The Fearless Vampire Killers

A gypsy with a broken flag and a flashing ring
Said "Son, this ain't a dream no more, it's the real thing."- Bob Dylan
In Tuesday's Necronomicon post I briefly referred to the "Vampire Clan" of 17-year old Roderik Ferrell. In my haste I didn't closely read Ferrell's confession, but thankfully "Dream's End did:
Dewey: Rod, you talked about a, you said that Scott never saw a murder before, did you see a murder before then?
A: I've fucking seen murders like all my life, every since I was five cause my grandfather for one, he's never been caught either.
Q: You saw these people murder other people?
A: He's part of an organization called the Black Mask. Whenever I was five they chose me as the Guardian of the Black Mask and the Guardian has to become one with everybody. In other words, they raped me. And they have to sacrifice a human to the Guardian so they sacrificed someone right in front of me.
Q: What city was that in?
A: It was in Murray.
Q: Would you call that a cult?
A: Yeah.
Q: These guys that are with ya, are they, have you indoctrinated them into the ways of the cult or you just ah their friends that your run with? What about Scott?
A: No, I never became part of them.
Q: Kind of tough even when you're hard core, isn't it man?
A: Two things bother me: what happened whenever I was five and the fact that I never will get to see Che after this... I've been hanging around gangs and cults and all that shit all my life, so I've seen like sacrifices and drug buys...
Q: I'm just asking, Rod.
A: Killing is a way of life, animals do it, and that's the way humans are, just the worst predators of all actually.
Q: To be straight up with ya, yeah, it's probably going to entail the death penalty.
A: Petty.
Q: Yeah, there you go.
A: I'm sorry, this is just like a big fucking joke. My life seems like a dream. My childhood was taken away at five, I don't know whether I'm asleep or dreaming anymore so whatever, for all I know I could wake up in five minutes.
Ferrell had been raised by his young mother, Sondra Gibson, and her parents after his father abandoned the family and joined the military. Besides the rape, occult torture and human sacrifice Ferrell alleges he'd suffered at the hands of his grandfather's circle, Gibson's second husband is also said to have been "engaged in satanic rituals," and his mother sought to become a vampire herself. The Smoking Gun has one of Gibson's love letters to the 14-year old brother of Stephen Murray, who had "crossed" Ferrell over to vampirism. Murray's mother turned the letters over to the police. Gibson wrote of longing for him to cross her over, to make her his bride, and so "become a vampire, a part of the family."
Ferrell was the youngest ever consigned to execution by the State of Florida. (He left death row in 2002.) Most who remember his name likely regard him as just another eff'd-up Goth who played Dungeons and Dragons too many times. Prosecutor David Harrington said "I think you had a group of kids that just wanted to be a part of something, wanted to belong to a group, and it went too far. Hopefully, it's over." At his sentencing the judge declared Ferrell proves "there is genuine evil in the world." I'd like to know how long that judge has served on the Bench, because I'd say the case was made somewhat earlier. It must have been made rather convincingly to the five-year old "Guardian of the Black Mask," delivered by his grandfather into paedophile rape and torture. ("Two things bother me: what happened whenever I was five....")
Another generation, another generational cult.
Ferrell, testified a psychologist at his trial, "felt he was able to get powers from this book." That would seem to have been the lesson of his abuse: obtain power, and make it stop.
"The Black Mask," "The Hand of Death," The Atlanta child murder ring, the "Friends of Hecate," the Four Pi Movement and the "Black Cross" and more: they go by many names, and some by none at all. And too frequently for it to be coincidence or fantasy we read how members include "well-known" and "respected" citizens of the community.
From prison Ferrell said he never expected there to be consequences to his crimes. A reasonable assumption, given his grandfather and the "Black Mask" have apparently never faced any themselves. ("I've fucking seen murders like all my life, every since I was five cause my grandfather for one, he's never been caught either.") Prosecution of occult crime seems to match the conduct of the "War on Drugs": arrest the end users of narcotics and child porn; make showcase arrests, frequently of patsies; and never implicate the respected figures at the top.
In his 1978 essay entitled "Some Considerations on the Paperback Publication of the NECRONOMICON" (quoted in Harms and Gonce's The Necronomicon Files), William S Burroughs said that "with some knowledge of the black arts from prolonged residence in Morocco, I have been surprised and at first shocked to find real secrets of curses and spells revealed in paperback publications for all to see and use." Burroughs concludes with the thought that this is a good thing: public disclosure will keep the dark secrets from being monopolized by corporations and government agencies.
There is a certain logic to that. But there's certainly madness, too. Because, I would expect, whenever the dark secrets are employed, the result will always be darkness. That's what Ferrell did when he took up the Necronomicon in occult imitation of his abusers. It was learned behaviour.
From an email I receieved this week from a reader recounting his experience with the Necronomicon, and reproduced with permission:
Once I realized I wouldn't be hearing much about Cthulhu in the book, my interest waned somewhat, but I finished reading anyways. That was when things started to get odd. I began hearing noises, and by noises I mean loud ones, such as feet running over the roof of the house while I was home alone, noises outside my bedroom window, etc. The belief was that until a person burned the book, they would be plagued by the demons released by reading it. I sought to endure this as long as possible, but eventually I reached my breaking point, and after a couple weeks of "haunting" that never exceeded what you have refered to as "prankster behavior", I burned the paperback in my grandparent's front driveway, which was where I lived at the time, and bringing the episode to and end.
One last thing about this experience, and one I was highly reticent to admit in your blog, was when I burned this book, I stood and watched it go up. What I saw I've never sufficiently reconcilled with my "understanding of things":
The pages burned blank. By this I mean that as the book burned and page after page burned off the top, each page beneath the last was completely empty of ink.
No words.
Magick is something of an intermediary between psychology and religion, and it's hard sometimes to know where the psi ends and something Other takes over. Teens experiment, and sometimes find power, and may not ask from where it comes. But the occult is recognized as its battery. And not just by teens.
I'll quote again Dion Fortune, from her book What Is Occultism? (a compilation of essays published in the 1920s):
Black occultists may be divided into two classes, those who deliberately say to Evil, Be thou my good; and those who stray onto the Left-hand Path more or less unintentionally, and having got there, stay there, often deluding themselves.... Fortunately, the Christs of Evil are as rare as the Christs of Good. Supreme achievement in any walk of life is attained by but few.
That's one consolation, I suppose.

My apologies if this has been posted here before -- I haven't spotted it. There's an associated BBC program being broadcast tonight.
Investigating the 'death metal' murders
In January 1998 Fabio Tollis and Chiara Marino, both just 16, disappeared.
They had been drinking at a pub called the Midnight - the centre of the heavy metal scene in Milan - and they never came home.
The police and many of their friends just thought they had run off together. But their parents refused to accept this.
Michele Tollis, Fabio's father, began to attend metal concerts and festivals across Europe, handing out leaflets and quizzing Fabio's friends.
Fabio and his friends were into the most extreme forms of heavy metal music - death metal and black metal, music obsessed with images of murder and satanism - and the role of this music is central to the story.
It emerged that Chiara, the girl who disappeared with Fabio, had a collection of satanic literature and paraphernalia in her bedroom. . . .
Then in January 2004 Michele was watching the local news. An item came on reporting a brutal murder in their nearby town of Somma Lombardo.
A young man called Andrea Volpe had been arrested and admitted killing his ex-girlfriend.
Alarm bells went off in Michele's head because Volpe had played in a death metal band with his son. He called the police and arranged a meeting. . . .
Finally Volpe confessed and led the police to where Fabio and Chiara were buried.
Michele's hunt was over, but the revelations were just beginning.
One of Fabio's school friends, Mario Maccione, confessed to having beaten Fabio to death with a hammer.
He also revealed that the boys had been part of a wider satanic sect called the Beasts of Satan.
It was revealed Andrea Bontade, a drummer, had been terrorised into committing suicide.
Soon, other mysterious deaths were being linked to the Beasts.
When confronted with motiveless and irrational evil, I find that there's a great comfort to be found in simple declarative sentences.
Sometimes we wish too much. Hope too much. Fear too much. Emotion overcomes reason. We neglect the rational and declarative and substantive.
Which is why we need simple affirmations of the essential goodness of a universe which is essentially good. It cannot be otherwise. Evil is merely an absence of good, by classic definition (v. Saint Augustine et al). It is thus as much a nonentity, an ontological non-being, as darkness, which is a mere privation of light.
Declare that the morning will come, as it must, and you are already halfway out of the shadows.
I don't often like Bible quotations, if only because they are so often flung about uncarefully, but have found the most powerfully anti-demonic and anti-death invocation in these simple declarative words:
"Surely, it is God who saves me;
I will trust in him and not be afraid.
For the Lord is my stronghold and my sure defense,
and he will be my Savior."
From the Book of Isaiah.
Try uttering this mantra a hundred times a day and see if the darkness
doesn't fly away posthaste!
It is GOD
who SAVES me;
I will TRUST in Him
For the Lord is my stronghold
And my SURE defense,
And He WILL BE my Savior."
Believe it!
Live it!
Memorize the words and save them up against an hour of need!
Repeat them several times a day as a spiritual prophylactic!
Your ultimate psychic first aid kit!
God bless!
Or rather, in declarative form,
God blesses you. He keeps you and protects you. He is your stronghold and your sure defense. And he WILL BE your savior. You have nothing to fear.
The top graphic for this story... that's taken from Eyes Wide Shut, right?
About Levenda- I believe that you have to experience the dark to know the light. I will read his work with the new info in mind. He does have a knowledge that is unique and deep. I will have to be careful. We should all be careful.
I was really into Lovecraft in high school in the 60's. I had to quit reading it when I felt my mind was being invaded (the best word for it). I KNOW that there is more than just words in those stories.
"The top graphic for this story... that's taken from Eyes Wide Shut, right?"
Yeah, it's a splice of an EYS frame and the cover of an old pulp detective magazine called The Black Mask.
I kinda like the Dylan quote, never mind the murderous cult people
I was on the edge of a cult in central Ontario, there was a Lilith in it and I think her crowd wanted to kill me, or at least, fill my full of narcotics so I'd be one of them. Wasn't sure what was real and what was a dream.
Transitional gypsy woman saved my ass and masculinity. Jung says sometimes the man's own wife can save him when in the clutches of a Loreli, but the wife was long gone. Gypsy woman.
Saved my life. And saved me from being emasculated, as the Lilith was in the process of doing. "Isis," the Romany chick had said.
This ain't as good as Weird Tales, but I was dumb enough to actually live through some of this s**it.
Never should have driven though Waco.
There was something there.
About six or seven years ago I took the Cathy O'Brien and Mark Phillips book "Trance-formation of America" to read, alone, near the highly spiritual island of Iona off the West Coast of Scotland.
Total absorption and mind-blowing "shock and awe" was to follow as I was introduced to forces of evil active in the world today of whose power I had no inkling.
Shortly after this trip the book unaccountably disappeared - something I thought to be not a bad thing really .... A similar thing happened to one of the better - pre "the Royal Family are all reptiles" - David Icke books.
These things are important to study but also to let go of in a gesture of surrendering to the GOOD powers of the universe.
To the anonymous post quoting from the Book of Isaiah I would like to add that I believe there is much spiritual efficacy in calling for spiritual protection from the trinity. Sorry to leave this a bit vague but I think it's something one can find ones own way to.
Also of value here in my experience is the Grail cup image. This is very powerful and be used as a potent form of white magic (largely through inner visualisation) - again specific to the individual and any given situation.
Jeff and the others,
What is the purpose here? Are we looking to be convinced that evil exists as: a. an all-too human creation, or, b. an outside entity independant of man?
Is this a backward journey to believe in a God? Or, do we conclude that left without moral quidance and education, humans succumb to supersitious baseness, i. e., the Ferrel/Gibson case? As for the Tollis/Marino business, didn't anyone tell them that to live by the sword, one dies by the same?
Are we just fascinated with the gulliblity and egocentric quest for power that informs some people?
I'm going to take a shower, go out into the sunshine and enjoy my children and nature and leave this muck behind for a while. I'm not going to be an ostrich: I hold to Blake's, Experienced Innocence, but time to take a clean break.
Somewhere, I read a piece with the following thesis:
The idea of an omnipotent, omniscient and omnibenevolent deity does not gibe with what we experience on a day-to-day basis. It makes much more sense to believe in a God who is 100% evil, but only 50% effective.
If the aforementioned God WERE all-powerful, we'd be royally screwed, but since he's unable to do EVERYTHING he wants, good still manages to exist.
Just a different way of looking at things....
Anonymous at 8:o5
Sounds like Old Nick talking here.
Read old Dostoevky, where the devil comes to see Ivan.
To the two prior Anonymi:
To Anonymous 1, the former: Right on.
To Anonymous 2, the latter: You are espousing the Luciferian line. This is the kind of clouding of consciousness and darkness of heart and mind that wallowing in the muck too long leads one to.
Perhaps it would be helpful to look to Tawhid (pron. "tow-HEED") in the muslim tradition. Tawhid is the core essence of understanding in islam. It is that of Unity. Evil is but a part of God. Since there is nothing outside of, beside, superior to, or apart from God, then one must investigate to the deepest depths of spiritual knowledge in order to begin to comprehend this mystery. Evil lies not in God, but in the hearts of men, and their depraved acts. It is called Free Will.
It is only a seeming paradox that the Almighty is precisely as the name states. Wisdom hides in the simultaneous realization that even though among the attributes of the divine are omnipotence, omniscience, and ubiquity, that nonetheless human beings are endowed with free will, with which we must continually make the moral judgements that inform our fates.
The sufis know something of this.
All of this other occult dreck, while intriguing, consists of debased forms of human striving and grasping for increased power in a (futile) attempt to short circuit Reality and jump to the front of the line, get the biggest piece of meat or cake, steal the gold, take the land, fuck someone, usually against their will, or worse.
The deepest strains of buddhism contain several levels of sufic wisdom, as well, in a form available for those who are put off by mention of the divine. Shall I say those who are yet too arrogant to admit to their miniscule importance in the vastness of creation, whose egos have not yet surrendered to what is.
And I sure as hell don't mean the temporary terrestrial reign of the oxymoronically self-styled 'illuminati' or any of their dog-star obsessed boneheads. Despite their claims, and those of their forebears such as Pike, or Waite, Yarker, et al, they have no genuine gnosis. They do, however, wield and abuse tremendous earthly power. But it is nonetheless limited.
One can find additional roots of the previously mentioned 'sufic' wisdom in the ethics of the Baghavad Gita, in the sayings of Jesus, and in the respect and gratitude for all creation evinced by the indigenous Americans who happened to know the Great Spirit as Wakan Tanka.
Forgive me for failing to mention out of ignorance or forgetfulness the other traditions which may share these perspectives.
Names are not of the essence. Intentions are.
Recognition of evil is certainly essential. It was/is the greatest trick of Satan/Iblis to convince the world that 'he' doesn't exist.
So, the exposure of the satanic underground, of SRA, it's massive cover-up, of the forces that continue to drive so much of economics, politics and war in our suffering world is vitally important. And I commend you heartily for lifting some of those veils, and for your usually well-informed and thoughtful commentaries, Jeff. You are doing a yeoman's job.
But the morbid obsession (especially on the part of less well-intentioned readers) with arcana, and the salivating over it like so many tasty morsels is utter bullshit, useless distraction, or far worse, an insidious invitation to one's own perdition, and to the calumny of one's life, heart, soul, and spirit.
