A Tale of Two Prophets
Joseph Smith and Prophet Yahweh

"And it came to pass that he saw One descending out of the midst of heaven, and he beheld that his luster was above that of the sun at noon-day." - I Nephi 1:9, The Book of Mormon
Still keeping the occasional eye on "Prophet Yahweh," former Marine. After all, his period of "public summoning" is only 45 days, and I don't want to think my attention span is so shattered I'm not good for that.
Of course Yahweh's credibility, such as it was, has taken some hits in the past week. Notably his adamant refusal to summon UFOs "unless it is both clear and calm." (He claims he doesn't want debris carried on the wind to be mistaken for a space ship, but I've never heard even a UFO debunker say "You just saw a candy wrapper.") Still, Yahweh's credibility was never really the issue for me. He could be a con man, and still be an unwitting agent of deception; a mind-controlled patsy playing a part in the long-anticipated "alien threat" rollout. And many of Yahweh's orbs do bear an uncanny resemblance to the chemtrail orb videotaped by Clifford Carnicom, and to similar chemtrail/orb phenomenon observed by many others. (By the way, Godlike Productions is maintaining a large archive of earlier summonings by Yahweh, and not all of them are orbs. Some are cylindrical, some boomerang-shaped.)
Luciferian remote viewer Aaron Donahue claims to have "mind probed" Prophet Yahweh and found him sincere, but manipulated by Christian forces "designed to ridicule and discredit the Luciferian movement." (Presuming it's all about him, Donahue says "Someone has heard me and they do not like what I have to say. I am stunned at just how far they are willing to go.")
Donahue may be a good remote viewer, but he needs to brush up on compartive religions. Prophet Yahweh's theological platform is not Christian; it's Black Hebrew Israelite. He believes African Americans are actually the lost tribes of Israel, and that his Yahweh will lead them back to the Promised Land. This not-so-fine point of distinction was also initially lost on many of the prophet's early web boosters, who mistook his Yahweh for theirs, or at least for an inclusive, I'd like to buy the world a Coke brother from another planet. And perhaps, like Donahue, they needed it to be about them, too. Regardless, it meant many of those who accepted Prophet Yahweh's interpretations of the summonings needed to backpeddle, because it was suddenly more comforting to believe them to be hoaxes.
Another American prophet, Joseph Smith, adopted the lost tribes leitmotif for his Mormon religion. That both accounts are fanciful rather than historical does not matter to the respective believers. And as Prophet Yahweh has a core group to vouch for the video sightings ("What did you see, brother?" he'll often prompt), so Smith had three witnesses who swore they saw the "Nephi plates" of gold, inscribed in "reformed Egyptian," which Smith claimed to have translated (though all three were subsequently excommunicated from the Church of Latter Day Saints).
Prophet Yahweh is taking a lot of heat from people who are impatient for light. To illustrate, he reprinted a couple of hateful emails in this post: "I HATE YOU for giving so many people some hope and conning everyone about something that would change the world." Prophet Yahweh replies, "I am asking all of you, who are not patient with me, and who feel that things are not moving fast enough for you, to please unsubscribe from my group as soon as possible." To his impatient believers - "I still have faith in you. Come on lets do it, prove to everyone" - he writes "The type of thing that is happening is not in my control. I can not control when UFOs or Spaceships are to appear. I am told when, where, and with whom I am to summon for. If you all are thinking that I am deliberately trying to buy time, you are so very wrong."
Still, he smells like a bouqet of undebunked roses compared to Smith, whose lengthy rap sheet is naturally ascribed by his followers to "persecution." "About four dozen easily verified lawsuits have been recorded, not counting his criminal offenses. At least five arrests resulted in convictions. Joseph had this to say about his dealings with the laws: 'It is all of the devil – all corruption. Come on! Ye prosecutors! Ye false swearers! All hell, boil over! Ye burning mountains, roll down your lava! For I will come out on top at last.'"
I doubt Smith would have faired as well as he did if he'd lived in an information age, given that, "as early as 1834 E.D. Howe, an investigative journalist of the period, published a collection of affidavits from friends and neighbours of Smith who described him as a lazy and mendacious religious con man. Another investigator discovered a novel by the Reverend Simon Spalding that was alleged to be the true source of the Book of Mormon."
Prophet Yahweh claims his life has been threatened. Smith's life was taken. Martyrdom, or rather a violent end that can be spun as a martyr's death, is not the worst thing that can befall religious leaders. "Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of His saints." Often, it's the best thing that ever happened to their religions.
