This is only a drill...

"In some ways she was far more acute than Winston, and far less susceptible to Party propaganda. Once when he had happened in some connection to mention the war against Eurasia, she startled him by saying casually that in her opinion the war was not happening. The rocket bombs which fell daily on London were probably fired by the Government of Oceania itself, 'just to keep the people frightened.'" - 1984
I've already posted about this story on the RI discussion board, but given the recently heightened shrillness in the pro-Bush media regarding the inevitability and even the imminence of an "American Hiroshima" - "the multiple detonation of nuclear weapons already smuggled into the U.S. over the Mexican border" - and word of nuclear terrorism simulations this summer (and we should all know by now what often accompanies "simulations"), I thought I'd post it here as well, in hope that some readers may bring light to the heat of reports of unusual activity at a long-abandoned military base in Texas.
This was posted a couple of hours ago on Democratic Underground, where it's been met by the usual hoots of derision:
I've been in touch with a truck driver friend. He told me he dropped his regular trailer at the company's terminal in CA, and bobtailed to a huge abandoned military base in Texas. He was given a non-descript white trailer.
There are now 300 trucks from his company, as well as hundreds from others. They're locked in on the grounds, and more trucks are arriving all the time. He's been sitting since early Saturday. They've been told they aren't allowed out of their trucks for more than twenty minutes, and there is a gubmint "roach coach" that comes by at mealtimes.
He said last night, a bunch of buses came in to take the drivers to a truckstop two hours away, where they all got free showers. He has no idea what they'll be hauling, or how long he'll be sitting there.
Any ideas?
The original poster later added these details:
He's been calling me by cell phone. The base is long ago abandoned. The truckstop two hours away is near Weatherford (just outside Ft.Worth).
When he called the other night the drivers were surmising that they were preparing just in case the hurricane hit Texas. I told him there was no way they would be going to those lengths before a hurricane. Anyway, it didn't happen, and the operation continues. Oh yeah...he said he's being paid $200 per day to sit there.
On the RI board, "Connut" has posted that for the past several days 30 or so Red Cross Disaster Relief trucks have been sitting in an Austin hotel parking lot. (Austin, of course, is far north of where Hurricane Emily recently hit.)
A strange, unconfirmed story, but these are strange and largely unconfirmed times, and the list of reasons why pyromaniacs in high places may desire to set inextinguishable fires only lengthens. It could be a hoax, it could be disinformation, it could be nothing; sometimes the dots we mean to connect are just spots before our eyes. But sometimes not. And so I'm throwing it out here to see if it rings a bell for anyone, before all our bells get rung again.

The link to DU does not work - says the page no longer exists. Is this because the link is wrong or because the page has been removed?
Check out the BlondeSense blog today.
Zed, it's because DU has deleted the post. I've updated the blog entry to reflect that.
Wait a sec - no, I was wrong; something buggered up the link. The story is still there, and I've fixed and edited the post.
Jumped to conclusions there, I guess. DU has in the past deleted posts that allude to undisclosed US military movements.
If they were going to drop a nuke and blame it on terrorists, is it likely they'd choose Texas to drop it on?
"is it likely they'd choose Texas"
A good question that takes me back to the German Guy flap.
Texas could be just the staging area, given the proximity to Mexico, if there's any truth to the stories of nukes across the border.
My non-rigorous intuition has been telling me lately that the next synthetic mass casuality event on US soil won't be upon a big urban target, but will be in the "heartland." I think that would carry the greatest propaganda value while minimizing damage to strategic infrastructure.
That the DUers jump on something in their pack wisdom is neither here nor there. I've seen groupthink there that rivals that of Free Republic, and is just as disturbing. And I say that as a life-long lefty.
I didn't keep up much with the pre-Y2k discussion of white trucks and anomalous road signs after the millenium turned. Got tired of the "liberals are scum" talk on the forums where talk continued about emergency preparedness.
Did that white truck meme continue, and is this an extension of it?
You are right on Jeff when you say that the next event will hit the heartland. Maximum shock to the populous , minimum damage to the infrastrcuture and it's a nice easy shrug for the administration cos who would have thunk?
With the war going so badly and Traitorgate still rumbling away - but now in shiney MSM form! - one can't help but think that if there was ever a scenario which warranted the darkest of acts, we might be in it, right now.
