Correspondence and sanctuary (Part One)

"No hay banda! There is no band. It is all - an illusion!" - Mulholland Drive
I was thinking last week about the other Bob Woodward, and that started a train of thought which hasn't yet come to a complete stop.
The other Woodward is the young man who's bizarre plea for political asylum in a Vermont church the morning of December 2, 2001 was met with a hail of police bullets and a circuitous ambulance trip to the hospital - three miles in 40 minutes - that conspired to take his life, though Woodward, armed only with a pocket knife, had threatened no one but himself. (He'd said he would rather die than be tortured.)
I won't repeat the story here that's well-told at (There's also a recent thread about the case on the RI discussion board.) But let's note these things:
- Woodward worked with mentally disabled children, and told the congregation so.
- He claimed he had been receiving threats of torture and death from federal agents, apparently for his environmental activism.
- He said "I'll never rile against the Bush Administration again, or the military or any of these other things. I just can not leave here, I am in danger."
- Some of what he said sounds impossibly bizarre, though he made his most bizarre and disturbing remarks lying in his blood on the floor of the church sanctuary. For instance, "The CIA killed Jeb Bush." A police officer replied, "Well, Jeb Bush isn't dead yet." Woodward answered "No - the other Jeb Bush."
To me, the lesson of Woodward's tragedy is obscured by the question, How do we begin telling people what we've learned, and what we suspect, without sounding crazy? Where do we start? And how can we before we find ourselves in similar desperate circumstance?
Perhaps we need to resign ourselves to sounding mad to most people. I expect that to many still comfortable with the established paradigm, whether we're talking about assassinations or MKULTRA or UFOs, it's all just different degrees of paranoia. There's a steep learning curve to secret history, and without knowing some of it our talk of present and future mysteries will sound like gibberish. CIA, aliens and mind control: isn't that the usual constellation of delusion?
And yet we need to admit there are such things as madness and delusion, and avoid the corresponding conceit of the so-called, and sometimes rightly so, fringe: just because it's out there doesn't make it right.
And it's often complicated, especially off the High, Weird End, when genuine correspondences are also mad.
More than the account of odd sightings of a strange flying creature with glowing red eyes, John Keel's The Mothman Prophecies is a record of an eruption of all manner of occult/trickster phenomenon in West Virginia in the mid-sixties. Animal mutilations, poltergeists, mechanical voices on telephones, UFOs, monsters and "Men in Black."
In late October, 1966, on one of his regular pre-dawn strolls, Leonard Elmore of Duncan Falls, Ohio came upon a "strange building." He was only two blocks from his house, but he had never before seen the L-shaped structure that "looked like a galvanized iron shed" sitting in a large field. He walked a little closer to get a better look, and saw no windows or doors. He was overcome with a sense of dread, that he not explain later, and began to turn back. It was then, Elmore claims, that he "distinctly heard a normal male voice" come from inside the structure, saying "Don't run...don't run." When he returned soon after, it was gone.
Keel writes:
When he showed me the field I was perturbed to find that it was right next to the Duncan Falls Elementary School. An unusual number of sightings an Fortean events seem to be concentrated around schools and the largest percentage of witnesses consists of children between the ages of seven and eighteen. Another statistical oddity is that the majority of the adults who claim their autos were pursued by UFOs or monsters are schoolteachers, especially teachers specializing in abnormal children - the very bright or the mentally deficient.
Remember the phantom clowns and social workers? During the Mothman flap, homes in the Ohio Valley of West Virginia were visited by phantom census takers, who were also chiefly interested in the numbers and ages of children.
The other Bob Woodward, we've noted, worked with mentally disabled children. I'm not saying he was being hounded by monsters or UFOs. I'm simply saying there is, it seems, a correspondence of interests among the human and inhuman monsters of our study. So perhaps it doesn't matter a great deal what exactly was hounding him. (The correspondence extends further: alien entities are always passing on dire warnings of environmental calamity, just as Woodward was warning the congregation.)
And here's something else.
Keel also writes that UFOs and bizarre entities "all appear to have the ability to ferret out human females during their menstrual period." He also notes that "the phenomenon has an almost pornographic preoccupation with our mating practices."
Now, consider the mission of the "Typhonian Ordo Templi Orientis," the branch of the OTO founded by Aleister Crowley's purported spiritual heir Kenneth Grant:
The Typhonian OTO is concerned with effective transmissions and communications from 'outerspace' for the purpose of opening Gateways. The Typhonian 'deities' denote specific operations of psycho-physical alchemy which involve essences or elixirs secreted (thrown out and/or considered unclean) by the human organism. Its formula is that of the XI° involving kalas that are entirely absent from the masculine organism.
Grant's Typhonian OTO is principally concerned with "opening Gateways." The Gateway through which, Grant holds, LAM entered Crowley's world. (Concerning the Babalon Working of Jack Parsons and L Ron Hubbard, Grant has written that "Parsons opened a door and something flew in.") These dark entities Grant likens to the "Old Ones" of HP Lovecraft, whom he regards as a "natural adept."
Crowley's XI° degree of the OTO pertained to anal intercourse: the sex magickal meaning of the Eye of Horus. The XI° degree of Grant's Typhonian OTO "is based on intercourse during menstruation and is considered by some as the true reversal of the IX° i.e. being a part of the same cycle. It is regarded that Crowley was unaware of the true formula as the Typhonian XI° involves specific kalas that are entirely absent from the masculine organism."
