Something in between

Looks like freedom but it feels like death
It's something in between, I guess
It's closing time - Leonard Cohen
This may be the day. Not the day, but still one of some hope. So why don't I feel it?
Wayne Madsen reports that there is informed anticipation that the Plame indictments may finally be handed down today. Patrick Fitzgerald's spokesman Randall Samborn has said that any announcement would be made from Washington, and not Chicago. The Grand Jury will be sitting Wednesday, and its mandate's expiration of Oct 28 has nearly arrived and is unlikely to be extended. Even if the indictments don't come today, they are coming: Fitzgerald will not be issuing a final report, which was considered an option if he did not mean to call out officials on their crimes.
If that wasn't enough, Tom DeLay should be booked in a Texas jail this week on money laundering charges, the Abramoff investigation "has the Republican political establishment holding its breath," Dick Cheney's principal Deputy National Security Adviser John Hannah has been cooperating with Fitzgerald (which should also trouble the sleep of John Bolton and Michael Ledeen), and "government officials and advisers" have even sent up the balloon that Cheney might resign and be replaced with Condoleeza Rice.
Under the dispensation of the New Normal, this should finally mean something like good news. But we need something more than something like, and this won't be enough.
Last week, Madsen wrote that "the main stream media is just beginning to take notice that a 'Watergate-level event' is about to occur in Washington." Now here's my problem with that: so what? The United States already had its Watergate-level event, called Watergate, and it brought nothing more promising than a false dawn.
This is how I concluded the June post "What Is Watergate?":
If the deeper truths of Watergate lead past the White House to the CIA, then Nixon himself is a victim, and not just of his own animus. And that muddies the morality tale. McCord got to play flawed hero during the Senate Hearings, and his and Hunt's CIA pedigree were not explored by legislators and journalists smelling the blood of an unpopular president. Former intelligence briefer Bob Woodward obligingly led the investigation away from the intelligence community, as did "Deep Throat," whether or not he really was the FBI's Mark Felt.
Nixon's cover-up - spurred by the fear that Hunt's arrest could lead to the reopening of the "Bay of Pigs thing" (his euphemism for the Kennedy assassination) - helped close the case that the story began and ended at his office.
Certainly no innocent, but not exactly guilty as charged, either. Nixon was himself, at last, a patsy.
To those for whom "Bush knew" is not inexact shorthand, but rather the kerygma of "9/11 Truth," a Fitzgerald decapitation strike upon the Vice President's office will be as good as it gets. And Cheney should be taken down for something, for everything, even if just by shrapnel from an indictment fired at Scooter Libby. But seeing him "step aside" rather than hauled away would be nothing like good news. Rice would be positioned for '08 (as America's realpolitik determined that only Nixon could go to China, so only the Republicans can nominate the first black and female presidential candidate). And Cheney would likely continue on in an "unofficial" capacity, from one undisclosed location or another, to advance the dark agenda with even less accountability than he now has.
We know it, but let's recall it as the tension between reality and myth are ratcheted up: public office has only a nominal correlation with influence and the exercise of power. Again, it's the China model brought home to America. Deng Xiaoping officially retired in 1989, but he ran the backrooms of Chinese power until his death in 1997. Even when Deng held office it was never the highest office, yet he was known to be the de facto ruler of party and state. (When was the last time, say, Henry Kissinger was a public official?)
Might Bush and his team be played for patsies by the spooks seeming to wear, in this light, the white hats? It must be awfully tempting; they've done worse before to sitting presidents. But there is institutional guilt in Washington that predates the late addendum of this administration which took office only because it was most in accord with the decadent and criminalized power structures.
John Dean once said there was a cancer on the White House. It can appear now as if the cancer is the White House, and all America needs is a good Bushectomy. That's a start. But the cancer is metastastic, and it didn't begin at the top five years ago. Whoever's indicted and for what, it's just a start. 9/11 wasn't the brainchild of Karl Rove, it just played one on TV. The covert networks of intelligence, drugs, arms and terror had been in place long before - even during Democratic administrations, for all the good that did - and the pattern of opening doors for Atta and friends while looking the other way was well established before November, 2000. Bush can be blamed for much, but there is much that remains beyond the reach of nominal leaders, even if they are wicked.
I don't mean to be the wet blanket here. I just want to suggest that the prize is more than a few heads on a plate, or even an entire White House. It must be, if it's to mean anything more than another false dawn.
I wanted to direct you and your readers to a remarkable but little-known film by Robert Altman called "Secret Honor", in which the Nixon-as-patsy theme is given thorough exposition. It's a 90-minute tour de force monologue / drunken, paranoid rant delivered by Philip Baker Hall as Nixon, wherein he makes repeated mention of the "Bohemian Grove crowd" who brought him to power but ultimately used him as a sacrificial pawn for their agenda.
Whether the viewer is meant to take the film's conspiracy theories as valid (given that they do possess a sort of coherency) or to dismiss them as mere delusional self-justification on Nixon's part, is left intriguingly ambiguous.
It may be of only tangential relevance to this post, but it should interest those curious about the deeper politics of Watergate and the complex persona of Nixon, and it also happens to be a very good film.
Anonymous One,these dark elements that have been running things around here,will have to lay down some big distractions.The shit is about to hit the fan,it kind of sounds like Felix Polk just might be a loose end of the MKULTR boys.The good old spin just isn't going to cut it soon,to many big problems are popping up,I sure hope I don't live near the next 9-11,later.
i have a sinking feeling that the indictment(s) will be for individuals we haven't heard of before and will amount to very little...i immediately thought of the condi promotion, if i'm not mistaken, the "cheney will resign to make room for a viable '08 puppet/candidate" theory has been floating around the internets for awhile...i really think it's just too good and juicy though...i can't believe "they" would give "us" such a huge morale boosting victory...i very much hope i'm just morbidly jaded, but, i don't think this is going anywhere...and really, what does it matter who runs in '08, or '06 for that matter when they run the damn voting machines...we will be in a state of permanent retrenchment and regression until we address that issue...they have the will, ability, and desire to pull as many OHIO style squeaker victories out of their asses as they optimist might say if we overwhelm the polls with oppostion voters we might be able to undo this, but i say pass that shit yer' smokin over this way cuz' they already thought of that...but hey maybe i'm wrong, i hope they indict EVERYBODY and shut the whole damn thing's hopin....
This thing is waaayy bigger than Watergate. There is VERY widespread corruption through not only the Whitehouse but Congress and the Supreme Court involved. There are two wars that have been illegally started. There is widespread corporate corruption and there is the quest for world domination and perhaps world war. It's much bigger and Patrick Fitzgerald is unravelling this intricately woven fabric.
I think this is more than anyone would have dared hope for a year ago, even six months ago. Sure there will be damage control. The real perps behind this have multiple cutouts but they are getting used up.
The politicans will never have the same influence again. Likewise the corporation s and their CEOs behind the politicans will never have the same legitimacy again. Wars will be seen for what they are - good business.
That's probably how far iut will get. But next time around we may get to see who's behind the corporations - the banks. And once the source of their power becomes widely understood (issueing the currency) and their motivation becomes clear (world domination) the scales will really fall from peoples eyes and THEN we will get the world we should have had all along.
