Helter Skelter

Look out, helter skelter - She's coming down fast
I don't know what hurts more, my heart or my head.
How is it that one of America's great cities ceased to exist this week, but I can still watch Letterman tonight?
What do I do with this knowledge: there are more than a million internal refugees and estimates of 100,000 dead, and yet the Pentagon is "hurt" that the media is siding more with victims than federal authorities?
Maybe things could be worse: apparently Dick Cheney is still on vacation. When asked about his projected return to Washington, a spokeswoman replied "He will certainly be coming back. I'm not able to tell you the day right now. I don't have that handy." All Americans know with certainty is Wednesday's announcement that the Vice President will be hosting a fundraising event in St Louis on Sept 19...for Republican Senator Jim Talent.
The song I can't get out of my head these days is Leonard Cohen's: "There is a war between the ones who say there is a war and the ones who say there isn't." Even this week. The withholding of aid is spun by those who can't conceive of such a deliberate horror in America as more incompetence from bumbling "Shrub" and company, only this time there's nothing funny about it. Tell me again how incompetent they are, to have stolen two general elections and a midterm, looted billions from the Treasury, executed their New Pearl Harbour, restored Afghanistan's heroin economy and waged a war of aggression on lies without consequence. (The deaths of soldiers and mercenaries are considered of no more consequence than their lives, especially since it's the resistance itself which now provides the rationale to "stay the course.")
International aid refused, no water drops for four days, and rescue efforts suspended until Iraq-hardened troops with a shoot-to-kill license restore order: what does this suggest to you? "Restoring order" sounds like another promise of light at the end of a long, dark tunnel that leads to the grave. If you can't say it's war yet, could you call this basic training?
Order doesn't hate chaos, because chaos nourishes it. And whether this disaster was made to happen, allowed to happen, or just happened, Order must be eating this up.
Remember what Charlie wanted? "According to Vince Bugliosi," writes Adam Gorightly (who adds an interesting sidebar on Manson's fascination with Freemasonry), his "main motive behind the murders was to provoke a race war that would later be blamed on black militants." Helter Skelter.
Manson borrowed from The Book of Revelations the image of the "bottomless pit," but his pit was a sanctuary, in which he and his family would await the end of a racial armageddon. The Blacks, he said, would rise and slaughter the Whites, turning America's cities into...well, something resembling New Orleans. The Family would emerge to rule the world, because the Blacks would find they still needed a White master. Since Helter Skelter was slow in coming, he sent Tex Watson and friends to perpetrate a false flag operation.
I can't see the faces of New Orleans without recognizing their colour. I can't hear a voice like Michael Medved's, who said only criminals were left behind, and not recall his own. I can't think of George Bush without thinking of Charles Manson, nor one family without the other.
There is a war between the rich and poor,
a war between the man and the woman.
There is a war between the left and right,
a war between the black and white,
a war between the odd and the even.
There are the wars they want fought, because they don't fight them, and there are the enemies of their choice (Blacks at home, Browns abroad). And then there is the real war that has yet to be engaged in more than fits and starts. It's the war between Life and Death. And which side are you on, boys - which side are you on?

Do you have a link for Medved saying only criminals were left?
Here's where I learned what Medved said.
The way things are is not what they seem, in this mad dream....
Two well-dressed men HERB and DAN (mid 30's) are sitting at a
table drinking coffee. Herb has finished eating his
breakfast, but Dan hasn't touched his bacon and eggs - he
appears too nervous to eat. A blonde waitress with a
nameplate saying "DIANE" lays the check on their table
smiles, then walks off.
Why did you want to go to breakfast if
you're not hungry?
I just wanted to come here.
To Denny's? I wasn't going to say
anything, but why Denny's?
This Denny's.
Okay. Why this Denny's?
It's kind of embarrassing but,
Go ahead.
I had a dream about this place.
Oh boy.
You see what I mean...
Okay, so you had a dream about this
place. Tell me.
