The King of Terror

False-hearted judges dying in the webs that they spin,
Only a matter of time 'til night comes stepping in. - Bob Dylan
The only commentary some stories require is the sound of one's head striking the desk. For instance:
Zarqawi "captured, but let go"
BAGHDAD: Iraqi security forces allegedly caught terrorist leader Abu Musab al-Zarqawi but released him because they did not realise who he was.
Deputy Interior Minister Hussein Kamal said on Thursday that the Jordanian-born leader of al-Q'aida in Iraq was in custody some time last year, but he would not provide further details, CNN reported.
The report could not be confirmed, but a US official said in Washington that American intelligence believed it was plausible. The official spoke on condition of anonymity.
That reminded me of a Newsweek story from last April, which "revealed" how bin Laden sent two envoys to Iraq to assess the resistance in the summer of 2003, eventually endorsing Zarqawi as the "prince of Al Qaeda in Iraq."
Like the palid "strangers" of the film Dark City who are forever recasting reality, our masters of war are forever erasing distinctions and disappearing details. Little things, like deaths and resurrections, vanishing accents and the regeneration of amputed limbs. To any who pay attention to the changing narrative, the spin must sound like magic realism.
Zarqawi was first a prince of Ansar al-Islam, a vicious strategic counterweight to the authority of Saddam's central government that operated in the Kurdish lands of Iraq's former "no-fly" Northern Zone. Its founder is Mullah Krekar, who lives in Norway. Joern Holme, head of Norway's domestic intelligence service, says it's "incredible" that Krekar still resides in the country despite his links to groups identified as security risks, and despite a two-year old expulsion order. Neither has the United States sought Krekar's extradition.
Here's an interesting AFP item, now nearly three years old:
Ansar al-Islam leader threatens to document his links to US
DUBAI, Feb 1 2003 (AFP) - The suspected leader of a Kurdish Islamic extremist group threatened in an interview published Saturday to produce evidence of his contacts with Washington prior to the September 11 suicide hijackings.
"I have in my possession irrefutable evidence against the Americans and I am prepared to supply it ... if (the United States) tries to implicate me in an affair linked to terrorism," Mullah Krekar, who is believed to front Ansar al-Islam, told Al-Hayat newspaper.
He dismissed as "fabrications" reports linking his group to Al-Qaeda, saying they were designed to justify a strike against Iraq.
"I had a meeting with a CIA representative and someone from the American army in the town of Sulaymaniya (Iraqi Kurdistan) at the end of 2000. They asked us to collaborate with them ... but we refused to do so," he said.
"The Mullah claims he had a secret meeting with the CIA and US military personnel in Iraqi Kurdistan last year. Could this explain why US intelligence agencies were reportedly so concerned about Powell raising Ansar al-Islam as one of the key connections between Saddam Hussein and al-Qaeda?"
All this while Zarqawi functioned as his second-in-command, and chief actor on the ground in Iraq.
There are many "princes" of terror with shifting histories, and an inexhaustible supply of disposable "second" and "third" in commands. It's a shell game, like Dark City's Shell Beach that which proved to be just a fading poster on a brick wall. The wall needed smashing to find the truth.
In other words, who is the King of Terror?
There is a credible rumor in security circles that Zarqawi himself and his "Al Qaeda in Iraq" may be a fiction, created by U.S. intelligence to influence and infiltrate the Islamic fundamentalist movement in the Middle-East.
totally. we generated their radicalism.
This should feel like a victory, or at least good news;
So why does it make me cringe instead...? Why do I seem to hear someone dialing ahead for an order of take-home calamity...? Wonder what the next news from (or about) FEMA might be...?
nauseating, how the bloody trails lead back to the same players over and over again...
By 1984, (Osama bin-Laden) was running a front organization known as Maktab al-Khidamar - the MAK - which funneled money, arms and fighters from the outside world into the Afghan war.
...the MAK was nurtured by Pakistan’s state security services, the Inter-Services Intelligence agency, or ISI, the CIA’s primary conduit for conducting the covert war against Moscow’s occupation.
...CIA-supported mujahedeen engaged heavily in drug trafficking while fighting against the Soviet-supported government... The CIA's principal client was Gulbuddin Hekmatyar, one of the leading druglords and a major heroin refiner. CIA-supplied trucks and mules, which had carried arms into Afghanistan, were used to transport opium to laboratories along the Afghan/Pakistan border. They provided up to half of the heroin used annually in the U.S. and three-quarters of that used in Western Europe...
