American Allegory

"It's the dark princes, the democratic republicans, working for a barbarian who can scarcely spell his own name." - Masked and Anonymous
Things are still rather chaotic here, though mostly in a good way, so I haven't the time now for a proper post. But since we've come to this almost inconceivable moment, when dogs pick at uncollected corpses in the streets of a murdered American city, preemptive nuclear war against the threat of non-nuclear weapons is official policy, the potential repeal of the Posse Comitatus Act is floated, and a former US Governor - even if it is Jesse Ventura - speaks of fleeing the fascism and ruin that the Bush White House is visiting upon the country, I'm thinking maybe what's really needed is a proper allegory. Something like Bob Dylan's Masked and Anonymous.
At its release two years ago, while most critics were greeting the film with either confusion or horror, David Vest described it as a "spot-on accurate portrayal of what is going on RIGHT NOW, seen through the eyes of someone with vision and not just eyesight...All America's chicken-hawk foreign wars have come home to roost. The horrors once visited upon El Salvador, Nicaragua, Vietnam, Somalia and Iraq are now rolling through the streets of California. All the electoral disgrace of recent campaigns has been compressed into one presidential speech."
Like a good Dylanphile should, I have a copy of his pseudonymously authored script. A good thing, too, since some of the most important words are lost in the editing. The speech Vest mentions, for one. Here is President Mickey Rourke's address to the nation upon inheriting the debased office:
As you know, we have captured the cultural institutions of this country. The institutions that shape the souls of the young. The schools, the colleges, the movies, music, and the arts. They all belong to us now. At the moment, we are giving people a new identity, and erasing the collective memory. We are rewriting the history books. Nothing was more important to our President than bringing peace to this war torn country. Peace, a lasting peace, can only be achieved through strength. So, in my first act as new President, as the leader of the new government, this new regime, we will begin to deploy troops immediately to the southern regions, we will resume the bombing in the jungle. We will begin executing and enslaving prisoners... Remember this, life is a chess game, where all the pieces are the same color. Your self-discipline will be watched and judged.
We have learned a valuable lesson. Great nations do not fight small wars. We have seen the difference between winners and losers. Those who are victorious win first then go to war, while the defeated go to war first and then seek to win.
There will be no more stupidity. No more mistakes. It is a new day. God help you all.
And that's more truth about America's situation than Bush will admit in his speech tonight from New Orleans' open grave.
Dylan's always recognized the old weirdness at the heart of the New World, and he can see it now behind the collapse of our former and flimsy consensus reality. "They have aliens stacked up in warehouses," says one character. "What more do you need to know?"
The voice of a radio preacher serves as a chorus, and near the end says
God has turned his back on this nation.... All of humankind is a slave race and was meant to be from the beginning. Will man destroy the earth to move on? Is that his destiny? We'll wait to find out. What nourishes gods? The smell of fear. The gods get fat on fear. These gods left before the Bible was written....
And isn't that what this feels like? That the ancient gods are back, and their priests are in the high places.
When I clicked on your link in the phrase,"...even if it is Jesse Ventura - speaks of fleeing the fascism...", this is what was displayed:
"The page you requested cannot be displayed.
Access Denied
"The page you requested cannot be displayed because you do not have access to this forum or this forum is currently offline. If you wish to access this forum, please contact the administrator of this site."
Is it just me, or am I in good company?
"Is it just me, or am I in good company?"
I'm getting that now, too. FYI, it's a thread at Democratic Underground regarding Ventura's words last night on the Mike Malloy show.
You make me want to get out the dvd and tell my #2 son to watch it.
Heck, I may watch it again myself. The first time, it struck me as an odd mixture of celebrity self-indulgence and moments of profound insight. But perhaps the insight goes deeper than I gave it credit for.
i'd say yes, thats what it feels like Jeff - and i'm not even in the states.
i feel its clear that if the administration rides this out (like is there a serious effort to get rid of the whole lot (is the fitzgerald thing in the mainstream? if not, will it ever be?)then they have won completely, end of discussion, just the protracted 'mopping up' of patriots and dissidents to listen out for.....and the murder of god all over again - this time with us all as complicit honorary nazis - because we had the lesson of history to warn us.........
Last night, after a long break, I read another chapter from P&P's "Stargate Conspiracy". And this morning, your concluding words: "...the ancient gods are back, and their priests are in the high places." We'll see what babbles forth from the Chief tonight.
Last night, after a long break, I read another chapter from P&P's "Stargate Conspiracy". And this morning, your concluding words: "...the ancient gods are back, and their priests are in the high places." We'll see what babbles forth from the Chief tonight.
Now there's some fearful symmetry: I've been reading The Stargate Conspiracy as well. I mean to post some thoughts about it soon. My choice of words was probably suggested by it.
I'm a big fan of your posts, and especially the discussions that follow. However, I feel compelled to provide contrast to the concept of these people in charge as being aligned with forces from the Void. This is a dangerous meme propogation at work, and it serves their purposes as fully as anything else. It makes them appear impregnable. What I'm seeing here and elsewhere is a hybrid fusion of speculation as to the 'spiritual' might of TPTB and Lovecraftian mythos. I've read Lovecraft since I was a child, and the daunting and inevitable aspects of the Old Ones really sinks it's teeth into the reader.
I can see where cultivating a belief among the unwashed that TPTB stand aligned with these fictional creations could be an intimidation that would wither the spirit of many.
I'm not in any way suggesting that you're deliberately contributing to that, but I warn against granting these sadists more Power than they already have. Watching Katrina move on New Orleans and the rampant chaos ad death that ensued, it was an incredible temptation to think that some dark initiates were summoning Cthulhu with an unprecidented blood sacrifice, but I feel that was my own mind struggling to parse the sheer destruction and human suffering I was seeing.
It's far more manageable to see TPTB as a handful of gout-ridden, crotchety bastards that gained the upper hand through devious, but still human and therefore COUNTERABLE evil. This enables us to at least begin to approach them and demand restitution, but if we instead sit here in fear and entertain notions that Cthulhu will rise at their bidding, all action against them is doomed from the begining.
Keep a human face on the criminals. Begin the campaign against them. At the very least, if any of this is true, it would force their hand and reveal just how much is fiction and how much isn't. If their Gods are real, put them into a position where they must come forth to save their servants.
Call their bluff.
Remember the Wizard of Oz..A small, wizened, fearful man hiding behind a grandiose deception that was his only protection from the outside world. The motivations of these people are rooted in fear; not ours, THEIRS. They have something that can be taken. They fear losing it. They will do anything to keep it, or at least maintain the illusion it exists. Not Ancient Gods from a dead writer's hand, but somethig far more simple.
Political Power.
I reject The Old Ones, Jeff.
Join me, and cultivate a new meme that hurts them more than us.
All they do is tap into the collective unconscious. they delight in the fusion of fears, they try to echo the most disempowering emotions of the unwashed. as their world withers and they desperately try to enact their narrow final solution, collective sanity may undergo a renaissance. new bosses will try to take credit, but we'll know who the real masters are when the old bosses die. century after century, the fascist feudalists continue to discredit themselves and cling to their feeble old gods, dying more day by day.
you need to redo the link. you can get to DU but you have to remove all the ampersands(amp;) in your browsers address bar.
Done, and thanks, Digital Spy. Any idea why that happens? I've had that happened before, and I know the ampersands are not there when I originally post the link.
