Pearl of great price

When Daniel Pearl was taken hostage in January 2002, one of his kidnappers' demands was the completion of the US transfer to Pakistan of F-16s, held up since that country's nuclear tests of 1998. That the US has at last approved the sale is only the latest reason why Pearl died in vain.
It seemed a strange demand at the time, perhaps because even that time was more innocent than this time. Since that was before we learned that Omar Saeed Shiekh, the abduction's mastermind, was both Osama bin Laden's "favourite son" and an asset of Pakistan's ISI. It was Omar who wired more than $100,000 to Mohammed Atta in the weeks before 9/11 on the instruction of ISI Director Mahmood Ahmed. All Ahmed suffered for his travails was an early retirement and a comfortable sinecure. The buddy of Atta and George Tenet was not even interrograted by the FBI, and questions regarding his role in the 9/11 money chain were scrubbed from official White House transcripts.
Here's how Bernard-Henri Lévy answers his question, Who Killed Daniel Pearl?
"Isn't that, incidentally, what President Pervez Musharraf himself said when, the day after the murder, in an astounding, angry outburst, he exclaimed that Daniel Pearl had been 'over intrusive' - too curious, sticking his nose in places he shouldn't have? Didn't Musharraf give it away when, in a comment cited in The Washington Post (among others) on 23 February 2002, he dared to declare, 'Perhaps Daniel Pearl was over inquisitive; a mediaperson should be aware of the dangers of getting into dangerous areas; unfortunately, he got over-involved in intelligence games.'
"So the question then becomes: Why? What had Pearl discovered, or what was he in the process of discovering, that condemned him to death? What is the stolent secret that, for his captors, was out of the question for him to walk away with?
"The relationship between al-Qaeda and the ISI, of course. The tight web of relations between the two organizations, the two worlds."
Though Pakistan has yet to give up the ghost of bin Laden, its "War on Terror" shadow-boxing with al Qaeda has produced preternaturally timely results for Musharraf. This has been a fairly straightforward task, on account of the broad grey zone where al Qaeda and the ISI become indistinguishable. Giving up a "terrorist" or a "mastermind" is not so hard when many of them are also operatives or stooges, whether they know it or not, of military intelligence. Musharraf gets to play America's good strong man, and the revelation that Pakistan has clandestinely purchased nuclear components from the US will not change that.
The US pursues its ambitions in Central Asia under the flag of a bogus crusade, while Pakistan plays along with the fiction it helped to engineer and strengthens its hand. So everybody's happy. Even, maybe, India, now that "Lockheed Martin has offered to build 'exclusive' F-16 fighters for the Indian Air Force."
Happiest of all, as always, the arms merchants.
More from Kay Griggs
If you've seen the first part of the Kay Griggs interview, discussed here, you may want to click right and save here for the second, and last.
Unfortunately I need to add a few words of regret, and caution.
The two 20-minute clips are culled from eight hours of interview. The strength of the first clip is Griggs' speaking chiefly from her and her husband's experience. I was hoping for more of the same in the second (for instance, details of her husband's purportedly explosive diary). Unfortunately, too much time is given to Griggs' opinion on irrelvant matters, and about which her opinion is no more informed than mine. (Frankly, I could care less what she thinks of the bombing of Dresden.)
Another annoyance is Eric Hufschmidt's frequent interruptions and wild tangents. It's hard to say this, because I appreciate his hosting the files and bringing Griggs' story to a wider audience. But he handicaps the chances of a receptive audience when he pauses Griggs mid-thought to interject, à propos of nothing, his own conjecture that the lunar landings were hoaxed.
Talk about a poison pill! Many will already find Griggs' information regarding institutionalized homosexual blackmail, rape, and ritual paedophilia in the highest ranks of the US military and government hard enough to swallow, without Hufschmidt making them gag on his own fringe fixations.
And perhaps, maybe, I should talk, since I have fringe fixations of my own. But Hufschmidt is entitled to make a case that Neil Armstrong took one small step on a soundstage; I just think he does truthseeking a disservice by throwing this into the mix here, on Kay Griggs' tape, which undercuts its effectiveness as a teaching tool.
I'm persuaded by the two clips that Kay Griggs has something important to say. And I'm grateful to Hufschmidt that I now want to hear the other seven hours and twenty minutes.
Imagine if there was a genuinely free press in the US of A? If someone in the corporate media would actually follow the trail that leads from 9/11 to the ISI, Daniel Pearl's murder, back to president Musharraf's coup in '99, to the international black market for arms, drugs and money laundering, to Sibel Edmond's revelations about the American Turkish Council, to Cheney and Rumsfeld, to the BCCI, to Leonid Shebarshin's claim of Bin Laden's continued CIA connections, to the Figaro story of his meeting with the CIA station chief in Dubai in 2001, to Porter Goss's and Bill Graham's and George Tenet's hectic meeting activity with Mahmood Ahmed in the weeks before 9/11, to the ISI-Taliban connection, to the trail of Bin Laden which has "gone cold", to the PNAC, and to this latest sale of F-16s to Pakistan.
