It's enough to make you paranoid

And Operation Zapata was the code name for the Bay of Pigs,
Like the Bushes' oil company - what a funny coincidence - Paranoid Larry
And sometimes, I think that's the idea.
Once you begin to smell something fishy, it's hard to smell anything else. And as soon as you start grasping the semiotics of conspiracy, you see tells, like inside jokes shared with the doomed, made on the dual assumptions that nobody is going to believe you and there's nothing you can do about it. Or at least I see them. (Hey, call me paranoid.)
Which brings us to the Zapata Corporation. You know the story: the Texas oil and gas company co-founded by George Herbert Walker Bush in 1953, which allegedly served the CIA well in both the ramp-up to the Bay of Pigs and its burgeoning narcotics business. (Those Caribbean platforms belonging to its future director - which intelligence agency could resist?)

In the 1990s Zapata got out of the energy sector and "became a top US producer of marine protein through its majority holdings in Omega Protein." It's no longer Texas-based; it's now headquarted in Rochester, New York. But a nod or two to its legacy remain.
Here is something I bet you didn't know: since August 19, 1998, Zapata Corporation is squatting on the domain name "" (Do a "whois" search and see.) Why a fish oil firm would hold onto, I can't imagine. Why a fish oil firm with Zapata's history would, I can only guess. It has the ring of another inside joke.
Like, say, a photograph of George HW Bush sharing a bed with his granddaughters. The picture is undated, but it appears to be of late-1980s vintage, when stories were being whispered about Bush's "problem", and his association with the Franklin Credit Union's Lawrence King was becoming an issue. But there he is. And something else besides:

I can hear his studied, folksy disgust at the inference that there is anything unwholesome about this image. But Mr President, the pyramid in your lap....
Even when we get the joke, it's not particularly funny, is it?
Hi Jeff -
Zapata also made a stab at the dot-com frenzy business in the late '90s. Re-branded "" ( ), they went very public in their desire to buy up independent media sites to form a network. I ran a site called at the time and, despite the Fishiness of the whole thing, was broke enough to attempt selling out to them. As it turns out they bought very few sites and never launched the network (that I know of) and who knows what the real story was ... but it *might* explain why they still own domains like "" ... but why would they still have it?
Thanks for the info, Ken. Interesting to learn they were dabbling in independent media.
More pyramid paranoia is in the identification standards used by the Department of Homeland Security. Their graphics and logos are illustrated on cars, trucks, boats, and planes in the following document:
U.S. Department of Homeland Security
Vehicle Guidelines - May 2004
Depending on how you perceive them -- as with the arrow in the FedEx logo -- the blue, green, and grey shapes in the DHS logo form a single-pointed star or various pyramids. Some of them even appear truncated like the reverse side of the Great Seal of the United States. Perhaps the "missing" eyes in the DHS logo pyramids are replaced by the surveillance vehicles themselves?
Branding, people, branding. Quoting from the introduction:
The vehicles that serve the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) are some of our most important and highly visible assets. Because of their prominent roles in our day-to-day operations, an identity system has been developed to help them instantly communicate the authority and purpose of the DHS, its agencies and bureaus.
We are entrusted with the relentless protection and defense of America, its ideals, its way of life and its people. We are the trusted and authoritative partner to the state, local and private sector entities that share our mission. We are a 21st-century form of government and proud to protect our homeland.
And our appearances must reflect our convictions.
Good catch, Jeff. this is how I interpret the pyramid symbolism: It represents the hierarchical nature of society as the natural order of things (nothing New about this World Order). Of course, one of the fantastic things about America, or so we've been told, is that you can climb the social ladder, or pyramid, from rags to riches, as the cliché goes (nevermind that the chances of social mobility are actually higher in Germany than in the US; many Americans still think about Europe in terms of the late feudalist world their ancestors left behind).
So regardless of your "station" in life, you can advance in the hierarchy. BUT, at a certain level, close to the top, the remainder of the pyramid is cut off from the rest, hovering eerily above it. You can climb so far, but not further. You may have come a long way, but hovering above you, unattainable, radiant, magnificent, is the summit of power, wealth and excellence, the exclusive domain of the Illuminated Few, the priveleged and the select, who are the light of the world and its rightful owners. Their world is closed to you.