Gotta say that this blog is by far the best, most informative and together blog I've come upon. I'm a long-time listener and supporter of Alex Jones' work with, and have become increasingly offended by his generalizing and subtle demonization of people of African descent. I've heard him on a growing number of occasions make sweeping generalizations of black people, particularly in New Orleans, couched in veiled references of "drug people", "welfare people" and "gang members".
I am distressed to hear someone who usually has such great reports on the doings of the New World Order, use such obviously divisive and frankly ignorant language. At times he's said truly unifying statements that point out that the so-called elite hate certain groups of white people as much as they do other races on their eugenics docket. But recently, he's very quick to run with the race-baiting rumors trotted out by the racist corporate media, playing to steroetypes without investigation. Very dissapointing to say the least, but contradictions aside, and ignoring his glaring self-promotion, Alex Jones consistently has great information of significant value.
What I enjoy from the commentors here at RI, often from around the world, is the focus and high-level discourse to assist our survival. There's a universal commonality that resides here among the information and human outrage. Face it folks, there's some very vicious things looming on the horizon for ALL freedom-loving individuals. People who no longer wish to be the playthings of the elite queing up for the ride to their IllumiNazi hell.
For too long they've played us against one another -- Republicans vs Democrats, America vs the world, Christians vs Moslems, Rich vs Poor, Black vs White, etc.
What it really boils down to is the satanic self-imposed "elite" vs the public at large, whom they view as 'useless eaters' and base consumers. We have the common enemy and the fight needs to be against them in earnest. No one race has a monoploy of ne'er do wells, and they all have similar problems to surmount.
The intentional? or non-intentional disservice that Alex Jones fails to realize he's facillitating, is that it falls right into the plans of the NWO elite. The reason they've gained so-much ground in their age-old war to enslave, abuse and eradicate us, is their mastery over the use of 'Divide and Conquer'. Preying on the arrogance, insecurities and petty-minded weak individuals within the human dynamic.
The minute we truly galvanize our selves and our resources, the death knell for them will sound and shake the heavens.
Peace to the long-suffering among us, for together we'll be triumphant. We all win or we all fall, the choice is optional.
Courage and steadfastness to all!
To: Anonymous 12:41
Thanks for your well-reasoned argument against giving TPTB more power than they already have. It's easy and seductive to get carried away with sci-fi and occult lore. After all, we all want answers as to why this madness continues. It's good to stay grounded.
"Keep a human face on the criminals. Begin the campaign against them. At the very least, if any of this is true, it would force their hand and reveal just how much is fiction and how much isn't. If their Gods are real, put them into a position where they must come forth to save their servants.
Call their bluff."
Oh! How I agree!!! How many resources are those people diverting just to control public perceptions and create an atmosphere of fear and hysteria? "Shock and awe!" and those stupid names they give their actions -- remember "Operation Infinite Justice!"?
In the Middle East, they're either buying a few people in power (with mucho mucho dinero) or killing everybody else, because "Al Hurra" and the other expensive flops notwithstanding, nobody seems to believe anything they say. They're spinning their wheels, but it doesn't really matter that much. They know and we know what they're doing.
They can do that because the Middle East is inhabited by non-humans. Now, you guys have a window of opportunity: even those in the media are still somewhat shockable, especially when they're taken by surprise.
I think the image of Bush playing guitar while Americans drown or lie dying of thirst, is a wedgeable crack. He looks not only stupid, we're used to that, but evil. Not in a cosmic way, but in the most banal, selfish way that criminals are. In the same way, Condaleezza Rice reveals herself when she's buying expensive shoes in Manhattan while poor people die and the government of rich cronies doesn't do a damn thing to help.
Cheney didn't think it was worth cutting his vacation short as a major American city faced the worst catastrophe in US history?
So, as connected buddies are handed billions dollars of taxpayers' hard-earned money in no-bid contracts, who's asking about the "zero-tolerance policy" for looters?
Hmm...I wonder what old Karl Rove would have done with that...
Just a guess: HE WOULD HAVE PLASTERED THE IMAGES ALL OVER THE PLACE!!! The catchy slogans would have been playing around and around all our heads, and we just wouldn't be able to get rid of them! Sorry for the outburst, but they're giving us ammunition and shown us how to use it.
IMO, things are getting worse, fast. Soon it will all be history, and there really will be very little ANYBODY can do. The mask is slipping, which appears to mean that although it's still important for them to have a compliant, submissive population, a time is approaching when it won't matter any more.
The opportunity will have been lost, and the price will be high.
It won't be demons and ghosts, but the apparatus of a high-tech, fascist, totalitarian state that will imprison us all. An apparatus that was set up a little bit at a time, and could have been stopped with the democratic powers that Americans used to have, before they abdicated.
Jesse Ventura is just verbalizing the action that a significant portion of the elite have been, and are actively taking now - - preparing escape routes out of the USA.
This is happening, and as I posted sometime ago a number of very wealthy individuals I have contact w/in my profession are, independent of knowing each other, setting up in New Zealand where there is a good water and food source. People know what is coming, a vast majority of idiots in this country are in complete denial, and N.O. after Katrina is the face of the "New American Century" the "project" having been a big success for the Bush "family" and their privatized "intelligence" community that has served them so well - - it should all be painfully obvious, and if it isn't, it will be after this winter - - based on everything I am seeing and hearing.
The fact is that some of the nastiest "human beings" to ever walk the Earth inhabit this country and to put anything out of the realm of possibility as to what they are willing to pull would be to define the psychological term "denial". Stock up on provisions . . .
I've opften seen (read) new zealand as the 'lifeboat' - should those of us of resolce then decamp - or is this a delusion borne of the atlas - looks remote, therefore safe, and yes theres not just hills but mountains too - what of south america - is it not true that wealthy americans are buying uo lend as fast as?.......
Well said, Omega Man. The elite always play divide and conquer to get us to destroy ourselves.
And I agree in part with you, anonymous 12:41, their power is an illusion and shouldn't be fed.
But demonic forces do exist and they are playing divide and conqueor at a higher level - the elite against the rest - to destroy the human race completely, elites included.
I can almost hear them laughing because it is all a con. The demonic have no power except to deceive and that is extinguished by the Truth. But the truth is hard to see or recognise if you have little courage. So it is imperative for the dark forces to keep everyone afraid, including the elite as Anon 12:41 says. If the demonic forces had the ability themselves to destroy humananity, we would be all gone long ago. They need humans to turn on each otherto do it for them.
Can you see why Jesus was radical, anti-establishment but non-violent?
I don't wish to sound "religious" but I am talking from personal experience with evil and the demonic.
So confront people with the truth (as is happening here) and don't fall into the trap of divide and lose as Omega Man points is happening elsewhere.
Confront the "systems" (banks, cronyism, political parties) but don't get personal because it diverts attention from the ultimate enemies, Satan (for want of a better word) which is external and our own desire to exploit others (through fear or greed for our own gain) being the internal enemy.
Great blog and good company!
Ah, New Zealand. Aotearoa, Land of the Long White Cloud. Godzone ("God's Own Country"). "Middle Earth." More sheep than people. Maoris. Ugly bugs called Wetas after which Peter Jackson and Richard Taylor named their company. Spectacular scenery from tropical to alpine. Best lamb in the world. Lots of Presbyterians.
And hella hard to get into.