So there's John Keel, scratching his head at how manifestations of UFOs and alien entities seem linked to menstruation, and an occult order of sex magic concerned with "opening Gateways" which, for its final degree, entails ritual intercourse during menstruation.
It's crazy. But as crazy at it sounds now, just imagine trying to explain it to a church congregation as police snipers take aim.
Tantrayana begins in Tibet.
for two sides of the issue see
Passionate Enlightenment: Women in Tantric Buddhism
by Miranda Shaw
Traveler in Space: In Search of Female Identity in Tibetan Buddhism
by June Campbell
These are both excellent books and present two very different, complementary sides of the story.
PS This posting is from a man.
It is a certain hour of twilight glooms,
Mostly in autumn, when the star-wind pours
Down hilltop streets, deserted out-of-doors,
But shewing early lamplight from snug rooms.
The dead leaves rush in strange, fantastic twists,
And chimney-smoke whirls round with alien grace,
Heeding geometries of outer space,
While Fomalhaut peers in through southward mists.
This is the hour when moonstruck poets know
What fungi sprout in Yuggoth, and what scents
And tints of flowers fill Nithon's continents,
Such as in no poor earthly garden blow.
Yet for each dream these winds to us convey,
A dozen more of ours they sweep away!
Yuggoth... is a strange dark orb at the very rim of our solar system... There are mighty cities on Yuggoth—great tiers of terraced towers built of black stone... The sun shines there no brighter than a star, but the beings need no light. They have other subtler senses, and put no windows in their great houses and temples... The black rivers of pitch that flow under those mysterious cyclopean bridges—things built by some elder race extinct and forgotten before the beings came to Yuggoth from the ultimate voids—ought to be enough to make any man a Dante or Poe if he can keep sane long enough to tell what he has seen...
—H. P. Lovecraft, "The Whisper in Darkness"
Mullholland Drive, not Falls.
Thanks for catching that. Some synaptic spasm momentarily muddled the title with the Nick Nolte film.
On C2C last night they spoke about a former Canadian defense minister and deputy prime minister warning of Alien threats being used by B*sh to put super lasers on the moon and start an intergalactic war! What's more, 2 callers quickly begun debunking the ostensible gist of the story, saying a) it was an excuse to shoot earthlings and b) it was a ploy to "defend the earth" while in fact establishing an Alien puppet government in the U.S.! I guess somebody's been talking to Fairchild Industries. To hear the credulity surrounding the Parliamentary hearings this formal official is calling for is quite an initiation into a global Fortean discourse. spooky...
Just watched the DVD that came with Ken Wilber's Integral Operating System
package. There is a section where he talks about the highest levels of enlightenment (within the Tibetan Tantric Buddhist framework) being the act of intercourse with an opposite sex tantrika. He says there are elements missing in an individual that must combine with the other to complete the enlightenment process. Sounds like Crowley, etc. have turned this on its head for their own purposes?
One word that jumped out at me from your list of phenomena enumerated in The Mothman Prophecies was "poltergeist."
To my knowledge, poltergeists are almost always associated with children and most frequently with girls around the age of first menstruation.
There are a couple of different ways this might fit into the ongoing discussion. One possibility is that anomalous events of all sorts tend to occur around young people, particularly those being hit with a particularly strong dose of teenage angst. (Think, for exmaple, of the Salem witch trials.)
Another is that naturally sensitive youngsters might be sought out by those who pursue occult knowledge for use as mediums -- and that some of the abusive practices which keep coming up may be designed to create the necessary state of dissociation to turn them into mediums.
It's also possible that those who associate with disturbed children might be the recipients of either accounts of personal experiences or mediumistic utterances of a kind that it is not altogether healthy to hear.
I'm not pushing any of these suggestions as The Truth. But I am saying that there is a wide range of overlapping possibilities which need to be considered.
In particular, once you stop thinking of children as merely innocent and ignorant and start thinking of them as potential sources of power and knowledge, much about the ways in which children have been used and abused becomes clear. As does the particular imperative to protect their innocence from those who would exploit it.
Arrrghhh ....
...ok, better now, just hurts when going through the looking glass ....
Who is the "other Jeb Bush?"
I think you misspelled "menstrual." You said "menstral." Typo, no doubt.
Finally, Starroute's comment made me think about a friend who had grown up with a poltergeist in her house. She recently is remembering other things that happened to her, i.e., abuse. The poltergeist would make the rocking chair rock on its own. She is also terrified of basements.
It seems to me that another possible common thread in these stories involving the young and the occult may be of an even more sinister nature: just like veal is arguably the tastiest lamb due to its young age, perhaps young people have the tastiest souls when considered by monsters both ethereal and human.
"How do we begin telling people what we've learned, and what we suspect, without sounding crazy? Where do we start? And how can we before we find ourselves in similar desperate circumstance?"
Those are indeed the big questions that I deal with nowadays.... and, I'm only just new to a lot of the waking up that's going on.... for me, it was simply the 9/11 conspiracy, but once you realize the highest levels of government lie and perpetrate atrocities like that, it's hard not to travel down the variour rabbit holes and discover that 9/11 is just an overt tip of the iceberg....
I wish I had answers as to how to spread the word... the red pill has been mostly an awakening without any sense of resolution or hope.
starroute said: "In particular, once you stop thinking of children as merely innocent and ignorant and start thinking of them as potential sources of power and knowledge, much about the ways in which children have been used and abused becomes clear. As does the particular imperative to protect their innocence from those who would exploit it."
