The Banality of the Weird

Ho hum - UFOs over Washington, 1952
I've been thinking the last few days of Peter Malkin, the Mossad agent who snatched Adolph Eichmann from a Buenos Aires' sidewalk in 1962. He died last week in New York City, at 77. I wonder if, before his death, he'd read The Jerusalem Post story of February 6 entitled "CIA employed Eichmann's men." And if he had, whether he felt punk'd.
Actually, I doubt it. A lifetime in an Intelligence service would have prepared Malkin for such wrong-headed weirdness. In his world, Eichmann's boys going to work for the CIA probably wasn't the most egregious example. Just one of those things: a compromise with evil; one of many. Shit happens.
America started going seriously wrong some time ago. About the same time Eichmann's men - and Mengele's, and others - were recruited into its service. And coincident with that, America started going seriously weird.
To many students of the National Security State, the one has nothing to do with the other. In fact, they regard the study of the other - the UFOs, the Satanic Ritual Abuse and mind control - as a distraction and discrediting embarrassment; an insult to the intelligence. Which has made for one big, ever-lovin' "mission accomplished!" for those who shield their High Crimes in the stealth folk-mythology of apparent absurdity.
The Weird is entertained, chiefly, as entertainment: anomalous episodes that do nothing to inform us about the real world. With respect to UFOs, the propagation of the extraterrestrial hypothesis as the only option, after ruling out the like of hoaxes, Venus and swamp gas, further this misapprehension of their significance and implication for America. (I've written elsewhere - here, for instance - about perhaps a more fantastic, and yet I think more credible, and sinister, explanation of the phenomena.)
But here's a noodle scratcher: the episodes are not as anomalous as we may think. In fact, in Messengers of Deception, one of Jacques Vallee's arguments against UFO's extraterrestrial provenance is that there are too darn many of them:
The first argument against the idea of flying saucers as spacecraft lies, oddly enough, in the large number of verified, unexplained sightings. In my own files [circa late 70s] I currently have approximately 2,000 cases of close encounters from every country on Earth, many of them involving occupants of various sizes and shapes. It may seem that 2,000 cases in some 20 years is not a very large number, but we are talking only about the cases that were actually reported....
Most landings are reported to take place after 6pm. The frequency distributions that my computer studies have disclosed for every continent show this activity peaking at about 10:30pm, decreasing sharply after that time, and increasing again just before dawn. There are few reports after 6am. What could this mean? That the activity of the objects is nocturnal by nature and by choice. Then why do the reports decrease in frequency around midnight? Simply because people go to bed: after 10:30pm the number of potential witnesses is severely reduced. Then let us ask the question: how many reports would we have it people did not go to bed but stayed outside to watch those so-called "spacecraft"? The answer is, about 30,000. We would have to multiply the number of cases by a factor of 15.
Now, this last figure does not begin to approximate the actual number of events, because we know from many independent studies that only one case in ten ever gets reported. Then we should have not 30,000, but 300,000 cases in our files! But this still isn't the whole story: most landings occur in unpopulated areas, away from dwellings. If the Earth's population were distributed evenly instead of being concentrated in city areas, how many reports would we have? Again, taking a conservative multiplying factor of ten leads to the staggering conclusion that the UFOs, if they are spacecraft engaged in a general survey of our planet, must have landed here no fewer than three million times in two decades!
This is one of the little-recognized facts of the UFO problem that any theory has yet to explain. The theory of random visitation does not explain it. Either the UFOs select their witnesses, or they are something entirely different from space vehicles. In either case, their appearances are staged.
The Weird has become the background noise of a Lost America. Few hear it at all, and fewer still for what it could be. (I was going to write, "for what it is," but I think all conclusions we may draw about the deep and dark things that are meant to stay hidden ought to be provisional.)