Not surprisingly, Kiwis are not eager for us to turn THEIR country into OUR country (kinda like the Californians did to Seattle.) There is a test on their immigration web site you can take that will tell you your desirability as an immigrant ("Come on down!" or "Bugger off!) I read about a woman who owned a B&B there and still couldn't apply for citizenship, she had to spend 6 months of each year out of the country.
I started talking about moving there in the early '90s when Americans, ever geography challenged, didn't know where it was. "Lord of the Rings" changed all that, preciousss.
You as a paheka (non Maori) might want to get started learning the culture of Aotearoa with a Haka, or dance and chant. Here is the haka for the New Zealand All Blacks football team (as in rugby, not US football):
Ka mate! Ka mate! Ka ora! Ka ora!
I die! I die! I live! I live!
Ka mate! Ka mate! Ka ora! Ka ora!
I die! I die! I live! I live!
Tenei te tangata puhuru huru
This is the hairy man
Nana nei i tiki mai
Who fetched the Sun
Whakawhiti te ra
And caused it to shine again
A upa ... ne! ka upa ... ne!
One upward step! Another upward step!
A upane kaupane whiti te ra!
An upward step, another.. the Sun shines !!!
[wh is pronounced 'f']
There are downloadable MP3s of it as well as films if you want to see it done. Once you master the choreography, it helps to be able to bug your eyes out (pukana), roll your eyes back in your head so only the whites are visible, and stick your tongue out as far as you can (whetero, for men only). Having a full body tattoo helps too. In "The Fatal Shore" Robert Hughes wrote of Captain Cook's passby in his ship "Endeavor" in 1770, "the Maoris had greeted her with hakas and showers of stones"...thus saving Godzone from the fate of Australia and Tasmania (Van Dieman's Land) as a prison colony. While not much deterrence in this age of bunker buster bombs, having seen a haka I think Captain Cook for his time made the right choice not to screw around with them. Actually all hakas were not war dances, as is the peruperu which is performed with weapons.
If you haven't seen it, "Whale Rider" is a lovely little film about a young Maori girl who doesn't understand why her blood line doesn't make her chief of her tribe as it would if she were a boy.
To: Anonymous 12:41
Thank you for your commentary.
It may be comforting psychologically to ascribe evil actions to the influence of malevolent gods or forces, but this destructively relieves all of us of our responsibility. If we cannot accept the extent to which humans are capable of evil, if we cannot stand to look at such behavior unblinkingly, then we will never be able to understand, challenge, or change it.
regarding: New Zealand
public sentiment against invading seppo's is starting in NZ. Since the invasion of US capital started, people who have lived in NZ all their lives can no longer afford to rent/buy property in their own country.
click here to see examples of the US push to screw up NZ too.
totally agree with Anonymous 12:41,
there is love and hate, caring and not caring, competance and incompetance, but evil? i dont know about that
i think bush and cheney are both psychopaths and the american dream now looks very nightmarish, but they dont float on some level above me, buoyed by blood sacrifice and protected with ancient talismens,
i could grab bush and squash his toe in a vice and he would cry and piss himself, just like anybody else,
naturally i wouldnt want to do that though,
evil for me is like a mirage in the desert, created in the minds of mankind, but absent in the real physical space around us
Digital Spy, do you live in New Zealand? Kiwis need to be afraid, very afraid, of the "Californication" of their country. I would advise them to invent a new haka for the seppos (btw I can't think of a more apt term for Americans these days than "septic"). I don't speak Maori, but how about something like this:
[Slap thighs in rhythym]
Septic tanks! Septic yanks!
Don't poison us! Don't poison us!
Keep your yuppie scum! Keep your Pottery Barn! Keep your microbrews! Keep your Starbucks lattes!
Go back! Go back!
Form your ranks! Fight yuppie yanks!
[Pukana, whetero]
Excellent words Jim, and a very nice analysis. I was going to elaborate on Satan being at the elusive core that all these cabalistic tributaries invariably lead to. As investigation into these Hell Raisers always leads to this inevitable revelation. Then I decided against it as people are still captivated by the false paradigms the self-titled elite fabricated to keep us all on the gerbil wheel. Republicans, Democrats, Communist, Far Right, Far Left, nations, borders, class, race, caste and organized religions are all contrived bullshit engineered for ultimate control. All set-up to keep us divided, disorganized and kept within the confines of their maze.
They manipulate us with lies and incessant propaganda to pit us against one another like crabs in the proverbial barrel. Let's just cleave through the morass to the one true center: It's freedom and self-determination for all towards the goal of life, liberty and the pursuit of hapiness. Versus death, parasitic enslavement, captive repression, abuse, eugenic genocide, control, and being tagged and inventoried as the elite's livestock.
It's essence is distilled to simply Freedom versus Slavery.
We surrender our power, our dignity and now our freedoms because they convinced us we really didn't have any and backed it with examples in fear and force. But what will be the line drawn in the sand for each one of us? Roadblocks? Our fellow citizens demonized and thrown in concentration camps? National ID cards? Microchip Implantation? Theft of your property under Eminent Domain? Martial Law?
We have power and they felt it when an outraged humanity refused to endorse their open evil "exercise"* as Cheney slipped up and called it. People had enough and saw clear through the spin for the first time, in a long time. First they pulled out a sickening race card to pin the calculated delay on roving hordes of black looters, rapists, snipers and marauders. When the public pressure called them on it they moved on to scapegoating the mayor... then the governor... then FEMA head Michael Brown. When the people's outrage still hadn't subsided and murmurs began for impeachment he feigned responsibility and issued a pseudo apology. On Sunday Sept. 11th, the Sunday Times of London issued the results of a poll of British citizens on the Katrina debacle. The response was: "Fully 86% of people said his handling of the crisis was “bad” or “very bad”, while 70% said he was a generally incompetent president". Futher, they added: 63% of the people thought the response to the hurricane would have been speedier and more effective if most victims had been white and middle class. With this pressure and an 38% ( I think it's lower) American approval rating, the IllumiNazi song & dance man made a PR induced & scripted appearance on TV tonight.
Bush like Clinton and every other president, prime minister and world leader is just the store manager for IllumiNazi Inc. It matters not if he is sacrificed, the plans for the world dominion and Hell on Earth will continue, even if they install someone else.
The empire and it's secret puppet-masters still achieved what it set out to do with Katrina:
Eugenic Population Reduction [check]
New Orleans Urban Re-Gentrification Project [check]
Martial Law experiment [check]
Internment Camp experiment [check]
Racial and class demonization [partial failure]
Eminent Domain land reposession [initialized]
Legal Gun Confiscation [partial failure]
Police & Military Ban of News Media Coverage [check]
Obfuscation of Body Count and Evidence Sanitization [In Progress]
Separation & Dispersal of Children & Families [check]
The Rockefellers, Rothschilds, Oppenheimers, Bronfmans and assorted other hardcore IllumiNazi cadre are toasting their success and spurring on their oath-taking minions towards a hellish finish line. Their dreams have never been this close as they impatiently plot to finish "The Great Work".
* [On September 10th 2005, Vice President Dick Cheney visited an emergency management center in Austin, Texas, and said the government was finally gaining control of the situation. "I think we are in fact on our way to getting on top of the whole Katrina exercise. We've got a lot of work ahead of us," he said.]
Fortunately for the Kiwis, NZ is still relatively tough to get into except for the most affluent. Of course, when only the most affluent are entering you are subject to only their vision of the world and we know that is not going to benefit any country they move to.
South America, specifically places like Argentina seem like good options. Rough around the edges for sure, but full of potential.
