My baby needs a shepherd

I tell myself I´ll find her but I know I never will
My baby needs a shepherd, she´s lost out on the hill - Emmylou Harris
Remember Katrina? It was in all the papers. On television, too. Americans got to watch their own die in real time again, though this time with commercial interruptions.
As of two weeks ago, there were still 6,644 missing and unaccounted for, nearly 700 of them children. [On edit: it appears I underestimated by half. A headline today: "Hunt continues for 1,300 children lost during Katrina."]
Here's one of them:

Tia was last seen at the Astrodome in Houston, Texas, on September 10, 2005. She left the Astrodome with an adult male. They may be traveling in a white 4-door Cadillac sedan. Tia was last seen wearing a pink short-sleeved shirt, blue jeans, and flip flops. Tia's ears are pierced.
Perhaps not what you expected. Sometimes it seems, in America, attractive young white girls can vanish too, without much of a fuss being made. And why would that be?
I suppose it depends on the circumstances. If Tia Frazier had vanished on Spring Break in Aruba rather than into a Texas Cadillac, maybe then Americans would know her name.
From the board of a New Orleans radio station:
Last seen leaving Astrodome with much older man, likely unscrupulous.....
ANYONE knowing or having seen or having ANY info pls CALL COLLECT 985-369-6458 or email:
Tia, if you're reading this -- it's Miss Ellen ... your Aunt Trish and I have been keepin' in touch about you and will move heaven and earth to get you back! You can live with her or me until...whenever. BABY...PLEASE CALL HER OR ME!
We both love you! xo* Both praying!
Miss Ellen & Aunt Trish
So why doesn't a producer for the Larry King Show call Miss Ellen and Aunt Trish? Why doesn't MSNBC invite a former FBI profiler on air to talk about the meaning of a "much older man" and a "white Cadillac sedan"? Where is Tia Frazier, and why does no one but her family seem to care?
Now here's another something about which more people should care, and hardly anybody knows. (I know it only thanks to this thread on the RI discussion board.)I'm talking about the proposed rules regarding "Protections for Subjects in Human Research" filed by the Environmental Protection Agency on September 12. As is commonly the case these days with rules, regulations and legislation that boast "protection" in the title, the reality is its inversion.
As the Organic Consumers Association lays it out, children are protected from the testing of pesticides and chemical with these exceptions:
1. Children who "cannot be reasonably consulted," such as those that are mentally handicapped or orphaned newborns, may be tested on. With permission from the institution or guardian in charge of the individual, the child may be exposed to chemicals for the sake of research.
2. Parental consent forms are not necessary for testing on children who have been neglected or abused.
3. Chemical studies on any children outside of the U.S. are acceptable.
The EPA document can be found here. Here's a relevant extract:
Sec. 26.408 Requirements for permission by parents or guardians and for assent by children.
(a) In addition to the determinations required under other applicable sections of this subpart, the IRB shall determine that adequate provisions are made for soliciting the assent of the children, when in the judgment of the IRB [Institutional Review Board] the children are capable of providing assent. In determining whether children are capable of assenting, the IRB shall take into account the ages, maturity, and psychological state of the children involved. This judgment may be made for all children to be involved in research under a particular protocol, or for each child, as the IRB deems appropriate. If the IRB determines that the capability of some or all of the children is so limited that they cannot reasonably be consulted or that the intervention or procedure involved in the research holds out a prospect of direct benefit that is important to the health or well-being of the children and is available only in the context of the research, the assent of the children is not a necessary condition for proceeding with the research. Even where the IRB determines that the subjects are capable of assenting, the IRB may still waive the assent requirement under circumstances in which consent may be waived in accord with Sec. 26.116(d).
(b) In addition to the determinations required under other applicable sections of this subpart, the IRB shall determine, in accordance with and to the extent that consent is required by Sec. 26.116, that adequate provisions are made for soliciting the permission of each child's parents or guardian. Where parental permission is to be obtained, the IRB may find that the permission of one parent is sufficient for research to be conducted under Sec. 26.404 or Sec. 26.405.
(c) In addition to the provisions for waiver contained in Sec. 26.116, if the IRB determines that a research protocol is designed for conditions or for a subject population for which parental or guardian permission is not a reasonable requirement to protect the subjects (for example, neglected or abused children), it may waive the consent requirements in subpart A of this part and paragraph (b) of this section, provided an appropriate mechanism for protecting the children who will participate as subjects in the research is substituted, and provided further that the waiver is not inconsistent with Federal, State or local law. The choice of an appropriate mechanism would depend upon the nature and purpose of the activities described in the
protocol, the risk and anticipated benefit to the research subjects, and their age, maturity, status, and condition.
I would add to the OCA list the exception, as found in paragraph (a), that children are also exempted from protection against testing if the Review Board determines that testing is "of direct benefit" to the children and "available only in the context of the research." I guess that's what they call a safeguard.
