Don't get used to it

It's undeniable what they'd have you to think.
It's indescribable, it can drive you to drink. - Bob Dylan
Some people knew as soon as the second plane struck the towers that they were watching, at least, a US domestic co-production. I feel silly admitting this now, but I wasn't one. Even though I'd known for years about black ops, I hadn't known about black magic, and the horrification ritual of that day caught me unaware.
It wasn't until the following week that I began to shake off the spell. I met a lawyer friend for dinner, someone I had known since grade school, someone I trusted implicitly, and he began recounting in a hushed tone the story of a client named Delmart Vreeland. My friend told me about his busy summer, trying to warn US and Canadian authorities of impending and catastrophic acts of terrorism, and that he had witnessed the signing and the sealing of Vreeland's note of a remembered translation, which included the line "Let one happen, stop the rest." (Because Vreeland's foreknowledge improbably warned of Russian and Iraqi collusion - reminiscent of the premeditated frame-up of Lee Harvey Oswald as a Soviet agent, and its purposeful abandonment for the less explosive sham of a "lone gunman" - I think it likely Vreeland was fed disinformation, and joined the event's hall of mirrors. Rather than decipher 9/11, Vreeland is one of its ciphers.)
A few weeks later saw the bizarre anthrax attacks upon the media and the Democratic leadership, just as the Patriot Act was in need a push, and things started coming into focus for me. Though when the FBI allowed the destruction of the original batch of Ames Strain anthrax, which made sourcing the anthrax more difficult, I could still think, How incompetent! (Later, when the anthrax was sourced to Fort Detrick, I was not still so naive as to be surprized.)
The spell was finally broken with the fiasco of the "Battle" of Tora Bora, where intentions were laid bare as bin Laden was surrounded on every side save the one which permitted his escape. An anonymous intelligence official later said that "It was obvious from at least early November that this area was to be the base for an exodus into Pakistan. All of this was known, and frankly we were amazed that nothing was done to prepare for it." Special forces were stood down and made to watch as Pakistani helicopters choppered him and his company to safety. ("The soldier, who said he was on the ground at Tora Bora when bin Laden was located, agreed to talk about the incident on condition that his name not be used, " The Fayetteville Observer reported the following August. "'I said, "There he goes."'") Curiously, these were the special forces which suffered a rash of apparent murder-suicides at Fort Bragg, shortly after their return from Afghanistan.
The war was to go on, seemingly forever. As was the legend of bin Laden.
Yet even as I fell down the 9/11 rabbit hole I kept grabbing at roots, not wanting to fall this far. I didn't want to believe it possible. So, They were incompetent, and got lucky. Nuh uh. They knew something was coming, but looked the other way. No. They let it happen. Still not there. The roots simply couldn't support the accruing weight of evidence. I had to fall quite a while before I realized that my belief, and disbelief, had nothing to do with the depth of the hole.
And now here we are, turning hard upon the fourth anniversary of 9/11, and Director of Central Intelligence Porter Goss says he has an "excellent idea" where Osama bin Laden is, that the United States is making "very good progress" on his capture, but "when you go to the very difficult question of dealing with sanctuaries in sovereign states, you're dealing with a problem of our sense of international obligation, fair play."
As with most pronoucements out of Washington, there are many incredibles to unpack in that sentence. For instance, that Porter Goss is CIA director should still make heads shake in disbelief. (And that he's been eclipsed by John Negroponte does nothing to cure our delirious tremens.)
And just think of this: nearly four years after invading Afghanistan to allegedly capture bin Laden, Goss is saying Let's not be too hasty; we need to respect a nation's sovereignty. We can't just go charging in.... But of course that's precisely what Americans believed they were signing on for in the Fall of 2001 as their blood was brought to a boil, though even then, authorities were shifting the goal lines.
In late September 2001, a deal brokered by Pakistan's two Islamic parties would have seen bin Laden extradited to Peshawar where he would be held under house arrest, and face an international tribunal which would assess the evidence for his guilt and decide whether to try him or deliver him to US custody. The US wanted no part of it. (As an offical later stated, "casting our objectives too narrowly" risked "a premature collapse of the international effort if by some lucky chance Mr bin Laden was captured.")
Though Bush had said he wanted bin Laden "dead or alive" (though he still has not presented the long-promised evidence that 9/11 was bin Laden's handiwork), in March 2002 he said "I truly am not that concerned about him." That April, Richard Myers even admitted that "the goal has never been to get bin Laden." And because that's true, they should claim a great success.