Thanks to the "Jeff Gannon" story, its similarity to the Craig Spence call-boy scandal and the speculation Gannon could in fact be Johnny Gosch, there is a burst of discovery underway regarding the "Franklin Cover-Up", Satanic ritual abuse and mind control. But the learning curve is steep for such material, and the material so strange and contrary to most of our assumptions about the world, that many no doubt will walk it back, and revictimize the abused with the presumption of pathology. After all, mind control research was a failure - we have the CIA's word for it. And Satanic abuse is a fallacy of weak and hysterical minds. Again, CIA mind control researchers, like Dr Martin Orne of the False Memory Syndrome Foundation, have told us so.
The Weird hides in plain sight, because most people are comfortable remaining willfully blind to it. And almost all the rest are too self-conscious to say "Er - do you see what I see?" And behind it hides a world gone wrong.
Now about those UFOs over the Capitol. Here's Richard Dolan, writing in UFOs and the National Security State:
At about 11:40 pm on July 19 [1952], radar at Washington National Airport picked up a formation of seven objects flying near Andrews AFB, moving along at a leisurely pace of 100 to 130 mph. Before long, two of the targets suddenly accelerated and vanished off the scope within seconds. One of them apparently reached 7,000 mph. This got the attention of several controllers, especially when they learned that a second radar at the airport, as well as the radar at Andrews AFB, also picked up the objects. For six hours, between eight and ten UFOs were tracked on radar.
The senior air traffic controller for the CAA, Harry G Barnes, "knew immediately that a very strange situation existed." In his opinion:
"...[T]he movements were completely radical compared to those of ordinary aircraft. They followed no set course [and] were not in any formation, and we only seemed to be able to track them for about three miles at a time... [F]or six hours...there were at least ten unidentifiable objects moving above Washington. They were not ordinary aircraft.... I can safely deduce that they performed gyrations which no known aircraft could perform."
...But the phenomenon was not restricted to radar tracking. Several Capitol Airlines pilots saw the objects visually as orange lights in the same area that radar indicated they should be. Just where were they? Over the White House and Capitol!
Intense sightings of clustered formations continued in the skies of Washington for several days. On July 29, the Air Force held a press conference - it's largest since the end of the Second World War - and announced the phenomenon had been caused by a "temperature inversion" that mucked up the radar, and the visual sightings were attributed to "scintillating stars." Explanations as satisfying as Scott McClellan's derisive snort of "conspiracy theory." But like McClellan's rote response, it did the job of getting the press to back off a sensitive and awkward subject.
Washington has seen a lot of weirdness, and not only in its skies. A hooker in the White House press corp, for instance, also hid in plain sight.
Is "Jeff Gannon" really Johnny Gosch? Could be. For what it's worth, and I'll leave it at that, Ted Gunderson is persuaded. But whomever "Gannon" is, and whatever the meaning of his presence in the press pool, "it's too weird" is not an argument.
If Americans are ever to dismantle the National Security State and have something like a country again, they need to take the Weird with the Wrong. This may mean entertaining, in the best possible sense, the consideration that its nightmare machinery is not just about black ops, but also black arts.
As Donald Rumsfeld's note to self on the afternoon of September 11 advised:
"Go massive. Sweep it all up. Things related and not."

The only way more sure-fire way to be labelled a kook than saying you believe 9/11 was an inside job is to say you believe in UFOs.
This is a problem.
Personally, I think there is something very interesting going on with UFOs, but how on earth (so to speak) can this phenomena ever get any sort of political traction?
At best, if new 9/11 investigations ever start, they will uncover some sort of limited hangout-- I will be amazed if the complete truth about 9/11 ever comes out.
But, if such a thing happened, maybe it would be a sign that the government is really ready to open up.
I won't hold my breath.
Jeff, you do a damn find job of trying to flatten out that learning curve a little bit.
To wake people up I think we really need to look at the corporate media system. This system is really holding us back from all this important info.
Blogs are doing a great job of changing all this.
But I think we need to create, and support financially, independent media organizations.
one example is
-its a portal to independent news.
Blogs are great but what happens when the for profit corporations that host them start putting limits on them, and/or start including manditory adverts beside and all around their blogs?
I think this is precisely what Hunter S. Thompson meant by "When the going gets weird, the weird turn pro", and why there is a vast realm of politics, sociology and science that is neglected simply because it sounds stupid. And I believe it's all about to get even stupider. And even weirder.
