There Is No More Firmament

We could comprehend our condition by the moon
But they've ordered the moon not to shine - Nick Cave
Antonin Artaud again.
In 1933, three years before his dissociative initiation into the peyote ritual of the Tarahumara, Artaud completed an eight-page, one-act play set in the year 2000 entitled There Is No More Firmament:
On a busy street crowds of people witness the sky seeming to fall from the heavens, with light and darkness alternately becoming their environment. Confused, they gossip, argue, pray, and curse while the newspapers distribute conflicting stories about the situation, quoting politicians and scientists alike, all denying that the end is near, and all claiming to have the truth.
The truth of the play is that the star Sirius is about to collide with the Earth. Robert Anton Wilson provides a synopsis of sorts in his Cosmic Trigger, Vol. I:
There Is No More Firmament begins with discordant music indicating "a far-off cataclysm." The curtain rises on an ordinary street scene, with actors coming and going rapidly. There are bits of ordinary conversation ("Wines ... windowglass ... gold’s going down"), suggestions of violence and insanity ("He’s undressing me. Help, he’s ripping my dress off..." "I’m on fire, I’m burning, I’m going to jump") and, finally, the word "Sirius" repeated in every tone of voice and every pitch of the scale:
Actors rush about claiming that the sun is getting bigger, the plague has broken out, there is thunder without lightning, etc. A reasonable voice tries to explain, "It was a magnetic phenomenon...." Then the loudspeaker tells us:
"One actor claims it is the end of the world. Another says it is two worlds ramming each other.... Finally, one scientist comes forth to explain to the audience, "The molecular grouping in Sirius is everything. These two forces, ours and theirs, had to be put in touch with each other."
While something at least gives the impression of rushing towards us - something that's made claims of Sirian provenance, Freemasonic influence and eschaton - it's not literally Sirius. But Artaud was right about the firmament. Except, of course, that it never was there. It only felt like it because our presumptions of the universe were shared by so many and left untested for so long. Once that began to change, the vault of Heaven that fixed the stars in place wasn't so sure.
I'm not just talking about the High Weird stuff, though I will and we should. I also mean the more mundane unthinkables being enacted upon the stage of this world. That's not to say unthinkable acts are anything new, only that they seem that way to those who've never before considered them.
Of course, this historical moment's premier catalyst for consideration of the unthinkable is 9/11, though the 2000 election makes a strong contender. And once we go there, with all our intelligence and informed intuition, there is no more firmament. The stars are still there, but they're no longer hung like Christmas ornaments from the crystalline dome of a failed cosmology. It's dark and cold with no roof on the world, so we may want to re-imagine one as a fiction of normalacy, and draw a line dividing the corrupt terrestrial from the glorious celestial. That's how we get people who can say "Bush knew" while they call Mena "tinfoil," and for whom Skull and Bones was a forbidden topic after Kerry's selection. But the unthinkables just keep on coming, and those who draw lines proscribing discourse will be overtaken by the events precipitated by the thoughts which earlier overwhelmed them.
Does anyone today need signs and wonders - does anyone even need to read a paper, or maybe the scriptures of their choice - to have a sensible impression of the spiritual monstrosity of the Cheney/Bush regime? Because this is where the loss of my firmament has left me: that this public display of twilight power is merely the secular flowering of an ancient root that shares more with Egypt's Old Kingdom than America's new republic.
In his book Outer Gateways Kenneth Grant - to whom Aleister Crowley entrusted his portrait of Lam and intended to succeed him as "Outer Head" of the Ordo Templi Orientis - observes that occultists have always been asked to persuade "the Masters" to deliver signs and wonders for those who can't imagine the "existence of a world beyond the senses." Yet no number of miracles would suffice to convince those "too obtuse to accept the vast accumulated testimony of tradition and the thousands of well attested cases of transhuman phenomena."
Grant then adds:
However, since the middle of the present century the Masters would seem to have decided that the massive exhibition of mysterious phenomena is, at last, in order. For what otherwise explains the frequent and sometimes alarming appearance in our skies, during the past forty years or so, of inexplicable lights and unidentified objects? ... These weird phenomena have been sighted not predominantly by occultists, magicians or metaphysicians, but by ordinary people following the pursuits of ordinary people, soldiers, sailors, policemen, airmen, farmers, lorry drivers, and so on. A glance at any one of literally hundreds of books on so-called UFOs should convince any but the hopelessly purblind that numberless (because uncounted) individuals, and groups of individuals, alive today have seen with their own eyes phenomena equal to, if not surpassing, anything witnessed by the few who were privy to Madame Blavatsky and her Mahatmas. But has there yet been a general acceptance of miracles?
In one of the posts regarding the alleged portals of Skinwalker Ranch I mentioned that a family named Bradshaw had earlier experienced a similar two-year brush with high weirdness near Sedona, Arizona, and "also claimed to witness a similar 'structure' in the sky that appeared to serve as a gateway between different realities." I recently got hold of the 1995 book of the case entitled Merging Dimensions: The Opening Portals of Sedona by Tom Dongo and Linda Bradshaw. (In this interview, Dongo mentions his documenting an earlier Sedona incident of a man who witnessed a "floating window in the air and several nine foot tall Bigfoot type creatures nearby that he felt were guarding it, and how someone later, in the same general area, another man also saw the same type of thing. Neither man knew each other." One, says Dongo, was a retired Air Force colonel.)
There is the usual cluster of paranormal suspects at the Bradshaw Ranch: strange entities, UFOs and orbs, as well as military incursions. And then there's the "portal." Unlike the skinwalker portal, this one was allegedly photographed twice. The reproductions are included in the book.
Bradshaw writes that one evening she was walking on her property when suddenly, "before my eyes, a huge and brilliant light appeared in the sky above me.... I did not see anything but the light itself and it remained there for only a few seconds." She was disappointed she hadn't brought her camera, and then made a point of taking it with her on her walks. Some time later on another evening, on a walk with her camera in hand, the light appeared again in the same spot: "I only had time to click the shutter twice, when the light instantly closed, leaving me to question whether it had been real."
When she picked the film up from the developer, she was surprised to see detail in the huge rectangular light in the darkness that sat about 15 feet off the ground judging by the juniper tree just off its side. Sedona is arid desert, but the detail revealed "an oceanside scene or that of a late afternoon sunset on a sloping plain." A telephone pole is in the right foreground, but the nearest pole is over a mile away from the site where the photos were taken. The two photos are not identical, and show movement between shots, principally of one or maybe two humanoid figures in the bottom left. The pictures also show a discoid UFO in flight and numerous pyramid-like objects.
Perhaps most curiously, there is also what Dongo describes as a "flying bat...along with what looks like the number 39 with a large dot directly after the 9." That's not what I see. The "bat's wings" are not organic, but seemingly tooled straight and tapering lines, intersecting at what looks like the hinge of a compass. The compass rests on its side, with one point directed to the ground and the other to the sky, encompassing the disc. And to me, the "39 with a large dot" looks more like "33°." I think that's interesting, especially because Dongo and Bradshaw don't see it, and don't tell others to see it. (Though naturally I should acknowledge that what I see may say more about me than the photograph.)
Do I believe the story of Bradshaw's portal? I'd be a fool to simply because I read it somewhere and saw a blurry picture open to interpretation. But it's not about belief; none of it is. It's about all the things I can no longer comfortably disbelieve. It's not just the sense that, without a firmament, anything can happen, because anything can still be an exception. It's that the narratives which now make the most sense of our times are approaching fantasy and horror fiction. It's about hearing the ring of truth in the strangest places. With so many unlikely bells ringing the same notes, what are we to do? Especially since we know the answer to Grant's question: "has there yet been a general acceptance of miracles?" So what's expected of us now?
The government urges you to remain calm.
can you sleep tonight?
Interesting blog...
There are a lot more things in heaven and earth than were dreamed of in our philosophy, at least the mechanistic kind I learned in school. I believe that. That there are spiritual entities out there, many of which are not exactly friendly, I have no trouble accepting.
But... I guess I've always found myself rooted in the idea (and it comes from my rather eclectic Christian upbringing, the more of which I look back at the more I realise was in fact *very* eclectic: Gnostic/Anabaptist Brethren Pentecostalism, I suppose would be the rough contours, but I was always a bit of a cognitive dissident) that "there are more for us than there are against us".
And then there's the whole Jesus thing. For me, despite growing up with a fair bit of spiritual paranoia (when a Pentecostal church goes bad it goes *bad*, and I read some pretty weird stuff in my teens; Jack Chick, Stan Deyo, Berlitz/Moore, Hal Lindsay, the Maitreya mythos... the whole conspiracy spectrum), I kept coming back to the New Testament as ground zero of the Resistance. Especially the gospel and epistles of John, which I always found the most approachable. The idea of the Incarnation and Trinity, God as fundamentally and by choice *one of us*, woven into our tapestry of flesh, is a magic so powerful that it melts pretty much everything else for me. We belong in this world of dust and atoms just as literally as we belong in the world of light and spirit, and we have powerful friends in both.
I believe that the world is racing toward a singularity, and there are plenty of dark entities human and nonhuman that would like to think they can control it, but what's coming is bigger than any system of control. Chaos is coming; complexity, order-in-disorder. It can't be bottled, can't be ruled, can't be dictated to. The chance of totalitarianism is past, if it ever had one.
And I've been reading an interesting book in just the last week in which a Christian saint appears to pop up in a channelling session. (And gives a familiar message: God is love; we are all one but have forgotten; the universe is holographic, the pain of each is the pain of all; we don't have to fight the massed hordes of hell ourselves; not all spirits are evil but don't take any occult revelation on face value, see what it's saying). It blows my mind, but I can't really disbelieve it because I realise I've known the reality of the spiritual environment for most of my life.
I'm intrigued by the theology of George MacDonald, Jakob Boehme, Emmanuel Swedenborg and others. There's a lot of weird stuff out there; it's a big universe; but I do feel it's deeply connected and we're not seeing anything like the big picture from down here. I think there's a lot of entities trying to cast big shadows to make themselves look huge and menacing, but I'm not sure they're actually that powerful. I think they're desperate because they see their reign fading and that makes them dangerous, but not anywhere near omnipotent.
The book I was referring to:
BTW, was I the only one who shivered and saw a pretty distinct Portent (tm) when Columbia exploded back in '03? In the run-up to the Iraq invasion, no less. Not that I see my God as vengeful, but... a hand reaching out of the sky, throwing the symbol of America's glory to the ground.
This will not stand. George W Bush, you reach for the stars, you make yourself a little tin god and see yourself as a new sun-emperor of the world, the only light against the darkness. But there is one Sun and one Light and you are not it. As you grasp for the world it will crumble into shards in your hand. Your kingdom will dissolve, your power will be shattered. And this I will do for America's sake, not to destroy her but to save her. Empire and democracy cannot coexist. And the age of empire is over. If you will be an emperor, you will be alone.
I don't believe in a vengeful God, but I believe in one who doesn't waste time when he needs to push the drunk out of the way of the speeding train. I see America rising a lot stronger and a lot wiser after what's coming, but I'm not sure it's going to be pretty in the short term.
(And yet... I'm suddenly no longer afraid. Most of 2005 I was scared waiting for the other shoe to drop after Katrina. Somehow I'm not any more. Why? I have no idea. I guess I feel like when the storm hits, we're not going to have to face it alone, which was always my biggest fear.)
