Another man who knew too much?

You're one microscopic cog in his catastrophic plan
Designed and directed by his red right hand - Nick Cave
The alphabet agencies are not monolithic; they are labyrinthic. They have their lighter passages, some more than others, where well-meaning people labour to make a difference for the better, and sometimes do. But then there are the darker passages - some, very dark - where others conspire to undo that work, and conceive worse mischief, and often succeed.
Compartmentalization and the cross-agency shadow networks of criminality mean that Special Agents sometimes unwittingly find themselves chasing the tail of their own government. It seems to happen a lot these days. If they ever catch it, look out.
Nowhere are there more examples of this than in the "War on Drugs." We can read the insider accounts of frustrated former DEA Special Agents such as Michael Levine (The Big White Lie) and Cele Castillo (Powderburns), who repeatedly struck their heads upon the glass ceiling of the protected, covert drug trade. And we can see the many cautionary examples of agents who grabbed the tail, and were destroyed for their efforts. The FBI's Darlene Novinger, for instance, whose undercover work had the misfortune of implicating Vice President George Herbert Walker Bush and his son Jeb in a narcotics smuggling operation linked to the Lebanese Phalange.
And here may be another. From Newsday, July 30:
TEGUCIGALPA, Honduras -- A U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration agent was shot and killed in an apparent robbery attempt at a Roman Catholic shrine outside the Honduran capital, officials said Saturday.
Special Agent Timothy Markey was visiting the shrine Friday when two assailants confronted him and shot him twice, according to Honduran federal police and the DEA. Markey was pronounced dead at a nearby hospital.
Markey began his DEA service in September 1989, according to a statement from the agency. He was assigned to the General Watch Unit at the El Paso Intelligence Center, in Texas, at the time of his death.
And that's about all there is, and probably ever will be, in the American press about the death of Special Agent Markey. Except there may be much more, according to DEA Watch, which exists "to provide all special agents and employees of the United States Drug Enforcement Administration and other narcotics agencies a confidentiality protected platform to express job related and other concerns they could not normally raise to higher-ups, the media or co-workers without exposing themselves to punishment, ridicule, revenge or possible physical harm."
Here are some of those confidential DEA voices commenting on Markey, whom they call "the man who knew too much":
Someone wrote: "HQ tried to make him out to be crazy." That is SOP whenever someone discovers dirt and tries to clean it. The same thing happened to Rick Horn who found out that CIA was bugging the homes of DEA agents all over the world. [For more about Horn, see this RI post from last September.] State refused to stop the practice and our own HQ refused to assist Horn. Some in HQ even suggested Horn was "crazy" and made the whole thing up.
Maybe Tim should have left just like Horn did.
Markey was frequently mentioned several times in DEA Watch going back several years (sorry, I didn't save those editions). According to those reports Markey may have been a marked man. So this may not have been a "robbery". It may well have been a planned execution. Street robbers don't usually shoot fleeing victims in broad daylight on a public street. The killers were probably hired hitmen... hitkids.
As I recall Timothy had a running gun battle with HQ over his getting the boot out of Venezuela some years back. Constantine reportedly forced Tim to see a shrink because Tim filed complaints about some of the others in the DEA office were crooks. I would take a close look at all those Tim worked with in Venezuela. If any can be found to have lots of money and/or property they can't account for that would mean Tim was right and one or more of them might have arranged Tim's murder to look like a street robbery.
There is a major international incident now going on in Venezuela involving DEA. The top people in VZ want nothing to do with DEA because they say our people are part of the problem and not part of the solution. There was talk that Markey was to be interviewd by certain members of Congress to find out what Markey could tell them about the shenanigans in the VZ DEA office. Hmmmm.
Not surprised to hear that of all the people walking the streets in that town at that particular hour Tim was the only one singled out for what appears to be a murder and not a robbery gone bad. Back in 2001 Tim reported on U.S. State Department narcotics ventures. He was sent to the shrinks in Chicago under the SRP (Suitability Review Protocal) who diagnosed him with "Axis II, Personality Disorder with Borderline Dependent and Self Defeating Features". Crap!!!
I for one would not be at all surprised to see [DEA Administrator Karen] Tandy come up with a laughable report accusing Tim of arranging for his own murder.
Be careful what you learn about when working with State and CIA. If you learn too much, and try making a public report, you will be marked for death. If you want to report, do it anonymously on DEA Watch.
When I talked to Tim just a few days ago he told me he would be meeting with a congressman about what went down in Venezuela a few years ago. Apparently the Bush-Cheney oil people are stirring up a lot of trouble in Venezuela to topple the government so that Halliburton and other companies can move in to take over the oil fields. Apparently Tim knew about some of what was going on just after Bush and Cheney first came to office. Everyone the Bush people didn't consider safe -- or had too much information -- was forced out of Venezuela. There is far more to this incident than meets the eye. Fortunately for Bush he has Tandy who will sweep Tim's death under the rug as nothing more than a case of robbery. Tim died for oil. Another casualty of the Bush-Cheney Oil Wars.
It seems far too convenient timing for the one person with the honesty and courage to report wrongdoing in Caracas to suddenly get shot by "kids" attempting to rob an American man when there were tons of women with large purses to snatch. With US-Venezuelan relations currently at a boiling point and military action not unthinkable, along with Congress digging into Markey's reports about DEA corruption in Venezuela, the obvious answer is Markey knew too much.