But it's not going to happen this week. It has to come in stages so that people can absorb it and I for one am hoping that Mr. Fitzgerald will take a giant step along that path this week.
Who knows what will happen in another year. Perhaps a rash of independant candidates win seats in 2006!
Yes, Virginia, you've come a long way, Baby!
I've got a lot more cynical over this year. I'm sure this is a distraction that won't really go anywhere. It just gives us some hope but I wouuldn't hold my breath.
Now, we're getting down to business. I have long perceived the left-right struggle as a false dichotomy, and view our political system as one big puppet play. The fact that Bill Clinton and George H.W. Bush now cavort around the world together is the proof in the pudding.
Cheney and others may fall, but that fall will be just as stage-managed as their political rise. They could care less what it means for the record, feeling secure that history will soon be re-written, anyway.
Sadly, there is no political means to break down the elite structure. The Kennedys and Wellstones are few and far between, and are easily dispatched with bullets or plane crashes. Those outside of the Bohemian Grove crowd can only watch in horror as things unfold.
My hope lies in the in-fighting among the elites, and the degree to which they have become dysfunctional. Rome will fall before they have completely subjugated us, and the Fifth World, as the Hopis call it, will begin.
For the sake of my mental health, I must cling to my inner Pollyanna. At least until it's time to bug out to the mountains with boxes of canned goods and jugs of water and my hand-cranked radio to escape Captain Trips.
In the meantime, I will relish any and all indictments, popping a fresh bottle of bubbly for each warpig that falls. I will drown my cynicism in champagne and dance in front of the tv as DeLay's scowling perp walk is broadcast.
There is another school of thought that I sometimes subscribe to, especially in my brighter moods. I believe the universe is ultimately self-correcting. I believe there are people in positions of power -- in gummint, in the military, and even in the superdoublesecret cabals -- who do not want the archfiends to steal the show.
I believe for every devil there's an angel.
Enjoy the moments of joy and mania while you can get 'em. Help keep up the momentum and laugh at the monsters when their masks are ripped off and they run skittering into their holes.
Good things happen. Bad people fall from power. When the pendulum has been pushed too far, it swings back with a vengeance.
Keep the faith.
"The truth is so crazy that if you try to talk about it, everyone tells you to wear a tin foil hat."
Tim hit it right on the head. All this talk of bizarre ritual, phenomena, and mind control makes one want to collect all the Levenda, DeCamp and Perkins books for a great bond fire out in the backyard(just in time for Halloween), and zone out in front of a good 'reality TV' show on FOX.
And speaking about DeCamp, remember in The Franklin Cover Up, he mentioned witness after witness saying they took trips to DC, and precipitated in Rituals. Paul Bonacci mentions the Temple of Set, Washington DC trips, AND Johnny Gosh (pg 129) .....
Does anyone remember Anton LeVey? Leader of the Church of Satan...before there was a "break", by Aquino in 1972. I seemed to remember some words.... that Mr. Levey was more of a Materialist than a Devil Worshipper and was generally pissed that there was another person who questioned his authority in TCS, but this web hit nailed it, as LeVey was speaking against the followers of Set:
"The ex-Satanists who formed the Temple of Set follow a path quite different from that of the Church of Satan, which has never veered from its dedication to rational self-interest, indulgence, and a glorification of the carnal and material. The belief in Set as an actual entity with whom followers may commune is in marked contrast to our disbelief in any external deity figures. They have a consuming preoccupation with rank and status within their organization, thus titles and medallions of degree level are eagerly sought by members to affirm their position in the pecking order of the temple's internal world (particularly evident at their conclaves). This is not surprising considering Aquino's background -- a boyhood steeped in military academies and in pursuit of Boy Scout merit badges. The Church of Satan retains its right to grant degrees, but these are still based on an individual's achievements in the outside world and his level of freedom from herd conformity and independence from forced interaction with the masses. Striving for fancy titles and rankings is not a part of Satanism. The literature of the Church of Satan is published and distributed worldwide to any interested individuals. The Temple of Set prints private literature available only to members, and some of it is limited to those of the correct rank....."
I find it very disconcerting that Mr. Aquino had high ranking military advantage, and that this is a SECRET organization-not open to the general public,as is the higher functions of the Federal Reserve Banking System, and the Masonic Temples.
Warnings from last written pages of 'The Mad Arab", CE 730:
"Seek ever to keep the Outside Gate closed and sealed, by the instructions I have given thee, by the Seals and the Names herein.
Seek ever to hold back the Powers of the Cults of the ancient Worship, that they might not grow strong on their blood, and on their sacrifice. By their wounds shall ye know them, and by their smell, for they are not born as men, but in some other fashion; by some corruption of seed or spirit that has given them other properties than those we are familiar with. And they like the Dark Places best; for their God is a Worm."
Today, with all the strange phenomena, weather, wars, corruption ...One must ask if indeed there has been a breach in a gate that was not meant to be opened......
Hurricane W will provide a much-needed distraction for, uh, W.
You should definitely watch the dvd of 'Secret Honor' - written by Donald Freed, it has great commentary and extras, including the checkers speech, as well as other great Nixon TV moments.
october surprise!
It isn't as it appears on the surface. Indictments may come, and heads may roll, but.......
The Dick Cheney we saw on TV is not the REAL Dick Cheney. This one is a double, a stand-in look-alike. Most likely the reason he didn't make an appearance during the height of the storms or even well after is that his plastic surgery was still too new for public display.
The real Dick Cheney is gone. The last weekend in July, there were 28 space vessels, each the size of a major city, that entered our atmosphere. Each one of them had aboard 25 shuttle craft, come to take away the ETs who are not native to this world. Cheney, and many others, left in the first wave. There was some resistance, of course, and a few tried to hide. A few tried to run. A few died rather than go. But, one way or the other, they are all gone. And when the ETs left, the real power behind the Illuminati left.
What is left behind are the clones, the doubles, a machine that looks like George W., and the mixed-breeds who can claim residency. But the real power is gone.
What stirs among the ones filling the power vaccuum now is a struggle for supremacy, and legitimacy. It may well be that they won't have any trouble sacrificing Cheney, because it's not the real Cheney. And the Hollywood low-budget actor they replaced him with was no doubt given lots of money and lots of promises. But then, Oswald was fed lies too.
Try this: Cheney gets indicted, or hung. Bush resigns. Rice becomes president. She may fall later, or get "pushed". I think that they replaced the Speaker of the House with someone else in preparation for this move.
Image wise, playing to the Blue Pill audience, it looks like some very bad guys are going down, and "the system works", to borrow a Watergate era phrase. The war gets blamed on Bush, who is totally discredited if not imprisoned. This gives them the political cover for getting out of Iraq without losing face with the people. The military is happy again. Halliburton is happy too, because they now have New Orleans to milk for all it's worth, plus the anticipation of more managed disasters to work on.
Just as much money, or more, but less overhead, and no one is shooting at them.
Katrina was a planned disaster, augmented by blown levees. Other disasters have been attempted since then, but were either stopped cold or diverted. But that's another story. The war in Iraq is replaced by the war on America, and we've already seen the indications of where they're going with that plan. Detention centers, forced labor, "enterprise zones" that effectively turned the whole Gulf Coast into a third world labor zone. And martial law. They've already done it, but they just didn't label it as such.
