MI5 and the Welsh Paedophile Ring

Seeing things that are there: MI5's Eye in the Pyramid
Apologies for the extended absence, and my thanks for your understanding. I needed it, and I've made some good progress on my book.
While I get up to speed here, I thought I'd pass along, courtesy of a reader, what appears to be another link in the global chain of the protected exploitation of children by intelligence agencies and their elite patrons.
The blog Nona digs into an old story, previously unknown to me, of a paedophile ring in North Wales. Allegedly, "MI5 used to take foreign diplomats to the North Wales homes, give them boys to 'play' with, secretly filmed them as they buggered, abused and tortured boys then kept the tapes as evidence. Over a dozen victims who complained of abuse by the paedophile ring 'have met suspicious deaths.'" Nona supplies many corroborating links, such as State cover-up of high level paedophile ring and Public Figures Named in Paedophile Ring, as well as those which detail the whitewash that made it all go away.
Nona also provides this provocative quote from One Girl's War: Personal Exploits in MI5's Most Secret Section, by Joan Miller, published in 1986, concerning MI5 Chief Charles Henry Maxwell-Knight, the model for his friend Ian Fleming's "M":
His first wife Gladys, I learnt, died in the Overseas Club after some sort of occult misadventure in which the notorious Aleister Crowley was involved - certainly I'd never been willing to enquire too deeply into that incident. Black magic was not a subject that held any attraction for me. I accepted M's interest in it, hoping it was purely academic, but, for myself, I preferred to leave it well and truly alone: M understood this. When I tore up a photograph of Aleister Crowley which he had kept, as I believed it to be unlucky, he only laughed.
In Unholy Alliance, Peter Levenda writes that "Himmler was obsessed by the idea that British Intelligence was being run by the Rosicrucian Order and that occult adepts were in charge of MI5.... how would he have reacted had he known that the formidable Maxwell Knight...was a disciple of Crowley himself." And not just Knight, but also figures such as OTO initiate and novelist Dennis Wheatley, a favourite author of Hermann Goring, and member of Winston Churchill's Joint Planning Staff.
As Levenda says, "Oh, how the black candles would have burned that night!"
Maxwell-Knight was a fascist too:
"There was, however, another side to Knight's encounter with fascism. At some point in 1924 Knight became a member of Britain's first fascist movement of any significance, the British Fascists (BF) and served as its Director of Intelligence from 1924 to 1927. Evidence confirming Knight's involvement is available from a number of sources. There is, for example, the testimony of Neil Francis-Hawkins, recently uncovered by W.J.West.(4) Francis-Hawkins had been one of the more influential members of the BF before joining the BUF and becoming its Director-General of Organization. He was also one of the earliest BUF members to be interned in May 1940. Appearing before the Advisory Committee on 18B Detainees in 1944, Francis-Hawkins informed it that Maxwell Knight "had been Director of Intelligence at the British Fascists".(5) This is substantiated by Foreign Office papers in which Knight's name appears on a list of the British Fascists' senior executives provided by two of the movement's members in September 1926 to Special Branch and Foreign Office officials.(6) Knight's membership and position as the BF's Chief Intelligence officer also appears in an intelligence report on British fascism submitted to the Australian authorities in November 1924, and discovered by the historian, Dr. Andrew Moore.(7)
Knight's involvement with the BF cannot be explained by suggesting that he enrolled in order to keep the movement under surveillance for MI5 from within. It is, of course, highly likely that he did do precisely that once he had been recruited into MI5, but Knight joined the British Fascists in 1924, prior to his recruitment by the Security Service in April 1925. As its Director of Intelligence, he was responsible for compiling intelligence dossiers on its "enemies" and rivals; for planning its counter-espionage and covert action operations; for establishing and supervising the fascist cells it set up and operated in the trade unions and factories; and for the movement's own internal security and disciplinary problems.(8)
