Down the Scole Hole

It's gettin' dark, too dark for me to see
I feel like I'm knockin' on heaven's door. - Bob Dylan
In the post "You can't go home again" we looked at borderland experiences described by veterans of military and intelligence sponsored remote viewing programs. In passing I mentioned the Scole Experiment: a five-year exercise in contact with disincarnate entities, based in the cellar of an English farmhouse (coined the "Scole Hole"), that saw similar psi phenomenon under exceptionally controlled circumstances. Just as scientists at Lawrence Livermore saw seemingly holographic and "almost comically stereotypical," images of eight-inch UFOs flit about their laboratory, so the Scole team "witnessed a miniature UFO flying around the cellar where we held our sessions." Reading Grant and Jane Solomon's The Scole Experiment, I see there's more. One of the independent researchers who sat in on the Scole sessions was Russell Targ, co-founder of Stanford Research Institute's remote viewing program.
The phenomena recorded in the Scole sittings was unusually rich and obtained under protocols anticipating the objections of skeptics. There was channelling of course, as well as spirit voices, noises, dancing lights, levitations and physical manifestations of alleged spirits. Also "apports" - the inexplicable materialization of dozens objects onto the session table, including an original pristine copy of the Daily Mail from January 4, 1944 and a tiny gold disc with hieroglyphics, "the source of which has not yet been identified." And remarkable captures on audio tape, photographic film and video.
Photographic experiments included independent investigators initialling and placing unopened and unexposed film in a sealed tub, sitting with the tub at a session, and then overseeing its development. Results included the imprinting of poetry, esoteric symbols and diagrammatic instructions to improve the transmissions.
The video experiments began in May 1997, and were dubbed "Project Alice" because they involved an arrangement of mirrors before a camera "to capture moving images sent from the spirit world," write the Solomon's. (Mirrors have long been used as an aid to receiving visions from other realms. John Dee's obsidian mirror, used by his scryer Edward Kelly in his Enochian work, is on display in the British Museum.)
For most of the experiments, the camera sat on its tripod in the dark positioned before two mirrors. At the end of the sessions the team often saw that the camera had repeatedly and impossibly zoomed in and out on its own accord, and the tapes contained weird scenes, smiling faces, vibrant colours and hints of body parts moving across the screen in a red light. One tape showed a pink and gold line running horizontally down the screen, which pivoted to reveal it was a square shape on edge. As it rotated, it was seen to contain an image. According to the Scole team, "this was a very clear view of an animated inter-dimensional friend, whose features, to say the least, were not exactly as our own." They called their new friend "Blue." His screen capture is the classic "grey alien" on the top left of this post. The pyramids on the right is from another spirit transmission, presumably some etheric vista.
Speaking of pyramids, some of what the alleged spirits of Scole had to say sounds remarkably similar to what "the Nine" - the supposed Great Ennead of Ancient Egypt - have been saying through various CIA-sponsored mediumships since 1952. That the purpose of our material lives is "to come to Earth for the experience," for instance. "Manu," described as a "powerful and extremely spiritual guide" who was always the first to speak, and who claimed to have "enjoyed many incarnations" including one in "what you now call South America," anticipates a "great awakening in many ways":
What we do is part of that plan. There are cosmic, pulsating energies coming to the Earth all the time. Everything is evolving, nothing stays still. At this time in his evolution, man is ready for these energies to come upon him and give him what he is thirsting for. So we shall give him the refreshing rain of knowledge, that he may drink from these waters, that he may know of his own spiritual self....
First we must reach out to man's higher aspect and then filter down to his everyday life and the choices he makes. Only that way will change come about.... As you think of the people of this Earth, and the very Earth itself, so you help to activate these ancient vibrations that are coming forward at the moment. The age is right for this to happen.
The Scole Experimental Group assumed that the entities with which they made contact were spirits of the dead, curious themselves to make contact, who formed a complementary team on the other side. The researchers assumed they were who they said they were, because of the benign nature of the contact, and the fact that some channelled voices would transmit messages from loved ones containing information only the contactee could possibly know.
That's a lot to assume. I can think of two other explanations, besides a hoax, for the same phenomenon. For instance, perhaps the contactee influenced events by subconsciously transmitting the private knowledge to the medium. (It's difficult to describe the margins of innate human psi and the occult, because even occult workings demand a willing human partnership. Perhaps a genuine medium would also be sensitive to incarnate spirits.) Also, many UFO contactees describe having their minds read. Maybe something similar is going on when a "spirit" claims to be someone familiar to the contactee and backs it up by sharing private information.
