Same as it ever was

Imagine you're a fifteenth century French peasant and your child is missing. Imagine you're not alone; the disappearances have been occuring for sometime. Now imagine the chief suspect is the local nobleman, the Marshal of France and champion of the Church, Gilles de Rais. What do you do?
Not much. After all, you're a peasant. Your word and your loss mean little in an age of aristocracy. Still, there are enough of you with similar stories and losses that authorities are compelled to proffer an explanation. According to the official account, the children have been delivered to the English, by order of the King, who are to train them as pages. Case closed, with mundane and plausible reasoning. ("Whether this relieved the parents is not recorded, but the disappearances continued.")
Actually the children, almost exclusively young boys, were victims of sex magick to summon demons to De Rais' service. Whether the magick worked is irrelevant; what matters is De Rais had sufficient belief to sacrifice scores. The precise number remains unknown. Dozens appears a certainty, and hundreds a possibility. (A figure as high as 800 has been alleged.) Many of the bodies were cremated in the castle over a slow-burning fire to minimize the smell, according to the testimony of Henriet Griart, one of de Rais' accomplices. Another - who, like Paul Bonacci of the Franklin Cover-Up, had himself been an abductee - claimed the ashes were then disposed of in the moat.
Imagine you're a parent in Florida and your child is missing. Imagine you're not alone; the disappearances have been occuring for sometime. Now imagine many of the missing children were supposedly in the care of the state. What do you do?
One thing you do not do, should you want sympathetic treatment in the press, is suggest either the involvement of a satanic cult or the state's collusion in the disappearances. (Consider the treatment accorded Noreen Gosch by The Des Moines Register after she alleged both.) Maybe you commend the governor's office, which declared victory in November, 2002, because it had located a third of the missing children. Perhaps you're relieved that Florida recently became the first state to fully privatize its child welfare services. Or maybe you worry that by reducing public oversight, more children are likely to "fall through the cracks."
And how do you do respond if you're a parent in Texas, and read this story dated April 15, entitled "School officials fear satanic crimes"? Do you smirk at the credulity and irrational fear of your neighbours, even though the ritual murders of the Matamoros drug cult remain close in time and place? ("Before we knew it," said the sheriff, "we were digging up another one and another one and another one.")
A satanic scare is sweeping the Rio Grande Valley – at least according to school officials and counselors who warn that devil worshippers are snatching children and cutting up their bodies.
The corpses are never found because the killers pulverize the body parts, turning them to dust, said Ruben Garcia, 35, a drug counselor who warns of such dangers at forums for parents and students.
Cult leaders "are very organized," Mr. Garcia said. "They know exactly what they're doing. Like anyone with a criminal mind, they think about everything."
"If large numbers of children were disappearing, we would be aware of that," said Tela Mange, a spokeswoman for the Texas Department of Public Safety. "We are not aware of any satanic cult kidnappings or ritualized murders that are occurring in the Valley at this time."
It was just one week before the discovery of the Matamoros slayings that the "FBI's top expert on child abuse claimed that there is no such thing as Satanic ritual human sacrifice." Similarly, prostitutes were disappearing from Vancouver's East End for years before police admitted a problem, let alone a pattern, and recovered the remains of dozens of victims from the Port Coquitlam pig farm of Robert Picton. Underclass victims are still largely invisible.
Aleister Crowley attributed the charges against de Rais to the product of conspiracy theory, and the sarcastic tone with which he dismissed the aristocrat's crimes against children is still the dominant voice:
The main accusation against Gilles de Rais is therefore just this general accusation against anyone in Christendom who exhibited any desire for knowledge. Only, in his case, it was concentrated and exaggerated to fantastic lengths by some factor or other on which I feel it useless to speculate. The one thing of which I feel certain is that 800 children is a lot.
I don’t know over how many years these practices were supposed to have spread. As I think you must all feel sure by now, I know nothing whatever of my subject.