These 'weapons', even if initially investigated with seemingly good intentions, ultimately function as misguided boomerangs and serve to attack the attacker. They are not useful for one's "defense." And that would certainly include all of the forms of shamanism or magic, whether white, black, mauve, sexual, or checkered; and every other system which embodies a grab for 'personal power' which are, all of them, merely attempted, but ultimately doomed, cheats against the divine order: that which is perfect, One ~ that which is unassailable because there is nothing 'outside' it (if you will), and which is ultimately the only truly safe refuge there is, and to which we all finally submit ~ either willingly or unwillingly.
It is what is genuinely in one's heart that truly matters (not the lies we may tell ourselves), and it is how what is in one's heart informs one's actions that determines our true reality, whether you like the 'superstring' metaphor, or a more recognizably anthropomorphic one with a beard or breasts, or both. These are ALL MERELY METAPHORS for and of our limited minds.
This I know: The ends can never 'justify' the means. That is because the means are, in fact, the ends. Judgement day, the resurrection, is at hand with every thought and every breath, and every deed.
Call it instant karma, if you like.
Each of us, in existing, embodies a constant, continuous, moral challenge; and each and every instant carries with it a cosmic opportunity.
Whether one knows it or not, or admits it or not, it is closer to you than your jugular vein.
Pax Vobiscum
Peace be with you
As-Salaamu alaykoum
Shanti Om
Last Anonymous:
My,what a pretty new ager.
Turn off your TV. Now look at the
screen. Slight hallucianatory porn,right? The thing never really dies. String a whole bunch of dead pixels together, and you get porn.Throw a whole bunch of religions together and you get the same thing. I don't want to name a particular denomination, but have you seen all those statues fucking at the centre of an Eastern edifice?
Like Borges might have said, all religion stems from the universe-- and that's something else.
...just ratscrabbling away some time.
Happy thanksgiving to you , too!
I just wanna ask, does anyone around here actually believe in the Paulian church's invention of "satan"? It's not a real thing, right? The church rounded up each and every pagan myth and churned it all up into "satan." Why are smart people believing in this? Are you all actually crazy fundamentalist christians? Yeah ok there are people who believe in Satan but they aren't the sharpest sticks. And there are cults and murders and everything else, but who are you helping by pretending this has something to do with a make-believe devil invented by the early roman church to scare local pagans in various roman territories that the old faith was 'evil' and the new faith the only way? Well?
Anonymous 9:21 said:-
"All of this other occult dreck, while intriguing, consists of debased forms of human striving and grasping for increased power in a (futile) attempt to short circuit Reality and jump to the front of the line, get the biggest piece of meat or cake, steal the gold, take the land, fuck someone, usually against their will, or worse."
So well put! Wonderful post, thankyou.
Anonymous 10.30 said
"Are you all actually crazy fundamentalist christians? Yeah ok there are people who believe in Satan but they aren't the sharpest sticks."
What do you base this statement on?
Also, I think you need to read some history before crediting the christain church with creating satan. If the church created satan, then what did they need the pre existing myths for?
If the the pre existing myths actually did pre exist, then how could the church be said to have created him (her/it/satan)?
Sharpener anyone?
Aloha Ivan and the most recent Anonymous:
Ivanik: Yes, indeed, you surely are "ratscrabbling" as you say.
Couldna' put it better meself, Laddie John.
As for your admonition to "turn off the tv", I haven't even owned one for several years. But then, you were projecting, of course.
Between that comment, and your "new age" dissing (you could not be further from the mark on that score either), and your deranged Orientalist vision of pixilated religious porn, one might paraphrase Shakespeare and state:
"The laddie doth PROJECT too much, methinks."
As for the latest "Anon" and your not totally rhetorical question as to whether satan actually exists:
Yes, of course satan/evil/iblis exists. On the most basic level it exists within your consciousness as misguided intention, your malintended willful impulses, sort of like Freud's "id" or Jung's "shadow."
It is a potentiality of moral consciousness that we all possess and manifest, each to one degree or another. It is not "other."
On the simplest level it is a byproduct or function of the gift of free will.
Peace be upon you
You are one of the chosen, you write comic books and probably live in New Zealand.
Ivan -
Why are *you* being so prickly?
The Anonymous you're badmouthing so studiously, although a bit on the show-off-y side, is only speaking simple common sense.
Ultimately it's all about submission. When you submit to the power of the universe, that power flows through you as a servant. When you attempt to hijack that power for your own limited desires, you become what we're attempting to define here as "evil."
Like Dylan says:
Ya gotta serve somebody
It may be the devil
Or it may be the lord
But ya gotta serve somebody
The operative word here is gotta. You don't have a choice. If you're not serving what Dylan calls "the lord," then by default you're serving "the devil."
(I use quotes because as far as I can tell, these are all technical terms, the metaphysical equivalent of words like "quark" or "gravity." "The devil" isn't a person, but a mode of relationship.)
If you're an ordinary schmo, then serving the devil may amount to nothing much worse than drinking to excess or cheating on your taxes. But the more worldly authority and influence you have, the more loaded your "devilry" becomes.
The heartening part is that no matter how far you "fall," you can't really get away from that which is as close to you as your jugular vein. It is always with you, waiting only for you to pursue it rather than fleeing from it -- to accept your position as a drop in the cosmic ocean rather than resenting it with all the force of wounded ego.
The machinations of evil men are a problem to be resolved in the worldly sphere. The pitfalls of magic divorced from service are sormething to be wary of. But the metaphysical situation of evil is laughably simple.
All righ, all right. I've had too much coffee, I'm out of cigarettes and vintage Saturday Night Live isn't on yet so I've got to wait a few minutes until can see Bob Dylan singing "You gotta
serve somebody."
I opine the meaning of the song is just that, you gotta serve somebody, stoop to conquer and all that. So why is Bob Dylan god? (And he is, sort-of). That's before Tom Thumb's Blues, which might be part of what you're talking about. I've got to give you some respect, Starroute, because I can see by some of your output that you got your hagiography down as well as the possibly Borgenian idea that all religion begins with the universe.
But re-read John Updike's Roger's Version and you'll see what a universe can be like without a demiourgos, with the plain devil having fun at taking away somebody's immortal soul, a precious thing to lose.
Well. Quarks. Father, Son, Holy
Ghost. Id, ego, superego.
I believe they asked Schopenhauer
what his wife thought of his thesis
opener, "The World Is My idea", but old Art didn't have a wife.
Put it to you this way:
Talented homosexuals have discovered the secret of woman.
But have they really?
Pick up a mop and start cleaning up, genius.
Or I'll whomp your ass.
You gotta serve somebody.
You are quite the petulant one, aren't you? Really itching for a fight that you seem to be unable to get. So what's with the ad hominem attacks, eh? You leave no room for retaliation, your not being a man and all. And I wouldn't even say, "Get thee behind me," because that would be a dangerous position to let one such as you assume. Stay right there in front where I can see you. Thanks, 'bub.
From The Devil's Dominion by Richard Godbeer:
Despite the presence of dissenters and sectarians, the orthodox succeeded in maintaining close control over religious life in early New England. But supernatural belief in the northern colonies was not exclusively religious. Alongside Protestant Christianity there coexisted a tangled skein of magical beliefs and practices that the colonists brought with them from England. Puritan ministers condemned magic as blasphemous and diabolical. Magic had no place in their vision of New England and so they were appalled to discover that colonists were using magical techniques. "It is a sad thing," lamented one cleric, "that ever any person should dare to do thus in New England." "Tis horrible," declared another, "that in this land of Uprightness, there should be any such Pranks of Wickedness. The ministers' greatest cause for alarm was that magic appealed not only to those who rejected Puritanism, but also to church members. The spiritual corruption implied by and consequent upon magical practice tainted even the covenanted community.
New England ministers condemned the use of magical techniques and urged their congregations to shun such "vile Impieties." But magic proved to be less susceptible than either dissent or sectarianism to control by the guardians of spiritual purity. Magical beliefs were essentially informal, and therefore elusive: they were part of no coherent doctrinal system; neither were they implemented through an organized institutional structure. Sometimes colonists would ask a magical expert in their local community to act on their behalf, but often they experimented with magical techniques on their own. Because magical belief was so amorphous, the threat it posed to Puritanism was much more insidious than that presented by dissent and sectarianism. Indeed, many of those who turned to magic did not realize that their behavior was heterodox. For all the emphasis Protestant theologians laid upon the dichotomy between religious faith and magical practice, there were significant affinities between reformed Christianity and magic that enabled layfolk to switch from one to the other without any sense of wrongdoing. In addition to those who did not grasp official objections to magic, other layfolk chose to ignore clerical injunctions when convenient. The vagueness of magical tradition and its links to Puritan belief made it easier for such people to sidestep the spiritual implications of their behavior. This book explores magical tradition in early New England, its ambivalent relationship to officially sanctioned supernatural belief, and the conflicts that arose within New England communities as a result of lay resort to magical techniques.
You take that and mix that with, from Fleshing Out Skull & Bones:
The story of New Haven begins in the parish of Saint Stephen’s, Coleman Street, London. Saul/Paul stoned St. Stephen to death outside Damascus. St. Stephen was one of the original seven deacons and the first Christian martyr. Saint Stephen’s feast day is December 26th.
Saint Stephen’s was “one of London’s most influential” pulpits at the time. In October of 1624, 27 year-old, John Davenport was elected vicar. After fending off accusations of being a Puritan, he was allowed his position and became quite celebrated.
Later in 1633, when Charles I appointed William Laud to the office of Archbishop of Canterbury with complete authority to deal with dissenters within the Church of England, Davenport left England for exile in the Netherlands. While there, Davenport read the impassioned accounts from his friend John Cotton about New England and soon proceeded back to England to gather his flock to save them from the coming punishment from God soon to be visited upon England in retribution for its manifold and persistent wickedness. He was hoping to congregate the faithful and seek shelter in New England where the saints could prepare for Christ’s return and the final judgment.
Puritans were true believers and proponents of the strict doctrines of John Calvin, a French‑born, theologian whose influence can be still felt today. Calvinism beliefs codified at the Synod of Dordt in 1618/19 are based on total dependence on God and predestination. These are:
• that all humans are, inherently wicked and offend God;
• that there is an elect that God chose to be saved regardless of their actions and how deserving;
• that Jesus died just for those special elect, not for everyone;
• that once God has chosen an elect they are saved by irresistible grace no matter what;
• that these elect or Saints cannot fall from grace once saved.
The most pious, the Hyper‑Calvinists (which the New Haven Colony were) hold to the tenet of the doctrine of reprobation, the belief that God purposefully foreordains damnation. In other words, there are those who are predestined to Hell. Some being the Elect doing “God’s work” through “sanctified” devilish activities. Regular Hell’s Angels ….
Do Calvinism and Ritual Magic Mix?
Yale and Harvard, both schools were founded and run for many years by Calvinist clerics soon became hot beds of secret societies and magical ritual.
From Washington Allston — Secret Societies and the Alchemy of Anglo-American Painting:
Allston was a member of the Phi Beta Kappa Society, which not only organized the leading members of the New England intelligentsia, but closely associated them with the broader, middle class social base of Freemasonry. A secret fraternity of students and alumni, Phi Beta Kappa derived its rituals and symbols from the Masonic brotherhood. Like Masonry, the “master image” of Phi Beta Kappa was the animating sun, symbol of alchemical wisdom originated from Ancient Egypt.
… They [Masons] celebrated the arts for transmitting an ancient body of original truths, deriving not only from the Jews and the masons who built Solomon’s Temple, but also from Pythagoras and the Greeks, and from the ancient Egyptian mythology of Isis, Osiris, and Hermes Trismegistus.
The society [PBK] created a magical aura to honor wisdom through initiation ceremonies that led blindfolded candidates toward sudden illumination and arcane emblems expressing esoteric truths. [emphasis added]
The whole art community that surrounded the birth of Bones and later surrounded the Tomb were largely members of Phi Beta Kappa (PBK). Many being both Bones and PBK. Such as founders Russell and Taft, plus the ever-handy Daniel Coit Gilman.
Charles Tracy, an 1832 Yale graduate writes in his Yale College, Sketches from Memory:
In those days free-masonary and anti-masonry fought their battles: and a grave question of consience [sic] arose about the promise of secrecy exacted on initiation to the Phi Beta Kappa Society. Harvard was for dissolving the secrecy, and it sent Edward Everett to the private meeting at Yale to advocate the cause. He used a tender tone stood half drooping as he spoke, and touchingly set forth that the students at Harvard had such conscientious scruples as to keep them from taking the vow of secrecy, and the society’s life was endangered. There was stout opposition, but the motion prevailed, and the missionary returned to gladden the tender consiences[sic] of the Harvard boys. The secret was of course out. The whole world did not stare at the discovery; and a few years had passed the society took back its secrecy and revived its grip.
Most secret societies have structure akin to an onion or pyramid with a large base or outer layer that makes-up the majority of the members. These members, called porch brethren in Masonic circles are there for window-dressing and generally have very little idea of the true function of the organization. Then there are the administrators and then at the core a “secret society within a secret society” with many times certain key personnel overlapping into several secret societal organizations.
The Yale secret society Wolf’s Head’s logo is the head of a wolf over an upside down ankh. “In the Egyptian mysteries a candidate would assumed the mantle of Osiris and wore a wolf skin. Wolf in French is louve and the word louvteau means “the son of a Mason.” The ankh is an old Egyptian symbol generally associated with life and eternity. The mystical and ritual magickal significance of the Wolf’s Head logo is there for all to see.
There are those who say this is just folderol, just “fads and fancy” of students. To others it adds to the evidence that the secret societies at Yale are much more than a supplemental educational program of Yale University or even just a crazy college “club.” Demonstrative links to the mystery schools and ritualistic initiatory paraphernalia abound. Do some Bonesmen experience an initiatory death and rebirth through Yale’s underground? Is the crypt of Saint John part of that ritual?
Do we find in New Haven a multi-generational cult that uses conspiratorial tactics and ritualistic magic in its drama for control?
A bigger picture emerges when you look in depth at the historical, architectural and genealogical threads, and at the physical geomantic forces at play in New Haven.
You could make a case that what exists at Yale is a multi-generational cult that believes in the power of death to bring about change, a group of Zeitgeist initiates believing that the ends justify the means, and using massive deaths to feed their necromancy.
Just a bit farther up the geographical draw from the cemetery is the Winchester Repeating Arms plant, where many of the rifles for deadly warfare have been manufactured, producing many piles of bones — many through conflicts with Bones members playing major political roles.
Ron Rosenbaum reported in the New York Observer, April 23, 2001, this chant used in the Order’s initiation rites:
The Hangman Equals Death!
The Devil Equals Death!
Death Equals Death.
In Alexandra Robbins’ apologia for the Order, Secrets of the Tomb, Bonesmen claim that they just played a joke on Rosenbaum and the ritual was a show. Scroll & Key member Ms. Robbins, after saying that she thought “the ceremony described in Rosenbaum’s article sounded much to vulgar for Skull and Bones, then quotes a Bonesman “laughing heartily” and saying, “We wanted to fuck with that prick.”
As Governor of Texas, George W Bush “hung” all prisoners sentenced to death that he had an opportunity to kill, except one, Henry Lee Lucas — a confessed serial killer for a shadowy cult.
Bonesman and US political power player Henry L Stimson takes credit for talking President Truman into dropping the bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. These are just two of the Order’s death-dealing activities.
