If you go out in the woods

Your father's gone a-hunting
He's deep in the forest so wild
And he cannot take his wife with him
He cannot take his child - Leonard Cohen
Near Cisco Grove, California on the night of September 5, 1964 Donald Schrum, a 27-year old employee of a local missile production plant became separated from his two bow-and-arrow hunting companions. As dusk approached he took shelter in a tree, lashing himself to a branch with his belt. After settling in, Schrum - identified only as "Mr S" in the files of the US Air Force's Project Blue Book - saw three objects in the darkening sky, a rotating and protruding light afixed to each that emitted "cooing" noises. Mr S thought they were rescue helicopters, searching for him, so he climbed down the tree and set signal fires. It was then, he realized they were not helicopters.
They were three somethings, [I can find no description of the appearance, other than "strange looking" and "different than anything he'd seen before"], shining beams of bright white lights, and they were circling his location. As he watched them descend, from beneath two of them, two smaller objects were delivered to the ground. Soon after he lost sight of them, he heard a loud crashing in the underbrush, and frightened, climbed to the lower branches of a tall pine tree.
Dr J Allen Hynek picks up the story, in The Hynek UFO Report:
He thereupon witnessed two humanlike individuals approaching his signal fires. They were garbed in silbery collarless suits, had unusual protruding eyes, and communicated to one another via an unintelligible cooing noise. According to Mr S., they were trying to dislodge him from his tree position when a third "alien," described by Mr S. as a "robot," appeared on the scene. Mr S. fired some arrows at the "robot" but failed to distract or divert any of the strange individuals. [Another account reports that when he finally hit the robot, "there was an arc flash and the robot was knocked backwards."] Then he tried lighting parts of his clothing on fire and throwing it at them to frighten them away. The individuals had violent reactions, and at the same time their craft began to ascend upwards, emitting a vapor which caused him to black out.
Schrum regained consciousness in the early dawn, found his companions and told them what had happened. Later, he told his father-in-law, who persuaded him to talk to authorities. Hynek mentions that the Air Force report notes "Mr S" appeared "stable and consistent in telling his story," though it explained the alleged sighting as "psychological." The Air Force kept the tape of Schrum's narrative, as well as one of the arrows he had fired at the robot.
Hynek adds:
The story of a bow-and-arrow hunter, held at bay high in a tree, setting flame to parts of his clothing and tossing them down onto the heads of his assailants until he was half-naked, passing out because of strange fumes emitted by "aliens," is certainly hard to believe, unless one considers it within the framework of the whole parade of stories similar to it.
It's a story that belongs to traditional folklore: the hunter who wanders off into strange woods and experiences enchantment. To our degraded understanding, enchantment sounds cute and quaint and precious, when it can be as frightening as a fairy tale.
Hynek's book was published in 1977 and I read his account of the Schrum case for the first time last Thursday, and what it most recalled for me was the "chupa" flap of the early 1980s, centered upon the small, remote town of Parnarama in northern Brazil. Jacques Vallee researched the cases, travelling to Parnarama to interview witnesses and survivors (at least five people were said to have died from close encounters), and the results were published in his 1990 book Confrontations.
(By the way, last Spring, Jeremy of Fantastic Planet wrote a terrific piece entitled Ultradimensional Terror and You which used the chupas as a springboard into an exploration of the Twin Peaks mythology as a "ready-made semiotic set within which to discuss the possibility of ultradimensional entities invading our 'Reality' and essentially having their way with us.")
Vallee writes that the chupas were usually described as small "boxlike UFOs equipped with powerful light beams" which flew over "the wooded areas and the river valleys at night. All of the victims in Parnarama were deer hunters who had climbed into trees during the night, as is frequently the case in that part of Brazil." Unless someone in Parnarama had gotten hold of The Hynek UFO Report, and the people conspired to punk Vallee and others, I find that an interesting fact.
In most cases, the chupas flew above the treetops and shone their beams toward the earth. They were said to make a humming sound, "like a refrigerator or a transformer," and did not appear large enough to contain a human pilot.
From Confrontations:
The hunting technique used in the region is unique: the hunters climb ten to fifteen feet into the trees, then spend the night in a hammock waiting for deer or other game. They take a flashlight with them to spot the animals.
A theory among local people is that the chupas are attracted by the flashlights, come over the hammocks, and strike the victims with their concentrated beam. However, I found little consistency in the descriptions of the beam itself. One witness compared it to an electric arc. On an interview tape another witness said he remembered a "bad smell" like an electrical odor (ozone)? and saw a blinding light, with pulsating colors inside....
Several people reported being exposed to the chupas in late 1982 as they were lying in their tree hammocks.... They had lost their previous vitality. A 43-year old man who "used to be afraid of nothing" now lives in constant fear. He is "scared of things that are not part of my experience."
After being struck by a chupa beam, victim Dionizio General "came rolling down the hill. For the following three days he was insane with teror; then he died." Another, Abel Boro, screamed as the light engulfed him. A friend ran to the Boro house to get his family, but Abel was dead, his body white, by the time they arrived. (It might be presumed that the isolated locals would leap to the explanation that chupas were spirits of the woods, but Vallee notes a local rumour that chupas were "American prototypes" stealing their blood.)
What are some points of congruity between the Schrum incident and the "chupas," and what might they suggest?
