preschool damage control?
the newspaper said, "...20 years writing his first novel,... about a young man running a Japanese inn at the turn of the century.. "
some kind of adventure story... some empire stuff re the Japanese-Russian war???
This is the mother of all deep conspiratorial sites, and an gripping astounding read.
I have been visiting and linking for a couple of days now and though I have always percieved the warmongers and profiteers in the Bush government as fascist, - the Project Monarch, Cathy O'Brien, and this latest New Yorker link and sublinks and the Final Jihad story above subliminally connecting all the horrorshow dots is some of the creepiest stuff I've ever read.
It's not that the meme's or underlying stories are that unusual or uncommon, - but interpenetrating interconnectedness with the neo-fascist Bush government shaitans gives me pause, and reason for even more dread concern.
Happy Samhain.
And meanwhile, in other news, Supreme Court nominee Alito thinks it's just fine and dandy for the cops to strip-search ten-year-old girls.
Open season on ten-year-olds, I guess.
"archie said...
Website which correctly predicted 22 July terrorist attacks is predicting another 'false flag' attack on 5 November:"
no doubt it's just another coincidence that 5th is the date on which we can View Mars at Its Best Saturday: Closest Pass Until 2018
OK, take a break for a little graphical empirical exercise in how things may not always appear as they are. Enjoy:
WTF is that?
How is that relevant?
Jeff, delete that shit, it might be a trance-bomb.
Purely fictional:
the Hitler worshipper William Pierce (born 1933) tells in his right-wing terrorist novel “The Turner Diaries” of a right-wing extremist Kamikaze-ing an airplane into the Pentagon. In an apocalyptic scene Pierce rejoices over the destruction of the center of the world capital-contaminated, Jewish-dominated New York. The neo-Nazi, writing under the alias Andrew MacDonald, says he desires to see the ‘100 floors of the skyscraper’ fall.
Don't forget Mrs. Cheney's porno. These hard-on neos REALLY love the pervy sex. What IN HELL is going on???
Scooter must have been taking notes at the Grove
For the record, I had a premonition about a 5th november terrorist "event" too.
(the v for vendetta/guy fawkes thing)
Jeff, I smell a animal sex network and it´s worlwide too.
Authorities are reviewing hundreds of hours of videotapes seized from a rural Enumclaw-area farm that police say is frequented by men who engage in sex acts with animals....
regarding the legal tecnicalites of the case..
Washington is one of 17 states that does not outlaw bestiality. Police are also investigating the farm and the two men who live on the property to determine whether animal cruelty — which is a crime — was committed by forcing sex on smaller, weaker animals. Investigators said that in addition to horses, they have found chickens, goats and sheep on the 40-acre property northwest of Enumclaw.
Downunder too.
A Sydney man was today charged with cruelty and bestiality after 17 dead rabbits and a guinea pig were found in and around a central Sydney office building.
The 36-year-old man, from the wealthy beachside suburb of Tamarama, was arrested at 1am today in a vacant office space, adjacent to his workplace in the city centre, following police surveillance.
One dead rabbit was found with the man in the office and two injured rabbits were later euthanased, police said.
Speaking of Penthouse Forum, I used to know the guy who wrote the filler letters in the mid-1970s as a paid gig. (You didn't think all those were true stories from real readers?!) At the time, he was a 21-year-old virgin. Nice guy. He also cranked out weird warped content for other, stranger publications.
So, not everybody with fevered sexual imagination is a dangerous pervo. Some are just making up for their lack of sex in real life. Having no real experience to base a fantasy on leaves one's imagination free to run wild.
How about something about Guy Fawkes and what looks like to many people the original false flag operation?
I read through some of the comments and two things strike me:
1- That some of you seem surprised that these high level politicos are involved in such deviant and evil behavior. I mean, how do you think they became powerful to begin with?
2- That some of you feel this is a matter of politics and that voting or impeachment will do anything. There is only one word appropriate enough to deal with the evil in the world -- REVOLUTION
Peodaphilia and bestiality of this magnitude is simply a ritual ode to Satan.
