White smoke, dark skies

So Opus Dei has its Pope, and St Malachy of Armagh is either right again, or just lucky. Like I've said before about the curse of living in interesting times, at least they're interesting.
I wrote a little here about Opus Dei and why it deserves our distrust. If you don't yet, I suggest familiarizing yourself with the content of the Opus Dei Awareness Network. Opus Dei has been an organ of fascism (by the 1960s Franco's cabinet was stacked with Opusdeistas, and they rose again under the Aznar government), and has amassed for itself a Templar-worthy fortune, and an international network of influence that rivals, or perhaps complements, that of Freemasonry. ("Many of its 85,000 worldwide members work in legal, medical, financial and media professions," according to today's Los Angeles Times. In a post last week I considered the Masonic cultivation of similar segments of society.) Its ritualized mortification of the flesh and psychological self-battery, as well as the inference of unspoken agendas, is highly suggestive of a mind control cult. You don't need to believe The De Vinci Code to believe this bunch deserve a close watch.
While Ratzinger is not a member of Opus Dei, he is its man. He has been a longstanding champion of the Order, and the two Opus Dei cardinals, Julian Herranz of Spain and Juan Luis Cipriani Thorne of Peru, are reported to have been enthusiastic supporters of his candidacy.
It's true, Ratzinger was a Hitler Youth, but I find better reasons to regard him as a discouraging choice. Membership was compulsory after 1941, so his joining wasn't even a "youthful indiscretion" on the order of Robert Byrd's flirtation with the KKK, let alone an act worthy of Kurt Waldheim. The boy was forced to join the Hitler Youth, but no one made the man support Opus Dei.
And it's not what is known about Opus Dei that is the most disturbing, but as with many secret orders, it is what remains unknown, and surmised. Since 1982, it is the Pontiff's "personal prelature" - answerable not to local bishops, but to the Pope alone - so its power and influence, and potential for excess, are certain to increase. (And it's worth noting that the 1982 measure was coincident with the exposure of the Masonic infiltration of the Vatican.)
It's possible the infiltration of Freemasonry into the Vatican was stymied by Pope John Paul II's patronage of Opus Dei. While the two organizations may appear at odds, that may be largely for exoteric consumption. They may be unlikely bedfellows, but bedfellows just the same, if it's possible to speak of unlikely bedfellows and the priestly class without sniggering.
It's my observation that the worst abuses in the Church, even its Luciferian excesses, have been perpetrated under the cloak of conservativism. John Paul II and his "enforcer," Cardinal Ratzinger, targetted liberation theology and the progressive strains of Catholicism, while their coddled "conservative" clergy continued, largely unchecked, in the molestation, rape and ritual abuse of young children. While Ratzinger has condemned gay relationships as "deviant and evil," he has been an enabler of sexual abuse, by "accusing the media of exaggerating the extent of paedophilia in the American Church."
That this man is now Pope, and the secret society Opus Dei his legionaires, I wonder whether our already interesting times are about to become unbearably fascinating.

Now, about the 12th Century Prophecy of Malachy, which is said to have predicted the succession of 112 Popes to follow Celestinus II:
265 John Paul I (1978) 109 De medietate Lunæ (of the half of the moon)
Hist.: Albino Luciani, born in Canale d´Agardo, diocese of Belluno, (beautiful moon) Elected pope on August 26, his reign lasted about a month, from half a moon to the next half...
266 John Paul II (1978-2005) 110 De labore Solis (of the eclipse of the sun, or from the labour of the sun)Hist.: Karol Wojtyla was born on May 18, 1920 during a solar eclipse. He also comes from behind the former Iron Curtain (the East, where the Sun rises). He might also be seen to be the fruit of the intercession of the Woman Clothed with the Sun labouring in Revelation 12 (because of his devotion to the Virgin Mary). His Funeral occurred on 8 April, 2005 when there was a solar eclipse visible in the Americas.
267 ??? 111 Gloria olivæ The Benedictine order traditionally said this Pope would come from their order.
The Benedictine Order is also known as the Olivetans. Ratzinger assuming the name Benedict appears to me to be a nod at the Malachy Prophecy, and perhaps its self-fulfillment.
Malachy called Number 112 Petrus Romanus - "Peter the Roman" - and wrote this:
In persecutione extrema S.R.E. sedebit Petrus Romanus, qui pascet oves in multis tribulationibus: quibus transactis civitas septicollis diruetur, & Judex tremêdus judicabit populum suum. Finis.
In extreme persecution, the seat of the Holy Roman Church will be occupied by Peter the Roman, who will feed the sheep through many tribulations, at the term of which the city of seven hills will be destroyed, and the formidable Judge will judge his people. Finis.
"Finis" doesn't need translating, does it?