Well ... it's the second one I've had, but
they were both the same......they start
out that I'm in here but it's not day or
night. It's kinda half night, but it
looks just like this except for the
light, but I'm scared like I can't tell
ya. Of all people you're standing right
over there by that counter. You're in
both dreams and you're scared. I get
even more frightened when I see how
afraid you are and then I realize what it
is - there's a man...in back of this
place. He's the one ... he's the one
that's doing it. I can see him through
the wall. I can see his face and I hope
I never see that face ever outside a
Herb stares at Dan to see if he will continue. Dan looks
around nervously, then stares at his uneaten food.
DAN (cont'd)
That's it.
So, you came to see if he's out there?
To get rid of this god-awful feeling.
Right then.
Herb gets up, picks up the bill and goes to the cashier to
pay. Dan just sits.
As Herb is paying the bill he looks over at Dan just as Dan
is turning to look at him. From Dan's point of view Herb is
standing in exactly the same spot as he stood in the dream.
Herb gets a strange feeling, turns back and finishes up with
the cashier. He motions for Dan to follow him. Dan rises
reluctantly and he and Herb make their way outside.
Now Herb waits for Dan to lead the way.
Around here.
Dan takes Herb across the front of Denny's to a narrow
sidewalk that leads down the side toward the back.
They begin walking down the narrow sidewalk - past a
payphone. Dan begins to sweat the nearer he gets to the rear
corner of the building. Red bricks glide by slowly.
Beads of sweat cover his face. He finds it difficult to
breathe. Herb is just behind him unable to see the fear
overtaking his friend, but Herb can feel something himself.
The red bricks moving by now are coming to an end - the
corner is coming closer - the corner is now very close.
Suddenly a man - a face ... a face dark and bum-like- moves
quickly out from behind the corner and stops - freezes -
staring into Dan's eyes.
Dan lurches back. All his breath is suddenly gone. He falls
back into Herb who tries to catch him as he's falling. Dan
hits the ground unable to breathe - his eyes wide with
Herb looks up - the man is gone. He looks down to Dan.
Dan! ... Dan! You all right? ... Dan!
He kneels down and studies his friend. He feels for a pulse
in the neck. He listens for breathing. His friend is dead.
HERB (cont'd)
My God!
That picture is photoshopped, right? The armoured vehicle has "Police State - Tactical Unit" written on it, which I assume was originally "State Police". Right?
You've got a song you can't get out of your head. Me, I've got a band name I can't get out of my head. Remember Katrina and the Waves? Walkin' on Sunshine.
"That picture is photoshopped, right?"
I copied it from a post at Democratic Underground and I think the photo was linked to Yahoo, but I wasn't paying close attention. I think I renamed the file because it had a numeric value. I only know for sure that I didn't photoshop it.
qutb, here's a link to a post at DU with the image, sans manipulation I assume ... it's disturbing enough as is:
bob, wtf? an assignment for scriptwriting 101 you thought you'd share?
That photo was not photoshopped. Here is the Yahoo link:
Yes, I agree, very disturbing but just as disturbing as all the photos.
Thanks very much for a link to the unphotoshopped image. I think it's more powerful in this instance if reality doesn't get tweaked, so I'm going to edit the post and add it.
I've been coming to this site to read for several months. I like the discussion. What's missing is focus on what we can do to change things, to save our country and the world.
Everyone has unique talents and the best ways for them to take action.
The time has come to get involved. These people are only powerful when they are believed and unopposed. The disaster in New Orleans is also an opening that will allow the light of truth to shine into many brainwashed minds.
In case you don't know about these events-
!) Rally to End Media Blackout
(please download flyers and distribute)
For the full program go to
— EVENTS OF 9/11/05 —
Sunday, September 11, 2005
1:00 P.M. @ THE NEW YORK TIMES Building
In front of 229 W. 43rd St. between 7/8th Aves
(Right click to download flyer here.)
2) Go to
For info on this weekend Sept. 3-5. Big Planning meeting in New York City for actions. Organized by Not in Our Name and others, not the democrats.
The first link "Pentagon" is broken or no longer works.
You know.. this is making my chest hurt. Spent a year in Iraq doing very little that helped anybody. When the Towers fell my platoon was forced to sit on our asses in Fort Stewart Georgia doing nothing, and we were ready willing and able to pull bodies from the rubble.
And now this when Im a few years out of the Army, trying to go to school, pretty much living paycheck to paycheck, and live on a farm. Im tied down and unable to physically do anything to help except sent my regards and some money with no way to knowing if its actually getting somewhere. Being tied to the farm and not being able to get away unless I let the animals starve, is making me feel pretty damned impotent right now.