There is also evidence that Knight's fascist enthusiasm continued for some time after he left the BF in 1927. In the testimony referred to earlier, Francis-Hawkins recalled that shortly after Knight left the movement he revealed his identity as an MI5 officer and offered assistance to the BF in its work for the "Clear Out the Reds Campaign" launched by Commander Oliver Locker-Lampson, Colonel John Gretton, Sir Henry Page Croft and Winston Churchill.(9) What form this assistance took, and whether or not it had the full support of senior Security Service officials, are not disclosed in Francis-Hawkins' testimony; but it does suggest that Knight's fascist sympathies did not disappear immediately he left the movement. Knight's own testimony at the trial of Tyler Kent further suggests that his sympathies for fascism only began to wane in 1935 when he and his colleagues became increasingly concerned about the British Union of Fascists' growing Italian fascist and German nazi links.(10)"
And, he may have been involved in a "private" intelligence network before he was recruited into the MI5:
" It is unlikely, however, that Knight was recruited by Sir Vernon Kell because of his membership of the BF. Bernard Porter has recently suggested that Knight had served an "intelligence apprenticeship" elsewhere, his source for this being John Baker White, Assistant Director and then Director of the Economic League between 1926 and 1939.(11) In his second autobiography White states that in 1923 he had been recruited to run "Section D" of a private intelligence agency operated by a "Sir George McGill". According to White, McGill's agency "investigated all forms of subversion including communism....the international traffic in drugs and the traffic in women and children....[and] the cult of evil which Aleister Crowley was the centre'.(12) White himself employed agents for Section D of the agency, one of whom was a young man named Max, "a naturalist who later entered government service", and who (White recalled) died in 1968 -- biographical details corresponding closely to those of Maxwell Knight.
If Porter is correct, Knight's recruitment to MI5 was probably effected by McGill's agency. According to White, Sir George McGill was "a close and personal friend of Sir Vernon Kell..... and could always see the Permanent Secretary to the Cabinet whenever he wished and at short notice'."
So, the insider cabals on both the Nazi and British teams were followers of the 'left hand path'.
Worry not about any absences you must undertake to conduct your "real work". This blog outshines almost everything on the internets.
I found a link which deals with some coincidences between the work of Uncle Al and the Star Wars mythology. You may find it amusing.
As the run of hidden history goes, much of this material hits authentic paydirt.
I also recommend researching the life and times of Maxwell-Knight's colleague Ian Fleming, perhaps best known as the creator of James Bond. A confirmed decadent, Fleming hosted many of the mid-20 century decadent elite of the UK at his compound at Montego Bay, a cohort including the abdicated heir to the British throne, Prince Edward VII, and his wife Wallis Simpson ...Wallis Simpson, the American commoner who married the heir to the British throne- according to Charles Higham, formerly a prostitute serving the Western Concession area in Shanghai in the inter-World War years. Edward's particular fetish was infantilism, according to Higham...also worth checking out: Higham's biography of Errol Flynn, who participated in occult rites in the Carribean, when not acting as a Nazi/MI6 double agent. (Higham tags Flynn as a "Nazi agent", but in the last few years documents have emerged that appear to authenticate his "double agent"- at minimum- status.) Given the added retrospect, one of Flynn's missions seems to have been attempting to sting the Germans into attacking or sabotaging US Naval installations on the West Coast, to give the USA a pretext to enter the war against Germany, pre-Pearl Harbor...during this same time period, Flynn also rendezvous'ed with Suspicious Character/Change Agent Extraordinaire Ignatius Trebitsch (Trebitsch) Lincoln, during Trebisch Lincoln's final known character act in Shanghai as the abbot "Chao Kung"...the leading abbot of the biggest Buddhist monastery in Shanghai! Not bad for the scion of a leading rabbi of Prague, who earned his infamy/reknown as the apostate "black sheep" of his prestigious family, coverting first to Anglicanism and becoming Curate of Appledore, getting into some weird business swindles with/against David Lloyd George (?), later immigrating/absconding to Canada and converting yet again to some other Protestant sect as a minister, and later returning to England, and from there to Germany to act as "press secretary" for the right-wing aristocratic Kapp putsch in Bavaria in 1919, which failed on the launching pad, and later turning up in Shanghai, eventually working as a "Naxi spy" (or double agent?)...some CV. Trebisch Lincoln, free agent, loose cannon- or connected to a wider network?