The primary families of the Order are all inter-related and related to European royalty. In a private letter* from one Bonesman to another, a member does treat another of its members as royalty. When one takes into consideration that George W Bush has more royal relations that any other US President, along with royalty’s heavy involvement in Masonry and other western ritual magical circles,
one wonders about the mindset created from the influences of the Hyper-Calvinist beliefs of Hell predestination, and infallible salvation mixed with potent duality of Western Ritual Magic tradition.
Is our republic being undermined by a fervent multi-generational death-magic cult that is trying to bring about an apocalyptic New World Order through synarchical means — with themselves playing the leading roles — no matter the cost to the rest of us? Do they know?
The Order of Skull & Bones is a secret society and they aren’t saying.
To the tables down at Mory’s
To the place where Louie dwells
To the dear old Temple bar we love so well
Sing the Whiffenpoofs assembled
With their glasses raised on high
And the magic of their singing casts its spell
Yes, the magic of their singing
If the songs we love so well
“Shall I Wasting” and “Mavourneen” and the rest
We will serenade our Louie while life and voice shall last
Then we’ll pass and be forgotten with the rest
We are poor little lambs who have lost our way
Baa, baa, baa
We are little black sheep who have gone astray
Baa, baa, baa
Gentleman songsters off on a spree
Doomed from here to eternity
Lord have mercy on such as we
Baa, baa, baa
I vote, let's put them in jail.
Onward to the utmost of futures!
Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
All My Relations.
Omnia Bona Bonis,
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End
The Anonymous who addresses old Ivan with the Russian diminutive,
"Ivanik." (IBAHIbK?):
Sticks and stones may break my bones, but whips and chains excite me.
Fascinating comments to this post. I also feel the danger of becoming a "drive by spectator" to the evils described in this blog. I couldn't come here, if I didn't have a sort of faith that in the end, God will be All in All.
Anon 9:21 - excellent. I've been wrestling with this whole occult belief system for over a year, trying to understand it.
"Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law"
"Not my will, but thy will be done"
Which do I choose?
I am not at all surprised by your predilection for S&M. Thanks for revealing your 'true' colours for all to see. Forewarned is forearmed.
To Kris:
Many many thanks for an utterly erudite and brilliant post. You brought it all back into the here and now where it is happening.
Peace and Godspeed
Do you really need to ask this question? If you are told the correct answer, won't you still have to decide whether to agree or not? You choose, man. Free will.
PS to Ivanik el poquito:
Mas sabe el diablo por viejo que por diablo.
"The devil knows more for being old than for being a devil."
Old indeed.
But not old enough.
God willing.
To the "Ivanik" Anonymous man:
I've been Eschered.
Abundaman Ventanas viehos debumant una cella o poso.
Chiquitito Ivanik:
You mean 'outed.'
Preguntales quien responde de ello.
?O es que tienen asociados? Pues, !que traigan a sus asociados, si es verdad lo que dicen!
El dia que las cosas se pongan mal y sean invitados a prosternarse, no podran.
Abatida la mirada, cubiertos de humillacion, porque fueron invitados a prosternarse cuando aun estaban en seguridad...
To Anonymous 9:21,
Thank you for your postings. Your words shine clean, bright, and true to my heart. It really does come down to one's intentions acted out through one's free will. And there's the rub: evil (as reported on this forum) is best defined when one interfers with another's free will, i. e., victimizing another through deceit or murder. Even more importantly, is taking responsibility for one's own free will, as in I am submerging my mind in grisly horror stories daily. But why would I do this?
In truth, I have had to ask myself what draws me to this forum. My bullshit answer would be that through educating myself to the dark and hidden, I could somehow save the world by being informed and, hence, spared the fate of the victims we read about here. Truth is, I am just afraid for I have overdosed on the fear rush we all have suffered since 911 and have lost my faith. No more for me, thank you. I choose not to traffic in "ratscrabbling" or any further debasement. Just because there's a pile of shit in the road, I don't need to step in it. I acknowledge that there's shit in the road, and said shit has a purpose ala Milton's Paradise Lost's treatment of Satan. How he burned when he realized his rebellion of God was not his own creation, but only furthered God's plans. So with renewed faith, I'll just play my miniscule role in the cosmos and mind my free will, God willing.
from Anonymous "9:21"
to Anonymous 1:
Thank you for your beautiful expression of faith. It brought sweet tears to my eyes.
Faith is indeed the cure to fear.
Thank you and thank God.
I've been reading posts here at RI for nearly a year and am sorry but I feel compelled to impart this necessary criticism.
If I were the cabals, devil cults and other assorted freelance demon fetishists I would be laughing my ass off. You people are a zero threat to them, engaging in the most banal, pseudo-intellectual, mental masturbation discussions.
Keep this up and they won't have to ply their sickness in the shadows. You'll think you were transported into some Druid Hell-world, where you have to hide your children. And people are culled like sheep by wolves on their demon days.
For God's sake talk about initiatives to keep this shit from happening. Get a plan together to fight this Satanic madness, show 'em that you mean business. Or continue fearfully, to wallow in macabre entertainment disguised as information.
Bloody fuckin' shameful is what this is.
Hi Kris - Is that a song by the Godz you're quoting? I seem to remember it but I am not sure. No doubt I'm wrong but that Baa baa baa thing really gets to me.
Satan is not "invented" by Paulian or any other curch.Covering cherub is out there trough the ages on many many drawings ,sculptures and other "stuff".Yeah it seems he had convinced many that it is just in their heads,but unfortunately ,it/he is real.Thank God ,he is just a "superior"being to US,not omnipresent and omnipotent.Don't be so obssesed withe the occult and the aftermath.Believe in The Lord,live right and u have nothing to fear.No one is imune to evil(free will of doing bad things under sic influences of "the other world"),just learn to fight it.
And for Sorrow of man:
I tottaly agree,some action must be taken...But what?New ideas are welcome on how to fight evil(whatever someone thinks of it's origins)
To the Ivanik man:
Son nos su palabros.
Escribir una libra primero.
Su libra.
You guys are closer to Mexico than I am,so your Spanish is tighter.
But the sun still bakes your brains.
"Faith is indeed the cure to fear.
I'm begining to see comments like these read as disclaimers for responsibility.
Translates: "I'm going to Heaven anyways, so who cares?"
When the matle is finally assumed, it won't be due to omnipotent power of those who serve darkness, but a lack of reaction from those who could have done something about it while they still could and failed to do so.
If you fear, it's usually for a good reason, so why do so many turn their back to it? Faith is a spiritual benzo and the original Crowd Control; you were given Religion do dull your senses by minds that knew how to quell the masses. When you silence your natural response to wrongness through the embracing of a false construct, you are handing over the keys to the Others..
Don't say later you were never warned.
veal said...
Hi Kris - Is that a song by the Godz you're quoting? I seem to remember it but I am not sure. No doubt I'm wrong but that Baa baa baa thing really gets to me.
8:32 AM
No, that is "The Whiffenpoof Song," copyright 1938. the "Whiffenpoofs" a male chorale group, were founded in 1909 at Yale. Prescott Bush was a member during his time at Yale. The song has been recorded by Rudy Valee, Bing Crosby, Louis Armstrong and many others. It is considered one of THE Yale songs. And because of Yale's dominance in intelligence and military aviation, the song has taken on "special" significance for the CIA and the Army/Air Force. I have been told by Daniel Hopsicker that folks involved in the CIA-Drug trade have recounted to him of singing the song at gatherings of their "associates."
Myself, I take an interest in the words of the song, for it declares:
We are poor little lambs who have lost our way
Baa, baa, baa
We are little black sheep who have gone astray
Baa, baa, baa
Gentleman songsters off on a spree
Doomed from here to eternity
Lord have mercy on such as we
Baa, baa, baa
Now one could read into that an acknowledgment of a situation where some "Christians" went off into "Magickland," and are playing out their "karma" ....
Taking us all along?
Notice earlier in the song the line (even stressed again later) --"the magic of their singing casts its spell." There is equation with casting magic and singing, and then the end coda of these "black sheep." --
Gentleman songsters off on a spree
Doomed from here to eternity
Lord have mercy on such as we
Baa, baa, baa
Being a songwriter, I know that what is written is not always "conscious," but that doesn't detract from the "truth" and force of the "word."
And again from Fleshing Out Skull & Bones:
(Some pixs and story at )
New Haven
Wisdom hath builded her house, she hath hewn out her seven pillars.
Davenport’s main ally was his childhood playmate Theophilius Eaton, a commercial agent handling James I affairs in Denmark and the London agent for Christian IV of Denmark. Eaton was deputy‑governor of the Eastland Company, an original subscriber to the Massachusetts Bay Company and a fervent Puritan
This group didn’t starve their first winter, and Eaton was Governor of the colony until his death in 1658. Mr. Eaton had married Anne Lloyd, widow of Thomas Yale and grandmother of Elihu Yale, benefactor and namesake of Yale University.
New Haven was a theocracy with only male church members — The Elect — allowed to vote and hold office. Although they were a small fraction of the total population, they ruled over the majority. No matter their actual piety, to the people of God, the rest of the populace was considered hopelessly damned. A person only became one of the Saints through pre‑ordained mystical unavoidable grace that was made manifest through a somewhat mystical “born‑again” experience. Mosaic Law was the rule of the colony with Mr. Eaton as “Judge” and Rev. Davenport their preacher/prophet. They were the two main players of the New Haven plantation’s original “seven pillars.” This all eventually fell apart when the contested title to the land and other forces led to absorption of the Colony by Connecticut in 1664.
The town of the New Haven Colony was laid out in 1638 into nine squares using magnetic north. The first street “was laid out half a mile in length and upon it as a base, a square was described.” Plot allocations were completed by 1641 with the center square being public. The four streets State, Church, College and York run east/west, with George, Chapel, Elm and Grove as cross streets. New streets bisecting the originals in 1784 were named Orange, Wall, Crown, Temple and High.
In 1640 in the middle of the public square there was built a wooden meetinghouse. Over the years there have been many different congregations on the green: the “Prime Ancient Church,” the “First Society,” the White Haven Society,” the “New Lights,” the “Old Lights” and others. Over the years there has been much theological discord about just who was saved and who wasn’t, and through the many revivals the congregations split, reformed and reunited several times.
Behind the center church is the “Old Burying Ground,” directly opposite Yale College. By 1800, in this relatively small area, there were packed more than 5,000 skeletons and, as time passed, the overcrowding became a problem. A new center church was built “on top over some of the graves” in the early 1810s when it ”was not an uncommon sight to see animals digging up the bones.”
The “official” founding date of the Masonic Grand Lodge of England, June 24, 1717, is the feast day of their primary patron saint, St. John the Baptist. The oldest lodge in Connecticut is New Haven’s Hiram Lodge. It was given its charter November 12, 1750 and held it’s first meeting on Thursday, December 27, 1750, the feast day of the other patron saint of Masonry, mystic and apocalyptic writer, St. John the Evangelist. The Masons still meet on Thursday nights, the same night another secret society also gathers together in a Temple on High Street surrounded by the Yale campus and New Haven, The Order of Skull & Bones.
When New Haven grew from a town to a city in 1784, the first new street was High Street, going only within the original town square area from George to Grove.
In the middle of town at the corner of High and Chapel Streets, turning-up High and going under the Art Gallery bridge, on the west side of the street, is the Tomb, built in 1856 and expanded several times. Behind it is the Secret Courtyard and towers of Weir Hall. Down High Street is the world famous Sterling Library. At the next corner down High St. is the Yale Law School, alma mater of Bill & Hillary Clinton, Gerald Ford, Joe Lieberman and Clarence Thomas, among others. Across the street, on the other corner, is a three story white-marble mausoleum-looking building. This is the “meeting-hall” of the secret society, Book & Snake. Reporter Bob Woodward and former Treasury Secretary Nicklaus Brady are members.
The New Burying Ground
Directly at the end of High Street is the oldest family-plot cemetery in the country, built in 1797 as a garden for the dead. This “New Burying Ground” was built “in the country” at the end of High Street at Grove Street by a syndicate of 32 prominent families. The old graves were relocated there from the old churchyard on The Green in 1821. Many famous persons are buried there, including Eli Whitney, Roger Sherman, Charles Goodyear and many of Yale’s presidents. Surrounded by Yale University, it encompasses 16 acres in downtown modern New Haven, and has hundreds of obelisks and monuments.
The entrance is via a huge Egyptian Revival-style gate built by Henry Austin in 1845 out of the same type of brownstone as the “Tomb.” It displays the inscription “The Dead Shall Be Raised” beneath the outstretched winged-sun disk.
The Legend of the Egyptian Winged-Sun-Disk
Horus, was one the main Egyptian gods, son and heir to Ra. There was a Horus the elder and a Horus the younger. He was generally depicted as a falcon headed being, but Horus had at least seven different forms. Asked by his sister, Isis, to avenge the death of her brother/husband, Osiris, Horus asked the god Thoth, the master magician, for help. With Thoth’s aid, Horus became “a great sun-disk, with resplendent wings outstretched on either side.” After many battles, Horus defeats Set and Osiris is resurrected.
“Horus then commanded Thoth that the Winged-Sun-Disk, with Uraei [snakes], should be brought into every sanctuary wherein he dwelt, and into every sanctuary of all the gods of the lands of the South and the North, and in Amentet, in order that they might drive away evil from therein …”
The Quick and the Dead?
Ezra Stiles, president of Yale College, was the first to suggest that freed slaves be sent back to Africa. Funds for such a colony began to be collected in 1776 and the American Colonization Society was founded in 1817. This was not some altruistic crusade but was “formed solely for the sending to Africa of free Negroes, who were considered extremely dangerous.”
Ezra Stiles is buried at the New Haven Burying Ground, so is Jehudi Ashmun, who some consider the “founder” of Liberia (1822). Some praise him, others say he was dictatorial and “convinced that African-Americans were not capable of running their own political affairs.” He rescheduled an election after his candidates lost and fixed the next one. This set the stage for years of factional strife.
Jehudi left Africa ill with fever and died just a few days after landing, in Boston on August 25, 1828. His funeral was held two day later in New Haven and he was interned in a sarcophagus that today lies just inside the massive Egyptian gate.
Jehudi wasn’t a Yalie, (his Whitney family connection may be what brought him to rest in New Haven) but the main road curving around the outside of the cemetery was renamed in the 1840s Ashmun Street, near the time when the Egyptian gate was built.
Ashmun is the Egyptian name for Hermopolis, the home of the sacred eight, the site of the world’s creation out of chaos, the cosmic egg. Hermopolis, believed to be city “where the sun first rose on earth,” was also the center of the god of wisdom and learning, the ibis-headed moon-god Thoth. The Greeks called him Hermes Trismegistus, the god of time and “conductor of the dead,” the inventor of alchemy and magic, and a traditional source for Western ritual magic
The Crypt of Saint John
In the middle of the “garden for the dead” is a most interesting mausoleum dating from the 1870s: the crypt of St. John. It seems to be built of the same brownstone as both the Skull & Bone’s “Tomb” and the massive Egyptian entrance gate. Note that the winged-sun disk with snakes is prominently displayed. On each side are flanking white marble sepulchers, and the plot is completely enclosed by an iron fence and stone pillars. The stone pillars are similar to those along the cemetery fence. This bone house is in the Yale’s section of the cemetery with many Bonesmen nearby.
No other headstones or crypts in the cemetery use the winged-disk motif. Buried inside are Samuel St. John and wife and on either side in non-identical white sarcophagi are Sheffields.