Recently, the suggestion, based on dubious intelligence, that bin Laden had "visited" Iran, was enough to sound the drumbeats that will, someday soon, accompany the cry of "On to Tehren!" Remaining unspoken is the fact that bin Laden has spent nearly all of the past four years as the guest of America's great friend, Pakistan. A friend so close that America's current Director of Central Intelligence was breakfasting with its own director of intelligence on the morning the spell was cast.
After more than four years, we shouldn't still be astonished. But we must be. Otherwise, we'll get used to it.
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Great post, Jeff.
My sentiments were similar as yours to Goss' statements, though expressed much more crudely. It is just FUCKING OUTRAGEOUS what they've done, what they are doing, and the hypocrisy that they are respecting national sovereignty just makes one dizzy. These people are FUCKING OUTRAGEOUS!
I have to wonder if this government is close to the breaking point with the public. Seriously-- how much longer can they keep this huge ball of lies suspended over the American conscience (what there is left of it anyway), before something gives way? Either this amazingly twisted administration has to implode or the public has to explode. Sure, most people's lives are just fine thank you, but still, how many lies can the public accept about their government before every one's faith in the government gives way? And how can the media even live with themselves these days?
I was thinking that I just have to write my congressmen and complain about Goss' remarks--- but then the apathy comes. What the fuck are they going to do about it? They are already so immersed in the stink and corruption that there is not much point in telling them this, is there? Is there?
You mention the anthrax leakages - I wonder what has become of our friend Stephen Hatfield and what secrets he holds on the nature of the spellcasting we've witnessed.
His threat to make the gov't pursuit of him a very public affair sure helped take the heat off.
Hi Jeff. It was also interesting to see this story this morning:
"Violence by environmental and animal rights extremists against U.S. drug makers has increased so much in recent years that it's currently the
FBI's top domestic terrorism issue, a top agency official says."
They don't even try ... of course I'm still expecting a new 9/11, probably in the weeks before the midterm elections ... and the usual trotting out of years-old "terror charges" against whatever hapless Muslims, whenever the Gitmo or Abu Ghraib stuff gets a little too messy.
I think you underestimate the personal effect 9/11 has had on people. To accept that what they've been told is a lie and the related shame/guilt they would feel over being deceived is more than most people would be willing to do. And that's incentive enough to propagate the lies and attack those who don't believe.
"Oh man, the shit piled up so fast in Vietnam you needed wings to stay above it."-Willard, Apocalypse Now
Now that we are all in the war zone...How much. How much corruption is enough to light the fuse of political action in America?! Allende in Chile? Who?Arbenz in Guatemalla? Bay of Pigs? Just keeping the world safe from those Commies Ma! CIA coup in Iran? Well, you know how those Muslims are. The contents of a beloved President's cranial cavity exposed for all to see in downtown Dallas? The subsequent assasination of the alleged assassin and massive government cover-up that holds some 40-something years later? Not that old "conspiracy theory" again! Lately, I've been thinking that we thrive on corruption. This war for truth and justice can only be compared to the immovable object vs. the irresistable force. I can't tell you how disgusted I get with people when a headline like the head of the CIA has a good idea where Bin Laden is. What the fuck is that all about?! What a throw off. Hey asshole, maybe you should send some missiles that way then?! Of course, if Bin Ladden was truly the enemy of American freedom, this might do some good. Unfortunately, the enemy has long since penetrated our defences and their long shadow now covers all. Cognotive dissonance just doesn't cover it. 3000+ lives snuffed out and we sit and suck on a bullshit "conspiracy theory" of 19 militant Al Queda operatives who evaded US intelligence aparati for how long? Fake elections, putrid President's, horrific cabinet nominations...How high does the shit have to pile up? "How high is the water now, momma?"
Then there's this. Maybe they're waiting to push this through before the next 9/11.
Prepnut--your link does not work.
Worked for me--you have to include the entire line including the colon at the end
Just search on "repeal 22nd Amendment". You'll get the picture.