Read all about it-
It gets too deep for me. Maybe someone else is up to the task. Suffice it to say that after reading enough of this and related material, the possibility that WW2 was plotted by a covert multinational elite no longer appears quite so unthinkable.
As for British fascism- the history of fascism is an under-studied topic in the curriculum of American education, to understate matters. It was widely viewed as the progressive successor to capitalism by the financial and industrial elites of Big Business- combining the control advantages of centralized state socialism with the economic arrangements of cartel corporatism. Most all European nations had a Fascist party- the Croix de Feu in France; the Arrow Cross in Hungary; the Falange in Spain and Portugal; the National Front in Great Britain. And all of the Fascist parties had paramilitary auxiliaries- Blue Shirts, Green Shirts, Silver Shirts, Gold Shirts, Black Shirts, Brown Shirts. Mussolini was considered a political genius by wealthy and powerful Americans like Irenee DuPont and William Randolph Hearst.
Speaking of the Mussolini era- what was up with Thelema, Crowley's little crisis cult out there in Sicily during the '20s? And how did he manage to support himself and his backwoods experiment? Did the journalistic scandal surrounding his activities in the 1920s signal the decline of his self-proclaimed career as societal change agent- or merely the end of his high public profile?
peoplenotsheeple said...
And how 'bout that Walter Duranty, famous New York Times apologist for Stalin, and also a homosexual and satanist? Apparently the Crowleyites had nothing against communists as long as they could give good head.
You're saying "homosexual and satanist" like they are the same thing. Or it seems like you're implying: "He's a homosexual, so no wonder he's an occult pervert!" Just seems like sort of an unfair characterization, but maybe I'm misreading it.
gotta go to bat for uncle Al. I mean if the guy were head honcho of a pack of rich satanists, he'd probably not have died destitute and drug addicted in some hovel, yeah? He suffered numerous financial setbacks, and part of the reason he struggled so hard to establish thelema in his lifetime was to aquire financial backers as disciples, which repreatedly failed.
he's a convenient whipping boy, but that's about all.
The British goverment felt that there was good reason to practice "magic" rituals including blood sacrifice- that it was, in fact, the first requirement of empire. They had read the classics in school as instructions in life and governing.
In the same schools they also learned those rituals were , if more than symbolic, profoundly chaotic/ diabolical.
That almost determined they would be involved in black magic and that real blood would be spilt because it was put in the same catagory as assasination, spying. On the surface dirty work but someone has to do it. Underneath , Blood in the parlor! demons! Wow!
Domville, Knight, Mosley, Blunt ...
Haw-Haw and MI5
BELGIUM - DUTROUX - Was Dutroux working for the security services?
I remember reading in the 1970s that Jimmy Page of Led Zeppelin was seriously into all this stuff. Take a look at the cover of Houses of the Holy and wonder.
Jimmy Page wasn't in MI5, but he was a big "Crowleyphile" who dabbled in the mystical/occult world and even purchased Boleskin House, Crowley's onetime address, in Inverness, Scotland.
Dunno if Page was a perv.
"... As I mentioned in my last rap, 93 Jermyn Street is just off Picadilly Circus in London. A “circus” is a “rund’aboot” (round-about), i.e. a circle where traffic flows in and out. Picadilly Circus has traditionally had a statue of Eros (Cupid) on the island in the center (taken down during the war, of course). They couldn’t take down Nelson’s Monument in Trafalgar Square, so they sandbagged it. Anyway, and for whatever reason, it was the habit at that time (‘43-44 e.v.) for all of the young ladies of London who wanted to fuck for fun and profit to come down and blanket the walls while the various clientele (mostly American soldiers) considered the prospects. The comments one heard while passing could be rather startling. I remember being jolted out of my satori one evening by some broad yelling “Get your ‘hand off my cunt!” during a particular point when they were negotiating as to who was to sleep with whom and where and how much for the night. We had a saying in the American army, “If you put a roof over Picadilly Circus, you would have the biggest whorehouse in the world.” Whether Crowley ever made use of the local availability I have no idea, but it did set a certain tone. Speaking of sex, the question has arisen as to whether Crowley ever made any homosexual advances to me. The answer is no. (For a confirmatory opinion, see THE EYE IN THE TRIANGLE, by Dr. Israel Regardie, Lewellyn Publications, St. Paul, MN 55101, p. 16). The Aleister Crowley I knew had the greatest respect for the right of an individual to manifest their Will without interference. The only time the subject ever came up was by accident and a joke. One day he was telling me about how he had been at a party the previous evening; From his description I got the idea that the people who attended were mostly of the artist/bohemian persuasion, but elderly, because as he said, despite their age they were all jumping about “As spry as crickets.” Whereupon I made some inane comment to the effect that I would have liked to have been there. His reply was rather devastating. He said, and I quote, “Oh, you would just have gotten yourself buggered...”