The other little known/commented on thing to consider here is that Gonzalez has been running coast to coast perp sweeps pretty much since he got his new job. These sweeps which are enforced at local level by town and city police departments are usually designed to pick up bail jumpers and low level arrestees.
Given the obsession with terror, I've always thought this strange. Unless, of course, it's practice for something.
Like maybe a sweeping up of dissenters post some apocalyptic event...
Do you have room for house guests Jeff?
If it is true then yes there's a good chance they'd use Texas. That's where their "machine" is the most effective, that's where they're more likely to get away with it. Texas is the land of least surprises for this administration. But it's probably not real. They'd likely use military or spooks for the drivers, and any cell phone calls out would only serve the purposes of those plotting the event (even if the calls were impossible to make, like the cell calls from an airliner in flight on 9/11.).
If it is true then yes there's a good chance they'd use Texas. That's where their "machine" is the most effective, that's where they're more likely to get away with it. Texas is the land of least surprises for this administration. But it's probably not real. They'd likely use military or spooks for the drivers, and any cell phone calls out would only serve the purposes of those plotting the event (even if the calls were impossible to make, like the cell calls from an airliner in flight on 9/11.).
what's the military base? any ideas?
er.. name I mean?
Google google google...
"Belton Lake is located adjacent to the Fort Hood Army Base, which has several points of interest for the military buff."
Google Maps, Google Maps, Google Maps....
Wikipedia, Wikipedia, Wikipedia....
Ok, I'll stop.
Oh geesh, this is too weird, I just read that quote from 1984 this morning. (I've been re-reading the book now for a week.)
It made the hair rise on my neck.
I wonder if the poster meant a two hour trip round trip as opposed to just one way.
Careful what you think is 'heartland': depending on how evil they are, bombing any place with aquifiers or rivers in the immediate region seems too dangerous as it'd make the fallout control difficult.
For minimal infrastructure damage and easy fallout control a desert city (or several) is quite likely: New Mexico, Nevada, Arizona, Texas, would be prime targets.
Given the ease with which nukes are supposed to be detected from space a southern border state -- if the story is to be nukes smuggled in via Mexico -- the less far north the eventual target is the more believeable the story.
One last update from the original poster on DU, before the thread was locked for being "pure speculation" (presumably her boyfriend is the truck driver she'd mentioned earlier):
I called my boyfriend, and he said it is the Federal Center in Fort Worth. He clarified that it is not "abandoned". It "appears" to be an abandoned base that's being used for something else.
I asked him why they would have to be bussed out of Fort Worth to Weatherford for showers, and he has no explanation. I'm sure there is someplace in Fort Worth they could have taken them.
He says there are FEMA people there now. Would they mobilize all those people/trucks ahead of time for Hurricane Emily?
uneasy feeling that the 'german guy' stuff is the best predictor of location you've got.....if (IF) they were happy to settle on Houston then, why not now?
About 1,800 acres of Carswell was commissioned in 1994 as Naval Air Station Fort Worth, as part of the Defense Department's base realignment and closure program. About 3,000 people work on the base.
"the [DU] thread was locked for being 'pure speculation'"
Typical cacamamie DU excuse. The worst this woman's report could be is pure fantasy. But if we accept that she's not just making it up (and informed responses from readers in Texas might eventually have clarified that), then she is merely reporting what she heard first-hand from someone she trusts, and she is barely speculating at all.
Not, of course, that there is anything wrong with 'pure speculation' as such. It's what the police indulge in every time they investigate a crime. It's the basis of all science. The only thing that counts is the quality, testability and productiveness of the speculation. Without speculation, no hypothesis; without hypothesis, no investigation; without investigation, no verifiable results.
And the report that started this particular investigation has now disappeared down the Memory Hole.
German Guy is one of the few posts on GLP that seemed to possibly be real. The original posting is gone now. I checked the archives and you can't even access the thread now. Anything that has been posted in reference to German Guy has been deleted quickly. Today a message about the Hidden Hand referred to by German Guy was posted in a thread, and the thread was quickly deleted.
Interesting article on FEMA
This was just posted on GLP:
Farewell, Chicago. You don´t deserve what´s coming.
Time to skip out of here, as precious information is wasted on the younger generation with their short spans of attention.
I used to live in Chicago and have many fond memories of the place, and none too few dames who graced the Windy City.