As long as the inner workings of any group of conspirators - be it Mafia, CIA, Illuminati, Satanic cults, what have you - seems ridiculous and implausible to the public, they're pretty much beyond reproach. And since most of what really goes on is probably even weirder than we suspect, there's no way to rationally and openly discuss it without getting the old "sounds like someone's been watching too much X-Files" riposte.
The Danny Aiello film "Ruby" may have been a terrible movie, but in it, Jack Ruby states something very trenchant (and I'm paraphrasing here): "You know why these CIA guys do a lot of stuff that don't make no sense? Because when you try to tell someone else about it, you don't make no sense either".
Is this of any interest or connection?
Some russian newspaper is reporting that Gannon/Gosch has a book deal on his saga. He likely has the Bush admin by its short-and-curlies.
If you really want to get into weirdness, read Ovason's book, "Secret Zodiacs of Washington"
Ever try looking at the correllation between toxic waste dumps and ufos? The idea that many of them could be a hallucination is still not thouroughly debunked and dismissed.
Watch John Carpenter's "They Live" to understand how those with the eye to see it will only spot what you spot, JW.
Okay, this is slightly OT, although part of the same big picture. It just struck me, that's all, and I wanted to put it out there.
As a first grader in South Central L.A., this would be about 1968-69, I was taken out of class one day and brought to an empty classroom where I was given a test, ostensibly to determine whether or not I was 'gifted'.
I was the only child being tested; I can remember the test seeming a bit simple; one thing I had to do was add the missing rockers to what was labeled a rocking chair. I also had to draw a picture of a man.
Anyone else remember this test? Well, I was labeled "gifted", but my working class parents balked at sending me to the "special school" (I still don't know exactly what that meant) that I was recommended for.
Anyway, the thing that just struck me is that the guy who administrered the test -- who I've always remembered, for some reason (brown suit, full head of sandy hair, black glasses) --
-- the guy's name was Mr. Green.
It just couldn't be -- could it??
"And all throughout this testimony you will read, sprinkled here, 'a doctor with a German accent.... was it Green? ... he had blonde hair....'"
That it might have been the same, or someone connected to the program using the "Green" pseudonym, is a pretty chilling thought. Regardless, I think your parents showed great common sense.
"And all throughout this testimony you will read, sprinkled here, 'a doctor with a German accent.... was it Green? ... he had blonde hair....'"
That it might have been the same, or someone connected to the program using the "Green" pseudonym, is a pretty chilling thought. Regardless, I think your parents showed great common sense.
I know the odds are pretty long that it had anything whatsoever to do with it, but Kathleen Sullivan's statement about kids being culled from all social strata struck me; I'm Black, and the late sixties were the heyday of COINTELPRO ops against Black nationalist I said, long odds, but still...
But mostly I was curious about that "test" and if anyone out there has had a similar experience, nefarious or not...and about Green(e)whose name oddly always stuck with me. I'd love to see a photo of the guy.
keep up the great work
George W Bush angered the Taliban with his secret foreign policy with Afghanistan. The Taliban got their guests Al Qaeda to attack us first.
I don't view 9-11 as an inside job but rather an event that happened as a result of George W Bush provoking Al Qaeda to do a preemptive strike.
Isn't this what Saul Bellow called the "fantasmo imperium," a reality unhitched from the classical western stanchion of logical reasoning? I've also heard there's a school of thought that argues that UFOs aren't extraterrestrials but "Enochian entities" called into our plane by Crowley's Amalantrah working and later by L. Ron Hubbard's Bablon working. Which, if I understand your post correctly, ought to be considered plausible in any analysis of the meta-events of our time. So be it! I for one can credit the black arts as a relentless obsession of those seeking dominion of a whole planet. Himmler has his Occult Bureau. The Bilderbergs no doubt have their hexers. Even the Yankees have Memorial Row. It can't be anything but vanity or innocence to presume there's anything that can be done when the earthly powers have joined the hidden powers. I offer my opened eye to whatever this banal republic has in store for us. And for my epitaph, "Now I get it" will do.