JD Salinger comes to mind. His fiction is absolutely suffused with this. What then of his secrecy, his obsession with innocence & precocious youth, his alleged association with the CIA, and the strange appeal his books seem to have for lone assassins? Is he a protector or an exploiter, or something else?
Sweeping it up, things related and not, Wiki says: "[Salinger] has been a life long student of Advaita Vedanta Hinduism. This has been described at length by Som P. Ranchan in his book An Adventure in Vedanta: J.D. Salinger's the Glass Family (1990). His daughter said in 2000 that he at one time pursued Scientology. [1]...In her 'tell-all' book, Ms. Salinger stated that her father drank his own urine, spoke in tongues, rarely had sex with her mother, kept her 'a virtual prisoner' and refused to allow her to see friends or relatives."
Amen, Anon 8:44.
Was a "radical" prone (I thought) to think the worst of power. Initially thought 911 was blowback. Dicovered it wasn't. Mind was blown. Still wandering the rabbit holes.
What Jeff writes about here is called "The Fulcanelli Phenomenon."
I'm not sure where this term originates, but I discovered this concept within a book about "The Other Kaspar Hauser," a second mysteriously appearing historical figure at the same era as Kaspar Hauser.
"The Fulcanelli Phenomenon" was explained in this book as a type of naturally occurring phenomenon.
"The Fulcanelli Phenomenon" works something like this:
Everything on this planet has a binary (and quaternary, related) twin. For example, if you look at a World Map, each continent appears to have an "orbiting" counterpart (often geographically to the Southeast, for some strange reason): Greenland has Iceland, North America has Cuba, Australia has Tasmania, Africa has Madagascar, etc.
Likewise, when the Beatles appeared, they had The Rolling Stones. When Martin Luther King appeared, he had Malcolm X. Clinton had Gingrich. FDR had Hitler.
Often these Fulcanelli Counterparts are "split" into a "thematic twin" and a "nominal twin." These nominal twins include examples such as The Other Bob Woodward, The Other Harry Truman (Google Mt. St. Helens + Harry Truman), and Keel's examples & others. Although the true name of Jesus was Yeshua, perhaps a connection might be made between "The Two JCs," Jesus Christ and Julius Caesar.
Other "nominal twins" are linked by date: the two September 11ths (NYC and Chile), the two December 9ths (John Lennon and "Dimebag" Darrell Abbot both assassinated), June 5th (Ronald Reagan and RFK both died on this date). FDR and Hitler took power on the same date.
Perhaps there is too much made of these superficial connections, perhaps not. John Wilkes Booth and Mark David Chapman share the same birthday; Dick Cheney had a heart attack on November 22, 2000 during the US Presidential Theft. There are two "WHIGs" which are prominent in US History -- the extinct political party and the White House Iraq Group.
Although the choice of "WHIG" (for the latter) could be explained away as a "Play-On-Words" with knowledge of the former, US Republicans are famous for inadvertant acronyms, from CREEP (Nixon's Committee To Re-elect The President) to OIL (Operation Iraqi Liberation, the original nomenclature for the illegal US invasion of Iraq, which was changed to OIF after the acronym was noticed -- or perhaps there's more to that story also?).
Also significant to the explanation of "The Fulcanelli Phenomenon" is that there exists a "Meta-Fulcanelli Phenomenon" across historical eras: the Dutch (FD)Roosevelt finds his true historical American nemesis in the Dutch Rove. The "Father Of America," George W (who "could not tell a lie") meets his own thematic, historical American nemesis in the other George W (who cannot help but lie): the "Father Of Anti-America." And perhaps the Last President?
Future historic, thematic intersections can (perhaps) be anticipated (or forecast) using these connections, albeit in a more intuitive manner: Hillary Rodham Clinton and Hugo Rafael Chavez share some unique initials. Is History planning a cruel thematic joke, wherein the American President HRC assassinates the Venezuelan President HRC during a clash of matter/anti-matter, in which the American Meaning is forever sealed in a tragic fate? One might anticipate the Two World Empires of Civilization, Rome and America, sharing a similar trajectory and fate.
Since the 20th Century began, the US has seen two World Wars, two Vietnams, two "Cold Wars" (although this could change)... but not yet Two Great Depressions, which should give one pause.
Perhaps more significant than the "nominal" Fulcanellis are the
thematic Fulcanellis, and perhaps none are more significant to our era than the Twin Towers. In one sense, the Twin Towers could be considered a "Fulcanelli Intersection" of two eras of history, two world civilizations, two social strata, and multiple other binary themes. The World Trade Center is itself an international symbol of many themes.
There might be "another September 11" in the sense of another US Coup D'etat. But there is another significant Fulcanelli Potential Parallel to that event.
As any American Fundamentalist Bible-belt Christian can tell you, for the rise of the Final AntiChrist (another Fulcanelli itself), the Two Temples on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem must also be destroyed (like the Twin Towers, those NYC temples of commerce). Navigating the matrix of duality themes in history is not a simple science, without blind-spots and trap-doors. But it's likely that analyzing world history, and our own lives, within a "Fulcanelli Framework," can bring some forewarning, if not shed some light or understanding, on a strange planet of incarnate metaphors, in a parade of symbology and mysterious repetition-cycles, that we call our history.