But scientific experiment in those days was always a very prolonged operation. They thought nothing of exposing some unknown substance to the rays of the sun and moon for periods of three months at a time, in the hope that in some mysterious way the first stage of some dimly—visaged operation might be satisfactorily accomplished. And even if they sacrificed a child every day, it would have taken a matter of two and a half years to dispose of 800 children. Besides, it must have taken more than a few minutes to kidnap a child with the secrecy obviously required. Did the disappearance of the first four hundred, say, put no parents on their guard?
Crowley, naturally, selects the high-end figure of 800 victims to render the incredible crimes that less credible. And, of course, parents were on guard. Unfortunately for them and their children, they were peasants, so that didn't count for much. It was only when de Rais overplayed his hand and kidnapped a prominent priest that the testimony of 110 witnesses could see something like justice done.
In Psychic Self-Defense, advocate of the right-hand path, the Christian occultist Dion Fortune, writes "It may not generally be realised, but there is just as much danger of corruption in a Black Lodge for boys and youths are there is for women":
In ancient times, and among primative peoples, human sacrifice was a common incident in connection with occult practices. It is not unknown in Eastern Europe even at the present day. The nursery story of Bluebeard has its origin in the practices of the infamous Gilles de Rais, Marshal of France and comrade of Joan of Arc, who slaughtered innumerable children and youths in connection with his magical experiments. I have never heard of a case in England, but there have been at various times some curious killings reported from the United States which look suspiciously like ritual murders, but in the absence of adequate information it is impossible to come to a final conclusion upon them.
I think we can say that, since Fortune's time, adequate information has been forthcoming to conclude that a number of America's "curious killings" are indeed ritual murders. And provisionally, I think we can add that sometimes, they are perpetrated with the indulgence of state apparatus.
In political terms, magick's left-hand path has a decidedly rightward bent. Nazi fetishism among cultists is well-known and hardly surprising. And philosophically, the left-hand path aggrandizes the self, while the worth of much of humanity is denied beyond their simple utility, rendering it amenable to fascist elites.
Luciferianism has always been a religion of the aristocracy, distinct from the low magic and superstitions of the underclass, and scornful of the "herd morality" of the dominant faiths which preach humilty, charity and self-sacrifice. And significantly, to keep turning the wheel of torture, Luciferianism also appeals to those who aspire to aristocracy and hope to gain its favour.
For an example of this appeal, here's an excerpt from The Book of Darkness, an official work of the OrdoTempli Satanis:
Given the premise that there is, indeed, a natural aristocracy at work in the population, the question must be raised: how should this aristocracy comport itself? By what strictures should it govern its own behavior?
At the onset, it should be remembered that it is unreasonable to assume the natural aristocracy would act according to the same restrictions and under the same assumptions as the Masses. Being possessed of abilities, inner drives, and creative forces totally beyond the ken of the ordinary masses, the natural aristocrat cannot be expected to lower himself to the level of the ordinary citizen. Indeed, it is the aristocrat who is called upon by society to engage in the grandest acts of self-sacrifice by being forced into the role of leader and driving impetus for society as a whole.
No rational person, and certainly not the Satanic aristocrat, would think of engaging in such self-sacrifice (or indeed, in self-sacrifice of any kind) without expecting to receive something in return.... The Satanic aristocracy sees the masses as tools; means by which the ends envisioned may be achieved. To this point of view, it must be added that individual suffering, as such, is irrelevant. The ends are all that matter to the Satanist; the means are chosen based on totally utilitarian and logical decisions.
On the other hand, this should not be taken to mean that the Satanist will go out of his way to sustain the life of any individual, merely for its own sake. If one of the masses must be sacrificed in order to achieve a worthwhile goal, then the Satanist should have no qualms about doing so.
De Rais died more than 500 years ago. That seems a long time ago. But there are just over a dozen generations separating our day from his. That's not so many.