If you read my prior posting and understand what it means, please do not be in Chicago for the next four weeks. By saying this, there´s a chance that I may have saved at least one life.
Beware the traitors who call themselves Americans, and are not.
Farewell, Chicago. Farewell, forum.
New here.... what is GLP?
Six years ago, I lived for the summer in Mineral Wells, next town west of Weatherford, on U.S. Route 180. There IS an abandoned military base on the north side of that highway between the towns but from what I can remember, it's actually closer to Mineral Wells than Weatherford.
I had occasion to visit the base when the community theatre of Mineral Wells was using the base theatre for play auditions.
Someone above mentioned San Angelo, which sounds vaguely familiar but I can't be sure.
FWIW, Weatherford is the home town of J.R. of "Dallas" and his mother, Mary Martin of Broadway musical comedy fame.
Here is a link to another strange thread about Chicago:
Bet he's not coming to Texas!
Whoa, ya'll are talking my neck of the woods on this one! Have a hunch that it just might be old Helicopter training base, "Fort Wolters" - over in Mineral Wells, out west of Weatherford. And Mineral Wells has had a failing economy & poor growth since that base was closed in 1970's. Lots of the buildings are still standing & roads are intact.
If that base, then the closest big truck stop would be the "Petro" which is few miles east of Weatherford on I-20. I think it would take at least 45 minutes or more to get from Fort Wolters over to the Petro. Actually, if they travel the most direct route on US 80, which most people would do as the base is not near the Interstate but on the eastern outskirts of Mineral Wells, entrance right on that old US Hwy 80. And going east on 80 would take them through downtown Weatherford with lots of lights/traffic and then a few miles out to the Interstate to the Petro. So yes, the way they would probably go, through Weatherford, would take about an hour each way = 2 hours round trip.
Looks like OP was saying the truckstop is for sure located near Weatherford. So wherever the base is, the main truckstop in Weatherford (with showers, etc) is that Petro. All others in Weatherford area are much smaller.
Also recall finding an article last year that identified some company in Mineral Wells (base was partly converted to Industry Park) was making (antenna?) components for HAARP... that really caught my attention at the time.
Here is link by someone that took pictures of the old buildings at Fort Wolters in 2003:
PS - re that G dude flap... it was no flap but the real deal, both source + threat, requiring bigtime intervention by locals ,,, the hero volunteer "fire" fighter types that don't want to see their beloved state go up in smoke or Tsumani's! And yes, we have talking horses in Texas for real! -- gis (yeehaw)
PS - PS: Am recalling a huge FEMA storage facility out in countryside near Abilene, which seems too far - why take truckers way over by Weatherford (about 2 hours each way) when there are closer big Truck stops around Abilene, a much larger city than Weatherford? Also FWIW... there's another FEMA regional staging & big storage center in Ft Worth on West Felix St. Used to be an old Army Quartermaster Base but was converted.
So far, we have one (1) person reporting about calls from her truckdriver boyfriend. It could be a fluke, a lark, a crank. It could be a ping. It could be a red herring.
If we had dozens of reports, it could still be disinfo anyway.
As to *disinfo*. To paraphrase Nick Tosche's "Dino":
"Once information meant something; now it was just there, like smoke in the lungs."
One man's disinfo is another's info. I get my daily fix of disinfo from broadcast news and major newspapers.
Also recall finding an article last year that identified some company in Mineral Wells (base was partly converted to Industry Park) was making (antenna?) components for HAARP...
Antenna Products Corporation Awarded Contract
FORT WORTH, Texas--(BUSINESS WIRE)--June 27, 2005--PHAZAR CORP (Nasdaq:ANTP - News) announced today that Antenna Products Corporation in Mineral Wells, Texas, a wholly owned subsidiary, was recently awarded a $1,733,482 firm fixed price subcontract from BAE Systems for the installation of Low Band and High Band Antenna Matching Unit Assemblies in Alaska. The Low Band and High Band Antenna Matching Unit Assemblies [details here, QTVR antenna array tour here with photos of white trailer-like shelters for RF hardware], complete with cable sets, mounting brackets and various other components, are currently being manufactured by Antenna Products Corporation under a production contract received in February 2005 [details here]. The installation work will start in June 2005 and is scheduled to be completed on Nov. 1, 2005. The equipment will be installed at the High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP) ionospheric research site near Gokona, Alaska, the site of the recently completed installation of an array of 132 crossed dipole antennas built and installed by Antenna Products Corporation in 2004.