The Scole team travelled to California and demonstrated their results in nine separate sessions. One was a "scientists session" for NASA and representatives of Stanford University. The Scole team did not know who was going to attend or where the session would be held, and before the demonstration began the scientists searched the room, a basement gymnasium. A Native American materialized during the session, dancing and chanting, and drums which were mounted high on the wall began to beat. Then familiar spirits appeared, calling some of the scientists by name though their identities were unknown to the Scole team, and explained to the group that the area was an ancient sacred site, and the peoples who had lived there long ago were influencing the session.
"Interestingly," the Solomons write, "some of the astrophysicists later started a group of their own."
In its report on its five-year project, the Scole Group commented that
Our understanding of what Manu told us is that humanity has consciously or unconsciously been sending out a signal asking for help for our world for some time and that many loving beings have heard our plea. They are now coming in response to our request to aid us in any way they possibly can. It seems that the many dimensions are bound together with the common thread of love. This love transcends all other things. What a truly wonderful notion that is.
Well, that's one way to look at it. Another is that there are supra-mundane entities as interested in opening gateways into our reality as there are humans keen on opening channels into theirs, and willing to say and do anything to achieve it. I suppose it would be wrong to presume them all to be Lovecraftian nightmares, but it may be more prudent then throwing open the door and saying "Welcome, brother."
I like this advice from Emmanuel Swedenborg, so I'll quote it again:
When Spirits begin to speak with a man, he must beware that he believes nothing they say. For nearly everything they say is fabricated by them, and they lie: for they are permitted to narrate anything, as what heaven is and how things in the heavens are to be understood, they would tell so many lies that a man would be astonished.
The Scole spirits say the crossing is getting easier, and more people will begin to see them and understand their own spiritual lives. Maybe. Or maybe, it's a cookbook.
Makes me think the following;
The universe is predatory.
It's not a matter of whether a spirit is telling the truth, its a matter of why it is saying it. Why bother dealing with us? Some airy fairy sentimentality for love and kisses?
No, it just wants to feed. In some cases I am sure spirits are no more harmfull than mosquitos, but in other cases they want to own your energy for enternity.
So beware of any religion that offers you something in return for your soul. Yea, like immortal life .....sound familiar?
And it's also possible that there are no "entities" -- that it's just . . . us. Us humans like a bunch of four-year-olds, playing around with grownup machinery we don't yet understand, up to the point where something alarming happens and then we want to run and hide our heads in mommy's lap.
Or us humans forming a cargo cult, engaging in clumsy imitations of phenomena we don't yet have the capacity to deal with directly, and hoping for power and riches as a result. Or even anthropomorphizing those phenonema as "gods" and praying to them and sacrificing our children to them in an attempt to manipulate them through flattery and bribery.
Or us humans acting like my cats when I'm cutting up something yummy in the kitchen and they gather round and start fighting with each other to stake a claim to something that isn't theirs and which may never actually come their way.
I guess that at heart, I'm a dyed-in-the-wool phenomenologist. All I'm willing to acknowledge is that there's some strange shit going on out there, that we don't understand it, and that any attempts to interpret it or exploit it for worldly advantage are inevitably going to be very far off the mark.
I'm also an Occamite -- as in, "entities should not be multiplied unnecessarily." Including -- or perhaps particularly -- supernatural entities.
Reminds me of my intuition, some years ago, that the thing we call "God" is a low-orbiting entity, an etheric (or even physical) predator. That it eats our emotions ... must live upon them ... starves without them. Thus exhortations to prayer, war, noble suffering, and so on.
So that it then becomes a dire matter to enter into a church, or into an established religion, or (especially) to surrender our wits to a televangelist, for we are being feasted upon, and bit by bit, consumed.
That *spirituality* is a safe and vital route for heart and soul, but *religion* will eat you alive. And that, just maybe, in "starving God" lies our salvation.
I've not yet seen reason to change my mind on this. Indeed it seems borne out by much public religious feverishness and famishedness of late.
It is interesting that public religious ceremonies demand a coordinated and choreographed act of worship which may either be customary (i.e. long practiced by the participants) or spontaneously produced for the occasion (like the Toronto Blessing for instance).
There's also a directional element, such as facing or bowing East, or circling a sacred point.