I feel the need to hit something... repeatedly in frustration.
Jolly: Being on a farm producing food may be among the very most important work within the next few months. Buy some horses/mules, old fashioned plow, and get a cart for getting food to local market...because without fuel that's as far as food will be able to travel without spoilage.
Trouble-not. Part of the program is to make folks feel desperate, hopeless, helpless, and unable to help. Do what you can where you can. Don't spin wheels about what you can't.
Work in your region to establish community leadership channels, coms, food security, mutual aid arrangements. See cryptogon.com and ran priur for more. When all else fails, read some Wendell Berry.
there may be a couple more days of sensational talk about looting, and then the grand heros will make their entrance, liquidating the underclass of New Orleans. when you want to use overwhelming force, it helps if there's an overwhelming problem. troops blooded in Iraq will now get a chance to get "wet" on US soil--no suitcase bomb required. talking the whole thing up as a black/white issue is also preparing the way for riots and instability throughout the south to provide the casus belli for further NorthCom/DHS incursions into the region.
how much of that $10.2 billion from congress is gonna go to Verichip to keep track of our ongoing internal refugee crisis? the longer this thing simmers, the more extreme measures will be justified.
Civilization is but a thread-bare cloth barely masking the abomination of our existence.
I just read Fooled by Randomness by Nassim Nicholas Taleb and it is making me wonder if many of us may be getting fooled. Not sure yet - won't know till I disprove it.
The book calls into question assigning skills to the rich and powerful when most of their wealth and "importance" comes from luck. Bear markets wipe out most of these rich people because they were never competent in the market to begin with.
Could it be so with America's policial/societal bear market that we are in? Could it be possible that most of the current leadership is going to lose their riches and power during this societal bear market because they really are basically incompetent? The book makes a good case that this is how it will play out.
Wired: Sonic 'Lasers' Head to Flood Zone
Maybe there is oil under N.O.
Yes, people that call the bush administration "incompetent" are fools of the highest order that should have the following tatooed on their forehead. backwards:
"The biggest trick the devil ever pulled was convincing people he didn’t exist."
I think that at least as many people as are blaming incompetence, are chalking much of the situation up to the more banal, awful reality of American racism. I know I sure am.
There is no incompetence in deliberate, cold blooded murder. Anyone who thinks this nationwide governmental 'incompetence' is just that, probably also believes the lack of response to 4 hijacked planes on 9/11 despite years of systematic procedures in place was also 'incompetence.'
The truth of the matter is that while the nation is focused on the tragedy in New Orleans, the next staged terror attack is being quietly prepared for. That is why FEMA, the National Guard and Homeland Seurity have been so sluggish in their response: they've been busy cooking other pies. The South Carolina exersize was deliberately played out not to happen, so that when the real biggie comes NOBODY will see it coming.
Think about it: all the reports of gunfire on helicopters and cops are coming from government officials, NOT from people on the ground. This is a perfect excuse to justify military sweeps to take the guns away from the Aemrican people. The media will use the New Orleans experience as an exampls of 'how we shouldn't handle' the next big catastrophe. Isn't operant conditioning wonderful?
I normally agree with you writing except I would call it a misnomer to characterize New Orleans as a "great city;" a modern Babylon more like it. It's only fitting that the wealthy who run NO like Babylon were the first to escape.
As for Bob . . . I'm not sure his intent by posting that scene from David Lynch's "Mullholland Drive". He's obviously a Lynch fan as he took his moniker from Twin Peaks --the killer's name was "Bob."
Europe to send emergency oil to US
your challenge: find one sentence of this story that doesn't make you shudder:
Models predicted New Orleans disaster, experts say
I can imagine that there is work of dark forces. I'm also able to imagine a number of additional non-exclusionary possibilties in addition like criminality, racism (as mentioned), societal downturns ... things that humans can act on and improve.
And I still think there is also random chaos at work (not the chaos we are seeing, but mathematical chaos.)
I'm keeping an open mind for now.
"bob, wtf? an assignment for scriptwriting 101 you thought you'd share?"