Maybe APC is just making a delivery on those new antennas...
Maybe it will be along the same lines as the London deal. They won't even know what they are carrying.
How about sending these 300 truckers out across Texas in their identical white trucks. Maybe 5 or 10 of the trucks will have a WMD. Can you see the scramble if anyone catches wind of it and they need to figure out which 5 have the WMD when even the truck drivers don't know.
These 50 go to Dallas. Next 50 go to Austin. Next 50 go to Houston area including refinery row. It's all in progress.
Maybe the trucks will be set up to detonate if they are boarded. That way they will either blow when the truck driver reaches his assigned destination or when trooper checks his load in transit and blows the load prior. Either way, it's going to blow up.
Maybe it nothing but then again, maybe it is everything.
“Flint said:
Like maybe a sweeping up of dissenters post some apocalyptic event...”
“Anonymous said:
Interesting article on FEMA”
There is more to this article here------------
The listings for Texas are:
Austin - Municipal airport has a restricted-access area off limits to everyone.
Ft. Hood (Killeen) - Newly built concentration camp, with towers, barbed wire etc., just like the one featured in the movie Amerika. Mock city for NWO shock- force training. Some footage of this area was used in "Waco: A New Revelation"
Reese AFB (Lubbock) - FEMA designated detention facility.
Sheppard AFB - in Wichita Falls just south of Ft. Sill, OK. FEMA designated detention facility.
North Dallas - near Carrolton - water treatment plant, close to interstate and railroad.
Mexia - East of Waco 33mi.; WWII German facility may be renovated.
Amarillo - FEMA designated detention facility
Ft. Bliss (El Paso) - Extensive renovation of buildings and from what patriots have been able to see, many of these buildings that are being renovated are being surrounded by razor wire.
Beaumont / Port Arthur area - hundreds of acres of federal camps already built on large-scale detention camp design, complete with the double rows of chain link fencing with razor type concertina wire on top of each row. Some (but not all) of these facilities are currently being used for low-risk state prisoners who require a minimum of supervision.
Ft. Worth - Federal prison under construction on the site of Carswell AFB.
Don't know what to think of all this........
GLP = godlikeproductions.....
you have been warned!
if anyone thinks its important I can repost both the German G.'s originals, and the EARS analysis to the boards here, for common ref. I'm sure others could as well.
Then if these boards suddenly go down today, or those messages disappear, we'll have additional data. If they don't, then perhaps that one angle (GG) is more smoke than substance.
The point about the aquifer is well taken.
However, they just killed Vialis, so...dare I say it...micronukes?
Amazing to work through the pushback, here and in the UK. "Yes, yes, in Central and South, Asia, Africa, but not here. Not to us."
RICHMOND, July 19 -- A top government attorney declared Tuesday that, in the war on terror, the United States is a battlefield, and therefore President Bush has the authority to detain enemy combatants indefinitely in this country.
What part of that isn't clear?
not necessarily, joes's knowledge of 'appliances' was more extensive than that.
if anything, my first thought was of a bird from the water.
but as this is probably associated with the keystone cops theatrics elsewhere, can I just say - cheerleaders, pom poms, 'GOOOOH PATRICK'
Anonymous said...
Maybe Kamran Akhtar was checking out the bus systems. One of the articles said the seized video tape included shots of buses in Houston.
Kamran traveled the country on Greyhound.
9/11 used planes so maybe they are moving on to buses. Transit Buses or Commercial buses like Greyhound.
If Kamran was looking at the busing system, I'd wonder if any of the local terrorists are employed by the bus companies.
Look at the satelite shots of the refinery areas. Some of the plants are so close to the road, you could reach through the fence along the roads and touch the damn pipelines.
Why blow off German Guy? If another 9/11 is being planned, it will not be foiled by our Law Enforcement because they are only looking at enemies outside of the United States government. The tips before 9/11 came from intelligence agencies belonging to foreign governments.
I would learn from the past terror attack and listen to foreign intelligence over U.S. intelligence.
How many children were abused because people could not comprehend someone "inside" the family doing such a crime to their own kids. This is the same damn concept except on a national level. Daddy is raping the kids while "Mom" watches Desperate Housewives." Maybe "Mom" should get off the couch and go see what "Daddy" is really doing.