Jeff, this site contains some of the most stimulating and challenging material I've ever encountered. I've been puzzling through my own reactions to the UFO question lately. As a person who used to have some time to spend doing amateur astronomy, it occured to me that I couldn't think of a single amateur astronomer of my acquaintance who had mentioned personally seeing a UFO. I googled the sci.astro.amateur newsgroup for UFO posts, and came across one that conveys succinctly the source of my ambivalence on this topic:
"I think most amateur astronomers are open minded about the existence of extraterrestrial life somewhere; I daresay most of us would love to have evidence that there really is. But we are people who spend hundreds of nights outside, becoming familiar with sky phenomena. Amateur astronomers know, and pass on, what meteors, auroras, satellites, airplanes, and planets look like first hand. We don't make assumptions about distance and actual size--we measure angular size. We keep really clear on directions--not just North, South, East and West, but altitudes, azimuths, and constellations.
Amateur astronomers often hear acquaintances give incoherent descriptions of things they see in the sky, so we know just how often laymen see things they can't identify and describe, yet we, and our fellow amateurs never see these confusing, cryptic things. Our fellow amateurs know Venus, keep track of when it's up, know the difference between satellites, meteors, and aircraft, and describe things to each other with precision. We know the limits of our vision and of the atmosphere. And we spend hours watching the skies. And if we see something genuinely unusual, we follow up to see what it was. And guess what? We don't see mysterious lights in the sky.
Amateur astronomers are the the most numerous and best equipped observers of potential UFO's. If Aliens were visiting at the rate that UFO claims and reports suggest, we'd have seen them and photographed them many times over."
Of course, this post doesn't speak to reports like the highly detailed descriptions of close encounters by pilots. And if there is really nothing to it, why have the military and CIA expended so much effort on the subject, with most of the relevant material still being classified? You're making my cognitive dissonance act up again...
obat kencing nanah De Nature
Obat Kencing Nanah Gang jie dan Gho Siah.Gonore adalah penyakit menular seksual (PMS) yang disebabkan oleh bakteri Neisseria gonorrhoeae. Bakteri ini dapat ditularkan dari orang ke orang selama aktivitas seksua.Untuk Pemesanan Obat Penyakit Kelamin Kencing Nanah di 0812-2854-1999 atau Pin BB 53E87F23
Berhati-hatilah anda yang suka berganti-ganti pasangan seks, karena sangat besar sekali kemungkinannya untuk terkena penyakit kencing nanah atau gonore maupun yang lainnya.
Bukan hanya pengobatan medis saja tapi ada juga pengobatan rumah alami yang dapat digunakan untuk menyingkirkan penyakit kutil kelamin ini. Intinya, karena kutil ini muncul di daerah yang sensitif, maka anda harus mencari pengobatan yang terbaik pada kulit Anda dan jika diperlukan juga dibantu dengan tenaga medis yang professional. Sebab dokter akan menjadi sumber informasi yang baik untuk mengobati penyakit ini.
Bukan hanya pengobatan medis saja tapi ada juga pengobatan rumah alami yang dapat digunakan untuk menyingkirkan penyakit kencing bernanah ini. Maka anda harus mencari pengobatan yang terbaik pada penyakit Anda dan jika diperlukan juga dibantu dengan tenaga medis yang professional.
Bismillahhirrohmaanirrokhim.... *********************************
Sekitar Vagina Tumbuh Daging, Berbahayakah? Kutil Pada Kepala Penis mirip bunga kol atau jengger ayam, Merupakan Penyakit Yang diakibatkan Oleh Virus.Kutil kelamin, atau disebut juga condyloma acuminata, adalah kutil atau daging berwarna kulit atau keabuan yang tumbuh di sekitar alat kelamin dan
Bismillahirrohmannirrokhim ........................
obat sipilis raja singa obat sipilis raja singa manjur obat sipilis raja singa herbal obat sipilis raja singa alami obat sipilis raja singa mujarab obat sipilis raja singa herbal manjur
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