I fully agree with the views Jim brought up above. I think the biblical concept of Satan and the legions of fallen angels best explains the ongoing "mystery of iniquity" that has been at work down through the centuries. But they are far from all-powerful. The Lord rebukes them.
Their fight is a lost cause. They are only fallen angels, but the one they oppose is the Ancient of Days. The Alpha and Omega.
Read the Revelation. The time is at hand.
I could not agree more with Anon 12.41.
IMO the human species is in a state of evolving awareness.
Our awareness which distinguishes us from all but a few other animals on the planet, grew very gradually at first. It slowly gathered more momentum and in recent times it has begun to accelerate strongly.
This powerful acceleration has effectively stretched out the pack. A few are leading but most are straggling behind in the main peloton.
There is a strong analogy here to the explosion of diversified and complex life that occurred on earth after a long, long period of relative simplicity.
The acceleration in the rate of change of our awareness is paralleled by the extraordinary rates of technological change that we have witnessed in the last few thousand years versus the hundreds of thousands of years previous.
The acceleration is not uniform. Some are at the vanguard of this rolling wave but many more are at the rear. Those at the vanguard are presented with tremendous advantages over the following group. Those at the vanguard are presented with great opportunity for self enrichment and power through manipulation of the greater herd.
A rare few at the vanguard choose to use their advantage to do great things (Jesus and other great prophets for example) but most succumb to the worst of the petty desires they find in their heart.
Organised religion, the occult etc are just ideological frameworks that are used to control and manipulate the herd. The true insights of their original prophets have long ago been corrupted and subverted.
This journey we are all on is not a smooth linear line rising upward without risk. On it there are many transitory peaks and troughs, many times when we will get perilously close to the edge of the abyss, such as now.
We are all connected and none of us can run away, not even to distant New Zealand.
While very few can glimpse the bigger picture we can all recognise the difference between good and evil.
We have to use our intuition when our mind will take us no further.
Nothing is lost and nothing is irredeemable. The evil in the world comes from men and women. They can be defeated. We just have to keep trying and have faith not in god but in Good.
"Read the Revelation. The time is at hand."
This is Anonymous 12:41 speaking.
Please pay close attention to what's at hand; nothing is more important. You must learn to distinguish between the hallowed signs foretold by your John of Revelations and cheap imitations instigated by Hollow Men who seek to terrify you into following a predetermined route foretold by tea-leaves and spittle.
Are you, my co-patriots, so weak as to be undone by these deceptions?
You flood your blogs(I mean the enitire Internet, not just Jeff) like reactionary blood-clots with your greviances and achieve nothing while the Power-Mad glut themselves on your misery.
Do they follow these discussions with rotted teeth and insatiable appetites choking in laughter at your ineptidue?
You must realize that if you are manipulated into believing these are the 'End Times', you will follow behaviors that are anticipated and easily predicted. The Herd Mentality strips you of any retaliatory capabilities beyond those inspired by raw, embarassing Panic.
This makes you a pre-digested meal for charlatans and fear-mongering pimps. Why should Maitreya fog a mirror when you're so willing to do it yourselves?
Why should he decieveth all the Nations of the Earth when they are so ready and willing to decieve themselves with superstitious dread he scarecly need ivoke?
Awaken, my people..
Thou art decieved.
Satan does not yet walk amongst us, not in a literal sense; we are instead beset by cowards that hold power that WE have given to them, whether directly in our ignorance, or through plain old Apathy. Either way, the Wamphyri cannot cross your threshold without your invitation, so who's shameless enough to admit they invited Vlad to the Feast?
The people of the United States have a near-fatal affliction of Collective Acedia.
In the Dark Ages, they called it "Sloth".
For the Faithful:
[i]Sloth is the desire for ease, even at the expense of doing the known will of God. Whatever we do in life requires effort. Everything we do is to be a means of salvation. The slothful person is unwilling to do what God wants because of the effort it takes to do it. Sloth becomes a sin when it slows down and even brings to a halt the energy we must expend in using the means to salvation[/i]
For those willing to overcome it:
If you were to walk into Lucis Press and pelt these fucking cowards with rotten egg I guarantee that you will still exist tommorrow.
Your fear of "Evil" is their greatest stronghold. They commit no crimes that YOU do not permit.
I've watched 'Satanists' gasp in awe from the flicker of a candleflame when the AC kicked on during their ritual.
These people are Morons.
There's a BIG difference between the sounding of the Seven Trumpets and a bogus hollywood re-enactment. They are skilled, of course, and these memes are compelling, but you MUST persist.
You MUST root out the Cancer.
You must stare unflinching in the face of Death and the tragedy of spiritual Black Holes like Iraq and New Orleans and unremittingly REJECT THEM. They do not represent Humanity, and they do not represent the collective will of the United States population.
Don't turn away, allow this horror to pass through you. Give the sacrifices of the Dead meaning.
Most importantly, lay your hands on the HUMAN parties responsible for these outrages, and DEMAND accountability.
As said in the Bible, God helps those that help themsleves. You must realize at this point, there is NO ONE that will be doing the work that is appointed to you. As Jeff has shown amply, your children are cannon-fodder and raw meat to sate appetites that have grown bloated and sickened to unreal proportions through a LACK OF RESISTANCE by the majority. This means YOU.
YOUR voice is law, not theirs. Behold the Might of the Tyrant in his Solitude:
Head on over to the and see just how smart these assholes are, and get ready to "fasten your seatbelts".
Do you believe in the Almighty?
Fine, if so.
I don't, but there's no way I will intrude and seek to hamper your bonds to the ineffable, but for WHOEVER'S sake, these are simply HUMAN BEINGS that are motivated by FEAR and GREED. And THEY want you to believe the stakes are as high as they can get.
Perturb Karma, and pay the consequences as a cockroach.
India kows ALL about castes.
Are you not yet weary of Fear?
They have fed long enough upon it.
They have fed long enough upon ALL of us..
The Lucifer I know would have more class than to hang out with these fucking degenerates.
And Cthulhu's standards are WAY higher..
Lovecraft was demading as a author.
Shouldn't we all be?
Anonymous said...
I could not agree more with Anon 12.41.
IMO the human species is in a state of evolving awareness.
If awareness evolved, it would necessarily change into something else. Perhaps you mean expanded.
"Our awareness which distinguishes us from all but a few other animals on the planet, grew very gradually at first. It slowly gathered more momentum and in recent times it has begun to accelerate strongly."
Where's your evidence for that statement?
I'm a big fan of Chuang Tzu. He was a Chinese Taoist philosopher circa 300 or 400BC. He was waaaay smarter than anyone I have ever met or heard. What about the wisdom of Proverbs, never mind the Gospels? Before those times? Well, we don't know do we?
The rise in technology is simply the product of numbers i.e. manhours devoted to it and the fact that they are cumulative. It's simple arrogance to think we each here could go out and invent the next jet engine yet as individuals in this culture we strut around as if we can. i.e. throw a handful of people on a desert island without resources and within a generation they will have constructed Manhattan complete with an IT infrastructure and a space program!
No, I don't see any evidence for human nature evolving. It's tempting to say it's DEvoling but that's not true either.
"There's nothing new under the sun" said a wise and world weary king from antiquity.
The big trap that I see in this "evolving awareness" stuff is that the answers will appear to be ahead of us, ghostlike, in the future when in fact they are in the past and plain to see.