Secular modernity is a comfort to some, that dispells chthonic darkness and the superstition of our ancestors. But it's wafer thin, and just beneath it rests ages of living hermetic tradition transmitted by secret societies and elite orders from which are recruited future leaders for the cryptocracy. Aristocrats and their mystery religions remain with us, as does their inclination to regard the "herd" with utilitarian disdain.
You may want to change that first sentence to "15th century."
I did't have time to cross-check it, does the Crowley lecture come from a translated version coming from an earlier version? There are some odd verbal glitches like "geban."
You may want to change that first sentence to "15th century."
Ouch. Thanks.
does the Crowley lecture come from a translated version coming from an earlier version? There are some odd verbal glitches like "geban."
I don't think so. In context, "geban" looks like a simple typo of "began": "He began alchemical studies..."
This reminds me of the movie "A Time To Kill" when the attorney walks the jury through the rape, beating and attempted murder of the little black girl...where he tells the jury to close their eyes and picture that little black girl near death thrown over the bridge laying in the mud. Then he adds, "now imagine that she is white."
Now imagine that she is Bush's daughter...
I used to think (and sometimes still do) that, broadly speaking, Asia might yet be the salvation of the human race: whatever faults are indigenous to Asian (particularly Chinese do to the middle kingdom's outsize influence on the area) culture, there is to my knowledge no equivalent of:
i) ritualized 'satanic' abuse (although infanticide is a whole 'nother can of worms)
ii) widespread adoption of any kind of religious attitude beyond pragmatism of some sort (often shaded taoist or confucian, sometimes buddhist)
I still might be right (although modern China is frightening for all sorts of reasons); it may simply be a matter of the western leadership's bizarre habits receiving more publicity than those of their eastern peers, but there seems something rotten in the west that has no parallel eastward.
My gut feeling is that the west has wherever possible chosen to increase material wealth in place of human wealth, and physical capital over human capital; I could expand on this but will not do so fear b/c it's pretty far off topic. I think the best long-term solution for ending the reign of the crypto-satanic types is simply to create a world-order wherein they are irrelevant; probably this will come about once energy + material production are sufficiently decentralized (this is something that will need to be made to happen, perhaps violently, as those currently holding onto the energy and material production instruments intend to hold onto the chokepoints of whatever new stuff comes down the pipeline) that most individuals or small local communities are for the most part self sufficient, at least for basic needs. Although not an easy struggle, with proper allocation of effort and resources amongst those capable of getting such a change started it should be possible to do so almost entirely peacefully (phyiscally; the legal and political battles will be ugly as all get-out), although not necessarily easily. Once such a shift was established, the satanic parasite types would, if still around, be sufficiently irrelevant to be effectively eliminated; it's hard to get away with mass kidnappings if you're just another schmuck among equals.
Alternative approaches to ridding the world of such evil probably involve violence, and lots of it: given the deep history these groups have in the west it'd probably wind up having to look like a french revolution or holocaust all over again; given the current superior firepower (but not numbers) the top classes command and the general awfulness and uncertainties violence ensues I think the best approach for the present is for those concerned to more than anything else try to create societal conditions that empower the masses; in so doing the elites will be brought down enough pegs that they will no longer be above the law to the extent they effectively are as of now.
Ugh. This is definitely a post that will keep any parent of small children up at night.
The point the last commenter made about the Chinese is interesting. I wonder about Indians/Hindus-- do they have any sort of tradition of this sort of thing?
Some Hindus had a tradition not too different from the old Greek old/young man thing: less noxious than the stuff we're used to talking about, but still there; it's even in some European traveler's accounts from the 1800s or so. I don't know enough about the rest of the world to have a more informed opinion, I'm afraid.
The only problem I have personally with what you discuss is the idea that it is "Satanic". Men are quite evil enough without having to add the supernatural to any explaination of deviant behavior.