"Comments must be received on or before December 12, 2005." After that I suppose it's shut up and deal with it time.
And still: where is Tia Frazier, and the much older man in the white Cadillac?
Toora loora loora lo
First the seed and then the rose
Toora loora loora li
My kingdom for a lullaby
It sounds, from reading the actual paragraph, that the waiver for abused or neglected children is intended to be used when consulting the parents might in itself place the children at risk. Are you getting a different meaning our of that?
-Sepka the Space Weasel
Express your disapproval to the EPA here:
I might suggest that a child can never give consent to be tested on for anything, except for maybe a possible life-saving treatment or drug.
Also, I was just wondering who is actually doing all this testing and wondered how many will actually go along with and found this:
Scientists union opposes EPA's pesticide-test plan
The union representing scientists at the Environmental Protection Agency added its voice Wednesday to critics who are protesting the agency's proposed rule for human experimentation in testing pesticides...,1,6944477.story?coll=bal-nationworld-headlines&ctrack=1&cset=true
So, the EPA isn't completely soulless--I've been always been a bit upset with them after their ill treatment of the Ghostbuseters.
Once again Jeff, our brains are on the same frequency. This is getting very strange. Everything you[ve been writing about the past two weeks are exactly the same subjects in my mind at the time you've written them.
When this whole thing went down, I instantly knew when I read the Halliburton executive vampires were already pre-booked in some 5 star hotel for two weeks starting in Baton Rouge the day before UNNATURAL disaster Katrina hit. I could just imagine these Ken Lay types frothing at the mouth, rubbing their greedy little hands together at the dispicable thoughts of the coming pillage.
A massive blood sacrifice, a good ol' boy hunting expedition these Texan "game wardens" only heard their grandpappy's talk about on the porch after dinner. I mean how could you not see it with those sullen goons riding shotgun on 2 seater pontoon boats with M1's and M16's in hand but not a single first aid kit to be seen? I would have to say those boats are extremely ill suited to pick up stranded passengers. Not to mention Mayor Nagan said early on, before he was chipped and MK Ultra'ed, that Texan vigilantes were on a turkey shoot expedition. Was this a possible Bush Pionneer perc or something? I mean come on. How can people stay transfized on Holloway and not pay attention or demand attention to these relevant stories.
What I want to hear about is expanded reports of the explosions at the levees, the mysterious dislodging of the barge, along with a comprehensive map of the levee/canal breaches, and the expected results of a breach at the Danzinger bridge where those 5 "contractors" were shot. How were they shot? What are their names? Who shot them? Why wasn't the her Wasn't there a couple just wounded? Where are they know? How is it that NO police got shot in the fire fight? Was it a fire-fight or was it up close with the cops catching them up close and/or caught red handed? that would make more sense consediring the 5-0 kill ratio. Why not one single news interview with one of the possibly dozens of eyewitnesses to the event?
By the way the whole thing played out with the AP immediately retracting that story, and with the fact of the MSM caught lying/spinning, and basically covering-up for the 'Agenda 21' and Sun God elites. Do the 100's of 1000's of journalists, cops, intelligence analysts, etc. all really think they got a 1st class ticket on the shuttle that will flee to the space station for a year while the rest of us drown, melt, or fry?I Hard to believe but if true, what a buch of fools.
I'm so sick and tired of hearing all these indy radio dj's and their 'whistleblowers' infer that the responsibility lies with the publics apathy and charity and repeat endlessly that we 'need to do more'. We are doing more!!! What I want to know is wtf are the 100,000+ employees of the all these alphabet agencies doing to stop this Zionist/Neocon/SkullandBones/Bohemian grove/Masonic/Pscion small chicknhawk cabal of what ex Treasury Secretary Paul Craig Roberts calls "a bunch of psychopaths that you and I could probably take down". Why aren't the thousands of Valerie Plames and James Bond'shutting these maniacs down before they give the green light on their planned scalar/dirty bomb double whammy that will kill millions more? Don't they have a much better chance of making a real difference? After all, we here on the net already have to watch our backs over just telling the truth. We really are 'through the looking glass"
Agencies like the FBI,ICE,CIA,BATF,ONI,DHS,NSA,NSC, and the dozen of so other covert groups of the federal govt. that "we the people" pay for with our taxes have tens of thousands of employees. In fact, I know a couple personally that have been working for Charlie for over ten years out in Virginia. What are they doing to stop this small for cabal of what Paul Craig Roberts call a small bunch of pyshcopaths"?
Jeff - An IRB is something I have actual experience with. When I initially read your post I thought that this was the typical misunderstanding of epidemiology and its ethical context that I have seen often in public forums over the past couple of years. A lot of people who didn't know any better got very upset about an observational study on pesticides proposed last year, one that may have had some minor ethical (and statistical) issues around compensation , but for the most part nobody was being exposed at levels beyond which can be found in a typical (low-income?) home.
