Sex, Drugs and Three-Card Monte

Let the wind blow low, let the wind blow high,
One day the little boy and the little girl
Were both baked in a pie. - Bob Dylan
Former DEA special agent Michael Levine likens the "War on Drugs" to the con game three-card monte: the grifter lays down three cards on a table, shows you that one is the Queen of Spades, then turns them over and quickly shuffles. He asks if you can pick the Queen, and you saw some guy before you win easily, so you reach for your wallet. Guess what? You lose. And you know that guy who won? He's part of the scam.
In the early seventies Levine was assigned to the Hard Narcotics Smuggling Squad, which investigated all heroin and cocaine smuggling through the port of New York City. In Kristina Borjesson's Into the Buzzsaw he writes that "we could not avoid witnessing the CIA protecting major drug dealers":
In fact, throughout the Vietnam War, while we documented massive amounts of heroin flooding into the US from the Golden Triangle...not a single important source in Southeast Asia was ever indicted by US law enforcement. This was no accident. Case after case...was killed by CIA and State Department intervention and there wasn't a damn thing we could do about it.
The DEA, of course, is allowed some victories in order to support the bogus strategy that supports the bogus war. The media - the shilling co-conspirator in the game of Drug-War Monte - dutifully reports the massive busts and seizures. Though they had better be the right bust. When Florida's 9/11 flight school bagman, the Jeb Bush-backed Wally Hilliard, happened to be caught with 43 pounds of heroin onboard his private plane (the largest seizure in the history of Florida, and that state's had some history) it was all a simple misunderstanding, corrected with one phone call.
Levine continues:
Media's shill duties, as I experienced them firsthand, were twofold: first, to keep quiet about the gush of drugs that were allowed to flow unimpeded into the US; second, to divert the public's attention by shilling them into believing the drug war was legitimate by falsely presenting the few trickles we were permitted to indict as though they were major "victories" when in fact we were doing nothing more than getting rid of the inefficient competitors of CIA assets.
I thought of this tonight after reading the story "Russian and US special services arrest international child traffickers":
Russian and US special services have conducted a special operation in Moscow to arrest members of an international criminal group that was dealing with the trafficking of children. The operation was completed successfully. "The group was conducting illegal activities for several years under the guise of various public services," Deputy Prosecutor General of Russia, Sergei Fridinsky said Tuesday.
According to the official, several Russian and American citizens set up a firm which they named as Yunona. The company was registered in California. The firm was collecting confidential information about children in Russia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Vietnam, Guatemala and several other countries. The criminals were selling the collected information to adoption agencies. "It has been proved as a result of investigation that the organization was involved in the adoption of Aleksei Geiko who subsequently died in the USA in 2005," Sergei Fridinsky told reporters.
The illegal company had a network of agents in various countries of the world. The agents were digging for information in children's homes and other social institutions with the help of bribes. The services of the child-trafficking agency cost from $10,000 to $20,000 for each client.
Drugs and children are commodities that trade on the same grey markets, and by the same day traders. For instance, Plan Colombia has been largely outsourced to DynCorp, but the Texas firm charged with eradicating narcotics at source has been implicated in both its trafficking and in Bosnian child prostitution.
"The White House is crippling a Senate inquiry into the government's sluggish response" to Katrina, as it's revealed that the Bush administration receieved detailed early warning of the hurricane's impact. And the hundreds of children still missing from Katrina - what's become of them?
jeez man, thanks for the horrifying art...i guess i know what will be staring back at me from the celing tonight as i lay awake in terror from your latest post. i suppose word pictures just aren't graphic enough sometimes...very sorry about the election btw, welcome to terrorland! and here i was thinking i would immigrate...
Steve, as I said last week, running away is NOT an option. The same folks run the whole world, and it has been so for a long time.
The number of children that disappear is vastly underreported. Sex slaves, black magic, ritual abuse is rampant and the public not only doesn't know, but really doesn't want to know.
It's up to us to spread the word...
Quoted above,
Levine continues:
Media's shill duties, as I experienced them firsthand, were twofold: first, to keep quiet about the gush of drugs that were allowed to flow unimpeded into the US; second, to divert the public's attention by shilling them into believing the drug war was legitimate by falsely presenting the few trickles we were permitted to indict as though they were major "victories" when in fact we were doing nothing more than getting rid of the inefficient competitors of CIA assets.
This "substituionary justice" to consolidate organized crime and make it look like increasing law and order is the main theme of McGowan's book Programmed to Kill: The Politics of Serial Murder.