The elite hold their position because they know better how reality works. No, I’m not talking about science or religion; although they do provide cover for the sham that replaces substance with near empty form. I’m referring to the imposing of authority. Centuries of experience have refined many techniques for shaping and controlling common expressions of consciousness. Its like magic, and I’m surprised how many really bright people fall for the misdirection. Milky white breasts framed by a black satin dress.
Control is maintained by pitting two principles against each other when in reality both elements are required for life. All experience contains elements of both order and liberty and unbalanced expressions will more likely produce negative expressions. I posit this because we need a natural explanation for how development is regulated on cosmic time scales. Lit firecrackers in kids hands and all. Anyway, the game is to present some inherent part of reality as being “bad” and in need of destruction. It’s hard to get behind revolutionaries if you know that they are driven by the same mentality as the previous oppressor.
Allow yourself to imagine that order without liberty produces dogma. By resonance this connects one to the static principal, which says do as you are told. This is done in an attempt to achieve ‘salvation’, yet really this is the means by which one comes into ‘satans’ grasp. The mirror principal is that of liberty without order. This principal of indiscriminate change says do whatever you want, and is associated with the light bringer or Lucifer. The con is that good is in a battle with evil. Not so, actually it’s more like evil versus evil. Yet Satan and Lucifer may be G-ds necessary helpers, teaching us through contrasts.
The game goes on as long as our current meta-narrative limits the boundaries of conscious activities and is unable to integrate subconscious elements that then must manifest as unconscious shadow events. Our next meta-narrative will contain elements that bring the common man onto the same playing field as the current elites. This is the “unknown unknown” that keeps Don Rumsfield awake at night.
Three thirty-two a.m.! Poor Jeff, you must
Be fried, though now six twelve it is. I trust
You’ve tried to sleep since then, perchance to dream.
But O what dreams may’ve come. It seems the theme
Of this new post is portals. Portals here,
Portals there, portals in your underwear.
Care to try the eye of horus, mister?
Here, you can rub shite into that blister.
No thanks, I’m not into that sort of thing.
Besides, I do not wear egyptian bling.
But damn, my boy, it seems the firmament’s
(If this outsider may offer comments)
About to pull off a wormhole collapse,
Like a birthing baby pushing the flaps
A little, bit by bit, then one fell swoop
Into our world of joy and sorrow. Whoop,
There it is. Welcome to the planet Earth.
Your choice: Hold on – let go – for all you’re worth.
Make up your mind. Stand up, sit down, fight, fight,
Fight for your right to know that day ain’t night.
You pays your money and you takes your chance
Until the band winds up the final dance.
My daddy never told me life’s a game,
Though Football really is my middle name.
At least he had a sense of humor, Dad.
Though, as monikers go, it’s pretty bad.
Now every year, around the Super Bowl,
I just want to crawl down inside a hole.
He was American through and through, Pop ~
You couldn’t quit until he let you stop.
But what of that? A miracle for thieves:
How is it that each one of you believes,
To this extent or that, so much weird stuff,
Like nickel-plated aliens in the buff?
These origami puppet-masters – sick
Bags for sick souls, their game’s to try to trick
Us all to think they’re in control of IT,
When, reality is, they don’t know shit.
How can you cede your power to these schmucks?
They live to desecrate you, steal your bucks,
Then send you off to die in their fake wars.
Ain’t it clear that they are satanic whores?
Wake up my brothers, sisters, daughters, sons.
We surely aren’t alone, the only ones
Who see the lies that hide behind the masks.
Discuss amongst yourselves, assign some tasks.
And one more thing: I really hate to burst
Your ego bubbles, and I’m not the first
To say this, yet, each one of us should know
The truth they seek to hide behind their show.
There is but one eternal sword they fear,
One weapon still that sends them shivering, clear
Down the block, around the bend, out of town,
Over the hill and through the woods, now ‘n
Forever. Faith. O yes. O do not doubt.
Real faith. It scares their sorry bones like drought
Withers a weed, like water quenches thirst.
They fear it more than anything, the worst.
So be you muslim, christian, hindu, jew,
Or shaman, buddhist, zoroastrian too,
Remember there is one Creation only.
And all of us are in it. Don’t stay lonely.
Get real, my friend. Reach out and recognize
The human being in the “other’s” eyes.
We are our only hope, the family human.
We are the flower on the stalk that’s blooming,
Right here, right now, we all must put our hearts
And minds and bodies into it. Dark arts
Are weak, the weakest of the weak, lowest
Of the low. God, Allah, YHWH, the One thou knowest
With countless names of Beauty, Power, Truth,
Great Spirit, Wakan Tanka, Hearer, Proof,
Reality, Creator, Ever Living,
The Opener, the Closer, Giver, Giving.
The attributes and names are manifold.
Please forgive me, if I may be so bold
As to suggest the name or names are not
The issue. Ask yourself, “What have I got
In my heart?” Lover, Love, Beloved Friend ~
That will be what matters in the end.
Thy will be done. Yet we are charged to act.
Faith may move mountains, but this is a fact:
Bulldozer or not, nothing ever moves
Unless God wills it, this true wisdom proves.
How is it that we know of Weishaupt’s plan?
Because a bolt of lightning struck a man
Upon a horse who carrried documents.
Act of God? My kingdom for a nail, gents.
My middle name is really Basketball.
Ball’s in our court now. There’s the hoop. That’s all.
PS for the literary folk:
Iambic pentameter, same as Shakespeare.
The previous one was dithyrambic tetrameter
with an extra final accented syllable. Both poems
consisted of sets of rhymed couplets.
Doggerel is for Sirians.
~Mojo Filter
"But the unthinkables just keep on coming, and those who draw lines proscribing discourse will be overtaken by the events precipitated by the thoughts which earlier overwhelmed them."
"But it's not about belief; none of it is. It's about all the things I can no longer comfortably disbelieve."
Wow. Very, very well put - and essential to consider. Jeff, I may have to quote you, if I may.
Nate: I can relate to what you say. We are not alone, and this gives comfort, but I think the number of discomforted non-disbelievers is still too small for comfort.
Hey Nate,
When the Challenger fell, the debris fell mostly on three towns:
Whitehouse, Texas
Gun Barrel, Texas and
Palestine, Texas.
In Palestine, Texas the earth actually caught fire and the earth itself burned. For real, my friend. This was recorded in the Palestine Texas local paper at the time. I read it myself.
Maybe that's why the mainstream network media went out of their way to report that certain religious leaders like Pat "el diablo sign" Robertson had declared that the disaster was "not an act of God."
Yeah, right.
"The government urges you to remain calm."
No they don't!
Quite the opposite.
And the role of RI?
Dysteleology Central.
Question is,
or Artificial?
Allow yourself to imagine that order without liberty produces dogma. By resonance this connects one to the static principal, which says do as you are told. This is done in an attempt to achieve ‘salvation’, yet really this is the means by which one comes into ‘satans’ grasp. The mirror principal is that of liberty without order. This principal of indiscriminate change says do whatever you want, and is associated with the light bringer or Lucifer. The con is that good is in a battle with evil. Not so, actually it’s more like evil versus evil.
There is only one truly fixed point, the "unmoved mover." There is only one truly free actor, the same ineffable thing.
Liberty that purports to stem from anywhere else is a sham, as is authority/restriction that purports to come from anywhere else. They have their qualities on loan.
The only freedom is in what is variously referred to as the "Imam of One's own being", the "Father", the "King of the World." It is not in the outer world, but the outer world is in it.
Meister Eckhart sermons
I think it's valid, within the context of your latest post, to remind your readers of Wilhelm Reich's numerous experiences with UFO's while "Cloudbusting", both at his ranch in Maine and in the Arizona desert (around "the middle of the present century" as Grant says), and his inadvertent contact with a member of (then) President Eisenhower's Ultra Secret UFO working group as a result of these experiences.
Here is a decent link:
Reich mysteriously “died in his sleep of heart failure” on November 3,1957 while imprisoned in a federal penitentiary… one day before he was due to apply for parole.
His story is invaluable reading.
"What do they want for Proof? There is no proof. There are no authorities whatsoever. No resident, no academy, court of law, congress or senate on this earth has the knowledge or power to decide what will be the knowledge of tomorrow. There is no use in trying to prove something that is unknown to someone who is ignorant of the unknown, or fearful of its threatening power. Only the good, old rules of learning will eventually bring about understanding of what has invaded our earthly existence."
--Wilhelm Reich from “Contact With Space”
Just wanted to give a tip of the theophonical hat to Jeff, Nate, and, especially, to the poet: wonderful writing. (Dogon it!)
Looks like there is some numerology going on in this description of a number of either 39 or 33 in the sky. Interesting too that the Egyptians used the "Eye of Ra / Eye of Horus" to denoted a decimal system where the round off was set to the first 6-terms (a black dot in the sky?). Seems like Artraud was quite the troubled character throughout his life Jeff. Given our subject-matter, I'm not sure whether that makes him more or less viable. A quote from the man "Are we free? Who can maintain we are free when the heavens are ready to fall on us?
Yay for the anonymous Mojo Filter poet--my English-majoring girlfriend can't tell iamb from trochee from spondee from dactyl from anapest from pyrrhic!
Mr. Wells, I still cannot make assertions about the existence of "spirit" due to my anti-established religious bias, but what you refer to as "spiritual" seems compatible or synonymous with my ideas of "psyche." I added another overblown comment on the list from the previous post.
Again, I am excited to hear your comments on books and authors I'm familiar with. Academic philosophy does tend to be dry, overly tied to history and precedent, and stuck in an anxious pro-establishment "publish or perish" must-hurry attitude that does not encourage speculation or departure from what has already been written. Robert Anton Wilson and other people often written off as real "philosophers" are the people who give me hope that the potential for philosophy remains strong, waiting for some daring thinkers to unlock it and spread the word.
Ironically, it is the same dogma-ridden, intolerant nature of mainstream religions that I find objectionable in them as well. At least philosophy is nominally about thought, thinking, and advancing understanding.
I hope to earn my phd in some form of philosophy once my academic debt is lowered.
Should you hear "SIRIUS ... SIRIUS ... SIRIUS ... SIRIUS" in the air, crank up the volume of Coltrane's repeated intonation of the phrase "a love supreme...a love supreme...a love supreme" in his Acknowledgment on A Love Supreme.
sounder, prunes --
The two of you have got me thinking about fictional metaphors and the necessity of counterpoised forces.
One image going through my mind is of the tv show Babylon 5, which starts off in season 1 as a battle between two cosmic forces: Shadows and Vorlons. But then the Shadows, originally presented as simply evil and corrupting, turn out to be proper social Darwinists, fomenting wars and upheavals in the name of evolution. And the Vorlons, who originally seem to be on the side of good -- though with odd, jarring moments of cruelty -- turn out to be heavy handed forces of stasis. By the end of season 3, the humans and their allies have gotten wise to both of them and handed them their walking papers.
The only problem for someone watching the show was that this never seemed to be any sort of resolution. The world wasn't healed -- it just got less magical. Troubles of all sorts continued and the series itself lurched about from one subplot to another, gradually winding down without ever coming to a climax.
I've wondered a lot since the show ended about why it went so flat and what it could have done differently.
The other image going through my mind is from the end of The Fellowship of the Ring, when Frodo puts on the Ring and is immediately caught up in a contest of wills between Sauron and Gandalf. It is only in the brief instant when the two forces are perfectly counterbalanced that he finds the free will to take off the Ring and slip away.