Monday night, Prophet Yahweh posted this update to his Yahoo group:
Last night I received more instructions that seem to suggest that YAHWEH is taking control of my circumstances and putting me in motion. As I laid upon my head, visions were revealed that lets me know that YAHWEH is preparing to make His move to bring the media before Him. In the visions, I saw myself calling all the TV stations in the Las Vegas area and talking to them. I heard myself saying something about them bringing their cameras before me so I can summon for them.
This I have not done!
After seeing me aggressively contacting the TV stations here, I heard the following words:
Prophet Yahweh's mythos of a black superman who'll descend in a spaceship and restore the glory of his people is no less plausible than Joseph Smith's of Jesus Christ in the New World preaching to imaginary nations. In fact, I'd call Yahweh the better prophet, because at least he produced something for the cameras; Smith's "golden plates" were, ahem, "taken back to Heaven" before their existence could be independently confirmed. (If Smith had opened a Yahoo group to promote the message of the Angel Maroni, his inbox would be overflowing with the likes of "I hate you for giving me hope - what the hell is "Reformed Egyptian"?!?")
The difference between the two is not the span of time - we may like to believe otherwise, but most people think in much the same way that people thought in the mid-19th Century - but the spans of race and class, which remain America's great divides. To many middle-class, white observers who were titilated at the thought of flying saucers over Las Vegas, it was an affront to learn the message of the Prophet Yahweh's summonings. And religious manifestations always carry a message, whether or not they're counterfeit.
Even if nothing beyond dispute comes out of the sky when Prophet Yahweh spreads his hands for television, the story is still fascinating. Because this is how religions incubate - especially, it seems, American religions - and religions have always been a powerful mechanism for social control. Whether this one catches on is a roll of the dice. It remains to be seen if the dice are loaded.

"And it came to pass that he saw One descending out of the midst of heaven, and he beheld that his luster was above that of the sun at noon-day." - I Nephi 1:9, The Book of Mormon
Still keeping the occasional eye on "Prophet Yahweh," former Marine. After all, his period of "public summoning" is only 45 days, and I don't want to think my attention span is so shattered I'm not good for that.
Of course Yahweh's credibility, such as it was, has taken some hits in the past week. Notably his adamant refusal to summon UFOs "unless it is both clear and calm." (He claims he doesn't want debris carried on the wind to be mistaken for a space ship, but I've never heard even a UFO debunker say "You just saw a candy wrapper.") Still, Yahweh's credibility was never really the issue for me. He could be a con man, and still be an unwitting agent of deception; a mind-controlled patsy playing a part in the long-anticipated "alien threat" rollout. And many of Yahweh's orbs do bear an uncanny resemblance to the chemtrail orb videotaped by Clifford Carnicom, and to similar chemtrail/orb phenomenon observed by many others. (By the way, Godlike Productions is maintaining a large archive of earlier summonings by Yahweh, and not all of them are orbs. Some are cylindrical, some boomerang-shaped.)
Luciferian remote viewer Aaron Donahue claims to have "mind probed" Prophet Yahweh and found him sincere, but manipulated by Christian forces "designed to ridicule and discredit the Luciferian movement." (Presuming it's all about him, Donahue says "Someone has heard me and they do not like what I have to say. I am stunned at just how far they are willing to go.")
Donahue may be a good remote viewer, but he needs to brush up on compartive religions. Prophet Yahweh's theological platform is not Christian; it's Black Hebrew Israelite. He believes African Americans are actually the lost tribes of Israel, and that his Yahweh will lead them back to the Promised Land. This not-so-fine point of distinction was also initially lost on many of the prophet's early web boosters, who mistook his Yahweh for theirs, or at least for an inclusive, I'd like to buy the world a Coke brother from another planet. And perhaps, like Donahue, they needed it to be about them, too. Regardless, it meant many of those who accepted Prophet Yahweh's interpretations of the summonings needed to backpeddle, because it was suddenly more comforting to believe them to be hoaxes.
Another American prophet, Joseph Smith, adopted the lost tribes leitmotif for his Mormon religion. That both accounts are fanciful rather than historical does not matter to the respective believers. And as Prophet Yahweh has a core group to vouch for the video sightings ("What did you see, brother?" he'll often prompt), so Smith had three witnesses who swore they saw the "Nephi plates" of gold, inscribed in "reformed Egyptian," which Smith claimed to have translated (though all three were subsequently excommunicated from the Church of Latter Day Saints).