How thoughtful of Poppy to remind us.
Zapata Engineering
"exactly what took place is the subject of conflicting claims. What is agreed is that 16 American contractors working for the North Carolina-based Zapata Engineering, along with three Iraqi maintenance workers, were arrested by marines and held in a US-run prison for three days."
I wonder what the original context for that Too Much Information image was? Since when is it appropriate to show the president in bed? We're not talking John and Yoko's bed-in for peace, that's for sure.
I don't remember being treated to pictures of Gerald and Betty, Jimmy and Rosalind, etc in their King-sized [cough] marital bed.
Is that a pyramid in your pocket . . . or are you just glad to see me?
Zapata is now owned by Glazer who now owns Manchester United it is the rump of the original Zapata op which moprhed into Peenzoil and is noew Devon Energy.
However little known is
1. G Bush senior got funding for original Zapata in the late 60's from Edinburgh based Sime Ivory Merchant Bankers. Mr Gammell snr MD was very friendly with G Bush Snr and G Dubya Bush came to SCotland to spend holidays with Bill Gammell Jnr.
Bill Gammell Jnr played Rugby UNion for Scotland, he also went to fettes College in Edinburgh and was Fives (a public school game like Squash) with .... Anthony Blair future PM !
Bill Gammell founded Cairn Energy, whose Head Offices in Edinburgh were opened by Tony Blair Leader of the Opposition and Labour Party 1998.(Plaque mysteriously has gone)
George Dubya Bush was best man at Bill Gammell's wedding.
When Dubya was in London he had banquet with Queen and Bill Gemmell was there. Also David Blunket who was then shagging Mrs Quinn (Publisher of Spectator and spectacular and much sshagged society madam)and impregnating her next to whom he sat!
Small world.
Hey Guys,
Kevin from Check this out:
Hey Jeff, where do you get these intimate photos of the bush family ?
Have you got a mole in the bush camp ? (laughter)..
- jupiter island - aw, legendary jokes !
Anonymous One, maybe they where all listening to an Alan Parsons disk,Pyramid? That picture made me go back in time,how old would you say the sisters are? I hope they didn't stay long in that bed with Poppy.Rain, when you think of Jupiter island think Hobe Sound,that is one wild spot where all these creeps hang out,later.
Thank you, Jeff, for this article. I have seen that picture of the Bushes in bed before, but I never noticed the pyramid with the gold-illuminated capstone until you pointed it out.
The Egyption-style pyramid is the *ultimate* symbol for total government, since the pyramids were made to worship government-rulers by untold thousands of indoctrinated serfs laboring their entire lives in total service to the ruler and his government. As well, the Masonic/Illuministic pyramid with the illuminated, floating capstone, has the All Seeing Eye of Horus in the illuminated, floating capstone--and Horus within deep-occultism is just another representation of Lucifer (i.e., Apollo), a.k.a. Satan. Thus it is quite appropriate that modern governments make such extensive use of this Illuministic symbol.
The rays of illumination represent the "illuminated" nature of the elites, e.g., their knowledge of the esoteric matters of statecraft. The hovering capstone represents them being above and appart from the masses which they rule over. The All Seeing Eye of Horus represents their surveillance over the masses, as well as representing Horus, i.e., Apollo, himself.
As the U.S. IAO/DARPA logo says (i.e., the one with the pyramid with All Seeing Eye of Horus in a hovering illuminated capstone), "Scientia est Potentia," i.e., Knowledge is Power. Hence, they maintain their power through their knowledge of the BlackOps methods of statecraft and surveillance over the masses while keeping this knowledge away from the masses.
For much, much more on this symbol, including many pictures of it in use by governments around the world, see the below two posts by me:
Reply #11 on: January 26, 2005, 08:05:40 PM:;action=display;threadid=12856;start=0
Reply #40 on: November 05, 2004, 11:31:40 AM:;action=display;threadid=11993;start=40
i've looked for that Bush picture for years! it's out of TIME magazine from 88-89, i believe, and it was good ol' big daddy Bush's birthday!!
I can't imagine what GHWB was thinking when he had that thing in his lap to have his picture taken, and perfectly placed over his groin to boot. It is just too bizarre.