Every 70 years, it seems, we have a rendezvous with a Fulcanelli intersection with our own history. And the Rendezvous With Destiny seems to exist on a longer time-scale as well.
Personally, I'm looking forward to The Other Cy Young.
The entity attracted by menstrual blood is,traditionally, attracted to all blood. A knee scapped on a lonely path will do. One name for it translates as air-shark.
Flann Obrien parodied it in The Poor Mouth as
the sea-cow. The comic grandfather tells his story using the same stock spine-chills and speculation that Keel uses straight faced throughout Mothman.
I enjoyed Mothman as a clever rehash of standard fairly lore. Lore which Keel pretends to re-discovers bit by gee whiz bit and of which the isolated scotch-irish Point Pleasanters seem to remain ignorant . Though Point Pleasant is the sort of commumity where researchers go to study fairy beliefs.
Depression era goverment projects recorded reams of fairy lore from places just like Point Pleasant. Could it all have been all forgetten in just 30 years?
In the 1960s somebody in town could surely have told one tragic woman, for example, that her house was over a fairy track. In fact, hearing her stories, the neighbors might have torn her house down with or without her permission or quite likely got it condemmed by the local planning and engineering office.
If this seems fantastic, a roughly similar thing is in the news now in Scotland where a developer has had to stop work because an apparently unremarkable stone half buried in a hillside is not something you mess with. At first he hoped the warnings where just coming from cranks but they were speaking for the community and the planning board.
This isn't specifically related to monsters or Keel or Lovecraft or UFOs but I thought that it ties in nicely with the general pedophile Satanist themepark for the rich & powerful ambiance that you're trying to create here at RI.
In this interview:
Kenneth Anger relates this little tidbit:
Not included in the Hollywood Babylon books was the story of how a young Kenneth Anger was taken by his grandmother to meet Walt Disney. Uncle Walt was only too delighted to meet the "little Mousketeer", it seems:
"He put his hand in the middle of my... you can print all this if you want, I don't give a fuck. It's true. And he did it with hundreds of boys, not girls. Walt Disney liked little boys. He was a closet paedophile. He never took their pants down or sucked them off or anything like that. But this is what happened. He put me on his lap. Slowly, I felt within his pants about an 8in erection. Right in front of my grandmother. She thought he was a harmless eccentric, but he was also a calculating monster."
Of course, Ken may not be the best source on anything at all, as he also succeeds in appearing quite certifiable in the same interview:
The dialogue is halted as a Mexican street-peddler staggers into the café with a tray full of feathered pen toys, multicoloured birds with sucker cups.
"Look. Isn't it fabulous?" he squeals with delight, holding one of the birds in his hand. "I'm going to film these and put them in a movie. If you turn them, the feathers, like this, they're totally animated. I can make this into a whole idea for my dream sequence and you'll see it. I'm going to film it this summer. That's the magical way I put my films together."
Anger stands up, unbuttons his orange silk shirt and pulls it apart to reveal his own tattoo - the word 'LUCIFER' emblazoned across his chest. He then tells the young actor about his friendship with James Dean, revealing a few juicy titbits about his death. After particulars are taken, Dr Anger asks me to photograph the guy, who afterwards swiftly disappears, apparently not quite sure what to make of the director.
"I will die in the attempt to make him a star!" Anger cries. He's inspired by these recent encounters. "First came the toys, then came him and they are all part of the movie. Like he dreams they're dancing around."
I comment on the synchronicity of it all.
"It's called magick," he explains. "I caused him to happen. And you can say, 'Well it was just a fucking coincidence.' But I swear I will do it."
To be honest though, as a parent of 4 small children who was dumb enough to be suckered into Disneyland on one occasion, I may not be the best source either. I am sure of one thing though, whoever designed Waltland didn't do it out of any great love for the little ones.
"Disneyland is Vegas for children. When I went with the kids, I just about had a stroke. It's the opposite of what they say it is. It's not a place to nurture the imagination. It's just a big clearance sale for useless items. I'm not going back, and the kids won't be allowed to return until they're eighteen, out of the house. And even then, I would block their decision."
Tom Waits
Here is an interesting link that helps explains the ritual importance of sodomy. The author treats ritual abuse patients:
Presumably Fulcanelli's 'the other' Tom Waits
Keep it up J
And so it goes..
Congratulations Jeff!
You have managed to create your own satanic kiddie porn site for a bunch of ciggy-butt and beery-breathed voyeur wankers.
What a sick crop of total losers.
Here was Geraldo's attempt back in 1987 through 1995 to expose this information. Nicely shut down.
Alien-elf hybrid mascot:
The cinematic roots of David Lynch's Mullholland Drive can be traced to Ingmar Bergman's Persona (1967). IMO, one of the best films ever made and certainly Bergman's best. Be warned though, it's not just sitting watching a film, you have to "commit," so to speak, or not to speak.
Here comes the carrot, prepare for the stick. This will separate the committed from the opportunists.
On children abuse("clowns",programming,sects,satanic cults,poltergaist,...)and repercussions of the same:
Matthew 18:6 (New International Version)
But if anyone causes one of these little ones who believe in me to sin, it would be better for him to have a large millstone hung around his neck and to be drowned in the depths of the sea.
Now,I wonder why these evil doers(of all sorts-physical/human and nonphysical/demonic) are contradicting The Lord and making children suffer.Is it because of a promise of Heaven for them?And those who help these unfortunate little ones are faced with similar ill treatment...Woddy was one of the victims,and I believe he did not die
in vain
thx Blues Man for that Disney bit...