One more thing, Jeff, from 12:41..
May your newborn be as unburdened of fear as we stand afflicted by the same today..
I wish you and your progeny well.
An Honest Athiest's Wishes..
Dear Jim,
Specialists on Chinese religion and thought find it useful to distinguish, initially at least, between the Taoist religion on the one hand and philosophical Taoism on the other. They agree in dating the formal beginning of the Taoist religion to the establishment of the Celestial Master Sect c. A.D. 150 by a man named Chang Taoling: philosophical Taoism is best represented for us in the thought of two texts written in early China, one called the Chuang-tzu which preserves the ideas of the philosopher Chuang Chou (fl,350-320 B.C.), the other an anonymous product known as the Lao-tzu (which means “the Old Master” or “Old Philosopher”) or the Tao-te ching (The book of the Way and Its Power).
Jim, it strikes me as VERY ODD that you are not aware that Chuang-tzu is not actually a person.
You have obviously never given these writings any serious study.
Yet you seem happy to proclaim it the pinnacle of human evolution.
Personally I think the Book Of Change is a more important work.
Jim I am sorry to inform you that you are a pompous ill-informed know-it-all who is talking out his arse.
Alice said... 5:33 PM
"I think the image of Bush playing guitar while Americans drown or lie dying of thirst, is a wedgeable crack."
or how about this, that occured to me last night when i heard about the prayer vigil in D.C.,
unless it's escaped my awareness, was there ever an official declaration of a national day of mourning?, or was shrub' to busy spinin' his bull; never mind a day, pray tell where was the call for a WHOLE WEEK OF NATIONAL MOURNING, in view of the horrendousnous that happened upon such a vast region and peoples.
Where was such a call for Christ sakes, instead of just this one day prayer vigil or whatever it was called.
There's some good stuff I would like to second, and some stuff I'd like to take issue to, but frankly, I don't have the time to sort out all these "Anonymouses." I just don't get how someone can't just pick a screen name like everybody else on the g.d. internet--I've been on boards talking to people for years I never knew by anything but some weird pseudonym but at least I knew which was which.
At any rate, I used to joke that St. John had been doing LSD, but if I was forced to say what I truly believe about the Book of Revelation, I would say that I believe John had a psychic vision, a premonition, of global chaos on a grand scale, and he interpreted it within his own religious framework and in the images of his own time...if you were on Patmos at the end of the first century AD and had seen a vision of tanks and airplanes you would have spoken of monsters and demons and angels.
I also would have to say that I do believe in spiritual (noncorporeal) entities that are good and that are evil; I don't know if they are what we call the 'souls' of the dead, or what we call angels/demons/gods, or both. I know I have seen a ghost of someone I knew in life, and I know I have been physically attacked by what for lack of having had it give me it's name I call a demon. I also have seen human faces that suddenly reveal an expression that I can only call demonic, for lack of better vocabulary. Those who have seen that look whether they are primitive shamans or priests or just some ordinary person know what it is. How can I tell someone who has never tasted it what a pomegranate is like to eat? But if you've eaten one and I say 'pomegranate' the memory of the taste and texture comes to you, it is unmistakable.
I don't know if one of these beings is literally the one called Satan and if he his the top dawg, if there is some hierarchy of them. I do know I find it easier to believe in Satan than in God, who if He exists told massive lies about himself (cares for every sparrow? is a loving father who if you ask for bread will not give you a stone? Jiminy Jesus Christmas, that is FANTASY!) and has not got the power to vanquish evil--at best it is a battle of equals which, at present and probably through most of human history, evil is winning.
In short I pretty much agree with Vanya Karamazov about a lot of things and think that old Fyodor copped out by making him go mad and end his book with that smarmy Alyosha and his kiddie pals.
I do believe that even though we may not be able to find for sure, or agree, on the exact composition of the enemy team, we know enough to say, as one of the Anonymi did, that it is Freedom (and all that goes with it) versus Slavery (and all that goes with it) and that if we don't fight with all we have for the former we will end up in the latter.
I also know, deep down, that it is no answer in the long run to escape to New Zealand or any other refuge. What happens when that is overrun? Hop on a raft like Heyerdahl and recreate the Pacific migrations?
However, I also believe we have to pick the hill we want to die on. I do not and have not for my entire adult life (at least since RFK hit that pantry floor mortally wounded) been proud to be an American or agreed with most of this country's foreign or domestic policy. Yes, I know there are Good People here. There are everywhere. But even most of the Good People do not believe what I believe. I am not a liberal or a Democrat. I don't see those paths as answers. I'm not a neo-con either, or a Commie. I'm an anarchist and that only works in small groups of people who are willing to take full responsibility for the social framework they live in. I know that both right and mainstream left have always agreed that exterminating the anarchists was a great idea. So like Treebeard in "Lord of the Rings" I'm not fully on anybody's side because no one is on mine. All I can do is look for somewhere with people I feel solidarity for, not alienation, and then fight the good fight where we "clamor like champions" as St. Thomas More says in "A Man for All Seasons."
As Gandalf says in "Lord of the Rings" if you sit out the battle of Evil and Not Quite So Evil, whichever wins emerges free from doubt. Right now, I feel America as a nation, in its effects on the rest of the world and in the way its society is structured (corporatism, media, twisted religions) is Evil. As Hugo Chavez said at the UN, we are a terrorist state. There is no effective opposition party (the Dems are going to roll over and let Roberts in, saving their energy for the next nominee haha they'll cave again they always do.) The people around me with heartbreakingly few exceptions shrugged off the nightmare reality of Katrina and went back into their self absorbed coccoons as fast as they could. I would choke to tell anyone in or from any other country "I am an American" on September 15, 2005.
So yes, I will resist Evil which I have no trouble discerning even when disguised as an "angel of light", I will fight it with all I have, but I will also choose my battles, choose those I fight beside beside as allies, and choose the hill I die on.
To Omega Man:
Alex Jones is a dis-info agent and paid no doubt. His job is to include some truth to make himself look credible and then rant away like a madman discrediting, for instance, the 9/11 truth movement.
A number of times I have wanted to show people an AJ link only to think better of it after thinking I would look like a madman for supporting him. This way the truth is tainted with aliens, prison states, etc and no-one knows what to think. This is why he appears so well funded too - It ain;t from DVD sales.
Once he had a guest talk about the murder of Dr David Kelly (lawyer called Michael Shrimpton, very credible) and then proceeded to talk and rant through all the most important things the guest was saying. The end result was something that sounded like Looney Radio and the truth of what was being said was tainted with it.
So, don't take him too seriously - they want to paralyse you with fear about the police state and make alternative thinkers look silly. It's crap.
Anonymous (6:58) said...
" Dear Jim,
Specialists on Chinese religion and thought find it useful to distinguish, initially at least, between the Taoist religion on the one hand and philosophical Taoism on the other. They agree in dating the formal beginning of the Taoist religion to the establishment of the Celestial Master Sect c. A.D. 150 by a man named Chang Taoling:"
What has all that got to do with the price of tea in China?
"philosophical Taoism is best represented for us in the thought of two texts written in early China, one called the Chuang-tzu which preserves the ideas of the philosopher Chuang Chou (fl,350-320 B.C.),"
That is, of course, Chaung Tzu himself.
"the other an anonymous product known as the Lao-tzu (which means “the Old Master” or “Old Philosopher”) or the Tao-te ching (The book of the Way and Its Power)."