Those two fictional reference points say to me that there is no such thing as getting away from the contention between Order and Chaos -- but that our chances for real freedom (or for responsiveness to a genuine higher power, which is the same thing) lie in the interface between them.
This, I believe, is the same thing as what the complexity theory folks sometimes call the Edge of Chaos -- the fine line between determinism and randomness, where structure and complexly organized systems become possible.
The Sufis suggest that the various actors who appear on the world's stage -- from tyrants to freedom fighters and everything in between -- are simply embodiments of aspects of the human mentality. The battles of the world, although they may seem to be about practical things like money and resources, are actually no more than secondary reflections of the battles which go on within the human heart -- only projected outward, with each of us taking on one or another role as a convenient way of dramatizing and resolving our spiritual issues.
It's a sobering though that each one of our has our own little inner Dick Cheney, snarling at the world and dreaming of total domination, but it's no doubt true. In fact, we should be grateful to the real Dick Cheney for taking on that peculiarly unrewarding role so that the rest of us don't have to. :-)
At any rate, as sounder said, the answer is not to single out any part of reality (which is to say, of ourselves) as "bad" and in need of destruction, but rather to find that balance point at which free will and true creativity become possible.
starroute said...
"sounder, prunes --
The two of you have got me thinking about fictional metaphors and the necessity of counterpoised forces."
Starroute, your last comment makes me wonder if "official" sources are trying to "moderate" this blog in order to "direct" ones conclusions...
"I think it's valid, within the context of your latest post, to remind your readers of Wilhelm Reich's numerous experiences with UFO's.."
It's about time Reich was included in this dialogue! Thank you "Anonymous". The link you provided is excellent, and his experiences with UFO's were well documented. Jim Martins book "Wilhelm Reich and the Cold War" is another good source for more info. on Reich's fight with the government.
It's funny how tremendous minds like Nicola Tesla and Wilhelm Reich become "footnotes" in American Scientific history... I believe if our "gaze" is turned towards these "footnotes", much will be revealed.
It's about time Reich was included in this dialogue!
Absolutely agree, and it's something I've been meaning to correct for some time and intend to soon. I increasingly think that Reich's ideas and their suppression - Tesla's, too - are of extraordinary significance.
starroute - that is a considerable perspective. Reminds me of the following comment someone posted several months ago:
“The modern conspiracy faith which Jeff is in fact innovating walks the line between noise and order.”
I thought that was pretty provocative and took note. I was not sure if the poster (I did not record who) meant this in a derogatory, neutral or positive manner. Perhaps it is all and none of the above.
Is rigorous, discomforted non-disbelief a new type of faith?
Jeff, speaking of Reich, have you read this?
One correction, one comment"
The following post was about the Columbia Shuttle two years ago. It should read:
Hey Nate,
When the Shuttle COLUMBIA [STS-114] fell, the debris fell mostly on three towns:
Whitehouse, Texas
Gun Barrel, Texas and
Palestine, Texas.
In Palestine, Texas the earth actually caught fire and the earth itself burned. For real, my friend. This was recorded in the Palestine Texas local paper at the time.
John Coltrane's legendary Love Supreme was written after his reversion to islam, and was originally entitled:
Allah Supreme.
Blue Note Records, or whichever was the original label that issued the full lenght piece, heartily encouraged him to change the title. Since A Love Supreme is what he was talking about anyway, and not trying to be dogmatic, he changed it. Some years ago there was a multi disc metal-boxed set compendium of Coltrane's works, with one full cd of just live and studio versions of Love Supreme. This story was recounted in the liner notes.
Peace and Love
Speaking of balance, the interpenetration of yin & yang:
The yin yang symbol, quintessence mandala of male/female is not merely about order v. chaos. And it expresses a totality beyond all simple dualisms. It is an ancient expression of the mysterium tremendum.
Manus was off kilter. The Manicheans, the Luciferians, are out of balance. Evil is merely a subset of Creation, not a "contender", Charlie. It's just a bum, albeit a very violent and dangerous one. written into the script.
Sufis do not see any paradox whatsover in holding simultaneously that, on the one hand, the universe is the expression of one, unitary, indivisible, omnipotent, insuperable, all-determining, self-existing omniscience, and, on the other hand, we as human actors have been given the most precious gift of Free Will, upon our use of which hangs the fate of each of our individual souls.
The real mystery of the sophia perennis is NOT that this state of affairs embodies a paradox, but that there is nothing paradoxical to it at all.
And it ain't that way because any one of us says it is so, not will it not be that way because we deny it.
More simply, it is what it is.
Tathata, suchness.
Even the "atheistic" "religion" of buddhism holds this truth, hovering like space inside the broken nutshell of ego.
Chatter on, rail against it if you will. It don't matter none. The battle for the universe occurs every moment, all the time, inside the heart/mind of each individual sentient being. We are faced with moral choices with nearly every breath, if we but recognize them.
So, let your karma run over my dogma. Even though we each contain a "moral center" of the universe, still we are but facets of the eternal One.
Not bearded phony savior in London "Maitreya", not turbanned ex-GI self-styled "Yahweh," not the "Greys," not Babalon (sic), none of it. Two phrases of Sanskrit come to mind:
from buddhism:
Neti neti.
from advaita vedenta:
Tat tvam asi.
Not that, not that.
That thou art.
Now if you can hold onto those two 'truths' simultaneously while, at the same time, letting them go, you might very well be onto something.
Or not.
Free will.
It is a tough one.
Like the little OZ puppet told Luke:
Choose wisely.
And like the Luke of long ago said:
Physician, heal thyself.
Cuz when da man come ta git ya all you can sing is:
"Ain't got no burf surfaticket on me now."
Who can you trust? Who can you count on?
Who ya gonna call?
Surely not Ghostbusters.
Coltrane's spiritual awakening occurred in 1957. As he explained in the original A Love Supreme liner notes: "At the time, in gratitude, I humbly asked to be given the means and the privilege to make others happy through music. I feel this has been granted through His grace." Then, a period of what he called "irresolution" prevailed wherein he "entered into a phase which was contradictory to the pledge and away from the esteemed path." Ahem. Coltrane describes this album as the fruit of his eventual return to the path, by which he had been "duly re-informed of His Omnipotence..." A Love Supreme is his gratitude to God and his gift to all of us. "May He help and strengthen all men in every good endeavor."
Here's another good link regarding Wilhelm Reich's "Contact With Space":
"We shall no longer hang on to the tails of public opinion or to a non- existent authority on matters utterly unknown and strange. We shall gradually become experts ourselves in the mastery of the knowledge of the Future."
- Wilhelm Reich
Don't dis your girlfren jess yet:
Mojo Filter sez: My bad.
Your girlfriend was write about the Dactyl thang. I'm so dang old that I mixeded 'em up in mah mine.
Dactyl tetrameter is thus:
Whispering, shivering, horrible, satanist.
Dithyramb is a form of poem, not a meter. Mah hahskoo inglish teacher dun tote me rong. Or else, eyes is jessa foo.
So sorry. Please give her a fragrant bouquet of flowers from me. All she missed was the final extra syllable, as in:
Beautiful multitude, gathering, lovers of God.
Dr. Reich's findings have not died with him because his experiments, when carefully conducted under the original conditions, produce the same results now as when he first developed them.
They yield clear evidence for a pulsatory, weather-active and biologically-active energy continuum. It can, and has been, measured and photographed, and found to exist in high vacuum as well.
Reich called this energy continuum the orgone, but other scientists, working completely independent of Reich, and usually without knowledge of his works, have likewise measured or strongly inferred the existence of such an energy.
Gis' here... another excellent article, as usual. Overall, I don't think that Jeff, or actually any of us with sincere intent to be of positive benefit to other sentient beings, are attempting to create or support some type of new faith system or cult that's based on conspiracy beliefs or alternate views regarding reality. Instead, it is my humble discernment that there is something much grander and far more wonderful taking place; something very divine and actually very, very ancient in origin! I sense that many, many of us incarnate here on earth are actually on assignment, so to speak, performing "soul-missions" in this illusionary hell-world realm. That we are being enabled and aided by unseen forces/ energies on the other side of the maya veil as we tirelessly seek to shine the light of healing truth behind all things of this world; to expose and thwart those that have deliberately distorted, defiled, destroyed, exploited, parasited, etc, for their own self-centered experiencing, material/ sensory gain and self-empowerment. Yes, there will come about a new faith but it will be based on the truth and divine order that underlies all things, as was the original intent of the Great Creator. I feel this as a knowingness intuition from deep within the core of my being; likely others drawn here may sense this also. That the Great Creator is working via us, the awakening warriors, to go forth and now awaken our brothers & sisters in order to unsheath all obscurations, to bring about that force which will enlighten the darkness so that it no longer holds rein over this paradigm.
Also, I have a few comments regarding other replies:
#1. Besides the factors of HAARP, weather warfare via scalar techtronics, and other manmade secret technology to consider, there are definite signs of unusual cosmic energy inflow now taking within our entire solar system - especially over the past 16 months (GRB Supernovas). Kent Steadman is tracking these trends: - This includes polarity swings in EM fields + manifestations of bizarre weather & freaky phenomena being reported all around the globe. There is a thread concerning a massive solitary thunderglap @ GLP forum: "Freak Thunderclap Eruption Shakes Buildings" 2/1/2006
2. IMHO, Nate's on the right track re the coming chaos. I think the ptb (& their behind scenes controllers) know what's evolving but are trying to keep it hidden from public while they buy time, perhaps in desparation? My understanding, from much research, is that the chaos is going to be part of some sort of 'ungluing' or unraveling of physical matter cohesiveness. That all this is part of the long-prophecied grand cycle shift of time/space, also known by many ancient names such as the "changing of the wheels of time" (Hopi) or the Vedic Mahakranti - great dance of Shiva in His divine form as Najara, the destoyer & bringer of rebirth, renewal, periodically resetting the holographic screens of the matrix reality(ies).
#3. I also agree with Nate about there being special significance with the Columbia shuttle disaster in 2003. One of the most fascinating perspectives about the true nature of the shuttle missions, and what actually took place that disastrous day over Texas, is this article by Wayne Moody and his channel, Lady Kadjina:
In a nutshell, the article asserts that the factions controlling earth (via puppet governments) have been in a secret race to establish military superiority in the space environment around earth for some time now. And that the 'divine forces' (angelic elohim, goodly ETs?) have given fair warning that they are not going to permit this militarization to expand in such a way as to threaten lifeforms that thrive in areas beyond earth. That the Columbia shuttle mission was brought down to prevent certain stargate research from being delivered to those that would utilize it in a harmful way. This was also the reason that the Israeli astronaut was on board that particular mission. And yes, I am leery of channeling and it does sound tin-foil but my own independent research has been verifying many of the details in the article. I will try to get some of the more recent findings going on a thread in the forum. (PS: since Mr Moody recently died, copy & save the article as his site may not be around much longer)
#4. Re the untimely deaths of Reich & Tesla & how their tremendous discoveries just seemed to fall into some mysterious black hole over the years (Reif too), well, in this reality not much is actually how it is "made" to appear. That black hole seems to have been goggling up the work of many other great scientists & researchers over the past century, even recently, ie - the many lists of missing & strange deaths / questionable accidents-murders of microbiologists, cold fusion researchers, etc. We cannot assume any of these people actually died or disappeared as was reported to the public who have innocently believed anything the evil ones dish out (and still do). Instead these brilliant inventors & scientists may have been secretly moved underground for 'classified' R&D operations, being grabbed up by whatever power faction was able to get their hands on them.