I suppose I'm just a ciggy-butt wanker myself, yet I often wonder about the Disney agenda...
(Without even going into old ironsides' accusations of Disney-Coke/CIA $ buying the Supreme Court for Bush Jr...)
let's see...
Bedknobs & Broomsticks, where a witch influences children...
Mary Poppins, ditto- dressed in black, floating through the sky, performing majic in the 'nursery'...
The Sorcerers' Apprentice, with warm & fuzzy cartoon wichcraft scenarios...
A witch sprinkleing dust that turns a pumpkin into a chariot...
(and 'Alive', starring cannibalism...)
Sleeping Beauty/Snow White, entranced by a witch...
Beyond Witch Mountain...
The Black Cauldron...
(Christ- even 'Shrek' gives me the creeps...)
The 'wonderful world of color', where every Sunday evening Peter Pan would wave his/her wand and start the kiddie-show...
(Walt Disney Records is the largest children’s record label in the world.)
... & The Disney Channel programming, where the blonde-haired shicksa is always paired up with a Jewish Kid, and the blond boy is always the neighborhood bully...
Eisner, Katzenberg, Ovitz, & Disney's curious connections to the B’nai B’rith ...
Even Warren Buffet is mixed up in this nightmare...
... one of Disney’s directors, Victor Salva, was convicted of molesting a boy and filming one of the sexual molestations. Recently Disney Director Salva produced the Disney movie “Powder”...)
...The Hapsburgs of the 13th Illuminati bloodline had a sex salon in Vienna, where a porn photographer named Felix Salten worked. Felix Salten wrote a book Bambi, which was then translated into English by the infamous communist Whittaker Chambers.
...due to his sexual problems, Walt at one point permitted himself to be subjected to the packing of his genitals in ice for hours at a time. (Elliot, Walt Disney Hollywood’s Dark Prince, p. 83.) Children were instructed to call Walt “Uncle Walt.” An example of this were the Mouseketeers. For those who know how mind-control programmers have traditionally liked to be called “uncle” by their child victims, the insistence by Walt to be known as “uncle” is distasteful.
...Kenneth Anger in his book Hollywood Babylon II, p. 192, “Some animators stated that the boss [Walt Disney] seemed to have fallen in love with the boy. There may be some truth in this...” The boy, who Walt fell in love with, was a small young attractive boy actor named Bobby Driscoll who signed up in 1946 with Disney. He acted in Song of the South, Treasure Island and Bobby’s voice was used in Peter Pan. Bobby Driscoll was very intelligent and attractive...
...Francis F. Coppola comes from an old mafia family. He owns a big winery & directed Disney’s Caption EO film. Locals in the Napa area do not trust any of the Disneys, especially the Roy O. side of the family. There are other Disney’s who tie in with the occult world. Wesley Ernest Disney, a 32° Mason & Shriner, who was a U.S. Congressman, a state official & lawyer in Kansas who had a brother Richard Lester Disney-- who is a Rhodes Scholar and a Mason too. Wesley Ernest Disney, by the way began as a lawyer in Muskogee County (a Satanic controlled county), and was a Christian Scientist... Doris Miles Disney has been a writer of occult fiction, such as The Magic Grandfather the Chandler Policy (1972) and Trick or Treat (1972) as well as many other occult novels.
...Roy o. Disney’s daughter Dorothy Disney Puder & husband Episcopalian Rev. Glen Puder purchased property at 1677 Sage Canyon Rd., Napa Valley east of Rutherford. (This is close to the Rothschild’s Opus One Temple) O.J. Simpson’s lawyer Johnnie Cochran Jr. was in the Rothschild’s hard-to-enter Opus 1 when the jury arrived at a decision in O.J. Simpson’s case.) It is very typical for Mafia families in south Boston to have one family member in the clergy & one full time in organized crime. All kinds of interesting Mafia figures, Illuminati, and Bohemian Grovers live up the Sage Canyon Rd.
...On Jan. 30, 1957, Walt Disney had a television show aired entitled “All About Magic” where a Magic Mirror explains about magic. The Magic Mirror also contains a "Bibbidi-bibbidi-Boo" sequence...
...leader (Grand Master) of the Prieure de Sion was frenchman Claude Debussy (bn.1862). Claude Debussy, a Merovingian, was Nautonnier (Navigator-helmsman) of the Prieure de Sion from 1885-1918. (See the document Dossiers secrets, planche no. 4, Ordre de Sion, written about in Holy Blood, Holy Grail.) In 1891, when some secret coded parchments (Merovingian documents) were found by a french clergyman Sauniere, he was directed by church officials to visit with Emile Hoffet, an occult acquaintance of Debussy. Debussy was close friends with many of the top french occultists of his time. He is known to have been a close friend to both the notorious satanists Jules Bois and MacGregor Mathers. Mathers started the Order of the Golden Dawn. Debussy was also a friend of the infamous Papus (aka Dr. Gerard Encausse) and W.B. Yeats. Papus was one of the men who during his lifetime was part of the interlocking occult directorate of occult groups. Claude Debussy put some works of the previous P.d.S. Grand Master Victor Hugo to music. Debussy and his other powerful occult friends were influential with Monsieur Philippe, whose Russian occult circle influenced the Russian Czars and Czarinas before Rasputin came around. Debussy travelled to Russia and Rome. Some of Debussy’s works became operas. Interestingly, Walt Disney was extremely anxious to make a cartoon using Debussy’s Clair de Lane.