Thank you
"Jim, it strikes me as VERY ODD that you are not aware that Chuang-tzu is not actually a person."
You have it backwards: the debate is over whether Lao Tzu existed not Chuang Tzu.
"You have obviously never given these writings any serious study.
Yet you seem happy to proclaim it the pinnacle of human evolution."
Read it again. I was challenging the idea of "evolving awareness"
"Personally I think the Book Of Change is a more important work."
I may even agree with you. But I would not argue the point as I don't think it is relevent and I do not consider myself a scholar on the matter, merely a student. Do you consider yourself a scholar on this topic?
"Jim I am sorry to inform you that you are a pompous ill-informed know-it-all who is talking out his arse."
I notice you did not address any of my arguements but, rather, stated irrelevent "facts" and then proceeded to be personally insulting. That's the behaviour of trolls.
Hiya Jeff and all readers.
I thought I would post here a link that I have found most interesting.
This site is about considering what is wrong with the way most people perceive the world and the neurological and cultural basis for this distortion. I have spent two nights reading this stuff and I keep recognizing things I have felt myself. About most humans being in a sleep-like state caused by boredom, causing most higher functions of our thinking to be turned off for most of our lives. Originally this mechanism has evolved to let us tolerate boring situations when we absolutely have to, making us stay calm in these situations. But because this is triggered by ritual behaviour and enforced by ritual and boredom, we are trapped in this state. Please do read if you havent heard of this before, and tell me what you think.
Serendipity! I watched the Masked & Anonymous movie last night, on Pay TV! Someone on another blog also compared New Orleans to Samuel Delaney's "Dhalgren" and, combined with the Dylan movie, the similarities gob-smacked me! Am feeling the noose tightening here in Oz. An American peace activist has just been deported from Melbourne, for 'unknown' reasons. See link below...they are coming for us.
Where did I put that fukn Luger?
Human nature may not actually be evolving (though the point is arguable), but human awareness certainly is.
By human awareness, I mean that collective virtual reality we as a community carry around in our heads -- the conceptual (as opposed to physical) reality in which we all live and act.
It is the possession of that collective virtual reality that makes us human. (Though I suspect apes and dolphins also possess one of their own, it is clearly far less eleborate and thus less malleable.)
It is the ability to manipulate physical reality through manipulating virtual reality that makes us humans, all of us, magicians. That is, I think, what being human really means.
And that collective virtual reality is constantly getting larger and more elaborate and full of more possibilities for creative magic-making.
Just 500 years ago, our conceptual reality consisted of a single planet surrounded by a bunch of crystalline spheres, all of it with an existence of less than 6000 years.
By 100 years ago, it had expanded to a vast number of stars, some of them possibly having planets with inhabitants of their own, and a history of some millions of years.
It was only about 80 years ago that we started thinking of the universe not in terms of stars but of galaxies, not in millions of years but of billions, and not of worlds like our own but of inconceivable strangeness.
It's no wonder that Lovecraft freaked out, poor fellow. Not many people in the 1920's were able to take all of that in, and even fewer were able to recognize its implications. The move from a small, womblike universe tended by nurturing parental figures to what Lovecraft called the "terrifying vistas of reality, and of our frightful position therein" was a particularly hard one to handle.
Not all of us have managed the transition yet, which is why we continue to have all these silly arguments over evolution. It's *hard* to be told you're not the center of creation when you've thought for all these tens of thousands of years that you were.
But ah, the possibilities when we finally settle in. The things we will be able to do that we could never do in our old, cramped mental quarters.
And that is what I take to be the meaning of evolving awareness.
Mr. Au,
I am just beginning to read the site you gave the link to, and all I can say is, this is an amazing instance of synchronicity.
I have for some time felt like I was living among the pod people in the original "Body Snatchers." All my life in a way, but it's gotten worse and worse. Today I had a conversation with a guy who is theoretically 'smart', but it was like talking to someone who cannot see anything that is IMPORTANT, can't make connections, and I suddenly started thinking that the way our society is is creating a sort of acquired or faux autism that is derived from being so afraid to take an honest look at what is going on in society that even intelligent people dumb themselves down. (I have a friend whose son is autistic, I do not mean to suggest in any way that autism is voluntary, by the way.)
SO I was quite stunned to see the term 'acquired autism' on this web page!
Just from reading a little bit, I began to remember how I as a child with a genius IQ coped with the boredom of school. I didn't do it consciously, but I created a 'social persona' who looked diligent and interested in school and 'tracked' so that if called on would not seem to be daydreaming, but in fact that was what I was doing, creating stories in my head, thinking about the things that really interested me, planning for when I was old enough to have a life of my own that was not in my boring Midwestern suburban town at a boring Catholic school.
This became totally automatic and I didn't really know how sophisticated a defense it was, not simply daydreaming but creating a 'placeholder' persona to protect me while I was extremely creative in my head (and as soon as I got home I would draw, write, organize my friends into plays, write my own neighborhood newspaper...I was just a little dynamo of creativity in my own life, and the 'placeholder' got A's so that I did not bring down any disapprobation on myself.
One nun in 9th grade called me to stay after class and asked if I was all right, that I was a good student but didn't seem to actually 'be there.' Dear Sr. Benedict! You were so right. I wish I had been able to articulate to you what was going on with me. In college a professor said something similar. Otherwise no one ever noticed. In fact in law school one of my professors, whom I later became personal friends with, told me he addressed his lectures in our Jurisprudence class to me because he could see from my face that I was the only one who was really 'getting' what he was saying. Actually, he was looking at the 'placeholder's' mask of interest. I found that class virtually incomprehensible (the prof had both a JD and Ph.D. from Yale and was a brilliant guy; the 'placeholder' got an A in the course, the real me, the creative person, didn't understand it or care to.)
I did the same on jobs that did not engage me, to the point where in my last months in law, when I was desperately unhappy, I think I actually created a multiple personality-type situation in which there was someone who went to work and was a stellar associate but later on I could not remember most of the names of the people I worked with. For years a lawyer used to kid me that I had quit owing him a memo on a tax matter, I thought it was just his odd way of teasing, each time we met saying "Hey where's that memo?" Later I realized, someone probably did promise him a memo. But "I" didn't. The real me was working on a novel.
I guess some people ultimately are able to actualize their real self with creative work to the point that they no longer need an 'adjusted persona.' I, due to a working class upbringing that guilted me into believing that putting creative work first was not only impractical financially but almost immoral--enjoy work that is stimulating and fun? When your father and I worked all those years at horrible jobs blahblahblah....
Ultimately the creative me is not dead but I have had problems not only with depression which cut my creative abilities but also spent 8 years with CFIDS (which is mentioned on the web page as a kind of mourning response of the 'immune' type), had cancer, etc. I've been so focused on simple survival--the boring repetitive tasks--that it was hard even though I knew what was happening to me to turn it around.
Thank you so much for pointing me to this site! It's a wider context that makes intuitive sense to me. I have indeed 'folded my wings' as in the Gibran quote the author gives...perilously close to the death of my spirit.
By the way, as I'm writing this I turned on the TV to find two guys on Jay Leno in underwear covering themselves in leeches, followed by a commercial for a supposed COMEDY called "Corpse Bride" followed by a commercial of a car going off a ski jump.
Seriously, how can an intelligent sensitive person not be soul-sick in this society where this is what people fill their minds with? Makes me want to shoot my frickin' television set.