Then there is the bedraggled and dazed look of GHWB. What on earth was happening there? It boggles the mind.
Anyway, thanks for the picture!
If that photo was taken on his birthday morning...then it might be logical to suppose that the pyramid represents a gift...
Wonder who sent it, who made it, what it says, etc.
Here's a few links to photos of awards/promotional pyramids given as recognition..
It might also be: 1) a radio 2) remote control (!) for TV/radio, or even 3) pillbox
Take a look at this page:
The Bush Family and their illuminati Rituals--data dump
The pyramid photo was passed around by Fritz Springmeier in 2001. James Whisler wrote the above page as a collection of info regarding the Bush's and the Illuminati.
maybe i'm just a weirdo, but does that remind anybody else of the parents from the Brady Bunch? For some reason, the photo made me think of those scenes of the parents talking in bed...
check it out
sorry wrong link!
Regarding the link to the Illuminati site at:
When will you (supposedly well-informed) people stop conflating Pagan/pre-Christian seasonal practices with Satanism???
Whether or not our douchebag president and his masonic buddies use that time of year for some crazy ritual, I do not know, and I frankly do not care.
What I do care about is correcting an ongoing misconception that appears over and over on this site.
Look, I'm only going to say this once: The Winter Solstice has NOTHING to do with Satan. People have been celebrating the Winter and Summer Solstices for thousands of years - long before the birth of Christ, or his adversary, Satan.
Further, there would be NO such thing as Christmas without the Winter Solstice, contrary to what rabid nutball Christians would have us believe. To wit:
"As with other rituals and celebrations, the Church felt that by assimilating this holiday into the Christian beliefs, it would help convert those who still followed the Olde Way."
Here are some links to help the misinformed to get it straight:
Read Dr. Kate Prendergast's "The Merriest Days of the Year: Unearthing the Pagan Origins of Christmas":
[Adapted] from her paper,"Chronos, Saturn, Mithra: Archaeology and the Pagan Origins of Christmas," in Case Studies in Archaeology and World Religion. The Proceedings of the Cambridge Conference, T. Insoll, ed., BAR International Series 755.
See, also:
Religious Tolerance.0rg -URL:
Ancient Origins: Solstice -- URL:
Thank you!
Re; Omega and fish oil. It's just another chance at a monopoly, perhaps, when they outlaw all vitamin supplements (which in any other era anyone would have said "yeah, right!" yet here we are with the new regs/law just upheld in UK.
"Son, I have just two words for you: "Fish oil."
Big business, and if you control the nutritional intake of hundreds of millions, and whether or not your Omega supplement actually contain what you claim, plus or minus a few key items, geeze, it's more drug smuggling and control, even if it's a cold-backup strategy for a later move in a decade still two or three hence. They think and plan in decades, this much is clear.
And as to independent web media sites, if you trace back the ownership of "evidentiary" sites mentioned most recently, perhaps they might have been planted or owned by some later subsidiary of zap?
anonymous said:
Whether or not our douchebag president and his masonic buddies use that time of year for some crazy ritual, I do not know, and I frankly do not care.
I don't know either (for sure) but I do care, because all that matters is what they believe. Good info can come from christian circles no matter how paranoid or over the top they may seem to unbelievers. Yes, everyone knows about the solstices; their pagan/agricultural origins and the grafting of the holidays onto the church's. Big deal. If the top dogs believe that these dates are special and important to their own machinations, that's what matters.
Ok, someone tell me what the hell Bush Sr. has an Illuminati pyramid on his lap for..
Damn, I hate reading about this stuff..But I don't want anymore shit pulled over on me & my people..
One of the troop transport ships used in the operation was code named "Houston," another was "Barbara."
Hey folks. I love the Illuminati theory, and the object *does* look like the infamous pyramid. However, I also remember a talking clock with that shape that was sold at Sharper Image in the late 1980s. When you hit the top of the pyramid with the palm of your hand, the clock would speak the date and time. Back then, it seemed pretty spiffy. I'm almost positive that this is the same clock.
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I have to agree the fact that he lays casually in bed with a pyramid on his lap is not helping the Illumanati accuations...
~ Kristy Gomez ~
Anybody know what that actually was that he was holding?...
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Anyone consider it's an orgonite pyramid? Look them up.
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