"As for Bob . . . I'm not sure his intent by posting that scene from David Lynch's "Mullholland Drive". He's obviously a Lynch fan as he took his moniker from Twin Peaks --the killer's name was "Bob."
The posting of the Lynch script was to highlight the surreal way that we process the MSM version of life here in USA. In this short scene from Mullholland Drive, the two men sit comfortably in a Dennys calmly discussing a terrifying dream. But then they make the decision to explore the truth of the dream, and discover that it was a reality that did indeed exist. Like these men in the scene, we sit comfortably on our couches pondering the terrible world just outside our existence, glued to looped scenes of horror on the MSM cable networks. I wonder if we have the courage to examine the face up close and real. I believe that more than a few writers on this blog have done so at times in their lives, and it is those that have not that that are due a waking from the dream.
Well, I am mailing from the UK. I work with mostly middle-aged women and some young Asian ladies, none of whom is particularly political. We are appalled as we see this mass murder unfolding; all my colleagues are convinced that it is, inded, a racist scenaria. Those lef in O were not rich and mainly African-American; therefore they don't count!
And as for the shoot to kill policy - almost unbeleivable.
Awesome post Jeff,
I, like so many progressive people am both pissed and sickened at what smells like the new American Jonestown. As the poor and sizeably African-American population of New Orleans are left to their own devices regarding their imminent survival. The smarmy yellow-journalist media are demonizing masses of black people so hard, you'd think they were adapting a screenplay from 'Birth of a Nation'. Even Alex Jones was fostering this type of venal race-baiting on his broadcast yesterday. Making wide Medved-like generalizations and feeding on deeply ingrained fears & ugly stereotypes. The media has even given us new words to define them and isolate their humanity: Refugees. I patently refuse to recognize their fucking new "buzzword". Americans on Sunday, refugees on Tuesday, as once again the media's invisble empire protocol has been exposed. Those seeking sustenance who are not of the caucasian persuasion are immediately branded as looters. Whilst their white counterparts are sympathetically portrayed as 'searching for neccessities'.
This tragedy has become an exercise/experiment in population control, internment and attritional reduction. Since the fascist agenda seems to be the establishment of martial law, whose to say that amongst the small bands of the marauders that are wreaking havoc, that agent provocateurs haven't been intentionally inserted to "spice" things up? It's been done on a number of historically recorded occasions by the Mossad, NSA, CIA and FBI.
Wow, it's so fortuitous that this should happen as Americans begin to question Bushco, resent the gas profiteering and support a burgeoning Peace movement. Iraq is now "yesterday's news" and the rising civilian/combat casualties are relegated to one's personal grief. This is 2005 and progressive people everywhere should be outraged at the callous racialism and criminalization of fellow Americans. Aryans and their satanic counterparts must be ecstatic at this calculated and silent culling.
Posted on the discussion board.
watch this... it's time and it's appropiate:
bob, I think the reference to the little blue box is entirely relevant. my main problem with Lynch is that he doesn't seem to have a little red box.
Good story, and btw, NOLA Mayor Ray Nagin blatently questioned on CNN why BILLIONS of dollars were appropriated for IRAQ, when we were 'not invited to intervene', and yet Bush &Co. slashed millions for Engineering work to be done on the levee system, and days AFTER the storm no aid, no manpower,no nothing was being received downtown.'
As one witty blogger said:
'This is really going to mess up the football season this year...'
I wonder what Vegas is doing about the odds now?
That's not even remotely amusing considering what the fuck's happening!
You don't find that amusing. How about this:
"I don't think anybody anticipated the breach of the levees."
--George W. Bush, (today, from a link posted above)
And no one ever imagined planes being used for terrorist attacks either.
Evidently someone wants us to believe they are fools.
Bush always gives it away. The putz:
"It's as if the entire Gulf Coast were obliterated by the worst kind of weapon you can imagine," Bush said.
like after 9/11 when he said:
"He gives a speech after 9/11 in which he mentions that the government would give grants to research “new technology, probably far in the future, allowing air traffic controllers to land distressed planes by remote control.”