- The victims were hunters who bedded down in tall trees
- Schrum's UFOs and the chupas behaved as though drawn by fire and flashlight
- They emitted strong beams of light and similar sounds (a "cooing" and a "humming")
- Their actions appear intended to terrorize, even to death
- The extraterrestrial hypothesis again offers the least satisfying explanation
One more hunter's story, this from Patrick Harpur's Daimonic Reality.
Carl Higdon, a 40-year old mechanic, was hunting elk in Wyoming's Medicine Bow National Park on October 25, 1974, when he decided to try a part of the woods little explored by hunters. Higdon came upon a group of five elk, and put his gun to his shoulder and fired.
Harpur writes:
Something strange happened. The sound of the shot was curiously muffled and the bullet seemed to travel so slowly that Carl was able to watch it in flight. It fell to earth some 15 to 20 meters in front of him. It was completely crushed. Amazed, Carl picked up the bullet and put it in his pocket. Then, turning at the sound of a branch cracking, he saw a very tall man standing about 20 meters away in the shade of a birch. This man, or whatever he was, had yellow skin, bristling straw-colored hair, and was wearing a black costume.
He approached Carl and said, surprisingly, "How you doin'?" - to which Carl replied: "Pretty good." "Are you hungry" asked the stranger. "Yeah. A little," said Carl. The man tossed him a package containing four pills, telling him to take one, which would last him for four days. Carl did take one, whereupon the man asked if Carl would like to go with him. "I guess," said Carl, and for the first time he saw a transparent illuminated "cubicle."
Carl embarked, noticing two other figures clad in black and five elk in a cage. They travelled to what the stranger called his "planet," but Carl was not allowed to leave the vehicle. Returning to the forest, Carl was dropped out of the cubicle onto rocky ground, near an unknown cow trail. He followed it, and came to a truck stuck in the mud, and used its CB radio to call for help. It turned out to be his own pick-up, which he had not recognized. When police arrived they found him "distraught, red-eyed, tearful, and (like the medieval near-death visionary, Alberic, who could not remember his mother) unable even to recognize his wife, who had come with them. He could only repeat the story of the pills and the men in black."
A wild tale, and like all such tales, impossible to verify. Yet his bullet was in his pocket where he'd placed it, folded like a glove. And to ask But was it real? is likely to miss the point. Fungus the Bogeyman returned to a home and family after a good night's scare. To what, and to whom, do these entities return? Does the yellow man in the black uniform ever say "Honey, I'm home?" Are there factories assembling the bizarre and ungainly robots of Schrum's and many others accounts? Why is there so little standardization of craft, and why are there so many different kinds of entities? Religion and occult lore have more to say in this regard than exopolitics, because these things are manifesting themselves for us.
Higdon might not have been terrorized, but he was drained, left a blubbering mess, like so many who encounter the Other. The Otherworld, too, has those who play good cop/bad cop. So long as they feed.
By the way, Professor Pan has an excellent post on the attempted manipulation of UFO manifestations, including a fascinating anecdote of his own apparent summoning.
Why do UFO sightings always seem to be made by single individuals in remote locations at night? How come they never ever occur to thousands of people in broad daylight in the middle of an urban setting? Or perhaps there are such cases . . . ?
anon 7:12: http://rigorousintuition.blogspot.com/2005/05/sheep-look-up.html
cf.: "... when Christianity is taken away, archaic powers of evil that had been banished by Christianity suddenly break loose again." From: Salt of the Earth (1996) - conversation of Peter Seewald with Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger (Benedict XVI)
if we hadn't destroyed our indigenous brothers they would be able to explain this phenomenon to you....
maybe read some Castenada ??
Do you remember the movie "Fire in the Sky"? It was based on a story told by a group of loggers in the White Mountains of Arizona. One of the men was abducted. It was very interesting! It was one of those instances when there was more than one observer.
Mary C.
"This is your brain; this is your brain on drugs." Technofreak's advice to read some Castenada hit the nail right on the head. You can see most anything with the right drug.
Cinedog writes:
Thanks Jeff, for a great week of research. I truly believe, at least since the 1960's, we've been in contact, cahoots, collusion etc. with beings from other worlds, dimensions. There are actually funded U.S. companies that have used what little knowledge we've been able to 'steal' from the entities or forces, to further D.O.D. development. This includes microwave technology use in mind control, electro-magnetic pulse, or energy systems which allow for anti-gravity and of course all Stealth/cloaking equipment. Although Steven Greer bugs me, watching the press conference-2001-it makes you wonder:
If 9/11 didn't happen, and the US government couldn't lock down all classified documents because of 'national security', what other truths would be revealed? The governments of the world do not want us to know anything. This way disinformation will always work. Ask any criminal what to do when they get caught. Deny, deny deny. Admit nothing. Sounds par for the course.
As usual, thanks Jeff.
"To what, and to whom, do these entities return? Does the yellow man in the black uniform ever say "Honey, I'm home?" Are there factories assembling the bizarre and ungainly robots of Schrum's and many others accounts?..."