However, linking to the EPA document I see that they are in fact talking about intentional dosing:
SUMMARY: EPA proposes and invites public comment on a rulemaking to ban
intentional dosing human testing for pesticides when the subjects are
pregnant women or children...
This is quite a different animal (pun intended). Were this the FDA talking about new drugs to manage terminal or severe chronic illnesses, I might concede that there is room for discussion and disagreement. But this document nakedly paves the way for toxicological testing on human beings without their consent.
It is really very hard to come to terms with how far we've fallen in such a short time.
The CHEERS study, which slomo was refering to, was unethical because it was a whitewash of the harmful and toxic effects of common household substances; chemical companies funded the two-year study. The thing is, these common household substances take several years to cause any noticeable harm. This was simply an attempt by the American Chemistry Council (Dow, Exxon, Monsanto, etc.) to be able to falsely claim toxic products as something else.
Syriana was pretty damn good and accurate--much more so than Traffic.
I remember earlier this year there was a big stink about the EPA seeking approval to test pesticides on low-income children, and I recall this was smacked down with disgust.
This, however..Is it just me, or does this translate into giving them the right to poison a child that's already been abused in the home? As in, "The kid's already messed up, let's finish the job.." And if so, what terms of 'Abuse' are we talking about here? How is 'Abuse' defined in this context?
I can't even believe I'm asking this fucking question..
The U.S. government already grants itself the legal privilege of using "any ... chemical agent or biological agent on a civilian population" for "any ... research activity" or "Any law enforcement purpose" in U.S. Code Title 50, Section 1520a, Subsection b:
im so confused. info overload. was that girl, tea, dissapeared your suggesting? or what?
Thanks for pointing this out. I can imagine a time - in the 70's? -when a missing Tia Frazier would have captured the attention of everyone in the country. Now we are so used to people going missing that these stories are just white noise for us. Something has changed where now the spectacle which titillates us is the losing of people and not the search to recover them. I wish that hadn't happened.
With all due respect Anon 12:06, I don't think you've been paying attention:
"The center was not holding. It was a country of bankruptcy notices and public-auction announcements and commonplace reports of casual killings and misplaced children and abandoned homes and vadnals who misspelled even the four-letter words they scrawled. It was a country in which families routinely disappeared, trailing bad checks and repossession papers. Adolescents drifted from city to torn city, sloughing off both the past and the future as snakes shed their skins, children who were never taught and would never now learn the games that had held the society together. People were missing. Children were missing. Parents were missing. Those left behind filed desultory missing-person reports, then moved on themselves.
It was not a country in open revolution. It was not a country under enemy siege. It was the United States of America in the cold late spring of 1967, and the market was steady and the G.N.P. high and a great many articulate people seemed to have a sense of high social purpose and it might have been a spring of brave hopes and national promise, but it was not, and more and more people had the uneasy apprehension that it was not. All that seemed clear was that at some point we had aborted ourselves and butchered the job, and because nothing else seemed so relevant I decided to go to San Francisco. " Joan Didion - "Slouching Towards Bethlehem"
Yes, it is true that CHEERS was funded by questionable sources, and that is part of a larger question of who funds scientific research and why. (I'm not disagreeing with you). But at the time many folks were writing comments that had a hysterical tone like OMIGOD THEY'RE GOING TO BE TESTING PESTICIDES ON CHILDREN. Not true for CHEERS, they were merely observing the effects at existing levels, something that is done in all epidemiological studies. The hysteria masks the true issue (funding).
However, with the current proposal, a completely appropriate response is OMIGOD THEY'RE GOING TO BE TESTING PESTICIDES ON CHILDREN.
"I can't even believe I'm asking this fucking question."
Yea ET, ditto.
But all this can't possibly be true. Too much. System overload.
After all,
Isn't president Bush, after all, the right-to-life president?
I mean, everyone says so..
Thanks Jeff - this is EVIL....amazing times to live in.
What can we do about the punks who perpetrate it??
EXPOSE, EXPOSE - and hope enough wake up to send them back to the gutter.
The EPA is insidiously adopting Joseph Mengele and Ichiro Ishii methods and practices rightfully condemned and banned by civilized societies, but approved by the fascist in the Bush government.
The nazification of America continues unabated, but what do we do?
Information or system overload comments are revealing as many people know a sense being overwelmed by a ferocious multi-pronged fascist assault on, and radical dismembering, re-engineering, and disdain of the laws and core principles that formally defined America.