I found that one of the best ways to get an idea of how things really are (& have been) in this world of unbelievable deception & trickery is to watch all the early 1960's James Bond movies from the mindset that all scenarios portrayed were based on similar events that had REALLY taken place in the 40's-50's! Also same for the futuristic technology that shown in those movies; that it was already operational & had been fully implemented. Read comments in #56 about Ian Flemming by Dr. Peter David Beter: [Also read his revelations in #47 about cloning research by the Nazis in the 40's and how it was continued in 50's on via Operation Paperclip, Gehlen Org, etc afterwards. Also google works of Fritz Springmeir + Fire in the Sky)
PS: It is amazing if you take that same concept re Bond movies & apply it to all the Sci-Fi & futuristic/conspiracy type movies of 1950's through early 60's.
Blessings ... may the force of the divine be with us all!
"We'll always have Paris..."
I can't remember Antonin Artaud without remembering Anais Nin, then her relationship to Henry Miller and June, and then the others of those days- George Orwell, Hemingway, Fitz and Zelda, Ezra Pound, Gertrude and Alice B., Crowley, Picasso, James Joyce...
This particular constellation of players at that time and place seems to me to be a catalyst/nexus of some sort...
Artaud's "Theatre of Cruelty" played during those later days of "The Grand Guignol" in Paris (A Shelby Downard synch...) one performance, Artaud played Count Cenci as a dog, coming on stage on all fours, barking his lines...
Anais Nin describes Artauds' performance entitled "The Theatre and the Plague" in 1933:
At first people gasped.
And then they began to laugh.
Everyone was laughing.
They hissed.
Then one by one, they began to leave, noisily, talking, protesting.
They banged the door as they left.
More protestations.
More jeering.
But Artaud went on, until the last gasp...
Re: The Columbia Shuttle Disaster
Here's an interesting new related article "MYSTERIOUS PURPLE STREAK IS SHOWN HITTING COLUMBIA":
(Sorry for the broken URL...)
What a steaming load of non-threatening, non-informational crap this blog's become. Metaphysical tripe galore seems to been the trend moving into the standard.
Did some government jackboot pull your coat Jeff?
Did they issue some direct threats to you, or some loved ones if you kept up the pace?
I keep waiting for this stuff to play out and for you to get back to the rough & ready reports that made RI so unique from all others. But for a while now it's been a frustrating wait in vain. Like a subway train that's changed course and left it's normal commuters stranded without notice.
I've followed this blog for over a year now, and have to say this sudden withering trend toward the soft and safe is dissapointing. This used to be the hub for critical, up-to-date, crimes against the masses in THIS physical realm. I used to view this site as bold, defiant and courageous, in the tradition of the great Mae Brussell.
Now it's degenerated into goddamn metaphysical speculations that sound like outtakes from an acid casualty meeting. Is everyone so scared shitless of reality that they have to escape into trips like this. No wonder the fascists are rolling along setting up their global reich.
Thank God David McGowan is still maintaining the course.
V for Vendetta said...
"What a steaming load of non-threatening, non-informational crap this blog's become."
When comments like yours appear, it's obvious Jeff's on to something. If I were a "government jackboot", like you, I'd make the same comment....
V for Vendetta: what do you think Alan Moore would say about all this?
What Alan Moore might say about all this.
From Snake Charmer: an interview with Alan Moore:
In 1994, Alan Moore announced to the world that he was dedicating his life to magic and had begun worshipping a snake. Amid puzzled looks from fanboys patiently awaiting a sequel to KILLING JOKE and scoffs from the magic-with-a-'K' community, Moore embarked on a string of new projects, including a full-length novel (VOICE OF THE FIRE) and a series of powerful mixed-media performances.
With a troupe of like-minded individuals that he dubbed "The Grand Egyptian Theatre of Marvels" (which included New Age musician Tim Perkins and former Bauhauser David J), Moore began constructing elaborate multimedia happenings, often inspired by the exact place and time of the performance itself. The shows were sensory experiences, featuring fiercely experimental music, avant-garde film collages and Middle Eastern dancers, and even a ghost, though that only made the rehearsals.
Over time, it became clear that the performances had become Moore's chosen medium for expressing his spiritual beliefs and philosophies in their purest form, undiluted by narrative restrictions or editorial guidelines. These were stark works - labyrinthine prose poems that attempted to explain the very nature of the universe itself. They were beautifully constructed, emotionally charged, and more than a little creepy.
Hey Anonymous 4:38,
How about picking a name rather than a fight?
You also said:
"When comments like yours appear, it's obvious Jeff's on to something. If I were a "government jackboot", like you, I'd make the same comment...."
What exactly is Jeff (who can fight his own battles I presume) "on to" with these latest posts? What are we learning and what crimes and criminals are being exposed?
And yes, your astute reasoning has unmasked me as a "government jackboot". Whose contrary mission is to scream about bringing more light, investigation and interest to my secret bosses and their occult crimes.
Have someone read you the whole email in context next time, before going all "Yosemite Sam" and getting trigger happy.
As a long time RI fan, I was making an observational comment on what I've noticed regarding these recently depreciating posts. My intention was to find out what the hell has happened, if anyone else has noticed, and to express my dissapointment. There used to be a better balance between the real and the surreal with these posts, and I watched, waited and said nothing for 2 months. Every once in a great while getting an errant scrap of information effecting us on this plane and dimension. Take a look at the posts for this same time last year and you'll know exactly what I mean. What if the X-Files or Lone Gunmen suddenly became a situation comedy? Wouldn't you be pissed and say something?
I'm not spoiling for a ruckup or trying to cause a diversion, so you can always just return to your regularly scheduled programming.
Floyd Smoots said: For the first time responding on this part of your board, Jeff, the same thing he said when he first posted on your "discussion board". "In the words of the immortal Archie Bunker, Whadda loada crappola!!!"
You regular R.I.ers already know my take on "Life, the Universe, and Everything"; for the rest of you uninformed persons out there in the blogosphere, I firmly believe, that Jesus the Christ, the only begotten Son of God, is going to reappear suddenly, just as the Holy Bible predicts, and take control of the whole situation.
Any trifling, by any "mere human", with the occult, will only bring disaster into your own life, and the lives of those whom you profess to love.
It's not really THAT difficult. There is God. There is satan, who was created by God. Satan, and one third of the angels, rebelled against God.
They LOST the war, but they have not yet been called to account. They will be Soon, but, for now, they are free to run about the Earth, the skies, and the near regions of outer space.
It is They, and They only who have been masquerading as UFO's, Friendly Spirits, Special Spirit Guides, Ghosts, etc., et al, ad infinitum.
The sooner that most of Humanity wakes up to THIS PARADIGM, the better their chances of surviving the "Meme To Come".
(P.S., I really, Really, REALLY HATE that word, because I see it used all over cyberspace to describe something VERY intangible, by people who are just "monkey-mirroring" a word that was originally "foisted" upon us by some CREEP who has been in the "pocket" or under the "control" of the PTB, and they just don't want us to use, amongst ourselves, as the New World Order.
"What exactly is Jeff (who can fight his own battles I presume) "on to" with these latest posts? What are we learning and what crimes and criminals are being exposed?"
Are you kidding me?
Easy jackboot guy, I don't think anyones picking a fight with you. You're the one that came on strong and accused the readers of RI of "(degenerating) into goddamn metaphysical speculations" because we're "scared shitless of reality". Right?
The beauty of this blog, as in all others, is you are free to follow, participate, comment, or....dare I say..."move on", if you don't like what Jeff is "on to", even if some of the posts, and comments, take on a metaphysical tone.
Unfortunately, evil is not simply a two dimensional argument. It takes a great deal of courage, persistance and an o-p-e-n m-i-n-d to even begin to uncover "what (we) don't know (that) can't hurt them".
The shows were sensory experiences... the performances had become Moore's chosen medium for expressing his spiritual beliefs and philosophies in their purest form...
Excellent- very much like Artaud himself it sounds...
(& Jeff's blog...)
RE: Madness & Method,
the Idiot & the Savant:
Artaud's parents arranged a long series of sanatorium stays for their disruptive son...conscripted into the army, he was discharged due to his self-induced habit of sleepwalking. During Artaud's "rest cures" at the sanatorium he read Rimbaud, Baudelaire and Poe... perscribed opium, precipitating a lifelong addiction to that and other drugs... expelled from the surrealist movement...
-also this from Wikipedia:
Artaud obtained a walking stick of knotted wood that he believed belonged to St. Patrick. Artaud sought to return the staff to the Irish. It must be noted that he spoke very little English and he was unable to make himself understood. The majority of his trip was spent in a hotel room that he was unable to pay for. On the return trip from Ireland, Artaud was arrested and put in a straight-jacket...
The return from Ireland brought about the beginning of the final phase of Artaud's life, which was spent in different asylums. When France was occupied by the Nazis, friends of Artaud had him transferred to the Psychiatric hospital in Rodez... administering electroshock treatments, to eliminate Artaud's symptoms that included crafting "spells" and drawing distubing images...
V for Vendetta,
You did come on strong with your original comments.
I believe a writer or creative person has to follow his/her imagination wherever it leads. Sometimes it leads to some back doors and unexpected breakthroughs.
I skip over some of the occult & UFO pieces too, but I support what Jeff is doing because he's a damn good writer and he is on to some important stuff.
The main thing is I trust his intelligence and I always know he's going to connect some interesting dots.
V for Vendetta, maybe you can start your own blog and cover the topics you find compelling. People sometimes become writers because they can't find anything they like to read by anyone else.
Nate, as far as the Columbia going down...yes, I felt it highly symbolic and strange. The word "Columbia" was the original name for America.
Majority of shuttle parts landing near Palestine, Texas. (Near Crawford)
Palestine. Texas. Crawford. Columbia.
It was weird then. Now I see it as an example of the terminology I use of "co-mingled", what some call synchronicity or even prophecy, or as you described "Portents". For me the word resolves a lot of things in my mind that takes away the clutter, like karma. It is easier for me to get my head around the knowledge we are inextricably co-mingled in the all of spiritual/material life/death
good/evil. And that we create realities. To be co-mingled means we HAVE to create, it's not a spiritual attainment. It just is. And that knowledge leads to expansiveness. Ever-expanding is the only way I can relate to living and thinking. It seems to be the only goal of anything.
Mojo Filter, or Anoymous poet,
That was something else, enTIRELY!!
Thanks for that, and sa-loooooot!
I'm the guy who sits in class afraid to ask questions because of the likelihood his questions might be viewed as insipid by his fellow students.
Like V for Vendetta, I've been following this blog for a little over a year. I've posted a couple of times, but have come to accept that my intellect is outclassed by the majority of posters here. That doesn't mean I percieve myself as inferior; I am as passionate a seeker as anyone here. I try my best to live by my own values despite the long-ago realization that most people live by values dictated by the powers that be. And despite my limitations, I keep coming back because every once in a while I catch glimpses of the truth here. And truth, to me, is an intuitive resource, not dependent on intellect, or education.