Why do we always try to apply human paradigmatic thought to “alien” events? Maybe we have been poisoned by too many sci-fi movies where Bort the space-robot lands his perfect saucer shaped craft on the White House lawn “Greetings Earthlings!” As if all societies, accepting the fact that there is non-human intelligence beyond earth, would conform to our monogamous coupling rituals and sit down for dinner with the family if you will. Do aliens/nhi’s really need a clarified reason for harassing or molesting humans? Do we always apply logic to all of our undertakings? Yes, you would hope they didn’t just come here to bother some hunters in the night. Unfortunately, we cannot/should not make such an assumption. I believe we will find that life is not a rarity in the solar system/universe, but the rule. We have already glimpsed at cellular/proto-cellular life in the one planet we’ve been able to probe with any detail (Mars). And there is many a theory of life once existing/still existing on Mars. There’s an unbelievable image from the Hubble Space Telescope, something to do with “ultra space field” that shows SO MANY galaxies, it’s almost mind numbing. I know we can’t point a finger and say, “this event is clearly of alien origin.” How could we? The only way to verify if something was truly of alien origin would be to set out to space ourselves and stumble upon another society/creatures/what-have-you. When they come to us, we have no evidence of their origin. “I am Clorko from Voldroni.” Of course you are, let me just check that passport. Seems to be in order. Here’s a leap of faith, but I would suggest that there are some sort of treaty/convention that states just what you can and cannot do to alien (humans being the alien populace in this case) civilizations which is why we see such limited interactions. Landing at the UN/White house/Kremlin/etc. is right out! We know how f*d up these organizations are, likewise for the nhi’s.
"The extraterrestrial hypothesis again offers the least satisfying explanation”
This is clearly opinion Jeff. Satisfaction will not always be found in ANY human/alien/nhi interaction. You are thinking like a human. Don’t try to expand your ‘reality-box’, just remember there is no ‘box’.
Hi Jeff!
Send me a picture of your Sanita (Toilet)... and be famous :))))
I have not seen this raised before here but I believe that there is a substance that can allow humans to experience other dimensions, such as may be inhabited as outlined by Jacques Vallee on the Pan website. That would be the plant that is called divinity by the Mazatec Indians Salvia Divinorum. This is a profoundly powerful and strange substance that can literally at times transport an individual thru time and space and also to intensely non-human realities.
It also does not work, or chooses not to work at all with, everyone and can profoundly terrorize someone who takes it lightly or have no effect at all. I am closer to 50 than 40 so no college student "partying" and have only had the courage to interact w/it on a few occasions over several years. Literally the time space "rift" appeared before I had ever seen it elsewhere in a book (later in Linda Moulton Howe's diagram p. 299 Glimpses Of Other Realities Vol. 1). After this experience I saw on other online accounts the appearance of this time space rift to others and usually accompanying was a terror filled story as what was then described as a "vortex" in the rift exerted a profound pulling action toward the individual who then was fighting ferociously not to go thru it and who then did not.
These experiences are not just "visual" but are tactile and you are "there" as much as you are ever here, only perhaps even more so . . .
Chemically as to receptor sites this plant acts like no other on the brain which is the reason it is not scheduled. It is no joke and in my opinion it is able under some circumstances to loosen and allow one's consciousness to leave the body and depart to any number of a basically limitless number of realities that are ongoing along with this one we are experiencing at this particular time - - important consideration being that these other dimensions can be profoundly weird and nearly incomprehensible to a human based brain. Like the DMT "Spirit Molecule" studies that produced multiple encounters w/entities (praying mantis/insect types that are also identified in UFO literature/encounters) that were similarly described by different test individuals, I believe that these substances can profoundly change the channel we are on and allow viewing of some of these other dimensions, to some people who for whatever reason are wired for it, that are not visible in "ordinary" reality but are accessible thru some ritualized "magick" processes and thru these door openers . . .
"cf.: "... when Christianity is taken away, archaic powers of evil that had been banished by Christianity suddenly break loose again." From: Salt of the Earth (1996) - conversation of Peter Seewald with Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger (Benedict XVI)"
Hmmm, I guess he should know... I thought the third secret of Fatima was that dark forces would infiltrate the Vatican culminating in the Anti-Pope, facilitator of the Anti-Christ. Or have I been spending too much time in the darker byways? Rudolf Steiner said ALL organized religion had become decadent since the 16th century.
"Why do UFO sightings always seem to be made by single individuals in remote locations at night? How come they never ever occur to thousands of people in broad daylight in the middle of an urban setting? Or perhaps there are such cases . . . ?"
I would like to recount a tale told me by a friend I worked with in the UK. He was from Iran and told me about an event that happened there in the early 70's. According to him there is a huge holiday that is celebrated in Iran that is similar to the 4th of july, and everyone gets the day off and heads to picnic grounds and parks for a big family day. His family went ( along with thousands of others ) to a large lake not far from Tehran, the capitol. He said that in the middle of the day in front of many thousands of people, a giant disc lifted out of the middle of the lake and hovered briefly and then flew up. Everyone was dumbfounded and chaos erupted as cameras clicked and people fainted etc.
He said that the next day ALL the Iranian newspapers had this event posted on the FRONT PAGE with pictures. I can't read farsi well enough to search for the front page headlines from the various news papers there, but maybe someone else will try. I believed him because he was a devout muslim, forbidden to drink and do drugs, so no questionable influences. Also, he was not prone to fanciful bull story telling. There are some other things about him that were of interest to this blog, but they dont relate to this UFO question. Another time, maybe I will relate them.
How to explain of ALL this ?
tmb, thanks for the comment re chemistry. Don't know if you've seen this, but I touched on DMT in this post.