Joseph Sheffield’s many bequests to Yale earned for him the honor of having the science department, the Sheffield Scientific School (SSS), named after him. It was through the ‘SSS’ that Skull & Bones came to control Yale. Daniel Gilman, an incorporator of the Russell Trust Association, officially incorporated SSS in 1871, with two other Bonesmen including William W. Phelps financier, congressman, ambassador and son-in-law of Mr. Sheffield. Soon Yale, as written in 1873, became “controlled by a few men who shut themselves off from others, and assume to be their superiors …”
Book & Snake
The secret society, Book & Snake, began at ‘SSS’ in 1865. The founding club’s picture shows them gathered around a similar skull, one without a jawbone, as does Bones in its annual photos. Across from the cemetery’s gate in 1901, Book & Snake built their huge Greek Ionic white windowless mausoleum clubhouse surrounded by iron fencing using iron Thoth’s staff as posts. When you put together the winged circle and the entwined snakes you have the caduceus or staff of Mercury.
A connection between Book & Snake and Skull & Bones appears to exist. There is the very simple reversal of the initials of the groups, S&B and B&S. For many years Book & Snake had a living-quarters house further down Grove Street known as the Cloister Club, which associated itself with the symbol of the jawless skull chained to a cross.
Magic is as Magic Does
According to the US News & World Report, May 13, 1991 When asked by a reporter “if he had news about the rebellion in Iraq?” George HW Bush answered only with the code-word seven. According to the magazine’s source seven refers to the fact that, because Skull & Bones has fifteen members, a majority eight vote means yes and seven votes represents a no, lose or fail. “The source also reports that when the president was invited to a meeting in the Tomb, … he declined because he could not enter its inner sanctum without his Secret Service officers, none of whom are members. Bush was then fined — and he subsequently paid — $3.22 for missing a meeting.”
“322” is the Order’s particular, peculiar number, and is on the door and inlaid on the floor of their sanctum sanctorum in the upstairs of the original hall. What “322” means has been debated for years. Some say that it relates to the year 1832 when the Yale society was founded and the second ‘2’ meant it was a second chapter of a German secret society. Some say it represents the date of the death of Demosthenes, claiming it was upon his philosophy that Bones was founded. Others point to the occultic and numerological aspects of the number. Again there are several differing explanations. One being that 322 represents “the symbolic dimensions for an isosceles triangle with three as the base and the twos becoming equal sides. “In an isosceles triangle with the point of the apex representing a Logos, and the two equal sides flowing from it representing the masculine and feminine rays, the horizontal base-line stands for the physical foundation from which the manifested objective world starts into existence.”
The most visible and recognized symbol of the group is the skull and crossbones. A symbol of death, that is found on bottles of poison, pirates flags and the Nazi totenkopf, “death’s head” the insignia of the Nazi Schutzstaffel or, as commonly known, the SS. It has been used in Prussia for elite troops as far back as 1740.
Some historians date the origin of the skull and crossbones to the late Middle Ages, during that period doctors were using the symbol as a sign of quarantine. It was drawn on doors of patients with strange and/or deadly maladies. After the Inquisition began in the 13th century, and the persecution of heretics by ecclesiastical tribunals drove non-Catholic thought underground, the heretics began using skull and crossbones to ward off persecutors. There was a slight difference in the heretic’s skull and crossbones. It had no lower jaw, which signified secrecy and silence. Many don’t even notice the missing mandible. The symbol soon began showing up on ship’s masts, at first used to keep people away. Later it was used by privateers and pirates.
An understanding of Masonry, the Knights Templars and the preservation of the old mystery schools is emerging, and evidence is accumulating about the Knights Templars devotions to St. John, Mary Magdalene and their use of the Skull and Crossbones in their symbology, both by the original Knights Templars, who were disbanded in 1307, and by the current Masonic commanderies. I have a Xeroxed page from a very old Masonic book that uses the same exact skull and bones woodcut that Bones uses as a symbol of Knights Templars.
From a private paper on Skull & Bones:
the skull represented the Temple of wisdom, which was later Christianized for concealment and referred to as the upper room. It is the room at the top of the 33 vertebra of the spine which represented the path to the upper room; the equivalent of the journey through life or the road to enlightenment.
… The crossed bones represents the two pillars, which stand at the threshold to the pathway to the Temple of Wisdom. One bone represents Knowledge the other represents Understanding. This Temple of Wisdom is believed by the occultists to be the structure within which the human consciousness resides. When the neophyte becomes the dweller at the Threshold, he symbolically stands at the intersection of the crossed bones. If he chooses to pass through the threshold, he no longer resides only in the outer, material world; but he has become a dweller in a land of new consciousness to grow in self-awareness through Knowledge and Understanding. The neophyte symbolically dies or falls asleep to the outer world as the consciousness turns from outward concerns to inner concerns, knowing when he arrives at the Temple of Wisdom he will awaken or become resurrected to a new world order.
A new world order! Illuminatist Adam Weishaupt called for cosmopolitanism. Hitler and Goebbels proclaimed the Third Reich a New World Order. George HW Bush, an Order of Skull & Bones member, used the term several times during his US presidential term. On September 11, 1990 in an address to a Joint Session of the US Congress, exactly eleven years before Flight Eleven crashed into the twin towers, President George HW Bush said:
We stand today at a unique and extraordinary moment. The crisis in the Persian Gulf, as grave as it is, also offers a rare opportunity to move toward an historic period of cooperation. Out of these troubled times, our fifth objective — a new world order — can emerge: a new era — freer from the threat of terror, stronger in the pursuit of justice, and more secure in the quest for peace. An era in which the nations of the world, East and West, North and South, can prosper and live in harmony. A hundred generations have searched for this elusive path to peace, while a thousand wars raged across the span of human endeavor. Today that new world is struggling to be born, a world quite different from the one we’ve known.
What is it with this preoccupation
with new world orders and new eras?
Some of the most interesting research to come out about the Knights Templars and Freemasons are the researches by Christopher Knight & Robert Lomas in their books the Hiram’s Key and The Second Messiah. The books of Michael Baigent, Richard Lee and Henry Lincoln were some of the first to explore these topics. Also there are the books by Lynn Picknett and Clive Prince, The Templar Revelation and The Stargate Conspiracy. And one last one I would like to mention by name, The Warriors and the Bankers by Alan Butler and Stephen Dafoe. Many others are also relevant to understanding this history of secret societies, some specifically about the chapel at Rosslyn, Scotland and the chapel of Sauniere at Renne-le-Chateau, France. First century studies, the study of intelligence services and methods, financial studies and banking histories are helpful in understanding the reach and rolodexes of these small but powerful secret organizations.
The basic story is that in 70 AD, when Titus was sacking Jerusalem various familial groups responsible for differing duties, generally connected with Temple obligations, gathered their items of diligence such as sacred oils, treasures, and hid them in caves in the Temple Mount and other areas of the country. These families comprised of members of the various priesthoods and royal lines then dispersed, many towards Europe, producing the “bluebloods.” According to Knight and Lomas, a familial secret society existed named Rex Deus that was revealed by a father to his chosen son, upon this son reaching the age of 21. This group emerged above-ground with the Crusades, supposedly in accordance with prophecies in Daniel and Isaiah.
From The Second Messiah:
The picture that was emerging was of a group of European noble families, descended from Jewish Lines of David and Aaron, who escaped from Jerusalem shortly before, or possibly even after, the fall of the Temple. They had passed down the knowledge of the artifacts concealed beneath the Temple to a chosen son (not necessarily the eldest) of each family. Some of the families involved were the Counts of Champagne, Lords of Gisors, Lords of Payens, Counts of Fontaine, Counts of Anjou, de Bouillon, St Clairs of Roslin, Brienne, Joinville, Chaumont, St Clair de Gisor, St Clair de Neg and the Hapsburgs.
From this group developed the Knights Templar, who went to Jerusalem, were housed on the Temple Mount, later returning to Europe to become what many call the first international bankers, They were soldiers, sailors and large landholders and were a very strong political force. The Templars were arrested by Phillip the Fair, King of France on Friday, October 13, 1307 and driven underground or into exile.
The Templars, according to several sources, had knowledge and had explored the North American continent before Columbus. The Rosslyn Chapel in Scotland, built between 1440 and 1490, has stone reliefs of plants found only in the Americas. John Cabot, whom many of the major Bones players claim as a relation, sailed from Bristol, England (a port very beholden to the Templars) and Cabot named his American settlement, St, John.
The history of Freemasonry is long and tedious. Nevertheless, we know that Freemasonry emerged officially in 1717 in England and soon enjoyed royal protection. During the preceding and proceeding centuries much activity took place in various secret societies both fraternal and magickal orders. One very interesting ideology that developed out of these circles is synarchy.
An excerpt from Picknett and Prince’s The Stargate Conspiracy:
… a specific politico-esoteric system, a movement known as Synarchy. This is ‘government by secret societies,’ or by a group of initiates who operate from behind the scenes. It is an analogue of ‘theocracy,’ or rule by a priesthood. …
The founder of Synarchy, a Frenchman named Joseph Alexandre Saint-Yves d’Alveydre (1824-1909), explained that the term was the opposite of anarchy. Whereas anarchy is based on the principle that the state should have no control over individuals, Synarchy proposes that it should have complete control. He proposed that Synarchists achieve power by taking over the three key institutions of social control: political, religious and economic. With its own members in positions of power, the Synarchists would, in effect, secretly govern entire states. And why stop there? One of the aims of Synarchy, from its very inception, was — from the words of a Synarchist document — the creation of a ‘federal European Union.’ Is it any coincidence that we are now moving rapidly towards such a European state? Significantly, those words were written as far back as 1946. …
As might be expected from a movement dedicated to governing by secret societies, Synarchy had close ties with some of the most powerful of such organizations, including the Martinist Order, of which Saint-Yves d’Alveydre was Grand Master. As the French writer Gerard Galtier states: “The synarchic ideal influenced all the Martinists and occultists of the beginning of the century.”25 Not unexpectedly, Synarchists were also members of French Masonic Lodges, …
Synarchy is by definition a shadowy group lurking behind many uprisings and revolutions, and whose jealous gaze is automatically fixed on any stable regime or established government unless it already conforms to their ideals. …
There is another aspect to Synarchy. The concept of nine legendary leaders plays a large part in its philosophy. … the Knights Templar, founded by nine French knights shortly after the First Crusade. The Templars were believed by Saint-Yves d’Alveydre to have represented the supreme expression of Synarchy in the medieval world, because they had almost total political, religious and financial control during the two centuries of their existence yet remained at heart a secret, heretical order whose real agenda was known only to its membership.
In nineteenth-century France several secret societies all claimed to be the true descendants of the medieval Knights Templar. Saint-Yves drew upon their ideals and practices for his movement, especially those of certain types of occult Freemasonry known as the Strict Templar Observance and its successor, the Rectified Scottish Rite, thus bestowing on the primarily political movement a strong undercurrent of mysticism And magical rites. This proved to be a two-way traffic, for the Synarchist ideal was adopted by several occultists and their organizations, such as Papus Gerard Encausse, (1865-1916), an enormously influential figure who was the French Grand Master of both the Ordo Templi Orientis (OTO) and the Masonic Order of Memphis-Misraim, whose rituals, significantly, were based on the rites and ceremonies of the ancient Egyptian priesthood. Papus considered Saint-Yves to be his ‘intellectual Master.’ As Gerard Galtier wrote: “Without doubt, the Martinist directors such as Papus … had the ambition to secretly influence the course of political events, notably by the diffusion of synarchic ideals.”
Papus put the Synarchist ideals into practice by working to bring together the various secret societies of his day, merging orders where possible and creating ‘confederations’ where representatives of the organizations could meet. The bodies he created fragmented during the First World War, but others, notably Theodore Reuss and H. Spencer Lewis, created similar groups afterwards.
Undoubtedly, Saint-Yves was hugely influential on the development of Western occultism. Theo Paijmans, an authority on nineteenth-century European esotericism, pointed out to us that Saint-Yves introduced the seminal idea of Agartha, the mysterious underground realm from which highly evolved Adepts psychically direct the development of the human race. This was to become a common feature of Western occultism — as in the works of Madame H.P. Blavatsky — and was the basis for a belief in Hidden Masters, or Secret Chiefs, which we will discuss shortly. Saint-Yves claimed that he had travelled astrally to Agartha, and that he was in telepathic contact with its inhabitants. He also claimed that he had derived his Synarchist ideology from them.
… The twentieth-century legacy … involves one of the most flamboyant and controversial figures of our times — the ritual magician Aleister Crowley.
Conjurations of the ‘Beast’
In March 1904 the — even by then — notorious occultist Aleister Crowley (1875-1947) and his new wife Rose paid a visit to Cairo where they carried out a ‘magickal’ operation (a ‘working’) in their rented apartment. The result was unexpected. The untrained Rose, totally ignorant of magickal workings (and, if Crowley’s somewhat disloyal description is anything to go by, of much else too), went into trance, repeating, ‘They are waiting for you.’ During the next few days, she revealed that ‘they’ were primarily the god Horus, who had chosen Crowley for a special task, telling him the ritual to facilitate contact. At first Crowley was irritated by Rose’s words — after all, he was the great magus, not her — but then he gave her a series of questions to test the authenticity of the communicator. When he asked her which planet was traditionally associated with Horus, she answered, correctly, Mars.
A few days later, in the Cairo Museum, Rose — who had never visited it before — confidently led her husband through the halls to stand before one particular exhibit, a rather unremarkable Twenty-Sixth-Dynasty painted wooden stele showing an Egyptian priest standing before Horus in his form of Ra-Hoor-Khuit (a variation of Ra-Horakhti, who is closely associated with the Sphinx). This has been known ever since in the occult world as the Stele of Revealing. Crowley was impressed by the synchronicity of the exhibit’s number — 666, the number of the Great Beast of Revelation, which also happened to be Crowley’s own proud alter ego, thanks to an overliteral interpretation of the Bible by his religious-maniac mother. (When we saw the stele in April 1998, we were amused to note that, although it is now exhibit 9422, the original 1904 label, bearing the number 666 in a beautiful but faded copperplate hand, has been laid beside it in the display case. Could there be Crowleyite sympathizers; on the staff of the Cairo Museum?)
This led Crowley, somewhat reluctantly, to take his wife’s words seriously. He duly carried out the magickal ritual — now known simply as the Cairo Working — which turned out to be a pivotal moment not only in his own bizarre career, but also in the whole history of modern occultism. As a result of this working, he came into contact with an entity called Aiwass (sometimes, for magickal reasons, spelt Aiwaz) who over the course of three days —8-10 April 1904 — ‘dictated’ to Crowley what has become his ‘gospel,’ The Book of Law.
The Stargate Conspiracy:pp 264-269
The works of Aleister Crowley still carry a profound effect upon Western occultic traditions and practice.The Book of Law redeveloped a theme written in 1532, by Francois Rabelais in Gargantua and Pantragruel, wherein a story speaks of the “Abbey of Thelma,” and the only rule is “do what thou wilt.” Crowley reworked it into his famous codex “Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.”
The Internet has become an astounding force whose cultural and political realities are still to be understood and it’s power is forcing change that continues today — with an unknown ending. The Internet has allowed uncensored national discussion, engendered understandings and energized a potent plebeian power whose creativity is countering the secretive sophism that ruins our republic and economy through covert corrupt means. The question remains: will the dreamscape that enthralls vast numbers continue its hoodwink, and will our children wake up slaves in a mean, technologically locked-down fascist state, or will they continue to slumber in the propaganda and hidden corruption of the celebrity-laden delusion of the contrived virtual reality friendly fascism that the secret societies have created around us — or will the Internet and other factors bring about a revival of our civic heritage and liberty.