...Walt used the Le Sacre du Printemps (the Rite of Spring) music for Fantasia. This piece of music was written AS a pagan ritual where a virgin sacrifices herself by dancing to death. Disney’s mobster Gunther Lessing had threatened Stravinsky if permission weren’t given for Disney to use the piece of music, it would be used anyway. Dr. Julian Huxley got involved in the production of Fantasia. Alice in Wonderland had been done many years earlier by the Britisher William Cameron Menzies (who also did Freemason H.G. Wells’ masonic forecast of the New World Order entitled “Things to Come” in 1936, and the film Invaders From Mars.). In 1944, William Randolph Hearst (Remember the Maine) funded the Motion Picture Alliance, and Walt Disney became a co-founder and its first Vice-President.
When you read up on old W.D. you see the occult/mind control connection quite clearly.
It seems that Walt washed his hands every 15 or 20 minutes- I wonder what he was trying to clean off...
"When you wish upon a star..."
These comments about Disney have forced my hand to post these lyrics by T-Bone Burnett:
Somewhere between Never Neverland and Wonderland
In a land called Never Wonderland
There lived a beautiful wealthy young divorcee
With a checkered past and a bad memory
Who should probably remain nameless
And men travelled from far and wide and try to win her hand
And she took in stragglers from all over the known world
Her newest guests were (as her mother called them)
"The latest Russians to defect"
One's name was Hefner
The other's name was Disney
Disney smoked a pipe and was very philosophical
He was constantly surrounded by go-go girls
And he used to take pictures of them without any clothes on
And sell them to the neighborhood children
Hefner on the other hand was not so introspective
He loved a good story just like anybody else
In fact he loved the myths of Never Wonderland so much
That he made elaborate moulded plastic sculptures
Of the characters in the myths
Then ... he would put them out in the garden
Until .... he had built a whole nother land in Never Wonderland
Which he called Hefnerland
And the neighborhood children loved them
They had lots of fun playing in Hefnerland
And looking at all Disney's go-go pictures
Because they didn't know any better
And they didn't know any worse
But the beautiful young wealthy divorcee thought
That they were only after her money
Sometimes she even wished they would go back to Russia
But between you and me they were really dupes of the Wicked King
Who wanted to rob the children of their dreams
Chapter 7 The Science of Structuring
Animal Alters. (Meant to act like animals)
This is accomplished by taking menstrual blood from a dog in heat and smearing it on the victim
poppycock = opiumking
OK, that's it. Theo, your post is a perfect example of the kind of thing that gives "conspiracy theory" a bad name. Your arch tone, your coyness, implying "'nough said" is really annoying, particularly because when you actually look at your evidence, you discover there's no there, there. Your sources could not possibly less credible, your conclusions defy gravity as they hover in the air, supported only by faith and prejudice.
I am a card-carrying skeptic, and I love nothing more than to dig deep below the surface, rip aside the curtain, and then try to connect the dots. But the way many of the comments are going, this is neither intellectually stimulating, informative, nor does it seem to be leading anywhere that I'd be interested in going.
I'm noticing that many of the regular contributors, whose comments have been so insightful and informative, are making themselves scarce, and being replaced by people I'd probably be really uncomfortable meeting face to face (Yuggoth? 'menstual blood from a dog in heat'? soul-eating monsters?)
Jeff, I'm so sorry for the way this blog is going -- it coulda been a contender. Maybe it's not too late to get off this ghostly ride and back to the real world, where you can really do some damage to the PTB. For me, as someone used to say, "Good night, and good luck."
PS: I'll be checking in every once in a while, in the hope that you've cleared the cobwebs and gotten rid of that nasty garbage pile. As garbage is wont to do, it's attracting some creepy scavengers, not to mention the stench driving away those with a more discriminating sense of smell.
Alice,you have my perission to stay as
far as you can from this blog..Please
Glad I'm not the only one who thinks this blog's posts have significantly changed for the worse. It's almost like a deliberate and pernicious obfuscation that smothers the resonance of really good posts.
Something indeed has happened, I have some notions regarding this. However, I am hesitant to openly speculate at this point. I'm hoping their heavy handed methods expose themselves to a much desired self-destruction.
i love this blog. i see the comments about how its gone south and i dont get it.
jeff, i think if you put all this together, all youve written here so far, and can get someone to publish it, youve got yr next book right here.
as for the posts, give the guy a break: it can be hard to find the material and keep it going so regularly. gotta hit a dry patch here and there, yet this fellow keeps it coming somehow.
as for the comments, i almost always find something just as mind blowing in these as i do in the original post.
AnonymousOne,can I get an amen?
"First the truth is ridiculed, then it is violently opposed, then it is accepted as fact." I would say Jeff's blog is entering phase 1 of this process, with all the little provocateur pogue posters deriding the direction this all is heading.
Jeff has a right to post what he wants, when he wants to post it; if you people don't like it, stop reading it. And for all the whack jobs who get off on labelling the genuine posters on this board 'pedophile voyeurs,' all I have to say is that psychological projection of your own flaws onto others doesn't make your own sick fetishes any less real.
I suppose that judgements on whether or not Jeff's blog has gone downhill depend on what the reader wants out of the blog.