"probably far in the future" ? an embellishment of: a lie.
fantastic post - thank you
And while the media is focusing so intently on this crisis, behind the scenes the puppetmasters are
working on achieving their real goals. I wasn't sure at first whether it was the destruction of
the city that was wanted, or if it
was a diversion, but with the Supreme Court hearings beginning
this disaster gives the media
something to chew on while the
Bush administration pushes through
their nominee.
Of course this is all deliberate.
Cheney isn't missing. He's running it all from somewhere else. He's the one who was in charge of the destruction of FEMA.
The other day at the HomeReich Sekurity Press Conference, Chertoff and the whole lineup were GRINNING right before Jerkoff started to speak. GRINNING.
Let the situation go till you have anarchy. (Or just lie about it, I read yesterday the FAA said they had had no reports of aircraft being fired on--of course who can you believe in the gubmint). This justifies shoot to kill, makes sure no one will inquire too carefully into what happens to the people who are left (have you read the diaries on dKos and elsewhere about how the guests at the Ritz Carlton were evac'd by copter, and buses meant for the Dome diverted to save the Hyatt guests?)
Maybe they'll end up in internment camps and maybe they'll just disappear. In the four days in the Dome, was any registration done, were people asked for their drivers' licenses, nearest relative, former address? Course not.
Now, you can believe that BushCo is just a kleptocracy, that they're not 'really' fascists but greed crazed incompetents, which is bad enough, but as others have pointed out, there's method to their 'incompetence.'
Now there's a huge oil spill on the Mississipi. Oil prices are skyrocketing, repercussions will be nationwide. Those who are not rich and connected will SINK to the bottom. And the debt-burdened tinhorns living in too much house full of credit-card-bought CRAP and tooling around in cars they don't own that cost $100+ to fill up...and the new bankruptcy bill is looming next month--oh, no, this trap was fearfully and wonderfully constructed and it is snapping shut just as it was meant to.
To paraphrase J. R. "Bob" Dobbs--STOP PULLING THE WOOL OVER YOUR OWN EYES! Reality is indeed terrifying but the only way you can fight it is to face it. Americans must now either grow the hell up, or end up in hell.
Even in a time of crisis, a DoJ recess appointment can't wait
" President Bush has used a constitutional provision to bypass the Senate and fill a top Justice Department slot with an official whose nomination stalled over tactics at the Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, naval facility.
Bush used a "recess appointment" Wednesday to name Alice S. Fisher to lead the agency's criminal division. Sen. Carl Levin, D-Mich., had blocked the nomination because he wants to talk to an agent who named Fisher in an e-mail about allegedly abusive interrogations at the U.S. military prison camp at Guantanamo.
To some Senate Democrats, the FBI e-mail suggested that Fisher had detailed knowledge of FBI complaints about the military interrogation practices that have since become the subject of intense controversy. Some of the techniques, proposed for one particularly high-value Al Qaeda detainee, included exposure to cold weather or water and the use of a wet towel and dripping water "to induce the misperception of drowning;" tactics that one FBI agent assigned to Guantanamo thought might be in violation of a federal torture statute, according to another November 2002 FBI document, entitled "Legal Analysis of Interrogation Techniques," that was reported on in the Aug. 8 edition of Newsweek. (The Pentagon has denied that any approved techniques at Guantanamo violated the law."
I can't help but think the brutal killing of the Brazilian in the London underground a month ago was but another government-ordered attack on a non-white to evoke terror among the British population, especially of non-whites.
Tune into MSNBC's "Concert for Hurricane Relief." All of the celebrities reading from teleprompters in monotone voices and cheerful jazz music about New Orleans is just plan creepy.
Sorry to be redundant but
One other point that needs to be emphasized is that in the hours and days after the storm, we had FOX, CNN covering high officials in press conferences swearing things were moving along..and Mayor Nagin said "Bullshit!
has been done!-what America is being told is NOT TRUE."Where is the Beef?"(CNN.com)
DO YOU SEE THIS?? He Asserted the blatant fact that the government and media were SPINNING the truth. They were LYING.
That took guts. Kudos to him, I hope he runs for president, he's got my vote.
He effectively committed political suicide by asking silly questions about how much money we have spent on the war in IRAQ and we can't manage to airdrop basic emergency supplies into a major American city in a time of crisis.
Damn, us little people have the audacity to be upset with a government that we PAY to help us in emergencies, only to be lied to by top FEMA officials. Incredible.