In fact, it's the more extreme charismatic churches with their congregations being "slain by the spirit" that seem to make the whole process very explicit.
This discussion thread has raised some fascinating and disturbing issues. It seems to me that the major world religions are designed to funnel large numbers of people into or through special enclosures where they perform mass coordinated rituals.
Mass ritual activity seems to be an emergent behaviour that exists across all members of the human race except those who deliberately choose not to participate... and it's only in recent years that such people have been given teh freedom to do this. In the past, refusal to participate in your culture's rituals set you up for being stigmatised, exiled or even killed! So we're looking at a very deep ingrained behaviour here.
This behaviour seems to be bound up with geometric figures that manifest themselves in (say) mandalas, church architecture, mosque design and the layout of sacred ritual centres. Entire landscapes have been transformed to correspond to this urge. The big question for me is whether it is simply an innate human behaviour that has developed alongside human civilisation; or whether it has been imposed from outside by an external intelligence.
Numerous Fortean writers see evidence of the latter hypothesis, esp John Keel and of course Charles Fort himself.
As I said before, demons = aliens = fallen angels = spirits of the dead etc.
Getting easier to cross over...hmm...alien invasion coming soon! No doubt saying they have come to save us, or they created us or some other garbage that billions will swallow whole.
LOL @ "it's a cookbook"
That's my favorite Twilight Zone episode!
Thanks for the great read Jeff.
-- manxkat
"I suppose it would be wrong to presume them all to be Lovecraftian nightmares, but it may be more prudent then throwing open the door and saying "Welcome, brother.""
For personal reasons I'm inclined to agree 100%. I'm not overly concerned with what these things actually are so much as concerned with how to keep them on their own side of the fence, so let's talk about some spiritual arc welders, heavy nails, and duct tape to keep these fuckers where they belong..
When it comes to egregores, demons, or extra-dimensional beings, if they're all indeed independant entities and not the same, I'm a complete and blatant Xenophobe..
Get Out Of My Hood . . .
Blocking them out with heavy nails, duct tape, ect. hasn't worked so far; they are here and they are multiplying. (My opinion of course.)
My little hometown paper ran a piece today, from AP I think, which makes dumbing down official. Only 30% of college grads are literate, that is, are able to read a book on complex subject matter and make sense of it. Big change from past numbers; TV has a lot to do with it.
As for the demons, aliens, fallen angels, they are walking & talking among us in increasing numbers, wrapped in the bodies of that large percentage of the population known as sociopaths. Avoid em if you can Ego...Arcadia, but they are smart weasels, good at infiltrating.
And I must say, they seem to be guided by a force we are so far unable to define, much less block or fight successfully.
read this if you want to know about dumbing down.
May I be cautiously optimistic in offering that just because Betty Crocker never really existed doesn’t mean that the whole “cookbook” was a lie. The cakes were real and so were the people who made them.
The movie Suspect Zero is serial-killer thriller about an FBI remote viewing program. Fairly interesting. Rent it on DVD and check out the bonus feature, a demonstration of remote viewing. Worth watching.
"The movie Suspect Zero is serial-killer thriller about an FBI remote viewing program. Fairly interesting. Rent it on DVD and check out the bonus feature, a demonstration of remote viewing. Worth watching."
Agreed, but only up to a certain point. In the course of my alternative -education I've come to see Hollywood's brushes with High Weirdness come across more as a buffer and deterant than anything else. In this case, they employed horror to serve humor's role in the MIB flicks.
Films that touch on these subjects largely seem to have a corrosive effect on the viewer's interests in further inspection. Many of them have their own built-in negative re-inforcements that I don't find to be accidentally placed as my awareness deepens.
Knock one atom out of place and it's no longer Carbon, and I saw alot of atoms knocked out of place in Suspect Zero..
You are what you eat.
Eat well.
Yes, John Taylor Gatto should be on everyone's read list/. Good to see, it available online.
Great understandings, such as this comment:
Oddly enough, an actual scheme of dissident entrapment was the brainchild of J.P. Morgan, his unique contribution to the Cecil Rhodes–inspired "Round Table" group. Morgan contended that revolution could be subverted permanently by infiltrating the underground and subsidizing it. In this way the thinking of the opposition could be known as it developed and fatally compromised. Corporate, government, and foundation cash grants to subversives might be one way to derail the train of insurrection that Hegelian theory predicted would arise against every ruling class.