And speaking of "Little things, like deaths and resurrections," I still get a cheap thrill out of this:
al-Wafd, Wednesday, December 26, 2001 Vol 15 No 4633
News of Bin Laden's Death
and Funeral 10 days ago
Islamabad -
A prominent official in the Afghan Taleban movement announced yesterday the death of Osama bin Laden, the chief of al-Qa'da organization, stating that binLaden suffered serious complications in the lungs and died a natural and quiet death.
The official, who asked to remain anonymous, stated to The Observer of Pakistan that he had himself attended the funeral of bin Laden and saw his face prior to burial in Tora Bora 10 days ago. He mentioned that 30 of al-Qa'da fighters attended the burial as well as members of his family and some friends from the Taleban. In the farewell ceremony to his final rest guns were fired in the air.
The official stated that it is difficult to pinpoint the burial location of bin Laden because according to the Wahhabi tradition no mark is left by the grave. He stressed that it is unlikely that the American forces would ever uncover any traces of bin Laden...
Dugoboy said...
totally. we generated their radicalism.
12:57 PM
No, the rumor has it that the U.S. desired to develop a "brand name" to which Islamists could feel drawn to, exposing themselves in the process.
Thus the B.S. about Zarqawi personally beheading captives.
And all those "intercepted" letters between Al Qaeda in Iraq and Bin Laden's group.
anonymous 2:36 said...
A prominent official in the Afghan Taleban movement announced yesterday the death of Osama bin Laden,
Indian remote viewers see Al-Queda chief Osama Bin Laden devastated in Pakistan earthquake as NATO sends 1,000 soldiers to Pakistan
Preetam Sohani
Oct. 21, 2005
Indian remote viewers have reported that they sense massive devastation for Al-Queda in Pakistan earthquake. In the mean time NATO is sending 1,000 soldiers to Pakistan.
"The reports of my death are greatly exaggerated"
-Mark Twain
What a match ~ "King of Terror" and your always on target photo/art. You didn't even have to mention his name...
What about just over one year ago, on the weekend before the 2004 presidential election when Osama bin Laden seemingly like Lazarus rose from the dead to make a video tape that thanks to the good offices of Al Jeseera was made available very quickly, to endorse John Kerry in the election, and last but not least make it explicitly clear that he, OBL, did, despite initial denials, cause the 911 attacks; thus in one fell swoop OBL ensured the re-election of his sworn enemy who just then desperately needed a couple of points in the polls, and who along with Poppy was also OBL’s older brother’s former business partner, and simultaneously provided a taped confession that if used in court by that same enemy GWB, cleared him of several lawsuits alleging his own 911 culpability (not that he lacked other ways of being rid of those lawsuits).
Quite frankly after having seen Osama bin Laden so built up by the media, of cleverly doing so much with so little, and from a remote cave half way around the world, I’m disappointed in him. Clearly he’s not acting so clever now, and is slipping. On the other hand, not that bad for a dead guy.
Krekar is an excellent example of why living men make unreliable villains.
We live in an era of the endless representation, the mediated existence. Where nothing is real and we can be largely unaware of our own circumstances. Life as seen through the camera lens. We prefer it this way now- The sign is more important than the thing, the image more real and enduring than the fact. A cult-ure that exists with a manufactured and false consciousness. We are thoroughly corporatized and the first set of peoples living a branded (un)reality.
Know your food. Know your water.
Thanks Jeff
Who let Zarqawi go? The IRAQI security forces. Oh, those bumbling Keystone Cops! Look, see, they are just a bunch of amateurs. I guess we can't leave Iraq now...
your comment reminded me of this:
“But for the present age, which prefers the sign to the thing signified, the copy to the original, representation to reality, appearance to essence . . . truth is considered profane, and only illusion is sacred. Sacredness is in fact held to be enhanced in proportion that truth decreases and illusion increases, so that the highest degree of illusion becomes the highest degree of sacredness.” Feuerbach, Preface to the 2nd edition The Essence of Christianity Quotation opens The Society of the Spectacle Guy Debord
Great minds.
The fiction of terror and its infiltration into our dialect.
Friday, in Vancouver, just before the second debate, I was in a crowd of people waiting for Martin, Harper, Layton and Duceppe to show up. I stood near a group protesting Canada's involvement in Haiti. One of the protestors turned to two men standing behind them and jeeringly asked them why CSIS was interested in them. The two men said nothing, did nothing. They looked like "normal" bystanders.