Prophet Yahweh is taking a lot of heat from people who are impatient for light. To illustrate, he reprinted a couple of hateful emails in this post: "I HATE YOU for giving so many people some hope and conning everyone about something that would change the world." Prophet Yahweh replies, "I am asking all of you, who are not patient with me, and who feel that things are not moving fast enough for you, to please unsubscribe from my group as soon as possible." To his impatient believers - "I still have faith in you. Come on lets do it, prove to everyone" - he writes "The type of thing that is happening is not in my control. I can not control when UFOs or Spaceships are to appear. I am told when, where, and with whom I am to summon for. If you all are thinking that I am deliberately trying to buy time, you are so very wrong."
Still, he smells like a bouqet of undebunked roses compared to Smith, whose lengthy rap sheet is naturally ascribed by his followers to "persecution." "About four dozen easily verified lawsuits have been recorded, not counting his criminal offenses. At least five arrests resulted in convictions. Joseph had this to say about his dealings with the laws: 'It is all of the devil – all corruption. Come on! Ye prosecutors! Ye false swearers! All hell, boil over! Ye burning mountains, roll down your lava! For I will come out on top at last.'"
I doubt Smith would have faired as well as he did if he'd lived in an information age, given that, "as early as 1834 E.D. Howe, an investigative journalist of the period, published a collection of affidavits from friends and neighbours of Smith who described him as a lazy and mendacious religious con man. Another investigator discovered a novel by the Reverend Simon Spalding that was alleged to be the true source of the Book of Mormon."
Prophet Yahweh claims his life has been threatened. Smith's life was taken. Martyrdom, or rather a violent end that can be spun as a martyr's death, is not the worst thing that can befall religious leaders. "Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of His saints." Often, it's the best thing that ever happened to their religions.
Monday night, Prophet Yahweh posted this update to his Yahoo group:
Last night I received more instructions that seem to suggest that YAHWEH is taking control of my circumstances and putting me in motion. As I laid upon my head, visions were revealed that lets me know that YAHWEH is preparing to make His move to bring the media before Him. In the visions, I saw myself calling all the TV stations in the Las Vegas area and talking to them. I heard myself saying something about them bringing their cameras before me so I can summon for them.
This I have not done!
After seeing me aggressively contacting the TV stations here, I heard the following words:
Prophet Yahweh's mythos of a black superman who'll descend in a spaceship and restore the glory of his people is no less plausible than Joseph Smith's of Jesus Christ in the New World preaching to imaginary nations. In fact, I'd call Yahweh the better prophet, because at least he produced something for the cameras; Smith's "golden plates" were, ahem, "taken back to Heaven" before their existence could be independently confirmed. (If Smith had opened a Yahoo group to promote the message of the Angel Maroni, his inbox would be overflowing with the likes of "I hate you for giving me hope - what the hell is "Reformed Egyptian"?!?")
The difference between the two is not the span of time - we may like to believe otherwise, but most people think in much the same way that people thought in the mid-19th Century - but the spans of race and class, which remain America's great divides. To many middle-class, white observers who were titilated at the thought of flying saucers over Las Vegas, it was an affront to learn the message of the Prophet Yahweh's summonings. And religious manifestations always carry a message, whether or not they're counterfeit.
Even if nothing beyond dispute comes out of the sky when Prophet Yahweh spreads his hands for television, the story is still fascinating. Because this is how religions incubate - especially, it seems, American religions - and religions have always been a powerful mechanism for social control. Whether this one catches on is a roll of the dice. It remains to be seen if the dice are loaded.
There's a powerful religion, historically brand-new, and uniquely American in concept, currently controlling hundreds of thousands of minds and lives. Based on the machinations of Hollywood black magicians, and given a scientific gloss and Hollywood glamor.
Who is the missing capstone at the top of the Scientology pyramid?
It may be diverting to watch Mr Yahweh in the throes of establishing a religious following (whatever his methods), but I'd rather see you get your rigorously intuitive teeth into the followers of L Ron Hubbard - or isn't Scientology obscure enough? Do we know everything there is to know, and is that reducible to the easily-led duped by the greedy? Is Scientology already too corporate to be mysterious?
a little Ramon Watkins update....
he answered some questions via email (not to me though, although i did send him one re: the marines)
he does comment on his Marine experience:
4. Some people have also expressed interest in your being in the Marines, what position were you in?
Prophet Yahweh:
Really to tell you the truth, I got only one promotion, and that was taken away.