The most important thing that I would like folks to understand from this work is that the secrecy of these organizations is not good for our Republic. These secret societies are historically foreign-based and do not care about this country. Their ends justifies the means zeitgeist leads to massive corruption and the “institutionalized sociological” excess of “elite deviancy.” Where a certain few believe that they are beyond the law and then through corrupted political and economic power — act above the law, through whatever means at their disposal. One question this book examines is whether there is any truth in the age-old lore of the conspiracy theory of history — are we dealing with a multi-generational, necromantic, synarchistic phenomenon? Have secret societies created a national security state apparatus to beguile us hoi polloi of our economic, civic and spiritual integrity? Do these secret societies create and play both sides in controlled conflicts to produce outcomes to further their New World Order millenniumist designs?
Porch brethren are requirement for a secret society to work and many in these organizations, magickal and fraternal are unawares of any deeper motivations of the elite leadership of the group. It is when these secret organizations with members in high political office exert their influence towards goals unknown and/or unbecoming that we citizens should take notice — and action.
Mysticism and fellowship are not bad and evil things. They are just like any thing. It is what people do with them … their actions that do ill or good in this world.
Secrecy and our Republic do not mix.
Our children’s future is what we leave them.
Onward to the utmost of futures!
Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
All My Relations.
Omnia Bona Bonis,
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End
Jeff Wells is Satan
To Anon 8:05 PM:
The 'gnostic' myths about Ialdaboath talk about that. It means something like 'the childish god' (another name for him is the demiurge meaning half-maker) and the stories say that he forgot his origins in the All (Pleroma) and went on creating an imperfect universe due to his divorce from Wisdom (Sophia) his mother. He's also very inescure (hence his command to humans that they should 'have no other gods over me) and tempermental.
I like how closely the myth jives with humans ourselves and how we are so irresponsible with our God-given powers. Without Sophia we are all Ialdaboaths
The Whiffenpoof Song is a parody of the following:
Melody -
Rudyard Kipling
To the legion of the lost ones,
To the cohort of the damned,
To my brethren in their sorrow overseas,
Sings a gentleman of England
Cleanly bred, machinely crammed,
And a trooper of the Empress, if you please.
Yes, a trooper of the forces
Who has run his own six horses,
And faith he went the pace and went it blind,
And the world was more than kin
While he held the ready tin,
But today the Sergeant's something less than kind.
We're poor little lambs
Who've lost our way,
Baa! Baa! Baa!
We're little black sheep
Who've gone astray,
Baa - aa - aa!
Gentlemen-rankers out on the spree,
Damned from here to Eternity,
God ha' mercy on such as we,
Baa! Yah! Bah!
Oh, it's sweet to sweat through stables,
Sweet to empty kitchen slops,
And it's sweet to hear the tales the troopers tell,
To dance with blowzy housemaids
At the regimental hops
And thrash the cad who says you waltz too well.
Yes, it makes you cock-a-hoop
To be "Rider" to your troop,
And branded with a blasted worsted spur,
When you envy, O how keenly,
One poor Tommy living cleanly
Who blacks your boots
And sometimes calls you "Sir".
If the home we never write to,
And the oaths we never keep,
And all we know most distant and most dear,
Across the snoring barrack-room
Return to break our sleep,
Can you blame us if we soak ourselves in beer?
When the drunken comrade mutters
And the great guard-lantern gutters
And the horror of our fall is written plain,
Every secret, self-revealing
On the aching white-washed ceiling,
Do you wonder that we drug ourselves from pain?
We have done with Hope and Honour,
We are lost to Love and Truth,
We are dropping down the ladder rung by rung,
And the measure of our torment
Is the measure of our youth.
God help us, for we knew the worst too young!
Our shame is clean repentance
For the crime that brought the sentence,
Our pride it is to know no spur of pride,
And the Curse of Reuben holds us
Till an alien turf enfolds us
And we die, and none can tell them where we died.
We're poor little lambs who've lost our way,
Baa! Baa! Baa!
We're little black sheep who've gone astray,
Baa - aa - aa!
Gentlemen-rankers out on the spree,
Damned from here to Eternity,
God ha' mercy on such as we,
Baa! Yah! Bah!
More to follow.
To 'Shanti' I'll call you from your 'signature' at the bottom.
Great post, and very well stated.
Is there any 'arcana' as you call it that might be considered beneficial for spiritual improvement?
Consider Freemasonry. Its rituals might be considered 'arcana' by some. The actual goal of Masonry's rituals is to help elevate the spirit, eventually to a 'Christ' level like you talk about. Some people use the power the rituals bestow for evil purposes, and many of those topics show up here on this board. The arcana itself is benign. It's the heart of someone who receives it that counts. You seem to know this.
Christ himself had 'mysteries' which he communicated to those who were ready to receive it
The sufis had it right didn't they? I recently found a little english translation of Ibn Arabi, "Whoso knoweth himself knoweth his Lord." Great stuff
Yes and if memory serves the Kipling piece is about soldiering, another undertaking that Bones takes quite serious, "War,"
War is just one of the sins of the Bonesmen - here's The Curse of Reubin, as mentioned in Kipling's poem:
i. Reuben
Reuben tried to soften the brothers' revenge, "Let's not take his life," he said. "Don't saddle yourselves with the guilt of Joseph's blood. Fling him in this pit here, in the open country."
His intentions were good enough. He meant to rescue Joseph himself ... later ... and restore the boy to his father. His motives for doing so were probably mixed: he had played about with one of his father's concubines - a gross insult to him. Being the eldest son, he may have felt he was being demoted for what he had done (the old man might even cut him out of his will!), and he would have felt a need to get himself back in favour. At any rate, he knew that what the brothers proposed was wrong. But because he was motivated by self-interest he lacked the courage of his convictions. Not once did Reuben say, "It's wrong." He tried a ruse. He tried to be clever, not clean. He compromised.
"Let's do an evil," he said to himself, "that I can later put right." He tried to steer things instead of opposing them.
When the Ishmaelite caravan turned up and the idea occurred to Judah that they might not only rid themselves of Joseph, but do themselves a bit of good into the bargain, Reuben was not there to stop them, or even protest.
Twenty-three years later, when their past started catching up with them, Reuben is whining, "I told you so. Didn't I tell you not to sin against the lad? But you wouldn't listen." But he never did say that. All Reuben had ever said was, "Don't do him a great evil - only do him a little evil." That is not the same thing at all. But all those years later Reuben still cannot admit his guilt. Conscience has made a coward of him. In his manhood, he is weak still.
We cannot cover up our sins, hiding them from ourself and everybody else, and not suffer the penalty. The penalty is paid, not in something that happens to us when we are at last found out, but in something that happens inside ourself - goes on happening, relentlessly, on and on - a steady degeneration of our character and personality.
When, years later, Benjamin's life was at risk, Reuben wanted to make amends. "Slay my own two sons if I don't bring him back to you. Put him in my hands, and I'll bring him back." He thinks, all those years later, that he can wipe out his past wrongs by doing a new right ... as though the scars of a swordsman's yesterday can be removed by his skill today. What Reuben does not know, but Jacob does, is that his word is no longer to be trusted. Jacob did not know the wrong Reuben had done all those years before; but he knew the kind of man Reuben had become: the man was not to be trusted.
The curse of unconfessed and unforgiven sin was upon him, and he knew it not.
That is the truth about life. Not the lies we believe ... that it was all a long time ago, and we were young then, and it does not matter now, and we have put all that behind us, and we have learned from our failures, and we are a better man for it all. Lies! ... we are not a better man for it. Unforgiven sin eats away like a cancer at the vitals of our soul for years. We think it has done us no harm; but it has. Reuben, like the rest hardened his heart against his father's grief to cover his own guilt, and he grew harder and meaner by the year.
Reuben was ready, notice, at the end to sacrifice his sons - not himself. That is the man Reuben had become. "Slay my two sons if I don't bring Benjamin back," he says to his father.
Judah said, "Of my hand you shall require him if I don't bring him back."
To Anon of 11:38:
"I'm begining to see comments like these read as disclaimers for responsibility.
Translates: "I'm going to Heaven anyways, so who cares?"'
Your comment would not even apply to the Puritan Elect, for they, like Judas took on the awful job of sinning for the benefit of God's plan. Sort of kills the fun, doesn't it? For the rest of us, it's acting on faith alone, in the material world, without any certainty of going to heaven (and not knowing if there is a heaven) that is a total embracing of responsibility. To act by faith alone requires courage, a sense of correct response, that is the antithesis of what you seem to understand.
By living faithfully courageous, not irresponsibly fearful, the evil of this world would soon be gone.
Anon of 3:57 says:
Your comment would not even apply to the Puritan Elect, for they, like Judas took on the awful job of sinning for the benefit of God's plan. Sort of kills the fun, doesn't it? For the rest of us, it's acting on faith alone, in the material world, without any certainty of going to heaven (and not knowing if there is a heaven) that is a total embracing of responsibility. To act by faith alone requires courage, a sense of correct response,
Now being a bit too serious, at times, I gather you are being, shall we say facetious, in your remarks of "sinning for the benefit of God's plan." For to my understandings that is a bit of a shilly-shally and concur with your later paean to "a sense of correct response,"
Onward to the utmost of futures!
Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
All My Relations.
Omnia Bona Bonis,
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End
(I am)Not exactly certain of the term's, "shilly shally," meaning. I'll just assume that it means, by the sound of it, not quite fully forthright, as in a prankster sort of way. No, I was not being facetious - I like to believe, as I posted earlier, Milton's Paradise Lost answer about evil in that there is no independent agent, Satan and his minions, that do other than God's will. Now, how does that explain free will? Robert Frost's poem, The Trial By Existence, answers that.
Fearless Vampire Scholars is more like it.
What the hell happened to this blog lately?
Jeff's information is spot on as usual, but I've noticed a sharp turn in the direction of the subsequent posts. From metaphysical flights of fancy to plagerized dissertations on literature. It's like I'm in the bar in "Good Will Hunting" listening to a dialogue that goes nowhere.
The responses used to be relentlessly progressive with vastly useful research information. What's going on?
Something ain't right.
Well, Sorry, anon 4.57 I dunna buy that, Superflous fluff and mental gymanstics, rhetoric for banalities.
Zappa is more to the point that Frost (IMHO)
"Plastic People"
Absolutely Free / Frank Zappa 1967
Ladies and Gentlemen...
The President of the United States!
*"Fella Americans...Doot, Doot, Doot..."*
He's been sick!--Doot! Doot!
And I think his wife is gonna bring him
Some chicken soap
Plastic people!
Oh, baby, now you're such a drag
I know it's hard to defend an unpopular policy
Every once in a while--
Plastic people!
Oh, baby, now you're such a drag
And there's this guy from the CIA he's creepin'
Around Laurel Canyon
A fine little girl She waits for me
She's as plastic as she can be
She paints her face With plastic goo
And wrecks her hair With some shampoo
Plastic people
Oh, baby, now you're such a drag
"I dunno...sometimes I just get tired
Of ya honey--it's...ah..your
Hair spray...or something..."
Plastic people
Oh, baby, now you're such a drag
"I hear the sound of marching feet...
down Sunset Boulevard to Crescent Heights
...and Pandora's box...
We are confronted with...a vast
Quantity of...Plastic people..."
Take a day and walk around
Watch the Nazi's Run your town
Then go home and check yourself
You think we're singing
'Bout someone else
But you're Plastic people
Oh, Baby, now
You're such a drag
Me see a neon Moon above
I searched for years I found no love
I'm sure that love Will never be
A product of Plasticity
A product of Plasticity
HA-PLASTIC--You are--your foot--your hair
--your nose--your arms--you suck--you love
--you are--your being is--you're plastic--blah
--blah--blah--blah plastic Peoples
-A prune is not a vegetable
--cabbage is a vegetable; makes it O.K.
--plastic people--plastic People
--you dream think eat are...Ooo-Hoo-Hoo...
purple prancing--plastic People-
Anonymous 9:21 said...
What an excellent discussion, all in all.
To Sorrow of Man: Who ever said that nothing need be done about any of this? You wrote: “Get a plan ‘em that you mean business.” Why do you assume that anyone other than you is doing nothing? Get your own plan together and do something yourself. Lend a hand, brother. If you hadn’t noticed, many of the cabals & cetera about which you wrote no longer do “ply their sickness in the shadows.” They have been holding a coming out party for quite some time now. And it sure ain’t over yet.
You are right, it is “bloody f....’in shameful.” Who or what ties your own hands and feet and keeps you from helping out?
To Ivanik:
Ese es el libro, el último libro. Léelo. Tal vez aprenderás algo bueno.
To Anon of 11:38:
Anon of 3:57 provided a responses that states it just about as well as it can be said:
“To act by faith...requires courage, a sense of correct response, that is the antithesis of what you seem to understand. By living faithfully courageous, not irresponsibly fearful, the evil of this world would soon be gone.”
And if enough of us do that, so it shall. God willing.
To Kris Millegan:
Thank you again for “fleshing out the bones” even further, and for exposing to the light of day the real nature and the true history of these folks.
It is the careful and thoughtful writing, publishing, telling and retelling of actual history, such as you are doing so well, which is the first step to waking people up to the reality of our present circumstances. Without the history, without the names, the dates, the places, the events, and so on, it is too nebulous and seemingly fanciful for most people to comprehend, believe, or even imagine.
Perhaps that explains why in the late 1800’s, members of “Skull and Bones created the American Historical Association, the American Psychological Association, and the American Economic Association so that the society could ensure that history would be written under its terms and promote its objectives. The society then installed its own members as the presidents of these associations.” (from the book Secrets of the Tomb ~ Even the apparent apologist Robbins has a few useful facts to dispense). That kind of covers the front, doesn’t it?
Other excellent authors by whom you have apparently been inspired include Webster Tarpley, Anton Chaitkin, and Anthony Sutton, among others.
But you have added a vital dimension by uncovering the Calvinist connecting threads between Weishaupt, the Founding Fathers, and the Russel Trust, et sequens. This is makes so many things so much clearer. You are a very lucid writer.
Perhaps you could clue some readers in to the connections between the assassination of JFK and JFK’s post “Bay of Pigs” firing of the two bonesmen Allen Dulles, CIA Director, and Richard Bissell, CIA director of operations for the BoP, both of whom had also previously worked for Prescott Bush and Averell Harriman for a decade or more. And who did LBJ appoint as the adiministrative executive of the Warren Commission? Why, Allen Dulles. And that doesn’t even get to the issues regarding JFK’s plans for withdrawing from Viet Nam, or his issuing in 1963 of Silver-backed currency, taking back the function of the printing of money from the privatedly-owned Federal Reserve, which were withdrawn from circulation by Lyndon Johnson.
Perhaps a review of Abraham Lincoln’s issuing of “greenbacks” and the imperial aspirations of earlier bonesmen and sundry ‘illuminati’ would clarify events surrounding the killing of Lincoln and the subsequent impeachment of his successor Andrew Johnson.
It’s all of a piece.
Keep up the scholarship. You are needed, man.
To Anon 2:42: No. I do not believe, based the experience of my life, which is all I have to go by, that there are any ‘aracana’ that are beneficial for spiritual improvement.