Greer's a Boogey-Man working for Boogey-Men..Look somewhere else for credibility.
As far as all these stories strike me, whether these entities are extraterrestrial, extradimensional, or local CIA, the commonality between them all seems to be harassment and/or cruelty; and while one attempts to step around anthropocentricity and uselessly contemplate if that's a behavior an advanced being is still vulnerable to, it remains an inherently HUMAN aspect beyond question.
I vote for local Bad Guy.
Does anyone find it interesting that these experiences seem to happen far more often in or around trees? It's often said that Americans tend to be more afraid of the woods than most, but consider that most hougans and mambos in Hoodoo and Vodoun claim that trees are powerful spiritual beings, but Hoodoo assigns a benevolent role to them. E.g., the bottle tree, used to house ancestors and other spirits.
a meditation on what's going on:
If a ufo lands in the woods and no one sees it, does it exist?
Assume that at any point in time at any place on earth there's several reality-threads coursing through it, and that observers tend to force the local reality to collapse down and follow one of those threads. Also assume that this thread-picking is an ongoing process that must continually be performed.
In a large group or around permanent areas of heavy human congregation the threads are mostly locked into place under the weight of observation, but out in the woods it's easy for a lone hunter to accidentally step into some other 'here', where perhaps he may encounter beings better able to navigate the (for lack of a better word) threads of the multiverse.
As the experience ends and the hunter heads back to the perimeter of the forest the divergence between his current thread and the dominant threads from whence he originated begin to decrease, because the closer to the more-heavily dominated threads he comes the more all the threads he has to choose from become comapitable with the outside world.
If I can explain it better I'll try again, but that's what's going on ( or seems to be ).
Although I avidly lurk here I almost never ever post because, even though I've become extremely well-vrsed in deep politics over the last few years, I am still an apprentice in the ultradimensional-occult aspects of it, and defer to and wish to learn from the far more advanced pupils here.
Having said that I felt I must post to agree most emphatically with what TMB said about salvia.
Even materialist "western" science tell us there are probably many dimensions beyond the five humans can experience and each molecule may be a wormhole to another universe. So it is not hard to beleive in the working assumptions of Jeff and RI posters that such dimensions exist all around us.
But that is an intellectual understanding. Salvia can give you a concrete experience of it. It did for me.
Although I have done my share of drugs including ones that hint at this understanding like mushrooms, nothing can compare to salvia.
If you have had a few drinks or smoked some weed or are otherwise stupefied, it probably won't affect you in the slightest.
If you are clean and approaching it with a sincerity and seriousness, it probably will affect you.
I have done enough drugs to not approach them with much trepidation, although I understand the need to approach sacred drugs with seriousness and intentionality. I was not scared ingesting salvia or experiencing it.
The fear came later, as I reflected on the experiences and to some extent refelt them.
It tells you for sure there are other dimensions all around, in and among what humans perceive as their "real world" (jobs, Bush's evil, death, sickness, roads, smiles, etc).
That realization, even if one is already quite open to it, is profoundly unsettling, and guides one to a very cautious use of salvia, until one is in the proper frame of reference to accept its teachings, which can be hard to acheive in this workaday world.
hi jeff..I think somebody referenced you over at SurfingTheApocalypse and Ive been reading you for a while now.
your latest entry reminded me of an incident in scotland where a gamekeeper and his dog were attacked by robotic machines with spindly legs that tore at his clothing.. http://ufocasebook.com/taylor.html
I just wanted to relate a rather mundane dream from two nights ago.
I dreamt I was in a bookshop,and I picked up a book from a display shelf..it was face out at head height..I very vividly recall the cover..it was Peter Lavendas 'Sinister Forces'..so I'm going out on Monday to order it..No way will I find it staring me in the face in a bookshop here..
The only other time I have felt compelled to buy a book was about 20 years ago..I was unemployed at the time and was shopping for budget food in town.
As I passed W.H.Smiths,I spotted a display for Whitley Streibers 'Communion'.Two oval black eyes staring through me.I had never heard of the man or his story.)Without browsing the book,I picked it up and bought it on the spot.
Its a gut feeling isn't it..like your rigorous intuition.
Communion,taken at the authors premise that it is a factual account of 'real' experiences, is absolutely terrifying.I had a real problem sleeping and even thinking about bedtime after reading the part about thinking the 'visitors'into making an appearance.Im getting the collywobbles about it now,actively blocking the face on that bookcover..
They are more than insects from nutz n boltz ufos powered by E115..theres an occult weirdness about them..the greys are terrifying in my dreams..I can't stand their touch.
It doesn't bode well for our development as a species that the people we put in power hide knowledge from us..and use the legend of ufos to hide their own activity..
That people of power gather to worship an ancient pagan god every year contrary to their professed beliefs is very sinister..I am actually very surprised that the american people are not disturbed by skull and bones.
Hoagland has his distractors..(and I've mentioned his name here so I half expect one of his enemys to post a comment ripping him and me to bits now)but he rekons nasa launch their missions to an ancient egyptian agenda..if I remember correctly,when they do something of consequence,certain star constellations are rising over the great pyramid or whatever..
whats cutting edge technology got to do with astrology?..why are presidents worshipping an effigy of Moloch?