The President of the United States reading a boo- I mean strumming a guitar during a disaster? Did I take the red pill by mistake?
Was this intentional? Possibly. But it was definitely gross incompetence, and that's being very generous.
Thanks for the good articles about the disaster. I live down here in central Texas, and I have been grieving over this situation. I have felt so helpless. I wanted to do something, anything to help. I did donate some money. That and praying are about all I have been able to do. If tears counted as help, I'd be way ahead.
It has been unbelievable how slow help has gotten to the poor victims of the hurricane. I have been so angry. The incompetent, evil people in the US government should have to spend a decade or so as Tantalus.
Mary R. C.
I find myself wondering how long the feds will maintain martial law in and around NO. Will they be like a dog that doesn't want to give up a bone? Will they seek to expand martial law by means of one pretext or another?
Could anyone post info as to what exact bounderies are now under martial law?
I noticed the spin immediately, especially on FOX. Last night a blond, female reporter was interviewing evacuees in the Astrodome. She interviewed a young 7 year old girl who hesitantly told her the food was good and she was having fun playing. As the reporter concluded the interview, she told the girl GOOD JOB!! She had obviously coached her and saying "GOOD JOB" was a dead giveaway.
It's scripted, manufactured mind games. Sure, the tragedy is real enough, but the coverage of it is highly scripted, especially by certain MSN sources.
Notice how FOX continually shows the same footage of looting over and over and over and over and over and over and over. Don't think that's not by design, because it's absolutely deliberate. It is meant to create a lasting impression and appeal to our Reptilian Reflexes. It has worked. The majority of my colleagues are fixated on the looting, as opposed to the suffering. Empathy is replaced with anger.
Mission Accomplished.
People whatever you do, find another charity to help in the relief effort. Preferrably something grass roots that will definitely get to the affected people. The Red Cross are thieving bastards and pain-parasites! Post-9/11 their Liberty Fund received upwards of $564 million dollars from people anxious to assist people affected by the tragedy. Of this they pocketed and diverted $410 million of it, only dispensing a mere $154 million. Over 3,000 donors demanded accountability as well as refunds. The repercussions of which cost Red Cross president Bernadine Healy her $450,000 a year job. However, they used the same bait & switch in The San Francisco earthquake of 1989, the OKC terror bombing, and more recently the Sri Lanka Tsunami relief. A federally chartered and 120-year-old "non-profit", the Red Cross collects about 6 million pints of blood each year and earns 60 percent of its revenue ($1.5 billion) by selling such blood by-products as plasma and platelets for $225.00-plus per unit. When not selling your blood for profit, they are busy exploiting the poor, injured and dying. Their international counterpart the International Red Cross has engaged in covert espionage, scouting targets and "enemy" personnel for military intelligence. As they gained unhampered access under the guise of providing aid and comfort.
United Way was no better, as the former president of the United Way, William Aramony, was busted and imprisoned for embezzlement of $7 million dollars,
despite the fact that he was being paid a salary of $1.5 million per year and the use of a private jet.
To clarify, try and use local-charities to get your precious resources to the people in need. If I hear of any I will post them immediately, and if any of you know of any reputable ones, please post them ASAP.
ALSO, I want everyone to know that many of the great and selfless volunteers that provide the labor for these organizations are good, well-intentioned people. It's the leadership and scum at the top that run it who turned it into a criminal enterprise.
Hearts and Prayers to the people of New Orleans!
KATRINA PSYOPS: "What we need is a strong leader." In Other Words: DICTATORSHIP
The lack of help for Katrina victims is now being blamed on the lack of a "strong leader" on Fox, CNN, etc.
I have been trying to figure out the inaction of the government in saving the lives of the people in New Orleans. It makes no sense that we can’t airlift and drop water and food into the city.
What really is happening is a PsyOps and mind f**k of the American people by sacrificing the lives of the poor in New Orleans.
The goals (a.k.a. rigged solution) appear to be:
1. The call for a “strong leader” (otherwise known as a dictator). I keep hearing this from different newscasters such as Bill O’Reilly and others. Verbatim they keep saying: “What we need is a strong leader.” (Dictator Cheney perhaps after a “false flag” terrorist attack?)