8:51 PM
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forget german guy,how about israeli guy?This is not a anonymous person but a ex-mossad agent and "terror expert" who is warning of multiple terror attacks in the USA in rural areas within 90 days at most.on foxnews of all places
Anonymous at 7:10PM said, "Careful what you think is 'heartland': depending on how evil they are, bombing any place with aquifiers or rivers in the immediate region seems too dangerous as it'd make the fallout control difficult."
It's an interesting point to make. From a bioregional aspect, it might be useful to look at these 2004 maps and notice that the "blue" areas that went for Kerry are water states. Observe how they cover much of the ocean coastal areas, and border the Great Lakes and the Mississippi (it's easier to see in the maps where they break the data down into smaller units).
I thought German guy was talking about the Tsunami. Big event, chatter in Houston, happened the day he warned of... I believe, across the dateline and such.
I fear that Jeff's hunch about a possible imminent attack on US soil -- an American Hiroshima -- may be justified, especially considering the recent London bombings, and the desperation of the people in the White House now under very serious political attack and ruin. Rep. Tancredo's recent inflammatory statement that if there should be another attack on US soil we should attack Mecca is another case in point. "American Hiroshima" sounds like another war cry in the hatching like "new Pearl Harbor." Never underestimate what greed and lust for power will drive men to do, especially if their names are Bush and Cheney. Of course, the perception that they are trying to manage is that the US is under attack by extremist religious fanatics when it is really only old-fashioned greed and power motivating them. Very speculative, I know, but worth considering before we possibly start talking about such things after the fact.
FWIW this (today's London fnord)looks like a successful MI5 penetration of a terrorist group. The ability to disable multiple potential bombs and still allow the operation to proceed for the purpose of gathering intelligence is not beyond British ability. It would be beyond Americian capability however. No joke. No kidding.
I was at Fort Sam Houston for a medical appointment today, and read their base paper dated 20 Jul, which had an article about "200 trucks which stood by for Emily", and used space on post to do so, but have since dispersed without being used. FEMA was mentioned as managing the effort.
There now, see. All that fuss about nothing.
The problem with keeping your head in "deep politics" all day long, is that you tend to forget part of reality is also the simple surface stuff.
Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar, eh?
"Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar, eh?"
True enough.
But more often than not, a cigar is a pipe.
Get my drift ?
Here's the Google on trucks at Sam Houston:
"While the South Padre Islands still took a beating with high winds and heavy rain, it was not enough of a blow for any of the 126 supply-laden trucks poised at a staging area at Fort Sam Houston to pull out and head south.
The trucks, loaded with everything from water and food to cots and generators, packed the field on Wilson Street Sunday night as part of a joint hurricane support effort between Fort Sam Houston, the Federal Emergency Management Agency, the U.S. Forest Service and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers."
Fort Sam Houston is in the northeast suburbs of San Antonio...quite a ways from Ft.Worth.... Article mentions contracted drivers.
Well hey, just because the canary died of natural causes this time, that doesn't mean we're wasting our time lugging it down with us into the hole....
I pm'd dragndust (she started the white truck thread on DU) and asked if she had any more info.
Her reply--
Anyway, I guess FEMA took a bunch of crap last year from the press in Texas, because they buried all the leftover hurricane relief supplies in a landfill.
My boyfriend called, and told me they are all waiting for FEMA to figure out where they can take ice, bottled water, military rations, etc. for storage until next year. He found out there's also another large group of trucks waiting in San Antonio.
You'd think they would have used the past year to find storage, but as he said, "what do you expect, it's a gubmint operation."
I wonder what the value is of what they are trying to store, compared to hundreds of trucks being paid $200 per day to sit idle? He's already made $1,200.
I'm waiting for him to call when they get loaded. I told him to let me know where he goes, if he goes alone etc. I want to find out if it ends up being dumped anyway.
Thank you for asking.
Please ask your friend:
What's the name of the trucking company the guy works for?
My boyfriend works for US Express. His terminal in Salt Lake closed early last week, and he was relocated to their terminal in Sacramento. Since that time they had him out of his area, making local drops in Georgia. He was angry because he was sitting a lot, and not getting a long haul (he usually runs up and down the West coast). He blamed it on the new dispatchers.
The theme of this thread is exactly why I originally posted this on DU, but now it's scaring me. Maybe my foil hat is on too tight.