Its a crazy world..and the answers are hidden by black ops,ridicule,faction in-fighting,nitpicking..I think the only way to find out is to interact on a one to one basis like Streiber..maybe that can be my blog..bring down a ufo and get some answers from J-Rod..or is it Agent 99?
and this is turning into another giant roller coaster of a novel so I'll shut up.Thanks for an interesting read Jeff.
Think of the apparent futility of Schrum's whatevers, shaking the tree all night with the apparent purpose of dislodging him. Apparent. Because like the Hopkinsville monsters, who beseiged a farm house all night long but never threatened to enter, if they'd really wanted him out of that tree, they could have had him. But they weren't trying. Not really.
Why would you assume that? The Fair Folk have always seemed to have sharply defined boundaries to their behaviour. Whether they're restrained by natural law, or by their own laws, is pretty much the same to us. They may have been able to pull him down from the tree in the same sense that I'm able to help myself to a cash drawer at the bank. I can *do* it, if I really want to, but there are very good reasons why I don't. Perhaps shaking the tree and gassing him was all that's allowed?
I have always been fascinated by the fact that US Media rarely, if ever, posts stories of alien-human contact resulting in injury or death. Such stories always appear in Brazil, Mexico, or some third world media
I've long been interested by the way that the phenonemon appears so different in South America. Accounts of death and injury from UFOs are commonplace there. In the rest of the world, those things are the exception. In Brazil, they seem to be the norm. Why is that? Is it really only a difference in reporting styles, or is there something completely different about UFOs in South America?
-Sepka the Space Weasel
OpLan, thanks for the link to the incident from Scotland. I'd never read of that one.
An excerpt:
It was a terrifying close encounter which led to the only case in British history of an alien sighting being the subject of a criminal investigation.
On November 9, 1979, at around 10.30am, Mr Taylor, then a forestry worker employed by the Livingston Development Corporation, parked his truck at the bottom of Dechmont Law. (Dechmont Law is small volcanic plug on the North side of Livingston, South of city of Dechmont itself and the M8 motorway). He walked up the lower slope of the hill with his dog, and as he emerged into a clearing saw a large, circular, sphere-like object about 20 feet across.
Mr Taylor said it appeared to be made from a dark metallic material with a rough texture like sandpaper.
As he approached the object, two spheres, each about three feet wide with protruding metal spikes like old naval mines, dropped from the object.
The two spheres rolled towards him and despite his dog barking furiously, attached themselves to his trousers. There was an acrid smell that caused him to choke and he felt a sensation of being grabbed by the side of the legs and tugged forward. The next thing Mr Taylor remembered was waking up with his head pounding, a sore throat, and a bitter taste in his mouth. He later calculated that he had been unconscious for at least 20 minutes.
"I was completely devastated afterwards," he recalled. "I couldn’t walk and the doctor came to look at me. We went back with the police and found all these marks where it had been."
The police found unusual indentations in the ground, ladder-shaped marks where the craft was said to have stood, and marks following the path of the mine-like objects. They said they were "completely baffled" by the incident, which was treated as an assault.
Now 87, Mr Taylor moved away from the area after the event, but on the eve of the anniversary he revealed it was still in his thoughts.
"I stand by every word of my account of the incident," he said.
"I told it as it happened and it’s as clear as yesterday. It is the most amazing thing that ever happened to me.
Mr Halliday believes going back to the site on the anniversary could yield some clues to the nature of the encounter, and has not ruled out the possibility of once again making contact.
"We want to go back to the site to mark this anniversary and perhaps by being there we will be able to make contact again with whatever it was Bob Taylor saw," he said.
"It is possible that this was something from another dimension which for a short period of time appeared in our world. That fits with what Taylor saw, as he said the object appeared solid but at brief moments was shimmering and partially transparent."
What kind of naivite seeks to make contact with that?
Jeff said...
"Why? I like how Jeremy put it: fear is "the porterhouse steak of garmonbozia," and garmonbozia is Twin Peaks-speak for the the intense human emotions upon which vampiric entities feast."
Sounds like Monsters Inc.
Anon 4:54
But then there are all those group and even mass experiences.
remember your post on the Fatima phenomena. Descending vehicles, lights, sounds. And many experienced fear there, but that did not seem to be the primary purpose of the event.
I DO think their purpose often is to create fear. But I don't buy that they are 'feeding' on it in a literal sense. I just think they enjoy it. Like human monsters enjoy creating fear in their victims. The fear only gives them a false sense of empowerment, which they enjoy - same as doing a drug. They get a rush. But fear is not the only thing they get off on.
They are demons, or entities that have fallen from the original purpose for which they were created. Like us, they can choose the course of either right or wrong. But right leads to good, and wrong inexorably leads to evil. And so rejecting God to do their own thing, they go their own way. And God lets them do as they choose, but places constraints or limitations on what they are allowed to do.
Evil is the absence of good, the absence of Light, the absence of truth. And ultimately it works to undo or void Light and Truth. In the absence of truth, there is only chaos and the emptiness of meaninglessness. The mind of any sentient being, human or non-human, that deliberately and profoundly chooses wrong, and so eventually becomes fully evil, disconnects from truth and meaning, and so ultimately descends into insanity. But the whole thing about insanity is that the insane do not know or think they are insane. They have their own liquid references by which they take their course, and so tend to become agents of chaos. Chaos is the lack of coherent meaning. Their own existence becomes pointless. They form their own constructs of their own reality. Different beings take on different aspects which they enjoy to manifest, in their self-expressions. Are they playing games? Sure, they may be largely entertaining themselves. (They likely never need to sleep and probably don’t need to work for a living either.) Descending into the insanity in which they exist only to satisfy their own vanities, who can guess what THEY might be thinking. And I am sure there is much more I don’t know or even begin to understand.