Ratzinger is 78, so it may not be long before we see Petrus Romanus. What we see after that, we'll see.
tremendous analysis Jeff Thank you again and again and.............
ah, yes , Opus Dei & the land of the free:
"Is Louis Freeh a member of the Catholic Opus Die" ... "When asked for confirmation, Freeh declined to respond, having an FBI special agent reply in his stead." Direct Submission, Robert Hutchison ... "He looked like an altar boy." Robert Hanssen, the FBI agent accused of spying for Russia, was known to those close to him as a particularly devout Catholic who, like FBI Director Louis Freeh, is a member of the shadowy order Opus Dei. Holy Weblog! The FBI official accused of spying for Russia is a member of Opus Dei. So, reportedly, is the bureau's director. Is this just a coincidence?"
The Work, the FBI and a habit of silence ... opusdei.org ... Opus Dei - The Unofficial Homepage ... according to Brian Finnerty [newyork@opusdei.org] the answer is No
Question? Why elect a man 78 yrs old?
good article, Jeff
Benedict indeed, as soon as I read there was a new pope the second thing I did was type "malachy Prophesy" into the SE and got the same sight you did Jeff. Is it a nod, had it been another pope would he have also chosen Benedict? Does anything else in that prophesy relate directly to and only Ratzinger? Its like watching a car crash, which is turning intoa 52 car pileup day after day.
One wouldn't normally think of the name Benedict, for the new pope. The history of that particular patrilineage isn't one of remarkable achievement, but rather of corruptions, amazing incompetence, and a few very short reigns. Thus it may indeed be a prophetic reference, esp if you have read the evangelical treatises regarding the seven names of the seven heads of the 666 beast. see:
Seven heads
1) The Beast of Revelation 13 and 17 has seven heads.
These seven heads are met in the papal history;
Pius, Leo, Gregory, Benedict, John, Paul, John Paul. No more, no less, exactly seven.
This measures from the time in which the abomination that maketh desolate is set up as stated in Daniel 12: 11, which occurred in 1798, to the present. This matches the defined parameters expected of the prophecy.
2) These seven heads are the respective mountain-kingdoms of each papal head. They are mountains by utilizing the same name among several popes. All that share the same name are a mountain. It is the same as it is done in a monarchy.
3) The numbers of the names of these seven heads, when all are added up, comes to a cumulative total of 665, awaiting the antichrist, who comes in his own name. John 5: 43, and produces the final one that produces the sum total of 666.
In the second picture, his thumb appears cloven or cut for a "blood brother" type ceremony.
Does the Malachy prophesy tend only to be trotted out at the time of papal changes, or are there other reasons to keep an eye on its predictions?
Was there anyone publicly during John Paul II's final days saying "watch for him to die on the eclipse," or was Malachy only remembered in hindsight afterward?
just wanted to point out for anybody interested that i've got tons of articles now about ratzinger/benedict, the papal prophecies, and the rise of catholic fundamentalism. i got something like 40,000 unique hits today off this stuff... its incredible. people all over the world, and its being picked up and disseminated really fast on blogs and forums in many languages. interesting times indeed
Well, at least we don't have to pretend anymore that this Church is anything but horrible and reactionary. This selection is war.
Via Hraunfjord forum.
I heard one thing on the Vatican TV station this evening that got me curious: they said Cardinal Ratzinger chose to call himself Benedict XVI in devoted memory of Pope Benedict XV "who tried to stop World War I"!!... looked up the references as I thought it could be illuminating on how the new Pope himself views the spirit of his future papacy, and found the text of Benedict XV's appeal on the eve of war:
Pope Benedict XV - Ad Beatissimi Apostolorum - Appealing for Peace - 1 November 1914
Some excerpts:
3. But as soon as we were able from the height of Apostolic dignity to survey at a glance the course of human affairs, our eyes were met by the sad conditions of human society, and we could not but be filled with bitter sorrow. For what could prevent the soul of the common Father of all being most deeply distressed by the spectacle presented by Europe, nay, by the whole world, perhaps the saddest and most mournful spectacle of which there is any record. Certainly those days would seem to have come upon us of which Christ Our Lord foretold: "You shall hear of wars and rumours of wars-for nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom" (Matt. 24:6-7). On every side the dread phantom of war holds sway: there is scarce room for another thought in the minds of men. The combatants are the greatest and wealthiest nations of the earth; what wonder, then, if, well provided with the most awful weapons modern military science has devised, they strive to destroy one another with refinements of horror. There is no limit to the measure of ruin and of slaughter; day by day the earth is drenched with newly-shed blood, and is covered with the bodies of the wounded and of the slain. Who would imagine as we see them thus filled with hatred of one another, that they are all of one common stock, all of the same nature, all members of the same human society? Who would recognize brothers, whose Father is in Heaven? Yet, while with numberless troops the furious battle is engaged, the sad cohorts of war, sorrow and distress swoop down upon every city and every home; day by day the mighty number of widows and orphans increases, and with the interruption of communications, trade is at a standstill; agriculture is abandoned; the arts are reduced to inactivity; the wealthy are in difficulties; the poor are reduced to abject misery; all are in distress.