Let's watch and see what happens, and find and exploit their weak points. For the residue that is running the country now has the same agenda as the ETs who were expelled in July/August.
Next planned disaster is a Category 5 hurricane headed for Florida. I've got to join some other folks in stopping this thing. Y'all are all welcome to help.
Love today’s Jeffering (Jeff plus offering) and the comments!
The Prize?
That would be the blowback that Fitz will ignite and WE have plenty of fuel to feed. Valerie Flame, inDEED! I’ve got my fan ready. Been ready and waiting. I remember when Granny D said before 2000 that if you voted your conscience no matter what, the worst that could happen was the bushites would get enough rope to hang themselves with.
Well, if ain’t gallows time. These people LEGALLY DESERVE to be hung at dawn for their treachery. (I’d rather they sit in prison forever, myself.)
Paddy is the first wave. WE are the storm surge, friends. Power up! This is big. It’s the biggest head start we’ve ever had, in my opinion. It’s up to us to take advantage of an opportunity the likes of which we truly haven’t seen until now. Charlie Brown is finally gonna catch on to Lucy and her football. Charlie has never been this skeptical. Not in the age of high-speed communication, he hasn’t.
The cabal is guilty on every front, so we can hit ‘em on every front. Get your notes together and prepare to flap your jaws! People are highly dissatisfied. Awareness is on the increase. Stroke it and stoke it! When Paddy cracks the egg and this citizenry finds out that the yolk’s been on them and how stinking rotten it is, they are going to be asking questions WE are prepared to answer, and they’re finally going to be receptive. Heck, tin-foil Santa hats with that eyeball thang swinging jauntily from the peak and “what you don’t know can’t hurt them” runnin round the trim, might be all the rage this Consumermas.
Personally, I feel very strongly that exposing their vile cheap-labor agenda at every single opportunity, is about the most valuable frame you can get Joe Public to see it all through. Add hero soldiers, and stir well. It ain’t no sin to use the dead ones to save the live ones, in my book. Now mix in the truth about printing currency, the outright robbery that the federal reserve is. When Joe figures out they were lying about patriotic values and betraying the soldiers for a buck, well, I wouldn’t want to be don rumsfeld.
we could take this all the way to murdering the idea of allowing wealthpower giants at all!
Changing gears only somewhat, I saw a movie called “Mindwalk” recently. Not quoting, just a piece of what I took away from it (a physicist speaking):
What is “Life”? Life is: self organizing. Life is self-organization.
Self-organizing means self-regenerating, self-maintaining, and… self-transcending.
Self-transcending. Inherent in life is the tendency toward transcending.
You see?
We can’t lose! That Life IS, is all the hope we need!
It’s the dance-dance revolution for us! Oh, Yay!
LOTS OF FUN at finnegans wake!!
Florida is about due for another Hurricane Andrew type event anyway. Especially with the new deadly force law which came into effect in this state, where you can apply deadly force to protect your life and your property without having to flee first.
My gun dealer in Tampa told me that he sold almost a dozen pump action Mossberg 12-gauge Persuader shotguns in just 2 days, along with over 250 rounds of 12gauge slugs and 00-buck. The powers that be certainly don't want people able to defend themselves, so this state is the next likely candidate for smash-and-grab gun theft by military personnel.
Wilma would provide the necessary pretext to disarm Floridians, and just like with New Orleans the rest of the nation will twiddle with its thumbs up its arse while the news media whips up unsubstantiated lies to demonize the survivors of the storm.
Think about it: several years ago the Mayor of New Orleans went on TV warning citizens not to pull over unless they are in a well-lighted public area. This was because of rampant police corruption. The citizens likely started arming themselves back then, and again, if you want a police state you can't have an armed populace. Katrina fixes that problem.
Now enter a rapidly arming population of Florida at a time when gun sales as a whole are up 11% year over year according to Smith and Wesson. The Waco template seems to be in effect, where a horrible example will have to be made in order to get the nation to heel before we replay Romania of 1989.
I do feel that sense of apprehension which Jeff mentions, but I don't think it's merely fear of another Watergate sweep-it-under-the-rug outcome.
Here's one possible source of that unease: Unlike Nixon & co., these guys don't crawl away when they're called on their misdeeds. Instead, they fight back harder. If martial law and a police state are what it takes to enable them to evade the fallout from l'affaire Plame, they won't hesitate for a moment.
It feels kind of like being in the French Resistance during World War II and blowing up a car full of Nazi brass -- but knowing that 10 innocent villagers are going to die for ever one of them you killed.
On the other hand, there's no way past that sort of ultra-bullying other than to accept that there's a price to pay and live with your decisions.
Beyond the cornered-rats scenario, there are other dark possibilities to be nervous about. One thing I have felt in my bones for the last year or so is that it will be Poppy who ultimately brings down W -- sadly but inexorably wiping him from the slate as a failed experiment that got way out of control. This may just be a wild fantasy on my part (equal parts Shakespeare and Frankenstein), but it does get reinforced any time I read something like this from Talking Points Memo:
It's slightly sugar-coated. But the New York Daily News has the scoop of the day on Plame/Fitzgerald: the president knew what Karl Rove had done from the very beginning. So all that mumbojumbo about wanting to get to the bottom of it and fire the bad actors was, to revert to the King's English, crap. . . .
Now, one other detail about this piece. It runs a few hundred words. But the most important two are probably these: Thomas DeFrank.
DeFrank's the byline and he's the Daily News DC Bureau Chief. DeFrank has a unique relationship to the Bush world, particularly to the older generation. He cowrote James Baker's diplomatic autobiography The Politics of Diplomacy, for instance.
And Poppy's world, as we all know, is far more sinister and devious than little Georgie's.
Among other things, there's that strange Clinton alliance he's got going currently.
I don't think Condi is going to survive this business any better than the rest of them. She was, after all, a member of the White House Iraq Group, along with her chief deputy, Stephen Hadley.
All things considered, I'm actually far more worried about Hillary.
I agree with starroute. I've had the feeling they would have to "wipe the slate clean" for a long time when things got to the low point. Big things to come, I suspect.
I say fight Fire with Fire.
Related to the fascinating DeFrank's story, here is an amusing account of Scott McClellan's back and forth with some journalists when asked about the story.
Professor Pan said:
"There is another school of thought that I sometimes subscribe to, especially in my brighter moods. I believe the universe is ultimately self-correcting. I believe there are people in positions of power -- in gummint, in the military, and even in the superdoublesecret cabals -- who do not want the archfiends to steal the show. "
These comments by Professor Pan reminded me of some rumors floating around last year of a strong military opposition against the civilian leadership in the Pentagon, specifically Rumsfeld.
Perhaps a "benevolent" coup by well intentioned forces within the military is the only way to once and for all mop up the mess in The White House and Congress.
One high-level military strategist told me that Rumsfeld is "detested", and that "if there's a sentiment in the army it is: Support Our Troops, Impeach Rumsfeld".
The Council on Foreign Relations has been showing old movies with renewed relevance to its members. The Battle of Algiers, depicting the nature and costs of a struggle with terrorism, is the latest feature. The seething in the military against Bush and Rumsfeld might prompt a showing of Seven Days in May, about a coup staged by a rightwing general against a weak liberal president, an artefact of the conservative hatred directed at President Kennedy in the early 60s.