But what I think, and what I believe does fit the data, are these basic premises:
1) Their nature is beyond our rigorous understanding, but not our intuitive cognition.
2) Their powers are limited by constraints, the bounds of which are varied by the Higher Power.
3) They exhibit personality and volition.
4) They are intelligent and complex in their behavior.
5) They seem to be interested in man, but not for good.
6) They are selfish, capricious, cavalier, and irresponsible, often indulging a childish vanity.
7) By consequence of their choices, they have become essentially and literally insane. That is, they have no rationally constructive pursuits. They themselves are disconnected from Reality, i.e. God the Creator.
8) They are evil.
9) They are demons.
If we regard our Creator, we need not fear the demons. At this point, I have more concernes about the dangeres of man and the natural world. But there as well, my life and fate are in the hands of God. He created me, and put me here in this world only for a time. When his purposes for my existence here are fulfilled, he will take me onward. For now, may I be doing his will.
Anonymous 4:54 --
I was really struck by your post on the collapse of reality threads. You may be interested in this article on "quantum darwinism." (I've quoted only the opening paragraphs, which raise the question of why we all experience the same reality. The explanation which follows is far more technical -- and certainly beyond my ability to follow in detail -- but seems to match well with what you're suggesting.)
A team of US physicists has proved a theorem that explains how our objective, common reality emerges from the subtle and sensitive quantum world.
If, as quantum mechanics says, observing the world tends to change it, how is it that we can agree on anything at all? Why doesn't each person leave a slightly different version of the world for the next person to find?
Because, say the researchers, certain special states of a system are promoted above others by a quantum form of natural selection, which they call quantum darwinism. Information about these states proliferates and gets imprinted on the environment. So observers coming along and looking at the environment in order to get a picture of the world tend to see the same 'preferred' states.
If it wasn't for quantum darwinism, the researchers suggest in Physical Review Letters, the world would be very unpredictable: different people might see very different versions of it. Life itself would then be hard to conduct, because we would not be able to obtain reliable information about our surroundings... it would typically conflict with what others were experiencing.
The difficulty arises because directly finding out something about a quantum system by making a measurement inevitably disturbs it. "After a measurement," say Wojciech Zurek and his colleagues at Los Alamos National Laboratory in New Mexico, "the state will be what the observer finds out it is, but not, in general, what it was before."
Because, as Zurek says, "the Universe is quantum to the core," this property seems to undermine the notion of an objective reality. In this type of situation, every tourist who gazed at Buckingham Palace would change the arrangement of the building's windows, say, merely by the act of looking, so that subsequent tourists would see something slightly different.
Yet that clearly isn't what happens. This sensitivity to observation at the quantum level (which Albert Einstein famously compared to God constructing the quantum world by throwing dice to decide its state) seems to go away at the everyday, macroscopic level. "God plays dice on a quantum level quite willingly," says Zurek, "but, somehow, when the bets become macroscopic he is more reluctant to gamble." How does that happen?
I find "scientific" lines of investigation to be much more satisfying eg the post by "starroute who said... A team of US physicists has proved a theorem that explains how our objective, common reality emerges from the subtle and sensitive quantum world. ....."
Not dismissing observations of aliens or other real or imagined creatures that people claim to have observed. Not dismissing mind control, these concepts of mystical spiritual powers etc. I am satisfied that these things can be included within a framework of "science" because science is becoming much weirder. Has been for a long while. Quantum physics, cosmology, string theory, etc all suggest that there is much more to our universe than what we see.
However, if you take to heart what people like Ray Kurzweil are saying about technological growth, ie with rapid exponential growth leading to "singularity", the implication rather anthropocentric, but life leads to universe girdling/consuming intelligence.
Sagan had his famous formula for calulating the possibility of how many worlds with intelligent life existed. Unfortunately, he didn't include exponential technological growth.
At the end of the day, we will find scientifically describable machina that explain occult/mind games, alien encounters, etc. I think that "they"- the government, the black agencies - pursue these things with the same thing in mind. Its just that with a lack of high energy particle physics facilities to do real investigation, they are doing wet work in the meantime. That means fucking around with real people in real messy ways.
I see I left something important out of my above post. What is most striking to me about this topic is the significance of isolation. It isn't only UFO and other anomalous events that generally happen in isolated locations. It's also part of every tradition that vision quests are to be sought in the wilderness -- the jungle, the desert, the mountains, the arctic wastes -- whatever form of wilderness is available.
It seems that certain forms of reality-bending can occur only when the quantum alternatives are not being swamped out by consensus reality.
It also seems likely that certain other forms of reality-bending can occur in group settings, but only when the group has been carefully isolated from the outside world and then psychically synchronized by participation in ritual behaviors.
Is it possible that the ultimate purpose of rituals in general is not to create psychological changes in the participants but to create genuine alternations in reality?
Is "quantum darwinism" ultimately another word for magic?
"Is "quantum darwinism" ultimately another word for magic?"