Dear Cassie-elvis,
What you are descibing is Dissociation. Google it along with Dissociative Identity Disorder. That you are creative and intelligent fits. These sort of people are adept at using it. That you cannot remember things you have done doesn't fit with your intelligence unless you had a need to forget. Perhaps your boring Midwestern towm and/or Catholic schooling wasn't quite so boring at all. What you are saying is familiar to me.
Regards, Jim
I am thinking new strain of troll.
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Hi Jim, yes, I know that I dissociate easily, and I was molested by a great uncle when I was small, as he probably did my mother and aunt when they were small from what I can piece together (my aunt committed suicide). If you want to get into some creepy stuff...many years after he died when I was doing the family history in the early 1990s, not having any idea where he was buried, I stumbled on records showing he was in an Odd Fellows Cemetery. I didn't think anything of it because I had no idea what Odd Fellows were, other than wondering why a group would pick such a weird name. I also didn't register the funny-looking gold pin that was among jewelry he sent my mother after his wife died. Only just a few years ago when I took it all in to a jeweler friend for valuation did he tell me it was a Masonic emblem. Then some time after that, a friend who was into NWO stuff, when I mentioned "Uncle" apparently being a Mason and asked her if she ever heard of Odd Fellows--well, she started telling me about baby skeletons found in old Odd Fellows halls and at the time it just sounded wacky. Then one day I drove by a very old stone building in a nearby town and and saw over the front door that it had been an Odd Fellows Hall, and the feeling I got was very...odd. I remembered being told that when I was a toddler, after my father died, and "Uncle" and "Aunt" came to live with us, he was always taking me places and spending lots of time with me, how I was his favorite of his grandnieces/nephews. I started wondering exactly where he took me. Other weird things too numerous to mention here, but notable was when I was 20 and took my first solo vacation to the SF Bay Area where he lived, my mother made me promise not to go anywhere with him! She was really agitated, said he had always been a bad driver and now he was old and it would be dangerous. But he WAS old, 85, so I accepted it at face value, even though her agitation was strange and uncharacteristic of her--usually she was pretty matter of fact, would have just said "Meet him in a public place, he probably shouldn't be driving" and dropped it instead of being very shaken and imploring I make her a promise. Of course at the time I was amnesic about the abuse let alone suspecting that my mother could be an abuse survivor too.
I have never had any memories of any kind of ritual abuse and have never been able to find anything online linking the Odd Fellows to possible murders. If you know anything about this stuff, Jim, and feel comfortable sharing it I would be interested. Thanks for your post.
As long as I can smoke weed, drink beer and eat pizza, George bush and his dad can invade any country they wants to and I'll vote for'em...
oh, and watch football too....
now if any of these wars intefer with any of the above, then I'll be pissed...otherwise Hail to the Chiefs!!!!
From Jeff's article above...
"The voice of a radio preacher serves as a chorus, and near the end says
"God has turned his back on this nation.... All of humankind is a slave race and was meant to be from the beginning. Will man destroy the earth to move on? Is that his destiny? We'll wait to find out. What nourishes gods? The smell of fear. The gods get fat on fear. These gods left before the Bible was written...."
And isn't that what this feels like? That the ancient gods are back, and their priests are in the high places."
Why involve the the ancient gods just because the USA is turning fascist?
It is only a measly sixty years since the (last) Hitler was alive.
And so now the next unchallenged young bully on the block, America, has turned into the grown-up nutter with the big gun collection.
Your average American today looks remarkably like your Average German circa 1930's, what a shocker.
Why bring the ancient gods into it? Is it America’s deep unwillingness to accept that this could happen in America without the devils intervention? Because Americans themselves, alone could never be to blame?
And if we accept the intervention of ancient gods now, does this mean that Germany is off the hook for the Holocaust, because the they were at work there as well.
Has the whole of human history been similarly orchestrated? Do the ancient gods screw over the lives of dolphins? Were they playing chess in the lives of the dinosaurs?
What are these criteria that dictate that our petty human acts of sordid violence are worthy of such attention and merit?
Do we spend our lives plotting and planning the lives of spider-monkeys? We have bigger interests, we are not concerned with the social triumphs and failures of dumber animals.
All this new shit is just the same old shit. Very human, very ordinary. and very ugly.
I have cited this post in my Weekly BlogScan on, this week titled "Lost Orleans". To view your citation, or comment on the post, please join together the following two lines to make a complete URL:
Hi Cassandra,
You might want to contact your friend with the Oddfellow info again and ask where it came from. And, of course, your mother but that could open a can of worms you may wish you left closed. Think and pray about that one first, is my suggestion.
My history is satanic ritual abuse at the hands of catholic priests in Australia; a long way from you. But the indications are they had international connections.
Google "Greenbaum Speech" and see if it "rings any bells".
"That the ancient gods are back, and their priests are in the high places... isn't that what this feels like?"
By saying 'feels like' the question is left open - are the 'ancient gods' a reality? Or is belief in the ancient gods the significant point - believers in a god of blood and thunder are more likely to be dangerous people than believers in a god of love.
The problem with the Nazis wasn't that they believed the earth was hollow, it was the humanitarian atrocities they comitted. But their conduct may have been different if their beliefs had been different.
"These gods left before the Bible was written..."
It is difficult (always) to put current events in historical perspective. And studies of religion often overlook the historical aspect - a particular teaching for a specific people in a specific time and place is regarded as having been intended to present final answers valid for all time to all people.
The Old and New Testaments can be regarded as different ages of religion. The OT is the religion of man-gods and kings as divine incarnations, with events taking place on the 'large scale' with wars between competing powers and little concern for the common individual. The NT is the religion of individual salvation for all, in common with Buddhism and Islam.
In the present time there are many declaring both The End Of The World and also The Beginning Of A New Age. Historically, the OT era ended when the NT era began. Perhaps the NT era is ending now.
If the OT represents the "age of obedience" and the NT represents the "age of belief", the modern world requires, or demands, an age of understanding. Authoritarianism, in all its guises, is an impediment to, and used as an alternative to, understanding.
Unfortunately, this makes it attractive to a lot of people - its subjects as well as its progenitors. Authoritarianism removes doubt, and doubt can be a source of fear. People who feel challenged by change will often regress to a previous state rather than accept the new. So the transition into a new era could at times seem like a return to older social forms and values.
What is human evolution? To me, it makes more sense to think of the evolution of the individual than the evolution of the species, at least at the present stage of humanity. A possible scientific basis is the glandular system - the body 'evolves' to adulthood when the 'sex glands',testes or ovaries, become active. The brain contains the pineal gland, roughly the size of an eye, and located where mystics of all ages have described as the location of the 'third eye'. Perhaps the evolved human being is one in whom the pineal gland has been 'activated', and he/she differs from other people in the same way as there is a difference between the pre-pubescent child and the adult state (little is understood about the function of the pineal gland, except that it is a large part of the brain which doesn't seem to do very much). If human evolution is evolution of the mind, I don't know if we've reached the point yet where it can be regarded as a collective process.
"we've come to this almost inconceivable moment when dogs pick at uncollected corpses in the streets of a murdered American city"
The old world is dying, and it's putting up a fight. The case for optimism is that it can only end in failure. The case for 'being afraid' is that the Old World Order can do a lot more damage before it's finished.
The human suffering, as always, is the tragedy, not to be forgotten.
The person who told me about the Odd Fellows is an SRA survivor, her father's family was part of a multigenerational cult and several of her brothers still are members.