I have raised three daughters and been humbled on occasion to confess to them that we live in a world I do not fully understand. What I SENSE is that we are being jobbed. There is a scam afoot. Probably more than one, but all based upon the same foundation, that fear is the almighty manipulator. And this blog has provided me with more than a handful of ah-ha moments.
I, too, am sometimes left blurry-eyed by some of the metaphysical aspects of the posts here. and that is nothing more than an admission of my own ignorance of such things. I am, after all, a product of this culture, despite my rebellion. I try hard to comprehend the implications of such things, but since I have never been witness to such phenomena (aside from my own encounters with LSD and various other psychotropic drugs) I am left somewhat incredulous by such discussions. Not entirely, mind you. Acid is a very effective introduction to the probability of alternative dimensions/levels of consciousness, and i came away from my experiences transformed by the realization.
But, what bothers me greatly here, is how prepared some of our posters are to just shoo others, such as V for Vendetta, away from the site, simply because they've dared to challenge the state of the current discourse. Presuming that all such challenges are somehow based in a clandestine disinformation campaign seems reactionary at best, and paranoid at worst. Fear is at the base of all discordance and I honestly don't know why we would fear such people. Well, I can guess that it might be because we are all conjecturing about the true nature of the universe, and none of us truly knows.Uncertainty very easily equals Fear, right?
Anyway, I don't entirely, or even significantly, agree with what Vendetta is saying. But I have no trouble empathising with him/her. I, too, have trouble following the thread when the focus is placed on forces that are not among those right here on this planet, physically, threatening my and my family's well being directly. On the other hand, I sense very strongly that the problems here on earth are connected to forces beyond the physical; thus my continued interest in this blog.
Please try not to judge me, or Vendetta, too harshly. I am trying more than you might know to get it. I assume Vendetta is too. Many of us are. But we're all at different levels of development here. And tolerance is no doubt one of the values we should all be striving to embrace.
It's simple, and "love it or leave it" suggestions are more isolationist than at all helpful. Like I said previously, I've been here at RI for over a year now, so I KNOW what RI has been about in topic and subsequent content. It was this that attracted me and it was this that kept my interest. It's over statement of the obvious that I could of course draw up my own blog, but that's not the bloody point. The point is, is that there has been a pretty sharp departure from the terra firma information that more than just me have come to anticipate and expect. Needless to say, that after 2 months of patient waiting and silence, I'm pissed and expressing it perhaps a bit vigorously because of dissappointment and frustration. When Jeff did venture into the hardcore stuff, there were concerted COINTELPRO type attacks of the type not inflicted at metaphysical sojourns like these. As an investigator, logical conclusions would dictate that perhaps there was a reason for the sudden and sustained departure into softer material. Knowing full well the methodolgies of intelligence and exactly how these vipers operate; it's not too much of a stretch to postulate that perhaps they sat Jeff down for a little conversation involving incentives or direct threats. This is not something without a number of tragic precedents. AND if you've read recently at the BBC news site, Blogs and progressive information websites are going to be priority number one in the Pentagon's new campaign against infowar against their interests. Thanks to The Omega Man you can read it for yourself right here:
I'm guessing that you guys are pretty comfortable with this recent turn into metaphysical philosophy right? i'll probably even advance that this kind of venue for this type of discourse is few and far between as well, correct?
Well, suppose you really dig what's going on here and enjoy participating, learning and sharing in an acceleratingly progressive forum such as here. You look forward to the continuity of topic and the information that you can add to and disseminate for the edification of others in the larger community.
Now picture suddenly reading one post after and realize the forum has changed course and now by and large only deals with nuclear physics and sub atomic structure analysis. So you wait for the next post, and damn nuke physics again, await the next... and damn, same thing! Being among the very few progressive news outlets, you'd naturally get pissed and wonder what the hell happened?!
Maybe I missed it, but I don't see any nookyoolar fizzix around here.
Where is the superstring theory, quantum gravity, et cetera et cetera? One of us must be hallucibanating, Vee.
Maybe you've been hittin' them comic books a bit too hard.
"it's not too much of a stretch to postulate that perhaps they sat Jeff down for a little conversation involving incentives or direct threats."
Well, I know this is the Internet and it's only my word - if it is really me - but no; no one's sat me down, literally or metaphorically, for such a conversation. Well, no one but my wife, who would like me to show half the interest in home repair as I do in, let's say, dimensional portals.
It's not my intention to piss off readers, and I know not everyone is happy at some of the turns the blog has taken, but it's taken them because they're my turns. And this, in broad stokes, is the paradigm I find most rewarding for trying to understand our present condition.
I do intend to address a balance of subjects, but sometimes, like this time, the excitement of new ideas tips the balance. Usually I don't think that's such a bad thing, though I do sympathize with readers who don't share my excitement.
Jeff----I read your post today and the last one. When you mention Artaud, that strikes a Deep, Pulsating Nerve in me. Artaud is like a saint's name--he was the greatest poet-saint-"madman" of the 20th Century and his words are so much fire that cools and ice that fiercely burns. So, I draw back a bit when I see Artaud.
And yet, I know where you're coming from--and the scents you're hounding down. I sure wish I could read your stuff off the computer, though who knows what they'd look like--most of the time I'm on the Net I'm a little stoned anyway-and besides, just being "on the Net" puts you in a trance--like Television. Except, the Net can free people, if they're strong and strategic.
Your readers/commentators are some far-out and thoughtful people. That Shakespearian poem freaked me out even though I didn't read it all. The best thing you've done, besides your captivating and provocative pieces, is to allow all these minds to put down their visions. And that's the best thing about the Web. These minds seem to be the best out there.
V -
I understand what you're saying, and I won't deny that you might be correct. But I can also think of a couple of valid reasons for what you see as metaphysical tangents.
One is that it's all connected -- the political, the metaphysical, and everything else. Every political standpoint has a metaphysical grounding, and new ways of seeing the world have to be brought forward on multiple levels at once or else risk becoming very imbalanced.
For myself, I'm coming to believe very strongly something that occurred to me in the course of writing a post a few weeks ago. Namely, that there is a fundamental divide between those who see the individual as a microcosm of the whole and those who see the individual as a broken fragment of the whole. The latter are fascists, roughly speaking -- though in that sense, all contemporary mainstream politics, both conservative and liberal, is fascistic at heart. The former are what used to be called humanists before that word became too polluted to take seriously. But I am convinced that any new politics will necessarily have to be a politics of microcosms and not a politics of fragments.
The other possible reason has to do with flying under the radar. Direct opposition to the powers of this world tends to produce very rapid and intense opposition. But those powers are, by their very rigidity, blind to whatever does not immediately and obviously concern them. As a result, there are any number of alternative channels through which things can be slipped by. Religion, sex, humor, music have all been used at different times to say in metaphor what cannot be said directly.
Though, here again, I would add that metaphor is never merely "metaphorical" -- and that in a universe of As above, So below, every level of reality is equally real in and of itself. What ultimately matters is where you wind up, and not what path you take to get there.
And if that is too metaphysical for you, I apologize. I'm tired and perhaps a little bit sick, and when I get like that I find it increasingly difficult to think in terms of concrete actualities. But I swear to you that in the end it all comes to the same thing.
Jeff----I read your post today and the last one. When you mention Artaud, that strikes a Deep, Pulsating Nerve in me. Artaud is like a saint's name--he was the greatest poet-saint-"madman" of the 20th Century and his words are so much fire that cools and ice that fiercely burns. So, I draw back a bit when I see Artaud.
And yet, I know where you're coming from--and the scents you're hounding down. I sure wish I could read your stuff off the computer, though who knows what they'd look like--most of the time I'm on the Net I'm a little stoned anyway-and besides, just being "on the Net" puts you in a trance--like Television. Except, the Net can free people, if they're strong and strategic.
Your readers/commentators are some far-out and thoughtful people. That Shakespearian poem freaked me out even though I didn't read it all. The best thing you've done, besides your captivating and provocative pieces, is to allow all these minds to put down their visions. And that's the best thing about the Web. These minds seem to be the best out there.
I view Jeff's writing the way I do that of a lot of other essayists. Sometimes he's writing about exactly what I'd like him to write about, and sometimes not.
I prefer the essays on parapolitical topics, myself. But I don't think it's my place to tell Jeff Wells where to turn his attention. It isn't my blog, it's his.
I mean, the very idea that the topic content of someone's blog should be dictated by members of their readership...and then to insinuate that any swerves of content away from political matters must have necessarily been due to intimidation and pressure, based on nothing more than personal displeasure at the change...where do you get this stuff, V?
For someone of your intelligence, you disturb my waking slumber when you write things like "in a universe of As above, So below, every level of reality is equally real in and of itself."
Now, cutting you some slack because you said you are ill, nevertheless, at worst, this proposition is the most pernicious kind of satanist relativism, just like that practiced on a daily basis by our fuhrer-in-chief. It leads to perdition on every level.
If you believe this statement then you should just embrace the whole OTO/Set/masonic illuminati thing openly and be done with it. I can only cut you so much slack and no more. You said you majored in philosophy so you must be fully aware of what you are saying.
You are saying that whatever one sees or imagines, or whatever someone else tells you, is real, and of equal validity to anything else. If so, then why can't I breath on the moon?
By your words, my fingernail clippings are thus works of art on a par with the paintings of Rembrandt, Van Gogh, Hokusai, Monet, and Turner. A rotten orange is Michaelangelo's David, and what you see on tv is as real as a knife in your chest. Well, maybe the latter.
At best this is a meaningless triviality, because it is so obviously false - one which would endorse absurd propositions such as that Doestoyevsky and the Beverly Hillbillies embody equal literary merit
Far worse, it contains a terrible deception that would allow violent rape to be considered the moral equivalent of saving a child from a burning building.
I must wholeheartedly condemn such a doctrine.
Especially when you follow up such a bogus statement with this one: "What ultimately matters is where you wind up, and not what path you take to get there."
No, this latter claim is no more remotely true than the first one.
That is a stance with totally amoral opportunism at the core of it. It doesn't matter why we invaded Iraq, we're there now, so who cares?
You have just about convinced me that you really are engaged in some pretty pernicious and very perditious whispering.
The ends DO NOT justify the means.
Never have. Never will.
And two wrongs do not equal a right.
This is some pretty basic stuff we are supposed to learn as children.
Even for a victim of the kind of humanistic utilitarianism with which philosophy departments like to subvert people's minds, it is unmistakably the doctrine of "Nothing is real; everything is permitted." and "Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law."
You and Crowely, the wannabe 666, are on the same side of the moral fence. You can't claim to have just tossed those words of casually. And they are not subject to disavowal by the dodge of "metaphysics." You yourself said that they mean the same thing on any plane.
A high-falutin' name for it would be sophistry. Others might call it the Big Lie.
But it is the soul-subverting work of the whisperer, whatever name you give it.
Ah, finally I have come across an article that explains what I have been trying to explain.
You are correct. There is no firmament.
This blog is very important to me, esp. the opening lines, they gave me the shivers.
As a musician that writes music to invoke trance and psychadelic states I have found it alomst impossible to 'nail' a consistent rhythm lately. The methods I have used in the past no longer 'dial' up the right channel in order to move a group of people into the condition I want - its too transient.
I have tried to explain it but cannot and information like what you have discussed here is valueable for me to understand what is happening. States of reality are changing very inconsistently and I cannot get a handle on it at the moment. I think I will stop trying and allow it to happen all by itself and see where it goes...??