It sounds like it would go a long way towards explaining classic schitzophrenia..
OOHhhhhh! You had to bring the 'S' word into this?
Just dropped some new info on the Horowitz murder and some additional background on demon-fodder Scott Dyleski, in the prior blog-post "Shadows and Fog".
I really wonder if the more we learn about and are made aware of these happenings, then the less fear we might feel or reveal should any of us find ourselves in a tree someday with ‘company’…
Can one become inured to potential weird unpleasantries by virtue of some kind of mental/psychic preparation?
How would I react tonight or tomorrow if confronted by chupas, oddbots, or other manifestations?
Or would these occurances rather avoid me for fear of not getting a desired reaction? The challenge is seductive. Is it dangerous to wonder what would happen if it was brought on?
UFOs have been seen by groups, and in daylight. One of my friends was present in the 1970s at a Toronto party with Marshall McLuhan and cohorts, when they watched a number of UFOs cavort outside their windows for several hours. (I didn't ask how stoned they were at the time!)
The same man, having built a very improbable structure on his farmstead, had a UFO come by to inspect it one afternoon while he was in his yard tripping on mushrooms and playing his accordion. A visiting neighbour saw it, too. It hovered low for quite a while and had so many gaudy flashing lights that at first they assumed it was a promotional stunt associated with a carnival.
In spite of these experiences, the witness takes no interest in UFOs. Since believing in such things would mess up his mind, he refuses to pursue the question.
When seen by masses, sightings seem to take on a religious flavour. At one famous sighting of the Virgin Mary, some people saw the Virgin, some saw a spinning pinwheel of light accompanied by a hum, and others saw nothing extraordinary at all.
Hi Jeff,
"...who are desperately trying to break through to our side and wreak havoc..."
2) Their powers are limited by constraints, the bounds of which are varied by the Higher Power.
8) They are evil.
I would not categorically state that all intelligent phenomena contact are evil, there have been many cases that good things have happened after contact. There are numerous examples, but here's one:
'Between Feb 11-July 16,1858 Bernadette Soubirous, a fourteen year old girl saw apparitions of a white-robed lady 18 times near a small town called Massabiele. She then began digging on the ground until water puddled,
and others needing healing drank from it. It is now called the sacred spring of Lourdes France......'
SOMETHING must be prohibiting these forces from more destructive work-I agree. As Ralph-d alludes to, there would seem to be a 'doorway' that must be opened first.....
That would be logical, for GOOD & EVIL.
But where in (heck) is the 'referee?'
Excellent article, and posts from everyone. Your discussion on quantum observation is fascinating. It fits in to the rational that you have when you go into a house, business or church
that " just doesn't feel right"...creepy indeed.
Someone also mentioned magic-a true epiphany for me, in that the circles that are created in Wiccan and other beliefs are imaginary spheres, some taking hours to construct and are considerred highly sacred-to change the course and influences of reality at hand.
Happy Halloween!
Jeff, this is really a great post. Thank you!
starroute said...
I see I left something important out of my above post. What is most striking to me about this topic is the significance of isolation.
That made me think of the post under Jeff's "It's all in your mind" entry the other day by oilman. He had a couple of paranormal experiences, including an entity invading his home, and wondered if his son's autism was connected. Isn't autism isolation within one's own mind?
It really makes me wonder about what sort of experiences the severely autistic are exposed to that don't spill out into the worlds around them. Maybe they need a form of help they generally don't receive in modern medicine. Or, just maybe, we could use some of theirs.
Gouda said...
I really wonder if the more we learn about and are made aware of these happenings, then the less fear we might feel or reveal should any of us find ourselves in a tree someday with ‘company’…
I believe this is true. In fact, its one of the reasons why I feel compelled to contribute here. I've had a long history of weirdness in my life, and it all changed character when I learned to control my fear. Its like fear is a control surface. If you don't have command of those controls something else might take it from you.
If you're really in a tight spot, something I found on accident once is to say in a commanding voice "What is your name?". Just be careful not to use it when banishing is not the goal. Because, like aj said, not all things paranormal are evil, or good for that matter. They may just follow a different set of rules or mores as a few posters have noted. Whether or not the experience is good or bad from your perspective may have as much to do with your behavior as theirs.
Hello, All...
Sepka the Space Weasel said...
"I've long been interested by the way that the phenonemon appears so different in South America." and "Is it really only a difference in reporting styles, or is there something completely different about UFOs in South America?"
As someone who has lived in Mexico twice and South America (Brazil) once, I would probably say it's a difference in Latin American culture vs. that of the Anglo-American. In the US we tend to see things more in black and white and put a great deal of emphasis on how we appear to our neighbors. The UFO thing is still regarded as "kooky" by most Americans. I think most Latin Americans, Brazilians especially, have a more relaxed and "anything is possible" attitude. I think also they are more inclined to believe their neighbors. If Joao Paulo said he saw a saucer in the sky, why would he lie?
sorta off topic, new book alien rock
As our conscious awareness grows, develops and evolves so our energy rises.
We then attract "things" that feast on us, they feed on our energy. Its pretty obvious really, what other reason would there be? Surely all the creatures in the universe are like us - predators that quite like the hunt?
BTW I saw a UFO the other day - no doubt about it a UFO - It completely changed my world view. I was with friends having a BBQ (nice bit of steak with some tiger prawns) and a couple of us saw it fly overhead.