The classic case of strategic terrorism of this type is doubtless the Gunpowder Plot of November 5, 1605, a day that is still marked each year in the English calendar as Guy Fawkes’ Day. In 1605 James I Stuart, a Protestant who united in his person the crowns of Scotland and England for the first time, was considering a policy of accommodation with the Spanish Empire, the leading Catholic power. James was also considering some
measures of toleration for Catholics in England, where the majority of the landed gentry in the north of the country was still loyal to Rome. An influential group in London,
backed by Venetian intelligence from abroad, wanted to push James I into a confrontation with the Spanish Empire, from which they hoped among other things to extract great
personal profit. They also thought it was politically vital to keep persecuting the Roman Catholics. Chief among the war party was the royal chancellor, roughly the prime
minister, who was Lord Robert Cecil, the Earl of Salisbury. Cecil set out to convince James I to adopt his policy, and to accomplish this by means of terrorism. Acting behind
the scenes, Cecil cultivated some prominent Catholics, one of them Lord Thomas Percy from the famous Catholic Percy family, and used them as cut-outs to direct the operations
of a group of naïve Catholic fanatics and adventurers, among them a certain gullible gentleman named Guy Fawkes. Thomas Percy was supposedly a Catholic fanatic, but in reality was a bigamist. This group of Catholic fanatics hatched the idea first of tunneling
into the basement of the Houses of Parliament from a nearby house, and then simply of renting the basement of the Houses of Parliament, in order to pack that basement with
explosives for the purpose of blowing up King, Lords, and Commons when James I came to open the Parliament early that November. But instead Guy Fawkes was caught going
into the basement the night before the great crime was scheduled to occur. Fawkes and the rest of the plotters were tortured and hanged, and several Catholic clergy were also scapegoated. James I put aside his plans for toleration of Catholics, and England set out
on a century of wars against the Spanish and Portuguese Empires, from which in turn the British Empire was born. Guy Fawkes Day became the yearly festival of “no popery” and
hatred for Spain.
Concerning the Gunpowder Plot, the Jesuit Gerard concludes that “for purposes of State, the government of the day [meaning Cecil] either found means to instigate the conspirators to undertake their enterprise, or, at least, being, from an early stage of the undertaking, fully aware of what was going on, sedulously nursed the insane scheme till the time came to make capital out of it. That the conspirators, or the greater number of them, really meant to strike a great blow is not to be denied, though it may be less easy to assure ourselves of its precise character; and their guilt will not be palliated should it appear that, in projecting an atrocious crime, they were unwittingly playing the game of
plotters more astute than themselves.” (Gerard 17)
Here we have an excellent definition of state-sponsored terrorism.
Gerard’s method of proof is this: “It will be enough to show that, whatever its origin, the conspiracy was, and must have been, known to those in power, who, playing with their infatuated dupes, allowed them to go on with their mad scheme, till the moment came to strike with full effect.” (Gerard 55) This can also be
applied to 9/11.
It should be added that James I does not seem to have been aware of the operation in advance. The plot was not directed against James I; it rather intended to push him in a specific policy direction. After November 1605, James I does appear to have realized what Cecil’s role had been, at least to some extent. Father Gerard speaks of Thomas Percy, Cecil’s agent in the Gunpowder Plot, as a “tame duck employed to catch the wild ones.” (Gerard 152) But the factthat he was Cecil’sagent did not prevent Percy from being killed as part of the coverup after November 5. At the risk of mixing metaphors, we can cite the opinion of a contemporary observer that Cecil, one he had secured the game birds he was seeking, hanged the spaniel who had
actually caught them for him, “that its master’s art might not appear.” (Gerard 153)
Towards the end of the 1600s, some leaders of the Whig ministry decided that France,not Spain, was now the leading Catholic power. In 1678 they brought forth the charlatan Titus Oates to allege that he had proofs of a “popish plot” backed by France to restore Catholicism in England, including by manipulating the royal succession. Oates may be usefully compared to the many “anti-terrorism experts” who appear on television news broadcasts to report on what the terrorists are doing, since it is clear that most of what
these commentators say they have simply invented. When Oates began to recite his charges there was mass hysteria in England, and several Jesuits were hanged. The diarist
John Evelyn had never seen “the nation in more apprehension and consternation.” So great was the fear that “…before the end of 1678 not only did a majority of the English people believe that there was such a plot, but anyone who ventured to deny it ran the risk
of impeachment as an accessory. ‘’Twas worse than plotting to suspect the Plot.’” (Hay 122)
The popish plot had enormous mass appeal: “the extravagant frenzy of the London mob took most people by surprise…London witnessed an exhibition of emotional fanaticism which has seldom been equaled in the history of a civilized nation. Mobs have often been as wicked, but not often so stupid.