Since someone has been asking if we can talk about more down-to-earth subjects, I have a question along the lines of the 'child MKULTRA survivor' mythos. (Which is how I found this blog originally, btw).
I read a document described as Carol Rutz' 2003 Indiana University address - While I don't consider myself qualified to make a judgement as to just what the heck is going on with these alleged survivors, the idea does intrigue me.
All occult implications aside, the concept of the US security establishment seeking ways to make the "perfect spy" through artificial inducement of dissociative identities may be science fiction, but it seems like the plausible kind. That some agencies might have experimented on children seems monstrous, but not that far removed from reality. I can't prove to myself anything either way.
But... here's the random free-association bit I've not yet seen mentioned anywhere on the web:
Anyone remember the 1960s Gerry Anderson UK puppet sci-fi show 'Joe 90'? In the vein of 'Thunderbirds', 'Stingray', 'Captain Scarlet' (and later 'UFO' and 'Space: 1999', a rather cut-rate Star Trek).
The high concept of Joe 90 was that a security research scientist experimenting with mind control uses his own young son as a test subject. Each episode 'Joe 90' is put into the Big Rat, a giant spinning electromagnet, and his brain is literally programmed with an alternate personality. He then spends the episode doing cool spy stuff, until the induced personality wears off (he has to wear special glasses which reinforce the effect, and if he loses his glasses he becomes just plain ol' kid Joe with no extra skills). It's a very fun goofy kid-friendly show.
But reading Rutz's story, it gave me a bit of a chill. Were there possibly people trying to do 'Joe 90' for real? And is this what it would feel like?
Most SF ideas come from published scientific research, and most TV show ideas come from what's current in the popular culture of the day. SF is an interesting little time capsule like that, it's like an echo delay line preserving ideas that are now abandoned by mainstream consensus Big Science but were once considered plausible... it seems at the least that this suggests that in the 1960s, the idea of a researcher submitting their kid to radical mind-altering experiments (if done for World Security) had a kind of romantic glow to it, medical ethics be damned...
Or, maybe Rutz and the other 'child MKULTRA survivors' watched Joe 90 and similar shows and are making up a dark pulp sci-fi fantasy to fill a need for grandiose horror and adventure in their lives, like James Frey and 'A Million Little Pieces'. Don't really know who to trust these days, do we?
... but the MKULTRA kid / Joe 90 scenario similarities still intrigue me.
My family and I visited the Reich Museum in Maine; they were a bit puzzled yet found ample stimulation in the long views across the valley and the beautiful house and grounds.
A turn towards Reich may help to distinguish between the hysterical enforcers of dogma and those that choose to follow the experiment wherever it takes them.
Wilhelm Reich and many others have found that our current criteria for understanding could not account for their observations. Ideas such as his threaten the intellectual authority structure because the job of the expert class is to cover up the ‘Basic Fault’, or the difference between reality and our perceptions of reality. Therefore, the only real threat to the PTB is the creation of a new and more legitimate set of criteria for understanding. In this spirit I’d like to start the party with the following speculation:
Any particle is the agglutination of sub-particles that exhibit the proper combination of velocity, vector, and a cyclical balance between electro-magnetic attraction and static repulsion characteristics.
By the By, Jeff has little control over the folks that post here, and thanks to all for comments both critical and supportive.
"A turn towards Reich may help to distinguish between the hysterical enforcers of dogma and those that choose to follow the experiment wherever it takes them."
"Turn Towards Reich"
"Away From Hysterical Dogma"
Me tinks "hysterical" is da trute!
Wat is my main man Fred really trying to speak by the word HIS-TORY-CAL?
Ya evah considah de experymint is leading we?
"we don't want what they've got up there."
Joe 90? Creepy if you ask me... kinda like Monsters Inc, which features among it's trippier aspects: the M in Monsters being styled like a eye-in-triagle, rogue agents colluding with corrupt directors in the abduction of children, an abducted 3-4 yr. old girl who is bound and screaming while slowly being menaced by a phallic mechanical device, the phrase "I'll kidnap 1000 children if that's what it takes to save this company" repeated several times, an artificial energy crises (or one caused by improper use of resources and perpetuated by the establishment), all overseen by the CDA who is "always watching".
Sometimes they refer to the company as just MI.
It's a fun kid's movie but I felt like I just watched Clockwork Orange or something. Brrrr!
Anyway, keep up the good work Jeff. The narritive that makes most sense to me is more along the lines of Fantasy/Sci-fi though. Really I think there's more happening along those lines, the horror just stands out sometimes because it's so offensive.
WOOO-HOOO!!! Yeah, baby!!! That Disney, what a bunch of cards! From "Big Trouble" to "National Treasure", are they scaring us, or WARNING US??????
"it seems at the least that this suggests that in the 1960s, the idea of a researcher submitting their kid to radical mind-altering experiments (if done for World Security) had a kind of romantic glow to it, medical ethics be damned..."
You must mean B.F. Skinner. He kept his daughter in a Skinner box(a so-called 'Heir Conditioner,' until she was 2 and a half. He thought 'human dignity' and 'free will' outmoded concepts ('Beyond Freedom and Dignity' advocated sacrificing individual freedom to societal (ie. state-planned) imperatives), advocated social engineering and codified the implementation of operant conditioning.
Holy crap on a stick!! this post most assuredly caused a response of varying flavors and degrees.
so many things to respond to.
lets start this way:
in response to poster V for Vendetta:
i understand your pain, (and i thank jeff for responding, it shows your still 'here') i have gone down the 'matephysical path' as far as it can go i believe. and as far as i'm concerned it leads no where or rather, in circles.
it is like a mobius strip. the trick is learning to get off of it and to learn from it what you must, following the truth where ever it leads. to me what is most important to learn from any sort of metaphysics is the metephors or allegories it allows, shows to us about our physical world.
blind faith in any sort of thing is illogical. blind belief in mind transcendence or belief in physical reality and current presense and solipsism are equally rediculous.
aside from that, we're getting closer. with every post we are beginning to see the articulation of things as they really are (which i assume is the point of this blog.).
i am frustrated like V for Vendetta about this focus upon the metaphysical, but i do know it will lead somewhere. maybe i should better explain and say metaphysics is not completely useless, the thing of it is that if your not careful, you will find yourself believing in strange unrealistic things. learn from it what you must, but please return to reality. lol.
my real frustration is i do not see a path out for us all from the elitists plans. and i come to this blog for an answer. but what you get is further investigation, which i suppose must happen, because all is not fully known.
but what i think is becoming clear is that the answer is in each of us. when we are born, we are born with everything we need. the big lie tries to make us disbelieve this OBVIOUS truth.
they try to make us scared to think, feel and talk.
and we are doomed as a group of people, as a community, as a society, AS A COUNTRY, and as a world if we are too scared to be ourselves and to freely communicate.
the duty of the big lie is to keep us fragmented and DISABLED.
starroute, you are correct, you said: 'I am convinced that any new politics will necessarily have to be a politics of microcosms and not a politics of fragments.'
you have succinctly described what must happen. as it currently stands the political system, in america or maybe the world, is built on this idea of a fragmented mass consciousness. evil you know VS. the evil you don't know. essentially a contest between fascism lite or fascism plain owing allegience to the state. not to the people. and this trend will continue if no one stops it.
every person is born whole. even though i have a hard time believing it. its true.
BTW, V for Vendetta looks like a kick-ass movie ;)
"But the unthinkables just keep on coming, and those who draw lines proscribing discourse will be overtaken by the events precipitated by the thoughts which earlier overwhelmed them."
"But it's not about belief; none of it is. It's about all the things I can no longer comfortably disbelieve."
"The government urges you to remain calm."
the government urges you to remain calm, while they perpetuate the very stuff they want you to reamin calm about.
"people shouldn't be scared of their governments, governments should be scared of their people."
this reality.
"Now, by the way, any time you hear the United States government talking about wiretap, it requires---a wiretap requires a court order.
Nothing has changed, by the way.
When we're talking about chasing down terrorists, we're talking about getting a court order before we do so.
It's important for our fellow citizens to understand, when you think Patriot Act, constitutional guarantees are in place when it comes to doing what is necessary to protect our homeland, because we value the Constitution."
---President George W. Bush
April 20, 2004
Aww, Monsters Inc... that's a cute movie.
I believe that Skinner story is in fact an urban myth.
Let's not go repeating accusations that are known to be false.
"the government urges you to remain calm, while they perpetuate the very stuff they want you to reamin calm about."
A point to remember is that there really is no such thing as "THE Government". Depending on the political system, but even in a highly centralised system like an actual dictatorship, there are always multiple power centres and factions with their own visions and agendas. Heck, even within a college or corporation there's lots of inter-office politics.
That's what amazed me looking on at the whole Iraq War debacle from outside the US, just how much dissent there was in the ranks of organisations I'd formerly considered just 'the Government' -- such as the CIA, the military, the State Department. (Compared to which, how much consent there was in the mainstream press. But there was plenty of dissent in the press too, it's just that the highly centralised outlets like CNN and Fox didn't care to show it.)
Since then, I've been trying to figure out just how many power bases there are in US politics. It's a *lot*. The Republican Party of course. The 'Texas Mafia' who currently own the GOP, but they're not identical with it. The PNAC people, who cross over with some Democrats. The 'neocons'. The Christian Right 'theocons'. The Southern Baptists. The 'neoliberals' who are in many cases identical with the neoconservatives but are more pro-market rather than pro-war. The World Economic Forum who are mostly billionaires wanting to make a buck, and who may or may not have any other ethical alignments. George Soros, who funds Eastern European open-society foundations but is no friend of W's idea of gunpoint 'freedom'. The Moon cult, which is well-documented as linked to the Christian Right (a fact that would boggle the cult-fearing Baptist faithful, to whom Moon is the Antichrist and Dubya is the Second Coming).
Even just on the intelligence front: The CIA - but note that there's a lot of division inside the CIA over Iraq, Porter Goss has pissed off most of the field agents, and Rumsfeld would rather prefer to run all intelligence via the Pentagon. The NID vs the DCI. The whole rest of the alphabet soup agencies. The UKUSA network that involves Australia and New Zealand. DoJ vs DHS vs State vs DoD. Within the DoD: NORTHCOM vs SOCOM vs STRATCOM vs CENTCOM. The defense-contractor maze. NASA (who are throwing away any pretense to civilian independence under their new director). The exploding Private Military Contractor industry sucking ex-special forces guys into the private sector for higher salaries. The prison-industrial complex (pretty much just Group 4, now that they bought out Wackenhut, who used to do security at Area 51).
The media: Rupert Murdoch vs Sony vs Time-Warner-AOL vs Microsoft vs Google. And lots more angles there as the Web evolves. TV and radio and print might be locked down due to spectrum fees and the cost of printeries, but at least for now the Net favours small players and the Powers That Be don't quite know what to make of it. The RIAA and MPAA are trying though.
So there's really no such that as 'the' Government. It's the network of forces both inside and outside that 'Government' line, and particularly the ones that cross over back and forth from private to public, that make things interesting.
starroute, I hope you will reply to anon 2:24, as your last comment does appear to contain some unsavoury implications.
and I dug the heroic couplets Mojo! can I make a request? for the next entry, a villanelle? you up for it?
How about this:
Abraham’s Dream
Luminescing fireflies are lighting up my yard.