Otherwise, rock on!
whoa Michelle. Men are deviant enough? Good grief girl. Grow up. It is not men, it is ideas that some men hold and as some women hold. Until you can discern the difference, you are doomed to binary opposites that will screw you in every relationship. It is ideology, not men that is the problem. Men are wonderful creatures, especially those who question the existing dominate ideology. Thank the everlasting questioning of life.
whoa Michelle. Men are deviant enough? Good grief girl. Grow up. It is not men, it is ideas that some men hold and as some women hold. Until you can discern the difference, you are doomed to binary opposites that will screw you in every relationship. It is ideology, not men that is the problem. Men are wonderful creatures, especially those who question the existing dominate ideology. Thank the everlasting questioning of life.
Sorry this was posted twice. I thought I was so smart.
I hate to ask this, but have you ever heard of "men" as synonym for humanity? For that is what I meant. Thanks for the grandiose diagnosis from a distance. I stand chastened.
Sorry, Michelle. I do think we need to be specific when we say "man". If I took it the wrong way, I too apologize. I have just found alot of women spouting ideas that make me want to puke. I do not think it is men, but ideas that divide us. As an example, Ann couter or whatever,is the biggest nut case I have come across. She makes me ashamed. But then, men have alot of nutcases to be ashamed of too. Thanks for replying. We are in this together. I just don't want the men on this site to say "oh boy a cat fight".
btw, I never really made the connection before but it is kind of creepy that there were all those missing kids in the Florida foster care program-- and having Jeb Bush running the state with his family connections. Has there been any hint that the Fla kids were taken as part of some sort of ritual abuse plot?
Okay, if we are seeing the human sacrifice of young children in some sort of mackical practice, what dark god are they worshipping? what magickal system are they using? How (theoretically) does one harness power from the murder of a human being?
Oh boy, a catfight.
hah...anyway...interesting post. I read the site about every day so I stay current with your topics, Jeff.
I must say, sometimes it's a bit out there, but most of the time it's just RIGHT THERE. That point where the unbelievable and believable meet and you just think to yourself.......ohhhhh FUCK. Something wrong here.
Jeff, regarding Matamoros, you might want to spend some time with Bill Conroy's "House of Death" series on Narconews. The story there deals with Ciudad Juarez, not Matamoros, but it might prove to be a fruitful area of investigation. As you may know, there is another series of unsolved murders of young women in and around Juarez, with occasional insinuations of "protected" elite involvement.
Another winner, Jeff.
I like the historical references, with a mystery element, too. Very nice reading.
The comment one poster made about Asia...well,
One, the Buddists countries certainly seem, to me at least, much more the patient and tolerant places to be. I own property in Thailand, and plan to retire there someday, soon. Very nice, the "Land Of Smiles", makes you think hard about how so poor a people can be so darn calm and happy, compared to most US places I've lived.
Two, about China being "scary", I wonder, has that poster ever BEEN to China?
If not, I can assure you I have walked the streets on Beijing, Shanghai, Hong Kong at all hours. No worries. If you haven't been to Shanghai, you haven't been to the most ROBUST CAPITALIST CITY in the WORLD. Money is KING in Shanghai.
If you mean on an international level, well, please. Are we to return to the "Commie" boogieman era?
China lends us TWO BILLION a DAY!
They're gonna attack us?
Better they should eat poisoned rice. Please.
It would interrupt their Sunday drive in their new Buick, made in China. Cost: 5 years average salary of Chinese worker. And they buy.
About the mindset of elites, practicing Lucerer worship: It's you Christians and Jews that empower them, you know. Gathering in "masses." Allowing yourselves to be mind feed whatever nonsense the preacher/priest/rabbi has come up with this week to control your behavior. Or, as one of my favorite bands you to sing: "He's not the kind, you have to wind up, on Sundays" (Jethro Tull)
If you don't believe in "alternate reality" of "Gods an' things", then Lucifer is just a funny story.
Think about it.
That some elites DO practice this, I am not going there. They certainly will take advantage of those foolish enough to be herded. In "Masses." Just look at the nincompoop nationwide tv propaganda we had delivered to America yesterday, on "activist judges." Friggin' unholy I'd call it, if I was a believer, that is.