If one is seeking perhaps the weirdest collection of macabre data points on the Internet, along with a wide range of speculations that seemingly seek to encompass every hypothesis- beyond the merely bizarre, to the fringe of hebephrenia and clinical paranoia- this is this place to frequent.
If, however, one is looking for focussed parapolitical investigation- I think it's probably a better idea to find a site that attempts to view what's hidden under the rug by pulling up at an edge or a corner, rather than trying to pull the entire thing up at once from the middle.
I'm still here, and I intend to stick around. This place makes for quite a check on more prosaic notions of consensus reality. Although I don't particularly trust many of Jeff's sources, particularly on the paranormal material...the suggestive power of text to create a mental stage-set is not to be under-estimated.
As for H. P. Lovecraft, I read a collection entitled Unknown Kadoth once...jeez, what a stem-winder. I found myself tiring of lavish descriptions of unmoored journeys into ever more remote and perilous realms, with seemingly no more point that "What can we do, when we're lost out here?"
I'd like to second Alice.
My own way of putting it would be that this blog isn't as much fun as it was a few months ago. ("Fun" being the best word I know for that deep sense of intellectual engagement and philosophical novelty that is a sign you're on the track of something real and not just the usual mind-numbing distractions.)
The trolls. The racists. The lunatic posts that you're not quite willing to dismiss because sometimes there's wisdom in madness but that still seem to add more heat than light.
I don't think it's Jeff's fault. I think this blog serves as a picnic to ants, and attracts a great deal of that which ruins what made it attractive in the first place.
Perhaps this is a signal that the blog has already done its work and the power has moved on -- but if there is a purpose in trying to get it back on course, the best approach might be to make it a little more, shall we say, boring for a time. That might lose the disruptors and discourage the hotheads and allow the discussion to get back on more fruitful tracks.
I have to respectfully disagree with Alice and Starroute.
Where there's smoke, there's fire. I think it's perfectly understandable that the closer you get to the real underbelly of things, the more flies and resistance you are going to encounter. Crank posters and agitants are only one symptom of this, and all things considered, it hasn't become excruciating yet by a longshot. If this is the worst thing you encounter on your way down, than consider yourselves lucky; Jeff has frequently written about others who were not so fortunate; this post's subject, for one.
Strap yourselves in, the ride's bound to get rougher, guaranteed, but at what price to you esteem truth?
Let em come, I say. The presence of distraction indicates for me that this blog is functioning perfectly.
Let me clarify my personal position on this.
First, I have no problem with Jeff's opening posts as I find the information to be the most relevant and very specific in terms of investigation.
Then I see some posters with terrrific eyewitness reports, still others with awesome links and progressive insight and analysis. Then I see a growing wave of long dissertations on the obscure, the irrelevant and pointless LSD inspired psycho-babble. You notice I haven't mentioned any names, as I'm making an objective observation on the blog commentary as a whole.
Compare this all to just a month ago where Jeff would set 'em up and a concerted group effort moved to contribute and push serious investigation further into the horror world.
This more than anything scared the living crap out of our rabid, socio-pathic enemies. Unity, serious focused questions, inspirational comments, sincere outrage, comradery based upon common goals. The desire to expose these monsters amongst us, who delightfully prey upon us all with complete immunity and worse yet... sanction.
We can go to other blogs, but why? Jeff has a mission, as I think his profitless and continued efforts to turn over rocks to provide us with the suppressed, the verboten march on. This is the reason this blog is so popular and has attracted a great many knowledgable people to it. It's uncompromising fire, it's determination, it's inherent humanity to those victimized and it's bitter outrage at the demonic perpetrators.
Just as every one has the right to post whatever they want, I and quite a few others reserve the right to constructively criticize negative changes in the proceedings.
I for one will continue to learn from the best that this blog has to offer, for it has greatly contributed to my own research. However I will struggle to see that it doesn't degenerate into a morass of crap that accomplishes nothing. Including attempts to divert the content to sublimate the message, and verbal obstructions of investigations.
Jesus, Jeff- I've been away for a while- how long has this somnobulistic parade of inconsequential vapid-speak been going on in the comment section?
Unlike some of the inbred campers here, in my comparatively few comments about Jeff's posts I try to provide what I believe to be interesting facts, pertinant to the subject- not gushing, insulting, and emotional opinion.
It anyone knows my statements to be false, kindly make some effort to provide something, anything in evidence, and I will gladly apologize and retract my statements.
I only seek the truth, as distasteful as it may be.
And to insinuate that I am a racist or a disinformation artist, without offering even ONE fact to back it up, only illustrates ignorance, malice, and naivate'- and does an actual, not imagined, distraction and disservice to this blog.
I do agree though that perhaps a few of the stale 'regulars' should get back up on the porch...
And as far as announcing your departure goes: who gives a damn? What hubris.
No, it's certainly not 'fun' out here, and not for the timid.
What a schizo! Where the hell is this nut coming from?
Burn him!
Big Ups Gale,
Great insight please post more, and I thoroughly agree with you and the others above regarding the inane blather. I was thinking there was something more to it than just coincidental nonsense. The timing and intensity was very suspicious. It looked like an organized spam war to obscure and divert. The COINTELPRO crew have stepped up their game. Keep up the heavy fire all!
"As Time Goes By"
music and words by Herman Hupfeld
[This day and age we're living in
Gives cause for apprehension
With speed and new invention
And things like fourth dimension.