When my Sargent arranged for me be beat up by another platoon, out side the chow hall, and later another beat me up while shouting "I love the Marine Corps" with each blow, I told the Marine corps to go to hell.
I went AWOL and never came back.
When they caught up with me, they were bringing me my "Undesirable Discharge" while I was in a county jail drug program.
I was so very proud of my discharged and wanted to frame it.
i also started thinking, whats up with this news reporter? how did this enter our thought in the first place???
a little background shows Mike Dello Stritto to be a upcoming news guy, having won a couple awards, bounced from here to there moving on up the news reporter ladder of success...
a little searching on Dello Stritto come up with this guy:
Frank Dello Stritto.
Frank (right & wife center):
now if the son of a cult horror movies expert all of a sudden is putting Ramon Watkins on TV summoning UFO's i think the story is more interesting....
rampant speculation or rigorous intuition?
Thanks for that, human. I just discovered PY's Q&A re his time in the Marines myself. Also found this remark revealing (though of what exactly, I dunno): "As far as life is concerned, I am a failure and am only acquainted with suffering, hunger, and confusion of mind and character."
Great article as usual Jeff.
Speaking of mind control and Scientology, check out this scary Tom Cruise clip. He really looks like he was "triggered" in some way, check out the shaky laugh at the end when he recovers.
Then again, the dude could just be an asshole.
I'm not laying any bets on PY, though the whole race war angle (aren't the PTBs always trying to start one?) is a good side dish.
John Krakauer's book about the Mormons : _Under the Banner of Heaven_ is a pretty great book if you have any curiosity about Mormonism and it's ins and outs. I didn't know the first thing about Mormonism until I read the book and afterwards, frankly, I thought it was the coolest damn thing.
If 'ole Pro-fet Yaweh' can whip up a cult for himself then go daddy go.
Great work Jeff. As per usual.
"Prophet Yahweh's mythos of a black superman who'll descend in a spaceship and restore the glory of his people is no less plausible than Joseph Smith's of Jesus Christ in the New World preaching to imaginary nations."....
Maybe a little more grooin' too, as it sounds like Parliament-Funkadelic to me.
Here is a short history of Joseph Smith and the occult:
Joseph Smith: America's Hermetic Prophet
And a much longer version:
Joseph Smith and Kabbalah: The Occult Connection
As for the Prophet Yahweh, he is definitely funked up.
anyone know about some kinda major UFO flap in Utah involving the LDS church somehow? All I can get is there may have been 'contact' with the LDS church and a decent number of LDS members knew or suspected something about what was going on. Then a major 'hush up' of all info. Not sure when this would have been maybe late 70's into the mid 80s? I've found hints of something going on there, especialy near SLC, but can't seem to find a reference to any major info about it.
Wes, thanks for the link to the Tom Cruise clip. Did you catch the recent dustup between Cruise and Brooke Shields?
“Tom Cruise’s comments are irresponsible and dangerous,” Shields said in London last week. “Tom should stick to saving the world from aliens and let women who are experiencing postpartum depression decide what treatment options are best for them.”
Shields was referring to Cruise’s new sci-fi film, but she might have equally been thinking of Scientology, his religion, one aspect of which teaches that Xenu, an extraterrestrial, brought aliens to earth and exterminated them with hydrogen bombs but their souls stuck to the bodies of humans.
Jacques Vallee, in his "Messengers of Deception" from 1979, speculates if the shadowy, international Order of Melchizedek is involved in manipulating the UFO phenomenon. The Order was supposedly controlling a multitude of more visible groups and sects and in some way connected to the Latter Day Saints and certain elite Masonic lodges. So if the Mormons are involved in UFO contacts, that's certainly interesting.
Anyone else notice that Prophet Yahweh has conveniently rescinded his offer of the news organizations to name the place and time of the summoning? Instead he claims to be setting up a summoning grounds to make parking easier for the sat trucks... yeah that's it, easier parking for the sat trucks... can't possibly be for any other reason, no sir bob.
thanks for the Melchizedek hint annon.
It seems Melchizedek (order of) "conects to" Merkaba practices and that reminds of some odd nation of islam teachings about the 'merkaba mothership' in earth orbit and related info they brought - which has similarities to what PY is predicting these days. hmmm...
You're dead-on about the P-Funk connection, Geoff. Don't forget Sun Ra had the brothers in space angle too. Nina Hagen was (is?) pretty convinced that "Jesus is coming with UFOs; they love me & they love you..."