"Let one happen, stop the rest"
Interesting that Sibel Edmonds, since yesterday, now offers corroboration for this claim that there were more attacks planned than just the WTC and Pentagon:
"Over four years ago, more than four months prior to the September 11 terrorist attacks, in April 2001, a long-term FBI informant/asset who had been providing the bureau with information since 1990, provided two FBI agents and a translator with specific information regarding a terrorist attack being planned by Osama Bin Laden. This asset/informant was previously a high- level intelligence officer in Iran in charge of intelligence from Afghanistan. Through his contacts in Afghanistan he received information that: 1) Osama Bin Laden was planning a major terrorist attack in the United States targeting 4-5 major cities, 2) the attack was going to involve airplanes, 3) some of the individuals in charge of carrying out this attack were already in place in the United States, 4) the attack was going to be carried out soon, in a few months. The agents who received this information reported it to their superior, Special Agent in Charge of Counterterrorism, Thomas Frields, at the FBI Washington Field Office, by filing “302” forms, and the translator, Mr. Behrooz Sarshar, translated and documented this information. No action was taken by the Special Agent in Charge, Thomas Frields, and after 9/11 the agents and the translators were told to ‘keep quiet’ regarding this issue."
Remember the Mossad agents that were arrested for filming the Sears tower?
Imagine how powerful the spell had been if the Sears towers were hit as well, had collapsed in the same curious way, and even targets in two or three other cities, and if Flight 93 had hit the Capitol.
With nothing but praise and props for Jeff, who writes/hosts my favorite blog, it is inspiring to me to see that even he went from actually believing in or allowing SOME of the party line crap back closer to 9/11, but now DOESN'T buy it at all.
I say this because, as soon as I saw the tower drop straight down, I said 'demo - this is an op.' Having previously assimilated OKC and Columbine as ops, my head did not move this time as the magician waved his hands.
So Jeff was 'behind' me (in that particular respect) in 2001...yet has now surged AHEAD where I just have to applaud as he cranks out stuff of this incisiveness and quality on a daily basis.
Having been a researcher of the arcane since the days of my youth, I could entertain all manner of weird things. Yet, when first confronted with 'conspiracy' sections in some early catalogs, I'd think (as a 10th grader, in 1980) "oh, THOSE people are negative," or "paranoid people, I won't even look at that stuff."
Once you wake up, though, you can't go back to sleep, and we're all waking up, at various speeds.
Some are TRYING to wake themselves up, others are being forcibly awakened. But I think we should always remember, it's a process, for everyone.
And you never know WHO is going to break loose and light up the offense. I think we need to remember that as we 'educate'...
metaxa said...
You mention the anthrax leakages - I wonder what has become of our friend Stephen Hatfield and what secrets he holds on the nature of the spellcasting we've witnessed.
Latest I've seen on Hatfill is this WashPost article about the suit he filed against Ashcroft, Justice Dept., et al:
U.S. Yields In Anthrax Lawsuit Standoff
" A federal judge ordered the Justice Department yesterday to begin providing testimony to attorneys for Steven J. Hatfill, the former Army scientist who is suing the government for identifying him as "a person of interest" in the anthrax investigation."
"For months, the Justice Department had opposed Hatfill's attempts to begin deposing government witnesses, citing the sensitive nature of the investigation. Hatfill's attorneys said that stalled their efforts to identify the source of leaks in the massive probe."...
"Hatfill filed suit in 2003, alleging that then-Attorney General John D. Ashcroft and other federal officials defamed him and violated his privacy. No one has been arrested for the anthrax-laced mailings that killed five people and sickened 17 in the fall of 2001, and Hatfill has said that he had nothing to do with the crime."
what would it take, realistically, for people to say '1933' or 1939, or 'Hitler' or 'recurrance'or 'we should have done more' or' but they didn't tell us' or 'but it wasnt in the newspapers' or' 'i was trained to call them libbies' or bleeding hearts or whining losers many does it take to remember the family relationships - from bankrolling hitler to the attempted assasination of Reagan (er, better cancel dinner, yeah? - no its under control, we got him in the hospital, the close support guys are ours')
I reckon most of us that talk here, not knowing each other, are pretty cluEd in - as much as we need. my question is this: When do i go to the local scumshit drugrich ganglord and order me up an assault rifle with rpg capability - not because my dick was hard but because it had become my fucking DUTY?
You are way closer than anyone is willing to admit.
You have proven willing to admit an occult basis of this matter.
The key to 9/11 is visible to all who view the Crowley Thoth tarot deck, specifically the card named The Tower (or War).
Shiva has been invoked by Bush (intentionally or not).
This is not necessarily a bad sign.