There are simply too many abuses, failures, deceptions, and perfidy to adequately examine and/or investigate thoroughly. Each revelelation of another toxic thread in the oleaginous web of interpenetrating connections to facsists and "Bush Crime Family Cabals", to pedophilia and satanic cult rings, to money laundering, book cooking, financial malfeasance and skullduggery of epic proportions, to the stealthy and insidious implementation of the supremist designs and facist ambitions of the Pax Americana, The New World Order, - exhaust, overwhelm, and effectively stun the hearts of minds of civilized invididuals hoping beyond hope to find some way to effect some remedy, to stem the horrors, to expose and defeat the evils, and to remove the fiends and shaitans - the Octopus - bent on the nazification of America, and world domination.
This saturation or inundation of abuse, this unending deluge of horrors unleashed, this brutal assault on innocent people here and abroad overwhelm and ultimately cripple an effective response. It's almost too much to imagine, let alone confront, and seemingly impossible to defeat.
Where do we start? How do we confront a monster so large and terrible? How do we defeat an enemy within and using our own government? How do we confront an beast with no conscience, no compassion, and that is capable of the most unholy, inhuman, and speackable horrors? Where do we turn for solace, relief, recours, or remedy. Who or what will battle this monster and with what weapons?
Just when one nightmare is seemingly redressed, another more terrible is unearthed and loosed to cloak the previous horror with a more savage, grievous, and nefarious abuse.
No investigation is ever completed. Our leadership operates untouchable above, beyond, outside, in breach, and in total disdain for any law of man or Gog. The fascist Bush government is omnipotent, completely unaccoutable, and reigning supreme.
Our children are vulnerable?
Poor or disadvanted children are nothing more than rats to be used for blackworld research?
Your excellent work Jeff provides a sturdy foundation upon which to build a concrete case proving our government is commandeered by fascists and criminals bent on the implementation of a New World Order, a Fourth Reich controlled and operated by cronies and oligarchs beholden to, or part of the "Bush Crime Family Cabal".
Is there no balm in Gilead?
Both my wife and I were born and raised in a community here in Canada populated after WW2 with immigrants and exiles from Europe. Many Germans, Austrians, Hungarians etc. All of whom were good neighbors, productive citizens and loyal, church going members of their newly adopted society. We made friends with their children, played games and went to school together. Visiting their homes, we enjoyed strudel, goulash and other cultural affectations brought over from the "old country".
The thing to remember is these very same good citizens were the same "blameless" citizens who kept the wheels of industry rolling and provided the cohesion holding the social fabric of Nazi Germany together. I don't mean to disparage them but to point out how futile it is for good people who live within a society like that to say they didn't know and are not responsible for the actions of their government.
America, are you listening? Who will speak up for the mentally handicapped unable to cogently argue for redress for themselves? Who will stand between the disenfranchised, marginalised children who say NO to being used as a guinea pig, and the forces who choose to ignore their pleas?
I watch with mounting dread,a once mighty and remarkable nation go from pursuing the moral high ground to disgracefully descend into an abyss of doing whatever they want to just because they can.The Nazis never had it so good!
(a), that children are also exempted from protection against testing if the Review Board determines that testing is "of direct benefit" to the children and "available only in the context of the research
And from there it is but one simple step to say that “all” children shall be exempted from protection because the testing is of “direct benefit”. . .
> Isn't president Bush, after all, the right-to-life president?
> I mean, everyone says so..
And you believed "them?"
I had just finished responding to the article below with one of my rants, when I read the RI article. Speaking of strange coincidences, at least for me …
My rant:
Golly, what good news. After killing more than 17 million innocent people worldwide since1947 (through its proxy armies) and over a million innocent Iraqis (including pregnant women and their unborn babies), it just warms my heart that Boosh is so compassionate that he cares about abortion, especially if he is saving white fetuses.
They are deliberately destroying the family structure to make it easier to take away your children. Already the state can falsely accuse you of child abuse and take away your children. They will be placed in state run orphanages or youth shelters; and we all know the kind of satanic pedophiles who are in charge there.
So imagine all those babies who are abandoned by women who can't care for them. Not to worry, Uncle can use them. He has a vast array of experimental drugs he needs to test. The Satanists will have an available source to procure infants for ritual sacrifice; or they can be used as sex slaves or programmed as MKULTRA assassins.
Not to mention, of course, the new market of readily available fetal tissue for Big Pharma.
What a "moral" victory for the right wing "Christian" fundamentalists.
In a just society, there would be no need for abortions because there would be no unplanned pregnancies and all children would be loved and wanted. This is idealist world; but we no longer live in what we assumed was the “real world” but in a criminal world where the Evil runs the government.
The very people who oppose abortion also oppose contraception or sex education. As a matter of fact, they really opposed heterosexual since they are all pedophiles and Satanists.
They tolerate heterosexual relations because it is one of those “burdensome duties” still required for pregnancy. But they DO want those babies.