This isn't a religion in development that Mr UFOman Yahweh is droppin, but a little shard of one that never took off.
Have yet to see an earthly connection between the fraudulent "Dominion of Melchizedek" of Mark and David Pedley, and Drunvalo Melchizedek.
Good stuff here:
A common theme among all this occult hokum is that of becoming some kind of an ascended master or avatar, by the acquiring of spiritual powers through furthering and implementing one's occult knowledge and heightened or 'clarified' perceptions and consciousness. This is the goal of mystic yogas, magickians, (black or other) and of Scientology, and of advanced degree Mason's, and other esoteric societies, and of much of the spectrum of New Age belief flavors. But the Mormon theology offers the even loftier carrot of achieving out and out eternal-god-almighty-hood. Toward this eternal goal, faithful Mormon males become 'High Priests of the Melchizek priesthood', and are expected to participate in initiation rituals in the secret temples, replete with special robes, aprons, secret handshakes, code words, and blood-oaths of secrecy. Thereafter, they are to wear Church produced, symbol laden, sacred underwear for the remainder of their mortal existence and into the grave. They have periodic interviews with their priesthood superiors to give account of their 'stewardship'. They are to return often to the temples to perform proxy rites in behalf of deceased individuals so those individuals can become Mormons from where they are at in the spirit world. IF the faithful Mormon does this proxy work as often as he can for the remainder of his born days, and if he contributes 10% minimum of his gross income to the Salt Lake City headquarters, and if he eschews all tobacco, coffee and tea , and if he magnifies his priesthood stewardship with full diligence, and otherwise follows the revelations and and exhortations of whoever is the current line-of-succession prophet at the Mormon headquarters - if the faithful Mormon faithfully does all this until the end of his days - then, if Joseph Smith so concurs, he may be rewarded to enter the Celestial Kingdom, and become exalted to the state of full godhood. The Mormon candidate of godhood then expects that he will be empowered to become just like the exalted man-god who created this world and who, by consorting with his harem of goddess-wives, is the literal father of the spirit of every one of the billions of human beings on this world and numberless worlds like it. When he too has has fathered a massive posterity of spirits, he will commence the construction of his own galaxies and worlds upon which to send those myriads of spirits. The obedient spirits to be another iteration of mortal human race, over whom they will exercise their own god-almightyness and be duly worshipped by. Thus he hopes to eventually have a down-line of gods of his own, giving him an eternal increase of glory. Just think Amway on an infinite scale.
In the early Utah pioneer days, the Mormons were ruled by Joseph Smith's successor, Brigham Young, as Prophet, Priest, Governor (territory of Utah), who was also the wealthiest man in the territory, and the proud sire of his personal harem of 28 wives. Beside the open practice of polygamy, there was a much quieter practice of the 'blood-atonement' doctrine. This required the individual guilty of a serious transgression, such as fornication or blasphemy (i.e., denouncing Brigham) to die by the shedding of their own blood (usually cutting of the throat) in order to atone for their own sin, so they may thereby purchace escape from hell.
Mormon world membership is currently around 12 million, about half is in the USA. It includes the Marriot family of Marriot hotels, Donny and Marie Osmond, and other well known or prominent members of society.
As to the comment from one Annonymous:
"I didn't know the first thing about Mormonism until I read the book and afterwards, frankly, I thought it was the coolest damn thing."
I just wonder, what part of this phantasmagoria do you find so cool?
Carefull Jeff, a Mormon scooped you over ten years ago. Take a look at this book Alien Encounters—
The Deception Menace written by James L. Thompson.
Read the table of contents.
From the PY's Yahoo! group:
> The most holy and wonderful YAHWEH has arranged for me to receive
$750,000 out of the clear blue sky!
> But, it appears that I have been given a quarter million dollars!
> And, what makes me believe it is that we already have the immediate
$5,000 payment.
> So, if $5,000 can appear out of no where, why can't another $749,995
appear the same way?!
One thing is for sure: math is not one of PY's skills :D Geez, who would just throw away that kind of money, just like that?!
Tronicus -
'Phantasmagoria' is the perfect description (I think perfect); and when I say 'coolest thing ever' I did have my tongue in my cheek, a visual that might not have gotten across.
Mormonism as it was invented was a perfect and perfectly American Religion, started by a fraud, with the intent of de-frauding. (and scoring chicks - Smith was a chronic philanderer (hence the notion 'plural wives', which was vehemently but futilely opposed by his first wife.)