'He that leadeth into captivity shall go into captivity: he that killeth with the sword must be killed with the sword. Here is the patience and the faith of the saints'
H.L. Randomfactor just wrote my favorite two lines in some time:
Shiva has been invoked by Bush (intentionally or not).
This is not necessarily a bad sign.
The invocation of total disaster which all "sensitives" can feel right now is probably the only way things can change for the better. Thanks for the reminder.
Anonymous One,"Sometimes I have nightmares..the only thing that frightens me is that none of them bother me much." Psychosoma-Home. These words tell it all,the slight of hand folks are working over time these days,I had wondered at times if I'm the only one who has the "sensitive".I would say we are standing in time, some where about 1939, now this stage we are all watching has been set before,the plan is to steal your mind. People are just turning there heads, they make belive they didn't see anything. I wonder what it was like to party with Mr.Crowley ,to watch his magick, to wonder if it was real? Some times I think we are under the same spell,and that we are seeing the same trick over again, Hope we can break this one before it's too late,later.
'get better'???!!!! when? when your body, mind and soul are so totally controlled it doesn't matter anymore? or when 'the rest is silence? don't get used to it.
shiva-sniva for brahmanic cruds.
such outrageous arrogant conceit and ignorance to presume that the sacrifice of thousands of innocents for your fucked-up beliefs and your fucked-up 'gods' 'is probably the only way things can change for the better'.
'sensitive' or not, you've still got your head jammed right up the illusion.
Thanks jfshade - I think there may be some interesting creatures under the Hatfill rock. Then again, thought there'd be interesting creatures under the Valere Plame rock too...
Nonetheless, I'll keep turning those stones and looking for the translucent larvae of truth.
I don't understand something... What does Shiva have to do with Bush and 9/11? What did H. L. Randomfactor try to say? Please enlighten me...
Has anyone heard anything about the U2 jet? I guess it went down in southwest Asia somewhere between Afghanistan and Iraq... more details soon...
..nothing to see here! keep walking. Social Security Social Security Social Security Soc...
You're first INSTINCTS are usually always correct. My first thought that morning (9-11-01) was that the administration was behind it - and I was TERRIFIED to admit it to anyone, including the person I'm married to. I saw/heard the hysterical, patriotic zeal it created and was afraid I'd be targeted by friends, family, know.
So I waited for some sign that I was, indeed, wrong. It took 8 months before my loved one finally admitted I may be right. I don't want to be "right" - not with something like this. But during these last 4 years, I've not seen one thing that proves my initial gut reaction WRONG.
I don't know why I had such a totally opposite reaction from (seemingly) the rest of the nation. Is it because I never watch the news/entertainment shows?
I DO know that very same afternoon, the Government pushed through CARNIVORE. That same day. How convient that it was fully written, just waiting to be implemented... (Since then, the "coincidences" have continued to mount, and I don't believe in coincidences.)
And seeing Congress standing, hand-in-hand, singing made me ill. I felt it had nothing to do with compassion, and everything to do with the carefully-constructed manipulation of our (collective) fragile emotional state.
The manipulation builds while the Organized Crime spree continues, apparently with the blessings of the (American) citizens it's preying upon.
Perhaps Organic Portals do exist - I have no better explanation at this time for the "cluelessness".
Francis G. Powers said...
"Has anyone heard anything about the U2 jet? I guess it went down in southwest Asia somewhere between Afghanistan and Iraq..."
PoLT replies: Early this a.m. while doing my cursory review of news on, I saw ONE report that said the plane had been shot down. Since then, nothing about a shootdown. And, what's with the "southwest Asia" location that's featured in most if not all of the 642 "related stories" listed in Google? Sorry. I know it's a rhetorical question.
Anonymous said:
And seeing Congress standing, hand-in-hand, singing made me ill. I felt it had nothing to do with compassion, and everything to do with the carefully-constructed manipulation of our (collective) fragile emotional state.
From Brainwashing America by Dr. Norman Livergood:
In an earlier article, I reviewed the varied aspects of personality profiling and simulation. While serving as Head of the Artificial Intelligence Department at the U.S. Army War College, 1993-1995, I conducted studies on profiling, psychological programming, and brainwashing. I explored and developed personality simulation systems, an advanced technology used in military war games, FBI profiling, political campaigning, and advertising. Part of my discovery was that:
* unenlightened human minds are combinations of infantile beliefs and emotional patterns
* these patterns can be simulated in profiling systems
* these profiling systems can be used to program and control people
Personality simulation systems are being used to create political campaigns that apply voter profiles to control their voting behavior. TV commercials and programs use personality simulation to profile viewers to control their purchasing and viewing behaviors. And sophisticated propaganda and brainwashing techniques are being used by the Bush junta to keep American citizens under control. (emphasis added)
Brainwashing America
Get used to all of this... and start gettign prepared for a lot
more of it.