Once they can produce test tube babies, I wonder how long it will take them to declare women superfluous. In the New World Order, they will be just one big happy family of satanic male perverts with their genetically engineered children.
It’s obvious to me that they intend to create a new race of people who have no souls – people totally without conscience.
Also, I just heard that both Eugene McCarthy and Richard Pryor died today. Quick get out your Masonic numerology tables and let me know what it means.
"....the typical misunderstanding of epidemiology and its ethical context that I have seen often in public forums over the past couple of years. A lot of people who didn't know any better got very upset about an observational study on pesticides proposed last year, one that may have had some minor ethical (and statistical) issues around compensation , but for the most part nobody was being exposed at levels beyond which can be found in a typical (low-income?) home."
Speaking as one of the "typical misunderstanders", allow me to point out that if elevated levels of pesticide were found in the blood and homes of the educated middle class and above, the demand would have been for medical intervention and environmental amelioration. Instead these people were offered a video camera and a tee-shirt to participate in an industry "study". This is NOT a response I would accept for my OWN family so it would be hypocritical of me to consider it acceptable for someone else's family. COOL doesn't look any different to me than Tuskegee. You can parse your 'ethics' and tout your 'scientific' approach but if you wouldn't enroll your own loved ones in these studies, you have no ground on which to stand...
Another typical American. Hey God!
Would you do this for us.
God is still waiting for you all to ask forgivness for breaking every commandment against Iraq. pray for the families your destroying all over the globe and perhaps God will try to work his way around your mighty American ego's.
my question for everyone--perhaps even you, jeff--is: where did it all begin? where--at what moment or experience--did you first begin doubting that the PTB are evil, consumed in perpetuating their wills on the rest of us? JFK? mothman prophesies? RI? where?
America's government worships the god of war. The wealthy dedicated a black marble statue to him, placed on the capital building for all to praise and pay homage to by sacrifices. A proud General knew "war is a racket" that leads to a boisterous social life and revelry no ordinary citizen would possibly imagine. You torture the innocent abroad with a sadistic pleasure that you recieve by inflicting physical or psychological pain. And then call it "on the road to freedom" while some innocent Iraqi gets a black&decker shoved into his temple. I grew up fearing a nuke assault would be coming from the U.S.S.R. at any moment and believing only America could repel an attack.
Now it is you that do all the things you warned everyone about for so many decades. Yes, murder by numbers Bolshevism remember is better for the rich. I just hope Cheney's buddies end up going home with nothing but pockets full of sand.
Will every reader here send a copy of this revolting proposal to every person they know? and so on. A positive chain-letter until we can figure something else we can do.
What group will be next for "testing?"
apoloigise if this repeats, haven't time to read all comments. many people reading the epa doc. may not realise how easily children can become social services cases, how even if there is a loving parent(s) events can go against the person. what I mean is that we should all be thinking that this could happen to our own child, because it could. don't trust authorities.
missing children and teenagers - there is no question that there is collusion with the criminals, too many disappear, and too little is ever done.
What is this all about?
It says RI is a CIA Fake...
Also how the fud did I end up as "Unknown"? Spooky.
America IS one giant crime syndicate. The biggest drug users
the greatest prison population in the world over flowing with more rape, murder, pedophiles and nut job Manson cases bar none plus a divorce rate higher then the rest of the world combined. America needs a divorce from reality, better yet, the mafia's are preparing you all for a real Survivor Island so hang onto your X-box's kids. You only make up like what 5 - 7% of the world populace. America loves every vice from gambling to movie murder and the number one customer for the sex, drug and arms trade. It's not Aspertame Rummy is sticking in your soda pop it's assholesuntamed you brain dead monkies is chewing on. Rap crap stars promote killing and gang murder for cash and you never seem to get enough you can't even manage your own country never mind the affairs of others but Bush is the right man for the times. An idiot selling to fooled again idiots. Hell even your own politicians are so powerful people like Bill Frist can break the laws and still stick around. DUHHHH, where's my game controller ma?
HUHyahhhhhhhhh Billy Gates rules mannnn!
Some unrelated asides:
This editorial in my home town newspaper:
descibes us as believers in "moonbat mythology."
"A rogue CIA that subverts American democracy has long been a staple of moonbat mythology. How ironic that the rogues in the CIA should turn out to be leftists who harm America to benefit Democrats."
Damn, I've always wanted to be a moonbat. Didn't know that my leftist leanings made be an honorary CIA member though.
Then there's this from a book written by Dr. William Sargent entitled 'Battle for the Mind-A
Physiology of Coversion and Brain-Washing:
"Various beliefs can be implanted in many people after brain function has been sufficiently disturbed by accidently or deliberately induced fear, anger, or excitement.Of the results caused by such disturbances, the most common one is temporarily impaired judgement and heightened suggestibility. Its various group manifestations are sometimes classed under the heading of 'herd instinct,' and appear most spectacularly in wartime, during severe epidemics, and in all similar periods of common danger, which increase anxiety and so individual and mass suggestibility."