In 1992, General Colin Powell, chairman of the joint chiefs, awarded the prize for his strategy essay competition at the National Defence University to Lieutenant Colonel Charles Dunlap for The Origins of the American Military Coup of 2012. His cautionary tale imagined an incapable civilian government creating a vacuum that drew a competent military into a coup disastrous for democracy. The military, of course, is bound to uphold the constitution. But Dunlap wrote: "The catastrophe that occurred on our watch took place because we failed to speak out against policies we knew were wrong. It's too late for me to do any more. But it's not for you."
The Origins of the American Military Coup of 2012 is today circulating among top US military strategists.,,1215562,00.html
I find the cheering on the "left" kind of depressing, too. Of course it will be exciting to see Cheney & Co. marched out in handcuffs (if such a thing happens), but the problem isn't Dubya or his gang. They are for the most part just opportunists who have been profiting from a sick system for half a century ... sure, a system they helped create, but still ...
As Jeff has written, Watergate only seemed like a big deal if you believe the president is actually the head of state. He's not. Some are closer to the Powers That Be than others. (Carter never got along with the PTB; Clinton sure did, despite the political theater.)
Nixon & Agnew & lesser figures were run out of the White House after Watergate. Rumsfeld and Cheney remained, as they remained in the Ford Administration, "sat out" the Carter years (they never sit anything out), and went public again for the Reagan-Bush 12 years.
Rumsfeld & Cheney are interesting cases, as is their pal Porter Goss. All three are of the "behind the scenes" crowd, yet the hubris of this current gang is such that these three decided to go Big Time. There's something remarkable about such obvious monsters stepping up to the podium. The charade of democracy is no longer practiced. It's fascinating.
Anyway, there is a chance they'll be punished for stepping into the spotlight. But there are equally evil people in the shadows, happy to take up the slack. Should the whole White House management resign or go to jail, what do these "Democrats" believe will happen next? Do they expect Paul Wellstone to rise from the grave and lead America to peace & prosperity & vegan school lunches for all?
A few crooks will be shuffled offstage, that's all. Even if there *were* any Democrats in power in D.C., what do the liberals think these people would do in the White House? Hillary Clinton? That bloodthirsty witch wants nothing more than an endless "War on Terror." Put her together with a little fascist like Vinegar Joe Lieberman and you can expect another 100,000 troops sent to Iraq, along with pre-emptive wars against Syria, Iran and anybody who looks at us wrong. How about "Ready to Serve" skull-and-bones creep John Kerry? What would *he* do in the White House. The same damned thing they're doing right now, with some faux-liberal window dressing to make the DailyKos idiots feel like they matter.
And for those here who point to the predictable villains of "capitalism," am I really to believe for an instant that this here bunch of paranoids wants to turn over complete total control of every aspect of your life to another kind of government? Did anybody pay attention to that little experiment in Crushing Humanity practiced in Russian and Central Europe?
I like to quote Dylan as much as the next guy. Don't follow leaders, Watch the parkin' meters.
President Dwight Eisenhower watched the parking meters. He saw the sinister elements make their full takeover of the United States and its allies as World War II wound down. And Eisenhower was no angel, but what he saw scared the living hell out of him.
You people putting faith in a benevolent military to clean out the garbage in DC are falling right for the Illuminist trap that's been set for you. Or did you really think all that footage about corrupt and inefficient civil government while extoling the virtues of the military during the Katrina crisis was accidental?
The entire U.S. military has violated their oaths of office by not defending the Constitution against domestic globalist enemies who would use America's best and brightest as a mercenary goon squad. If there truly was a revolt brewing in the ranks it could not be well contained, especially with all that taxpayer-funded hardware.
You are being conditioned to accept a military takeover as the only logical solution to a rotten and corrupt civil power structure. That is the last thing you want. The whole point of this conditioning is to make the republic irrelevant so that a proper Soviet-style dictatorship can emerge in the name of 'safety and saving lives.'
The last time the U.S. military defended America was in 1945. Every conflict since then has been unconstitutional and illegal. Another point behind all this conditioning is that people who continue to put faith in the state or its military enforcers will NOT arm themselves and properly resist when the time comes.
I should remind everyone that Rumsfeld has been busy purging the military, and whatever resistence might have been possible from that source a year or two ago is now largely gone. For example, General Byrnes lost his command on the dubious grounds of adultury, and he isn't the only one. Meanwhile, special forces figures like Schoomaker and Boykin have been moved into positions of top authority.
To pick up on what p-tar is saying, the Rumsfeld/Chenay axis is defending itself most heavily at what it takes, on historical grounds, to be its weakest points: It is afraid of a military coup and it is afraid of mass uprisings. In other words, it is worrying about either an elite or a popular attempt to "overthrow the government," in traditional 19th century style.
Luckily, there are other avenues for change. In particular, the very fact that they stole the elections may be their weakest point, because it makes them think they can game the system any way they choose. When it turns out that they have actually been dependent on the popular will all along -- and that the popular will is turning against them as they demonstrate their manifest inability to deliver the services people expect of a functioning government -- they will be left clueless.
The tabs are already doing Bush-is-drinking-again stories. My son reports that on the role-playing board where he hangs out, even the conservatives are turning against Bush. If the mainstream media find that being anti-Bush is good for ratings, if congresspersons decide that their only hope for 2006 is to distance themselves from the administration, we could see things change very quickly. Chip away at the corners, indeed.
“You people putting faith in a benevolent military to clean out the garbage in DC are falling right for the Illuminist trap that's been set for you. Or did you really think all that footage about corrupt and inefficient civil government while extolling the virtues of the military during the Katrina crisis was accidental?”
The article I referenced suggested a military revolt against the Bush administration as a way to officially expose its lies and put an end to the years of death dealing. Perhaps that is the only way to wake up the throngs of militarized SUV zombies out there and add a final air of legitimacy to the entire process. I am very well aware of the concept of intentionally discrediting government via the perception of incompetence and idiocy. Bush has been at it from day one. I also realize the idea of a “benevolent” coup is a bit far fetched. However, I think it is an interesting one that is worth exploring, at the very least as an intellectual exercise.
“The entire U.S. military has violated their oaths of office by not defending the Constitution against domestic globalist enemies who would use America's best and brightest as a mercenary goon squad. If there truly was a revolt brewing in the ranks it could not be well contained, especially with all that taxpayer-funded hardware.”
I don’t necessarily think that is the case. Dissent does obviously exist in the military, as it does in the analytical section of the CIA and other agencies. However, the usual problems exist: i.e. ruining ones career, being court marshaled, etc. Perhaps an effective working example that could serve as a model is the resistance and dissent movement inside the IDF.