The deepest truths have been ‘open secrets’ for millenia: The golden rule as stated by Jesus is a fine place to start. As is the understanding of God, and of human surrender to the good and to the necessity of conscience and heart shared by true muslims, which is most of the 1.5 billion of them, who utterly reject the heinous acts of those very few dupes who lend their name to the killing of innocents.
To Anon 3:27: Thanks for such an excellent exegesis of the story of Joseph and the 12 sons of Jacob. That is one of the very enlightening stories of the Old Testament and one of my favorites. You helped me see it even more clearly.
To Anon 5:02: Maybe you should get out of the “bar”, have a cup of joe or some fresh water, breath deeply and clear your head. This has, in fact, been an intelligent, “progressive” discussion with “useful research (sic) information.”
What “ain’t right” is your attempt to split people by triangulation, to attempt to suck up to the blogster while you disrespect other participants who are sincere and effortful in their acts and words.
CODA to K’s posting of Z’s Plastic People:
You probably know that the inlaid stone inscription over the fireplace in the sanctum sanctorum of the bonesmen’s ‘tomb’ on High Street reads BARI QVIPPE BOVI.
That first word is short for [Bar]bari. As in:
“The Barbarians (ie. anyone but “us”) Are Indeed Cattle.”
That is how they see us.
Frank Zappa knew it. He also said: "The illusion of freedom will continue as long as it is profitable to continue the illusion. At the point where the illusion becomes too expensive to maintain, they will just take down the scenery, pull back the curtains, and you will see the brick wall at the back of the theatre."
MHO. Evil is not "sanctified" activity, overseen by "God" in some morality graduation play, Evil is something mankind may do.
Acts of grace and choice are beheld everyday, and ... both are belayed everyday by the selfsame actions.
The choice is always yours,
Kris Millegan said...
"Well, Sorry, anon 4.57 I dunna buy that, Superflous fluff and mental gymanstics, rhetoric for banalities."
That's okay, Kris...I love you just the same. Just glad you didn't write, "banalities for rhetoric"! Anyway, man, love your contributions.
The question we may all be faced with at some point is "What is real?"
To a large degree, we've had it ontologically easy up to this point. There may be evil men out there playing disinfo games with political events, but so far it doesn't seem to go much beyond politics. We're still benefitting from being the heirs of the 18th and 19th centuries, which did a great deal to sort out what is reliable information and what isn't, and to establish the foundations of science as a test of believability.
But ultimately, we're dependent on what we're told. What if we were told that aliens really had landed and were conferring with world leaders? What if people we've always taken in the past to be honest witnesses confirmed this as fact? What if various forms of futuristic tech were offered as proof? What if we were shown convincing footage of the aliens themselves?
Would we be prepared to rejecting all that apparent evidence just because there seemed to be a number of rather nastily authoritarian hooks embedded in the way it was being presented to us? Would we be able to live our lives rejecting the new "reality" that everybody around us seemed to accept?
It doesn't have to be aliens. Suppose a new religious leader appared, performing seemingly authentic miracles and promising world peace and abundance?
It's always possible to refuse to believe. There are still people who insist that the moon landings were faked on a Hollywood soundstage. But it does, at the least, put you in a somewhat awkward position.
This started out as a response to anonymous 5:02's complaint about "metaphysical flights of fancy." But I think I'm also wrestling with something larger, thought I can't quite put my finger on it. Well, when all else fails, quote a little Dylan:
When you're lost in the rain in Juarez and it's Eastertime too
And gravity fails and negativity can't pull you through
Don't put on any airs when you're down on Rue Morgue Avenue
They got some hungry women there who'll really make a mess out of you
Starroute: Maybe you should rename yourself Disinformation Dudette. ‘Cause that’s what you is.
“There may be evil men out there playing disinfo games with political events, but so far it doesn't seem to go much beyond politics.” Much. Tell that to the tens of millions of people dead, dying, diseased, disfigured, and starving in Iraq, Indochina, Africa, Latin America, over the past couple of decades. For starters.
But you go on. “We're still benefitting from being the heirs of the 18th and 19th centuries.” Speak for yourself, please. You surely don’t speak for the aforementioned. Or moi.
You continue: “But ultimately, we're dependent on what we're told. What if we were told that aliens really had landed... Suppose a new religious leader appared, performing seemingly authentic miracles and promising world peace and abundance?”
Why don’t you lay out another couple of the NWO game plans A, B, or C and tell people that they are stupid luddites if they don’t believe in them? Who are you fronting for, ‘Maitreya’, or Stephen Spielberg, or the skeletal wizards of Ozwald and Jack Ruby Slippers?
Up on Housing Project Hill, it's either fortune or fame
You must pick one or the other though neither are to be what they claim
If you're looking to get silly, you better get back from where you came
Because the cops don't need you and man, they expect the same
You are wacked, wicked, and way dangerous.
To the "Ivanik" man.
Nice words.
But the priestly tone, the private vision of the ineffable, the toastmaser remarks.
If I didn't suspect you are Jeff Wells himself, I'd really lay it on you. Like where is YOUR book, where is your shingle and where is your sheepskin? And where is your true identity. Come on out and say hello.
Otherwise, I can only say, Ecce Homo.
Anonymous 9:46 -
You baffle me.
I attempt to draw a distinction between political disinfo and metaphysical disinfo and you say, "But what about all the people who have died of war and famine?" Do you really think that by "politics" I mean nothing more sinister than rigged voting machines and campaign dirty tricks?
I pose a hypothetical situation in which we are told that aliens have landed, offered what seems to be solid evidence and eyewitness testimony, but where we have a gut feeling that the whole thing stinks to high heaven -- and ask what sort of inner conviction we would need to resist being sold a bill of goods. And you think I'm shilling for the New World Order?
I suggest that 18th century rationalism and 19th century science were useful tools for weeding out false stories, and that as a result we may have gotten intellectually lazy about maintaining a healthy level of skepticism. And you say, no thanks, none of that icky science stuff for you.
And I try to indicate that in a world where simulations of reality have become all but indistinguishable from authentic experience, metaphysics may be the only thing that can bring us through where mere political savvy fails.
Now, I'll grant you it wasn't the most coherent or eloquent post I've ever written. Frankly, the realization that the tech has gotten good enough for them to fake aliens or miracles or almost anything else they think might be a useful way of controlling people has me wondering how the hell we're going to beat our way out of this particular metaphysical rabbit hole.
But was I really so mumble-mouthed that you had no choice but to conclude I was saying the exact opposite of what I meant to say? Or is it possible that you're looking just a bit too hard for someone to pin that particular message on and I was simply the first one who came within reach?
To KM,
Don't forget FZ's "Dumb All Over" "In this book, it said he made us just like Him, so if wer'e dumb, then God must be dumb, and maybe even a little UGLY on the side!"
Program on the emergence of civilization.
"14 species of large animals capable of domesitcation in the history of mankind.
13 from Europe, Asia and northern Africa.
None from the sub-Saharan African continent. "
And disfavor.
They point out Africans’ failed attempts to domesticate the elephant and zebra, the latter being an animal they illustrate that had utmost importance for it's applicability in transformation from a hunting/gathering to agrarian-based civilization.
The roots of racism are not of this earth.
Austrailia, aboriginals:::No domesticable animals.
The North American continent had none. Now 99% of that population is gone.
AIDS in Africa.
Organizational Heirarchy/Levels of positioning.
Heirarchical order, from top to bottom:
1. MUCK - perhaps have experienced multiple universal contractions (have seen multiple big bangs), creator of the artificial intelligence humans ignorantly refer to as "god"
2. Perhaps some mid-level alien management
3. Evil/disfavored aliens - runs day-to-day operations here and perhaps elsewhere
Terrestrial management/positioning:
4. Chinese/egyptians - this may be separated into the eastern and western worlds
5. Romans -
6. Mafia - the real-world 20th century interface that constantly turns over generationally so as to reinforce the widely-held notion of mortality
7. Jews, corporation, women, politician - Evidence exisits to suggest mafia management over all these groups.
Movies foreshadowing catastrophy
1985 James Bond View to a Kill 1989 San Francisco Loma Prieta earthquake.
Our society gives clues to the system in place. We all have heard the saying "He has more money than god." There is also an episode of the Simpsons where god meets Homer and says "I'm too old and rich for this."
This is the system on earth because this is the system everywhere.
I don't want to suggest the upper eschelons are evil and good is the fringe.
But they have made it abundantly clear that doing business with evil (disfavored) won't help people. They say only good would have the ear, since evil is struggling for survival, and therefore only the favored could help.
The clues are there which companies are favored and which are disfavored, but they conceal it very hard because it is so crucial.
I offer an example of historical proportions:::
People point to Walmart and cry "anti-union".
Unions enable disfavored people to live satisfactorly without addressing their disfavor. This way their family's problems are never resolved. Without the union they would have to accept the heirarchy, their own inferiority.
Unions serve to empower.
Walmart is anti-union because they are good. They try to help people address and resolve their problems by creating an enviornment where there are fewer hurdles.
Media ridicule and lawsuits are creations to reinforce people's belief that Walmart is evil in a subsegment of the indistry dominated by the middle and lower classes.
Low-cost disfavored Chinese labor is utilized by corporate america to maximize margins. They all do it. Only WalMart gets fingered because they are the ones who help, and those who seek to create confusion in the marketplace want to eliminate the vast middle class who have a real chance and instead stick with lower classes who may not work otherwise. So they dirty him up while allowing the others to appear clean.
The middle class is being deceived. They are being misled into the unfavored, and subsequently will have no assistance from their purchases with corporate america.
I believe the coining of the term "Uncle Sam" was a clue alluding to just this::Sam Walton and WalMart is one of few saviors of the peasant class.
Amercia is a country of castoffs, rejects. Italy sent its criminals, malcontents.
Between the thrones, the klans and kindred, they "decided" who they didn't want and acted, creating discontent and/or starvation.
The u.s. is full of disfavored rejects. It is the reason for the myriad of problems not found in European countries. As far as the Rockafellers and other industrialists of the 19th century go, I suspect these aren't their real names. I suspect they were chosen to go and head this new empire.
Royalty is the right way to organize a society. Dictatorships and monarchies are a reflection of the antient's hierarchical organization.
Positions go to those who have favor with the rulers, as opposed to being elected.
Elections bring a false sense of how the world is. Democracy misleads people.
Which is why the disfavored rejects were sent to the shores of America::To keep them on the wrong path.
Jews maim the body formed in the image of "god", and inflicted circumsision upon all other white people, as well as the evil that is Jesus Christ.
I think about how Jews (were used to) created homosexuality among Slavics, retribution for the Holocaust.
Then I think of the Catholic Church and its troubles.
What connection is here between Jews and the Catholic church???
If it is their sinister motives that’s behind the evil that is Jesus Christ are they being used at all?
Perhaps it is them who are pulling strings.
Their centuries of slavery in Egypt proves their disfavor.
The Jew leaders decided to prey on the up-and-coming Europeans to try to fix their problems with the ruling elite, a recurring aspect of the elite's methodology.
Jesus Christ is a religious figure of evil. The seperatist churches formed so they could still capture the rest of the white people, keeping them worshipping the wrong god.
And now they do it to people of color, Latinos and Asians, after centuries of preying upon them.
Since Buddism doesn't recongnize a god, the calls are never heard, and Chinese representation is instead selected by the thrones.
Budda was the Asian's Jesus Christ::: bad for the people. "They came up at the same time for a reason."
Simpson's foreshadowing::Helloween IV special, Flanders is Satan. "Last one you ever suspect."
"You'll see lots of nuns where you're going:::hell!!!" St. Wigham, Helloween VI, missionary work, destroying cultures.
Over and over, the Simpsons was a source of education and enlightenment, a target of ridicule by the system which wishes to conceal its secrets.
I believe Islam is the one true religion, and those misled christians who attack "god"'s most favored people will pay dearly one day.
But as an exotic, you won't get it.
thank God for freedom of speech.
Again a wonderful post.
I keep reading this blog even though I don't think it's always so good for my own psychological health. That's my problem though, of course.
It often delves into such dark places. I spent a few hours reading links about this "vampire cult" and then Henry Lee Lucas, and just about vomited. I'm beginning to get a thicker skin while reading about these truly sick, evil people.
Jeff, do you know that your column keeps me up awake and sleepless many nights? My fault for reading. But I keep coming back. I'm learning to be more dispassionate and aloof.
I can't say that I've "recovered" memories" because I never really "covered" them. Maybe I wasn't involved with the really skilled ones. But, I didn't forget, and then have to re-cover the memories: they were always there. And maybe there's more rational meanings to my memories. Though, I've never been sure about those memories, at all.
I remember a lot. But writing that, even anonymously is scary.
But there's nothing I could pin on anyone.
I remember "vampires" at a daycare center when I was about 4-5 years old. And I remember the barn next to the daycare center where there were black sheep that we children were taken to. I remember being led into the barn, but not much after that. Other than it was dreadful. And, somehow later that day I was stung by wasps and my mother had to pick me up. Because I was completely out-of-control with my crying and screaming over being stung. I remember telling my mother that it wasn't just the wasps. Or something like that and just shrieking crying.
Years later, in college, I wrote a term paper in history and had to have it typed. I was living at home and my mother took the handwritten pages to work to find someone to type it. She told me I could pick up my typewritten version at a certain place. She found a typist that was cheap. She gave me directions. When I arrived, I was surprised that it was that daycare center from my youth (we lived 70 or so miles away from there at the time, but I had a 40 mile commute to college). It was extremely odd she sent me so far away. It wasn't a daycare center anymore. But everything was in place including the barn in the field next to it. My mother said it was a "friend" of hers that was typewriting my termpaper and doing it for cheap, and she said, "she said your paper was weird". It was about torture as a tool of political control in the middle ages, and included a lot of detail that I found in the university libryary about the subject. We were covering the middle ages and renaissance, and it seemed like an easy topic (that's why I wrote about it -- I hated writing term papers), but when I went there it was a weird, weird feeling. Especially since at the very same time, my best friends' sister was visiting our city and she was a therapist (from LA) dealing with ritual abuse. She told me strange stories. This was about 1988 or so. At the time it was a woo-woo type of experience. It all seemed too unlikely for me to even consider anything more. I even didn't consider it possible that it was ever real that there was an altar in that barn, or that I saw screecing black lambs. The guy with a knife. I just consigned it to my nightmares. That part I still do. It had to be just nightmares.
But the coincidence of me writing that paper and the typist being at that place now disturbs me, again and again.
This is the first I've written of this; I'll try to write it better later sometime. There's a lot more; I'm not writing it very well this time. And I don't want to take advantage of your blogspace, because I've seen someone write about anonymous claims being useless. And I agree. Maybe this is just dress rehearsal?
I'm not making anything up, but I am dealing with old memories. Some I'm not sure of. Some I most certainly am.
I've been thinking about this for a while reading your blog, but haven't had a "segue" to write about it.
There was a vampire girl that I remember from that daycare center -- she scared the shit out of me.
I'm only weirded out by these memories because I believe they could just be childhood distortions. Of course, reading your blog, I've come to think of the alternatives. Hopefully it's just memory errors.
More later, or maybe I won't. I'll have to gauge my paranoia.
Dear Vendetta,
The vicious racist tripe you posted is so completely full of inanity and insanity that anybody with even half a brain, which is more than twice what you have, could come up with a couple hundred thousand refutations of your flaming racist shit.