& this from writer Alan Moore:
"My own ideas about the nature, of the magical experience revolve around the concept of an "Idea Space", in which some of the more complex of these entities might actually be considered to be "alive" in some special sense. Within this framework, the idea of sacrifice takes on a slightly different colouring. I myself have made sacrifices in a ritual context, but since I'm in the unfortunate position of being a diabolist and vegetarian, I'm afraid living sacrifices were out of the question. My own solution is to consider the mechanics of the act of sacrifice in the following light: if you wish to make a supplication to a supposed entity that is composed entirely of ideas and lives in a realm composed entirely of ideas, then it should be clear that something physical would be of no use whatsoever to such a hypothetical being. Such a being would not traffic in actual things so much as in the ideas of actual things.
Now, let us accept for the moment that any entity or object that we can perceive in the material universe is composed of two basic components. Firstly, there is the reality of its actual physical being: its material presence in space or time. Then, there is the idea of the object or entity, an immaterial presence unbounded by the same considerations of space and time. As a ready example, I could cite the death of a loved one: the physical presence is gone, broken down to its constituent chemicals, its constituent atoms. That person does not exist physically anymore as a discrete physical entity. The Idea-Presence of that person cannot die, however. It hangs around and wakes you up crying at four in the morning. Five years later it taps you on the shoulder while you're doing the washing up and it makes you smile.
In my own ritual sacrifices, I have burned objects of meaning and significance to me, including the original to one of the magical drawings I sent you a while back. The idea is to sacrifice, in the conventional sense of "giving up," something which is of value to me. It is also to remove the physical component of the object, leaving only the memory or Idea Space presence of the object intact. In my terms, this removal of the physical component makes the object "sacred," i.e., existing only on a level above the tangible and material world."
& this:
"In my own experiences of an influx of apparently "magical" consciousness, notably in the more intense instances, the actual condition could be described as very much like what is known in psychiatric terms as a "fugue state." As the name implies, this is a state of consciousness very much like a musical fugue, though not always as harmonic or uplifting. As with a musical fugue, several different strands of information, the mind's music, are being played at once. As with a musical fugue, an attempt to focus on one particular strand of the arrangement will render you unable to hear the unified whole, and vice versa: in order to enjoy the piece as a whole work, you must forgo briefly the pleasure of listening to the progression of the individual and separate musical structures that it is composed from. In terms of listening to music, this is a harmonious experience. In terms of human consciousness, it is much more likely to be disorienting, overwhelming. even terrifying.
During the fugue state, the mind is like a twenty-four-track mixing disk with separate strands of complex information on each separate track. The engineer responsible for the final mix that is one's conscious-ness, unfortunately, is a baboon. Tracks (of thought) suddenly blast in out of nowhere or just as suddenly drop out of existence. Melody swells up, is gone, its presence only registered moments later. Both speakers. cut out, and when they cut back in there are six of them. One is playing what sounds like Inuit opera, another broadcasts a debate on superstring theory con-ducted entirely in a Maori dialect. At some point during all this, the rational everyday self that is frantically trying to weave all this alien sensory input into some-thing that at least nods to conventional reality, very sensibly takes the coward's way out. It gives up, shouts -"Danger, Will Robinson" a couple of times, then shoots out blue sparks, and falls onto its side. It dies. This forces the self that exists behind our "front identity" to take over the wheel of the moving vehicle. After that, it gets rather difficult to describe, firstly because what is going on isn't remotely human, and secondly because one's self isn't actually present while all this is occurring. Whoever is in control of the vertical and horizontal, as it were, isn't you. Recollection of the experience is necessarily non-linear, fragmentary. Time, mind, identity, cause am! effect... all of these have been behaving in unusual ways. A certain confusion is forgivable."
& this:
"After my initial apparent experience with non-ordinary states in the early January of 1994, I went through a superficially similar but subjectively very different-seeming experience about a month later, in the February of that year. I'll leave out the details, but the upshot was that I found myself seemingly in conversation with an entity that at first identified itself as "One of the Nine Dukes," and then upon closer interrogation as "Asmoday." Its "body," when I asked it to show me what it looked like, consisted of a shifting and shimmering latticework of repeated spider motifs, all identical but at different scales. These, while keeping their colouring consistent, appeared to be constantly turning themselves inside out through a spatial dimension that was foreign to me, becoming on the reverse a similar shifting lattice, this time with a reiterated lizard motif This would turn itself inside out and become the mesh of spiders again, and so on. As a constant background to this effect, there was a beautiful pattern composed of peacock's-tail eyes. The entire thing was like a 360-degree sphere or field of presence that surrounded my head, moving and speaking lucidly to me (and with great politeness and charm, it must be said).