I'll post here, and let you know when something happens, or he starts moving. I want to know if they all go to the same place, or in different directions. I'm also going to find out if the trailer was loaded before it was hitched. I'm sure many of the truckers have become friends by now, and will be communicating when they're on the road.
Does anyone have details of the $ of the FEMA supplies that went into the landfill last year?
Okay, Elaine wins it this time. All the Red Cross trucks in Austin left on Thursday afternoon. However, it's good to know that we can assemble good, down-to-earth information in such a short time. Good going! Let's not dismiss our terrific abilities to share information just because it wasn't a disaster THIS time. It's not "crying wolf" it's just a dry run, I suspect! Connut
Try GOOGLE MAPs Satelite pictures it vcan go down to 200M and you should be able to see the trucks if they are there. Good Luck all Texans....
Hmmm.... Lets see a nuke in iowa, thus eliminating iowa from the presidential primaries. Rumours are that Hillary is concerned other democratic nominees for pres in 2008 would outpoll her in Iowa. It seems the Clintons are extremely chummy with the Bush's.
Just noticing that this comment thread has seemed to fit perfectly with the title of Jeff's post.
"This is only a drill..."
Update: gis Fri 7-22 ---> This afternoon did errands near Fed Center - FEMA base @ Felix & I-35 in se Ft Worth. Big facility w/ warehouses + loading docs and much open area, over 250 acres, + a public overpass that goes over the middle of it.
Hundreds of unattached semi-trailers are parked in groupings all over the property. No way to tell if these are loaded or not. These semi-trailers are in addition to the usual rows of white mobile home (trailer houses) and small camping trailer units kept on standby for disasters.
From rough count of rows visible from streets, there were over 250 unhitched semi-trailers and at least 100 or so complete trucks (semi-trailers with truck cabs attached).
Most of the attached semi's were pulled into small "camps" close together and these groups were more in core of the facility grounds = less visible. The unhitched trailers were stationed in groupings all along the periphery. In camp areas w/ trailers attached to cabs, many trucks had curtains pulled across windshields like they were occupied.
There were mainly 3 brand names on the semi-trailers in rows: Landstar, X-tra Lease, and US Express Enterprises. Most diesel cabs painted red but also other colors.
Dozens of porta-potties are spaced out along periphery fences every block or so + set up near the camps in "centers" for drivers. These centers also had shade tents & maybe picnic tables? Also big white RV trailers with satellite dishes mounted on top parked near camp centers = TV or phones or command centers? Also several big movable floodlight towers with generator bases set up all around. Some truck drivers were walking to potties or sitting in lawn chairs under the shade tents.
There was a large tour bus parked near main guard entrance. Maybe for transport drivers to Truckstop for showers (& meals?) as reported? Perhaps Petro Truckstop has contract w/ FEMA to provide services to truckers and that is why having to go on bus to Weatherford? I-20 is few blocks south of property & would be straight shot back & forth, + about an hour on a bus each way.
In grocery store parking lot east of complex at Felix & I-35 were 4-5 of the 18-wheeler trucks w/ trailers intact, parked, with drivers in store(?). Each truck had special sign in front windshield saying FEMA DISASTER SERVICES and one also had another 2nd sign that said "H2O" in big letters.
This same FEMA complex was observed in November, 04, when sleuthing rumors posted in Bomb Shelter of TB2K. In November, there were only few 18-wheelers at warehouse loading docks, no porta-potties or portable lights seen, and no groups of trucks or rows of semi-trailer containers.
Today, obvious that there are still over a hundred 18-wheeler trucks (+ drivers?) at this staging area along with many rows of unattached trailers. Hurricane Emily came on shore in ne Mexico on July 20th, 3 days ago, and didn't cause signficant damage or flooding in southern Texas. And dragndust has posted latest report that the truck drivers are waiting to be sent to storage facilities to offload their supplies. Time will tell shortly...
Note: In November 2004, the barbed-wire strands at top of security fencing was extended straight up above the chain link. Today, the barbed wire rows are slanted inwards towards inner core of the compound. This observtion has been verified correct from saved notes.
Here is link w/ some of the history about this property first being used as an Army Supply Depot in WWII + a labor camp for German war prisoners. Was also a facility for processing bodies after WWII.