But they can't do that, because if they did, it would open up a can of worms so deep that Iran-Contra and Watergate would be dwarfed. Iran-Contra, after all, is just a part of this bigger picture. And they won't be allowed to. Dan Rather and Eason Jordan served as examples to the rest. So did Daniel Pearl and Giuliana Sgrena.
Two points:
1) RE: Kay Griggs. It's a vexing problem, isn't it, that such an unfortunately large percentage of those willing to entertain plausible/true alternate explanations for the functioning of our world are also so often willing to entertain completely implausible/untrue explanations for other phenomena.
Clearly, there are a couple of things going on here.
i) not everyone is able to make the Paranoid Shift with skills of reasoned analysis intact. It's a taxing thing, accepting that much of what you think you know isn't true. The problem becomes confusing 'much' with 'everything' - in discarding all knowledge as inherently suspect because some of it is.
ii) didinformation. People who have a vested interest in keeping their absurd-but-true activities intact clearly have an interest in promoting the wilder-and-untrue narratives (e.g., faked moon landing), esp. in conjunction with the true - and encouraging those who are uncomfortably close to revealing those damaging other truths to believe the untruths, as well.
2) RE: Pakistan/ISI, even Tom Friedman is getting close to the truth. He's still on the relatively-indirect narrative of "oil-money-funds-terrorists" (which of course is true, though more true than he knows or says) rather than the truer and more direct "CIA/U.S. Govt.-funds-terrorists." But it's a start:
"By doing nothing to lower U.S. oil consumption, we are financing both sides in the war on terrorism and strengthening the worst governments in the world. That is, we are financing the U.S. military with our tax dollars and we are financing the jihadists - and the Saudi, Sudanese and Iranian mosques and charities that support them - through our gasoline purchases. The oil boom is also entrenching the autocrats in Russia and Venezuela, which is becoming Castro's Cuba with oil. By doing nothing to reduce U.S. oil consumption we are also setting up a global competition with China for energy resources, including right on our doorstep in Canada and Venezuela. Don't kid yourself: China's foreign policy today is very simple - holding on to Taiwan and looking for oil."
Friedman permalink:
Uranium Pollution from the Amsterdam 1992 Plane Crash
Risk of depleted uranium exposure admitted by the
Parliamentarian Inquiry Commission probe
By Henk van der Keur, Laka Foundation
from: Depleted Uranium: A Post-War Disaster, Part 7
Laka Foundation, May 1999
On October 4, 1992, an El Al Boeing 747 crashed in Amsterdam's Bijlmermeer, killing 43 people. In recent years questions have remained about the cause of the crash, health problems among citizens and rescue workers, the exact cargo, depleted uranium counterweights, and other issues. Last year a Parliamentarian Inquiry (called Commission Meijer, after its chairman) was started to resolve these questions. On 22 April 1999 the Commission Meijer published its results.
One of the Bijlmer crash issues was the presence of depleted uranium (DU) in the plane's counterweights. A total of 282 kilograms was constructed in the plane's tail wings. Laka made this public in October 1993[1] after which a discussion started on the potential burning of DU and the risks for citizens and rescue workers.
Greens: Protect US Troops, Iraqis From Depleted Uranium
Monday, May 05 2003
Contributed By: Green Party of the United States
WASHINGTON, D.C. -- Green Party members are calling for the Bush Administration to take immediate steps to prevent radioactive depleted uranium used in U.S. weapons from harming U.S. troops and the people of Iraq.
Despite its known toxicity, the Pentagon uses depleted uranium widely, in projectiles on ammunition, casings for bombs, shielding on tanks, counterweights for nose cones and ground-penetrating missiles, fragments in cluster bombs and in anti-personnel mines, and in airplane wings and for ballast in ships. With depleted uranium's half-life of 4.5 billion years, the effects of its military use will last for the rest of time.
See Chaim Kupferberg
The Pearl-F16-Pakistan story is an amazing window into the bizarre world of synthetic terror. What better evidence could one want that Al Qaeda is practically one and the same with the Pakistani ISI? Any reporter could rip the official 9/11 story into shreds just by asking a few questions about this matter and reporting the story. Any media outlet could blow the lid of 9/11 by publicizing this story to the degree it deserves. But no-- it will just die a quiet death, it is just too important to keep the lies going, to keep the people in the dark, to protect guilty parties in the highest reaches of power.
IMO, Hufschmid is definitely a flake, and unfortunately the 9/11 skeptic "movement" attracts a good many flakes. Hufschmid may be well intentioned but he seems extremely naive, I think he is also very young. But he has money, and can self-publish a book and pay for expensive websites.
Anonymus at 10:34-- you are absolutely right.
Watch the entire video without Hufschmid's comments. 7.5 hours total.
This is the torrent:
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Good luck
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