“You are being conditioned to accept a military takeover as the only logical solution to a rotten and corrupt civil power structure. That is the last thing you want. The whole point of this conditioning is to make the republic irrelevant so that a proper Soviet-style dictatorship can emerge in the name of 'safety and saving lives.' “
The Republic is pretty much already irrelevant. It has been since probably 1963. We have an accelerated condition now where it appears that Habeas Corpus has been suspended, Posse Comitatus has, for all intents and purposes, been over turned, Attorney-Client privilege is non-existent, etc. I do not believe we are living in a “Republic,” as you state. Anyway, I think you are putting too much of an absolutist spin on this. As I mentioned above, the way I perceived this was as an “anti-military” take over by forces within the military opposed to the evil deeds done in their and our name--the exact deeds that you have mentioned.
The thrust of the entire The Origins of the American Military Coup of 2012 essay is this:
“Richard Gabriel aptly observed in his book To Serve with Honor that
…when one discusses dissent, loyalty, and the limits of military obligations, the central problem is that the military represents a threat to civil order not because it will usurp authority, but because it does not speak out on critical policy decisions. The soldier fails to live up to his oath to serve the country if he does not speak out when he sees his civilian or military superiors executing policies he feels to be wrong.
Gabriel was wrong when he dismissed the military's potential to threaten civil order, but he was right when he described our responsibilities. The catastrophe that occurred on our watch took place because we failed to speak out against policies we knew were wrong. It's too late for me to do any more. But it's not for you.”
“The last time the U.S. military defended America was in 1945. Every conflict since then has been unconstitutional and illegal. Another point behind all this conditioning is that people who continue to put faith in the state or its military enforcers will NOT arm themselves and properly resist when the time comes.”
Who’s falling into their trap now ? Do you want your home burned down to the ground ? Are you advocating armed resistance against the federal government, ala Robert Jay Mathews and Randy Weaver ? Either way, the only thing it will get you is a one way ticket to the crematorium.
What are you going to do if there is an Avian Flu quarantine?
Model State Emergency Health Powers Act
When federal and state public health officials convince your Governor to declare a “public health” emergency, they want to be able to use the “state militia” to:
take control of all roads leading into and out of your cities and state;
seize your house, car, telephones, computers, food, fuel, clothing, firearms and alcoholic beverages for their own use (and not be held liable if these actions result in the destruction of your personal property);
arrest, imprison and forcibly examine, vaccinate and medicate you and your children without your consent (and not be held liable if these actions result in your death or injury).
As much as this dog and pony show with scripted indictments seems important. I'm under no illusions that Frank James will prosecute his brother Jesse James, it's an exercise in futility that will only bring additional despair and disappointment.
Does anyone still care that our fellow citizens in New Orleans that are still unlawfully interred and physically detained in filthy, degrading concentration camps?! What if it was any one of us were in their shoes would not you be under the impression that no one gives a damn?
• Why is New Orleans Mayor Ray Nagin so fearful the CIA might take him out? He's mentioned it during 2 separate media interviews. On October 2, he was quoted by the Associated Press as saying "If the CIA slips me something and next week you don't see me, you'll all know what happened." and on October 3, in a CNN interview he expressed the "CIA might take me out." The question is -- what inside info does he know?
• Why was the military physically preventing and threatening the media from filming corpses and the body retrieval effort, despite 2 court orders granting access?
• Why were microchip implants that cost $200 each being injected free of charge by Applied Digital Solutions into unrecognizable and unidentifiable remains?
• Why did FEMA deliberately prevent critical food & water sustenance to reach the victims? Why did they and the Navy sabotage communications by cutting lines and jamming transmissions?
• Why did a team from the Army Corp. of Engineers set explosives and blow a strategic part of the levee? Following almost a sequel to the same thing done to the New Orleans African-American community in 1927.
With a new hurricane (Wilma) bearing down with category-4 force towards Florida, I would think that questions like these are substantially more imperative than a Kenneth Star-type production that leaves them laughing at our gullibility.
We are literally sitting like ducks waiting for the demon serving elite to loose their genocide and total enslavement upon us and it's coming. They're just awaiting the right time to organize the pretext and pull it down upon all of us.
You want to beat them back?...
Keep the pressure on by exposing everything they are capable of and the crimes that they've committed that we are privvy to. Keep telling family, friends, trusted associates and anyone who'll listen. Keep the communication chatter up all over the internet, in the blogs and anywhere free speech still exists. The freedom and lives of you and your loved ones are at stake, they are not playing games and the iron fist is being drawn from the velvet glove. Be bold, be wise and cunning the more they know the public is hip to their crap, the more they'll hesitate to run their operations.
None of them want to be the ones that get caught and end up like Mussolini at the hands of a enraged masses.
Let's not be the People's Front of Judea here, wasting all our time calling for action and not doing it.
Now is the fucking time.
Get a spray can and deface something with the truth. "Oh, but I might get in trouble, which would make me think you're a cointelpro instigator!" Yeah, whatever. Keep thinking that, or do something. Like someone said, we're the French resistance. Act like it, but with words not violence. Right now is the time to tell EVERYONE you know as calmly as possible what you know. Right now is the time for peaceful civil disobedience. Graffiti, culture-jamming, ordinary conversations, organized protests at your nearest government, signs and placards but NO PAPER MACHE PUPPETS and if you use a bullhorn don't yell just talk.
Get my drift!
When all the dust settles and the various corruption investigations across the country are finished, I think people will see that the Neo-cons' clients are primarily Big Oil and the corporations that comprise the military-industrial complex. I believe the Neo-cons have infiltrated many agencies within the US government, especially departments of Defense, State, and intelligence-related agencies, and are secretly the handlers of "al Qaeda" terrorist network, which is nothing but a computer data base of former mujahadeen the US government covertly supported starting in the Reagan-Bush administration in the 1980's.
So the hierarchy generally goes as I see it: Big Oil/Military Industrial machine (Rockefellers, Du Ponts, Exxon/Mobil, GE, Halliburton, et al), Neo-cons whose spiritual leader was Leo Strauss, their teacher at Rockefeller-endowed University of Chicago, and the al Qaeda terrorist network. The cut-outs between the upper echelon Neo-cons and the al Qaeda appear to include members of al Taqwa and figures like arch-fascist and American Enterprise Institute resident "scholar" (what a joke, huh?) Michael Ledeen.
How do you account for the apparent intersection or networking of Zionist NeoCon elements with Nazi / Islamist / Fascist interests ? This is something that has never quite "jived" in this whole equation...with me anyway. Could it have its historical roots in the following... ?
Sorry...I meant ewastud, not Mitch. The previous question was directed toward ewastud.
The military-industrial complex isn't the neocons -- it's something else again. Defense contractors mainly -- the biggest of which are Lockheed Martin, Boeing, Northrop Grumman, Raytheon, General Dynamics, United Technologies, and SAIC.
These are the guys who make the weapons that they sell to the government that fuel the wars. Most of them are getting into homeland security as well -- everything from prison security to spy software. And some of them are even branching out into other government services, like running Social Security. There are also connections with the voting machine companies.
They have their own specialized lobbyists -- some of them former military officers -- and their own pet politicians, like Senator Pat Roberts, and they are very very good at getting what they want in Washington. The Patriot Act seems to be one of their babies (since nobody else is very fond of it, on either the right or the left.)
But they're not political, so they can't be voted out of office, and they're not even caught up in the corruption of an Enron or a Halliburton. They're simply there doing their thing, and they're so deeply embedded in the American system that it's almost unconceivable how they could be rooted out.