Because "the people" NEVER hold anyone in government accountable
for any of their bullshit. Seriously... the government is untouchable and they
know it. They are untouchable simply because no-one every hold them accountable
for anything.
You can bitch an moan and write ever congressman and politician in the
entire government 60 times a day it will do absolutely nothing.
Why the hell would the government change their actions when they
know they can clearly get away with whatever they want whenever they want.
There will be change when all these scum bags are tried and put away. Don't
hold your breath waiting for that to happen... it never will. People are
too submissive and don;t want to upset their happy little lives of TV dinners
and American idol.
Gary spoke about the crisis of accountability and the American Republic's betrayal of its core principles by legions of powerful officials and special interests -- These and related points which others here also contributed, which go to the issue of whether (and how) We, The People can actually get our act together enough to turn things around and reclaim some measure of wise self-rule autonomy, to retain --or rather, restore-- our freedom and break the inordinate power of the elitest cartels.
John Stanton's 2003 article, 'Is Anarchy the Hope for America?' makes a very compelling case for the strategy of de-legitimization, unlinking society's dependency on controlling systems, re-inventing our social roles and identity, increasing our local autonomy and shared-community self-reliance, and other tactics of self-empowerment and progressive reform as the manifestation of new, more responsible and ultimately equitable social relations.
Stanton's thesis is the kind of daring, recvolutionary thought needed to derail the nation's present course towards multiple-system failure, as increasing dependency and specialization and exploitive practices and mass-conditioning have made society vulnerable to the reign of tyrants and corrupt officials -- with consequences as we now see, Government and tycoons that are wholly unaccountable to the people or before the law, pursuing a narrowly-tailored agenda that replaces cooperation with conflict, that creates chaos as a means to enable their ever-greater theft of the public good.
Stanton asks important, valuable questions that bear our reflective pondering, while he attempts to explore some tentative answers.
"Godwin's Anarchy
"Representative democracy in America has run its course. The only palatable option remaining is anarchy. In 1793, William Godwin's work, Enquiry Concerning Political Justice, set forth a workable system of anarchy. This was not the stuff of violence that is typically associated with anarchy, but, instead, the slow disintegration of governing political and economic institutions and the gradual erosion of the policies of competition, dominance and accumulation. Godwin recognized that the ruling classes and their institutions stand as the greatest barrier to freedom. Government was nothing more than a tool of the wealthy and well-connected. Such is the state of affairs in the USA.
"Government, under whatever point of view we examine this topic, is unfortunately pregnant with motives to censure and complaint. Incessant change, everlasting innovation, seems to be dictated by the true interests of man kind. But government is the perpetual enemy of change. What was admirably observed of a particular system of government is in a great degree true of all: They lay their hand on the spring there is in society, and put a stop to its motion. Their tendency is to perpetuate abuse. Whatever was once thought right and useful they under take to entail to the latest posterity. They reverse the genuine propensities of man, and, instead of suffering us to proceed, teach us to look backward for perfection. They prompt us to seek the public welfare, not in alteration and improvement, but in a timid reverence for the decisions of our ancestors, as if it were the nature of the human mind always to degenerate, and never to advance."
"Godwin's system of anarchy is all that stands in the way of the tyranny of Plato's Republic.
-- John Stanton is a Virginia based writer specializing in national security matters. He the author (along with Wayne Madsen) of America's Nightmare: The Presidency of George Bush II.
More at:
Even in the seemingly-unrelated Heaven's Gate mass suicide in the posh enclave of Rancho Santa Fe near San Diego, which we will learn is not so far afield from 9.11 as might appear, the cultists were quickly dubbed a lone cadre.
“We have absolutely nothing... that would indicate that this is anything but a sole group of 40 people,” stated the chief investigator on the case.