As this practice matured, the insights of Fabian socialism were stirred into the mix; gradually a socialist leveling through practices pioneered in Bismarck’s Prussia came to be seen as the most efficient control system for the masses, the bottom 80 percent of the population in advanced industrial states. For the rest, an invigorating system of laissez-faire market competition would keep the advanced breeding stock on its toes.
"They" hand out roles, to the "left" and the "right," some with merit some without, as long as they can get "investment."
The opposing sides tango. and then, if they can't lay it off on a true believing schmo, watch "them" take claim on the extremes. For by "controlling" the extremes one may "control" the middle.
" For by "controlling" the extremes one may "control" the middle."
Well said Kris.
But ET & Rapt,
Are you absolutely sure that you want to block out ALL?
Does the possibility that there would (could) be 'good' spiritual forces out there fit into reality?
My take is that if there are EVIL-and I agree with you guys that there are-
then there has to be GOOD also.
If not, then you are presupposing that (we) are the only ones that have 'good' in us.
Bah...It is just another demonic deception.Don't be so proud and open One&Only book in which you will find answers to similar queastions.Bible is very precise on these liars(demons and their creaters fallen angels).
Or if u are so proud then look for an answer for yourself.You will end up with the same conclusion eventually.Only time will be spent in vain
AJ said: "If not, then you are presupposing that (we) are the only ones that have 'good' in us."
No, I'm not.
While you might revile the Seven Deadly Sins, at least you are capable of recognizing them as a motivating factor in someone's behavior. What I'm saying is, as bad as Human Evil can be, it's a concept that's within the scope of our basic understanding.
This other shit isn't.
I tend to reject what I don't understand like any rational person would. Someone funny-looking shows up, and I'm grabbing the biggest fly-swatter I can get my hands on..
I experienced something a long time ago that compels my own belief that these trickster entities are anything but benign. I hate to be oblique and not offer up further details, but ultimately it's merely my own opinion in an ocean of opinions..
I'll settle for being stuck with Evil that I can comprehend any day over Good that I cannot.
Lock em all out.
I consider myself a major woo woo, but y'all are even getting too woo woo for me!
I don't follow most of you guys at all -- and I also don't understand why I'm so all alone in that.
I don't believe in entities. I don't believe in evil, except as a value judgment.
As far as I can tell, it's all just friggin' information, from top to bottom and side to side. Nothing else.
Beyond that, the nature of reality is probably holographic, or something for which holograms are an acceptable metaphor. Living creatures like ourselves decode the abstract patterns of information into virtual realities, which we then proceed to regard ourselves as inhabiting.
The arrow of evolution points in the direction of an ability to decode increasing amounts of information and construct increasingly elaborate virtual realities. Compared to a frog, we're able to decode a lot. But we're still picking up only a tiny fraction of what's out there.
The really problematic part for us is the intermediate stuff: the information that we can pick up but don't have any clear-cut rules for decoding, so that when we try to decode it, we get hallucinations or visions or private mystical experiences. We see things that are kind of like people, only not, or kind of like aircraft, only not. We construct images, or entire experiences, that subvert our existing virtual reality instead of reinforcing it, so they freak the hell out of us and leave us with an irreducible sense of wrongness.
But that sense is merely a measure of our present inability. It may even be a kind of deliberate (self-imposed?) censorship to keep us away from things that we aren't yet ready to handle by kicking in the ancient fear-of-things-with-teeth-and-claws reflex.
But ultimately, that fear is only in ourselves, and even at worst it's a temporary barrier. It's probably prudent to shy off from the "here there be dragons" signs. I suspect that many of the people we're inclined to tag as "evil" are those who attempt to bull their way through the barrier in hopes of finding treasures on the other side and wind up consumed by their own unaddressed fears. But we shouldn't make fear the basis of our philosophies.
Because beyond the fear, it's all just information, and there's nothing wrong about information. We're all just information too, constructing our personal identity (or multiple personal identities) the way we construct any other aspect of virtual reality.