-Hymenaeus Alpha 777
As an amusing addition to this story, current UK Big Brother contestant Conservative speech-writer/consultant Derek Laud is widely to reported to have been involved in this (and even dirtier dealings).
Google used to be able to tell you more about this, but some of the content disappeared about oh.. 11 weeks ago (and what little remains is rather difficult to find due to Big Bro related pages).
He's a very shady character with a rather dubious past, check it out.
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Speculation: Was Jill Dando the 'good' journalist who knew too much?
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Great work, Blogs! But it seems as though you have a spammer online.
Was interested about the Welsh paedophile ring, is that the same one or another to the Irish one I've heard about, run by Mountbatten? They used to film it all too, and use it to blackmail people. Anthony Blunt used to semi-strangle the kids as they did it. Supposed to be part of some masonic ritual. I'm sure this sort of thing goes on today, no reason for it not to. I'm also aware of the sex-orgies familys indulge in, I've seen pics taken at one. It seems certain families, relatives included, have fuck-nights where anything goes; your own mother, sister, aunt, brother, father, you name it they do it. One of the pics I saw was of this top policeman (political appointment) fucking his daughter, in an oriface otherwise used for something else. She had a predominant birthmark on one hip. I saw enough of her face to realise that I knew her, had met her and her father (I used to help train officers in the techniques of interogating minors, up at Bow Street. My last time I was accused of raping Jenny Agutter! Her first role. She was about 12, me 14) I later bumped into this girl in the street and she got hot she hauled me home and straight up to her bedroom! 'Phew' doesn't cover it. And there was the birthmark, proving it was the same girl. Our 'betters' are at it like rabbits! If we were to do the same we would be jailed.
By the way; I got a shocked email the other day from a friend in London. He'd overheard some guys off the plane from the USA, on a visit to Uri Geller in Reading. They were talking the black occult (of course) a conversation they'd started on the plane probably. My mate was suprised when they began talking Tommy Cooper and...Stephen Ward. Both were high members of a secret occult group into finding The Holy Grail. Both are still talked about in hushed tones by like-minded people. So take that aspect of the Ward scandal seriously. He was into more than mere spying. And my mate was flabbergasted to hear that Ward had an honoury son, Sven, who was used in occult rituals, sex-rituals too. Sven was refered to as the Ward clan's 'sexual plaything' and could have been used in hardcore as well (getting Ward into those fine houses, perhaps?) There were never any men, lads, mentioned in the Ward scandal, only girls. Why has Sven never been mentioned before?
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obat kencing nanah De Nature
Obat Kencing Nanah Gang jie dan Gho Siah.Gonore adalah penyakit menular seksual (PMS) yang disebabkan oleh bakteri Neisseria gonorrhoeae. Bakteri ini dapat ditularkan dari orang ke orang selama aktivitas seksua.Untuk Pemesanan Obat Penyakit Kelamin Kencing Nanah di 0812-2854-1999 atau Pin BB 53E87F23
Apabila anda sedang mencari pengobatan kutil kelamin untuk pria maupun wanita segera kunjungi kami http://obatkutilkelaminwanita.blogdetik.com cara mengobati kutil kelamin pada wanita tanpa harus menggunakan operasi cukup dengan menggunakan obat khusus kutil kelamin paling manjur dari klinik de nature manjurserta sangat aman untuk ibu hamil
MANTAB * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *******
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