5. But it is not the present sanguinary strife alone that distresses the nations and fills Us with anxiety and care. There is another evil raging in the very inmost heart of human society, a source of dread to all who really think, inasmuch as it has already brought, and will bring, many misfortunes upon nations, and may rightly be considered to be the root cause of the present awful war. For ever since the precepts and practices of Christian wisdom ceased to be observed in the ruling of states, it followed that, as they contained the peace and stability of institutions, the very foundations of states necessarily began to be shaken. Such, moreover, has been the change in the ideas and the morals of men, that unless God comes soon to our help, the end of civilization would seem to be at hand. Thus we see the absence from the relation of men of mutual love with their fellow men; the authority of rulers is held in contempt; injustice reigns in relations between the classes of society; the striving for transient and perishable things is so keen, that men have lost sight of the other and more worthy goods they have to obtain. It is under these four headings that may be grouped, We consider, the causes of the serious unrest pervading the whole of human society. All then must combine to get rid of them by again bringing Christian principles into honour, if We have any real desire for the peace and harmony of human society.
6. Our Lord Jesus Christ came down from Heaven for the very purpose of restoring amongst men the Kingdom of Peace, which the envy of the devil had destroyed, and it was His will that it should rest on no other foundation than that of brotherly love. These are His own oft-repeated words: "A new commandment I give unto you: That you love one another (John 14:34); "This is my commandment that you love one another" (John 15:12); "These things I command you, that you love one another" (John 15:17
Diebold must have been counting the ballots.
Another great article.
It's refreshing to be able to go on the net, and read something intelligently written, instead of even bothering with msm. And be inundated with whatever slant they have in place.
All I can say is, as a teenager in South City in the 60's and early 70's, my Catholic Church was where a horny white Anglo teenager used to go to study for Confirmation in a weekly class, with all the young Italian and Irish and Mexican gals, who I would then see at school, or at one of the Saturday night dances the three Catholic churches in South City had monthly.
Don't recall any conversations with any Priests, recall a few bitchy nuns, though.
I think you'll enjoy this article , it's funny and ironic, especially the paragraph about how only Saints are in Heaven:
Well here, a teaser from the article:
"The only people in Heaven are the Saints, so good luck. Most of the Popes are in Heaven too and that is where they continue to wave to all the people in Hell. Its rewarding. The Catholic Church is the richest single entity on the face of the earth. It is richer than the U.S Federal Government. No one knows who actually collects all the money, how it gets to Rome, or what the money is spent on. Much of it has been spent on legal defenses for priests from Boston for preying upon (not praying upon) young boys. Once the Pope apologized for 5000 priests that molested young innocent boys. That was a nice gesture because 5000 pedophiles is a lot of pedophiles."
From the link in my last post.
Anonymous One,AH "We are the hand that writes and quickly moves away",later.
Pope Benedict Arnold
Ratzinger is not a "conservative' Catholic, and Catholics in the know are aware of this.
Please see:
and also:
Jesus Christ has raised me from the dead!
I have found you!
I am in the process of attempting to respond to the first 1000 results in a google search for 'Peter the Roman', the final pontiff in the St. Malachy prophecies. Total results are over 3 million. Yet, the prophecy given in 1139 A.D. was in virtual obscurity for over 400 years until the invention of the printing press. In the computer age there has been a resurgence in the interest of the list of names.
As Jesus Christ spoke of not rejoicing that the spirits are subject to us, but that our names are written in heaven, and the fact that Jesus Christ has raised me from the dead to the office of 'Peter the Roman', I hold that the list of names in the St. Malachy prophecies are akin to, if not exactly, those very names written in heaven.
Even Nostradamus spoke of 'Peter the Roman' in Century VII, #24.
The use of 'the strong one' in the quatrain refers to Daniel 7:7.
Jesus Christ's resurrecting me is in His fulfillment of an agreement of contract law (Matthew 3:15) into which both He and I entered prior to my baptising Him.
Rigorous Institution is in the 801-900 page of results.
I am pleased to meet you.
Please feel free to respond.
The reality of the future is not totally revealed to us, it is written, "eye hath not seen, nor ear heard of the wonders God has in store for us."
As Christ had sent me to bear him witness, I now bear witness that HEAVEN IS GREAT!!!
The world is saved through the Blessed Virgin Mary's Brown Scapular and Rosary as prophesied.
I normally use my surname, Edward Palamar, but I remain:
the resurrected John,
Prophet of the Most High,
whom Jesus Christ called the "Elias who was to come.",
St. John the Baptist,
enjoying the rapture in the call of duty as Peter the Roman
The home of the infamous european toxic clan, psycho urban fraggers that pawn the virtual return to castle wolfenstein enemy territory battlefields.
Just Pub, a dumb return to castle wolfenstein enemy territory comic strip by feuersturm.
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