Completely unrelated issues of child murders, drug dealer murders, pornography maker murders, MKULTRA programs, pedophiles, ritual satanism murders, are all wrapped up in a corrupted media that promoted the government's line (a lie) which railroads non-guilty scapegoats for a tremendous amount of unrelated crimes, sealed and brand-labeled as a 'serial killer' which fails to exist except in the minds of the public. It's not real. It's organized crime taking over your state, solving lots of unrelated crimes connected with drug dealer murders, pedophilia, ritual satanism, and then pretending it fits a 'pattern' of a 'serial killer' when the pattern isn't even there in the first place as shown by McGowan's good sluthing. The claim of a pattern is just the increasingly criminal-CIA-drug dealer pedophocracy government alibi.
Or when they are 'real,' as McGowan's data-heavy biographies of the supposed 'serial killers' are, they are "product model tests" of military backgrounds, odd military psychiatric hospital visits, and in general are MKULTRA killers, unleashed and sent out (and when 'accidentally' captured by local police, are released on high orders after they are caught, so they can continue) to cause havoc for political purposes.
This is the largest and I think most successfully documented revision of the past 50 years of so called public history I have read in a long while. And it fits right in with the connections noted by Jeff above.
IT IS the connection noted by Jeff above.
30 pages on what McGowan calls the pedophocracy, free at:
click on 'browse'
Speaking of Russia Jeff I do not know if you happened to read the interview with the former Chief of Staff for Russia's armed forces?
(I’ve been trying to find the link but so far unsuccessfully.)
Anyway he was in his post at the time of 9/11 and he said that it was a set up.
He went on to say that the war on terror is entirely artificial and that no terrorist organisation could survive without the assistance of at least one intelligence agency.
So to sum up, they are bombing us to keep us scared, spying on us to keep us under control, torturing us when it suits them, trafficking in child slavery and pedophilia and polluting our societies with a never ending flood of cheap and deadly narcotics.
Have I missed anything?
Hey, criminal adoption services digging for information? Doesn't that sound similar to the cases of phantom social workers in the UK and the US (see Loren Coleman's book)? Not that they are necessarily literally connected, but still...
yeah thats the dirty secret that runs in the background now. child sex slaves, drugs, and manufactured terrorism. i don't know what else to say. its now or dead.
Harry, here's a link to that story on the RI discussion board.
The question is not whether you're paranboid, it's whether yuo're paranoids ENOUGH. I mean, heck, YOU could even be part of the misinformation chain...(runs away screaming)
Mr. Levine's mention of the DEA being allowed victories which support the bogus strategies of the bogus drug war brings to mind another support structure.
Price supports. Were it not for the selective suppresion of the drug market, the basic three - opium, cocaine and marijuana, could all be at price levels similar to coffee or wine (which happen to be, er...drugs).
This is diabolical genius. Suppressing the natural flow of trade to the point that the products, which now only you control, are valued absurdly out of proportion to the economic fundamentals.
Also, it would be refreshing if our lofty media could be bothered to point out that a "Drug Free America", a concept which actually has adherents, is as likely as a "Gravity Free America".
Drugs and arms are the two most high-profit businesses of our time.
They are also the most destructive of human lives.
And elaborate systems exist to keep the need for both of them high and the prices higher.
(Sex/porn and gambling, not so much so, because for the most part, they can be supplied on an amateur level and they're not being smuggled across borders.)
If "follow the money" is the key to all the great political crimes, then those are the places to follow it.
I commend to your attention the excellent book by Daniel Hopsicker "Barry and the Boys" which is a detailed expose of the involvement of the CIA and other Federal agencies in importing drugs into the USA through Mena Arkansas and elsewhere.
Hopsicker has also done brilliant work on the aforementioned and well connected (Jeb Bush) Wally Hilliard in Welcome to Terrorland. Hopsicker exposes among other things the interconnections of Federal agencies with Mohammad Atta and the events of 9/11/01.
Thanks for that link.
This is off topic but I know you have an interest in Peter Levanda. (Says Levanda wrote the Necronomicom etc.)
(Funny name though: A Cabal.)
Sourced from
The Drug War thing is really bigger then money.
Most illegal drugs would probably be roughly the same price if legalized as they are presently on the illegal market.
The most trenchant exception is cannabis- marijuana- which could easily be grown by its users for a negligible cost, if private, non-market cultivation were legalized. Instead, prices continue to trend upward, sometimes as high as $500-600/ounce, or $20-30/gram.
Meanwhile, in the case of amphetamines and powder opiates, the most popular illegal products found on the street- methamphetamine and heroin- are, at this point in the Drug War disaster, both cheaper and more powerful than prescription amphetamines and opiates.