To Anonymous 7:40pm:
I see Israel as a Western toe-hold in the Middle East to give Big Oil a more reasonable pretext for political intervention in an important region with large oil reserves to exploit. Israel is basically a proxy for Western (mainly US and UK) Big Oil as it competes with Russia and other major consumers for the resource. This probably oversimplifies things a bit, but is my perception.
Hi Dragon,
Next planned disaster is a Category 5 hurricane headed for Florida. I've got to join some other folks in stopping this thing. Y'all are all welcome to help.
How can we help? I might be able to participate, if you have some more info.
From this week's Sunday Herald
"America's "extraordinary rendition" programme targets suspected Islamic terrorists,captures and delivers them to US-friendly nations which are quite happy to use torture to get the information the US wants for the war on terror.
They could be walking the streets of Sweden, Italy, Albania, Indonesia or Pakistan. They are kidnapped in broad daylight, hooded, drugged, shackled and placed on a jet operated by the CIA. When they wake they find themselves in a country such as Morocco, Egypt or Uzbekistan - where torture is the currency of the interrogation room. The CIA hand the captive to the local secret police, and the prisoner disappears off the face of the earth. If they are lucky, they will emerge a few years later in a cage in Guantanamo Bay, broken by beatings, rape and electrocution; if they are unlucky they are never seen again.
(Quoting Craig Murray, British ambassador to Uzbekistan until October 2004):
"In Uzbekistan it works like this... person x is tortured and signs a statement saying he's going to crash planes into buildings, or that he's linked to Osama bin Laden... he'll be tortured until he agrees.. the CIA issues a debriefing.. it does not say he was tortured.. this goes to MI6, the Prime Minister, the defence secretary
I'd look at these reports... they were bollocks. One talked about terror camps in the hills near Samarkand. I knew the precise location being talked about and it wasn't true.. claims that there was a large Islamic grouping linked to al-Quaeda were false.. we are contaminating the pool of intelligence.. Look at the intelligence on WMD. It was false, but it existed on paper and it was still useful for the government in starting a war.. just because a fact is false doesn't mean it isn't useful.. In deciding the importance of intelligence it isn't really important if it is true or not.. our government is saying we need to lock up various people on the basis of intelligence that can't be used in court. But we know the material is dodgy. It is not evidence."
Stafford Smith, human rights lawyer is suing the UK government in the case of an Ethiopian, UK resident, who was arrested in Pakistan, taken to Morocco, Afghanistan & now at Guantanamo Bay accused of being al-Quaeda's "ideas man" despite the fact he doesn't speak Arabic, there's some graphic detail of torture methods in the article:
"People will say anything when you take a razor blade to their genitals."
"The US government used false information, that stemmed from the point of a razor blade, to scare the whole world."
Italy has issued arrest warrants for 19 CIA agents who kidnapped a Muslim cleric in Milan in 2003 and took him to Egypt, and Sweden is outraged at kidnappings in its jurisdiction.
When Michael Scheuer (CIA officer, special adviser to the chair of the CIA's bin Laden department until November 2004) developed the programme.. only suspects who had been tried in absentia or had an outstanding arrest warrant were to be targeted.. (President Clinton's National Security Council asked the CIA in 1995 to break up al-Quaeda around the world and to arrest and imprison key operatives. Scheuer: "We asked how we were to do it and where we were to take them, and they said 'it's up to you'." The CIA has no prisons and no powers of arrest, so Scheuer was presented with something of a problem. The programme of renditions he developed was very different to the system which now operates..) Today there only has to be the suggestion they are involved in terrorism - no convictions or warrants are needed, nor is the permission of another country.
Extraordinary renditions break just about every international law protecting human rights.
No record is made of arrest or detention.
America's re-categorisation of prisoners as "illegal enemy combatants" to 'avoid' the Geneva Conventions was described as "legal bullshit" by Gabor Rona, legal director of Human Rights' First.
President George Bush says renditions are entirely legal and that rendered suspects are not tortured, despite the fact that his own State Department says Uzbekistan, Egypt and Morocco are among countries that routinely abuse human rights and use torture.
also /52304, /52305, /52358
My apologies for the grammatical errors due to the haste in which I wrote the last post, but didn't get the chance to proof.
Also big ups to Mitch for the very capable insight in taking this as serious as it should be taken. Don't let fear constrict about you as a Boa about to make you it's meal. Get angry... then think about all the crap that's gone down... AND THEN GET FUCKING ANGRY!!
They're taking everything of value from you, every protection, every innate right is being silently stripped from you. You are enslaved as a cog in a machine that facillitates theft and enslavement. You are conned and robbed without abatement by the soft-hand parasites who live on your toil. You, your families, and loved ones are being physically threatened and mentally controlled to police yourself. The world you once knew and the freedoms you enjoyed, are being dined upon by the architects of fascism, who toast to your complacency and eat your suffering like candy. You can no longer call anywhere else the so-called "Third World" anymore, because now it's right outside your door.
Take a look at the cold, dark horizon and watch as the sun you loved shines indifferently on the bleak hell that we've allowed for our children. They'll stare up with big accusatory eyes that demand... "What did YOU do to stop this? Why are you letting them put a chip put in me? Why are we living like this? Why did the men with guns touch mommy and shoot that nice man who was crying? How come we have to stay with all these people in this yard?
Use your minds and cunning, protest and survive! Not in some mindless, contrived left/right paradigm they've set up to extinguish and manipulate your rage. Follow your own lead, dare to imagine a life with freedom, dare to demand a life unbled, dare to stand up for a future for our children!
Waiting for a messiah? Why should he come to a people who cower and embrace hell?
Waiting for a leader? Don't worry THEY'LL give you one in any flavor to bring you straight back into the grasp of your masters.
If you want to see a great leader that can take you to a promised land, then look no further than your mirror. Look no further than your mirror and become the 'Factor-X' they cite in stark terror at their secret meetings. The mass of uncompliant and angry unknowns, tethered to no leash they've set to bind you, bowing to no delegated masters or imposed manipulators, swearing full alliegence to the truth set unnerringly upon a path of the righteously outraged.
Answerable to none but God himself, who helps those who stand to help themselves. But has naught but gifts of disdain, death and abandonment for the coward who kneels before men before he bows to God.
'God' is not the property or monopoly of any and transcends the grasp of any and all religions. It's just a determined belief, humility and respect in something inherently virtuous... something bigger than ourselves. This Divine concept removes the ego from the equation and allows you to release the terrestrial and plug directly into the just and universal Chi. Bring it into your hearts, pull it up through your being, focus it's power and launch it's explosive force through will. Dare to want more and stand upright as a Man and a Woman worthy of dignity and respect.
Dare to stand and fight for a life worth living.
Gee that "origins of the military coup of 2012" wasn't as hard to find as implied. Why would a document title be waved under our nose, but not under our eyes.
The answer must be in the text.
Get to it!
"I also realize the idea of a “benevolent” coup is a bit far fetched. However, I think it is an interesting one that is worth exploring, at the very least as an intellectual exercise. "
One of my main problems with a "benevolent military coup" scenario is that that's the way they sold it in Argentina, in 1976. Admittedly, the Argentine government was in a shambles...clandestine government death and torture squads had already been kidnapping poeple off of the streets. Martial law didn't help that, it simply gave it official imprimatur.