Yet we get a trifle weary
With Mr. Einstein's theory.
So we must get down to earth at times
Relax relieve the tension
And no matter what the progress
Or what may yet be proved
The simple facts of life are such
They cannot be removed.]
You must remember this
A kiss is just a kiss, a sigh is just a sigh.
The fundamental things apply
As time goes by.
And when two lovers woo
They still say, "I love you."
On that you can rely
No matter what the future brings
As time goes by.
Moonlight and love songs
Never out of date.
Hearts full of passion
Jealousy and hate.
Woman needs man
And man must have his mate
That no one can deny.
It's still the same old story
A fight for love and glory
A case of do or die.
The world will always welcome lovers
As time goes by.
Oh yes, the world will always welcome lovers
As time goes by.
© 1931 Warner Bros. Music Corporation, ASCAP
What we have here is just another case of the Alfred Rosenberg Fascist Intelligentsia attempting to impose their "blog purity laws" on everyone and once again, trying to control what people can think or type. Theo should be able to type whatever the hell he wants to as it relates to Jeff’s post—even tangentially—without the fear of reprisal. This is disgusting and it pisses me off to no end. It pisses me off even more than any alleged COINTELPRO disinfo activities going on here to obfuscate the comments sections as they relate to Jeff's posts. From what I have been able to ascertain, Jeff is "open source" and if you don't like it, go build a Brave New World utopian construct that fulfills your rigid, puritanical specifications and elitist intellectual criteria somewheres else.
Hey Anonymous,
It's called true democracy educate yourself to it and get used to the realities and scope of it's freedoms. People can speak up, object to things they feel are wrong and criticize negative changes.
Live your own words over-sensitive hypocrite!
I hope visitors feel free to write what they like in the comments field. I'll only delete spam, incitement to violence and outragous examples of hate speech as I see them.
My posts are simply my thinking aloud about whatever happens to have my attention at the moment, so it's no surprise that my mental jogs are going to frustrate and lose readers who give no consideration and have no patience for certain subjects. But the only way I know how to write is to write selfishly, for my own interest.
I don't do this for the strokes. I hope to be read critically, because when I'm wrong about something I want to be corrected on it. I like this quote attributed to the Buddha which I've cited before: "Believe nothing, no matter where you read it or who has said it, not even if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense."
Stone Free said...
Hey Anonymous,
It's called true democracy educate yourself to it and get used to the realities and scope of it's freedoms. People can speak up, object to things they feel are wrong and criticize negative changes.
Live your own words over-sensitive hypocrite!
I think not.
That is not called true democracy. It's called attempting to SHUT DOWN the debate and discussion by intimidation and maliciousness. The Goal was to intimidate Theo so he would not post again, and convince others that the comments on this blog are of no use because they don't live up to some elitist intellectual standard. Intimidating the poster in order to prevent him from posting again is called attempting to SHUT DOWN the discussion and debate. Intimidation, maliciousness and obstruction were all successful Nazi tactics used to SHUT DOWN the German Parliament after the 1932 election. That is not true democracy, it's called fascism.
Alice said:
As garbage is wont to do, it's attracting some creepy scavengers, not to mention the stench driving away those with a more discriminating sense of smell.
Exactly. Let's all go wine tasting now and whet our discriminating palettes.
Hey anonymous 6:07,
What matter of force is being used to "SHUT DOWN" others from posting whatever they want? Huh chief?
Am I telekinetically preventing others from typing out comments on their keyboard. Have I dispatched jackbooted thugs to threaten them?
Spare us the specious logic and over-reactive hysteria. It's all too obvious that you've never been anywhere near a debate. Equating the exercise of opinion and commentary, with Nazi fascism is an utterly absurd premise based upon juvenile accusatory assumptions. As a consequence the point you feel so personally threatened to make is self-ridiculing.
Penyakit ini umumnya muncul karena penderita mengejan terlalu keras pada saat buang air besar. Dengan mengejan terlalu keras, maka pembuluh darah di sekitar anus dapat melebar dan pecah menimbulkan infeksi dan pembengkakan yang berakhir pada masalah wasir atau ambeien tersebut.
MANTAB * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Bismillaahirrohmaanirrokhiim ???????????????????????????????????
Bismillahhirrohmaanirrokhim.... *********************************
Bismillahhirrohmaanirrokhim.... *********************************
Sekitar Vagina Tumbuh Daging, Berbahayakah? Kutil Pada Kepala Penis mirip bunga kol atau jengger ayam, Merupakan Penyakit Yang diakibatkan Oleh Virus.Kutil kelamin, atau disebut juga condyloma acuminata, adalah kutil atau daging berwarna kulit atau keabuan yang tumbuh di sekitar alat kelamin dan
Bismillahirrohmannirrokhim ..................
obat ambeien obat wasir gejala ambeien obat wasir alami obat ambeien alami obat herbal ambeien gejala wasir obat alami ambeien obat herbal wasir obat ambeien tanpa operasi obat wasir herbal obat alami wasir cara mengobati ambeien tanpa operasi obat ambeien herbal obat wasir tanpa operasi cara mengobati wasir tanpa operasi
Bismillahirrohmannirrokhim ......................................
obat ambeien wasir paling manjur mengobati penyakit wasir ambeien tanpa efek samping terbuat dari bahan alami herbal seperti daun ungu mahkota dewa kunyit putih
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