It all dove-tails beautifully with much of what Jeff writes about - namely, drawing the ways people in positions of power abuse any trust placed in them, sometimes covering it with 'mystical' hokus-pokus.
Krakauer's book deals extensively with the sexual abuse of children that goes on under the pretense of following Mormon doctrine. (It's horrific, and makes up the whole point of the book: which is that the Muslim religious fundamentalists speak the same rhetoric as the Mormon religious fundamentalists, but the Mormons are in our own back-yard (are part of our historical identity).) (and is probably why the book did not do as well - no-one likes having the finger pointed at them, and being told they aren't so disimilar from the ones they are being told to hate.)
"Think Amway on an infinite scale" I don't think Amway is anywhere near as wierd, or sinister.
Your linking Joseph Smith to Prophet Yahweh is an intuitive stroke that doesn't go nearly far enough to identify the continuities running through the long American history of demonic deception. Mormonism began in Enochian (i.e., BLACK) magic, grave robbing, and Joseph Smith's will to power, and remains a Halloween religion. The same deceptive spiritual powers stand behind it as the ones who feed lies to Aaron Donahue. Prophet Yahweh I suspect is just trafficking with some minor fallen elementals in Ahriman's service.
I have a little section in a manuscript biography of Henry Thoreau that I've just written that draws out a bit of this:
Smith promulgated the Book of Mormon as a sacred canonical text, a new dispensation of truth that God delivered to humankind through the angel Moroni to himself, the Prophet. Smith’s followers saw the Book of Mormon as God’s third and final dispensation, signaling the fulfillment of John’s Book of Revelation. The Book of Mormon identified Joseph Smith as the one who—aided by revelations from God—would prepare the way for Christ’s Second Coming. After armed conflict in 1839 with neighbors in Missouri, Smith and nearly 15,000 followers fled to Commerce, Illinois, which they purchased and renamed Nauvoo. By 1844 Nauvoo had become the largest city in Illinois, an independent municipality with its own court system and militia. Smith’s church was an elaborate hierarchy supposedly modeled on the ancient Hebraic church, with Smith the sole authority for receiving direction from God. In 1844, after revealing God’s plan for organizing the Kingdom of Heaven on earth with himself as King, Smith declared his candidacy for President of the United States. This was only the latest of Smith’s outrageous “revelations” guaranteed to anger “Gentiles”--both Christians and nonbelievers. In 1838 he had revealed that Adam had lived in the area that became western Missouri; in August 1839 he had declared that angels have flesh and bones; in April 1840 he preached that God was once a man; in 1841 he said that God also was made of flesh and bone, and that the earth had been formed out of other planets that had broken apart; in 1842 Smith’s newspaper, Times & Seasons, printed a translation from the Book of Abraham that said the Elohim lived near the star Kolob and Smith also introduced the doctrine of plural gods; in 1843, Smith, who had 33 wives at the time, announced a divine revelation in favor of plural marriage. A few months later he advocated decapitation or throat-cutting for certain crimes and sins. By 1844, church population was over 25,000, and the Mormon Legion, Smith’s private army, had over 3000 men. The United States Army had but 8000 troops. If not elected, many feared that Smith would seize the presidency by force.
Smith --who had been arrested nearly as many times as he had wives, for crimes including murder, high treason, burglary, arson, and larceny—was jailed with his brother Hyrum and two other Mormon leaders in Carthage, Illinois, for having ordered the destruction of the printing press, offices, and records of a Nauvoo newspaper critical of Smith’s teaching polygamy and polytheism. On June 27, 1844, a mob of over two hundred fifty black-faced militiamen stormed the jail and killed Smith and his brother. Firing a gun smuggled to him by a confederate, Smith managed to kill two and wound another of his assailants. To his last breath, the Prophet acted as he had throughout life—violently, and with the aid of magic. Just before his death, Smith made the Masonic sign of distress, and then clutched at the Jupiter talisman around his neck. The talisman was a coveted symbol of personal power for Smith, since Jupiter was the ruling planet of his birth year. He had fashioned it of silver according to instructions in Francis Barrett’s 1801 The Magus, a manual of magical techniques. Smith believed his talisman gained him both riches and power, including the love of women, all by the invocation of demon intelligences through the use of planetary forces.