The american indians did not die off because they couldn’t “domesticate” the buffalo. They had developed a completely sustainable ecology that had lasted for many centuries, which was in a perfectly sustainable balance with the life cycle of the buffalo. They got their meat, their clothing, their housing, their tools, and their spirituality all courtesy of the beast they could never have hunted to extinction. The buffalo were killed by trainloads of white people, many of them assholes like you no doubt, who were paid bounties to come and make the buffalo extinct, to waste their carcasses, meat, fur, and bones, sitting in the Great Plains in long strings of railroad cars, shooting buffalo by the hundreds of thousands, specifically in order to cause their near extinction and thus starve the indians and make westward expansion easier for other gutless palefaces like you, boy.
You are no muslim. Never. Not in a million years. You are a nazi thug. You trash such good people, by design, by trying to associate your psycho rants against Christians and Jews with them. You suck out loud. Your screen name says it all. Crawl back under your rock. Please.
Clearing the baffles...
O Doublethinking Disinformation Dudette a.k.a. 'starroute',
Here’s the Disinfo Doublethink: In your reply you wrote, “I attempt to draw a distinction between political disinfo and metaphysical disinfo and you say, ‘But what about all the people who have died of war and famine?’ Do you really think that by ‘politics’ I mean nothing more sinister than rigged voting machines and campaign dirty tricks?”
But what you actually had written in your previous post was, “There may be evil men out there playing disinfo games with political events, but so far it doesn't seem to go much beyond politics.”
Like I said, much. I don’t hear any paean to the dead or wounded, starving or abused or dispossessed implied there. Not in the least.
More DD: You claim you “pose[d] a hypothetical situation in which we are told that aliens have landed, offered what seems to be solid evidence and eyewitness testimony, but where we have a gut feeling that the whole thing stinks to high heaven...”
Excuse me, but where is this latter sentiment of skepticism expressed anywhere whatsoever in your prior posting? It isn’t even implied.
Your next DD question: “And you think I'm shilling for the New World Order?”
Oh yeah.
More DD: “I suggest that 18th century rationalism and 19th century science were useful tools for weeding out false stories, and that as a result we may have gotten intellectually lazy about maintaining a healthy level of skepticism. And you say, no thanks, none of that icky science stuff for you.”
Falsely claimed premise, ie. you never even alluded to any necessity for skepticism. Quite the contrary. And, you attribute words to me I never wrote nor implied.
The DD express rattles on: “And I try to indicate that...metaphysics may be the only thing that can bring us through where mere (sic) political savvy fails.”
Mere? Political savvy is one very important analytical tool we need to keep handy and use frequently. It is the very lack of the frequent application of incisive political thought that has allowed doublethink such as that which you proffer to hold such sway, to the detriment of billions of people, a couple of hundred million in this country alone.
Then the Doublethink Disinfo just gets piled on here: “Frankly, the realization that the tech has gotten good enough for them to fake aliens or miracles...has me wondering how the hell we're going to beat our way out of this particular metaphysical rabbit hole.”
It is decidely not any metaphysical hole that we are in which threatens us. That is the kind of pap that people like you would have sloppy-minded disinfo suckers believe.
The dilemmas that confront us are moral, ethical, political and socioeconomic ones. A police state is not a metaphysical problem, it is a physical one. And when it is based on fear and hatred of some trumped-up other, it is a moral and ethical problem as well. Just because temporal power is held by psycho-nazis who believe in mumbo jumbo and use it to keep their ranks in line and for crowd control doesn’t mean that the solution lies in more “powerful” mumbo jumbo. That is farcical.
DD par excellence: “But was I really so mumble-mouthed that you had no choice but to conclude I was saying the exact opposite of what I meant to say?”
Doublethink is as Doublethink does. Deny the very thing while you are engaged in it. You were not mumble-mouthed. You were intentionally and insidiously ambiguous. Just like the earlier doublethink disinfo post you ended by writing, “[b]ut the metaphysical situation of evil is laughably simple.”
Say what?
Zip it.
Anonymous 5:03 -
Okay. It's becoming clear -- your problem isn't with me, it's with metaphysics.
I've been trying to draw a line between ordinary reality and higher reality and suggest that the manipulators so far have been limited to distorting the facts of ordinary reality, such as whether Saddam had WMD's or if Al Qaeda really exists.
But that they're very close to having the tools necessary to fuck with people's assumptions about non-ordinary reality -- anything from fake aliens for the New Agers to fake miracles for the fundies -- and that the ordinary tests of plausibility and consistency that we use to sort out "worldly" disinfo may not serve us as well when it comes to "other-worldly" disinfo.
When our senses and reason are bewildered by apparently convincing "evidence" that our hearts tell us is false, we have to fall back on intuition, morality, and metaphysical principles to sort out what is real from what is not. That is why metaphysics matters.
To refer back to my earlier post, since that was apparently what first rubbed you the wrong way, I'm also suggesting that I personally hold to one very simple metaphysical principle that serves to cut through a lot of the crap: We live in a universe of Becoming. Anything that furthers cosmic realization is Good. Anything that resists it is non-good. Anything that actively tries to subvert it or coopt it for personal power and self-aggrandizement is Evil.
You may not agree with this. You may be a dualist who sees Evil as an active principle whose power in this world often exceeds that of Good. I'd like to do the liberal thing and say you have a right to your opinion -- except that people who believe in the power of Evil too often wind up either serving or at least deferring to what they take to be that power.
Or then again, you may have no metaphysical assumptions at all. You may be a dogged materialist, who divides the world into good guys and bad guys on the basis of what slogans they carry around on their signs and thinks that talking about metaphysics at all is a fatal distraction from the business at hand. (Though if you are, I can't help wondering what you're doing at this forum.)
Either way, if you want to stop calling names and state clearly what you do believe and why you took my posts so badly, I'd be glad to have a reasonable discussion with you. If not, I have nothing further to say.
It's interesting how many trigger points this thread has found in it's readers.
I think we are all at that edge of the circle where we can see. "Just as every cop is criminal, and all the sinners saints." Than vendetta posts proves that madness is not that far from wisdom. Just as Saturday night in not that far from Sunday morning. You can say what you want, hell, I thought it was very funny. The simpsons are telling him it's the jews fault. HI-larious!!!
Darkness at the break of noon
Shadows even the silver spoon
The handmade blade, the child's balloon
Eclipses both the sun and moon
To understand you know too soon
There is no sense in trying.
Pointed threats, they bluff with scorn
Suicide remarks are torn
From the fool's gold mouthpiece
The hollow horn plays wasted words
Proves to warn
That he not busy being born
Is busy dying.
Temptation's page flies out the door
You follow, find yourself at war
Watch waterfalls of pity roar
You feel to moan but unlike before
You discover
That you'd just be
One more person crying.
So don't fear if you hear
A foreign sound to your ear
It's alright, Ma, I'm only sighing.
As some warn victory, some downfall
Private reasons great or small
Can be seen in the eyes of those that call
To make all that should be killed to crawl
While others say don't hate nothing at all
Except hatred.
Disillusioned words like bullets bark
As human gods aim for their mark
Made everything from toy guns that spark
To flesh-colored Christs that glow in the dark
It's easy to see without looking too far
That not much
Is really sacred.
While preachers preach of evil fates
Teachers teach that knowledge waits
Can lead to hundred-dollar plates
Goodness hides behind its gates
But even the president of the United States
Sometimes must have
To stand naked.
An' though the rules of the road have been lodged
It's only people's games that you got to dodge
And it's alright, Ma, I can make it.
Advertising signs that con you
Into thinking you're the one
That can do what's never been done
That can win what's never been won
Meantime life outside goes on
All around you.
You lose yourself, you reappear
You suddenly find you got nothing to fear
Alone you stand with nobody near
When a trembling distant voice, unclear
Startles your sleeping ears to hear
That somebody thinks
They really found you.
A question in your nerves is lit
Yet you know there is no answer fit to satisfy
Insure you not to quit
To keep it in your mind and not fergit
That it is not he or she or them or it
That you belong to.
Although the masters make the rules
For the wise men and the fools
I got nothing, Ma, to live up to.
For them that must obey authority
That they do not respect in any degree
Who despise their jobs, their destinies
Speak jealously of them that are free
Cultivate their flowers to be
Nothing more than something
They invest in.
While some on principles baptized
To strict party platform ties
Social clubs in drag disguise
Outsiders they can freely criticize
Tell nothing except who to idolize
And then say God bless him.
While one who sings with his tongue on fire
Gargles in the rat race choir
Bent out of shape from society's pliers
Cares not to come up any higher
But rather get you down in the hole
That he's in.
But I mean no harm nor put fault
On anyone that lives in a vault
But it's alright, Ma, if I can't please him.
Old lady judges watch people in pairs
Limited in sex, they dare
To push fake morals, insult and stare
While money doesn't talk, it swears
Obscenity, who really cares
Propaganda, all is phony.
While them that defend what they cannot see
With a killer's pride, security
It blows the minds most bitterly
For them that think death's honesty
Won't fall upon them naturally
Life sometimes
Must get lonely.
My eyes collide head-on with stuffed graveyards
False gods, I scuff
At pettiness which plays so rough
Walk upside-down inside handcuffs
Kick my legs to crash it off
Say okay, I have had enough
What else can you show me?
And if my thought-dreams could be seen
They'd probably put my head in a guillotine
But it's alright, Ma, it's life, and life only.
O thou font of DoubleSpeaking DoubleThinking DisInfomation, a.k.a. ‘Starroot’,
There you go again......
Duplicitously and quite skilfully endeavouring to attribute words and ideas to other people as a cover for your own lies....
I am merely parsing your own words to reveal the Duplicitous Doublespeaking Disinforming Doublethink you spout like so much poison water....
I am neither a Manichean dualist, nor any other kind of dualist.
Nor do I eschew Metaphysics. Quite the contrary.
You claim “to draw a line between ordinary reality and higher reality.”
Sez you.
BUT, Samsara is Nirvana, baby. So where’s the line?
Tie that tin can on your metaphysical bandwagon and see if it rattles.
You say “they’re close to having the tools necessary to fuck with people's assumptions about non-ordinary reality.”
But you is they, crawling on a lowbrow, albeit deftly woven web, with your hodge podge of wicca lite, lurid retelling of murders to no useful end, and falsely intoned empty p.c. pieties.
And don’t accuse me of being a “Satanic Ritual Abuse” denier. I am not. It is there and it is part of the larger political power structure. Not just random kids listening to heavy metal music, as you would try to insinuate with your anecdotes.
That is like Levender with his attribution of the JFK assassination to “wandering bishops.” Poppycock. There, I just named one of the “real killers.” No joke.
You say that “the ordinary tests of plausibility and consistency that we use to sort out ‘worldly’ disinfo may not serve us as well when it comes to ‘other-worldly’ disinfo.”
B.f.S. If you know what I mean. It is the discarding of so-called ordinary tests of plausibility like old-fashioned Newtonian physics that allows people to believe the myth of 911, and to ignore simple facts like the melting point of steel and the physics of gravity, mass and acceleration which, all by themselves, prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that the spoonfed media myth of 911 is not merely an unbelievable lie, but a rank physical impossibility.
But let’s not stop there.
In your defense of your previous doublethink doublespeak b.s. on the nature of evil as being “laughably simple,” you now state: “We live in a universe of Becoming. Anything that furthers cosmic realization is Good. Anything that resists it is non-good.”
“Cosmic realization” as defined by you? Oh, there’s a realiable moral compass for us all. You might as well have quoted Crowley directly. Or maybe you did. Either way, my dear, that is real Evil with a capital E. You have but to deny it is so to prove my point. No bout a doubt it.
Go ahead, make my day. Say something positive about Aleister Crowley, or any of his ilk, and show us who you really are.
No, and don’t try and throw out the extra Manichean card you have hidden up your sleeve, because all four of them are already on the table.
Face up.
Evil lurks in the hearts of men, and women.
It is in all of our hearts, to one extent or another. That is not dualism.
But you demur: “Anything that actively tries to subvert it (‘it’ being your version of ‘cosmic realization’) or coopt it for personal power and self-aggrandizement is Evil.”
But as the dutiful doublespeaking disinformation agent of doublethink that you decidely are, you go on to do exactly that, to wit:
“I'd like to do the liberal thing and say you have a right to your opinion – except.........”
You like to say I have a right to my opinion, but then you go right ahead and say that if I disagree with your proferred value system, then of course I really don’t have a right to express an opinion.
Is not that “self-aggrandizement” and “coopt[ation] for personal power.,” hmm?
But you’re not through with the DDDD yet.
“You may be a dogged materialist, who divides the world into good guys and bad guys on the basis of what slogans they carry around.”
Like all doublespeaking disinforming agents of doublethink you have gone ahead within that very sentence and committed the very act of which you are accusing someone else. Go back and read it again.
It is you who in that very sentence have “divide[d] the world into good guys and bad guys on the basis of what slogans they carry around.”
Nice work if you can get it.
It is not possible to engage in a “reasonable discussion” with you because your precise goal is to defy logic and reason and to speak in a whirl of crossed lines and circles that are spun only to confuse the unwary. Please be so good as to honor your word (if that is not an impossible oxymoron for you) and “have nothing further to say.”
I would be honored.
Sometimes those who speak out loud can cause more havoc than even those whose technique it is to whisper.
StarRoute StarRoot, Bitter Fruit: she speaks with forked tongue. Sorry to have mixed the metaphors of Spider and Snake. They are fine animals in their own right most of the time. But they are not so helpful in human archetypal form.
This is an interesting article. People wonder why the Satanists have a fascination with the number 11.
Eleven: The subversion and undoing of 10 - a flawed addition to that perfect order.
Since this thread has degenerated into a pissing contest, may I make a simple request?
Would the excessive number of you using the anonymous button please consider choosing a handle?
It would make it easier to keep track of who's saying what.
This site gets so many hits that it has become impossible to accurately track everyone by IP address alone.
If you want to ensure that your messages go into the right folder here in Washington, a little help would be nice.
Dear F. Wit:
Thanks for the heads up.
You seem like a pretty nice guy.
Why not be a real sport and just erase all those silly little IPs,
Thanks bro'
effwit said,
"This site gets so many hits that it has become impossible to accurately track everyone by IP address alone.
If you want to ensure that your messages go into the right folder here in Washington, a little help would be nice."
Interesting. Fear mongering? This might have been funny pre 911, but it's not now.
Yes it is.
Besides, unless you use a ghostserver, you are always being tracked by your individual CPU identifier, from your very own computer. Way more personal than merely the internet provider. And if you think you are anonymous in that internet cafe', check your login time, your credit card slip, the webcam staring you in the face, your cellphone GPS/GSM identifier, your friend the cashier, or simply that little "security" camcorder behind the counter or up on the wall.
Fear mongering? No.
Reality in the empire.
Anonymity is an expensive luxury anymore, and in all likelihood you don't have it here.
with thanks to Stephen Stills and Buffalo Springfield....
There's something happening here
What it is ain't exactly clear
There's a man with a gun over there
Telling me I got to beware
I think it's time we stop, children, what's that sound
Everybody look what's going down
There's battle lines being drawn
Nobody's right if everybody's wrong
Young people speaking their minds
Getting so much resistance from behind
I think it's time we stop, hey, what's that sound
Everybody look what's going down
What a field-day for the heat
A thousand people in the street
Singing songs and carrying signs
Mostly say, hooray for our side
It's time we stop, hey, what's that sound
Everybody look what's going down
Paranoia strikes deep
Into your life it will creep
It starts when you're always afraid
You step out of line, the man come and take you away
We better stop, hey, what's that sound
Everybody look what's going down
Stop, hey, what's that sound
Everybody look what's going down
Stop, now, what's that sound
Everybody look what's going down
Stop, children, what's that sound
Everybody look what's going down
Yes, I agree that mantras should be repeated constantly.