The context for Markey's killing, suggest these anonymous DEA voices, is Venezuela. Here are two headlines from Caracas on Friday, the day Markey died: Venezuelan General Lopez Hidalgo rules out any agreement with DEA and US Ambassador laments probe into alleged DEA irregularities.
"Conspiracy theory," some may want to sniff. But apparently at the DEA, it's just making conversation.
By the way, here are a couple of threads on the RI discussion board you shouldn't miss:
John Loftus: London bombing mastermind is MI6 agent
John Perkins, shapeshifter
16 Comments: next.html
The Telegraph is allegedly used to spread the propaganda of the security services. ...xportaltop.html
From the Sunday telegraph, 31 July 2005:
Scotland Yard is investigating evidence that the two waves of terrorist attacks on London this month may have been masterminded from Saudi Arabia.
The Metropolitan Police anti-terrorist squad has learnt that Hussain Osman, 27, one of the suspects for the second failed attacks, called a number in Saudi Arabia hours before his arrest in Rome on Friday...
In an unconfirmed development, the Saudi Arabian authorities are understood to be investigating the possibility that the attacks were planned by extremists there...
Security sources in Italy said he made four calls on Friday: three local calls apparently to relatives and, the most interesting one, to a mobile phone in Saudi Arabia. Scotland Yard is trying to discover who took that call.
Saudi Arabia, which has good relations with the West, has been embarrassed by its links to international terrorism. Not only is it bin Laden's home country but 15 of the September 11 terrorists were from the kingdom.
Saudi Arabia - you are next?
What is the next target for Bush and Blair, after Iraq? 2542
May 27, 2004
"There is more speculation about the possible collusion between al-Qaeda and Saudi Arabia."
http:// www.informationclearingho...article8695.htm
The Shalom Center 04/28/05 has an article about Saudi Arabia.
Sharon's National Security Advisor (and former Mossad chief), Efraim Halevy said:
"In a visit to the United States two weeks ago, I was told by several well-informed observers that should one of the more severe scenarios come to pass, the United States will have no choice but to deepen its presence in the Middle East. To that end, it will have to renew the draft, to ensure that there are enough forces to deal with developing situations in countries like Saudi Arabia."
The 'scenario' being talked about is upheaval in Saudi Arabia.... next.html
( hint: as a reader, I'd prefer that such off-topic comments as the one above be started as a new topic in the ezboard open discussion link to this'll get more comments that way.)
So Special Agent Markey, DEA, "was assigned to the General Watch Unit at the El Paso Intelligence Center, in Texas, at the time of his death."
Hmm, that place has been having its own problems, of late...
"...Ex-DEA El Paso Chief Slams U.S. Attorney Sutton Over “Murders Gov’t Could Have Prevented”
Veteran Agent Sandalio Gonzalez Wants Congressional Investigation Into the House of Death Case
By Bill Conroy
Special to The Narco News Bulletin
July 5, 2005
A recently retired, high-ranking DEA official is calling on Congress to investigate the role played by a U.S. Attorney in the cover-up of an informant’s participation in mass murder in Ciudad Juárez, Mexico.
The DEA official, Sandalio Gonzalez, is pointing the finger squarely at Johnny Sutton, the U.S. Attorney in San Antonio, Texas. He claims that had Sutton taken action sooner in the case, more than a dozen people might still be alive today. As a result, Gonzalez says Congress must act now to get to the bottom of what Sutton knew, and when he knew it.
“Unless some Congressional committee subpoenas Sutton to answer questions about this, the cover-up will continue,” Gonzalez said, in an exclusive interview with Narco News.
According to Gonzalez, who, until January of this year, served as special agent in charge of the DEA’s El Paso field office, Sutton was clearly aware of the informant’s participation in the murders by at least Feb. 24, 2004. That’s when Gonzalez fired off a letter to Sutton blowing the whistle on the informant’s role in the murders..."
An article on the recent doings of the DEA in Venezuela
Speaking of Saudi Arabia, the story behind the new Saudi "ambassador" is one about which you all need to be aware.
Some facts to go along with the rumors:
1. The events of 9/11 took place on a day and at the same time of day that hijacking and terror drills in the northeast (NY specifically) were taking place.
2. The London bombings took place as drills to deal with the exact kind of event were taking place.
3. Nuclear preparedness drills are to take place in the US in August of this year.
"Again…this is all just crazy rumor right now. But some rumors turn out to be legitimate foreknowledge. If these or similar events do take place, the word on the street as we know it today indicates that these events would have been state sponsored false flag operations. We should keep that in mind…but hopefully you will be able look back at this little blurb as paranoid induced hysteria."
It seems to me the best way to thwart any horrific nuclear false flag attack in our own country in the near future is to spread this speculation as far and wide as one possibly can, and especially make government representatives aware of these fears. If such a speculation gets too much traction among the citizenry, it makes it somewhat more risky for evildoers to undertake such an attack, and thus less likely to be actually carried out. The finger of potential blame should always be pointed squarely at the White House and Pentagon.
By FREDDY CUEVAS, Associated Press
TEGUCIGALPA, Honduras - A 13-year-old gang member and his teenaged bodyguard have been arrested in the killing of a U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration agent during an apparent bungled robbery, a Honduran official said Sunday.
The suspects were identified as Erlan Colindres, who has escaped three times from correctional centers, and his 13-year-old bodyguard Manuel Romero. Police described both as seasoned gang members.
Google John Baxter.
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