The most terrifying nightmare I ever had was one in which all the knowledge in the universe was flowing into my head at once and I couldn't endure it. Far, far scarier than the nightmares which merely involve demons nipping at my heels, or Lovecraftian entities living under my kitchen floor. Those are merely projections. This one was a statement of the truth.
thank you again for your inspirational photographs and lyrics that get me hrough this hard stuff: Philip K. Dick keeps coming to mind...the entities we have seen forever -- fairies and elves ethched into our consciousness -- DMT entitiy/elf zone as well along with Tibetan/asiatic looking interdimensional space travelers in glowing travel ubes -- it's all in there, it's all out there -- he query is still out on dmt (DMT) and, Salivia Divinoram (sic/) for that matter -- when you begin to meet real live human oyu met there first -- and they were on the same harmaline or whatever -- all this on top of black hole, potentially satanic politics, despite, because of-- I keep going into a loop -- reading about Hittites and Burroughs, Alex COnstantine, Robert Kennedy assasination: by the way -- does anyone have info on World Vision hypnosis center in Hawaii? (he was in rehab under Dr. Isbel -- the one who was contracting under the cruel, twisted Dr. Cameron -- sorry to go on so long -- love your site thanx
If our minds create all this mystery, then our minds should be able to destroy the pedeophile drug addicts who run the U.S.A.
'If our minds create all this mystery'
Not our minds but [i]the[/i] mind, I should say. There is but one, of which we are quantum superpositions.
Indeed, there is so much that is unknown out there. However, the fearful and paranoid reactions among some here bring one story to mind.
There was a very advanced elven race that could travel through space and dimensions. One of their ships landed on an Earth-like planet. Stone Age humans lived on that planet. When the elven ship touched down, the ship's leader came out to greet the dwellers of that planet. He and his elven crew were of a benevolent nature, but were sadly naive as well.
As the elven captain and a select few came out onto the ground to seek others on that planet, the Stone Age cavefolks very warily eyed the elves. The elven captain bid them peace and all that, even though the Stone Agers did not comprehend a word...but they comprehended their own fear of the unknown and the different. With their fear came great anxiety and simmering rage. As the elven captain reached out his hand to the nearest caveman, his life ended imminently. The cavefolks did not take any chances so they clubbed the elven captain and the others to death. The elves did not present any danger to the planet dwellers, but the cavespeople were ruled by their own fear of the unknown that they would rather destroy than take the step forward.
Are we going to be stuck in this cavesman mentality or make better attempts to discern what is good or evil?
Thanks for the link to Gatto Digital Spy; I had read some of his stuff a year or so ago but then lost track.
So to me the dumbing down appears to be part of a plan, which lends some credence to my theory of sociopaths guided by a "hidden force." It makes sense that the program goes back to the 30s and 40s. Incidentally, these wars are created by the same "force", as they have no justification in terms of improved quality of human life on the planet.
I do not propose blockage for all spirits AJ. Perhaps ET does. I like the good ones and would seek them if I knew where to look, and if I could trust my judgement to spot the liars.
I haven't time right now to read through the comment thread, so excuse me if I make any repetitious remarks.
I totally agree with Jeff's cautions. In fact, I will say that I feel absolutely certain that the 'entities' are inimical to man, to say the very least.
Think of the Europeans coming to the new world. The Native Americans saw them as strange new beings, and even mistook them for 'gods' in some tragic cases. Look what the coming of these European entities brought to the people of the western hemisphere. Exploitation, disinheritance, usurpation, slavery, holocausts of diseases, and slaughter. Think of the flowing lies of love and peace that were spoken at the beginning.
Had the original people of the 'new world' fully understood the threat that was coming upon their shores they might have put up a united resistance and prevented the European invaders from establishing a beachhead.
They were naive. They didn't understand that even the seemingly 'good willed' Europeans were still part of a European invasion. And here is the kicker: the Europeans did not see themselves as evil. They were merely fulfilling the possible. But the effects to the native nations were conquest and utter devastation.
With these entities, the threat may not be a physical invasion of the planet, as much as it is a threat of spiritual invasion of human minds and spirits.
How little we understand. How willing to be naive.
Anonymous One,this thread reminds me of the 80's,when a lot of publications were pushing the OBE's on people.I began to practice leaving the old shell at night,the biggest thirl was the flying.But I soon felt something there was out there,don't ever fool your self,we know shit about this orb.I would be willing to bet some of us that write here from time to time,have touched evil,and know it is real.If we all were in touch with these forces,they couldn't pull this off,we must be dumbdown.And if they have their way,most everyone will be brain dead by the time the end comes.Fiction is now reality,MERICAN'S for the most part are sucked into the machine,"we know what you dream,we told you what to dream,welcome to the machine",later.
all i kept thinkin, when reading this story and the comments, were the Castenada books I have read in years past. Lots about these entities in these books. Helped me to seek out and further understand what the hell he was talking about and what is being discussed here.
another thing i remember..."A man's mind mirrors a universe that mirrors a man's mind".