2. Grooming Rudy Giuliani for 2008 presidency. The newscasters use Rudy Giuliani during 9/11 as an example of a “strong leader”. Well, it is widely know that Giuliani is running for president in 2008 as a republican.
3. To stir up racial tensions in cities and to create general fear. The hidden thought line here is: “We need a dictator to protect us from black looters during a national emergency.”
"Tricks used by world manipulators include Hegelian dialectics and false dichotomies. Hegelian dialectics is better known as problem-reaction-solution, whereby a problem is created to push people into accepting a rigged solution. Incidents such as the Oklahoma City bombing, Columbine massacre, and 9/11 attacks were engineered by the shadow government to justify the further removal of freedoms from the populace to “keep them safe.” Ultimately, liberty traded for security leads to slavery."
The process of saving lives in a disaster scenario does not require a “strong leader”. These are operations that can be easily scripted. Resources need to be pre-positioned. Forces need to be sent to restore order. It’s not rocket science, folks!
First of all, they should have had the drinking water, food, and medicine pre-positioned in the city. Second, they needed thousands of National Guard troops in the New Orleans city to preserve order. (They could have added hundreds of doctors and nurses, too, for good measure.) Lastly, all police and military should have had military level communication systems in place immediately after the storm left the area.
Believe me, this so-called “need” for a “strong leader” will be rammed down our throats by the media and the politicians in the coming months.
I was writing in my journal this evening trying to figure out whether I think BushCo is an opportunistic kleptocracy which has succeeded beyond its wildest dreams due to the laziness of the American people and the spinelessness of the Dems and moderate Repubs, or whether I think they are evil fascist bastards with a coherent plan to enslave us all.
I also asked whether I think that the way that BushCo has pushed the US economy till it had one foot on a banana peel and Katrina gave it a shove is due to their greed that could easily be classified as 'looting' (which means we could shoot them), or whether they know enough about peak oil, global warming, etc. to realize that a crisis is inevitable and are not so much causing it as positioning themselves to profit by it AND to control the mobs when the American people finally see the writing on the wall.
What my brain, which is filled what I find in my reading and research, tells me and what my gut, what Hemingway called a 'built in shock resistant shit detector', says are two different things. I see a great deal of evidence (or 'evidence'--fear = False Evidence Appearing Real) that they are Evil Fascist Bastards trying to feather their nests and get the drop on us before an Ultimate Catastrophe.
But my gut doesn't say that and never has. When I see these people and hear them speak, my gut says THUG. I first began to study the Bush family circa 1989. They are truly a CRIME FAMILY with more in common with the Corleones than any other political dynasty in American history. They have made their money on three things: oil, arms dealing and drugs. They are unutterably evil, but they are also incredibly inept.
The only thing, and I am serious about this, that has empowered them is the inert American populace that has eagerly chowed down on the diet of bullshit fed them by BushCo and the media. If even a small fraction of the American people started a Howard Beale party--"I'm mad as hell and I'm not going to take this anymore!" and stood up to these people, it would be like Glinda giggling and waving her wand: "BEGONE, YOU HAVE NO POWER HERE!" to the Witch and then Dorothy chucking a bucket at her.
And BushCo would be left to say "Who would have thought good little citizens like you could destroy all my beautiful wickedness!"
We have out of laziness and gutlessness empowered these people far beyond their abilities. They are bullies and thugs but they are not invincible.
The rest of the world has been 'onto' Bush for years and is 'onto' what is happening in New Orleans. They cannot BELIEVE the passivity and gullibility of the American people.
What just happened is what in law is called "RES IPSA LOQUITUR": The thing speaks for itself. It is RIGHT THERE, like the butt-naked emperor. All we need to do is have the courage to see what is true AND SPEAK IT OUT LOUD.
Tonight a young black child about 8 or 9 spoke into the camera and said it all, that he was hungry and thirsty and his country had let him down. To anyone with eyes and a heart, no amount of 'spin' by politicians or media could gainsay that child's right-on words. Bless him: he wasn't afraid to look out at America and 'tell it like it is.'
If someone cannot hear the truth, if they cannot see the truth, THEY DO NOT WANT TO.