Like all temples, the façade of the Nauvoo Temple incorporated symbolic images designed to address and summon supernatural powers. Smith’s visions included the erection of thirty “sunstones” –two-and-a-half ton limestone blocks engraved with a radiant sun-god--atop temple columns. The sunstones were said by Smith to represent the “Celestial Kingdom” seen in his vision. Thirty moonstones and thirty star-stones topped other temple columns. Eleven large inverted pentagrams adorned doorway lintels. The weather vane atop the temple spire was in the form of a flying angel holding a trumpet in one hand and the open Book of Mormon in the other. Directly above the angel was the Freemasonic compass and square. Smith taught that the temple’s astronomical symbols represented the glorious blessings performed within the temple walls. The temple ceremonies, like the symbols outside, were faithful imitations of Freemasonic rituals, which Smith and other Mormon elders had learned as members of the local Lodge. At Nauvoo, the candidate for the temple “endowment” was given a secret sign by the presiding “Saint”: as they shook hands, the ball of the thumb was placed between the two upper joints of the forefingers. In Freemasonic ritual this was known as “The Grip of the Entered Apprentice.” Two more secret grips followed, corresponding to Freemasonry’s “Pass-grip of the Master Mason” and “Sign and Due-Guard of the Master Mason.” The candidate then placed his right hand under the left ear and drew it across the throat, after which the left hand was brought to the right shoulder, then quickly drawn across the breast, both gestures symbolic of the mortal penalty the candidate would pay should he reveal the nature of the ceremony.
Those undergoing the Temple Endowment at Nauvoo also were anointed with oil; they were given a special garment-- with special stitches sewn into the breasts, navel, and knee --to wear; they were given a secret name, to be told to no one, except female candidates, who were to tell their husbands their secret name; they witnessed an elaborate drama in which a black-clad Lucifer at one point instructs them to don green aprons, symbolic of the planet Venus, the Morning Star. Along with the ritual grips and tokens, these were all magical actions, causing very specific effects on both the candidates and in the spiritual world. Though the Mormon Temple initiation shared characteristics with the white magical activities of alchemy, Rosicrucianism, and other Christian initiatory paths, its character was essentially that of a black magical rite. The inverted pentagrams and stars on the Temple façade were a clue to the perversion of magical ceremonial activity within. The ritual grips were based on ancient knowledge of the body’s meridians and pressure points. The pressure applied at the hand flowed back energetically to the nipples, where stitch marks on the Temple garment led to the heart and then down to the navel. The Temple candidate, in performing the “Patriarchal Grip,” unknowingly awakened latent sexual energies that produced distinct alchemical changes in his body, soul, and spirit. The third grip, “The Sign of the Nail,” was designed to stimulate an individual’s hatred and rage, in order to augment the power of black magical action. The exactness required of all initiates assured the proper necromantic effect.
The Temple initiation concluded with the candidate being conducted around the outside of the temple, past the inverted pentagrams and images of the sun god Ba’al, the stars and the phases of the moon. At the Nauvoo Temple, the Moon Goddess Diana was the consort of Lucifer, the sacred god of Mormonism, and the fount of earthly wealth and power. Though the Temple only saw six weeks of use before the Saints were run out of Nauvoo, over five thousand endowments were performed there. Smith’s Halloween religion would move west and reach new heights of earthly prosperity; more temples, bigger temples arose throughout the Great American Desert. Back in Concord and Boston (where there had been great success in gaining Mormon converts) the newspapers would continue to report on the Latter Day Saints, but the spiritual politics were always masked by the mundane conflicts. Citizens from the Palmyra area who had known Joseph Smith as a young money-digger and necromancer spoke up about America’s fastest growing religion’s origins in grave-robbing, animal sacrifice, and demonic invocation, but Joseph’s treasure-guarding toad was transformed into a white salamander, the Luciferic demon Moroni into an angel, the pugilistic and pugnacious wanna-be wizard into a Sainted Prophet. No one seemed to notice that “Moorman” was the Scottish term for someone in charge of cattle in waste ground, or that “Mormo” was an archaic name for a spirit who terrified children (antebellum dictionaries gave “Mormo” as “bug bear; false terror”). In the early years after his encounter at Hill Cumorah, Smith referred to the angel messenger interchangeably as both “Moroni” and “Nephe”—the latter meant “departed spirits called out by Magicians and Necromancers.”