Although a cache of weapons was found in a storage locker of the (supposedly) nonviolent cult, and the Heaven’s Gate leader left a videotape conspicuously praising the Order of the Solar Temple, whose members had been found dead in a mass suicide just days earlier…
Well, you know the story by now. Almost everyone does. In the gap between what happens every day and what gets reported lies the secret history…
“There’s a secret world all around us,” a legendary CIA agent informs a young recruit in “Overworld,” L.J.. Kolb’s eye-opening account of growing up as the son of an American spy. “You just don’t see it unless you know where to look.”
Hi Jeff,
I stumbled on your excellent site while reading up on the seriously weird.
Dont feel too bad regarding 9-11. You are not alone. It took me two years to wake up, and since then I have been bumping down dark corridors, groping for the truth. I am ashamed to say that I actually bought the 'arab hijack' scam. The only alarm bells that rang revolved around the planting of convenient evidence, ie: Attas passport fluttering down from the inferno. At the time I thought it was a 'cover your backsides' operation.
As for Osama- think Emmanual Goldstein from 1984. If this guy is not a manufactured symbol of hate then I would like to see a better example. Osama can never be 'captured' since the script demands he remain 'free' to continue his nefarious designs.
My feeling is that the Bush regime (and the consortium of military/corporate elite they are hired to front)is grinding up against the wall of the actually possible. There exists some limited institutional opposition to this gangs designs, however weakened and compromised.Many are increasingly 'tired of being jerked around' as the REM song goes. This is why I feel there is something nasty blowing in the wind (another attack?). If these guys want to keep the momentum going they are going to have to pull something soon.
The voice of intelligence is drowned out by the roar of fear, ignored by the voice of desire, contradicted by the voice of shame, biased by hate and extinguished by anger. Most of all it is silenced by ignorance.(Dr. Karl Menninger) Unfortunately its took the American public four years to pull its head out of its ASS. The desire for revenge has brought us to the place we now find ourselves. But there is a solution to Bushgate. Tell the general public that old George(Bush) has committed the ultimate Presidential no-no. The ole Clinton Oval Office Blow-Job.
I've been reading this page as part of my 'research' about 9/11. It's nice to see so many people 'getting it' - sometimes one can feel isolated when you realise the truth of 911. Like others I'm slightly ashamed it took me until Jan2004 to stop labelling this stuff as 'conspiracy theory silliness' although when I started falling down the rabbit hole I fell quickly and realised I had to go all the way down.
In the wake of the London attacks (I live there) I've begun to get worried again. Things are clearly hotting up and there is no way we will ever get off this present course. Depressingly I believe it will only get worse. It amazes me that with so much information freely available there is still no general consensus from the public - how much longer will it be before it breaks out? I suspect it never will. Cognitive dissonance and denial are present in the majority of the population and they won't get through it if they haven't by now.
Like many others I think that there must be another American attack to keep this going. And fairly soon. Bush approval is at 42% and we all know how this gets boosted up nowadays. We seem to be on the edge of the cliff, one more inch foward and we will fall into WW3 for real. Not sure when but it can't be that far away.
Anyway, must scoot off now, just thought I'd leave a mark.
The ends are simple. Reduce population and present it as justifiable to the witnesses so they'll cooperate in the rebuilding. Yes. Rebuilding. Rebuilding will occur after the war they're brewing occurs. See a book called "The Club of Rome" written in the early fifties by one of the first global think tanks. The book presents the findings of a computer based model designed to reveal the effects of industry and population growth on the planet. Factors such as resources (both renewable and nonrenewable), pollution, population growth, and economics were added to the computations. What the Club of Rome discovered was that our current growth is unsustainable and that catastrophy is inevitable unless population growth is curtailed or cut to drastic levels. Roughly 35 percent of current population. The participants in this first think tank were none other than the very same bankers, world leaders and industrialists (or their reps) we know of today. Simply put, the powers that be (shadow gov) know what we're heading towards. Their solution. Secure all remaining resources and streamline distribution. Create communities of loyal subjects and ensure survival. Then, start the conflaguration. It has all been set up and will be implimented when assurance of control has been confirmed. What they had not considered back in 1952 when the book was written is the internet. The proliferation of information instantly available to the masses has changed the entire landscape. As such our erstwhile shadow goons have had to scramble to keep a cap on the information they thought they alone possesed. Now what we are experiencing, 9-11, bank and loan scandles, NWO, etc... the final grabs for control and power within certain regions, and the hypnotizing of the public, are all designed to keep us fighting amoungst ourselves and keep us seperate. Individuals are far easier to control. And far less dangerous.
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