It's a cookbook.Can't tell you how I know this ,but that's basically what it is.The chef is is evil and horned.Beware
listen to this:
President Reagan: "I don't suppose we could wait for some alien race to come down and threaten us. Perhaps we need some outside universal threat, our differences worldwide would vanish if we were facing an alien threat fom outside this world."
trust me aliens may exist, but they arn't going to travel thousands of light years to here to crush our planet like a grape. no need. also doesn't it tell you something that you learned most of what you 'know' about aliens from the sci-fi channel, the x-files and those one hour specials on TLC, the discovery channel or the history channel??
I find it a little disconcerting that commenters on this site regularly challenge the sincerity and credibility of all stripes of claimants regarding satanism, pedophelia and 9/11, but when some random tape of "paranormal" stuff pops up, its clearly a real expression of extradimensional beings or whatever. Couldn't this be another distraction aimed directly at we who will beleive in the well documented phenomenon of powerful satanic pedophilia rings?
Also, there is no intuitively or scientifically logical reason that these aliens, trans-dimentional beings etc. would look only vaguely similar to humans (2 eyes and a mouth, humanoid body). They would either manifest looking like us or not. There is no good explanation as to why they would naturally be humanoid unless they shared huge portions of our DNA, an idea which leads to Startrekian speculation that would turn Occam in his grave.
Any of 3 explanations seem superior to the theory that the tape depicts "supra-mundane" phenomena:
1. Hoax, for personal gain or ideological/prank value;
2. Intentional Disinfo, a distraction for truth seekers;
3. Unintentional Disinfo, those presenting the findings have either had their work altered unbeknownst to them or have themselves been manipulated.
Time and again these phenomenon collapse under controlled conditions. At any given time you can find current news stories like that one as well as of children with x-ray vision, who don't to eat etc. None of these stories lasts any longer than the time it takes scientists to go do controlled tests. And if your response is that the scientists are complicit, that is ridiculous. These scientists go in open-minded, not sent by any authority higher than their university department chair. The idea that all respondents to all these cases have been somehow complicit in a coverup bespeaks a charicatured view of academia, to say the least.
Kodos: Let me get this straight, you thought.......
Kang: They thought we were gonna EAT them!
Happy new Year To All of you, I concider this site to be a GIFT, and all who participate, positively and negatively, I want you all to know I feel confort in the like-mindedness, and madness that we all share. And here's hoping wer'e all not on a list somewhere underneth Verginia. Love to all, little man.
With each day that passes that we remain passive, silent and indifferent, becoming submissive to further corporatist control over our lives, we are helping to cement the unforgiving future of our progeny and of a once great nation.
Well according to Gurdjieff everything on earth is supposed to be "food for the moon"
all i know is i had a dream before any of this new world order stuff became the new rave to akknowledge.
To what i have read so far in most cases it seems between a lie and a truth we are viewing.If in fact these beings are from another dimension they actually dont entirily posses our physique,or material structure,
which means they can assume any shape they desire based on a set of priciples that they come intact with.
fallen angels,demon,aliens, & trandimensional beings,with all that it seems to me like the only thing we need to know more about is ourselves.
I'm not ready to meet extraterstrials before we have our own world piece.
how can we relate to them if we still have true problems about & with ourselves.
hello, i was just wondering what and where you got the picture for this post. I have been searching for a "scole blue alien" photo taken by the scole team and thought this picture might be it. Also if you know any of the photo's history that would be really great! email me at
salam gan
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My little hometown paper ran a piece today, from AP I think, which makes dumbing down official. Only 30% of college grads are literate, that is, are able to read a book on complex subject matter and make sense of it. Big change from past numbers; TV has a lot to do with it.
I'm glad that was their cover, otherwise I might not have heard of them. That album is easily one of the best of 2001.
No, it just wants to feed. In some cases I am sure spirits are no more harmfull than mosquitos, but in other cases they want to own your energy for enternity.
But the crux of the issue is the USE of the national emergency number 911, and our near-emergency number, 311, something that has never been explored adequately but is at the very heart of the "joke" of it all. Unfortunately this is cluttered by all sorts of semiotic noise, such as adding up the letters of various cities and so forth--something that can always be achieved, and makes all numerological research seem cheap
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nice post
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Nice post
Nice post gan, Semoga bermanfaat
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