The Nauvoo Temple was the metastasis of the holy orders Thoreau was conducting at Walden Pond. If America was the site of spiritual warfare, a reflection of a heavenly battle, the dark powers seemed surely to be winning. Bronson Alcott’s Temple School (so-named because it was located in a former Masonic temple in Boston)—where the children circled their chairs round Alcott to have deep heartfelt conversations on the Gospels, and where on one occasion Alcott had a student hit him each time that student misbehaved, bringing the boy to remorseful tears and better conduct—had closed after salacious rumors flew about his teachings on the virgin birth. Fruitlands and Brook Farm and dozens of other intentional communities of the idealistic 1840s-- all devoted to building temples of Duty, Science, Beauty and Joy—had, by the time the second Mormon Prophet Brigham Young arrived at Salt Lake and church membership approached 50,000, all gone fallow.
for once in my life I am at a loss for words - all I can say is jeez...
That was sure a potent pack of information. It contained some new stuff I didn't know. Very interesting, and yet very sad. As a former Mormon I just want to say thanks.
Troubadour, thank you for that.
I just discovered that "Neph" is a word in the Enochian language. This online dictionary says its meaning is unknown.
PY just posted this to his Yahoo Group. I don't know if it sheds light, or casts darkness.
Dear Group,
Just for the record, one day, a few years ago, I heard the voice that calls itself YAHWEH tell me to go see a psychiatrist.
I said no way!
But, let it suffice to say, that as time went on, YAHWEH showed me that this is exactly what he wanted me to do, so I did as I was instructed.
So, I hesitantly went to the Department of Mental Health, in Los Angeles, and saw a psychologist and psychiatrist.
They asked me about the voice I hear that calls itself YAHWEH, how He lives on other planets, and travel around the universe in spaceships.
Then, I told him that spaceships and UFOs appear on my signal and I could prove it.
The psyche looked at me, probably stranger than he has ever looked at anyone before.
Boy, you should have seen the look on his face!
Then, he said something like: Listen closely to me. There is something wrong with you. You have a schizo disorder.
Then, I said: But, how could there be something wrong with me when actual spaceships and UFOs appear on my command and let me film them, and I can show you the footage.
He waved his hands as if it was not possible for it to happen.
And, then he said you may think you filmed something, but you did not film anything.
I said: What!
How can I be mentally ill when the voice I hear, that calls itself YAHWEH, proves it exist to me above any shadow of a doubt?
How can I be mentally ill when the voice I hear, that calls itself YAHWEH, sends UFOs and spaceships on my signal?
You may not understand what is happening with me but how can I be mentally ill?
I am not mentally ill!
And, he said: You may not believe that you are mentally ill, but you are mentally ill.
I said no more.
And, he declared me as mentally ill by the power invested in him by the state of California.
The deep thing about it is that he declared me mentally ill with in a few minutes of talking to me.
I think it was no more than about 10 minutes of talking with me.
To make a long story short, I was declared mentally ill from that day on and currently I am a client at Los Angeles County Department of Mental Health at their Mental Health Authority called "The Village."
Also, I have been given geodon, lithium, risperdal and a couple of other medications to stop me from hearing the Voice that calls itself YAHWEH.
Here is the link to their site:
The psychiatrist I have now is not the person I was speaking about.
My current psychiatrist, at "The Village" is Doctor Mark Ragin.
Now, that I have made this known to you in Part 1, I will let you know the conclusion in Part 2 as soon as I can.
The reason why I decided to tell you all this is because so many of you are writing me calling me crazy that I decided that if I let you know that I am crazy, only according to the State of California, maybe you all will feel better and say - now it makes sense.
Prophet Yahweh
Seer of Yahweh
Hello eveyone... Great info Jeff, a real stroke of genius to compare PY and JS. Since they both seem to fall into the same catergory. Matt. 24:4,5 "Look out that no one misleads you, many will come on the basis of my name... and mislead many."
MAIL ME AT larrybarnes05@yahoo.com
for a catolog
You cite, interestingly, Aaron Donahue's thoughts on Prophet YAHWEH. While incorrect on the issue of his Christianity, the point he was making is that it is an "angelic deception". Taken from this point of view, it doesn't really matter if its strictly Christian, Jewish, Muslim, or derivation.
As a **current** Mormon, I've just gotta say that there are some seriously misinformed folks posting here. Check out http://www.lds.org/ or http://www.mormon.org/ or if you want to get past the goofy stories here...
Drunvalo is a false prophet too....Hopefully people will connect their ability to check out background facts and see...Here is a blog post: http://dangerousteachingsofdrunvalo.wordpress.com/
and court documents:
It was not meant as a joke when they said Drunvalo enjoys channelling Lucifer
If people really check what's available they will find they were being led right into a black abyss.
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