A moment later, one of the "CSIS" agents turned to the other and smilingly asked who he worked for and why he had a thing in his ear. As the second man turned, I could see the tiny, flesh coloured earbud. The man replied he was just a bystander and that he had a hearing problem, but he was clearly caught at being "outed" and quickly moved away but later returned and resumed his obvious surveillance.
As Paul Martin arrived, nearly 8 intimidating looking g-men moved into the street and faced the protestors and party supporters, Vancouver police were present en force, a helicopter buzzed overhead. I thought to myself, is this Canada? Watching the g-men (and women) scan for snipers, and staring down the crowd for potential threats, I found myself a bit incredulous at the security.
It was only a couple of years ago, in Montreal, where I attended (a poorly attended) Canada Day parade which Paul Martin spoke. He leisurely walked away from the crowd with only one assistant down the street waving and greeting people as he went.
My point is there was no security then even though it was post-911, it was still good old Canada. But now, the hard edge of US style security apparatus seems to suddenly be Canada's too!
The puppet master is not only engaging the masses, but all the way up through the food chain.
One of the more amusing stories I heard on the MSM lately - I believe it was ABC news, was a story about how our infamous arch enemy Zarquarwi managed to escape the US elite whilst attempting to visit an "Al queda" stronghold in Ramadi.
So.....heres the story....according to the commentary...
Zarquarwi is on a highway approaching Ramadi, with US forces closely surveilling the guy.......he approaches a roadblock.....but being the 'wily' sort that he is , has a vehicle ahead of him, who are suddenly apprehended by a road block !
Now our arch enemy Zarquarwi obviously aint that dumb....he's sent spotters up ahead, and at the first sign of trouble, has turned round and hightailed it away from the roadblock !!
So, lets get this story in perspective at this point, ( since it gets a lot better ).
The US forces have Zarquarwi tailed and cornered approaching a roadblock in Ramadi.
They apparently have drone planes observing him etc. But are they following him ? NAH - LMAO.
Zarquarwis vehicle 'Spot the trap' and his driver suddenly turns around and hightails it away..closely followed by the US army , and of course the self same drone plane ( aeriel surveillance )
But heres the punch line....How he escaped ...LMAO...
Apparently the driver hotly pursued by US forces, went under a flyover, at which point, Zaquarwi ( Who it should be emphasised at this point has one leg )....."jumps" out of the car under a flyover ( hence avoiding the drone surveillance ), and thereafter escapes across the desert ( hopping presumably ) to a "safe house" in Ramadi.
The ABC reporter then continues to try and explain with a straight face ....(I could literally see him straining to refrain from laughing) the driver of "Zaquarwis vehicle" was apprehended further down the line....but of course, the elusive 2nd in command had hopped away.
And this is the Mainstream US media !!
One of the more amusing stories I heard on the MSM lately - I believe it was ABC news, was a story about how our infamous arch enemy Zarquarwi managed to escape the US elite whilst attempting to visit an "Al queda" stronghold in Ramadi.
So.....heres the story....according to the commentary...
Zarquarwi is on a highway approaching Ramadi, with US forces closely surveilling the guy.......he approaches a roadblock.....but being the 'wily' sort that he is , has a vehicle ahead of him, who are suddenly apprehended by a road block !
Now our arch enemy Zarquarwi obviously aint that dumb....he's sent spotters up ahead, and at the first sign of trouble, has turned round and hightailed it away from the roadblock !!
So, lets get this story in perspective at this point, ( since it gets a lot better ).
The US forces have Zarquarwi tailed and cornered approaching a roadblock in Ramadi.
They apparently have drone planes observing him etc. But are they following him ? NAH - LMAO.
Zarquarwis vehicle 'Spot the trap' and his driver suddenly turns around and hightails it away..closely followed by the US army , and of course the self same drone plane ( aeriel surveillance )
But heres the punch line....How he escaped ...LMAO...
Apparently the driver hotly pursued by US forces, went under a flyover, at which point, Zaquarwi ( Who it should be emphasised at this point has one leg )....."jumps" out of the car under a flyover ( hence avoiding the drone surveillance ), and thereafter escapes across the desert ( hopping presumably ) to a "safe house" in Ramadi.
The ABC reporter then continues to try and explain with a straight face ....(I could literally see him straining to refrain from laughing) the driver of "Zaquarwis vehicle" was apprehended further down the line....but of course, the elusive 2nd in command had hopped away.