My god this world is F***ing weird.
Nice, spooky reminder of these "hunter" cases. Two quick points:
Why hunters, and not campers? (Yeah, I know some campers & hikers have reported UFOs & such, but the hunter stories seem more frequent, more detailed, more complex.) The hunter and his elk, the Brazilian hunters and their deer, the cave paintings and petroglyphs/graphs of the hunter and his prey and the bug-eyed gods floating down from above ... is this something worth investigation? Is the act of hunting tapping in to old ways or old portals? Can you even bring cattle mutilation into this weird fold?
2nd point: In R.A. Wilson's Cosmic Trigger, he describes a Crowleymas party in the Bay Area and a group conversation with Vallee, in which Vallee says in frustration that it's time to dump ALL the descriptions and witness reports, because they don't seem to make a lick of sense and are, at best, the brain of the witness trying to make sense of that which makes no sense.
Think of Kary Mullis & his woodsy visit with the "raccoon," or the freakish Utah ranch where Terry Sherman and his family saw such things as giant dog-wolf creatures appearing through portals ... along with enough weird stuff to fill a whole season of the X-Files.
The Brazilian hunters mostly described the same thing. Is this because the first witness described coffin-shaped VW-van-sized things with rotating lights, and that filled in the WTF? part for the other locals?
Doesn't mean the stuff isn't very, very real, but that even the most sober & responsible witness with no interest in fame or UFO cults is going to experience something that won't make a lick of sense ... by design.
'What is our name?' I demanded. It replied: 'Homeland Insecurity' (!)
The demystification of these subjects may lead to the neutralization of the power of forces that would feed on our fear - and inspire us to resistance & defiance. For me, this is desirable knowing what we do of the pain and confusion and worse caused by these tricksters. But I have to admit there is a secondary allure, one which would not mind the topic being perpetually mystified - or under a process of perpetual demystification.
Maybe it is the process of learning, discovering, uncovering, and imagining...well, the process itself that can be strengthening and defiant.
But, then what?
Mr. Suenos said:
If Joao Paulo said he saw a saucer in the sky, why would he lie?
It's not so much the public reaction that I was speaking of, as the high percentage of reports that feature violence. People in Brazilian UFO reports are quite often being assaulted by hairy dwarves, shot with rays, pelted with rocks, etc. You can find these reports from anywhere in the world, but they're rare. In South America, they seem common.
-Sepka the Space Weasel
"The Forest features heavily in both Black Metal lyrics and album cover art as a kind of malevolent Arcadia. It is idealised as the dread site where the numinous occurs, where this world opens up and intersects with other worlds. Light plays diffusely among the trees' dark, solemn columns which are layed out in an ungraspable order which can seem a semblance of chaos, that is, the Forest is a place where the misty border between the order mandated by the Creator's divine plan and primal chaos can appear to be in a constant state of flux. The cosmic abyss is not a chasm or an infinite heavenly vault, but this weird, shifting grid of gaping, listening, whispering interstices of branches, undergrowth and leaves."
(footnote to the article "The Vortex Void of Inhumanity" by Cameron Bain, in Mute Magazine #29)
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mister, they don't make a pill for what I've got.
It's deer season again in southern N.M., & this week while out on the Lincoln National Forest I came across TWO seperate deer skinnings/disembowelments- ie, a big blob of guts, one with two surgical gloves nearby.
I remembered the scene from "The Last of the Mohicans", where the first thing the hunters did after the deer kill was say a prayer over the animal, thanking it for keeping them alive with its death.
St. Hubert, the Patron Saint of Hunters was the oldest son of Bertrand, Duke of Aquintaine and grandson of Charibert, King of Toulouse - a descendant of The Great Pharamond.
As he was pursuing a magnificent stag, and in a clearing in the forest, the animal stopped and turned. Hubert was astounded at perceiving a crucifix suspended between its antlers, while he heard a voice from the figure of Christ say, "Hubert, unless you turn to the Lord, and lead a holy life, you shall quickly fall into the abyss of Hell!"
Hubert became a priest... and reportedly also worked several miracles during his life by exorcising those possessed by demons and curing a case of rabies after making the sign of the cross over the victim. Hubert is also the patron saint for archers, forest workers, furriers and trappers, hunters and huntsmen... and dogs.
(I guess the story about Jagermeister containing deer blood is an urban myth, but...)
In a related topic, bloodhounds reportedly originated from a cross between the black hounds of St. Hubert and the white hounds of the House of Talbot - both of which are from the Ardennes.
Jagermeister means Master Hunter. German hunters also participate in extensive rituals following the death of a big game animal taken while hunting, along with other cultural heritages including a toast to the fallen animal itself.
-Mitch Ballard
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"Sometimes, if you sleep with an open window during the summer, when the weather is fine and the nights are light, you might suddenly be woken up by a frightful hurly-burly out in the forest, right behind the house. There is shrieking and shouting, and the barking of a whole pack of dogs, the thud of horse hooves, the cracking of broken branches and so on. It's dreadful, and it's no time to be out in the forest for the hind hunt's on. You shake and quiver and your heart pounds at the sound of it. Sleeping's out of the question. If you're brave enough to take a peep out of the window in spite of it - O good gracious, seeing the hind hunt is even worse than hearing it!"
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