Things haven't devolved to the level of the days of the AAA versus the Monteneros in 1970s Argentina, by any means. But it's a bad precedent.
I also don't like the idea of military coups, on principle.
I do think it's worth pointing out that the third team of military prosecutors recently declined their assignements at Guantanamo Bay. That strikes me as real news- some of the biggest news of the year, although it was just a one-day headline.
Other people in government service have resigned from their commissions and their posts. Others haven't- and in some cases it's because they feel that keeping their post is important, as a way to monitor the criminal excesses of the Bush administration.
I don't know whether to be "hopeful" or not- at least in the near term. But I take heart at the probability that at least some of the opposition is sincere. Maybe even a decisive amount of it...
I said:
"Let's not be the People's Front of Judea here, wasting all our time calling for action and not doing it.
Now is the fucking time.
Get a spray can and deface something with the truth. "Oh, but I might get in trouble, which would make me think you're a cointelpro instigator!" Yeah, whatever. Keep thinking that, or do something. Like someone said, we're the French resistance. Act like it, but with words not violence. Right now is the time to tell EVERYONE you know as calmly as possible what you know. Right now is the time for peaceful civil disobedience. Graffiti, culture-jamming, ordinary conversations, organized protests at your nearest government, signs and placards but NO PAPER MACHE PUPPETS and if you use a bullhorn don't yell just talk.
Get my drift!"
But I have a better idea than graffiti, a deliciously great idea.
Instead of actually committing the crime of defacing property by using spray paint (which would actually make us look bad and was a stupid idea...although, if you do that kind of thing anyway, then you might want to add some parapolitical truth to your graffiti), what would be better is:
Using temporary and easily removable methods of hanging signs, banners, canvases, etc.
For example: Have yourself printed a number of cardboard flowcharts of 9/11 anomalies and foreknowledge, with punchholes or hooks on the top, then place each in public view via unobstrusive means - e.g., using weak string to tie it to the bottom lip of an awning, or if it has hooks latching it on the top of a fence. Granted, someone could swipe it off as easily as you put it in, but that's the point.
Even if you are technically committing a trespassing crime, it's a laughable one compared to the indelible nuisance caused by spray paint. Also, consider how hesitant people are to alter scenery they think belongs to someone else. Most likely, everyone would just pause, read it, and move on without distrubing it. And that's if you put it somewhere easily accessible, smack dab in a busy place. That's not how a tag artist does things though. If you take the unobstrusive approach together with the tag artist's daring, you can loosely affix a sign in hard-to-access places, in which case only the property owner or police would have the incentive to reach and remove it.
Let's say some ordinary people swipe it. If they swipe it because they despise the politics, they'll probably destroy it. Just have to consider that a business expense. If someone swipes it as a joke and discards it, same thing. If anyone else takes it, they're very likely INTERESTED in the message, and that's exactly who you'd want to have a copy, someone who will show it to other people, re-hang it elsewhere.
Another benefit is that I haven't seen this idea before, so it might make a little splash in the human-interest media. Exposure, which will feed the meme.
It's a good meme, a good tactic.
1. It gets no one in serious trouble (and if it did, THEN you're talking media splash re: civil rights)
2. It's not a pain in the ass to whoever wants to remove it. If you spray paint something, you're only going to aggravate the poor schmuck getting minimum wage to clean it off.
3. It should be free of sloganeering. Ideally the signs would be concise and sourced lists, flowcharts, fact sheets, or singular facts in bold. Somewhere between a vapid five word bumper sticker sentiment and a small font treatise, somewhere close to the golden mean of Effective.
4. Anyone with a Kinko's nearby or a home office or a deluxe printer at work can do it. We should create a thread for possible subject matter, technique and material ideas, location suggestions, feedback, and results.
This has grassroots phenomenon written all over it. Let's be the ones who do it first, RI Nation, and let's do it to the max.
Jeff, if you get around to that Fifty Things You Should Read list, this should be one of them:
"The Omega Man said...
My apologies for the grammatical errors due to the haste in which I wrote the last post, but didn't get the chance to proof.
Also big ups to Mitch for the very capable insight in taking this as serious as it should be taken. Don't let fear constrict about you as a Boa about to make you it's meal. Get angry... then think about all the crap that's gone down... AND THEN GET FUCKING ANGRY!!
They're taking everything of value from you, every protection, every innate right is being silently stripped from you. You are enslaved as a cog in a machine that facillitates theft and enslavement. You are conned and robbed without abatement by the soft-hand parasites who live on your toil. You, your families, and loved ones are being physically threatened and mentally controlled to police yourself. The world you once knew and the freedoms you enjoyed, are being dined upon by the architects of fascism, who toast to your complacency and eat your suffering like candy. You can no longer call anywhere else the so-called "Third World" anymore, because now it's right outside your door.
Take a look at the cold, dark horizon and watch as the sun you loved shines indifferently on the bleak hell that we've allowed for our children. They'll stare up with big accusatory eyes that demand... "What did YOU do to stop this? Why are you letting them put a chip put in me? Why are we living like this? Why did the men with guns touch mommy and shoot that nice man who was crying? How come we have to stay with all these people in this yard?
Use your minds and cunning, protest and survive! Not in some mindless, contrived left/right paradigm they've set up to extinguish and manipulate your rage. Follow your own lead, dare to imagine a life with freedom, dare to demand a life unbled, dare to stand up for a future for our children!
Waiting for a messiah? Why should he come to a people who cower and embrace hell?
Waiting for a leader? Don't worry THEY'LL give you one in any flavor to bring you straight back into the grasp of your masters.
If you want to see a great leader that can take you to a promised land, then look no further than your mirror. Look no further than your mirror and become the 'Factor-X' they cite in stark terror at their secret meetings. The mass of uncompliant and angry unknowns, tethered to no leash they've set to bind you, bowing to no delegated masters or imposed manipulators, swearing full alliegence to the truth set unnerringly upon a path of the righteously outraged.
Answerable to none but God himself, who helps those who stand to help themselves. But has naught but gifts of disdain, death and abandonment for the coward who kneels before men before he bows to God.
'God' is not the property or monopoly of any and transcends the grasp of any and all religions. It's just a determined belief, humility and respect in something inherently virtuous... something bigger than ourselves. This Divine concept removes the ego from the equation and allows you to release the terrestrial and plug directly into the just and universal Chi. Bring it into your hearts, pull it up through your being, focus it's power and launch it's explosive force through will. Dare to want more and stand upright as a Man and a Woman worthy of dignity and respect.
Dare to stand and fight for a life worth living."
It's on.
You might appreciate this site:
One last thing.
I said ideally the signs wouldn't be bumper sticker slogans, but perhaps they would be good, too. For example, "M.I.H.O.P" bumper stickers would be an effective way of introducing 9/11 truth to mainstream-deluded people while at the same time leaving it up to them to find out what "M.I.H.O.P." stands for, leading them to find out for themselves.
This is all smokescreen, as most things are.
The Director of National Intelligence, John D. Negroponte, and the Director of the Central Intelligence Agency, Porter J. Goss, today announced the creation of the National Clandestine Service (NCS) at CIA.
Evil fights back.