As with my first experience, other magicians were with me at the time (although not the same people). I remarked to one of them at the time when I was apparently speaking to the supposed entity that it seemed to me that the creatures body was actually a sort of display, since a physical body would clearly have been completely redundant. I wondered if the "bodies" of such creatures aren't more in the nature of the "icons" that people use to represent themselves when surfing the net? Perhaps the perceived forms were more like compound symbols, characters in an unknown language that were meant to impart a kind of non-verbal information to us. At that moment, it struck me that the. entity I appeared to be seeing was conveying to me several things by its apparent form: Firstly, it was highly skilled in mathematics and in the visual arts that pertained to mathematics. Secondly, it had at least one more spatial dimension to play with than I did, and it seemed to take an almost smug delight in pointing this fact out to me. There was a quality of likeable vanity that seemed to imply that the emotional range of the entity was not vastly different from that of a human being. (This has not been the case with some of the other "species" of imaginary creature that I like to imagine I've encountered, and thus seemed worth noting.)
Days later, after the experience, I did some research to see what I could find relating to the demon Asmoday or Asmodeus as he is more often known. It seemed that Asmodeus is considered to be the patron demon of mathematics and handicraft, which fit in with my general perception of the creature but proved nothing one way or the other. There was also some fascinating material on this particular demon's ability to grant an "Asmodeus Fright," wherein the magician will be plucked up into the air by the demon and allowed to fly over his town. On looking down, the demon-borne conjuror would see all the houses below as if their roofs had been removed, so that the occupants inside could be seen going about their lives. This was a fascinating and compelling medieval image, but again didn't seem to signify for much."
The entire interview can be found here:
This better not come out as 'unknown'.
ahhhhhhhh... sweet, sweet anonymity
Ever since little Billy was gov of Arkansas the Bush team and the CIA have been over seeing the sex and drug trade. You hit Afghanistan on cue and now it's heroin crops have increased nearly 2000%. You hit Iraq on cue and use it as a trade route for a multi billion dollar increase in drug profits. Sex slaves enter America in the tens of thousands some kept in secret underground rooms in Las Vegas casinos and sold off for nearly half a million dollars each. The American government makes crime pay. All done under your noses cause the average US citizen can't see the truth for what it is while still being blinded old glory. But that don't tread on me satanic snake still slithers between every stripe and curled up behind every illuminati star.
If I'm CIA I'd like to know where all my paychecks have been all this time..
Grtizle70 said:
They are deliberately destroying the family structure to make it easier to take away your children. Already the state can falsely accuse you of child abuse and take away your children.
This is especially true for low income families. I have been appointed to represent parents in court cases when the social services agencies accuse them of abuse or neglect. There is VERY LITTLE chance of winning these cases, especially when they are at the termination of parental rights stage (at which point your chance of success is ZERO). One attorney for the state agency admitted she thought it was ridiculous to base these cases on the testimony of a social worker, who is usually a young girl fresh out of school with no idea of what it is like to take care of kids, PLUS they have entered this field to "help people," so they are on a crusade to rescue "abused" children, and many of these workers are abused children themselves, out for revenge.
In that case, I was defending the father. The mother did not show up for court. Later, we saw her crying in the hallway. She must have slept through the court date, but the judge proceeded without her (although I questioned whether this could be done). She didn't have an attorney because she did not request one, although by law she's entitled to one.
I had to stop doing this work because it was too depressing, and I hate to lose!
It's funny that when it comes to truly protecting children from RA and kidnapping, the courts are not interested. But when it comes time to snatching kids away from poor people so they can be adopted by upper middle class single mothers, or tested upon in institutions, they are VERY interested.
Every morning Bush wakes up he prays to lucifer and say's hail satan and pass my father a little boy to enjoy.
Ain't American demonocacy great!
Oh what's that Jesus? You want me to obey Pat Robertson who's voice is God's new laws that he helped change like the new one "hate thy enemy" and, and go and kill some more people for him. I don't know what to say lord. I'll see you in heaven after we kill all the souless Muslims. Praise be to God for only we shall see God through mercy killing others. Praise all jews rulers of us all like satan rules this earth.