Out in front my sidewalk’s full of whores and pimps and bards,
Operatic bunko dealers shouting, “Pick a card.”
On the tube a sycophantic rock star kisses ass.
Cartoons of Muhammad are just psy ops for the mass,
All the same it makes me want to puke, it is so crass.
Can I find a kinder, gentler place to call my home
Somewhere in Alaska way up north, a place called Nome?
Surely not Il Citi Vaticanni down in Rome.
People there are funny, they just like to reminisce.
Days go by without a smile, the sound of a low hiss
Startles me to realize that my ignorance ain’t bliss.
Running from St. Peter’s Square ~ it really is a circle ~
Baphomet arrests me. Did you know he looks like Urkel?
Now I’m in the stockade being stoned by Chancellor Merkel.
Crowds appear to rescue me. They’re led by one tough Gurkha,
Who smiles and says, “Cover yourself,” handing me a burqa.
“This one’s out of style,” I cry. “It says here: ‘circa
Ninteen-thirteen.’ Look. I wouldn’t be caught dead in it.”
“Fine. Suit yourself,” Then he goes and throws a hissy fit.
“Right. I’m out of here,” I scream, the crowd in hot pursuit.
Grabbing passing trolleys on my skateboard like McFly,
Soon I land in Egypt on one pyramid’s great eye.
Staring at me foolishly, it blinks, and then I try
Talking to it calmly like some therapist named Phil.
“Don’t I know you, son?” it croaks, and tries to take my will.
“You are not my father, creep,” I answer, when a shill
For the three card monte dealer points me toward sun,
Saying “Look, it rules, you know,” and then, “you are the one.
Who can make some sense of it and tell us where we’ve gone
Wrong.” “Aha,” I say, “Just look at what they did
To the others who were fool enough not to stay hid.
I’m not them and you’re not him. I must refuse your bid.”
Saying that I tumbled through a wormhole into space,
Past a liquid silver mirror showing me my only face.
Ugly as it was, it disappeared without a trace.
Now I am not sure of who I am or where I be,
Reading stuff on Antonin Artaud ~ at least it’s free,
Sort of. Costing me a lot of time. “I need to pee,”
Forrest Gump said goofily to LBJ. Like that,
Now I’m in Angkor Wat ~ and me without my hat.
Laura Croft slides down a vine and, looking mighty phat,
Offers me a tumble in the hay to stoke my greed.
Flipping channels in my mind like Ramtha hopped on speed,
Stuck inside of Memphis, someone hands me Graceland’s deed.
Says here that it’s “owned by the Illuminati Group,
Formerly PanBankCorp, and before that Lupe de lupe,
Partnering with evil since before the flood, you dupe.”
“Elvis too?” I moan and then I fall into a swoon,
When I wake I find that I am howling at the moon,
On all fours and baying like a dogstar fiend in June,
Boho buddies licking at my heels and wanting more.
“Get away from me you sick ass fucks, I’m not your whore.”
With that I get up and kick them all right out the door.
Slamming it I yell so loud, “And stay out!” that I wince,
Rubbing both my ears to soothe them. Soon I will convince
All my friends to meet me at the deli for a blintz,
Where we will agree that cable tv steals your soul.
Mojo Filter nods his head and orders up a bowl.
Sipping borscht, he sagely sucks a luscious jelly roll.
Finally with his beard all dripping red with beets and jam,
Looking like my buddy Moses Younger from Siam,
Mojo softly whispers, “He said, ‘I am what I am.’”
“Whoa. Get outta here dude!” “No way.” “Did he really speak?”
“Yup. And after that he morphed and said, ‘Blessed are the meek.’”
Wiping off the jelly and the borscht, he rose to leave,
Turned and smiled and shook his head like Manny in the flood,
Gave a nod of fellowship and, blessing Ihsmael’s blood,
Spat and doused the candle, saying, “God made us of mud.”
Don't know what that form is, but how about this?
I tried posting this a few minutes ago but it doesn't seem to have registered. Anyway, it was the wrong version. Some of the lines didn't scan.
Guess that'll teach me again that patience is a virtue. That, and more careful editing.
Try this one:
Abraham’s Dream
Luminescing fireflies are lighting up my yard.
Out in front my sidewalk’s full of whores and pimps and bards,
Operatic bunko dealers shouting, “Pick a card.”
On the tube a sycophantic rock star kisses ass.
Cartoons of Muhammad are just psy ops for the mass,
All the same it makes me want to puke, it is so crass.
Can I find a kinder, gentler place to call my home
Somewhere in Alaska way up north, a place called Nome?
Surely not Il Citi Vaticanni down in Rome.
People there are funny, they just like to reminisce.
Days go by without a smile, the sound of a low hiss
Startles me to realize that my ignorance ain’t bliss.
Running from St. Peter’s Square ~ it really is a circle ~
Baphomet arrests me. Did you know he looks like Urkel?
Now I’m in the stockade being stoned by Chancellor Merkel.
Crowds appear to rescue me. They’re led by one tough Gurkha,
Who smiles and says, “Cover yourself,” handing me a burqa.
“This one’s out of style,” I start to cry. “It says here: ‘circa
Ninteen-thirteen.’ Look. I wouldn’t be caught dead in it.”
“Fine. Suit yourself,” Then he goes and throws a hissy fit.
“Right. I’m out of here,” I scream, the crowd in hot pursuit.
Grabbing passing trolleys on my skateboard like McFly,
Soon I land in Egypt on one pyramid’s great eye.
Staring at me foolishly, it blinks, and then I try
Talking to it calmly like some therapist named Phil.
“Don’t I know you, son?” it croaks, and tries to take my will.
“You are not my father, creep,” I answer, when a shill
For the three card monte dealer points me toward sun,
Saying “Look, it rules, you know,” and then, “you are the one.
Who can make some sense of it and tell us where we’ve gone
Wrong.” “Aha,” I say, “Just look before at what they did
To the others who were fool enough not to stay hid.
I’m not them and you’re not him. I must refuse your bid.”
Saying that I tumbled through a wormhole into space,
Past a liquid silver mirror showing me my face.
Ugly as it was, it disappeared without a trace.
Now I am not sure of who I am or where I be,
Reading stuff on Antonin Artaud ~ at least it’s free,
Sort of. Costing me a lot of time. “I need to pee,”
Forrest Gump said goofily to LBJ. Like that,
Now I’m in old Angkor Wat ~ and me without my hat.
Laura Croft slides down a vine and, looking mighty phat,
Offers me a tumble in the hay to stoke my greed.
Flipping channels in my mind like Ramtha hopped on speed,
Stuck inside of Memphis, someone hands me Graceland’s deed.
Says here that it’s “owned by the Illuminati Group,
Formerly PanBankCorp, and before that Lupe de lupe,
Partnering with evil since before the flood, you dupe.”
“Elvis too?” I moan and then I fall into a swoon,
When I wake I find that I am howling at the moon,
On all fours and baying like a dogstar fiend in June,
Boho buddies licking at my heels and wanting more.
“Get away from me you sick ass fucks, I’m not your whore.”
With that I get up and kick them all right out the door.
Slamming it I yell so loud, “And stay out!” that I wince,
Rubbing both my ears to soothe them. Soon I will convince
All my friends to meet me at the deli for a blintz,
Where we will agree that cable tv steals your soul.
Mojo Filter nods his head and orders up a bowl.
Sipping borscht, he sagely sucks a luscious jelly roll.
Finally with his beard all dripping red with beets and jam,
Looking like my buddy Moses Younger from Siam,
Mojo softly whispers, “He said, ‘I am what I am.’”
“Whoa. Get outta here dude!” “No way.” “Did he really speak?”
“Yup. And after that he morphed and said, ‘Blessed are the meek.’”
Wiping off the jelly and the borscht, he rose to leave,
Turned and smiled and shook his head like Manny in the flood,
Gave a nod of fellowship and, blessing Ihsmael’s blood,
Spat and doused the candle, saying, “God made us of mud.”
V for Vendetta .. I hear your comments, and not just cause you were talking. Are you truly concerned? Is it just that you feel it would be exciting to be the one who first called that Jeff Wells had been bodysnatched? Frankly, given the nature of this forum, the thought has crossed my mind.
Still, I prefer to see the movement through topics as one of the subtleties of Mr. Wells' posts.
So, I am compelled to echo Anonymous 8:33 PM comments ... "Are you kidding me?"
in reply to your comments .... "What exactly is Jeff (who can fight his own battles I presume) "on to" with these latest posts? What are we learning and what crimes and criminals are being exposed?"
I am not inclined to take literally the spirits, space travellers, and such, but I have been delighted to find that with Jeff Well's deft touch, these disparate and arcane elements weave a subtly apprehended yet surprisingly cogent tapestry.
The subtle peeling away of layers, and deceptively simple presentation of facts from far and wide are Jeff Well's great talent. Bid your time .. it is all coming together ..
*throws laurel wreaths on anonymous poet*
"As above, so below" is NOT "satanic relativism." (Whatever that means). It's a statement about how to effect change in the Universe. The microcosm reflects the macrocosm. To borrow an item from your analogies, the rotting orange would equal the Bush administration - not a great work of art.
Gandhi put it another way when he said, "you must be the change you wish to see in others."
Dear Kylark,
The comment did not address the "as above, so below" prelude. That is mere Hermeticism.
Re-read what was written. You are obfuscating the points that were made.
Sorry this took so long. Had to go to the P.O. and run a few
errands first. A Dylan Thomas prelude for a Bobby Dylan
knockoff. I guess it has a certain kind of symmetry to it.
Thanks for the suggestion. An interesting form, it is.
Here’s a little ditty I like to call:
Get Me the Head of Pancho Villa
Prelude to the Afternoon of a Con [at Nelly’s House]
Where have all the heroes gone? Our world is not the same.
Malcolm, Martin, Bobby, JFK, Ghandiji’s smile...
Someone said they all were killed. But tell me who’s to blame?
Mossadegh, Lumumba, Che, their killers all took aim,
One-eyed Jacks in chicken shacks lined up a country mile.
Where have all the heroes gone? Our world is not the same.
Lennon got it too, taken down hard. They like to maim.
Nasser and Allende felt the sting and made the file.
Someone said they all were killed. But tell me who’s to blame?
Can it be as it appears? My wondering eyes are lame.
Seems like yesterday Beauty and Truth walked down the aisle.
Where have all the heroes gone? Our world is not the same.
Honest Abraham’s greenbacks brought him down, so they claim,
Card sharks flipping queens like they were going out of style.
Someone said they all were killed. But tell me who’s to blame?
Albert Pike, his statue stands in Washington in fame.
Skullhead boners with Swiss gnomes, their methods can be vile.
Where have all the heroes gone? Our world is not the same.
Someone said they all were killed. But tell me who’s to blame?
Satan, Moloch, Lucifer, do tell, what’s in a name?
El Diablo, 666, it is for keeps, this "game".
The comment did not address the "as above, so below" prelude.
If not, then why did you quote it?
Sorry for any "misunderstanding."
Next, how about a book of cantos?
Ever read any of Peter Dale Scott's poetry?
How about Allen Ginsberg's forays into the parapolitical realm, like "CIA Dope Calypso"?
Footnote to "CIA Drug Calypso"
Blechh!! Enough of this forced rhyme and sloppy cadence. Let's get back to the discussion...
Theatre snob.