1960's this depot became GSA facility. There is older building on south side with white suburbans & white pick-up trucks (some w/ campers over bed) that has tall incinerator tower. Also complex had very old guard tower on north side of property @ Felix street + railroad tracks going through compound too.
Re 1999 reports of a Federal Prison at the old Carswell Base in Ft Worth. Yes, Base Hospital was remade into a Federal Prison Medical Facility for female prisoners. But news says it is being closed and inmates moved elsewhere. It is not very big facility at all.
Nukes in America, i know there is a million comments but did you see this in the article"al qaida nukes already in US":
"Osama bin Laden's group is also paying nuclear scientists from Russia and Pakistan to maintain its existing nuclear arsenal and assemble additional weapons with the materials it has invested hundreds of millions in procuring over a period of 10 years."
Doesn't that seem a little farfetched? Or that the headline down the page(I didn't read it so i'm ignorant) that Chavez gave a million to Al Qaida. Do they have an 800 number? Hows the president..oh fuck it i'm not even gonna give assertions of why thats ridiculous. It does give you an idea of what some powerful people want, Chavez is becoming more and more powerful and he does many good things(and bad things just like any other politician[by good things I mean putting some of the states money{which is ample because of oil} into helping the poor and improving the infrastructure of their country for lasting change]).
This is obviously bad for private corporations so therefore it is communism.
I think that publication is full of shit.
they will obviously bomb somewhere that is most likely a corporate headquarters of some war on terror profiteerring company to destroy evidence of malfeasance.
A nuke is a damn good degausser
Hi. I was just surfing and found your blog. Cool. Maybe you'd like to visit my poster site.
The FEMA center at 501 Felix - Fort Worth Texas is a staging area used for disasters. Just spent two weeks there. There were hundreds of trucks some with trailers some without. The ones with trailers were filled with bottled water for Hurricane Wilma, others had bottled water left over from Rita and Katrina. Other trucks had ice.
The trucks without trailers were used to haul generators (several hundred were stored at the facility.)
This facility has several warehouses left over from WWII days that FEMA uses for food and water storage. While fairly empty right now there is the ability to store hundreds of truckloads of bottled water. New supplies will be coming in over the winter staged for the next disaster when the trucks come in and pick up water and go to places where hurricanes strike. FEMA has a number of their own trailers there for disaster relief. Trucks and drivers stage there waiting for orders to take loads to various disaster areas as needs arise.
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Jika berbicara mengenai pengertianya maka penyakit jengger ayam ini diketahui adalah penyakit menular seksual yang penyebabnya berkaitan dengan Human Papilloma Virus (HPV). Penyakit ini juga dapat menampilkan diri dalam berbagai bentuk, namun secara umum kutil yang bertumbuh pada bagian genital penderita berbentuk benjolan daging yang berwarna, dan terjadi pada sekitar alat vital. Siapa saja bisa menderita penyakit ini baik yang pria maupun wanita
obat kencing nanah De Nature
Obat Kencing Nanah Gang jie dan Gho Siah.Gonore adalah penyakit menular seksual (PMS) yang disebabkan oleh bakteri Neisseria gonorrhoeae. Bakteri ini dapat ditularkan dari orang ke orang selama aktivitas seksua.Untuk Pemesanan Obat Penyakit Kelamin Kencing Nanah di 0812-2854-1999 atau Pin BB 53E87F23
Apabila anda sedang mencari pengobatan kutil kelamin untuk pria maupun wanita segera kunjungi kami cara mengobati kutil kelamin pada wanita tanpa harus menggunakan operasi cukup dengan menggunakan obat khusus kutil kelamin paling manjur dari klinik de nature manjurserta sangat aman untuk ibu hamil
Penyakit kencing nanah bisa disebabkan oleh beberapa faktor seperti seks bebas, penularan, virus hpv, lingkungan, gaya hidup dan lainnya, Maka dari itu kita harus waspada dengan penyakit kencing nanah ini, karena penyakit kencing nanah sangatlah berbahaya, Namun untuk anda yang menderita penyakit kencing nanah, maka anda tidak perlu khawatir,
Bagi anda yang sedang mencari obat herbal buat kencing nanah atau gonore, kami sarankan untuk memilih obat herba dari De Nature dengan nama Gang jie dan Gho Siah sebagai pengobatan alternatif tradisional alami untuk kencing nanah atau gonore.
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