Unfortunately at this point my mother IS a can of worms, she died in 1985. She was an alcoholic and Cleopatra Queen of DeNial, had I even mentioned incest to her, let alone SRA, she'd told me "you read too much."
I will read the Greenbaum speech and get back to you. I'm feeling too upset at the moment to process it.
Thanks again, Jim.
I'm sorry about your mother, cassandra.
Take you time and treat yourself well.
I have emailed Jeff and asked him to give you my address if and when you want it.
Take care, Jim
Jim and Cassandra,
Let me be the first to extend my sorrow and anger at what you both have gone through. Thank you for your bravery and please remember that you were never and in no way responsible for the actions of some thoroughly depraved and most certainly damned bastards. I hope you find the comfort and solace in the virtual community here at RI. Allow me to formally welcome you both into arms of this humble sanctuary.
Here's to the day when predators become prey.
Here's to the day when such predatory mental/emotional/physical negative formations are eradicated--erased--overwhelmed permanently in whatever form of (call it what you will) Omega wave event might neutralize or, better, transform & heal them.
May all hungry ghosts find peace in sufficiency; may we feed each other with our long spoons...
"It's far more manageable to see TPTB as a handful of gout-ridden, crotchety bastards that gained the upper hand through devious, but still human and therefore COUNTERABLE evil."
Damned straight! Ditto! (and I mean that in the best way...)
"...evil for me is like a mirage in the desert, created in the minds of mankind, but absent in the real physical space around us."
Yep, yep, yep, yep...
Thanks, everyone, especially Jim.
I did read the Greenbaum speech and it related much that my friend who survived the multigenerational cult had described as her own experience.
Back when she first told me her belief about the cult's links to the NWO she described a program by which bright children, particularly those of military and government officials, were chosen for the "conditioning" aka torture. (She didn't believe the real purpose of the cult was Satan worship per se, but political power, and Satanism was the trappings.) Her own father was high up in state government in MA. I had another friend whom I came to believe was a still-amnesic SRA survivor whose father was also a high official in state government in PA.
My family had no such connections other than my uncle having been a GI in WWII, but I was chosen to be the first kid to ever 'skip' a grade in my parochial school after I tested out with a genius IQ in third grade. I have no conscious memory of anything like the programs my friend described. There WAS something which in retrospect seems even stranger than it did at the time about my childhood, though. At about age 7 or so, I came up with the idea that I was actually a superhero like Supergirl but that I didn't remember my secret life...that I would go out and fight crime but, unlike Superman with his conscious secret identity, mine was secret even from me. I happened to have a blue leotard and tights for dancing school that was the exact color of Supergirl's outfit (minus cape and insignia, which I figured I probably hid from myself somewhere.) At this same time I ended up several times in the hospital for "bladder infections" (which actually had started when I was a toddler and "Uncle" lived with us) for which I was diagnosed with a 'urethral stricture'--something some urologists have posited was because the 1950s couldn't cope with the idea of molestation so girls with injuries 'down there' got that diagnosis instead.)
On the other hand, I have had therapists suggest that the whole dissociation issue STARTED with genuine medical problems which were painful and traumatizing. When I was around 40 I sent for my childhood medical records and for the last dozen years have played a game by which I find them, read them, then lose them for months or years and forget what was on them. At the moment I do know where they are, that they never showed any sign of an actual infection, and that on one ER visit when I was 4 and "Uncle" was 3000 miles away, the doctor wrote that there was a 'psychological' component to my urinary retention. There is also an XRay report in which "normal" is crossed out and an abnormality added.
Ironically, I worked for that radiologist 20 years later, when I still had no clue about the abuse, and by the time I did get his report he had died. Not that I could have expected him to remember one Xray from decades before, why he first said it was normal anatomy and then changed his opinion.
Anyway, I have no evidence for SRA in my case BUT my mother never got tired of telling people how in the final section of "Fantasia"--the 'Night on Bald Mountain' sequence with the flying demons--I, then 4, leapt out of my seat at the movies and hid under the seat wailing. Each time I've seen that segment as an adult, I would gladly do the same; it terrifies me and I am not a skittish adult nor was I an easily frightened child. Gotta wonder about Uncle Walt that he came up with something like that in a film kids would see.
Dear cassie-elvis,
I am happy that you have found the link I posted interesting. I myself believe in complex synchronicity also ;) I also have often been pointed to things I needed to know in mysterious ways...
I can recognize your experience of the alternate persona..I think I could easily have gone the same way. I never had to go to any trouble with school, I never did my homework or paid any attention to schoolwork when not there and still managed to get good grades. In addition to being "weird" I was oberweight as a child, and this led to me being bullied at school constantly.
At times I was terrified of going to school. When I was 12, I even got sick from this bullying. I had temperature for weeks, and the doctors couldnt find anything wrong with me. But in the end my response was more anger than sorrow, I always felt that the kids bullying me got it all wrong, and couple of times even went as far as to punch someone :/ I never let go of my own view of the world, never stopped walking my own path, even though I have strayed many times and often the way is unclear.
I get a feeling from yout story, you having studied to become a lawyer..I feel that you have split because you have felt the need to fulfill the expecations of others, maybe not recognizing clearly you were being pushed, to become a lawyer, one of the most ritualized, rule bound professions.
In reality your natural tendencies are quite the opposite, and this has been like violence toward your real self. You are responsible for your life and dreams only to yourself. You dont have to fulfill expectations of others, you have only this one life to experience the magic of existence..
Can you reconcile your two parts, see that they are one, let the magician and the lawyer look each other in the eyes, smile, see the reflection that is you?
You are not sick, nor is anything ever lost. Each moment is there as a new beginning, a chance to see your shadow, meet your enemy and have him recognize you as his long lost brother..
If you have any more thoughts in this subject, and considering Reciprocality, I'd appreaciate email and your thoughts very much ;)
Yours, Mr. Auer
And thanks to Jeff and readers for a great forum. My fellow human beings.
I'd like to add my thanks to Jeff and everybody who commented. Your kind words were a much needed lift for me this morning.
Re: putting the parasites on the offensive...
You all really, really need to check out orgonite, a simple substance anybody can make that seems to transmute negative energy into positive energy in ways you can really notice. This repels or reforms predatory entities of all kinds, but seek your own confirmation of its effectiveness. Hell, Bbry them in the four corners of every Masonic lodge you can find!
Check the forums linked to from that site, too -- people are forming online psychic chat circles for heart-chakra predator blasting sessions and it's working!
Be prepared for higher strangeness down that rabbit hole, but it's a wonderful, hopeful kind of strange. :-)
Jeff, thanks for being right on the money. Please give consideration to the solutions presented by orgonite and related activities, and be careful not to perpetuate too much fear-mongering.
Thanks for mentioning orgonite. I have just started experimenting with it and I'm seeing some amazing results. I haven't really accomplished the blasting others aspect of it but it is making a big difference in my house and my friend's houses. Thanks for making this information available. Also really finding the reciprocality information interesting. This site is crucial for my welfare and the welfare of those lives I touch.
Nuwun sewu kula bade nderek promosiuntukandayangterkenapenyakitkulitsepertikadasataukudiskinitelahhadirobat herbaldaride natureyangsudahterbuktikhasiatnyamantab!!!!!!!!
Bismillahhirrohmaanirrokhim.... ********************
thank you for information very good and I am very impressed Glucoberry
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