And this is the Mainstream US media !!
Hi Jeff, dunno how to contact you otherwise, just wanted to know I've listed yr site on my blog. Hope y'r ok with that. Great site btw. keep it up. A lot of the stuff brings back childhood memes of country/company.
oh yeh,
in case it means anything to u here's something from my second blog (new to this).
What we commit to memory
Should be worth the attention of our descendants
– such as the fact that after Nong Khai was bombed
by the United States Air Force a pregnant woman
who had been gravely injured was offered $20
by the American government. Do you understand?
From Points for a Compass Rose by Evan S. Conell.
kind of what y'r doing here, it's appreciated.
Odd how the beheadings stopped.
If Zarqawi were a cat, he would have 50 lives, instead of nine, and at least three legs.
The main images used, the scowling, bearded hate filled terrorist looking slightly downward…the maniacal wide eyed villain, looking over his shoulder as if at an exploding bus full of Sunday school children, and then, the “normal”, meek, clean faced man, the good doctor…lest we forget that terrorists can look just like you and me, or your mom, or your dad, or your kids or...your pets.
As an asset, he has proved more valuable to Operation Iraqi Freedom than Osama. He is psychologically disconnected from 911, so we can continue to use his image as a reason for being there without having to worry too much about failing to catch a perpetrator of “the greatest crime on American soil”. We can catch him as often as the news cycles demand, we can report him dead, as needed, or reveal the stunning dramatic stories of his survival and escape again and again.
What a movie it will make, his part played by Antonio Banderas eventually killed at the hands of god fearing, flag loving Tom Hanks.
The only people in Iraq who believe Zarqawi is the mastermind of anything other than a Bush Administration publicity cover are men and women in American uniforms. And even then, I doubt, they are in the minority. He is the poster boy, essentially having become THE REASON for being there after the failure to find the WMD.
Odd, too, how quickly the demise of his “number two” flashed in the msm and even more instantly vanished. It is as if the administration simply keeps throwing one glob of shit after another on the wall of public perception until they see what sticks, and until the stains become so deep, so rotten, that no one can look at it any more.
I imagine Zarqawi, if he were still alive…hiding out, not doing much, really, but watching TV, puzzled and laughing at the descriptions of his latest exploits. Maybe even he gets on the phone once a week and calls Langley…”hey, listen…listen to this, you can tell them I blew up people like little kids blow up frogs with firecrackers…no? What do you mean, too gross? Yeah, yeah, I know the beheading stuff “turned off” American public opinion on the invasion, but you say you want a bad ass, the devil with a head wrap…quit acting so squeamish…in the last two years you have butchered 150,000 people, does it really matter how they died?
Back in Langley they have the frog meeting and the concept is vetoed by Porter Goss, only because, as a lad, he raced frogs at Boyscout camp. And once had one land on his head, while sitting in his desk in his office. An event so bizarre and disturbing that he never told a soul. He has nightmares everyday of death by drowning, and fixates on frogs.
Barry Levinson made a movie a few years ago, a visionary piece, really called "Wag The Dog". A strange and bare believable satire now pales in comparison to the nightmare reality we dished up on a daily basis.
cara mengobati kutil kelamin pada wanita tanpa harus menggunakan operasi cukup dengan menggunakan obat khusus kutil kelamin paling manjur dari klinik de nature manjurserta sangat aman untuk ibu hamil
Bukan hanya pengobatan medis saja tapi ada juga pengobatan rumah alami yang dapat digunakan untuk menyingkirkan penyakit kutil kelamin ini. Intinya, karena kutil ini muncul di daerah yang sensitif, maka anda harus mencari pengobatan yang terbaik pada kulit Anda dan jika diperlukan juga dibantu dengan tenaga medis yang professional. Sebab dokter akan menjadi sumber informasi yang baik untuk mengobati penyakit ini.
Bismillaahirrohmaanirrokhiim ???????????????????????????????????
Sekitar Vagina Tumbuh Daging, Berbahayakah? Kutil Pada Kepala Penis mirip bunga kol atau jengger ayam, Merupakan Penyakit Yang diakibatkan Oleh Virus.Kutil kelamin, atau disebut juga condyloma acuminata, adalah kutil atau daging berwarna kulit atau keabuan yang tumbuh di sekitar alat kelamin dan
MANTAB *************************************
Bismillahirrohmannirrokhim ......................................
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