I would not be surprised at all to find out that the government had covertly hired the snipers and some of the looters. The ex-CIA intelligence specialist Larry Johnson (presumably one of the "good" CIA) noted in an article I read online yesterday that a NO police officer found one of the looters of a jewelry store he encontered to be a NO policewoman! Perhaps a freelancer, or maybe hired to help create mayhem? They were doing it in Viet Nam; why not NO?
Many of my books are in storage including "War and Peace" (and "The Godfather"!) so I can't find the quote I wanted...suffice it to say that many great minds have mulled the "great man" theory of history. (I had a history prof in college whose tag line was "What was the little man thinking? Who cares! Little men don't make history!")
Any rascal COULD have become the Don...but they didn't. Vito did. I don't think you can deny that he was more than just a lucky thug--he was audacious, as we see in the flashbacks to his youth. So was Hitler. When I recently read Shirer's "Rise and Fall of the Third Reich" I saw Hitler as a brilliant poker player.
It's been over 30 years since I read "The Godfather" so forgive if I'm mistaken...but wasn't part of the point that Vito and his generation had had a certain code they lived by, and the new generation (represented by Solozzo) didn't honor that? To survive in the new world you had to be more than crafty (like Vito) or brave (like Sonny.) You had to be absolutely ruthless. Which, in the great surprise of the book and film, young Michael the idealist who wanted a normal life with Kay turned out to be. For me the heart of the Godfather saga has always been the tragedy of Michael, whose success is his ultimate defeat. His ruthlessness in protecting his family ends up destroying it--the opposite of what Vito, and Sonny, stood for, which was la famiglia--blood and extended--first.
Anyway...that was something of a diversion ;).
In the end, no matter how great the great man, he is defeated, if only by his own mortality. Alexander died at 33 and the empire fell into pieces. Caesar fell to assassins' knives and the ultimate winner was Octavian who ruled as an Emperor; the Roman Republic was dead. Hitler's thousand year Reich ended in flames in 12 years.
More interesting to me than the inevitable fall is the process by which power is won, consolidated and held, and here is where we come in. Those 'little people' my prof scoffed at.
No great man, or great man wannabe, gets anywhere without some people helping him and other people FAILING TO OPPOSE HIM.
Imagine: Munich in the '20s, a back alley. A Jewish student, a mensch, confronts Hitler, calls him a racist thug, and lets him have it with a block of wood.
Would the Nazi takeover have occurred anyway, with a different leader? Maybe. But Hitler was a genius of a sort that is statistically rare in the population (thank heaven.)
Imagine if the American media had treated George W. Bush, in 2000, as they had Dan Quayle--shown him as a personable rich kid with a substandard IQ good only for hilarious quotes on SNL's "Weekend Update." He wouldn't even have gotten the nomination. He'd be off riding his bike to the nearest coke dealer in Kennebunkport this Labor Day Weekend, not presiding over one of the most shameful episodes in American history.
Or what if Americans had rioted in the millions in the streets, not just of Washington but everywhere, after "Bush v. Gore" came down, and demanded those votes be counted and the REAL President inaugurated?
Or what if after 9/11 newspapers had said the obvious--it's either an inside job or criminal negligence so as to demand the resignation of the Administration that allowed it to happen?
Or what if John Kerry had kept his word and refused to concede until the skullduggery that prevented many voters from voting at all or having their votes properly counted had been exposed?
Alas, I fear in the coming months, and years, people in the rest of the world will be saying:
WHAT IF the American people had refused to let BushCo get away with murder in the ruins of the Gulf Coast and forced their representatives to impeach for cold blooded homicide of thousands and physical and psychological torture of thousands more with the same vim and vigor they did over a blowjob?
Bush is an embodiment of the soul-sickness of this country. He is our Dark Side made flesh, a perverse Incarnation. We need to put a stake through his heart and we need to do it NOW.
History will not absolve us anyway for 9/11 or Fallujah or New Orleans, but there must be no more collusion with, as Jeff calls him here on the front page, "President Death."
Impeach him, try him for war crimes, and hang him on satellite television.
If we don't, all our hands will be stained with the blood of the victims of the "NOLAcaust."
"Will all great Neptune's ocean wash this blood
Clean from my hand? No, this my hand will rather
The multitudinous seas incarnadine,
Making the green one red."
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