Anonymous 2:24 -
Satanist relativism???? Maybe I should take a vow never to post after midnight.
Majored in philosophy?? Not me.
It's after midnight again -- so I'm already breaking that vow -- but I'm bemused by the fact that you seem to be taking me as having said the exact opposite of what I thought I was saying. So let me risk the wrath of the gods and address just one element of your post.
You quote my statement, "What ultimately matters is where you wind up, and not what path you take to get there." And you respond with, "That is a stance with totally amoral opportunism at the core of it. It doesn't matter why we invaded Iraq, we're there now, so who cares?"
Well, no, what I really meant was something like (if I may use traditional religious language for a moment), "There are many paths to salvation, and just as many to damnation, and what really matters is where you wind up and not what path you take to get there."
Or perhaps, to put it on a slightly more practical level, "Scientists find their way to enlightenment through their love of knowledge, artists through their love of beauty, and politicians through their love of the common good. What matters is the element of love, and not the object of that love."
Or even, if you want to drag the discussion down to the level of the Iraq War, "It doesn't matter whether we invaded Iraq out of a high-minded desire for democracy or a crude desire for oil. What matters is that we've totally fucked the place up through our arrogance and greed, and that is something we're going to be held accountable for over many generations to come."
In fact, any of these rephrasings is both cruder and less precise than what I was originally trying to say. But this isn't the first time I've been misunderstood here, so I'll acknowledge that I may have been tackling something beyond my ability to pull off.
That is not quite an honest response. You cherry picked half the quote, and answered by interpreting a phrase out of context. You said:
"in a universe of As above, So below, every level of reality is equally real in and of itself. What ultimately matters is where you wind up, and not what path you take to get there."
I stand by my critique. Your response immediately preceding this reads as being disingenuous, especially when someone as articulate as you attempts to play "dumb".
The Inquistion will be right back after these messages:
V for Vitriolic and the Bardling: Blogs are free, y'know. Post there and just post a link here. Lower the signal to noise ratio a little. It's all good, tho.
North Carolina Boy: Your comments about polite discourse are beautiful. I wish I was man enough to adhere to them. However...
Anonymous 2:24 / 1:11: starroute is one of the most genuine, insightful and valuable contributors here, and for quite some time now. What's your claim to fame, hmm? Something about apples and oranges?
The "as above, so below" comment clearly refers to the relationship between physical and spiritual events, specifically that both are important and worthy of study. Maybe you don't like "Charmed" (Hey, I'm with you there) so here's the same thing in a more traditional form: On Earth as it is in Heaven. You should be aware that Christianity IS Hermeticism.
My suggestion: Read some books about fractal mathematics, maybe some more about Jakob Bohme, meditate on a flower, pop some shrooms or something, just somehow get a goddamn clue. Do your research. Shit, you're reading RI, have you been paying any attention at all?
By all means stand by your "critique". Just know that it's wearing a t-shirt that reads "I'm with stupid."
Aww, that wasn't nice of me now was it? Fuck it, chivalry ain't dead yet.
Back to you, Satan.
Nice call oiss,
starroute honors the thoughts of others by addressing their substance and adding distinctions of his own, this creates community. Some folk it seems need to be reminded that being strident is not evidence of either righteousness or intelligence. However they do distract us from dealing, as directly with more subtle and positive elements, and for some this seems to be their measure for success. Bully for them.
Christianity IS Hermeticism?
You MUST be high. Better lay off them shrooms, Nick.
I was not aware that "fame" was equated with clarity of thought, integrity, or the truth of any matter. But I guess in the disneyfied disinformation culture of North America they are.
Maybe you'd better lay off the tv, too.
And one more big btw, starroot is a woman, not a "he".
Hello. Shrooms and tv, now that's a really dangerous combo.
HOW long have you been reading this blog?
One more question,
Been to the "feelies" lately?
Tired of pointless ghost stories and internecine bickering?
For anyone looking for some REAL information on the secret history of the world, check out Henry Makow's site at
Guaranteed you won't be sorry,
or your money back.
"Man did not weave the web of life - he is merely a strand in it.
Whatever he does to the web, he does to himself."
Chief Seattle, 1854.
Doubtless the point has been made either by you, or in the manifold comments you receive, that an estimated one percent or two percent of any given population is born spontaneously able to see and sense things outside the normal human range of perceptions,
But nearly any of us can enjoy this gift, if only temporarily, if we imbibe the appposite hallucinogenic substances.
If truth be told, the spirits of the dead are all around us, as are therianthropic beings, "aliens", and all the rest.
So the "paranormal" is actually the "normal". But the truth of this will forever pass most of us by, for we wish not to see, and there are none so blind as those who do not wish to see.
Your blog, and the astute comments made by so many of your readers, is a welcome oasis in a cacophonous Babelonian desert of mediocrity.
I shall visit your site often.
Yeah, high, enlightened, whatever you want to call it. But thanks for the warning about TV, I'll be sure not to buy one. And starroute is a lady (I never said otherwise) and deserves to be treated as such. Now fuck off.
Henry Makow? I want my money back.
Biff said:
"So the "paranormal" is actually the "normal". But the truth of this will forever pass most of us by, for we wish not to see, and there are none so blind as those who do not wish to see."
Well said. Why do I keep trying to tell people about this beautiful colour blue? If they haven't seen it...
Hey Starroute,
"The Sufis suggest that the various actors who appear on the world's stage -- from tyrants to freedom fighters and everything in between -- are simply embodiments of aspects of the human mentality. The battles of the world, although they may seem to be about practical things like money and resources, are actually no more than secondary reflections of the battles which go on within the human heart -- only projected outward, with each of us taking on one or another role as a convenient way of dramatizing and resolving our spiritual issues.
It's a sobering though that each one of our has our own little inner Dick Cheney, snarling at the world and dreaming of total domination, but it's no doubt true. In fact, we should be grateful to the real Dick Cheney for taking on that peculiarly unrewarding role so that the rest of us don't have to. :-)"
Bit players or not, aren't we here, doing it, now? And is life not simply a "convenient way of dramatizing and resolving our spiritual issues", but rather THE way of doing these things?
So even if you allow that issues are being resolved or some kind of evolution is occuring on another level, individually in this life, we actively choose to help our friends and family, same as we can choose to steal, murder and lie.
We are creatures with conception of self, cognizant of the outcome of our actions and should be held accountable, and not metaphysically speaking, i mean due process, legal ramifications, conviction, incarceration, compensation.
I think the process of evolution gets confused with the individual. Species come and go, but the individual creatures that make up the progression are/were very real, and doesn't what they do, and what is done to them, matter to them in the most immediate and dire way?
As far as Dick Cheney's actions are concerned (which have been systematically & purposefully undertaken for decades), they are HIS, and his alone. The only way Dick Cheney can resolve this spiritual issue is by ceasing and desisting from theft, murder and lies in this life. I shut down the little Cheney in my head everyday. Why shouldn't he? (ok, maybe he lacks empathy ie is a psychopath ..)
Doesn't immoral, destructive, negative behaviour get a free pass by calling it a 'balancing force' or by sloughing it off as a way of teaching us all lessons?
Anonymous 2:58 PM post seems to apply here ..
"Man did not weave the web of life - he is merely a strand in it.
Whatever he does to the web, he does to himself."
Chief Seattle, 1854.
Back to the firmament for a moment, I highly recommend The Electric Universe at
It's nuts and bolts physics, which materialists will appreciate. But if you're prepared to consider the theological implications of their work, you're in for a special treat. I think Chief Seattle would dig it.
It flows naturally to the holographic universe, which leads me to again suggest the study of fractals and the works of Jakob Bohme. Or you could just watch the movie "Lemony Snickett's A Series of Unfortunate Events", might help to answer this question:
"Doesn't immoral, destructive, negative behaviour get a free pass by calling it a 'balancing force' or by sloughing it off as a way of teaching us all lessons?"
Only if we don't act against it.
I recently read Hunt For The Skinwalker. For me, one of the more interesting bits dealt with the completely black shadowman.
When I was in my late teens I began suffering from sleep paralysis. It lasted into my early 30s & then stopped. Hasn't happened for about 10 years or so. The one incident that still sticks out in my mind occurred in my early 20s. I lived in a 1 room apartment. One night I awoke, or thought I awoke, & I was looking straight at the couch across from the bed. I was completely paralysed.
On the couch was an entity of some sort. The best way I can describe it is as a totally black, not black as in skin color, black as if you'd taken a photo of a man and colored it in completely with flat black paint. The only color visible was his glowing red eyes. & they was staring right at me. I had the certain feeling that, whatever the fuck it was, it didn't like me very much.
I remember sucking in breath & then I was really awake. Lying in the exact same position & looking at the same couch, now empty, that I saw in my 'dream.'
I also recently read this in the letters page of the January 2006 issue of Fortean Times.
It was written by a man named Jeff Ravis who said he used to work the night shift alone at a water treatment plant in Tennessee.
One night, while reading, he heard a loud bang. Looking out into the hallway he saw two cabinet doors lying on the floor. He decided to ignore them.
He says: "I sat back down and tried to read more, but it was impossible.I began to feel that I wasn't alone. I knew that there was someone else in the building, in the basement, to be precise, and I knew that he/it was not friendly.So I just sat there behind the desk, looking through the doorway, waiting. A terrible air of hatred and evil seemed to settle in like fog in a cemetary. I was really scared. And then the shape drifted into view. It came from the direction of the basement, floating slowly about 6 in. to 12 in. above the floor. It was the shape of a man, solid, but at the same time not solid, and it was totally black, like a human body dipped in tar. I saw the arms, the legs, the head, but no eyes.
When it was exactly in the center of the open doorway, it seemed to notice me for the first time. It turned in my direction and when we were face to face, with no more than 8 feet of open space and one small desk between us, it very nearly scared me to death. It began to scream and reach for me, but for some reason, apparently, it couldn't cross the threshold from the hall. So it reached and reached, and the arms started getting longer, getting closer with every effort, but never quite touching me. The monster leaned inward through the door and screamed its frustration."
He goes on to say:
" I now think I know the reason why Charles lost his mind. (Charles was a former employee who tried to disassemble the treatment plant during one 8 hour night shift & when confronted by a supervisor, he pulled a knife & began babbling about the Bible, the Great Beast, and the Book of Revelation) He thought his religion would protect him, but somehow the evil got through. And I know why the people who work there now carry handguns at all times. They're scared, but they don't know what they are scared of."
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There are a lot more things in heaven and earth than were dreamed of in our philosophy, at least the mechanistic kind I learned in school. I believe that. That there are spiritual entities out there, many of which are not exactly friendly, I have no trouble accepting.
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It was reported on the TV news (okay, sometimes I watch videos on my computer, even though we don't "do" television) that the incident is under investigation. And his victim is in... umm... stable condition was reported. No mention if he will lose an eye or worse.
But you have to love the murderer I've become
As I'm standing here in front of you
Standing right in front of you
Standing here in front of you
Killing birds I've spent my youth
Breaking down the walls my father built
Just like he did to his father before him.
a senior English major at Virginia Tech, had previously been diagnosed with a severe anxiety disorder. During much of his middle school and high school years, he received therapy and special education support. After graduating from high school
terimakasih gan infonya...!!! smoga sukses
Nice Artikel
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Makasih gan udah share infonya
Good info
Nice post gan, Semoga bermanfaat
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