If these "Satanists" commit crimes, I don't need, nor desire any "frills" to bring these child molesters, these murdering filth to the docket. I just desire honest cops. Honest prosecuters. Sorely in short supply here in US.
Perhaps We, the People need to focus on placing Honest, Independent folks directly into positions of the Law Enforcement professions.
Sorry, went 'merican on ya there.
Thanks Jeff.
Investigative journalist Diana Washington Valdez has concluded that the terrible, ongoing murders of young women and girls in Mexico are being carried out by powerful, protected and unfathomably evil men for thier "entertainment":
please read:
What can we each do to stop this evil?
Jeff, thank you for the great care and passion with which you create this site, weaving threads of courage and witness into an otherwise dark tapestry.
Dark cults and murderers attempt, with all the wrong means, to possess the mysteries of life and death. Others are finding ways to engage those mysteries with the appropriate resources of love, awe, and compassion: "Death and the Chalice of Repose":
Thanks for the links re the Juarez murders. I knew a little about the missing women, but I didn't know about a cover up, and link to elites.
Reminds me of a couple of things. Some months ago, a couple of Mexican undercover policemen were attacked and burned alive by a mob because they were seen photographing children from their car outside a school, from which kids had recently been abducted. Authorities claimed they hadn't the resources to devote to the abduction cases. Locals believed the police were part of the problem.
And I mentioned in the post the serial murders of the Vancouver prostitutes, but I didn't mention that the Port Coquitlam pig farm where they were killed was also a party venue, called "Piggy's Palace," that drew prominent locals such as the mayor and city counsellors. I hadn't considered before the possibility that the killings could have been part of the entertainment for an "after" party.
Some links:
Port Coquitlam Councillor Darrell Penner, according to the Now, visited Piggy's Palace "a few times," believed that thousands of people had been to the place, and, though he had enjoyed some roasted pork, was certain it did not come from 953 Dominion Avenue, that is, from pigs that had been eating the women murdered on the Pickton farm.
But where else could it have come from?,_2002.htm
About the Juarez girls...of course Mexicans might do that sort of stuff. But white people? Christians? Americans? Certainly not!
Of course I'm being facetious, but I think many Americans think this way.
Easy there, significant other is (formerly mainland) Chinese and when I say China scares me, it's basically geopolitical stuff:
i) by sheer demographics China's going to be a superpower by the end of my lifetime if not sooner
ii) the US isn't going to be a superpower by the end of my lifetime (at least to the extent it used to be...think like Russia is now) and the world's never kind to fallen superpowers...(the elite make out ok, but I'm not elite).
If loaning us 2 billion a day doesn't scare you, it should; sure, it'll keep them from attacking us directly anytime soon, but generally speaking getting money loaned your way is a liability, not an asset. When the piper comes to collect, watch out.
I'm not trying to start a catfight; I'm in complete agreement about the Buddhist countries being the far more tolerant, and per your own analysis the lack of any kind of 'going to attend mass' in their culture is a huge detriment to the formation of 'lucifer-worshipping elites' as per the west; likewise I'm pretty much a sinophile but as a current citizen of the USA I'll admit to expecting China to wind up wining the upcoming resource 'wars', and it won't be pretty for folks like me when they do.
Congratulations on the Thai property; can you give any more info on costs/logistics/etc.? If it's halfway feasible I might try doing something similar sooner rather than later.
Great article, but I disagree that Satanism is to blame. One does not have to worship Satan to be a sick aristocrat. What is "Satanism" anyway? Even Anton LaVey did not believe in Satan.
Speaking of the Rio Grande Valley,Tx and hideous,murderous cults....
The following is an item from Sunnyvale Ca. from the 2000 election.
"SUNNYVALE, CA - Telling reporters and critics to 'stick to the issues that matter', Republican presidential candidate George W. Bush declined to answer questions Monday concerning his alleged involvement in a 1984 Brownsville, TX, mass murder, in which 17 people were ritualistically murdered and skinned.