‘The imposture known as the Oates Plot,’ wrote Lingard, ‘supported by the arts and declamations of a numerous party, goaded the passions of men to a state of madness, and seemed to extinguish the native good sense and humanity of the English character.” (Hay122-3)
The great sponsor of Titus Oates was Anthony Ashley Cooper, Lord Shaftesbury, the founder of the Whig Party and a member of the oligarchical cabinet called the CABAL after the initials of its members: Clifford, Arlington, Buckingham, Ashley, and Lauderdale. The philosopher John Locke was
Ashley’s secretary. In the late summer of 1679 the hysteria began to subside, and it became apparent that Titus Oates was a fraud and an imposter. At this point King Charles
II put Ashley on trial for treason. Ashley escaped conviction but had to flee to Holland,where he died.
His book actually has a couple of rave reviews at amazon.com from a few fellow Warped Ones..
I want a nice noisy Liberal Loud Mouth on the RADIO to RAISE some HELL about this!
It seems to be ok to write any kind of govno if you are a Republican.
ps, at the zoological gardens in Albuquerque I saw a bear, how shall we delicately put this... exposed. That bear would not have been able to get what he had inside a grown very fat large woman, let alone a ten year old. He wasn't even a very big bear. He was sunning himself and it was all out for all to see.
So what the other guy said about the unlikeliehood of this particular paraphilia. I think this Scooter guy is a sick puppy! He should seek therapy.
Of all the horrible things in Trance Formation of America, the one I guess slid by the radar was the beastiality.
I must have mentally screened that shit out
frater plecticus - fascinating and entertaining post - especially "the Jesuit Gerard".
I am truly astonished that his 400 year old definitions work so well today.
Guy Fawkes night will NEVER be the same again.
The posts are matching Jeff - thanks guys ... How much more interesting & intelligent than the other side!
thanks frater plecticus, that's a cut out'n'keep job.
The British had their own version of Karl Rove, a man who liased closely with the real Karl Rove and who dominated the British Prime Minister.
His name is Alastair Campbell.
Before he joined the Mirror Campbell would write for the underground sex magazine Forum. He would write fiction and letters purporting to be from readers.
The ability to make up stories is a skill prized highly on both sides of the Atlantic.
frater plecticus, that sounds a lot like the account of the Gunpowder Plot from "9/11 Synthetic Terror" by Webster Tarpley. Is that online somewhere?
Such purple prose. And what bad writing.
"At age ten the madam put the child in a cage with a bear trained to couple with young girls so the girls would be frigid and not fall in love with their patrons. They fed her through the bars..."
Does this mean that a 10-year old madam put a child in a cage? And does it mean that the children ("they") fed the madam through the bars?
This is beyond bad. The guy is a moron.
There are too few degrees of separation between Libby and Pinochet and too much similarity between that story and this history for me not to see these as alternate glimpses into the same sick, sadistic micro-culture.
As outlined in the report by the National Committee on Truth and Reconciliation, the following methods of torture were among those used on prisoners: Roasting, in which the victim, male or female, was strapped naked onto a metal bed and given electric shocks to the genitals; Telephone, severe beatings in which the victims eardrums were intentionally ruptured; burning, with cigarettes or open flame; mock executions; suffocation, including the immersion of the victims head into buckets filled with water or excrement; the insertion of iron objects into the victims anus; the insertion of mice into female prisoners vaginas; individual or gang rape of female prisoners; and the rape of female prisoners by specially-trained dogs, often in the presence of husbands and children who were forced to watch. All of these methods were approved by Augusto Pinochet.
from: http://www.terraincognita.50megs.com/neoliberal.html
Interesting article on where author sees the Bible describing where demons really come from (Hint: Not hell...)
Sorry, that would be item 90, under religious discussion on side banner, left hand side.
Seems Christians (the usual suspects whenever mythic ignorance rears its's ugly mug) can't translate Hebrew worth a darn....
It's in the context (devil in the details), and it ties in well with my persoanl belief that whoever the historical Moses was, he stole the Midianite God of the Volcano for his own. Yahwah. A real pain-in-the-ass, juvenile, trouble making "god".