Them that’s got shall get
Them that’s not shall lose
So the Bible said and it still is news
Mama may have, papa may have
But God bless the child that’s got his own
That’s got his own
Yes, the strong gets more
While the weak ones fade
Empty pockets don’t ever make the grade
Mama may have, papa may have
But God bless the child that’s got his own
That’s got his own
Money, you’ve got lots of friends
Crowding round the door
When you’re gone, spending ends
They don’t come no more
Rich relations give
Crust of bread and such
You can help yourself
But don’t take too much
Mama may have, papa may have
But God bless the child that’s got his own
That’s got his own
Mama may have, papa may have
But God bless the child that’s got his own
That’s got his own
He just worry ’bout nothin’
Cause he’s got his own
billie holiday lyrics
Remember that "gag me" picture of Poppy Bush tickling the little black boy on a cot in the Houston Astrodome? It made me sick because it seemed to me that he was shopping in a giant supermarket for just the right quality and size goods specifically for him - yech. Apparently, so were other people .... Connut
The EPA thing is shocking. The NYPress about a year ago had a series exposing the use of orphan children in Washington Heights to test AIDS drugs. Here's the link of the last of the three articles, Jeff. More for your research:
I saw that, Bush sitting down and hovering over that kid with a smile that would probably give Jackson a run. Pain and sorrow and death all around him and Bush asking where the childs parents were and looking at that poor kid like he was ready to play, that scene spoke volumes. No wonder your president had or still has a drinking problem. Any man that molests a child should get his nuts hacked off. That goes for rapists too.
Support what?
The new world order.
Support a christian organization now so rampant with double standards and false prophets they make Tammy and Jim Baker look almost tame. Look the other way and it will only grow. America's judgment will be left to God not me or any other angry individual but sometimes if you spare the rod the little brat wonders into trouble. I have traveled all over this world and still my best memories are just walking along the Gulf of Mexico in Florida. But since the 1990's there is a strange vibe over your land and so I haven't stepped into America for over ten years now.
Your country is now the very foundation of evil from your war lies to government drug runners and corrupt politicians.
If today's American christian believes they can force God's will by trying to start wars to speed up the return of Jesus then indeed they shall mock.
Even the very elite are under lucifers spell now so why not pray for wisdom instead of boastful pride. You can't help it I know because it comes with the territory.
Do you remember that dark mass off the coast of Florida a few years back. No one could figure out what it was but it started in the devils triangle and no microbs or sea life of any kind went near it. A black watery curtain void of all life.It moved quickly into the Florida keys and coastline then vanished without leaving a trace. The media proxy run mafia's made quick work of putting that event away.
Satans servents are now inhabiting the bodies of your great leaders. Just
look it up on the web and see it for what it is. I asked God for a sign (as I have many visions) if the new world order was apon us. I saw 2 earthquakes back to back. A voice said California as one quake had numbers on it shifting below 4 and the second showed numbers dancing around 4.5 This happened not too long ago and the 4.5 ran in a small area of California know as Empire Village.
Pray for guidance and strength for I too will never forget what God has done for me and my family and friends I myself near death twice before by God's grace survived before my last breaths. Pray god sends Angels to destroy the demons that rode in on a black carpet.
Phil 4:13
Death to the illuminati.
Yes, it seems rather poor form- 'Fintan Dunne' on another blogspot lists Jeffs' as a disinfo tool:
"Note: We do not contend that everyone associated with these
websites are knowing intelligence operatives. Some have been
professionally manipulated, others merely misled. In any event
these are promoting the psyop agendas and disinformation
themes of the covert controllers..."
My first impression? Another pretty blog with no comments, one guy calling himself "We"...
(Nice list of bizzarre web sites, though)
Penyakit ini umumnya muncul karena penderita mengejan terlalu keras pada saat buang air besar. Dengan mengejan terlalu keras, maka pembuluh darah di sekitar anus dapat melebar dan pecah menimbulkan infeksi dan pembengkakan yang berakhir pada masalah wasir atau ambeien tersebut.
cara yang alami menyembuhkan penyakit wasir ambeien secara alami dengan menggunakan daun ungu serta mahkotadewa aman untuk ibu hamil tanpa operasi cukup dengan menggunakan obat wasir herbal ambeclear terbuat
cara mengobati kutil kelamin pada wanita tanpa harus menggunakan operasi cukup dengan menggunakan obat khusus kutil kelamin paling manjur dari klinik de nature manjurserta sangat aman untuk ibu hamil
Berapa Harga untuk Obat Wasir Ambeien alami daun ungu Ambeclear – Ambeien adalah gangguan atau penyakit yang terjadi pada saluran pencernaan manusia
Cara yang sering di lakukan untuk menghilangkan kutil kelamin adalah dengan cara pembedahah atau operasi, cara ini tentu memerlukan dana yang tidak sedikit. metode Pilihan pembedahan yang dapat Anda lakukan
Bismillaahirrohmaanirrokhiim ???????????????????????????????????
MANTAB *************************************
obat sipilis raja singa obat sipilis raja singa manjur obat sipilis raja singa herbal obat sipilis raja singa alami obat sipilis raja singa mujarab obat sipilis raja singa herbal manjur
obat sipilis raja singa obat sipilis raja singa manjur obat sipilis raja singa herbal obat sipilis raja singa alami obat sipilis raja singa mujarab obat sipilis raja singa herbal manjur
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