Mantras such as:
"Ia, Ia, Ia K'tulu"
We laugh as the world laughs at you. You conspiracy theorists are just sillies.
But nobody will ever believe you, until it's too late for them.
That guy asking for names reminded me of Cassadra. Whatever happened to her?
Anonymous 9:21 here....
To the estimable Kris Millegan,
and also to the Anonymous of 2:42 pm Friday who called me “Shanti” and asked for ‘arcana,’
et alii:
In your last post, Kris, you wrote, “Acts of grace and choice are beheld everyday, and ... both are belayed everyday by the selfsame actions.
The choice is always yours...”
While I’m not certain of your intentions, it seems like you are saying here that grace is somehow secured directly by our actions. Please correct me if I am misreading you.
While I do not believe in “original sin”, I nevertheless do believe in the final analysis that we receive grace not because it is somehow our “due”, but rather as a mercy from God.
Not to put too fine a point on it, but it is my personal feeling that our acts, no matter how well-intended, apparently altruistic, or beautifully completed, are yet flawed by self-motivation or residual ego awareness and gratification.
Christianity and Islam share far more good in common than most Western scholars are either aware or willing to note.
Both traditions hold that we are all so flawed as beings that we can make amends for our bad acts and strive to do good until the cows come home, but that ultimately it is only through God’s pure compassion and infinite mercy that we can ever be redeemed.
This is as central a doctrine to Islam as it is to Christianity. The significant differences would be the basis of our need for such grace, and whether an invocation of the name or person of Jesus per se is necessary for this mercy.
While muslims, as they are taught by the Qu’ran, exalt Mary the mother of Jesus, and revere Jesus as a unique prophet, with a special designation that does not apply even to Muhammad, the muslim does not recognize God as a person per se, but as the Almighty, the One.
And most Christians, at least after Augustine, would argue that we carry the burden of sin, or evil, from birth. Muslims believe that we accrue evil only by dint of our conscious acts of will.
Further, many fakirs or dervishes or “sufis”, if you will, would point to the residual awareness of even our most altruistic acts as an impediment to their having redemptive value for the actor. It is an “arcane” or esoteric sufi practice to try and sequester awareness of any aspect of one’s gnosis or good acts in the Sirr, or secret heart, deep within the outer heart, or Qalb, hidden from one’s own awareness. This is sometimes known as the sirr as-sirr, or sirr al-asrar...the secret of the secret, or the secret of secrets.
This esoteric islamic doctrine holds that one must guard assiduously against any escape into one’s outer consciousness of (one’s “own”) awareness of one’s gnosis ~ whether in the form of one’s “state,” Hal (or temporary exaltation, if you will), or of one’s “station,” Maqam (the particular level of stability achieved in gnosis). The coming to one’s outer consciousness of any such aspect of (one’s) gnosis is a disaster devoutly to be avoided, as it completely negates any redemptive value thereof. It is generally accepted that the avoidance of this disaster cannot be accomplished by an act of one’s own will, but is strictly by the gift of grace from God.
If this seems at all paradoxical, then I guess that is what places it among the deepest arcana. It may be more difficult to grasp than even the highest form that the bodhisattva ideal of mahayana buddhism may take, ie. completely foresaking one’s own “enlightenment” for the sake of others.
The most oft-repeated names of the Divine in the Qur’an are ar-Rahman and ar-Rahim. Both have their derivation from the Arabic root rhm, meaning “womb”. These two appelations are variously translated as ‘most’ or ‘infinitely’ ‘Merciful’, ‘Compassionate’, or ‘Gracious.’
Anonymous 9:21 here....
To the estimable Kris Millegan,
and also to the Anonymous of 2:42 pm Friday who called me “Shanti” and asked for ‘arcana,’
et alii:
In your last post, Kris, you wrote, “Acts of grace and choice are beheld everyday, and ... both are belayed everyday by the selfsame actions.
The choice is always yours...”
While I’m not certain of your intentions, it seems like you are saying here that grace is somehow secured directly by our actions. Please correct me if I am misreading you.
While I do not believe in “original sin”, I nevertheless do believe in the final analysis that we receive grace not because it is somehow our “due”, but rather as a mercy from God.
Not to put too fine a point on it, but it is my personal feeling that our acts, no matter how well-intended, apparently altruistic, or beautifully completed, are yet flawed by self-motivation or residual ego awareness and gratification.
Christianity and Islam share far more good in common than most Western scholars are either aware or willing to note.
Both traditions hold that we are all so flawed as beings that we can make amends for our bad acts and strive to do good until the cows come home, but that ultimately it is only through God’s pure compassion and infinite mercy that we can ever be redeemed.
This is as central a doctrine to Islam as it is to Christianity. The significant differences would be the basis of our need for such grace, and whether an invocation of the name or person of Jesus per se is necessary for this mercy.
While muslims, as they are taught by the Qu’ran, exalt Mary the mother of Jesus, and revere Jesus as a unique prophet, with a special designation that does not apply even to Muhammad, the muslim does not recognize God as a person per se, but as the Almighty, the One.
And most Christians, at least after Augustine, would argue that we carry the burden of sin, or evil, from birth. Muslims believe that we accrue evil only by dint of our conscious acts of will.
Further, many fakirs or dervishes or “sufis”, if you will, would point to the residual awareness of even our most altruistic acts as an impediment to their having redemptive value for the actor. It is an “arcane” or esoteric sufi practice to try and sequester awareness of any aspect of one’s gnosis or good acts in the Sirr, or secret heart, deep within the outer heart, or Qalb, hidden from one’s own awareness. This is sometimes known as the sirr as-sirr, or sirr al-asrar...the secret of the secret, or the secret of secrets.
This esoteric islamic doctrine holds that one must guard assiduously against any escape into one’s outer consciousness of (one’s “own”) awareness of one’s gnosis ~ whether in the form of one’s “state,” Hal (or temporary exaltation, if you will), or of one’s “station,” Maqam (the particular level of stability achieved in gnosis). The coming to one’s outer consciousness of any such aspect of (one’s) gnosis is a disaster devoutly to be avoided, as it completely negates any redemptive value thereof. It is generally accepted that the avoidance of this disaster cannot be accomplished by an act of one’s own will, but is strictly by the gift of grace from God.
If this seems at all paradoxical, then I guess that is what places it among the deepest arcana. It may be more difficult to grasp than even the highest form that the bodhisattva ideal of mahayana buddhism may take, ie. completely foresaking one’s own “enlightenment” for the sake of others.
The most oft-repeated names of the Divine in the Qur’an are ar-Rahman and ar-Rahim. Both have their derivation from the Arabic root rhm, meaning “womb”. These two appelations are variously translated as ‘most’ or ‘infinitely’ ‘Merciful’, ‘Compassionate’, or ‘Gracious.’
Spit on your salaam, shit on your jehovah, mohammed and christ. Your prophets were faggots, assfuckers and child molesters.
Hail to the true lord of this world, Lucifer Satan!
Effwit said,
"This site gets so many hits that it has become impossible to accurately track everyone by IP address alone."
For fuck's sake Effwit, why not just assign a text handle of your own creation to the IP addresses that adopt the anonymous handle.
If the level of your computing skill is so poor that you could not work that one out for yourself, then I am surprised you can find your own tadger when you go for a slash, never mind track all the posters on this site.
You seem a bit of a fuck wit effwit.......oh right.
Anon 1.14am - I am guessing you have spat on a few salamis in your time?
Anonymous One,Jeff,as you near the 2 million mark this place has really lit up.It seems from some of the new imputs at this site, that you have a few detracters.This once was such a nice place to go for a break in the rabble.But such is the world today,if you can't feel the vibes by now you never will,someone has tuned it up folks,were all along in this dance.If I had the skills to write down all the different things in my life that I couldn't explain,your head would explode,as mine feels like at times.Something is happening that we can not grasp,our minds are not wired to pick through the signs.We have to work harder to see what is really in front of us,try to get your soul away from the people that stole it from you,be strong,later.
Anonymous said...
Anonymous 9:21 here....
To the estimable Kris Millegan,
and also to the Anonymous of 2:42 pm Friday who called me “Shanti” and asked for ‘arcana,’
et alii:
In your last post, Kris, you wrote, “Acts of grace and choice are beheld everyday, and ... both are belayed everyday by the selfsame actions.
The choice is always yours...”
While I’m not certain of your intentions, it seems like you are saying here that grace is somehow secured directly by our actions. Please correct me if I am misreading you.
While I do not believe in “original sin”, I nevertheless do believe in the final analysis that we receive grace not because it is somehow our “due”, but rather as a mercy from God.
Yes, sir, you are projecting self into what I said. ... both are belayed everyday by the selfsame actions.
The choice is always yours...”
IMHO, acts of grace, no matter the origin, divine or human carry the same spark. Whether someone receives unmerited love/action from "God" or a neighbor the amelioration is the same.
The xtian beliefs of unconditional grace without regards to "correct" actions is self-serving "Pauline"claptrap, IMHO
Onward to the utmost of futures!
Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
All My Relations.
Omnia Bona Bonis,
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End
From 9:21
To the recent 'anonymous',
who disparaged God
and the Prophets
as homosexuals, sodomists,
and pederasts,
while praising the names
of 'personified' evil:
You really might want to check up on the doctrines you claim to espouse.
In his self-styled book of 'law', your own 20th century leader (A.C.) explicitly claimed the 'highest' forms of 'magical' practice according to him and the followers of 'lucifer' or the shayatin to be (1)anal sex, both heterosexual and homosexual, (2) anal sex with children, and then (3) murder of the victims.
This is straight from the published text of your own avowed leader, under his name. These are his claimed teachings of so-called 'sex-magick'. Did you even know that?
Are you even dimly aware of what you claim to stand for?
And yes, there are certainly satanic practitioners who are Catholic 'Priests' who have committed these atrocities in droves. And that is not all of it. That is but one more example of how personages of evil attempt to subvert anything that may be good.
The institutions of religion are corrupted by time and the doings of men.
But that doesn't negate the essential truths brought by the original messengers.
Who is who and what is what?
Maybe you should find out first,
before you open your mouth,
or expose yourself to such people
or forces.
Mercy mercy me.
Things ain't what they used to be.
Or maybe they are.
That which you claim to despise,
in any language,
knows better.
To Kris from 9:21,
Now it is you who seems to be not merely misinterpreting, but rather misstating what I have said.
I explicitly stated my full agreement with you on the dangerous absurdity, let us make it stronger even and say pernicious lie, of someone imagining or being led to believe that they are ordained to receive grace or redemption regardless of the depravity of their acts.
Of course that is so, beyond any shadow of a doubt.
And I previously lauded your making clear the Calvinist lie that seems to have given license to the 'evildoers' to believe they are above any laws of God or man.
Anyone, Christians, Muslims, Jews, Essenes, Buddhists, Zoroastrians, Hindus, Shinto, Shamans, you name it, who thinks their 'theology' exempts them from the moral consequences of evil acts is woefully and utterly misguided.
The ends can never justify the means.
The ends are the means.
That is the nature of the universe.
Whether one may recognize it or not.
Beyond that,
I was going for a deeper insight,
to wit:
that even our most noble aspirations and acts, while those being an utterly necessary pre-condition for any hope of grace, are by themselves not merely enough.
We always have something to apologize for.
We are always in need of forgiveness.
And we are always capable of striving to do greater good than any we may have already been blessed to do before.
That is all I was trying to get across.
Peace, brother
To Anonymous 9:21,
Does it matter? The reality of the situation is what is ... not fanciful rhetorical hierarchy.
I am reminded of the two monks who come to high water at a ford. There is a beautiful woman needing to get across. In an act of "grace" one monk carries her across. Miles down the road one monk is fretting about this "sin."
>> "I do not know what to make of it. You know our order is an austere order, and we cannot so much as speak to a woman. But... but... you saw that lady, you... uh... picked her up and... carried her across the stream! And yet..." he continued, almost choking, "You just keep on walking as if nothing happened!"
"It is quite simple," he replied. "I set her down on the opposite bank, but you, Brother, are still carrying her!" <<
And yes, we must sin, be forgiven and accept grace.
Such is life.
Life is what we make of it.
Onward to the utmost of futures!
Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
All My Relations.
Omnia Bona Bonis,
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End
These fuckin' comments sound like the ramblings of a Phish concert afterparty or an opium den circa 1900's.
By the way I had no problem domesticating Vendetta's mom and now she pay's me to work in the streets! Oh Yeah! Fuck you Vendetta and sleep with your head in the oven tonight to solve the trash over-population problem.
"...but who are you helping by pretending this has something to do with a make-believe devil invented by the early roman church to scare local pagans in various roman territories that the old faith was 'evil' and the new faith the only way? Well?"
Well? The early Roman church was pagan,not Christian! It only had Christian wrapping. It wasn't about God's way, just them wanting to have power over as many groups as possible. Pagan and Christian.
i am sad
poor me i can not talk in admin forums
i understand
but i am sad
^^^What AN ASSHOLE (there was no other way to put that).
Good info, outside of the buffoons who "hate to hear truth and intelligence".
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I'm glad that was their cover, otherwise I might not have heard of them. That album is easily one of the best of 2001.
No, it just wants to feed. In some cases I am sure spirits are no more harmfull than mosquitos, but in other cases they want to own your energy for enternity.
But the crux of the issue is the USE of the national emergency number 911, and our near-emergency number, 311, something that has never been explored adequately but is at the very heart of the "joke" of it all. Unfortunately this is cluttered by all sorts of semiotic noise, such as adding up the letters of various cities and so forth--something that can always be achieved, and makes all numerological research seem cheap
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kesewun gan
The police and many of their friends
sangat membantu
My apologies if this has been posted here before -- I haven't spotted it. There's an associated BBC program being broadcast tonight.
My apologies if this has been posted here before -- I haven't spotted it. There's an associated BBC program being broadcast tonight.
sangat bagus gan
Michele Tollis, Fabio's father, began to attend metal concerts and festivals across Europe, handing out leaflets and quizzing Fabio's friends.
I think I'm going to miss you most of all, Showrunner.
the centre of the heavy metal scene in Milan - and they never came home.
A young man called Andrea Volpe had been arrested and admitted killing his ex-girlfriend.
Penyakit ini umumnya muncul karena penderita mengejan terlalu keras pada saat buang air besar. Dengan mengejan terlalu keras, maka pembuluh darah di sekitar anus dapat melebar dan pecah menimbulkan infeksi dan pembengkakan yang berakhir pada masalah wasir atau ambeien tersebut.
sugeng ndalu sedoyo obat kadas insya Allah Allah berkhasiat dan manjur untuk kudis kudi kurap panu herpes .............. amin....
pada wanita, gejala awal biasanya timbul dalam waktu 7-21 hari setelah
terinfeksi.Penderita seringkali tidak merasakan gejala selama beberapa minggu atau bulan, dan diketahui
menderita penyakit tersebut hanya setelah pasangan hubungan seksualnya
Bismillaahirrohmaanirrokhiim ???????????????????????????????????
Obat Ambeien Resep Dokter Ambeclear dari De Nature Ampuh Tuntaskan Ambeien Sampai Tuntas
Bismillahhirrohmaanirrokhim.... ********************
Bismillahirrohmannirrokhim ......................................
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Nice post gan, Semoga bermanfaat
Trims infonya, sangat membantu
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