For instance, ounce bags of meth can sometimes be purchased as cheaply as, oh, $500 an ounce, or $30/gram.
(As noted, that's roughly the same price per gram as top-quality sinsemilla marijuana. )
That's a good deal cheaper than prescription amphetamines, even considering insurance and co-payment.
And look what 40-60% "black tar" heroin goes for in San Diego these days-
Black tar: $10-20 per .20-.50 grams, 40-60% purity.
( As noted, that's roughly the same price per gram as top-quality sinsemilla marijuana. )
Here are the prices for prescription opiods
But unlike prescription drug consumers, the choices made by illegal drug users leave them powerless before the State, if discovered. They're at constant risk of being disenfranchised from their societies, even if all they purchase and possess is cannabis- which is the only illegal drug regularly used by about 80% of illegal drug purchasers.
In the political sense, consumers of illegal drugs are knee-capped from the outset- not because their choices are necessarily more irresponsible than alcohol drinkers or tobacco smokers, but because of the irrationality of the law. In practical terms, the results in a degree of discrimination that is beyond comparison with more popularly acknowledged oppressed minorities like women, gays, or ethnic minority populations.
For those in this society who place a premium on social conformity and mistrust of the democratic impulse, there's a Machiavellian benefit in consigning as many citizens- or would "subjects" be a better term?- as possible into the criminal class for trivial matters of social deviance.
There's also a benefit to the predatory criminal class- it provides them with a bigger sea to swim in, so to speak. The more police attention spent on attempting to modify peoples private behaviors, the less energy remains to focus on apprehending the violent and the predatory. And non-criminals placed in predatory criminal environments- i.e., most of the illegal drug market- make for easy prey. The chilling implications are unlimited, in fact. Illegal drug users patronizing street markets face risks unknown to those who simply plunk down a $20 for a bottle of liquor at their corner store.
Above all, at the international level, drug markets are about corruption. And like the disenfranchisement of illegal drug consumer populations, that corruption is maintained by the underground economy, black-market status of the drugs trade. It's more than simply a profitable commodity trade. It's a commodity trade that can be exploited, as Mike Levine notes, like a game of three card monte. If you're in on the game with the political players holding the cards, you win. If you're anybody else, you lose.
Mike Levine's radio show,
My "prices for prescription opiods" link didn't work in the message above- here's the working link
Here's a blog on human trafficking in the Netherlands, put up by a horrified john who discovered that some of the women he had been patronizing were literally sex slaves. The most shocking revelation is that Human Rights people and cops are doing nothing to stop this practice. They feel that whether they are there voluntarily or not, the women are better off working in legal brothels, where cops can prevent physical abuse, than in illegal ones where anything goes.
hey really this is very cool post here.... your blog is very interesting for reading. Thanks very much for sharing this post. keep posting, I'm looking for some more information from you.
Penyakit ini umumnya muncul karena penderita mengejan terlalu keras pada saat buang air besar. Dengan mengejan terlalu keras, maka pembuluh darah di sekitar anus dapat melebar dan pecah menimbulkan infeksi dan pembengkakan yang berakhir pada masalah wasir atau ambeien tersebut.
Penyakit kencing nanah bisa disebabkan oleh beberapa faktor seperti seks bebas, penularan, virus hpv, lingkungan, gaya hidup dan lainnya, Maka dari itu kita harus waspada dengan penyakit kencing nanah ini, karena penyakit kencing nanah sangatlah berbahaya, Namun untuk anda yang menderita penyakit kencing nanah, maka anda tidak perlu khawatir,
Bukan hanya pengobatan medis saja tapi ada juga pengobatan rumah alami yang dapat digunakan untuk menyingkirkan penyakit kutil kelamin ini. Intinya, karena kutil ini muncul di daerah yang sensitif, maka anda harus mencari pengobatan yang terbaik pada kulit Anda dan jika diperlukan juga dibantu dengan tenaga medis yang professional. Sebab dokter akan menjadi sumber informasi yang baik untuk mengobati penyakit ini.
MANTAB * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * **********
Kadang disertai
dengan sakit saat kencing, perih, organ intim terasa panas menyiksa,
Bismillahirrohmannirrokhim ........................
obat ambeien obat wasir gejala ambeien obat wasir alami obat ambeien alami obat herbal ambeien gejala wasir obat alami ambeien obat herbal wasir obat ambeien tanpa operasi obat wasir herbal obat alami wasir cara mengobati ambeien tanpa operasi obat ambeien herbal obat wasir tanpa operasi cara mengobati wasir tanpa operasi obat ambeien obat wasir gejala ambeien obat wasir alami obat ambeien alami obat herbal ambeien
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