'I will not stoop to discussing that,' said Bush during a campaign stop at a Bay Area software-packaging plant. 'We've got people across this country without health care, a broken educational system, taxes that are way too high, and all you want to talk about is something THAT MAY OR MAY NOT HAVE HAPPENED 16 years ago? I'm sorry, but I find that offensive.' " (Emphasis added).
Bush, the son of a billioniare, was strangely living in the most impoverished place in America, Brownsville.
Oh yeah, and this too:
Despite the remarks, Bush was again pressed on the issue two days later during a stop in Springfield, MA. Asked by a Boston Globe reporter to explain the bite marks on three of the victims that perfectly matched Bush's dental records, the candidate said: "Look, you guys, I'm just not going to get in the gutter with you and play that game. If you're interested in slinging mud, that's fine, but you can count me out. The voters of America want to hear me talk about my plan for sustained, long-term economic growth, not about whose face I supposedly ate years before I became involved in politics."
The issue leapt to the fore again on March 1, when, during a campaign stop in Cheektowaga, NY, Bush lashed out at a reporter who asked if he would "ever directly address these lingering allegations once and for all."
"Now look," Bush said, "I've been asked about this repeatedly the past few months, and I'm going to say this once and for all: This campaign is about tax reform, it's about strengthening our military, and it's about restoring our nation's traditional core values. This has nothing to do with some terrible, unfortunate event that certain opponents of mine are saying I was involved in nearly 20 years ago."
Ate someone's face???? (I hate even typing those words) He's a scary sicko. Of course, we knew that too.
GWB said "ate" not bit??? that's interesting
You can research it for yourself... just yahoo: Bush Brownsville TX.
Those were questions that he was asked on the campaign trail, and those were HIS answers. The questions and answers were real.
The Bush Brownsville Mass Murder story was a hoax started by a satirical website. If you google it up it always says the same thing "From Sunnyvale, CA" but no newspaper is mentioned. Just because it's on the internet doesn't make it true, Anonymous. If you're so sure the quotes are accurate you should at least find the newspaper they were published in to back up your allegations.
If you Google the supposed Bush quote 'I will not stoop to discussing that,' you will get this website, which seems to have started the entire story by linking to an Onion article.
The original article, which can be found here;read=52097 also contains this great quote: "When Bush refuses to answer one way or the other, he comes off as a shady politician who cannot be trusted," said Robert Novak of CNN's The Capital Gang. "He also comes off as an insane mass murderer who kills lots of people and eats them."
Priceless. Of course, this story has made it's way around the internet thanks to the efforts of credulous Bush haters who lack a sense of humor.
Hey, I'm not saying the guy doesn't eat babies--I just need better proof.
Anonymous One,Prof.Hex,here is a little spin for thought.Check out the book Buried Secerts-by Edward Humes.This was not your regular satanic cult working in Matomorso,these folks where practiced in Palo Myumba,or stick magick.This just happens to be the same shit that was found in one of the safe houses that Noreiga ran to when we were after him.Strange that he should end up in the Vatican compound just after running from that apartment.Do you think there might be some connect?Remember Poppy and the General had a falling out over some pictures the General said he had of Bush in some wierd positions,I belive it was said to be with little boys,later.
Man.... they never said it was satire! It doesn't sound funny. Soorrry. Didn't mean to be part of something stupid.
Don't feel too bad Anonymous-- a lot of these websites are passing it off as fact (I'm looking at you Sherman Skolnick). They're either too lazy or too incompetant to care. And thanks for the book tip Anon- I went to put it on my wish list so I wouldn't forget it and, oops it was already there. i should probably buy it already.
The home of the infamous european toxic clan, psycho urban fraggers that pawn the virtual return to castle wolfenstein enemy territory battlefields.
Just Pub, a dumb return to castle wolfenstein enemy territory comic strip by feuersturm.
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