From what I can tell, we will never know who runs the NCS.
reminds me of when Rumsfeld set up the Office of Space Reconnaissance inside the already impermeable NRO...
in may of 2001 to help set-up 9/11
"The National Commission for the Review of the NRO recommended that an Office of Space Reconnaissance be established that would be granted top-secret procurement status, with oversight by only the highest levels of government."
see also: Keith Hall, "Space Pearl Harbor", Peter Teets ("Former boss of Lockheed Martin and close to the Bush family"), souls like Herbert W. Homer, Charles E. Jones, Bryan C. Jack, Peter A. Gay, John Millis, the ATS-182A
and of course the very very smart Donald Rumsfeld.
On 9/11 according to Rumsfeld himself, “I had said at an 8:00 o'clock breakfast that sometime in the next two, four, six, eight, ten, twelve months there would be an event that would occur in the world that would be sufficiently shocking that it would remind people again how important it is to have a strong healthy defense department that contributes to—That underpins peace and stability in our world.” [CNN, 12/5/01]"
Freewayblogger looks great.
Thanks for the link!
However, it demonstrates the drawbacks of culture-jamming as we know it. Yes, a lot of people will see those signs. For about 2.5 seconds, while the mind is in a cacooned highway trance. I don't know about you, but highway signage never really registers with me, I zone out everything except exit signs, concentrating on the road.
Maybe more importantly, I'm not sure how permanently the signs have been affixed, but it looks like adhesive's been used on some. On others, it looks like they've been tied with strong material, or held by heavy rocks. By doing it on a bridge over a highway or in an underpass, you're probably defacing or trespassing on state property. Not sure what the penalty for that is, but the police would be keen on stopping you, regardless. Removing the signs might also require dangerous positioning by the removers, who like I said are probably minimum wage blokes.
The advantages of placing a (sizable, anywhere from newspaper- sized to highway-sized) temporary sign somewhere where there is frequent pedestrian traffic is that the spectators can pause for as long as they want, which allows for contemplation and retention, impossible on the highway, of a more thorough message, instead of a soundbite.
Also, a pedestrian intersection brings the message into close, leisurely quarters, unlike the remote, rapid distance of a highway. I think people would be more open to new ideas when walking, as they have more time to look around, browse, inspect...which is what you want them to do.
Hmmm. Maybe the military-industrial complex isn't as off-doing-its-own-thing as I'd assumed.
Peter Teets ("Former boss of Lockheed Martin and close to the Bush family")
Sorry, another thing that perturbed me about the freeway signs is the outlaw vibe. The hit and run aspect, do it before the cops come, etc. Maybe that would be the case with my idea, too, but...
Shouldn't we be allowed to hang signs in public? As citizens? Isn't it our 1st Amendment right? I seem to remember a lot of signs this morning on my walk home, all for products and shit. If companies and private interest groups get to show us their signs, we get to have them, too, right?
Putting up signs shouldn't be an outlaw activity. I mean, are you required to get a permit? If I had one of those fold-over signs that you see outside a deli on the sidewalk and it contained a political message, and I wanted to put it on the grass at Boston Common, what would I have to do? How would it qualify as "free speech"? Better yet, how would it NOT qualify?
I'm going to start a thread for this and similar ideas tomorrow. Anyone will be welcome to add their own ideas.
It's on.
I'm sure glad you have since donwplayed your whole graffiti angle. I own a small business and have been tagged by gangs and, believe it or not, a person who spraypainted "No War" on my very visible side fence. It's not enough that I have to take time and money to paint over the markings (and my paint color isn't cheap), if I don't repaint fast enough I can get cited by the City and fined for having "a blighted property." And one time I was called to the carpet by the city inspectors who came and visited my property before I opened and before I had a chance to fix the problem.
You probably don't own your own business (with a storefront) so the graffiti thing might seem harmless to you. While I feel empathy with the struggle, it's hard enough to run a mom-and-pop store in 21st Century America without having to worry about this crap.
From firedoglake comments linking to this story:
"This one does a great job, but you'd have to go back and read much to really get a feel from where he's coming. He also speculates that this is only a show for the public, and several of the players are patsies, a la Lee Harvey Oswald..."
Fraulein Anna said:
"Who’s falling into their trap now ? Do you want your home burned down to the ground ? Are you advocating armed resistance against the federal government, ala Robert Jay Mathews and Randy Weaver ? Either way, the only thing it will get you is a one way ticket to the crematorium."
Randy Weaver and his family just wanted to be left alone by a government they felt was corrupt and intrusive. How that government acted to entrap him and kill his family only proved his point.
As far as 'advocating armed rebellion,' what exactly do you think the Declaration of Independence did? Every single condition the Founding Fathers considered abhorrent exists today, only tenfold. You apparently would rather live the life of a slave than die a free individual. Your sentiment enjoys a majority in this country, which is why the crypto-communists have been so successful at taking it over.
"What are you going to do if there is an Avian Flu quarantine?"
I'm going to go about my business as best as I can, and if any government goon squad wants to start trouble, they'll get what they deserve.
A great post by James Moore, the author of *Bush's Brain: How Karl Rove Made George W. Bush Presidential*:
"opening doors for Atta and friends while looking the other way..."
Al-Quaeda, Al-Quaeda, say it like a parrot...
Atta, the devout Muslim fundamentalist who absentmindedly left Korans in the bars he'd visit with his stripper girlfriend, a wad of hundreds in his fannypack.
Fat, Time-cover boy illuminist stooge Michael Moore uses roughly the same argument - Bushmob LET it happen, get Bushmob, good Dems will save us! Puh-LEEZ.
"Mr. Suenos said...
I'm sure glad you have since donwplayed your whole graffiti angle. I own a small business and have been tagged by gangs and, believe it or not, a person who spraypainted "No War" on my very visible side fence. It's not enough that I have to take time and money to paint over the markings (and my paint color isn't cheap), if I don't repaint fast enough I can get cited by the City and fined for having "a blighted property." And one time I was called to the carpet by the city inspectors who came and visited my property before I opened and before I had a chance to fix the problem.
You probably don't own your own business (with a storefront) so the graffiti thing might seem harmless to you. While I feel empathy with the struggle, it's hard enough to run a mom-and-pop store in 21st Century America without having to worry about this crap.
Mr. Suenos, let me repeat for your benefit:
It's a pain in the ass for owners and removers, and it'll get us in disproportionately serious trouble.
But that said, Mr. Suenos, how would you feel if someone placed a sign on your property that was easily removable, albeit maybe in a hard to reach area? And if you know off the top of your head, how illegal would that be?
Thanks, Mitch, for your clarification and your willingness to learn more about all of this.
A big garish sign on my business' property could also get me in trouble with the City or neighborhood associations who may also use the same "blighted property" argument to screw me. Also, the City could nail me for having a sign on my property that does not have a permit. I know it sounds ridiculous but the City here is unrelenting with what businesses can and can't do. I'll say again, it's rough to own a small business in 21st Century America.
My advice? It might be best if we keep things public. The freeway blogging thing sounds good to me.
Is this what we're supposed to find?
Why are you planting "clues" like that?
Can't you simply elaborate?
Gergen said, "clean house." So, watch, the house will be cleansed.
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