Oh, Libby's alleged kinkiness?
Jeff, it is very compelling, that "unallowed" topic of beastiality, yes? What we aren't "allowed" to see, is sometimes the most desired "verbotten."
But, even more compelling, to me at least, as I am an citizen of the US, is putting on my "Tin Foil Hat" (which is the way the neocon and their allies like to denigrate those that put on their "Thinking Caps"), and ponder this:
Libby founded PNAC.
It is alleged he is a dual Israel-US citizen. No shame there, but...
Libby had to have known Franklin. Franklin worked in Feith's office, another PNAC member, and another dual citizen. Feith's boss was Wolfowitz (odd too, how all have seemed to find a way to fade away after 911 and iraq invasion), another PNAC member.
Larry Franklin, the one arrested in the Pentagon for passing Top Secrets on Iran (the next target Israel is trying to goad American people to send their youth to die for) to AIPAC, the American-Israel Political Action Committee. Videotaped, so those now steaming at me for stating the obvious can label all they want, but the FBI got 'em. On film. Passing them to the top two men at AIPAC, both, wait for it, dual citizens. Gone now, back to their real home. Wanted now, here in their fake home.
So, is this mental image of young girls raped by Bears enough to appeal to my libido, and ignore the allegation that
Libby is a Mossad spy?
Didja catch CBS' 60 minutes yet, Jeff?
Seems they are stating Skolnick and Heneghan correctly reported that CIA agents died over Plame's outing, and that the investigation is now focusing on Espionage, and guess how is in the cross hairs.
So, as always, great writer that you are, I come expecting and receiving intriguing articles, wonderfully compelling, crescendo building, just plain top notch.
But, I fear, I sense more.
No, ain't seeing any under my bed, just a few very bad apples that found a willing accomplice at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. Like-minded goals found each other, as they always seem to do.
WHO sends YOUR demons to Earth, Jeff?
You're like that damn beauty queen back in 6th grade, always almost putting out. Almost, and coming back to see her again and again.
The Hebrews thought "look up" to find out.......
"There are too few degrees of separation between Libby and Pinochet"
Ah, and I drink coffee from my Commemorative Edition "Riggs Bank, N.A. Community Lending Edition" coffee mug, which sat next to my "President of Kyrzygstan" mug before my roomie stole that one...
These connections all exist. The more occulturally minded of us have suggested, because most of us don't want to get caught up in some Bush-Aquino Axis of Evil, many of us "light-side of the force" occultists have postulated that this is an "egregore" occuring "on the astral plane." The connections of power exist temporally, but their connections to the kiddie-porn nightmare exist more in our collective dreamtime. It's just as real, and it affects us and our actions, and breaks over into our world just like some ultraterrestrial alien might--like those clowns in the vans. When I say something exists "in dreamtime" or "astrally, I mean it is just as real as you or me, and has a life and history of its own.
My fear is that this will become like Kerry Thorley's own life. He started off serving the the Marines with Oswald, began publishing satire about the JFK assassination, founded the "Discordian Society" to perform large-scale pranks, then became a CIA target because his jokes seemed too close to the truth. He became a full-fledged paranoid schizophrenic, on account of a joke that unintentionally highlighted the truth--Are we simply pre-capitulating some kiddie-porn-factory-future?
-- Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon
October 3, 2001
(IAP News)
I think Scooter has coined a new phrase - when a person has reached a high pinnacle of power and influence and gets caught up in illegalities they can be said to have "fucked the bear". Alternatively, if "the bear" represents the power and influence Libby had attained, we can probably state that "Scooter's bear is fucked". Please excuse the profanity I have used in this observation...
On Guy Fawkes, someone already wrote that: see the book
_Who Was the Man in the Iron Mask? And Other Historical Mysteries_, by Hugh Ross Williamson
See, this very dim Canuck wanted to join the Mounties.
To put him off, they said, look, it's not so simple, son, to get in you have to tame a wild horse, rape an Indian maiden, and shoot a grizzly bear between the eyes.
No problem, he came back a few days later, battered and bleeding, but leading a tamed wild horse.
OK, off to the next task. This time he was away for weeks, but he finally staggered in, all scratched and bitten, but still up for it.
Right, he said, where's this indian maiden I've got to shoot between the eyes?
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